Film Facts and Figures - Filmfonds · (CoBO), Dutch Cultural Broadcasting Fund (STIFO). Also regional governmental Also regional governmental initiatives exist, among which the Rotterdam

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FilmFeiten en cijFerszomer 2008

Film Facts and Figures oF the netherlands edition summer 2008


This publication contains an overview of the main facts and figures on the production, distribution and exhibition of movies in 2007 in The Netherlands. It is published annually by The Netherlands Film Fund.

compilationThe Netherlands Foundation for Film Research (Jeroen Margry, Engel Veld), The Netherlands Film Fund (Toine Berbers, Jonathan Mees and Maarten Wijdenes).

sourcesThe Netherlands Film Fund, Netherlands Federation for Cinematography (NFC), Netherlands Cinema Exhibitors (NVB), Netherlands Cinema Distributors (NVF), Coproduction Fund Domestic Broadcasters (CoBO), Dutch Cultural Broadcasting Fund (STIFO), Rotterdam Film Fund (RFF), Ministry of Education, Culture and Science (Ministerie van OCW), European Audiovisual Observatory (EAO), Netherlands Federation of Producers and Importers of Image and Sound Carriers (NVPI), Central Bureau for Statistics (CBS), Media Salles, Dutch Audience Research Foundation (Stichting Kijkonderzoek). © Copyright The Netherlands Film Fund 2008

design Margo Witteprinting Sonodruk, Heino, The Netherlandspublished August 2008cover still Love is all / Alles is liefde, Motel Films, photo: Jaap Vrenegoor


nederlands Fonds voor de Film the netherlands Film Fundjan luykenstraat 2 1071 cm amsterdam the netherlands

phone (+31) (0)20 5707676 Fax (+31) (0)20 5707689 e-mail [email protected] website www.FilmFonds.nl

The Netherlands Film Fund is the national agency responsible for the support of film production and cinema in the Netherlands. It focuses on the quality and diversity of feature films, docu-mentaries, shorts, animation en experimental films. The Fund’s operations cover participation in the development, production, distribution and marketing. It is also in charge of promoting a good climate for the national movie industry.

introduction content

Film facts and figuresoF the netherlandsmeasured in 2007

chart 1 key Figures the netherlands 4

Financing 4

Figure 1a domestic market shares in admissions 2003-2007 4

Figure 1b market shares in admissions domestic productions 4

chart 2 Film Fund budgets & activities 2007 5

chart 3 dutch shorts, animation, experimental Films and 6 documentaries – releases 2007

chart 4 dutch Feature Film production volume 2007 7

chart 5 Feature Films netherlands releases 2007 8

chart 6 Financing oF dutch Feature Films 2007 8

chart 7 top 20 admissions the netherlands 2007 10 (january-december) – all releases

chart 8 top 20 admissions the netherlands 2007 10 (january-december) – netherlands releases

chart 9 top 20 admissions the netherlands 2003-2007 – all releases 11

chart 10 top 20 admissions the netherlands 2003-2007 – netherlands 11 releases

chart 11 top 20 admissions dutch all time releases 12

chart 12 country shares admissions / gross box oFFice 2003-2007 12

chart 13 distributor market shares 2003-2007 13

chart 14 Films screened 2003-2007 14

chart 15 regional market shares 2007 14 (all Films in circulation, new releases, admissions, gbo)

chart 16 cinemas 2003-2007 14 (type oF cinemas, total cinemas, screens, seats)

chart 17 ticket price / Film rental Fee the netherlands 2003-2007 15

chart 18 admissions per capita 15

chart 19 box oFFice versus dvd/vhs sales and rental 15

Figure 2 consumer Film market growth 15


1 subsidies according to the Cultuurnota2 subsidies include Eurimages, incidental

contributions and Commercial film scheme (Publieksfilm), Supplementary Regulations subsidy (Matching Fund), Ministery of Finance

3 Media department (MLB) including Telefilm, Telescoopfilm, contributions Stifo and CoBO Extra

4 including co-productions5 21 titles included6 Film Fund subsidised projects only

chart 1key Figures the netherlands

population (2007) 16.357.992population (2008-april) 16.421.651government/ political organisation constitutional monarchyaverage g.d.p. 2006 (million €) 534.324regulatory body for media ministry of education, culture and science budgets (2007) total government subsidy to cinema activities 54.068.467subsidies arts department, excluding Film Fund 1 10.843.300subsidies arts department, Film Fund 2 31.519.167subsidies media department 3 11.700.000 production (2007) Feature Films domestic feature films released 4 26 > supported by Film Fund 17minor co-productions released and 4 > supported by Film Fund 3average cost of a feature film (1000) 5 1.931average subsidy coverage (1000) 6 425 documentaries domestic documentaries released 8 > supported by Film Fund 8minor co-productions 0average cost of a documentary (1000) 6 404average subsidy coverage (1000) 6 82 animation Film Fund animation Films 3average cost of an animation (1000) 6 70average subsidy coverage (1000) 6 36

experimental Films (o & o) completed experimental films 18average cost (1000) 6 58average subsidy (1000) 6 34

