Fingerprint-Authentication Using Biometric

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  • 8/18/2019 Fingerprint-Authentication Using Biometric





     Authentication plays a very critical role in security-related applications like e-commerce.

    There are a number of methods and techniques for accomplishing this key process. In

    this regard, biometrics is gaining increasing attention these days. Security systems,

    having realized the value of biometrics, use biometrics for to basic purposes! to verify

    or identify users. There is a number of biometrics and different applications need

    different biometrics. "iometric is the most secure and convenient authentication tool. It

    can not be borroed, stolen, or forgotten and forging one is practically impossible.

    "iometrics measure individual#s unique physical or behavioral characteristics to

    recognize or authenticate their identity. $ommon physical biometrics includes

    fingerprints, hand or palm geometry, retina, iris, and facial characteristics. "ehavioral

    characters characteristics include signature, voice, keystroke pattern, and gait. %ro&ect

    deals ith Identification, Authentication and Setup of Security System using 'I( )*)*

    "iometrics and +* (icrocontroller. "eside "iometrics and +* (icrocontroller the

    ma&or components required are $/, 0T$ Section 1for real time clock updates2, 3eneral

    purpose %$", 0elay section 1for opening and closing of security doors2 and %ersonal

    $omputer etc. The interfacing beteen +*-$/, +*-0T$, +* - 'I( )*)*

    "iometrics (odule 1Thumb 3eometry recognition2 and 'I( )*)* "iometric (odule 4

    %ersonal $omputer is to be implemented. The details about each module are given in

    ne5t sections of this report.


    The orking of the pro&ect is e5plained ith the help of block diagram.

    "lock diagram!

  • 8/18/2019 Fingerprint-Authentication Using Biometric


    'igure . "lock diagram of the system

    There are to modes

    . 0egistration mode

    6. 7ser mode

    In first mode, i.e., the registration mode, system communicates ith personal

    computer for creating and maintenance of data base. This mode can be selected using

    mode sitches available on system. In this mode scanner scans the image of thumb

    impression of the person and generates its bit pattern matri5 according to the key points

    in thumb geometry and than stores it in memory available in 'I( )*)* "iometrics

    (odule knon as user8s space. 9nly administrator has authority to register the ne

    person. In second mode, i.e., the user mode, system breaks contact ith personal


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    computer. This mode can be selected ith the same sitches that are mode

    sitches on system. In this mode system again scans the thumb geometry of the

    person making contact ith scanner for identification and start matching ith the

    e5isting data base maintained during registration mode. If system recognizes the

    person than it ould grant the access through doors according to his:her 

    designation else access denied message ould be shon on $/ and according

    to persons designation access through doors ill be provided.

    'or a student only door number gets open. 'or a teacher:staff member door 

    number and 6 gets open. 'or an administrator all three doors i.e. door no. , 6 ; )

    gets open for appro5imately mbedded $ programming

    language. ?eil (icro@ision) Integrated /evelopment >nvironment is used to compile

    hole program and 'lash magic is used to burn the program code e5 file.

    Bhole pro&ect is divided in < chapters. Second chapter describes the

    microcontroller +*8s architecture. Third chapter describes the biometrics basics

    and the 'I( system. 'orth chapter describes the fundamentals of serial

    communication. 'ifth chapter describes the hardare description of hole pro&ect.

     At last in appendi5 codes are shon related to the pro&ect.


    The pro&ect deals ith the identification, authentication and setup of security system

    using "iometrics module. (ain aim of pro&ect is to give access to the user according to

    their designation and to maintain data base. Borking of pro&ect has been discussed.

    'inally, this chapter gives the over vie of compete pro&ect orking.


  • 8/18/2019 Fingerprint-Authentication Using Biometric




    2.1 GENERAL

    In this chapter, the +* family, +* assembly language programming, loop and

    I:9 port programming, +* addressing modes, arithmetic instructions, +*

    hardare connection and Intel he5 file have been discussed.

    2.2 THE 8051 FAMILY

    In C+, Intel $orporation introduced an +-bit microcontroller called the +*. This

    microcontroller had 6+ bytes of 0A(, D? bytes of on-chip 09(, to timers, one

    serial port, and four ports 1each +-bits ide2 all on a single chip. The +* is an +-bit

    processor, meaning that the $%7 can ork on only + bits of data at a time. /ata

    larger than + bits has to broken into +-bit pieces to be processed by the $%7. The

    +* has a total of four I:9 ports, each + bits ide. Although the +* can have a

    ma5imum of

  • 8/18/2019 Fingerprint-Authentication Using Biometric


    'igure .6 "lock diagram of inside the microcontroller +*

    2.2.1 8051 M"%oo()%oll*% 

    The +* is the original member of the +* family. 'igure 6. shos the block diagram

    of the +* microcontroller. The AT+C$ is a lo-poer, high-performance $(9S +-bit

    microcomputer ith D? bytes of 'lash programmable and erasable read only memory1%>09(2. The device is manufactured using Atmel8s high-density nonvolatile memory

    technology and is compatible ith the industry-standard ($S- instruction set and pin

    out. The on-chip 'lash allos the program memory to be reprogrammed in-system or by

    a conventional nonvolatile memory programmer. "y combining a versatile +-bit $%7 ith

    'lash on a monolithic chip, the Atmel AT+C$ is a poerful microcomputer hich

  • 8/18/2019 Fingerprint-Authentication Using Biometric


    provides a highly-fle5ible and cost-effective solution to many embedded control

    applications. The AT+C$ provides the folloing standard features! D?bytes of 'lash,

    6+ bytes of 0A(, )6 I:9 lines, to

  • 8/18/2019 Fingerprint-Authentication Using Biometric


    'igure 6.6 %in diagram for microcontroller +*

    Po%) 1

    %ort is an +-bit bi-directional I:9 port ith internal pull-ups. The %ort output bufferscan sink:source four TT inputs. Bhen s are ritten to %ort pins they are pulled high

    by the internal pull-ups and can be used as inputs. As inputs, %ort pins that are

    e5ternally being pulled lo ill source current 1II2 because of the internal pull-ups. %ort

    also receives the lo-order address bytes during 'lash programming and verification.


