Financial Performance of Icici Bank Ltd

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  • 8/2/2019 Financial Performance of Icici Bank Ltd


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    Christ College- Pondicherry University 1

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    Christ College- Pondicherry University

    Chart 1 Structure of Banking System in India

    Chart 2 Diversification of ICICI Bank

    Chart 3 The different Logos of ICICI Bank

    Chart 4 Shareholding Pattern

    Chart 5 Mickinsey 7S Model

    Chart 6Organization Structure

    Chart 7

    Sources of Finance

    Figure 1 Average Cost of Funds EmployedPercentage

    Figure 2 Status of Interest paid & DepositsReceived

    Figure 3 Credit Deposit Ratio

    Figure 4 Status of Loans, Advances & Deposits

    Figure 5 Credit Capacity Ratio

    Figure 6 Advances & Equity Capital

    Figure 7 Status of Advances & Shareholders Fund

    Figure 8Credit Net worth Ratio

    Figure 9 Status of Advances & CL & Provision

    Figure 10 Credit & Provision Ratio

    Figure 11 Status of Deposits & Credits

    Figure 12 Credit Ratio

    Figure 13 Status of Deposits & Equity

    Figure 14 Deposit to Capital Ratio


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    Christ College- Pondicherry University

    Figure 15 Investment to Deposit Ratio

    Figure 16 Status of Investment & Deposits

    Figure 17 Deposits & Shareholders Fund

    Figure 18 Deposits to Net worth Ratio

    Figure 19 Status of cash Balance & Deposits

    Figure 20 Cash Balance to total Deposit Ratio

    Figure 21 Status of Current Assets & Liabilities

    Figure 22 Current Ratio

    Figure 23 Status of Profit & Shareholders Fund

    Figure 24 Return on Investment Ratio

    Figure 25 Status of Operating exp & Income

    Figure 26 Operating Ratio

    Figure 27 Status of Operating Income &ShareholdersFund

    Figure 28 Operating Ratio

    Figure 29 Status of Income & Assets

    Figure 30 Income to Asset Ratio

    Figure 31 Status of Net Profit & Total Income

    Figure 32 Net Profit Ratio

    Figure 33 Status of Net Profit & Net Assets

    Figure 34 Net Profit to Net Asset Ratio


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    Table 1 Credit Rating of ICICI Bank

    Table 2 Shareholding Pattern

    Table 3 Average Cost of Funds Employed

    Table 4 Credit Deposit Ratio

    Table 5 Credit Capital Ratio

    Table 6 Credit Net worth Ratio

    Table 7 Credit to Current liabilities & Provisions

    Table 8 Deposit Credit Ratio

    Table 9 Deposit Capital Ratio

    Table 10 Investment to Deposit Ratio

    Table 11 Deposits to Net worth Ratio

    Table 12 Cash Balance to Total Deposit Ratio

    Table 13 Current Ratio

    Table 14 Return on Investment Ratio

    Table 15 Operating Overheads to Total IncomeRatio

    Table 16 Operating Results Ratio

    Table 17 Income to Asset Ratio

    Table 18 Net Profit Ratio

    Table 19 Net Profit to Net Asset Ratio

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    A study on Financial Performance of ICICI Bank limited is undertaken in order

    to know the financial performance and position of the bank and to know the strength &

    weakness of the bank & to assess the profitability of the bank.

    Ratio analysis is the tools used as a yardstick for evaluating the financial condition and

    performance of the business firm.

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    Finance is one of the major elements, which activates the overall growth of

    economy; Finance is the lifeblood of economic activity. A well-knit financial system

    directly contributes to the growth of the economy. An efficient financial system calls

    for the effective performance of financial institutions, financial instruments and

    financial markets.

    Importance of finance

    Finance is regarded as the lifeblood of a business enterprise; this is because

    in the modern money-oriented economy finance is one of the basic foundations of all

    kinds of economy activities. It is the master key, which provides access to all the

    sources for being employed in manufacturing and merchandising activities. It has

    rightly been said that business needs money to make more money. However, it is also

    true that money begets more money. Only when it is properly managed. Hence,

    efficient management of every business enterprise is closely linked with efficient

    management of its finances.

    Scope of finance

    The firm secures capital it needs and employs finance activities, which

    generate return on invested capital. The business firm mainly engages in activities to

    perform the functions of finance, thus it requires a number of real assets (plant,

    machines, furniture) and financial asset (shares and bonds) to receive return on its

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    investments and distributes returns. These processes of raising funds are known

    respectively as financing, Investment and dividend decisions.

    Retained earnings are another undistributed returns on equity capital; they are,

    therefore, rightfully a part of equity capital. The retention of earnings can be

    considered as a form of raising new capital. If a company distributes all earnings to

    shareholders, then, it can reacquire new capital from the same sources by issuing new


    The finance function of raising and using money although has a significant

    effect on other function, yet it needs not necessarily limit or constraint the general

    running of the business. A company in a tight financial position will, of course, give

    more weight to financial considerations.

    Finance functions: -

    There are four important finance functions:

    1. Investment decision

    Investment decision or capital budgeting is the oldest area of the recent

    thinking in finance. Its one very significant aspect is the risk of measuring the

    prospective profitability of new investments. Future benefits are difficult to measure

    and cannot be predicted with certainly, Because of the uncertain future. Capital

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    budgeting decision involves risk. Investment proposals should therefore, be evaluated

    in terms of both expected return and risk.

    2. Financing decision

    Financing decision is the 2nd important function to be performed by the

    financial manager. Broadly, he must decide when, where and how to acquire funds to

    meet the firms investment needs. The central issue before him is to determine the

    proportion of equity and debt. The mix of debt and equity is known as the firms

    capital structure.

    3. Dividend decision

    The dividend policy should be determined in terms of its impact on the

    shareholders value. The optimum dividend policy is one, which maximizes the market

    value of the firms shares. Thus, if shareholders are not indifferent to the firms

    dividend policy, the financial manager must determine the optimum dividend payout


    4. Liquidity decision

    Investment in current asset affects firms profitability, liquidity and risk. A

    conflict exists between profitability and liquidity while managing the current assets. It

    may become illiquid. But it could lose profitability, as idle current assets would not

    earn any thing. Thus a proper trade off must be achieved between profitability and


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    Financial services: -

    Many financial institutions giving services to the public these are: -

    1. Bank

    2. Co-operative societies

    3. Financial institutions

    4. Private Banks

    5. Foreign Banks

    6. Nationalized Bank

    7. Non-Banking financial institutions.

    Meaning of Financial Statements:

    The term financial statement refers to the statements, which are prepared the

    business concern or banks at the end of the each financial year, i.e. which start from 1 st

    April of current year to 31st March of next year.

    The statements are


    prepared in order to know whether the concern has earned profits or sustained

    loss during the specific financial period.

    (b) POSITION STATEMENT or BALANCE SHEET with the respective

    schedules forming a part of Balance sheet, which is prepared by the concern in

    order to know their financial position. The Financial Auditors and accountants,

    Board Of Directors (BOD), usually prepare these.

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    To these statements are added the statements of retained earnings and statements

    such as Funds Flow Statements (FFS); Cash Flow Statements (CFS); Ratio analysis, in

    order to know the positions regarding Profitability, Liquidity and solvency.

    Nature of Financial Statements:

    Financial statements are prepared for the purpose of presenting a periodical

    review or report by the management and deal with state of investment in business and

    result achieved during the period under view. They reflect a combination of recorded

    facts, accounting conventions and personal judgments. From this it is clear that three

    things affect financial statements i.e.

    1. Recorded facts.

    2. Accounting conventions.

    3. Personal judgments.

    Only those facts, which are recorded in the business books, will be reflected in the

    financial statements.

    The following points reflect truly the nature of financial statements of business


    (i) These are reports or summarized reviews about the performance, achievements and

    weaknesses of the concern.

    (ii) These are prepared at the end of the accounting period so that various parties may

    take decisions of their future actions in respect of the relationship with the concerns.

