FIOTEC Relatório de Atividades 2009 (inglês)

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Page 1: FIOTEC Relatório de Atividades 2009 (inglês)
Page 2: FIOTEC Relatório de Atividades 2009 (inglês)

Curator Council Curator Council

Mário Santos Moreira - Presidente - ICC Mário Santos Moreira - Presidente - ICC

Alejandro Marcel Hasslocher Moreno - Ipec Alejandro Marcel Hasslocher Moreno - Ipec

Artur Roberto Couto - Bio-Manguinhos Mansur Ferreira Campos - Diplan

Claude Pirmez - IOC Christian Maurice Gabriel Niel - IOC

Juliano de Carvalho Lima - Direh Juliano de Carvalho Lima - Direh

Leonardo de Oliveira El-Warrak - Icict Francisco Inácio Pinkusfeld Monteiro Bastos - Icict

Sergio Munck Machado – Epsjv Sergio Munck Machado - POLI

Statutory Audit Committee Statutory Audit Committee

Luiz Antonio de Araújo - Presidente – Farmanguinhos Luiz Antonio de Araújo - Presidente – Farmanguinhos

Maria da Conceição Rodrigues de Carvalho – Icict Gilvan Ferreira - Dirad

Maria Helena Magalhães - Ensp Maria Helena Magalhães - Ensp

Executive Board Executive Board

Pedro Ribeiro Barbosa - Diretor Executivo - Ensp Adolfo Horacio Chorny - Diretor Executivo - Ensp

Mansur Ferreira Campos - Diretor Administrativo - Diplan Geandro Ferreira Pinheiro – Diretor Administrativo - Diplan

Beatriz de Castro Fialho - Diretora Financeira - Bio-Manguinhos

Beatriz de Castro Fialho - Diretora Financeira - Bio-Manguinhos

Adolfo Horacio Chorny - Diretor Técnico - Ensp Adolfo Horacio Chorny - Diretor Técnico - Ensp

General Management General Management

Mário Dias Rodrigues Mário Dias Rodrigues

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1- Institutional Information

1.1 Fiotec´s Mission

1.2 Objective

1.3 Areas of Operation

1.4 Administrative Structure

1.5 Operational Structure

1.6 Organogram

2- Activities

2.1 Quantity of Projects Managed

2.2 Funding Agencies

3 - Management of Budgeting and Funding Resources

3.1 Operation of Project Funds

3.2 Historic Data

3.3 Own Resources

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1 - Institutional Information

1.1 - Fiotec´s Mission

Fiotec is a support foundation for the Oswaldo Cruz Foundation, whose mission is to contribute in the support for the realization of projects and research in healthcare, science and, technology and innovation, and which proposes to perform its activities so as to make viable the appearance of new technologies in healthcare, training of the human resources involved, culminating, in this way, in a greater quality of living.

1.2 - Objective

To support, technically and operationally, the development of projects of the Oswaldo Cruz Foundation - Fiocruz, carried out by means of its technical-scientific and administrative units.

1.3 - Areas of Operation

The projects supported by Fiotec are wide-ranging, covering practically all the areas of Public Healthcare, in teaching, research, the production of raw materials and technological development and innovation in healthcare. This multiplicity of project areas demands an enormous diversity in the operation of Fiotec, in order to make possible the technical and administrative sustentation of such, always in close association with the supervisors and professionals of Fiocruz. The operation of projects is sustained inside Fiotec in various administrative areas, involving purchasing, contracts, budgeting and financial management, accounts and the management of personnel, allied with the important support of information and communication technologies.

The experience of 12 years of operation and the support given to hundreds of projects, give credit to Fiotec before national and international entities, demonstrating its ability to provide security and quality in all of its areas of operation.

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1.4 - Administrative Structure

Fiotec is formed by a Curator Council, a higher entity of deliberation and orientation, composed of 7 (seven) members and by a Statutory Audit Committee, with performing the verification of economic and financial administration, with 3 (three) members.

The administration is performed by the Executive Board, composed of four directors - Executive, Administrative, Financial and Technical, supported by a General Management and various administrative and technical sectors.

1.5 - Operational Structure

Fiotec operates today with a team of approximately 139 professionals from distinct backgrounds, in the areas of analysis and management of projects, legal advice, human resources, supplies, finances, accounting, information technology, care of assets, general services, stores and filing.

These professionals today have under their responsibility, technical and administrative support for more than 380 projects, besides all the professionals directly contracted for specific operation in the projects under development. These projects resulted in a total of 2,200 grants authorized throughout 2009, which, by the rules of Decree 5,205/04, were categorized as Research, Teaching and Extension.

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1.3 - Organogram

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2 - Activities

2.1 – Quantity of Projects Managed

In this graph we can see the evolution of the number de projects managed per year, since the beginning of the Foundation.

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2.2 - Funding Agencies

The main funding agencies of projects executed by the various technical-scientific and technical-administrative units of Fiocruz, by means of Fiotec, are represented in the following graph by the relative percentage of the funding:

Funding per Financial Agency

Other Funding Per Financial Agency

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3 - Management of Budgeting and Funding Resources

3.1 – Operation of Project Funds

The volume of resources captured by projects in the year 2009, amounted to R$ R$ 201.869 million. To these were added R$ 3.221 million obtained from the interest on financial investments. In the following chart we demonstrate the total collected per Fiocruz unit.

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Resources Captured – Evolution in Percentage - %

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3.3 - Own Resources

In the chart and graphs below, we present the Balance Sheet, with the graphs of the values of revenues and expenses in the year 2009.

Evolution of Revenues and Expenses 1998 – 2009

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