iR fl l II J 1 t ttzrtfetb Uqrnhiican V H P Fine Job Work a Specialty IF IT IS NEW YOU WILL H IIIT IN Till REPUBLICAN Subscription 1 a Year n m n VOL XVIII HARTFORD OHIO COUNTY KY FRIDAY APRIL 20 1906 No 40 DAVID MOBELUD ELECT- EState Union American Soclet of Equity at Greenville Pays High Compliment to Worth y Ohio County CitizenEnt- husiastic ¬ Meeting Delegates from seventeen coun- ties ¬ met at Greenville lust Friday and launched the Kentucky State Union A S of E under the most auspicious conditions In a most methodicaland business like man ¬ ner those having the initial details in charge went about their duties It was the earnest desire that no hitch should occur that would indi ¬ cate that there was any truth in the charge which has been freely made by enemies to the effect that the i j farmer didnt have sense enough to organize Thursday night a committee work ¬ ed on a program until a late hou and when the delegate assembled housejerthin that the work of the convention moved with perfect smoothness If anyone representing the no sense element was there expecting to see the farmers display ignorance he must have gone away sadly dis ¬ appointed Not only did the work of the convention and speeches o f delegates display marked abilitybut 4in earnestness of purpose and un ¬ bounded enthusiasm In accordance with the arrange ¬ ment of programme committee the meeting was called to order by E l L Davenport President of the Na ¬ 1tional Tobacco Growers Association After an earnest prayer by Rav A L Mellof the Methodist church an eloquent address of welcome was Jt delivered by Judge T J Sparks e f Greenville A fitting response was made in behalf of the delegates by Dr 1 W McGinnis of Henry coun- t ¬ Mr Davenport and C Hayes Tay ¬ lor were elected temporary Chair ¬ man and Secretary A committe- on credential was appointed an while it was passing upon the roster from the various counties able speeches were made by a number of delegates The committee on cre- dentials reported seventeen counties represented by duly accredited dele ¬ gates The report was adopted The convention then adjourned until 230 p m on account of the paradewhich took place at 1 oclock and which was a pleasing feature of the meet ¬ ing Those who took part assem- bled ¬ at the depot and headed by th Daviess county A S of E ban I marched through the principal streets in a mighty throng being 4f reviewed at the opera house Upon assembling in the afternoon Hon Henry Overstroet of Davie- seountywas elected permanent Chair ¬ man and T T Barrett of Hender ¬ son permanent Secretary Both made earnest and well timed speech ¬ es Upon motion committees were appointed on Constitution and By- Laws rules and order and resolu ¬ tions The convention then adjourn ¬ ed to meet at 730 p m Upon reassembling the commit ¬ tees on Rules and Order and Resolu ¬ tions reported The resolutions af ¬ ter endorsing the call for the meeting to organize the State Union congratulated the convention upon + the bright prospects which had I come to the farming class through the Society of Equity lecommend completet district It also advised that the Iiacreage be curtailed and that the divided into districts cor ¬ responding to the various types of tobacco and that each district be I empowered to fix the price for its type The present plan of prizing II slid handling was endorsed The f lorUt of both committees were I Mdd6pted unanimously The committee on Constitution and ByLaws after several hours continuous labor brought in are J 4 xjij > satisDt 1 adopted without debate It pro ¬ JovY for number of officers and defined their duties The State officers pro ¬ vided for are President Vice Pros ident Secretary ami TreasurerState Organizer and five Directors one of whom shall be the State Presi ¬ dent Nominations being in order for State officers Hon A B Tichenor in a model nominating speech plac ed before the convention the name of David Moreland of Ohio county for President There being no oth nominations Mr Moreland was elected by acclamation with great enthusiasm He made a brief speech of acceptance which was well received The rest of the officers were chosen as follows without contest Vice President T rett of Hemjerson county SecretaI ry S B Robertson of McLean county State Organizer S N Rob ertson of Daviess county Directors- r J H McConnell Caldwell county h W McGinnis Henry county S B Lee Davies county and Ben Watson Webster count This completed the business of the first meeting of Kentucky Union American Society of Equity It was a success in every feature Every step taken to launch the State or ganization was made with care and mature judgement While there was some disappointment among the Da viess county delegation because of their failure to land their man for President yet they had nothing but good words for Mr Moreland and the meeting came to an end with good feeling and hope of success pic tured on every face The officers are all good men and true Under their guidance the entire State vi- be U organized as rapidly as possible NOTES Our county reported 39 out of 40 delegates present Ohidcounty is the best organized Equity county in the world The Daviess county Equity band composed of farmer boys mode ex- cellent music during the sessions frd 0 m plenty of good things to cat to a free opera house in which to