    (iii) The reliability of financial statements depends on the reliability of the accounting

    data. These statements cannot be said to be true and fair representatives of the strengths

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    or profitability of the concern if there are numerous frauds and defalcations in the


    (iv) The figures in the financial statements are a combination of recorded facts. There

    may be certain developments and factors which may be very important for the business

    are not taken into account as these are not recorded in the routine of accounting.

    Moreover, fixed assets are recorded at historical value without taking into consideration

    the change in their values due to price level fluctuations.

    (v) These statements are prepared as per accounting concepts and conventions.

    (vi) These statements are influenced by the personal judgment of the accountant though

    he is expected to be more objective in his approach. These judgments may relate to

    valuation of inventory, depreciation of fixed assets and while making distinction

    between capital and revenue.

    Meaning of Analysis of Financial Statements:

    Analysis is the process of critically examining in detail accounting information

    given in the financial statements. For the purpose of analysis, individual items are

    studied; their interrelationship with other related figures established, the data is

    sometimes rearranged to have better understanding of the information with help of

    different techniques or tools for the purpose. Analyzing financial statements is a process

    of evaluating relationship between component parts of financial statements to obtain a

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    better understanding of firms position and performance. In the words ofMyer,

    Financial statements analysis is largely a study of relationship among the various

    financial factors in a business as disclosed in a series of statements. The analysis of

    financial statements thus refer tot the treatment of the information contained in the

    financial statements in a way so as to afford a full diagnosis of the profitability and

    financial position of the firm concerned. For this purpose financial statements are

    classified methodically, analyzed and compared with the figures of previous years or

    other similar firms.

    Objectives of Financial Analysis:

    Financial Analysis is helpful in assessing the financial position and profitability

    of a concern. This is done through comparison by ratios for the same concern over a

    period of years; or for one concern against another; or for one concern against the

    industry as a whole (Inter-firm comparison); or for one concern against the

    predetermined standards; or for one department of a concern against other departments

    of the same concern (Intra-firm comparison). Accounting ratios calculated for a number

    of years show the trend of the change of position, i.e., whether the trend I upward or

    downward or static. The ascertainment of trend helps us in making estimates for the


    Keeping in view the importance of accounting ratios the accountant should

    calculate the ratios in appropriate form, as early as possible, for presentation to the

    management for managerial control.

    The main objectives of analysis of financial statements are to assess:

    (i) The present and future earning capacity or profitability of the concern,

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    (ii) The operational efficiency of the concern as a whole and of its various parts or


    (iii) The short term and long term solvency of the term for the benefit of the debenture

    holders and trade creditors,

    (iv) The comparative study in regard to one firm with another firm or one department

    with another department,

    (v) The possibility of developments in the future by making forecast and preparing


    (vi) The financial stability of a business concern,

    (vii) The real meaning and significance of financial data, and

    (viii)The long-term liquidity of its funds.

    Types of Financial Statements analysis:

    Different types of financial statements analysis can be made on the basis of:

    (i) The nature of the analyst and the material used by him,

    (ii) The objective of the analysis, and

    (iii) The modus operandi of the analysis.



    This research has been conducted to know and understand the business

    operations of ICICI Bank. An attempt is made to study the financial performance and

    the factors influencing the financial aspects. The researcher also extended his scope to

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    analyze the liquidity position, strength and weaknesses of the bank in handling the

    financial operations. For a systematic study, tables and graphs were drawn wherever


    Basically the scope of the study was limited to Bangalore Regional office of

    ICICI Bank. But consolidated financial reports of all the divisions in India were

    considered for analysis. Inter branch comparison was not possible. Limitations of past

    records, time constraints etc. have their impact on the study.


    The heavy competitions lead to increase in the operating expenses. The banks

    earning capacity is moving upward as the bank implemented an aggressive financial

    policy by keeping its short-term liquidity position under threat. It continuously expands

    its net assets that help to earn more returns. Current ratio of the bank has to be brought

    nearer to the standard i.e. 2:1. It is clear from the study that the ICICI Bank focuses

    more on maximum utilization of its funds so as to contribute much towards profits there

    by increasing the value for shareholders.


    Bank has to go for branch expansion process in the vast Indian rural market by

    providing much ATM facilities in Taluk head quarters. Effective service to the

    customers is the vital factors for success in the industry, which the bank has to


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    The over all performance of ICICI Bank is satisfactory, company utilizes its

    available funds effectively. The aggressiveness shown by the bank in its financial

    operations helped it to maximize its earnings.



    The organized banking system in India is broadly divided into three categories,

    i.e. the central bank known as the Reserve bank of India, the commercial banks and the

    Co-operative banks. The reserve bank of India is the supreme monetary and banking

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    authority in the country and has the responsibility to control the banking system in

    country. It is known as the RESERVE BANK as it keeps the reserve of all

    commercial banks.

    Banking Regulation Act of India, 1949 defines banking as accepting, for the

    purpose of lending or investment of deposits of money from the public, repayable on

    demand or otherwise and withdrawal by cheques, draft, and order.

    Most of the activities a bank performs are derived from the above definition. In

    addition, Banks are allowed to perform certain activities, which are ancillary to this

    business of accepting deposits and lending. A banks relationship with the public

    therefore revives around accepting deposits and lending money. Another activity, which

    is assuming increasing importance, is transfer of money both domestic and foreign

    from one place to another. This activity is generally known as remittance business in

    banking parlance. The so-called forex (foreign exchange) business is largely a part of

    remittance. It involves the buying and selling of foreign currencies.

    The law governing banking Activities in India is called Negotiable

    Instruments Act 1881. The banking activities can be classifies as:

    1. Accepting Deposits from public /others (deposits)

    2. Lending money to public (Loans)

    3. Transferring money from one place to another (Remittance)

    4. Acting as trustees

    5. Acting as intermediaries

    6. Keeping valuable in safe custody

    7. Collection business

    8. Government Business

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    Commercial banks have been in existence for many decades. After1969

    commercial banks are broadly classified into nationalized or public sector and private

    sector banks. The state bank of India and associate banks along with another 20 banks

    are the public sector banks. The private sector banks include a number of Indian

    scheduled banks, which have not been nationalized, and branches of foreign banks

    operating in India.

    The Regional Rural banks (RRBs) came into existence since the Middle of

    1970s with the specific objective of providing credit and deposit facilities particularly

    to the small and marginal farmers, agricultural laborers and artisans and the small


    Primary Co-operative credit societies or banks were originally set up in villages

    to promote thrift and saving of the farmers and to meet their credit needs for cultivation.

    The central or district co-operative banks above them state co-operative banks were

    established. The funds of RBI meant for agricultural sector actually pass through the

    State co-operative banks and central co-operative banks. These have now spread to the

    urban areas.

    Under the RBI Act 1934, banks were classified as scheduled banks and non-

    scheduled banks. The scheduled banks are those, which are entered in the second

    schedule of RBI Act, 1934.they are banks, which have paid up capital and reserves of

    an aggregate value of not less than 5 lakhs and which satisfy RBI that their affairs are

    carried out in the interests of the depositors. All commercial banks Indian and foreign,

    regional rural banks and state co-operative banks are scheduled banks. Non-scheduled

    banks are those, which have not been including in the second schedule of RBI Act1934.

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    The present banking scenario in the country looks extremely promising. For the

    past few years most of the banks have posted very good results quarter after quarter and

    are displaying their ability for high growth. Banks such as the union bank of India, vijay

    bank, Indian Overseas bank and UCO banks have come out with their initial public


    Banks are classified into several types based on the functions they


    1. Commercial Bank.

    2. Investment or industrial Banks.

    3. Exchange Banks.

    4. Co-operative Banks.

    5. Land Development Banks.

    6. Savings Banks.

    7. Central Banks.


    Commercial banks perform all the business transaction of a typical bank.

    Commercial Banks accept three types of deposits, Like Savings Bank Deposit, Fixed

    Deposit and Current Deposit. They accept these deposit, which are payable on demand

    or in short notice. As such they lend or invest only for short duration. They funds for

    short-term needs of trade of commerce.