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    Po%) 2

    %ort 6 is an +-bit bi-directional I:9 port ith internal pull-ups. The %ort 6 output buffers

    can sink:source four TT inputs. Bhen s are ritten to %ort 6 pins they are pulled high

    by the internal pull-ups and can be used as inputs. As inputs, %ort 6 pins that are

    e5ternally being pulled lo ill source current 1II2 because of the internal pull-ups. %ort

    6 emits the high-order address byte during fetches from e5ternal program memory and

    during accesses to e5ternal data memory that uses

  • 8/18/2019 Fingerprint-Authentication Using Biometric


    %ort ) also receives some control signals for 'lash programming and verification.


    0eset input. A high on this pin for to machine cycles hile the oscillator is

    running resets the device.


     Address atch >nable output pulse for latching the lo byte of the address during

    accesses to e5ternal memory. This pin is also the program pulse input 1%0932

    during 'lash programming. In normal operation A> is emitted at a constant rate

    of :< the oscillator frequency, and may be used for e5ternal timing or clocking

    purposes. Hote, hoever, that one A> pulse is skipped during each access to

    e5ternal /ata (emory. If desired, A> operation can be disabled by setting bit *

    of S'0 location +>. Bith the bit set, A> is active only during a (9@F or 

    (9@$ instruction. 9therise, the pin is eakly pulled high. Setting the A>-

    disable bit has no effect if the microcontroller is in e5ternal e5ecution mode.


    %rogram Store >nable is the read strobe to e5ternal program memory. Bhen the

     AT+C$ is e5ecuting code from e5ternal program memory, %S>H is activated

    tice each machine cycle, e5cept that to %S>H activations are skipped during

    each access to e5ternal data memory.


    >5ternal Access >nable. >A must be strapped to 3H/ in order to enable the device to

    fetch code from e5ternal program memory locations starting at **** up to ''''.

    Hote, hoever, that if lock bit is programmed, >A ill be internally latched on reset. >A

    should be strapped to @$$ for internal program e5ecutions. This pin also receives the

    6-volt programming enable voltage 1@%%2 during 'lash programming, for parts that


  • 8/18/2019 Fingerprint-Authentication Using Biometric


    require 6-volt @%%.


    Input to the inverting oscillator amplifier and input to the internal clock operating circuit.


    9utput from the inverting oscillator amplifier. 9scillator $haracteristics FTA and

    FTA6 are the input and output, respectively, of an inverting amplifier hich can be

    configured for use as an on-chip oscillator, as shon in 'igure . >ither a quartz

    crystal or ceramic resonator may be used. To drive the device from an e5ternal clock

    source, FTA6 should be left unconnected hile FTA is driven as shon.

    'igure 6.) $rystal 9scillator $onnections

    There are no requirements on the duty cycle of the e5ternal clock signal, since the

    input to the internal clocking circuitry is through a divide-by-to flip-flop, but minimum

    and ma5imum voltage high and lo time specifications must be observed.


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    2.2. P%o$%#&&"($ o M"%oo()%oll*% 8051

    Be are using embedded $ programming language to program the central unit i.e.

    microcontroller +*, so that it performs the specific task according to the requirement.

    N**3 o C'

    $ompiler produces he5 file that e donload into 09( of microcontroller. The

    size of he5 file produced by compiler is one of the main concerns of 

    microcontroller programmers for to reasons!

    . (icrocontroller has limited on -chip 09(

    6. The code space for +* is limited to

  • 8/18/2019 Fingerprint-Authentication Using Biometric


    ). 7nsigned int is F-90 1Q2, Inverter 12, Shift 0ight 1MM2 and Shift left 1LL2.


    In this chapter the +* 'amilies, Architecture of +* (icrocontroller, %in

    description and >mbedded $ programming basics have been discussed.


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    umans recognize each other according to their various characteristics for ages.

    Be recognize others by their face hen e meet them and by their voice as e

    speak to them. Identity verification 1authentication2 in computer systems has

    been traditionally based on something that 1key, magnetic or chip card2 or 1%IH,

    passord2. Things like keys or cards, hoever, tend to get stolen or lost and

    passords are often forgotten or disclosed.

    To achieve more reliable verification or identification e should use something that

    really characterizes the given person. "iometrics offer automated methods of identity

    verification or identification on the principle of measurable physiological or behavioral

    characteristics such as a fingerprint or a voice sample. The characteristics are

    measurable and unique. These characteristics should not be duplicable, but it is

    unfortunately often possible to create a copy that is accepted by the biometric system as

    a true sample. This is a typical situation here the level of security provided is given as

    the amount of money the impostor needs to gain an unauthorized access. Be have seen

    biometric systems here the estimated amount required is as lo as ** as ell as

    systems here at least a fe thousand dollars are necessary.

    "iometric systems can be used in to different modes. Identity occurs hen

    the user claims to be already enrolled in the system 1presents an I/ card or login

    name2U in this case the biometric data obtained from the user is compared to the

    user8s data already stored in the database. Identification occurs hen the identity

    of the user is a priori unknon. In this case the user8s biometric data is matched

    against all the records in the database as the user can be anyhere in the

    database or he:she actually does not have to be there at all.


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    It is evident that identification is technically more challenging and costly.

    Identification accuracy generally decreases as the size of the database gros.

    'or this reason records in large databases are categorized according to a

    sufficiently discriminating characteristic in the biometric data. Subsequent

    searches for a particular record are searched ithin a small subset only. This

    loers the number of relevant records per search and increases the accuracy 1if 

    the discriminating characteristic as properly chosen2.

    "efore the user can be successfully verified or identified by the system, he:she

    must be registered ith the biometric system. 7ser8s biometric data is captured,

    processed and stored. As the quality of this stored biometric data is crucial for 

    further authentications, there are often several 1usually ) or 2 biometric samplesused to create user8s master template. The process of the user8s registration ith

    the biometric system is called enrollment.

    .1.1 W9#) )o &*#+%*:

    (ost significant difference beteen biometric and traditional technologies lies in the

    anser of the biometric system to an authentication:identification request. "iometric

    systems do not give simple yes:no ansers. Bhile the passord either is 8abcd8 or not and the card %IH 6)D either is valid or not, no biometric system can verify the

    identity or identify a person absolutely. The person8s signature never is absolutely

    identical and the position of the finger on the fingerprint reader ill vary as ell.

    Instead, e are told ho similar the current biometric data is to the record stored in

    the database. Thus the biometric system actually says hat is the probability of 

    these to biometric samples come from the same person.

    "iometric technologies can be divided into 6 ma&or categories according to

    hat they measure!

    . /evices based on physiological characteristics of a person 1such as the

    fingerprint or hand geometry2.