shorts completed shorts 15 average cost (1000) 59 average subsidy (1000) 32 distribution 2007 number of distributors 15number of films released 292number of first releases 292 exhibition 2007 number of cinemas 160number of screens 630number of seats (x1000) 106number of admissions per capita 1,4average ticket price (€) 6,9average film rental percentage of gbo 40,2%cinema admissions / national share 23,1 million, national share 13,5%

gbo / national share (€) 159,7 million, national share 13,4% television & video 2007 number of public nationwide broadcasting channels 3number of commercial nationwide broadcasting channels 11number of public internet television channels 17 tv, cable, internet, satellite dish penetration oF household tv (2007) 98,0%cable (2007) 78,0%digital 35,0%satellite dish (2007) 8,0%vcr players/recorders 41,1%dvd players/recorders 60,9%internet users (mln) 8,6broadband homes (mln) 1,1

palace for the lost ones

Ben x


a lapse of memory


Beyond the game

dennis p.

dutch cocaine factory / de nederlandse cocaïnefaBriek


Film producers obtain subsidies for different stages in the production process (see: Chart 2) from the Film fund (directly financed by OCW, the Ministry of Education, Culture and Science), the CoBO fund (financed by the public broadcasters; aimed at tv) and STIFO (StimuleringsFonds, financed by the public broadcasters; cultural objectives tv and radio). In 2006 investors could be found via FINE BV (consulting agency for special tax regulations, founded by the government) and in the investors market. In the EU context, special conditions have to be met in order to obtain European subsidy at Eurimages and the Media Plus programs. As of June 21st 2007 entries for the new Supplementary Regulations for films with two-thirds funding can be made. Producers with 65% of their production financing in place can apply for the final third of their film’s budget. 25% of total financing must be from private investors. The budget is yearly 13 million euros.


20%0% 40% 60% 80% 100%





Figure 1adomestic market shares in admissions 2003-2007

Funding national production


cobo distributors


public broadcasters Film Fund including supplementary regulations

commercial broadcasters

ministry of ocw ministry of Finance

Film producer

Funding international coproduction

eu producer

eu producer

eu distributor

eu broadcast

eurimagesmedia plus


cobo distributors


public broadcasters Film Fund including supplementary regulations

commercial broadcasters

ministry of ocw ministry of Finance

Film producer

Figure 1bmarket shares in admissions domestic productions

2003 2004 2005 2006 2007

French films in FranceItalian films in ItalyBritish films in GBGerman films in GermanySpanish films in Spain


Danish films in DenmarkSwedish films in SwedenBelgian films in BelgiumDomestic films in The Netherlands






Admission market shares of domestic films in the Netherlands (including co productions) in 2007 increased to 13.5%. The US market share in 2007 dropped significantly to 65.3%. The market shares of European releases increased remarkably with 8.4%. Other international releases decreased with 0.5%.

The domestic admission market share in the Netherlands in 2007 increased to 13.5%. This is higher than the share in Spain (13%). The French and German domestic shares increased significantly in 2006, but fell back again in 2007, although the share in France (37%) is still the highest of the EU big five. The Italian share is second with 33%, an increase of 7%. The market share in Great Britain dropped dramatically in 2006, but it recovered in 2007 and increased with 9% to 28%.

Films from USAFilms from Europe

Films from The NetherlandsFilms from other countries






















The Film Fund offers subsidies for different aspects of film production and for various types of film. In 2007, 507 out of 968 projects were allocated with a total budget of 22,399,777 euros. In 2007 Supplementary Regulations (Matching Fund) was added, explaining the increase in total budget.

Next to the Film Fund also other cinematographic bodies are active (working with governmental subsidies) among which: Filmmuseum (archive, cinematheque, distribution, library), Coproduction Fund National Broadcasters (CoBO), Dutch Cultural Broadcasting Fund (STIFO). Also regional governmental initiatives exist, among which the Rotterdam Filmfund.

chart 2Film Fund budget & activities 2007

2003 2004 2005 2006 2007

key Figures 2003-2007 number of submitted 1.075 831 931 1.012 1.251projects

number of allocated 408 318 452 517 587project subsidiesallocation (%) 38% 38% 49% 51% 47%total allocated 22.459.710 15.182.636 15.255.963 19.935.866 34.623.177budget


