First Law of Thermodynamics Reading Problems 4-1 4-6 4-19, 4-24, 4-42, 4-61, 4-65 5-1 5-5 5-37, 5-67, 5-84, 5-104, 5-120, 5-141, 5-213 Control Mass (Closed System) A thermodynamic analysis of a system can be performed on a xed amount of matter known as a control mass or over a region of space, known as a control volume. Conservation of Mass Conservation of Mass, which states that mass cannot be created or destroyed, is implicitly satised by the denition of a control mass. Conservation of Energy The rst law of thermodynamics states: Energy cannot be created or destroyed it can only change forms. energy transformation is accomplished through energy transfer as work and/or heat. Work and heat are the forms that energy can take in order to be transferred across the system boundary. the rst law leads to the principle of Conservation of Energy where we can stipulate the energy content of an isolated system is constant. energy entering energy leaving = change of energy within the system 1

First Law of Thermodynamics · Conservation of Energy The first law of thermodynamics states: Energy cannot be created or destroyed it can only change forms. • energy transformation

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  • First Law of Thermodynamics

    Reading Problems4-1 → 4-6 4-19, 4-24, 4-42, 4-61, 4-655-1 → 5-5 5-37, 5-67, 5-84, 5-104, 5-120, 5-141, 5-213

    Control Mass (Closed System)

    A thermodynamic analysis of a system can be performed on a fixed amount of matter known as acontrol mass or over a region of space, known as a control volume.

    Conservation of Mass

    Conservation of Mass, which states that mass cannot be created or destroyed, is implicitly satisfiedby the definition of a control mass.

    Conservation of Energy

    The first law of thermodynamics states:

    Energy cannot be created or destroyed it can only change forms.

    • energy transformation is accomplished through energy transfer as work and/or heat. Workand heat are the forms that energy can take in order to be transferred across the systemboundary.

    • the first law leads to the principle of Conservation of Energy where we can stipulate theenergy content of an isolated system is constant.

    energy entering − energy leaving = change of energy within the system


  • Sign Convention

    There are many potential sign conventions that can be used.

    Cengel Approach

    Heat Transfer: heat transfer to a system is positive and heat transfer from a system is negative.

    Work Transfer: work done by a system is positive and work done on a system is negative.

    Culham Approach

    Anything directed into the system is positive, anything directed out of the system is negative.


  • Example: A Gas Compressor

    Performing a 1st law energy balance:




    ⎫⎪⎬⎪⎭ +−

    {Energy gain W1−2Energy loss Q1−2






    A first law balance for a control mass can also be written in differential form as follows:

    dE = δQ − δW

    Note: d or Δ for a change in property and δ for a path function

    Forms of Energy Transfer

    Work Versus Heat• Work is macroscopically organized energy transfer.

    • Heat is microscopically disorganized energy transfer.


  • Heat Energy• Notation:

    – Q (kJ) amount of heat transfer

    – Q̇ (kW ) rate of heat transfer (power)

    – q (kJ/kg) - heat transfer per unit mass

    – q̇ (kW/kg) - power per unit mass

    • modes of heat transfer:

    – conduction: diffusion of heat in a stationary medium (Chapters 8 & 9)

    – convection: it is common to include convective heat transfer in traditional heat transferanalysis. However, it is considered mass transfer in thermodynamics. (Chapters 10 &11)

    – radiation: heat transfer by photons or electromagnetic waves (Chapter 12)

    Work Energy

    • Notation:

    – W (kJ) amount of work transfer

    – Ẇ (kW ) power

    – w (kJ/kg) - work per unit mass

    – ẇ (kW/kg) - power per unit mass

    • work transfer mechanisms in general, are a force acting over a distance

    Mechanical Work

    • force (which generally varies) times displacement

    W12 =∫ 21

    F ds


  • Moving Boundary Work

    • compression in a piston/cylinder, where A isthe piston cross sectional area (frictionless)

    • the area under the process curve on a P − Vdiagram is proportional to

    ∫ 21

    P dV

    • the work is:

    – +ve for compression

    – −ve for expansion

    • sometimes called P dV work orcompression /expansion work

    W12 = −∫ 21

    F ds = −∫ 21

    P · A ds = −∫ 21

    P dV

    Polytropic Process: where PV n = C

    • examples of polytropic processes include:

    Isobaric process: if n = 0 then P = C and we have a constant pressure process

    Isothermal process: if n = 1 then from the ideal gas equation PV = RT and PV isonly a function of temperature

    Isometric process: if n → ∞ then P 1/nV = C1/n and we have a constant volumeprocess

    Isentropic process: if n = k = Cp/Cv then we have an isentropic process


  • Gravitational Work

    Work is defined as force through a distance

    W12 =∫ 21


    Since in the case of lifting an object, force and displacement are in the same direction, the workwill be positive and by definition positive work is into the system.

    W12 =∫ 21

    F ds =∫ 21

    mg ds =∫ 21

    mg dz

    • integrating from state 1 to state 2 gives

    W12 = mg(z2 − z1)

    • the potential energy of the system increases with an addition of gravitational work,ΔPE = W = mg(z2 − z1)

    Acceleration Work

    • if the system is accelerating, the work associated with the change of the velocity can becalculated as follows:

    W12 =∫ 21

    F ds =∫ 21

    ma ds =∫ 21


    ds =∫ 21

    m dV dsdt︸︷︷︸V

    and we can then write

    W12 =∫ 21

    mV dV = m(V22

    2− V




    • if we drop an object with the assistance of gravity, the first law balance givesΔPE + ΔKE = 0. Potential energy decreases and kinetic energy increases.