hold meetingsHenry had the distinction of furnishing the largest and small est delegate although our own and only John P Foster was a close second for the latter honor IWhen the Ohio County delegation twas asked to report to the creden tials committee it looked as the entire audience was from our td o ¬ gates from your county not the en ¬ tire membership After everybody conceded that coung ¬ ty on earth to keep their dele- gation ¬ in good humor they claimed to have the only colored delegate and put him up to make a speech It has since been learned that he lives in Ohio county near the line Wants to Bring Suit Ilfirdlnibnrir l emocrnt Wm Marshall of Fordsville w- here last week consulting Murray Murray about bringing suit against parties at Irvington who aided his daughter to escape from tho custody of Marshal Adkisson who hadarrest her upon Mr Marshalls telegraph- ing ¬ him to arrest and hold her Miss Marshall and Mr Martin with whom she eloped reached Wis- consin ¬ his home and telegraphed for her fathers consent to their marri ¬ age He gave his permisson and afIterward s after romnatic elope- ment ¬ o Notice All parties interested in the Milton Taylor graveyard are requested to meet there on the 27th and 28th of this month for the purpose ofc cleaning said graveyardJo STATE PRESIDENT FOR KENTUCKY AMERICAN I SOCIETY OF EQUITY I I j I j DAVID MORELAND- Was born in Owen county September 20 185S He was a citizen of Da ¬ viess county from 1884 to 1900 and has resided near Hartford in thi county since He has always been a farmer and a successful one HARTFORD BANK ROBBER e f George Gray Again in Custody Charges With Robbery ot Sturgis Bank George G Gray was brought fro t the Eddyville penitentiary Saturday j and placed in jail charged with being one of the men who the Sturgis bank in 1901 robbedI Morgaiifield Sun The Bank of Hartford was robbedI January 22 1902 by four men whom were afterwards arrested andI sent to the penitentiary Gray was given five years When his time ex pired he was immediately placed un der arrest for the Sturgisbank rob bery The Sturgis bank was robbed De cember 12 1901 and the robbers sue J ceeded in securing nearly 4000 I It was a neat piece of work in much as the safe was blown an escape made without arousing the citizens Companyh the Sturgis bank was insured claims to leave a strong case against Gray in fact will introduce evidence to show where the Sturgis bank robbers went immediately after this burglary following them up to the Hartford robbery There were four men con netted with the Sturgis robbery though only two of the men who did the work at Sturgis were on the job at HartfordI It is claimed also that Gray serv ed a term in the Tennessee peniten- tiary under the name of Frank Hussey j upJ of this month State Committee Rules The State Central Committee has had printed for distribution the Rules of the Republican Organiza tion of Kentucky Members of the party who desire a copy of this book should wend a two cent stamp to cover postage and address THOS L WALKER Sec Room 207 Illinois Life Bldg Louisville Ky IJoined the U S Army son of Mr Luther Neel of Narrows Ky enlisted on April 13th as a private in the U S Army at the recruiting office at221J W Main St Owensboro Ky Young Neel enlisted for the Field Artill ¬ and was sent to Jefferson Bar- racks ¬ at St Louis b1ofor his pre ¬ liminary education in the duties of a I soldier prior to joining his proper company He passed an excellent physical examination and is enthusi ¬ astic on his bright prospects for an homi ° g ofilee s now at Vincennes and Evans Own ensbdro Ky- CONTRACTORS ON HAND Many Bids Will be Filed for Con ¬ struction of M H E Railroad Contractors fifteen or twenty in number are looking over the route of the Madisonville Hartford Eastern Railroad with a view of filing bids for the construction of the road This coterie of contractors repre ¬ thed as good for all practical purposes as a bond executed for its construction Governmenth more be represented within the next few days Bids will close on the night thei about the 1st day of next month Bids are being received on the road in three sections and as a whole Whoever is awarded the contract will sublet to smaller firms It is quite sure now that the work of construction will begin not later than the tenth of next month A Correction Editors REPUBLICAN Dear Sirs In last weeks issue of TilE REPUB- LICAN in giving the proceedings of the County Union you make me say that the dues to the County Union is 72cts per member quarterly which is a mistake and is causing consider able confusion You will please cor ¬ rect the same The dues from the Local to the County Union in quarter- ly ¬ payments are 7J cents per member which should be sent to the County Union by delegates or forward direct tome as secretary and upon receipt of same I will July receipt for same and enter credit upon Secretary book Yours and oblige a M F SHARP Secy Narrows Ky April 17 1901 We relied on the minutes as pub- lished in the Hartford Herald for our information and simply repeated the error which was made therein We cheerfully and gladly make the correction 1rt iIh DROWNED II ROUGH CREEL Tom Leisure Attempted to Swim Across Strea- mI Meet Wife From Whom be Had Separated and Sank Be the Waves IJ1eatb youngest son of John Leisure was drowned in