Final Fantasy III Walkthrough and Guide for the iPhone, iPod, and iPad 1 Final Fantasy III Walkthrough and Guide

Final Fantasy III Guide (iOS)

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Final Fantasy III Walkthrough and Guide for the iPhone, iPod, and iPad 1

Final Fantasy III Walkthrough and Guide

The Definitive Final Fantasy 3 Walkthrough and Game Guide for iPhone, iPod, and iPad

Compiled by Ryeley Kuykendall.

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Final Fantasy III Walkthrough and Guide for the iPhone, iPod, and iPad 2

Note: All text in this guide is property of it’s respective owners and I take no credit for the content of this guide. I only take credit for putting it all to-gether in an easy to navigate booklet and file. Please read the Legal Notice (below) for proper distribution rules.

Legal Notice: This guide is intended for public use and is not to be recreated or redistributed without the consent of the author. All information within is used by permission of the respective owners and is to not be altered in any way. All copyrights are property of their respective owners. This guide is not intended for commercial use nor is anyone allowed to reproduce this guide, in any way, for commercial use.


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Final Fantasy III Walkthrough and Guide for the iPhone, iPod, and iPad 3

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Final Fantasy III Walkthrough and Guide for the iPhone, iPod, and iPad 4

Table of Contents:

- Walkthrough- Full walkthrough that provides tips and tricks to defeating bosses, locations of shops, chests, weapons, ect, and much more.

- Boss Evaluation Guide- This portion will provide insight on each boss, even though the walkthrough(s) may provide information already.

- Job Evaluation Guide- This section will discuss the advantages and disadvantages of each job, as well as layout.

- Weapon Evaluation Guide- This section will discuss the weapons found in the game, as well as the advantages and disadvantages of certain ones.

- Maps- This section provides the user with maps of all the dungeons and areas the game places you in.

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Final Fantasy III Walkthrough and Guide for the iPhone, iPod, and iPad 5


Altar Cave

• Enemies: Goblin, Eye Fang, Carbuncle, Blue Wisp, Land Turtle (boss). • Items: Leather Shield, Potion (x3), Longsword, Antarctic Wind (x2).

As you begin your quest, you'll find your character alone in a cave called the Altar Cave. Weakly equipped at first with just a Knife and Vest, you'll soon find weapons and other items to help you along your way. You'll find a Leather Shield and Longsword in the vicinity that you should instantly equip, to help out your fledgling offensive power and add a small boost to your de-fense as well. Also, a Potion you find in the area will act as your failsafe. Re-member - you're weak right now, and though the enemies here are weak along with you, you'll only have so many Potions to fall back on.

When you're done in this original area, search the north part of the cave for a suspicious-looking rock. Examine it to open up a pathway heading right. This'll allow you to work your way through to the next area, where the ene-

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Final Fantasy III Walkthrough and Guide for the iPhone, iPod, and iPad 6

mies are harder (not just Goblins, anymore!) Hence, your new, aforemen-tioned equipment is vital here. On your left as you begin this area, you can find an Antarctic Wind, while on the right, you can find another Potion. As you go forward from there, you'll run headlong into yet another Potion. To the right of there is another Antarctic Wind, as well as a wellspring to heal your HP and (yet non-existent) MP. Hereafter, go left to find the exit, where you will run into your very first boss battle of the game.

Boss - Land Turtle

• Info: HP: 115 | Gil: 500 | Experience: 20The Land Turtle is a highly-manageable boss enemy that will allow you to be-come slowly acclimated to boss fighting theory. He has no special attacks, no spells, no abilities that'll change your status, et cetera. Instead, he attacks consistently with an attack that should chip off no more than 4 HP per round. There's no shame in healing here (though you should be fairly maxed from the wellspring), so use Potions if you need to. Otherwise, focus on physical attacks to make quick work of this foe. It's a back-and-forth battle that shows you no more than the fundamentals, and shouldn't be hard for you at all.

When the boss is slain, a vitally important cut scene ensues. It appears you're "chosen." Back on the world map, you must simply head southward to the Village of Ur.

The Village of Ur

• Enemies (world map): Goblin, Killer Bee, Werewolf, Berserker.• Items: Potion (x3), Phoenix Down (give man outside Elder's a Potion for

one) (x2), Longsword, Eye Drops, Antidote (x2), Cure Spell, Dagger.Once you enter the village, head to the southeast corner. You'll find a woman here, next to a well. Talk to her and she'll instruct you to take the items in the well for your soon-to-be epic quest. Inside the wall, you'll find Three Po-tions. From there, you can then restore your HP for free at the pool in the house near the southwest part of the small village, and talk to Elder Topapa in that very same house to learn some of your quest's mission. Then, when you leave the house, talk to the man standing outside. He'll ask you to use one of your Potions on him. Be kind and do so - he'll give you a Phoenix Down in return for your kindness.

Now it's time to take care of the rest of your business here. If you want to head to the village's Inn, you can seek out the pub there and not only see a girl dance for you, but play piano for another female fan as well (though the piano doesn't exactly agree with you). You can also seek out a storehouse in the back end of town (beware of being attacked en route, however!) In the storehouse, you can grab the following: two Antidotes, a Longsword, Eye

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Final Fantasy III Walkthrough and Guide for the iPhone, iPod, and iPad 7

Drops, a Cure Spell, a Dagger, and another Phoenix Down. Keep in mind that to access everything beyond the two Antidotes, you'll want to examine the suspicious candlestick to gain access to a secret area of the storehouse.

Other than these events, you'll want to head to the northeast corner of town, where your friend Arc can be found. This'll catalyze an important event for a little later, so make sure you run into him and he runs off. Also, you can shop the several little stores in the village. Poisana (a spell to remove the effects of Poison) and some Potions, Antidotes and Eye Drops can't hurt. We'd rec-ommend laying off of anything at the weapon or armor shops… most of what they have you will find in ensuing quests… and these quests aren't far off at all. When you're done here, head back out to the world map. Go south a clip, and you'll run headlong into another small town, Kazus.

The Town of Kazus & Returning to Altar Cave

• Enemies (world map): Goblin, Killer Bee, Werewolf, Berserker. • Items: Potion, Staff, Bronze Bracers (x2), Leather Cap, Longsword (x2),

Bronze Knuckles, Sleep Spell.•

Enter Kazus and you'll run into Arc. After a short scene, he'll join the party. If you need to heal (which is unlikely), you can use the wellspring in the small blue house near the west end of the small town. As you talk to the ghosts of the people in Kazus, you'll learn that it was Djinn's spell that did this to them, and the only cure is the Mythril Ring. Takka the Blacksmith, who lives in the town, is a ghost and can't work his metals (even though there is a Mythril Mine to the north of the town). You should also talk to the ghost of Cid in the town's pub. He doesn't know you from a hole in the wall, but nonetheless, he hands over to you his airship for you to use so they can all be cured of their ailments.

Before heading out, head to Takka's smithy and search the furnace to find a Potion. If you care to search the ground near the northwest part of town, near a small body of water, you can find a Staff, as well. But your primary ob-jectives now should be twofold - head back to Altar Cave, and subsequently equip your newest party member, Arc.

Heading back to Altar Cave is a cinch. Simply go into the small patch of desert west of the town, and find Cid's airship. On board is another new party member, the blacksmith's daughter, Refia. We'll need to equip her, too! Head to Altar Cave and do some exploration in parts you've never got to ac-cess. If you head around the vicinity, the following items should crop up: two Bronze Bracers, a Leather Cap, two Longswords, Bronze Knuckles, and a Sleep Spell. This should be a nice supplement to your inventory, and will al-low you to equip your other characters. Of course, if you're not satisfied, you can head back to Ur and buy accordingly. Keep in mind that because of your

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Freelancer status, anything can be equipped. Try Longsword and Knuckles for now, but don't be tempted to double-equip weapons in lieu of a shield without thinking of the defensive setbacks.

Castle Sasune & The Sealed Cave

• Enemies: Dark Eye, Red Wisp, Griffon, Mummy, Skeleton, Cursed Copper, Shadow, Larva, Revenant, Djinn (boss).

• Items: Wooden Arrow (x2), Holy Arrow (x2), Wightslayer, Potion (x2), Bow, 1,000 Gil (x2), Phoenix Down, Leather Shield, Blizzard Spell, Bronze Knuckles, Cure Spell, 500 Gil, Eye Drops, Antarctic Wind.

Use the airship Cid gives you to access the large castle on the west side of the map. Exit the airship, enter the castle, and talk to the guard at the gate to learn the plight of the people inside. Since you can help cure their status (the same status as being felt in Kazus), the guard grants you an audience with the king. However, there are a couple of tasks to take care of before heading straight through in the king's audience chamber.

Go in through the castle gates and head around to the left. You'll run into a tower, which you should climb. In this tower, there are enemies - Dark Eyes and Red Wisps. Red Wisps aren't too big of a deal, but Dark Eyes can cast blind on any party member, so be ready to use Eye Drops as needed (being blind is not desirable; it'll lower your hit rate drastically). Otherwise, as you climb, you'll find three treasures of interest - Wooden Arrows, Holy Arrows, and a Wightslayer, a powerful sword that should be equipped on your most able party member. If you head around to the right side tower (leave this tower, walk around), you'll find even more treasure (though there are, oddly enough, no enemies in this tower, at the top of which is the king's chamber).

When you're done with that, you can search the main part of the castle. There are quite a few hidden little passages, marked by discolored walls and pathways that don't appear to be there… but in fact very much are. You'll need to do some basic exploration (don't worry, it gets much harder), and amongst the things you'll find in the main part of the castle are Bronze Knuckles and a Leather Shield. Indeed, with two new party members, these will come in handy as well (as will the other items you run across - see the Items list above) and save you some Gil for your coffers. This, of course, doesn't mention that Ingus, your fourth and final permanent party member, will be right coming in after the ensuing cut scene when you talk to the king.

And talk to the king you will. You'll receive your assignment - to find Princess Sara and get the Mythril Ring she's wearing so that Djinn can be defeated and everyone restored from ghost form. Unfortunately, she's in the Sealed Cave to the north with Djinn himself. To get to the Sealed Cave, simply jump

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in Cid's airship and go north, across the moat-like body of water, and into the cave. (Make sure you're ready to go here with equipment, items, et cetera).

Once inside the cave, head on a straight course south to find a treasure chest containing a Potion. Then, head in the only other accessible direction, where you will find a Cure Spell, a spell whose placement there is certainly no coincidence. You see, all undead enemies in this area happen to be sus-ceptible to healing spells that would benefit most other enemies (this reigns true, by the way, throughout the game… and all Final Fantasy titles for that matter). So, in other words, casting Cure on a Revenant is going to kill him, not heal him. Remember to maximize the spell's output by targeting multiple targets, but also, don't waste your MP… a party of Cursed Coins is probably not going to throw you off enough to use Cure.

In any case, once you're done here, you can go up the stairs into the next area. Once up the stairs, immediately head south to find a treasure chest containing 500 Gil. Then, examine the skull in the righthand corner of the small room to open up a pathway headed right. At this point, Princess Sara is found, and she joins the party. Be aware that she won't be in the active party, but will appear randomly to either, in a rather minor way, cure your party with Cure, or she can cast Aero, a weaker offensive spell, on the enemy party. Also, press Y to talk to her (or any other temporary member of the party you encounter) - in this instance, Luneth gets a little flirty with royalty!

Hereafter, follow the path up, around, and all the way to the left. You can crack open the treasure chest you encounter, containing Eye Drops, en route. Also, you could go south before getting the Eye Drops to find an Antarctic Wind. It's fairly linear here, so you won't get too lost… and a little dungeon crawling never hurt anyone (your levels are vital in this game, after all). When you finally get to the southwest corner, you can head east to find a man standing on a rather attractive Oriental rug. This man is Djinn, and he wants to throw down.

Boss - Djinn

• Info: HP: | Gil: | Experience:

Djinn is a speedy character in battle, and often will attack twice for every one of your party members' attack rounds. Therefore, he has the potential to wreak havoc on your party. You'll need to heal often (don't rely on Sara's random, weak healing spells) by using Potions and Cure spells. Melee attacks are your best bet to counter this foe - usually, two characters can attack and two can heal per round (or, preferably, three and one). Soon, Djinn's one-di-mensional style of weak fire attacks and melee strikes will grow thin… and he will be vanquished with the power of Sara's Mythril Ring. And just like that, Djinn is no more.

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Final Fantasy III Walkthrough and Guide for the iPhone, iPod, and iPad 10

After the battle, your party is "blessed with the crystal's light" and deemed the "Warriors of Light." Pretty intense, huh? Most importantly, however, is the ability to change classes at this point. Very nice, indeed. If you want a more in-depth analysis of the classes, see that part of this guide. Otherwise, here's what we did initially - Warrior/Black Mage/White Mage/Monk. Now, head back to Kazus.

Kazus & Canaan

• Enemies: Larva, et al. • Items: Mythril Sword (x2), Elixir, Blind Spell, Phoenix Down (x3), Gold

Needle, Iron Arrow, Great Bow, Gnomish Bread (x2), Potion, 2,000 Gil (x2).

As soon as you return to Kazus, Refia will run off with her father. This gives you an opportunity to shop the shops and get what you need. Now that ev-eryone is restored to their normal state, they can sell you their wares! Be aware that, in the back of the Mythril Cave at the north end of town, you can find two Mythril Swords, which will ultimately save you quite a bit of money. Ultimately, however, you'll need to find Cid at the Inn/Pub and have him tem-porarily join your party. He'll give you his airship and tell you to talk to Takka about making a sort of Mythril Ram for the ship so that you can get through the rocks to the west.

Takka will craft the ram almost instantaneously when you talk to him. The airship is back outside of the town, in the desert to the west. When you're ready, you can head out there. Jump in the ship (Refia will rejoin the party), and fly westward into the rocks that block the valley. Regrettably, the ship will be destroyed in the collision, but the rocks will be destroyed as well, al-lowing you access to a new part of the world map. Cid needs to head to his hometown of Canaan, so head south and enter the first town icon you come to. This is Canaan.

Run around Canaan and explore. Do your shopping, talk to the townspeople, and acclimate yourself to the surroundings. There's a complex waterway traversing the town that you should try to access via some large water pools at the north end of town. Take the stairs into the water and follow the stream all the way to its conclusion. You'll find a treasure chest here containing an Elixir. Don't use it or save it! Instead, head back to dry land and go to the house in the northwest corner of the town (it's Cid's place). Here, someone will be ailing and in need of said Elixir. Use it and Cid will grant you access to his secret stash. Hit the light behind him (it acts as a switch) and grab the various goods. You'll find a Blind Spell, three Phoenix Downs, a Gold Needle, Iron Arrows, a Great Bow, two Gnomish Bread, a Potion, and two stores of 2,000 Gil each. This is a huge find, so make sure to do this whole "Elixir Quest" in order to get all of these free goods.

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Final Fantasy III Walkthrough and Guide for the iPhone, iPod, and iPad 11

Before leaving Canaan, you must also talk to Salina and Jolina. These two characters are located in a house to the left of the entrance at the south end of town. Learn about Salina's boyfriend, Desch, who ran off to Dragon's Peak. Naturally, you'll have to go find him.

Dragon's Peak & Tozus

• Enemies: Rust Bird, Rukh, Firefly, Leprechaun, Darkface, Bahamut (pseudo-boss).

• Items: Phoenix Down (x3), Aero Spell, Golden Needle, Mini Spell, Mythril Bracers, Fire Staff, Fira Spell, Cura Spell.

The Dragon's Peak is a short, fairly linear dungeon crawl. The really annoying part of this dungeon is actually the enemies… not the enemies themselves, necessarily, but their ability to petrify anyone in your party. Petrifaction is a real pain in the ass, and can only be cured by way of a Gold Needle. Since you can't attack when petrified, you're gonna wanna be able to heal it. Therefore, you're gonna wanna stock up before you head out of here. Canaan has plenty to purchase.

Follow the initial linear path as it winds around. When it splits both northward and southward, take the southern route initially to grab a Phoenix Down. Then, go north all the way to another treasure chest - that one contains an Aero Spell. Then, simply head west, then go north (collecting the Gold Nee-dle en route) and you'll run headlong into Bahamut.

Bahamut is a pseudo-boss of sorts, because you can't defeat him and you're forced to run from the battle. He'll likely kill one of your characters outright (no worries - that character will be revived shortly). Hold the R and L buttons to run. When you do, you'll want to talk to Desch, who is in the Bahamut's nest. And like that, the five of you will jump from the peak and onto the world map on the other side.

The Mini Spell that you acquire automatically from Desch is a necessity here. Since you're going to be traveling to Tozus, a city of small people, you'll need to cast Mini on all four of your characters. Thereafter (and only then) will you have access to the village. In case you're curious, the village is in the south-west corner of the large forest to the south. Keep in mind that you can heal yourself at the spring in the northern forest (simply walk on in). Unless you're at an unusually high level at this point, you'll actually have to use this spring to replenish your Mini magic in order to use it on everyone.

Once in Tozus, you can feel free to explore. Talk to everyone you encounter. Head to the northwest part of the village and enter the house there. Talk to the bedridden doctor and use an Antidote on him to cure him. When you do, another new plethora of free items will become available to you via a newly-revealed secret passageway. Within, you will find Mythril Bracers, a Fire

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Final Fantasy III Walkthrough and Guide for the iPhone, iPod, and iPad 12

Staff, a Fira Spell, a Cura Spell, and two Phoenix Downs. Otherwise, once you're satisfied with your experience here, you can use the Tozus Tunnel, which is extremely linear with absolutely no items to find, to get to the world map on the other side. The Leprechauns and Darkfaces you fight within shouldn't give you too much of a problem. Just keep in mind that, as a party of Minis (which you will stay as for quite some time), you'll want everyone in the back row, and everyone as a magic caster of some sort. Once on the world map, head northwest to find a cave entrance. This is our next destina-tion.

Vikings' Cove & The Nepto Temple

• Enemies: Lilliputian, Petit, Poison Bat, Wererat, Blood Worm, Giant Rat (boss).

• Items: Spark Dagger, Blizzara Spell, Fira Spell, Thundara Spell, Viking Axe, 3,000 Gil, Shell Armor, Shell Helm, Serpent Sword, Nepto Eye, Fang of Water.

Explore the Vikings' Cove. It's full of new and exciting people to talk to. Just to get this out of the way, DO NOT take yourself out of Mini form. You'll sim-ply have to put yourself back into it if you do. So, for now, just stay as-is. In the initial room, be sure to explore the right side of the room to gain access to a secret room below that with a Spark Dagger in the treasure chest. Be-hind the wooden door at the top of this room is an Inn and Item store if you need them. Otherwise, go deeper into the cove.

Go left here and down into a semi-obscured passageway that leads to an-other room. In this room, you will find a Viking Axe and 3,000 Gil. Then, go back to the previous corridor and head right. Find the cannon going into the water (you can feel free to shoot if off, if you want), and backtrack towards the Moogle there. Then, go slightly left and walk south into the wall. Another secret room will be revealed on the other side, this one containing a Blizzara Spell, Fira Spell, and Thundara Spell. Sweet! Now, you can head north after talking to everyone else (be sure to talk to the Viking who tells you that their ship, the Enterprise, will be yours if you can take out a nearby Dragon), and then head out to yet another new part of the world map.

Once outside, head north and west along the cape to the Nepto Temple. Head north in the initial room and examine the one-eyed dragon there. You'll realize that, by way of Mini (which you should, again, already be in), you can go into the mouth of the dragon and continue through the Temple. So, pro-ceed! Head right down this next corridor. It's a long one and you'll fight some enemies en route, but ultimately you'll swing north and be able to go through a little crack in the floor. This'll lead to a room that contains two treasure chests. Open them to recover a Shell Helm and Shell Armor. Any Red Mages in your party can potentially equip this armor, so give it a go. Then, go back to the previous area and head into the crack to the right.

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Head right down this next corridor, once again. Be sure to bear northward when you see a treasure chest (the final one in this dungeon) which contains a Serpent Sword… largely useless right now, but useful soon enough. Then, proceed rightward down the rest of the corridor, slipping in through another crack and into the final area of the short dungeon. Simply follow the linear pathway rightward and then northward. You'll run into a Giant Rat, who holds the missing eyeball on the dragon statue in the shrine. Naturally, you'll have to fight him to get it back.

Boss - Giant Rat

• Info: HP: 900 | Gil: 1,500 | Experience: 300

The Giant Rat is surprisingly easy, considering the fact that you're forced to use magic on him. High level spells of any kind will chip away at his HP big time (one shot of the Fira spell shaved off 250 HP right away). Otherwise, Aero and Fire should be the primary spells of choice. The Giant Rat, like many bosses, attacks twice per turn (he'll usually couple a melee strike with a Fire spell) and can knock out one of your characters or more if you're not careful. Make sure to take this foe seriously, but don't fret too much either. Even in your Mini state with nothing but spells at your disposal, he should be nothing too out of control.

When he's slain, he'll give up the Nepto Eye. From here, you'll have to back-track and go all the way back to the entrance of the Temple. Examine the dragon head again to put the eye back. The dragon will awake from its slum-ber briefly to thank you and bestow upon you the power of the Fang of Wa-ter. Then, you're free to leave, heading back to the Vikings' Cove. Talk to the same guy who sent you on the quest to begin with, and their ship, the Enter-prise, will be all yours. It's time to explore the high seas!

Shipbound Exploration

• Enemies: • Items: Sonic Knuckles, Kenpo Gi, Serpent Sword, 1,000 Gil (x6), 1,500 Gil

(x2), 100 Gil (x2), Fire Staff, Ice Staff, Mage Robe, Toad Spell, Killer Bow, Light Arrow, Fire Arrow, Medusa Arrow, Ice Arrow, Scholar Robe, Book of Light, Book of Fire, Book of Ice

Once you have your ship, you can explore an entirely new part of the world you were previously unable to. Look around freely, but be warned - the ene-mies you will encounter are wholly tougher than anything you've thus far faced, and you'll want to save often and be weary when exploring new areas. Generally, you shouldn't be able to access anything at this point in the game that you can't handle, but stay on the safe side nonetheless. If you want the major non-story based points of interest before moving on with the story, simply read the following paragraphs. It's at this time that you can get more

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information on the storyline and, even more importantly, buy some new goods, et cetera.

In the Village of the Ancients, which is located in the southwestern corner of your map on the circular-shaped landmass, you can talk to the residents and invest in any goods you might need. There is a weapon shop, armor shop, and magic shop in the small village, and an item shop within the village's inn (which you should naturally visit if you need to restore your party to full health). Otherwise, however, there's sadly little to do here.

Another point of interest, a small village called Tokkul (located due east across the desert from the Village of the Ancients). There's not much to do here. Many of the townspeople will run away from you when you try to talk to them, while others will give you some information of various varieties. The in-tact house to the north of the village, in a town otherwise completely de-stroyed, has a few treasures in the basement that are of interest. In the jars, you can find some Sonic Knuckles, while in the two treasure chests, you can uncover a Kenpo Gi and a Serpent Sword. If these weapons are applicable to anyone in your party, you'll naturally want to equip them on the appropriate people at this point (as you'll also want to do with anything you may have purchased from the Village of the Ancients, including of course magic).

When you're done with Tokkul and the Village of the Ancients, jump back in your craft and head towards the jutting peninsula at the northwest corner of the enclosed body of water. Depart your ship near the castle you come across - this castle, called Castle Argus, is chock full of Gil and other items that'll be quite useful on your quest. Start by going through into the second room of the castle, where four candles adorn the walls. Hit the rightmost candle of the four to create a secret opening that'll lead you to a series of treasure chests. Within, a total of 9,200 Gil awaits. Proceeding further into the castle from this route, two yellow (and hence sealed) doors will be found. You can use a thief in your party to unlock the two doors. In the room to the left, a Killer Bow, as well as a Light Arrow and a Medusa Arrow can be found in a secret room to the right (hit the bookshelf to open it). In the room to the right, a Book of Light, Fire Arrow, Book of Fire, Book of Ice, Scholar Robe, and Ice Arrow can be found in treasure chests. Otherwise, there's little else to do here.

Leaving the castle, you must now head west to a cave entrance, which will lead to an area called the Gulgan Gulch. At the Gulgan Gulch, you will find wise old men who are blind but quite wise and full of knowledge for which they see clairvoyantly. You can talk to everyone you find here in the small gulch, but the primary person you want to watch is the man at the center of the Gulgans on the lower floor, who will give your party the spell called Toad. Using this spell is the only way to proceed. If you explore south of this area via a hidden passageway, you can also find a small cache of equipment - a

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Fire Staff, an Ice Staff, and a Mage Robe can be found in treasure chests there.

With all of this, we're now ready to proceed with the quest. Heading north on the continent to a large tower, called the Tower of Owen, is what must be done now. This tower can also be easily accessed by sea; it's directly adja-cent to the whirlpool that's currently keeping the ship trapped in the body of water its currently in.

Tower of Owen

• Enemies: Pugman, Fury, Blood Bat, Petit Mage, Aughisky, Far Darrig, Medusa (boss).

• Items: Echo Herbs (x3), Spark Dagger, Bomb Fragment, Sonic Knuckles, Salamand Sword, Flame Mail, Zeus's Wrath.

If you came to the Tower of Owen before visiting the Gulgan Gulch and grab-bing the Toad spell, you might have been confused. With the spell in hand, however, things will be much easier. In the initial watery area of the tower, head to the left, then south, and then rightward. At this point, a cutscene will automatically take place, alluding to needing to be turned into a toad in or-der to proceed. Make sure the white mage in your party has learned the spell, and use it on all four members of the party. Exit the menu thereafter and proceed rightward. While in toad status, doing this will bring you to the next part of the tower.

In this next area, immediately cast Toad on everyone in the party again (or use Maiden's Kiss items) to restore all members of the party. Then, head southward, westward, and northward to the next staircase. Here, go south-ward over the bridge, then bear rightward towards the treasure chest which contains Echo Herbs for your inventory. You'll notice that this is all quite lin-ear, so you should be fine here without getting lost. As you proceed, another mysterious voice will talk to the party (this happened once at the beginning already). Hereafter, go southward along the series of bridges, rightward to grab the Spark Dagger from the treasure chest, then leftward to another staircase.

Go leftward here. Another game-catalyzed cutscene will take place. After it does, look for a small pathway jutting northward towards the wall. Face this pathway and press the action button to hit a switch that will lower a wall be-hind you. You can now access the area to the south, so do so. Head left all the way to the wall and northward to find more Echo Herbs, then head up the staircase to your right. Then, loop around this next area to yet another stair-case leading even higher up the tower.

On this floor, you'll have a choice. First, head upward and to the right. A Bomb Fragment and more Echo Herbs can be found in the two treasure

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chests you'll run headlong into. Then, head leftward, following the winding path as it leads upwards and to another staircase. Go rightward along the bridge in this next area, and then up to a split. Go right at the split to find some Sonic Knuckles, then go leftward and towards, you guessed it, yet an-other staircase. In this final stretch, simply follow the winding, but linear, passageways. Just be sure to collect the three treasures en route to the final staircase - Zeus's Wrath, some Flame Mail, and a Salamand Sword. Proceed-ing from here into the next area, simply run northward and run right into this area's boss. Get ready to fight!

Boss - Medusa

• Info: HP: 3,300 | Gil: 2,600 | Experience: 420

Fighting Medusa may intimidate you, but she's actually rather easy to defeat if you fight in a wise manner. What does that mean, exactly? Well, you'll want to keep an eye on everyone HP, because Medusa can attack pretty fiercely, and multiple times per round. Her ability to use magic spells such as Blizzara also makes her an ample threat, as does her ability to silence mem-bers of the party (the latter of which can be easily combated by Echo Herbs, three of which you found en route to this battle). Other than healing, you'll want to direct your attention towards some hardcore attacks. Even though Medusa uses Blizzara, it happens to be her weakness, so have your mages direct that spell at her. Melee fighters should, naturally, stick to melee at-tacks. Simply said, simply done.

Gysahl, The Dwarven Hollows & The Subterranean Lake

• Enemies: Mermaid, Sea Serpent, Seahorse, Anet, Manticore, Sea Devil, Ruinous Wave, Stalagmite, Bomb, Gutsco (boss).

• Items: Gysahl (x2), Gold Needle (x3), Zeus's Wrath (x2), Horn of Ice.

When Medusa is slain, you'll eventually find yourself back outside with your trusty ship. The good news? The whirlpool that was blocking your party's ac-cess, via the sea, to the outer oceans has now disappeared. That means we can explore here, but there's really only two places of interest that you'll want to check out right now. The first is a new town to explore called Gysahl, which is located on an eastern peninsula. This town has little to do within, but you can buy some new (but menially useful) magic and some items (such as Gysahl Greens) as well. You can also buy Magic Keys, which we recom-mend highly you do.

The really cool thing about this town is that you can find a secret person to talk to that'll show you a list of slain enemies and "accomplishments" thus far in the game. In the initial room of the Inn/Item Shop, go rightward into the wall in front of the staircase. This wall is actually a false one, and it'll lead

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to another room where you can talk to the man there and find the prudent information.

Thereafter, you'll want to continue the main quest by heading to the Dwar-ven Hollows. This cave-like dungeon (with a cave entrance on the world map) is located in the northwestern section of the world map, on an island accessi-ble only by ship in the outer seas. There are two cave entrances on this is-land - for now, take the southern one, which will lead to the Dwarven Hol-lows.

The Dwarven Hollows is a place you have to worry very little about. There are no enemies, and, in fact, as you work your way deeper into the area, you'll find some shops to buy new goods at. In the initial area, talk to the dwarves you come across as you move into the next area. Here, you'll want to make sure to talk to everyone you come across, especially the dwarf near the bridge at the south end of the room, who will catalyze your entrance into the next area. At the north end, you can find a trio of shops (an Inn, Armor and Weapon shops), and you can buy some items as well.

When you're all done, head to the south end of the room and into the next area. Circle leftward around to some water, where you'll be prompted to turn all four members of the party into toads with the Toad spell. Do so, then en-ter the water to gain entrance to the Subterranean Lake. Head southward over the bridge, and rightward and headlong into the first treasure chest of the area, which contains a Gold Needle. Then, head rightward into the next area, and then southward into yet another one.

Head southward along the duo of bridges, grabbing Zeus's Wrath from the treasure chest as you go along. Then, swing leftward, grabbing another Zeus's Wrath and another Golden Needle before heading upward along an-other bridge. After heading along this bridge, you can grab another Golden Needle before heading through the door into the area to the north. Here, it's straight-going right to the boss battle. Simply head northward along the winding but linear pathway and into the boss battle, which will start when you approach the stash of treasure. Oh, and en route, make sure to grab the 6,000 Gil from the two treasure chests, 3,000 in each.

Boss - Gutsco

• Info: HP: 3,500 | Gil: 3,500 | Experience: 576

Gutsco may look intimidating, but in fact he's not difficult to defeat at all. His most annoying attack, Mini, is a gray magic attack that can be easily re-versed by using a Mallet or casting Mini on the character inflicted to reverse the annoying affects. Otherwise, he's a melee powerhouse that relies very lit-tle on anything else but brute force. That brute force can be your downfall if you don't consciously heal every few rounds - otherwise, direct your own

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melee attacks and high level spells (anything will do… we liked Fira here) and do him in. Medusa, the previous boss to this one, was actually far more difficult. You'll see, if you haven't already!

The Molten Cave

• Enemies: Crocotta, Balloon, Red Marshmallow, Adamantoise, Myrmecoleon, Salamander (boss).

• Items: Antarctic Wind (x2), Freezing Blade, Hi-Potion, Phoenix Down (x4), Impact Claws, Heroic Shield, Gysahl Greens, Knight Armor, Book of Light, Book of Ice, Scholar Hat, Scholar Robe, Book of Fire, Echo Herbs, Gold Needle, Killer Bow, Gauntlets, Elixir, Ottershroom, Horns of Ice.

•With the Horn of Ice in hand, which you will receive from slaying Gutsco, you can now proceed to backtrack all the way through the short dungeon and back towards the Dwarven Hollows. Once back there, approach the altar be-ing guarded by the dwarf at the south end of the main room. He will grant you access to the altar so you can place the horn there. But as you do, Gutsco appears! You may have noticed a shadow following your party out of the dungeon - it was Gutsco's! He absconds with both horns and it's your job to find him! To do this, we must head northward to the Molten Cave.

Getting there is simple. Simply leave the Dwarven Hollows, back to the world map. Hop in your ship and simply navigate to the north end of the very is-land you're on. The cave entrance you find there leads you to the Molten Cave, so head on in! Once inside, navigating is easy. Simply head southward, and then make a run westward. When you can't go west anymore, you can go up and find an Antarctic Wind in a treasure chest there. In fact, one more can be found in this area - this second Antarctic Wind is found by going back to the west, and then southward. You'll have to run along lava, which will slowly damage you, so be quick! At the fork, head right to find the item, and left to find the exit out of this room and into the next.

This room is shaped like some sort of multi-armed monster, with arms stretching in all directions… actually, just four. Making matters worse, much of the ground is lava-covered, so you're gonna have to think here. To get the three items in this area - the Freezing Blade, a Hi-Potion, and a Phoenix Down (received in that order) - you'll want to head northward, westward, and then southward along the lava from the outset, grabbing the contents of the first chest. Then, backtrack, heading left when you can, underneath the lava waterfall, and then run southward along the lava (healing as necessary, of course), to the second treasure chest. Finally, backtrack, running straight northward to the third treasure chest, before heading west and through the next door.

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This short dungeon will begin to wrap up now. Head south and westward to access a lava-ridden path that'll shoot northward. As you quickly head up, be sure to bear to your left to grab Impact Claws from the chest, and once north and safe of the lava, you can grab another Phoenix Down from the chest you find there as well. Examine the rock adjacent to the treasure chest to gain access to a room to the west. Once in there, simply head northward and through another door, and then forward to another boss fight.

Boss - Salamander

• Info: HP: 5,900 | Gil: 3,700 | Experience: 1,372

The Salamander seems like a pushover until you push him to the brink of de-struction. It's at this point that he breaks out his multi-hit attacks that can devastate a party that's only "half-healed." It puts you, the player, in a pre-carious situation. You should have 5-10 Antarctic Winds in your inventory, and throwing these at the foe in succession can take him out easily. Our strategy here at IGN Guides was the following - our party (currently a White Mage, Black Mage, Monk and Warrior) attacked like this: our White Mage threw Antarctic Winds, our Black Mage cast Blizzara, and the Monk and War-rior attacked with the normal weapons. In three rounds, the foe was no more (and we didn't spend our stock of Antarctic Winds, either!) However, the foe does fiercely attack at the end, so you might want your White Mage (or other designated healer) to heal in, say, the third round, before the going really gets tough.

When the battle is over, the Horns of Ice will re-enter your inventory. With those in hand, all you must now do is backtrack out of the dungeon, the ex-act way you came in (just opposite!) If you're not in the mood for such expe-rience-building adventures of the unnecessary nature, you can always just take the warp at the back end of the very room you're in, which will transport you instantaneously back to the world map. Head back to the Dwarven Hol-lows and again talk to the dwarf at the foot of the bridge leading to the altar. He'll give you a Magic Key for your troubles, but you should already have some from our earlier visit to Gysahl.

However, there's even more. You've been so helpful to the dwarves that they're willing to give you their treasure. After talking to the dwarf near the altar, head to your right and talk to the dwarf you find there. He'll lead you down a staircase in the southeast corner of the room. Down the long corridor on the other end is a plethora of treasure. What will you find in the chests? Well… a Heroic Shield, Gysahl Greens, two Phoenix Downs, Knight Armor, a Book of Light, a Book of Ice, a Scholar Hat, a Scholar Robe, a Book of Fire, Echo Herbs, a Gold Needle, a Killer Bow, some Gauntlets, an Elixir, and an Ottershroom in other words, my friends, a really, really respectable payday.

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Castle Hein

• Enemies: Demon, Pharaoh, Lemur, Hein (boss). • Items: Holy Arrow, Phoenix Down (x4), 3,000 Gil (x3), Bomb Fragment,

Antarctic Wind, Zeus's Wrath, Royal Sword, Rune Bow, Elixir.Events will occur as you go to leave the Dwarven Hollows automatically. It appears there's trouble back in a town we visited earlier, the town of Tokkul. Getting there is fairly easy once you're back in your ship. Head back into the inner waterway (that we were earlier limited to because of the whirlpool) and go to the south. Tokkul is located here. Head on in for more events to auto-matically take place - you'll be imprisoned in nearby Castle Hein.

When you regain control of your party, run around the lengthy prison cell you find yourself in. Make sure to talk to King Argus, who will give you your next quest as you head rightward. You'll also talk to a man who will turn into a De-mon and attack (but the experience and Gil make it worthwhile). As you get to the rightmost room, you'll find another man who will hand over a Mini Spell in case you need it… and you will, if you don't already have it. After healing at the healing pot there, shrink all four members of the party down with Mini and go through the hole in the wall and into the next area.

Go forward once down in this new area, and then left, and then southward. Ignore the urge to head leftward, and head straight southward first - if you head right when you do so, you can find Holy Arrows in a treasure chests. Af-ter you do so, head back to the north, and swing westward. Go north to col-lect two Phoenix Downs, and then westward into a new area. You can head northward via two paths here; take the one on the right to find yet another Phoenix Down, and then the left to go into another area.

Here, you can partake in what is essentially a brief little treasure plunder. In the three rooms you will encounter here, you will find the following: a Bomb Fragment, Antarctic Wind, Zeus's Wrath, and 9,000 Gil, in three 3,000 Gil portions. Pretty sweet! After you grab your loot, head around the square-shaped room and through into another area. As soon as you're here, take a short run north to another treasure chest, this one containing a Royal Sword. Then, head rightward into the next area, and northward into yet another one. From here, you can simply head leftward, and then head up into a new sec-tion of this dungeon, collecting yet another Phoenix Down en route (the fourth one we've found here!)

We're almost to the boss, Hein. Initially, you'll want to head left to collect an Elixir from a treasure chest there, and then head north along the path to your right. The path will eventually split as you head north - take the right path to grab a Rune Bow to add to your inventory, and then to the left to ac-cess the area where the boss is located. Make sure your party is adequately healed, and then run northward to engage the boss.

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Boss - Hein

• Info: HP: 4,500 | Gil: 4,300 | Experience: 866

Hein is the most powerful boss we've yet to encounter in the game and can give your party a real run for their money. In fact, it's the first battle in the game where you will find yourself in any real danger of losing. The key to this fight is using brute force, because Hein can change his magical weak-ness at will, meaning what does damage at one time may not a few rounds later. Melee attacks are next to useless here, so we hope you've managed to save Zeus's Wraths, Bomb Fragments and Antarctic Winds, because they'll be a major help here with fighters in your party who usually find themselves in the melee sphere. Also, keep an eye on your health, as Hein can cause some massive damage with both physical and magical attacks. He can also put party members to sleep, but that attack is rare.

Accessing A New World

• Enemies: Various. • Items: Wheel of Time, Blood Sword, Zeus's Wrath, Crystal Shard.

With Hein defeated, your team will be brought back to the world map. Take a look around, because you'll be heading to a new world really soon! The first thing you're going to want to do is head back to your ship and go north. Cas-tle Argus should be your destination. When you're here, talk to King Argus. He'll reward the party with the valuable Wheel of Time, which Cid back in the town called Canaan can use to renovate your ship, making it into an airship. Interesting, indeed! With the wheel in hand, head back to Canaan. It's on the eastern side of the world map, on the left side of the continent, on the coast.

Once there, talk to Cid. If you don't remember which house is his, simply make a beeline for the northwest corner of town. In that very corner, you'll find Cid's house. Go on in and talk to him - he'll make a beeline of his own to your ship, renovating the craft and making it into an airship, one which can be used to reach the other world your party is destined to go to. Head back to your ship, and head to this world. If you're confused about just how to do this, simply press the A button to get airborne, and then fly off of the map in any direction.

When you do this, the new world is suddenly accessed. This world is dark and confusing, but your blank map has a few beacons of hope on the east side. Make your way towards that side of the map, noticing of course that this place is much larger than the world we left behind. Of the various islands on the map, go to the northernmost one first. Land your ship in the water nearby and go onto the island. The obvious thing to do here, of course, is ac-cess the wrecked ship adjacent to the island. This place is necessary to visit,

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because we will be recruiting a character to temporarily join our party. This character, Aria, will be found bedridden in the bowels of the ship, and you'll have to use an Antidote from your inventory on her to cure her. When she joins, you're free to head back to the ship, but be warned - a Zeus's Wrath and a Blood Sword are in treasure chests in the same room you find the girl in. Make sure to grab them before you leave.

When you're back in the air, head to the large continent to the south. You'll have to circle around to the south end of the continent to breach the moun-tain range that encircles the continent. Once you do, head north to the Tem-ple of Water. Run through the linear pathways to the temple, where a Crystal Shard can be recovered. With that in hand, head outside. Then, simply head north to the cave entrance. This dungeon is called the Cave of Tides.

Cave of Tides

• Enemies: Twin Heads, Roper, Poison Toad, Cockatrice, Agaliarept, Kraken (boss).

• Items: Blizzaga Spell.

When you find yourself in the Cave of Tides, head southward from the en-trance, and follow the linear pathway as it wraps around to a silver door. This is the Sealed Portal, which only Aria can get through (hence her usefulness to the party and the reason we got her before coming here). On the other side of the portal, you'll find a long bridge heading westward, and on the other side, a pathway heading south into the next area. Feel free to rush through that area, as there are no items to be found (the same is true in the next area with one exception, as well).

Head southward, then westward, then northward in this next area. After heading north, you'll have to head westward again. Avoid the first pathway leading southward (it's a dead end), and head southward at the second path-way instead. This will lead into a new area. This is the area where the afore-mentioned exception happens. If you follow the linear pathway, you will come to a fork in the road - a bridge leading eastward and a staircase head-ing north. A Blizzaga Spell is at the end of the pathway found beyond the northern staircase. It's linear, so no worries getting lost. The other pathway, also linear, will lead to a new area. In this, the final area of the short dun-geon, simply circle around the linear pathway, heading northward when you come to a large staircase. The room it leads to not only holds the crystal we seek, but also a boss enemy, Kraken, as well.

Boss - Kraken

• Info: HP: 7,500 | Gil: 5,500 | Experience: 1,320

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Kraken is a difficult boss, and just like with the last boss battle, you're going to have to be more mindful of your health than you may have been in earlier boss fights. Kraken packs an incredible punch with both individual physical attacks and magical attacks that can be inflicted on the entire party at one time. Add into the mix his ability to attack multiple times per round and cast Blind on the entire party (the latter of which happens fairly often… only heal it on melee fighters), and you have a boss that can be quite the handful. His weakness is lightning, so Zeus's Wrath is a fairly nice item to launch at him with White Mages or ineffective melee attackers (melee attacks don't work very well on this foe). Otherwise, you'll want any black magic casters in your party to use Blizzaga until it is no longer useable. Even though ice is not the foe's weakness, the high level of the spell will inflict 1,000+ HP per round, guaranteed. Around the level you're currently at, you should be able to shave off 4,000+ HP with Blizzaga spells alone. Then, head down to Thun-dara to finish the job, coupled with item-based attacks and melee attacks if necessary.


• Enemies: Darklegs, Gigantoad, Twin Liger, Black Flan, Hellgaroo, • Items: Thief Gloves, Black Garb, Black Cowl, Gysahl Greens (x4), Cat

Claws, Diamond Bell, Hammer, Kaiser Knuckles, Power Bracers, Poison Dagger, Levigrass Shoes.

After the events following Kraken's death, you'll find yourself in a mysterious town in a mysterious house… in a mysterious bed. This town is called Amur, and it is in a vast new territory we've yet to explore. Get out of bed and be-gin to explore the town. You're going to want to talk to everyone in the town in order to catalyze all of the events necessary to continue. Two of the main people you want to talk to is the old man in the house on the east end of town, and the man at the entrance of town. Watching the faux four light war-riors run around town is pretty priceless, too. And no worries, you'll run into them later.

There's both an armor and weapon store in Amur, so you should visit them and upgrade accordingly. Because you freed the powers of another crystal, you also have some more jobs to explore right now. We like to keep things basic, but if you want to try some of the more obscure and daring jobs, feel free! That's part of the fun, anyway! When you're done stocking up (keeping in mind that you can buy items in the town's Inn), go outside on the world map to save your game, then head back inside. If you talked to everyone in town, including the aforementioned old man in the house to the east, you should have already been led to the entrance to the waterways leading to

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Amur's sewers. This is our next destination, so head there (it's near the northeast section of town). Oh, and if you want some free items, you can find four Gysahl Greens, as well as Thief Gloves, a Black Garb, and a Black Cowl within the confines of the town. Check out the solitary island to the north of town, as well as the small garden.

In the Amur sewers, you will encounter enemies, so be prepared to fight. The initial room is easy enough to navigate. Simply head rightward through the room via the staircases, in and out of watery territory, and down the stairs into the next area. Here, follow a similarly wet-and-dry path leftward. Before you take the staircase into the next area, be sure to double back along the south end of the room on dry land. You'll find some Cat Claws in a treasure chest there. In this next room of the sewer dungeon, go east. Head over the bridge you encounter, and on the far end, fight an automatic battle against some enemies common to this dungeon (this will tie in the four faux warriors we ran into earlier). Then, simply head east and even deeper into the dun-geon (you can talk to the old men you saved before you go).

Go south through the beginning of this area. Head eastward and into an ad-jacent room (the door may not be immediately visible, but it's there), and continue eastward. You'll find two items - a Diamond Bell and a Hammer - in treasure chests there. After you retrieve these items, backtrack to the previ-ous room and continue westward. Another obscured door is there, which leads into yet another item-ridden room. You'll find Kaiser Knuckles, Power Bracers, and a Poison Dagger in this room's chests. With those in hand, you should again backtrack, head north, and follow the rest of the linear pathway as it winds into yet another area.

