Phillip Island Nature Park Fire Operations Plan 2017 -19 1 Fire Operations Plan 2017 2019

Fire Operations Plan 2017 2019 - Phillip Island Nature Park · Nature Parks Fire Management Plan 2016 – 2021 and the Bass Coast Municipal Fire Management Plan 2012 – 2016

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Page 1: Fire Operations Plan 2017 2019 - Phillip Island Nature Park · Nature Parks Fire Management Plan 2016 – 2021 and the Bass Coast Municipal Fire Management Plan 2012 – 2016

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Fire Operations Plan 2017 – 2019

Page 2: Fire Operations Plan 2017 2019 - Phillip Island Nature Park · Nature Parks Fire Management Plan 2016 – 2021 and the Bass Coast Municipal Fire Management Plan 2012 – 2016

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Fire operations actions

This document contains the fire prevention and preparedness works to be conducted within the Phillip Island Nature Parks (the Nature Parks) in order to achieve the objectives of the

Nature Parks Fire Management Plan 2016 – 2021 and the Bass Coast Municipal Fire Management Plan 2012 – 2016.


Maintain and slash all firebreaks and fuel breaks within the Nature Parks, including the following areas with staff responsible:

Location Responsible

Summerland Peninsula Ranger in Charge and Ground Services Supervisor

Koala Conservation Centre, Senior Ranger Koala Conservation Centre

Oswin Roberts, Rowell and Rhyll Swamps, Five Ways Reserve and

Ventnor Koala Reserve

Senior Ranger Woodlands

Ventnor (Cadogan Ave) Ranger in Charge

Berrys Beach Ranger in Charge and Ground Services Supervisor

Churchill Island and Fishers Wetland Ranger in Charge and Churchill Island Farm Coordinator

Cape Woolamai (Princeton Ave) Ranger in Charge and Senior Ranger Coasts

Cape Woolamai (Broadbeach Ave) Ranger in Charge and Senior Ranger Coasts

Silverleaves east Ranger in Charge

Newhaven Swamp (around Western Port Water pump station) Ranger in Charge in conjunction with Western Port Water

Clear around Summerlands wet firebreak and test

Conduct training exercise for staff

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Audit fire equipment and PPE

Service slip-on units

Conduct any planned burns as per the Planned Burn Procedure


Conduct media release on planned burns and general fire prevention and preparedness

Patrol the park to ensure compliance with park regulations, in particular ‘no fires’ in the park

Maintain and slash all firebreaks and fuel breaks

Close relevant areas to the public on Total Fire Ban Days and/or on Code Red Days as per the Nature Parks ‘Severe Weather and Reserve Closure Policy’

Conduct any planned burns as per the Planned Burn Procedure


Conduct any planned burns as per the Planned Burn Procedure

Maintain and slash all firebreaks and fuel breaks


Maintain and slash all firebreaks and fuel breaks where possible

Update Fire Operations Plan

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Fire Operations maps and tables

The following maps show where planned burning and other fire prevention works will be undertaken within the Nature Parks from 2017 to 2019.

These works are shown in the key to each map and include

planned burns

slashing, mowing, mulching and scrub clearing activities

works to maintain existing fuel breaks

Asset Protection Zones (APZ)

The following tables give the size and location of planned burns, the type of burns, and the year the burns are planned to be conducted.

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Year Season Location Burn name Hectares Burn type