shake off


hard Boiled chicken

sub- allo- allo- allocated allocated mitted cated cation % budget budget %

budget 2007; submissions and allocations per category and subsidy typeFeature Films subsidies realisation 57 21 37% 9.048.154 41%matching Fund 12 10 83% 10.827.761 49%hubert bals Fonds 4 4 100% 200.000 1%project development 12 4 33% 30.000 0%script development 74 29 39% 347.420 2%post-production 11 5 45% 220.000 1%additional grants 10 4 40% 1.221.900 5%other subsidies 7 7 100% 210.183 1%promotion / marketing 8 7 88% 143.759 1%total 195 91 22.249.177 100% special projectsde oversteek - development 105 20 19% 192.000 5%de oversteek - realisation 8 4 50% 1.100.000 29%one night stand - development 18 18 100% 140.445 4%one night stand - realisation 18 9 50% 211.500 5%cinema junior - development 67 12 18% 114.000 3%cinema junior - realisation 4 2 50% 900.000 23%de verbeelding - realisation 50 4 8% 1.200.000 31%total 270 69 3.857.945 100% commercial Film (publieksFilm)telescoop 11 2 18% 1.157.140 100%other subsidies 0 0 0% 0 0%total 11 2 1.157.140 100% short Fiction realisation 110 10 9% 315.260 99%post-production 1 1 100% 2.129 1%additional grants 0 0 0% 0 0%total 111 11 317.389 100% documentaryrealisation 45 13 29% 1.190.809 49%matching Fund 1 1 100% 204.830 9%every picture tells a story (short doc.) 13 4 31% 150.000 6%script-development 36 14 39% 214.990 9%post-production 8 8 100% 349.015 14%additional grants 0 0 0% 0 0%other activities 8 8 100% 47.798 2%cinemanet/cinema del. 2 2 100% 250.000 10%total 113 50 2.407.442 100% animationrealisation 15 7 47% 648.350 82%script-development 16 14 88% 101.171 13%post-production 3 3 100% 31.503 4%additional grants 1 1 100% 7.250 1%other activities 1 1 100% 2.650 0%total 36 26 790.924 100% experimental Film (o & o) realisation 92 25 27% 588.345 59%script-development 55 28 51% 198.709 20%post-production 19 10 53% 91.578 9%additional grants 7 7 100% 71.160 7%other activities 1 1 100% 50.000 5%total 174 71 999.792 100% submissions and allocations per subsidy type realisation 440 116 26% 27.742.149 80%project development 12 4 33% 30.000 0%script development 371 135 36% 1.308.735 4%commissioner commercial film 64 52 81% 444.840 1%commissioner artistic films 48 45 94% 381.000 1%post-production 42 27 64% 694.225 2%additional grants 18 12 67% 1.300.310 4%promotion / marketing 8 7 88% 143.759 0%bonus for success/stimulans voor succes 9 9 100% 384.500 1%Festivals and investment theatres 48 29 60% 295.000 1%distribution subsidies/distributiebijdragen 16 11 69% 215.783 1%distribution youth films and arthouse films 22 19 86% 222.050 1%subsidies hgis/bijdragen hgis regeling 16 16 100% 586.147 2%special subsidies/bijzondere bijdragen 93 72 77% 239.048 1%media-education 25 14 56% 75.000 0%other subsidies/overige bijdragen 17 17 100% 310.631 1%cinemanet 2 2 100% 250.000 1%total 1.251 587 34.623.177 100%


chart 3 netherlands shorts, animation, experimental Flms and documentaries - releases 2007

On average the subsidies were one fifth (documentaries) up to 51% of the total production costs (animation). New in this chart is the category Shorts.

funny dewdrop

the muse / de muze

domestic title production company director produc- FilmFund % partici- length public tion subsidy pation (min) cinema costs € (1000s) screening € (1000s) (mm/dd/yy)

documentarydealing and wheeling in small arms sander Francken Film sander Francken 385 60 16% media 90 01/04/07jimmy rosenberg. the Father, the son and the talent (blow up) idtv docs jeroen berkvens 160 40 25% 77 03/08/07ellen ten damme, as i was wondering where this mixed-up zeppers Film & tv rob hodselmans 172 40 23% 66 04/19/07little liFe was leading to (blow up)

a way to get back home / een manier om thuis te komen - blue dolphin entertainment peter slager 1.104 50 5% 110 09/20/07umoja live (blow up) groupgold / goud selfmade Films niek koppen 407 220 54% 106 10/04/07see you in vegas (blow up) selfmade Films antoinette beumer, 245 50 20% 81 11/15/07 maaik krijgsmanstaal en lavendel, de levensladder van cornelis verolme idtv dits rudolf van den berg 307 156 51% 90 2007the dictator hunter pieter van huystee Film & tv klaartje Quirijns 450 40 9% usa 75 2007subtotal 3.230 656 20% average 404 82 animation oblomov’s cat / de kat van oblomow cineventura hans richter 97 73 75% 12 2007shells (blow up) sng Film jeff nassenstein 60 12 20% 10 2007mac and roe (blow up) pedri animation elmer kaan 53 23 43% 3 2007subtotal 210 108 51% average 70 36 experimental Film (onderzoek & ontwikkeling) elephantboy stichting impakt wayne horse 15 7 47% 13 2007the muse / de muze van lieshout Filmprodukties ben van lieshout 123 61 50% 73 2007wat blijFt beweegt ruim kader Filmprodukties albert elings 62 28 45% 47 2007number nine, i’m not going anywhere roofvogel guido van der werve 50 40 80% 9 2007op zee is niet mijn haven villa logica Film wim jongedijk 47 38 81% 16 2007360 graden horizon, land zonder verleden katelijne schrama katelijne schrama 38 32 84% 38 2007hither come down on me ansuya blom ansuya blom 32 32 100% 10 2007walderedo pablo pijnappel pablo pijnappel 28 23 82% 16 2007ploha stichting dovana Films kostana banovic 78 38 49% 48 2007as a Fly drawn to the Flame / als een vlieg naar de vlam purple earth productions barbara hanlo 63 50 79% 62 2007a lapse oF memory Fiona tan Fiona tan 115 31 27% 27 2007shake oFF danshans hans beenhakker 78 49 63% 9 2007Funny dewdrop column producties dick tuinder 55 50 91% 24 2007de dag die droomt bernard lier bernard lier 8 8 100% 8 2007new age stichting Filmstad keren cytter 131 45 34% 75 2007ararat - 1000 views Film 21 don askarian 13 20 154% 76 2007the story oF boris FlimFilm jan pieter tuinstra 84 39 46% 35 2007passage terrain vague Film jan ketelaars, paul van 25 13 52% 15 2007 den wildenberg

