First English Lutheran Church P A R I S H C A L L E R July 2020 FELC Mission Statement By the grace of God First English Lutheran Church will grow as one family of faith, secure in the knowledge of Christ’s gift of salvation, proclaiming God’s love for all. Dr. Stephen and Jodi Swanson, Missionaries/Tanzania Nancie Haukos, Youth & Children’s Program Director Mari Athey, Parish Secretary Liz Ketz, Financial Secretary Office: 839-2527/Fax: 839-3319 Email: [email protected] Website: www.firstenglish.net Office hours: M/W 8:30 am–3:00 pm, T/TH/F 8:30-12:00 noon Building hours: Monday-Saturday 8:00 am - 5:00 pm First English Lutheran Church 9 NW 3 rd Street Ortonville, MN 56278 Return Service Requested

First English Lutheran Churchfirstenglish.net/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/Newsletter...First English Lutheran Church P A R I S H C A L L E R July 2020 FELC Mission Statement By the

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First English Lutheran Church


July 2020


Mission Statement

By the grace of God First

English Lutheran Church will

grow as one family of faith,

secure in the knowledge of

Christ’s gift of salvation,

proclaiming God’s love for all.

Dr. Stephen and Jodi Swanson,


Nancie Haukos, Youth & Children’s

Program Director

Mari Athey, Parish Secretary

Liz Ketz, Financial Secretary

Office: 839-2527/Fax: 839-3319 Email: [email protected] Website: www.firstenglish.net

Office hours: M/W 8:30 am–3:00 pm, T/TH/F 8:30-12:00 noon Building hours: Monday-Saturday 8:00 am - 5:00 pm

First English Lutheran Church

9 NW 3rd Street

Ortonville, MN 56278

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Created for Community…Better Together”

Two are better than one, because they have a good reward for their toil. For if they fall, one

will lift up the other; but woe to one who is alone and falls and does not have another to

help. though one might prevail against another, two will withstand one. A threefold cord is

not quickly broken.” (Ecclesiastes 4) 1. We have entered into an agreement with Pastor Debra Nissen, who is the interim pastor at Zion, to

provide emergency pastoral services until we have an interim pastor.

2. We have contracted the services of Pastor Renee Tecklenburg from Corsica, S.D. to provide pulpit supply for us this summer.

She will be providing this remotely due to concerns over Covid-19.

3. We are looking for volunteers to be live at our Sunday services to do the greeting, announcements, lead the liturgy, do the

readings (except the Gospel), perhaps do a children's message?, and the prayers of the people. This could be a family, one

person, or a small group of friends. We need to see familiar faces!!

4. We are putting a team together to explore how to prepare the building for opening (remove cushions and hymnals, sanitizing,

etc.) and what the logistics would be for limited gatherings. There are lots of guidelines to follow.

5. The Worship, Arts, and Music Committee is exploring an idea to have some kind of inspirational gathering outdoors in the

parking lot on Wednesday evenings. This will also take careful planning, but we're hopeful it can happen sometime in July.

6. We are putting together a Transition Team of about 5 members to work on gathering information from the congregation to

create a Congregational Profile. We will need input from as many members of the congregation as possible in order to

provide a complete and accurate picture of who we are as First English Lutheran Church. The profile must be completed

before we can form a call committee as it is used by pastoral candidates to help them decide if they might be a good match

for us.

7. We are continuing to look for an interim pastor.

8. THANKS! to Dan Stores, Keven Berdan, and Lynne Giese who have finished their terms of service on the Lay Ministry

Board. They got the ball rolling on all of these things and their expertise and experience will be missed!!

9. Present Board members are Marilyn Chindvall, Kirsten Karels, Eric Fladhammer, Brent Zahrbock, and Sara Mattison. Please

contact any one of us with your concerns, questions, or suggestions.

To volunteer for helping at Sunday services or for the Transition Team call Mari at the church office (839-2527) or Marilyn Chindvall

(839-3681 or 320-305-0551).

Thank you all for your patience and support during these unusual and stressful circumstances. Thanks to Keven Berdan and Lisa

Berdan, Brent Zahrbock, and the Ehrenberg’s for doing pulpit supply in June! Thanks to Nancie, Liz, Terry , Charlie, Marina, and

Mari for putting our worship services together and posting them. Hopefully, more of you will courageously volunteer to help out so

we can see and hear more familiar voices and faces. We miss you! But, most of all, be safe! Peace and blessings!