It's at this point that you should simply run rightward. Doing so will allow the party to encounter the character they seek, the elderly Delilah. This woman has the Levigrass Boots the party seeks, and after giving everyone a hard time with some fake "explosive" boots, she hands over the real ones thanks to the idiotic old men we just rescued. How fortunate! Hereafter, you're transported to a grassy knoll, where you can head south to reach the world map.

You can't use your ship right now, but you can use your party's canoe to cross the river system in your general vicinity. Explore all you want - this is a good time to raise your party's levels and to also raise any funds you need for equipment upgrades. When you're ready to move on, bring a fully healed party southward to the adjoining stretch of continent. With the Levigrass Boots the party earlier secured, you can cross a stretch of swampland you will encounter, leading into a small area surrounded by mountains. Within, you can enter Goldor Manor, our next destination.

Goldor Manor

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• Enemies: Gold Warrior, Gold Bear, Nightmare, Lost Gold, Gold Knight, Goldor (boss).

• Items: Golden Sword (x11), Wyvern Claws, Chain Key.

The Goldor Manor is a gold-laden dungeon full of powerful enemies. How-ever, it's nothing you can't handle at this point in the game. From the outset, run northward, ignoring any paths leading leftward or rightward as you go. Simply go north through the door at the top of the pathway to enter a room deeper in the dungeon. Run northward and then westward down the long corridor. From there, go southward. There will be three paths to your right as you go - ignore the first two (there's nothing down either), and instead con-centrate on the twelve treasure chests you'll find on the bottommost path. You'll find eleven, yes - eleven - Golden Swords, and Wyvern Claws. Then, backtrack all the way back to the previous room.

Back here, take a look around. You'll find four doors leading into four identi-cal rooms. They must be unlocked with Magic Keys, items you should have picked up earlier. If you don't have any, your only choice is to use a Thief to open the doors. However, if you want to save some time, energy, and Magic Keys, open only the door in the northeast part of the room and ignore the other three, all of which lead to empty rooms. The room in the northeast, however, has a pathway off of the left wall that leads to the next area.

Simply follow this linear pathway, fighting enemies as you go, until you come across to yet another door, leading deeper into the dungeon. Worry not, though! This is the last room in the small dungeon. Follow these directions closely, as this area is confusing, and lacking any items, has little use to be explored thoroughly. You can get through rather easily by doing this: start by running north, and cutting west at the first opportunity. Then, run southward on the pathway you come across, and then cut west again. From here, you can essentially run leftward through two more holes in the walls to access the northward-leading path on the far west side of the room. At the top of this pathway is the doorway that leads to Goldor's lair. Get ready to fight!

Boss - Goldor

• Info: HP: 8,700 | Gil: 9,900 | Experience: 1,640

Goldor is a pushover. He has the ability to cast Blind and Silence on your party, both with individual and party-wide attacks, but that's about as much as this foe will frustrate your party. His physical attacks are mild, his offen-sive magic is rare and fairly weak, and he really does very little that can't be easily combated. We only healed one time (with a party-wide Cura from our white mage) and even then it wasn't necessary, as the foe died soon there-after. Level 1 and Level 2 offensive elemental magic (like Blizzard and Bliz-zara, for instance) won't hurt Goldor, but Blizzaga, the one Level 3 spell you

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have, will do decent damage. Otherwise, concentrate on physical attacks to quickly take the foe down.

When he's slain, he'll destroy the crystal and then disappear, but he'll leave behind the Chain Key, the one item you will need to get before backtracking out of this dungeon (we leveled up a full three levels here… good times!) The Chain Key will be used in order to unlock our ship so it is free to use once more. Therefore, once back out on the world map, head back around the mountains to the west and then head north, back to Imur. Heal your party and save your game, then go to your ship. It's time to continue on our quest.

Duster, Replito & Saronia

• Enemies: Needle Monkey, Hellgaroo Mage, Sand Worm, Catoblepas, Sor-ceror, Gold Knight, Garuda (boss).

• Items: Earthen Drum (x2), Elixir (x2), Phoenix Down (x5), Turtle Shell, Dragon Helm (x4), Thunder Spear (x2), Dragon Mail (x4), Viking Mail, Viking Helm (x2), Earthen Bell, Rusty Mail (x2), Gaia Vest, Tome of Light, Tome of Ice, Tome of Fire, Selene Bow, Boomerang, Main Gauche, Medusa Arrows, Golem Staff, Dragon Hammer, Ice Rod.

Throw your ship into the air and begin to explore the skies of your new world map. However, as you explore, it'll quickly become evident that there are many places you can't yet explore. Everything you can do is, generally speaking, located in the northwestern part of the map, on the continent there and the island to the east of it. In fact, the first place we'll now visit is on that small island. It's a town, and it's called Duster. Simply land your ship in the adjacent water and head onto dry land, and into the town thereafter.

Once in the town, start talking to everyone you encounter. This a town you're going to come back to later, but for now, you want to explore to find a few things, namely two Earthen Drums at the north end of town, on the two jut-ting pieces of land along the waterway. Search flowers and high shrubs to find them. Then, take a look at the weapon and armor shop. You'll likely not need anything from the weapon shop here, but the armor shop has some wares that may strike your fancy. When you've fully explored the town, bought your goods, and talked to everyone, head back out to your ship and again take to the air.

Now, head to the northwestern part of the map. You'll find another town nes-tled near some mountains, near the shore, along the northern part of that continent. Get into this town to find the summoners of Replito, a town that'll provide little for you right now. There's a magic shop and you can purchase items, but neither will provide anything that you'll want right now… at least in the realm of usable magic. You can find four items here, however, that you'll want to make sure to grab. Explore near the tree at the center of town

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to find a Turtle Shell. An Elixir can be found in the basement of the house in the northeast corner of town. To get into the house, work your way to the back and press into the house to access a secret passage. Explore the secret pathway to your right in this secret area, and grab the item from the trea-sure chest. Another Elixir can be found back outside; to get it, head to a tree-filled nook at the northwest end of town. Explore the ground, the various flowers, et cetera, to find the item. You'll also run into a Phoenix Down if you explore there thoroughly, as well.

When you've satisfactorily explored Duster and Replito, it's time to head to-wards the castle on the northwestern continent. It's surrounded by a huge town. Fly towards the castle itself and a cutscene will automatically take place. Your craft will be grounded, and you're going to have to explore your surroundings to figure out how to continue your quest! Don't go forward into the castle you find yourself facing, but instead, run down to access an other-wise closed off area of the world map, the Kingdom of Saronia. There are segments to the kingdom, settlements and towns to explore. The first we're going to visit is the southeast section, so head there now.

There's little to do outside here. You can find some people to talk to (and you should), but the main reason we're visiting this section of the town is to climb the Dragon Spire, a "fearsome" tower that has some enemies in it, and more importantly, on the top floor there are items, weapons and armor as well. Naturally, it's worth climbing. Climbing it is fairly straight forward, as all you'll have to do is go from small circular room to small circular room, using the staircases, until you reach the top floor. You'll fight enemies as you go, but thankfully they're not too difficult to deal with. On the top floor, you'll find twelve treasure chests with the following in them - two Phoenix Downs, two Thunder Spears, four Dragon Helms, and four Dragon Mails. Nice! Now, you can backtrack down the tower and head back onto the Saronia-area world map.

If you want to visit an Inn now, or in a little while, you can visit both the northeast and northwest sections of Saronia, where an Inn can be found in both cases, and in both cases an item shop is affixed. Sweet! Keep in mind that both places hold other things of interest, such as a library in the north-west that we can't get into yet, and shops in both parts of the kingdom that are locked up for the time being.

Finally, you can enter the southwest section of the kingdom. Don't expect to get into any shops here (that appears to be the status quo for the time be-ing), but talk to everyone you find and thoroughly explore the area. Prince Alus, a person you're going to have to temporarily recruit into your party, can be found in a long building at the north end of the area. Go inside and fend off the enemies that attack him (in the form of three Gold Knights), and he'll join the party.

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Entering Castle Saronia is now possible with Prince Alus in the party. Head north into the castle, then north up the soldier-ridden pathway to the en-trance of the castle. Guards there will initially deny you access, but eventu-ally they will give way as word travels that the king will allow them entrance. After a short cutscene, a boss fight will automatically take place, so prepare to do battle!

Boss - Garuda

• Info: HP: 11,000 | Gil: 10,200 | Experience: 4,400

Garuda is, hands down, the most difficult enemy in the game we will have faced thus far. This battle may take multiple tries and, at the very least, a lot of patience. We had to level our party (Knight/Black Mage/White Mage/Monk) to level 30 to stand a chance, and even then, our Knight and Mage were dead by the end of the battle. Of course, it's obvious enough that this battle is meant to be fought by Dragoons. After all, we found all of their gear earlier and whatnot… but we didn't want to change our party, and we're guessing you don't either. In that case, physical attacks and ice-based magic spells (especially Blizzaga) are your best bet. Heal often and be especially weary of the foe's ability to cast Thunder on the entire party with usually-devastating results. His ability to attack twice per round will mean either two melee at-tacks or a Thunder attack and melee attack per round. Hope and pray for the former.

When the battle is done, you'll eventually find yourself in a bedroom in the castle. A secret passageway extends rightward from this room, so find it along the east side wall and follow the secret passage to a staircase leading down. Here, you will find twelve treasure chests, and naturally, you'll want to open them all. Within, you can find an Ice Rod, Rusty Mail, Medusa Arrows, a Dragon Hammer, a Main Gauche, the Tome of Fire, the Tome of Ice, a Golem Staff, a Selene Bow, a Boomerang, and the Tome of Light. But wait, there's even more! Follow the staircase southward out of this room, and into a seemingly empty room. But it's not. Find the hidden pathway on the right side of the room to another room, this one holding six more treasure chests. Within, you can find Viking Mail, two Dragon Helms, an Earthen Bell, and more Rusty Mail, as well as a Gaia Vest.

After grabbing all of these goods, return to the room you originally found yourself in. You can feel free to go upstairs and talk to those in the throne room; otherwise, head back outside. You'll want to be outside but remain in the confines of the castle. Here, you'll find two rooms you can enter, one on the left and one on the right. The one on the left leads to some mages that can give you some information, but visiting the room on the right and speak-ing to the engineers there is essential. Once you do, you'll grab your airship back, fully repaired, and even upgraded! Awesome! (Oh, if you want to grab

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two Phoenix Downs, go to the left room and seek out the right-leading en-trance in the northeast corner of the room. Follow the sequence of rooms and hidden pathways and you'll be lead to a man standing near two treasure chests. Open them to grab the goods).

You can head back out to your airship now, but we implore you to first do some shopping at the stores, primarily in the northeast part of the kingdom. Here, you can find weapons and magic worth upgrading (and armor, as well as goods in the other parts of the kingdom if you care to explore… but the northeastern part is the most important). If you want to take some time to learn more about various things in the game in a non-fictional sort of way, definitely hit up the library in the northwest part of the kingdom at this time as well. Otherwise, once you're equipped, restocked, healed and saved, head to the airship.

Doga's Manor, The Cave of the Circle & Doga's Village

• Enemies: Various. • Items: None.

To reach Doga's Manor, which is our next destination, jump into the airship and take it to the south end of the world map. You'll notice three major conti-nents on the world map (in fact, you've likely already noticed this). We were on the one in the northwest corner. The large one along the eastern end of the world map is not our target. The one slightly below and to the west of it is. This continent, surrounded by mountains that create an unusually strong gust out of the mountain pass to the south, can be passed by with this new, fast-moving form of the airship. Take it through this passage at the south end of the continent and follow the linear pathway in between the mountains to Doga's Manor, sticking to the left/upwards-leaning path when the moun-tain pass splits into two.

Once inside, run downward and a cutscene will ensue. The end result of this cutscene, this encounter with Doga, is that he temporarily joins your party. When you gain control of the party again, continue southward, and wrap left-ward around into the next room. Here, you can find an item vendor (on your left) and a magic vendor (on your right). Make sure to purchase new magic here, as there are several spells that are available for the very first time here. Once you're ready, continue northward between the vendors' locations, and into the next room. Talk to the Moogles here, and examine the candle-stick in the northeast corner of the room to open a secret passageway. On the other side of the passage is a long corridor that leads to another room. Here, you will be prompted to cast Mini on the entire party to pass through the hole in the wall. Do so, and be ready to fight in Mini form for the duration of this short dungeon.

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Welcome to the Cave of the Circle. Once inside, run rightward. You may be slightly disoriented here because you have to remain in Mini form and the environment seems gigantic around you, but there's little to do here. Things are linear and there's no treasure to worry about. Simply run rightward and into the teleportation device, then leftward and into the teleportation device, and so on and so forth. Finally, you'll be able to go forward at the final de-vice, where Doga will cast a spell that will allow our new airship to turn into a submarine and travel under water, as well. After he gives you instructions on what to do next, he'll teleport you automatically back outside. Good stuff!

Cast Mini on the entire party to bring everyone back to normal size, then save your game and jump back into your airship. Backtrack out of this conti-nent, but don't immediately follow Doga's instructions on where to go next. Instead, once back over the ocean to the south of the small continent, simply travel eastward for a moment. You'll eventually see a town to the north, sur-rounded by mountains, seemingly inaccessible. But if you wrap around to where the continent beings to wrap around northward, and then submerge your craft, you'll find a hidden underwater passage leading underneath the continent westward. At the end of the path, surface the craft and land near the town. Enter. This is Doga's Village.

Doga's Village is an interesting and mysterious place, but the primary inter-est we have in this town is in the magic available for sale. In fact, there are multiple merchants here who sell all sorts of magic, from the weakest of the weak to the strongest of the strong (at least at this point in the game). Invest in what magic you feel is necessary, definitely taking advantage of the strong white and black magic being offered to you (summoning magic and the like is, of course, on the periphery as well). When you're satisfied here, backtrack out of the mountainous surroundings outside of town, and once on the other side of the barrier (via submarine), take to the air once more.

Adventures in Riding Submarines

• Enemies: Killer Hermit, Aegir, Ologhai, Kelpie, Peryton, Zombie Dragon, Eater, Death Claw, Balor, Cenchos, Kyklops, Fachan, Boss Troll, Ouroboros, Odin (boss).

• Items: Chakram, Tiger Claws, Dual Tomahawk, Ancient Sword, Diamond Shield, Metal Knuckles, Diamond Helm, Cognitome, Diamond Mail, Air Knife, Phoenix Down, Elixir (x5), Diamond Gloves, Trident, Aegis Shield (x2), Reflect Mail (x2), Triton Hammer, Golem Staff, Rune Bell, Heavy Lance, Phoenix Down (x4), Catastro Summon.

The Sunken Cave is our next destination, although it's purely optional to go there. It's worth heading there because, as always, experience and gil accu-mulation can never hurt… plus, there's some goods within that will be useful as well. To find this underwater cave (hence the name, of course), simply

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take a gander at your world map. Look in the southeastern corner of said map, and you'll see an island shaped like a triangle. Fly your craft to this is-land, and then go underwater nearby. On the right side of the small land-mass, you will find the cave entrance.

The first area of the cave is straight-forward enough; simply run southward, and then westward, and then southward again. This will bring you to a door that will allow you to access the next area. In this area, you're gonna want to keep an eye out for three items. From where you enter the room, think of yourself as being surrounded by four pathways extending in four different di-rections… because you are, in fact, in such surroundings. The path extending towards the northwest holds a Chakram. The path heading in the northeast has some Tiger Claws. And the path in the southwest holds a Dual Toma-hawk. When you've grabbed all three, then go towards the southeast, as this will bring you into the next area.

Now, this area here is literally covered in treasure… however, not all of it is so easy to obtain. In fact, much of it is far from it. Head south from where you enter the room. Ignore the path leading leftward for now as you cross the first bridge, and instead cross another bridge, and grab the Ancient Sword to your left. To the south from the previous path will be four more treasures sitting there waiting for you - a Diamond Shield, a Diamond Helm, Metal Knuckles, and a Cognitome. With those in hand, head back to the left-leading pathway we previous told you to ignore.

As you cross the first bridge, you'll immediately run into more treasure. Four chests can be found on this particular platform, holding an Air Knife, some Diamond Mail, a Loki Harp, and some Diamond Bracers. After grabbing those, head south over another bridge, where three more treasure chests can be found. The items you can grab here are a Phoenix Down, an Elixir, and Dia-mond Gloves. Boy oh boy are you guys taking in the goods right now! But believe it or not, even though it appears as if you've hit a dead end, there's even more to see, and more to obtain.

You may want to leave the dungeon at this point, head back to dry land, heal at a nearby town and then save your game before proceeding. From the area where you grabbed the last three items, you can head left through an ob-scured passageway. There are four more treasure chests here holding four valuable items, but they're being guarded by foes and won't necessarily be easy to throw off. The Trident is being guarded by a Peryton. The Aegis Shield is being guarded by a Zombie Dragon. The Triton Hammer is being guarded by an Eater. The Reflect Mail is being guarded by a Death Claw. Got all of that? Good! Now you can backtrack out of this dungeon.

Now that you're back in the air, buckle up and head out to our next destina-tion of mild importance. This one is a little closer to where we were working before. In fact, it's directly underneath it. Fly over to Saronia. On the south-

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eastern end of the kingdom's walls, there will be a dramatic 90 degree angle in the geography along the water. Here, use the submarine option on your craft to go underwater, and enter the Saronia Catacombs.

From the initial area of the catacombs, simply run north and through the door into the next area. Here, simply follow the linear corridor by heading north, and then beginning to head westward. At the end of the path heading west, you must head north to get into the next area. The fork splits here. First, head rightward, following the linear pathway to a dead end where three treasure chests can be found, containing a Golem Staff, a Rune Bell, and an Aegis Shield. Then, go back to the fork and go leftward. Go north up some stairs bear right slightly to find some Reflect Mail before rejoining the path up and around. As you head rightward towards the exit out of this room, be sure to grab the Heavy Lance from the chest there.

It may not appear like it's possible, but in this area, you can head into the northeast corner and then continue eastward down an invisible corridor. At the other end will be a small room with eight treasure chests within. The four lined along the top of the room have four Elixirs within, and are guarded by enemies called Ouroboros (nothing's free!) The four along the bottom of the room contain four Phoenix Downs, but you have to fight enemies for these as well, this time four Cenchos. When you grab all of those items, head back to the left, and then up the stairs leading north. You'll run into Odin standing atop a platform here. Talk to him to engage him in battle.

Boss - Odin

• Info: HP: 32,000 | Gil: 16,800 | Experience: 5,000

Odin is a fairly intimidating foe to do battle with, but ultimately, at this point in the game he's nothing to stress. As long as you remain cognizant of your health throughout the battle and heal when necessary, you should be able to amply deal with Odin's double attack abilities (simply meaning he will attack twice per round in battle). How to take care of him? Well, melee attacks are the most effective thing against him, though various types of high level magic works as well (we cast Aeroga and Bio on him most rounds to slowly chip away at his health in addition to our Monk and Knight slamming him with physical attacks). The foe has over 30,000 HP to sustain him, but it makes him sounds stronger and more powerful than he actually is. Truth be told, he will last mere rounds if you really go at him. And go at him you should.

As a result of winning this battle, the Catastro Summon will be yours. Pretty damn cool if we do say so ourselves.

Temple of Time

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• Enemies: Chimera Mage, Dira, Dragon, King Seahorse, King Lizard, • Items: Diamond Helm, Diamond Bracers, Defender, Diamond Mail, Dia-

mond Gloves, Behemoth Knife, Blood Lance, Protect Ring, Lamia Harp, Diamond Shield, Noah's Lute, Fang of Fire.

Getting to the Temple of Time might not be immediately obvious. To access this temple, which is underwater, you must head to the continent at the northwestern part of the world map. Once there, you should fly around the extreme southern tip of the continent. Here, two peninsulas come together like two pincers. This is your cue to go underwater, where nestled in between the two peninsulas lies a submerged Temple of Time.

From the entrance of the Temple of Time, head southward, and then bear left at the first opportunity you get. You'll eventually come to a door on your right as you go left. This door is locked, and you will need one of two things to open it - a Thief, or more likely, a Magic Key. Open it up, and head forward and to the right once in the room beyond the now-open door. You'll find a Di-amond Helm in a chest there. With it in hand, backtrack to the previous room and continue leftward down the pathway. A like situation will encounter you - open this door to your right and enter another small room, this one contain-ing Diamond Bracers for you to acquire.

Backtrack again to the previous area. Go to the parallel pathway below you and head leftward. A staircase will bring you into some shallow water, where you can then run northward, and access another set of stairs leading back to dry land on the right side. Run down the corridor and down into the next room. The small room you come across as a result has another item in it - a Defender on the right side. Grab it, then head southward into another room. Run eastward down the corridor, ignoring the northern, watery passage for now, and you'll encounter another locked door. Access the room beyond it to find some Diamond Mail.

Now, head into, via the staircases, the watery passage we previously told you to ignore. Stay on the left side as you run up, and go leftward to yet an-other locked door. Get through it with a Magic Key or with the services of a thief, and grab the two treasure chests in the room on the other side - some Diamond Gloves and a Behemoth Knife. Then, backtrack, run rightward across the water and up another staircase. This will lead to, yes, another locked door. Open it and head forward, rightward, and then down into the next area.

You'll be inclined to run down the huge staircase below you, but ignore that urge for now and instead run rightward, behind the waterfall, and down a se-cret passage. This will lead you to a staircase, and at the bottom of the length staircases, three treasure chests can be found. Within, grab a Blood Lance, a Protect Ring, and a Lamia Harp. Then, backtrack to the staircase we

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told you to ignore, and head on down. Enter the watery corridor until you reach dry land. Here, you can go right or left. Both lead to locked doors that will need to be opened with a Thief or a Magic Key (you should certainly be used to this by now). On the left, you'll find a Diamond Shield, but on the right, Noah's Lute can be found, the item we came here to grab. Once you have both items, all you have to do now is backtrack all the way back to your airship.

All that's left to do here is head north with your airship, seeking out a cave entrance. You'll have to access it from the west side of the continent and fly rightward from there. Once you hit the cave entrance, land the craft and head on into the small cave. At the north end is a character, Unei, who can now be awoken from a slumber with Noah's Lute. In fact, now awake, Unei will temporarily join the party. Nice! And, you will receive the Fang of Fire from her as well.

The Ancient Ruins

• Enemies: Eater, Pyralis. • Items: Reflect Mail, Black Belt Gi, Chakra Band, Rune Bell, Faerie Claws.

The continent at the northwest part of the continent is our next destination. Head along the west coast of the continent and go towards the middle of the land (height-wise). You'll see some openings heading in to the continent eastward that you can fly into. Explore them until you find a cave entrance in front of some swampy ground (don't worry, you can cross it). Land your craft adjacent to the swampy area, walk across it, and enter the Ancient Ruins.

Head rightward from the entrance. You'll run into some explorers who you can talk to. Examine the rocks blocking the path southward and Unei will get rid of them so the party can proceed. Head left down the next corridor, and head through the door on the right, which will lead to an adjoining room. Head left, up, and rightward to a treasure chest in the small room, where you can find Reflect Mail. Then, backtrack to the previous corridor, head leftward and through the door into another area.

This area is somewhat town-like. You can find some people to talk to here, and the three doors at the north end of the expansive room hold, from left to right, an inn/item shop, a weapons broker, and an armor salesman. Make sure to upgrade your gear, restock your item inventory, and use the inn to heal the party. Then, head back southward through the previous area and take the right exit into a new room. This room is particular extensive. Ulti-mately, you want to work your way to the large vertical pathway that, at the top, will lead right and around to the next area. But before that, four items can be found in four different rooms elsewhere in the area. A Black Belt Gi, a Chakra Band, a Rune Bell, and some Faerie Claws. All are accessed from the

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vertical corridor. The very bottom has a path off to the left, with a room hold-ing one item. Another item is found further up the path, on a room to the right. Then, near the top of the vertical corridor, there are paths going off left and right with two more rooms and two more items. But now, into the next area.

This next area is extensive, but incredibly linear as well. What that ultimately means is that it's nearly impossible to get lost. Simply follow the winding se-ries of paths and bridges in a generally southward direction, going from area to area as you head south. Eventually, you will come far enough where you'll have to circle around and head north up a linear pathway that will lead head-long to a ship. Climb the ladder along the ship to enter the craft. This ship, when used by the party, will allow access even over the highest mountains on the world map. Sweet!

This ship is fully equipped. There are beds, there are shops… there's gener-ally a hell of a lot to see. That's not a bad thing, so start exploring! (Also, keep in mind… Unei will leave the party at this point). The shelf along the north end of the ship has all four "general" shops you can access in the game (item, weapon, armor, and magic). There's also a Fat Chocobo on the left side of the craft. You may not have been explorative enough in your quest to run across one before now, but this character can store any and all items in your inventory you don't want to carry around with you. When you're ready to head out, simply go to the right side of the craft and hit the steering wheel. You'll then find yourself airborne with your new and improved craft!

Falgabard & The Cave of Shadows

• Enemies: Shinobi, Haniel, Valefor, Silenus, Gaap, Hellish Horse, Vassago, Death Claw, Hecatoncheir (boss).

• Items: Blessed Hammer (x2), Demon Shield, Demon Mail (x2), Hi-Potion, Kiku Ichimon Ji (x2), Kotetsu (x2), Ashura, Black Musk, Dark Claws, Lilith's Kiss, Genji Gloves, Fang of Earth.

Our next destination is a town called Falgabard, a place we've never been before but that can be accessed thanks to our new airship. Head to the northwestern continent and go around either side of the continent towards the middle of it. Then, head inward. Coming from either direction (though from the east is quicker), you'll see a mountain range to your south, but it thins at one area, allowing you to literally jump over it with your new craft. Continue southward, jumping over another similar thinned mountain range, and then land near the town, where you can enter the town of Falgabard.

Here, run around and talk to everyone. You'll find, of course, an inn and item shop, as well as weapon, armor and magic merchants. Sadly, unless you're using a Dark Knight, little will be of use to you in the realm of equipment.

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Alas, there's still some exploration to be done, and there's even a dungeon within this town to tackle as well. When you're done doing what you need to do in town, head to the north end and seek out a waterfall. Walk towards it to pass through it into an area beyond. You can use a staircase here to enter the waterway and walk back down into town. If you follow the waterway southward, you'll come to an island with a big rock on it. Search the ground around the rock to find four items - a Blessed Hammer, a Demon Shield, some Demon Mail, and a Hi-Potion. Then run back north into the previous area and get back on dry land, heading north. Talk to the old man you find here for a laughable battle with a Shinobi. Kill it and the old man will yield to the party a powerful weapon, the Kiku Ichimon Ji.

You can now enter the town's cave from the northwest part of town, where there entrance can be discovered. Be weary of the enemies here, who are hard to contain if you're not using strong physical fighters or Dark Knights. Any non-lethal hit will multiply the threat, so be weary. Right in the first room, you can grab another Blessed Hammer from the treasure chest there, and then head east into the next area via the hidden corridor connecting the two areas. Follow this linear winding pathway into another area, grabbing an-other suit of Demon Mail from the chest en route. This is a hidden pathway, and you'll have to follow your instincts here, going east and the north, being west to another room. Here, a Kotetsu can be found, as well as an Ashura. With those in hand, backtrack back to town, use the inn, grab anything you may have forgotten, and then head back out to the world map.

The massive continent along the eastern section of the world map holds our next destination. The continent can be split into three noticeable sections, and the middle section is where we want to be. Scour the mountains in this area for an opening that you can jump over, and begin to traverse the path-way (that sometimes splits but is generally linear) towards the Cave of Shad-ows. When you arrive in front of the cave entrance, simply depart from your craft and head on inside.

This cave is like the short dungeon back at town - Dark Knights are your best bet in order for the enemy threat not to multiply and overwhelm you, though if you have one-hit killers, they work the same way. In the initial area, head rightward and through the semi-obscured passageway into another part of the room, towards a treasure chest containing Black Musk. Backtrack to-wards the entrance and head south thereafter. Follow the passage as it swings eastward, grabbing the Dark Claws en route. At the end of the pas-sage, speak to the fallen Dark Knight to obtain his Kotetsu. Then, head south into the next area.

As you head into the next area, go east and the north along the corridor. Seek out a mostly-obscured passage east, leading to a small section of the room containing a Tranquilizer. Then, go back to the main corridor and con-

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tinue heading north, and then westward. You'll have to go westward into a hidden corridor that'll lead to another room (find a Lilith's Kiss here), and then head southward through another hidden passage. Swing back up north-ward adjacent to where you just came down, and then westward and out into a new section.

Simply circle around this linear passageway and to another staircase leading deeper into the dungeon. In this area, there's a lot of area you don't have to cover, so follow our directions carefully. Cut right along the north side of this room and into a hidden passageway. Once back in a visible room, head south down a slanting passageway. Go west to grab the Genji Gloves from the trea-sure chest, and then south into the next room. Here, go south, and then swing west. You'll enter into a secret passageway, and you will be forced to take another southward after. The path will move eastward, but you'll even-tually be forced southward, and then westward once more. As the path con-tinues to alternate between visible and otherwise, you'll eventually have to go south and deeper into the dungeon.

Go east immediately here, again along the north end of the room. Then, go southward along the broad corridor, and then westward through another se-cret corridor. Be sure to grab the Kiku-Ichimonji as you do. Grab the Genji Shield to your left, then cut right along the north end of the room yet again. Follow the identical pattern that we did in the last room to reach the next area. Here, swing rightward over an interesting, skeletal passageway. At the end of it, grab a Genji Helm from the treasure chest, then go north into the final room of the dungeon. Head east through a secret corridor immediately here, grabbing the Genji Armor in the room you come across. Then, go back to the entrance into this, the final room, and go north to engage in a boss battle.

Boss - Hecatoncheir

• Info: HP: 30,000 | Gil: 8,000 | Experience: 3,000

Hecatoncheir is a fairly easy enemy to defeat. His normal range of attacks is limited, as he relies primarily on physical attacks. He can attack twice a round, but even then, he's little threat, especially if your party is on or around the 1,500 HP mark. You may want to throw in a party-wide Cura spell during the battle, but otherwise, concentrate on harsh physical attacks, cou-pled with strong attack magic (whatever you have will work, the higher-lev-eled, the better). He'll be defeated before long, and you'll gain the Fang of Earth for your hard work, but we have some bad news for you too. After the foe is defeated, you'll have to backtrack all the way out of the dungeon. The good news is that the enemy concentration is far less than it was on the way in. C'est la vie!

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Bahamut's Lair & Lake Dohr

• Enemies: Greater Boros, Sabretooth Liger, Drake, Plancti, Ouroboros, Sea Lion, Bahamut (boss), Leviathan (boss).

• Items: Earthen Drums (x2), Heavenly Wrath (x2), Phoenix Down (x2), Arctic Wind (x2), Golem Staff, White Musk (x2), Bacchus's Cider (x2), Chocobo's Wrath, Turtle Shell (x2), Eurytos Bow, Bahamur Summon, Elixir, Hi-Potion (x3), Aegis Shield, Platinum Hammer (x2), Black Musk, Black Hole, Reflect Mail, Raven's Yawn, Lilith's Kiss, Leviath Summon.

This part of the walkthrough isn't necessary to complete the game, but it is recommended for all of the goods, experience and gil you'll acquire. To com-plete these tasks, however, we had to wait to get the airship we currently have. Access the previous place where he beginning of the game took place (the floating landmass in the southwest corner of the world map). Once here, fly to the southeast corner of the floating landmass and look for a cave en-trance surrounded by mountains. With our new craft, we can hop over the thin mountain range on the east side and access Bahamut's Lair.

We can essentially blow through this place rather easily (though the enemies aren't necessarily pushovers). Run southward across the bridge in the first room of the dungeon to an intersection. Head both left and right to grab some goods from treasure chests there - to the left, you will find Earthen Drums and Heavenly Wrath, on the right you, you will find a Phoenix Down and an Arctic Wind. After grabbing those four items, head southward into the next area.

Things are simple here; you can easily traverse this linear series of paths and bridges as it wraps leftward, downward, upward, rightward, and then down-ward towards the doorway into the next room. En route, you can find a series of items that you can easily grab as you go. The treasures you will find, in or-der, are a Golem Staff, a White Musk, Chocobo's Wrath, and a Turtle Shell. In this final area of the short dungeon, look left and grab a Eurytos Bow, then go rightward and upward towards three more treasures: a Kotetsu, an Elixir, and another Phoenix Down. Now, heal your party and run northward. It's boss fight time.

    Boss - Bahamut

• Info: HP: 35,000 | Gil: 16,000 | Experience: 10,000

Bahamut is a pushover, honestly, though he has one major attack, Megaflare, that can decimate a weakened party. What does this mean? Well, at the very least, it means you're going to want to keep your party fully healed for the duration of the party. Have your party's healer cast a party-

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wide healing spell (Curaga, Curaja) each round to ensure this. Bahamut will strike twice per round, otherwise, chipping away at your HP until he breaks out the big guns, so the battle can deceive in this way. Even though the dun-geon leading to him is simple enough, why play through it again if you don't have to? Stay alive by healing and delivering Bahamut a devastating on-slaught of physical attacks, spells like Bio, and anything else you can throw his way.

When he's defeated, the Bahamur Summon is all yours. Since you came out-side of the dungeon to battle, you'll have to go back in and backtrack to the entrance to the cave, where you can reconnect with your airship. Where to next? Well, it's simple enough to find. There's a few lakes on the western side of the map near the middle of the continent. If you seek out these lakes, you will see one with a creature swimming around in it. With your airship's special ability to jump over smaller mountains (or thin ranges thereof), you can access this lake by landing next to it, and then using your Canoe to go towards the center of the lake. Fear now about using your Canoe… as with earlier in the game, it'll activate automatically when you run into the body of water.

This is Lake Dohr. Once inside, head south, and then bear eastward towards a fork in the wide path. Take the southern path first, where you'll run into a dead end. There's a positive, however, as there are four treasures to grab here. Pick up an Arctic Wind, a Heavenly Wrath, some Earthen Drums, and a Phoenix Down. Then go back to the fork and take the top path heading right-ward. You can head to the next area by taking the doorway southward, but be sure to grab the Elixir and three Hi-Potions lining the pathway en route.

Here, run leftward, northward, and then rightward. You'll see a lone treasure chest below you (it contains a White Musk), and four more at the dead end to the north. An Aegis Shield, a Platinum Hammer, some Bacchus's Cider and a Turtle Shell can be found up there. With all of the items now in your inven-tory, you can head southward and through into the adjoining room. Run left-ward down here, then northward. Head to the right and continue northward to a nook. At the far left end of the nook, you can find a Black Musk in a trea-sure chest. Some Reflect Mail, a Black Hole, and another Platinum Hammer can also be found.

After grabbing those goods, backtrack a brief way until you can head left-ward. The path will fork shortly thereafter, so be sure to take the bottom path of the fork first to grab a Raven's Yawn and a Lilith's Kiss. The topmost fork will bring you directly to the door that leads to the final room in the dun-geon. This last room is completely linear - just follow the passage leftward, downward, and then rightward. As you head north thereafter, you will run straight into Leviathan. Get ready to fight.

Boss - Leviathan

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• Info: HP: 36,000 | Gil: 17,100 | Experience: 5,000

Leviathan is fairly easy to defeat (just like Bahamut was), but he does have a duo of strong attacks that can frustrate your efforts to defeat him as easily as you would probably like to. One attack, Blizzaga, will attack a single target and devastate that member of the party (with a high potential to kill him or her). The other attack, Tsunami, is a party-wide attack that has like potential to the aforementioned attack. Healing is a necessity here, but you should be able to deal him enough damage with high caliber physical attacks and light-ning-based magic, like Thundaga, that in three or four rounds, he will be no more. He'll give up his summon, the Leviath Summon, as a result.

Doga's Manor & Doga's Grotto

• Enemies: Peryton, Cyclops, Humbaba, Ogre, Doga (boss), Unei (boss). • Items: 10,000 Gil (x2), Rising Sun, Lust Dagger, White Musk, Chocobo's

Wrath, Phoenix Down (x2), Eureka Key, Syrcus Key.

Do you remember how to get to Doga's Manor? If not, it's rather simple to do. If you're following the order of our walkthrough, you're still on the sepa-rate, floating landmass. You'll want to go to any edge of the map to go back to the regular world map. Now, seek out your previous airship, the fast one that can go underwater. It should be located on the continent in the north-west corner of the map. You'll need it to get to the manor because of the in-tense winds that blow out of the valley for which it sits. The fast speed of that airship will do the trick. The manor itself is located on the southern, is-land-like continent. Follow the linear pathway to a fork, like you did the last time we came here, and take the northern for to the manor. Once inside, you will quickly be invited to traverse Doga's Grotto.

The initial part of the grotto is simple enough to complete. Follow along the first pathway, a linear path that winds around and downward into another area. Here, swing leftward, grab 10,000 Gil from the treasure chest there, and continue along the spiraling, downward-sloping pathway. As you tra-verse this linear pathway, you'll come across another treasure chest, this one also carrying 10,000 Gil for your coffers. 20,000 Gil richer, you can ac-cess the next area of the dungeon thereafter.

This room is rather vast. Go leftward first. The path will immediately fork. Ig-nore the bottom path completely, as it leads to nothing whatsoever, and in-stead take the northern path of the fork into another room. In this small room, three treasure chests can be found. Within, grab a Rising Sun, a Lust Dagger, and a White Musk. Then, backtrack to the entrance of the previous

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room, and this time head rightward. The winding pathway will bring you to another room. Here, grab the Chocobo's Wrath in the treasure chest tucked in the northeast corner of the room, then run southward into the next room. Head leftward, grabbing the Phoenix Down from the treasure chest, and fol-low the winding path (again sloping at a downward angle). Another Phoenix Down can be found at the bottom of this pathway before you access the final room of the dungeon. Here, you must simply run forward to catalyze a series of fierce boss battles.

Boss - Doga

• Info: HP: 23, 500 | Gil: 12,000 | Experience: 3,400

Doga (and Unei, right behind her) is an easy enemy to defeat. With our party of a Black Mage, White Mage, Knight and Monk, we killed her in two rounds with little difficulty. How did we do it? It's simple, really. Our physical attacks were extremely effective, and we cast Bio on the foe with our Black Mage (our White Mage defending or healing each time). Two rounds was literally all it took. As far as Doga's attacks, we were attacked as a party by a Blizzaga spell, and had a few physical attacks (two attacks per round). Otherwise, it was as simple as could be.

Boss - Unei

• Info: HP: 24,000 | Gil: 12,600 | Experience: 4,000

Unei and Doga are really the same, and fighting them provides the same ex-perience. We used the same attack strategy with our particular party (physi-cal attacks, Bio, healing/defending with our White Mage), and it only took us two rounds to defeat Unei as well. A Tornado attack was inflicted on the party during the fight, but it's nothing a party-wide Curaga can't take care of. The only unfortunate part of this battle is the fact that Unei will attack di-rectly after the battle with Doga is done, so there's no time to heal or pre-pare. Simply cast a party-wide healing spell of your choice on your party as soon as the fight takes place to relieve that problem. Otherwise, this battle should be extremely easy for you.

When these two prior friends are slain, the Eureka Key and the Syrcus Key are given to the party. And like that, you're free to backtrack all the way back to the manor. Once back there, head back outside, get in your airship, and meet back up with your highest upgraded craft (you left it where you found your current craft on the northwestern continent). Once you get your slower ship back, head to the eastern continent. If you've explored on your own you may have seen this (and may have already eliminated the prob-lem). Accessing the middle of the eastern continent from the east side, look for a path that leads into some mountains and to some statues blocking your

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path. You will be repelled if you try to fly through, but if you go on the ground and walk through, you can clear the path of the statues, then get back in your craft and use it to hop the mountains ahead and to your right. Once that's done, all you have to do is fly rightward to a Saronia-like struc-ture. Welcome to the Ancient's Maze.

Ancient's Maze

• Enemies: Greater Demon, Iron Claws, Bone Dragon, Unei's Clone, Thanatos, Titan (boss).

• Items: Elixir, Lilith's Kiss, Crystal Shield, Crystal Mail, White Musk, Crystal Gloves, Crystal Helm, Break Blade, Phoenix Down (x2), Chocobo's Wrath, Dual Haken, Protect Ring, Holy Lance, Hellish Claws.

Once inside the Ancient's Maze, immediately run forward and through the gate into the next room. Run forward and approach the crystal here. This will instantly catalyze a boss fight to occur.    Boss - Titan

• Info: HP: 31,000 | Gil: 13,500 | Experience: 6,900

Titan is guarding the crystal that will give you the final jobs available in the game, so it's absolutely vital you defeat him. Thankfully, he's somewhat of a pushover at this point in the game. Though he attacks twice per round with fairly devastating physical attacks, that's about as far as the threat he poses goes. He has a high defense that will give him some resilience in the battle, but it should only take four rounds max to defeat this foe. Try casting high level magic on him if you can, and stick to physical attacks as well, which will have moderate success on the enemy.

With Titan defeated, the final jobs in the game are now available, so take a look! Afterwards, backtrack towards the entrance to the Ancient's Maze and circle around rightward and then northward, so you circle around the room you were just in. At the top of this path, grab the Elixir from the treasure chest, and then swing leftward and northward into the next area. Go left to-wards the dead end here, where you can grab a Crystal Shield and a Lilith's Kiss, and then go right and swing upwards. Follow the linear path as it brings you leftward once more (towards another chest, this one holding Crystal Mail), and then go northward. Grab the White Musk from the chest as you go rightward and into the next area (grabbing another treasure, Crystal Gloves, en route).

Go rightward and grab the Crystal Helm from the treasure chest, then go southward. As the path begins to head rightward, you will shortly thereafter be brought to an intersection. Head southward at the intersection to grab

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three more treasures - a Break Blade, a Phoenix Down, and Chocobo's Wrath, then head north back to the intersection and continue rightward. From there, go northward. To your right, you can access the next area of the dungeon, but before you do, bear leftward to yet another treasure chest, this one hold-ing a Dual Haken.

In this large room, you must simply follow the linear (but long) pathway as it swings up and down, in a left-to-right direction. As you head north up the fi-nal leg of the pathway, you can access the final room of the dungeon. Be sure to grab the two treasures en route, however. A Phoenix Down can be found along the path a little more than halfway through, and at the very end, a Protect Ring can be found as well. In the final room of the dungeon, run for-ward and grab the Holy Lance, then swing around (going left or right is fine), grabbing another treasure when the two paths reconnect (Hellish Claws). Then, run northward and you'll find yourself back outside. It appears the An-cient's Maze was simply the structure surrounding the larger tower. Welcome to the much-feared Crystal Tower.

The Crystal Tower & The Forbidden Land, Eureka

• Enemies: Gomory, Sleipnir, Abaia, Ninja, Haokah, Oceanus, Acheron, Bluck, Kum Kum, Doga's clone, Azer, Platinal, Shinobi, Glasya Labolas, Dark General, Green Dragon, Yellow Dragon, Amon (boss), Kunoichi (boss), General (boss), Scylla (boss), Guardian (boss).

• Items: Fuma Garb (x2), Chocobo's Wrath (x5), Elixir (x9), White Musk (x5), Phoenix Down (x8), Ribbon, Shuriken (x5), Moonring Blade, Om-nirod, Masamune, Excalibur, Elder Staff, Ragnarok, Lilith's Kiss, Elven Bow, Crystal Mail, Crystal Helm.

The Crystal Tower is our primary objective, ultimately, but remember that we can also access the Forbidden Land, Eureka, via an entrance easily accessi-ble in the Crystal Tower. To get there, simply run northward into the next room, and then northward once more to access the door into The Forbidden Land. Once the party enters, head southward. You can wrap around the loop below either way in this initial area as you ultimately go south into the next room, but be weary there are small alcoves off of each side of the loop with two treasures in each. Go both ways and grab all four treasures - a Fuma Garb, a Chocobo's Wrath, an Elixir, and a White Musk. With those in hand, head south.

This particular room can be a little confusing because it leads to other smaller rooms and has a lot of various pathways that can convolute things a bit. Nonetheless, you'll want to go southward and head left at first, going north into a small room containing a loan chest holding another White Musk. With that in hand, go back to where you turned left, and this time go right-ward to an identical room on the other side. The room is the same size, but

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this one has three chests in it. Grab yet another White Musk here, as well as a Phoenix Down and another Chocobo's Wrath, and then go back to the pre-vious room and run southward. When a path splits off to the left, take it. It'll lead to a dead end, but at the dead end, another item can be found. The path is slightly obscured, so make sure to look closely for it. A Ribbon is within, but you'll have to fight a Ninja to claim it.

At the bottom of this vast room, two paths lead to the south, each leading to a separate area. First, take the path on the left into the room below. This pathway is a dead end, but it has a Shuriken in a treasure chest to grab. Af-ter obtaining it, go back and take the other path leading southward into the next area. Run south along this path, veering off to your left to grab an Elixir from a chest before continuing downward. Eventually, the path will split off leftward - grab another Shuriken from a chest as you run down this way. Be-fore heading south into the next room, be sure to grab the item from the chest tucked in the corner near the door, a Phoenix Down. In this room, sim-ply run in a southeasterly direction along the linear pathway. When you come across a pedestal, examine it. This will make a boss fight occur.

Boss - Amon

• Info: HP: 34,000 | Gil: 20,350 | Experience: 6,700

Amon is actually a difficult boss to fight, so be sure to enter this battle fully prepared, healing your party, et cetera. Amon can cast some powerful magic, but his really useful attributes are twofold. He can shift his weakness randomly throughout battle (thankfully, this takes one of the two turns he gets each round whenever he uses it), and he also has a high defense that will ensure this battle lasts many rounds. Our suggestion is to keep a close eye on your health, letting no character get below 1,000 HP. If that happens, have your healer use healing magic or an item to rectify the situation. Other-wise, physical attacks are your best bet here. If you have dark magic users, simply have them use healing items or block… they're fairly useless here. When he's defeated, the Moonring Blade is all yours.

