FINAL REPORT: NASA LCLUC Investigation NAG5-9333, NAG5-9315 PROJECT TITLE: Monitoring Boreal Land cover and Ecosystem Dynamics at Regional Scales Using Integrated Space Borne Radar Remote Sensing and Ecological modeling. Project IDs: NAG5-9333, NAG5-9315 SCIENCE TEAM MEMBERS: Kyle McDonald, Bruce Chapman (JPL) Steve Running and John Kimball (University of Montana) Cynthia Williams (Unversity of Alaska Fairbanks) STUDENTS SUPPORTED: Erika Podest, PhD student at Caltech and the University of Dundee, Scotland Mauricio Cordero, Caltech undergraduate Jason Lee, Caltech undergraduate Veasna Sok, Caltech undergraduate Ann Radil, MS student at UMT Alana Oakins, MS student at UMT. MAJOR FINDINGS This report covers science team activities for the final year (2003) of our NASA LCLUC investigation, which includes activities carried out under projects NAG5-9333 and NAG- 9315, and extends work reported in our previous annual reports. The objective of this project was to develop an improved boreal forest monitoring framework, consistent with the objectives of the Global Observation of Forest Cover (GOFC) program, combining (1) a SAR-based land cover map that partitioned the landscape into ecologically distinct classes; (2) monitoring of seasonal freeze/thaw dynamics with spaceborne scatterometers to better quantify landscape phenology; and (3) an ecosystem simulation model to quantify carbon flux dynamics on regional scales. The scope of this investigation combined mapping and monitoring of boreal land cover with ecological modeling for assessment of regional and continental scale carbon flux dynamics. The domain for this study encompassed the BOREAS study region of central Canada, Alaska and the pan- Arctic basin. We evaluated whether satellite radar remote sensing of landscape seasonal freeze-thaw cycles provides an effective measure of active growing season timing and duration for boreal ecosystems (Kimball et al., 2004b). Landscape daily radar backscatter measurements from the SeaWinds scatterometer on-board QuikSCAT were evaluated across a regional network of North American coniferous forest sites for 2000 and 2001. Our results show that the onset of the growing season, as indicated by ground-based sap flow and CO 2 flux measurements, is relatively abrupt and coincides with the influx of snow melt water into previously frozen soils in spring. Cessation of the growing season

FINAL REPORT: NASA LCLUC Investigation NAG5-9333 ......satellite radar remote sensing provides relatively unique and spatially explicit information regarding land cover type, vegetation

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  • FINAL REPORT: NASA LCLUC Investigation NAG5-9333, NAG5-9315

    PROJECT TITLE: Monitoring Boreal Land cover and Ecosystem Dynamics atRegional Scales Using Integrated Space Borne Radar Remote Sensing andEcological modeling.

    Project IDs: NAG5-9333, NAG5-9315

    SCIENCE TEAM MEMBERS:Kyle McDonald, Bruce Chapman (JPL)Steve Running and John Kimball (University of Montana)Cynthia Williams (Unversity of Alaska Fairbanks)

    STUDENTS SUPPORTED:Erika Podest, PhD student at Caltech and the University of Dundee, ScotlandMauricio Cordero, Caltech undergraduateJason Lee, Caltech undergraduateVeasna Sok, Caltech undergraduateAnn Radil, MS student at UMTAlana Oakins, MS student at UMT.


    This report covers science team activities for the final year (2003) of our NASA LCLUCinvestigation, which includes activities carried out under projects NAG5-9333 and NAG-9315, and extends work reported in our previous annual reports. The objective of thisproject was to develop an improved boreal forest monitoring framework, consistent withthe objectives of the Global Observation of Forest Cover (GOFC) program, combining(1) a SAR-based land cover map that partitioned the landscape into ecologically distinctclasses; (2) monitoring of seasonal freeze/thaw dynamics with spaceborne scatterometersto better quantify landscape phenology; and (3) an ecosystem simulation model toquantify carbon flux dynamics on regional scales. The scope of this investigationcombined mapping and monitoring of boreal land cover with ecological modeling forassessment of regional and continental scale carbon flux dynamics. The domain for thisstudy encompassed the BOREAS study region of central Canada, Alaska and the pan-Arctic basin.