  • Charge Transfer Work (Electrical Work)

    • current, I is the rate of charge transfer

    I ≡ d q+



    sec= Ampere


    q+ = −Ne

    with N being the number of electrons and e the charge of the electron.

    • the electrical work done is given as

    δWe = (�1 − �2) dq+ = � dq+

    where � is the electrical potential difference with units volt =Joule


    • the electrical work done per unit time is power

    Ẇe = Power =δWe

    dt= �I (W )

    We =∫ 21

    � I dt

    = � IΔt


  • Control Volume (Open System)

    The major difference between a Control Mass and and Control Volume is that mass crosses thesystem boundary of a control volume.


    Unlike a control mass approach, the control volume approach does not implicitly satisfyconservation of mass, therefore we must make sure that mass is neither created nor destroyedin our process.







    rate of increaseof mass within

    the CV

    ⎫⎪⎬⎪⎭ =


    net rate ofmass flow


    ⎫⎪⎬⎪⎭ −


    net rate ofmass flow




    dt(mCV ) = ṁIN − ṁOUT


    mCV =∫

    Vρ dV

    ṁIN = (ρ V A)INṁOUT = (ρ V A)OUT

    with V = average velocity



    The 1st law states:

    ECV (t) + δQ + δWshaft + (ΔEIN − ΔEOUT )+

    (δWIN − δWOUT ) = ECV (t + Δt) (1)


    ΔEIN = eINΔmIN


    δW = flow work

    e =E

    m= u︸︷︷︸




    + gz︸︷︷︸potential


  • What is flow work?

    This is the work required to pass the flow across the system boundaries. When mass enters/leavesa control volume, some work is done on/by the control volume.

    ΔmIN = ρIN

    volume︷ ︸︸ ︷AIN VIN Δt

    δWIN = F · distance

    = PIN AIN︸ ︷︷ ︸F

    · VIN Δt︸ ︷︷ ︸Δs

    =PIN ΔmIN



    v =1


    δWIN = (P v Δm)IN → flow work (2)


    δWOUT = (P v Δm)OUT (3)


  • Substituting Eqs. 2 and 3 into Eq. 1 gives the 1st law for a control volume

    ECV (t + Δt) − ECV (t) = δQ + δWshaft + ΔmIN(e + Pv)IN

    − ΔmOUT (e + Pv)OUT (4)

    Equation 4 can also be written as a rate equation → divide through by Δt and take the limit asΔt → 0


    dtECV = Q̇ + Ẇshaft + [ṁ(e + Pv)]IN − [ṁ(e + Pv)]OUT


    ṁ = ρ v∗ A

    Note that:

    e + Pv = u + Pv︸ ︷︷ ︸ + (v∗)2

    2+ gz

    = h(enthalpy) + KE + PE

    By using enthalpy instead of the internal energy to represent the energy of a flowing fluid, one doesnot need to be concerned with the flow work.


  • Some Practical Assumptions for Control Volumes

    Steady State Process: The properties of the material inside the control volume do not changewith time. For example

    P1 P2

    P > P2 1

    V < V2 1

    Diffuser: P changes inside the control volume, butthe pressure at each point does not change withtime.

    Steady Flow Process: The properties of the material crossing the control surface do not changewith time. For example



    T = T(y)

    T ≠ T(t)

    Inlet Pipe: T at the inlet may be different at differ-ent locations, but temperature at each boundarypoint does not change with time.

    The steadiness refers to variation with respect to time

    • if the process is not steady, it is unsteady or transient• often steady flow implies both steady flow and steady state

    Uniform State Process: The properties of the material inside the control volume are uniform andmay change with time. For example

    50 Co50 Co

    50 Co50 Co

    60 Co60 Co

    60 Co60 Co




    Heating Copper: Cu conducts heat well, so that itheats evenly.


  • Uniform Flow Process: The properties of the material crossing the control surface are spatiallyuniform and may change with time. For example



    P ≠ P(y)Inlet Pipe: P at the inlet is uniform

    across y.

    Uniformity is a concept related to the spatial distribution. If the flow field in a process is notuniform, it is distributed.

    Steady-State, Steady-Flow Process


    • the control volume does not move relative to the reference frame

    • the state of the mass at each point with the control volume does not change with time

    • the flows in and out of the control volume are steady, i.e. there is no mass accumulationwithin the control volume

    • the rates at which work and heat cross the control volume boundary remain constant


  • Control Volume Analysis for Electrical Devices

    We recall from the 1st law for a control volume


    dt= Q̇ − Ẇ + ṁin(e + Pv)in − ṁout(e + Pv)out

    We can consider the following analogy


    N = number of charged particlesq+ = +ve charge on each particle

    Nq+ = total chargemq = mass of each charged particle

    Nmq = total mass of the “charge gas”Ṅmq = flow rate of the “charge gas”

    � = electrical potential

    ṁ(e + Pv) = (Ṅmq)


    u + Pv +V22

    + gz︸ ︷︷ ︸negligible


    (Nmq)︸ ︷︷ ︸electrical potential

    per unit mass


    ṁ(e + Pv) = (Ṅmq





  • = Ṅq+�

    = I�

    where I = current ≡ Ṅq+ = −Ṅe

    The first law takes the form


    dt= Q̇ − Ẇ + (Ṅq+�)in − (Ṅq+�)out
