ton McK. T wombi**, the son-in-lnw of Mr. Val it bilt, -bo i* Vice-Preaident of the Western lin ii snd the Atlantic nnd Puciflo Telegraph Companies. Ile c-y, that Mr. Twombly is already influential In tbe buMiif-K world " and is withal so modest and approachable, bn, self-rslianoe and ability so marked, thal he wins all wbo conn into contact with bim." The vern ruble ami clever Plsnobd, SOBCecaiBg whose work n may afily bo saitl that there 1. not a nitflit in tbe yt ar lg which one of his pieces 1* not phage l lasosse theotra ta Orent Britain, ba, un amae* inR ineiuorv stored with interc_tin_* nnd rosaarkahle tbln_n. Ile astonished s dinner-party one* hv de¬ claring that be recollected when bo "was at the illumination* fir Ibo peace in 1& >2," be having ac¬ tually a-si .led at tho rejoicings, bold up in Ins nurse's arms. Vieiei Dago has looked ag in his **a_e not only bin two MS, 'li.'Unas, " Les Jumeaux ¦ and " Tonnie- madH." but tho following ahished and anpob- lishiil Works, s un? of which will soon be given to ti » world : " La Qi and* Mire,'' " L/EpeV ** Peuteiri! Frhre de Oavroche '': :t fairy pice in which the Howers and trees speak, "Li l'met ?iioiiill6e "j '' Les Quailes Tenta do 1'. split." "i onie a Lyre," ' Le* Colena Just: s," " Lea kundi neates,*' and a philosophical work, " l___ai cPExpb- Cition." Har,ui Tbellmsnn, the yoong gentleman who bas just Leen mada Secretary of the C». r- mau Babaasy la Paris, is an unnanall*. clever youth. H.* is the author m some excel- lent books of nave) in the Cancasna aad Cen¬ tral .Ninene.i, and is tine scholai. with a it-iimil:- iihi.- knowledge of the tonguea de, I and living. Be fooght throagh tho Franco-Prussian wai, a: tiniriusheil himself at Bedan by a strange lest.the writing in Bindostanee on the held ol battle "t <i vivid ac -''dint ot napoleon's surrender. The letter, which fell in ttl the bands of the French, prodnt ed a float sensation, particularly as it vxa* said to have et n the ut" I, a o _an_on soldier. Loitdok, larch L'i..Queen Victoria and Prln- BB - Beal ice will leave Windsor to-morrow for Qoimany. rht frown Princess Victoria, the wife of Ph nee Fr li ra< b William ol Germany, will "flail In Apr'k' Prince William, tin- eldest sim of the Crown Prince ot (_er_aany, arrived in Bnglsud to-day on a visit to Princess Auguste Victoria, bia betrothed, who l* visiting Prince Christian, bel tn' ie. _ musical no: fdr. .Tt'seiVy and Carlberg's O.rebestrs will i mt i rt ai Madison unday i vt ni - Mr. S. B. Mills and Mr. Max Pinner will play s Mozart Oin irt» for two piano* witli the Tnoi ctn-tia. ar Mt. I Ball oil Set il 12. 'lie report thal " riche Davenport ba., gr. u!. i ni.- tra.th't.'il. si bas lefl abmi i gomg nbroad, to slug ai Napl nd Milan. nd C t;i;i innii, as Isted by distinguished it art lor tba beat Si el tba lc,lentil ai 1 goad, at Steinway Ball, a up. ol ... H.. lil lb sci tv. Instead of sn operati n on '1 I'l I'la." Mr. Mapleton Will _i\ a pi if-iftir Ku..* ilil'.. '. .- IV 8 lni*t t I eonoei1 . .-. lr ns tt week the iiiiniiiit. in- -. nf Destiny," " La Faiorita.'' " vi..-1- a," mill " '('in- Ilii.-'i-1 ids." J TE-MOBTEM EPITAPHS. I I'iAl'I 'ih.!. l-l Vi - MAX. Loni, nu¦,-'- nii;nit Congressman ll tb tbe clover ; lt .rs was *ii very ui li vj bael .: -1 hAMP. i. i" for Pity's »k* i lankii d to .hare oaa nt care ll ls part be lost, m fatal sb tn | wealth, And c., ii ni..* t Nm . rae. Bot rn ihe cini aa much ol us a B008IEB POU1 This si.'b couceroa a state of great r.ii-;'eiis.. For ll i n.e. He waxed ambitious ss he gre* In Denni :* large, to match li is ears. Anti by n -'lin ti' . '. Ketti; tbe -i..x jink ii lenee grew - alfons, <*uite: tnil to Til tan's kite, nin* were ol neutral typo a lilli nt the -"its .Lie r ripe: n. -*oor 'i rain, i. ::ll "i him i-lii'iim i, n devil's, halt, a aug l's due. GENEBAL Tbe English Shepherd's Fold is a boa: ¦ellis- .. i. m.d nie i»ii *i. pberdlaMli tv \ af four) d was round In ai Stoled iml maessible frota thee., eds of slow Stan scitoUr. tn iiy stnrved ro t ic boya, ii vms la a very pre. a i vt as remanded f r a ,.i -. " ber own reeocaiasnee tb. iii' -" toward i E. C. Palmer, ihe president of Hie I . _u_i** >v i. -1r»-ri. -.-._ tn bardIsB-t foi tbrer .'etii iles Nexv-Ynrtter v.;.. tor inncy y__ir- xx.i- eoi.s. lui-.-in.iiiM * in tblscUy. Ile wa* tiie souef a psrtssi tn tao bOUse Ol Joseph Yt lld ,'. gaalere ta oarpete, sod throacfethai aonaeetlos as be¬ gs .i .:.'.. li fa, Ol drto '. i.'i" i.'ivaiif is with whick i in- is the owner ol thies sugar blasts- ¦vi I liv Of h-S -.fill. Iii ls SI'-.it li.tixv Iii bu friend*; int eonneetlons, of wliniu Le liah a Dumber lo Brooklyn a:.d Rew-Tork. ffentern tayan arr. warned by n cone- spoudeiii fan loxa .1 "irnal agstnal dealing with tirr¬ ell int* in N*"' -Tori City lbs ¦ legation runs that ¦tanagers sal be smote, here os charges widen woaAd be ron.-i'ii " 1 ii.xMiniis in any other Stats| that th" gOdgee aa tba Lench are SM very bsd lol," who grui orders of ..nest on ex narie muli nc i.t* ; that many g«« Ynrli uni. bi nts employ lu linn '--LiMisiiincnts ill) .ff.luv.i clerk, iri¦'.'*.. liusiiiess it ia to work op doca- b_.ui* whereby coatomera In arrears tn tbelr aeeonnu Ssa Se arrestad j that Western nercbanSi are thrown 1, ..- SrrenI Juli nil 11 Hill)-. fl-'.ll' e ,a- _. lil.,! lani;.it*' i.n it- f t OlOnthl OB an eli ".-.Hi,.ly low diet ot m%t iii.e. before they can gel ont. Tbe moral ls aol poi ii'.-'I, uni i* p: iitiiitil v iii*: VV.-ii rn bogers should Bct_o beyond Bu Lui** ur Cklcaeowheu meir stock rir.it tem, In the coarse of ¦ speech recently delivered lu ttf Oat aaa Ba rihalag, Bsi r ii- b< n i io etme start- lin, StaesMI ms x.lilf.1 co tarts absW Iii.il the _'ru»_lau mom** sysii-m la aao-sllsC apoa ike Boastos pattern Qm__m iiHiiit-s anJ date., ibo orator ailed a rasa In vk-chadotnl . i itt feed asea paid to the wife of a yoi ll! ca I edle it (J lt) the B-O-SlUg. '.vlieii .lie WM Still lu i. ni ,,mI bees aoa_igelled .> Hm polios eflosr, wbo rottxil h-r fruin her slumber*, t" fi t ag aad Sri self 'o ni- iga sasses, easther ease ol ai eves more ta- vo'l'.ii-t nature vtjs that of » lag, ei.y BlZtSea year*) old, wio iiaii bees mt ceil inn. h poUos ni' '. mid taara i>h<-<i . .:l. besi i-mt eiKitr* iuit:l im tongue waa looseseCwheti lie wa* Huide te-i to aTriendly lut*t rneaiion with respeet . j.:,ei- in x>. i.,cit hts father, a proser!bed Boelaliat, wa* ...mci inetl, snd, In fact, wan tricked lulo ileiiouucin, blttowii Hi .. ..au flood. One of tin' latest bulletins of the Nihilist rid mire Cuasi-rtl ie* was S-Mieasort to the cm text nc ii. .. IV. iii iin.ii'i." .t le.nl, " the atitlu ditloii of the ('nar; a Cenxtititti": al Usvsraaasatl ihe immediate timmi*, al .if thy fath. i'* era .lure- find lisunmeti from all the htate, military aad <a arl einployineut*. lind tiie ia lcn.se of all nb" bavi been t'-iiiKinni to HSasta lei othae tass aom- mon erinn**). * Tuen thou Hud Kurisia will have peace." Tbe R'l-dHi) aaaiaaatal stsassa an- bsessimg ereatiy exeited M«i.ii.at toe etlncated. As duturbao'-cs il!i^eio,i __CHUi»t ibe mudentii and Klbtllit* are mtpreliendi ., the .WeUtor is receiving many Mien anil deputations of¬ fering suvtiort to fltntroy the Nihlltsi*. lie I*, bs Int linea to jrrant ceitaln relas*tionit to non-Niiillis's. ¦nd be bas asked tde depuiatou. rrarssenttaa dlr. ferutil rl.o-H' I ot Lib*bllaul_ U> .ui'port him in the dilll cult ta-k or pacifying eooiei.v. Rs rsgoeotsd reprc tentative* of tbe press to d«!end the .BOSS of order, and ssid i " (-fiiilnnien, overy liberty will he _iau._U lo good SUbJ-dU. but had ones aretfoaiued." Duiing the recent debate in the French Hen- ate on Article Seven of tbs I.uu_s»ttou Law, Miui*t«i Ferry eave a _um_ary ol the work«, especially hl*to-l cai lixiks, put into the hands of Ute Jtrnlt pupils. Ho eitel tbe writings of PSre Conrval, who .'Himniteil" the ..II.*tery or Franoe," of rSrs Lorlqaet, and the works of F*e Oaseau, wbo Imitated r4ro Courvsl. The sehiM.l |D,p<-C-Ors bau foo nd tbeea books distributed every- -bere as standard clastdcsl works. 'I bey attacked the Revolution ana glorified the revocation of toe Edict of NunU-H* they calii-oniatad Necker and Tnrgoti they i-ejecte- tbe principle ot the national soverelrnty | they tan_bt tbat Francs was besten tn tbe lats war be- (.aiw. sue bsd deserted tbe Pope. In short, tbey outrace-eveiytblif tbat K.-u-**. loved aad re- svecl-id, cv.iytbing she adrulred, and cvcryiblng tliat cou'titnu'd her n ttionul greatne**. Tbs kllnisier *rgMe.l ? bal tbe stingifle w_*not, a* 'u<* Bira<_l Ulle-fed, Ih- tween Cstnoliclsm and tho <,;publi., bul between ibe tai *i .iii and the theocratic es*_rtt,*setweea Itttifljllshaa uni Hie Kevoiuiiiiii. He eonotaded by appealing te the llmise to wrest tie-soul of the rl-foc jr li.tati'in Iroin tba hangs of tbe desplsera of modern awelety and polit¬ ical ali cl social or ler. rVBLIC OPINION. The third-tenners aro beginning to lose their ti,.. sn.| .,..,. ,,,..,, 0( u falling ( hui ,.[Chicago lt;l>- inie (Rep.) If Tilden "see-tree" the nomination it is va ty i.ke y xx.-'.: t ike othes.ls.- [Vicksburg 1 H.. .ci Aro the people of the United "States justified in trampling un i. r fool ons ol Ui" safeguards of ilie rs- i utiiie. for any advantage of snob doubtfal expediency a* itu- eli etina ol Oem ia! Grant l- [Rochester Di ra kihi Chrome] (Rep.) There ia really no better missionary ground for tbi ersnaelsol rtldenisin mun tbe city of Oswego, uml ws bops tbs Hi .it I illumine.' wni consider thia In ti .Ihk on tiie place for holding tbs convention.- |Oswcgo Pal elillln (I) ll,) ir MIOH I 00 OFT v.. m j hr linnim. I (.'omi/i-rci-l. When a buy take, up ii rusty old pistol or ig i'lla- sud ss] -: " i don't believe it ts leaded," and ooinu lt at somebody, lo nine eases ont ol isa il i'-n't ina'', ti. nm ii i* tbs tem ii Hue.we hem about, and tli.it U tbe -pi'iimi'iit thut costa. Bo lt iswlth tba polloy of Introducing a atrai ge Iden anneeestarlly Into earl v- politle*. H might possibly turn oai thal tba third u rm nu . i-n't i.i.tii. ii; t: ai the people don't mind lt i.m suppose they do. Bopposs it Involves a iossol 10< e\-i'ii 5 uer sent "t tbe lt -j..lill' 'im vide. Where xviii tbe ¦¦aili be la tee next Cougresa 1 rbe repulse wooid be disastrous and well nig- fatal. Ii it vxi*. to take tbe risk I ENFORCING iii. U_.IT RUL__. J-rum The Troy Tttive /.<*>¦ The Utica Convention waa n Slate Conven- ti i in ini|i.uni delegates lo reprvat ni tbe Biaie (.ml not distrle i*) at tbe National Convention. Ii bad .hi to instinct Its iiel-i.-.i'e* lo nursae » and defined policy al Tin- National Cnnvenrton. rae .it * it . .ap iwer al to go o Obteago and eel tor tee l.eiillliiic lt.* it N("A-York Will -jr se nt. li ,.l Coll VS ami i.i titi h .nv or m. ai Isstlnii nu der lbs son. Pbej tppolnt-d by lt, nod bj no other body. They oatt accepted their trust, sad good tal tb and honor, as well a* political intti-ntx mil on .y .'tlli'n'Li'.v in orgs Hoi d iinuid I bal tl --¦ up io Ibu lc ter ol t .. r 1..-inn nous n* handed down to them hv tbe Uonvt allon ctn ibo re it I) il life, I would become political pariahs should Ikey punna any 'in"'. _ AN INKERESCR. li lehengton Oteutteh te Teni rer. "There will be no dari, horse allowed to i -ix ri. lon," - i " B i' il >l ' '- rn- -o ago; :n'I le* i ii h- addi .: " I eonsid r .il the Presidential in Iel nea." I'bis statement, wheo pu»P'*r;y analyzed, 'fion in purr'!, b r-tise il rentislly, to \ tm li ii-t.ii.iii d dr mi u i.n- tin- ii u nisi lun d an dark Grant, bin ti ind * it rn a. ¦¦-. [.VANIA BTU- INO. tn,i-< Thi Phil lat Suv,ler Connty has followed the example of i ... ,-i i iu ia. linns of tbe R 'publl eau Ht ute Co I qm ation io tin Republican votei -. and ii . il! lie iu M ty 1".. afwhicli x- ill li.- i bul 'i t ie- ill will !"¦ veutton ;.(il a ii* lu i ber the dele- peopie 1* an- t.i. matter._ WIS U.i: WEATHER IA .. I/.' ff. OLD AND BLUSTERING GALE. ill If.ti (L..*li i.i A WINDY MV -I 'I'll' lill IM 1HI1 %,'1'L!1 MI'tiK IL':"' i.ii.-l ntl C UJCTKl The cold hlnstering March wind that blew t ii1 eui t) .. stn -i-i ni v caused mui b dlscomforl t" those who wi rs oropelled to Ol i! i I-. .'.' , . ,.,. ni-' l.tj ll! ibi . ii. fol- lexi-* i 7 ..m..-.'0: 11:12 a. m., ill0; 1:30 p. ¦ *. Tbe ti mpt rature ts g in . Fall mntry, 11'pt at New* Ided f til in temper il ri di I at 8 p, tn. yeaterday. Al ; i.n f.i.i. n .'Li5; nt Baltimore, -7°; Poi t Huron, Mich ._7°; .t .'l 1 "-1.-.I. 18°. In fiis city the foll '. mrs was 21S. At ti p. m. Ibe Mud was t with it velocity of twenty-flve miles an h. ur tbe af tiiiii'ni tin lieut twenty-nine p. m. h waa thirty-two. Itu Bnatport, Me., tbe ..-.* fnrty-«i- miles) In Boil otnel idee, Mn.h., thirty-four: In t :.ntl Li Bi Pani, Minn., t went v-f.uir. i I evening the wind seemed t luoreaeeia ri :nni lt was bitterly sold. Peopli atres wer. suri>rtri"1 to fi:al ti.ut t'.