Final English Project Alexis Iván So lís Gómez 3°B

Final english project

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Page 1: Final english project

Final English Project

Alexis Iván Solís Gómez


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First period

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In the first period i did a presentation abaout my life.

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I explain some important thinks about my life

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The thinks that i like to do

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in the first period we worked with the first skills for the toefl exam.

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Second period

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People with disabilities

we did some interviews to some bussines to see if they were really prepare to accept handicap people.

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My sister´s keeper

we saw my sisters keeper movie and answered some questions.

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Third period

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Natural disasters

in this period we saw natural disasters and learn how they are formed and how we can predict them

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We did a play

We did toy story 2. we didn’t have the enough time to

prepare the play

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Toy story 2

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This period we saw a lot of skills, to prepare the toefl exam.

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First semester

In this semester we did a lot of things that helped me to become better in my english.

the projects were very fin, i think that it was the best semester that i have ever had, and i hope that the next year become as good as this semester.