Rough Creek about five miles above Hart- ford last Sunday under circumstan- ces ¬ of an extraordinary character Leisure was about twentyfive years of age and was married His domestic relations were not agreeable and he separeted from h i wife He had about brought about a settlement with his wife as to the division of the property and had toI intervened however and after much persuasion Leisure agreed to have a talk with his wife in hope of bring ¬ ing about a reconciliation Accompanied by a few of his friends Leisure started for his wifes home on Sunday She resided about five miles above Hartford on Roug creek When the party reached th landing opposite the home of Leisure there was no boat on the side of th creek on which they were but one o hads about given up the idea of return ¬ ing to his wifes home but his friend- w r still trying to devise som means to get him across the creek Leisure seeming to become des perate suddenly exclaimed that h would swim across the creek He started into the water wjthout re ¬ moving any of his clothes Some ¬ one asked him if he did not intend to remove his clothes and he then pulled off his coat and threw it on the bank He plunged into the water and started swimming across the creek Before leavi ng however he told his friends that it did not make much difference if ho did not reach the opposite bank When within ten feet of the bank and in sight of his home Leisure called out that he was drowning He disappeared under the surface of the water and did not reappear Hisfriends on the bank could do nothing to assist him His wife seemed almost heart ¬ broken when her husbands tragic death was announced to her She had been willing for the reconcilia ¬ tion and was waiting a short dis¬ tance from the river for his home ¬ comingThe of Leisure was recover- ed ¬ about six hours afterward Home Market Is the title of the first document o the Congressional campaign of 190G issued by the American Protective Tariff League The pamphlet is a re ¬ production of the great speech of Congressman John F Lacey Iowa recently delivered in Congress Send postal card with request for free copy Ask for Document No 84 Address W F Wakeman Secreta ¬ ry 339 Broadway New York N YI HORTONI April 17Rev Baker filled his regular appointment at Bethel Sun ¬ day Jesse Johnson Sulphur Springs attended church here Sunday Miss Lela Daniel is very sick Miss Girtie Austin McHenry vis- ited ¬ relatives at this place Sunday Johnie Couch is in Horse Branch for a few days The A S of E at this place is pro ¬ gressing nicely The acreage limit will very be observed strictly The Sunday school has been organ- ized ¬ with very bright prospects for good school William Preston Ashford was kill- ed ¬ by a freight train one and one half miles above this place Sunday afternoon He attempted to catch the train at almost full speed his hold failed and he was thrown un- der ¬ the trucks His body was very badly mangled- C H Patterson MadisonvilleKy is in this locality taking options on coal and mineral land If sufficient amount can be optioned drilling will begin at once The probability is operationin great thing for this community as a mining town will give us a sale for the product of our farms which has been almost worthless for want of a market thereby increasing the value of our land greatly The farmers should take this into consideration and not let this opportunity pass PROSPECTS FLATTERING For Gigantic Coal Mines Near Rochester this Countys As previously announced in TilE REPUBLICAN representatives of the Green River Coal and Mining com ¬ pany a West Virginia rorporation one day last week inspectid the 30 000 acres of mineral lands which that Company holds under option near Rochester in the Southern part of the county They were thirty in Tayfor up Green River hIt is reported that they expressed themselvesas highly pleased with the thane accest ¬ of the It is also report ¬ ed that a deal has been consumated Clays late ters at a consideration of 25 stocke as a site for the town this company will build for the operation of its vast coal mine NO 5702 Report of the Condition of THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK Of Hartford at Hartford in the State of Kentucky at theclose of Business April 6 1906 RESOURCES 7978386Overdrafts NoneU culation i 2500000 96575Banking and fixtures 168700 Due from National Banks not reserve agents 1478788 Due from State Banks and Bankers 60900 Due from approved re ¬ 1347694Checks 32113Notes Banks 30500 Fractional paper currency 1400f IN BANK viz Specie 533885 Legal tender 577385 notes 43500 Redemption fund with U S Treasurer 5 per cent of circulation 125000 Total 14397441 LIABILITIES Capital stock paid in 2500000 Surplus fund 1000000 Undivided profits less ex ¬ penses and taxes paid 287936 National Bank notes out ¬ standing 2500000 Dues to State Bankes and Bankers 28416 Individual deposits subject- to check 3270633 Time certificates of deposit 4810456 Total 14397441 ssCounty I J C Riley Cashier of the above named bank do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief J C RILEY Cashier Subscribed and aworn to before 1996JonN My commmission as Notary Public expires January 18 190S Correct Attest- G B LIKENS ALVIN ROWE > Directors- J P STEVENS CASTOEl3IA BUM theIto KindYoj HOT Atejs BOUJJI Bisector lIdlifl of eUdU