When you gain control after the battle, simply follow the rest of the linear pathway as it leads south into the next area. Run southward here to an inter-section-like area. First, head leftward at the intersection to find an Omnirod on a pedestal. Then, head rightward at the same intersection, examining an-other pedestal. Believe it or not, this will lead to, you guessed it, another boss battle.

Boss - Kunoichi

• Info: HP: 31,000 | Gil: 14,500 | Experience: 7,300

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What Kunoichi lacks in defense she makes up for in sheer attack power. Not only can she use Aeroga to great devastation on your entire party, but she attacks not two times per round, but three times! She also attacks first, usu-ally, meaning healing will have to be done preemptively in this battle. That shouldn't be an issue, however. Concentrate on taking the foe out with pow-erful physical attacks, have attack mages defend, and have your white magic user or healer heal the party (preferably with a party-wide healing spell) af-ter each round. This battle should only last three rounds, four tops. When she's defeated, the Masamune is yours.

When the battle concludes, head back to the intersection and go southward along the pathway into the next area, grabbing the Phoenix Down from the treasure chest as you go. Here, go southward over the bridge, and then head left and upward along the linear pathway as it leads rightward to a door (this path is essentially a series of bridges). Ignore the door for now and continue rightward and downward to another pedestal, and another boss battle.

Boss - General

• Info: HP: 37,000 | Gil: 15,600 | Experience: 7,500

The General is a powerful physical attacker, but he also has a weak defense. His ability to cast party-wide spells like Bio on your party can be devastating, but it's nothing Curaga on the entire party can't take care of. Otherwise, his ability to attack twice per round can be fairly frustrating, but again, hardly in-surmountable. Focus on attacking with physical attacks (our Monk was doing nearly 9,999 HP per round) and use Bio on him as well (even if he uses it himself, it takes away his energy nicely). When he's slain, the Excalibur is all yours!

When this foe is defeated, you can backtrack to the door leading northward. This time, take it. Here, you'll find a teleporter at the north end of the room, but before you take it, go left and right of it to find two more pedestals and fight two more bosses. Scylla is on the left, Guardian is on the right.

Boss - Scylla

• Info: HP: 37,000 | Gil: 16,200 | Experience: 7,700

Scylla isn't difficult to defeat at all. While she (like all bosses at this point in the game) can attack twice per round, her low defense makes her extremely susceptible to attack, especially of the physical variety. Our tactics against the bosses of this area hasn't changed much - we use physical attacks with our Knight and Monk, Bio with our Black Mage, and healing/defending with our White Mage. This should be all you need to take care of this foe within three rounds. If the battle lasts longer than four rounds, you're definitely do-ing something wrong. When she's defeated, the Elder Staff is all yours.

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Boss - Guardian

• Info: HP: 35,000 | Gil: 16,500 | Experience: 7,900

The Guardian is the final boss in this stretch, and he's essentially as simple as most of the other bosses we've faced in here thus far. He can attack twice per round (of course), and packs a powerful punch. He can also use Tornado. However, with some healing each round, he shouldn't be able to take too much away from you, threatening the livelihood of your party. Use Bio with black mages if you want to increase your chances of killing him quicker. This battle should only take three rounds, four maximum. Your prize for defeating this foe? The Ragnarok… well worth it, indeed!

When all is said and done, you can then take the teleportation device at the north end of the room to another area. Four treasure chests are immediately noticeable here - open all of them to find two Elixirs and two Shurikens. Then, talk to the two people in there who will sell you high level magic which you should absolutely invest in. That may seem like all that's here, but it's not so - if you seek out the right wall underneath the water (which will heal you, by the way), a secret passage will lead to a weapon/armor/item dealer with some rare gear. Go check him out as well!

When you're done here, you can do one of two things - teleport out with an item or spell of the appropriate nature, or simply backtrack to the entrance, and reenter the Crystal Tower. This time, we're gonna tackle the tower itself. Heal up and get anything you need, because this is it!

In the initial room of the Crystal Tower (which we've been in already), run forward. There are two passages flanking the doorway that led to the area we just explored. Grab a Lilith's Kiss and a Chocobo's Wrath from these short corridors. Then, head to the right side of the room. If you explore the nooks and crannies of this side of the room, you can find four more treasures - two more Chocobo's Wraths, an Elven Bow, and a White Musk. If you work your way over to the left side of this large room, you'll find a similar layout. An-other White Musk can be found over here, as well as a Fuma Garb. Grab those, then examine the door in the northwest corner. You can head on through after the cutscene.

Swing around and run southward, bearing rightward when the path turns. When you see a path above you going up, take it. It leads to a dead end, but the dead end holds a treasure chest containing an Elixir. Continue along the previous, linear pathway until the path heads northward and then splits (be sure to grab the Phoenix Down en route). Head up the stairs and head left, first. This is a circular passageway; simply head to the top of it and grab an-other Elixir. Then, go back to the split and head southward, rightward, and then up towards the next area of the tower.

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This area is simple enough to navigate. Ignore the left path completely, and instead, head right along the winding, linear path. Grab an Elixir from a trea-sure chest from a dead end leading north before going rightward through a slightly-obscured opening in the wall. Go downward, and then swing upward and go into the next area. This place is easy enough to navigate - run up-ward, leftward, then downward. You'll see a treasure chest (which contains a Phoenix Down). To the left of it is a secret passage that you must take, blind, as it goes left, down, left, up, and left again, to another treasure chest, this one holding a Shuriken. Then, simply run the rest of the path into the next room.

Run southward down the long corridor, then right, and then up some stairs. You can grab two treasures here, a Phoenix Down and an Elixir, and then run rightward towards a large circular pathway. Take the bottom of the circular pathway to your right, grabbing another Elixir in a nook in the southeast be-fore going upward around the rest of the circle and into the next area. In this area, you'll be tempted to circle around to your left or right, but don't, there's nothing there. Instead, run upward into the next area.

Go forward and swing rightward (going left will lead you to a dead end with nothing to find whatsoever). Swing right again at the first opportunity you get (going downward will again lead nowhere) and then follow the linear pathway as it eventually brings you southward and then westward along a carbon copy of the pathway above. When you can run northward up a corri-dor and into the next area, do so. Going left into the area adjacent to you will again be fruitless. Once in this new area, swing rightward and then go up to find Crystal Mail. Do the same thing on the other side, going left, and grab-bing a Phoenix Down. Then, go forward from the entrance into this area, and right into the next.

Go forward here and bear leftward. As you do, you'll run into a treasure chest holding some Crystal Gloves. From there, you can then head north to a dead end which holds a treasure chest containing a Crystal Shield. Do the same thing on the opposite side of the room, where you'll find two treasures in identical positions, these chests holding a Phoenix Down and a Crystal Helm. Then, run up the large staircase at the center of the room and into the final room of the Crystal Tower. Simply run forward to act as the catalyst to an epic cutscene. When you gain control again, simply walk forward and the fi-nal boss battle will take place… but is it the real final battle? Either way...you gotta fight!

Boss - Xande

• Info: HP: 48,000 | Gil: 25,000 | Experience: 8,500

Boss - Cloud of Darkness

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• Info: HP: 48,000 | Gil: 25,000 | Experience:

That concludes the walkthrough portion of this guide.

Boss Evaluation Guide

Land Turtle (111 HP)

Your first boss turns out being quite easy to defeat.Hopefully, you explored the cave as much as you could, and you should nowequip two swords (you must have 2 of those, if you battled enough andopened all the chests) instead of a sword and a shield. Then, head to thebattle and ALWAYS use FIGHT command. When the health of your only cur-rentcharacter drops below 10HP, be sure to use a "Potion" and proceed asusual, your foe will go down in no time at all.

There's also a possible alternate strategy, which consists of simply using"Antarctic Wind" (an item found in this cave), before striking with a fewphysical hits - such strategy makes it even easier to defeat this boss.

Djinn (600 HP)

Sara may appear during this battle and cure your characters, but suchoccurrence turns out being fully random. I went to this battle with mycharacters around level 10, and I strongly suggest you to do so, too. Now,your main strategy should be the one of using the "Fight" command foreveryone (come on, there's not much you can do right now, is it?) and ifsomeone's life goes under 50HP, cure him with the "Cure" white magic (youhopefully already equipped it to someone) or by using a "Potion". Keep onallowing this same strategy and eventually your enemy will go down. Whilehe seems to have a multi-hit fire spell, it won't cause you much troubleif you just follow what I've stated above.

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For an even easier time, you can use an item that cause Ice Damage (one ofwhich is called "Antarctic Wind", in the American version of the game) inorder to cause damage as quickly as possible.

Bahamut (Est: 34000 HP)

It it discussable if this is actually a "battle" or not, but in case youactually try to beat this fearsome beast, you'll notice him to be waystronger than anything you've seen this far. It MAY be possible to beathim at this point, but it would require a whole lot of level ups, and itjust turns out not being worthy. So, all you have to do is running awayfrom this battle, as soon as possible. For those of you who are playinga japanese version and haven't got a clue on where the RUN option is, Ican just tell you to press the last option in the battle menu. Doing itfor everyone is probably a good idea, too, as it increases the overalleffectiveness of the process.

Big Rat (900 HP)

Your main problem here is that your party is minimized, and thereforetheir physical attacks will barely scratch the enemy. Bearing this inmind, there's a single way to win this battle: magic.

Hopefully, you have at least a single Black Mage in your party, equippedwith his own proper spells. If you have more than a Black Mage (or evenRed Mages, it's up to you), even better! Having one White Mage (at leastduring this battle) is also a good idea, so that you can heal yourcharacters easily.

Now, as soon as the battle starts, you should start attacking the enemywith black magic spells (start by the upper level ones, like level 3, andwhen you run out of them use lower ones) and using the characters thathave no spells of that kind to heal. Whatever happens, don't let yourmage(s) die, or you will be in big trouble. Keep on striking with thosespells and eventually your enemy will go down. Here, it's not only amatter of strategy but also one of damage, with you needing to level upenough (I mean, try to level up as much as you want, the more you do itthe better it will be) in order to ensure a victory.

Medusa (3000 HP)

While this battle isn't very hard, it turns out being tricky. Your bestbet is probably striking physically with at least 2 characters, have aWhite Mage to ALWAYS heal the injured party members, and you can add aBlack/Red Mage if you want, or trade him for another physical attack. Incase you actually use a Mage to case offensive magic, try to go (first)

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for the more powerful spells and then for the weaker ones, but stay awayfrom fire-based spells, as they seem not very good to use in this battle.As you may notice during the battle, the most important features aboutthis boss is that it can turn your characters to stone, or simply makethem unable to cast spells. If any of those 2 effects are induced in yourcharacters, be sure to use the proper item (or even a magical spell) toremove such effect, as soon possible.

By avoiding these 2 effects, healing with the White Mage and attackingwith everyone else, your enemy will probably go down in no time. When Ifought this battle, my weakest character was at level 14, and I stronglysuggest you to do that very same thing, in order to have an (even) easiertime fighting this mythological foe.

Guzco (3500 HP)

This battle turns out being slightly weird... while most of the enemies inthe cave can use ice spells against your party, ice spells also seem towork quite good against this boss. Well, never mind, back to what reallymatters.

While there are many possible configurations for your party when it comesto this battle, personally I had my lower-level character at level 15 andwent to the battle with two fighters, alongside with a Black Mage and aWhite Mage.

Having the white mage in there is ALWAYS a good idea, but the rest is upto you; since magic seems to cause a good amount of damage to your en-emy,a good option would be, for example, 3 black mages and 1 white mage, or 2black mages, a knight and 1 white mage, or... in a sum-up, be sure toinclude 1 White Mage and 1 Black Mage on your party, giving the other 2places to anyone you want.

To the white mage, you should give the task of healing when necessary, andthe other party members should be constantly attacking the enemy, eitherwith physical attacks or magical spells. If you're going for the spells,start with the more powerful fire and ice ones until you can't use themanymore, and then you should advance for the weaker ice/fire ones. If youfollow this strategy and your characters are properly leveled (since theenemy seems to get a lot of critical hits...), I doubt you will have muchtrouble with this battle.

Salamander (5700 HP)

In this battle, your biggest problem is a flame attack that your foe can

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sometimes use, and which damages all the elements of your party for a goodamount of damage. In order to prevent him from using it many times, youshould try to defeat this fiery enemy as quickly as possible.

The best way to damage him is by using ice-based spells, and while you canactually manage to beat this battle with a single Black Mage, you may wantto take more than one. A White Mage will be really important (who shouldalways be healing the party in EVERY turn), and you should try to cause asmuch damage as quickly as possible, as I've already told you.

Be aware that your enemy can strike twice in a row, and you should alwayshave that in mind when you're deciding how to proceed and who to heal.Personally, I found it important to heal the entire party at each turn, toprevent the enemy from easily weakening your party. You may want to gain somelevels before fighting this enemy, as it may be a tough battle for you (myweakest member was now at level 19), but that's a detail that is fully upto you.

Hyne (4500 HP)

While this enemy is not particularly strong, it has 2 interestingabilities: he is not only an undead, but he can also change his weak point(in terms of magic) each 3 rounds. In the original version of FFIII, Iremember that you could use the Scholar job class to see an enemy's weakpoint, which would be of great help in this battle. In this game, you cando the very same thing, so that may be helpful when you're facing him.As for the "undead" issue, it turns out being quite weird, as healingitems (such as potions) don't seem to do any harm, unlike it is usual inmost Final Fantasy games.

So, how should you proceed in this battle? First of all, be sure to takeat least a White Mage to this battle, along with a Black Mage. Besidesthose two, I would also suggest an additional Black Mage and any kind ofphysical attacker, the strongest you have.

Now, when your battle finally starts, be sure to always attack with thephysical striker (or strikers), heal (whoever is damaged, or even theentire party) with your White Mage in every turn and use offensive magicwith your Black Mage.

In case you have any way to check the enemy's current weakness (read theinitial statements of this strategy to understand it), use that method tocheck the current weakness and then using a magical spell of that verysame type. From time to time the enemy will change this weakness, as I've

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stated before. When that happens, scan him once more and proceed as statedabove. Repeat until the enemy is defeated once and for all.

If you don't have that luck (like I didn't), your battle will be tougher,but yet possible to beat. If that's your case, simply follow the strategystated in the second paragraph, but be warned that you will need a lotmore level ups before managing to beat this enemy; personally, my weakestcharacter was at level 22 when I managed to beat it. One strategy that I had for Hyne, which was maybe a little bit of luck thrown in, was to take a Geo-mancer.I think the character had a job level of around 9. Definitely lower than 10, because I hadn't really used it that much before this dungeon. Even elemen-tal attacks like Ice Pillar are not blocked by Hyne's elemental defense, and if you get really lucky you'll hit him with Shadowflare, which should do enough damage to take him out in one shot.

Kraken (8000 HP)

Hum, so, it appears that the usual water boss is back. Did you missed him?I know I didn't... anyway, about the battle, his physical attacks arestrong, but if you got some levels before heading into this battle, youwon't have problems. Personally, I went to the battle with my weakestcharacter at level 25 and the party fully healed, and had no trouble atall.As usual, heal with the White Mage when needed (which will probably beevery turn), attack with your Knight, use the most powerful spells by theBlack Mage (try to use the "Bolt" ones above all the others, as they seemto cause more damage) and give the final spot to anyone you want. I wentto the battle with a Monk in there, but it is really up to you.While preparing for the battle, bear in mind that physical attacks areprobably your best change in this battle, and that the enemy has an attackwhich may induce the "Blind" status in your characters, making them missmost of their physical attacks. If that happens, have the White Mage healhim, before proceeding as usual.

4 Frogs (800 HP each)

Believe it or not, this in the sewers turns out being nothing more thanone of those battles that you randomly seem to face in this area. You haveto beat 4 frogs, which you can easily eliminate with physical attacks,magic or any strategy you normally use for random battles. The onlyspecial thing that you must be careful with is poison, which your enemiesseem to (sometimes) induce with their attacks. However, you can easily

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cure this with the proper item or white magic, and then continue attackingas usual.

Goldor (9000 HP)

Against this enemy, physical attacks appear to be the most effectiveweapon, and while you should still have your White Mage in the party, agood idea would be including at least 2 characters capable of causing agood amount of physical damage, but you can even go for 3. In case youwant to keep your Black Mage in the party (I did!), always use his mostpowerful spells, hoping to cause as much damage as possible.

With my weakest character at level 27, I had no trouble in beating thisbattle, and except for the Bolt spell (which he may use in a solecharacter or in your entire party) and one where he may try to induce the"Blind" status, he appears to be quite calm. Always heal with the WhiteMage (as we did in battles before) from the damage he causes in each turn(mostly with his physical strike), and be aware that sometimes he may evenattack twice in a row.

3 Gold Knights (1100 HP each)

A non-random battle against 3 of those folks, fought in a bar. Well,beating them is kinda easy, just be careful with their magical attack(an electrical one) and you'll do fine. Heal when necessary and strikewith the best moves of every character in your party.

Garuda (10000 HP)

Once more, the main problem with this boss turns out being his very ownBolt magic, since it can cause a whole lot of damage to your party, incase you are not at an high level. Now, there are basically two strategiesfor this battle, feel free to choose yours from between these two.You can give your entire party the Dragoon class (or job, or whatever youwanna call it), properly equip them (you can find/buy equipment for themin the 4 small city areas nearby), go into battle and then just use their"Jump" ability all the time, hoping to defeat the enemy. This strategy,while effective, turns out being much easier if your characters are at anhigh level, so they can cause as much damage from each attack as possible.Keep following this strategy until you (hopefully) win.

In case you aren't interested in changing all the equipment and jobs ofyour characters (something that I surely wasn't, at this point), you cango for the usual party of a Knight, Monk, White Mage and Black Mage. Withthose characters, you should constantly attack with the Knight (whichshould be using a sword in each hand) and the Monk (empty-handed, as he

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seems to cause more damage like that), use the White Mage to heal every-oneat each turn of the battle and finally use the Black Mage to cast the mostpowerful magic you have, probably the latest installment of "Ice", whichalso works quite good.

Keep on repeating this strategy, healing properly your characters withONLY the White Mage and attacking with everyone else, and your enemy willprobably go down soon. This strategy worked amazingly good with mycharacters at level 29, and if you manage to get those level ups right,you will have an even easier time here.

Hekaton (28000 HP)

For some reason that I can't seem to understand, this battle is too easy,or maybe just my current party was too strong, or something... Your enemycan attack twice in a row, and he seems to feature a powerful magic attackwhich damages the entire party.

With your Black Mage, simply use the best spells you have in a descendingorder (first the level 6 ones, then the level 5, and so on), while you arehealing, as usual, with the White Mage. The other two members shouldconstantly attack the enemy. You can also do the same thing as I did,train a lot (most of my characters were at level 40 when I defeated thisboss) and you'll easily win.

Dorga (22800 HP)

He's back...not only his physical attack damage quite big, but sois the damage caused by his magical attacks. Exactly what we were sup-posedto see in this kind of character, is anyones guess...

Anyway, he seems not to have any particular weaknesses in terms ofelemental magic, so your best bet is probably attacking him with physicalstrikes. You surely have to include the usual White Mage on your party,but you can also put 3 physical attackers in there, if you want. Yourwhitey should do the same task as in battle before (i.e. heal your team inEVERY turn) and the other members should be constantly attacking the en-emywith physical strikes.

A good idea could probably be the one of putting 2 Knights and a Monk inthe party, or any physical strikers you like, but it turns out being fullyup to you, just be sure to take good care of the White Mage, as you'd bepretty much in trouble, without her.

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At level 41, my characters were more than enough to beat this foe, but youwill then have to fight yet another boss battle, exactly after this one...

Unei (21800 HP)

She seems stronger than Dorga, at least in my opinion. Like what happenedto the boss you fight just before her (look above ^ ), she has no weaknessin terms of elemental magic but she is weaker against physical attacks.For obvious reasons, you will be using the very same party that you usedin the battle before, and your strategy should be almost the same. Yourenemy goes mostly for magical attacks, with a powerful spell that puts ANYof your friends with less than 10 HP (however, this attack will never killanyone, think about it as this game's version of a powerful "Demi" spell)and other powerful spells. You can also use some attacking spells, but Idon't think it is a very good idea.

Mostly, try to stick to physical attacks and healing all your party EVERYturn. In case more than one of your members dies (except for the WhiteMage, which you should revive as soon as possible), try keeping yourstrategy up and attacking as usual, but DON'T forget that HEALING is themost important thing in this battle. Without it, you will be really fuckedup, and there's not even much you can do to save you from defeat.Titan (29000 HP)

I think we've seen this somewhere else, didn't we? Well, use the usualstrategy, with the White Mage healing everyone, the Black Mage attackingall the time with the most powerful spells you have, and finally yourphysical strikers doing their usual task. At level 44, this was an easyenemy, and I hope that you will also have an easy time with him.

Zande (49999 HP)

The first of the final bosses, he appears to be stronger than he indeedis. From time to time, he may use "Meteor", and that's probably yourbiggest (or, perhaps, only) problem. I strongly advise you try to facethis battle only after your characters being at least at level 56. Also,before heading to these final battles, there are probably some tune upsthat you should do in your party. In case you've usually used White andBlack Mages (or even their upgraded forms), change BOTH of them intoSages, who have an interesting ability of being able to use ANY kind ofmagical spells, apart from largely increasing the amount of most powerfulspells you can use. As for the physical strikers, you should get at leasta single Ninja, who has the ability of throwing stuff at the enemy you arefacing. Provided you bought lots of Shuriken (more than 30 will be justfine) in Eureka's secret room, he will be of great help against the final

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enemies, even being able to deal up to 9999 damage per Shuriken thrown.You can turn all your physical fighter characters into Ninjas, but wetheryou do it or not, it's up to you.

As for the strategy in this battle, it turns out being easy: use yourNinja to throw ONLY 3 Shuriken in this battle, and then strike withphysical attacks for the rest of the time. The Sages should be mostlyused for healing up the party, a task that you should be specially carefulwith, in order to avoid the damage that comes from your enemy's "Meteor"magic. Any other physical attackers that don't have the Ninja job shouldsimply give physical attacks to this foe.

Dark Cloud - PART 1 (probably 120000 HP)

"HUH, what an amazing foe", you think... well, it isn't. There's no wayyou can win this battle, you should simply defend (and NEVER use anyShuriken, since it would be just a waste of time and effort) until yourenemy uses its special attack, which deals 9999 damage to the entire partyof yours. THERE'S NO WAY TO WIN, so you don't even try. I doubt you caneven cause a ridiculous 1 HP of damage to the enemy, which easily provesthat this battle isn't supposed to be won.

Dark Cloud - PART 2 (120000 HP, or less)

Stated in the optional bosses section of this guide, you will see that youcan beat 4 optional bosses in this final area before going for this finalenemy. In spite of being totally your option, I strongly suggest youdefeat those 4 main enemies before venturing to this battle, in order tohave an easier time and hopefully defeat this boss. In order to accessthis battle, take the central teleporter in the Dark World and follow thatpath (tricky area, once again) until you find another teleporter, whichyou should take. My characters were at level 57 when attempting to beatthis boss, and hopefully yours will have an even higher level.Your enemy has a lot of strategies in here, but the most important thingis that she can strike 4 times in a row. She usually goes for physicalattacks, but she can also cast a lightning-like magical attack (whichdamages your entire party), some protection spells on her (both forphysical and magic damage), turn one of your characters into a frog andeven use the very same attack that killed you in your previous encounterwith her, an attack that isn't *that* powerful right now, causing lessthan 1500 HP of damage to every character currently in your party.If you did everything as I've told you, this won't even be an hard battle.The Ninja should be throwing Shuriken until you run out of them (which,hopefully, will not happen before your enemy dies), and then strike withphysical attacks.

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The (hopefully 2) Sages should be given different tasks, one castingmostly attack magic (but switching to heal/revive characters when needed)and the other ALWAYS healing your entire party, with the usual healingspells. Be aware that both of them should, above everything, should beused as healers, and if you have to choose between nailing yet anotheroffensive spell or healing your entire party even more, you'd better gofor your curing spells.

Bearing all this in mind, form your own party and go for it, I can donothing more than wish you good luck. In case you have more than 15Shuriken right now and you are willing to put 3 Ninjas in your party (becareful when trying this, since when you change the job of a character,his stats are halved for a while), always throwing Shuriken, and a singleSage, that could probably be the best possible party for this encounter,as you would generally be able to cause at least 25000 HP of damage perturn.

After this battle, the ending of the game is seen. Hope you like it!

Optional Bosses:

Odin (31000 HP)

While you fight this boss as soon as you get your ship's ability to gounderwater, I strongly advise you not to do it until much later in thegame, since this enemy may cause you a lot of trouble. While he firstseems to be a weak foe, he has a special attack that he uses from time totime, called "Atom Edge", which deals an enormous amount of damage toevery person currently in your party.

When I first tried to face this battle, all my characters were at level 35and they didn't even managed to survive against a single of those specialattacks, so it's probably better to come face this enemy only when you'resure you can beat him.

In case you really want to face him, well, simply take your ship to thesea exactly south of the city that is divided in 4 places plus a castle(you know, the place where you fought Garuda), go underwater in there andyou will find a cave. At its end, you will fight a palace-like room, whereOdin is, alongside with his horse.Personally, I advise you to go for the exact same strategy that you usedagainst Garuda, with the 4 party members turning into Dragoons and usingthe "Jump" command all the time. However, you can also go for the otherstrategy I gave you back then, with a Black Mage always attacking with his

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best spells, a White Mage healing your party every turn and your physicalstrikers (hopefully you'll be using more than one) causing their damage asusual, you'll manage to beat this enemy BUT only if you are properlyleveled up. I am not tired of stating this, the problem here is notstrategy, but your party having enough defense to withstand that powerfulspecial attack that your enemy has.After beating this battle you will win the "Odin" summon spell, which youcan equip in anyone you want.

Red Shinobi (probably 11000 HP)

Found in the Fargabaad town, behind the waterfall, he is weaker than youmay have supposed. Go for the very same strategy you use in randombattles, but be aware that (and despite striking only once, unlike mostboss battles you face right now) his physical attacks may sometimes poisonone of your characters. His strength is certainly high, but provided youhave the White Mage healing your party, that won't put you in muchtrouble.After winning, you get a powerful sword.

Leviathan (32000 HP)

After getting the Invincible, you can go back the the original map (youknow, that floating island that you came from) and you will eventually beable to find a lake with a black shadow floating around. You can simplystop it around (there's some grass on the lower area of the lake, whereyou can stop your airship) and then use the canoe to enter that blackshadow. When you're inside, there's not only a whole bunch of treasure tocollect (all of which you should try to get before continuing) but youcan also find Leviathan at the end, in an area full of the usual graybridges.

Fighting him, you'll probably notice that he is nothing more than aslightly tuned up version of Odin. His physical attacks aren't thatpowerful, but he has a powerful special attack (the name is probably"Tsunami") which may even kill your entire party, if your level isn't highenough. Being a water creature, he obviously has its weakness in theelectrical attacks.

Your strategy for this battle is simple: your Black Mage (and you MUSTtake one with you, this time...) should constantly use your bestelectrical attacks (I used the 3rd "Bolt" spell) and your White Mage mustbe healing the entire party at all times. As for the other two characters,their choice is up to you. Personally, I took a Knight (who was alwayshitting the enemy with his two swords) and another Black Mage, who wasusing the best "Bolt" spell he could.

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Now, there's a tricky part. Even if someone dies due to one of those"Tsunami" attacks, you shouldn't take a turn to revive him, unless yourWhite Mage already has the "Full Life" magic, which I doubt. Instead, youshould keep on following your usual strategy, so that *maybe* your nextstrike may even kill this beast. In case you are wondering, I was aroundlevel 38 when I slayed this beast.After winning, you acquire the "Leviathan" summon spell.

Bahamut (34000 HP)

This is probably the strongest of the optional bosses so far, I stronglyadvise you to be at least at level 43 before even attempting to face him.Using the best flying ship, the Invincible, you should head to the placewhere you first fought (well, if that can really be considered abattle...) against this Bahamut. From there, head southeast and follow theshore, which will eventually lead you to a small place where you can see acave nearby and one of those places where you can use your airship to jumpto another place. Do it, enter the cave and follow it up to the end, whereyou will finally face this enemy in a deadly battle.Bahamut mostly uses physical attacks (two in a row), but he also has apowerful special attack where he damages your entire party for a whole lotof damage, usually even killing them all. Your main problem will probablybe this very same attack, since you can't dodge it and it is REALLYpowerful.

If you think about it, you probably may want to defeat this enemy as soonand as quickly as possible, so that you don't even have to taste theawesome power of that special attack. Above any type of strategy, yourmain concern in here should be heading to this battle with your charactersas powerful as you can get them. I suggest you come here before headinginto the game's final dungeon, and trying to have as many levels in eachcharacter as possible. The less damage you take from that special attack,the easier your life will be and the less damage you'll take from thespecial attack stated above.

When it comes to strategy, you'd better have a Shaman (the upgraded formof a White Mage) in there to heal your party, CONSTANTLY (and I mean it!)using healing spells in the entire party. About the other 3 characters,you should mostly pick the strongest physical strikers you have available,alongside with their best weapons and armor. They should constantly attackthe enemy, while being healed by the Shaman. You can have the usual BlackMage (or a Warlock) in there, but magic seems to cause less damage thanthe one you can inflict with characters prepared for physical attacks. When you finally are able to defeat this powerful beast, you will acquire the "Bahamut" summon spell, to equip in whoever you want.

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If you have a Dragoon, just buy his weapon on the Invincible (I think itwas "Dragon Spear") and just keep using "Jump". It does 9999 each hit, sothe fight is fairly short. No, I did NOT have a Shaman (just a WhiteMage), and I barely had to heal. Also, I still had a black mage, and justhad him keep using "Bio". The fight lasted 4 turns for me.

Amon (33500 HP)

The first boss found in Eureka, which you can fight by picking up achakram, or a boomerang, or whatever that is.While he kinda resembles Hyne, he isn't very strong and usually goes forphysical attacks and some magical ones. Keep on healing with your Shamanand attacking with everyone else (a Warlock should use his best spells,in order to try to cause as much damage as possible) and eventually thisenemy will be down, awarding you that boomerang-type weapon.

Kunoichi (29000 HP)

The second boss placed in Eureka, which you can fight by picking up thefirst sword you find, placed to the right of a place where you come fromthe upper side and can head down, left or RIGHT.She is not very strong, mostly focus in physical attacks and some magic(which she usually opts by using in your entire party), but be aware thatshe can strike up to 3 times per turn.Strike with everyone else ("Flare" for your Warlock seems to be quitegood against her), either with physical attacks or black magic, healingthe entire party with the Shaman in EVERY turn, and she will go downprobably even quicker than the boss you faced before her.At the end you gain the sword that you've just seen.

General (35000 HP)

The third boss which you can find in Eureka, you can fight him by pickingup the second sword you find, placed to the right of the final door, in anarea full of those wooden bridges.Seems even weaker than the 2 bosses found before him, he mostly goes for(strong) physical attacks. Use "Flare" with your Warlock, physicalstrikes with your characters that are better at that kind of task, andfinally heal with the Shaman, the very same task that we have been doingup to now.After winning, you'll acquire the sword that you've seen before, whichturns out being one of the best ones available in this game.

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Scylla (35000 HP)

Also in Eureka, you can fight this mythology-based enemy by picking up thestaff, shown exactly to the left side of second-to-last room in this areaof the game.She isn't very strong, and provided you follow the exact same strategy asin the battle before, (and I mean "Flare" for the Warlock, curing everyonefor the Shaman and striking physically with the other 2 guys) you willprobably do just fine.After winning the battle, you get the staff you've just seen.

Guardian (33700 HP)

When reaching the final area of Eureka, the same one where you fightScylla, you can head to the right to fight this boss battle, accessible byinteracting with the golden sword, the final one you'll see.Like Scylla, he isn't very strong. However, he has some powerful magicalattacks and sometimes he even casts "Reflect" on himself. If that happens,(you'll easily notice it because he turns purple) stop using all kinds ofoffensive magic and have your Warlock (or whoever you were using magicwith) just defend himself. Everyone else should continue attacking, andthe Shaman should be healing as usual. Provided you are careful with themagical attacks (which fortunately he hardly uses) and with his statusthat reflects magic, you'll do just fine and defeat him easily.After beating you, you get a new sword.2-headed Dragon (99999 HP)

On the last area of the game, the Dark World, you should take the upperright path and follow it until you find this boss.He only uses physical attacks, but all of those are quite strong and youmay have a lot of trouble with them. Also, some of his physical attacksseem to induce the "Silence" status in your characters, stopping them frombeing able to use magic.

If this happens to ANY of your Sages, be sure to heal that effect asquickly as possible, and then continue using those very same characters toheal the damaged members of your team, a task that you should do in EV-ERYturn, in order to prevent the enemy from killing any of your partymembers.

With your Ninjas, you should always throw Shuriken at the enemy, and ifyou have other physical strikers, they should be constantly attacking theenemy. After winning this tough battle, you will not only have your party fullyhealed but also also gain an interesting effect, which instantly weakensthe final boss, lowering its maximum HP.

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Ahriman (99999 HP)

Also on the last area of the game, the Dark World, you can take the lowerright path and follow it up to the end in order to battle this enemy.He isn't very strong, but can attack twice in a row, with usuallydifferent moves. His physical attack isn't very strong, but it maysometimes petrify your characters; if that happens, try to cure thateffect as soon as possible, using the classical "Soft" item (you broughtsome, didn't you? I hope so, that's important!). He may also cure himself(usually for around 4500 HP) and use most offensive magic types againstyour characters.

Well, apart from the petrifying issue, this enemy isn't that powerful, youcan use Shuriken with your Ninja (but be careful with how many you haveleft, since you will be needing it for the final battle), physical attackswith the characters who are good at that task. As for your Sage (or, evenbetter, Sages, as you should have 2 of them in your party by now), heshould be healing all your party (when necessary) or casting "Flare" or"Bahamut".

After beating this enemy, not only your party will be fully healed but thefinal boss will be weakened even more, by having its maximum HP lowered.

Echidna (99999 HP)

In the Dark World, you can take the lower left path and take it up to theend (be careful, the area is a little tricky) in order to fight this verysame enemy. She seems to cast "Drain" (which, as you may suppose, drainssome HP from one of your characters) every turn, followed by anotherattack, which may be a physical one (sometimes inducing "Silence" on thecharacter attacked) or a "Death" spell. None of those attacks are reallythat powerful, and you should mostly stick to an adapted version of theusual strategy.Your Ninja, as usual, should be throwing Shuriken at the enemy. Your otherphysical attacker should be striking physically as usual. As for the 2Sages you (hopefully) have in your party, one should be ALWAYS (whateverhappens, even if the enemy only caused you 1 HP of damage last turn)healing the entire party, while the other one should be casting "Flare"or any kind of offensive spell every turn.

Eventually you will beat her, and your party will be fully healed. Also,the final boss will have its HP lowered even more.

Cerberus (99999 HP)

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Also in the Dark World, you can take the upper left path and follow it upto the end in order to fight this enemy. He is stronger than the other 3optional bosses, usually attacks up to 3 times per turn (sometimes eveninducing the "Poison" effect with his physical attacks), either withstrong physical attacks or the best "Fire" magic, sometimes used in asingle character and others on your whole party.

As in the battle before, use your Ninja to throw Shuriken at the enemy(be sure to have at least 13 left for your final battle) and attackphysically with the other character. Then, one of the Sages should ALWAYScast the best healing spell in the entire party and the other one can castoffensive magic (go mostly for "Flare" or the most powerful ones youcurrently have). In case someone dies, ignore this last action and be sureto revive them as soon as possible, then continuing with this strategy asif nothing had happened.

After beating the enemy, your party will once again be fully healed andthe final boss (which will be next, if you are following my guide onbeating these last 4 optional bosses) will be given even less HP than itnormally would have. The strategy for beating that very same final boss ofthe game is stated in its proper section.

Iron Giant (199999 HP)

First of all, in order to unlock this boss you need to send at least 8messages via Mognet to your friends. Then, send 4 messages to "The 4Elderly" (and wait until they reply back to you, which is usually quick),followed by 4 messages to "King Arusu", and when he replies to it with aforth mail, grab your airship (you'll need the one that can go underwater,so be sure to get that one) and go to the area with the floating island,you know, the one where you started the game. From that place, startheading to the right side and continue going until you see a big circularshadow inside of the water.

There, go down with that special airship and you'll be able to enter asecret cave, where you will fight this optional boss, the strongest oneavailable in the game.

The best strategy for such battle is buying the most powerful magic you have, while having all your characters place in the back row and using 2 shields.The enemy starts by using "Meteor" several times. After losing a certainamount of HP, he will use several physical attacks and "Slash", that hits everyone in your party for good damage.

After defeating him you gain a massive amount of experience (99999, in

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case anyone is wondering), alongside with lots of money (once again, theincredible amount of 99999 gil) and a card that you can use in yourmessages. Besides, you can go back to that area, and probably fight him asmany times as you want.

This concludes the Boss Evaluation portion of the Guide.

Job Evaluation Guide:

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Stat Preview+++ - terrific++ - great+ - good= - decent- - low-- - poor--- - terrible

StatsLvl - LevelStr - StrengthAgi - AgilityVit - VitalityInt - IntellectSpr - SpiritAt# - Number of Hits per AttackAtt - Attack PowerHt% - Hit PercentageDe# - Number of Hits it Can EndureDef - Physical Defense PowerEva - Physical Evade PercentageMDf - Magic Defense PowerMEv - Magic Evade PercentageM1 - MP for casting Level 1 SpellsM2 - MP for casting Level 2 SpellsM3 - MP for casting Level 3 SpellsM4 - MP for casting Level 4 SpellsM5 - MP for casting Level 5 SpellsM6 - MP for casting Level 6 SpellsM7 - MP for casting Level 7 SpellsM8 - MP for casting Level 8 Spells

Rating1 - look for other jobs2 - worth a try3 - great job4 - definitely use this5 - use this as final job

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Onion Kid - Onion Knight

Description: A kid who's playing knights and swords. They fight only for fun of being an illusionary knight.

Specialty: ---

Usefulness: This job is definitely not useful, unless you get its Onion Equips. You have to use the "Upgrade Trick" or wait until the later part of the game to get such equipments. Once you get all Onion equipments, it's one of the most reliable jobs available.

Evaluation: This job cannot offer any real advantage over the other jobs for, almost, the entire game. Basically, this job sucks! They wear weak equpments, cannot use any spell and most of all... it increases its stats only every 10 levels... and only by 1! What the #*$! is go-ing on?

Now, this insanely useless job becomes the best warrior once you get its 'Onion Equipments'. I don't know what's with the onion, but its the key to a super warrior! There's really no need to level up unless, as Sir Bahamut said, "you really want to beat the crap out of everything!". Once it reaches its late-level 80's, its pathetically useless stat growth will improve to a stat growth that no one can imagine! At max level, this job will have a max level in all basic stats.

Stat Preview:

Levels 1- 9: Str ---, Agi ---, Vit --- Levels 10-19: Str ---, Agi ---, Vit --- Levels 20-29: Str ---, Agi ---, Vit --- Levels 30-39: Str ---, Agi ---, Vit --- Levels 40-49: Str ---, Agi ---, Vit ---

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Levels 50-59: Str ---, Agi ---, Vit --- Levels 60-69: Str ---, Agi ---, Vit --- Levels 70-79: Str ---, Agi ---, Vit --- Levels 80-89: Str ---, Agi ---, Vit --- Levels 90-99: Str +++, Agi +++, Agi +++

Stat Growth:

Lvl-Str-Agi-Vit-Int-Spr-At#-Att-Ht%-De#-Def-Eva-MDf-MEv--M1-M2-M3-M4-M5-M6-M7-M8 1 5 5 5 5 5 2 4 81 0 2 1 0 5 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 2 5 5 5 5 5 2 4 81 0 2 1 0 5 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 3 5 5 5 5 5 2 4 81 0 2 1 0 5 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 4 5 5 5 5 5 2 4 81 0 2 1 0 5 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 5 5 5 5 5 5 2 4 81 0 2 1 0 5 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 6 5 5 5 5 5 2 4 81 0 2 1 0 5 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 7 5 5 5 5 5 2 4 81 0 2 1 0 5 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 8 5 5 5 5 5 2 4 81 0 2 1 0 5 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 9 5 5 5 5 5 2 4 81 0 2 1 0 5 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 10 6 6 6 6 6 2 4 81 0 3 1 0 6 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 11 6 6 6 6 6 2 4 81 0 3 1 0 6 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 12 6 6 6 6 6 2 4 81 0 3 1 0 6 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 13 6 6 6 6 6 2 4 81 0 3 1 0 6 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 14 6 6 6 6 6 2 4 81 0 3 1 0 6 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 15 6 6 6 6 6 2 4 81 0 3 1 0 6 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 16 6 6 6 6 6 2 4 81 0 3 1 0 6 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 17 6 6 6 6 6 4 4 81 0 3 1 0 6 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 18 6 6 6 6 6 4 4 81 0 3 1 0 6 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00

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19 6 6 6 6 6 4 4 81 0 3 1 0 6 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 20 7 7 7 7 7 4 4 81 0 3 1 0 7 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 21 7 7 7 7 7 4 4 81 0 3 1 0 7 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 22 7 7 7 7 7 4 4 81 0 3 1 0 7 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 23 7 7 7 7 7 4 4 81 0 3 1 0 7 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 24 7 7 7 7 7 4 4 81 0 3 1 0 7 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 25 7 7 7 7 7 4 4 81 0 3 1 0 7 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 26 7 7 7 7 7 4 4 81 0 3 1 0 7 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 27 7 7 7 7 7 4 4 81 0 3 1 0 7 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 28 7 7 7 7 7 4 4 81 0 3 1 0 7 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 29 7 7 7 7 7 4 4 81 0 3 1 0 7 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 30 8 8 8 8 8 4 6 82 0 4 2 0 8 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 31 8 8 8 8 8 4 6 82 0 4 2 0 8 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 32 8 8 8 8 8 4 6 82 0 4 2 0 8 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 33 8 8 8 8 8 6 6 82 0 4 2 0 8 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 34 8 8 8 8 8 6 6 82 0 4 2 0 8 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 35 8 8 8 8 8 6 6 82 0 4 2 0 8 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 36 8 8 8 8 8 6 6 82 0 4 2 0 8 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 37 8 8 8 8 8 6 6 82 0 4 2 0 8 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 38 8 8 8 8 8 6 6 82 0 4 2 0 8 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 39 8 8 8 8 8 6 6 82 0 4 2 0 8 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 40 9 9 9 9 9 6 6 82 0 4 2 0 9 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 41 9 9 9 9 9 6 6 82 0 4 2 0 9 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 42 9 9 9 9 9 6 6 82 0 4 2 0 9 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 43 9 9 9 9 9 6 6 82 0 4 2 0 9 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 44 9 9 9 9 9 6 6 82 0 4 2 0 9 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 45 9 9 9 9 9 6 6 82 0 4 2 0 9 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 46 9 9 9 9 9 6 6 82 0 4 2 0 9 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 47 9 9 9 9 9 6 6 82 0 4 2 0 9 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 48 9 9 9 9 9 6 6 82 0 4 2 0 9 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 49 9 9 9 9 9 8 6 82 0 4 2 0 9 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 50 10 10 10 10 10 8 6 82 0 5 2 0 10 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 51 10 10 10 10 10 8 6 82 0 5 2 0 10 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 52 10 10 10 10 10 8 6 82 0 5 2 0 10 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 53 10 10 10 10 10 8 6 82 0 5 2 0 10 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 54 10 10 10 10 10 8 6 82 0 5 2 0 10 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 55 10 10 10 10 10 8 6 82 0 5 2 0 10 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 56 10 10 10 10 10 8 6 82 0 5 2 0 10 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 57 10 10 10 10 10 8 6 82 0 5 2 0 10 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 58 10 10 10 10 10 8 6 82 0 5 2 0 10 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 60 11 11 11 11 11 8 6 82 0 5 2 0 11 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 61 11 11 11 11 11 8 6 82 0 5 2 0 11 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 62 11 11 11 11 11 8 6 82 0 5 2 0 11 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 63 11 11 11 11 11 8 6 82 0 5 2 0 11 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 64 11 11 11 11 11 8 6 82 0 5 2 0 11 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00

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65 11 11 11 11 11 10 6 82 0 5 2 0 11 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 66 11 11 11 11 11 10 6 82 0 5 2 0 11 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 67 11 11 11 11 11 10 6 82 0 5 2 0 11 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 68 11 11 11 11 11 10 6 82 0 5 2 0 11 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 69 11 11 11 11 11 10 6 82 0 5 2 0 11 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 70 12 12 12 12 12 10 8 83 0 6 3 0 12 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 71 12 12 12 12 12 10 8 83 0 6 3 0 12 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 72 12 12 12 12 12 10 8 83 0 6 3 0 12 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 73 12 12 12 12 12 10 8 83 0 6 3 0 12 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 74 12 12 12 12 12 10 8 83 0 6 3 0 12 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 75 12 12 12 12 12 10 8 83 0 6 3 0 12 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 76 12 12 12 12 12 10 8 83 0 6 3 0 12 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 77 12 12 12 12 12 10 8 83 0 6 3 0 12 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 78 12 12 12 12 12 10 8 83 0 6 3 0 12 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 79 12 12 12 12 12 10 8 83 0 6 3 0 12 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 80 13 13 13 13 13 10 8 83 0 6 3 0 13 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 81 13 13 13 13 13 12 8 83 0 6 3 0 13 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 82 13 13 13 13 13 12 8 83 0 6 3 0 13 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 83 13 13 13 13 13 12 8 83 0 6 3 0 13 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 84 13 13 13 13 13 12 8 83 0 6 3 0 13 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 85 14 14 14 14 14 12 8 83 0 7 3 0 14 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 86 14 14 14 14 14 12 8 83 0 7 3 0 14 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 87 15 15 15 15 15 12 8 83 0 7 3 0 15 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 88 22 22 22 22 22 14 12 85 1 11 5 0 22 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 89 29 29 29 29 29 14 16 87 1 14 7 0 29 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 90 36 36 36 36 36 16 20 89 2 18 9 0 36 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 91 43 43 43 43 43 16 22 90 2 21 10 0 43 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 92 50 50 50 50 50 18 26 92 3 25 12 0 50 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 93 57 57 57 57 57 18 30 94 3 28 14 0 57 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 94 64 64 64 64 64 20 34 96 4 32 16 0 64 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 95 71 71 71 71 71 20 36 97 4 35 17 0 71 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 96 78 78 78 78 78 20 40 99 4 39 19 0 78 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 97 85 85 85 85 85 24 44 99 5 42 21 0 85 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 98 92 92 92 92 92 24 48 99 5 46 23 0 92 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 99 99 99 99 99 99 26 50 99 6 49 24 0 99 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00


Description: Training day and night to become useful warriors, they really know how to swing a sword and use the basic bow.