subtotal 1.045 604 58% average 58 34 shortsball possession / balbezit trueworks willemiek kluijfhout 71 32 45% 8 2007el mourabbi armadillo Film sacha polak 70 32 46% 9 2007doggie / koest lemming Film simone van dusseldorp 70 32 46% 8 2007unseen / ongezien ijswater Films boris paval conen 70 32 46% 10 2007to anna / naar anna het blauwe oog lucas van woerkum 75 32 43% 10 2007road / weg lev pictures daniel bruce 95 32 34% 10 2007sarah & he / sarah & hij ijswater Films anne de clerq 70 32 46% 10 2007sahara waterland Film & tv ineke houtman 70 32 46% 10 2007missiepoo16 eyeworks egmond Film & tv anna van der heide 70 32 46% 10 2007breath / zucht bosbros. Film-tv productions margien rogaar 70 32 46% 10 2007attached to omar’s liFe For 7 minutes stage 74 robbert-jan vos 4 2 50% 7 2007trivial / alledaags armadillo Film elizabeth rocha salgado 38 38 100% 10 2007bidcatcher armadillo Film pim zwier, marc schmidt 38 38 100% 10 2007hair / haar ijswater Films michiel brongers 38 38 100% 10 2007oud geld en juwelen idtv docs elsbeth dijkstra 38 38 100% 10 2007subtotal 887 474 53% average 59 32 total 5.372 1.842 average 122 42


21 Dutch films were shot mainly or wholly in the Netherlands. 7 Dutch films were shot mainly or wholly abroad. The Nether-lands participated in six international productions.

chart 4 dutch Feature Film production volume 2007


title production company budget tv distri- subsidy other Finance start date (€ mil.) backing bution (mm/dd/yy)

dutch productions shot mainly or wholly in the netherlands duska eyeworks egmond Film & tv 2,20 nps bFd Filmfund, public broadcasting Funds cv, taxshelter belgium 12/28/06marieke / kan door huid heen nFi productions 1,11 nps Filmfund, public broadcasting Funds, Filmfund rotterdam 01/25/07the muse / de muze van lieshout Filmproducties 0,12 Fm Filmfund rotterdam 02/07storm bound / de scheepsjongens bontekoe bv 3,50 kro rcv Filmfund, public broadcasting Funds cv 03/01/07van bontekoe

captain rob and the secret oF shooting star Filmcompany 1,40 kro aFd 03/28/07proFessor lupardi / kapitein rob en het geheim van proFessor lupardi

summer heat / zomerhitte zomerhitte bv 2,64 tros iF Filmfund, public broadcasting Funds cv 05/17/07Far From Family / ver van Familie rocketta Film 1,82 private investor 06/12/07timboektoe shooting star Filmcompany 2,46 kro rcv public broadcasting Funds cv 06/16/07alibi nijenhuis & de levita Film & tv 2,10 ncrv iF Filmfund, public broadcasting Funds cv 06/20/07killer babes / moordwijven tom de mol productions 2,60 rtl iF Filmfund, matching Fund 07/06/07amsterdam lagestee Film 2,20 nps bFd Filmfund, public broadcasting Funds, matching Fund private investor 07/11/07calimucho circe Films 1,00 hos aFd Filmfund, public broadcasting Funds 07/15/07morrison / morrison krijgt een zusje bosbros. Film-tv productions 1,29 avro wb Filmfund, public broadcasting Funds 08/21/07vox populi spaghetti Film 1,91 vpro aFd Filmfund, public broadcasting Funds, matching Fund 08/22/07tiramisu motel Films 0,78 vara aFd Filmfund, public broadcasting Funds deferrals 09/04/07katia’s little sister / zusje van katia keyman Film 1,00 nps aFd Filmfund, public broadcasting Funds 09/12/07in real liFe / het echte leven motel Films 1,08 aFd Filmfund, matching Fund 09/24/07het wapen van geldrop column Film 0,81 avro public broadcasting Funds private investor 09/25/07how do i survive myselF? / hoe bosbros. Film-tv productions 2,50 nps wb Filmfund, public broadcasting Funds, matching Fund 10/22/07overleeF ik mezelF?bonding inner circle Film 0,20 10/25/07total (20 Films) 32,72

dutch productions shot mainly or wholly abroad zoop in south america / zoop in nijenhuis & de levita Film & tv 2,10 iF Filmfund cv 01/20/07zuid-amerikashanghai trance motel Films 0,54 vpro Fm Filmfund, public broadcasting Funds 04/07surpise / maFrika dutch mountain movies / 1,20 llink public broadcasting Funds ministry of Foreign affairs summer 07 palazzina postcode loterij, planruta del jaca circe Films / mamacita 0,30 cd total (4 Films) 4,14 majority dutch international co-productions shot mainly or wholly in the netherlands where is winky’s horse? / waar is het bosbros. Film-tv productions 1,62 avro wb Filmfund, public broadcasting Funds vaF, taxshelter belgium 03/15/07paard van sinterklaas?total (1 Film) 1,62 majority dutch international co-productions shot mainy or wholly abroad dunya & desie / dunya en desie in lemming Film 2,81 nps iF Filmfund, public broadcasting Funds cv, vaF, taxshelter 01/29/07marokko belgium