Fine Job Work a Specialty Till Subscription a Year XVIII ...nyx.uky.edu/dips/xt7ghx15nr26/data/1008.pdf · Fine Job Work a Specialty IF IT IS NEW YOU WILL H IIIT IN Till REPUBLICAN

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1 t ttzrtfetb Uqrnhiican V


Fine Job Work a Specialty IF IT IS NEW YOU WILL H IIIT IN Till REPUBLICAN Subscription 1 a Yearn m n



EState Union American Soclet

of Equity at Greenville

Pays High Compliment to Worth y

Ohio County CitizenEnt-husiastic



Delegates from seventeen coun-


met at Greenville lust Fridayand launched the Kentucky StateUnion A S of E under the mostauspicious conditions In a mostmethodicaland business like man¬

ner those having the initial detailsin charge went about their dutiesIt was the earnest desire that nohitch should occur that would indi ¬

cate that there was any truth in thecharge which has been freely madeby enemies to the effect that the

ij farmer didnt have sense enoughto organize

Thursday night a committee work ¬

ed on a program until a late houand when the delegate assembled

housejerthinthat the work of the conventionmoved with perfect smoothnessIf anyone representing the nosense element was there expectingto see the farmers display ignorancehe must have gone away sadly dis ¬

appointed Not only did the workof the convention and speeches o f

delegates display marked abilitybut4in earnestness of purpose and un ¬

bounded enthusiasmIn accordance with the arrange ¬

ment of programme committee themeeting was called to order by E

l L Davenport President of the Na¬

1tional Tobacco Growers AssociationAfter an earnest prayer by Rav A

L Mellof the Methodist churchan eloquent address of welcome was

Jt delivered by Judge T J Sparks e fGreenville A fitting response wasmade in behalf of the delegates byDr 1 W McGinnis of Henry coun-t


