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_What is good... _01

BBC Radio // 90 Years of BBC Radio


90 Years of Radio

- Last year on the 14th November 2012 it was 90 years since BBC had been broadcasting. To celebrate this at 17:33 every BBC radio show was stopped and a song composed by Damon Albarn from the Blur was played across all the stations.

- The song was 3 minutes long which was being broadcasted from the London Science Museum by Simon Mayo. This was first time since 1922 that something had been simultaneously played over all BBC stations.

- The song was called 2LO calling because the 2LO transmitter made the first broadcast - from the British Broadcasting Company as it was then known - on 14 November 1922.

- More than 55 BBC radio stations came together for Radio Reunited. It is estimated the broadcast could have reached up to 80 million listeners.


BBC Stations

- BBC Radio 1- BBC Radio 1 Extra- BBC Radio 2- BBC Radio 3- BBC Radio 4- BBC Radio 4 extra- BBC Radio 5 live- BBC Radio 5 live sport extra- BBC Radio 6- BBC Asain Network

_Nathan Bolton


John Reith

John Reith was the founder of the BBC. He was its first general manager when it was set up as the British Broadcasting Company in 1922; and he was its first director general when it became a public corporation in 1927.



This was the first radio transmitter made and made the first broadcast in 1922.


Most influencial radio presenters

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_What is good...


Concept of the Exhibition

A visual and audio exhibition that informs the audience of the history of BBC radio and how it has changed throughout the years. The focus will be on visualising the radio and how the stations spoken words can be seen through exhibits.


Plan of the exhibition

The exhibition would be split into 2 sections - The history of the 90 years of broadcasting.The present day broadcasting.


The Audience

- Educational, informative but humorous tone of voice- 15 - 20 year old.


The purpose

The purpose of the exhibition is to inform the younger audience about the radio; to show them where and how it started. To show the development of the radio and equipment and how it has affected social interaction within society.


Key Aspects

- Highlight key events which happened throughout the 90 years of broadcasting.- Visualise the tone of voice of each radio station.- Have the 2LO calling song as a feature.- Showcase the equipment.- Have engaging interactive aspects to make the younger audience want to come and join in.



The processes that i am going to use within my promotional and branding material are:- screen printing- embossing- foiling- digital printI feel that these processes are appropriate for the products in which i am going to create.

The screen print and emboss will be used within the invitations to create something more hand-made, personal and unique for the grand opening of the event. These will be sent out to people and I wanted them to be well designed and have the professional touch to them, using these processes will provide this aesthetic needed to show it.

Foiling and digital print will be used in the branding and the rest of the promotional material to compliment the hand printed techniques.



Within the exhibition material I am going to use a variety of formats within the products to make them different and interesting for the audience to interact with.

This will mainly be shown throughout the publications and other interesting formats for invites and tickets. Using these formats will create a more unique set of products and make the exhibition stand out and attract more people.

An Exhibition of...

90 Years of BBC Radio


_Nathan Bolton

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_What is good...

90 Years of BBC Radio

Logo and Colour Scheme


_Nathan Bolton

Ye a r s o f B B C R a d i o



The logo for the exhibition takes on the aesthetics of the original microphone used within radio, but it also incorporates the idea of illustrating the modern microphone. By mixing the two ideas together this communicates the history of the radio and gives a good aesthical representation for the exhibition.



The body copy for the title of the exhibition has again been kept consistent across all promotional material, I have done this to link everything together and to show that it is all apart of one big promotional package for the exhibition.


Colour Scheme

The colour scheme originates from the orignal BBC Radio logos. I have taken the yellow green and blue from the logos and edited them slightly to make a better toned colour and to make them fit together, I have then created a gradient with these colours as the main colour scheme for the exhibtion. The gradient represents the idea of change, which is being reflected throughout the exhibition of the BBC Radio.

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_Nathan Bolton

90 Years of BBC Radio

Promotional Material

I n f o r m at i o n B o o k l e t

90years of BBCR a d i o


Ye a r s o f B B C R a d i o

Ye a r s o f B B C R a d i o

1 s t - 3 1 s t J u ly 2 0 1 3

N at i o n a l M e d i a M u s e u mB r a d f o r d B D 1 3 R F

1 0 a m - 5 p m

An exhibition Celebrating 90 years of BBC broadcasting.Showing the past and present of the modern day radio.