    Investment Banks are those banks, which provide funds on long term for

    industries. These Banks have specialized in providing long term loans to industries with

    a view to buy plant of machinery. The investment Banks obtain funds through share

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    capital, Debentures and long term deposits from the public. They float bonds for the

    sake of mobilizing funds to provide funds for big industries corporations.

    These banks also under write or issue new shares of debentures of industrial concerns.


    Exchange Banks are known as foreign Banks or foreign exchange Banks. The

    foreign exchange banks provide exchange for imports trade. Their main function is to

    make international payment through purchased sake of exchange bills.


    Co-operative Banks are promoted to meet the banking requirements of

    consumers. They are established not only in the urban areas but also in the rural areas.

    In the rural areas these banks supply finances to agriculture, while in the urban areas

    they provide finance to consumer goods.


    Whenever agriculturist require investment loans, they have to approach land

    development Banks. Where loans are given on long-term basis. They provide loans on

    the security of the land.


    Savings Banks are specialized financial institutions established to mobilize

    savings from the people. The primary object of the commercial Banks is to promote

    thrift among the low and middle-income groups. The Banks also offer interest on these


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    Central Bank in an apex Bank in the country, which keeps the entire banking

    system unified, controlled and regulated. In fact, the central bank is the Bank, which

    formulates the monetary policy. It regulates the notice issue. In India, the Reserve Bank

    of India is the central Bank of India.


    C o - o p e r

    B a n k s

    S t a t e B a n


    i t s a s s o

    O t h e r N a

    B a n k s

    R e g i o n a

    B a n k s

    P u b l i c S

    B a n k s

    P r i v a t e S

    B a n k s

    I n d i a n

    B a n k s

    F o r e i g

    B a n k s

    C o m m e

    B a n k s

    S c h e d u

    B a n k s

    C o - o p e r

    B a n k s

    C o m m e

    B a n k s

    N o n - S c h

    B a n k s

    R B I




    ICICI Bank was originally promoted by the erstwhile ICICI Limited and SCICI

    Limited. The Industrial credit and investment corporation of India Limited (ICICI) was

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    formed in 1955 at the initiative of the World Bank, the Government of India and

    representatives of Indian industry. The principal objective was to create a development

    financial institution for providing medium-term and long-term project financing to

    Indian business. ICICI Bank was originally promoted in 1994 by ICICI Limited and

    was its wholly owned subsidiary. It was incorporated as a company under the

    companies Act, 1956 in January 1994 and received the certificate of commencement of

    business in February 1994.

    In 1999, ICICI become the first Indian company and the first bank or financial

    institution from non-Japan Asia to be listed on the NYSE. Bank of Madura Limited was

    merged with ICICI Bank with effect from 10th March 2001. 1955:

    The Industrial Credit and Investment Corporation of India Limited (ICICI)

    incorporated at the initiative of the World Bank, the Government of India and

    representatives of Indian industry, with the objective of creating a development

    financial institution for providing medium-term and long-term project financing to

    Indian businesses. Mr. A.Ramaswami Mudaliar elected as the first Chairman of ICICI


    ICICI emerges as the major source of foreign currency loans to Indian industry. Besides

    funding from the World Bank and other multi-lateral agencies, ICICI also among the

    first Indian companies to raise funds from International markets.

    1956: ICICI declared its first Dividend at 3.5%.

    1958: Mr. G.L.Mehta was appointed the 2nd Chairman of ICICI Ltd.

    1960: ICICI building at 163, Back Bay Reclamation was inaugurated.

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    1961: The first West German loan of DM 5 million from Kredianstalt was obtained by


    1967: ICICI made its first debenture issue for Rs.6 crore, which was oversubscribed.

    1972: Second entity in India to set-up merchant banking services.

    1977: ICICI sponsors the formation of Housing Development Finance Corporation.

    Managed its first equity Public issue

    1978: Mr. James Raj appointed as the fourth Chairman of ICICI.

    1979: Mr.Siddharth Mehta appointed as the fifth Chairman of ICICI.

    1982: Becomes the first ever-Indian borrower to raise European Currency Units

    1984: Mr. S. Nadkarni appointed as the sixth Chairman of ICICI.

    1985: Mr. N.Vaghul appointed as the seventh Chairman and Managing Director of


    1986: ICICI first Indian Institution to receive ADB Loans. First public issue by an

    Indian entity in the Swiss Capital Markets.

    ICICI along with UTI sets up Credit Rating Information Services of India Limited,

    (CRISIL) Indias first professional credit rating agency.

    ICICI promotes Shipping Credit and Investment Company of India Limited. (SCICI)

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    1987: ICICI signed a loan agreement for Sterling Pound 10 million with

    Commonwealth Development Corporation (CDC), the first loan by CDC for financing

    projects in India.

    1988: ICICI promotes TDICI - Indias first venture capital company.

    1993: ICICI sets-up ICICI Securities and Finance Company Limited in joint venture

    with J. P. Morgan.

    1994: ICICI sets up ICICI Bank.

    1996: ICICI becomes the first company in the Indian financial sector to raise GDR.

    Mr. K.V.Kamath appointed the Managing Director and CEO of ICICI Ltd.

    1997: ICICI was the first intermediary to move away from single prime rate to three-

    tier prime rates structure and introduced yield-curve based pricing.

    The name The Industrial Credit and Investment Corporation of India Limited was

    changed to ICICI Limited.

    1998: Introduced the new logo symbolizing a common corporate identity for the ICICI


    1999: ICICI launches retail finance - car loans, house loans and loans for consumer


    2000: ICICI Bank becomes the first commercial bank from India to list its stock on


    ICICI Bank announces merger with Bank of Madura.

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    2001: The Boards of ICICI Ltd and ICICI Bank approved the merger of ICICI with

    ICICI Bank.

    2002: Moodys assign higher than sovereign rating to ICICI:

    ICICI becomes the first Indian Company to list on the NYSE through an issue of

    American Depositary Shares.


    -Launches micro-finance programmes

    -ICICI One source deploys new recruitment system

    -Sets up NRI advisory service

    -Singapore govt. offloads 2-cr shares of ICICI Bank

    -Bank chief K V Kamath appointed head of finance panel for river linking project

    -Launches 'Give2India' to facilitate donations by NRIs

    -Comes out with a bond issue of Rs. 400 crore

    -Installs Telugu language ATMs in Hyderabad

    -Launches 'ICICI Bank Pure Gold'-certified and tamper proof 24-carat pure gold coins

    in Chennai

    -Collects over Rs. 1,200-cr via first bond issue

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    -Obtains 'excellence in retail banking' award instituted by the Singapore-based Asian

    Bankers Journal

    -ICICI Bank-led combine gets approval for Nationwide Multi Commodity Exchange

    (NMCE) set up

    -Bio Serve takes up about 3,000 sq.ft. space at the ICICI Knowledge Park to set up a

    contract research lab

    -Sets up integrated currency management center in Pune.

    -Rama Newsprint & Papers Ltd allots 5632129 no. Of Equity shares to ICICI Bank Ltd

    on conversion right exercised by them

    -HDFC, ICICI buy 33-pc stake in Hindustan Coca-Cola Beverages, the Indian bottling

    subsidiary of the Atlanta-based carbonated soft drinks giant Coca-Cola

    -Reliance Info forges alliance with ICICI for bill receivables

    -Ties up with Employees Provident Fund Organization to distribute pension across the


    -Ties up with TeNet for micro-banking

    -Starts 12-hours banking services

    -ICICI Bank restructures organizational structure

    -Acquires the Credit Card Division of Tata Finance

    -Air India ropes in ICICI Bank as authorized dealers for hedging

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    -ICICI Bank along with others set up Rs. 800-cr "India Advantage Fund"

    -Records Rs. 8000-cr securitisation during '02-03

    -Enters deal with Pramati Technologies to deploy Pramati Server Software

    -Tops NPA recovery list among domestic lenders

    -Unveils Pure Gold coins in Karnataka

    -Decides to scrap '97 series deep discount bonds

    -Obtains approval to set up Overseas Banking Units (OBU)

    -Communication ministry engages ICICI Bank, IIT to study viability of telecom firms

    -Unveils NRI remittance product in Canada

    -ICICI Bank, Amway launch co-branded international credit card

    -Picks up 25% shares in NCDEX (National Commodities & Derivatives Exchange)

    -ICICI directs introduces tax-free Savings Bond '03 online

    -Videsh Sanchar Nigam Limited (VSNL) and ICICI Bank have announced a tie-up for

    the distribution of Tata Indicom`s dial-up Internet services

    -ICICI Bank offers rail ticket booking facility to its customers

    -Buys Apple Credit's 30-pc stake in Transamerica Apple Distribution Finance Ltd.