Specialty: ---

Usefulness: I recommend this as one of your starting job. Balanced offense and defense is very good for newcomers.

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Evaluation: Able to equip good armor while dealing good damage. This pre-Knight job is a very good starting job. It can stand alone for a while without support because it can wear pretty good armors. Dealing damage is no problem as well. They can use most of the swords in the game. Don't equip a shield. Give him 2-swords to boost his of-fense. Balanced job in any way. Heh, this is one of my starting jobs in FF and FF5 ... see? They're reliable indeed!

Stat Preview:

Levels 1- 9: Str = , Agi = , Vit - Levels 10-19: Str = , Agi = , Vit - Levels 20-29: Str = , Agi = , Vit - Levels 30-39: Str = , Agi = , Vit - Levels 40-49: Str = , Agi = , Vit - Levels 50-59: Str = , Agi = , Vit = Levels 60-69: Str = , Agi = , Vit = Levels 70-79: Str = , Agi = , Vit = Levels 80-89: Str = , Agi = , Vit = Levels 90-99: Str = , Agi = , Vit =

Stat Growth:

Lvl-Str-Agi-Vit-Int-Spr-At#-Att-Ht%-De#-Def-Eva-MDf-MEv--M1-M2-M3-M4-M5-M6-M7-M8 1 10 10 5 2 3 2 6 82 0 2 2 0 2 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 2 11 11 6 2 3 2 6 82 0 3 2 0 2 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 3 12 12 6 3 4 2 8 83 0 3 3 0 3 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 4 13 13 7 3 4 2 8 83 0 3 3 0 3 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 5 13 13 7 3 4 2 8 83 0 3 3 0 3 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 6 14 14 8 3 4 2 8 83 0 4 3 0 3 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 7 15 15 8 4 5 2 8 83 0 4 3 0 4 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 8 15 15 9 4 5 2 8 83 0 4 3 0 4 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 9 16 16 9 4 5 4 10 84 1 4 4 0 4 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 10 17 17 10 4 5 4 10 84 1 5 4 0 4 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 11 17 17 10 5 5 4 10 84 1 5 4 0 5 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 12 18 18 10 5 6 4 10 84 1 5 4 0 5 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 13 19 19 11 5 6 4 10 84 1 5 4 0 5 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 14 19 19 11 5 6 4 10 84 1 5 4 0 5 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 15 20 20 12 5 6 4 12 85 1 6 5 0 5 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 16 21 21 12 6 7 4 12 85 1 6 5 0 6 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 17 21 21 13 6 7 6 12 85 1 6 5 0 6 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 18 22 22 13 6 7 6 12 85 1 6 5 0 6 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00

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19 22 22 14 6 7 6 12 85 1 7 5 0 6 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 20 23 23 14 7 7 6 12 85 1 7 5 0 7 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 21 24 24 15 7 8 6 14 86 1 7 6 0 7 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 22 24 24 15 7 8 6 14 86 1 7 6 0 7 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 23 25 25 15 7 8 6 14 86 1 7 6 0 7 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 24 26 26 16 8 8 6 14 86 1 8 6 0 8 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 25 26 26 16 8 9 6 14 86 1 8 6 0 8 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 26 27 27 17 8 9 6 14 86 1 8 6 0 8 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 27 28 28 17 8 9 6 16 87 1 8 7 0 8 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 28 28 28 18 9 9 6 16 87 1 9 7 0 9 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 29 29 29 18 9 9 6 16 87 1 9 7 0 9 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 30 30 30 19 9 10 6 16 87 1 9 7 0 9 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 31 30 30 19 9 10 6 16 87 1 9 7 0 9 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 32 31 31 20 9 10 6 16 87 1 10 7 0 9 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 33 32 32 20 10 10 10 18 88 2 10 8 0 10 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 34 32 32 20 10 11 10 18 88 2 10 8 0 10 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 35 33 33 21 10 11 10 18 88 2 10 8 0 10 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 36 34 34 21 10 11 10 18 88 2 10 8 0 10 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 37 34 34 22 11 11 10 18 88 2 11 8 0 11 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 38 35 35 22 11 11 10 18 88 2 11 8 0 11 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 39 36 36 23 11 12 10 20 89 2 11 9 0 11 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 40 36 36 23 11 12 10 20 89 2 11 9 0 11 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 41 37 37 24 12 12 10 20 89 2 12 9 0 12 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 42 38 38 24 12 12 10 20 89 2 12 9 0 12 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 43 38 38 25 12 13 10 20 89 2 12 9 0 12 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 44 39 39 25 12 13 10 20 89 2 12 9 0 12 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 45 40 40 25 12 13 10 22 90 2 12 10 0 12 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 46 40 40 26 13 13 10 22 90 2 13 10 0 13 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 47 41 41 26 13 13 10 22 90 2 13 10 0 13 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 48 42 42 27 13 14 10 22 90 2 13 10 0 13 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 49 42 42 27 13 14 12 22 90 2 13 10 0 13 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 50 43 43 28 14 14 12 22 90 2 14 10 0 14 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 51 43 43 28 14 14 12 22 90 2 14 10 0 14 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 52 44 44 29 14 15 12 24 91 2 14 11 0 14 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 53 45 45 29 14 15 12 24 91 2 14 11 0 14 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 54 45 45 30 15 15 12 24 91 2 15 11 0 15 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 55 46 46 30 15 15 12 24 91 2 15 11 0 15 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 56 47 47 30 15 15 12 24 91 2 15 11 0 15 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 57 47 47 31 15 16 12 24 91 2 15 11 0 15 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 58 48 48 31 15 16 14 26 92 3 15 12 0 15 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 59 49 49 32 16 16 14 26 92 3 16 12 0 16 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 60 49 49 32 16 16 14 26 92 3 16 12 0 16 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 61 50 50 33 16 17 14 26 92 3 16 12 0 16 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 62 51 51 33 16 17 14 26 92 3 16 12 0 16 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 63 51 51 34 17 17 14 26 92 3 17 12 0 17 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 64 52 52 34 17 17 14 28 93 3 17 13 0 17 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00

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65 53 53 35 17 17 16 28 93 3 17 13 0 17 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 66 53 53 35 17 18 16 28 93 3 17 13 0 17 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 67 54 54 35 18 18 16 28 93 3 17 13 0 18 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 68 55 55 36 18 18 16 28 93 3 18 13 0 18 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 69 55 55 36 18 18 16 28 93 3 18 13 0 18 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 70 56 56 37 18 19 16 30 94 3 18 14 0 18 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 71 57 57 37 18 19 16 30 94 3 18 14 0 18 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 72 57 57 38 19 19 16 30 94 3 19 14 0 19 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 73 58 58 38 19 19 16 30 94 3 19 14 0 19 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 74 59 59 39 19 19 16 30 94 3 19 14 0 19 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 75 59 59 39 19 20 16 30 94 3 19 14 0 19 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 76 60 60 40 20 20 16 32 95 3 20 15 0 20 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 77 61 61 40 20 20 16 32 95 3 20 15 0 20 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 78 61 61 40 20 20 16 32 95 3 20 15 0 20 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 79 62 62 41 20 21 16 32 95 3 20 15 0 20 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 80 63 63 41 21 21 16 32 95 3 20 15 0 21 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 81 63 63 42 21 21 18 32 95 3 21 15 0 21 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 82 64 64 42 21 21 20 34 96 4 21 16 0 21 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 83 64 64 43 21 21 20 34 96 4 21 16 0 21 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 84 65 65 43 22 22 20 34 96 4 21 16 0 22 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 85 66 66 44 22 22 20 34 96 4 22 16 0 22 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 86 66 66 44 22 22 20 34 96 4 22 16 0 22 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 87 67 67 45 22 22 20 34 96 4 22 16 0 22 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 88 68 68 45 22 23 20 36 97 4 22 17 0 22 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 89 68 68 45 23 23 20 36 97 4 22 17 0 23 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 90 69 69 46 23 23 20 36 97 4 23 17 0 23 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 91 70 70 46 23 23 20 36 97 4 23 17 0 23 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 92 70 70 47 23 23 20 36 97 4 23 17 0 23 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 93 71 71 47 24 24 20 36 97 4 23 17 0 24 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 94 72 72 48 24 24 20 38 98 4 24 18 0 24 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 95 72 72 48 24 24 20 38 98 4 24 18 0 24 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 96 73 73 49 24 24 20 38 98 4 24 18 0 24 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 97 74 74 49 25 25 22 38 98 4 24 18 0 25 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 98 74 74 50 25 25 22 38 98 4 25 18 0 25 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 99 75 75 50 25 25 22 38 98 4 25 18 0 25 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00


Description: Proficient at bare-hand fighting, they train their bodies in the ways of martial arts.

Specialty: Bare-hand fighting.

Usefulness: Another good starting job, but basically for the offensive-type of gamers. Great in offense and is very cheap to maintain... just

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be sure a healer is always ready in case of emergency because you might get some trouble with its defense.

Evaluation: If you want to save some gil but still want a good fighter, take this... you'll never go wrong. They are better left fighting bare-handed. Don't worry, their fist are as hard as stone. Before you celebrate the greatness of this job, let me remind you that he can only wear one type of armor... he, he. Don't worry, his great HP progression is very good ... fair enough to compensate the loss in defense. One of my starting job in FF & FF5, also.

Stat Preview:

Levels 1- 9: Str = , Agi = , Vit = Levels 10-19: Str + , Agi = , Vit + Levels 20-29: Str ++, Agi = , Vit + Levels 30-39: Str ++, Agi - , Vit + Levels 40-49: Str ++, Agi = , Vit + Levels 50-59: Str ++, Agi = , Vit + Levels 60-69: Str ++, Agi = , Vit + Levels 70-79: Str ++, Agi = , Vit + Levels 80-89: Str ++, Agi = , Vit + Levels 90-99: Str +++, Agi = , Vit +

Stat Growth:

Lvl-Str-Agi-Vit-Int-Spr-At#-Att-Ht%-De#-Def-Eva-MDf-MEv--M1-M2-M3-M4-M5-M6-M7-M8 1 10 10 7 1 2 2 8 82 0 3 2 0 1 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 2 11 11 8 1 2 2 10 82 0 4 2 0 1 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 3 12 12 9 1 2 2 16 83 0 4 3 0 1 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 4 13 13 10 1 2 2 18 83 0 5 3 0 1 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 5 13 13 10 1 2 2 22 83 0 5 3 0 1 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 6 14 14 11 1 2 2 24 83 0 5 3 0 1 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 7 15 15 12 1 2 2 28 83 0 6 3 0 1 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 8 16 15 12 1 2 2 32 83 0 6 3 0 1 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 9 17 16 13 1 2 4 36 84 1 6 4 0 1 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 10 18 17 14 1 2 4 38 84 1 7 4 0 1 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 11 19 17 14 1 2 4 42 84 1 7 4 0 1 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 12 20 18 15 1 2 4 46 84 1 7 4 0 1 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 13 21 19 16 1 2 4 50 84 1 8 4 0 1 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 14 22 19 16 1 2 4 52 84 1 8 4 0 1 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 15 22 20 17 1 2 4 56 85 1 8 5 0 1 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 16 23 21 18 1 2 4 58 85 1 9 5 0 1 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 17 24 21 18 1 2 6 64 85 1 9 5 0 1 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00

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18 25 22 19 1 2 6 66 85 1 9 5 0 1 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 19 26 22 20 1 2 6 70 85 1 10 5 0 1 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 20 27 23 20 1 2 6 72 85 1 10 5 0 1 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 21 28 24 21 1 2 6 78 86 1 10 6 0 1 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 22 29 24 22 1 2 6 80 86 1 11 6 0 1 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 23 30 25 22 1 2 6 84 86 1 11 6 0 1 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 24 31 26 23 1 2 6 86 86 1 11 6 0 1 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 25 31 26 24 1 2 6 90 86 1 12 6 0 1 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 26 32 27 24 1 2 6 94 86 1 12 6 0 1 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 27 33 28 25 1 2 6 98 87 1 12 7 0 1 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 28 34 28 26 1 2 6 100 87 1 13 7 0 1 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 29 35 29 26 1 2 6 104 87 1 13 7 0 1 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 30 36 30 27 1 2 6 108 87 1 13 7 0 1 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 31 37 30 28 1 2 6 112 87 1 14 7 0 1 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 32 38 31 28 1 2 6 114 87 1 14 7 0 1 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 33 39 32 29 1 2 10 118 88 2 14 8 0 1 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 34 40 32 30 1 2 10 122 88 2 15 8 0 1 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 35 40 33 30 1 2 10 126 88 2 15 8 0 1 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 36 41 34 31 1 2 10 128 88 2 15 8 0 1 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 37 42 34 32 1 2 10 132 88 2 16 8 0 1 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 38 43 35 32 1 2 10 134 88 2 16 8 0 1 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 39 44 36 33 1 2 10 140 89 2 16 9 0 1 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 40 45 36 34 1 2 10 142 89 2 17 9 0 1 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 41 46 37 34 1 2 10 146 89 2 17 9 0 1 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 42 47 38 35 1 2 10 148 89 2 17 9 0 1 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 43 48 38 36 1 2 10 154 89 2 18 9 0 1 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 44 49 39 36 1 2 10 156 89 2 18 9 0 1 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 45 49 40 37 1 2 10 160 90 2 18 10 0 1 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 46 50 40 38 1 2 10 162 90 2 19 10 0 1 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 47 51 41 38 1 2 10 166 90 2 19 10 0 1 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 48 52 42 39 1 2 10 170 90 2 19 10 0 1 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 49 53 42 40 1 2 12 174 90 2 20 10 0 1 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 50 54 43 40 1 2 12 176 90 2 20 10 0 1 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 51 55 43 41 1 2 12 180 90 2 20 10 0 1 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 52 56 44 42 1 2 12 184 91 2 21 11 0 1 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 53 57 45 42 1 2 12 188 91 2 21 11 0 1 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 54 58 45 43 1 2 12 190 91 2 21 11 0 1 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 55 58 46 44 1 2 12 194 91 2 22 11 0 1 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 56 59 47 44 1 2 12 196 91 2 22 11 0 1 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 57 60 47 45 1 2 12 202 91 2 22 11 0 1 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 58 61 48 46 1 2 14 204 92 3 23 12 0 1 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 59 62 49 46 1 2 14 208 92 3 23 12 0 1 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 60 63 49 47 1 2 14 210 92 3 23 12 0 1 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 61 64 50 48 1 2 14 216 92 3 24 12 0 1 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 62 65 51 48 1 2 14 218 92 3 24 12 0 1 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 63 66 51 49 1 2 14 222 92 3 24 12 0 1 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00

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64 67 52 50 1 2 14 224 93 3 25 13 0 1 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 65 67 53 50 1 2 16 228 93 3 25 13 0 1 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 66 68 53 51 1 2 16 232 93 3 25 13 0 1 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 67 69 54 52 1 2 16 236 93 3 26 13 0 1 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 68 70 55 52 1 2 16 238 93 3 26 13 0 1 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 69 71 55 53 1 2 16 242 93 3 26 13 0 1 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 70 72 56 54 1 2 16 246 94 3 27 14 0 1 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 71 73 57 54 1 2 16 250 94 3 27 14 0 1 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 72 74 57 55 1 2 16 252 94 3 27 14 0 1 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 73 75 58 56 1 2 16 256 94 3 28 14 0 1 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 74 76 59 56 1 2 16 260 94 3 28 14 0 1 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 75 76 59 57 1 2 16 264 94 3 28 14 0 1 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 76 77 60 58 1 2 16 266 95 3 29 15 0 1 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 77 78 61 58 1 2 16 270 95 3 29 15 0 1 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 78 79 61 59 1 2 16 272 95 3 29 15 0 1 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 79 80 62 60 1 2 16 278 95 3 30 15 0 1 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 80 81 63 60 1 2 16 280 95 3 30 15 0 1 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 81 82 63 61 1 2 18 284 95 3 30 15 0 1 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 82 83 64 62 1 2 20 286 96 4 31 16 0 1 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 83 84 64 62 1 2 20 292 96 4 31 16 0 1 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 84 85 65 63 1 2 20 294 96 4 31 16 0 1 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 85 85 66 64 1 2 20 298 96 4 32 16 0 1 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 86 86 66 64 1 2 20 300 96 4 32 16 0 1 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 87 87 67 65 1 2 20 304 96 4 32 16 0 1 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 88 88 68 66 1 2 20 308 97 4 33 17 0 1 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 89 89 68 66 1 2 20 312 97 4 33 17 0 1 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 90 90 69 67 1 2 20 314 97 4 33 17 0 1 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 91 91 70 68 1 2 20 318 97 4 34 17 0 1 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 92 92 70 68 1 2 20 322 97 4 34 17 0 1 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 93 93 71 69 1 2 20 326 97 4 34 17 0 1 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 94 94 72 70 1 2 20 328 98 4 35 18 0 1 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 95 94 72 70 1 2 20 332 98 4 35 18 0 1 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 96 95 73 71 1 2 20 334 98 4 35 18 0 1 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 97 96 74 72 1 2 22 340 98 4 36 18 0 1 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 98 97 74 72 1 2 22 342 98 4 36 18 0 1 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 99 98 75 73 1 2 22 346 98 4 36 18 0 1 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00


Description: With super human eyesight, they know how to use the bow well. They can also use up to Levels 1-3 White Magic, except Aero.

Specialty: ---

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Usefulness: Useful at the start when you take the dungeon with many un-dead enemies (Holy Arrows). Not really useful after that part.

Evaluation: I never really used this job that long. If you want to be able to use healing magic, but still want to deal considerable damage, I think, you may consider this. You may use them as an alternate White Wizard for a while. They can use magic arrows, but... magic arrows are quite expensive to maintain! It has a good HP growth and its speed is the best until later in the game. However, they are not as to good to offense compared to the other warriors. BTW, who could ever thought that this guy can use the ever famous Flame Mail for the Fighter/Knight job?

Stat Preview:

Levels 1- 9: Str --, Agi ++, Vit - Levels 10-19: Str - , Agi +++, Vit = Levels 20-29: Str = , Agi +++, Vit + Levels 30-39: Str = , Agi +++, Vit + Levels 40-49: Str = , Agi ++, Vit + Levels 50-59: Str = , Agi +++, Vit + Levels 60-69: Str = , Agi ++, Vit + Levels 70-79: Str = , Agi ++, Vit + Levels 80-89: Str = , Agi ++, Vit + Levels 90-99: Str = , Agi +++, Vit +

Stat Growth:

Lvl-Str-Agi-Vit-Int-Spr-At#-Att-Ht%-De#-Def-Eva-MDf-MEv--M1-M2-M3-M4-M5-M6-M7-M8 1 5 20 5 5 5 4 4 85 1 2 5 0 5 04/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 2 6 21 6 5 5 4 4 85 1 3 5 0 5 05/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 3 7 21 7 6 6 4 4 85 1 3 5 0 6 06/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 4 8 22 8 6 6 4 6 85 1 4 5 0 6 06/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 5 9 23 9 6 6 4 6 85 1 4 5 0 6 06/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 6 9 24 9 6 6 4 6 86 1 4 6 0 6 07/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 7 10 25 10 6 6 4 6 86 1 5 6 0 6 07/01/00/00/00/00/00/00 8 11 25 11 7 7 4 6 86 1 5 6 0 7 07/02/00/00/00/00/00/00 9 11 26 11 7 7 4 6 86 1 5 6 0 7 07/02/00/00/00/00/00/00 10 12 27 12 7 7 4 8 86 1 6 6 0 7 08/02/00/00/00/00/00/00 11 13 28 13 7 7 4 8 87 1 6 7 0 7 08/03/00/00/00/00/00/00 12 13 29 13 7 7 4 8 87 1 6 7 0 7 08/03/00/00/00/00/00/00 13 14 29 14 8 8 4 8 87 1 7 7 0 8 08/03/00/00/00/00/00/00

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14 15 30 15 8 8 4 8 87 1 7 7 0 8 09/03/01/00/00/00/00/00 15 16 31 16 8 8 4 10 87 1 8 7 0 8 09/04/02/00/00/00/00/00 16 16 32 16 8 8 6 10 88 2 8 8 0 8 09/04/02/00/00/00/00/00 17 17 33 17 8 8 8 10 88 2 8 8 0 8 09/04/02/00/00/00/00/00 18 18 33 18 9 9 8 10 88 2 9 8 0 9 09/04/03/00/00/00/00/00 19 18 34 18 9 9 8 10 88 2 9 8 0 9 10/05/03/00/00/00/00/00 20 19 35 19 9 9 8 10 88 2 9 8 0 9 10/05/03/00/00/00/00/00 21 20 36 20 9 9 8 12 89 2 10 9 0 9 10/05/03/00/00/00/00/00 22 21 37 21 9 9 8 12 89 2 10 9 0 9 10/05/04/00/00/00/00/00 23 21 37 21 10 10 8 12 89 2 10 9 0 10 10/05/04/00/00/00/00/00 24 22 38 22 10 10 8 12 89 2 11 9 0 10 11/06/04/00/00/00/00/00 25 23 39 23 10 10 8 12 89 2 11 9 0 10 11/06/04/00/00/00/00/00 26 23 40 23 10 10 8 12 90 2 11 10 0 10 11/06/05/00/00/00/00/00 27 24 41 24 10 10 8 14 90 2 12 10 0 10 11/06/05/00/00/00/00/00 28 25 41 25 11 11 8 14 90 2 12 10 0 11 11/06/05/00/00/00/00/00 29 26 42 26 11 11 8 14 90 2 13 10 0 11 11/07/05/00/00/00/00/00 30 26 43 26 11 11 8 14 90 2 13 10 0 11 12/07/05/00/00/00/00/00 31 27 44 27 11 11 8 14 91 2 13 11 0 11 12/07/06/00/00/00/00/00 32 28 45 28 11 11 8 16 91 2 14 11 0 11 12/07/06/00/00/00/00/00 33 28 45 28 12 12 10 16 91 2 14 11 0 12 12/07/06/00/00/00/00/00 34 29 46 29 12 12 10 16 91 2 14 11 0 12 12/07/06/00/00/00/00/00 35 30 47 30 12 12 10 16 91 2 15 11 0 12 12/08/06/00/00/00/00/00 36 30 48 30 12 12 12 16 92 3 15 12 0 12 12/08/07/00/00/00/00/00 37 31 49 31 12 12 12 16 92 3 15 12 0 12 13/08/07/00/00/00/00/00 38 32 49 32 13 13 12 18 92 3 16 12 0 13 13/08/07/00/00/00/00/00 39 33 50 33 13 13 12 18 92 3 16 12 0 13 13/08/07/00/00/00/00/00 40 33 51 33 13 13 12 18 92 3 16 12 0 13 13/08/07/00/00/00/00/00 41 34 52 34 13 13 12 18 93 3 17 13 0 13 13/08/07/00/00/00/00/00 42 35 53 35 13 13 12 18 93 3 17 13 0 13 13/09/08/00/00/00/00/00 43 35 53 35 14 14 12 18 93 3 17 13 0 14 13/09/08/00/00/00/00/00 44 36 54 36 14 14 12 20 93 3 18 13 0 14 14/09/08/00/00/00/00/00 45 37 55 37 14 14 12 20 93 3 18 13 0 14 14/09/08/00/00/00/00/00 46 38 56 38 14 14 12 20 94 3 19 14 0 14 14/09/08/00/00/00/00/00 47 38 57 38 14 14 12 20 94 3 19 14 0 14 14/09/08/00/00/00/00/00 48 39 57 39 15 15 12 20 94 3 19 14 0 15 14/09/08/00/00/00/00/00 49 40 58 40 15 15 14 22 94 3 20 14 0 15 14/10/09/00/00/00/00/00 50 40 59 40 15 15 14 22 94 3 20 14 0 15 14/10/09/00/00/00/00/00 51 41 60 41 15 15 14 22 95 3 20 15 0 15 14/10/09/00/00/00/00/00 52 42 60 42 16 16 14 22 95 3 21 15 0 16 15/10/09/00/00/00/00/00 53 42 61 42 16 16 14 22 95 3 21 15 0 16 15/10/09/00/00/00/00/00 54 43 62 43 16 16 14 22 95 3 21 15 0 16 15/10/09/00/00/00/00/00 55 44 63 44 16 16 14 24 95 3 22 15 0 16 15/10/09/00/00/00/00/00 56 45 64 45 16 16 16 24 96 4 22 16 0 16 15/10/10/00/00/00/00/00 57 45 64 45 17 17 16 24 96 4 22 16 0 17 15/11/10/00/00/00/00/00 58 46 65 46 17 17 16 24 96 4 23 16 0 17 15/11/10/00/00/00/00/00 59 47 66 47 17 17 16 24 96 4 23 16 0 17 15/11/10/00/00/00/00/00

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60 47 67 47 17 17 16 24 96 4 23 16 0 17 16/11/10/00/00/00/00/00 61 48 68 48 17 17 16 26 97 4 24 17 0 17 16/11/10/00/00/00/00/00 62 49 68 49 18 18 16 26 97 4 24 17 0 18 16/11/10/00/00/00/00/00 63 50 69 50 18 18 16 26 97 4 25 17 0 18 16/11/10/00/00/00/00/00 64 50 70 50 18 18 16 26 97 4 25 17 0 18 16/11/11/00/00/00/00/00 65 51 71 51 18 18 18 26 97 4 25 17 0 18 16/12/11/00/00/00/00/00 66 52 72 52 18 18 18 28 98 4 26 18 0 18 16/12/11/00/00/00/00/00 67 52 72 52 19 19 18 28 98 4 26 18 0 19 16/12/11/00/00/00/00/00 68 53 73 53 19 19 18 28 98 4 26 18 0 19 16/12/11/00/00/00/00/00 69 54 74 54 19 19 18 28 98 4 27 18 0 19 17/12/11/00/00/00/00/00 70 54 75 54 19 19 18 28 98 4 27 18 0 19 17/12/11/00/00/00/00/00 71 55 76 55 19 19 18 28 99 4 27 19 0 19 17/12/11/00/00/00/00/00 72 56 76 56 20 20 18 30 99 4 28 19 0 20 17/12/12/00/00/00/00/00 73 57 77 57 20 20 18 30 99 4 28 19 0 20 17/12/12/00/00/00/00/00 74 57 78 57 20 20 18 30 99 4 28 19 0 20 17/13/12/00/00/00/00/00 75 58 79 58 20 20 18 30 99 4 29 19 0 20 17/13/12/00/00/00/00/00 76 59 80 59 20 20 20 30 99 5 29 20 0 20 17/13/12/00/00/00/00/00 77 59 80 59 21 21 20 30 99 5 29 20 0 21 17/13/12/00/00/00/00/00 78 60 81 60 21 21 20 32 99 5 30 20 0 21 18/13/12/00/00/00/00/00 79 61 82 61 21 21 20 32 99 5 30 20 0 21 18/13/12/00/00/00/00/00 80 62 83 62 21 21 20 32 99 5 31 20 0 21 18/13/12/00/00/00/00/00 81 62 84 62 21 21 22 32 99 5 31 21 0 21 18/13/13/00/00/00/00/00 82 63 84 63 22 22 22 32 99 5 31 21 0 22 18/13/13/00/00/00/00/00 83 64 85 64 22 22 22 34 99 5 32 21 0 22 18/14/13/00/00/00/00/00 84 64 86 64 22 22 22 34 99 5 32 21 0 22 18/14/13/00/00/00/00/00 85 65 87 65 22 22 22 34 99 5 32 21 0 22 18/14/13/00/00/00/00/00 86 66 88 66 22 22 22 34 99 5 33 22 0 22 18/14/13/00/00/00/00/00 87 67 88 67 23 23 22 34 99 5 33 22 0 23 18/14/13/00/00/00/00/00 88 67 89 67 23 23 22 34 99 5 33 22 0 23 19/14/13/00/00/00/00/00 89 68 90 68 23 23 22 36 99 5 34 22 0 23 19/14/13/00/00/00/00/00 90 69 91 69 23 23 22 36 99 5 34 22 0 23 19/14/14/00/00/00/00/00 91 69 92 69 23 23 22 36 99 5 34 23 0 23 19/14/14/00/00/00/00/00 92 70 92 70 24 24 22 36 99 5 35 23 0 24 19/14/14/00/00/00/00/00 93 71 93 71 24 24 22 36 99 5 35 23 0 24 19/15/14/00/00/00/00/00 94 71 94 71 24 24 22 36 99 5 35 23 0 24 19/15/14/00/00/00/00/00 95 72 95 72 24 24 22 38 99 5 36 23 0 24 19/15/14/00/00/00/00/00 96 73 96 73 24 24 24 38 99 6 36 24 0 24 19/15/14/00/00/00/00/00 97 74 96 74 25 25 26 38 99 6 37 24 0 25 19/15/14/00/00/00/00/00 98 74 97 74 25 25 26 38 99 6 37 24 0 25 20/15/14/00/00/00/00/00 99 75 98 75 25 25 26 38 99 6 37 24 0 25 20/15/14/00/00/00/00/00


Description: Valiant and honorable, they are physically and spiritually disciplined in the art of fighting to protect the oppressed.

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Specialty: Cover - takes the physical damage for allies with critical in HP.

Usefulness: A party with a Fighter in its ranks should immediately change for this job once you get it. Very reliable even later in the game.

Evaluation: Good damage dealer as well as damage absorber. A combina-tion of good offense and defense. It has the capability to equip the best weapons in the game, but the Masamune. The great HP progres-sion and ability to equip the Crystal Armor, will guaranty that he can stand alone for a long time! Like the Fighter, it is a balanced combination of Offense and Defense plus, it has good speed. For those who got the Fighter job, be sure to change to this job as soon as you get it. It's not only better, but also looks cooler. Cover is essentially useful when you have your White Wizard in a critical status.

Stat Preview:

Levels 1- 9: Str = , Agi = , Vit = Levels 10-19: Str = , Agi = , Vit + Levels 20-29: Str + , Agi + , Vit ++ Levels 30-39: Str + , Agi + , Vit ++ Levels 40-49: Str + , Agi + , Vit + Levels 50-59: Str + , Agi + , Vit + Levels 60-69: Str + , Agi + , Vit ++ Levels 70-79: Str + , Agi + , Vit ++ Levels 80-89: Str + , Agi + , Vit ++ Levels 90-99: Str + , Agi + , Vit ++

Stat Growth:

Lvl-Str-Agi-Vit-Int-Spr-At#-Att-Ht%-De#-Def-Eva-MDf-MEv--M1-M2-M3-M4-M5-M6-M7-M8 1 10 10 10 3 7 2 6 82 1 5 2 0 5 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 2 11 11 11 3 7 2 6 82 1 5 2 0 5 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 3 11 11 12 4 8 2 6 82 1 6 2 0 6 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 4 12 12 13 4 8 2 8 83 1 6 3 0 6 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 5 13 13 14 4 8 2 8 83 1 7 3 0 6 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 6 14 14 14 4 8 2 8 83 1 7 3 0 6 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 7 14 14 15 5 8 2 8 83 1 7 3 0 6 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00

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Final Fantasy III Walkthrough and Guide for the iPhone, iPod, and iPad 80

8 15 15 16 5 8 2 8 83 1 8 3 0 6 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 9 16 16 16 5 9 4 10 84 1 8 4 0 7 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 10 17 17 17 5 9 4 10 84 1 8 4 0 7 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 11 17 17 18 5 9 4 10 84 1 9 4 0 7 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 12 18 18 18 6 9 4 10 84 1 9 4 0 7 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 13 19 19 19 6 9 4 10 84 1 9 4 0 7 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 14 20 20 20 6 10 4 12 85 1 10 5 0 8 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 15 20 20 21 6 10 4 12 85 1 10 5 0 8 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 16 21 21 21 7 10 4 12 85 1 10 5 0 8 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 17 22 22 22 7 10 6 12 85 1 11 5 0 8 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 18 23 23 23 7 10 6 12 85 1 11 5 0 8 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 19 23 23 23 7 10 6 12 85 1 11 5 0 8 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 20 24 24 24 7 11 6 14 86 1 12 6 0 9 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 21 25 25 25 8 11 6 14 86 1 12 6 0 9 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 22 26 26 26 8 11 6 14 86 1 13 6 0 9 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 23 26 26 26 8 11 6 14 86 1 13 6 0 9 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 24 27 27 27 8 11 6 14 86 1 13 6 0 9 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 25 28 28 28 9 12 6 16 87 1 14 7 0 10 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 26 29 29 28 9 12 6 16 87 1 14 7 0 10 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 27 29 29 29 9 12 6 16 87 1 14 7 0 10 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 28 30 30 30 9 12 6 16 87 1 15 7 0 10 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 29 31 31 31 9 12 6 16 87 1 15 7 0 10 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 30 32 32 31 10 12 8 18 88 2 15 8 0 11 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 31 32 32 32 10 13 8 18 88 2 16 8 0 11 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 32 33 33 33 10 13 8 18 88 2 16 8 0 11 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 33 34 34 33 10 13 10 18 88 2 16 8 0 11 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 34 35 35 34 11 13 10 18 88 2 17 8 0 12 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 35 36 36 35 11 13 10 20 89 2 17 9 0 12 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 36 36 36 35 11 14 10 20 89 2 17 9 0 12 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 37 37 37 36 11 14 10 20 89 2 18 9 0 12 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 38 38 38 37 11 14 10 20 89 2 18 9 0 12 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 39 39 39 38 12 14 10 20 89 2 19 9 0 13 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 40 39 39 38 12 14 10 20 89 2 19 9 0 13 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 41 40 40 39 12 14 10 22 90 2 19 10 0 13 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 42 41 41 40 12 15 10 22 90 2 20 10 0 13 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 43 42 42 40 13 15 10 22 90 2 20 10 0 14 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 44 42 42 41 13 15 10 22 90 2 20 10 0 14 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 45 43 43 42 13 15 10 22 90 2 21 10 0 14 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 46 44 44 43 13 15 10 24 91 2 21 11 0 14 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 47 45 45 43 13 16 10 24 91 2 21 11 0 14 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 48 45 45 44 14 16 10 24 91 2 22 11 0 15 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 49 46 46 45 14 16 12 24 91 2 22 11 0 15 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 50 47 47 45 14 16 12 24 91 2 22 11 0 15 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 51 48 48 46 14 16 14 26 92 3 23 12 0 15 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 52 48 48 47 15 16 14 26 92 3 23 12 0 15 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 53 49 49 47 15 17 14 26 92 3 23 12 0 16 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00

Page 81: Final Fantasy III Guide (iOS)

Final Fantasy III Walkthrough and Guide for the iPhone, iPod, and iPad 81

54 50 50 48 15 17 14 26 92 3 24 12 0 16 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 55 51 51 49 15 17 14 26 92 3 24 12 0 16 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 56 51 51 50 15 17 14 26 92 3 25 12 0 16 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 57 52 52 50 16 17 14 28 93 3 25 13 0 16 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 58 53 53 51 16 18 14 28 93 3 25 13 0 17 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 59 54 54 52 16 18 14 28 93 3 26 13 0 17 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 60 54 54 52 16 18 14 28 93 3 26 13 0 17 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 61 55 55 53 17 18 14 28 93 3 26 13 0 17 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 62 56 56 54 17 18 14 30 94 3 27 14 0 17 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 63 57 57 55 17 18 14 30 94 3 27 14 0 17 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 64 57 57 55 17 19 14 30 94 3 27 14 0 18 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 65 58 58 56 17 19 16 30 94 3 28 14 0 18 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 66 59 59 57 18 19 16 30 94 3 28 14 0 18 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 67 60 60 57 18 19 16 32 95 3 28 15 0 18 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 68 61 61 58 18 19 16 32 95 3 29 15 0 18 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 69 61 61 59 18 20 16 32 95 3 29 15 0 19 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 70 62 62 59 19 20 16 32 95 3 29 15 0 19 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 71 63 63 60 19 20 16 32 95 3 30 15 0 19 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 72 64 64 61 19 20 18 34 96 4 30 16 0 19 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 73 64 64 62 19 20 18 34 96 4 31 16 0 19 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 74 65 65 62 19 20 18 34 96 4 31 16 0 19 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 75 66 66 63 20 21 18 34 96 4 31 16 0 20 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 76 67 67 64 20 21 18 34 96 4 32 16 0 20 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 77 67 67 64 20 21 18 34 96 4 32 16 0 20 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 78 68 68 65 20 21 18 36 97 4 32 17 0 20 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 79 69 69 66 21 21 18 36 97 4 33 17 0 21 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 80 70 70 67 21 22 18 36 97 4 33 17 0 21 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 81 70 70 67 21 22 20 36 97 4 33 17 0 21 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 82 71 71 68 21 22 20 36 97 4 34 17 0 21 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 83 72 72 69 21 22 20 38 98 4 34 18 0 21 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 84 73 73 69 22 22 20 38 98 4 34 18 0 22 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 85 73 73 70 22 22 20 38 98 4 35 18 0 22 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 86 74 74 71 22 23 20 38 98 4 35 18 0 22 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 87 75 75 72 22 23 20 38 98 4 36 18 0 22 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 88 76 76 72 23 23 20 40 99 4 36 19 0 23 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 89 76 76 73 23 23 20 40 99 4 36 19 0 23 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 90 77 77 74 23 23 20 40 99 4 37 19 0 23 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 91 78 78 74 23 24 20 40 99 4 37 19 0 23 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 92 79 79 75 23 24 20 40 99 4 37 19 0 23 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 93 79 79 76 24 24 20 40 99 4 38 19 0 24 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 94 80 80 76 24 24 22 42 99 5 38 20 0 24 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 95 81 81 77 24 24 22 42 99 5 38 20 0 24 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 96 82 82 78 24 24 22 42 99 5 39 20 0 24 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 97 82 82 79 25 25 24 42 99 5 39 20 0 25 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 98 83 83 79 25 25 24 42 99 5 39 20 0 25 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 99 84 84 80 25 25 24 44 99 5 40 21 0 25 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00

Page 82: Final Fantasy III Guide (iOS)

Final Fantasy III Walkthrough and Guide for the iPhone, iPod, and iPad 82


Description : With agile body and hands, they can take someone's property without being detected. Their skill and boldness are legendary.

Specialty : Steal - steals items... not very useful. Escape - 100% run, ineffective vs bosses

Usefulness: Hardly useful. The best trait of this kid is its speed, but surprisingly, the Hunter is faster than it until the late level 80's. Stay with the Knight.

Evaluation: Its "Escape" command is essential in tough situations where discretion is the better part of valor. If you want to acquire some items locked in magically sealed doors without the need to waste gil for Magic Key, put him in the lead. I understand he excels in lock picking, but it's sealed by magic!?! Hmm... Thievery is starting to become an art. The "Steal" ability is a no, no! It's a big waste of turn. Well, if you want Potions or Antidotes... GO AHEAD! Seriously, it's not really worth the turn. As a warrior, he's not really that useful as well. You can equip him with boomerangs and put him in the back row, but you can't expect it to provide for all your offense needs unlike the other warriors. With regard to its great speed, unfortunately, its only third in the game. Think of it as a sped up Fighter job.

Stat Preview:

Levels 1- 9: Str = , Agi + , Vit = Levels 10-19: Str = , Agi ++, Vit = Levels 20-29: Str = , Agi ++, Vit = Levels 30-39: Str = , Agi ++, Vit = Levels 40-49: Str = , Agi ++, Vit = Levels 50-59: Str = , Agi ++, Vit = Levels 60-69: Str = , Agi ++, Vit = Levels 70-79: Str = , Agi ++, Vit = Levels 80-89: Str = , Agi ++, Vit = Levels 90-99: Str = , Agi +++, Vit =

Stat Growth:

Lvl-Str-Agi-Vit-Int-Spr-At#-Att-Ht%-De#-Def-Eva-MDf-MEv--M1-M2-M3-M4-M5-M6-M7-M8 1 10 15 9 5 1 2 6 83 0 4 3 0 3 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00

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Final Fantasy III Walkthrough and Guide for the iPhone, iPod, and iPad 83

2 11 16 10 6 1 4 6 84 1 5 4 0 3 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 3 12 17 10 7 1 4 8 84 1 5 4 0 4 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 4 13 17 11 8 1 4 8 84 1 5 4 0 4 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 5 13 18 11 9 1 4 8 84 1 5 4 0 5 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 6 14 19 11 9 1 4 8 84 1 5 4 0 5 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 7 15 20 12 10 1 4 8 85 1 6 5 0 5 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 8 15 21 12 11 1 4 8 85 1 6 5 0 6 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 9 16 22 13 11 1 4 10 85 1 6 5 0 6 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 10 17 22 13 12 1 4 10 85 1 6 5 0 6 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 11 17 23 14 13 1 4 10 85 1 7 5 0 7 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 12 18 24 14 13 1 4 10 86 1 7 6 0 7 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 13 19 25 14 14 1 4 10 86 1 7 6 0 7 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 14 19 26 15 15 1 4 10 86 1 7 6 0 8 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 15 20 27 15 16 1 4 12 86 1 7 6 0 8 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 16 21 28 16 16 1 4 12 87 1 8 7 0 8 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 17 21 28 16 17 1 6 12 87 1 8 7 0 9 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 18 22 29 16 18 1 6 12 87 1 8 7 0 9 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 19 22 30 17 18 1 6 12 87 1 8 7 0 9 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 20 23 31 17 19 1 6 12 87 1 8 7 0 10 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 21 24 32 18 20 1 8 14 88 2 9 8 0 10 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 22 24 33 18 21 1 8 14 88 2 9 8 0 11 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 23 25 34 19 21 1 8 14 88 2 9 8 0 11 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 24 26 34 19 22 1 8 14 88 2 9 8 0 11 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 25 26 35 19 23 1 8 14 88 2 9 8 0 12 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 26 27 36 20 23 1 8 14 89 2 10 9 0 12 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 27 28 37 20 24 1 8 16 89 2 10 9 0 12 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 28 28 38 21 25 1 8 16 89 2 10 9 0 13 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 29 29 39 21 26 1 8 16 89 2 10 9 0 13 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 30 30 39 21 26 1 8 16 89 2 10 9 0 13 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 31 30 40 22 27 1 8 16 90 2 11 10 0 14 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 32 31 41 22 28 1 8 16 90 2 11 10 0 14 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 33 32 42 23 28 1 10 18 90 2 11 10 0 14 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 34 32 43 23 29 1 10 18 90 2 11 10 0 15 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 35 33 44 23 30 1 10 18 91 2 11 11 0 15 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 36 34 45 24 30 1 10 18 91 2 12 11 0 15 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 37 34 45 24 31 1 10 18 91 2 12 11 0 16 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 38 35 46 25 32 1 10 18 91 2 12 11 0 16 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 39 36 47 25 33 1 10 20 91 2 12 11 0 17 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 40 36 48 26 33 1 12 20 92 3 13 12 0 17 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 41 37 49 26 34 1 12 20 92 3 13 12 0 17 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 42 38 50 26 35 1 12 20 92 3 13 12 0 18 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 43 38 50 27 35 1 12 20 92 3 13 12 0 18 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 44 39 51 27 36 1 12 20 92 3 13 12 0 18 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 45 40 52 28 37 1 12 22 93 3 14 13 0 19 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 46 40 53 28 38 1 12 22 93 3 14 13 0 19 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 47 41 54 28 38 1 12 22 93 3 14 13 0 19 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00

Page 84: Final Fantasy III Guide (iOS)

Final Fantasy III Walkthrough and Guide for the iPhone, iPod, and iPad 84

48 42 55 29 39 1 12 22 93 3 14 13 0 20 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 49 42 56 29 40 1 14 22 94 3 14 14 0 20 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 50 43 56 30 40 1 14 22 94 3 15 14 0 20 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 51 43 57 30 41 1 14 22 94 3 15 14 0 21 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 52 44 58 31 42 1 14 24 94 3 15 14 0 21 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 53 45 59 31 42 1 14 24 94 3 15 14 0 21 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 54 45 60 31 43 1 14 24 95 3 15 15 0 22 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 55 46 61 32 44 1 14 24 95 3 16 15 0 22 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 56 47 62 32 45 1 14 24 95 3 16 15 0 23 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 57 47 62 33 45 1 14 24 95 3 16 15 0 23 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 58 48 63 33 46 1 14 26 95 3 16 15 0 23 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 59 49 64 33 47 1 16 26 96 4 16 16 0 24 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 60 49 65 34 47 1 16 26 96 4 17 16 0 24 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 61 50 66 34 48 1 16 26 96 4 17 16 0 24 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 62 51 67 35 49 1 16 26 96 4 17 16 0 25 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 63 51 67 35 50 1 16 26 96 4 17 16 0 25 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 64 52 68 36 50 1 16 28 97 4 18 17 0 25 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 65 53 69 36 51 1 18 28 97 4 18 17 0 26 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 66 53 70 36 52 1 18 28 97 4 18 17 0 26 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 67 54 71 37 52 1 18 28 97 4 18 17 0 26 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 68 55 72 37 53 1 18 28 98 4 18 18 0 27 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 69 55 73 38 54 1 18 28 98 4 19 18 0 27 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 70 56 73 38 54 1 18 30 98 4 19 18 0 27 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 71 57 74 38 55 1 18 30 98 4 19 18 0 28 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 72 57 75 39 56 1 18 30 98 4 19 18 0 28 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 73 58 76 39 57 1 18 30 99 4 19 19 0 29 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 74 59 77 40 57 1 18 30 99 4 20 19 0 29 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 75 59 78 40 58 1 18 30 99 4 20 19 0 29 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 76 60 78 40 59 1 18 32 99 4 20 19 0 30 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 77 61 79 41 59 1 18 32 99 4 20 19 0 30 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 78 61 80 41 60 1 20 32 99 5 20 20 0 30 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 79 62 81 42 61 1 20 32 99 5 21 20 0 31 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 80 63 82 42 62 1 20 32 99 5 21 20 0 31 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 81 63 83 43 62 1 22 32 99 5 21 20 0 31 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 82 64 84 43 63 1 22 34 99 5 21 21 0 32 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 83 64 84 43 64 1 22 34 99 5 21 21 0 32 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 84 65 85 44 64 1 22 34 99 5 22 21 0 32 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 85 66 86 44 65 1 22 34 99 5 22 21 0 33 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 86 66 87 45 66 1 22 34 99 5 22 21 0 33 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 87 67 88 45 67 1 22 34 99 5 22 22 0 34 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 88 68 89 45 67 1 22 36 99 5 22 22 0 34 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 89 68 90 46 68 1 22 36 99 5 23 22 0 34 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 90 69 90 46 69 1 22 36 99 5 23 22 0 35 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 91 70 91 47 69 1 22 36 99 5 23 22 0 35 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 92 70 92 47 70 1 22 36 99 5 23 23 0 35 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 93 71 93 48 71 1 22 36 99 5 24 23 0 36 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00

Page 85: Final Fantasy III Guide (iOS)

Final Fantasy III Walkthrough and Guide for the iPhone, iPod, and iPad 85

94 72 94 48 71 1 22 38 99 5 24 23 0 36 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 95 72 95 48 72 1 22 38 99 5 24 23 0 36 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 96 73 95 49 73 1 22 38 99 5 24 23 0 37 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 97 74 96 49 74 1 26 38 99 6 24 24 0 37 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 98 74 97 50 74 1 26 38 99 6 25 24 0 37 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 99 75 98 50 75 1 26 38 99 6 25 24 0 38 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00


Description: Imitating flying dragons, this warrior can jump high into the sky and attack its enemies despite their heavy equipments.

