Final Biology Essay

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  • 8/8/2019 Final Biology Essay


  • 8/8/2019 Final Biology Essay



    stem cells is known as potency. Multipotent stem cells can produce cells of a

    closely related group while unipotent stem cells can produce just one cell type.

    Totipotent cells are produced from the fusion of the egg and the sperm cells.

    During the first few divisions, that a fertilized egg undergoes, it produces

    totipotent cells. Germ layer is a collection of cells formed during animal

    embryogenesis. Pluripotent cells can differentiate into the cells, which are derived

    from any of the germ layers. Embryonic stem cells are cell cultures that are

    derived from the epiblast tissue of the inner cell mass of a blastocyst, an embryo

    that is 4-5 days old. Human embryonic stem cells need the basic fibroblast growth

    factor. Embryonic stem cells still remain untested. Adult stem cells, however, can

    create a cell like themselves as well as more differentiated cells. Mostly they are

    multipotent. Adult stem cells are a natural solution. They naturally exist in our

    bodies, and they provide a natural repair mechanism for many tissues of our


    They belong in the microenvironment of an adult body, while embryonic

    stem cells belong in the microenvironment of the early embryo, not in an adult

    body, where they tend to cause tumors and immune system reactions. Most

    importantly, adult stem cells have already successfully used in human therapies

    for many years. As of this moment, no therapies in humans have ever been

    successfully carried out using embryonic stem cells. New therapies using adult

    type stem cells, on the other hand, are being developed all the time. These cells

    have already shown success in treating blood or bone cancers. There are three

    germ layers stem cells can be found in: endoderm, mesoderm, and ectoderm.

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    Research has shown that stem cells can, not only differentiate into specialized cell

    types but they also retain their capacity to regenerate themselves by cell

    divisions. Stem cells of the inner cell mass in blastocysts develop into other

    tissues of the body. The multipotent stem cells in adults act as the wear and tear

    system of the body. Science has not yet been able to conclude the presence of

    pluripotent stem cells in adults.

    As stem cells can repair damaged tissues, they can be used to cure certain

    diseases related to brain or heart damages and the spinal cord. Stem cells have a

    potential use in gene therapy as well. Embryonic stem cells are supposed to be of

    great use in the treatments for nervous system disorders. Because of the fact

    adult stem cells naturally exist in our bodies, they cannot be easily transferred

    into young embryos or young developing bodies (children). Not only can adult

    stem cells cause problems in embryos and kids but any variation of stem cells can

    grow in a different form once in the position originally introduced to that specific

    stem cell. This usually results in the growing of excess bone marrow, which could

    be extremely hazardous to the people who had stem cells replace their heart

    tissue or other vital organ areas. Stem cells require tons of effort to maintain a

    stable environment where they can be coaxed into what they need to be

    replacing. Most stem cells are pluripotent which gives them the potential to

    differentiate between any of the three germ layers. This advantage of

    pluripotency means that stem cells can become virtually any of the about 220

    cells in our bodies. There is a special division of stem cells called

    Hematopoietic Stem Cells. HSC is a stem cell that is isolated from the blood or

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    bone marrow that can renew itself, can differentiate to a variety of specialized

    cells, can mobilize out of the bone marrow into circulating blood, and can undergo

    programmed cell death called apoptosis. These cells are currently more commonly

    used for transplants with cancer patients. HSCs are responsible for creating

    immune system and blood cells. Stem cells are very diverse, interesting cells,

    whos possibilities may only be limited by imagination.

    In vitro fertilization is one of the more shady sides of early assisted

    reproductive technology. At first IVF was thought of as a joke or more simply,

    scientists showing off. Most of the early fears about IVF were that IVF would turn

    us into child producing machines. Alas, IVF didnt create legions of less-than-

    human children, nor did it destroy the regular family. IVF was simply a new way to

    create children through assisted reproduction. There was a frenzy trying to ban

    IVF because IVF was a hodgepodge of unregulated activities with absolutely no

    support from the public or the government. IVF involves the production of extra

    embryos that, eventually, would be unceremoniously destroyed. IVF research

    came to somewhat of a compromise with the public by making a rule that

    scientists must have a special regard for the potential of human life. Despite

    this agreement, the government has never sponsored a single research grant for

    IVF, thus making it a private science.

    The politicians seemed to have taken charge in the matter of IVF and have

    now divided cloning into two categories, therapeutic cloning and reproductive

    cloning. Even though the politicians seemed to have taken over, it took nearly

    twenty five years to realize that IVF children are at increased medical risk. After

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    IVF medical risks were looked into it was revealed that one third of all IVF

    pregnancies resulted in twins or triplets, doubling of the miscarriage rate, a

    tripling of the rate of still births and neonatal deaths, and a fivefold increase of

    ectopic pregnancies. The weights of IVF babies are also more commonly less that

    the regular about five and a half pounds. Test-tube babies (IVF babies) are twice

    as likely to develop some sort of birth defect or chromosomal or musculoskeletal

    differences. Although many problems with IVF came to light the worst of the fears

    have been dispelled as myths.

    Therapeutic cloning is an excellent way to heal many types of diseases.

    Therapeutic cloning starts with the same procedure as is used in adult DNA

    cloning. The resultant embryo would be allowed to grow for perhaps 14 days. It's

    stem cells would then be extracted and encouraged to grow into a piece of human

    tissue or a complete human organ for transplant. The end result would not be a

    human being; it would be a replacement organ, or piece of nerve tissue, or

    quantity of skin. The first successful therapeutic cloning was accomplished in

    2001-NOV by Advanced Cell Technology, a biotech company in Worcester, MA.

    If therapeutic cloning using embryos is successful, then perfectly matched,

    replacement organs could become freely available to sick and dying people. That

    would save countless numbers of lives, and increase the quality of life of

    countless others. Three possible examples of therapeutic cloning might include

    the use of insulin-secreting cells for diabetes; nerve cells in stroke or Parkinson's

    disease; or liver cells to repair a damaged organ. There would probably also be

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    side benefits resulting from the research. Further advances in understanding of

    how organs regenerate would increase the range of possible treatments that

    could be considered. In the United States during 1998, more than 50 disease

    advocates and scientific societies, representing such concerns as diabetes,

    blindness, Parkinson's disease, glaucoma, AIDS, Down Syndrome, cystic fibrosis,

    stroke, lymphoma, infertility and cancer recently sent a letter to the members of

    Congress urging them to support federal funding for stem cell research.

    Unlike other cloning, therapeutic cloning does not strive to make whole

    humans. Instead, it makes embryos as a source of embryonic stem cells for

    therapeutic purposes. Because embryonic stem cells can grow into any body of

    the body cells, they might be cultured into nerve cells, skin cells, and even hair

    follicles for the bald. The obvious use of therapeutic cloning would be treating

    deadly diseases like diabetes and Parkinson's where a specific type of cell has

    died. It's a good bet that replacing those cells would restore health. Therapeutic

    cloning research would end in this country, however, if restrictive legislation

    passes the Senate. But society is already willing to tolerate the death of lab-

    created embryos during in-vitro fertilization. Therapeutic could be one of the best

    new technologies in medicine.

    Stem cells have, so far, proven to live up to, and in some cases exceed, our

    high standards. These incredible small cells can completely remake the medical

    universe. In both the fields of science and medicine, stem cells have struck awe

    and wonder into the many healed by their amazing properties.

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