    -Takes over 100-pc of TADFL

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    -Outgoing ICICI Bank Joint Managing Director Mr. H N Sinor becomes new chief

    executive and secretary of Indian Banks Association (IBA)

    -ICICI Bank, HDFC Bank tie up with Indian Railway Catering and Tourism

    Corporation (IRCTC) for online rail bookings

    -ICICI Bank, DaimlerChrysler team up for new finance scheme

    -Gets Insurance Regulatory Development Authority (IRDA) nod for India Advantage


    -Announces VRS, the first for the new generation private sector banks

    -Bags DM Review World Class Solution Award 2003

    -Enters into an institutional agreement with Dubai Bank wherein ICICI Bank would be

    the principal correspondent bank of Dubai Bank in India

    -Discontinues the contract with Hollywood Superstar Amitabh Bachchan since it finds

    him too expensive

    -Embarks on market making securities instruments

    -Global Finance Magazine awards ICICI Bank as the "Best consumer internet Bank in


    -ICICI Bank empanelled for JNPT's Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) project

    -Signs option contract with BHEL

    -ICICI Bank's 1350 employees opt for VRS

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    -Textile sector leads ICICI Bank's NPA

    -Approves 7.3 million options to its employees

    -Birla Tyres ties up with ICICI bank to offer Rs. 2 lakh life insurance benefit to the

    truck drivers on the purchase of every pair of tyres

    -Inaugurates its first Offshore Banking Unit (OBU) at SEEPZ Special Economic Zone,


    -ICICI implements NCR solution (Cheque Mark PDC Module) for post dated cheques

    -ICICI Bank picks up's e-filing service

    -ICICI Bank acquires 17.75% stake in NDTV

    -Launches 'Instra Transfer', an NRI remittance product, which will enable NRIs in the

    Gulf to transfer funds to India within two hours

    -Acquires 36,000,000 shares amounting to 12.65% of Himachal Futuristic

    Communications Ltd (HFCL)

    -Divests 0.31% shares in Federal Bank

    -Converts part of HFCL loan into equity shares giving 12.65% stake in the company

    -Inaugurates Singapore branch

    -Decides to take the service of Hollywood Superstar Amitabh Bachchan (Big B) on

    purely case-to-case basis

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    -ICICI Bank in alliance with Federation of Automobile Dealers Association (FADA)

    unveils credit card for vendors to dealers and opens a business-to-business (B2B)

    section in FADA's Web site

    -West Coast signs agreement to acquire ICICI's 34 percent stake in Rama Newsprint &

    Papers Ltd. (RNPL) forges alliance with ICICI Bank for offering payment gateway to its

    customers for real-time transfer of funds

    -Banker Magazine of UK confers its 'Best Multi-Channel Strategy 2003' and Bank of

    the Year 2003' awards to ICICI Bank

    -Instanex Skindia depository receipts index increases the index percentage of market

    capitalization used for ICICI Bank to 95 per cent from 75 per cent

    -ICICI Bank in association with the Federation of Automobile Dealers Association

    (FADA) unveils a credit card for vendors to dealers and opens a business-to-business

    (B2B) section in FADA's Web site

    -Issues notice to Ponni Sugars (Orissa) Ltd. to take possession of the Balangir Sugar


    - Allotment 287774 equity shares of face value of Rs.10/- each on October 13, 2003

    under the Employee Stock Option Scheme.

    -ICICI bank gets Banker magazine awards for the year

    -Crisil assigns highest ratings to instruments issued under ICICI Bank's securitisation


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    -ICICI bank gets 'Best emerging market Bank ' award from the Global Finance


    -Mr. R Seshasayee who was appointed as Director on the Bank on May 03, 2002 has

    tendered his resignation as a Director of the Bank.

    -Action Aid has signed up with ICICI to launch the Karm Mitra credit card

    -The trading of ICICI issued bond October 2000- Tax Saving Bond - Option I

    ICICI1100 N1 (benefit u/s 88) was suspended

    -ICICI Bank introduced foreign currency term deposit scheme for non-residents

    including NRI's at its offshore banking unit (OBU) in Mumbai

    -ICICI tie up with Big Bazaar to introduce Co-branded Card specifically for Big Bazaar


    -The company's asset-backed securities (ABS) worth Rs. 835 crore on October 09

    obtained highest safety ratings from Icra.

    -The company unveiled its global deposits scheme for individuals from its Singapore


    -Tied up with SBI and HDFC to share ATM networks

    - Has set up representative office in Dubai

    -Allotted 166857 equity shares of face value of Rs.10/- each on October 20, 2003 under

    the Employee Stock Option Scheme.

    -ICICI Bank unveils global deposits

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    -Five persons have been arrested on the charge of duping ICICI Bank of Rs. 1.34 crore

    by encasing a cheque purported to have been issued by Fortis Banque of France.


    -ICICI bank credit cards cross two million mark

    - ICICI Banks 300 million dollar Eurobond has been awarded for being the best bond

    issue of India and emerging Asian market during 2003, by two foreign magazines.

    -ICICI e-Payments Ltd. has informed that they have acquired 8008357 shares

    amounting to 69.99% of the total paid up capital of Tata Infomedia Limited

    -ICICI Bank Ltd has informed that the Bank has allotted 1,25,444 equity shares of the

    face value of Rs. 10/- each on December 22, 2003 under the Employees Stock Option

    Scheme, 2000 (ESOS).

    -The government has allowed ICICI Bank to keep the Rs. 350 crore 20-year preference

    shares (subscribed to by ITC) in its books for five years.

    -ICICI Bank Ltd has informed that the Bank has allotted 73,980 equity shares of the

    face value of Rs. 10/- each on December 29, 2003 under the Employees Stock Option

    Scheme, 2000 (ESOS).

    -Bahrain Monetary Agency issues license to ICICI Bank's overseas unit. It also

    extended a special concession for offering NRI banking services in the island nation as

    well as in the international markets


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    -ICICI Bank inks pact with Mohan Bagan to unveil co-branded credit card

    -ICICI-Overdrive awards for Honda City, Bajaj Pulsar

    -ICICI Bank ties up with Air Deccan

    -ICICI Bank opens new premises in Mangalore

    -ICICI Bank unveils mobile ATM in Kerala

    -ICICI Bank unveils International fixed deposit scheme at Singapore branch

    -ICICI Bank acquires Numero uno position in new remittance scheme

    -ICICI Bank sets up ATM in Thiruvananthapuram

    -ICICI Bank launches its new home Loan Scheme with Variable EMI

    -ICICI Bank Ltd has informed that the shares of the Bank are desisted from The Delhi

    Stock Exchange Association Limited with effect from February 11, 2004.

    -ICICI Bank, Mohun Bagan launch co-branded credit card

    -The world's largest micro-finance securitisation deal of $4.3mn completed between

    ICICI Bank and Share Microfin Ltd., a Hyderabad based micro financing organization

    -ICICI Bank signs a memorandum of understanding with Jammu and Kashmir Bank to

    share the ATM network.

    -ICICI Bank and Andhra Bank have announced a tie-up that enables sharing of their

    ATM networks.

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    -Global Finance magazine has named ICICI Bank as one of the "Best Emerging Market

    Banks Asia" in an exclusive survey to be published in the May 2004 issue.