«- xw_i! uneomltortsbls tt-,u it waa when thee l... I (In lr home.. Th» »trc«r* xrtrn deserted, ex-mpt by on mal ped strtaa, whs wsa *ra_ottad shoat n_oat aa* illly by a biting edi wluil. Such psfssaa u* found themselves away from limn* fled to thai | du. t um! dirt. The gule tossed tiie bay toto bugs waves, atni the tarry boals had lr trijis regul arl*., Aloagthe docks the OptalOS prevailed that Hit. wiud- storm would result lu disasters to shipping, A largs tres on Houaion-sS., batweea Mulberr] sts., was blown down last evening, snd nsrrewly I crashing a passing street Tbe storm whlcbpassed to tno northward yestrrrtnv waseestrslla tke Lower Lake region on Tuesday, lt i::nveu In an eastward dlreettoa. snd lats In the sftrr- noon wns oeittirti on the oi<mi or Milne. Light ssow fell rn kiie __o»n-r Lake ri glon aad rbe ortbers parts ol :' t-l.iisi-ii 1. butslsawhersdesr or fair gi ii'-ia: v j.r. rslli 1 High norths esl wind* folio* » rack of tbe stoma oeatr*. and cautlonar] arr ff -:,..rn ilgnals were discharged iil"Lg th. Atlantic N .rtl: (' irotlri At the iiftlce-tof th<- Weetara 1'nlon, Atisntie stitt I'n- oillo iiini An. lt.,ii Union Telegraph Companies eonud . .iiiii>'ii tiie »x.in_rlii_ of lu- wiies wus re,-"i lsd lust m,ht. At tbs Amerle 'ii i. n on *u» inuit _)¦ .in li ulm -tl of. Delays of four oi liv.- riminte*, lt «_* said. Wonld oe.ur, i. cotitiectiuu cou d bo Bit ali. e*i_t>llnli, U. A lui,.*. ..n m.ii of t'u.iii.M* t.js being dons lu spits ol i susoyaaea of tba wind. Ne xvire* weis rs- oaiteii down. It wa* was e«|.lulim.! thal tbsaaalaeat* i*nr of air ..tm loo high, Ol expeodsd il* , esl force nt a-.i alevstlOU loo trreat to u.iusc de.tructli n Ul tl .. U_«_ratih linea. KefUJ" tunis lert lu tile STt-et ly.r Tl! i'll' over and their e. itents scattered, signs not properly were detaoued from t'.eir r^t ;ixx n ncs wer« rent by im lon a of th-: guln. < OLD WD-M AND hm. WI.. NSW ENQLANP. BOSTON, March 21.. The Ciiiii'iaiiittYi ly nulli wt it.'it-r ih.it hu* iTt-v.iiiii her.- dauiag the present. mimili uh* apoeeeded thia aftsrnooa by s gena north we*ttii ly wind and a gnnlujil change In tbe temperature, the th^rniometer falling several digiei* urti r H D*Sloe*_. Tim gala w,s very severn and Muna sllgbl tia'n»_e ls n-norioti In t'. conn irv. i de weather lo-ntght li qm'" cold. Dil pstebei from points In New-Hsmpsblre, Maine and Ver¬ mont report tbe prevalent, nf a besvv g__s. with con¬ siderable snow. _ PODRTEBN INC'HKfl til'(-NOW. DgRBT -INB, Vi., Mnreh 21..A heavy snoiv hi.ii in ssl ni ln*t evening | fl'ieen Inch** h«ve already tall ii,and ll 1* killi __MWtag. A stroug Wlad ls blowing- MIDMORI WRATH Ell REPORT. (iOVri_N.\li;\ I INDICATIONS. gyntptie 'ur the patt U hoare, WasNINOTON, (larch 20, li. m..The ptorin Issi night, esotrsl lu Northera Nsw-Tork, bsi moved with great ssaggy nan easterly track, sad i* now ssa iml on tin- io_-t ot Nova He 'tin nigh north wael wind* have prevailed in the Lower Lalo rec-on, Middle H'ntr* ami Hew-Bagtand. ii'xht sim*'has r,iieii ta tho Laka rectos, Nsw-Tork nnd New-Caatano, mid ncraslenal light ratasta laeNorthwaat. The temperatare io** rises vi. si ,,r tbs misoisslppi Hirer sad in itu* Upper Lake region; elsewhere bas tal un Boatbeasterly windi pre vhIi weat of tba Hiaaiaalppl River sad la tie-.'*,>., er Lako rcgiou. liul'.et'i'int. For.*. * England, colder clearing weather, northwest to northeast wimi., bigber barometer. 1 or the Middle A'lautle States, rle.tr or lui riv cloudy weather, cold northwest .eerlog to warmer aouttiesst wlada, rising foUowed bj following bsroaaater. '«ti(w»n,,i/ Signal*. r»itiioiiarv s.,iiii!*eoiii|niie fioin Smithville te Nor- f- k, lind cautionary oh ikoca ngmit* coutiuue fi om liaitllliort tu Kasip.rt. TBIBlINt-. 1/iCAl, OH^I-t.VATIOV- Tl'li||--i-*> Hi' Ss."-"" »:T*r.»ii_». in isl. rli> tr Uni*, .f itt. SM. iLflwiOTi: illLll-llie illTUi.n. *l om. tar Hi. M i>( .,, ¦ni«-I»* nuissii-t llrflrr. _t.i»i *:.lt« Us. i-.r».*i.r. ISsMSilllllM ly lb* m.nci ry Jurist (b**» Usuri. ls* _ro_» ii ir ecttti Sss stssasiaa itr ._-.st-.iii :.¦¦":- ¦'. te iaslc>ii<ay lastaatmamattttAamil ».l'if»»r__-_) ii._lr*W»_). TkiBtiita OFflCR. March _:_., 1 a. m..Tho barometer roso r-pldly yesienlay isratag, mnl during Lott half of tbe day tbs uiovenicat wus anaerslly upward. Partly rloiidy wea'Ser was followed curly lu Hie iluy Ly 11, .u _n_ lair weather Ifij_h nnrthw-t mid WistBl ll winds it. vatted during a great part of the day. The tearasra* tan lacgeil lieiaeeu 1 !>'' .inti 3D', the aversgl (JW***! Iielug 9V lower tli*)i on the sumo dny lust year, ami 14V lower tlisn en Tneadav. tooler and deal or pn'ly cloudy weather, possibly followed isre In the dey 1'V lneres«in_r r load me m. may Pt esseeted la this city aud TlctnUy to-da-*. FINK A KT. *> _KK3__-TT OF AMERICAN ARTISTS. TllIIiD ANNUAL kXHIBlTlOX. f.*e. mid not lire.J 8inco the opening of the exlii-iition, some chants"*! tiave been made In tba bunging of the i*n-:nr---. and a second edition of Um eobi rateai ead Mt.eleni ilttle c.'i'iiioi.'iii-hus b'cn nuhll.'ihed. We r. tc nl*o the arrival of ti picture hy Mr. Jonti h. S,r_ent, n portrait or tia urti, t Ciro:as Durum Mr. Sargent is a uiembor of tin tja idst j. living iu Parts, btu well knows hera t>r nie (¦milly rata, r than by tho quantity of tin. pta!Brea he bBSSSat tooanr borne exhibition* I.vcrv lo vcr of pic¬ tures wbo saw Mr. ."argoni'i " Fishing for Oyit-"rs at Cancale" in the flr*t exhibition of the 8 clrty, or hi* " Nt ii'olltnii Children " 1 ti last year's SSMMtMB af tl I Nsttoaal Academy, will rssasatbsr tte nrtist'- name as tbat of one whoas work asat a thrill of pteesars to thc in art hy its freahnsaa and tbe Virginal sympathy tl Showed With the beauty of naturi." lt seemed a part of j ii \ mi* ¦patag," Here l* a pat flue maaea of a more iimiure am] rigorous sort, bet revealing tba isms enaltt- iiiat other. One moat not apeak of the eahjeot ola por¬ trait, bul -" niue., univ lu sllOWSd Io sax' thal ll Ile lal kl word "vui, ar" rises lo tba tips, ICU aol Mr. Sargent win. provokes lt. Nothing th il the ani*t aaa ecol ii"ii"' h i. loiore xx lil h ive intro laced him - !" his country men a* tnt* portrait, s wort vi inch must eoge admiration sod from wbicb _rlttcl_m < it it would. l;ui Iel na 'li'-t l""k ni the work ol Mr. William M. the in- Ideal >r lie- Society,snd xt)io bal lai'ii -.1 -.me iii* tall duty to the exhibition, sending ti" less tti.it! eh xi:, ptetares 5 smung them, three dr four of lbs tno.*t striking. Ot these eleven pictures it I* tbe 1'... anni ..11. ml Janies Wall Hebb (No _*7) thal v, ii have th.* strongest attraction for the psblle. The subj "I ol iii- ii .1 largs ih'air covered wiih n iktn. He *it* something itdewsys, with tbe left leg thrown over tbe right, (be bead supported fm tbe richi h.nd. wm!, with tbe tefl band be loosely grsspa tho end or tba ci'itir,hui, plsylugwiib lt,snd partly !. rn in ile- snit tar. 'I lilian- black Of the -llti-ianil .1 ItlSell '.x .il: ItllorB* Il"ll nf linen, a'nl a quit t lllut Ol WStctl "il t ll. EVOB til" im ii made 11 ting s bis leal we should be tempted n> lo 1 man abo sin t;jt 'ii n. Mr. Chase 1* a nor dot . 1. 1 mg for lack ol a sr name," the ton .." ni. pictures have neither color ino tone, ).> choose snottier word from then imi know if he can lie nseli |n the search nf'- U is tod 1 than whs he bas or what be 1*. And yet, in spite 1.11 ii, in liises ui'iii, sn "¦. li be b longs distinct f to s scbool, snd f..raii m.* much- ty, !¦¦ 1. Nsentlslti a rn mi . killi *;¦¦ I ll' lil- IIXX ll X oil e fl.-1. ll ll ,1 great desi o' fat illly, and a *i.iii in bundling his lal mcD a- xxa 11! home n used to, ti mi in-I lix of us ss if it were bu snd Instead of 1 '.'1 1' ...IllBI'lt ia ne kill, not, ot course, wltb Bayview to I, n content x h ttl of tho nii tn- portrait "f ti neral Wi bb be li ll li:* lill ..1.1-1 1- id dealing simple, . Hi r.-, tn too lundi portrait tbci charm than U rs ts In s steam-engius. Art m nt Intcrp ii', af nature.tier m_Joety. hoi If J na xxii. .,., in r, 1.11 d nate And now tnst . I pla I "ii tOO mUSl li ree. xx it. beauly, or Ai 1 asBaot ksoa ho tn tie,, -ab m-r. are vvlo taslsl tl.al Iteam euglE 1 B -.ire hs iniK.'i *.n.ji* i* /.ii poetry as na! les, snd plsreti 1i.exvnr.1lw.il acknowledge lt «. post i" mea wi a a ia prove :t bi tn* x painter who asa Mew it in iii* purtora. | -. ... .1 il un un n nail xx iiiie 11. ..nd 1, . ,-.ur.-*, 'mil*, snit but pietnreadeligbttal to i_.._ at tn themaslTes pto tores ta wtdeb the ebann thal * world flow to yost 11:1.1 y SSW fol * nalui-lly mid a* Lrrss-Stlngly aa tue *ap flaw* in tho tr.-_ bi Um Ul ol ....t ii 11 wneri.it tte*.wtn-t'i. r it ti* iii ti.- color, Um ii ,, tue Fens., of ufo, tho traill if pt.Kp_.nii 1 all wa know ls lh_i' It ls not In IBs for what eas bs more unlike than tba ityls of Veias f Ba| Vi' in ant] es aa them -"iii"- ii- Tbs now li 11 ats trying to Dud sud no ona 11 .'. i;ii-r!iii ml wltboul ii. but Mr. Gaas_*a portrait ol .sab will sss eos* rert tba lsrers ol poetry ts tbs Ihnoij -fsssksswt* thrsapeet '. I 1 tsars Dib eraftssBss's skin, ,di ni's learning; tba ¦oholar's maatery lo stating in* r but ibo arttsl . nethiugInto the eti|i that I* not found herr. 80 soon ss Mr rr* ),'« prop rf!'! mid aaaayi color, we find su.-h deplorable re- I la hi* 'i Mo. 00. Here til* Lr-.- ., BIM Lu" ol borough ls parodied in a "Bod I-.11I3." ead bo doubt tbs artist iiiitixvB bli u. uui rlarnrnnaa '. rough, whet tu r or aol hsfl_sioaatretod v. :,,»i bli ptotur, .* |._iDU-d to prwvs sately, tbat blas a aa .ertstiily tletuoii.tr.iteil flint hs WSS B pOBt Bl hi, bni*li, iiuil, sunn rn SOtd, mads hi* "Illa- ii..> " ,: I.Kht to the e>o. Mi. C_*..'( "Ked I.4dy' ls a Uc'lgui If to thr fyi! our ts fi 11,lin! 'i i , mucti tibfinf Art,"Sild Louis XVI. te Mad "but you lunj.e m-lov. it." "Pleat" nf pot ., ben." ¦aid M .i.dx'.itf lum. .* trietarra, "but pre -teas nine estating." Mi Obaa * twa .- oj ,],.;,1 Alt, inn bc il"'") BOt li.uk. BB loco ll. Le only make, us rest oar Uraoraaaa of lt. Mrtthnlra. And in aoaaassa with tin. real of the of tba mw Behool, these pictures plaase tbemselraa with tue eiir,*i".antin "1 tlmt fh"re is "iileiity of paiOtlOg here, hut nu pi'i-tr.," Hie prslsa with xvhicii tbs Mstassnicrs and Qsromas mo content, and, strong in which, they look down oti tim Turners uno" tba MUlStS, tbs fjorotl nnd th Maa Bart another faull wa lad shh tha "Cd Lady" ia UM affectation that pervades i lush of thia uoai pretentious canvas Ifs pa** avat the bsrmlt * laaolty ol Hie e liit-nf anuri In lli« c'lrti-r. tbSUgb, In tru'li, tim plcturi vviiiiiii not im urti, eompteta wltbsut tim j..mt -if iidiniraiioti. Itul. wiiiit c. u tl io,th been lu tho urit*..'. mimi abes ss .. [ bia model tn saab nn attitude, so stral oed, so mi¬ nni ural, so surgestlve, not of thu lad**, not of lbs woman of tho world, lint of the vanetr BOt TOSS t lying to play a high-comedy part I Hu bent vi., lou.h upon thc Vino of the tn-xv clomi- 1 Tire not roiitlnetl lo Its dil I- jiir* si iitiiii'', hut sa psteal abrosd.ttsi leva sf lensa rion, of dlaplsy, tb iii*iiii*t ot sersalty and rspsss, Dow lilli I) to tlle*e elixir. si kited, alert fO__g lalt'lit tha stralgbtfttrward nropltolty of a pietur. liku Trtlan's " Bella" or Bslbeta'a " Aaaerbaaa." It was noi rn es h .ry fm Qa-Bs oroag- 11 pol a sss! of-arma ta tin- oor- ner of als portrait of las Ducie** of Devonshire to prove ber lilia. Perfeet love linois of tasting, sn sit eonsuas- raatata tts stall xml aasatsrly tn its simplleity, were uni:.-ii in ihe jd.'turn of tiie neut beautiful womaa ol bar lime. " The f-lin «t garde, ii, i,«r lo, 1,-., Ami iu ber nun.I tho wisest boss's** But who tiwiay is content willi *ttch rallaBO, ob frank- ne** ittul serenity I Thc.* qualities do not milt our noisy, S-H as*.-i tlio; time. The oilier pictures hero hy Mr. Obssa do not mil tut l-rliiiilar rirmark. We mud Woads* why sumo or fin tn wen i'Xiliilt.d. Tl.riiitriitr," No. Al, I. mg in ,-,,..- posltioa and i-o'd tn color, with no reason for betas, timi we eui discover. We call this a diagram of s .voiiiib; lady, BOtB picture. Ami tliesr stone wall* In "Or nf tin- Way," No. Ill Wael fla Hi-'* signifr t They mr not lataiaaUaglr patatofl, aafl csrtamiy tbey »re sesiater- estlllg ut theuiselve*. ls tbe poo! ti Moo, tlifct (.ntIn is uiiiler thr door Inteiid-d fur a tracie aB_fSSS__-_l t Hue I) Dun'.¦B-0aplsesawtrsasdlBgs soggesi aothtag more tragic than that a bunill.** sluugbler of calves ot Sheaf ls going on wl'liin. -if far as te hides are com erned, lt cm only b con II- ere*l fm inn ile iliat a mun so aeesaapUlhed ami so napa bis sf tosptrtageBlBnalssss as Mr. Chsas, li so rtasv* iiutly rngsaeil ,4 be U in teHrlilnn lils art to our yiiuag [teople. Por ourselvai we thmot expect that the ln*iiuc- ttaO In art that I* lielng giren to-day In the maur schools -thIi ishsil among us. In Huston, In New-York, I'nli,- delplutt, L'hli'i_o, C'.n. ilin.ifl, I 1, is going to fliM'l the country wiih artisl*. We expect it 1,0 mure Illili) WOS» __M lb* school* of ilt-ft.rsTive url so pi in¬ fuse!) sown to dsv are to nuke tm* iircoriitive srtbsts asasaasa. Unas far sss sae efl tfeess msth fliMtraiteafda nu* li.iv.ti 11* ."tx leflsau ab.'ie urouiet -not our d live talnlit tia* I '-. n ilt-re...|«- I. Two or gSTSS Won.-i working ludip-ndnt of taSUSI I '*. 'I I il."', Mr*. fflMSlar. Mis* Dixw.dl, lu.'. fal rlflll experlil,ellis. Slid lill 'I i'l! dil* well, or belter; kati after all, 1.¦ benet] derived (rum lhc»e SSSSOlsot ari si Hon will be thc fun.illari! tig of a great roany people In n half-practical, liulf-tbeorctlc.ii wuy willi art priest plat, -o iii .t Li the c..iir*e irT time we -hill have a puhllc tioined to some oh-orvatlon in the-« matters, and not quite so en-lly bsmBSOStSfl a* our own. A pasb)ug ihi.ri.linn who Ins di.ttOMdrated his Incapacity as a sealptse by setting up a tlulkiu d.iudyprat as thc ettgy sf a respectable Amertosa poet, aad n blatsnt hen af a dime lov.i1 as thu imago of one af the I bmib In ont tasia anny amil s msn. In lbs tood tims possibly coining, would have moro iliffleulty t. .a ho hu* ue__v in psraasdtag adneated, uiteillg.nt ni ri'hiui's ia tho Ural city lu tbe Union of kia fitne_. to flealga atstoes of ear greatest men for our ciilef bu .'ne.