Specialty: Jump - jumps on the air to deal 2x damage. Safe from enemy attacks while on air. Very useful for some tough boss.

Usefulness: It's best used as a boss killer. It will definitely make hard bosses easy. I also find it very useful when traversing dungeons with multiplying (splitting) enemies (if you don't want to spend some MP) while waiting for the Mystic Knight's 'Dark Swords'. For regular dungeons, use the Karateka.

Evaluation: One of my most favorite jobs! It's like getting the Knight, but able to "Jump". Good combination of offense and quickness. It can even use the Crystal Equipments. Despite its heavy equips, this guy is one of the fastest jobs at later levels. Very useful in some tough enemies, especially in dungeons with multiplying ene-mies ... while waiting for the Mystic Knight. Many boss are not so easy, but a Dragoon can make that battle as easy as possible. Hey! I defeated FF3 & FF5's Bahamut with a purely Dragoon party!!! See? Even the "King of Dragons" bows down before this job? They are pretty quick for a heavy-armored warrior. My only criticism is that why is his HP progression cannot go on par with that of a Knight? It is great up to the later half of the level ladder, but becomes less useful as it reaches the highest level when compared to the other warriors in its batch. Anyway, my flying Knight is still a force to reckon with.

Stat Preview:

Levels 1- 9: Str ++, Agi = , Vit = Levels 10-19: Str ++, Agi + , Vit = Levels 20-29: Str ++, Agi ++, Vit = Levels 30-39: Str ++, Agi ++, Vit =

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Final Fantasy III Walkthrough and Guide for the iPhone, iPod, and iPad 86

Levels 40-49: Str + , Agi ++, Vit = Levels 50-59: Str + , Agi ++, Vit = Levels 60-69: Str + , Agi ++, Vit = Levels 70-79: Str = , Agi ++, Vit = Levels 80-89: Str = , Agi ++, Vit = Levels 90-99: Str = , Agi +++, Vit =

Stat Growth:

Lvl-Str-Agi-Vit-Int-Spr-At#-Att-Ht%-De#-Def-Eva-MDf-MEv--M1-M2-M3-M4-M5-M6-M7-M8 1 20 10 10 5 10 2 12 82 0 5 2 0 7 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 2 21 11 11 5 11 2 12 82 0 5 2 0 8 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 3 22 12 11 6 11 2 12 83 0 5 3 0 8 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 4 22 13 12 6 12 2 12 83 0 6 3 0 9 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 5 23 13 12 6 12 2 12 83 0 6 3 0 9 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 6 23 14 12 6 12 2 12 83 0 6 3 0 9 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 7 24 15 13 6 13 2 14 83 0 6 3 0 9 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 8 24 16 13 7 13 4 14 84 1 6 4 0 10 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 9 25 17 14 7 14 4 14 84 1 7 4 0 10 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 10 26 18 14 7 14 4 14 84 1 7 4 0 10 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 11 26 19 14 7 14 4 14 84 1 7 4 0 10 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 12 27 20 15 7 15 4 14 85 1 7 5 0 11 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 13 27 21 15 8 15 4 14 85 1 7 5 0 11 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 14 28 22 16 8 16 4 16 85 1 8 5 0 12 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 15 28 22 16 8 16 4 16 85 1 8 5 0 12 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 16 29 23 16 8 16 4 16 85 1 8 5 0 12 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 17 29 24 17 8 17 6 16 86 1 8 6 0 12 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 18 30 25 17 9 17 6 16 86 1 8 6 0 13 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 19 31 26 18 9 18 6 16 86 1 9 6 0 13 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 20 31 27 18 9 18 6 16 86 1 9 6 0 13 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 21 32 28 18 9 18 6 18 87 1 9 7 0 13 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 22 32 29 19 9 19 6 18 87 1 9 7 0 14 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 23 33 30 19 10 19 6 18 87 1 9 7 0 14 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 24 33 31 20 10 20 6 18 87 1 10 7 0 15 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 25 34 31 20 10 20 6 18 87 1 10 7 0 15 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 26 34 32 21 10 21 8 18 88 2 10 8 0 15 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 27 35 33 21 10 21 8 18 88 2 10 8 0 15 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 28 36 34 21 11 21 8 20 88 2 10 8 0 16 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 29 36 35 22 11 22 8 20 88 2 11 8 0 16 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 30 37 36 22 11 22 8 20 89 2 11 9 0 16 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 31 37 37 23 11 23 8 20 89 2 11 9 0 17 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 32 38 38 23 11 23 8 20 89 2 11 9 0 17 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 33 38 39 23 12 23 10 20 89 2 11 9 0 17 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 34 39 40 24 12 24 10 20 90 2 12 10 0 18 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 35 39 40 24 12 24 10 20 90 2 12 10 0 18 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00

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Final Fantasy III Walkthrough and Guide for the iPhone, iPod, and iPad 87

36 40 41 25 12 25 10 22 90 2 12 10 0 18 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 37 41 42 25 12 25 10 22 90 2 12 10 0 18 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 38 41 43 25 13 25 10 22 90 2 12 10 0 19 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 39 42 44 26 13 26 10 22 91 2 13 11 0 19 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 40 42 45 26 13 26 10 22 91 2 13 11 0 19 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 41 43 46 27 13 27 10 22 91 2 13 11 0 20 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 42 43 47 27 13 27 10 22 91 2 13 11 0 20 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 43 44 48 27 14 27 12 24 92 3 13 12 0 20 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 44 44 49 28 14 28 12 24 92 3 14 12 0 21 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 45 45 49 28 14 28 12 24 92 3 14 12 0 21 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 46 46 50 29 14 29 12 24 92 3 14 12 0 21 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 47 46 51 29 14 29 12 24 92 3 14 12 0 21 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 48 47 52 29 15 29 12 24 93 3 14 13 0 22 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 49 47 53 30 15 30 14 24 93 3 15 13 0 22 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 50 48 54 30 15 30 14 26 93 3 15 13 0 22 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 51 48 55 31 15 31 14 26 93 3 15 13 0 23 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 52 49 56 31 16 31 14 26 94 3 15 14 0 23 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 53 49 57 31 16 31 14 26 94 3 15 14 0 23 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 54 50 58 32 16 32 14 26 94 3 16 14 0 24 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 55 51 58 32 16 32 14 26 94 3 16 14 0 24 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 56 51 59 33 16 33 14 26 94 3 16 14 0 24 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 57 52 60 33 17 33 14 28 95 3 16 15 0 25 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 58 52 61 33 17 33 14 28 95 3 16 15 0 25 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 59 53 62 34 17 34 14 28 95 3 17 15 0 25 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 60 53 63 34 17 34 14 28 95 3 17 15 0 25 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 61 54 64 35 17 35 16 28 96 4 17 16 0 26 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 62 54 65 35 18 35 16 28 96 4 17 16 0 26 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 63 55 66 35 18 35 16 28 96 4 17 16 0 26 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 64 56 67 36 18 36 16 30 96 4 18 16 0 27 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 65 56 67 36 18 36 18 30 96 4 18 16 0 27 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 66 57 68 37 18 37 18 30 97 4 18 17 0 27 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 67 57 69 37 19 37 18 30 97 4 18 17 0 28 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 68 58 70 37 19 37 18 30 97 4 18 17 0 28 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 69 58 71 38 19 38 18 30 97 4 19 17 0 28 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 70 59 72 38 19 38 18 30 98 4 19 18 0 28 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 71 59 73 39 19 39 18 30 98 4 19 18 0 29 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 72 60 74 39 20 39 18 32 98 4 19 18 0 29 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 73 61 75 39 20 39 18 32 98 4 19 18 0 29 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 74 61 76 40 20 40 18 32 99 4 20 19 0 30 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 75 62 76 40 20 40 18 32 99 4 20 19 0 30 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 76 62 77 41 20 41 18 32 99 4 20 19 0 30 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 77 63 78 41 21 41 18 32 99 4 20 19 0 31 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 78 63 79 42 21 42 18 32 99 4 21 19 0 31 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 79 64 80 42 21 42 20 34 99 5 21 20 0 31 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 80 64 81 42 21 42 20 34 99 5 21 20 0 31 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 81 65 82 43 21 43 22 34 99 5 21 20 0 32 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00

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82 66 83 43 22 43 22 34 99 5 21 20 0 32 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 83 66 84 44 22 44 22 34 99 5 22 21 0 33 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 84 67 85 44 22 44 22 34 99 5 22 21 0 33 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 85 67 85 44 22 44 22 34 99 5 22 21 0 33 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 86 68 86 45 22 45 22 36 99 5 22 21 0 33 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 87 68 87 45 23 45 22 36 99 5 22 21 0 34 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 88 69 88 46 23 46 22 36 99 5 23 22 0 34 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 89 69 89 46 23 46 22 36 99 5 23 22 0 34 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 90 70 90 46 23 46 22 36 99 5 23 22 0 34 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 91 71 91 47 23 47 22 36 99 5 23 22 0 35 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 92 71 92 47 24 47 22 36 99 5 23 23 0 35 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 93 72 93 48 24 48 22 38 99 5 24 23 0 36 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 94 72 94 48 24 48 22 38 99 5 24 23 0 36 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 95 73 94 48 24 48 22 38 99 5 24 23 0 36 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 96 73 95 49 24 49 22 38 99 5 24 23 0 36 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 97 74 96 49 25 49 26 38 99 6 24 24 0 37 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 98 74 97 50 25 50 26 38 99 6 25 24 0 37 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 99 75 98 50 25 50 26 38 99 6 25 24 0 37 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 Viking

Description: Training their bodies to endure even the most deadly attacks, this barbaric knight are good defenders.

Specialty: ---

Usefulness: The best use of this job is for increasing your total HP upon level up. When you know you're near level up, change to this job (if you don't want the Karateka) to inherit its great HP boost. Return to your former job and wait until the next level up before you consider using the Viking again :)

Evaluation: A defensive fighter at best. It's axes and hammers are quite deadly, but the frequent "miss" diminishes its usefulness. Even though it is known that they are sea fighters, there's really no difference in its performance vis-a-vis the performance of other warriors when dealing with sea pests. On the good note, this guy has one of the best defensive capability: Great HP, great Vitality, great Physical Defense.

Stat Preview:

Levels 1- 9: Str + , Agi - , Vit +++ Levels 10-19: Str + , Agi - , Vit +++ Levels 20-29: Str + , Agi - , Vit +++ Levels 30-39: Str + , Agi - , Vit +++

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Final Fantasy III Walkthrough and Guide for the iPhone, iPod, and iPad 89

Levels 40-49: Str + , Agi --, Vit +++ Levels 50-59: Str + , Agi --, Vit +++ Levels 60-69: Str + , Agi --, Vit +++ Levels 70-79: Str = , Agi --, Vit +++ Levels 80-89: Str = , Agi --, Vit +++ Levels 90-99: Str = , Agi ---, Vit +++

Stat Growth:

Lvl-Str-Agi-Vit-Int-Spr-At#-Att-Ht%-De#-Def-Eva-MDf-MEv--M1-M2-M3-M4-M5-M6-M7-M8 1 15 10 20 5 5 2 8 82 0 10 2 0 5 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 2 16 11 21 5 6 2 10 82 0 10 2 0 5 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 3 17 11 21 6 6 2 10 82 0 10 2 0 6 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 4 17 12 22 6 7 2 10 83 0 11 3 0 6 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 5 18 12 23 6 7 2 10 83 0 11 3 0 6 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 6 19 12 24 6 8 2 10 83 0 12 3 0 7 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 7 19 13 25 6 8 2 10 83 0 12 3 0 7 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 8 20 13 25 7 9 2 12 83 0 12 3 0 8 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 9 20 14 26 7 9 2 12 83 0 13 3 0 8 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 10 21 14 27 7 10 2 12 83 0 13 3 0 8 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 11 22 14 28 7 10 2 12 83 0 14 3 0 8 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 12 22 15 29 7 10 2 12 83 0 14 3 0 8 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 13 23 15 29 8 11 2 12 83 0 14 3 0 9 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 14 23 16 30 8 11 4 12 84 1 15 4 0 9 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 15 24 16 31 8 12 4 14 84 1 15 4 0 10 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 16 25 16 32 8 12 4 14 84 1 16 4 0 10 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 17 25 17 33 8 13 6 14 84 1 16 4 0 10 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 18 26 17 33 9 13 6 14 84 1 16 4 0 11 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 19 27 18 34 9 14 6 14 84 1 17 4 0 11 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 20 27 18 35 9 14 6 14 84 1 17 4 0 11 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 21 28 18 36 9 15 6 16 84 1 18 4 0 12 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 22 28 19 37 9 15 6 16 84 1 18 4 0 12 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 23 29 19 37 10 15 6 16 84 1 18 4 0 12 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 24 30 20 38 10 16 6 16 85 1 19 5 0 13 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 25 30 20 39 10 16 6 16 85 1 19 5 0 13 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 26 31 21 40 10 17 6 16 85 1 20 5 0 13 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 27 31 21 41 10 17 6 16 85 1 20 5 0 13 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 28 32 21 41 11 18 6 18 85 1 20 5 0 14 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 29 33 22 42 11 18 6 18 85 1 21 5 0 14 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 30 33 22 43 11 19 6 18 85 1 21 5 0 15 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 31 34 23 44 11 19 6 18 85 1 22 5 0 15 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 32 34 23 45 11 20 6 18 85 1 22 5 0 15 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 33 35 23 45 12 20 8 18 85 1 22 5 0 16 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00

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34 36 24 46 12 20 8 20 86 1 23 6 0 16 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 35 36 24 47 12 21 8 20 86 1 23 6 0 16 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 36 37 25 48 12 21 8 20 86 1 24 6 0 16 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 37 37 25 49 12 22 8 20 86 1 24 6 0 17 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 38 38 25 49 13 22 8 20 86 1 24 6 0 17 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 39 39 26 50 13 23 8 20 86 1 25 6 0 18 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 40 39 26 51 13 23 8 20 86 1 25 6 0 18 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 41 40 27 52 13 24 8 22 86 1 26 6 0 18 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 42 40 27 53 13 24 8 22 86 1 26 6 0 18 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 43 41 27 53 14 25 8 22 86 1 26 6 0 19 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 44 42 28 54 14 25 8 22 87 1 27 7 0 19 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 45 42 28 55 14 25 8 22 87 1 27 7 0 19 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 46 43 29 56 14 26 8 22 87 1 28 7 0 20 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 47 43 29 57 14 26 8 22 87 1 28 7 0 20 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 48 44 29 57 15 27 8 24 87 1 28 7 0 21 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 49 45 30 58 15 27 10 24 87 1 29 7 0 21 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 50 45 30 59 15 28 10 24 87 1 29 7 0 21 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 51 46 31 60 15 28 10 24 87 1 30 7 0 21 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 52 47 31 60 16 29 10 24 87 1 30 7 0 22 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 53 47 31 61 16 29 10 24 87 1 30 7 0 22 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 54 48 32 62 16 30 12 26 88 2 31 8 0 23 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 55 48 32 63 16 30 12 26 88 2 31 8 0 23 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 56 49 33 64 16 30 12 26 88 2 32 8 0 23 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 57 50 33 64 17 31 12 26 88 2 32 8 0 24 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 58 50 33 65 17 31 12 26 88 2 32 8 0 24 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 59 51 34 66 17 32 12 26 88 2 33 8 0 24 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 60 51 34 67 17 32 12 26 88 2 33 8 0 24 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 61 52 35 68 17 33 12 28 88 2 34 8 0 25 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 62 53 35 68 18 33 12 28 88 2 34 8 0 25 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 63 53 35 69 18 34 12 28 88 2 34 8 0 26 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 64 54 36 70 18 34 12 28 89 2 35 9 0 26 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 65 54 36 71 18 35 14 28 89 2 35 9 0 26 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 66 55 37 72 18 35 14 28 89 2 36 9 0 26 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 67 56 37 72 19 35 14 30 89 2 36 9 0 27 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 68 56 37 73 19 36 14 30 89 2 36 9 0 27 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 69 57 38 74 19 36 14 30 89 2 37 9 0 27 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 70 57 38 75 19 37 14 30 89 2 37 9 0 28 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 71 58 39 76 19 37 14 30 89 2 38 9 0 28 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 72 59 39 76 20 38 14 30 89 2 38 9 0 29 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 73 59 39 77 20 38 14 30 89 2 38 9 0 29 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 74 60 40 78 20 39 14 32 90 2 39 10 0 29 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 75 60 40 79 20 39 14 32 90 2 39 10 0 29 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 76 61 41 80 20 40 14 32 90 2 40 10 0 30 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 77 62 41 80 21 40 14 32 90 2 40 10 0 30 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 78 62 42 81 21 40 14 32 90 2 40 10 0 30 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 79 63 42 82 21 41 14 32 90 2 41 10 0 31 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00

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80 63 42 83 21 41 14 32 90 2 41 10 0 31 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 81 64 43 84 21 42 16 34 90 2 42 10 0 31 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 82 65 43 84 22 42 16 34 90 2 42 10 0 32 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 83 65 44 85 22 43 16 34 91 2 42 11 0 32 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 84 66 44 86 22 43 16 34 91 2 43 11 0 32 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 85 67 44 87 22 44 16 34 91 2 43 11 0 33 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 86 67 45 88 22 44 16 34 91 2 44 11 0 33 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 87 68 45 88 23 45 16 36 91 2 44 11 0 34 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 88 68 46 89 23 45 16 36 91 2 44 11 0 34 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 89 69 46 90 23 45 16 36 91 2 45 11 0 34 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 90 70 46 91 23 46 16 36 91 2 45 11 0 34 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 91 70 47 92 23 46 16 36 91 2 46 11 0 34 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 92 71 47 92 24 47 16 36 91 2 46 11 0 35 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 93 71 48 93 24 47 18 36 92 3 46 12 0 35 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 94 72 48 94 24 48 18 38 92 3 47 12 0 36 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 95 73 48 95 24 48 18 38 92 3 47 12 0 36 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 96 73 49 96 24 49 18 38 92 3 48 12 0 36 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 97 74 49 96 25 49 20 38 92 3 48 12 0 37 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 98 74 50 97 25 50 20 38 92 3 48 12 0 37 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 99 75 50 98 25 50 20 38 92 3 49 12 0 37 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00


Description: Martial arts expert who has disciplined their body and soul. They are ready to get toe-to-toe even with the most powerful beings there is.

Specialty: BuildUp - increases physical attack up to 4x if used twice. Use it the third time and you'll be losing half of your HP. Stronger when bare-handed

Usefulness: If you happen to still using the Monk at this point in time, you better change now. Unless you're using the Ninja or a FEOK, it this is the best physical offensive job you can use. Like the Monk, it's very cheap to maintain.

Evaluation: A far better Monk. Now, use "BuildUp" to deal double damage! Use it again to deal 4x damage! Use once more and you'll be "over- loaded" - lose HP and your buildup power will reset to 0. Cast 'Haste' on him and see him thrive! Don't be "too happy", though, "BuildUp" consumes a turn and will make you vitality 0... as if you are trying to flee from battles... while charging up. As usual... no better armor for you. Claws are useless and a waste of gil. Fight bare-handed. Its great Strength, great Vitality,

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great Attack Power, great Physical Defense and great HP growth is almost incomparable. Definitely, it's one of the best job! As soon as you get this, change your Monk quickly! It's better in any aspect.

Stat Preview:

Levels 1- 9: Str ++, Agi = , Vit +++ Levels 10-19: Str +++, Agi + , Vit +++ Levels 20-29: Str +++, Agi ++, Vit +++ Levels 30-39: Str +++, Agi ++, Vit +++ Levels 40-49: Str +++, Agi ++, Vit +++ Levels 50-59: Str +++, Agi ++, Vit +++ Levels 60-69: Str +++, Agi ++, Vit +++ Levels 70-79: Str +++, Agi ++, Vit +++ Levels 80-89: Str ++, Agi ++, Vit +++ Levels 90-99: Str +++, Agi +++, Vit +++

Stat Growth:

Lvl-Str-Agi-Vit-Int-Spr-At#-Att-Ht%-De#-Def-Eva-MDf-MEv-M1-M2-M3-M4-M5-M6-M7-M8 1 23 10 20 1 1 4 14 82 1 10 2 0 1 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 2 24 11 21 1 1 4 18 82 1 10 2 0 1 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 3 24 12 21 1 1 4 22 83 1 10 3 0 1 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 4 25 13 22 1 1 4 24 83 1 11 3 0 1 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 5 26 13 23 1 1 4 28 83 1 11 3 0 1 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 6 27 14 24 1 1 4 30 83 1 12 3 0 1 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 7 27 15 25 1 1 4 34 83 1 12 3 0 1 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 8 28 16 25 1 1 4 38 84 1 12 4 0 1 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 9 29 17 26 1 1 4 42 84 1 13 4 0 1 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/0010 30 18 27 1 1 4 44 84 1 13 4 0 1 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/0011 30 19 28 1 1 4 48 84 1 14 4 0 1 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/0012 31 20 29 1 1 4 50 85 1 14 5 0 1 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/0013 32 21 29 1 1 4 56 85 1 14 5 0 1 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/0014 33 22 30 1 1 4 58 85 1 15 5 0 1 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/0015 34 22 31 1 1 4 62 85 1 15 5 0 1 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/0016 34 23 32 1 1 4 64 85 1 16 5 0 1 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/0017 35 24 33 1 1 6 68 86 1 16 6 0 1 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/0018 36 25 33 1 1 6 72 86 1 16 6 0 1 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/0019 37 26 34 1 1 6 76 86 1 17 6 0 1 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/0020 37 27 35 1 1 6 78 86 1 17 6 0 1 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/0021 38 28 36 1 1 6 82 87 1 18 7 0 1 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/0022 39 29 37 1 1 6 84 87 1 18 7 0 1 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/0023 40 30 37 1 1 6 90 87 1 18 7 0 1 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/0024 40 31 38 1 1 6 92 87 1 19 7 0 1 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00

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25 41 31 39 1 1 6 96 87 1 19 7 0 1 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/0026 42 32 40 1 1 8 98 88 2 20 8 0 1 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/0027 43 33 41 1 1 8 102 88 2 20 8 0 1 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/0028 43 34 41 1 1 8 104 88 2 20 8 0 1 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/0029 44 35 42 1 1 8 110 88 2 21 8 0 1 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/0030 45 36 43 1 1 8 112 89 2 21 9 0 1 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/0031 46 37 44 1 1 8 116 89 2 22 9 0 1 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/0032 47 38 45 1 1 8 118 89 2 22 9 0 1 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/0033 47 39 45 1 1 10 122 89 2 22 9 0 1 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/0034 48 40 46 1 1 10 126 90 2 23 10 0 1 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/0035 49 40 47 1 1 10 130 90 2 23 10 0 1 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/0036 50 41 48 1 1 10 132 90 2 24 10 0 1 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/0037 50 42 49 1 1 10 136 90 2 24 10 0 1 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/0038 51 43 49 1 1 10 138 90 2 24 10 0 1 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/0039 52 44 50 1 1 10 144 91 2 25 11 0 1 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/0040 53 45 51 1 1 10 146 91 2 25 11 0 1 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/0041 53 46 52 1 1 10 150 91 2 26 11 0 1 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/0042 54 47 53 1 1 10 152 91 2 26 11 0 1 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/0043 55 48 53 1 1 12 156 92 3 26 12 0 1 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/0044 56 49 54 1 1 12 160 92 3 27 12 0 1 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/0045 57 49 55 1 1 12 164 92 3 27 12 0 1 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/0046 57 50 56 1 1 12 166 92 3 28 12 0 1 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/0047 58 51 57 1 1 12 170 92 3 28 12 0 1 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/0048 59 52 57 1 1 12 172 93 3 28 13 0 1 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/0049 60 53 58 1 1 14 178 93 3 29 13 0 1 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/0050 60 54 59 1 1 14 180 93 3 29 13 0 1 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/0051 61 55 60 1 1 14 184 93 3 30 13 0 1 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/0052 62 56 60 1 1 14 186 94 3 30 14 0 1 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/0053 63 57 61 1 1 14 190 94 3 30 14 0 1 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/0054 63 58 62 1 1 14 192 94 3 31 14 0 1 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/0055 64 58 63 1 1 14 198 94 3 31 14 0 1 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/0056 65 59 64 1 1 14 200 94 3 32 14 0 1 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/0057 66 60 64 1 1 14 204 95 3 32 15 0 1 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/0058 67 61 65 1 1 14 206 95 3 32 15 0 1 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/0059 67 62 66 1 1 14 210 95 3 33 15 0 1 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/0060 68 63 67 1 1 14 214 95 3 33 15 0 1 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/0061 69 64 68 1 1 16 218 96 4 34 16 0 1 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/0062 70 65 68 1 1 16 220 96 4 34 16 0 1 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/0063 70 66 69 1 1 16 224 96 4 34 16 0 1 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/0064 71 67 70 1 1 16 226 96 4 35 16 0 1 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/0065 72 67 71 1 1 18 232 96 4 35 16 0 1 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/0066 73 68 72 1 1 18 234 97 4 36 17 0 1 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/0067 73 69 72 1 1 18 238 97 4 36 17 0 1 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/0068 74 70 73 1 1 18 240 97 4 36 17 0 1 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/0069 75 71 74 1 1 18 244 97 4 37 17 0 1 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/0070 76 72 75 1 1 18 248 98 4 37 18 0 1 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00

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71 77 73 76 1 1 18 252 98 4 38 18 0 1 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/0072 77 74 76 1 1 18 254 98 4 38 18 0 1 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/0073 78 75 77 1 1 18 258 98 4 38 18 0 1 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/0074 79 76 78 1 1 18 260 99 4 39 19 0 1 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/0075 80 76 79 1 1 18 266 99 4 39 19 0 1 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/0076 80 77 80 1 1 18 268 99 4 40 19 0 1 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/0077 81 78 80 1 1 18 272 99 4 40 19 0 1 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/0078 82 79 81 1 1 18 274 99 4 40 19 0 1 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/0079 83 80 82 1 1 20 278 99 5 41 20 0 1 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/0080 83 81 83 1 1 20 280 99 5 41 20 0 1 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/0081 84 82 84 1 1 22 286 99 5 42 20 0 1 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/0082 85 83 84 1 1 22 288 99 5 42 20 0 1 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/0083 86 84 85 1 1 22 292 99 5 42 21 0 1 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/0084 86 85 86 1 1 22 294 99 5 43 21 0 1 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/0085 87 85 87 1 1 22 298 99 5 43 21 0 1 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/0086 88 86 88 1 1 22 302 99 5 44 21 0 1 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/0087 89 87 88 1 1 22 306 99 5 44 21 0 1 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/0088 90 88 89 1 1 22 308 99 5 44 22 0 1 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/0089 90 89 90 1 1 22 312 99 5 45 22 0 1 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/0090 91 90 91 1 1 22 314 99 5 45 22 0 1 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/0091 92 91 92 1 1 22 320 99 5 46 22 0 1 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/0092 93 92 92 1 1 22 322 99 5 46 23 0 1 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/0093 93 93 93 1 1 22 326 99 5 46 23 0 1 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/0094 94 94 94 1 1 22 328 99 5 47 23 0 1 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/0095 95 94 95 1 1 22 332 99 5 47 23 0 1 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/0096 96 95 96 1 1 22 336 99 5 48 23 0 1 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/0097 96 96 96 1 1 26 340 99 6 48 24 0 1 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/0098 97 97 97 1 1 26 342 99 6 48 24 0 1 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/0099 98 98 98 1 1 26 346 99 6 49 24 0 1 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00

Mystic Knight/Paladin

Description: Overcoming their fear of darkness, this knight uses the weapons of darkness against the evil forces.

Specialty: Effective vs multiplying (splitting) enemies

Usefulness: Worthless when you first get it. The only REAL reason, as far as I'm concerned, to use this job is when you're going through the dungeons where the annoying multiplying enemies appear. Its 'Dark Swords' are the ONLY truly effective weapons against such pests.

Evaluation: The best job to use when taking dungeons with multiplying en-emies.

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Oh, BTW, it can only use the Crystal Armors found in the later dungeons :( and the ever cool Genji Equipments :) It can use all the best weapons, but Excalibur. However, Dark Swords are where their real use comes from. Using such weapons, you can get past the dungeons with splitting enemies without problem. They can also use Levels 1-3 white magic, except Aero, like the Hunter. In short, they are pretty reliable. Their low HP growth will make you think twice wether to choose other warriors like the Knight, Dragoon or Karateka. Still, it's one of the top tier warriors there is in this game.

Stat Preview:

Levels 1- 9: Str ++, Agi ++, Vit = Levels 10-19: Str ++, Agi ++, Vit = Levels 20-29: Str ++, Agi ++, Vit = Levels 30-39: Str ++, Agi + , Vit = Levels 40-49: Str + , Agi + , Vit + Levels 50-59: Str + , Agi + , Vit - Levels 60-69: Str + , Agi = , Vit = Levels 70-79: Str = , Agi = , Vit = Levels 80-89: Str = , Agi = , Vit = Levels 90-99: Str = , Agi = , Vit =

Stat Growth:

Lvl-Str-Agi-Vit-Int-Spr-At#-Att-Ht%-De#-Def-Eva-MDf-MEv-M1-M2-M3-M4-M5-M6-M7-M8 1 20 20 10 2 3 4 12 85 1 5 5 0 2 04/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 2 21 21 11 3 4 4 12 85 1 5 5 0 3 05/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 3 22 22 11 3 4 4 12 85 1 5 5 0 3 05/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 4 22 22 12 4 5 4 12 85 1 6 5 0 4 06/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 5 23 23 12 4 5 4 12 85 1 6 5 0 4 06/01/00/00/00/00/00/00 6 23 23 12 5 6 4 12 85 1 6 5 0 5 06/01/00/00/00/00/00/00 7 24 24 13 5 6 4 14 86 1 6 6 0 5 06/02/00/00/00/00/00/00 8 24 24 13 6 7 4 14 86 1 6 6 0 6 07/02/00/00/00/00/00/00 9 25 25 14 6 7 4 14 86 1 7 6 0 6 07/02/00/00/00/00/00/0010 26 26 14 7 8 4 14 86 1 7 6 0 7 07/02/01/00/00/00/00/0011 26 26 14 7 8 4 14 86 1 7 6 0 7 07/03/01/00/00/00/00/0012 27 27 15 8 9 4 14 86 1 7 6 0 8 07/03/02/00/00/00/00/0013 27 27 15 8 9 4 14 86 1 7 6 0 8 07/03/02/00/00/00/00/0014 28 28 16 9 10 4 16 87 1 8 7 0 9 08/03/02/00/00/00/00/0015 28 28 16 9 10 4 16 87 1 8 7 0 9 08/03/02/00/00/00/00/00

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16 29 29 16 10 11 4 16 87 1 8 7 0 10 08/03/03/00/00/00/00/0017 29 29 17 10 11 6 16 87 1 8 7 0 10 08/04/03/00/00/00/00/0018 30 30 17 11 12 6 16 87 1 8 7 0 11 08/04/03/00/00/00/00/0019 31 31 18 11 12 6 16 87 1 9 7 0 11 08/04/03/00/00/00/00/0020 31 31 18 12 12 6 16 87 1 9 7 0 12 08/04/03/00/00/00/00/0021 32 32 18 12 13 8 18 88 2 9 8 0 12 08/04/03/00/00/00/00/0022 32 32 19 13 13 8 18 88 2 9 8 0 13 09/04/04/00/00/00/00/0023 33 33 19 13 14 8 18 88 2 9 8 0 13 09/04/04/00/00/00/00/0024 33 33 20 14 14 8 18 88 2 10 8 0 14 09/04/04/00/00/00/00/0025 34 34 20 14 15 8 18 88 2 10 8 0 14 09/05/04/00/00/00/00/0026 34 34 21 15 15 8 18 88 2 10 8 0 15 09/05/04/00/00/00/00/0027 35 35 21 15 16 8 18 88 2 10 8 0 15 09/05/04/00/00/00/00/0028 36 36 21 16 16 8 20 89 2 10 9 0 16 09/05/04/00/00/00/00/0029 36 36 22 16 17 8 20 89 2 11 9 0 16 09/05/04/00/00/00/00/0030 37 37 22 17 17 8 20 89 2 11 9 0 17 09/05/05/00/00/00/00/0031 37 37 23 17 18 8 20 89 2 11 9 0 17 09/05/05/00/00/00/00/0032 38 38 23 18 18 8 20 89 2 11 9 0 18 10/05/05/00/00/00/00/0033 38 38 23 18 19 10 20 89 2 11 9 0 18 10/05/05/00/00/00/00/0034 39 39 24 18 19 10 20 89 2 12 9 0 18 10/05/05/00/00/00/00/0035 39 39 24 19 20 10 20 89 2 12 9 0 19 10/06/05/00/00/00/00/0036 40 40 25 19 20 10 22 90 2 12 10 0 19 10/06/05/00/00/00/00/0037 41 41 25 20 21 10 22 90 2 12 10 0 20 10/06/05/00/00/00/00/0038 41 41 25 20 21 10 22 90 2 12 10 0 20 10/06/05/00/00/00/00/0039 42 42 26 21 22 10 22 90 2 13 10 0 21 10/06/05/00/00/00/00/0040 42 42 26 21 22 10 22 90 2 13 10 0 21 10/06/06/00/00/00/00/0041 43 43 27 22 22 10 22 90 2 13 10 0 22 10/06/06/00/00/00/00/0042 43 43 27 22 23 10 22 90 2 13 10 0 22 10/06/06/00/00/00/00/0043 44 44 27 23 23 10 24 91 2 13 11 0 23 10/06/06/00/00/00/00/0044 44 44 28 23 24 10 24 91 2 14 11 0 23 11/06/06/00/00/00/00/0045 45 45 28 24 24 10 24 91 2 14 11 0 24 11/06/06/00/00/00/00/0046 46 46 29 24 25 10 24 91 2 14 11 0 24 11/06/06/00/00/00/00/0047 46 46 29 25 25 10 24 91 2 14 11 0 25 11/07/06/00/00/00/00/0048 47 47 29 25 26 10 24 91 2 14 11 0 25 11/07/06/00/00/00/00/0049 47 47 30 26 26 12 24 91 2 15 11 0 26 11/07/06/00/00/00/00/0050 48 48 30 26 27 14 26 92 3 15 12 0 26 11/07/06/00/00/00/00/0051 48 48 31 27 27 14 26 92 3 15 12 0 27 11/07/06/00/00/00/00/0052 49 49 31 27 28 14 26 92 3 15 12 0 27 11/07/07/00/00/00/00/0053 49 49 31 28 28 14 26 92 3 15 12 0 28 11/07/07/00/00/00/00/0054 50 50 32 28 29 14 26 92 3 16 12 0 28 11/07/07/00/00/00/00/0055 51 51 32 29 29 14 26 92 3 16 12 0 29 11/07/07/00/00/00/00/0056 51 51 33 29 30 14 26 92 3 16 12 0 29 11/07/07/00/00/00/00/0057 52 52 33 30 30 14 28 93 3 16 13 0 30 11/07/07/00/00/00/00/0058 52 52 33 30 31 14 28 93 3 16 13 0 30 12/07/07/00/00/00/00/0059 53 53 34 31 31 14 28 93 3 17 13 0 31 12/07/07/00/00/00/00/0060 53 53 34 31 31 14 28 93 3 17 13 0 31 12/07/07/00/00/00/00/0061 54 54 35 32 32 14 28 93 3 17 13 0 32 12/08/07/00/00/00/00/00

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62 54 54 35 32 32 14 28 93 3 17 13 0 32 12/08/07/00/00/00/00/0063 55 55 35 33 33 14 28 93 3 17 13 0 33 12/08/07/00/00/00/00/0064 56 56 36 33 33 14 30 94 3 18 14 0 33 12/08/07/00/00/00/00/0065 56 56 36 34 34 16 30 94 3 18 14 0 34 12/08/07/00/00/00/00/0066 57 57 37 34 34 16 30 94 3 18 14 0 34 12/08/08/00/00/00/00/0067 57 57 37 34 35 16 30 94 3 18 14 0 34 12/08/08/00/00/00/00/0068 58 58 37 35 35 16 30 94 3 18 14 0 35 12/08/08/00/00/00/00/0069 58 58 38 35 36 16 30 94 3 19 14 0 35 12/08/08/00/00/00/00/0070 59 59 38 36 36 16 30 94 3 19 14 0 36 12/08/08/00/00/00/00/0071 59 59 39 36 37 16 30 94 3 19 14 0 36 12/08/08/00/00/00/00/0072 60 60 39 37 37 16 32 95 3 19 15 0 37 12/08/08/00/00/00/00/0073 61 61 39 37 38 16 32 95 3 19 15 0 37 12/08/08/00/00/00/00/0074 61 61 40 38 38 16 32 95 3 20 15 0 38 13/08/08/00/00/00/00/0075 62 62 40 38 39 16 32 95 3 20 15 0 38 13/08/08/00/00/00/00/0076 62 62 41 39 39 16 32 95 3 20 15 0 39 13/08/08/00/00/00/00/0077 63 63 41 39 40 16 32 95 3 20 15 0 39 13/09/08/00/00/00/00/0078 63 63 42 40 40 16 32 95 3 21 15 0 40 13/09/08/00/00/00/00/0079 64 64 42 40 41 18 34 96 4 21 16 0 40 13/09/08/00/00/00/00/0080 64 64 42 41 41 18 34 96 4 21 16 0 41 13/09/08/00/00/00/00/0081 65 65 43 41 41 20 34 96 4 21 16 0 41 13/09/08/00/00/00/00/0082 66 66 43 42 42 20 34 96 4 21 16 0 42 13/09/09/00/00/00/00/0083 66 66 44 42 42 20 34 96 4 22 16 0 42 13/09/09/00/00/00/00/0084 67 67 44 43 43 20 34 96 4 22 16 0 43 13/09/09/00/00/00/00/0085 67 67 44 43 43 20 34 96 4 22 16 0 43 13/09/09/00/00/00/00/0086 68 68 45 44 44 20 36 97 4 22 17 0 44 13/09/09/00/00/00/00/0087 68 68 45 44 44 20 36 97 4 22 17 0 44 13/09/09/00/00/00/00/0088 69 69 46 45 45 20 36 97 4 23 17 0 45 13/09/09/00/00/00/00/0089 69 69 46 45 45 20 36 97 4 23 17 0 45 13/09/09/00/00/00/00/0090 70 70 46 46 46 20 36 97 4 23 17 0 46 13/09/09/00/00/00/00/0091 71 71 47 46 46 20 36 97 4 23 17 0 46 13/09/09/00/00/00/00/0092 71 71 47 47 47 20 36 97 4 23 17 0 47 14/09/09/00/00/00/00/0093 72 72 48 47 47 20 38 98 4 24 18 0 47 14/09/09/00/00/00/00/0094 72 72 48 48 48 20 38 98 4 24 18 0 48 14/09/09/00/00/00/00/0095 73 73 48 48 48 20 38 98 4 24 18 0 48 14/10/09/00/00/00/00/0096 73 73 49 49 49 20 38 98 4 24 18 0 49 14/10/09/00/00/00/00/0097 74 74 49 49 49 22 38 98 4 24 18 0 49 14/10/09/00/00/00/00/0098 74 74 50 50 50 22 38 98 4 25 18 0 50 14/10/09/00/00/00/00/0099 75 75 50 50 50 22 38 98 4 25 18 0 50 14/10/09/00/00/00/00/00 Ninja

Description: The supreme warrior! They use stealth as a means of fighting. They pursue their missions without fear of death.

Specialty: Can use the GREAT Shuriken!

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Usefulness: Recommended to be your final warrior-type job, except if you troubled yourself to make a FEOK. Try to invest on Shurikens to bring out the best in it.

Evaluation: Ridiculously over-powered. It can use almost all the the equips in the game. The Shuriken can deal 4000+ damage each... each, though, costs 65000 gil! Their stat progression is unmatched. They're not the traditional Ninja we all knew. I just have one funny thought... what does it feel to see an actual Ninja wearing a Knight's armor? Anyway, only a 'Fully Equipped Onion Knight' can match the brute force of a Ninja... again... ridiculously over-powered Ninja.