    -Comes out with a public offering of equity shares at a price of Rs. 280 to raise Rs.

    3500 crore with a green shoe option of Rs. 450 crore

    -ICICI Emerging Sector, the private equity arm of ICICI Bank, has acquired a 54 per

    cent stake in the Bangalore-based Arvind Brands, the apparel arm of the Sanjay

    Lalbhai-promoted Arvind Mills,

    -ICICI Bank unveils Car Overdraft facility

    -ICICI Bank, SBI, LIC in pact for Rs. 20,000-cr projects

    -ICICI Bank and Punjab National Bank have signed a memorandum of understanding

    (MoU) for ATM network sharing, giving customers access to over 2,200 ATMs in


    - ICICI Bank unveils co-branded credit card ICICI Bank Ebony

    -ICICI Bank has won the best bank award instituted by Asia money in the category of

    best domestic commercial bank in India

    -ICICI Bank has bagged the prestigious award of 'Best Retail Bank in India' in the

    category 'The Asian Banker Excellence in Retail Financial Services Program 2003'

    -ICICI Bank-Aircel jointly unveil new co-branded credit card

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    -Life Insurance Corporation acquires 16,370,009 shares constituting 2.23% of voting

    rights in the company, increases its stake to 73,382,324 shares constituting 10.09% of

    voting rights

    -Punjab and Sind Bank (PSB) and ICICI Bank on July 02 announced the launch of co-

    branded credit card that will be available in three variants - Gold, Silver and Blue credit


    -ICICI Bank in association with Reliance Infocomm has launched an interactive mobile

    banking service in India

    -ICICI Bank unveils multi-branded card

    -ICICI Bank has introduced a pre-approved personal loan product for Global Trust

    Bank (GTB) customers

    -ICICI Bank bags Internet awards from Global Finance magazine

    -ICICI Bank Home Loans and ICICI Bank Home Search have launched `Home Utsav',

    a property exhibition at the Institute of Engineers

    -ICICI Bank Ltd on August 9, 2004, opened its representative office in Dhaka further

    increasing its international presence. In light of the significant bilateral trade links

    between the two countries, the bank greatly values the need to have an on-the-ground


    -ICICI Bank offers new service to Canada emigrants

    - Launches 'Hello Canada Newcomers Account' designed to provide instant access to

    banking services in Canada for Indians migrants on August 23

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    - ICICI Bank introduces an easy deposit card at an interest rate of 0.99 per cent

    -ICICI Bank rolls out kisan credit card in AP

    - Launches `Easy Deposit Card', which charges an interest of 0.99 per cent per month

    -ICICI Bank launches new mobile phone banking service

    -Sets up offshore banking unit (OBU) in Bahrain

    -Launches a new service for pre-paid subscribers of Airtel, Hutch, Orange and IDEA in

    association with Euronet to recharge cards through bank's ATMs or by sending SMS.

    -ICICI Bank has signed a deal with SunTec Business Solutions Private Ltd

    -ICICI Bank unveils Visa Card in UK


    ICICI banks credit ratings by various credit rating agencies are given bellow:



    Moodys Investor Service Baa3

    Standard & Poors(S&P) BB+

    Credit Analysis & Research Ltd(Care) CAREAAAInvestment Information & Credit Rating Agency(ICRA) AAA

    2. 2.2. ORIGIN PROFILE

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    ICICI Bank was originally promoted by the erstwhile ICICI Ltd and the

    erstwhile SCICI Ltd .It was incorporated as a company under the companies Act, 1956

    on 5th January, 1994 and received the certificate of commencement of business on 24 th

    February, 1994. It was granted a license to carry on banking business in India by the

    RBI vide its letter no. DBOD (AH) No.3085/03.02.24B/94 dated 17 th May 1994. The

    operations of ICICI Bank are mainly governed by the provision of the banking

    regulation Act, 1934 as a Scheduled Bank vide Gazette of India notification dated 5th

    July 1994. ICICI Bank was founded with the objective of providing quality banking

    services using state-of-the-art of technology. ICICI Bank has placed great emphasis on

    the need for competitive, efficient and low cost financial intermediation. ICICI Bank

    conducts banking operations in an organized, systematic and operationally sound

    manner. Towards this end, it has set up a fully computerized environment with state-of-

    the-art technology at its offices and continuously upgrades its strong systems and

    procedures with special emphasis on risk management.

    ICICI Bank is India's second-largest bank with total assets of about Rs.112,024

    crore and a network of about 475 branches and offices and about 1790 ATMs. ICICI

    Bank offers a wide range of banking products and financial services to corporate and

    retail customers through a variety of delivery channels and through its specialized

    subsidiaries and affiliates in the areas of investment banking, life and non-life

    insurance, venture capital, asset management and information technology. ICICI Bank's

    equity shares are listed in India on stock exchanges at Chennai, Delhi, Kolkata and

    Vadodara, the Stock Exchange, Mumbai and the National Stock Exchange of India

    Limited and its American Depositary Receipts (ADRs) are listed on the New York

    Stock Exchange (NYSE).

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    ICICI Bank was originally promoted in 1994 by ICICI Limited, an Indian

    financial institution, and was its wholly owned subsidiary. ICICI's shareholding in

    ICICI Bank was reduced to 46% through a public offering of shares in India in fiscal

    1998, an equity offering in the form of ADRs listed on the NYSE in fiscal 2000, ICICI

    Bank's acquisition of Bank of Madura Limited in an all-stock amalgamation in fiscal

    2001, and secondary market sales by ICICI to institutional investors in fiscal 2001 and

    fiscal 2002. ICICI was formed in 1955 at the initiative of the World Bank, the

    Government of India and representatives of Indian industry. The principal objective

    was to create a development financial institution for providing medium-term and long-

    term project financing to Indian businesses. In the 1990s, ICICI transformed its

    business from a development financial institution offering only project finance to a

    diversified financial services group offering a wide variety of products and services,

    both directly and through a number of subsidiaries and affiliates like ICICI Bank. In

    1999, ICICI become the first Indian company and the first bank or financial institution

    from non-Japan Asia to be listed on the NYSE.

    After consideration of various corporate structuring alternatives in the context

    of the emerging competitive scenario in the Indian banking industry, and the move

    towards universal banking, the managements of ICICI and ICICI Bank formed the view

    that the merger of ICICI with ICICI Bank would be the optimal strategic alternative for

    both entities, and would create the optimal legal structure for the ICICI group's


    Banking strategy. The merger would enhance value for ICICI shareholders

    through the merged entity's access to low-cost deposits, greater opportunities for

    earning fee-based income and the ability to participate in the payments system and

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    provide transaction-banking services. The merger would enhance value for ICICI Bank

    shareholders through a large capital base and scale of operations, seamless access to

    ICICI's strong corporate relationships built up over five decades, entry into new

    business segments, higher market share in various business segments, particularly fee-

    based services, and access to the vast talent pool of ICICI and its subsidiaries. In

    October 2001, the Boards of Directors of ICICI and ICICI Bank approved the merger of

    ICICI and two of its wholly owned retail finance subsidiaries, ICICI Personal Financial

    Services Limited and ICICI Capital Services

    Limited, with ICICI Bank. Shareholders of ICICI and ICICI BANK approved

    the merger in January 2002, by the High Court of Gujarat at Ahmedabad in March

    2002, and by the High Court of Judicature at Mumbai and the Reserve

    Bank of India in April 2002. Consequent to the merger, the ICICI group's

    financing and banking operations, both wholesale and retail, have been integrated in a

    single entity.



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    Paid-up capital Rs. 7.39 billion

    TABLE 2

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    FII'S & NRI'S

    BANKS FI'S &









    To be the preferred brand for total financial and banking solutions for both

    Corporate and individuals

    In line with its vision statement, ICICI has capitalized on market opportunities

    to stretch the borders of its business, and has evolved from a project finance institution

    to insurance, personal financial services, a financial supermarket providing end-to-

    investment banking and venture capital, end financial services to corporate and retail

    providing fulfillment to practically all the customers. Today, the ICICI Group offers

    financial needs of individuals and products and services in the areas of companys

    corporate banking and commercial banking.