2016 Spring Oswin Roberts Reserve Cell A 0.18 Asset protection

2016 Spring Oswin Roberts Reserve Cell C 0.59 Asset protection

2016 Spring Oswin Roberts Reserve Cell B 0.25 Asset protection

2017 Spring Ventnor Koala Reserve VKR west 2.67 Ecological

2017 Autumn Koala Conservation Centre Burn Pile 0.01 Ecological

2017 Spring Summerland Peninsula Plateau centre south 0.70 Fuel reduction

2017 Autumn Berrys Beach Storm Bay 0.80 Ecological

2017 Spring Koala Conservation Centre Burn Pile 1 0.01 Fuel reduction

2017 Spring Fishers Wetland Tall wheat grass 0.08 Ecological

2017 Spring Churchill Island Burn Pile 0.00 Fuel reduction

2018 Spring Swan Lake Crown Allotment 4 Crown 3.20 Fuel reduction

2018 Spring Berrys Beach Red Cliff Head A 2.21 Ecological

2018 Spring Summerland Peninsula Plateau centre 0.88 Ecological

2018 Spring Summerland Peninsula Plateau south 0.51 Fuel reduction

2019 Spring Oswin Roberts South Cell A South car park west 0.41 Fuel reduction

2019 Spring Ventnor Koala Reserve Ventnor south track 1.58 Ecological

2019 Spring Summerland Peninsula Plateau south: Cell A 0.53 Fuel reduction

2019 Autumn Oswin Roberts North Oswin north gate 0.36 Asset protection

2019 Spring Five Ways Reserve Five Ways road side 0.66 Fuel reduction

2019 Spring Summerland Peninsula Plateau north 0.99 Fuel reduction

2019 Spring Berrys Beach Red Cliff Head B 1.06 Ecological

2019 Spring Oswin Roberts South Cell B South car park east 0.79 Fuel reduction

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Figure 1. Summerland Peninsula showing firebreaks to be slashed and wet breaks to be maintained and proposed burns 2017 to 2019.

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Year Season Location Burn name Hectares Burn type

2017 Spring Summerlands Peninsula Plateau centre south 0.70 Fuel reduction

2018 Spring Summerlands Peninsula Plateau centre 0.88 Ecological

2018 Spring Summerlands Peninsula Plateau south 0.51 Fuel reduction

2019 Spring Summerlands Peninsula Plateau south: Cell A 0.53 Fuel reduction

2019 Spring Summerlands Peninsula Plateau north 0.99 Fuel reduction

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Figure 2. Firebreaks to be maintained at Flynns Beach and Kitty Miller Bay, and Crown Allotment 4 proposed burn.

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Year Season Location Burn name Hectares Burn type

2018 Spring Swan Lake Crown Allotment 4 Crown 3.20 Fuel reduction

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Figure 3. Ventnor (Cadogan Ave) showing firebreak to be maintained annually.

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Figure 4. Berrys Beach showing firebreak to be slashed annually and proposed ecological burns 2017 to 2019.

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Year Season Location Burn name Hectares Burn type

2017 Autumn Berrys Storm Bay 0.80 Ecological

2018 Spring Berrys 1 Red Cliff Head A 2.21 Ecological

2019 Spring Berrys 2 Red Cliff Head B 1.06 Ecological

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Figure 5. Ventnor Koala Reserve showing firebreaks to be maintained and planned burns 2017 to 2019.


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Year Season Location Burn name Hectares Burn type

2017 Spring Ventnor Koala Reserve VKR west 2.67 Ecological

2019 Spring Ventnor Koala Reserve Ventnor south track 1.58 Ecological

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Figure 6. Koala Conservation Centre and Five Ways Reserve showing firebreaks to be slashed annually and proposed burn located at Five Ways Reserve.

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Year Season Location Burn name Hectares Burn type

2017 Autumn Koala Conservation Centre Burn Pile 0.01 Ecological

2017 Spring Koala Conservation Centre BP1 Burn Pile 1 0.01 Fuel reduction

2019 Spring Five Ways Reserve Five Ways road side 0.66 Fuel reduction

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Figure 7. Oswin Roberts Reserve showing fire breaks and tracks to be maintained annually, and proposed burn areas 2019.

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Year Season Location Burn name Hectares Burn type

2019 Spring Oswin Roberts South Cell A South car park west 0.41 Fuel reduction

2019 Autumn Oswin Roberts North Oswin north gate 0.36 Asset protection

2019 Spring Oswin Roberts South Cell B South car park east 0.79 Fuel reduction

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Figure 8. Silverleaves, Rowell Swamp and Rhyll Swamp showing firebreaks and Asset Protection Zones (APZ) to be maintained annually.

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Figure 9. Scenic Estate showing firebreaks to be maintained annually

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Figure 10. Churchill Island, Fishers Wetland and Newhaven Swamp pump station showing fire breaks to be maintained and proposed planned burn and burn piles 2016-2019.

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Year Season Location Burn name Hectares Burn type

2017 Spring Fishers Wetland Tall wheat grass 0.08 Ecological

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Figure 11. Cape Woolamai (Princeton Avenue Reserve) depicting firebreak and Asset Protection Zone (APZ) to be maintained annually.

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Figure 12. Cape Woolamai showing tracks to be slashed and Asset Protection Zone (APZ) around Broadbeach Road to be maintained annually.