Stat Preview:

Levels 1- 9: Str +++, Agi +++, Vit +++ Levels 10-19: Str +++, Agi +++, Vit +++ Levels 20-29: Str +++, Agi +++, Vit +++ Levels 30-39: Str +++, Agi +++, Vit +++ Levels 40-49: Str +++, Agi +++, Vit +++ Levels 50-59: Str +++, Agi +++, Vit +++ Levels 60-69: Str +++, Agi +++, Vit +++ Levels 70-79: Str +++, Agi +++, Vit +++ Levels 80-89: Str +++, Agi +++, Vit +++ Levels 90-99: Str +++, Agi +++, Vit +++

Stat Growth:

Lvl-Str-Agi-Vit-Int-Spr-At#-Att-Ht%-De#-Def-Eva-MDf-MEv-M1-M2-M3-M4-M5-M6-M7-M8 1 25 25 20 15 15 4 14 86 1 10 6 0 15 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 2 26 26 21 16 16 4 14 86 1 10 6 0 16 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 3 27 27 21 16 16 4 14 86 1 10 6 0 16 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 4 28 28 22 16 16 4 16 87 1 11 7 0 16 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 5 29 29 23 17 17 4 16 87 1 11 7 0 17 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 6 29 29 24 17 17 4 16 87 1 12 7 0 17 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 7 30 30 25 17 17 4 16 87 1 12 7 0 17 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 8 31 31 25 18 18 4 16 87 1 12 7 0 18 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 9 32 32 26 18 18 4 18 88 2 13 8 0 18 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00

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10 32 32 27 19 19 6 18 88 2 13 8 0 19 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/0011 33 33 28 19 19 6 18 88 2 14 8 0 19 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/0012 34 34 29 19 19 6 18 88 2 14 8 0 19 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/0013 35 35 29 20 20 6 18 88 2 14 8 0 20 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/0014 35 35 30 20 20 6 18 88 2 15 8 0 20 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/0015 36 36 31 20 20 6 20 89 2 15 9 0 20 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/0016 37 37 32 21 21 6 20 89 2 16 9 0 21 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/0017 38 38 33 21 21 8 20 89 2 16 9 0 21 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/0018 38 38 33 21 21 8 20 89 2 16 9 0 21 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/0019 39 39 34 22 22 8 20 89 2 17 9 0 22 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/0020 40 40 35 22 22 8 22 90 2 17 10 0 22 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/0021 41 41 36 22 22 8 22 90 2 18 10 0 22 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/0022 41 41 37 23 23 8 22 90 2 18 10 0 23 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/0023 42 42 37 23 23 8 22 90 2 18 10 0 23 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/0024 43 43 38 23 23 8 22 90 2 19 10 0 23 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/0025 44 44 39 24 24 8 24 91 2 19 11 0 24 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/0026 44 44 40 24 24 8 24 91 2 20 11 0 24 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/0027 45 45 41 25 25 8 24 91 2 20 11 0 25 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/0028 46 46 41 25 25 8 24 91 2 20 11 0 25 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/0029 47 47 42 25 25 8 24 91 2 21 11 0 25 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/0030 47 47 43 26 26 8 24 92 2 21 11 0 26 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/0031 48 48 44 26 26 10 26 92 3 22 12 0 26 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/0032 49 49 45 26 26 10 26 92 3 22 12 0 26 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/0033 50 50 45 27 27 12 26 92 3 22 12 0 27 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/0034 50 50 46 27 27 12 26 92 3 23 12 0 27 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/0035 51 51 47 27 27 12 26 92 3 23 12 0 27 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/0036 52 52 48 28 28 12 28 93 3 24 13 0 28 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/0037 53 53 49 28 28 12 28 93 3 24 13 0 28 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/0038 53 53 49 28 28 12 28 93 3 24 13 0 28 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/0039 54 54 50 29 29 12 28 93 3 25 13 0 29 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/0040 55 55 51 29 29 12 28 93 3 25 13 0 29 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/0041 56 56 52 29 29 12 30 94 3 26 14 0 29 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/0042 56 56 53 30 30 12 30 94 3 26 14 0 30 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/0043 57 57 53 30 30 12 30 94 3 26 14 0 30 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/0044 58 58 54 31 31 12 30 94 3 27 14 0 31 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/0045 59 59 55 31 31 12 30 94 3 27 14 0 31 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/0046 59 59 56 31 31 12 30 94 3 28 14 0 31 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/0047 60 60 57 32 32 12 32 95 3 28 15 0 32 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/0048 61 61 57 32 32 12 32 95 3 28 15 0 32 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/0049 62 62 58 32 32 14 32 95 3 29 15 0 32 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/0050 62 62 59 33 33 14 32 95 3 29 15 0 33 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/0051 63 63 60 33 33 14 32 95 3 30 15 0 33 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/0052 64 64 60 33 33 16 34 96 4 30 16 0 33 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/0053 65 65 61 34 34 16 34 96 4 30 16 0 34 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/0054 65 65 62 34 34 16 34 96 4 31 16 0 34 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/0055 66 66 63 34 34 16 34 96 4 31 16 0 34 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00

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56 67 67 64 35 35 16 34 96 4 32 16 0 35 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/0057 68 68 64 35 35 16 36 97 4 32 17 0 35 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/0058 68 68 65 36 36 16 36 97 4 32 17 0 36 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/0059 69 69 66 36 36 16 36 97 4 33 17 0 36 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/0060 70 70 67 36 36 16 36 97 4 33 17 0 36 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/0061 71 71 68 37 37 16 36 97 4 34 17 0 37 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/0062 71 71 68 37 37 16 36 97 4 34 17 0 37 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/0063 72 72 69 37 37 16 38 98 4 34 18 0 37 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/0064 73 73 70 38 38 16 38 98 4 35 18 0 38 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/0065 74 74 71 38 38 18 38 98 4 35 18 0 38 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/0066 74 74 72 38 38 18 38 98 4 36 18 0 38 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/0067 75 75 72 39 39 18 38 98 4 36 18 0 39 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/0068 76 76 73 39 39 18 40 99 4 36 19 0 39 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/0069 77 77 74 39 39 18 40 99 4 37 19 0 39 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/0070 77 77 75 40 40 18 40 99 4 37 19 0 40 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/0071 78 78 76 40 40 18 40 99 4 38 19 0 40 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/0072 79 79 76 40 40 18 40 99 4 38 19 0 40 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/0073 80 80 77 41 41 20 42 99 5 38 20 0 41 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/0074 80 80 78 41 41 20 42 99 5 39 20 0 41 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/0075 81 81 79 42 42 20 42 99 5 39 20 0 42 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/0076 82 82 80 42 42 20 42 99 5 40 20 0 42 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/0077 83 83 80 42 42 20 42 99 5 40 20 0 42 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/0078 83 83 81 43 43 20 42 99 5 40 20 0 43 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/0079 84 84 82 43 43 20 44 99 5 41 21 0 43 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/0080 85 85 83 43 43 20 44 99 5 41 21 0 43 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/0081 86 86 84 44 44 22 44 99 5 42 21 0 44 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/0082 86 86 84 44 44 22 44 99 5 42 21 0 44 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/0083 87 87 85 44 44 22 44 99 5 42 21 0 44 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/0084 88 88 86 45 45 22 46 99 5 43 22 0 45 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/0085 89 89 87 45 45 22 46 99 5 43 22 0 45 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/0086 89 89 88 45 45 22 46 99 5 44 22 0 45 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/0087 90 90 88 46 46 22 46 99 5 44 22 0 46 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/0088 91 91 89 46 46 22 46 99 5 44 22 0 46 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/0089 92 92 90 46 46 22 48 99 5 45 23 0 46 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/0090 92 92 91 47 47 22 48 99 5 45 23 0 47 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/0091 93 93 92 47 47 22 48 99 5 46 23 0 47 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/0092 94 94 92 48 48 22 48 99 5 46 23 0 48 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/0093 95 95 93 48 48 22 48 99 5 46 23 0 48 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/0094 95 95 94 48 48 22 48 99 5 47 23 0 48 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/0095 96 96 95 49 49 24 50 99 6 47 24 0 49 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/0096 97 97 96 49 49 24 50 99 6 48 24 0 49 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/0097 98 98 96 49 49 26 50 99 6 48 24 0 49 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/0098 98 98 97 50 50 26 50 99 6 48 24 0 50 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/0099 99 99 98 50 50 26 50 99 6 49 24 0 50 00/00/00/00/00/00/00 /00

White Mage

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Description: Controls holy magic to protect the weak and defeat the dark-ness. Specialty: Healing.

Usefulness: Definitely have one in your party. It's the best healer until you obtain the Shaman and Sage.

Evaluation: Your basic healer. Essential throughout the game until you get the Shaman. In battles, it's main offensive use is casting "Haste", which is very essential in winning boss battles, on your warriors. Of all starting mages, the White Mage has the best HP progression... only a little higher than the others, though. What else can I say? You're going to have them for a pretty long time, so you have to love them.

Stat Preview:

Levels 1- 9: Str --, Agi --, Vit -- Levels 10-19: Str --, Agi --, Vit - Levels 20-29: Str --, Agi - , Vit - Levels 30-39: Str - , Agi --, Vit - Levels 40-49: Str --, Agi --, Vit - Levels 50-59: Str - , Agi --, Vit - Levels 60-69: Str - , Agi --, Vit = Levels 70-79: Str - , Agi --, Vit = Levels 80-89: Str - , Agi --, Vit = Levels 90-99: Str --, Agi ---, Vit =

Stat Growth:

Lvl-Str-Agi-Vit-Int-Spr-At#-Att-Ht%-De#-Def-Eva-MDf-MEv--M1-M2-M3-M4-M5-M6-M7-M8 1 5 6 4 5 10 2 4 81 0 2 1 0 7 08/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 2 6 7 5 5 11 2 4 81 0 2 1 0 8 09/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 3 6 7 5 6 12 2 4 81 0 2 1 0 9 10/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 4 7 8 6 6 13 2 4 82 0 3 2 0 9 10/01/00/00/00/00/00/00 5 7 8 6 6 13 2 4 82 0 3 2 0 9 11/02/00/00/00/00/00/00 6 8 9 7 6 14 2 6 82 0 3 2 0 10 11/02/00/00/00/00/00/00 7 8 9 7 6 15 2 6 82 0 3 2 0 10 12/03/00/00/00/00/00/00 8 9 10 8 7 15 2 6 82 0 4 2 0 11 12/03/01/00/00/00/00/00 9 9 10 8 7 16 2 6 82 0 4 2 0 11 12/04/02/00/00/00/00/00 10 10 10 9 7 17 2 6 82 0 4 2 0 12 13/04/02/00/00/00/00/00 11 10 11 9 7 17 2 6 82 0 4 2 0 12 13/04/03/00/00/00/00/00 12 10 11 10 7 18 2 6 82 0 5 2 0 12 13/05/03/01/00/00/00/00 13 11 12 10 8 19 2 6 83 0 5 3 0 13 14/05/04/02/00/00/00/00

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14 11 12 11 8 19 2 6 83 0 5 3 0 13 14/05/04/02/00/00/00/00 15 12 13 11 8 20 2 8 83 0 5 3 0 14 14/06/04/03/00/00/00/00 16 12 13 11 8 21 2 8 83 0 5 3 0 14 15/06/05/03/01/00/00/00 17 13 14 12 8 21 4 8 83 0 6 3 0 14 15/06/05/04/02/00/00/00 18 13 14 12 9 22 4 8 83 0 6 3 0 15 15/07/05/04/02/00/00/00 19 14 14 13 9 22 4 8 83 0 6 3 0 15 16/07/06/04/03/00/00/00 20 14 15 13 9 23 4 8 83 0 6 3 0 16 16/07/06/05/03/01/00/00 21 15 15 14 9 24 4 8 83 0 7 3 0 16 16/08/06/05/04/02/00/00 22 15 16 14 9 24 6 8 84 1 7 4 0 16 16/08/07/05/04/02/00/00 23 15 16 15 10 25 6 8 84 1 7 4 0 17 17/08/07/06/04/03/00/00 24 16 17 15 10 26 6 10 84 1 7 4 0 18 17/08/07/06/05/03/01/00 25 16 17 16 10 26 6 10 84 1 8 4 0 18 17/09/08/06/05/04/02/00 26 17 18 16 10 27 6 10 84 1 8 4 0 18 18/09/08/07/05/04/02/00 27 17 18 17 10 28 6 10 84 1 8 4 0 19 18/09/08/07/06/04/03/00 28 18 18 17 11 28 6 10 84 1 8 4 0 19 18/10/08/07/06/05/03/00 29 18 19 17 11 29 6 10 84 1 8 4 0 20 18/10/09/08/06/05/04/00 30 19 19 18 11 30 6 10 84 1 9 4 0 20 19/10/09/08/07/05/04/00 31 19 20 18 11 30 6 10 85 1 9 5 0 20 19/10/09/08/07/06/04/00 32 20 20 19 11 31 6 12 85 1 9 5 0 21 19/11/10/08/07/06/05/00 33 20 21 19 12 32 8 12 85 1 9 5 0 22 19/11/10/09/08/06/05/00 34 20 21 20 12 32 8 12 85 1 10 5 0 22 20/11/10/09/08/07/05/00 35 21 22 20 12 33 8 12 85 1 10 5 0 22 20/11/10/09/08/07/06/00 36 21 22 21 12 34 8 12 85 1 10 5 0 23 20/12/11/10/08/07/06/00 37 22 22 21 12 34 8 12 85 1 10 5 0 23 20/12/11/10/09/08/06/00 38 22 23 22 13 35 8 12 85 1 11 5 0 24 21/12/11/10/09/08/07/00 39 23 23 22 13 36 8 12 85 1 11 5 0 24 21/12/11/10/09/08/07/00 40 23 24 23 13 36 8 12 86 1 11 6 0 24 21/13/12/11/10/08/07/00 41 24 24 23 13 37 8 14 86 1 11 6 0 25 21/13/12/11/10/09/08/00 42 24 25 24 13 38 8 14 86 1 12 6 0 25 21/13/12/11/10/09/08/00 43 25 25 24 14 38 8 14 86 1 12 6 0 26 22/13/12/11/10/09/08/00 44 25 26 24 14 39 8 14 86 1 12 6 0 26 22/13/13/12/11/10/08/00 45 25 26 25 14 40 8 14 86 1 12 6 0 27 22/14/13/12/11/10/09/00 46 26 26 25 14 40 8 14 86 1 12 6 0 27 22/14/13/12/11/10/09/00 47 26 27 26 14 41 8 14 86 1 13 6 0 27 23/14/13/12/11/10/09/00 48 27 27 26 15 42 8 14 86 1 13 6 0 28 23/14/13/13/12/11/10/00 49 27 28 27 15 42 10 14 87 1 13 7 0 28 23/15/14/13/12/11/10/00 50 28 28 27 15 43 10 16 87 1 13 7 0 29 23/15/14/13/12/11/10/00 51 28 29 28 15 43 10 16 87 1 14 7 0 29 23/15/14/13/12/11/10/00 52 29 29 28 16 44 10 16 87 1 14 7 0 30 24/15/14/13/13/12/11/00 53 29 30 29 16 45 10 16 87 1 14 7 0 30 24/15/15/14/13/12/11/00 54 30 30 29 16 45 10 16 87 1 14 7 0 30 24/16/15/14/13/12/11/00 55 30 30 30 16 46 10 16 87 1 15 7 0 31 24/16/15/14/13/12/11/00 56 30 31 30 16 47 10 16 87 1 15 7 0 31 25/16/15/14/13/13/12/00 57 31 31 30 17 47 10 16 87 1 15 7 0 32 25/16/15/15/14/13/12/00 58 31 32 31 17 48 12 16 88 2 15 8 0 32 25/17/16/15/14/13/12/00 59 32 32 31 17 49 12 18 88 2 15 8 0 33 25/17/16/15/14/13/12/00

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60 32 33 32 17 49 12 18 88 2 16 8 0 33 25/17/16/15/14/13/13/00 61 33 33 32 17 50 12 18 88 2 16 8 0 33 26/17/16/15/15/14/13/00 62 33 34 33 18 51 12 18 88 2 16 8 0 34 26/17/17/16/15/14/13/00 63 34 34 33 18 51 12 18 88 2 16 8 0 34 26/18/17/16/15/14/13/00 64 34 34 34 18 52 12 18 88 2 17 8 0 35 26/18/17/16/15/14/13/00 65 35 35 34 18 53 14 18 88 2 17 8 0 35 26/18/17/16/15/15/14/00 66 35 35 35 18 53 14 18 88 2 17 8 0 35 27/18/17/17/16/15/14/00 67 35 36 35 19 54 14 18 89 2 17 9 0 36 27/18/18/17/16/15/14/00 68 36 36 36 19 55 14 20 89 2 18 9 0 37 27/19/18/17/16/15/14/00 69 36 37 36 19 55 14 20 89 2 18 9 0 37 27/19/18/17/16/15/15/00 70 37 37 37 19 56 14 20 89 2 18 9 0 37 27/19/18/17/17/16/15/00 71 37 38 37 19 57 14 20 89 2 18 9 0 38 28/19/18/18/17/16/15/00 72 38 38 37 20 57 14 20 89 2 18 9 0 38 28/19/19/18/17/16/15/00 73 38 38 38 20 58 14 20 89 2 19 9 0 39 28/20/19/18/17/16/15/00 74 39 39 38 20 59 14 20 89 2 19 9 0 39 28/20/19/18/17/17/16/00 75 39 39 39 20 59 14 20 89 2 19 9 0 39 28/20/19/18/18/17/16/00 76 40 40 39 20 60 14 22 90 2 19 10 0 40 29/20/19/19/18/17/16/00 77 40 40 40 21 61 14 22 90 2 20 10 0 41 29/20/20/19/18/17/16/00 78 40 41 40 21 61 14 22 90 2 20 10 0 41 29/21/20/19/18/17/17/00 79 41 41 41 21 62 14 22 90 2 20 10 0 41 29/21/20/19/18/18/17/00 80 41 42 41 21 63 14 22 90 2 20 10 0 42 29/21/20/19/19/18/17/00 81 42 42 42 21 63 16 22 90 2 21 10 0 42 29/21/20/20/19/18/17/00 82 42 42 42 22 64 16 22 90 2 21 10 0 43 30/21/21/20/19/18/17/00 83 43 43 43 22 64 16 22 90 2 21 10 0 43 30/21/21/20/19/18/18/00 84 43 43 43 22 65 16 22 90 2 21 10 0 43 30/22/21/20/19/19/18/00 85 44 44 43 22 66 16 24 91 2 21 11 0 44 30/22/21/20/20/19/18/00 86 44 44 44 22 66 16 24 91 2 22 11 0 44 30/22/21/21/20/19/18/00 87 45 45 44 23 67 16 24 91 2 22 11 0 45 31/22/21/21/20/19/18/00 88 45 45 45 23 68 16 24 91 2 22 11 0 45 31/22/22/21/20/19/19/00 89 45 46 45 23 68 16 24 91 2 22 11 0 45 31/23/22/21/20/20/19/00 90 46 46 46 23 69 16 24 91 2 23 11 0 46 31/23/22/21/21/20/19/00 91 46 46 46 23 70 16 24 91 2 23 11 0 46 31/23/22/21/21/20/19/00 92 47 47 47 24 70 16 24 91 2 23 11 0 47 32/23/22/22/21/20/19/00 93 47 47 47 24 71 16 24 91 2 23 11 0 47 32/23/23/22/21/20/20/00 94 48 48 48 24 72 18 26 92 3 24 12 0 48 32/24/23/22/21/21/20/00 95 48 48 48 24 72 18 26 92 3 24 12 0 48 32/24/23/22/21/21/20/00 96 49 49 49 24 73 18 26 92 3 24 12 0 48 32/24/23/22/22/21/20/00 97 49 49 49 25 74 20 26 92 3 24 12 0 49 32/24/23/23/22/21/20/00 98 50 50 50 25 74 20 26 92 3 25 12 0 49 33/24/24/23/22/21/21/00 99 50 50 50 25 75 20 26 92 3 25 12 0 50 33/24/24/23/22/21/21/00

Black Mage

Description: Controls the power of elements not to cause destruction, but to defeat the ends of evil.

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Specialty: Weakening enemies.

Usefulness: Its status spells can be pretty useful, but not really needed to survive the earlier part of the game. I recommend to use this slot to add another warrior-type character.

Evaluation: Not to useful, but I still prefer it over the Red Wizard. The status attacks are quite helpful and are almost always 100% in effectiveness. Use it to weaken a large group of enemies. Later in the game, this mage becomes almost useless as more powerful ones become available.

Stat Preview:

Levels 1- 9: Str --, Agi --, Vit -- Levels 10-19: Str --, Agi --, Vit - Levels 20-29: Str --, Agi - , Vit -- Levels 30-39: Str - , Agi --, Vit - Levels 40-49: Str --, Agi --, Vit - Levels 50-59: Str - , Agi --, Vit - Levels 60-69: Str - , Agi --, Vit = Levels 70-79: Str - , Agi --, Vit = Levels 80-89: Str - , Agi --, Vit = Levels 90-99: Str - , Agi ---, Vit =

Stat Growth:

Lvl-Str-Agi-Vit-Int-Spr-At#-Att-Ht%-De#-Def-Eva-MDf-MEv--M1-M2-M3-M4-M5-M6-M7-M8 1 5 7 3 10 5 2 4 81 0 1 1 0 7 08/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 2 6 8 4 11 5 2 4 82 0 2 2 0 8 09/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 3 6 8 4 12 6 2 4 82 0 2 2 0 9 10/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 4 7 9 5 13 6 2 4 82 0 2 2 0 9 10/01/00/00/00/00/00/00 5 7 9 5 13 6 2 4 82 0 2 2 0 9 11/02/00/00/00/00/00/00 6 8 10 6 14 6 2 6 82 0 3 2 0 10 11/02/00/00/00/00/00/00 7 8 10 6 15 6 2 6 82 0 3 2 0 10 12/03/00/00/00/00/00/00 8 9 10 7 15 7 2 6 82 0 3 2 0 11 12/03/01/00/00/00/00/00 9 9 11 7 16 7 2 6 82 0 3 2 0 11 12/04/02/00/00/00/00/00 10 10 11 8 17 7 2 6 82 0 4 2 0 12 13/04/02/00/00/00/00/00 11 10 12 8 17 7 2 6 83 0 4 3 0 12 13/04/03/00/00/00/00/00 12 10 12 9 18 7 2 6 83 0 4 3 0 12 13/05/03/01/00/00/00/00 13 11 13 9 19 8 2 6 83 0 4 3 0 13 14/05/04/02/00/00/00/00 14 11 13 10 19 8 2 6 83 0 5 3 0 13 14/05/04/02/00/00/00/00 15 12 14 10 20 8 2 8 83 0 5 3 0 14 14/06/04/03/00/00/00/00

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16 12 14 10 21 8 2 8 83 0 5 3 0 14 15/06/05/03/01/00/00/00 17 13 14 11 21 8 4 8 83 0 5 3 0 14 15/06/05/04/02/00/00/00 18 13 15 11 22 9 4 8 83 0 5 3 0 15 15/07/05/04/02/00/00/00 19 14 15 12 22 9 4 8 83 0 6 3 0 15 16/07/06/04/03/00/00/00 20 14 16 12 23 9 6 8 84 1 6 4 0 16 16/07/06/05/03/01/00/00 21 15 16 13 24 9 6 8 84 1 6 4 0 16 16/08/06/05/04/02/00/00 22 15 17 13 24 9 6 8 84 1 6 4 0 16 16/08/07/05/04/02/00/00 23 15 17 14 25 10 6 8 84 1 7 4 0 17 17/08/07/06/04/03/00/00 24 16 17 14 26 10 6 10 84 1 7 4 0 18 17/08/07/06/05/03/01/00 25 16 18 15 26 10 6 10 84 1 7 4 0 18 17/09/08/06/05/04/02/00 26 17 18 15 27 10 6 10 84 1 7 4 0 18 18/09/08/07/05/04/02/00 27 17 19 16 28 10 6 10 84 1 8 4 0 19 18/09/08/07/06/04/03/00 28 18 19 16 28 11 6 10 84 1 8 4 0 19 18/10/08/07/06/05/03/00 29 18 20 16 29 11 6 10 85 1 8 5 0 20 18/10/09/08/06/05/04/00 30 19 20 17 30 11 6 10 85 1 8 5 0 20 19/10/09/08/07/05/04/00 31 19 20 17 30 11 6 10 85 1 8 5 0 20 19/10/09/08/07/06/04/00 32 20 21 18 31 11 6 12 85 1 9 5 0 21 19/11/10/08/07/06/05/00 33 20 21 18 32 12 8 12 85 1 9 5 0 22 19/11/10/09/08/06/05/00 34 20 22 19 32 12 8 12 85 1 9 5 0 22 20/11/10/09/08/07/05/00 35 21 22 19 33 12 8 12 85 1 9 5 0 22 20/11/10/09/08/07/06/00 36 21 23 20 34 12 8 12 85 1 10 5 0 23 20/12/11/10/08/07/06/00 37 22 23 20 34 12 8 12 85 1 10 5 0 23 20/12/11/10/09/08/06/00 38 22 24 21 35 13 8 12 86 1 10 6 0 24 21/12/11/10/09/08/07/00 39 23 24 21 36 13 8 12 86 1 10 6 0 24 21/12/11/10/09/08/07/00 40 23 24 22 36 13 8 12 86 1 11 6 0 24 21/13/12/11/10/08/07/00 41 24 25 22 37 13 8 14 86 1 11 6 0 25 21/13/12/11/10/09/08/00 42 24 25 23 38 13 8 14 86 1 11 6 0 25 21/13/12/11/10/09/08/00 43 25 26 23 38 14 8 14 86 1 11 6 0 26 22/13/12/11/10/09/08/00 44 25 26 23 39 14 8 14 86 1 11 6 0 26 22/13/13/12/11/10/08/00 45 25 27 24 40 14 8 14 86 1 12 6 0 27 22/14/13/12/11/10/09/00 46 26 27 24 40 14 8 14 86 1 12 6 0 27 22/14/13/12/11/10/09/00 47 26 27 25 41 14 8 14 86 1 12 6 0 27 23/14/13/12/11/10/09/00 48 27 28 25 42 15 8 14 87 1 12 7 0 28 23/14/13/13/12/11/10/00 49 27 28 26 42 15 10 14 87 1 13 7 0 28 23/15/14/13/12/11/10/00 50 28 29 26 43 15 10 16 87 1 13 7 0 29 23/15/14/13/12/11/10/00 51 28 29 27 43 15 10 16 87 1 13 7 0 29 23/15/14/13/12/11/10/00 52 29 30 27 44 16 10 16 87 1 13 7 0 30 24/15/14/13/13/12/11/00 53 29 30 28 45 16 10 16 87 1 14 7 0 30 24/15/15/14/13/12/11/00 54 30 30 28 45 16 10 16 87 1 14 7 0 30 24/16/15/14/13/12/11/00 55 30 31 29 46 16 10 16 87 1 14 7 0 31 24/16/15/14/13/12/11/00 56 30 31 29 47 16 10 16 87 1 14 7 0 31 25/16/15/14/13/13/12/00 57 31 32 29 47 17 12 16 88 2 14 8 0 32 25/16/15/15/14/13/12/00 58 31 32 30 48 17 12 16 88 2 15 8 0 32 25/17/16/15/14/13/12/00 59 32 33 30 49 17 12 18 88 2 15 8 0 33 25/17/16/15/14/13/12/00 60 32 33 31 49 17 12 18 88 2 15 8 0 33 25/17/16/15/14/13/13/00 61 33 33 31 50 17 12 18 88 2 15 8 0 33 26/17/16/15/15/14/13/00

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62 33 34 32 51 18 12 18 88 2 16 8 0 34 26/17/17/16/15/14/13/00 63 34 34 32 51 18 12 18 88 2 16 8 0 34 26/18/17/16/15/14/13/00 64 34 35 33 52 18 12 18 88 2 16 8 0 35 26/18/17/16/15/14/13/00 65 35 35 33 53 18 14 18 88 2 16 8 0 35 26/18/17/16/15/15/14/00 66 35 36 34 53 18 14 18 89 2 17 9 0 35 27/18/17/17/16/15/14/00 67 35 36 34 54 19 14 18 89 2 17 9 0 36 27/18/18/17/16/15/14/00 68 36 37 35 55 19 14 20 89 2 17 9 0 37 27/19/18/17/16/15/14/00 69 36 37 35 55 19 14 20 89 2 17 9 0 37 27/19/18/17/16/15/15/00 70 37 37 36 56 19 14 20 89 2 18 9 0 37 27/19/18/17/17/16/15/00 71 37 38 36 57 19 14 20 89 2 18 9 0 38 28/19/18/18/17/16/15/00 72 38 38 36 57 20 14 20 89 2 18 9 0 38 28/19/19/18/17/16/15/00 73 38 39 37 58 20 14 20 89 2 18 9 0 39 28/20/19/18/17/16/15/00 74 39 39 37 59 20 14 20 89 2 18 9 0 39 28/20/19/18/17/17/16/00 75 39 40 38 59 20 14 20 90 2 19 10 0 39 28/20/19/18/18/17/16/00 76 40 40 38 60 20 14 22 90 2 19 10 0 40 29/20/19/19/18/17/16/00 77 40 40 39 61 21 14 22 90 2 19 10 0 41 29/20/20/19/18/17/16/00 78 40 41 39 61 21 14 22 90 2 19 10 0 41 29/21/20/19/18/17/17/00 79 41 41 40 62 21 14 22 90 2 20 10 0 41 29/21/20/19/18/18/17/00 80 41 42 40 63 21 14 22 90 2 20 10 0 42 29/21/20/19/19/18/17/00 81 42 42 41 63 21 16 22 90 2 20 10 0 42 29/21/20/20/19/18/17/00 82 42 43 41 64 22 16 22 90 2 20 10 0 43 30/21/21/20/19/18/17/00 83 43 43 42 64 22 16 22 90 2 21 10 0 43 30/21/21/20/19/18/18/00 84 43 43 42 65 22 16 22 90 2 21 10 0 43 30/22/21/20/19/19/18/00 85 44 44 42 66 22 16 24 91 2 21 11 0 44 30/22/21/20/20/19/18/00 86 44 44 43 66 22 16 24 91 2 21 11 0 44 30/22/21/21/20/19/18/00 87 45 45 43 67 23 16 24 91 2 21 11 0 45 31/22/21/21/20/19/18/00 88 45 45 44 68 23 16 24 91 2 22 11 0 45 31/22/22/21/20/19/19/00 89 45 46 44 68 23 16 24 91 2 22 11 0 45 31/23/22/21/20/20/19/00 90 46 46 45 69 23 16 24 91 2 22 11 0 46 31/23/22/21/21/20/19/00 91 46 47 45 70 23 16 24 91 2 22 11 0 46 31/23/22/21/21/20/19/00 92 47 47 46 70 24 16 24 91 2 23 11 0 47 32/23/22/22/21/20/19/00 93 47 47 46 71 24 16 24 91 2 23 11 0 47 32/23/23/22/21/20/20/00 94 48 48 47 72 24 18 26 92 3 23 12 0 48 32/24/23/22/21/21/20/00 95 48 48 47 72 24 18 26 92 3 23 12 0 48 32/24/23/22/21/21/20/00 96 49 49 48 73 24 18 26 92 3 24 12 0 48 32/24/23/22/22/21/20/00 97 49 49 48 74 25 20 26 92 3 24 12 0 49 32/24/23/23/22/21/20/00 98 50 50 49 74 25 20 26 92 3 24 12 0 49 33/24/24/23/22/21/21/00 99 50 50 49 75 25 20 26 92 3 24 12 0 50 33/24/24/23/22/21/21/00

Red Mage

Description: Gifted to use both White and Black Magic, however, they failed

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to master either arts.

Specialty: White and Black Wizard in 1

Usefulness: If you honestly want to use this job, limit it to the earliest part of the game, especially the dungeon with many dead mon-sters (equip W. Slayer Sword). After that, they're not really worth it if you notice the pace of story progress.

Evaluation: Mage who can use magic swords, helm and shields. Although very versatile, I never really used it that much. They are pretty useful warriors early on, but becomes useless as the game goes forward. They can use both white and black magic, but come on! Who would want to use Cure 2 when your White Wizard can use Cure 3 already? Even in other FF's, I did not really liked this job that much... (many will surely disagree).

Stat Preview:

Levels 1- 9: Str --, Agi - , Vit -- Levels 10-19: Str --, Agi - , Vit -- Levels 20-29: Str --, Agi - , Vit -- Levels 30-39: Str - , Agi - , Vit -- Levels 40-49: Str --, Agi - , Vit -- Levels 50-59: Str - , Agi - , Vit -- Levels 60-69: Str - , Agi - , Vit - Levels 70-79: Str - , Agi - , Vit - Levels 80-89: Str - , Agi - , Vit - Levels 90-99: Str --, Agi - , Vit -

Stat Growth:

Lvl-Str-Agi-Vit-Int-Spr-At#-Att-Ht%-De#-Def-Eva-MDf-MEv--M1-M2-M3-M4-M5-M6-M7-M8 1 6 7 5 6 6 2 4 81 0 2 1 0 6 04/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 2 7 8 6 7 7 2 4 82 0 3 2 0 7 05/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 3 7 9 6 7 7 2 4 82 0 3 2 0 7 06/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 4 8 10 6 8 8 2 6 82 0 3 2 0 8 06/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 5 8 10 6 8 8 2 6 82 0 3 2 0 8 07/01/00/00/00/00/00/00 6 9 11 7 9 9 2 6 82 0 3 2 0 9 07/02/00/00/00/00/00/00 7 9 11 7 9 9 2 6 82 0 3 2 0 9 08/02/00/00/00/00/00/00 8 10 12 7 10 10 2 6 83 0 3 3 0 10 08/03/00/00/00/00/00/00 9 10 13 7 10 10 2 6 83 0 3 3 0 10 08/03/00/00/00/00/00/00

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10 10 13 8 10 10 2 6 83 0 4 3 0 10 09/04/01/00/00/00/00/00 11 11 14 8 11 11 2 6 83 0 4 3 0 11 09/04/02/00/00/00/00/00 12 11 15 8 11 11 2 6 83 0 4 3 0 11 09/04/02/00/00/00/00/00 13 12 15 8 12 12 2 8 83 0 4 3 0 12 10/05/03/00/00/00/00/00 14 12 16 9 12 12 4 8 84 1 4 4 0 12 10/05/03/00/00/00/00/00 15 13 17 9 13 13 4 8 84 1 4 4 0 13 10/05/04/01/00/00/00/00 16 13 17 9 13 13 4 8 84 1 4 4 0 13 11/06/04/02/00/00/00/00 17 14 18 9 14 14 6 8 84 1 4 4 0 14 11/06/04/02/00/00/00/00 18 14 18 10 14 14 6 8 84 1 5 4 0 14 11/06/05/03/00/00/00/00 19 14 19 10 14 14 6 8 84 1 5 4 0 14 12/07/05/03/00/00/00/00 20 15 20 10 15 15 6 8 85 1 5 5 0 15 12/07/05/04/00/00/00/00 21 15 20 10 15 15 6 8 85 1 5 5 0 15 12/07/06/04/00/00/00/00 22 16 21 11 16 16 6 10 85 1 5 5 0 16 12/08/06/04/00/00/00/00 23 16 22 11 16 16 6 10 85 1 5 5 0 16 13/08/06/05/00/00/00/00 24 17 22 11 17 17 6 10 85 1 5 5 0 17 13/08/07/05/00/00/00/00 25 17 23 11 17 17 6 10 85 1 5 5 0 17 13/08/07/05/00/00/00/00 26 18 24 12 18 18 6 10 86 1 6 6 0 18 14/09/07/06/00/00/00/00 27 18 24 12 18 18 6 10 86 1 6 6 0 18 14/09/08/06/00/00/00/00 28 18 25 12 18 18 6 10 86 1 6 6 0 18 14/09/08/06/00/00/00/00 29 19 25 12 19 19 6 10 86 1 6 6 0 19 14/10/08/07/00/00/00/00 30 19 26 13 19 19 6 10 86 1 6 6 0 19 15/10/08/07/00/00/00/00 31 20 27 13 20 20 6 12 86 1 6 6 0 20 15/10/09/07/00/00/00/00 32 20 27 13 20 20 6 12 86 1 6 6 0 20 15/10/09/08/00/00/00/00 33 21 28 13 21 21 8 12 87 1 6 7 0 21 15/11/09/08/00/00/00/00 34 21 29 14 21 21 8 12 87 1 7 7 0 21 16/11/10/08/00/00/00/00 35 22 29 14 22 22 8 12 87 1 7 7 0 22 16/11/10/08/00/00/00/00 36 22 30 14 22 22 8 12 87 1 7 7 0 22 16/11/10/09/00/00/00/00 37 22 31 14 22 22 8 12 87 1 7 7 0 22 16/12/10/09/00/00/00/00 38 23 31 15 23 23 8 12 87 1 7 7 0 23 17/12/11/09/00/00/00/00 39 23 32 15 23 23 10 12 88 2 7 8 0 23 17/12/11/10/00/00/00/00 40 24 32 15 24 24 10 14 88 2 7 8 0 24 17/12/11/10/00/00/00/00 41 24 33 15 24 24 10 14 88 2 7 8 0 24 17/13/11/10/00/00/00/00 42 25 34 16 25 25 10 14 88 2 8 8 0 25 17/13/12/10/00/00/00/00 43 25 34 16 25 25 10 14 88 2 8 8 0 25 18/13/12/11/00/00/00/00 44 26 35 16 26 26 10 14 88 2 8 8 0 26 18/13/12/11/00/00/00/00 45 26 36 16 26 26 10 14 89 2 8 9 0 26 18/13/12/11/00/00/00/00 46 26 36 17 26 26 10 14 89 2 8 9 0 26 18/14/13/11/00/00/00/00 47 27 37 17 27 27 10 14 89 2 8 9 0 27 19/14/13/12/00/00/00/00 48 27 38 17 27 27 10 14 89 2 8 9 0 27 19/14/13/12/00/00/00/00 49 28 38 17 28 28 12 16 89 2 8 9 0 28 19/14/13/12/00/00/00/00 50 28 39 18 28 28 12 16 89 2 9 9 0 28 19/15/13/12/00/00/00/00 51 29 39 18 29 29 12 16 89 2 9 9 0 29 19/15/14/13/00/00/00/00 52 29 40 18 29 29 12 16 90 2 9 10 0 29 20/15/14/13/00/00/00/00 53 30 41 18 30 30 12 16 90 2 9 10 0 30 20/15/14/13/00/00/00/00 54 30 41 19 30 30 12 16 90 2 9 10 0 30 20/15/14/13/00/00/00/00 55 30 42 19 30 30 12 16 90 2 9 10 0 30 20/16/15/13/00/00/00/00

Page 109: Final Fantasy III Guide (iOS)

Final Fantasy III Walkthrough and Guide for the iPhone, iPod, and iPad 109

56 31 43 19 31 31 12 16 90 2 9 10 0 31 21/16/15/14/00/00/00/00 57 31 43 19 31 31 12 16 90 2 9 10 0 31 21/16/15/14/00/00/00/00 58 32 44 20 32 32 12 18 91 2 10 11 0 32 21/16/15/14/00/00/00/00 59 32 45 20 32 32 12 18 91 2 10 11 0 32 21/17/15/14/00/00/00/00 60 33 45 20 33 33 12 18 91 2 10 11 0 33 21/17/16/15/00/00/00/00 61 33 46 20 33 33 12 18 91 2 10 11 0 33 22/17/16/15/00/00/00/00 62 34 46 21 34 34 12 18 91 2 10 11 0 34 22/17/16/15/00/00/00/00 63 34 47 21 34 34 12 18 91 2 10 11 0 34 22/17/16/15/00/00/00/00 64 34 48 21 34 34 14 18 92 3 10 12 0 34 22/18/17/15/00/00/00/00 65 35 48 21 35 35 16 18 92 3 10 12 0 35 22/18/17/16/00/00/00/00 66 35 49 22 35 35 16 18 92 3 11 12 0 35 23/18/17/16/00/00/00/00 67 36 50 22 36 36 16 20 92 3 11 12 0 36 23/18/17/16/00/00/00/00 68 36 50 22 36 36 16 20 92 3 11 12 0 36 23/18/17/16/00/00/00/00 69 37 51 22 37 37 16 20 92 3 11 12 0 37 23/19/18/17/00/00/00/00 70 37 52 23 37 37 16 20 93 3 11 13 0 37 23/19/18/17/00/00/00/00 71 38 52 23 38 38 16 20 93 3 11 13 0 38 24/19/18/17/00/00/00/00 72 38 53 23 38 38 16 20 93 3 11 13 0 38 24/19/18/17/00/00/00/00 73 38 53 23 38 38 16 20 93 3 11 13 0 38 24/19/18/17/00/00/00/00 74 39 54 24 39 39 16 20 93 3 12 13 0 39 24/20/19/18/00/00/00/00 75 39 55 24 39 39 16 20 93 3 12 13 0 39 24/20/19/18/00/00/00/00 76 40 55 24 40 40 16 22 93 3 12 13 0 40 25/20/19/18/00/00/00/00 77 40 56 24 40 40 16 22 94 3 12 14 0 40 25/20/19/18/00/00/00/00 78 41 57 25 41 41 16 22 94 3 12 14 0 41 25/20/19/18/00/00/00/00 79 41 57 25 41 41 16 22 94 3 12 14 0 41 25/21/20/19/00/00/00/00 80 42 58 25 42 42 16 22 94 3 12 14 0 42 25/21/20/19/00/00/00/00 81 42 59 25 42 42 18 22 94 3 12 14 0 42 25/21/20/19/00/00/00/00 82 42 59 26 42 42 18 22 94 3 13 14 0 42 26/21/20/19/00/00/00/00 83 43 60 26 43 43 18 22 95 3 13 15 0 43 26/21/20/19/00/00/00/00 84 43 60 26 43 43 18 22 95 3 13 15 0 43 26/21/21/20/00/00/00/00 85 44 61 26 44 44 18 24 95 3 13 15 0 44 26/22/21/20/00/00/00/00 86 44 62 27 44 44 18 24 95 3 13 15 0 44 26/22/21/20/00/00/00/00 87 45 62 27 45 45 18 24 95 3 13 15 0 45 27/22/21/20/00/00/00/00 88 45 63 27 45 45 18 24 95 3 13 15 0 45 27/22/21/20/00/00/00/00 89 46 64 27 46 46 20 24 96 4 13 16 0 46 27/22/21/21/00/00/00/00 90 46 64 28 46 46 20 24 96 4 14 16 0 46 27/23/22/21/00/00/00/00 91 46 65 28 46 46 20 24 96 4 14 16 0 46 27/23/22/21/00/00/00/00 92 47 66 28 47 47 20 24 96 4 14 16 0 47 28/23/22/21/00/00/00/00 93 47 66 28 47 47 20 24 96 4 14 16 0 47 28/23/22/21/00/00/00/00 94 48 67 29 48 48 20 26 96 4 14 16 0 48 28/23/22/21/00/00/00/00 95 48 67 29 48 48 20 26 96 4 14 16 0 48 28/24/23/22/00/00/00/00 96 49 68 29 49 49 20 26 97 4 14 17 0 49 28/24/23/22/00/00/00/00 97 49 69 29 49 49 22 26 97 4 14 17 0 49 28/24/23/22/00/00/00/00 98 50 69 30 50 50 22 26 97 4 15 17 0 50 29/24/23/22/00/00/00/00 99 50 70 30 50 50 22 26 97 4 15 17 0 50 29/24/23/22/00/00/00/00


Page 110: Final Fantasy III Guide (iOS)

Final Fantasy III Walkthrough and Guide for the iPhone, iPod, and iPad 110

Description: Thru extensive research, they obtain a great knowledge of all things. They use their wide knowledge to determine how to effectively defeat an enemy.

Specialty: Peep - looks at enemy's current HP Scan - looks at enemy's weakness

Usefulness: Avoid this at all cost!

Evaluation: Books! Books! Books! I love books, but I don't love this pathetic nerd. Unexpectedly, this guy has the best Intelligence growth of all pre-Warlock mages. 'Scan' is useful against a certain "WallChange"-using enemies, ONLY... but I never really used it. Instead of wasting your turn to scan the enemies' weakness, might as well use the turn to deal additional damage. Whooo! This guy has a TERRIBLE HP gain! Definitely, a waste of slot in your party.