** Street If ever the taaohtngl of our art-schools shall make tho people of edintatton and letliieineiit In our KOtlet.', alive to tho discomfort a* weil as tba dlaarsdlt of Baaing sack warka of art us ..dorn Hie most of our ¦qaarea Bad pablla buildings, the] vx ii! hare accompltsbefl a work of biak impartaBsa. Posterity will eertata v wonder how n ctyof istsaaosl Intelligence Uko Mew*Yack could ever have stosfl qtOetly hy while statues like those afSeward, lafayette, .Morse, Hail'ck. Custer, timi BootiWen hoisted lo their lina--. Me have a reasonable hope that tba lehools of Art now growing up into vigorous ll ¦. among na will mob dolngi difficult, if aol Impossible in tue linnie. 11 '. dir' cl frsita nf some of 'lit* teaching sra shown re In plc I urei by the pupili Ol the 1 il- Mr. Hunt and Mist Iv -ih W. Whitman, pupils of Hunt.1 Miss I' r. Wheeler, a ii liol Mi. riinsr.send pictures cualleiigln**ari.1 a, rarloui imaller Plec-i leatti red ver tbe walls rn* of r'am I.* ier ma MISS Baitol'l " .Motlier and (.nhl," Mo. .VJ. 'ann. t tie (i.itel ir ii independent xxni-k, li muai be looked a' .I comuleredss to all Intents snd purposei a pi tine Mr. Hun:, lt I* xi ure, ii work ext culed under tbe di 'in* it tnat master, following latta* i¦, in* po .--. bli in or ii ni. .SUltS, nial 11 fl cl f di h a h ige -h ne nf ni- exoelii aciei one nf in to x'i rh h. m i- ti oe* ilif vii v signature of tbe master himself finds tlr-ell ifflxed, sstf lil -X ln| i sim .-. in ni n's mindi al I late 'lure. We coi ta in ly shu il not ny ol Mihi ¦-1 ii un- iii. t " it might lie a n.i niiii,'" <m uni''! .''. li ii \ ryg.I n il.,timi of Hunt's ii ii" pici ure, All ¦¦. all tbe rubs bs ',' i i. I. ''. ii I i'I. li" tliUg i- vi a. ¦: lint, it I* t" i" fcart lime, I.-', lug to lie vei x il illtj iud self-n inn- ih.i' hara brougbl the Bl Mist I limit' direct a we do in t liam ii ii nc inf... rre to pi nye, ...it ii ul x. n illly, -ir.- filial ; ' [Mr. Hunt's te u ii ug li bi en t ta develop l! Xiii' lo- pu¬ pil oom? disc -dented, bm tn evolve i tribe ol loni itors 't-t.du make it seem Ifo¬ uld everts I'd'. In Hie .I far the r ngth nv11ti xx niel, she has t"i tench- er'* ioi nettling Individual uiighi ii \ a mn- t. <>k tut independent pslb, bow could he help til bel I ar pr. -flit x .. d uni iiBt-r " hmii* the child I li ii.ili-iiuui .1 I.. i.-I.nd i*ii» heavy a* be sushi m bet the mt lum Ik-nil mi I lim, mid Ilial nf Li- child ll |t_-i IS liol bair, the flesh bi ik, for ibe li i* tii'iif j: 3 i-r "Po ir lt " Ri Wnlt- i.i m. .* .I.-..X.I lo I.U) ed 'lal th lt tba ll UTI lin r"«ults of In* methods, lim t.'.ut eoiii-.-in* lin' t) *L' SrtlSt of Ute. ot a I -ii nf ii at tildie person- nliiy Hi*. : '¦¦¦ ol ami f tbe - of ti.o drawina. Tha tiuu, hu* hundred raul te, nt, 1 xt. i' ut. no li,'eniloii . prove them heal Irs. a (lo trn tl rbi im do ll I, -i t-oiii- ol ead _r_ti| " lea OBI TUA ET. CHU Fl ' EB II .i.v I LL, 1*. S. X. lian, ni Kewell, U. 8.1 mee al tbs N_xx , icu to t'l I'llli .nie. phiu, iticnded by a Lbs F imouth tun'.i I. ll..Ul \i n,- h. iii" Bi p i >'-. i Ni .'.. ll .(' ...ii, it:\it nt Peon* ia, iii ii stared tbs Wavy as a Third Issistaot-Ea gtnear tn 1048 tot neal isrfsd uadai ike i .-i burve* ioBi 1 to log hit ,.,,i,,., M|.n ol -. .-"ii er. I'i l*.'l, be waaaftaobed to (be Vtxeu, of Ibt ll- n. u-il . ll. -i-. !\. ,! IO 1-.MI, uml uiii r several rear* of duti with un Dome Squadron, ho t._. itti in I, In 18-8. lotbe Fulton, then enraged oa th. Psragaay expedition. He beeams 4 Iel l.n,iu.-er lu iud during tbs war bs iaw eonstder mi IBS Fowl Hew Ironside* Hewn* fln-n rfoik and Philadelphia Navy Yards, and In lt 70 .¦>.- rn el. 9 t <¦' rha Bonita tl mill' -Uiuadron, a position winch be again brid tn I ul tl. In 1875. 1877 ind 1878 he waa en ipeel il duty at F from wbleh etty ht sreol to Norfolk. Ile held th. rcuitiv i mik ol (L iii ii indar. UBS. MAY Ai.m:> FLEMING. May Aki)r*-i Plomlng. Um novelist, died yos- :rnl iy morntog ut her ha BS. N M Wis ave., lirook- lyn. Mrs. Fleming*! msldca aime wai Earls, and she wa* iiiirn In *n. John, Naw-BrUBSWlek, ta IMO. Her education waa reee-Vi, tao ooovsatla that city sim xxa- reared tn Hie Bonus Catholic fsttk, to whlob aha rem dBi d di x nutty sttschsd thronabool ber MB. While yet :i i-iniii she ihoae<i tomlin-»* for xii ting .ind Hf the uiii' nf flfleSI pub! Ind .1 tm- In 1. St, J.'iiii tievr*- l'ii|n r. Under the umnit nf "OoaslB Miiv Hui le ton " she wrote in mv stories inr various pei lodlaaie, sad »evrrni vu iMiii .nf iii-s- fere pn di-heil. Wheo twenty years old stu- m irrle t n Fleming, s tn ichlnlst Foi u Dum- bet of yeara they lived In HI john, snd about lix yean red io Brooklyn [n 1870 Mrs, fleming xx-;...le fir 'Ihe. ,Xer York Wee'.ly " Weddell. Vel N'n Wite" [i nm una-iii.-Iv repiiblished by George W. Carleton, under me ns'.1 nix Lu rn our 'i Wife " sod trad a largs sala. Uri Fl ming mad* i contract to Ivei- for The .Vrw Tork » ,*r(s ' i 13,000a xe.r. 1 iii » i* iftiixvstd men ii d to 89,000s xe-.r. ShesUoown l tbeoopyrlght in Lei booka Carleton hs* r pnbltsbi t them i I, Tbei Inelnde beside tbe one mentioned already "A Wonderful Woman," "A Terrible X-er-tt," " Norma*! IL ver ri," "A M ul ManiBge," "One (Tight'* Mvsti tv," .'K I"' Dtitioli."" Silent Lil' True," " Can ed b Storm,' sod " I. -i tor a Womin." Sn wet ago Mi -. Fleming * ts makins preparation! togo 'o Kum. e Wheo *!l" 'tu' t l-'-II sm', with Bright's ie, she leaves four children, tbtr. nova sad one gu I. Mt I terning has 111 tl In Bl, John during tho la.t /.¦ur j a ti *. DR CYRUS POWEB& Cjms Powers, M. O., who tlietl st Moravia, N. Y., Oil Sui,day, xvj,* mu' "f tile most prominent pliy ti.'yu* und largaona ot Gnjrsaa Uoaaty. He was a nephew ol lbs Int aita of ex-Ftfatasal Millard Ki I - linne. Deserved bi sn, oa ta tas 761b sad lsXNJi itegt BMBtSSf Nv,- V.,i- dur ,.- Hu' BsbsMeQ. Dr. I'owi'i* rtoVStsd tniieli of lil* lime to t-til-lv anti rematch, and x*n* s forcible writer. At Ike oloaa of tue wm he rsrnac, lil id torah ul onsol Lbs leading I miami-, of Hi. tamts, preferring io rotors lo lu* quiet nolba, where be c.iiiiti (iemie mont tinn* io ids booka Daring 111* Ills Dr. Powers eoll-oted i il na hie private ItarsM*, ami pm vious to lils illness lu* tie.ni tbs BrsCtlOB "f a flue ilbrsi-y bonding. During nts incknes* he perfected irrsnga- iii. ni* for omplettaa the bnOdtag, whian is to bo given v-iii, Ills coll. ..dmn nf books tn the nunile. COLLISION IS lilt. RIPER An thu Kris annex boat John itirkbivk was nois¬ ing the North River yes.Sid ST morning on tbs fri|> flinn full 'ii Ferry lo tbe tfoW-Jsrasy Gsatra] nnd Bria Kallroad depots, iln. bool strawh Um schooosi J. H. Jerry, Iii nu at aiu Inn 500 yards el the Bat- tory, nnd ino*t ol the after Beloon ot I he BO USS bout wno demolished. Ibo daSBBgaa BBSOunl ta about ..Hui Un aebooosr loot kee tHiug jililiiunii and .nine of lo*r fore rigging. I here were very few pas- tt iner* un the su*nti) lKi.it. <'ne of fhese, a .young niau, xx hm knocked overboard, bot was soon rsaoawal )i, ii.i clerk of tbe boat. A strong gain was blawiug nt thc lilac of tbe co1Iimi.ui, anti it is supposed that the pi I .t tntaoalcalstad the strength of tbs tide and in ibe bu amor los flo*** to tho Bsboas-BT, 1 he John |).lx *..n ure chartered as forry- ¦¦¦ .!.- I'rie annex. Hint liclong to tbs New- -iii k Ila! mi I ii* boat Couipauy. AMONG THE RAILWAYS. SKI.LIN, MANHATTAN STOCK. THU grW-TOn LOAM AMI IMI'KOVEMKNT COMPANY Bri.iliV.il) TO IIAVK MSPOa.D OF MOST Of ITS Millll-. There teems to be no doubt tbat tho Now-York Loan .h.,1 lu,pi ovcineut, Cotnpiuiy has eold a large part, anil perhaps the whole, of tho 03.1)00 shares of Manliaitun Elevated Railroad stock Issued fo lt nt the time tho railroads were leased to tho Man¬ hattan ('ompany. The cortitir-ate.. of stock deliv¬ ered rostenlny to complete sales mmlo on Tuesday were lari*ely from tho Loan nn<l Iniomvemont Com¬ pany. They appear to have been Issned on Satnr- dasv Prtrtntnatrt officers of the Loan and Im- proveir.eiit Comp.-iiiy refused yesterday to deny pr confirm the repotted I.sue Sud salo of the stock. Offleera of tbe New-York Elevated Railroad Com- paoy rxpresBed the ontni that the Loan nnd lin* provetnent Company sad sold all tbs stock, but tiny said .bey had no positive information in re- I'liii f"ii. The New-York Company dlatributed Ita half f the Manhattan atook to its own stockholders Minni sfter the li usc. 'I he halt given to the Loan anti Improvement Comoon*/ was held intact in Its treasury until tho reseat sale.. At the time it was said that the Loin ami Im- provoment Company bad aeeursd sbsolate control of the elevated railroad systems, and there were many rumor, of unfriendly feelings in tba Manhat¬ tan Board between the friend* of the two rom- panies. lt is said now tbat tbe control is of sli_*ht Importance, and tba! tbe Loan and Improvement Cornnany is glad to surrender if. he stock of tbe Ma 11 li ;i mihi ( om nany a tinea is now to be xx id.lv dis- in1 ute.!, ii' .1 several ot the directors of tho oom- l».')i-v an ia jerad.o have parted with theiratock. Cyrna W. Field sold bia M inbattan atocb before he lust went to Europe. He asid yesterday that he Iniii nolie ni tho stock. INCREASING KOCK ISLAND STOCK. A PLAN FOB I ¦DV-.iiLIIMII'iV AM' A gBW COMPANY WITH f*SO.0O0,000 tx, ii m.. At a meeting yeaterday nf the executive oom- .1 lin-1 hicsgo, -: and Psi itlc Kail- ro id Comp my it was decu :it to the holders at the next annual meeting in June a plan for the consolidation under a new ni tl:' ;l." company. An official _.rett- lar explaining the scheme will ho issned in a few days, lt La propo ed to create ii new company, t" becalled probablj tbe Chicago, Book Island sad c Kai way Company, with a capital stock of ff50.000.00O. Tb. branch roads uoa controlled bj, the company will ba mcludt .1 -.\ lIi tbe main toad In one pillia" tv. The ItOCll ni (lie new eoiiipiii.v Will be exchanged at the rate ol two iharee "t new Li¬ nne ni .-hi stork. The pres 'iii capital ii ¥20 P. D.000, and it ls sahl that the amount of new stock n t needed for tbe exchange wi! 1 be held by tbe coot- pan] ¦; n-itu,n of other property. PLANS OP THE ELEVATED LINES Gem ral E. F. Winslow, recently vice-*' I gi neral manager >f tbs .'.I itropolltan Bievated , left tins ott] for tim Weal yeaterday hlinew daliel .is president of ihe st. -i rn ral " I Pacific 1 .i riiini'N'E ra- Inquired y >a battan ... ..*« .r of OcaeraI Winslow. Ir wss said tbs this matter had aol yat been eoni of general manager would probably -lilcnt, _rintendent Onderdonk waa loud at Ms offleeta tarin < a other officials of tho rs i.' -a cf l-anl- lillie Will I III h ngth. .if providing lt wi tb a roof, and also with ires gin il plan, it in the booti ra itlon. Ii B-seary, and . voni.i Le of great Htlvtnitiige. mn-, fourtb-si. itatlonot the Second Av- '.' ¦. ill ne opent tl on . t-.i. will 00 -*.» IF I'll: TRUNK LINES. Tho principal railroads with which rh* Joint IBI I't'-d Wi-T'' n sr Pink's office. The nbjcot ot ii reeogalttoa a ..-ii line of tha Grand Trunk Railroad of Canada. »uts as to the tight of the comyauy to a iago bualneis, but I hem was a (.ann ¦r-rcrnentsof percentage!. initi, wa* represent, tl by I* J. Hem r, and John Porteons, geaeral freight r wu* rer. rrod Anally to the couiuilt- t..- .if hlcagn roads. _*""i olilen xvii be Blade until tbe into ¦'' ll. ll I/ed. anl, gt-iierid tnun- >f ibe Michigan Ceatral, who ii a member of tha la me discussion on the proposition to cnaa iropean fretgut rates rron tbs West, by way .'. inortl 1.1'iiTe*.* xtii* nindi'. Notll- i- xviii be accomplished, lt ls sh.ii, nt this ,-. Among me minot topics in wm h. Tbs meeting will be concluded io dm probably. _ RAILROAD INC1DEXT& v ;' ¦' meeting ol the Louisville and ii... il Compstty, held yosterrtiy, K. II. Standlford tendered bis resignation ,* res dent, la OBeegasaea of lll-hesltb. II. Vi.mi : viet, president. was I presldl tl 'A. Oreen, second vice-president. io ii leaf, .uni Messrs. 0. OL baldwin, of Ki * V 'II Clark, of E. W. Clari .«* Co., Philadelphia, nt:. Logan 0. Mm ray, of r. All tbe d _fer. noes ne- 'ie n labville sn_ Ooma my snd t:is Louisville and gashville Coropso] bavs been aiiluited. i ,! r...i .* was upnuli.teil general manager of Ihe iallroad Company, auo tbs iri-tieral manager of rae Naslnllle and Chattanooga system. ,._. >. March SA.Al ths innnsi meeting or the olderi nf tin- Chicago, Burlington and Qui nor Etaiiroad, held hera this morning. Hie p!d Hoard of Iii- 1 bs ni in h cr uf s!i_ir_s v.tcd was 1-.- 1,1*7. AQTTA PIOM AS TO .KKIGHT KATES. Ciiioaoo, March iM-..Yesterday tho Mil- wsukes haa hi r af Coanaeroa appotaled n coninilitee to examine thc-incition of tbe proposed arbitrary dlo- taii'iii of niilr.i id tnniB lines with referent*, to through freight r.ite* from nil pulu:* of shipment lu tbe West to foro'iin ports or points, und to co-operate with other cora- inereiiil organisation! tu taking measures agaluit the pro¬ posed HOtlon, for the protection of the Interests of tha \Ve*i.Tln» step was taken on reoeipt of Bcnmtniiutrstton from tin. hi. Loins Chamber of Cotumerce, stating that Iti Exchange bsd telegraphed Commlsslone- rink a pro- ,n,-r tbe proposed set.su of the trunk lines, and n king Ibooo-opsrsUOU ol the Milwaukee boord. NIW-JBB8K, MIDLAND RCOBOAVISATIO-f. At tho reorganization of tho Now-Jersey Mitlland Hallway Cou_i|>anr yeiferday, the u .me " .Vid- l.iud Batlrca*! Company of New-Jersey " vi as udnpied for tba iu'xt cornorutiiiii, nnd tba following board of di- reotors waa elected i J. W. Hull. J. (_. Rogers, P. A. Polls. Henry Murki. Cd H. Burt!