bride Flight idtv Film 6,43 ncrv aFd Filmfund, public broadcasting Funds, matching Fund private investor, Filmfund 09/10/07 luxembourg, tax rebate luxembourg

the letter For the king / de brieF eyeworks egmond Film & tv 7,33 kro bFd Filmfund, public broadcasting Funds, matching Fund nrw, zdF, dFFF, private 11/15/07voor de koning investortotal (3 Films) 16,57 minority dutch international co-productions shot mainly or wholly in the netherlands unknown minority dutch international co-productions shot mainly or wholly abroad salt oF this sea augustus Film 1,20 Filmfund, hubert bals Fund France, switzerland, 04/23/07 spain, belgium

the rainbow maker lemming Film 2,47 Filmfund eurimages, germany, 05/01/07 Finland, italy het lenteritueel circe Films 1,99 Filmfund belgium, norway 05/22/07blind date column Film 1,00 avro Filmfund, public broadcasting Funds, matching Fund us private investor, 05/28/07 sales agent los bosbros. Film-tv productions 1,67 Filmfund belgium 10/15/07the unspoken motel Films 1,53 Filmfund, hubert bals Fund belgium 12/05/07total (6 Films) 9,86 Foreign Films shot partly or wholly in the netherlands unknown total number oF Films: 34 64,91


chart 5 Feature Films / dutch releases 2007

The 26 feature releases in 2007 had 42,5 million euros known production costs, of which about 7.2 million was contributed by the Film Fund, 9,5 million was obtained from the market due to special tax regulations (CV) and also contributions were made by CoBO, STIFO, RFF and domestic distributors. In total film fi-nancing bodies and special tax regulations contributed around 63% to the total production costs of the 23 released features mentioned. Note that the production costs of the film Why didn’t anybody tell me it would become this bad in Afghanistan / Waarom heeft niemand mij verteld dat het zo erg zou worden in Afghanistan were only 250 euros: the film was shot using a mobile phone.

AFD-A-Film Distributie/BFD-Benelux Film Distributors/BVI-Buena Vista// CM-Cinemien/CONTACT-Contact Film/CD-Cinema Delicatessen/ IF-Independent Films/ML-Moonlight Films//RCV-RCV Entertainment/WB- Warner Bros.

dutch title production company Film production Film Film % production produ- cv capi- cobo stiFo nl nl domestic mg cv costs Fund Fund costs cers tal From €(1000s) € (1000s) broad- broad- distri- distri- € (1000s) subsidy matching € (1000s) invest market telescoop casters casters butor buteurs € (1000s) Fund majority ment (1000s) / teleFilms € (1000s) (name) € cv Films € (1000s) co-produc- € (1000s) (1000s) tions nl

new theatrical releases 2007 in release date order storm Force / windkracht 10 (b/nl)4 phanta vision Film 4.470 200 4% 190 90 tros rcv blind phanta vision Film cv 3.089 501 16% 3.089 75 518 399 90 nps bvi 40kicks hector Film cv 2.686 579 22% 2.686 140 1.255 1.282 113 vara iF 240dennis p. pupkin Film 1.568 492 31% 1.568 50 386 90 bnn rcv khadak (b/d/nl)4 lemming Film 2.135 200 9% 15 nps contact samson en delilah opera spanga 788 200 25% 788 178 20 5 15 Fryslan cd wolFsbergen circe Films 1.567 479 31% 1.567 384 200 90 vpro aFd sextet (blow up) nFi productions 600 65 11% 600 cd duska eyeworks egmond Film & tv cv 2.198 454 21% 2.198 1.198 289 200 90 nps bFd 150where is winky’s horse / waar is het paard van sinterklaas bosbros. Film-tv productions 1.623 747 46% 1.623 25 236 200 90 avro wb love is all / alles is lieFde motel Films cv 3.600 579 16% 3.600 140 3.740 1282 113 vara aFd 140nadine rocketta Film 1.540 483 31% 1.540 87 315 192 90 nps aFd does it hurt? (blow up) nFi productions 499 25 5% 499 108 Filmbank ben x (b/nl)4 bosbros. Film-tv productions 1.566 200 13% rcv stages / tussenstand lemming Film 699 342 49% 699 11 140 115 90 vpro cm storm bound / de scheepsjongens van bontekoe bontekoe bv cv 3.485 838 24% 3.485 2.776 408 90 kro rcv 650killer babes / moordwijven tmdp 2.600 844 457 50% 2.600 251 400 rtl iF non-Film Fund releases olivier etc. pracht & praal produkties n.a. 0 n.a. cd ernst, bobbie en de geslepen ornix m4all n.a. 0 n.a. iF honeyz six entertainment n.a. 0 n.a. ml hannahannah Filmprodukties de luwte/zoo pictures 800 0 800 aFd interview (usa/nl)4 column produkties 1.000 0 aFd why didn’t anybody tell me it would become this bad in aFghanistan / waarom stichting Filmkracht 0 0 0 FilmFreak heeFt niemand me verteld dat het zo erg zou worden in aFghanistan1

zoop in south america / zoop in zuid-amerika nl Film 2.100 0 2.100 iF timboektoe shooting star Filmcompany 2.460 0 2.460 kro rcv captain rob and the secret oF proFessor lupardi / kapitein rob en shooting star Filmcompany 1.400 0 1.400 kro aFd het geheim van proFessor lupardi

total 42.473 7.228 33.302 1.065 9.487 5.331 912 1.466 1.220average 1.931 425 1.753 107 1.897 444 152 105 244 22 titles 17 titles 19 titles 10 titles 5 titles 12 titles 6 titles 14 titles 5 titles