    We evaluated whether satellite radar remote sensing of landscape seasonal freeze-thawcycles provides an effective measure of active growing season timing and duration forboreal ecosystems (Kimball et al., 2004b). Landscape daily radar backscattermeasurements from the SeaWinds scatterometer on-board QuikSCAT were evaluatedacross a regional network of North American coniferous forest sites for 2000 and 2001.Our results show that the onset of the growing season, as indicated by ground-based sapflow and CO2 flux measurements, is relatively abrupt and coincides with the influx ofsnow melt water into previously frozen soils in spring. Cessation of the growing season

  • in the fall, however, appears to coincide with decreases photoperiod and mean dailytemperatures below approximately 1-3°C. Ku-band daily radar backscatter measurementsfrom SeaWinds effectively bound the seasonal non-frozen period between initiation ofsnow melt in spring and snow pack arrival and seasonal freezing of vegetation and soil infall. Radar remote sensing measurements of the initiation of the growing seasoncorresponded closely with both site measurements and ecosystem process model(BIOME-BGC) simulations of these parameters because of the sensitivity of the Ku-bandscatterometer to snow cover freeze-thaw dynamics and associated linkages betweengrowing season initiation and the timing of seasonal snowmelt and thawing of surfacesoil layers. In contrast, remote sensing estimates of the timing of growing seasontermination were either weakly or not significantly associated with site measurementsand model simulation results due to the relative importance of light availability and otherenvironmental controls on stand phenology in the fall. Regional patterns of estimatedannual net primary production (NPP) and component photosynthetic and autotrophicrespiration rates for boreal evergreen forest sites also corresponded favorably with remotesensing estimates of the seasonal timing of spring thaw and associated growing seasononset, indicating the importance of these parameters in determining spatial and temporalpatterns of NPP and the potential utility of satellite radar remote sensing for regionalmonitoring of the terrestrial biosphere. The results of this study indicate that borealforests sequester approximately 1% of annual NPP on a daily basis immediatelyfollowing initiation of the growing season in spring. In contrast, boreal forests sequesterless than 1% of annual NPP on a daily basis just prior to the end of the growing season infall due to low temperatures and limited photo-period. Thus any errors in classifyingfreeze-thaw state dynamics have a 3-fold greater impact on estimated carbon cycledynamics in the spring relative to the fall. These results demonstrated the utility of high-repeat (e.g., daily) satellite microwave remote sensing of landscape freeze-thaw processesfor monitoring growing season and associated boreal carbon cycle dynamics.

    We conducted a temporal classification of satellite remote sensing daily brightnesstemperatures from Special Sensor Microwave Imager (SSM/I) series observations forboreal regions of North America (McGuire et al., 2003) and the Pan-Arctic basin andAlaska (McDonald et al., 2004) to determine spatial patterns, annual variability and long-term trends in the timing of spring thaw events from 1988 to 2001. The results of thisinvestigation indicate that the timing of seasonal thawing and subsequent initiation of thegrowing season in early spring has advanced by approximately 8 days from 1988 to 2001for the pan-arctic basin and Alaska. These trends are highly variable across the regionwith North America experiencing a larger advance relative to Eurasia and the entireregion. Interannual variability in the timing of spring thaw as detected from the remotesensing record corresponded directly to seasonal anomalies in mean atmospheric CO2concentrations for the region, including the timing of the seasonal draw down ofatmospheric CO2 from terrestrial NPP in spring, and seasonal maximum and minimumCO2 concentrations. The timing of seasonal thaw for a given year was also found to be asignificant (P < 0.01) predictor of the seasonal amplitude of atmospheric CO2 for thefollowing year. These results imply that the timing of seasonal thawing in spring has amajor impact on terrestrial NPP, net carbon exchange and atmospheric CO2concentrations at high latitudes (>50◦N). The initiation of the growing season has also

  • been occurring earlier, on average, since 1988 and may be a major mechanism drivingobserved atmospheric CO2 seasonal cycle advances, vegetation greening and enhancedproductivity for the northern high latitudes.