*, H. Borg, Charlu Par¬ son*. B, B.Trassta, Henry Whalen,Q. a. Hobart, John in iwB. Jn.'ii W. Taylor and lt. B. Hoghes, ino foi lowing officers were sleeted i Presides!. <i. a. llonurt i treasurer. Charles Parsons| secretary, Charles Parsons, Jr. _ Kallara Marauier Travel. Tin' iirr.il Pisvtdsseo Mus to Itostun »lll bs reopened this ¦esses t>u Munday. A ill .'., with IhSStSBBBl "teamen Massa ShSSBtasBBd lihisli) Inland. The adv. mai** nf this route, *u.h si the csrtslnty of iri'Uiut srrlvsl lu Uuie (or eOBBSeHSBSi H"* idectrlc' bells froru i-ut'li s'nt' rtwiiii, ttie ii|.|Mii iult v fnr an undisturbed night's rs*t. Ths insln tieck dining ronni*, with their ont d.ior vlsws rrinn the tallies, Bad ciinsiojnsiit norfect vnutllstlon, and thu t hui Hung *. .Herr ot N ai rag nu .ell Bay ait tend tu make ttda tl.e fax iirite rout- ijniwssu Huston and lids city. DIED. AllUK-At Fnrt liars. Kansas, ..'llitam Ifackstsff son id ms ut- lifTgi- sud elm lott. H. Abbs, foruiorly of Wlntihsm.C'inn In hts .'IStli year. aJPPLBTUN.OS I'uiwlsy. KSTSS _H. Hannah Dawes.widow nf iiarl-s ll. Atipletou. formeily of lialliui'T., lu toe 9ith year ot uar aga Ku n st ai ssttIobs will be held at thsr .T,,i«tics of her daughter, Mr*. Rti**ell -lurgi* 1)0 Kast lOth-st*, on Saturday, th* _7th lll*L. Si 1 1 n'c.lK'k. HA('ON-In BraO-Jra. st lier lat, residence, SC9 Wishing- t..nave., on tli* ot.tiing of March J.t. ISMO Mi-. Loaf A. lim.>n tTi.ai.T nf His lats DsoUl Lacou, and d_._gli._r uf tho lah- Henry Holt. Nuuosol tuusiai U.rttattst. hm.i.kV on Wettuesdar, March 21. ISnO, John 3. Bagley. autiti 7t> fsara, I ni,..ral serrlt-ss will be butti st hi* late re.id»neo. No. 88 l-'ir*t place. Brnollrti. OD t-'rtdaf, March M. at 4 p lu. Inu-iiii"it at .'.ewiiiirvp-itl, Masa. Portland. Ma. napsts ulsaaecopy. BKAINAKD-At I'assaio, NJ.,on Tiissday, March 23. Japiea ll. tm-, infant son of Kttwln !.'. aud Jetiule liraiuard, aged ii mm)th* and 'H dava, tit 1sti\es ant. maadi nf the family ar- n-spoctfully Invllixd to Hlt-'iitl Hi* fuii'tai (rom th* rrioirrits of his parems ou 1 linr.ilay, 'i- A\ si t | S. Ttalaa i*st* tesl of Cnirmli-r »t at IitS and il p m. DAVIS.IB Brooklvn. March ail, Frederick Davis, foruiorly of Portland, Mo., »*.. i t>U vnaia. IVAN-*- Al I'latufled. H. J, snddinlv. Mrs. Jolni BL Evans. i'liin lui. I'liursiiar luiintog. at 10 a cluck. ttniii-.nl lier lal* **ilt»s. II. )L>t* K** At ths resldeni'* of E. P. Wliealsr, esq. No. 20 xv * st (*tti .: Ibis itv. on .March J... Anna Fuller, daiign- ter ot tbs lats Hon. Mila* If. Motives, of Washington, I), c. Keridcea ut the housa on Thursday, at .1 o'cioca m, a. and al Itiil.aiiil.Vt.. or frlilay. KNOWLTON.At bia residence. Oold*n Hill. MSg^acl i'uiiti, Monday, tb* 'Jilli. Winiam L K hot. linn, .ikinl VJ years. KNOWLTON.On ths TM inst at (he re«l l*n. » nt lits sun¬ tu last. Alfr», Hoyt. MAiiitnril, ('unit., tbs Kev. I ai u tia ni Kliii*»lt"ii. In 'he H itli Tear n al* SOS. lfuneisi SWS-SSSSS ,lau wiatt. BbUSfl ta., on tba 2."nh inst. ni rn. LA WSON'-At Ymikers, Wedueadiy, March 'il. James Law- .¦in, iu itiu rt'Jd ye tr of hu * re. P .I..-, ai service* -ill be held at **t. John's dniren, Vouker% on l- iiti.iv- tftaraaua, at 8 -i'.x nek. 1 rain* loavo the ,raud i.'antral Uc.iot at 1 o'clock and S o'clock p. m. Carriage! wlil bein trait in tr at ths depot on arrival of tba tralni; returning leard Youkeri at 4:10 p. in. MANN-A- Sncoainnna, Morrl County, N. J., Marob tt, Miss -"arah M. Mann, sgeil 7.1 r-ira. ?laure* arni freud* ar.) re-n.eeti.iilr invited to attend tbs miers at ber late real lenee (saturday, March If, at ll Cimsges will bs In walting on the arrival of tho morulna trains from New-lorie at tbe Drskeville ano *m i-uuniui etationa. Mckillop.At Newtown. L. 1., John MclUilop. aged SS Tsars. Funeral Hatnrdsv. ,7th, at 12 o'clock, from bis '.ate restdenoa PO WK Its.At Moravia. N. V., March ill, Cyrni Poweri, Ai. D, in ths ilttl y .ar- of his 11*0. Buffalo papers pleas, onpy. SMITH.At Spring Valley. Rnekisnd Conntr, N*. V. MarcB ISL Maggie, only child ot Andrew smith, aged 'M years, f mtinti.i and 17 daya Funeral from tha residence of hsr parents, 'Ihnrsdiy, MarcS lift, at IU o'cio.ik. 8L0AN.At6t Paul, Minn, at 5 s. m.. Wa.tnesUv, Marog 17, 1-180. Oeneral William j. gloau, Surgeon U. 8. A. 8!. EI.LINU.Kutilenly, on Mundar, Blarch 'ii, Edward Torn, p eton "(neilin*, son if m. 'ar* Anirew *.y:iu:-* -m-lllng. lim tai services at Grace nun:'i, ou Th-T-day, March 'it, at half past 3 o'clock, lt 1. requested that no flower! bs lent. WAI.DITK-On Tuesday, March 'ii. Robert M. W aldnelf*, in tbs 73d rea* nf his axe. Funeral from his late residence, Mcnd:.am. _.. J., on Thora dav. at 1 tn ui Carnages will bein witting at Morristown on the arrival at th. ti am that 'e iv-* Mew-York at ;*: 10 i. n. IlarclBv or CbrlHtopht-r Siiert Ker. les. No iloxv.r.. Wi; I'M' if*. un Mi.i.div. Mm-ti .'J. at bis residence, HIS Madlnoti ave., William C, Wetmore. Balaavss ami fn«iius sm ra <n .ra!'y invited tn sttSBd bia f.in ral nt Ht Ital tlioltnnew * I'luri'. cnricriif MaiLloa* ave. tout ..lb-st., on I iiiit'-nlay. Ike SSS, Inti., lt lt) n't looa h. m. ia remain* will be taken to Stratford, t'onn., for Inti -rnu-ni WILSON Saddwilr,si Springs -Ts.sstksl I'avil ll. Wilvm.tit Ualirrlii-.d. .\. J.' nt iiiiifi.ii bel Special Xoticea ( onere** Waler. Iisiapsnortti i i- .ii|i---i - ir, acid or iii lid'll at mi un .-i li" ilaohe, lnlernil ..irein- . i| tanda to dent m. i ur mat mi membrane. All mineral waters ti ai srs dsngeroui irruanti may be known by au acld aftast la«Ie For couali*. ld*. brotictiiii*, tko., us* tba areal -S KKATINH i i.'liet "old by ail drui'gl*t- '.'-. Sent by I Li enta Ncrvoin. Tixhiu.liou Hirts! of '.-.- .* -tv. Vork, an tbe cause and ure ot preta ii ur* .rijjtq. .ie sj ii..(i-t. -..-iii to niltra ifneatsj nerrnus aud h t- i liv mail, - -i " Kt Irssa I'tiinilaliiiii t.l I ll TKIBtNi; A I,MAW Al ill._ Peal o-ice Notrtea The lorelKii mill! :'ir ii- x .< ml mr *-( 1'ItDA V, Minti .7. 1><*". xxil, V V. al ii ..ii[-.ir. Uv-O'i.a.i ii v. x mi x. ria ..-i inniwni i mi WBDNKHDAY, at I2:,<>p.m, -ar Europe, br itasBllhlg , .-.,.;¦._.., H., id 'it.liAV. at i.J a. m., fm Sv *i.'S'n-t!iiii '.x: tn ', ria Plysw nh, -ii/ amt Hamburg (correspondents* fur (;r>-st Bri ida and tbe Conttni snd si 1- m- rm ni ipa n steamship I n.a Brass-is, vis Uneoaatowa sim iv and Pranes -n:i*i be specially -di on BATU RI)AV. at .a. ;n. IO .''t, lif ir.iii .\ aa a at 1 1 a. m.. lu, ...rrin j ny, Ac.,br -i. ann-1.ip '"ler, rle Hoalbampton sud Bremen oat* Ti S.'iOIl iern- fol II 'l 'lit!.nil' lli'l-t 1'CspS- t d). and at 1 p. m. tor t-iiioii-. by id unship fte- and Norway ap- Hamburg ai tasman only. Hie iniii* fur Havana leave Nnw-Vurk Msrrb'.'4 aili 07. Tin' mai * fur Bs Iss -. Isava Nea York MarehtA I hs msils for ll "rt- nii'l MatS-BlbS l-sve New. 1..: - March -7. Thi mails i"r St. Pterrs-Mlquel :. Isavi New. YorK M.neil 25, -Iii- rta .N-. -ni.ant lt ivs Ni tv-York March 36. n-.ive Ne ».. -,-.. N'a»-.iu. N. l', l. iv,. Bt w. York March 2') and -.'7. 1 be m ill* Inr t'liti: i anil Japan nra -ii. Kraiieis.-oAi.nl u. itel mali* ror Australia l-iv.-saa iou April lu. 1 l. r \ xi;:*. Pottmsit -r. Pott o.Tce. New.york March20.1380. _ ".Stricture, Impoionc e and Disease! ol tbs -eneratlvo 7)5 k i radically and speed ly cared Hoon, Stn I and a to 7, A HA -.Ii.Lb.NI.Li,. U_ Lei.lort.ai a i. neal li uh sj TL-irt-v-f wo Years Ago, DP.. TOBI I .N r.TMMFN'T Wn* tntri.iuc- lthssnever tailed to elva satisfaction, lt cures every ... mst atiaekedi also illari Inta, ¦' ronlo ,- ui ism, i-alii* In ihe ba .No n .0 giv. lug lt u.r trial will ever ns without lt Orar lix bU-dreg I di uieltin their pra ,'i strong, lt ii goat* bs l' rf.-. Hr Innocent Suitl by ail tilt- ___^ Tu item froti .Tiny 1. The HESTA*.* RA MT m lili. lUlBt .NE BCILDINO ttOg ot cup e.1 ry l."*TI-:it Bl ___. location foi a Honk sion. Apply at TAB TRIBUNE C lUNTIirO BOOH SEW BOOKS A SD SHIT EDI I IO Vi Berrutft to "it f.Ul'j xiutrlittt rr J i IS W.J. WIIMM.I TON 71 I H rna dmly. <»'.*'Je*_ra's Napoleon. Nanolson in i-.ni'>: or, s Voice .- . * und rsoectlo .* ol N's- poieon By ll*rrv ti. (I'M.sirf v.iili a ptirtrall ol Nspoieoa Soda vlswaf al* lJaleua, , a_.ll calf. *-._ A. C. AB-fSTKONO 5.- -SON. 7 I 1 lt.'.LT 1 T Itatlam'a f'ompleie Works. Anew uiia'irldgo.l ("inion, Printed at tl.o Luivrr-Itv . iso r:ue uu I.114 tinted pitutT, Q vols, lia .1-ni... .j 1. uudln 1 . l'rlo# S7 0" ireiiiicad ftom fl Life ol Alexander Hu... 1) I) alta. Intra, ditiitia by OcW. M. Tallar. 8 vol* Ksisslportralii I ', |_ta______ta-_BSIMic 1. » Kev. Dr.W. -,. JStTior, -teal pfi tr«u. i fal, ion pages Si TS. HACniLLAM SevZ, ..li Hon .-*. France-«Ihi-c the First li'iipiie. -n -*-. _, . ::.>. I'Jmo, Heel profit-'. Ill lletnlli.m hui! I.sn.t Tenui e K.-fa-ufc Liy AiuX-lniki'J. WllSOB. *. ', i-.-'t... t-kOltGE HOI Tl.l.IH.i: A- MLVI, :! 11 luse-u Abrns.1 By tbs Rsv./. C. wood, l- ¦.: .inomi, larsoconntof loseetaj theirstruotura. bi 'nmai t n*. t'-iiit ilniug 600 illus:i-Uunssad 'i** 6/y, cioth, SI._ BOl'UHTON. .*iUO(»U A C.. ¦aasaa Ul Astor-place. The "Ttautlnessof < brlsl. liv rbomiS Huglrts. Si. "AUB. '...'UK .Ttlscellanle*. TTr John n*nn Paton, I.I n a tthor -it ms AtiUli.pe nnd Deer of ABitTica,'^c^ w.lh a Uucat-slyoS- inut. 1 vol., aro. ii. 1.111..,lt .* IIU.it. Hoston " lils Majesty. Ttysetl. A '*w No Name KstsL I'fioe lb MitlllMilt iV W til KIMI ll, ti I Uro ad-s I'm t* about Port nnd Madi'lra. a'lth . ft th] xt'ti. « vintaged aronnd l.'»b<i'i aad the »inr*of letn-rlfTi' fir Il.nrv \ I/.t.liy WlUi 100 iliasSrstSSBS l'-ino, pl ¦: tars bo_r_a 00 cents. The OW Hegime | I lsd I -SB*m liv Latta er't.n char nile, Lady .ia. k*".i wm. portraits (X Lo .!» <Vj Mstie Aiiifli'i-in, lunsassa,Voltaire, M.daiiiu Du b*n|% Bad-BietaailsClslroB. -¦¦¦ -'.'. E. P. Ill'TTON A- lit,, 713 Hioa.l»»riy. N. T. Tbel.lfeof l'hrl*_. Br Cauoa I'mr r. 1 Unao. 60-J pagsa ci.dh. Si. The Idle aad Work et BS, I'aiil. Hr the Kev V. v.. i-ar* rur, D.Ti voi *t¦. 90.1 op, 0 n.sp*, c.oih # J vu:*. Hra l.sHi' lip. 4 maps. c.otb. Soi ll vols, rtTo. l.il.0 pp 4 »"P*> bali call, PU. _ HENRY HOLT A CO.. 1.2 Hist J it,-st. Sunshine nnd Storm tn (lie I asl. Hy Ute EtrassST, Witk IU tlliis'iaUiins and .' luap*. A.itaoi 1 edition, ern i.i .10. Captain Ki_ca.se, Br ho-phils nantler. Plastratsdbf Om ti rs Di ira, lianslatol by M. M. Hlp'.ey. liinin.Sl. Lils, ur* Hour berm. f.roiJI.K ." Pl r.NA*d**-i-H»N«l. I *>J 'iii-iti- A Forbidden Lund 1 nt, Vnriger to the l .rei R-.-fnisb Oppert. iicUTti. with maps aiiil i.lu*tialnm*, $J The Essenitala ol' Aualomr. Ly WIHlBBI Dartlagi M P. 1'rofe.isor ci Aiiit.iinr. and A. I, Kuiner. AM >l a.. Aa). juliet Fr.-fi-ssar ot Anatomy in tl.e Me ii. si I)»pat tu.em ol the New-York University, o, tavo. eioib exttA *- CHAKI.Kel H( lt III \ h. H'M SONH 7 Iii and 7 I . itroad.ar. Thc Theatres of Parla. ByJ Mander Matthews Illus¬ trated. 1 vol ll 11..- tl SA duutinr liv l'nifes«or lljainiar H. BOgSSSB. AM-we.lt tliill 1 vu!., l.'nni. $1 'J... Lord Hcaconslli ld t li! Uta; chirseler sud WstgS Hf i.t irgs Krautles. 1 iaji*lau-d liv tit * licorge *itui(e. 1 voil limo. Si -0._j_ 1.1.0!il. W. CARLETON A CO.. liad lisa sasaia. W Y. Illida andi: A -Bery of Th rae Loves Bl xir* K ned||- Penjaiiiin. Larg.* l.tao. l.ai.i.i.iiie'.y piluted and bo .iud. Prlixe. $1 ai). Home Women of To-day. Hy Mrs. W. U. Willie. 1 Jm0| elegantly bound. $1 00. ll .I? ri... \ .di i*. I anUI n-*t| on ie IIHdreth's Coiled Mme*, gi.s tbs tir.-i ».-L!eineu| of theeoutitiy to Hie e-ul nniie X V I iii .'liar *s. Hy Kl. nartj HlUreth. 0 rna., Svo. until, SI li. Tleinoli-of Hnilsme Hetuusnt ISOfelBUR Kdlti'.l.wltb preface and tinli s, nv ii. 1 iivni'l ¦..-. I'a.n de H.. nia.-.f. -i«na- MT. Translated by Mrs. Ossbel ILev sad Hr. Jabs Lillis. l'ari ll. itu, paper, loceuu. (Hart I. co. paper, 10coota) Hportl-B Adventnrea In the Kiu- West. Hy J M. Slut' pbr lilustratoti. Ivtasa. slotb. St M. r-outbev Ht JMwbN DowdfitP 1 .m.1, cloth, 7S cent*. Ia the series ent.ued " Kugltsb Men ol laxiters " IVISOY UUKli'l "tx IV. I. >K A-Co. 1 i-.s-.tl I lO(.r..iid-*t Willa's Natural Th losonhy New odltioe. Kully'lina, trates. llevurd and te-dlcd in sct-.iniaiif.a willi tin. litest reoiutast soleimrtc tlisuovery an.) nw.icu. Hy tl od uu,. lou (.lord, l-rics*. *> I-'OHIIT, HOW tli ii A III 1,111'HT 27 ParU-place, New-York Toinette: A Southern Ta . By A. W. Teargas Raw ell Hun with new preface ou tue race problem of the South I'Jilin, .Mill. il. J. V. lOPPLNCOTT ttl Co* PnllaSelphla Coder the Tfftsstari ur the Amer ia iiii.nr lo Paris. A Non-1, liv Lacy llaiuiiinu ilistper. utan, due cloth, gi 2S. King Lear. Nsltfe Staff <>f tim I arbiruai cLtl-iii ol ¦*> aka. spfkurt-. I'.diteti br Hnrsce 'itu* nd Ktirue*a, l'h. D., LL. IA 1 vol, r 'yal ni-.i. um ul S_gSS gut top. ai. it iv«iHriii-.i.ro*. 7-10 flrwadivay. New.Yaric. Thouandl. \ Lira ..f Ltrs, witt OHMS BSSbMi lit Tina Coif litllll I Vnl, IjIllili, , ..ll', K-.t top. fl Tl The l'rep Mkoir, \ baudsotu < vii nun. nf sm.i«»in*ttt *af in-ti .11 tua t"i i.'n. youri.' IlilUirate, I roi. t'.., |i..ttin| nojr.i.V. _:'.. TIIOMVM NKI.*.o\ A- HOI.* * 44 Hleeeker**-. Tbi- Ninetei-iHB Ceatnry a Rtiiarv. By Uob-rt Uss geuitc u.ni -t.x. sm anissa l**T.r«. al-.->.