In total 26 new features were released in 2007. 17 titles were supported by Film Fund subsidy, of which three were a domestic minority co-production. Average production costs of the 23 new titles (with known production costs) were about 1.847.000 euros and the average contribution of the Film Fund was 425.000 euros. All features mentioned reached an average audience of 165.000 in 2007. This remarkably high increase, compared to the average of 122.000 in 2006 and the average of 54.000 in 2005, is due to the success of Love is all / Alles is Liefde and Where is Winky’s horse / Waar is het paard van Sinterklaas and Killer Babes/ Moordwijven.

1 The production cost of this film is 250 euros.2 Results until March 20083 number of films are new releases; admissions and GBO figures are defined

by all films screened4 International co-productions (minority)

domestic title production company director screenplay production Film Fund Film Fund % release date number admis- costs subsidy matching (mm-dd-yy) oF sions € (1000s) € (1000s) Fund prints (1000s) € (1000s) (x 1.000)2

new theatrical releases 2007 in release date order storm Force / windkracht 10 (b/nl)4 phanta vision Film hans herbots pierre de clerq 4.470 200 4% 01/18/07 33 3blind phanta vision Film tamar van den dop tamar van den dop 3.089 501 16% 02/08/07 27 16kicks hector Film albert ter heerdt albert ter heerdt 2.686 579 22% 03/01/07 35 56dennis p. pupkin Film pieter kuijpers paul jan nelissen, pieter kuijpers 1.568 492 31% 03/15/07 31 16khadak (b/d/nl)4 lemming Film peter brosens, peter brosens, jessica woodworth 2.135 200 9% 05/24/07 6 13 jessica woodworthsamson & delilah opera spanga corina van eijk corina van eijk 788 200 25% 08/09/07 5 1wolFsbergen circe Films nanouk leopold nanouk leopold 1.567 479 31% 08/23/07 9 12sextet (blow up) nFi productions eddy terstall eddy terstall 600 65 11% 09/13/07 6 4duska eyeworks egmond Film & tv jos stelling jos stelling, hans heesen 2.198 454 21% 10/04/07 12 8where is winky’s horse / waar is het paard van sinterklaas? bosbros. Film-tv productions mischa kamp tamara bos 1.623 747 46% 10/10/07 103 352love is all / alles is lieFde motel Films joram lürsen kim van kooten 3.600 579 16% 10/11/07 94 1.293 nadine rocketta Film erik de bruyn erik de bruyn, gwen eckhaus 1.540 483 31% 10/25/07 10 7does it hurt? (blow up) nFi productions aneta lesnikovska aneta lesnikovska 499 25 5% 11/02/07 1 n.a.ben x (b/nl)4 bosbros. Film-tv productions nic balthazar nic balthazar 1.566 200 13% 11/08/07 11 6stages / tussenstand lemming Film mijke de jong jolein laarman, mijke de jong 699 342 49% 11/08/07 10 11storm bound / de scheepsjongens van bontekoe bontekoe bv steven de jong mischa alexander, steven de jong 3.485 838 24% 11/22/07 105 186killer babes / moordwijven tmdp dick maas dick maas 2.600 844 457 50% 12/20/07 86 416total 34.713 7.228 457 22% 584 2.400 non-Film Fund releases olivier etc. pracht & praal produkties sander burger dragan bakema, maria kraakman, n.a. 0 01/11/07 10 n.a. sander burger, marc wortelernst, bobbie en de geslepen onix m4all pieter walther boer tijs van marle n.a. 0 02/14/07 108 231 honeyz six entertainment tom six tom six n.a. 0 04/26/07 10 1hannahannah Filmprodukties de luwte/zoo pictures annemarie van de mond rob bloemkolk, annemarie van de mond 800 0 04/26/07 2 n.a. interview (usa/nl)4 column produkties steve buscemi david schechter, theodor holman 1.000 0 05/10/07 10 12

why didn’t anybody tell me it would become this bad in aFghanistan / stichting Filmkracht cyrus Frisch cyrus Frisch 0 0 05/31/07 1 n.a. waarom heeFt niemand mij verteld dat het zo erg zou worden in aFghanistan1

zoop in south america / zoop in zuid-amerika nl Film johan nijenhuis anya koek, wijo koek 2.100 0 07/19/07 96 261 timboektoe shooting star Filmcompany dave schram maria peters 2.460 0 10/04/07 102 216 captain rob and the secret oF proFessor lupardi / kapitein rob en shooting star Filmcompany hans pos simon de waal, maria peters, hans pos 1.400 0 11/29/07 66 38 het geheim van proFessor lupardi