Marilyn Chindvall


July 2020

Well as you can imagine, it has been quiet around here. All the remaining weeks of camp have been cancelled.

Our trip to Duluth has been cancelled. Our trip to a Twins game was cancelled before it got planned.

The ELCA Gathering in MPLS for next year is still on but they have hit pause on the planning for the time being. As soon as things are up and moving again, I will be having a meeting for those interested in going. We do have 8 youth interested so far.

Thank you to everyone that has helped with the weekly services. We appreciate you all so much!

With all the cancellations and closings, it is hard not to be discouraged. Sometimes we are too busy, and we think busy is better. But busy can be exhausting. Now is a good time to slow down and take time for the simple things.

Like us old people say, “it’s like the good old days”. ~ Sometimes we are so busy adding up our troubles that we forget to count our blessings ~ Much love to you all, Nancie Haukos

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First English Lutheran Church - Board Meeting—June 3rd, 2020

Members Present: Scott Simonitch (president), Dan Stores (vice president), Becky Parker – Treasurer, Marilyn Chindvall –

Lay Ministry, Michelle Bauer – Christian Education, Marilyn Hanson – Evangelism; Mari Athey—Secretary/minutes

Meeting called to order by Scott Simonitch (president) via Zoom.

Marilyn C. led an opening prayer.

Approval of minutes from May meeting by Marilyn H. and Michelle MSP There was one change. Lay Ministry reports

there will be a transition team.

Approval of May treasures report by Marilyn H. and Marilyn C. MSP.

Approval of proposed agenda and ballot for annual election meeting.

Proposed to purchase additional webinar software on Zoom ($40) for annual election meeting. There will be a poll for

the election and ballots will be posted to website and collected at church. MSP

No membership changes.

Motion for financial secretary to pay bills while interim in place. MSP

Motion to authorize treasure to approve bills paid. Marilyn C. and Marilyn H. MSP

Have pulpit supply covered until the 28th. Waiting to hear back from Kathryn at Synod office. Interviewing and interim

pastor from South Dakota tomorrow night who is on leave from the fall. Kathryn from Synod office also talked about a

pastor from Zion for emergency-based services such as funerals but would be charged an hourly rate and mileage. Lay

ministry will gather those rates.

Motion to approve Pastor Nissan for emergency services. Marilyn H. and Michelle B. MSP

Due to the inability to acquire enough cleaning supplies to keep the church sanitized, it was decided through the month

of June it was best to not open the church for services. WAM met and decided that anytime we discuss the option to

reopen the church, it should first be discussed with medical professionals. Kelsey Henningson-Kaye had discussed

items with Becky and the biggest take-aways for now would be to gather outside if possible and singing is always high

risk. Social distancing is going to be an ongoing recommendation. It was suggested that a separate committee should

be set up including the parish nurses, maintenance crew, and Kelsey or a medical professional. WAM was able to put

some different ideas together, even if that meant we continued to worship online, to enhance what we were currently

doing such as having a prelude to give people time to join in the service, parking cars down by the foot of the lake for

service, having live music vs prerecorded, more options for children’s message, or offering more services.

A committee should be formed to have plans set in place for when we reopen. It should be addressed at the annual

meeting to update congregation where we are at with the plans and ask for volunteers to join the committee.

Discussion of ways to have more interactive children’s message since children are more engaged with live performances,

music, or from people they recognize. It was brainstormed that in the fall Sunday school would have different families

teach the lesson for the week and then post it online with some different activities or crafts for other families to be

engaged as well.

Constitution is revised and up-to-date, ready for annual meeting.

Board of Lay Ministry: Marilyn Chindvall—The executive board will be in charge of making decisions during the period

without an interim. After the election meeting those board members will switch and the new members will take over.

Lay Ministry has a meeting the following evening with a new pastor. There was also a quick meeting with the Zion

church, they have an interim right now (Pastor Nissen), and nothing was decided upon right now, but they would like to

continue to collaborate and share some resources. It was a successful meeting.

Board of Evangelism: - Marilyn Hanson—Kim Anderson will replace Kathy Randall; Marilyn Hanson will not be replaced.

Trial period to see how the board does with 5 members, if it does not work, Marilyn is willing to return. Waiting to hear

from state of Minnesota to hear how things will look when things open up again and what they will allow. Greeter and

Fairway View lists are done through July and Tami will continue to keep up with those lists. Michelle is ready to come

change bulletin boards as soon as church is able to resume.