    To clarify relationships between growing season onset as defined from the satellitemicrowave remote sensing record and NPP, we applied a satellite remote sensing basedProduction Efficiency Model (PEM) to calculate regional patterns and annual anomaliesin terrestrial NPP using daily meteorological information from the NCEP Reanalysis andmean monthly LAI and FPAR information from the NOAA AVHRR Pathfinder product(Kimball et al., 2004c). Our results show a general decadal trend of increasing NPP forthe region of approximately 2.7 %, with respective higher (3.4 %) and lower (2.2 %) ratesfor North America and Eurasia. NPP is both spatially and temporally dynamic for theregion, driven largely by differences in productivity rates among major biomes, andtemporal changes in photosynthetic canopy structure and spring and summer airtemperatures. Mean annual NPP for boreal forests was approximately 3 times greaterthan for Arctic tundra on a unit area basis and accounted for approximately 55 % of totalannual carbon sequestration for the region. Variability in maximum canopy leaf area andNPP also correspond closely to microwave remote sensing observations of the timing ofthe primary seasonal thaw event in spring. Relatively early spring thawing appears toenhance NPP, while delays in seasonal thawing and growing season onset reduce annualvegetation productivity. These results show that advances in seasonal thawing and springand summer warming for the region associated with global change are promoting ageneral increase in NPP and annual carbon sequestration by vegetation at high latitudes,partially mitigating anthropogenic increases in atmospheric CO2. These results also implythat regional sequestration and storage of atmospheric CO2 is being altered, withpotentially greater instability and acceleration of the carbon cycle at high latitudes.

    We conducted an investigation of multi-sensor Radar backscatter sensitivity to springthaw dynamics with respect to landscape complexity using Quikscat scatterometer (Ku-band, 25km spatial resolution), ERS (C-band, VV polarization, 200m spatial resolution)and JERS-1 (L-band, HH polarization, 100m spatial resolution) Synthetic Aperture Radar(SAR) data during spring thaw transitions in complex boreal landscapes of Alaska. ERSand JERS SAR temporal backscatter characteristics were evaluated under variable landcover and topographic slope, aspect and elevational characteristics. We performed amulti-scale analysis of SAR and scatterometer measurements to assess trade-offs inspatial and temporal resolution for detecting spring thaw transitions. The time seriesSAR and scatterometer based freeze-thaw and land cover classifications were verifiedfrom a network of surface temperature and biophysical monitoring sites. Our results showthat while the relatively coarse resolution SeaWinds Ku-band backscatter data captureregional freeze-thaw state transitions there is substantial sub-grid scale spatialheterogeneity during the spring thaw transition period that is better resolved using higherspatial resolution SAR data. Both JERS and ERS time series backscatter data weresensitive to landscape spring thaw transitions, which varied according to land cover type,fire disturbance history and topography. South facing slopes and lower elevations tend tothaw earlier in spring than north facing slopes and upper elevations. Additionally, borealbroadleaved deciduous forests tend to occupy sites that thaw earlier in spring, while

  • boreal evergreen coniferous stands occupy colder sites that thaw later in the season. TheSARs also distinguished differences in the timing of freeze/thaw transitions associatedwith varying fire disturbance regimes and vegetation successional states. Recent burnsites, for example, tended to thaw earlier than older, established forest stands. Seasonaltime series of JERS backscatter data showed larger transitional dynamic ranges than ERSdata and were more sensitive to freeze-thaw spatial heterogeneity. These findingsdemonstrate the need to consider landscape heterogeneity when applying remote sensingtechniques for monitoring freeze-thaw and phenological processes in boreal ecosystems.They also identify freeze-thaw state as an indicator of biophysical constraints (e.g., lowtemperature, soil moisture and growing season length) to boreal vegetation communitystructure and distribution.


    A major goal of this project has been to improve the characterization of seasonal carbondynamics at high latitudes by utilizing the unique information provided by satellitemicrowave remote sensing. We have conducted studies integrating radar-based freeze-thaw information from a variety of sensors within an ecosystem model framework forregional and temporal assessment of the boreal carbon cycle. Our results show thatsatellite radar remote sensing provides relatively unique and spatially explicit informationregarding land cover type, vegetation structure and energy state that can improve regionalassessment and monitoring of boreal carbon cycle dynamics. We have found that theonset of the growing season as detected by spaceborne active/passive microwave remotesensing primarily determines the timing of seasonal snowmelt and the relaxation ofthermal and moisture constraints to photosynthesis and vegetation productivity.Interannual variability in the timing of these events has a major impact on annualproductivity and atmospheric CO2 concentrations at high latitudes. Timing of the growingseason also appears to be advancing with global warming and may be a major mechanismdriving increased vegetation productivity, seasonal advances in atmospheric CO2 cyclesand terrestrial sink strength for atmospheric carbon.