total 42.473 7.228 989 3.159 average 1.931 425 38 166 22 titles 17 titles 26 titles 21 titles

total Films Films From From usa other coun tries

new releases 2007 number of films 292 143 149number of admissions (1000s)3 23.056 15.060 7.996gbo € (1000s) 159.863 104.955 54.908 new releases 2003 269 127 1422004 276 138 1382005 324 147 1772006 278 141 1372007 292 143 149

oBlomov’s cat / de kat van oBlomow

Jimmy rosenBerg the father the son the talent


chart 6 Financing oF dutch Feature Films 2007

numBer 9, i’m not going anywhere / nummer 9, i’m not going anywhere


dutch title production company Film production Film Film % production produ- cv capi- cobo stiFo nl nl domestic mg cv costs Fund Fund costs cers tal From €(1000s) € (1000s) broad- broad- distri- distri- € (1000s) subsidy matching € (1000s) invest market telescoop casters casters butor buteurs € (1000s) Fund majority ment (1000s) / teleFilms € (1000s) (name) € cv Films € (1000s) co-produc- € (1000s) (1000s) tions nl

new theatrical releases 2007 in release date order storm Force / windkracht 10 (b/nl)4 phanta vision Film 4.470 200 4% 190 90 tros rcv blind phanta vision Film cv 3.089 501 16% 3.089 75 518 399 90 nps bvi 40kicks hector Film cv 2.686 579 22% 2.686 140 1.255 1.282 113 vara iF 240dennis p. pupkin Film 1.568 492 31% 1.568 50 386 90 bnn rcv khadak (b/d/nl)4 lemming Film 2.135 200 9% 15 nps contact samson en delilah opera spanga 788 200 25% 788 178 20 5 15 Fryslan cd wolFsbergen circe Films 1.567 479 31% 1.567 384 200 90 vpro aFd sextet (blow up) nFi productions 600 65 11% 600 cd duska eyeworks egmond Film & tv cv 2.198 454 21% 2.198 1.198 289 200 90 nps bFd 150where is winky’s horse / waar is het paard van sinterklaas bosbros. Film-tv productions 1.623 747 46% 1.623 25 236 200 90 avro wb love is all / alles is lieFde motel Films cv 3.600 579 16% 3.600 140 3.740 1282 113 vara aFd 140nadine rocketta Film 1.540 483 31% 1.540 87 315 192 90 nps aFd does it hurt? (blow up) nFi productions 499 25 5% 499 108 Filmbank ben x (b/nl)4 bosbros. Film-tv productions 1.566 200 13% rcv stages / tussenstand lemming Film 699 342 49% 699 11 140 115 90 vpro cm storm bound / de scheepsjongens van bontekoe bontekoe bv cv 3.485 838 24% 3.485 2.776 408 90 kro rcv 650killer babes / moordwijven tmdp 2.600 844 457 50% 2.600 251 400 rtl iF non-Film Fund releases olivier etc. pracht & praal produkties n.a. 0 n.a. cd ernst, bobbie en de geslepen ornix m4all n.a. 0 n.a. iF honeyz six entertainment n.a. 0 n.a. ml hannahannah Filmprodukties de luwte/zoo pictures 800 0 800 aFd interview (usa/nl)4 column produkties 1.000 0 aFd why didn’t anybody tell me it would become this bad in aFghanistan / waarom stichting Filmkracht 0 0 0 FilmFreak heeFt niemand me verteld dat het zo erg zou worden in aFghanistan1

zoop in south america / zoop in zuid-amerika nl Film 2.100 0 2.100 iF timboektoe shooting star Filmcompany 2.460 0 2.460 kro rcv captain rob and the secret oF proFessor lupardi / kapitein rob en shooting star Filmcompany 1.400 0 1.400 kro aFd het geheim van proFessor lupardi

total 42.473 7.228 33.302 1.065 9.487 5.331 912 1.466 1.220average 1.931 425 1.753 107 1.897 444 152 105 244 22 titles 17 titles 19 titles 10 titles 5 titles 12 titles 6 titles 14 titles 5 titles

domestic title production company director screenplay production Film Fund Film Fund % release date number admis- costs subsidy matching (mm-dd-yy) oF sions € (1000s) € (1000s) Fund prints (1000s) € (1000s) (x 1.000)2