FINK AKT. RAILWAYS. · 2017-12-13 · be ron.-i'ii " 1 ii.xMiniis in any other Stats| that th" gOdgeeaatba Lench are SMverybsd lol," whogrui orders of..nest on ex narie muli nc i.t*;

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Page 1: FINK AKT. RAILWAYS. · 2017-12-13 · be ron.-i'ii " 1 ii.xMiniis in any other Stats| that th" gOdgeeaatba Lench are SMverybsd lol," whogrui orders of..nest on ex narie muli nc i.t*;

ton McK. Twombi**, the son-in-lnw of Mr. Val itbilt, -bo i* Vice-Preaident of the Western lin iisnd the Atlantic nnd Puciflo Telegraph Companies.Ile c-y, that Mr. Twombly is already influential Intbe buMiif-K world " and is withal so modest andapproachable, bn, self-rslianoe and ability somarked, thal he wins all wbo conn into contact withbim."The vern ruble ami clever Plsnobd, SOBCecaiBg

whose work n may afily bo saitl that there 1. not a

nitflit in tbe yt ar lg which one of his pieces 1* not

phage l lasosse theotra ta Orent Britain, ba, un amae*inR ineiuorv stored with interc_tin_* nnd rosaarkahletbln_n. Ile astonished s dinner-party one* hv de¬claring that be recollected when bo "was at theillumination* fir Ibo peace in 1& >2," be having ac¬

tually a-si .led at tho rejoicings, bold up in Insnurse's arms.

Vieiei Dago has looked ag in his **a_e not onlybin two MS, 'li.'Unas, " Les Jumeaux ¦ and " Tonnie-madH." but tho following ahished and anpob-lishiil Works, s un? of which will soon begiven to ti » world : " La Qiand* Mire,'' " L/EpeV** Peuteiri! Frhre de Oavroche '': :t fairy pice inwhich the Howers and trees speak, "Li l'met

?iioiiill6e "j '' Les Quailes Tenta do 1'. split." "i oniea Lyre," ' Le* Colena Just: s," " Lea kundineates,*' and a philosophical work, " l___ai cPExpb-Cition."

Har,ui Tbellmsnn, the yoong gentleman whobas just Leen mada Secretary of the C». r-

mau Babaasy la Paris, is an unnanall*. clever

youth. H.* is the author m some excel-lent books of nave) in the Cancasna aad Cen¬tral .Ninene.i, and is tine scholai. with a it-iimil:-iihi.- knowledge of the tonguea de, I and living. Befooght throagh tho Franco-Prussian wai, a:

tiniriusheil himself at Bedan by a strange lest.thewriting in Bindostanee on the held ol battle "t <i

vivid ac -''dint ot napoleon's surrender. The letter,which fell in ttl the bands of the French, prodnt ed a

float sensation, particularly as it vxa* said to haveet n the ut" I, a o _an_on soldier.Loitdok, larch L'i..Queen Victoria and Prln-

BB - Beal ice will leave Windsor to-morrow for

Qoimany. rht frown Princess Victoria, the wifeof Phnee Fr li ra< b William ol Germany, will "flail

In Apr'k' Prince William, tin- eldest sim ofthe Crown Prince ot (_er_aany, arrived in Bnglsudto-day on a visit to Princess Auguste Victoria, biabetrothed, who l* visiting Prince Christian, beltn' ie.


musical no:

fdr. .Tt'seiVy and Carlberg's O.rebestrs willi mt i rt ai Madison

unday i vt ni -

Mr. S. B. Mills and Mr. Max Pinner will plays Mozart Oin irt» for two piano* witli the Tnoictn-tia. ar Mt. I Ball oil

Set il 12.'lie report thal " riche Davenport

ba., gr.u!. i ni.-

tra.th't.'il. si bas leflabmi i gomg nbroad, to slug ai Napl nd Milan.

nd C t;i;i innii, as Isted by distinguishedit art lor tba beat Si el tba

lc,lentil ai 1 goad, at Steinway Ball, a up. ol... H.. lil

lb sci tv.

Instead of sn operati n on'1 I'l I'la." Mr. Mapleton Will _i\ a pi if-iftir

Ku..* ilil'.. '. .- IV 8 lni*t t I

eonoei1 . .-. lr ns tt weekthe iiiiniiiit. in- -. '¦ nf Destiny," " LaFaiorita.'' " vi..-1- a," mill " '('in- Ilii.-'i-1 ids."


I I'iAl'I 'ih.!. l-l Vi - MAX.Loni, nu¦,-'- nii;nit Congressman

ll tb tbe clover ;lt .rs was *ii very uili vj bael

.: -1 hAMP.i. i"

for Pity's»k* i lankii d to .hare

oaa nt care

ll ls part be lost, m fatal sbtn | wealth,

And c., ii ni..* tNm . rae.Bot rn ihe cini aa much ol

us a B008IEB POU1 )¦

This si.'b couceroa a state of great r.ii-;'eiis..For ll i n.e.He waxed ambitious ss he gre* InDenni :* large, to match li is ears.Anti by n -'lin ti' . '.Ketti; tbe -i..x

jink ii lenee grew - alfons, <*uite:tnil to Til tan's kite,

nin* were ol neutral typoa lilli nt the -"its .Lie r ripe:

n.-*oor'i rain,

i. ::ll "i him i-lii'iimi, n devil's, halt, a aug l's due.


Tbe English Shepherd's Fold is a boa:¦ellis- .. i. m.d nie i»ii *i. pberdlaMlitv \ af four) d was round In ai

Stoled iml maessible frota thee.,eds of slow

StanscitoUr. tn iiy stnrved ro

tic boya, ii vms la a very

pre.a i vt as remanded f ra ,.i -. " ber own reeocaiasnee

tb. iii' -" toward i

E. C. Palmer, ihe president of Hie I .

_u_i** >v i. -1r»-ri. -.-._ tn bardIsB-t foitbrer .'etii iles Nexv-Ynrtter v.;.. tor inncy y__ir- xx.i-

eoi.s. lui-.-in.iiiM * in tblscUy. Ile wa* tiie

souef a psrtssi tn tao bOUse Ol Joseph Yt lld ,'.

gaalere ta oarpete, sod throacfethai aonaeetlos as be¬gs .i .:.'.. li fa, Oldrto '. i.'i" i.'ivaiif is with whicki in- is the owner ol thies sugar blasts-

¦vi I liv Of h-S -.fill. Iii ls SI'-.it li.tixv Iii

bu friend*; int eonneetlons, of wliniu Le liah a Dumberlo Brooklyn a:.d Rew-Tork.

ffentern tayan arr. warned by n cone-spoudeiii fan loxa .1 "irnal agstnal dealing with tirr¬

ell int* in N*"' -Tori City lbs ¦ legation runs that

¦tanagers sal be smote, here os charges widen woaAdbe ron.-i'ii " 1 ii.xMiniis in any other Stats| that th"

gOdgee aa tba Lench are SM very bsd lol," who gruiorders of ..nest on ex narie muli nc i.t* ; that manyg«« Ynrli uni. bi nts employ lu linn '--LiMisiiincnts ill)

.ff.luv.i clerk, iri¦'.'*.. liusiiiess it ia to work op doca-b_.ui* whereby coatomera In arrears tn tbelr aeeonnuSsa Se arrestad j that Western nercbanSi are thrown

1, ..- SrrenI Juli nil 11 Hill)-. fl-'.ll' e ,a- _. lil.,!

lani;.it*' i.n it- f t OlOnthl OB an eli ".-.Hi,.ly low diet otm%t iii.e. before they can gel ont. Tbe moral ls aolpoi ii'.-'I, uni i* p: iitiiitil v iii*: VV.-ii rn bogers shouldBct_o beyond Bu Lui** ur Cklcaeowheu meir stockrir.it tem,

In the coarse of ¦ speech recently deliveredlu ttf Oat aaa Ba rihalag, Bsi r ii- b< n i io etme start-

lin, StaesMI ms x.lilf.1 co tartsabsW Iii.il the _'ru»_lau

mom** sysii-m la aao-sllsC apoa ike Boastos pattern

Qm__m iiHiiit-s anJ date., ibo orator ailed a rasa Invk-chadotnl . i itt feed asea paid to the wife of a

yoi ll! ca I edle it (J lt) the B-O-SlUg. '.vlieii .lie WM Still lui. ni ,,mI bees aoa_igelled .> Hm polios eflosr, wborottxil h-r fruin her slumber*, t" fi t ag aad Sriself 'o ni-iga sasses, easther ease ol ai eves more ta-

vo'l'.ii-t nature vtjs that of » lag, ei.y BlZtSea year*) old,wio iiaii bees mt ceil inn. h poUos ni' '. mid taara i>h<-<i. .:l. besi i-mt eiKitr* iuit:l im tongue waa looseseCwhetilie wa* Huide te-i to aTriendly lut*t rneaiion with respeet. j.:,ei- in x>. i.,cit hts father, a proser!bed Boelaliat,wa* ...mci inetl, snd, In fact, wan tricked lulo ileiiouucin,blttowii Hi .. ..au flood.

One of tin' latest bulletins of the Nihilistrid mire Cuasi-rtl ie* was S-Mieasort to the cm text nc ii.

.. IV. iii iin.ii'i." .t le.nl, " the atitlu ditloii of the ('nar; a

Cenxtititti": al Usvsraaasatl ihe immediate timmi*, al .if

thy fath. i'* era .lure- find lisunmeti from all the htate,military aad <a arl einployineut*. lind tiie ia lcn.se of allnb" bavi been t'-iiiKinni to HSasta lei othae tass aom-

mon erinn**).*

Tuen thou Hud Kurisia will have peace."Tbe R'l-dHi) aaaiaaatal stsassa an- bsessimg ereatiyexeited M«i.ii.at toe etlncated. As duturbao'-cs il!i^eio,i

__CHUi»t ibe mudentii and Klbtllit* are mtpreliendi ., the

.WeUtor is receiving many Mien anil deputations of¬

fering suvtiort to fltntroy the Nihlltsi*. lie I*, bsInt linea to jrrant ceitaln relas*tionit to non-Niiillis's.¦nd be bas asked tde depuiatou. rrarssenttaa dlr.ferutil rl.o-H' I ot Lib*bllaul_ U> .ui'port him in the dilllcult ta-k or pacifying eooiei.v. Rs rsgoeotsd reprctentative* of tbe press to d«!end the .BOSS of order, and

ssid i " (-fiiilnnien, overy liberty will he _iau._U lo goodSUbJ-dU. but had ones aretfoaiued."

Duiing the recent debate in the French Hen-ate on Article Seven of tbs I.uu_s»ttou Law, Miui*t«i

Ferry eave a _um_ary ol the work«, especially hl*to-l

cai lixiks, put into the hands of Ute Jtrnlt pupils. Ho

eitel tbe writings of PSre Conrval, who .'Himniteil" the

..II.*tery or Franoe," of rSrs Lorlqaet, and the works of

F*e Oaseau, wbo Imitated r4ro Courvsl. The sehiM.l

|D,p<-C-Ors bau foond tbeea books distributed every-

-bere as standard clastdcsl works. 'I bey attacked the

Revolution ana glorified the revocation of toe Edict of

NunU-H* they calii-oniatad Necker and Tnrgoti theyi-ejecte- tbe principle ot the national soverelrnty | they

tan_bt tbat Francs was besten tn tbe lats war be-

(.aiw. sue bsd deserted tbe Pope. In short,

tbey outrace-eveiytblif tbat K.-u-**. loved aad re-

svecl-id, cv.iytbing she adrulred, and cvcryiblng tliat

cou'titnu'd her n ttionul greatne**. Tbs kllnisier *rgMe.l?bal tbe stingifle w_*not, a* 'u<* Bira<_l Ulle-fed, Ih-

tween Cstnoliclsm and tho <,;publi., bul between ibe

tai *i .iii and the theocratic es*_rtt,*setweea Itttifljllshaauni Hie Kevoiuiiiiii. He eonotaded by appealing te thellmise to wrest tie-soul of the rl-foc jr li.tati'in Irointba hangs of tbe desplsera of modern awelety and polit¬ical ali cl social or ler.


The third-tenners aro beginning to lose theirti,.. sn.| .,..,. ,,,..,, 0( u falling ( hui ,.[Chicago lt;l>-inie (Rep.)

If Tilden "see-tree" the nomination it isva ty i.ke y xx.-'.: t ike othes.ls.- [Vicksburg 1H.. .ci

Aro the people of the United "States justifiedin trampling un i. r fool ons ol Ui" safeguards of ilie rs-i utiiie. for any advantage of snob doubtfal expediencya* itu- eli etina ol Oem ia! Grant l- [Rochester Di rakihi Chrome] (Rep.)There ia really no better missionary ground

for tbi ersnaelsol rtldenisin mun tbe city of Oswego,uml ws bops tbs Hi .it I illumine.' wni consider thia Inti .Ihk on tiie place for holding tbs convention.- |OswcgoPal elillln (I) ll,)

ir MIOH I 00 OFTv.. m j hr linnim. I (.'omi/i-rci-l.