    The landscape freeze-thaw variable as detected from a variety of satellite microwavesensors is an effective surrogate for surface energy state and biophysical controls oncanopy conductance, vegetation growth, productivity and surface-atmosphere CO2exchange. Daily monitoring capabilities provided by satellite scatterometers andradiometers capture regional patterns and temporal dynamics in freeze-thaw state andgrowing season variables and provide effective measures of annual variability in NPP andatmospheric CO2 concentrations. Relatively high spatial resolution SAR’s are moreeffective at resolving sub-grid scale spatial complexity in land cover, topography andassociated freeze-thaw state dynamics. However, the relatively coarse temporal fidelity ofcurrent generation SAR’s prohibit effective monitoring of freeze-thaw dynamics andassociated carbon cycle linkages over large regions. This study has provided a valuablecontribution to the justification and development of a next generation satellite active andpassive microwave sensor (HYDROS; (http://hydros.gsfc.nasa.gov) that is currentlyscheduled for launch in 2010. HYDROS is a new NASA Pathfinder mission dedicated toglobal assessment and monitoring of soil moisture and freeze-thaw state (Entekhabi et al.,

  • 2004). HYDROS will provide longer wavelength, L-band, surface backscatterinformation and 1-3 day repeat monitoring capabilities at spatial scales of 3km or less athigh latitudes for superior detection and monitoring of boreal freeze-thaw state dynamics.

    Future studies should consider relationships between disturbance (fire, insect) history andassociated land cover change impacts to carbon, energy and hydrologic budgets, as wellas linkages to recent changes in seasonal growing seasons and NPP. Observationalrecords over the last 50 years indicate that fire activity increased substantially during the1970s and 1980s for North American boreal forest in association with a warming climate(e.g., McGuire et al. 2003). The successional pattern following stand replacing fires inNorth America is generally one of herbaceous vegetation and deciduous shrubs followedby relatively productive mixed deciduous and coniferous forests dominated by aspen,birch and white spruce replacing lower productivity stands dominated by more fire proneblack spruce and moss vegetation. We have found regional fire disturbance to havemajor impacts on both boreal carbon and hydrologic cycles (Kang et al., 2004). The mostsignificant increases in recent NPP trends occur in regions of northwestern Canada andcentral Alaska that have also experienced both increased fire activity and growing seasonlength. Spring and summer warming trends that appear to be enhancing growing seasonsand regional NPP may also be enhancing regional fire activity. Satellite observations ofincreased NPP and advancing growing seasons also indicate a potential positive feedbackto increased fire activity through additional vegetation biomass accumulation andassociated fuel loading for fires. Increased fire activity may also be a mechanism drivingenhanced NPP for the region, since fires increase soil nutrient availability to plants bypromoting earlier seasonal thawing, warmer soils and deeper soil active layer depths, aswell as replacing older and less productive stands with younger, more productivevegetation. Longer growing seasons and warmer temperatures may also be promotingincreased fire activity by creating drier conditions through increased ET. Thus satelliteevidence of increasing growing seasons and enhanced productivity may be both a causalmechanism and response to increasing fire activity. Further research is needed to clarifythese relationships.


    Meetings attended:October 14-18, 2002; IARC Circum-Pacific Carbon Meeting, Oahu HI.October 27-28, 2002; NSF ATLAS Synthesis Workshop, Victoria CN.June 18-21, 2003; IARC Carbon Synthesis Workshop, Skogar Iceland.October, 2003; NSF SEARCH Open Science Meeting, Seattle WA.

    Professional Publications:

    1. Entekhabi, D., E. Njoku, P. Houser, M. Spencer, T. Doiron, J. Smith, R. Girard, S.Belair, W. Crow, T. Jackson, Y. Kerr, J. Kimball, R. Koster, K. McDonald, P.O’Neill, T. Pultz, S. Running, J.C. Shi, E. Wood, and J. Van Zyl, 2004. TheHydrosphere State (HYDROS) mission concept: An Earth System Pathfinder

  • for global mapping of soil moisture and land freeze/thaw. Transactions inGeoscience and Remote Sensing, vol. 42 No. 10, pp. 2184-2195.

    2. Kang, S., J.S. Kimball, and S.W. Running, 2004. Simulating effects of firedisturbance and climate change on boreal forest productivity andevapotranspiration. Global Change Biology (In review).