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    ICICI bank as an organization has been built on the principles of

    professionalism, ethics and financial expertise. The Bank believes that its existence and

    development are closely interlinked with its ability to serve both the corporate and retail

    customers. This belief has evolved into its corporate philosophy of growth, innovation

    and stability.

    The bank aims to provide the benefits of universal banking to its corporate and

    retail clients and its investors.

    The goal is to ensure that dealing with ICICI Bank is safe, simple and efficient.

    ICICI Bank attempts to pursue growth and innovation without compromising on

    its stability.


    To establish and carry on business of banking in any part of India or outside India. To carry on the business of accepting, for the purpose of lending or investments, of

    deposits of money repayable on demand or otherwise and withdraw able by cheque,

    draft, order or otherwise.

    To borrow, raise or take up money, lend or advance money with or without interesteither upon or without security.

    To draw, make, execute, issue, endorse, negotiate, accept, discount, buy, sell, collectand deal with bill of exchange, hundi, promissory notes, coupons, drafts, bills of lading,

    railway receipts, warrants, debentures, bonds, mortgage-backed securities, letter of

    credit or obligations, certificate, scripts and other instruments and securities whether

    transferable or negotiable or mercantile or not.

    To grant and issue letter of credit, travelers cheque and circular notes, buy sell and dealin bullion and specie.

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    To receive all kinds of bonds, scripts or valuables on deposits or for safe custody orotherwise, provide safe deposit vaults, collect and transmit money, negotiable

    instruments and all securities.

    To act as a foreign exchange dealer and to buy sell or otherwise deal in all kinds offoreign currencies.

    To carry on activities of bill discounting, rediscounting bills, factoring, dealing incommercial papers, treasury bills, certificate of deposits and other financial instruments.

    To act as an agent for any government or local authority or any other person or personscarrying on agency business.

    To contract for public and private loans and advances and negotiate and issue the same. To carry on and transact every kind of guarantee and indemnity business. To undertake and execute trusts and the Administration of estates as executor or trustee. To act as registrar and transfer agents and registrar to the issue, issue agents and paying


    To issue Debit or Credit cards to the customers or any other person. To do any other form of business, which the government of India may specifically as a

    form of, business in which it is lawful for banking company to engage.


    The liberalization and growth of Indian economy provides ICICI Bank with

    significant opportunities to provide superior financial products and services to the

    corporate and the retail sector. ICICI Banks objective is to enhance its position as

    Indias premier financial service provider. The key elements of ICICI Banks

    business strategy are:

    1. Focus on quality growth opportunities by:

    Building a strong retail franchise;

    Maintaining and enhancing strength in corporate banking;

    Building international presence.

    2. Emphasize conservative risk management practices and enhanced asset quality.

    3. Use technology for competitive advantage;

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    4. Attract and retain talented professionals; and

    5. Leverage on synergies from merger of ICICI and two of its subsidiaries.



    " Triple AAA Best Cash Management Country Award in India" by the Asset


    "Best Bank in India" by Euro money

    "Best High-Yield Borrower in India" by Euro money

    "India's Most Customer Friendly Bank" by Outlook Money

    "Best Bank" by Business India

    "India Derivative House of the Year" by Asia Risk

    "Best Consumer Internet Bank in India" by Global Finance

    "Best Corporate / Institutional Internet Bank in India" by Global Finance

    "Most Challenging IT Implementation Award" for the ICICI Bank EAI project by PC


    "Best Domestic Commercial Bank" in India by Asia money

    "Best Emerging Market Bank in India" by Global Finance

    "Best Domestic Fx Bank in India" by Asia money Poll

    "Best Bank of the Year in India" by Finance Asia

    "Best Retail Bank in India" by Asian Banker

    "Best Foreign Exchange Bank in India" by Global Finance

    "India's Most Admired Private Sector Bank" by Business Barons


    "Best Bank of the Year in India" by Finance Asia

    "The Asian Banker Excellence in Retail Financial Services Program" by the AsianBanker

    "Best Bank Domestic Commercial Bank in India by Asia money

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    "Best Emerging Market Bank in India" by Global Finance Magazine

    "Best Multi-Channel Strategy 2003' award by The Banker Magazine, UK.

    "Bank of the Year in India" by the Banker

    Grand Prize Winner in Peak Workload, Unix Environments, OLTP in Winter Corp.'sTop Ten Program

    DM Review Magazine-World Class Solution Award 2003 in the Business Intelligencecategory for its Teradata enterprise data warehouse solution.

    "Best Consumer Internet Bank in India" by Global Finance magazine

    "Best Integrated Consumer Bank Site in the Asia /Pacific Region" by Global Finance

    "Best Foreign Exchange Bank in India" by Global Finance

    "Best Trade Finance Bank in India" by Global Finance 2002

    Bank of the Year from the Emerging Markets by the Banker Magazine of UK

    Bank of the Year 2002, in India, by The Banker Magazine of UK Best Managed Bankin Asia, in a Poll by Euro money

    India's top 5 most respected companies - Business World magazine

    Best Bank in India by Global Finance

    India's Most Admired Bank 2002 in the BB-TN Sofres Mode Poll

    'Best Foreign Exchange Bank in India' by Global Finance.

    'Excellence in Retail Banking' award by Asian Bankers Journal

    Best Consumer Internet Bank in India by Global Finance

    Best Bank in India by Global Finance

    India's Most Admired Bank 2002 in the BB-TN Sofres Mode Poll 2001

    Best Retail Bank in India from the Asian Banker

    Product Innovation Award for Kid-e-bank account from the Asian Banker.

    India's top 5 most respected companies, Business World Magazine 2000

    Best Bank Award by Global Finance.

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    I-payment was selected as a finalist in the commercial credit product or servicescategory in the Asian Banking Awards

    Featured amongst the best 15 bank web sites in the world reviewed by Forbes Global.


    Best IT usage Award by TCS Limited and Computer Society of India.

    Asian Banking Award by the Asian Banker's Association for record collections underthe Resurgent India Bonds Scheme.


    ICICI Bank boasts of a comprehensive suite of products and services that make

    it a universal bank. The main offering of ICICI bank is below:


    ICICI Bank offers a power packaged account that offers a host of convenient features.

    This includes access to the accounts.

    Anywhere: Being one of the largest banking networks in the country with the 560

    branches, 1,900ATMs and presence in over 280 cities across the country.

    Anytime: you can access your account from any of the ICICI Bank ATMs across the

    city or the country 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

    Anyway: Access to vast majority of services through the ATM, phone and the internet

    like ordering a cheque book, viewing the balance, etc so that the account holder never

    needs to visit a branch for doing a business.

    The savings bank account earns the customer 3.5% interest rate per annum.

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    Value Added benefits include:

    Quantum Optima / Automatic sweep facility:

    On opening the savings account, if the balance in the account exceeds Rs.

    10,000 the additional amount gets automatically shifted into fixed deposits in multiple

    of Rs. 5000.

    This amount is totally liquid and is withdrawn. Interest is calculated on a LIFO



    Utility bills like telephone, mobile phones, electricity bills etc can be paid

    online or through phone banking.


    The account holder can make the investment in mutual funds, RBI Bonds and

    insurance as well as trade in the stock market through ICICI through ICICI


    Standing instructions:

    Can be given like transferring funds to another account at regular intervals.

    Free personalized cheque book:

    With an ICICI Bank account the holder will gets a free cheque book with his name

    written in style at the bottom free of charge.

    Minimum balance to be maintained:

    All the above can be availed by maintaining a quarterly average balance of Rs. 5000.

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    Young stars is banking a service fir children aged 1-18 years , offered by ICICI

    Bank to help the parents to meet the present and future aspirations that they hold for

    their child. It offers various savings ad investment options to the parent along with

    teaching the child to manage his/her personal finance in a more responsible and

    independent manner.

    The main offerings of this account are:

    Options of a savings bank account, Fixed Deposits account or Recurring Deposits


    Minimum balance at Rs. 500/- per quarter for savings Bank.