    6. Systems based on behavioral characteristics of a person 1such as signature


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    "iometric systems from the first category are usually more reliable and accurate

    as the physiological characteristics are easier to repeat and often are not affected by

    current 1mental2 conditions such as stress or illness. 9ne could build a system that

    requires a **Vmatch each time. et such a system ould be practically useless, as

    only very fe users 1if any2 could use it. (ost of the users ould be re&ected all the

    time, because the measurement results never are the same. Be have to allo for 

    some variability of the biometric data in order not to re&ect many authorized users.

    oever, the greater variability e allo the greater is the probability that an impostor 

    ith a similar biometric data ill be accepted as an authorized user. The variability is

    usually called a 1security2 threshold or a 1security2 level. If the variability alloed is small

    then the security threshold or the security level is called high and if e allo for greater 

    variability then the security threshold or the security level is called lo.

    .1.2 B"o&*)%" )*9(";*+

    There are lots of biometric techniques available noadays. A fe of them are in

    the stage of the research only 1e.g. the odor analysis2, but a significant number of 

    technologies is already mature and commercially available 1at least ten different

    types of biometrics are commercially available noadays! fingerprint, finger 

    geometry, hand geometry, palm print, iris pattern, retina pattern, facial

    recognition, voice comparison, signature dynamics and typing rhythm2.

    .1. F"($*%,%"() )*9(olo$"*+

    'ingerprint identification is perhaps the oldest of all the biometric techniques. 'ingerprints

    ere used already in the 9ld $hina as a means of positively identifying a person as an

    author of the document. Their use in la enforcement since the last century is ell knon

    and actually let to an association fingerprint P crime. This caused some orries about the

    user acceptance of fingerprint-based systems. The situation improves as these systems

    spread around and become more common. 'ingerprint readers before e

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    can proceed any further e need to obtain the digitalized fingerprint. The traditional

    method uses the ink to get the fingerprint onto a piece of paper. This piece of paper is

    then scanned using a traditional scanner. This method is used only rarely today hen an

    old paper-based database is being digitalized, scanning a fingerprint found on a scene of 

    a crime is being processed or in la enforcement A'IS systems. 9therise modern live

    fingerprint readers are used. They do not require the ink anymore. These live fingerprint

    readers are most commonly based on optical, thermal, silicon or ultrasonic principles.

    'igure ). 9ptical Scanner 

     All the optical fingerprint readers comprise of the Source of light, the light sensor and

    a special reflection surface that changes the reflection according to the pressure. Some

    of the readers are fitted out ith the processing and memory chips as ell.

    9ptical finger print readers are the most common at present. They are based on reflection

    changes at the spots here the finger papillary lines touch the reader8s surface. The size of 

    the optical fingerprint readers typically is around * 5 * 5 centimeters. It is difficult to

    minimize them much more as the reader has to comprise the source of light, reflection

    surface and the light sensor. The optical fingerprint readers ork usually reliably, but

    sometimes have problems ith dust if heavily used and not cleaned. The dust may cause

    latent fingerprints, hich may be accepted by the reader as a real fingerprint. 9ptical

    fingerprint readers cannot be fooled by a simple picture of a fingerprint, but any )/

    fingerprint model makes a significant problem, all the reader checks is the pressure. A fe

    readers are therefore equipped ith additional detectors of finger aliveness.

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    'igure ).6 'ingerprint bitmap

    9ptical readers are relatively cheap and are manufactured by a great number 

    of manufacturers. The field of optical technologies attracts many nely

    established firms 1e.g., American "iometric $ompany, /igital %ersona2 as ell as

    a fe big and ell -knon companies 1such as %, %hilips or Sony2. 9ptical

    fingerprint readers are also often embedded in keyboards, mice or monitors.

    'igure ).) 9ptical fingerprint reader 

    Silicon technologies are older than the optical technologies. They are based on

    the capacitance of the finger. The dc-capacitive silicon fingerprint sensors consist of 

    rectangular arrays of capacitors on a silicon chip. 9ne plate of the capacitor is the

    fingerU the other plate is a tiny area of metallization 1a pi5el2 on the chip8s surface.

    9ne places his:her finger against the surface of the chip 1actually against an

    insulated coating on the chip8s surface2. The ridges of the fingerprint are close to the

    nearby pi5els and have high capacitance to them. The valleys are more distant from

    the pi5els nearest them and therefore have loer capacitance.

    Such an array of capacitors can be placed onto a chip as small as 5 5 mm and

    thus is ideal for miniaturization. A %$($IA card 1the triple height of a credit card2 ith a

    silicon fingerprint reader is already available. Integration of a fingerprint reader on a credit

    card-sized smartcard as not achieved yet, but it is e5pected in the near future. Silicon

    fingerprint readers are popular also in mobile phones and laptop computers due to


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    the small size. The fingerprint bitmap obtained from the silicon reader is affected

    by the finger moisture as the moisture significant influences the capacitance. This

    often means that too et or dry finger do not produce bitmaps ith a sufficient

    quality and so people ith unusually et or dry finger do not produce bitmaps

    ith a sufficient quality and so people ith unusually et or dry finger have

    problems ith these silicon fingerprint readers.

    "oth optical and silicon fingerprint readers are fast enough to capture and

    display the fingerprint in real time. The typical resolution is around **

    /%I.7ltrasonic fingerprint readers are the neest and least common. They use

    ultrasound to monitor the finger surface.

    The user places the finger on a piece of glass and the ultrasonic sensor moves

    and reads hole the fingerprint. This process takes one or to seconds. 7ltrasound

    is not disturbed by the dirt on the finger so the quality of the bitmap obtained is

    usually fair. 7ltrasonic fingerprint readers are manufactured by a single company

    noadays. This company 17ltra Scan Inc.2 ons multiple patents for the ultrasonic

    technology. The readers produced by this company are relatively big 1 5 5 6*

    centimeters2, heavy, noisy and e5pensive 1ith the price around 6**2. They are

    able to scan fingerprint at )**,

  • 8/18/2019 Fingerprint-Authentication Using Biometric


    correlation based overcome some of the difficulties of the minutiae-based approach.

    oever, it has some of its on shortcomings. $orrelation-based techniques require the

    precise location of a registration point and are affected by image translation and rotation.

    oop Arch Bhorl

    'igure ).D oop, Arch; Bhorl

    The loop is the most common type of fingerprint pattern and accounts for about

  • 8/18/2019 Fingerprint-Authentication Using Biometric


    'igure ). 'ingerprint ridge

    These are not continuous, straight ridges. Instead they are broken, forked, changed

    directionally, or interrupted. The points at hich ridges end, fork and change are called

    minutia points and these minutia points provide unique, identifying information. There

    area number of types of minutia points. The most common are ridge endings and ridge

    bifurcations 1points at hich a ridge divides into to or more branches2.