Board of Christian Education: Michelle Bauer—Cancelled VBS but brainstormed potential options for getting together

this summer. Possibly a half day event with smaller age groups so the kids can join in some capacity. Discussed Sunday

School in the fall and decided to repeat the First Communion classes since this year’s lessons got cut short. Can do them

via Zoom if need be. The communion classes will resume in September and October with the intentions of them able to

come back hopefully by Thanksgiving. They set up a tentative schedule for classes through Thanksgiving and will wait

and see what the guidelines look like by then. In order to stay cautious for the Blessings of the backpacks and Rally

Sunday, it was decided rather than meeting in church with its uncertainties, a group of Ed. Members would go to each

home and bless them at their home and present the backpacks that way, then possibly take pictures and make a

slideshow during church.

Board of Youth and Family Ministry, Stewardship, and Properties did not meet this month.

Scott thanked everyone for his years as president then led the council in the Lord’s Prayer.

Next meeting will be held on Monday, August 3. At this time, the boards should meet electronically unless otherwise decided. Council will meet on a date set by the President. Meeting was adjourned by Scott.

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ANNUAL ELECTION MEETING - JUNE 21, 2020 CALL TO ORDER: The meeting was called to order by President Scott at 10:34am via Zoom—23 members present Harris Selvig

our parliamentarian declared a quorum.

DEVOTIONS: Kristi Ehrenberg led with an opening prayer

PRESENTATION OF BALLOT: Dan Stores, chairperson of the nominating committee, presented the ballot for consideration.

There were no other nominations from the floor.

ELECTION: Deb Henningson made a motion to cast a unanimous ballot as presented. This was seconded by Liz Ketz. Poll was cast

for unanimous ballot with 100% agreement. (additional 21 paper ballots were placed at the church office) Motion carried.

WELCOME OF NEW OFFICERS & BOARD MEMBERS: President Scott welcomed all the newly elected members to their

positions. Kristi Ehrenberg as President; Marilyn Chindvall as Vice President; Eric Fladhammer, Brent Zahrbock, and Sara Mattison

for Lay Ministry; Kayla Teske for Christian Education; Warren Wiese for Church Properties; Ellie Helgeson for Stewardship; Kori

Block and Gayla Athey for Youth and Family Ministry; Kim Anderson for Evangelism.

RESOLUTION of THANKSGIVING for GIFT OF SERVICE: The resolution is as follows:

These people: Scott Simonitch, Dan Stores, Lynne Giese, Keven Berdan, Sara Wollschlager, Eldon Knutson, Debbie Ellingson, Cindy

Scholberg, Lorraine Conroy, Kathy Randall and Marilyn Hanson, have graciously given of themselves for the sake of the work of

Christ’s Kingdom here at First English Lutheran Church serving as officers or board members.

Kirsten Karels made a motion to adopt the Resolution of Thanksgiving to outgoing board

members. This was seconded by Kelsey Ehrenberg. Motion carried.

Therefore, be it resolved, that we as a congregation called First English Lutheran Church do

offer thanks and praise to God for the witness and service of these women and men who have

now completed their terms as officers or board members of our congregation.


1.) Old business

a. Technology update: Thanking everyone who has participated in Facebook Live worship. This will continue online.

Special thank you to Terry for all his hard work on bringing in previously recorded music for our worship services.

b. Other: WAM update: Talked about the possibilities of having an outdoor worship service. Anyone is welcome to share

any other outdoor ideas.

Financial report: Keep the offerings coming. We have utilized the paycheck protection plan to help with payroll and

will be applying for the forgiveness program within the next week or so.

2.) New business

a) Interim Status Update: In the interim process right now. Have an agreement with Pastor Nissen who is the interim pastor

at Zion to assist with emergency services. Contracted the services of Pastor Renae of Corsica, SD to help with pulpit supply

this summer. She will be assisting remotely as she is not comfortable with face-to-face contact at this time. We are looking

for volunteers/members to help with the live broadcasts doing things like reading announcements, read the liturgy, do the

scripture (except the gospel), and read the prayers to the people. This does not include having a sermon or anything of that

nature, so the preparation is very minimal. If you can help in these ways, please contact the church office. We are still

working on finding a full-time interim pastor. There are 24 other congregations in our regional synod who are also looking

for interim and in call pastors so this will be a challenging process.