When a buy take, up ii rusty old pistol orig i'lla- sud ss] -: " i don't believe it ts leaded,"

and ooinu lt at somebody, lo nine eases ont ol isa ili'-n't ina'', ti. nm ii i* tbs tem ii Hue.we hem about, andtli.it U tbe -pi'iimi'iit thut costa. Bo lt iswlth tba polloyof Introducing a atrai ge Iden anneeestarlly Into earl v-

politle*. H might possibly turn oai thal tba third u rmnu . i-n't i.i.tii. ii; t: ai the people don't mind lt i.msuppose they do. Bopposs it Involves a iossol 10<e\-i'ii 5 uer sent "t tbe lt -j..lill' 'im vide. Where xviii tbe¦¦aili be la tee next Cougresa 1 rbe repulse wooid bedisastrous and well nig- fatal. Ii it vxi*. to take tberisk I

ENFORCING iii. U_.IT RUL__.J-rum The Troy Tttive /.<*>¦

The Utica Convention waa n Slate Conven-ti i in ini|i.uni delegates lo reprvat ni tbe Biaie

(.ml not distrle i*) at tbe National Convention. Ii bad.hi to instinct Its iiel-i.-.i'e* lo nursae »

and defined policy al Tin- National Cnnvenrton. rae.it * it . .ap iwer al to go o Obteago and eel tor tee

l.eiillliiic lt.* it N("A-York Will -jr se nt. li ,.l Coll VSami i.i titi h .nv or m. ai Isstlnii nu der lbs son. Pbej

tppolnt-d by lt, nod bj no other body. They oattaccepted their trust, sad good taltb and honor, as wella* political intti-ntx mil on .y .'tlli'n'Li'.v in orgsHoi d iinuid I bal tl --¦ up io Ibu lc ter ol t .. r

1..-inn nous n* handed down to them hv tbe Uonvt allonctn ibo re it I) il life, I

would become political pariahs should Ikey punna any'in"'.


AN INKERESCR.li lehengton Oteutteh te Tenirer.

"There will be no dari, horse allowed toi -ix ri. lon," - i " B i' il >l ' '-

rn- -o ago; :n'I le* i ii h- addi .: " I eonsid r.il the Presidential

in Iel nea." I'bis statement, wheo pu»P'*r;y analyzed,'fion in purr'!, b r-tise il rentislly, to

\ tm li ii-t.ii.iii d dr mi u i.n- tin- ii unisi lun d an dark

Grant, bin ti ind * it rn a.

¦¦-. [.VANIA BTU- INO.tn,i-< Thi Phil lat

Suv,ler Connty has followed the example ofi ... ,-i i iu

ia. linns of tbe R 'publleau Htute Co I qm ation io

tin Republican votei -. and ii . il! lieiu M ty 1".. afwhicli x- ill li.-

i bul 'i t .¦ ie- ill will !"¦

veutton ;.(il a ii* lu i ber the dele-peopie 1* an-

t.i. matter._WIS U.i: WEATHER IA .. I/.' ff.

OLD AND BLUSTERING GALE.ill If.ti (L..*li i.i A WINDY MV -I 'I'll' lill IM

1HI1 %,'1'L!1 MI'tiK IL':"' i.ii.-l ntl C UJCTKl

The cold hlnstering March wind that blewt ii1 eui t) .. stn -i-i ni v

caused mui b dlscomforl t" those who wi rs oropelled toOl i! i I-. .'.' , . ,.,. ni-' l.tj ll! ibi .

ii. fol-lexi-* i 7 ..m..-.'0: 11:12 a. m., ill0; 1:30 p. ¦

*. Tbe ti mpt rature ts g in . Fallmntry, 11'pt at New*

Ided f til in temper il ri diI at 8 p, tn. yeaterday. Al

; i.n f.i.i. n .'Li5; nt Baltimore,-7°; Poi t Huron, Mich

._7°; .t .'l 1 "-1.-.I. 18°. In fiis city the foll '.

mrs was 21S. At ti p. m. Ibe Mud was

t with it velocity of twenty-flve miles an h. ur

tbe aftiiiii'ni tin lieut twenty-ninep. m. h waa thirty-two. Itu

Bnatport, Me., tbe..-.* fnrty-«i- miles) In Boil otnel

idee, Mn.h., thirty-four: Int :.ntl Li Bi Pani, Minn., t went v-f.uir.

i I evening the wind seemed t luoreaeeia ri:nni lt was bitterly sold. Peopliatres wer. suri>rtri"1 to fi:al ti.ut t'.«- xw_i!

uneomltortsbls tt-,u it waa when thee l... I(In lr home.. Th» »trc«r* xrtrn deserted, ex-mpt by on

mal ped strtaa, whs wsa *ra_ottad shoat n_oat aa*illly by a biting edi wluil. Such psfssaa u*

found themselves away from limn* fled to thai| du. t um! dirt. The gule

tossed tiie bay toto bugs waves, atni the tarry boals hadlr trijis regul arl*.,

Aloagthe docks the OptalOS prevailed that Hit. wiud-storm would result lu disasters to shipping,A largs tres on Houaion-sS., batweea Mulberr]

sts., was blown down last evening, snd nsrrewlyI crashing a passing street

Tbe storm whlcbpassed to tno northward yestrrrtnvwaseestrslla tke Lower Lake region on Tuesday, lti::nveu In an eastward dlreettoa. snd lats In the sftrr-noon wns oeittirti on the oi<mi or Milne. Light ssowfell rn kiie __o»n-r Lake ri glon aad rbe ortbers parts ol

:' t-l.iisi-ii 1. butslsawhersdesr or fairgi ii'-ia: v j.r. rslli 1 High norths esl wind* folio*

» rack of tbe stoma oeatr*. and cautlonar]arr ff -:,..rn ilgnals were discharged iil"Lg th. Atlantic

N .rtl: (' irotlriAt the iiftlce-tof th<- Weetara 1'nlon, Atisntie stitt I'n-

oillo iiini An. lt.,ii Union Telegraph Companies eonud. .iiiii>'ii tiie »x.in_rlii_ of

lu- wiies wus re,-"i lsd lust m,ht. At tbs Amerle 'ii i. n on*u» inuit _)¦ .in li ulm -tl of. Delays of

four oi liv.- riminte*, lt «_* said. Wonld oe.ur, i.

cotitiectiuu cou d bo Bit ali. e*i_t>llnli, U. A lui,.*...n m.ii of t'u.iii.M* t.js being dons lu spits ol

i susoyaaea of tba wind. Ne xvire* weis rs-oaiteii down. It wa* was e«|.lulim.! thal tbsaaalaeat*i*nr of air ..tm loo high, Ol expeodsd il* ,

esl force nt a-.i alevstlOU loo trreat to u.iusc de.tructli n

Ul tl .. U_«_ratih linea.KefUJ" tunis lert lu tile STt-et ly.r Tl! i'll'

over and their e. itents scattered, signs not properlywere detaoued from t'.eir r^t

;ixx n ncs wer« rent by im lon a of th-: guln.

< OLD WD-M AND hm. WI.. NSW ENQLANP.BOSTON, March 21..The Ciiiii'iaiiittYi ly nulli

wt it.'it-r ih.it hu* iTt-v.iiiii her.- dauiag the present.mimili uh* apoeeeded thia aftsrnooa by s genanorth we*ttii ly wind and a gnnlujil change In

tbe temperature, the th^rniometer falling severaldigiei* urti r H D*Sloe*_. Tim gala w,s very severn

and Muna sllgbl tia'n»_e ls n-norioti In t'.conn irv. i de weather lo-ntght li qm'" cold. Dilpstebei from points In New-Hsmpsblre, Maine and Ver¬mont report tbe prevalent, nf a besvv g__s. with con¬siderable snow.



DgRBT -INB, Vi., Mnreh 21..A heavy snoivhi.ii in ssl ni ln*t evening | fl'ieen Inch** h«ve alreadytall ii,and ll 1* killi __MWtag. A stroug Wlad ls blowing-


(iOVri_N.\li;\ I INDICATIONS.gyntptie 'ur the patt U hoare,

WasNINOTON, (larch 20, li. m..The ptorinIssi night, esotrsl lu Northera Nsw-Tork, bsi movedwith great ssaggy nan easterly track, sad i* now ssaiml on tin- io_-t ot Nova He 'tin nigh northwael wind*

have prevailed in the Lower Lalo rec-on, Middle H'ntr*

ami Hew-Bagtand. ii'xht sim*'has r,iieii ta tho Lakarectos, Nsw-Tork nnd New-Caatano, mid ncraslenallight ratasta laeNorthwaat. The temperatare io** risesvi. si ,,r tbs misoisslppi Hirer sad in itu* Upper Lakeregion; elsewhere bas tal un Boatbeasterly windi prevhIi weat of tba Hiaaiaalppl River sad la tie-.'*,>., er Lakorcgiou.

liul'.et'i'int.For.*. * England, colder clearing weather, northwest

to northeast wimi., bigber barometer.1 or the Middle A'lautle States, rle.tr or lui riv cloudy

weather, cold northwest .eerlog to warmer aouttiesstwlada, risingfoUowed bj following bsroaaater.

'«ti(w»n,,i/ Signal*.r»itiioiiarv s.,iiii!*eoiii|niie fioin Smithville te Nor-

f- k, lind cautionary oh ikoca ngmit* coutiuue fi omliaitllliort tu Kasip.rt.


Tl'li||--i-*> Hi' Ss."-"" »:T*r.»ii_». in isl. rli> tr Uni*, .fitt. SM. iLflwiOTi: illLll-llie illTUi.n. *l om. tar Hi. M i>( .,,

¦ni«-I»* nuissii-t llrflrr. _t.i»i *:.lt« Us. i-.r».*i.r. ISsMSilllllMly lb* m.nci ry Jurist (b**» Usuri. ls* _ro_» ii ir ecttti Sss stssasiaaitr ._-.st-.iii >» :.¦¦":- ¦'. te iaslc>ii<ay lastaatmamattttAamil».l'if»»r__-_) ii._lr*W»_).

TkiBtiita OFflCR. March _:_., 1 a. m..Tho barometer

roso r-pldly yesienlay isratag, mnl during Lott half of

tbe day tbs uiovenicat wus anaerslly upward. Partlyrloiidy wea'Ser was followed curly lu Hie iluy Ly 11, .u

_n_ lair weather Ifij_h nnrthw-t mid WistBl ll winds

it. vatted during a great part of the day. The tearasra*tan lacgeil lieiaeeu 1 !>'' .inti 3D', the aversgl (JW***!Iielug 9V lower tli*)i on the sumo dny lust year, ami

14V lower tlisn en Tneadav.tooler and deal or pn'ly cloudy weather, possibly

followed isre In the dey 1'V lneres«in_r rloadmem. mayPt esseeted la this city aud TlctnUy to-da-*.



f.*e. mid not lire.J8inco the opening of the exlii-iition, some

chants"*! tiave been made In tba bunging of the i*n-:nr---.and a second edition of Um eobi rateai ead Mt.eleniilttle c.'i'iiioi.'iii-hus b'cn nuhll.'ihed. We r. tc nl*o the

arrival of ti picture hy Mr. Jonti h. S,r_ent, n portrait or

tia urti, t Ciro:as Durum Mr. Sargent is a uiembor oftin tja idstj. living iu Parts, btu well knows hera t>r nie

(¦milly rata, r than by tho quantity of tin. pta!Brea he

bBSSSat tooanr borne exhibition* I.vcrv lo vcr of pic¬tures wbo saw Mr. ."argoni'i " Fishing for Oyit-"rs at

Cancale" in the flr*t exhibition of the 8 clrty, or hi*" Nt ii'olltnii Children " 1 ti last year's SSMMtMB af tl I

Nsttoaal Academy, will rssasatbsr tte nrtist'- name as

tbat of one whoas work asat a thrill of pteesars to thc

in art hy its freahnsaa and tbe Virginal sympathy tlShowed With the beauty of naturi." lt seemed a part of

j ii \ mi* ¦patag," Here l* a pat flue maaea of a more iimiure

am] rigorous sort, bet revealing tba isms enaltt-iiiat other. One moat not apeak of the eahjeot ola por¬trait, bul -" niue., univ lu sllOWSd Io sax' thal ll Ile lal klword "vui, ar" rises lo tba tips, ICU aol Mr. Sargentwin. provokes lt. Nothing th il the ani*t aaa ecol ii"ii"'

h i. loiore xx lil h ive intro laced him - !" hiscountrymen a* tnt* portrait, s wort vi inch must

eoge admiration sod from wbicb _rlttcl_m <

it it would.l;ui Iel na 'li'-t l""k ni the work ol Mr. William M.

the in- Ideal >r lie- Society,snd xt)io ballai'ii -.1 -.me iii* tall duty to the exhibition, sending ti"

less tti.it! eh xi:, ptetares 5 smung them, three dr four oflbs tno.*t striking. Ot these eleven pictures it I* tbe1'... anni ..11.ml Janies Wall Hebb (No _*7) thalv, ii have th.* strongest attraction for the psblle. The

subj "I ol iii- ii .1 largs ih'air coveredwiih n iktn. He *it* something itdewsys, with tbe leftleg thrown over tbe right, (be bead supported fm tberichi h.nd. wm!, with tbe tefl band be loosely grsspatho end or tba ci'itir,hui, plsylugwiib lt,snd partly!. rn in ile- snit tar. 'I lilian- black

Of the -llti-ianil .1 ItlSell '.x .il: ItllorB*Il"ll nf linen, a'nl a quit t lllut Ol WStctl "il t ll. EVOB til"

im ii made 11 ting s bis leal we shouldbe tempted n> lo1 man abo sint;jt 'ii n. Mr. Chase 1* a nor dot .

1. 1 mg for lack ol a

sr name," the ton .." ni. pictures have neithercolor ino tone, ).> choose snottier word from then

imi know if he can lie

nseli |n the search nf'-

U is tod 1

than whs he bas or what be 1*. And yet, in spite1.11 ii, in liises ui'iii, sn "¦. li

be b longs distinct f to s scbool, snd f..raii m.* much-ty, !¦¦ 1. Nsentlslti a rn mi

. killi *;¦¦

I ll' lil- IIXX ll X oil e fl.-1.ll ll ,1

great desi o' fat illly, and a *i.iii in bundling hislal mcD a- xxa 11! home n used to,

ti mi in-I lix of us ss if it were bu snd Instead of 1

'.'1 1' ...IllBI'ltia ne kill, not, ot course, wltb Bayview to

I, n content x h ttl of thonii tn- portrait "f ti neral Wi bb be li

ll li:* lill ..1.1-1 1-

id dealing simple,. Hi r.-,

tn too lundiportrait tbci

charm than U rs ts In s steam-engius. Art m nt

Intcrp ii', af nature.tier m_Joety. hoiIf J na xxii. .,., in

r, 1.11 dnate And now tnst .

I pla I "ii tOO mUSl li ree.

xx it. beauly, or Ai 1 asBaot ksoa ho tn tie,, -ab m-r.are vvlo taslsl tl.al Iteam euglE 1 B

-.ire hs iniK.'i *.n.ji* i* /.ii poetry asna! les, snd plsreti

1i.exvnr.1lw.il acknowledge lt «.

post i" mea wi a a ia prove :t bi tn* x

painter who asa Mew it in iii* purtora. |-. ...

.1 il un un n nail xx iiiie 11. ..nd 1, . ,-.ur.-*,'mil*, snit

but pietnreadeligbttal to i_.._ at tn themaslTes ptotores ta wtdeb the ebann thal * world flow to

yost 11:1.1 ySSW fol * nalui-lly mid a*

Lrrss-Stlngly aa tue *ap flaw* in tho tr.-_ bi Um Ul ol....t ii 11

wneri.it tte*.wtn-t'i. r it ti* iii ti.- color, Umii ,, tue Fens., of ufo, tho traill if pt.Kp_.nii 1 all waknow ls lh_i' It ls not In IBsfor whateas bs more unlike than tba ityls of Veias

f Ba| Vi' in ant] es aa them-"iii"- ii- Tbs now li 11 ats trying to Dud

sud no ona 11 .'. i;ii-r!iii ml wltboul ii.but Mr. Gaas_*a portrait ol .sab will sss eos*rert tba lsrers ol poetry ts tbs Ihnoij -fsssksswt*

thrsapeet '. I 1 tsars Dib eraftssBss's skin,,di ni's learning; tba ¦oholar's maatery lo stating

in* r .¦ but ibo arttsl . nethiugIntothe eti|i that I* not found herr.