    The speed of the decision sometimes depends on the security level and the

    negative anser very often takes longer time than the positive one 1sometimes

    even * times more2. There is no direct dependency beteen the speed and

    accuracy of the matching algorithm according to our e5perience. Be have seen

    fast and accurate as ell as slo and less accurate matching algorithms.

    The minutiae found in the fingerprint image are also used to store the fingerprint for 

    future comparisons. The minutiae are en- templates coded and often also compressed.

    The size of such a master template usually is beteen 6D bytes and one kilobyte.

    'igure ).< The minutiae matching

    The minutia matching is a process here to sets of minutiae are compared to

    decide hether they represent the same finger or not.

    'ingerprints contain a large amount of data. "ecause of the high level of data present

    in the image, it is possible to eliminate false matches and reduce the number of possible


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    matches to a small fraction. This means that the fingerprint technology can be used for 

    identification even ithin large databases. 'ingerprint identification technology has

    undergone an e5tensive research and development since the seventies. The initial

    reason for the effort as the response to the '"I requirement for an identification search

    system. Such systems are called Automated 'ingerprint Identification Systems 1A'IS2

    and are used to identify individuals in large A'IS databases 1typically to find the offender 

    of a crime according to a fingerprint found at the crime scene or to identify a person

    hose identity is unknon2. A'IS systems are operated by professionals ho manually

    intervene the minutiae e5traction and matching process and thus their results are really

    e5cellent. The typical access control systems, on the other side, are completely

    automated. Their accuracy is slightly orse. The quality of the fingerprint image obtained

    by an automated fingerprint reader from an ine5perienced 1non-professional2 user is

    usually loer. Access control systems 'ingerprint readers often do not sho any

    fingerprint previe and so the users do not kno if the positioning and pressure of the

    finger is correct. The automatic minutiae e5traction in a loer quality image is not perfect

    yet. Thus the overall accuracy of such a system is loer.

    Some neer systems are based not only on minutiae e5tractionU they use the length and

    position of the papillary lines as ell. A fe system take into account even pores 1their spatial

    distribution2, pores but the problem ith pores is that they are too dependent on the

    fingerprint image quality and finger pressure. (ost of the biometric fingerprint systems use

    the fingerprint reader to provide for the fingerprint bitmap image only, hole the processing

    and matching is done by a softare that runs on a computer 1the softare is often available

    for (icrosoft Bindos operating systems only2. There are currently only very fe fingerprint

    devices that does all the processing by the hardare.

    The manufacturers of the fingerprint readers used to deliver the fingerprint processing

    softare ith the hardare. Today, the market specializes. >ven if it is still possible to

    buy a fingerprint reader ith a softare package 1this is the popular ay especial for the

    lo-end devices for home or office use2 there are many manufacturers that produce

    fingerprint hardare only 1e.g. fingerprint silicon chips by Thomson2 or softare

    companies that offer device-independent fingerprint processing softare. /evice


  • 8/18/2019 Fingerprint-Authentication Using Biometric


    independent softare is not bound to images obtained by one single input

    device, but their accuracy is very lo if various input devices are mi5ed.

    .1.< T9* l#6*% &o3*l

     Although the use of each biometric technology has its on specific issues, the

    basic operation of any biometric system is very similar. The system typically

    follos the same set of steps. The typical steps separation of actions can lead to

    identifying critical issues and to improving security of the overall process of 

    biometric authentication. The hole process starts ith the enrollment!

    .1.5 F"%+) &*#+%*&*() =#;"+")"o(>

    This is the first contact of the user ith the biometric system. The user8s biometric

    sample is obtained using an input device. The quality of the first biometric sample is

    crucial for further authentications of the user, so the quality of this biometric sample

    must be particularly checked and if the quality is not sufficient, the acquisition of the

    biometric sample must be repeated. It may happen that even multiple acquisitions do

    not generate biometric samples ith quality is crucial sufficient quality. Such a user 

    cannot be registered ith the system. There are also mute people, people ithout

    finger or ith in&ured eyes. "oth these categories create a Jfailed to enroll Jgroup of 

    users. 7sers very often do not have any previous e5periences ith the kind of the

    biometric system they are being registered ith, so their behavior at the time of the

    first contact ith the technology is not natural. This negatively influences the quality

    of the first measurement and that is hy the first measurement is guided by a

    professional ho e5plains the use of the biometric reader.

    $reation of master characteristics the biometric measurements are processed after the

    acquisition. The number of biometric samples necessary for further processing is based on

    the nature of the used biometric technology. Sometimes a single sample is sufficient, but

    often multiple biometric samples are required. The biometric characteristics are most

    commonly neither compared nor stored in the ra format 1say as a bitmap2. The ra


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    measurements contain a lot of noise or irrelevant information, hich need not be

    stored. So the measurements are processed and only the important features are

    e5tracted and used. This significant reduces the size of the data. The process of 

    feature e5traction is not lossless and so the e5tracted features cannot be used to

    reconstruct the biometric sample completely.

    Storage of master characteristics after processing the first biometric sample and

    e5tracting the features, e have to store 1and maintain2 the nely obtained master 

    template. $hoosing a proper discriminating characteristic for the categorization of 

    records in large databases can improve identification 1search2 tasks later on. There are

    basically D possibilities here to store the template! in a card, in the central database on

    a server, on a orkstation or directly in an authentication terminal. The storage in an

    authentication terminal cannot be used for template must be encrypted large-scale

    systems, in such a case only the first to possibilities are applicable. If privacy issues

    need to be considered then the storage on a card has an advantage, because in this

    case no biometric data must be stored 1and potentially misused2 in a central database.

    The storage on a card requires a kind of a digital signature of the master template and of 

    the association of the user ith the master template. "iometric samples as ell as the

    e5tracted features are very sensitive data and so the master template should be stored

    alays encrypted no matter hat storage is used.

     As soon as the user is enrolled, he:she can use the system for successful

    authentications or identification. This process is typically fully automated and

    takes the folloing steps!