Stat Preview:

Levels 1- 9: Str = , Agi = , Vit --- Levels 10-19: Str = , Agi = , Vit --- Levels 20-29: Str = , Agi = , Vit --- Levels 30-39: Str = , Agi = , Vit --- Levels 40-49: Str = , Agi = , Vit --- Levels 50-59: Str = , Agi = , Vit --- Levels 60-69: Str = , Agi = , Vit --- Levels 70-79: Str = , Agi = , Vit --- Levels 80-89: Str = , Agi = , Vit --- Levels 90-99: Str = , Agi = , Vit ---

Stat Growth:

Lvl-Str-Agi-Vit-Int-Spr-At#-Att-Ht%-De#-Def-Eva-MDf-MEv--M1-M2-M3-M4-M5-M6-M7-M8 1 10 10 1 15 4 2 6 82 0 0 2 0 8 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 2 11 11 1 16 5 2 6 82 0 0 2 0 10 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 3 12 12 1 17 5 2 8 83 0 0 3 0 11 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 4 13 13 2 17 5 2 8 83 0 1 3 0 11 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 5 13 13 2 18 6 2 8 83 0 1 3 0 12 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 6 14 14 2 19 6 2 8 83 0 1 3 0 12 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 7 15 15 2 20 6 2 8 83 0 1 3 0 13 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 8 15 15 2 21 7 2 8 83 0 1 3 0 14 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 9 16 16 2 22 7 4 10 83 1 1 4 0 14 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 10 17 17 2 22 7 4 10 84 1 1 4 0 14 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00

Page 111: Final Fantasy III Guide (iOS)

Final Fantasy III Walkthrough and Guide for the iPhone, iPod, and iPad 111

11 17 17 3 23 7 4 10 84 1 1 4 0 15 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 12 18 18 3 24 8 4 10 84 1 1 4 0 16 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 13 19 19 3 25 8 4 10 84 1 1 4 0 16 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 14 19 19 3 26 8 4 10 84 1 1 4 0 17 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 15 20 20 3 27 9 4 12 85 1 1 5 0 18 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 16 21 21 3 28 9 4 12 85 1 1 5 0 18 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 17 21 21 3 28 9 6 12 85 1 1 5 0 18 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 18 22 22 4 29 10 6 12 85 1 2 5 0 19 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 19 22 22 4 30 10 6 12 85 1 2 5 0 20 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 20 23 23 4 31 10 6 12 85 1 2 5 0 20 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 21 24 24 4 32 11 6 14 86 1 2 6 0 21 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 22 24 24 4 33 11 6 14 86 1 2 6 0 22 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 23 25 25 4 34 11 6 14 86 1 2 6 0 22 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 24 26 26 4 34 12 6 14 86 1 2 6 0 23 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 25 26 26 5 35 12 6 14 86 1 2 6 0 23 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 26 27 27 5 36 12 6 14 86 1 2 6 0 24 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 27 28 28 5 37 12 6 16 87 1 2 7 0 24 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 28 28 28 5 38 13 6 16 87 1 2 7 0 25 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 29 29 29 5 39 13 6 16 87 1 2 7 0 26 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 30 30 30 5 39 13 6 16 87 1 2 7 0 26 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 31 30 30 5 40 14 6 16 87 1 2 7 0 27 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 32 31 31 6 41 14 6 16 87 1 3 7 0 27 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 33 32 32 6 42 14 10 18 88 2 3 8 0 28 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 34 32 32 6 43 15 10 18 88 2 3 8 0 29 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 35 33 33 6 44 15 10 18 88 2 3 8 0 29 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 36 34 34 6 45 15 10 18 88 2 3 8 0 30 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 37 34 34 6 45 16 10 18 88 2 3 8 0 30 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 38 35 35 6 46 16 10 18 88 2 3 8 0 31 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 39 36 36 7 47 16 10 20 89 2 3 9 0 31 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 40 36 36 7 48 17 10 20 89 2 3 9 0 32 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 41 37 37 7 49 17 10 20 89 2 3 9 0 33 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 42 38 38 7 50 17 10 20 89 2 3 9 0 33 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 43 38 38 7 50 17 10 20 89 2 3 9 0 33 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 44 39 39 7 51 18 10 20 89 2 3 9 0 34 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 45 40 40 7 52 18 10 22 90 2 3 10 0 35 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 46 40 40 8 53 18 10 22 90 2 4 10 0 35 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 47 41 41 8 54 19 10 22 90 2 4 10 0 36 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 48 42 42 8 55 19 10 22 90 2 4 10 0 37 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 49 42 42 8 56 19 12 22 90 2 4 10 0 37 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 50 43 43 8 56 20 12 22 90 2 4 10 0 38 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 51 43 43 8 57 20 12 22 90 2 4 10 0 38 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 52 44 44 8 58 20 12 24 91 2 4 11 0 39 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 53 45 45 8 59 21 12 24 91 2 4 11 0 40 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 54 45 45 9 60 21 12 24 91 2 4 11 0 40 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 55 46 46 9 61 21 12 24 91 2 4 11 0 41 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 56 47 47 9 62 22 12 24 91 2 4 11 0 42 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00

Page 112: Final Fantasy III Guide (iOS)

Final Fantasy III Walkthrough and Guide for the iPhone, iPod, and iPad 112

57 47 47 9 62 22 12 24 91 2 4 11 0 42 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 58 48 48 9 63 22 14 26 92 3 4 12 0 42 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 59 49 49 9 64 22 14 26 92 3 4 12 0 43 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 60 49 49 9 65 23 14 26 92 3 4 12 0 44 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 61 50 50 10 66 23 14 26 92 3 5 12 0 44 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 62 51 51 10 67 23 14 26 92 3 5 12 0 45 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 63 51 51 10 67 24 14 26 92 3 5 12 0 45 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 64 52 52 10 68 24 14 28 93 3 5 13 0 46 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 65 53 53 10 69 24 16 28 93 3 5 13 0 46 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 66 53 53 10 70 25 16 28 93 3 5 13 0 47 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 67 54 54 10 71 25 16 28 93 3 5 13 0 48 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 68 55 55 11 72 25 16 28 93 3 5 13 0 48 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 69 55 55 11 73 26 16 28 93 3 5 13 0 49 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 70 56 56 11 73 26 16 30 94 3 5 14 0 49 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 71 57 57 11 74 26 16 30 94 3 5 14 0 50 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 72 57 57 11 75 27 16 30 94 3 5 14 0 51 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 73 58 58 11 76 27 16 30 94 3 5 14 0 51 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 74 59 59 11 77 27 16 30 94 3 5 14 0 52 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 75 59 59 12 78 27 16 30 94 3 6 14 0 52 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 76 60 60 12 78 28 16 32 95 3 6 15 0 53 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 77 61 61 12 79 28 16 32 95 3 6 15 0 53 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 78 61 61 12 80 28 16 32 95 3 6 15 0 54 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 79 62 62 12 81 29 16 32 95 3 6 15 0 55 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 80 63 63 12 82 29 16 32 95 3 6 15 0 55 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 81 63 63 12 83 29 18 32 95 3 6 15 0 56 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 82 64 64 13 84 30 20 34 96 4 6 16 0 57 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 83 64 64 13 84 30 20 34 96 4 6 16 0 57 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 84 65 65 13 85 30 20 34 96 4 6 16 0 57 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 85 66 66 13 86 31 20 34 96 4 6 16 0 58 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 86 66 66 13 87 31 20 34 96 4 6 16 0 59 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 87 67 67 13 88 31 20 34 96 4 6 16 0 59 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 88 68 68 13 89 32 20 36 97 4 6 17 0 60 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 89 68 68 14 90 32 20 36 97 4 7 17 0 61 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 90 69 69 14 90 32 20 36 97 4 7 17 0 61 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 91 70 70 14 91 32 20 36 97 4 7 17 0 61 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 92 70 70 14 92 33 20 36 97 4 7 17 0 62 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 93 71 71 14 93 33 20 36 97 4 7 17 0 63 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 94 72 72 14 94 33 20 38 98 4 7 18 0 63 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 95 72 72 14 95 34 20 38 98 4 7 18 0 64 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 96 73 73 15 95 34 20 38 98 4 7 18 0 64 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 97 74 74 15 96 34 22 38 98 4 7 18 0 65 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 98 74 74 15 97 35 22 38 98 4 7 18 0 66 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 99 75 75 15 98 35 22 38 98 4 7 18 0 66 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00


Page 113: Final Fantasy III Guide (iOS)

Final Fantasy III Walkthrough and Guide for the iPhone, iPod, and iPad 113

Description: Combatants who knows how to use the geography and topog-raphy of the earth as a weapon.

Specialty: Terrain - uses the nature as weapon. Effects vary in the area where you are.

Usefulness: If you're still using the Black Wizard and you ran out of MP, you can still use "spells without MP" using its 'Terrain' ability... the effects depends on the location of the battle, though.

Evaluation: I don't see any reason to use this job. Compared to FFV and FF Tactics' Geomancer, this seems to be not the Geomancer we now know. 'Terrain' is not really that useful. Its bells don't work wonders either... that's why I put it in the mage class. Mage-like stat progression, weak weapons and armors, and weak physique are reasons to avoid this job, although, its free spells are quite useful for those who want to have a regular mage in their party without minding their MP consumption.

Stat Preview:

Levels 1- 9: Str - , Agi = , Vit = Levels 10-19: Str - , Agi = , Vit = Levels 20-29: Str - , Agi = , Vit = Levels 30-39: Str - , Agi = , Vit = Levels 40-49: Str - , Agi = , Vit = Levels 50-59: Str - , Agi = , Vit - Levels 60-69: Str - , Agi = , Vit = Levels 70-79: Str - , Agi = , Vit = Levels 80-89: Str - , Agi = , Vit = Levels 90-99: Str --, Agi = , Vit =

Stat Growth:

Lvl-Str-Agi-Vit-Int-Spr-At#-Att-Ht%-De#-Def-Eva-MDf-MEv--M1-M2-M3-M4-M5-M6-M7-M8 1 10 10 10 20 5 2 6 82 0 5 2 0 12 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 2 11 11 11 21 6 2 6 82 0 5 2 0 13 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 3 11 12 11 22 6 2 6 83 0 5 3 0 14 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 4 12 13 12 22 7 2 8 83 0 6 3 0 14 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 5 12 13 12 23 7 2 8 83 0 6 3 0 14 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 6 12 14 12 23 8 2 8 83 0 6 3 0 15 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 7 13 15 13 24 8 2 8 83 0 6 3 0 16 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00

Page 114: Final Fantasy III Guide (iOS)

Final Fantasy III Walkthrough and Guide for the iPhone, iPod, and iPad 114

8 13 15 13 24 9 2 8 83 0 6 3 0 16 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 9 14 16 14 25 9 4 8 84 1 7 4 0 17 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 10 14 17 14 26 10 4 8 84 1 7 4 0 18 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 11 14 17 14 26 10 4 8 84 1 7 4 0 18 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 12 15 18 15 27 10 4 8 84 1 7 4 0 18 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 13 15 19 15 27 11 4 8 84 1 7 4 0 19 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 14 16 19 16 28 11 4 10 84 1 8 4 0 19 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 15 16 20 16 28 12 4 10 85 1 8 5 0 20 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 16 16 21 16 29 12 4 10 85 1 8 5 0 20 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 17 17 21 17 29 13 6 10 85 1 8 5 0 21 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 18 17 22 17 30 13 6 10 85 1 8 5 0 21 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 19 18 22 18 31 14 6 10 85 1 9 5 0 22 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 20 18 23 18 31 14 6 10 85 1 9 5 0 22 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 21 18 24 18 32 15 6 10 86 1 9 6 0 23 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 22 19 24 19 32 15 6 10 86 1 9 6 0 23 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 23 19 25 19 33 15 6 10 86 1 9 6 0 24 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 24 20 26 20 33 16 6 12 86 1 10 6 0 24 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 25 20 26 20 34 16 6 12 86 1 10 6 0 25 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 26 21 27 21 34 17 6 12 86 1 10 6 0 25 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 27 21 28 21 35 17 6 12 87 1 10 7 0 26 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 28 21 28 21 36 18 6 12 87 1 10 7 0 27 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 29 22 29 22 36 18 6 12 87 1 11 7 0 27 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 30 22 30 22 37 19 6 12 87 1 11 7 0 28 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 31 23 30 23 37 19 6 12 87 1 11 7 0 28 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 32 23 31 23 38 20 6 12 87 1 11 7 0 29 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 33 23 32 23 38 20 10 12 88 2 11 8 0 29 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 34 24 32 24 39 20 10 14 88 2 12 8 0 29 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 35 24 33 24 39 21 10 14 88 2 12 8 0 30 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 36 25 34 25 40 21 10 14 88 2 12 8 0 30 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 37 25 34 25 41 22 10 14 88 2 12 8 0 31 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 38 25 35 25 41 22 10 14 88 2 12 8 0 31 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 39 26 36 26 42 23 10 14 89 2 13 9 0 32 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 40 26 36 26 42 23 10 14 89 2 13 9 0 32 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 41 27 37 27 43 24 10 14 89 2 13 9 0 33 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 42 27 38 27 43 24 10 14 89 2 13 9 0 33 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 43 27 38 27 44 25 10 14 89 2 13 9 0 34 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 44 28 39 28 44 25 10 16 89 2 14 9 0 34 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 45 28 40 28 45 25 10 16 90 2 14 10 0 35 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 46 29 40 29 46 26 10 16 90 2 14 10 0 36 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 47 29 41 29 46 26 10 16 90 2 14 10 0 36 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 48 29 42 29 47 27 10 16 90 2 14 10 0 37 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 49 30 42 30 47 27 12 16 90 2 15 10 0 37 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 50 30 43 30 48 28 12 16 90 2 15 10 0 38 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 51 31 43 31 48 28 12 16 90 2 15 10 0 38 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 52 31 44 31 49 29 12 16 91 2 15 11 0 39 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 53 31 45 31 49 29 12 16 91 2 15 11 0 39 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00

Page 115: Final Fantasy III Guide (iOS)

Final Fantasy III Walkthrough and Guide for the iPhone, iPod, and iPad 115

54 32 45 32 50 30 12 18 91 2 16 11 0 40 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 55 32 46 32 51 30 12 18 91 2 16 11 0 40 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 56 33 47 33 51 30 12 18 91 2 16 11 0 40 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 57 33 47 33 52 31 12 18 91 2 16 11 0 41 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 58 33 48 33 52 31 14 18 92 3 16 12 0 41 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 59 34 49 34 53 32 14 18 92 3 17 12 0 42 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 60 34 49 34 53 32 14 18 92 3 17 12 0 42 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 61 35 50 35 54 33 14 18 92 3 17 12 0 43 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 62 35 51 35 54 33 14 18 92 3 17 12 0 43 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 63 35 51 35 55 34 14 18 92 3 17 12 0 44 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 64 36 52 36 56 34 14 20 93 3 18 13 0 45 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 65 36 53 36 56 35 16 20 93 3 18 13 0 45 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 66 37 53 37 57 35 16 20 93 3 18 13 0 46 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 67 37 54 37 57 35 16 20 93 3 18 13 0 46 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 68 37 55 37 58 36 16 20 93 3 18 13 0 47 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 69 38 55 38 58 36 16 20 93 3 19 13 0 47 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 70 38 56 38 59 37 16 20 94 3 19 14 0 48 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 71 39 57 39 59 37 16 20 94 3 19 14 0 48 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 72 39 57 39 60 38 16 20 94 3 19 14 0 49 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 73 39 58 39 61 38 16 20 94 3 19 14 0 49 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 74 40 59 40 61 39 16 22 94 3 20 14 0 50 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 75 40 59 40 62 39 16 22 94 3 20 14 0 50 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 76 41 60 41 62 40 16 22 95 3 20 15 0 51 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 77 41 61 41 63 40 16 22 95 3 20 15 0 51 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 78 42 61 42 63 40 16 22 95 3 21 15 0 51 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 79 42 62 42 64 41 16 22 95 3 21 15 0 52 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 80 42 63 42 64 41 16 22 95 3 21 15 0 52 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 81 43 63 43 65 42 18 22 95 3 21 15 0 53 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 82 43 64 43 66 42 20 22 96 4 21 16 0 54 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 83 44 64 44 66 43 20 24 96 4 22 16 0 54 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 84 44 65 44 67 43 20 24 96 4 22 16 0 55 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 85 44 66 44 67 44 20 24 96 4 22 16 0 55 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 86 45 66 45 68 44 20 24 96 4 22 16 0 56 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 87 45 67 45 68 45 20 24 96 4 22 16 0 56 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 88 46 68 46 69 45 20 24 97 4 23 17 0 57 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 89 46 68 46 69 45 20 24 97 4 23 17 0 57 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 90 46 69 46 70 46 20 24 97 4 23 17 0 58 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 91 47 70 47 71 46 20 24 97 4 23 17 0 58 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 92 47 70 47 71 47 20 24 97 4 23 17 0 59 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 93 48 71 48 72 47 20 26 97 4 24 17 0 59 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 94 48 72 48 72 48 20 26 98 4 24 18 0 60 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 95 48 72 48 73 48 20 26 98 4 24 18 0 60 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 96 49 73 49 73 49 20 26 98 4 24 18 0 61 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 97 49 74 49 74 49 22 26 98 4 24 18 0 61 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 98 50 74 50 74 50 22 26 98 4 25 18 0 62 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 99 50 75 50 75 50 22 26 98 4 25 18 0 62 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00

Page 116: Final Fantasy III Guide (iOS)

Final Fantasy III Walkthrough and Guide for the iPhone, iPod, and iPad 116


Description: Proving to be worthy of the powers of the legendary monsters, they can call upon said beings to utilize its random white or black ability.

Specialty: Summon's White/Black Ability

Usefulness: Use it if you're terribly addict with summon monsters. Useful-ness depends on luck... might as well dump this mage in the trash site.

Evaluation: If you want a Red Mage with a twist, get this... but I never really loved Red Wizards... so as Conjurers... if not for my interest in Summons. Their summons are random... unpredictable. However, some summon effect are quite useful like that of Ramuh Shiva and Leviathan's white ability... (check the Miscellaneous). Terrible HP progression and limited MP kills the usefulness of this job! Oh, even its speed sucks! For a good note, don't you think conjurers looks like Hunters than Summoners-in-training?

Stat Preview:

Levels 1- 9: Str = , Agi - , Vit -- Levels 10-19: Str = , Agi - , Vit -- Levels 20-29: Str = , Agi - , Vit -- Levels 30-39: Str = , Agi - , Vit -- Levels 40-49: Str = , Agi --, Vit -- Levels 50-59: Str = , Agi --, Vit -- Levels 60-69: Str = , Agi --, Vit - Levels 70-79: Str = , Agi --, Vit -- Levels 80-89: Str = , Agi --, Vit -- Levels 90-99: Str = , Agi ---, Vit --

Stat Growth:

Lvl-Str-Agi-Vit-Int-Spr-At#-Att-Ht%-De#-Def-Eva-MDf-MEv-M1-M2-M3-M4-M5-M6-M7-M8 1 10 10 5 15 15 2 6 82 0 2 2 0 15 02/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 2 11 11 5 16 16 2 6 82 0 2 2 0 16 03/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 3 12 11 6 17 17 2 8 82 0 3 2 0 17 04/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 4 13 12 6 17 17 2 8 83 0 3 3 0 17 04/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 5 13 12 6 18 18 2 8 83 0 3 3 0 18 05/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 6 14 12 6 19 19 2 8 83 0 3 3 0 19 05/01/00/00/00/00/00/00

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Final Fantasy III Walkthrough and Guide for the iPhone, iPod, and iPad 117

7 15 13 6 19 19 2 8 83 0 3 3 0 19 06/02/00/00/00/00/00/00 8 15 13 7 20 20 2 8 83 0 3 3 0 20 06/02/00/00/00/00/00/00 9 16 14 7 20 20 2 10 83 0 3 3 0 20 06/03/00/00/00/00/00/0010 17 14 7 21 21 2 10 83 0 3 3 0 21 07/03/00/00/00/00/00/0011 17 14 7 22 22 2 10 83 0 3 3 0 22 07/04/00/00/00/00/00/0012 18 15 7 22 22 2 10 83 0 3 3 0 22 07/04/01/00/00/00/00/0013 19 15 8 23 23 2 10 83 0 4 3 0 23 08/04/02/00/00/00/00/0014 19 16 8 23 23 4 10 84 1 4 4 0 23 08/05/02/00/00/00/00/0015 20 16 8 24 24 4 12 84 1 4 4 0 24 08/05/03/00/00/00/00/0016 21 16 8 25 25 4 12 84 1 4 4 0 25 09/05/03/00/00/00/00/0017 21 17 8 25 25 6 12 84 1 4 4 0 25 09/06/04/00/00/00/00/0018 22 17 9 26 26 6 12 84 1 4 4 0 26 09/06/04/01/00/00/00/0019 22 18 9 27 27 6 12 84 1 4 4 0 27 10/06/04/02/00/00/00/0020 23 18 9 27 27 6 12 84 1 4 4 0 27 10/07/05/02/00/00/00/0021 24 18 9 28 28 6 14 84 1 4 4 0 28 10/07/05/03/00/00/00/0022 24 19 9 28 28 6 14 84 1 4 4 0 28 10/07/05/03/00/00/00/0023 25 19 10 29 29 6 14 84 1 5 4 0 29 11/08/06/04/00/00/00/0024 26 20 10 30 30 6 14 85 1 5 5 0 30 11/08/06/04/01/00/00/0025 26 20 10 30 30 6 14 85 1 5 5 0 30 11/08/06/04/02/00/00/0026 27 21 10 31 31 6 14 85 1 5 5 0 31 12/08/07/05/02/00/00/0027 28 21 10 31 31 6 16 85 1 5 5 0 31 12/09/07/05/03/00/00/0028 28 21 11 32 32 6 16 85 1 5 5 0 32 12/09/07/05/03/00/00/0029 29 22 11 33 33 6 16 85 1 5 5 0 33 12/09/08/06/04/00/00/0030 30 22 11 33 33 6 16 85 1 5 5 0 33 13/10/08/06/04/01/00/0031 30 23 11 34 34 6 16 85 1 5 5 0 34 13/10/08/06/04/02/00/0032 31 23 11 34 34 6 16 85 1 5 5 0 34 13/10/08/07/05/02/00/0033 32 23 12 35 35 8 18 85 1 6 5 0 35 13/10/09/07/05/03/00/0034 32 24 12 36 36 8 18 86 1 6 6 0 36 14/11/09/07/05/03/00/0035 33 24 12 36 36 8 18 86 1 6 6 0 36 14/11/09/08/06/04/00/0036 34 25 12 37 37 8 18 86 1 6 6 0 37 14/11/10/08/06/04/01/0037 34 25 12 37 37 8 18 86 1 6 6 0 37 14/11/10/08/06/04/02/0038 35 25 13 38 38 8 18 86 1 6 6 0 38 15/12/10/08/07/05/02/0039 36 26 13 39 39 8 20 86 1 6 6 0 39 15/12/10/09/07/05/03/0040 36 26 13 39 39 8 20 86 1 6 6 0 39 15/12/11/09/07/05/03/0041 37 27 13 40 40 8 20 86 1 6 6 0 40 15/12/11/09/08/06/04/0042 38 27 13 40 40 8 20 86 1 6 6 0 40 15/13/11/10/08/06/04/0143 38 27 14 41 41 8 20 86 1 7 6 0 41 16/13/11/10/08/06/04/0244 39 28 14 42 42 8 20 87 1 7 7 0 42 16/13/12/10/08/07/05/0245 40 28 14 42 42 8 22 87 1 7 7 0 42 16/13/12/10/09/07/05/0346 40 29 14 43 43 8 22 87 1 7 7 0 43 16/13/12/11/09/07/05/0347 41 29 14 43 43 8 22 87 1 7 7 0 43 17/14/12/11/09/08/06/0448 42 29 15 44 44 8 22 87 1 7 7 0 44 17/14/13/11/10/08/06/0449 42 30 15 45 45 10 22 87 1 7 7 0 45 17/14/13/11/10/08/06/0450 43 30 15 45 45 10 22 87 1 7 7 0 45 17/14/13/12/10/08/07/0551 43 31 15 46 46 10 22 87 1 7 7 0 46 17/15/13/12/10/09/07/0552 44 31 16 47 47 10 24 87 1 8 7 0 47 18/15/13/12/11/09/07/05

Page 118: Final Fantasy III Guide (iOS)

Final Fantasy III Walkthrough and Guide for the iPhone, iPod, and iPad 118

53 45 31 16 47 47 10 24 87 1 8 7 0 47 18/15/14/12/11/09/08/0654 45 32 16 48 48 12 24 88 2 8 8 0 48 18/15/14/13/11/10/08/0655 46 32 16 48 48 12 24 88 2 8 8 0 48 18/15/14/13/11/10/08/0656 47 33 16 49 49 12 24 88 2 8 8 0 49 19/16/14/13/12/10/08/0757 47 33 17 50 50 12 24 88 2 8 8 0 50 19/16/15/13/12/10/09/0758 48 33 17 50 50 12 26 88 2 8 8 0 50 19/16/15/13/12/11/09/0759 49 34 17 51 51 12 26 88 2 8 8 0 51 19/16/15/14/12/11/09/0860 49 34 17 51 51 12 26 88 2 8 8 0 51 19/17/15/14/13/11/10/0861 50 35 17 52 52 12 26 88 2 8 8 0 52 20/17/15/14/13/11/10/0862 51 35 18 53 53 12 26 88 2 9 8 0 53 20/17/16/14/13/12/10/0863 51 35 18 53 53 12 26 88 2 9 8 0 53 20/17/16/15/13/12/10/0964 52 36 18 54 54 12 28 89 2 9 9 0 54 20/17/16/15/13/12/11/0965 53 36 18 54 54 14 28 89 2 9 9 0 54 20/18/16/15/14/12/11/0966 53 37 18 55 55 14 28 89 2 9 9 0 55 21/18/17/15/14/13/11/1067 54 37 19 56 56 14 28 89 2 9 9 0 56 21/18/17/15/14/13/11/1068 55 37 19 56 56 14 28 89 2 9 9 0 56 21/18/17/16/14/13/12/1069 55 38 19 57 57 14 28 89 2 9 9 0 57 21/18/17/16/15/13/12/1070 56 38 19 57 57 14 30 89 2 9 9 0 57 21/19/17/16/15/13/12/1171 57 39 19 58 58 14 30 89 2 9 9 0 58 22/19/18/16/15/14/12/1172 57 39 20 59 59 14 30 89 2 10 9 0 59 22/19/18/17/15/14/13/1173 58 39 20 59 59 14 30 89 2 10 9 0 59 22/19/18/17/15/14/13/1174 59 40 20 60 60 14 30 90 2 10 10 0 60 22/19/18/17/16/14/13/1275 59 40 20 60 60 14 30 90 2 10 10 0 60 22/20/18/17/16/15/13/1276 60 41 20 61 61 14 32 90 2 10 10 0 61 23/20/19/17/16/15/13/1277 61 41 21 62 62 14 32 90 2 10 10 0 62 23/20/19/18/16/15/14/1278 61 42 21 62 62 14 32 90 2 10 10 0 62 23/20/19/18/17/15/14/1379 62 42 21 63 63 14 32 90 2 10 10 0 63 23/20/19/18/17/15/14/1380 63 42 21 63 63 14 32 90 2 10 10 0 63 23/21/19/18/17/16/14/1381 63 43 21 64 64 16 32 90 2 10 10 0 64 23/21/20/18/17/16/15/1382 64 43 22 65 65 16 34 90 2 11 10 0 65 24/21/20/19/17/16/15/1383 64 44 22 65 65 16 34 91 2 11 11 0 65 24/21/20/19/18/16/15/1484 65 44 22 66 66 16 34 91 2 11 11 0 66 24/21/20/19/18/17/15/1485 66 44 22 67 67 16 34 91 2 11 11 0 67 24/21/20/19/18/17/15/1486 66 45 22 67 67 16 34 91 2 11 11 0 67 24/22/21/19/18/17/16/1487 67 45 23 68 68 16 34 91 2 11 11 0 68 25/22/21/20/18/17/16/1588 68 46 23 68 68 16 36 91 2 11 11 0 68 25/22/21/20/19/17/16/1589 68 46 23 69 69 16 36 91 2 11 11 0 69 25/22/21/20/19/18/16/1590 69 46 23 70 70 16 36 91 2 11 11 0 70 25/22/21/20/19/18/17/1591 70 47 23 70 70 16 36 91 2 11 11 0 70 25/23/21/20/19/18/17/1592 70 47 24 71 71 16 36 91 2 12 11 0 71 26/23/22/21/19/18/17/1693 71 48 24 71 71 18 36 92 3 12 12 0 71 26/23/22/21/20/18/17/1694 72 48 24 72 72 18 38 92 3 12 12 0 72 26/23/22/21/20/19/17/1695 72 48 24 73 73 18 38 92 3 12 12 0 73 26/23/22/21/20/19/18/1696 73 49 24 73 73 18 38 92 3 12 12 0 73 26/24/22/21/20/19/18/1797 74 49 25 74 74 20 38 92 3 12 12 0 74 26/24/23/21/20/19/18/1798 74 50 25 74 74 20 38 92 3 12 12 0 74 27/24/23/22/21/19/18/17

Page 119: Final Fantasy III Guide (iOS)

Final Fantasy III Walkthrough and Guide for the iPhone, iPod, and iPad 119

99 75 50 25 75 75 20 38 92 3 12 12 0 75 27/24/23/22/21/20/18/17


Description: Talented singers who can use their great voices as a weapon.

Specialty: Scare - makes enemies miss attack or run away. Cheer - increases party's number of hits. Can be used as many times as you want... effect will be like 'Haste'.

Usefulness: 'Cheer' is all you should do if you want to use this job... NEVER EVER attempt to use the 'Fight' command!

Evaluation: Offense enhancer at best... and item user at times. 'Scare' is not really that useful. On the other hand, 'Cheer' will give you a little advantage over the enemies especially when your warriors skill level is a little low. In a long battle, the continuous use of 'Cheer' will result in a haste effect. Unlike FF4's legendary Bard, Edward, (Oh... I still can't forget the horror that pathetic character gave me!) this one gave a little justice for the job. Although it has no other use than to 'Cheer' the party, its great HP growth and decent speed makes it more dependable than the rest of the mages before it (except against the White Wizard). I'm just wondering what happened to Edward... o_?

Stat Preview:

Levels 1- 9: Str ---, Agi + , Vit ++ Levels 10-19: Str ---, Agi + , Vit ++ Levels 20-29: Str ---, Agi + , Vit ++ Levels 30-39: Str --, Agi + , Vit ++ Levels 40-49: Str ---, Agi + , Vit + Levels 50-59: Str --, Agi = , Vit + Levels 60-69: Str --, Agi = , Vit ++ Levels 70-79: Str --, Agi = , Vit ++ Levels 80-89: Str --, Agi = , Vit + Levels 90-99: Str ---, Agi = , Vit +

Stat Growth:

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Final Fantasy III Walkthrough and Guide for the iPhone, iPod, and iPad 120

Lvl-Str-Agi-Vit-Int-Spr-At#-Att-Ht%-De#-Def-Eva-MDf-MEv-M1-M2-M3-M4-M5-M6-M7-M8 1 5 15 15 10 10 2 4 83 0 7 3 0 10 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 2 5 16 16 11 11 4 4 84 1 8 4 0 11 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 3 6 17 17 11 12 4 4 84 1 8 4 0 11 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 4 6 17 17 12 13 4 4 84 1 8 4 0 12 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 5 6 18 18 12 13 4 4 84 1 9 4 0 12 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 6 6 19 19 12 14 4 4 84 1 9 4 0 13 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 7 6 19 19 13 15 4 4 84 1 9 4 0 14 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 8 7 20 20 13 15 4 4 85 1 10 5 0 14 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 9 7 20 20 14 16 4 4 85 1 10 5 0 15 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/0010 7 21 21 14 17 4 4 85 1 10 5 0 15 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/0011 7 22 22 14 17 4 4 85 1 11 5 0 15 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/0012 7 22 22 15 18 4 4 85 1 11 5 0 16 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/0013 8 23 23 15 19 4 6 85 1 11 5 0 17 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/0014 8 23 23 16 19 4 6 85 1 11 5 0 17 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/0015 8 24 24 16 20 4 6 86 1 12 6 0 18 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/0016 8 25 25 16 21 4 6 86 1 12 6 0 18 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/0017 8 25 25 17 21 6 6 86 1 12 6 0 19 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/0018 9 26 26 17 22 6 6 86 1 13 6 0 19 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/0019 9 27 27 18 22 6 6 86 1 13 6 0 20 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/0020 9 27 27 18 23 6 6 86 1 13 6 0 20 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/0021 9 28 28 18 24 6 6 87 1 14 7 0 21 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/0022 9 28 28 19 24 6 6 87 1 14 7 0 21 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/0023 10 29 29 19 25 6 6 87 1 14 7 0 22 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/0024 10 30 30 20 26 6 6 87 1 15 7 0 23 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/0025 10 30 30 20 26 6 6 87 1 15 7 0 23 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/0026 10 31 31 21 27 6 6 87 1 15 7 0 24 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/0027 10 31 31 21 28 6 6 87 1 15 7 0 24 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/0028 11 32 32 21 28 8 6 88 2 16 8 0 24 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/0029 11 33 33 22 29 8 6 88 2 16 8 0 25 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/0030 11 33 33 22 30 8 6 88 2 16 8 0 26 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/0031 11 34 34 23 30 8 6 88 2 17 8 0 26 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/0032 11 34 34 23 31 8 6 88 2 17 8 0 27 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/0033 12 35 35 23 32 10 8 88 2 17 8 0 27 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/0034 12 36 36 24 32 10 8 89 2 18 9 0 28 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/0035 12 36 36 24 33 10 8 89 2 18 9 0 28 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/0036 12 37 37 25 34 10 8 89 2 18 9 0 29 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/0037 12 37 37 25 34 10 8 89 2 18 9 0 29 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/0038 13 38 38 25 35 10 8 89 2 19 9 0 30 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/0039 13 39 39 26 36 10 8 89 2 19 9 0 31 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/0040 13 39 39 26 36 10 8 89 2 19 9 0 31 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/0041 13 40 40 27 37 10 8 90 2 20 10 0 32 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/0042 13 40 40 27 38 10 8 90 2 20 10 0 32 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/0043 14 41 41 27 38 10 8 90 2 20 10 0 32 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00

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Final Fantasy III Walkthrough and Guide for the iPhone, iPod, and iPad 121

44 14 42 42 28 39 10 8 90 2 21 10 0 33 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/0045 14 42 42 28 40 10 8 90 2 21 10 0 34 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/0046 14 43 43 29 40 10 8 90 2 21 10 0 34 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/0047 14 43 43 29 41 10 8 90 2 21 10 0 35 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/0048 15 44 44 29 42 10 8 91 2 22 11 0 35 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/0049 15 45 45 30 42 12 8 91 2 22 11 0 36 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/0050 15 45 45 30 43 12 8 91 2 22 11 0 36 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/0051 15 46 46 31 43 12 8 91 2 23 11 0 37 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/0052 16 47 47 31 44 12 10 91 2 23 11 0 37 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/0053 16 47 47 31 45 12 10 91 2 23 11 0 38 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/0054 16 48 48 32 45 14 10 92 3 24 12 0 38 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/0055 16 48 48 32 46 14 10 92 3 24 12 0 39 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/0056 16 49 49 33 47 14 10 92 3 24 12 0 40 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/0057 17 50 50 33 47 14 10 92 3 25 12 0 40 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/0058 17 50 50 33 48 14 10 92 3 25 12 0 40 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/0059 17 51 51 34 49 14 10 92 3 25 12 0 41 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/0060 17 51 51 34 49 14 10 92 3 25 12 0 41 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/0061 17 52 52 35 50 14 10 93 3 26 13 0 42 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/0062 18 53 53 35 51 14 10 93 3 26 13 0 43 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/0063 18 53 53 35 51 14 10 93 3 26 13 0 43 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/0064 18 54 54 36 52 14 10 93 3 27 13 0 44 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/0065 18 54 54 36 53 16 10 93 3 27 13 0 44 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/0066 18 55 55 37 53 16 10 93 3 27 13 0 45 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/0067 19 56 56 37 54 16 10 94 3 28 14 0 45 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/0068 19 56 56 37 55 16 10 94 3 28 14 0 46 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/0069 19 57 57 38 55 16 10 94 3 28 14 0 46 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/0070 19 57 57 38 56 16 10 94 3 28 14 0 47 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/0071 19 58 58 39 57 16 10 94 3 29 14 0 48 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/0072 20 59 59 39 57 16 12 94 3 29 14 0 48 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/0073 20 59 59 39 58 16 12 94 3 29 14 0 48 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/0074 20 60 60 40 59 16 12 95 3 30 15 0 49 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/0075 20 60 60 40 59 16 12 95 3 30 15 0 49 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/0076 20 61 61 41 60 16 12 95 3 30 15 0 50 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/0077 21 62 62 41 61 16 12 95 3 31 15 0 51 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/0078 21 62 62 42 61 16 12 95 3 31 15 0 51 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/0079 21 63 63 42 62 16 12 95 3 31 15 0 52 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/0080 21 63 63 42 63 16 12 95 3 31 15 0 52 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/0081 21 64 64 43 63 20 12 96 4 32 16 0 53 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/0082 22 65 65 43 64 20 12 96 4 32 16 0 53 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/0083 22 65 65 44 64 20 12 96 4 32 16 0 54 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/0084 22 66 66 44 65 20 12 96 4 33 16 0 54 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/0085 22 67 67 44 66 20 12 96 4 33 16 0 55 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/0086 22 67 67 45 66 20 12 96 4 33 16 0 55 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/0087 23 68 68 45 67 20 12 97 4 34 17 0 56 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/0088 23 68 68 46 68 20 12 97 4 34 17 0 57 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/0089 23 69 69 46 68 20 12 97 4 34 17 0 57 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00

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90 23 70 70 46 69 20 12 97 4 35 17 0 57 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/0091 23 70 70 47 70 20 12 97 4 35 17 0 58 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/0092 24 71 71 47 70 20 14 97 4 35 17 0 58 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/0093 24 71 71 48 71 20 14 97 4 35 17 0 59 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/0094 24 72 72 48 72 20 14 98 4 36 18 0 60 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/0095 24 73 73 48 72 20 14 98 4 36 18 0 60 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/0096 24 73 73 49 73 20 14 98 4 36 18 0 61 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/0097 25 74 74 49 74 22 14 98 4 37 18 0 61 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/0098 25 74 74 50 74 22 14 98 4 37 18 0 62 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/0099 25 75 75 50 75 22 14 98 4 37 18 0 62 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00


Description: Masters of holy magic. They use their powers to purify the world from dark forces.

Specialty: All-around support.

Usefulness: At last! You can now say farewell to your trusty White Wizard. Until you get the Sage, don't give up this rabbit costume. Very good job.

Evaluation: Far better White Wizard... plus it's cute rabbit costume is worth using! If you don't have the Sage, you may calmly settle with this one. They are as reliable as the Sages when it comes to healing. It also becomes a useful warrior once you get the "Golem" Staff, which has a petrifying effect... instant kill!

Stat Preview:

Levels 1- 9: Str = , Agi = , Vit ++ Levels 10-19: Str = , Agi = , Vit ++ Levels 20-29: Str - , Agi = , Vit ++ Levels 30-39: Str - , Agi = , Vit ++ Levels 40-49: Str - , Agi = , Vit + Levels 50-59: Str - , Agi = , Vit + Levels 60-69: Str - , Agi = , Vit ++ Levels 70-79: Str - , Agi = , Vit ++ Levels 80-89: Str - , Agi = , Vit + Levels 90-99: Str --, Agi = , Vit +

Stat Growth:

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Lvl-Str-Agi-Vit-Int-Spr-At#-Att-Ht%-De#-Def-Eva-MDf-MEv-M1-M2-M3-M4-M5-M6-M7-M8 1 15 10 15 5 25 2 8 82 0 7 2 0 15 10/09/08/07/06/05/04/03 2 16 11 16 6 26 2 10 82 0 8 2 0 16 11/09/08/07/06/05/04/03 3 16 12 17 6 27 2 10 83 0 8 3 0 16 12/09/08/07/06/05/04/03 4 16 13 17 7 28 2 10 83 0 8 3 0 17 12/09/08/07/06/05/04/03 5 17 13 18 7 29 2 10 83 0 9 3 0 18 13/10/08/07/06/05/04/03 6 17 14 19 8 29 2 10 83 0 9 3 0 18 14/11/08/07/06/05/04/03 7 17 15 19 8 30 2 10 83 0 9 3 0 19 14/11/08/07/06/05/04/03 8 18 15 20 9 31 2 10 83 0 10 3 0 20 15/12/08/07/06/05/04/03 9 18 16 20 9 32 4 10 84 1 10 4 0 20 15/13/08/07/06/05/04/0310 19 17 21 10 32 4 10 84 1 10 4 0 21 16/13/09/07/06/05/04/0311 19 17 22 10 33 4 10 84 1 11 4 0 21 16/14/10/07/06/05/04/0312 19 18 22 10 34 4 10 84 1 11 4 0 22 17/14/10/07/06/05/04/0313 20 19 23 11 35 4 12 84 1 11 4 0 23 17/15/11/07/06/05/04/0314 20 19 23 11 35 4 12 84 1 11 4 0 23 18/15/12/07/06/05/04/0315 20 20 24 12 36 4 12 85 1 12 5 0 24 18/16/12/08/06/05/04/0316 21 21 25 12 37 4 12 85 1 12 5 0 24 19/16/13/09/06/05/04/0317 21 21 25 13 38 6 12 85 1 12 5 0 25 19/17/13/09/06/05/04/0318 21 22 26 13 38 6 12 85 1 13 5 0 25 20/17/14/10/06/05/04/0319 22 22 27 14 39 6 12 85 1 13 5 0 26 20/18/14/11/06/05/04/0320 22 23 27 14 40 6 12 85 1 13 5 0 27 21/18/15/11/07/05/04/0321 22 24 28 15 41 6 12 86 1 14 6 0 28 21/19/15/12/08/05/04/0322 23 24 28 15 41 6 12 86 1 14 6 0 28 21/19/16/12/08/05/04/0323 23 25 29 15 42 6 12 86 1 14 6 0 28 22/20/16/13/09/05/04/0324 23 26 30 16 43 6 12 86 1 15 6 0 29 22/20/17/13/10/05/04/0325 24 26 30 16 44 6 14 86 1 15 6 0 30 23/20/17/14/10/06/04/0326 24 27 31 17 44 6 14 86 1 15 6 0 30 23/21/18/14/11/07/04/0327 25 28 31 17 45 6 14 87 1 15 7 0 31 24/21/18/15/11/07/04/0328 25 28 32 18 46 6 14 87 1 16 7 0 32 24/22/19/15/12/08/04/0329 25 29 33 18 47 6 14 87 1 16 7 0 32 24/22/19/16/12/09/04/0330 26 30 33 19 47 6 14 87 1 16 7 0 33 25/23/19/16/13/09/05/0331 26 30 34 19 48 6 14 87 1 17 7 0 33 25/23/20/17/13/10/06/0332 26 31 34 20 49 6 14 87 1 17 7 0 34 26/23/20/17/14/10/06/0333 27 32 35 20 50 10 14 88 2 17 8 0 35 26/24/21/18/14/11/07/0334 27 32 36 20 50 10 14 88 2 18 8 0 35 26/24/21/18/15/11/08/0335 27 33 36 21 51 10 14 88 2 18 8 0 36 27/25/22/18/15/12/08/0436 28 34 37 21 52 10 16 88 2 18 8 0 36 27/25/22/19/16/12/09/0537 28 34 37 22 53 10 16 88 2 18 8 0 37 28/25/22/19/16/13/09/0538 28 35 38 22 53 10 16 88 2 19 8 0 37 28/26/23/20/17/13/10/0639 29 36 39 23 54 10 16 89 2 19 9 0 38 28/26/23/20/17/14/10/0740 29 36 39 23 55 10 16 89 2 19 9 0 39 29/27/24/21/17/14/11/0741 29 37 40 24 56 10 16 89 2 20 9 0 40 29/27/24/21/18/15/11/0842 30 38 40 24 56 10 16 89 2 20 9 0 40 30/27/24/21/18/15/12/0843 30 38 41 25 57 10 16 89 2 20 9 0 41 30/28/25/22/19/16/12/0944 31 39 42 25 58 10 16 89 2 21 9 0 41 30/28/25/22/19/16/13/09

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45 31 40 42 25 59 10 16 90 2 21 10 0 42 31/29/26/23/20/16/13/1046 31 40 43 26 59 10 16 90 2 21 10 0 42 31/29/26/23/20/17/14/1047 32 41 43 26 60 10 18 90 2 21 10 0 43 31/29/26/23/20/17/14/1148 32 42 44 27 61 10 18 90 2 22 10 0 44 32/30/27/24/21/18/15/1149 32 42 45 27 62 12 18 90 2 22 10 0 44 32/30/27/24/21/18/15/1250 33 43 45 28 62 12 18 90 2 22 10 0 45 32/30/28/25/22/19/15/1251 33 43 46 28 63 12 18 90 2 23 10 0 45 33/31/28/25/22/19/16/1352 33 44 47 29 64 12 18 91 2 23 11 0 46 33/31/28/25/22/19/16/1353 34 45 47 29 65 12 18 91 2 23 11 0 47 34/31/29/26/23/20/17/1454 34 45 48 30 65 12 18 91 2 24 11 0 47 34/32/29/26/23/20/17/1455 34 46 48 30 66 12 18 91 2 24 11 0 48 34/32/29/27/24/21/18/1456 35 47 49 30 67 12 18 91 2 24 11 0 48 35/33/30/27/24/21/18/1557 35 47 50 31 68 12 18 91 2 25 11 0 49 35/33/30/27/24/21/18/1558 36 48 50 31 68 14 20 92 3 25 12 0 49 35/33/30/28/25/22/19/1659 36 49 51 32 69 14 20 92 3 25 12 0 50 36/34/31/28/25/22/19/1660 36 49 51 32 70 14 20 92 3 25 12 0 51 36/34/31/28/26/23/20/1761 37 50 52 33 71 14 20 92 3 26 12 0 52 36/34/32/29/26/23/20/1762 37 51 53 33 71 14 20 92 3 26 12 0 52 37/35/32/29/26/23/20/1763 37 51 53 34 72 14 20 92 3 26 12 0 53 37/35/32/29/27/24/21/1864 38 52 54 34 73 14 20 93 3 27 13 0 53 38/35/33/30/27/24/21/1865 38 53 54 35 74 16 20 93 3 27 13 0 54 38/36/33/30/27/25/22/1966 38 53 55 35 74 16 20 93 3 27 13 0 54 38/36/33/31/28/25/22/1967 39 54 56 35 75 16 20 93 3 28 13 0 55 39/37/34/31/28/25/22/1968 39 55 56 36 76 16 20 93 3 28 13 0 56 39/37/34/31/28/26/23/2069 39 55 57 36 77 16 20 93 3 28 13 0 56 39/37/34/32/29/26/23/2070 40 56 57 37 77 16 22 94 3 28 14 0 57 40/38/35/32/29/26/24/2171 40 57 58 37 78 16 22 94 3 29 14 0 57 40/38/35/32/30/27/24/2172 40 57 59 38 79 16 22 94 3 29 14 0 58 40/38/36/33/30/27/24/2173 41 58 59 38 80 16 22 94 3 29 14 0 59 41/39/36/33/30/27/25/2274 41 59 60 39 80 16 22 94 3 30 14 0 59 41/39/36/33/31/28/25/2275 42 59 60 39 81 16 22 94 3 30 14 0 60 41/39/37/34/31/28/25/2376 42 60 61 40 82 16 22 95 3 30 15 0 61 42/40/37/34/31/29/26/2377 42 61 62 40 83 16 22 95 3 31 15 0 61 42/40/37/35/32/29/26/2378 43 61 62 40 83 16 22 95 3 31 15 0 61 42/40/38/35/32/29/26/2479 43 62 63 41 84 16 22 95 3 31 15 0 62 43/41/38/35/32/30/27/2480 43 63 63 41 85 16 22 95 3 31 15 0 63 43/41/38/36/33/30/27/2481 44 63 64 42 86 18 24 95 3 32 15 0 64 43/41/39/36/33/30/28/2582 44 64 65 42 86 20 24 96 4 32 16 0 64 44/42/39/36/34/31/28/2583 44 64 65 43 87 20 24 96 4 32 16 0 65 44/42/39/37/34/31/28/2584 45 65 66 43 88 20 24 96 4 33 16 0 65 44/42/40/37/34/31/29/2685 45 66 67 44 89 20 24 96 4 33 16 0 66 45/43/40/37/35/32/29/2686 45 66 67 44 89 20 24 96 4 33 16 0 66 45/43/40/38/35/32/29/2787 46 67 68 45 90 20 24 96 4 34 16 0 67 45/43/41/38/35/33/30/2788 46 68 68 45 91 20 24 97 4 34 17 0 68 46/44/41/38/36/33/30/2789 46 68 69 45 92 20 24 97 4 34 17 0 68 46/44/41/39/36/33/30/2890 47 69 70 46 92 20 24 97 4 35 17 0 69 46/44/42/39/36/34/31/28

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91 47 70 70 46 93 20 24 97 4 35 17 0 69 47/45/42/39/37/34/31/2892 48 70 71 47 94 20 26 97 4 35 17 0 70 47/45/42/40/37/34/32/2993 48 71 71 47 95 20 26 97 4 35 17 0 71 47/45/43/40/37/35/32/2994 48 72 72 48 95 20 26 98 4 36 18 0 71 48/46/43/40/38/35/32/2995 49 72 73 48 96 20 26 98 4 36 18 0 72 48/46/43/41/38/35/33/3096 49 73 73 49 97 20 26 98 4 36 18 0 73 48/46/44/41/38/36/33/3097 49 74 74 49 98 22 26 98 4 37 18 0 73 49/47/44/41/39/36/33/3198 50 74 74 50 98 22 26 98 4 37 18 0 74 49/47/44/42/39/36/34/3199 50 75 75 50 99 22 26 98 4 37 18 0 74 49/47/45/42/39/37/34/31


Description: Masters of elements. They use their devastating powers to cause havoc to those who cause danger to the world.