There has been a team formed to figure out how the church will begin to open things up, such as having the pew cushions removed,

hymnals removed, how to sanitize, etc.

There is also a transition team being formed of about 5 members to work on gathering information from the congregation to get a

congregational profile. This will help to decide who we are as First English Lutheran Church at this time. When this is complete, the

Synod office will give this to pastoral candidates to see if they are an appropriate fit for our congregation.

b) Other:

CLOSE OF MEETING: There was no other business to come before the meeting, so it closed with a motion by Scott Simonitch,

seconded by Marilyn Hanson. Motion Passed.

LORD’S PRAYER. Meeting adjourned at 10:59.

CHURCH NEWS PRAYERS FOR HEALING and COMFORT for Bev Jones; Brenda Kafka; Gerry Nypen; Mark Nypen; Gail Olson;

Marlys Selvig; Ken Simonitch; Aaron Smith; Anders Anderson; Jim Balster, Paulette Bakeberg; Daryl Bell; Bennett

Carlson; Christian Carlson; Grayson Carlson; Matt Carlson; Clifford Christensen; Abe Dorry; Paul Erdman; Verden

Gerber; Loren Grimm; Larry Helgeson; Natalie Henneberg; Betty Hoeke; Angela Nelson; Linda Olson; Bella

Rademacher; Janice Redfield; Alice Sayles; Isaiah Tandoh; Reginae Tandoh; Dorothy Tangen; Vicki Torgerson;

Terry Ward; Kelvin Weber; and Michael Zinski. AT FAIRWAY VIEW NEIGHBORHOODS: Joan Block;

Howard Janssen; Eleanor Nickolauson; Betty Saeger; & Cheryl Wittnebel. ALL OUR MILITARY who are deployed to

areas of conflict. When names are added to the prayer list please include an address for the Day of Love Ladies to send

cards. Please let us know when a name should be removed. KDIO BROADCASTS (sponsored . . . )

. . . (Sunday, June 7) is provided by your gifts to the Endowment Fund

. . . (Sunday, June 14) is provided by your gifts to the Endowment Fund

. . . (Sunday, June 21) is sponsored in memory of Lois and Marvin Knopf on their anniversary from their daughters

Cindy and Pam and their families.

. . . (Sunday, June 28) is provided by Roger and Barb Nornes in honor of all of the people who have stepped up and

stepped in every Sunday to help with worship services. Thank you!

Congratulations and God’s Blessing

. . . to Daniel and Samantha Thompson as they welcome home their new son, Silas Charles Thompson born June 7th.

. . . to Will and Sara Stegner as they welcome home their new daughter, Katelynn Victoria born June 8th.

. . . to Samantha Lindal and Tony Clafton as they welcome home their new daughter, Elliot Mae Clafton born June 10th.

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Summer Office Hours Beginning June 1st, the church office will be open daily at 8:30am. Mondays and

Wednesdays the office will close at 3. Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays it closes at 12 noon.

Bulletins will be printed Friday mornings at 9am. Worship videos will be posted to our

website every Monday morning.

In Honor of Barbara Nornes The congregation and staff would like to extend a special thank you to Barbara Nornes.

She has been a member or leader of the First English Altar Guild since the 1960’s. Barbara

has been a confidant, mentor, collaborator, guide, and friend to many pastors. Barbara

has used her powers of persuasion to recruit new members and her humor and teaching

skills to train them. She has also taught many of our young people the art of accolyting,

lefse making, and the meaning and importance of communion.

Barbara’s many contributions have helped make worship more meaningful and visually

stimulating. When the occasion presents itself, please thank her for her “behind the

scenes” years of dedicated service to our church!

Please contact the church office

for dates we have available or any

questions. We would love to have

many families help us and to see

new/old smiling faces each week.


Sacristy, Sanctuary, Banners & Surplices:

Fair Linens:

Brass Care:

Flower Committee:

Amy Adelman, Marla Strei

Evelyn Olson

Mary Lou Olson & Virginia Wildung

Carol and Connie Newman

WAM WANTS YOU! Are you interested in planning of Worship, Music and Arts at First English Lutheran?

The Worship, Music and Arts committee (WAM) is looking for another member to join

us and it might be you!

WAM meets once a month on the 2nd Wednesday of the month at 6:15 until 7 pm

before choir. It is not necessary to be able to read music, make banners or choose

hymns. WAM has many talented people in the congregation that help us follow

through with our ideas.