    3. Kimball, J.S., K.C. McDonald, S.W. Running, and S. Frolking, 2004b. Satelliteradar remote sensing of seasonal growing seasons for boreal and subalpineevergreen forests. Remote Sensing of Environment 90, 243-258.

    4. Kimball, J.S., M. Zhao, K.C. McDonald, and S.W. Running, 2004c. Satelliteremote sensing of terrestrial net primary production for the pan-arctic basinand Alaska. Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies for Global Change (Inreview).

    5. McDonald, K.C, and J.S. Kimball, 2004. Spaceborne active and passivemicrowave remote sensing of landscape freeze/thaw states. Encyclopedia ofHydrologic Sciences, John Wiley & Sons Ltd (In press).

    6. McDonald, K.C., J.S. Kimball, E. Njoku, R. Zimmermann, and M. Zhao, 2004.Variability in springtime thaw in the terrestrial high latitudes: Monitoring amajor control on the biospheric assimilation of atmospheric CO2 withspaceborne microwave remote sensing. Earth Interaction,s vol. 8, pp. 1-23.

    7. McDonald, K. C., and J. S. Kimball. 2003. The boreal forest in transition. In: OurChanging Planet: A view from Space, M. King, K. Partington, R. G. Williams(Editors), Cambridge University Press (in press).

    8. McGuire, A. D., M. Apps, F. S. Chapin III, R. Dargaviolle, M. D. Flannigan, E. S.Kasischke, D. Kicklighter, J. Kimball, W. Kurz, D. J. McCrae, K. McDonald,J. Melillo, R. Myneni, B. J. Stocks, D. L. Verbyla, and Q. Zhuang, 2004."Land Cover and Land Use Change in Alaska and Canada." in: Land ChangeScience: Observing, Monitoring, and Understanding Trajectories of Changeon the Earth's Surface Series: Remote Sensing and Digital Image Processing ,Vol. 6. Gutman, G.; Janetos, A.C.; Justice, C.O.; Moran, E.F.; Mustard, J.F.;Rindfuss, R.R.; Skole, D.; Turner II, B.L.; Cochrane, M.A. (Eds.) 2004, xxi,461p., Hardcover. ISBN: 1-4020-2561-0

    9. Radil, A.C., 2004. Land-atmosphere coupling and feedbacks: A focus on thefreeze/thaw transition in boreal and subalpine ecosystems. M.S. Thesis,Department of Ecosystem and Conservation Science, The University ofMontana.

    10. Turner, D.P., S.V. Ollinger, and J.S. Kimball, 2004. Integrating remote sensingand ecosystem process models for landscape- to regional-scale analysis of thecarbon cycle. Bioscience 54(6), 573-584.

    Papers and Posters Presented at Meetings:

    Kimball, J.S., K.C. McDonald, S.W. Running, S. Frolking, and R. Zimmermann, 2002.Verification of satellite radar remote sensing of boreal and subalpine growingseasons using an ecosystem process model and surface biophysical measurements.Eos Trans. AGU, 83(51).

  • Kimball, J.S., K.C. McDonald, M. Zhao, F.A. Heinsch, and S. Kang, 2003. Satelliteobservations of spatial patterns and interannual variability in spring thaw andterrestrial net primary production for the pan-Arctic. Eos Transactions of theAmerican Geophysical Union 84(46), B31C-0322.

    Kimball, J.S. 2002. Integration of remote sensing, surface meteorology, and ecologicalmodels for regional nowcast and forecasting of hydrological and biosphericvariables. NSF IARC Circum-Pacific Carbon Monitoring Workshop, Honolulu HI,October 2002.

    Kimball, J.S. 2003. Application of Satellite Remote Sensing for Improving EarthResources Assessment and Regional Land Management. Kimball, J.S. US SenatorBurns and House Representative Rehburg Congressional Staff Briefing; Office ofSpace Commercialization, Missoula MT, October 2003.

    McDonald, K.C., E. Njoku, J. Kimball, S. Running, C. Thompson, and J. Kwok-San Lee,2002. Monitoring boreal ecosystem phenology with integrated active/passivemicrowave remote sensing. Eos Trans. AGU, 83(51).

    McDonald, K., J. Kimball, E. Njoku, and S. Running, 2003. Trends in pan-Arcticspringtime thaw monitored with spaceborne microwave radiometry. EosTransactions of the American Geophysical Union, 84(46), B31C-0323.