Mr Davenport and C Hayes Tay ¬

lor were elected temporary Chair¬

man and Secretary A committe-on credential was appointed anwhile it was passing upon the rosterfrom the various counties ablespeeches were made by a number ofdelegates The committee on cre-dentials reported seventeen countiesrepresented by duly accredited dele¬

gates The report was adopted Theconvention then adjourned until 230p m on account of the paradewhichtook place at 1 oclock and whichwas a pleasing feature of the meet ¬

ing Those who took part assem-bled


at the depot and headed by thDaviess county A S of E ban

I marched through the principalstreets in a mighty throng being

4f reviewed at the opera houseUpon assembling in the afternoon

Hon Henry Overstroet of Davie-seountywas elected permanent Chair ¬

man and T T Barrett of Hender ¬

son permanent Secretary Bothmade earnest and well timed speech ¬

es Upon motion committees wereappointed on Constitution and By-Laws rules and order and resolu ¬

tions The convention then adjourn ¬

ed to meet at 730 p mUpon reassembling the commit ¬

tees on Rules and Order and Resolu ¬

tions reported The resolutions af¬

ter endorsing the call for themeeting to organize the State Unioncongratulated the convention upon

+ the bright prospects which hadI come to the farming class through

the Society of Equity lecommendcompletetdistrict It also advised that the

Iiacreage be curtailed and that thedivided into districts cor¬

responding to the various types oftobacco and that each district be

Iempowered to fix the price for itstype The present plan of prizing

II slid handling was endorsed Thef lorUt of both committees were

I Mdd6pted unanimouslyThe committee on Constitution

and ByLaws after several hourscontinuous labor brought in are J


xjij >

satisDt 1

adopted without debate It pro¬JovYfor number of officers and definedtheir duties The State officers pro ¬

vided for are President Vice Prosident Secretary ami TreasurerStateOrganizer and five Directors oneof whom shall be the State Presi ¬

dentNominations being in order for

State officers Hon A B Tichenorin a model nominating speech placed before the convention the nameof David Moreland of Ohio countyfor President There being no othnominations Mr Moreland waselected by acclamation with greatenthusiasm He made a briefspeech of acceptance which was wellreceived The rest of the officerswere chosen as follows withoutcontest Vice President Trett of Hemjerson county SecretaIry S B Robertson of McLeancounty State Organizer S N Robertson of Daviess county Directors-

r J H McConnell Caldwell countyh W McGinnis Henry county SB Lee Davies county and BenWatson Webster count

This completed the business of thefirst meeting of Kentucky UnionAmerican Society of Equity It wasa success in every feature Everystep taken to launch the State organization was made with care andmature judgement While there wassome disappointment among the Daviess county delegation because oftheir failure to land their man forPresident yet they had nothing butgood words for Mr Moreland andthe meeting came to an end withgood feeling and hope of success pictured on every face The officersare all good men and true Undertheir guidance the entire State vi-


organized as rapidly as possible


Our county reported 39 out of 40delegates present

Ohidcounty is the best organizedEquity county in the world

The Daviess county Equity bandcomposed of farmer boys mode ex-

cellent music during the sessionsfrd 0m

plenty of good things to cat to afree opera house in which to hold

meetingsHenryhad the distinction

of furnishing the largest and smallest delegate although our own andonly John P Foster was a closesecond for the latter honor

IWhen the Ohio County delegationtwas asked to report to the creden

tials committee it looked asthe entire audience was from ourtdo


gates from your county not the en ¬

tire membershipAfter everybody conceded thatcoung ¬

ty on earth to keep their dele-gation


in good humor they claimedto have the only colored delegateand put him up to make a speechIt has since been learned that helives in Ohio county near the line

Wants to Bring SuitIlfirdlnibnrir l emocrnt

Wm Marshall of Fordsville w-

here last week consulting MurrayMurray about bringing suit againstparties at Irvington who aided hisdaughter to escape from tho custodyof Marshal Adkisson who hadarresther upon Mr Marshalls telegraph-ing


him to arrest and hold herMiss Marshall and Mr Martin

with whom she eloped reached Wis-consin


his home and telegraphed forher fathers consent to their marri ¬

age He gave his permisson and

afIterwards after romnatic elope-



NoticeAll parties interested in the Milton

Taylor graveyard are requested tomeet there on the 27th and 28thof this month for the purpose ofccleaning said









DAVID MORELAND-Was born in Owen county September 20 185S He was a citizen of Da ¬

viess county from 1884 to 1900 and has resided near Hartford in thicounty since He has always been a farmer and a successful one