We welcome your ideas and input for planning! Current members include Lisa

Berdan, Jon and Carol Ydstie, Becky Parker and Marilyn Hanson.

For more information, please contact Mari at the church office 839-2527 or call

Marilyn Hanson at 605-880- 0330.

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GIFTS & MEMORIALS (March 23 – June 26)


Marilyn Hanson


Darin and Kristi Ehrenberg


Yvonne Gottschalk; Marilyn Hanson


Ron and Ginger Athey; Mark and Sandy Brown;

Marilyn Chindvall; Pat Collins; Marilyn

Hanson; Ron and Nancie Haukos; Sharron

Johnson; Eldon and Carol Knutson; Gale

May; Dennis and Jane Pansch; Aaron and

Sharon Smith; Kathy Stolpman; Gary and

Ethel Swenson; Russ and Ronda Thielke;

Donald Tiegs


Dick and Marla Strei in memory of Mervin Tonn


Marilyn Chindvall; Darin and Kristi Ehrenberg;

Pat and Liz Ketz


Cheryl Carl in memory of Mervin Tonn; Patricia

Janke in memory of Mervin Tonn


Gayle Anderson; Lois Bergeson; Sharron

Johnson; Eldon and Carol Knutson; Harris

and Marilyn Selvig; Dan and Marleen



Marilyn Chindvall; Pat and Liz Ketz;

Jack and Mary



Altar Guild in memory or

Barb Nornes and her years of

service; Pat Collins in honor of all

my family; FELC Women; Evelyn

Johnson in memory of Gary Johnson

and all service men and women; Terry

Kalberg; Doran Nagel and family in

memory of Ruth Nagel; Dick and Marla Strei

in honor of Pastor Dave on his final Sunday

here at FELC; Susan Throndrud in memory of

Elwood Throndrud and David Throndrud;


Mark and Sandy Brown; Marilyn Chindvall; Pat

Collins; Dave and Debbie Ellingson; Ruth

Hanson; Marilyn Hanson; Jim and Julie

Hipple; Donna Hoel; Sharron Johnson; Pat

and Liz Ketz; Aaron and Sharon Smith; Kathy

Stolpman; Dean and Karen Strand; Don



Gayle Anderson; Ron and Ginger Athey; Pat

Collins in memory of Zina Koehntopp; Larry

and Jyla Dahle; Darin and Kristi Ehrenberg;

Nick and Marcia Golden; Marilyn Hanson;

James and Kate Heinecke; Glenn and Deb

Henningson; Marilyn Hanson; Evelyn

Johnson; Sharron Johnson; Kyle and Kris

Kirkeby; Vernon and Eleanor Nickolauson;

Gerry Nypen in memory of Burt Nypen;

Mary Lou Olson; Glenda Reiffenberger;

Scott and Julie Schneider; Garry and Ethel

Swenson; Bruce and Evie Swigerd; Russ and

Ronda Thielke; Rich and Rita Verheul; Clara



Mark Nypen; Garry and Ethel Swenson in

memory of Mervin Tonn, in honor of Kathy

Haukos; Bruce and Evie Swigerd


Ruth Hanson; Dave and Anne Tonn


Lois Bergeson in memory of Alice Rude; Cheryl

Carl in memory of Ann Nelson; Pat Collins in

memory of Lance Beckman; Jim and Julie

Hipple in memory of Alice Rude; Marilyn

Hanson in memory of Alice Rude; Harris and

Marlys Selvig in memory of Alice Rude;

Dave and Anne Tonn in memory of Eunice



Dave and Debbie Ellingson in memory of

Mervin Tonn; Marianne Morrill for a families

in our congregation in need of

food/support; Glenda Reiffenberger


Marilyn Chindvall; Pat and Liz Ketz; Don Tiegs;

Jack and Mary Weber


Lois Bergeson in memory of Shirley Finberg;

Yvonne Gottschalk


Keith and Lynne Giese in

memory of Alice Rude


Lois Bergeson in memory

of Mervin Tonn; Sharon

Carlson in memory of Alex Hughes;

in Faith Community Foundation;

Larry and Jyla Dahle in memory of

Alex Hughes; Donna Hoel in memory of

Mervin Tonn; Howard and Vivian Janssen in

memory of Mervin Tonn; Arlen and Ardell

Lacombe in memory of Mervin Tonn;