Specialty: Enough MP to cast spells.

Usefulness: Great for dungeon-crawling. The status spells are definitely a reason enough to use it, especially in the final dungeons.

Evaluation: Far better Black Wizard. Now it can use Death, Flare and Me-teo. It's very useful now. The best thing that you may consider is its 'Death' magic, which can kill any non-boss enemies instantly. That's all... well, not really :) This guy has loads of MP to cast it's spells. When exploring a deep dungeon, you can always depend in its spells for backup. Forget about attacking physically and cast spells like insane! Also, it is good to note that this guy has the best HP growth of all mages. Thanks to its terrific Vitality progression... thought its a Monk!

Stat Preview:

Levels 1- 9: Str --, Agi + , Vit + Levels 10-19: Str --, Agi + , Vit ++ Levels 20-29: Str --, Agi + , Vit ++ Levels 30-39: Str --, Agi + , Vit ++ Levels 40-49: Str ---, Agi + , Vit ++ Levels 50-59: Str --, Agi = , Vit ++

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Levels 60-69: Str --, Agi = , Vit +++ Levels 70-79: Str --, Agi = , Vit +++ Levels 80-89: Str ---, Agi = , Vit +++ Levels 90-99: Str ---, Agi = , Vit +++

Stat Growth:

Lvl-Str-Agi-Vit-Int-Spr-At#-Att-Ht%-De#-Def-Eva-MDf-MEv-M1-M2-M3-M4-M5-M6-M7-M8 1 10 15 10 30 5 2 6 83 0 5 3 0 17 10/09/08/07/06/05/04/03 2 10 16 11 31 6 4 6 84 1 5 4 0 18 11/09/08/07/06/05/04/03 3 10 17 12 32 6 4 6 84 1 6 4 0 19 12/09/08/07/06/05/04/03 4 11 17 13 33 7 4 6 84 1 6 4 0 20 12/09/08/07/06/05/04/03 5 11 18 13 33 7 4 6 84 1 6 4 0 20 13/10/08/07/06/05/04/03 6 11 19 14 34 8 4 6 84 1 7 4 0 21 14/11/08/07/06/05/04/03 7 11 19 15 35 8 4 6 84 1 7 4 0 21 14/11/08/07/06/05/04/03 8 11 20 16 36 9 4 6 85 1 8 5 0 22 15/12/08/07/06/05/04/03 9 11 20 17 36 9 4 6 85 1 8 5 0 22 15/13/08/07/06/05/04/0310 12 21 18 37 10 4 8 85 1 9 5 0 23 16/13/09/07/06/05/04/0311 12 22 19 38 10 4 8 85 1 9 5 0 24 16/14/10/07/06/05/04/0312 12 22 20 38 10 4 8 85 1 10 5 0 24 17/14/10/07/06/05/04/0313 12 23 21 39 11 4 8 85 1 10 5 0 25 17/15/11/07/06/05/04/0314 12 23 22 40 11 4 8 85 1 11 5 0 25 18/15/12/07/06/05/04/0315 12 24 22 40 12 4 8 86 1 11 6 0 26 18/16/12/08/06/05/04/0316 12 25 23 41 12 4 8 86 1 11 6 0 26 19/16/13/09/06/05/04/0317 13 25 24 42 13 6 8 86 1 12 6 0 27 19/17/13/09/06/05/04/0318 13 26 25 43 13 6 8 86 1 12 6 0 28 20/17/14/10/06/05/04/0319 13 27 26 43 14 6 8 86 1 13 6 0 28 20/18/14/11/06/05/04/0320 13 27 27 44 14 6 8 86 1 13 6 0 29 21/18/15/11/07/05/04/0321 13 28 28 45 15 6 8 87 1 14 7 0 30 21/19/15/12/08/05/04/0322 13 28 29 45 15 6 8 87 1 14 7 0 30 21/19/16/12/08/05/04/0323 13 29 30 46 15 6 8 87 1 15 7 0 30 22/20/16/13/09/05/04/0324 14 30 31 47 16 6 8 87 1 15 7 0 31 22/20/17/13/10/05/04/0325 14 30 31 47 16 6 8 87 1 15 7 0 31 23/20/17/14/10/06/04/0326 14 31 32 48 17 6 8 87 1 16 7 0 32 23/21/18/14/11/07/04/0327 14 31 33 49 17 6 8 87 1 16 7 0 33 24/21/18/15/11/07/04/0328 14 32 34 50 18 8 8 88 2 17 8 0 34 24/22/19/15/12/08/04/0329 14 33 35 50 18 8 8 88 2 17 8 0 34 24/22/19/16/12/09/04/0330 15 33 36 51 19 8 8 88 2 18 8 0 35 25/23/19/16/13/09/05/0331 15 34 37 52 19 8 8 88 2 18 8 0 35 25/23/20/17/13/10/06/0332 15 34 38 52 20 8 8 88 2 19 8 0 36 26/23/20/17/14/10/06/0333 15 35 39 53 20 10 8 88 2 19 8 0 36 26/24/21/18/14/11/07/0334 15 36 40 54 20 10 8 89 2 20 9 0 37 26/24/21/18/15/11/08/0335 15 36 40 54 21 10 8 89 2 20 9 0 37 27/25/22/18/15/12/08/0436 15 37 41 55 21 10 8 89 2 20 9 0 38 27/25/22/19/16/12/09/0537 16 37 42 56 22 10 10 89 2 21 9 0 39 28/25/22/19/16/13/09/05

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38 16 38 43 56 22 10 10 89 2 21 9 0 39 28/26/23/20/17/13/10/0639 16 39 44 57 23 10 10 89 2 22 9 0 40 28/26/23/20/17/14/10/0740 16 39 45 58 23 10 10 89 2 22 9 0 40 29/27/24/21/17/14/11/0741 16 40 46 59 24 10 10 90 2 23 10 0 41 29/27/24/21/18/15/11/0842 16 40 47 59 24 10 10 90 2 23 10 0 41 30/27/24/21/18/15/12/0843 17 41 48 60 25 10 10 90 2 24 10 0 42 30/28/25/22/19/16/12/0944 17 42 49 61 25 10 10 90 2 24 10 0 43 30/28/25/22/19/16/13/0945 17 42 49 61 25 10 10 90 2 24 10 0 43 31/29/26/23/20/16/13/1046 17 43 50 62 26 10 10 90 2 25 10 0 44 31/29/26/23/20/17/14/1047 17 43 51 63 26 10 10 90 2 25 10 0 44 31/29/26/23/20/17/14/1148 17 44 52 63 27 10 10 91 2 26 11 0 45 32/30/27/24/21/18/15/1149 17 45 53 64 27 12 10 91 2 26 11 0 45 32/30/27/24/21/18/15/1250 18 45 54 65 28 12 10 91 2 27 11 0 46 32/30/28/25/22/19/15/1251 18 46 55 66 28 12 10 91 2 27 11 0 47 33/31/28/25/22/19/16/1352 18 47 56 66 29 12 10 91 2 28 11 0 47 33/31/28/25/22/19/16/1353 18 47 57 67 29 12 10 91 2 28 11 0 48 34/31/29/26/23/20/17/1454 18 48 58 68 30 14 10 92 3 29 12 0 49 34/32/29/26/23/20/17/1455 18 48 58 68 30 14 10 92 3 29 12 0 49 34/32/29/27/24/21/18/1456 18 49 59 69 30 14 10 92 3 29 12 0 49 35/33/30/27/24/21/18/1557 19 50 60 70 31 14 10 92 3 30 12 0 50 35/33/30/27/24/21/18/1558 19 50 61 70 31 14 10 92 3 30 12 0 50 35/33/30/28/25/22/19/1659 19 51 62 71 32 14 10 92 3 31 12 0 51 36/34/31/28/25/22/19/1660 19 51 63 72 32 14 10 92 3 31 12 0 52 36/34/31/28/26/23/20/1761 19 52 64 73 33 14 10 93 3 32 13 0 53 36/34/32/29/26/23/20/1762 19 53 65 73 33 14 10 93 3 32 13 0 53 37/35/32/29/26/23/20/1763 20 53 66 74 34 14 12 93 3 33 13 0 54 37/35/32/29/27/24/21/1864 20 54 67 75 34 14 12 93 3 33 13 0 54 38/35/33/30/27/24/21/1865 20 54 67 75 35 16 12 93 3 33 13 0 55 38/36/33/30/27/25/22/1966 20 55 68 76 35 16 12 93 3 34 13 0 55 38/36/33/31/28/25/22/1967 20 56 69 77 35 16 12 94 3 34 14 0 56 39/37/34/31/28/25/22/1968 20 56 70 77 36 16 12 94 3 35 14 0 56 39/37/34/31/28/26/23/2069 20 57 71 78 36 16 12 94 3 35 14 0 57 39/37/34/32/29/26/23/2070 21 57 72 79 37 16 12 94 3 36 14 0 58 40/38/35/32/29/26/24/2171 21 58 73 79 37 16 12 94 3 36 14 0 58 40/38/35/32/30/27/24/2172 21 59 74 80 38 16 12 94 3 37 14 0 59 40/38/36/33/30/27/24/2173 21 59 75 81 38 16 12 94 3 37 14 0 59 41/39/36/33/30/27/25/2274 21 60 76 82 39 16 12 95 3 38 15 0 60 41/39/36/33/31/28/25/2275 21 60 76 82 39 16 12 95 3 38 15 0 60 41/39/37/34/31/28/25/2376 22 61 77 83 40 16 12 95 3 38 15 0 61 42/40/37/34/31/29/26/2377 22 62 78 84 40 16 12 95 3 39 15 0 62 42/40/37/35/32/29/26/2378 22 62 79 84 40 16 12 95 3 39 15 0 62 42/40/38/35/32/29/26/2479 22 63 80 85 41 16 12 95 3 40 15 0 63 43/41/38/35/32/30/27/2480 22 63 81 86 41 16 12 95 3 40 15 0 63 43/41/38/36/33/30/27/2481 22 64 82 86 42 20 12 96 4 41 16 0 64 43/41/39/36/33/30/28/2582 22 65 83 87 42 20 12 96 4 41 16 0 64 44/42/39/36/34/31/28/2583 23 65 84 88 43 20 12 96 4 42 16 0 65 44/42/39/37/34/31/28/25

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84 23 66 85 89 43 20 12 96 4 42 16 0 66 44/42/40/37/34/31/29/2685 23 67 85 89 44 20 12 96 4 42 16 0 66 45/43/40/37/35/32/29/2686 23 67 86 90 44 20 12 96 4 43 16 0 67 45/43/40/38/35/32/29/2787 23 68 87 91 45 20 12 97 4 43 17 0 68 45/43/41/38/35/33/30/2788 23 68 88 91 45 20 12 97 4 44 17 0 68 46/44/41/38/36/33/30/2789 23 69 89 92 45 20 12 97 4 44 17 0 68 46/44/41/39/36/33/30/2890 24 70 90 93 46 20 14 97 4 45 17 0 69 46/44/42/39/36/34/31/2891 24 70 91 93 46 20 14 97 4 45 17 0 69 47/45/42/39/37/34/31/2892 24 71 92 94 47 20 14 97 4 46 17 0 70 47/45/42/40/37/34/32/2993 24 71 93 95 47 20 14 97 4 46 17 0 71 47/45/43/40/37/35/32/2994 24 72 94 96 48 20 14 98 4 47 18 0 72 48/46/43/40/38/35/32/2995 24 73 94 96 48 20 14 98 4 47 18 0 72 48/46/43/41/38/35/33/3096 25 73 95 97 49 20 14 98 4 47 18 0 73 48/46/44/41/38/36/33/3097 25 74 96 98 49 22 14 98 4 48 18 0 73 49/47/44/41/39/36/33/3198 25 74 97 98 50 22 14 98 4 48 18 0 74 49/47/44/42/39/36/34/3199 25 75 98 99 50 22 14 98 4 49 18 0 74 49/47/45/42/39/37/34/31


Description: Able to get the full trust of legendary monsters, they can call upon these monsters and use its full power to aid them in combat.

Specialty: Summon's "Overdrive"

Usefulness: Don't bother using this one unless your level is quite high (at least level 42) because its terrible amount of MP will only frustrate you... seeing 'Bahamut', but you cannot use it :( Nice in dealing with multiple enemies.

Evaluation: FAR BETTER Conjurer. Actually, it's better than the Warlock... as far as I'm concerned. Summons can deal more damage than 'Flare' and 'Meteo'... providing you got the best Summon in the game. They target all enemies so they're pretty useful. This game gave birth to the most anticipated spell in the Final Fantasy World. Whenever there's a new FF game, everyone is wondering who's the new summon? IMHO, the Summoner is the best offensive mage there is... unfortunately, you don't have that much MP to call your favorite monster for help :( In fact, you'll have a taste of summoning 'Bahamut' not before level 42 when it gets 1 level 8 MP! Anyway, you may not use Summoners as a final party member, but be sure to have, at least, its 'Bahamut' spell in your pocket. Agility has

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never been a strength of a mage after this game! Unexpectedly, it even ranks as one of the fastest job throughout the game.

Stat Preview:

Levels 1- 9: Str ++, Agi + , Vit -- Levels 10-19: Str ++, Agi ++, Vit -- Levels 20-29: Str ++, Agi ++, Vit -- Levels 30-39: Str ++, Agi ++, Vit -- Levels 40-49: Str + , Agi ++, Vit -- Levels 50-59: Str + , Agi ++, Vit -- Levels 60-69: Str + , Agi ++, Vit - Levels 70-79: Str = , Agi ++, Vit -- Levels 80-89: Str = , Agi ++, Vit -- Levels 90-99: Str = , Agi +++, Vit --

Stat Growth :

Lvl-Str-Agi-Vit-Int-Spr-At#-Att-Ht%-De#-Def-Eva-MDf-MEv-M1-M2-M3-M4-M5-M6-M7-M8 1 20 15 5 15 15 2 12 83 0 2 3 0 15 04/03/02/01/00/00/00/00 2 21 16 5 16 16 4 12 84 1 2 4 0 16 05/03/02/01/00/00/00/00 3 22 17 6 17 17 4 12 84 1 3 4 0 17 06/03/02/01/00/00/00/00 4 22 17 6 17 17 4 12 84 1 3 4 0 17 06/03/02/01/00/00/00/00 5 23 18 6 18 18 4 12 84 1 3 4 0 18 07/03/02/01/00/00/00/00 6 23 19 6 19 19 4 12 84 1 3 4 0 19 07/04/02/01/00/00/00/00 7 24 20 6 19 19 4 14 85 1 3 5 0 19 08/05/02/01/00/00/00/00 8 24 21 7 20 20 4 14 85 1 3 5 0 20 08/05/02/01/00/00/00/00 9 25 22 7 20 20 4 14 85 1 3 5 0 20 08/06/02/01/00/00/00/0010 26 22 7 21 21 4 14 85 1 3 5 0 21 09/06/02/01/00/00/00/0011 26 23 7 22 22 4 14 85 1 3 5 0 22 09/07/02/01/00/00/00/0012 27 24 7 22 22 4 14 86 1 3 6 0 22 09/07/03/01/00/00/00/0013 27 25 8 23 23 4 14 86 1 4 6 0 23 10/07/04/01/00/00/00/0014 28 26 8 23 23 4 16 86 1 4 6 0 23 10/08/04/01/00/00/00/0015 28 27 8 24 24 4 16 86 1 4 6 0 24 10/08/05/01/00/00/00/0016 29 28 8 25 25 4 16 87 1 4 7 0 25 11/08/05/01/00/00/00/0017 29 28 8 25 25 6 16 87 1 4 7 0 25 11/09/06/01/00/00/00/0018 30 29 9 26 26 6 16 87 1 4 7 0 26 11/09/06/02/00/00/00/0019 31 30 9 27 27 6 16 87 1 4 7 0 27 12/09/06/03/00/00/00/0020 31 31 9 27 27 6 16 87 1 4 7 0 27 12/10/07/03/00/00/00/0021 32 32 9 28 28 8 18 88 2 4 8 0 28 12/10/07/04/00/00/00/0022 32 33 9 28 28 8 18 88 2 4 8 0 28 12/10/07/04/00/00/00/0023 33 34 10 29 29 8 18 88 2 5 8 0 29 13/11/08/05/00/00/00/0024 33 34 10 30 30 8 18 88 2 5 8 0 30 13/11/08/05/01/00/00/0025 34 35 10 30 30 8 18 88 2 5 8 0 30 13/11/08/05/02/00/00/0026 34 36 10 31 31 8 18 89 2 5 9 0 31 14/11/09/06/02/00/00/00

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27 35 37 10 31 31 8 18 89 2 5 9 0 31 14/12/09/06/03/00/00/0028 36 38 11 32 32 8 20 89 2 5 9 0 32 14/12/09/06/03/00/00/0029 36 39 11 33 33 8 20 89 2 5 9 0 33 14/12/10/07/04/00/00/0030 37 39 11 33 33 8 20 89 2 5 9 0 33 15/13/10/07/04/01/00/0031 37 40 11 34 34 8 20 90 2 5 10 0 34 15/13/10/07/04/02/00/0032 38 41 11 34 34 8 20 90 2 5 10 0 34 15/13/10/08/05/02/00/0033 38 42 12 35 35 10 20 90 2 6 10 0 35 15/13/11/08/05/03/00/0034 39 43 12 36 36 10 20 90 2 6 10 0 36 16/14/11/08/05/03/00/0035 39 44 12 36 36 10 20 91 2 6 11 0 36 16/14/11/09/06/04/00/0036 40 45 12 37 37 10 22 91 2 6 11 0 37 16/14/12/09/06/04/01/0037 41 45 12 37 37 10 22 91 2 6 11 0 37 16/14/12/09/06/04/02/0038 41 46 13 38 38 10 22 91 2 6 11 0 38 17/15/12/09/07/05/02/0039 42 47 13 39 39 10 22 91 2 6 11 0 39 17/15/12/10/07/05/03/0040 42 48 13 39 39 12 22 92 3 6 12 0 39 17/15/13/10/07/05/03/0041 43 49 13 40 40 12 22 92 3 6 12 0 40 17/15/13/10/08/06/04/0042 43 50 13 40 40 12 22 92 3 6 12 0 40 17/16/13/11/08/06/04/0143 44 50 14 41 41 12 24 92 3 7 12 0 41 18/16/13/11/08/06/04/0244 44 51 14 42 42 12 24 92 3 7 12 0 42 18/16/14/11/08/07/05/0245 45 52 14 42 42 12 24 93 3 7 13 0 42 18/16/14/11/09/07/05/0346 46 53 14 43 43 12 24 93 3 7 13 0 43 18/16/14/12/09/07/05/0347 46 54 14 43 43 12 24 93 3 7 13 0 43 19/17/14/12/09/08/06/0448 47 55 15 44 44 12 24 93 3 7 13 0 44 19/17/15/12/10/08/06/0449 47 56 15 45 45 14 24 94 3 7 14 0 45 19/17/15/12/10/08/06/0450 48 56 15 45 45 14 26 94 3 7 14 0 45 19/17/15/13/10/08/07/0551 48 57 15 46 46 14 26 94 3 7 14 0 46 19/18/15/13/10/09/07/0552 49 58 16 47 47 14 26 94 3 8 14 0 47 20/18/15/13/11/09/07/0553 49 59 16 47 47 14 26 94 3 8 14 0 47 20/18/16/13/11/09/08/0654 50 60 16 48 48 14 26 95 3 8 15 0 48 20/18/16/14/11/10/08/0655 51 61 16 48 48 14 26 95 3 8 15 0 48 20/18/16/14/11/10/08/0656 51 62 16 49 49 14 26 95 3 8 15 0 49 21/19/16/14/12/10/08/0757 52 62 17 50 50 14 28 95 3 8 15 0 50 21/19/17/14/12/10/09/0758 52 63 17 50 50 14 28 95 3 8 15 0 50 21/19/17/14/12/11/09/0759 53 64 17 51 51 16 28 96 4 8 16 0 51 21/19/17/15/12/11/09/0860 53 65 17 51 51 16 28 96 4 8 16 0 51 21/20/17/15/13/11/10/0861 54 66 17 52 52 16 28 96 4 8 16 0 52 22/20/17/15/13/11/10/0862 54 67 18 53 53 16 28 96 4 9 16 0 53 22/20/18/15/13/12/10/0863 55 67 18 53 53 16 28 96 4 9 16 0 53 22/20/18/16/13/12/10/0964 56 68 18 54 54 16 30 97 4 9 17 0 54 22/20/18/16/13/12/11/0965 56 69 18 54 54 18 30 97 4 9 17 0 54 22/21/18/16/14/12/11/0966 57 70 18 55 55 18 30 97 4 9 17 0 55 23/21/19/16/14/13/11/1067 57 71 19 56 56 18 30 97 4 9 17 0 56 23/21/19/16/14/13/11/1068 58 72 19 56 56 18 30 98 4 9 18 0 56 23/21/19/17/14/13/12/1069 58 73 19 57 57 18 30 98 4 9 18 0 57 23/21/19/17/15/13/12/1070 59 73 19 57 57 18 30 98 4 9 18 0 57 23/22/19/17/15/13/12/1171 59 74 19 58 58 18 30 98 4 9 18 0 58 24/22/20/17/15/14/12/1172 60 75 20 59 59 18 32 98 4 10 18 0 59 24/22/20/18/15/14/13/11

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73 61 76 20 59 59 18 32 99 4 10 19 0 59 24/22/20/18/15/14/13/1174 61 77 20 60 60 18 32 99 4 10 19 0 60 24/22/20/18/16/14/13/1275 62 78 20 60 60 18 32 99 4 10 19 0 60 24/23/20/18/16/15/13/1276 62 78 20 61 61 18 32 99 4 10 19 0 61 25/23/21/18/16/15/13/1277 63 79 21 62 62 18 32 99 4 10 19 0 62 25/23/21/19/16/15/14/1278 63 80 21 62 62 20 32 99 5 10 20 0 62 25/23/21/19/17/15/14/1379 64 81 21 63 63 20 34 99 5 10 20 0 63 25/23/21/19/17/15/14/1380 64 82 21 63 63 20 34 99 5 10 20 0 63 25/24/21/19/17/16/14/1381 65 83 21 64 64 22 34 99 5 10 20 0 64 25/24/22/19/17/16/15/1382 66 84 22 65 65 22 34 99 5 11 21 0 65 26/24/22/20/17/16/15/1383 66 84 22 65 65 22 34 99 5 11 21 0 65 26/24/22/20/18/16/15/1484 67 85 22 66 66 22 34 99 5 11 21 0 66 26/24/22/20/18/17/15/1485 67 86 22 67 67 22 34 99 5 11 21 0 67 26/24/22/20/18/17/15/1486 68 87 22 67 67 22 36 99 5 11 21 0 67 26/25/23/20/18/17/16/1487 68 88 23 68 68 22 36 99 5 11 22 0 68 27/25/23/21/18/17/16/1588 69 89 23 68 68 22 36 99 5 11 22 0 68 27/25/23/21/19/17/16/1589 69 90 23 69 69 22 36 99 5 11 22 0 69 27/25/23/21/19/18/16/1590 70 90 23 70 70 22 36 99 5 11 22 0 70 27/25/23/21/19/18/17/1591 71 91 23 70 70 22 36 99 5 11 22 0 70 27/26/23/21/19/18/17/1592 71 92 24 71 71 22 36 99 5 12 23 0 71 28/26/24/22/19/18/17/1693 72 93 24 71 71 22 38 99 5 12 23 0 71 28/26/24/22/20/18/17/1694 72 94 24 72 72 22 38 99 5 12 23 0 72 28/26/24/22/20/19/17/1695 73 95 24 73 73 22 38 99 5 12 23 0 73 28/26/24/22/20/19/18/1696 73 95 24 73 73 22 38 99 5 12 23 0 73 28/27/24/22/20/19/18/1797 74 96 25 74 74 26 38 99 6 12 24 0 74 28/27/25/22/20/19/18/1798 74 97 25 74 74 26 38 99 6 12 24 0 74 29/27/25/23/21/19/18/1799 75 98 25 75 75 26 38 99 6 12 24 0 75 29/27/25/23/21/20/18/17


Description: The supreme spell caster! Mastered all the holy, elemental and summon magic to aid those in need.

Specialty: Warlock, Shaman and Summoner in 1!

Usefulness : Don't think twice! Use this one for your all-around magic needs.

Evaluation: No mage in the Final Fantasy World can match the power of this one. Change ALL your mages once you get this. It has the best of all mages... even more effective than the Shaman, Warlock and Summoner and they have loads of MP to cast the spells with mindless consideration,

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more than the 3 lower lifeforms, especially for the lower level spells. Cast! Cast! Cast!

Stat Preview:

Levels 1- 9: Str = , Agi ++, Vit ++ Levels 10-19: Str = , Agi ++, Vit ++ Levels 20-29: Str - , Agi ++, Vit ++ Levels 30-39: Str - , Agi + , Vit ++ Levels 40-49: Str - , Agi + , Vit + Levels 50-59: Str - , Agi + , Vit + Levels 60-69: Str - , Agi = , Vit ++ Levels 70-79: Str - , Agi = , Vit ++ Levels 80-89: Str - , Agi = , Vit + Levels 90-99: Str --, Agi = , Vit +

Stat Growth:

Lvl-Str-Agi-Vit-Int-Spr-At#-Att-Ht%-De#-Def-Eva-MDf-MEv-M1-M2-M3-M4-M5-M6-M7-M8 1 15 20 15 25 25 4 8 85 1 7 5 0 25 20/15/10/05/04/03/02/01 2 16 21 16 26 26 4 10 85 1 8 5 0 26 21/15/10/05/04/03/02/01 3 16 22 17 27 27 4 10 85 1 8 5 0 27 22/15/10/05/04/03/02/01 4 16 22 17 28 28 4 10 85 1 8 5 0 28 23/15/10/05/04/03/02/01 5 17 23 18 29 29 4 10 85 1 9 5 0 29 23/16/10/05/04/03/02/01 6 17 23 19 29 29 4 10 85 1 9 5 0 29 24/17/10/05/04/03/02/01 7 17 24 19 30 30 4 10 86 1 9 6 0 30 25/18/10/05/04/03/02/01 8 18 24 20 31 31 4 10 86 1 10 6 0 31 26/18/10/05/04/03/02/01 9 18 25 20 32 32 4 10 86 1 10 6 0 32 26/19/10/05/04/03/02/0110 19 26 21 32 32 4 10 86 1 10 6 0 32 27/20/11/05/04/03/02/0111 19 26 22 33 33 4 10 86 1 11 6 0 33 28/21/12/05/04/03/02/0112 19 27 22 34 34 4 10 86 1 11 6 0 34 29/21/13/05/04/03/02/0113 20 27 23 35 35 4 12 86 1 11 6 0 35 29/22/13/05/04/03/02/0114 20 28 23 35 35 4 12 87 1 11 7 0 35 30/23/14/05/04/03/02/0115 20 28 24 36 36 4 12 87 1 12 7 0 36 31/24/15/06/04/03/02/0116 21 29 25 37 37 4 12 87 1 12 7 0 37 31/24/16/07/04/03/02/0117 21 29 25 38 38 6 12 87 1 12 7 0 38 32/25/16/08/04/03/02/0118 21 30 26 38 38 6 12 87 1 13 7 0 38 33/26/17/08/04/03/02/0119 22 31 27 39 39 6 12 87 1 13 7 0 39 33/26/18/09/04/03/02/0120 22 31 27 40 40 6 12 87 1 13 7 0 40 34/27/19/10/05/03/02/0121 22 32 28 41 41 8 12 88 2 14 8 0 41 35/28/19/11/06/03/02/0122 23 32 28 41 41 8 12 88 2 14 8 0 41 35/28/20/11/07/03/02/0123 23 33 29 42 42 8 12 88 2 14 8 0 42 36/29/21/12/07/03/02/0124 23 33 30 43 43 8 12 88 2 15 8 0 43 37/30/21/13/08/03/02/0125 24 34 30 44 44 8 14 88 2 15 8 0 44 37/30/22/14/09/04/02/0126 24 34 31 44 44 8 14 88 2 15 8 0 44 38/31/23/14/10/05/02/01

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27 25 35 31 45 45 8 14 88 2 15 8 0 45 39/32/23/15/10/06/02/0128 25 36 32 46 46 8 14 89 2 16 9 0 46 39/32/24/16/11/06/02/0129 25 36 33 47 47 8 14 89 2 16 9 0 47 40/33/25/16/12/07/02/0130 26 37 33 47 47 8 14 89 2 16 9 0 47 41/34/25/17/13/08/03/0131 26 37 34 48 48 8 14 89 2 17 9 0 48 41/34/26/18/13/09/04/0132 26 38 34 49 49 8 14 89 2 17 9 0 49 42/35/27/18/14/09/05/0133 27 38 35 50 50 10 14 89 2 17 9 0 50 43/36/27/19/15/10/05/0134 27 39 36 50 50 10 14 89 2 18 9 0 50 43/36/28/20/15/11/06/0135 27 39 37 51 51 10 14 89 2 18 9 0 51 44/37/29/20/16/12/07/0236 28 40 37 52 52 10 16 90 2 18 10 0 52 45/38/29/21/17/12/08/0337 28 41 37 53 53 10 16 90 2 18 10 0 53 45/38/30/22/17/13/08/0438 28 41 38 53 53 10 16 90 2 19 10 0 53 46/39/31/22/18/14/09/0439 29 42 39 54 54 10 16 90 2 19 10 0 54 46/40/31/23/19/14/10/0540 29 42 39 55 55 10 16 90 2 19 10 0 55 47/40/32/24/19/15/11/0641 29 43 40 56 56 10 16 90 2 20 10 0 56 48/41/33/24/20/16/11/0742 30 43 40 56 56 10 16 90 2 20 10 0 56 48/41/33/25/21/16/12/0743 30 44 41 57 57 10 16 91 2 20 11 0 57 49/42/34/26/21/17/13/0844 31 44 42 58 58 10 16 91 2 21 11 0 58 50/43/35/26/22/18/13/0945 31 45 42 59 59 10 16 91 2 21 11 0 59 50/43/35/27/23/18/14/1046 31 46 43 59 59 10 16 91 2 21 11 0 59 51/44/36/28/23/19/15/1047 32 46 43 60 60 10 18 91 2 21 11 0 60 51/45/36/28/24/20/15/1148 32 47 44 61 61 10 18 91 2 22 11 0 61 52/45/37/29/25/20/16/1249 32 47 45 62 62 12 18 91 2 22 11 0 62 53/46/38/30/25/21/17/1250 33 48 45 62 62 14 18 92 3 22 12 0 62 53/46/38/30/26/22/17/1351 33 48 46 63 63 14 18 92 3 23 12 0 63 54/47/39/31/27/22/18/1452 33 49 47 64 64 14 18 92 3 23 12 0 64 54/48/40/31/27/23/19/1453 34 49 47 65 65 14 18 92 3 23 12 0 65 55/48/40/32/28/24/19/1554 34 50 48 65 65 14 18 92 3 24 12 0 65 56/49/41/33/29/24/20/1655 34 51 48 66 66 14 18 92 3 24 12 0 66 56/49/41/33/29/25/21/1656 35 51 49 67 67 14 18 92 3 24 12 0 67 57/50/42/34/30/26/21/1757 35 52 50 68 68 14 18 93 3 25 13 0 68 57/51/43/35/30/26/22/1858 36 52 50 68 68 14 20 93 3 25 13 0 68 58/51/43/35/31/27/23/1859 36 53 51 69 69 14 20 93 3 25 13 0 69 59/52/44/36/32/28/23/1960 36 53 51 70 70 14 20 93 3 25 13 0 70 59/52/44/36/32/28/24/2061 37 54 52 71 71 14 20 93 3 26 13 0 71 60/53/45/37/33/29/25/2062 37 54 53 71 71 14 20 93 3 26 13 0 71 60/54/46/38/34/29/25/2163 37 55 53 72 72 14 20 93 3 26 13 0 72 61/54/46/38/34/30/26/2264 38 56 54 73 73 14 20 94 3 27 14 0 73 62/55/47/39/35/31/27/2265 38 56 54 74 74 16 20 94 3 27 14 0 74 62/55/47/39/35/31/27/2366 38 57 55 74 74 16 20 94 3 27 14 0 74 63/56/48/40/36/32/28/2467 39 57 56 75 75 16 20 94 3 28 14 0 75 63/57/49/41/37/33/28/2468 39 58 56 76 76 16 20 94 3 28 14 0 76 64/57/49/41/37/33/29/2569 39 58 57 77 77 16 20 94 3 28 14 0 77 65/58/50/42/38/34/30/2670 40 59 57 77 77 16 22 94 3 28 14 0 77 65/58/50/42/38/34/30/2671 40 59 58 78 78 16 22 94 3 29 14 0 78 66/59/51/43/39/35/31/2772 40 60 59 79 79 16 22 95 3 29 15 0 79 66/60/52/44/40/36/32/27

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73 41 61 59 80 80 16 22 95 3 29 15 0 80 67/60/52/44/40/36/32/2874 41 61 60 80 80 16 22 95 3 30 15 0 80 68/61/53/45/41/37/33/2975 42 62 60 81 81 16 22 95 3 30 15 0 81 68/61/53/45/41/37/33/2976 42 62 61 82 82 16 22 95 3 30 15 0 82 69/62/54/46/42/38/34/3077 42 63 62 83 83 16 22 95 3 31 15 0 83 69/63/55/47/43/39/35/3178 43 63 62 83 83 16 22 95 3 31 15 0 83 70/63/55/47/43/39/35/3179 43 64 63 84 84 18 22 96 4 31 16 0 84 70/64/56/48/44/40/36/3280 43 64 63 85 85 18 22 96 4 31 16 0 85 71/64/56/48/44/40/36/3281 44 65 64 86 86 20 24 96 4 32 16 0 86 72/65/57/49/45/41/37/3382 44 66 65 86 86 20 24 96 4 32 16 0 86 72/65/58/50/46/42/38/3483 44 66 65 87 87 20 24 96 4 32 16 0 87 73/66/58/50/46/42/38/3484 45 67 66 88 88 20 24 96 4 33 16 0 88 73/67/59/51/47/43/39/3585 45 67 67 89 89 20 24 96 4 33 16 0 89 74/67/59/51/47/43/39/3586 45 68 67 89 89 20 24 97 4 33 17 0 89 75/68/60/52/48/44/40/3687 46 68 68 90 90 20 24 97 4 34 17 0 90 75/68/60/53/49/45/41/3788 46 69 68 91 91 20 24 97 4 34 17 0 91 76/69/61/53/49/45/41/3789 46 69 69 92 92 20 24 97 4 34 17 0 92 76/70/62/54/50/46/42/3890 47 70 70 92 92 20 24 97 4 35 17 0 92 77/70/62/54/50/46/42/3891 47 71 70 93 93 20 24 97 4 35 17 0 93 77/71/63/55/51/47/43/3992 48 71 71 94 94 20 26 97 4 35 17 0 94 78/71/63/55/52/48/44/4093 48 72 71 95 95 20 26 98 4 35 18 0 95 79/72/64/56/52/48/44/4094 48 72 72 95 95 20 26 98 4 36 18 0 95 79/72/65/57/53/49/45/4195 49 73 73 96 96 20 26 98 4 36 18 0 96 80/73/65/57/53/49/45/4196 49 73 73 97 97 20 26 98 4 36 18 0 97 80/74/66/58/54/50/46/4297 49 74 74 98 98 22 26 98 4 37 18 0 98 81/74/66/58/54/51/47/4398 50 74 74 98 98 22 26 98 4 37 18 0 98 81/75/67/59/55/51/47/4399 50 75 75 99 99 22 26 98 4 37 18 0 99 82/75/67/60/56/52/48/44

Spells List

WarlockM1 - Sleep, Ice, FireM2 - Blind, Bolt, VenomM3 - Fire2, Ice2, Bolt2M4 - Ice3, Shade, BreakM5 - Kill, Bolt3, EraseM6 - Bio, Fire3, Warp M7 - Break2, Drain, QuakeM8 - Flare, Meteor, Death


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M1 - ChocoboM2 - ShivaM3 - RamuhM4 - IfritM5 - TitanM6 - Odin M7 - LeviathanM8 - Bahamut

Pros & Cons


- A-lot more MP - Great HP gain - Great vitality - Status spells

Cons - Weaker damage - - -


- Better damage - Targets all enemies - Great speed - Good strength - Cooler looks... it's the HORN!

Cons - Few MP - Terrible HP gain - Low vitality -

In-Depth Evaluation

To settle this question, we have to distinguish your style of playing. Are you alevel up maniac or one who loves challenges- limiting their level as low as

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In general, the usefulness of the Warlock is really outstanding at lower levels.At higher levels, the Summoner takes the center stage... if I may say.

Looking at their stats, highlighting their MP (because they're spell casters), theWarlock is really running past the Summoner by a mile. At level 42 where theSummoner earns its first level 8 MP (for 'Bahamut'), the Warlock already owns 8level 8 MP's! Okay, let's assume you're a challenge freak and your level is at most, say 39, whenyou got the subject jobs. You'll have the following stats:

Lvl-Str-Agi-Vit-Int-Spr-At#-Att-Ht%-De#-Def-Eva-MDf-MEv-M1-M2-M3-M4-M5-M6-M7-M839 16 39 44 57 23 10 10 89 2 22 9 0 40 28/26/23/20/17/14/10/07 Warlock39 42 47 13 39 39 10 22 91 2 6 11 0 39 17/15/12/10/07/05/03/00 Summoner

The most worthy spells start at level 5, so here's what your bets have below theirsleeves:

Warlock Summoner

M5 - Kill, Bolt3, Erase - 17 M5 - Titan - 7M6 - Bio, Fire3, Warp - 14 M6 - Odin - 5M7 - Break2, Drain, Quake - 10 M7 - Leviathan - 3M8 - Flare, Meteo, Death - 7 M8 - Bahamut - 0

Since most of the bosses in the final dungeons are strong against elements, mostprobably you'll be using 'Bio' for the Warlock and 'Odin' for the Summoner. Thedamage dealt by 'Odin' is only a few hundreds higher than 'Bio'. Let's say 'Odin'deals 1000 damage times 5 casting (1000x5), you'll be dealing only 5000 damage tothe boss. On the other side, if you use the Warlock and casts 'Bio', which deals,let's say 500 times 14 casting (500x14), you'll be dealing 7000 damage. Of course

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the damages are just hypothetical, but did you see my point? In terms of fightingregular battles, the Warlock compensates the lack of powerful, all-target spellswith its status spells. Weaken the enemies before killing them, instead of in-stantlykilling them with powerful spells. Definitely, if you want to use the Sum-moner,you have to learn to stretch your chord and save your MP unless extremely needed.

Now, let's say you're quite a level up maniac and you got the subject jobs atlevel 49. Here's their stats:

Lvl-Str-Agi-Vit-Int-Spr-At#-Att-Ht%-De#-Def-Eva-MDf-MEv-M1-M2-M3-M4-M5-M6-M7-M849 17 45 53 64 27 12 10 91 2 26 11 0 45 32/30/27/24/21/18/15/12 Warlock49 47 56 15 45 45 14 24 94 3 7 14 0 45 19/17/15/12/10/08/06/04 Summoner

Warlock Summoner

M5 - Kill, Bolt3, Erase - 21 M5 - Titan - 10M6 - Bio, Fire3, Warp - 18 M6 - Odin - 8M7 - Break2, Drain, Quake - 15 M7 - Leviathan - 6M8 - Flare, Meteo, Death - 12 M8 - Bahamut - 4

With the availability of a few 'Bahamut' and 8 'Odin' summons, you'll be tak-ingdown bosses with few troubles. There's no need to beat down bosses slowly usingeither 'Bio', 'Flare' or 'Meteo'. If you ran out of MP after a boss fight, all youhave to do is use an Elixir. With regard to regular battles, both jobs will nothave any trouble as they both have enough MP to deal with normal pests, however,we cannot hide the fact that the Summoner has a very bad HP progression comparedto that of the Warlock. Defense will aggravate the problem of low HP. An un-luckySummoner who becomes a favorite target by the enemies will not be able to holdsuch onslaught. These might make you think twice when you want to con-sider using

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the Summoner. The only consolation I see is the fact that the Summoner is veryfast. Before an enemy gets a chance to take him down, it can already kill it withone of its summons in the first turn.

Taking the above considerations, I STILL favor the Summoner. The title "BestOffensive Mage in FF3 World" depends on your style of play. You want a hard-hitting',but short-living' mage? Summoner's the name. If you want a slowly, but surely spellcaster? Warlock's the right guy for you. Well, I always believe that, " a gooddefense is a good offense", but I also believe that, " a great offense is the bestoffense!".

For me, it doesn't really matter which is better. I never really used either jobsthat long. I'm content with my 2x Mystic Knight (1x Knight and 1x Karateka) and 2xWhite Mage (Shaman) combo before I get my 2x Ninja (FEOK) and 2x Sage combo. Onething I can say is that, you may say Warlock is better than the Summoner, butSummon is better than Black Magic :)

Summon Spell Effects

Depending on what job you use, either Conjurer or Summoner, you will have thefollowing summon effect:

Chocobo (L1)------------White: Escape (run from the battle)Black: Stumble (nothing happens)Summoner: Chocobo Kick (physical damage, one enemy)

Shiva (L2)----------White: HypnoBeam (Sleep, 100% success, all enemies)Black: Icy Glare (Ice damage, single enemy)Summoner: Diamond Dust (Ice damage, all enemies)

Ramuh (L3)----------

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White: MindBlast (Paralyze, 100% success, all enemies)Black: God's Thunder (Lightning damage, one enemy)Summoner: Heaven's Rage (Lightning damage, all enemies)

Ifrit (L4)----------White: Recovery (Recover some HP and status, all allies)Black: Flames of Fury (Fire damage, one enemy)Summoner: Hellfire (Fire damage, all enemies)

Titan (L5)----------White: Punch (Physical damage, one enemy)Black: Kick (Physical damage, one enemy)Summoner: Earthquake (Earth damage, all enemies)

Odin (L6)---------White: Barrier (Wall, all allies)Black: Sword Cut (Physical damage, one enemy)Summoner: Atom Edge (Instant death, all enemies)

Leviathan (L7)--------------White: Stony Glare (Petrify, all enemies)Black: Tempest (Water damage, all enemies)Summoner: Tsunami (Water damage, all enemies)

Bahamut (L8)------------White: Aura (Haste, all allies)Black: Rend (Death, one enemy)Summoner: Megaflare (Non-elemental damage, all enemies)

Job Acquisition

Want to know what's the next set of jobs waiting for you in the next Crystal?Check this out!

Wind Crystal- Fighter (recommended)- Monk (recommended)

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- White Wizard (recommended)- Black Wizard- Red Wizard

Fire Crystal- Hunter- Knight (recommended)- Thief- Scholar

Water Crystal- Geomancer- Dragoon (recommended)- Viking- Karateka (recommended)- Mystic Knight (recommended)- Conjurer- Bard

This concludes the Job Evaluation portion of the guide.


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Floating Contenent:

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Fargabaad Cave

Altar Cave

Ground Floor

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Altar Cave Basement 1

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Altar Cave Basement 2

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Altar Cave Base- ment 3

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Altar Cave Basement 4

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Ur Town Map

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Ur Stor- age Room

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Ur Well

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Ur Elders House

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Ur Inn

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Kazus Town Map

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Kazus Inn

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Kazus Tacas House

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Kazus Mithril Mine Level 1

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Kazus Mithril Mine Level 2

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Sasoon Castle Exterior

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Sasoon Castle Interior Base-ment, Ground Floor, Level 1

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Sasoon Castle In- terior Level 2 & Throne Room

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Sasoon Castle Right Tower

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Sasoon Castle Left Tower

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Cave of the Seal Floor 1 (B1F)

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Cave of the Seal Floor 2 (B2F)

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Cave of the Seal Floor 3 (B3F)

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Canaan Town Map

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Canaan Cids House

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Road to the Summit

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Amur Sewer

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Ancient Ruins

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Ancients Labyrinth

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Bahamut Cave

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Cave of Darkness Lower Levels

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Cave of Darkness Upper Levels

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Dark World

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Molten/Flame Cave

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Forbidden Land Eureka

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Goldors Mansion

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Hidden Path

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Dragoon Tower (Salonia)

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Salonia Catacombs

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Temple of Time

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Tower of Owen

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Undersea Cave

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Water Cave

This concludes the Maps portion as well as the end of this guide.

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"Final Fantasy III Guide & Walkthrough." IGN . N.p., n.d. Web. 28 Mar. 2011. <http://guides.ign.com/guides/707320/>.

Kishan, Amar. "GameFAQs: Final Fantasy III (NES) Boss FAQ by AKishan." Video Game Cheats, Reviews, FAQs, Message Boards, and More - GameFAQs. N.p., n.d. Web. 28 Mar. 2011. <http://www.gamefaqs.com/nes/563415-final-fantasy-iii/faqs/3019>.

Kowell, Jason.“GameFAQs: Final Fantasy III (NEW) Map FAQ by JKowell.”Video Game Cheats, Reviews, FAQs, Message Boards, and More - GameFAQs. N.p., n.d. Web. 28 Mar. 2011.

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