    A;"+")"o(=+> The current biometric measurements must be obtained for the  system

    to be able to make the comparison ith the master template. These subsequent acquisitions

    of the user8s biometric measurements are done at various places here the authentication of 

    the user is required. This might be user8s computer in the office, an AT( machine or a

    sensor in front of a door. 'or the best performance the kind of the input device used at the

    enrollment and for the subsequent acquisitions should be the same. 9ther conditions of use

    should also be as similar as possible ith the conditions at


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    the enrollment. These include the background 1face recognition2, the background noise

    1voice verification2 or the moisture 1fingerprint2. Bhile the enrollment is usually guided by

    trained personnel, the subsequent biometric measurements are most commonly fully

    automatic and unattended. This brings up a fe special issues. 'irstly, the user needs to

    kno ho to use the device to provide the sample in the best quality. This is often not easy

    because the device does not sho any previe of the sample obtained, so for e5ample in

    the case of a fingerprint reader, the user does not kno hether the positioning of the finger 

    on the reader and the pressure is correct. Secondly, as the reader is left unattended, it is up

    to the reader to check that the measurements obtained really belong to live persons 1the

    aliveness property2. 'or e5ample, a fingerprint reader aliveness test should tell if the

    fingerprint it gets is from a live finger, not from a mask that is put on top of a finger. Similarly,

    an iris scanner should make sure that the iris image it is getting is from a real eye not a

    picture of an eye. In many biometric techniques 1e.g. fingerprinting2 the further processing

    trusts the biometric hardare to check the aliveness of the person and provide genuine

    biometric measurements only. Some other systems 1like the face recognition2 check the

    user8s aliveness in softare 1the proper change of a characteristic ith time2. Ho matter 

    hether hardare or softare is used, ensuring that the biometric measurements are

    genuine is crucial for the system to be secure. Bithout the assumption of the genuine data

    obtained at the input e cannot get a secure system. It is not possible to formally prove that

    a reader provides only genuine measurements and this affects also the possibility of a formal

    proof attacks and of the security of hole the biometric system. The aliveness test of a

    person is not an easy task. He countermeasures are alays to be folloed by neer 

    attacks. Be do not even kno ho efficient the current countermeasures are against the

    attacks to come. "iometric readers are not yet the main target of sophisticated criminals. "ut

    then e can e5pect a ave of professional attacks. Be have seen a fe biometric readers

    here the estimated cost of an attack is as lo as a fe hundred dollars. The security of 

    such a system is really poor $reation of ne characteristics the biometric measurements

    obtained in the previous step is processed and ne characteristics are created. The process

    of feature e5traction is basically the same as in the case of the enrollment. 9nly a single

    biometric sample is usually available. This might mean that the number or quality of the



  • 8/18/2019 Fingerprint-Authentication Using Biometric


    e5tracted is loer than at the time of enrollment.

    Co&,#%"+o( the currently computed characteristics are then compared ith

    the  characteristics obtained during enrollment. This process is very dependent on

    the nature of the biometric technology used. Sometimes the desired security

    threshold is a parameter of the matching process, sometimes the biometric system

    returns a score ithin range. If the system performs verification then the nely

    obtained characteristics are compared only ith one master template 1or ith a small

    number of master templates, e.g. a set of master templates for a fe different finger2.

    'or an identification request the ne characteristics are matched against a large

    number of master templates 1either against all the records in the database or if the

    database is clustered then against the relevant part of the database.

    .2 FIM0N

    ).6. G*(*%#l D*+%",)"o(+

    'I()*H is a lo-price stand-alone 'ingerprint Identification /evice ith many e5cellent

    features. It provides benefits such as high identification performance, lo poer 

    consumption and 0S-6)6 serial interface ith the various commands for easy integration

    into a ide range of applications. It is a durable and compact device ith fingerprint

    identification module containing HIT3>HW optics-based fingerprint sensor inside.

    .2.2 T#%$*) A,,l"#)"o(

    . /oor-lock system

    6. Safe "o5

    ). Simple Access $ontroller

    D. @ehicle $ontrol

    . AT( , %9S

  • 8/18/2019 Fingerprint-Authentication Using Biometric


    H#%34#%* /,*""#)"o(

    Table ). ardare specification of 'I()*)*

    O,*%#)"o( /,*""#)"o(

    Table ).6 9perational specification of 'I()*)*

    .2.< Blo! D"#$%#&


  • 8/18/2019 Fingerprint-Authentication Using Biometric


    'igure ).E 0S-6)6$ communication data consist of +-bit data, no parity, -bit

    start-bit and -bit stop-bit.

    .2.5 O,*%#)"o(

    . $ommunication

    'I()*H has 0S-6)6 serial communication port through that 'I()*H

    communicates at the same time. These ports support < baud rate modes such as


  • 8/18/2019 Fingerprint-Authentication Using Biometric


    'I()*H supports ) function key inputs such as >nroll ?ey, delete ?ey, and

    Identify ?ey. 7sing these keys ithout serial communication, enrollment,

    deletion, all deletion and identification operating can be e5ecuted.

    .2.? E@)*%(#l Po%)

    . >5ternal Interface $onnection 1X%2

    Table ).) %in description of 'I( )*)*

    6. 6*-%in Sensor $onnection 1X%62

  • 8/18/2019 Fingerprint-Authentication Using Biometric



  • 8/18/2019 Fingerprint-Authentication Using Biometric


    Table ).D %in /escription of sensor 

    .2. NITGEN FIM - E Tool

    It is tool provided by HIT3>H ith user friendly 37I for addition, deletion of records.

    It connects the module ith the personal computer through $9( %ort. ence e

    can do the process of enrollment of ne comer and maintain the data base.


    In this chapter the basics of "iometrics and its various types has been discussed.

    The specifications and orking of 'I( )*)* Hitgen (odule ith orking >v tool

    have been understood thoroughly.



  • 8/18/2019 Fingerprint-Authentication Using Biometric




  • 8/18/2019 Fingerprint-Authentication Using Biometric



    Serial data communication uses to methods. 'irst are synchronous method

    transfers a block of data at a time. Second is an asynchronous method transfer a

    single byte at a time.

    It is possible to rite softare to use either of these methods, but the programs

    can be tedious and long. There are special I$ chips made by many manufacturers

    for serial communications namely 7A0T 1universal asynchronous 0eceiver-

    transmitter2 ; 7SA0T 1universal synchronous-asynchronous 0eceiver-transmitter2.

    'igure D.6 /iagrammatic Simple5 ; /uple5 Transmission

     A protocol is a set of rules agreed by both the sender and receiver.

     Asynchronous serial data communication is idely used for character-oriented

    transmissions here each character is placed in beteen start and stop bits, this

    is called framing and block-oriented data transfers use the synchronous method.