Darlene Mikkelson in memory of Mervin

Tonn; Christie Petersen; Erlys Sis in memory

of Alex Hughes; Aaron and Sharon Smith


Ron and Ginger Athey in memory of Mervin

Tonn; Kevin and Becky Backstrand in

memory of Mervin Tonn; Sharon Carlson in

memory of Mervin Tonn; Yvonne

Gottschalk; Marilyn Chindvall in memory of

her mother, Alice Rude; Pat Collins; Jim

and Julie Hipple in memory of Mervin Tonn;

Donna Hoel; Marilyn Hanson; Sharron

Johnson; Rob and Kathy Randall in

memory of Mervin Tonn; Glenda

Reiffenberger in memory of Mervin Tonn;

Harris and Marlys Selvig in memory of

Mervin Tonn; Steve and Lori Strei in memory

of Alice Rude; Garry and Ethel Swenson in

memory of Alice Rude, in honor of Kathy

Randall, and in honor of Pastor Dave’s

retirement; Bruce and Evie Swigerd; Russ

and Ronda Thielke in memory of Mervin

Tonn; Dave and Anne Tonn

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THANK YOU’SThank you for supporting FELCs giving emphasis!

January .............................................................. Technology Fund

February .................................................. Service Trip Scholarship

March ....................................... Big Stone Lake Area Food Shelf

April ........................................................ SWMN Funding Initiative

May ........ Global Missions - Companion Synod in South Africa

June .................................................................... Someplace Safe

July ............................................................... Families in Need August ................................................................... Baptism Chests

September ....................................................... Endowment Fund

October ............................................. Jaycees Project Christmas

November ................. God’s Work, Our Hands/Service Projects

December ....................................................... ELCA Missionaries

The Truth About Masks Health officials recommend that people cover their faces in public places. The mouth and nose

are usually where the coronavirus first sets up camp and serve as the portals for spreading the virus

to others. Droplets are thought to be the primary means of transmission and can be propelled 6

feet or more. By serving as a barrier, masks block the droplets expelled by an infected person.

Here are a few face mask precautions:

• The masks should fit snugly against the face, reach below the chin, and up the bridge of the


• Do not touch your mask while wearing it. If you do, then immediately wash your hands, or use a

hand sanitizer.

• Wash them after each use with soap and hot water. It is fine to wash your mask with other


• When removing them, handle them by the straps—never the protective material, which could

be contaminated.

• Wash your hands directly before and after handling the mask.

• Masks can give a person a false sense of security, so remember to practice social distancing

and good hand washing also.

• Do not put your masks on anyone who has trouble breathing or children under 2 years of age

• Do not use the mask as a substitute for social distancing.

There are numerous studies that suggest if 80% of people wear a mask in public, then COVID-19

transmission could be halted. Until a vaccine or a cure is discovered, cloth face masks might be

the most important tool we currently have to fight the pandemic.


Each month these are for designated funds. You may designate your extra gift to any fund

you wish. Our Board of Stewardship also designates a special emphasis for each month of

the year. Your gifts in July go to the “families in need” program, a local resource which,

together with our special needs fund assists families needing our help.

SUMMER OFFERING THOUGHTS… With the harsh winter and cancelled services, we look towards summer for renewed hope. Please

consider giving to the church as we are called to live generously as Jesus did. Did you know you can

create an automatic donation account online? Visit firstenglish.net today!

2 Corinthians 8:5: They gave themselves first to the Lord and then to us in keeping God's will.

July 2020

Designated Funds

Building (please specify) $______

Operating Fund $______

Other Families in Need _



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Part of the Board of Lay Ministry’s job description says that the board is to:

Ensure that a pastoral relations committee is active and that it offers verbal

encouragement and/or directions to the pastor(s).

Current members of this committee are Scott Simonitch, Shannon Millerbernd, Garry

Swenson, and Nancy Nolop.

If any congregant has an issue and doesn’t feel they can talk directly to the Pastor, they

are invited to speak to one of the committee members. Please consider this an open

invitation; both negative and positive comments are welcome. The committee meets

with the Pastor twice each year, more frequently if necessary. Thank you to those willing

to serve in this capacity.

July Lector Schedule *If you are not able to lector on your scheduled Sunday, please

contact the church office ASAP. Thank you!