This ticket allows one adult entry to 90 Years of BBC Radio exhibition for the duration of day displayed above.

1 Adult - 16th July 2013

Ye a r s o f B B C R a d i o

90years of BBCR a d i o

Ye a r s o f B B C R a d i o

1 s t - 3 1 s t J u ly 2 0 1 3

1 0 a m - 6 p m d a i lyF r e e A d m i t ta n c e

F o r m o r e i n f o r m at i o n v i s i t : w w w . 9 0y e a r s o f r a d i o . c o . u k

Nati o nal M ed ia M useu mB rad fo r d

Ye a r s o f B B C R a d i o

90years of BBCR a d i o-1 s t - 3 1 s t J u ly 2 0 1 3-

1 0 a m - 6 p m D a i ly

-F r e e A d m i t ta n c e

-F o r m o r e i n f o r m at i o n v i s i t : w w w . 9 0y e a r s o f r a d i o . c o . u k

Nati o nal M ed ia M useu mB rad fo r d-

90years of BBCR a d i o


Promotional Material

The Promotional material is all based around the colour scheme and the imagery to communicate the idea of the history of the BBC Radio. I have kept the design style consistent across the full board of promotional products, this creates a full promotion package for the exhibition and one that shows the branding and identity designed across a range of different media and products.


Promotional Products

PostersInvitationsTicketOutdoor AdvertisingExhibition PublicationsWebsite

90years of BBCR a d i o

You are invited to attend the opening night of ‘90 Years of BBC Radio’ exhibition.

This will take place on the evening of 30th June 2013 from 7pm onwards at National Media Museum.

)FSF�ZPV�XJMM�HFU�B�mSTU�MPPL�BU�UIF�FYIJCJUJPO�BOE�experience it for yourself. You can even take part in the live broadcast.

A guest radio presenter will be broadcasting the opening, live from our very own station.

For more information please don’t hesitate to contact us at:[email protected]

Ye a r s o f B B C R a d i o

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_Nathan Bolton

90 Years of BBC Radio



Branding Material

The branding material is again in keeping with the the whole project and colour scheme. The design has been kept consistent across the branding material and uses all aspects of the logo, type and colour scheme. The branding material is not a necessity for the exhibition itself, but I wanted to show how the logo could be used across different formats of branding.


Promotional Products

LogoBusiness cardLetterheadCompliment SlipEnvelope

90 Years of BBC RadioExhibition

National Media MuseumBradford, BD1 1NQ

0844 856 [email protected]

Ye a r s o f B B C R a d i o

-9 0 Y e a r s o f B B C R a d i o


9 0 Y e a rs o f B B C R a d i o1st - 31st July 2013National Media Museum, BradfordFree Admittance

National Media Museum, Bradford, BD1 1NQ0844 856 379790yearsofradio.co.uk Y

e a r s o f B B C R a d i o

9 0 Y e a rs o f B B C R a d i o

Ye a r s o f B B C R a d i o

W i t h c o m p l i m e n t s

90 Years of BBC RadioExhibition

National Media MuseumBradford, BD1 1NQ

0844 856 [email protected]

Ye a r s o f B B C R a d i o

Ye a r s o f B B C R a d i o

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_Nathan Bolton

90 Years of BBC Radio

Way finding

E x h i b i t i o n M a p


Way Finding Symbols

The symbols across are the way finding icons that will be used throughout the exhibition. These work in correlation to the app and in that aspect I have designed them arouns the aesthetics of app icons and to show direction.


Way Finding Mock Up

To show how the icons would be used around the exhibition space, i have mocked up some images using imagery from around the college. These are to show the idea of the way finding system and how the icons and form of direction are used together to create the way finding system.


Exhibition Map

In order to make it easier for the audience to know where they are and to navigate around the exhibition, I have created an exhibition map. This was taken from the National Media Museum map for the floor plan and i have added in the exhibition space details to make it more specific to my exhibition.