    The start bit is alays one bit, but the stop bit can be one or to bits the start bit

    is alays a * 1lo2 and the stop bit1s2 is 1high2.


  • 8/18/2019 Fingerprint-Authentication Using Biometric


    'igure D.) Transmissions of /ata

    /ue to the e5tended AS$II characters, +-bit AS$II data is common in modern

    %$s the use of one stop bit is standard. Assuming that e are transferring a te5t

    file of AS$II characters using stop bit, e have a total of * bits for each

    character. In some systems in order to maintain data integrity, the parity bit of the

    character byte is included in the data frame. The rate of data transfer in serial

    data communication is stated in bps 1bits per second2.

     Another idely used terminology for bps is baud rate. As far as the conductor 

    ire is concerned, the baud rate and bps are the same, and e use the terms

    interchangeably. The data transfer rate of given computer system depends on

    communication ports incorporated into that system.

     An interfacing standard 0S6)6 as set by the >lectronics Industries Association

    1>IA2 in C

  • 8/18/2019 Fingerprint-Authentication Using Biometric


    single -@ supply. >ach receiver converts TIA:>IA-6)6-' inputs to -@

    TT:$(9S levels. These receivers have a typical threshold of .) @, a typical

    hysteresis of *. @, and can accept Y)*-@ inputs. >ach driver converts

    TT:$(9S input levels into TIA:>IA-6)6-' levels.

    %in /iagram

    'igure D.D (AF 6)6 pin configuration

    $onnection ith (icrocontroller and /"C

    'igure D. $onnections ith (icrocontroller and /"C


  • 8/18/2019 Fingerprint-Authentication Using Biometric


    +* has to pins that are used specifically for transferring and receiving data

    serially. These to pins are called T5/ and 05/ and are part of the port ) group

    1%).* and %).2.These pins are TT compatibleU therefore, they require a line

    driver to make them 0S6)6 compatible. To allo data transfer beteen the %$

    and an +* system ithout any error, e must make sure that the baud rate of 

    +* system matches the baud rate of the %$8s $9( port.

  • 8/18/2019 Fingerprint-Authentication Using Biometric


    S(*, S(! They determine the framing of data by specifying the number of bits

    per  character, and the start and stop bits.

    Table D.6 (ode selection using S(* ; S(

    S(6! This enables the multiprocessing capability of the +*.

    0>H 1receive enable2! It is a bit-addressable register. Bhen it is high, it

    allos +* to receive data on 05/ pin. If lo, the receiver is disables 1transmit

    interrupt2. Bhen +* finishes the transfer of +-bit character. It raises TI flag to

    indicate that it is ready to transfer another byte. TI bit is raised at the beginning of 

    the stop bit 0I 1receive interrupt2. Bhen +* receives data serially via 05/, it

    gets rid of the start and stop bits and places the byte in S"7' register. It raises

    the 0I flag bit to indicate that a byte has been received and should be picked up

    before it is lost. 0I is raised halfay through the stop bit.

  • 8/18/2019 Fingerprint-Authentication Using Biometric


    increased top speed to ).D (bits:sec. All I=$ devices are designed to be able to

    communicate together on the same to-ire bus and system functional

    architecture is limited only by the imagination of the designer.

    "ut hile its application to bus lengths ithin the confines of consumer products such as

    %$s, cellular phones, car radios or T@ sets gre quickly, only a fe system integrators ere

    using it to span a room or a building. The I=$ bus is no being increasingly used in multiple

    card systems, such as a blade servers, here the I=$ bus to each card needs to be

    isolatable to allo for card insertion and removal hile the rest of the system is in operation,

    or in systems here many more devices need to be located onto the same card, here the

    total device and trace capacitance ould have e5ceeded D** p'.

    He bus e5tension ; control devices help e5pand the I=$ bus beyond the D** p' limit

    of about 6* devices and allo control of more devices, even those ith the same

    address. These ne devices are popular ith designers as they continue to e5pand and

    increase the range of use of I=$ devices in maintenance and control applications.

  • 8/18/2019 Fingerprint-Authentication Using Biometric


    by the ma5imum bus capacitive loading of D** p'.

    H to the bus data to see hether they might

    be the one ho ill be called up 1addressed2.

    ). %rovide on the $9$? 1S$2 ire a clock signal. It ill be used by all the I$s as

    the reference time at hich each bit of /ATA on the data 1S/A2 ire ill be

    correcting 1valid2 and can be used. The data on the data ire 1S/A2 must be valid

    at the time the clock ire 1S$2 sitches from Zlo8 to #high# voltage.

    D. %ut out in serial form the unique binary #address#1name2 of the I$ that it

    ants to communicate ith.

    . %ut a message 1one bit2 on the bus telling hether it ants to S>H/ or 

    0>$>I@> data from the other chip.

    /3> 1using one bit2 that it recognized itsaddress and is ready to communicate.

    E. After the other I$ acknoledges all is 9?, data can be transferred.

    +. The first I$ sends or receives as many +-bit ords of data as it ants. After 

    every +-bit data ord the sending I$ e5pects the receiving I$ to

    acknoledge the transfer is going 9?.

    C. Bhen all the data is finished the first chip must free up the bus and it does

    that by a special message called #ST9%#. It is &ust one bit of information

    transferred by a special Ziggling8 of the S/A:S$ ires of the bus.

    The bus rules say that hen data or addresses are being sent, the /ATA ire is only

    alloed to be changed in voltage 1so, ##, #*#2 hen the voltage on the clock line is 9B.


  • 8/18/2019 Fingerprint-Authentication Using Biometric


    The #start# and #stop# special messages "0>A? that rule, and that is ho they are

    recognized as special.

     Any device ith the ability to initiate messages is called a Zmaster8. It might kno

    e5actly hat other chips are connected, in hich case it simply addresses the one it

    ants, or there might be optional chips and it then checks hat8s there by sending

    each address and seeing hether it gets any response 1acknoledge2.

  • 8/18/2019 Fingerprint-Authentication Using Biometric


  • 8/18/2019 Fingerprint-Authentication Using Biometric


    'igure D.E I=$ bus 9vervie

    STA0T! A I3 to 9B transition on the S/A line hile S$ is I3

    ST9%! A 9B to I3 transition on the S/A line hile S$ is I3

    The master alays generates STA0T and ST9% conditions. The bus is

    considered to be busy after the STA0T condition. The bus is considered to be

    free again a certain time after the ST9% condition. The bus stays busy if arepeated STA0T 1Sr2 is generated instead of a ST9% condition. In this respect,

    the STA0T 1S2 and repeated STA0T 1Sr2 conditions are functionally identical. The

    S symbol ill be used as a generic term to represent both the STA0T and

    repeated STA0T conditions, unless Sr is particularly relevant.