July 5- Kathy Randall July 12-Ellie Helgeson

July 19-Barb Wiese July 26- Lois Bergeson

Walk in Love, Live in Grace

Outdoor Devotional Worship on Wednesdays

First English Lutheran Church Parking Lot Beginning July 1, 2020

7:30 pm – 8 pm

BRING YOUR OWN LAWN CHAIRS We will socially distance

Please park in the lot to the north or south of the church If it is raining at 6 pm, no service will be held

Questions contact Mari at FELC: 320 839 2527

‘As members of the ELCA, we

believe that we are freed in Christ to serve and love

our neighbor. With our hands,

we do God’s work of restoring and

reconciling communities in

Jesus Christ’s name throughout

the world.’

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Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

July 2020 ✞ ✞ ✞ First English Lutheran Church

Daily Lenten Devotions are available @ www.firstenglish.net - click on “Weekly Schedule & Daily Devotions”

1 9:30 am TV Broadcast

7:30 pm Outdoor Worship in parking lot

Nancie Gone



10:00 am Bulletin Printed


5 9:00 am Facebook Live Worship –

Communion – KDIO Broadcast

Carol Bell is on call nurse this week

Nancie Gone

6 7


9:30 am TV Broadcast

7:30 pm Outdoor Worship in parking lot


10 10:00 am Bulletin Printed


12 9:00 am Facebook Live Worship –

Communion – KDIO Broadcast

Neva Foster is on call nurse this week

13 14


9:30 am TV Broadcast

7:30 pm Outdoor Worship in parking lot



10:00 am Bulletin Printed



9:00 am Facebook Live Contemporary

Worship - KDIO Broadcast

Ranet Schmeichel is on call nurse this week


21 22 9:30 am TV Broadcast

7:30 pm Outdoor Worship in parking lot

Newsletter Deadline

23 24 10:00 am Bulletin Printed



9:00 am Facebook Live Worship - KDIO


Carol Bell is on call nurse this week

27 28 29 9:30 am TV Broadcast

7:30 pm Outdoor Worship in parking lot

30 31 10:00 am Bulletin Printed

Page 10: First English Lutheran Churchfirstenglish.net/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/Newsletter...First English Lutheran Church P A R I S H C A L L E R July 2020 FELC Mission Statement By the

First English Lutheran Church Church Council 2020-2021

Name Email Phone Term Expires

President Kristi Ehrenberg [email protected] 320-305-0581 1 2022

Vice President Marilyn Chindvall [email protected] 320-305-0551 1 2022

Treasurer Becky Parker [email protected] 320-760-9491 unlim 2021 Board of Lay Ministry Kirstin Karels [email protected] 605-413-6448 1 2021 Eric Fladhammer [email protected] 605-467-3274 1 2022

Brent Zahrbock [email protected] 320-839-2982 1 2022

Sara Mattison [email protected] 320-760-8189 1 2022

Board of Christian Education Amy Hodenfield [email protected] 701-739-5959 3 2021 Ginger Athey [email protected] 320-305-3069 1 2021 Jennifer Anderson [email protected] 605-237-1975 1 2021 Michelle Bauer [email protected] 952-237-1786 2 2022

Kayla Teske [email protected] 320-305-0513 1 2022

Board of Church Properties Cory Stattelman [email protected] 320-815-0989 1 2021 Kirby Athey [email protected] 320-305-0994 1 2021 Art Vollmer [email protected] 320-808-5746 2 2021 Ron Athey [email protected] 320-815-0529 2 2022

Warren Wiese [email protected] 320-232-7144 1 2022

Board of Stewardship Courtney Giese [email protected] 320-305-0792 1 2021 Andy Strei [email protected] 320-305-0725 2 (3) 2021 Ellie Helgeson [email protected] 320-305-1286 1 2022

Board of Youth & Family Ministry Becky Backstrand [email protected] 320-305-0324 1 2021 Brandi Tweeter [email protected] 320-226-2507 2 2021 Shala Korstjens [email protected] 320-760-0983 1 2021 Kori Block [email protected] 320-305-1699 1 2022

Gayla Athey [email protected] 307-421-8875 1 2022

Board of Evangelism Michelle Giese [email protected] 320-305-0713 2 (3) 2021 Tami Lundberg [email protected] 320-815-0887 2 (3) 2021 Shannon Millerbernd [email protected] 320-760-2217 2 2021 Marilee Haukos [email protected] 320-808-5803 2 2021 Kim Anderson [email protected] 320-305-0676 1 2022