George Gray Again in Custody

Charges With Robbery otSturgis Bank

George G Gray was brought fro t

the Eddyville penitentiary Saturdayj

and placed in jail charged withbeing one of the men whothe Sturgis bank in 1901 robbedIMorgaiifield Sun

The Bank of Hartford was robbedIJanuary 22 1902 by four menwhom were afterwards arrested andIsent to the penitentiary Gray wasgiven five years When his time expired he was immediately placed under arrest for the Sturgisbank robbery

The Sturgis bank was robbed December 12 1901 and the robbers sue J

ceeded in securing nearly 4000 I

It was a neat piece of work inmuch as the safe was blown anescape made without arousing thecitizens

Companyhthe Sturgis bank was insured claimsto leave a strong case against Grayin fact will introduce evidence toshow where the Sturgis bank robberswent immediately after this burglaryfollowing them up to the Hartfordrobbery There were four men connetted with the Sturgis robberythough only two of the men whodid the work at Sturgis were on thejob at HartfordIIt is claimed also that Gray served a term in the Tennessee peniten-tiary under the name of FrankHussey jupJof this month

State Committee RulesThe State Central Committee has

had printed for distribution theRules of the Republican Organiza

tion of Kentucky Members ofthe party who desire a copy of thisbook should wend a two cent stampto cover postage and address

THOS L WALKER SecRoom 207 Illinois Life Bldg

Louisville Ky

IJoined the U S Armyson of Mr Luther

Neel of Narrows Ky enlisted onApril 13th as a private in the U SArmy at the recruiting office at221JW Main St Owensboro Ky YoungNeel enlisted for the Field Artill ¬

and was sent to Jefferson Bar-racks


at St Louis b1ofor his pre¬

liminary education in the duties of aI

soldier prior to joining his propercompany He passed an excellentphysical examination and is enthusi ¬

astic on his bright prospects for anhomi °g

ofilee s now at Vincennes and EvansOwnensbdro Ky-


Many Bids Will be Filed for Con ¬

struction of M H E


Contractors fifteen or twenty innumber are looking over the routeof the Madisonville HartfordEastern Railroad with a view of filingbids for the construction of the roadThis coterie of contractors repre ¬thedas good for all practical purposes asa bond executed for its construction

Governmenthmore berepresented within the next fewdays Bids will close on the nighttheiabout the 1st day of next monthBids are being received on the roadin three sections and as a wholeWhoever is awarded the contractwill sublet to smaller firms

It is quite sure now that the workof construction will begin not laterthan the tenth of next month

A CorrectionEditors REPUBLICAN Dear Sirs

In last weeks issue of TilE REPUB-LICAN in giving the proceedings ofthe County Union you make me saythat the dues to the County Unionis 72cts per member quarterly whichis a mistake and is causing considerable confusion You will please cor¬

rect the same The dues from theLocal to the County Union in quarter-ly


payments are 7 J cents per memberwhich should be sent to the CountyUnion by delegates or forward directtome as secretary and upon receipt ofsame I will July receipt for same andenter credit upon Secretary book

Yours and oblige aM F SHARP Secy

Narrows Ky April 17 1901

We relied on the minutes as pub-

lished in the Hartford Herald forour information and simply repeatedthe error which was made thereinWe cheerfully and gladly makethe correction

1rt iIh


Tom Leisure Attempted toSwim Across Strea-

mI Meet Wife From Whom be Had

Separated and Sank Be

the Waves

IJ1eatbyoungest son of

John Leisure was drowned in RoughCreek about five miles above Hart-ford last Sunday under circumstan-ces


of an extraordinary characterLeisure was about twentyfive

years of age and was married Hisdomestic relations were notagreeable and he separeted from h i

wife He had about brought abouta settlement with his wife as to thedivision of the property and hadtoIintervened however and after muchpersuasion Leisure agreed to have atalk with his wife in hope of bring ¬

ing about a reconciliationAccompanied by a few of his

friends Leisure started for his wifeshome on Sunday She resided aboutfive miles above Hartford on Rougcreek When the party reached thlanding opposite the home of Leisurethere was no boat on the side of thcreek on which they were but one ohadsabout given up the idea of return ¬

ing to his wifes home but his friend-w r still trying to devise sommeans to get him across the creek