    /etection of STA0T and ST9% conditions by devices connected to the bus is

    easy if they incorporate the necessary interfacing hardare. oever,

    microcontrollers ith no such interface have to sample the S/A line at least tice

    per clock period to sense the transition.

  • 8/18/2019 Fingerprint-Authentication Using Biometric


    1serial data2 and S$ 1serial clock2. These to bus ires have the same

    configuration. They are pulled-up to the logic Zhigh8 level by resistors connected

    to a single positive supply, usually O).) @ or O @ but designers are no moving

    to O6. @ and toards .+ @ in the near future.

     All the connected devices have open-collector 1open-drain for $(9S - both terms

    mean only the loer transistor is included2 driver stages that can transmit data by

    pulling the bus lo, and high impedance sense amplifiers that monitor the bus

    voltage to receive data. 7nless devices are communicating by turning on the loer 

    transistor to pull the bus lo, both bus lines remain Zhigh8. To initiate communication

    a chip pulls the S/A line lo. It then has the responsibility to drive the S$ line ith

    clock pulses, until it has finished, and is called the bus Zmaster8.

  • 8/18/2019 Fingerprint-Authentication Using Biometric


  • 8/18/2019 Fingerprint-Authentication Using Biometric


  • 8/18/2019 Fingerprint-Authentication Using Biometric


  • 8/18/2019 Fingerprint-Authentication Using Biometric


    'igure D.* $/ /isplay



    @SS ----- 3097H/


    6 @$$ ----- O@ %9B>0 S7%%---

    ) @>> ----- %9B>0 S7%% T9 $9HT09 $9HT0AST


    D 0S I 0SP9 T9 S>>$T $9((AH/ 0>3IST>0

    0SP T9 S>>$T /ATA 0>3IST>0 0:B I 0:BP* '90 B0IT>,0:BP '90 0>A/< >   I:9 >HA">+T9 D /"* T9 /"D   I:9 + "IT /ATA "7S>S

    Table D.) %in description of $/

  • 8/18/2019 Fingerprint-Authentication Using Biometric


    6. $* 'orce cursor to beginning to 6nd line

    ). )+ 6 lines and 5E matri5

    D. $ Shift the entire display to the right

    . + Shift the entire display to the left

  • 8/18/2019 Fingerprint-Authentication Using Biometric


    pro&ect file. So, ith a single pro&ect file, e can create a target for simulating, a target

    for our emulator, and a production target for programming into >%09( \>-%09(].

    >ach target is composed of one or more groups hich are in turn composed of 

    one or more source files. 3roups let us divide the source files into functional blocks

    or assign source files to different team members. 9ptions may be configured at each

    level of the pro&ect. This gives us a great deal of freedom and fle5ibility hen

    organizing our application. In addition to the on-line help, (icro@ision) provides on-

    line versions of the development tool manuals as ell as the device manuals.

    ?eil $ $ompilers are based on the AHSI standard and include e5tensions

    necessary to support the +*, 6, and

  • 8/18/2019 Fingerprint-Authentication Using Biometric


    "reakpoints are clearly marked in the source indo. 0ed for enabled, hite

    for disabled. These attributes make folloing program flo easier than ever. The

    features of the (icro @ision To debugger don8t stop there. Bhen simulating

    your programs, you not only get source-level, symbolic simulation. ou also get

    on-chip peripheral simulation. /ialog bo5es display the condition of all

    peripherals and on-chip components.

    The debugger supports a $ macro language that you may use to simulate

    e5ternal hardare. Be may create functions to simulate digital and analog input

    signals for your application. This lets you get straight to testing and debugging before

    the target hardare is available. Bith nothing more than the simulator and the macro

    language, you can create a high-fidelity simulation of your end product.


    In this chapter e have discussed the basics of serial communication. (AF6)6

    has been discussed ith it pin configuration and characteristics. The various

    registers used in serial communication have e5plained. The I=$ protocols used

    for communication have e5plained. The $/ unit also discussed here.



  • 8/18/2019 Fingerprint-Authentication Using Biometric




    5.1.1 G*(*%#l 3*+%",)"o(

    The /S)*E serial real-time clock 10T$2 is a lo-poer, full binary-coded decimal

    1"$/2 clock:calendar plus < bytes of H@ S0A(. Address and data are transferred

    serially through an I=$, bidirectional bus. The clock:calendar provides seconds,

    minutes, hours, day, date, month, and year information. The end of the month date is

    automatically ad&usted for months ith feer than ) days, including corrections for 

    leap year. The clock operates in either the 6D-hour or 6-hour format ith A(:%(

    indicator. The /S)*E has a built-in poer-sense circuit that detects poer failures

    and automatically sitches to the backup supply. Timekeeping operation continues

    hile the part operates from the backup supply.

    5.1.2 T6,"#l o,*%#)"($ "%")

    'igure . 0T$ connections ith controller 

    5.1. F*#)%*+


  • 8/18/2019 Fingerprint-Authentication Using Biometric


    . 0eal-Time $lock 10T$2 $ounts Seconds, (inutes, ours, /ate of the (onth,

    (onth, /ay the eek, and ear ith eap-ear $ompensation @alid 7p to 6**.


  • 8/18/2019 Fingerprint-Authentication Using Biometric


    Table D.D %in description of /S)*E

  • 8/18/2019 Fingerprint-Authentication Using Biometric


    .6 O%CAD +9*)" o% +6+)*& PCB o((*)"o(+

    X 6 <

    @ $ $X -

    X + 0 C              -              6              )              D

    _ 6X 6 D 6

    C                                                +                                               E                                                <                                               ,                                                D                                                )                                                6                                                - _ -

    )        <        ,        D        )        6        


                                 -                             -

                                 -                             -

                                 -                             -                             -



    $ 9 H )

    0 +

    X 6 ) @ $ $

    S 6

    X 6 *






    S -

    X 6 -

    - 6

                                                    -                                                6                                                )                                                D                                               ,                                                <                                               E                                                +                                                -                                                6



    *) X

    *X C

    X < X E -

    D S B 6 7- X 6

    -6   1 $ 9 H H T 0 " ? + $ 9 H H T 0 " ? 6               F                 0

    )< 6 6 )