    Oakins, A., Running, S.W., Kimball, J.S., Heinsch, F.A., Loehman, R., Zhao, M., andKang, S. 2002. A framework for continuous monitoring of the biosphere at multiplescales. Eos Trans. AGU, 83(51) B61B-0727.

    Podest, E., K.C. McDonald, and J.S. Kimball, 2002. An investigation of multi-sensorradar backscatter sensitivity to spring thaw dynamics with respect to landscapecomplexity. Eos, Transactions of the American Geophysical Union 83(51).

    Podest, E., K. McDonald, J. Kimball, and J. Randerson, 2003. Satellite remote sensing oflandscape freeze/thaw state dynamics for complex topography and fire disturbanceareas using multi-sensor Radar and SRTM digital elevation models. EosTransactions of the American Geophysical Union 84(46), B31C-0321.Williams,C.L., McDonald, K.C., Chapman, B., G. McGarragh. 2003. JERS-1 SAR ImageMosaics of the North American Boreal Forests: Seasonal Mosaics and NaturalResource Applications. American Society of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing.Anchorage, AK. May 5-9.

    Williams, C. L. 2002. Alaskan Landscapes: Education Outreach through Research.AAAS Arctic Science Conference, Fairbanks, Alaska, Sept. 18-21.

  • Figure 1: Mean annual NPP and primary thaw date as derived from the NOAA AVHRRPathfinder and SSM/I for Alaska and northwest Canada. Both NPP and primary thawtiming correspond strongly to regional land cover, topography and latitude. Higherlatitudes and upper elevations show generally lower NPP and delays in spring thawtiming relative to lower latitudes and elevations. Boreal forests also show both higherproductivity and earlier seasonal thawing than arctic tundra. Masked areas are shown ingray and represent unvegetated surfaces including permanent ice and snow, open waterand barren land.

  • Figure 2: Correspondence between annual anomalies of AVHRR Pathfinder derivedNPP and maximum annual LAI (LAImx), and SSM/I derived spring thaw timing forAlaska and northwest Canada. Years with earlier seasonal thawing are associated withincreased vegetation growth, while relative delays in seasonal thawing promote reducedproductivity.

  • Figure 3: Relationship between NOAA CMDL station network measurements of thespring 0-ppm crossing date of the seasonal atmospheric CO2 cycle and pan-Arcticaverage thaw date anomalies derived from SSM/I AM and PM node data. The timing ofthe spring 0-ppm crossing of the normalized monthly CO2 concentration curve for highlatitude CMDL stations is used here as a surrogate for growing season initiation(McDonald et al., 2004). Timing of primary thawing in spring as derived from the SSM/Icorresponds significantly to the timing of growing season initiation as inferred from theseasonal pattern of high latitude atmospheric CO2 concentrations. Earlier seasonalthawing corresponds with earlier onset of the growing season at high latitudes, whiledelayed seasonal thawing promotes the opposite response. The PM node results show astronger correspondence to growing season dynamics than AM node results.

  • Figure 4: Relationship between NOAA CMDL station network measurements ofgrowing season length as defined by the period between spring and fall 0-ppm crossingdates of the normalized seasonal atmospheric CO2 cycle, and pan-Arctic average thawdate anomalies derived from temporal classification of SSM/I daily (PM node) data. Theperiod between the spring/fall 0-ppm crossings of the normalized monthly CO2concentration curve for high latitude CMDL stations is used here as a surrogate forgrowing season length (McDonald et al., 2004). Timing of primary thawing in spring asderived from the SSM/I corresponds significantly to the timing of growing season lengthas inferred from the seasonal pattern of high latitude atmospheric CO2 concentrations.Earlier seasonal thawing corresponds with longer growing seasons at high latitudes, whiledelayed seasonal thawing promotes the opposite response. An apparent anomaly isobserved shortly after the 1991 Pinatubo volcanic eruption. A relative delay in growingseason onset coincided with a substantially longer growing season. Pinatubo is known tohave caused short-term global cooling, which may reduced respiration relative tophotosynthesis resulting in a longer seasonal duration of net CO2 sink activity at highlatitudes.

  • Figure 5: Spatial patterns of NPP and spring thaw trends for the pan-Arctic basin andAlaska as derived from NOAA AVHRR Pathfinder and SSM/I based satellite remotesensing. Masked areas are shown in gray and represent unvegetated surfaces includingpermanent ice and snow, open water and barren land.