    A special recurring deposit account with additional features as below:

    The parent would put forward the desired amount to be earned at the end of the tenure.

    Based on the prevailing rate of interest, the bank staff would then back calculate the

    installments to be deposited now till maturity

    Free personalized cheque book.

    Free domestic debit card for the child above the age of 10 years with features as


    Daily withdrawals limits of Rs. 1,000/-

    Daily spend limits of Rs. 1000/-

    Special privileges across all alliance partners outlets.

    Facility to invest in GOI Relief and Mutual Fund.

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    Separate user Id and password for both parents and children. Special Shopping

    powers up to Rs. 1000 for the children above 10 years of age.

    Access to special zones and links to related websites for making internet

    Banking a memorable experience. Facility to transfer funds from parent account to kid

    account to enable parent to inculcate savings habit amongst children.


    Bank @ campus is basically a savings account designed for students. It requires

    a quarterly average balance of just Rs. 500 to be maintained and offers the below


    Free personalized cheque book

    Free Phone Banking

    Free ICICI Bank Ncash debit card Free transfer of funds into his/her account from any ICICI bank account

    Free supplementary credit card (if you have an ICICI Bank credit card)

    Annual statement of accounts.


    ICICI Bank salary account is a benefit rich payroll account for employers and

    employees. Organizations can opt for salary accounts to enable easy disbursements of

    salaries and enjoy numerous other benefits too.

    With ICICI Bank salary accounts the employees will enjoy the convenience of:

    Having the largest network of ATMs at their command

    Free 24 hours phone banking Free internet banking.

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    The requirements of the company is to send ICICI Bank an advice (in form of a

    cheque /debit instruction etc) for the total salary amount along with the salary details of

    the designated employees in a soft and hard copy format and we will credit the

    respective employees accounts as per your statement of advice.

    ICICI Bank Salary Accounts benefits the company in more than one ways:

    Reduce paper work.

    Savers remittance costs.

    Employees receive instant credit of salaries.

    Besides all the above, employees will automatically become ICICI Bank

    account holders with special benefits and privileges of reduced minimum balance



    The roaming current account from ICICI Bank travels the distance with ones

    business. With advanced technological features such as Multi-City Cheques and local

    cheques collection, banking needs are well taken care of. Account can be accessed at

    over 475-networked branches across the country. There is also round the clock phone

    banking and also one can log in to or even get Mobile banking


    Some of the other benefits are:

    Multi city cheque facility.

    Anywhere banking facility.

    Upcountry cheque collection.

    Pay orders and Demand drafts. Phone banking facility.

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    Doorstep banking facility.

    Internet banking facility.

    Debit/ATM Card.

    Mobile Banking Facility.


    This facility is available for sole proprietorships and partnership concerns.

    Debit/ATM card be used for the following transactions.

    Cash Withdrawal. Cash Deposit.

    Balance Inquiry.

    Cheque book request.

    Mini account statements.

    Transactions at various merchant establishments across the country


    Recurring deposits are an ideal way to invest small amounts of money every

    month and end up with a very large savings of maturity.

    These deposits encourage savings and loans can be claimed against the deposits.

    The minimum balance of deposit is Rs. 1,000 and thereafter in multiples of Rs. 100.

    The minimum period is 6 months and thereafter in multiples of 3 months.


    Various types and kinds of credit cards are offered by ICICI bank. These are all

    different to car themed and suits ones budget. The wide offerings are:

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    True Blue Card, Sterling Silver, Solid Gold Card, HPCL Silver Card, HPCL

    Gold Card, BPL Mobile Credit Card, Amway Credit Card, ICICI Bank American

    Express Card, ICICI Bank Gold American Express Card, ICICI Bank Big Bazaar Credit

    Card & ICICI Bank True Value Credit Card.


    The government of India 8% savings Bonds (Taxable):

    The 8% option however, is for resident Indians, Hindu Undivided Families,

    charitable institutions and universities. They attract a high interest rate of 8% per

    annum, which are subjects to tax as applicable. The tenure for these bonds is 6 years

    and is exempt from wealth tax.


    A wide range of services tailored to the specific needs of NRIs. The bank offers

    internet banking remittance, tax advisory and investment facilities.


    There is a great scope to invest in mutual funds managed by experienced and

    professional asset management groups.

    The very essence of a mutual fund is a diversification and this it self reduces

    risk. The fund will invest in stocks of different companies and different industries.

    The ICICI Bank has started new services called Investment & Services Group

    in its all branches. This will provide the free advice to its customer about the different.

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    Investments and mainly it concentrates on the investments in mutual funds. It

    will give assistance to its customer depending upon the following criteria.

    The age of the investor

    The holding time horizon of an investment

    The risk profile of the investor

    The investment amount (fund) and also ICICI Bank is the broker of the other mutual

    funds namely

    Birla Sun Life Mutual Fund.

    DSP Merrill Lynch Mutual Fund.

    Franklin Templeton Mutual fund.

    HDFC Mutual Fund.

    HSBC Mutual Fund.

    JM Mutual Fund.

    Kotak Mutual fund.


    Reliance Mutual Fund .

    Standard Chartered Mutual Fund.

    TATA Mutual Fund.

    These offer various options based on the requirement of the investors like

    Liquid Plan, Income Plan, Gilt-Treasury, Gilt-investment, Balanced Fund, Growth Plan,

    Tax plan, FMCG Fund.

    15. ICICI Bonds

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    ICICI offers to its customers a wide range of long-term deposits products like

    safety bonds, Tax Saving Infrastructure Bonds, Children Growth Scheme, and Pension

    Bonds and issued by ICICI through periodic public issues.

    All ICICI Bank Bonds have been rated AAA by CARE and LAAA by

    ICRA indicating the highest degree of safety for your money. The bonds are listed on

    NSE, BSE and VSE.


    ICICI presents the senior citizen services, which primarily comprises of a

    savings bank account thats an ideal investment choice for citizens above 60 years of


    The advantages are:

    Higher interest rates on Fixed Deposits

    The deposit scheme offers preferential rates to senior citizens, i.e., 5%

    higher interest compared to the interest earned on fixed deposits.


    As a special gesture to senior citizens, ICICI Bank the facilities of availing up to

    90% loan on the fixed Deposit amount. Also the rate of interest on the loan is only 1%

    over the rate of interest on the fixed deposit.

    Free Collection of Cheques

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    The senior citizens can avail free collection outstation cheques drawn on location where

    ICICI Bank has a presence.

    18. LOANS

    ICICI Bank offers the different categories of loans to its customers at highly

    competitive interest rates. Following are the different loans offered by the ICICI Bank


    ICICI Bank offers you the most attractive interest rates, along with complete

    doorstep services. Loans ranging from Rs. 1 lakh to Rs. 1 Crore are available, with

    repayment period up to 30 years. Each home loan comes with a free accident insurance

    cover. Moreover no guarantors are required, and there no charges for the part pre-



    An all purpose customer friendly loan with no security, collateral or guarantors

    available from as low as Rs. 20000 to Rs. 5 lakh with a wide range of repayment



    ICICI Bank Car Loans are tailor made to suit all customers needs. Customer

    can avail of finance up to 90% of the value of the car. Most attractive interest rates

    coupled with customized loan options and tenures ensure the best possible deals for all



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    Customer can able to avail loans ICICI Bank provides customized options to

    ensure that customer get the best value with great ease. Customer can able to avail up to

    85% of finance.

    Loans by the way of an overdraft facility against the pledge of demat securities

    provided by ICICI Bank. The best interest rates and loans of value added services come

    with this loan.

    Systems, a minimum loan of Rs. 7000 repayable in convenient options of 6 to 36monthly installments is offered

    For durables products like color TVs, Refrigerators, Washing Machines,

    Microwave Ovens or Music.




