Financial Aid 101 Created by Alison Watt

Financial Aid 101 Created by Alison Watt Common Financial Aid Terms FAFSA- Free Application for Federal Student Aid EFC- Expected Family Contribution

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Slide 2 Financial Aid 101 Created by Alison Watt Slide 3 Common Financial Aid Terms FAFSA- Free Application for Federal Student Aid EFC- Expected Family Contribution COA- Cost Of Attendance FA- Financial Aid SAR- Student Aid Report Sub- Subsidized Loan Unsub- Unsubsidized Loan Slide 4 Question 1 What does EFC stand for? Slide 5 Question 2 What does FAFSA stand for? Slide 6 How do you fill out the FAFSA Step 1 get your PIN from www.pin.ed.govwww.pin.ed.gov Step 2 gather all of your/parent tax information and untaxed information Step 3 fill out the FAFSA at www.fafsa.ed.govwww.fafsa.ed.gov Step 4 Double check your SAR (student aid report) Step 5 Enroll in your classes at the college of your choice Step 6 Check your College's website for additional information they may need Slide 7 Question 1 What is Step 3? Slide 8 Question 2 What steps should you do before filling out the FAFSA? Slide 9 Additional Resources Slide 10 SORRY Slide 11 SORRY Slide 12 SORRY Slide 13 SORRY Slide 14 HOORAY Slide 15 HOORAY Slide 16 HOORAY