Leisure seeming to become desperate suddenly exclaimed that hwould swim across the creek Hestarted into the water wjthout re ¬

moving any of his clothes Some ¬

one asked him if he did not intendto remove his clothes and he thenpulled off his coat and threw it onthe bank He plunged into thewater and started swimming acrossthe creek Before leavi ng howeverhe told his friends that it did notmake much difference if ho did notreach the opposite bank

When within ten feet of the bankand in sight of his home Leisurecalled out that he was drowningHe disappeared under the surface ofthe water and did not reappearHisfriends on the bank could donothing to assist him

His wife seemed almost heart¬

broken when her husbands tragicdeath was announced to her Shehad been willing for the reconcilia¬

tion and was waiting a short dis¬

tance from the river for his home ¬

comingTheof Leisure was recover-


about six hours afterward

Home MarketIs the title of the first document othe Congressional campaign of 190G

issued by the American ProtectiveTariff League The pamphlet is a re¬

production of the great speech ofCongressman John F Lacey Iowarecently delivered in Congress Sendpostal card with request for freecopy Ask for Document No 84Address W F Wakeman Secreta ¬

ry 339 Broadway New York N YIHORTONI

April 17Rev Baker filled hisregular appointment at Bethel Sun¬

dayJesse Johnson Sulphur Springs

attended church here SundayMiss Lela Daniel is very sickMiss Girtie Austin McHenry vis-


relatives at this place SundayJohnie Couch is in Horse Branch

for a few daysThe A S of E at this place is pro ¬

gressing nicely The acreage limitwill very be observed strictly

The Sunday school has been organ-ized


with very bright prospects forgood schoolWilliam Preston Ashford was kill-


by a freight train one and onehalf miles above this place Sundayafternoon He attempted to catchthe train at almost full speed hishold failed and he was thrown un-


the trucks His body was verybadly mangled-

C H Patterson MadisonvilleKy

is in this locality taking options oncoal and mineral land If sufficientamount can be optioned drilling willbegin at once The probability is

operationingreat thing for this community as amining town will give us a sale forthe product of our farms which hasbeen almost worthless for want of amarket thereby increasing the valueof our land greatly The farmersshould take this into considerationand not let this opportunity pass


For Gigantic Coal Mines NearRochester this

CountysAs previously announced in TilE

REPUBLICAN representatives of theGreen River Coal and Mining com ¬

pany a West Virginia rorporationone day last week inspectid the 30000 acres of mineral lands whichthat Company holds under optionnear Rochester in the Southern partof the county They were thirty inTayfor

up Green RiverhIt is reported that they expressedthemselvesas highly pleased with thethaneaccest ¬

of the It is also report ¬

ed that a deal has been consumatedClayslateters at a consideration of 25

stockeas a site for the town thiscompany will build for the operationof its vast coal mine

NO 5702Report of the Condition of


Of Hartford at Hartford in theState of Kentucky at theclose

of Business April 6 1906


7978386OverdraftsNoneUculation i 2500000

96575Bankingand fixtures 168700

Due from National Banksnot reserve agents 1478788

Due from State Banks andBankers 60900

Due from approved re¬


Banks 30500Fractional paper currency1400fIN BANK vizSpecie 533885Legal tender 577385

notes 43500Redemption fund with U

S Treasurer 5 percent of circulation 125000

Total 14397441LIABILITIES

Capital stock paid in 2500000Surplus fund 1000000Undivided profits less ex ¬

penses and taxes paid 287936National Bank notes out¬

standing 2500000Dues to State Bankes and

Bankers 28416Individual deposits subject-

to check 3270633Time certificates of deposit 4810456

Total 14397441

ssCountyI J C Riley Cashier of the above

named bank do solemnly swear thatthe above statement is true to thebest of my knowledge and belief

J C RILEY CashierSubscribed and aworn to before

1996JonNMy commmission as Notary Public

expires January 18 190SCorrect Attest-G B LIKENSALVIN ROWE > Directors-J P STEVENS


Bisector lIdliflof eUdU