Piccolo JULY 2014 BACK TO THE BEAN History behind the invention of coffee machines Page 4 THE ART OF COFFEE How to perfect the skill of latte art Page 6 ASK THE PANEL See what the experts have to say about coffee Page 8 a short and simple guide to coffee

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PiccoloJULY 2014


History behind the invention of coffee

machines Page 4


How to perfect the skill of latte

art Page 6


See what the experts have to say about

coffee Page 8

a short and simple guide to coffee

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THE HISTORY OF COFFEE MAKERS Words and photos by Nadia Dimattina


Loved around the world, Robbiati’s patented coffee machine is a classic design of the ‘Atomic Age’, known simply as the Atomic. This machine truly embodies the explosive energy and creativity of the post-war era of the 20th Century Italian coffee machine design originally created in Italy by Robbiati. Later the machine was patented in Austria by Desider Sterm who designed multiple variants of the basic Atomic form. His creative and wonderful designs are now rare collectors’ items which are prized possessions for coffee lovers. Yet another version of the Atomic design was manufactured in Hungary adding to this continual evolution of the fantastic atomic models between 1948 until around 1975. The all new ‘La Sorrentina’ Atomic type coffee machine is the result of close collaboration with manufacturers in Australia and Taiwan.

The key goal through creating thismachine was to produce a new coffee maker worthy of the vintage Atomics. The manufacturers were united through their love of fine coffee and appreciation for the beauty of the original vintage design. The new La Sorrentina brand coffee machines are manufactured to the same specifications and dimensions as early Italian made Atomics’ that date from the mid 1950’s making it a popular item amongst coffee lovers today. Each ‘La Sorrentina’ machine is a truly impressive coffee maker that will last a life-time with a minimum of care. It allows home baristas, to easily produce 2 to 6 espresso sized ‘shots’ and quickly froth and heat milk for delicious cappuccinos. Be amongst the first to experience this modern version of the iconic and vintage Atomic design today by purchasing online from a range of exclusive Australian retail outlets.



The art of coffee 6


Let’s face it. If you are a coffee lover, then your barista is one of the most important people in your life. Whether it be a cold foggy morning, or a lazy afternoon, this talented person can serve you with all the liquid energy your body is longing for, in a simple cup of coffee. Baristas can not only create every type of caffeinated concoction, but also can delight you through the special skill of latte art. Have you ever wondered what techniques this wizard might be hiding? Are they telling you everything that there is to know about the secrets of latte art? Here are few of the best things you need to know when creating latte art: Firstly, you need cold and fresh milk, making sure you don’t expose it to heat or light before you steam it. Next is the espresso. Make sure that the espresso is fresh and has a good thick and strong layer of crema as it is very difficult to create good latte art without good crema on your espresso. Time to steam the milk. Turn on the steam completely holding the jug with both hands. Slowly lower the jug until the tip of the steam wand breaches the surface of the milk.

Key tip: You should hear the foam being created but you should not see it. Once you have enough foam, insert the steam wand deeper into the milk, creating a whirlpool inside the jug, or better known as texturing the milk. It is suggested that you steam the milk whilst the espresso is being brewed so that you can pour the milk as soon as possible, as the foam will start separating very quickly. Once you have passed this stage, you are up to pouring the milk. When pouring, go from the back of the cup to both sides, and pour with a steady speed through the crema. However, don’t pour too slowly as this will leave the foam behind in the jug! Then again, you cannot be too fast as it will break the crema apart. Now slowly but steadily move the pitcher from side to side in the jug in one spot until you see the foam appearing. Once you see the foam break through, you can start being creative and begin pouring patterns. Latte art requires practise, so don’t give up on your first trial. If you stick to the right rules anybody can do it! Best of luck!

Words and photography by Nadia Dimattina THE BARISTAS GUIDE TO LATTE ART


Review of coffee from the experts discussing the origins, the blend. roast and the secret to making a good coffee



Coffee is grown between the tropic of Cancer and the tropic of Capricorn. It is one of the most valuable primary products in world trade. In the coffee industry, beans are classified by their country of origin. Generally, the origin will provide a typical cup profile for a bean which will guide a roaster in deciding how to effectively utilise the coffee beans. The origin and conditions in which a coffee bean is grown will play an important role in the overall quality of the bean.

Blending coffee is a fine art that marries coffee beans from different origins to enhance the best qualities that each origin produces that is unique to the coffee plantation. The blend also contributes significantly to the coffee brand’s point of difference in a very competitive marketplace. The roasting process is subject to the type of roaster (gas or electric) or the size of the roaster. Therefore the larger the roaster the longer the roasting time.

The secret to making a good coffee includes the following: filtered water, clean and quality equipment, premium coffee beans and a balanced coffee blend as well as the correct coffee extraction. To create the perfect coffee you must enhance your product knowledge, ensure correct coffee group handle dosage, accurate steam wand temperature on the machine as well as quality pure full cream milk for texturing. It all comes down to your attention to detail, treating the customer as the most important person and also your own passion and self- belief.





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