    The Seven Framework first appeared in The Art of Japanese management by

    Richard Pascale and Anthony Athos in 1981. They had been looking at how Japanese

    industry had been so successful, at around the same time that Tom Peters and Robert

    Waterman were exploring what made a company excellent. The Seven S model was

    born at a meeting of the four authors in 1978. It went on to appear in In Search of

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    Excellence by Peters and Waterman, and was taken up as a basic tool by the global

    management consultancy McKinsey: its sometimes know as the McKinsey 7S model.

    This is because, Tom Peters and Robert Waterman, were consultants at McKinsey& Co

    at that time.

    The model starts on the premise that an organization is not just Structure, but

    consists of seven elements:

    i.e., Strategy, structure, systems, style, staff, super ordinate goals (also known as shared

    values), and skills.

    According to them, managers, need to take account of all seven of the factors to

    be sure of successful implementation of a strategy-large or small. All the seven Ss are

    interdependent, and proper attention should be paid to each one of them.

    Those seven elements are distinguished in so called hard Ss and soft Ss. The

    hard elements are feasible and easy to identify. They can be found in strategy

    statement, corporate plans, organizational charts and other documentations.

    The four soft Ss however, are hardly feasible. They are difficult to describe

    since capabilities, values and elements of corporate culture are continuously developing

    and changing. They are highly determined by the people at work in the organization.

    Therefore it is much more difficult to plan or to influence the characteristics of

    the soft elements.

    Although the soft factors are below the surface, they can have a great impact of

    the hard Structures, Strategies and Systems of the organization.

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    STRATEGY: Actions a company plans in response to or anticipation of changes in its

    external environment.

    STRUCTURE: Basis for specialization and co-ordination influenced primarily by

    Strategy and by organization size and diversity.

    SYSTEMS: Formal and informal procedures that support the strategy and structure.

    (Systems are more powerful than they are given credit)

    The Soft Ss


    The culture of the organization, consisting of two components:

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    Organizational Culture: the dominant values and beliefs, and norms, which develop

    over time and become relatively enduring features of organizational life.

    Management Style: more a matter of what managers do than what they say; how do a

    companys managers spend their time? What are they focusing attention on?

    Symbolism-the creation and maintenance (or sometimes deconstruction) of meaning is

    a fundamental responsibility of managers.

    STAFF: The people/human resource management-processes used to develop managers,

    socialization processes, and ways of shaping basic values of management cadre, ways

    of introducing young recruits to the company, ways of helping to manage the careers of


    SKILLS: The distinctive competences- what the company does best, ways of

    expanding or shifting competences Shared Guiding concepts, fundamental ideas

    around which a business is build-Values/ must be simple, usually stated at abstract

    level, have great meaning Super inside the organization even though outsiders

    may not see or Ordinate understand them


    If one element changes then this will affect all the others. For example, a

    change in HR-systems like internal career plans and management training will have an

    impact on organizational culture (management style) and thus will affect structures,

    processes, and finally characteristic competences of the organization.

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    The 7-s Model is a valuable tool to initiate change processes and to give them

    direction. A helpful application is to determine the current state of each element and to

    compare this with the ideal state; Based in this it is possible to develop action planes to

    achieve the intended state.



    ICICI Bank has also bagged the Best Multi-Channel Strategy 2003, in the

    banker Awards 2003. The bank has won the award for successfully implementing the

    multi-channel strategy combining traditional banking channels with newer alternative

    channels to expand its geographical pr essence despite underdeveloped communications

    infrastructure. It also follows the Strategy of building a diversified and derisked asset


    ICICI Banks Growth Strategy involves:

    Fully tap the growing market through higher incremental market share than


    Adopt innovative strategies to expand the market

    Greater geographical penetration

    Introduction of new products in various segments.

    Provide high quality customer convenience & service

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    ICICI has pursued the business strategy of becoming a universal bank.

    The business strategy in the retail operations is to establish a strong financial

    services brand, and to offer a comprehensive range of innovative financial pr9oducgs

    and services across the country, using multiple distribution channels. This strategy has

    rapidly boosted the retail business both in terms of deposits and assets. The bank has a

    solid retail distribution franchise with about 540 branches and offices, over 1790 ATM,

    more than five million deposit accounts and one million Internet banking customers.

    ICICI Bank also has a micro finance strategy. It is finding innovative and

    profitable ways to extend financial services to the rural poor. Prompted in part by

    regulation that requires all banks to serve the rural market, ICICI Bank is developing

    multiple channels to deliver micro finance. It proposes to finance a network of village

    internet kiosks, partner with micro finance institutions (MFIs) who will act as loan

    service agents, and collaborate with social entrepreneurs to establish Greenfield


    The banks wholesale banking strategy involves:

    Rapidly grow market share in fee-based products and services.

    Focus on highly rated corporate finance.

    Leverage corporate relationships to cross-sell.

    Limited project finance business with focus on syndication and sell-down.


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    ICICI bank believes that the structure of an organization needs to be dynamic,

    constantly evolving and responsive to changes b9oth in the external and internal

    environments. Their organization structure is designed to support their business goals,

    and is flexible while at the same time ensuring effective control and supervision and

    consistency in standards across business groups.

    The organization structure is divided into 5 principal groups:-

    1. Retail Banking .

    The Retail-banking group comprises ICICI Banks retail assets business

    including various retail credit products, retail liabilities (including deposit accounts) and

    rural micro banking.

    2. Wholesale Banking.

    The Wholesale Banking Group comprises ICICI Banks corporate banking

    business including credit products and banking services, with separate dedicated groups

    for large corporate, Government and public sector entities and emerging corporate.

    Treasure, structured finance and credit portfolio management also form part of this


    3. Project Finance & Special Assets Management.

    The Project Finance Group comprises the project finance operations for

    infrastructure, oil & gas, manufacturing and shipping sectors. The Special Assets

    Management Group is responsible for large non-performing loans and accounts under


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    4. International Business.

    The International Business Group is responsible for ICICI Banks international

    operations as well as co-coordinating the international strategies and alliances of its

    subsidiaries and affiliates.

    5. Corporate Centre.

    The Corporate Center comprises all shared services and corporate functions,

    including finance and secretarial, investor relations, risk management, legal, human

    resources and corporate branding and communications.


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    (N Vaghul)

    Managing Director &CEO (K V Kamath)

    Joint ManagingDirector(Lalitha D Gupte)

    Joint ManagingDirector(HN Sinor)

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    Organization Structure Contd.

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    Joint GeneralManager

    Joint GeneralManager

    Deputy GM

    Asst. GM Asst. GM Asst. GM

    Deputy GM Deputy GM Deputy GM

    Chief Manager Chief Manager Chief Manager


    Exec. Director.Corp. Center(KalpanaMorparia)

    Exec DirectorProject Fin &Spl. Assets(S Mukherji)

    Exec DirectorRetail Banking(Chanda DKochhar)

    Exec. DirectorWholesaleBanking(Nachiket Mor)













    General Manager





    Sen OfficerSen Officer

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    3. SYSTEMS

    The decision-making systems within the organization can range from

    management intuition, to structured computer systems to complex expert systems and

    artificial intelligence. It includes:

    Computer Systems

    Operational Systems

    HR Systems, etc

    ICICI bank uses powerful-networked computer database known as finnacle.

    The bank has also needed to manage the technology risks associated with migration

    from its legacy systems to the new technologies necessary to manage the increasing

    volumes of transactions at net speed. The bank also has its own performance review

    and reward systems, which is very unique and powerful in the industry.

    ICICI Bank is at the forefront of usage of technology in the financial services

    sector. It has used Information Technology as a strategic tool for its business

    operations, to gain competitive advantage and to improve overall productivity and

    efficiency of the organization.

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    Officer Officer

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    Enhanced level of customer services like 24/7 services, Internet banking, multi

    channel banking, etc Cost efficiency like reduction in traditional branch

    network/service staff, wider and focused market reach and opportunities for cross


    Application of Information Systems to effectively market to their target customers and

    to monitor and control risks.

    ICICI Bank was one of the first banks in the country to put in place a

    nationwide data communications network connecting all its offices/branches. It has

    also installed an advanced banking system, which addresses its corporate banking as

    well retail-ban