    % * . * :A/ * % 6 .* :A +


    -D E ) ) ) + 6 6 6

    D D ) E% * . - :A/ - % 6 .- :A C 6 ) )

    ) <% * . 6 : A/ 6 % 6 . 6 : A - * 6 D D

    < < ) % * . ) : A/ ) % 6 . ) : A - - 6 S B - E E ) D

    % * . D : A/ D % 6 . D : A - 6 6 < <         1 + + ) )

    % * . : A/ % 6 . : A - ) 6 E E               F                 0

    C ) 6% * . < :A/ < % 6 .< :A- D 6 + +

    X , % * . E : A/ E % 6 . E : A -

    $ 9 H+


    $ E

    % - . * % ) . * :0 F /$ 9 H C- 6 - - 66

    ) % - . - % ) .- :T F/ - 6 )

    $ C $ +)

    D % - . 6 % ) .6 :IH T * - ) DD

    % - . ) % ) .) :IH T - - D

    < % - . D % ) .D:T * - <$ 6 <

    E % - . , % ) .:T - - < E$ A % E

    + % - . < % ) .< :B 0 - E +

    + % - . E % ) . E :0 /0



    F T A-  A > :% 0 9 3$ ) + 6 C


                  -              *

    F TA 6 % S > H


                                                    -                                                +                                                -                                                -                                                -                                                )                                                D                                               ,                                                6                                                <

    >  A:@ % %    - C       O

    $   0 S T    -    -


           O       O

        -    6    @

                   H               H                -                6

                               I                           H                           I                           I                           H                           I

                               $                           $

            6        6

    $ A %    0

         -    0    T    -    T    $    $

     AT + C $ -

            T        T ( A F 6 ) 6 X -


         T    7

        7    T


             9         9         9         9


                  -              6              -              6

                   0               0               T               T


    _ D

    _ )

    0 - *

    0 - )

    _ <


    X )

    0 - 6

    " T -

    X +

    " A T T > 0

    $ < X - <

            -        6



    0 E E

    / 0 6 >S IST 9 0





    S )

    X 6 6






    6 $



    8 X C



            C E

            6 D

            - -

    $ * -                             6                             )                             D                             ,                             <

    / -0 6 0 ) 0 D 0

    0 <

    0 > S IS T 9 0 > /

            6        D         6        D         6        D         6        D

    X X 6 X ) X D

    > /

     $ D

    X E



    6 $ 9 H <



    @ $ $

    T itle

    LT itle M

            -        )

            -        )

            -        )

            -        )

    S ize

    / oc u m e nt  H u m b e r  0 e v

     AL  / o c M L 0 e v $ o d e M

    /a te ! 'rid ay , A p ril * ) , 6 * *C S h e e t o f 


  • 8/18/2019 Fingerprint-Authentication Using Biometric


    5. Blo! 3"#$%#&

    'igure . "lock diagram of the authentication process

    .D R*l#6

    0elays are components hich allo a lo-poer circuit to sitch a relatively high current

    on and off, or to control signals that must be electrically isolated from the controlling

    circuit it self. Hecomers to electronics sometimes ant to use a relay for this type of 

    application, but are unsure about the details of doing so. To make a relay operate, you

    have to pass a suitable pull-in and holding current 1/$2 through its energizing coil. And

    generally relay coils are designed to operate from a particular supply voltage often 6@

    or @, in the case of many of the small relays used for electronics ork. In each case the

    coil has a resistance hich ill dra the right pull-in and holding currents hen it is

    connected to that supply voltage. So the basic idea is to choose a relay ith a coil

    designed to operate from the supply voltage e are using for your control circuit1and

    ith contacts capable of sitching the currents you ant to control2, and then provide asuitable relay driver circuit so that your lo-poer circuitry can control the current

    through the relay8s coil. Typically this ill be somehere beteen 6mA and E*mA.

    9ften your relay driver can be very simple, using little more than an H%H or %H%

    transistor to control the coil current. All your lo-poer circuitry has to do is provide


  • 8/18/2019 Fingerprint-Authentication Using Biometric


    enough base current to turn the transistor on and off, as you can see from

    diagrams A and ".

    In A, H%H transistor _ 1say a "$))E or "$))+2 is being used to control a

    relay 102 ith a 6@ coil, operating from a O6@ supply. Series base resistor 

    0 is used to set the base current for _, so that the transistor is driven into

    saturation 1fully turned on2 hen the relay is to be energized. That ay, the

    transistor ill have minimal voltage drop, and hence dissipate very little poer as

    ell as delivering most of the6@ to the relay coil.

    'igure .D /riving circuit for relay


    In this chapter general descriptions of all the important section have beengiven. $ircuit diagram of related sections and important portion have also been

    given. %in descriptions of various I$8s are given for proper understanding of

    connections. 'or connections 9r$A/ schematic design is given. Borking of

    sections like 0T$ and relay have been e5plained ith the help a block diagram.


  • 8/18/2019 Fingerprint-Authentication Using Biometric




  • 8/18/2019 Fingerprint-Authentication Using Biometric


    ?.2 F)%* +o,*+

    The above developed system is quit versatile in nature. So many applications

    can be added ith the same system by &ust little modification required.

    . Attendance system module can also be interfaced ith the same e5isting

    system hich keeps the record 1Identity, Time, /ate etc.2 of that person and

    corresponding data base can be maintained. I$ EDS6DD can be used for 

    multiple5ing 05/ and T5/ to creating the hardare for attendance system.

    6. Same system can be implemented at high security area, here only

    selected persons are alloed.

    ). The end part of the system, i.e., finger print scanner can be replaced by

    0' Id scanner and I/ cards containing persons I/ no. 1Tag2 can be given

    to the persons. /uring scanning data base related to person8s position

    can be maintained. 9nly little changes are required in main programming

    ith appropriate hardare.

    D. %resent pro&ect hardare is implemented on general purpose %$". As

    schematic diagram of pro&ect is given, hich is designed in 9r$A/. Also

    errors have been removed. In future %$" can be created for the same by

    making schematics foot print layout and burning $u plate %$" "oard.

  • 8/18/2019 Fingerprint-Authentication Using Biometric



    . (uhammad Ali (azidi, Xanice 3illispi (azidi and 0olin /. (ckinlay, The

    8051 Microcontroller and Embedded Systems: Using assembly and C 2nd 

    Edition, /elhi! %earson %rentic all, 6**

  • 8/18/2019 Fingerprint-Authentication Using Biometric