80 soon ss Mr rr* ),'« prop rf!'!mid aaaayi color, we find su.-h deplorable re-

I la hi* 'i

Mo. 00. Here til* Lr-.- ., BIM Lu" olborough ls parodied in a "Bod I-.11I3." ead bo doubttbs artist iiiitixvB bli u. uui rlarnrnnaa '.

rough, whet tu r or aol hsfl_sioaatretod v. :,,»i bli ptotur,.* |._iDU-d to prwvs sately, tbat blas a aa

.ertstiily tletuoii.tr.iteil flint hs WSS B pOBt Blhi, bni*li, iiuil, sunn rn SOtd, mads hi* "Illa- ii..> " ,:

I.Kht to the e>o. Mi. C_*..'( "Ked I.4dy' ls a Uc'lguiIf to thr fyi! our ts fi 11,lin! 'i i ,

mucti tibfinf Art,"Sild Louis XVI. te Mad"but you lunj.e m-lov. it." "Pleat" nf pot ., ben."¦aid M .i.dx'.itf lum. .* trietarra, "but pre-teas nine estating." Mi Obaa * twa .- oj ,],.;,1

Alt, inn bc il"'") BOt li.uk. BB loco ll. Le onlymake, us rest oar Uraoraaaa of lt. Mrtthnlra.And in aoaaassa with tin. real of theof tba mw Behool, these pictures plaase tbemselraa withtue eiir,*i".antin "1 tlmt fh"re is "iileiity of paiOtlOg here,hut nu pi'i-tr.," Hie prslsa with xvhicii tbs Mstassnicrsand Qsromas mo content, and, strong in which, theylook down oti tim Turners uno" tba MUlStS, tbs fjorotlnnd th Maa

Bart another faull wa lad shh tha "Cd Lady" ia UMaffectation that pervades i lush of thia uoaipretentious canvas Ifs pa** avat the bsrmlt * laaoltyol Hie e liit-nf anuri In lli« c'lrti-r. tbSUgb, In tru'li, timplcturi vviiiiiii not im urti, eompteta wltbsut timj..mt -if iidiniraiioti. Itul. wiiiit c. u tl io,th beenlu tho urit*..'. mimi abes ss .. [ biamodel tn saab nn attitude, so straloed, so mi¬

nni ural, so surgestlve, not of thu lad**, not of lbswoman of tho world, lint of the vanetr BOt TOSS tlying to

play a high-comedy part I Hu bent vi., lou.h upon thcVino of the tn-xv clomi- 1 Tire not roiitlnetl lo Its dil I-

jiir* si iitiiii'', hut sa psteal abrosd.ttsi leva sf lensarion, of dlaplsy, tb iii*iiii*t ot sersalty and rspsss, Dowlilli I) to tlle*e elixir. si kited, alert fO__g lalt'lit thastralgbtfttrward nropltolty of a pietur. liku Trtlan's" Bella" or Bslbeta'a " Aaaerbaaa." It was noi rn esh .ry fm Qa-Bs oroag- 11 pol a sss! of-arma ta tin- oor-

ner of als portrait of las Ducie** of Devonshire to proveber lilia. Perfeet lovelinois of tasting, sn sit eonsuas-raatata tts stall xml aasatsrly tn its simplleity, wereuni:.-ii in ihe jd.'turn of tiie neut beautiful womaa ol barlime.

" The f-lin «t garde, ii, i,«r lo, 1,-.,Ami iu ber nun.I tho wisest boss's**

But who tiwiay is content willi *ttch rallaBO, ob frank-ne** ittul serenity I Thc.* qualities do not milt our noisy,S-H as*.-i tlio; time.The oilier pictures hero hy Mr. Obssa do not mil tut

l-rliiiilar rirmark. We mud Woads* why sumo or fin tn

wen i'Xiliilt.d. Tl.riiitriitr," No. Al, I. mg in ,-,,..-

posltioa and i-o'd tn color, with no reason for betas, timiwe eui discover. We call this a diagram of s .voiiiib;lady, BOtB picture. Ami tliesr stone wall* In "Or nftin- Way," No. Ill Wael fla Hi-'* signifr t They mr notlataiaaUaglr patatofl, aafl csrtamiy tbey »re sesiater-estlllg ut theuiselve*. ls tbe poo! ti Moo, tlifct (.ntIn is

uiiiler thr door Inteiid-d fur a tracie aB_fSSS__-_l t Hue I)Dun'.¦B-0aplsesawtrsasdlBgs soggesi aothtag more

tragic than that a bunill.** sluugbler of calves ot Sheafls going on wl'liin.

-if far as te hides are com erned, lt cm only b con II-ere*l fm inn ile iliat a mun so aeesaapUlhed ami so napabis sf tosptrtageBlBnalssss as Mr. Chsas, li so rtasv*iiutly rngsaeil ,4 be U in teHrlilnn lils art to our yiiuag[teople. Por ourselvai we thmot expect that the ln*iiuc-ttaO In art that I* lielng giren to-day In the maur schools-thIi ishsil among us. In Huston, In New-York, I'nli,-

delplutt, L'hli'i_o, C'.n. ilin.ifl, I 1, is going tofliM'l the country wiih artisl*. We expect it 1,0 mure

Illili) WOS» __M lb* school* of ilt-ft.rsTive url so pi in¬

fuse!) sown to dsv are to nuke tm* iircoriitive srtbstsasasaasa. Unas far sss sae efl tfeess msth fliMtraiteafdanu* li.iv.ti 11* ."tx leflsau ab.'ie urouiet -not our dlive talnlit tia* I '-. n ilt-re...|«- I. Two or gSTSS Won.-i

working ludip-ndnt of taSUSI I '*. 'I I il."',Mr*. fflMSlar. Mis* Dixw.dl, lu.'.fal rlflll experlil,ellis. Slid lill 'I i'l! dil*

well, or belter; kati after all,1.¦ benet]derived (rum lhc»e SSSSOlsot ari si

Hon will be thc fun.illari! tig of a great roany people In

n half-practical, liulf-tbeorctlc.ii wuy willi art priestplat, -o iii .t Li the c..iir*e irT time we -hill have a puhllctioined to some oh-orvatlon in the-« matters, and not

quite so en-lly bsmBSOStSfl a* our own. A pasb)ugihi.ri.linn who Ins di.ttOMdrated his Incapacity as a

sealptse by setting up a tlulkiu d.iudyprat as thcettgy sf a respectable Amertosa poet, aad n blatsnthen af a dime lov.i1 as thu imago of one af the Ibmib In ont tasia anny amil s msn. In lbs tood timspossibly coining, would have moro iliffleultyt. .a ho hu* ue__v in psraasdtag adneated,uiteillg.nt ni ri'hiui's ia tho Ural city lu tbeUnion of kia fitne_. to flealga atstoes of ear greatestmen for our ciilef bu .'ne.** Street If ever the taaohtnglof our art-schools shall make tho people of edintattonand letliieineiit In our KOtlet.', alive to tho discomforta* weil as tba dlaarsdlt of Baaing sack warka of art us

..dorn Hie most of our ¦qaarea Bad pablla buildings,the] vx ii! hare accompltsbefl a work of biak impartaBsa.Posterity will eertata v wonder how n ctyof istsaaoslIntelligence Uko Mew*Yack could ever have stosflqtOetly hy while statues like those afSeward, lafayette,.Morse, Hail'ck. Custer, timi BootiWen hoisted lo theirlina--. Me have a reasonable hope that tba lehools ofArt now growing up into vigorous ll ¦. among na will

mob dolngi difficult, if aol Impossible in tuelinnie.

11 '. dir' cl frsita nf some of 'lit* teaching sra shownre In plc Iurei by the pupili Ol the 1 il- Mr. Hunt and

Mist Iv -ih W.Whitman, pupils of Hunt.1 Miss I' r. Wheeler, a

ii liol Mi. riinsr.send pictures cualleiigln**ari.1 a,rarloui imaller Plec-i leatti red ver tbe walls

rn* of r'am I.* ier maMISS Baitol'l " .Motlier and (.nhl," Mo. .VJ. 'ann. t tie(i.itel ir ii independent xxni-k, li muai be looked a'.I comuleredss to all Intents snd purposei a pi tine

Mr. Hun:, lt I* xi

ure, ii work ext culed under tbe di'in* it tnat master, following latta*

i¦, in* po .--. bli in or ii

ni. .SUltS, nial 11 fl cl f di ha h ige -h ne nf ni- exoelii aciei one

nf in to x'i rh h. m i- ti oe* ilif vii v

signature of tbe master himself finds tlr-ell ifflxed, sstflil -X ln|

i sim .-. in ni n'smindi al I late 'lure. We coi ta in ly shu il not ny ol Mihi

¦-1 ii un- iii. t " it might lie a n.i niiii,'" <m

uni''! .''. li ii \ ryg.I n il.,timi of Hunt'sii ii" pici ure, All ¦¦.

all tbe rubs bs',' i i. I. ''. ii I i'I. li" tliUg

i- vi a. ¦: lint, it I* t" i" fcartlime, I.-', lug to lie vei x il illtj iud self-n

inn- ih.i' hara brougbl the BlMist I

limit' direct a we do in t

liam ii ii nc inf... rre to pi nye,...it ii

ul x. n illly, -ir.- filial ; '

[Mr. Hunt's te u ii ug li bi en t ta developl! Xiii' lo- pu¬

pil oom? disc -dented, bm tn evolve i tribe ol loni itors't-t.du

make it seem Ifo¬uld everts I'd'. In Hie

.I far ther ngth nv11ti xx niel, she has t"i tench-

er'* ioinettling Individual

uiighiii \ a mn- t. <>k tut independent pslb, bow couldhe help til bel I

ar pr. -flit x

.. d uniiiBt-r " hmii* the child

I li ii.ili-iiuui .1 I..

i.-I.nd i*ii» heavy a* be sushi m bet the mtlum Ik-nil mi I lim, mid Ilial nf Li- child ll |t_-i

IS liol

bair, the flesh bi

ik, for

ibe li i* tii'iifj: 3

i-r "Po ir lt " Ri Wnlt-i.i m. .* .I.-..X.I lo I.U)


'lal th lt tba

ll UTI

lin r"«ults of In* methods, limt.'.ut eoiii-.-in* lin' t) *L' SrtlSt

of Ute. ot a I -ii nf ii at tildie person-nliiy Hi*.

: '¦¦¦ ol amif tbe- of ti.o drawina. Tha tiuu, hu* hundred raul te,

nt, 1 xt. i' ut. no li,'eniloii . provethem heal Irs. a (lo trn tl rbi

im do ll I, -i t-oiii-

ol ead _r_ti| " lea


CHU Fl ' EB II .i.v I LL, 1*. S. X.

lian, ni Kewell, U. 8.1 mee al tbsN_xx , icu to

t'l I'llli .nie.

phiu, iticnded by a Lbs F imouthtun'.i I. ll..Ul

\i n,- h. iii" Bi p

i >'-. i Ni .'.. ll .(' ...ii, it:\it nt Peon*ia, iii ii stared tbs Wavy as a Third Issistaot-Ea

gtnear tn 1048 tot neal isrfsd uadaiike i .-i burve* ioBi 1 to

log hit,.,,i,,., M|.n ol -. .-"ii er. I'i l*.'l, bewaaaftaobed to (be Vtxeu, of Ibt ll- n. u-il

. ll. -i-. !\. ,!IO 1-.MI, uml

uiii r several rear* of duti with un Dome Squadron, hot._. itti in I, In 18-8. lotbe Fulton, then enraged oath. Psragaay expedition. He beeams 4 Iel l.n,iu.-er lu

iud during tbs war bs iaw eonstdermi IBS Fowl Hew Ironside* Hewn* fln-n

rfoik and Philadelphia Navy Yards,and In lt 70 .¦>.- rn el. 9 t <¦' rha Bonita tlmill' -Uiuadron, a position winch be again brid tn I ul tl.

In 1875. 1877 ind 1878 he waa en ipeel il duty at Ffrom wbleh etty ht sreol to Norfolk. Ile held

th. rcuitiv i mik ol (L iii ii indar.

UBS. MAY Ai.m:> FLEMING.May Aki)r*-i Plomlng. Um novelist, died yos-

:rnl iy morntog ut her ha BS. N M Wis ave., lirook-

lyn. Mrs. Fleming*! msldca aime wai Earls, and shewa* iiiirn In *n. John, Naw-BrUBSWlek, ta IMO. Hereducation waa reee-Vi, tao ooovsatla that city simxxa- reared tn Hie Bonus Catholic fsttk, to whlob aharem dBi d di x nutty sttschsd thronabool ber MB. Whileyet :i i-iniii she ihoae<i tomlin-»* for xii ting .ind Hf theuiii' nf flfleSI pub! Ind .1 tm- In 1. St, J.'iiii tievr*-

l'ii|n r. Under the umnit nf "OoaslB Miiv Hui le ton " shewrote in mv stories inr various pei lodlaaie, sad »evrrnivu iMiii .nf iii-s- fere pn di-heil. Wheo twenty yearsold stu- m irrle t n Fleming, s tn ichlnlst Foi u Dum-bet of yeara they lived In HI john, snd about lix yean

red io Brooklyn [n 1870 Mrs, flemingxx-;...le fir 'Ihe. ,Xer York Wee'.ly " Weddell. Vel N'nWite" [i nm una-iii.-Iv repiiblished by George W.Carleton, under me ns'.1 nix Lu rn our 'i Wife "

sod trad a largs sala. Uri Fl ming mad* i contract toIvei- for The .Vrw Tork » ,*r(s ' i 13,000a

xe.r. 1 iii » i* iftiixvstd men ii d to 89,000s xe-.r.ShesUoown l tbeoopyrlght in Lei booka Carletonhs* r pnbltsbi t them i I, Tbei Inelnde beside tbe onementioned already "A Wonderful Woman," "A TerribleX-er-tt," " Norma*! IL ver ri," "A M ul ManiBge,""One (Tight'* Mvsti tv," .'K I"' Dtitioli."" Silent Lil'

True," " Can ed b Storm,' sod " I. -i tor a Womin."Sn wet k« ago Mi -. Fleming * ts makins preparation!

togo 'o Kum. e Wheo *!l" 'tu' t l-'-II sm', with Bright'sie, she leaves four children, tbtr. nova sad one

gu I. Mt I terning has 111 tl In Bl, John during tho la.t/.¦ur j a ti *.

DR CYRUS POWEB&Cjms Powers, M. O., who tlietl st Moravia,

N. Y., Oil Sui,day, xvj,* mu' "f tile most prominent pliyti.'yu* und largaona ot Gnjrsaa Uoaaty. He was a

nephew ol lbs Int aita of ex-Ftfatasal Millard Ki I -

linne. Deserved bi sn, oa ta tas 761b sad lsXNJi itegtBMBtSSf Nv,- V.,i- dur ,.- Hu' BsbsMeQ. Dr. I'owi'i*rtoVStsd tniieli of lil* lime to t-til-lv anti rematch, andx*n* s forcible writer. At Ike oloaa of tue wm he rsrnac,lil id torah ul onsol Lbs leading I miami-, of Hi.tamts, preferring io rotors lo lu* quiet nolba, where bec.iiiiti (iemie mont tinn* io ids booka Daring 111* IllsDr. Powers eoll-oted i ilna hie private ItarsM*, ami pmvious to lils illness lu* tie.ni tbs BrsCtlOB "f a flue ilbrsi-ybonding. During nts incknes* he perfected irrsnga-iii. ni* for omplettaa the bnOdtag, whian is to bo givenv-iii, Ills coll. ..dmn nf books tn the nunile.

COLLISION IS lilt. RIPERAn thu Kris annex boat John itirkbivk was nois¬

ing the North River yes.SidST morning on tbs fri|>flinn full 'ii Ferry lo tbe tfoW-Jsrasy Gsatra] nndBria Kallroad depots, iln. bool strawh Um schooosiJ. H. Jerry, Iii nu at aiu Inn 500 yards el the Bat-tory, nnd ino*t ol the after Beloon ot I he BOUSS boutwno demolished. Ibo daSBBgaa BBSOunl ta about..Hui Un aebooosr loot kee tHiug jililiiunii and.nine of lo*r fore rigging. I here were very few pas-tt iner* un the su*nti) lKi.it. <'ne of fhese, a .youngniau, xx hm knocked overboard, bot was soon rsaoawal)i, ii.i clerk of tbe boat. A strong gain was blawiugnt thc lilac of tbe co1Iimi.ui, anti it is supposed thatthe piI .t tntaoalcalstad the strength of tbs tide andin ibe bu amor los flo*** to tho Bsboas-BT, 1 he John

|).lx *..n ure chartered as forry-¦¦¦ .!.- I'rie annex. Hint liclong to tbs New-

-iii k Ila! mi I ii* boat Couipauy.




Millll-.There teems to be no doubt tbat tho Now-York

Loan .h.,1 lu,pi ovcineut, Cotnpiuiy has eold a largepart, anil perhaps the whole, of tho 03.1)00 sharesof Manliaitun Elevated Railroad stock Issued fo ltnt the time tho railroads were leased to tho Man¬hattan ('ompany. The cortitir-ate.. of stock deliv¬ered rostenlny to complete sales mmlo on Tuesdaywere lari*ely from tho Loan nn<l Iniomvemont Com¬pany. They appear to have been Issned on Satnr-dasv Prtrtntnatrt officers of the Loan and Im-proveir.eiit Comp.-iiiy refused yesterday todeny pr confirm the repotted I.sue Sud salo ofthe stock.Offleera of tbe New-York Elevated Railroad Com-

paoy rxpresBed the ontni that the Loan nnd lin*provetnent Company sad sold all tbs stock, buttiny said .bey had no positive information in re-I'liii f"ii. The New-York Company dlatributed Itahalf f the Manhattan atook to its own stockholdersMinni sfter the li usc. 'I he halt given to the Loananti Improvement Comoon*/ was held intactin Its treasury until tho reseat sale.. Atthe time it was said that the Loin ami Im-provoment Company bad aeeursd sbsolate controlof the elevated railroad systems, and there weremany rumor, of unfriendly feelings in tba Manhat¬tan Board between the friend* of the two rom-

panies. lt is said now tbat tbe control is of sli_*htImportance, and tba! tbe Loan and ImprovementCornnany is glad to surrender if. he stock of tbeMa 11 li ;i mihi ( om nany a tinea is now to be xx id.lv dis-in1 ute.!, ii' .1 several ot the directors of tho oom-l».')i-v an ia jerad.o have parted with theiratock.Cyrna W. Field sold bia M inbattan atocb before helust went to Europe. He asid yesterday that heIniii nolie ni tho stock.


WITH f*SO.0O0,000 tx, ii m..

At a meeting yeaterday nf the executive oom-.1 lin-1 hicsgo, -: and Psi itlc Kail-

ro id Comp my it was decu :it to theholders at the next annual meeting in June a

plan for the consolidation under a newni tl:' ;l." company. An official _.rett-lar explaining the scheme will ho issned in a fewdays, lt La propo ed to create ii new company, t"becalled probablj tbe Chicago, Book Island sad

c Kai way Company, with a capital stock offf50.000.00O. Tb. branch roads uoa controlled bj,the company will ba mcludt .1 -.\ lIi tbe main toad Inone pillia" tv. The ItOCll ni (lie new eoiiipiii.v Willbe exchanged at the rate ol two iharee "t new Li¬nne ni .-hi stork. The pres 'iii capital ii ¥20 P. D.000,and it ls sahl that the amount of new stock n tneeded for tbe exchange wi! 1 be held by tbe coot-pan] ¦; n-itu,n of other property.

PLANS OP THE ELEVATED LINESGem ral E. F. Winslow, recently vice-*'

I gi neral manager >f tbs .'.I itropolltan Bievated, left tins ott] for tim Weal yeaterday

hlinew daliel .is president of ihe st.-i rn ral "

I Pacific 1 .i riiini'N'E ra-Inquired y >a battan

... ..*« .r of OcaeraI Winslow. Irwss said tbs this matter had aol yat been eoni

of general manager would probably-lilcnt,

_rintendent Onderdonk waa loud at Ms offleetatarin < a other officials of tho

rs i.' -a cfl-anl-

lillie Will I III h ngth..if providing lt witb a roof, and also with

ires gin ilplan, it in the booti ra itlon. Ii

B-seary, and. voni.i Le of great Htlvtnitiige.

mn-, fourtb-si. itatlonot the Second Av-'.' ¦. ill ne opent tl on

. t-.i. will 00


IF I'll: TRUNK LINES.Tho principal railroads with which rh* Joint

IBI I't'-d Wi-T'' n

sr Pink's office. The

nbjcot ot ii reeogalttoa a« a

..-ii line of tha Grand Trunk Railroad of Canada.»uts as to the tight of the comyauy to a

iago bualneis, but I hem was a (.ann

¦r-rcrnentsof percentage!.initi, wa* represent, tl by I* J. Hem

r, and John Porteons, geaeral freightr wu* rer. rrod Anally to the couiuilt-

t..- .if hlcagn roads. _*""i olilen xvii be Blade until tbeinto ¦'' ll. ll I/ed. anl, gt-iierid tnun-

>f ibe Michigan Ceatral, who ii a member of tha

la me discussion on the proposition to cnaa r»

iropean fretgut rates rron tbs West, by way.'.inortl 1.1'iiTe*.* xtii* nindi'. Notll-

i- xviii be accomplished, lt ls sh.ii, nt this,-. Among me minot topics in wm

h. Tbs meeting will be concludedio dm probably.


RAILROAD INC1DEXT&v ;' ¦' meeting ol the Louisville and

ii... il Compstty, held yosterrtiy,K. II. Standlford tendered bis resignation,* res dent, la OBeegasaea of lll-hesltb.II. Vi.mi : viet, president. was Ipresldl tl 'A. Oreen, second vice-president.io ii leaf, .uni Messrs. 0. OL baldwin,of Ki * V 'II Clark, of E. W.Clari .«* Co., Philadelphia, nt:. Logan 0. Mm ray, of

r. All tbe d _fer. noes ne-'ie n labville sn_ Ooma my snd t:is

Louisville and gashville Coropso] bavs been aiiluited.i ,! r...i .* was upnuli.teil general manager of Ihe

iallroad Company, auo tbs iri-tieral managerof rae Naslnllle and Chattanooga system.

,._. >. March SA.Al ths innnsi meeting or theolderi nf tin- Chicago, Burlington and Quinor

Etaiiroad, held hera this morning. Hie p!d Hoard of Iii-1 bs niin hcr uf s!i_ir_s v.tcd was

1-.- 1,1*7.

AQTTA PIOM AS TO .KKIGHT KATES.Ciiioaoo, March iM-..Yesterday tho Mil-

wsukes haa hi r af Coanaeroa appotaled n coniniliteeto examine thc-incition of tbe proposed arbitrary dlo-taii'iii of niilr.i id tnniB lines with referent*, to throughfreight r.ite* from nil pulu:* of shipment lu tbe West to

foro'iin ports or points, und to co-operate with other cora-

inereiiil organisation! tu taking measures agaluit the pro¬posed HOtlon, for the protection of the Interests of tha\Ve*i.Tln» step was taken on reoeipt of Bcnmtniiutrsttonfrom tin. hi. Loins Chamber of Cotumerce, stating thatIti Exchange bsd telegraphed Commlsslone- rink a pro-

,n,-r tbe proposed set.su of the trunk lines, andn king Ibooo-opsrsUOU ol the Milwaukee boord.

NIW-JBB8K, MIDLAND RCOBOAVISATIO-f.At tho reorganization of tho Now-Jersey

Mitlland Hallway Cou_i|>anr yeiferday, the u .me " .Vid-

l.iud Batlrca*! Company of New-Jersey " vi as udnpiedfor tba iu'xt cornorutiiiii, nnd tba following board of di-reotors waa elected i J. W. Hull. J. (_. Rogers, P. A.Polls. Henry Murki. Cd H. Burt!*, H. Borg, Charlu Par¬son*. B, B.Trassta, Henry Whalen,Q. a. Hobart, John

in iwB. Jn.'ii W. Taylor and lt. B. Hoghes, ino foilowing officers were sleeted i Presides!. <i. a. llonurt itreasurer. Charles Parsons| secretary, Charles Parsons,Jr. _

Kallara Marauier Travel.Tin' iirr.il Pisvtdsseo Mus to Itostun »lll bs reopened this

¦esses t>u Munday. A ill .'., with IhSStSBBBl "teamen Massa

ShSSBtasBBd lihisli) Inland.The adv. mai** nf this route, *u.h si the csrtslnty of

iri'Uiut srrlvsl lu Uuie (or eOBBSeHSBSi H"* idectrlc' bells frorui-ut'li s'nt' rtwiiii, ttie ii|.|Mii iult v fnr an undisturbed night'srs*t. Ths insln tieck dining ronni*, with their ont d.ior vlsws

rrinn the tallies, Bad ciinsiojnsiit norfect vnutllstlon, and thut hui Hung *. .Herr ot N ai rag nu .ell Bay ait tend tu make ttdatl.e fax iirite rout- ijniwssu Huston and lids city.

DIED.AllUK-At Fnrt liars. Kansas, ..'llitam Ifackstsff sonid ms ut- lifTgi- sud elm lott. H. Abbs, foruiorly ofWlntihsm.C'inn In hts .'IStli year.

aJPPLBTUN.OS I'uiwlsy. KSTSS _H. Hannah Dawes.widownf iiarl-s ll. Atipletou. formeily of lialliui'T., lu toe 9ithyear ot uar aga

Ku n st ai ssttIobs will be held at thsr .T,,i«tics of her daughter,Mr*. Rti**ell -lurgi* 1)0 Kast lOth-st*, on Saturday, th*_7th lll*L. Si 1 1 n'c.lK'k.

HA('ON-In BraO-Jra. st lier lat, residence, SC9 Wishing-t..nave., on tli* ot.tiing of March J.t. ISMO Mi-. Loaf A.lim.>n tTi.ai.T nf His lats DsoUl Lacou, and d_._gli._r uf tholah- Henry Holt.

Nuuosol tuusiai U.rttattst.hm.i.kV on Wettuesdar, March 21. ISnO, John 3. Bagley.

autiti 7t> fsara,I ni,..ral serrlt-ss will be butti st hi* late re.id»neo. No. 88

l-'ir*t place. Brnollrti. OD t-'rtdaf, March M. at 4 p lu.Inu-iiii"it at .'.ewiiiirvp-itl, Masa.Portland. Ma. napsts ulsaaecopy.BKAINAKD-At I'assaio, NJ.,on Tiissday, March 23. Japiea

ll. tm-, infant son of Kttwln !.'. aud Jetiule liraiuard, aged iimm)th* and 'H dava,

tit 1sti\es ant. maadi nf the family ar- n-spoctfully Invllixd toHlt-'iitl Hi* fuii'tai (rom th* rrioirrits of his parems ou1 linr.ilay, 'i- A\ si t | S.

Ttalaa i*st* tesl of Cnirmli-r »t at IitS and il p m.

DAVIS.IB Brooklvn. March ail, Frederick Davis, foruiorlyof Portland, Mo., »*.. i t>U vnaia.

IVAN-*- Al I'latufled. H. J, snddinlv. Mrs. Jolni BL Evans.i'liin lui. I'liursiiar luiintog. at 10 a cluck.ttniii-.nl lier lal* **ilt»s.

II. )L>t* K** At ths resldeni'* of E. P. Wliealsr, esq. No. 20xv *st (*tti .: Ibis itv. on .March J... Anna Fuller, daiign-ter ot tbs lats Hon. Mila* If. Motives, of Washington, I), c.

Keridcea ut the housa on Thursday, at .1 o'cioca m, a. and alItiil.aiiil.Vt.. or frlilay.

KNOWLTON.At bia residence. Oold*n Hill. MSg^acli'uiiti, Monday, tb* 'Jilli. Winiam L K hot. linn, .ikinl VJyears.KNOWLTON.On ths TM inst at (he re«l l*n. » nt lits sun¬tu last. Alfr», Hoyt. MAiiitnril, ('unit., tbs Kev. I ai u tia niKliii*»lt"ii. In 'he H itli Tear n al* SOS.

lfuneisi SWS-SSSSS ,lau wiatt. BbUSfl ta., on tba 2."nh inst.

ni rn.LA WSON'-At Ymikers, Wedueadiy, March 'il. James Law-

.¦in, iu itiu rt'Jd ye tr of hu * re.P .I..-, ai service* -ill be held at **t. John's dniren, Vouker%on l- iiti.iv- tftaraaua, at 8 -i'.x nek.

1 rain* loavo the ,raud i.'antral Uc.iot at 1 o'clock and So'clock p. m.

Carriage! wlil bein trait in tr at ths depot on arrival of tbatralni; returning leard Youkeri at 4:10 p. in.

MANN-A- Sncoainnna, Morrl County, N. J., Marob tt,Miss -"arah M. Mann, sgeil 7.1 r-ira.

?laure* arni freud* ar.) re-n.eeti.iilr invited to attend tbsmiers at ber late real lenee (saturday, March If, at ll

Cimsges will bs In walting on the arrival of tho morulnatrains from New-lorie at tbe Drskeville ano *m i-uuniuietationa.

Mckillop.At Newtown. L. 1., John MclUilop. aged SSTsars.

Funeral Hatnrdsv. ,7th, at 12 o'clock, from bis '.ate restdenoaPOWK Its.At Moravia. N. V., March ill, Cyrni Poweri, Ai.D, in ths ilttl y .ar- of his 11*0.

Buffalo papers pleas, onpy.SMITH.At Spring Valley. Rnekisnd Conntr, N*. V. MarcBISL Maggie, only child ot Andrew smith, aged 'M years, fmtinti.i and 17 daya

Funeral from tha residence of hsr parents, 'Ihnrsdiy, MarcSlift, at IU o'cio.ik.

8L0AN.At6t Paul, Minn, at 5 s. m.. Wa.tnesUv, Marog17, 1-180. Oeneral William j. gloau, Surgeon U. 8. A.

8!. EI.LINU.Kutilenly, on Mundar, Blarch 'ii, Edward Torn,p eton "(neilin*, son if m. 'ar* Anirew *.y:iu:-* -m-lllng.

lim tai services at Grace nun:'i, ou Th-T-day, March 'it,at half past 3 o'clock, lt 1. requested that no flower! bslent.

WAI.DITK-On Tuesday, March 'ii. Robert M. W aldnelf*,in tbs 73d rea* nf his axe.

Funeral from his late residence, Mcnd:.am. _.. J., on Thoradav. at 1 tn ui

Carnages will bein witting at Morristown on the arrival atth. ti am that 'e iv-* Mew-York at ;*: 10 i. n.

IlarclBv or CbrlHtopht-r Siiert Ker. les. No iloxv.r..Wi; I'M' if*. un Mi.i.div. Mm-ti .'J. at bis residence, HISMadlnoti ave., William C, Wetmore.

Balaavss ami fn«iius sm ra <n .ra!'y invited tn sttSBd biaf.in ral nt Ht Ital tlioltnnew * I'luri'. cnricriif MaiLloa*ave. tout ..lb-st., on I iiiit'-nlay. Ike SSS, Inti., lt lt) n't looah. m.ia remain* will be taken to Stratford, t'onn., for Inti -rnu-niWILSON Saddwilr,si Springs -Ts.sstksl

I'avil ll. Wilvm.tit Ualirrlii-.d. .\. J.'nt iiiiifi.ii bel

Special Xoticea( onere** Waler. Iisiapsnortti i« i i- .ii|i---i

- ir,acid or iii lid'll at mi un .-i li" ilaohe, lnlernil ..irein- . i|tanda to dentm. i ur mat mi membrane. All mineral watersti ai srs dsngeroui irruanti may be known by au acld aftastla«Ie

For couali*. ld*. brotictiiii*, tko., us* tba areal -SKKATINH i

i.'liet"old by ail drui'gl*t- '.'-. Sent by I

Li enta

Ncrvoin. Tixhiu.liou Hirts!of '.-.- .* -tv.Vork, an tbe cause and ure ot preta ii ur* .rijjtq.


sj ii..(i-t. -..-iii to niltra ifneatsjnerrnus aud h t-

iliv mail, - -i " "¦ Kt Irssa

I'tiinilaliiiii t.l I llTKIBtNi; A I,MAW Al ill._

Peal o-ice NotrteaThe lorelKii mill! :'ir ii- x .< ml mr *-( 1'ItDA V,

Minti .7. 1><*". xxil, V V. alii ..ii[-.ir. Uv-O'i.a.i ii v. x mi x. ria ..-i inniwni i

mi WBDNKHDAY, at I2:,<>p.m, -ar Europe, br itasBllhlg, .-.,.;¦._.., H., id 'it.liAV. at i.J a. m., fm

Sv *i.'S'n-t!iiii '.x: tn ', ria Plysw nh,-ii/ amt Hamburg (correspondents* fur (;r>-st Bri ida

and tbe Conttni snd si 1- m-rm ni ipa n steamship I n.a Brass-is, vis Uneoaatowa

sim iv and Pranes -n:i*i be specially-di on BATU RI)AV. at .a. ;n. IO .''t, lif

ir.iii.\ aa a at 1 1 a. m.. lu, ...rrin j ny,Ac.,br -i. ann-1.ip '"ler, rle Hoalbampton sud Bremen oat*Ti S.'iOIl iern- fol II 'l 'lit!.nil' lli'l-t 1'CspS-

t d). and at 1 p. m. tor t-iiioii-. by id unship fte-and

Norway ap- Hamburg ai tasmanonly. Hie iniii* fur Havana leave Nnw-Vurk Msrrb'.'4 aili07. Tin' mai * fur Bs Iss -. Isava Nea YorkMarehtA I hs msils for ll "rt- nii'l MatS-BlbS l-sve New.1..: - March -7. Thi mails i"r St. Pterrs-Mlquel :. Isavi New.YorK M.neil 25, -Iii- rta .N-. -ni.antlt ivs Ni tv-York March 36. n-.ive

Ne ».. -,-..N'a»-.iu. N. l', l. iv,. Bt w.

York March 2') and -.'7. 1 be m ill* Inr t'liti: i anil Japan nra-ii. Kraiieis.-oAi.nl u. itel mali* ror Australia l-iv.-saa

iou April lu.1 l. r \ xi;:*. Pottmsit -r.

Pott o.Tce. New.york March20.1380._

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A HA -.Ii.Lb.NI.Li,. U_ Lei.lort.ai a i. neal li uh sjTL-irt-v-fwo Years Ago,

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