new theatrical releases 2007 in release date order storm Force / windkracht 10 (b/nl)4 phanta vision Film hans herbots pierre de clerq 4.470 200 4% 01/18/07 33 3blind phanta vision Film tamar van den dop tamar van den dop 3.089 501 16% 02/08/07 27 16kicks hector Film albert ter heerdt albert ter heerdt 2.686 579 22% 03/01/07 35 56dennis p. pupkin Film pieter kuijpers paul jan nelissen, pieter kuijpers 1.568 492 31% 03/15/07 31 16khadak (b/d/nl)4 lemming Film peter brosens, peter brosens, jessica woodworth 2.135 200 9% 05/24/07 6 13 jessica woodworthsamson & delilah opera spanga corina van eijk corina van eijk 788 200 25% 08/09/07 5 1wolFsbergen circe Films nanouk leopold nanouk leopold 1.567 479 31% 08/23/07 9 12sextet (blow up) nFi productions eddy terstall eddy terstall 600 65 11% 09/13/07 6 4duska eyeworks egmond Film & tv jos stelling jos stelling, hans heesen 2.198 454 21% 10/04/07 12 8where is winky’s horse / waar is het paard van sinterklaas? bosbros. Film-tv productions mischa kamp tamara bos 1.623 747 46% 10/10/07 103 352love is all / alles is lieFde motel Films joram lürsen kim van kooten 3.600 579 16% 10/11/07 94 1.293 nadine rocketta Film erik de bruyn erik de bruyn, gwen eckhaus 1.540 483 31% 10/25/07 10 7does it hurt? (blow up) nFi productions aneta lesnikovska aneta lesnikovska 499 25 5% 11/02/07 1 n.a.ben x (b/nl)4 bosbros. Film-tv productions nic balthazar nic balthazar 1.566 200 13% 11/08/07 11 6stages / tussenstand lemming Film mijke de jong jolein laarman, mijke de jong 699 342 49% 11/08/07 10 11storm bound / de scheepsjongens van bontekoe bontekoe bv steven de jong mischa alexander, steven de jong 3.485 838 24% 11/22/07 105 186killer babes / moordwijven tmdp dick maas dick maas 2.600 844 457 50% 12/20/07 86 416total 34.713 7.228 457 22% 584 2.400 non-Film Fund releases olivier etc. pracht & praal produkties sander burger dragan bakema, maria kraakman, n.a. 0 01/11/07 10 n.a. sander burger, marc wortelernst, bobbie en de geslepen onix m4all pieter walther boer tijs van marle n.a. 0 02/14/07 108 231 honeyz six entertainment tom six tom six n.a. 0 04/26/07 10 1hannahannah Filmprodukties de luwte/zoo pictures annemarie van de mond rob bloemkolk, annemarie van de mond 800 0 04/26/07 2 n.a. interview (usa/nl)4 column produkties steve buscemi david schechter, theodor holman 1.000 0 05/10/07 10 12

why didn’t anybody tell me it would become this bad in aFghanistan / stichting Filmkracht cyrus Frisch cyrus Frisch 0 0 05/31/07 1 n.a. waarom heeFt niemand mij verteld dat het zo erg zou worden in aFghanistan1

zoop in south america / zoop in zuid-amerika nl Film johan nijenhuis anya koek, wijo koek 2.100 0 07/19/07 96 261 timboektoe shooting star Filmcompany dave schram maria peters 2.460 0 10/04/07 102 216 captain rob and the secret oF proFessor lupardi / kapitein rob en shooting star Filmcompany hans pos simon de waal, maria peters, hans pos 1.400 0 11/29/07 66 38 het geheim van proFessor lupardi

total 42.473 7.228 989 3.159 average 1.931 425 38 166 22 titles 17 titles 26 titles 21 titles

stormforce / windkracht 10


does it hurt



chart 7 top 20 admissions the netherlands 2007 (january-december) - all releasesAFD-A-Film Distributie/CM-Cinemien/FOX-20th Century Fox/RCV-RCV Entertainment/SPR-Sony Pictures Releasing/UPI-United Pictures International/WB-Warner Bros/WDS-Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures.1 NL = Dutch version, OV = original version

title country distri release number cumu- share gbo cumu share prints total butor week/year oF admis- lative oF total 2007 lative oF total release- prints sions (until admis- € (until gbo week released 2007 march sions (x1000) march 2007 % (x1000) 2008) 2007 % 2008)

1 harry potter and the order oF the phoenix (nl + ov)1 uk wb wk 28 2007 1.322 5,7% 10.102 6,3% 192 1922 pirates oF the caribbean: at world’s end usa wds wk 21 2007 1.226 5,3% 10.111 6,3% 177 1803 love is all / alles is lieFde nl aFd wk 41 2007 1.214 1.293 5,3% 9.147 9.737 5,7% 92 934 shrek the third (nl + ov)1 usa upi wk 25 2007 884 3,8% 5.881 3,7% 216 2165 ratatouille (nl + ov)1 usa wds wk 31 2007 735 3,2% 4.327 2,7% 141 1476 mr. bean’s holiday uk upi wk 13 2007 686 3,0% 4.902 3,1% 104 1067 ocean’s 13 usa wb wk 24 2007 438 1,9% 3.276 2,1% 95 958 bourne ultimatum, the usa upi wk 37 2007 432 1,9% 2.711 1,7% 94 959 spider-man 3 usa spr wk 18 2007 403 1,7% 3.138 2,0% 110 11010 transFormers usa upi wk 27 2007 360 1,6% 2.729 1,7% 111 11211 where is winky’s horse / waar is het paard nl wb wk 41 2007 352 1,5% 2.215 1,4% 103 103 van sinterklaas?12 simpsons, the (nl + ov)1 usa Fox wk 33 2007 341 1,5% 1.991 1,2% 190 19013 i am legend usa wb wk 51 2007 335 511 1,5% 2.663 4.060 1,7% 94 9414 die hard 4.0 usa Fox wk 26 2007 325 1,4% 2.406 1,5% 100 10015 blood diamond usa wb wk 04 2007 315 1,4% 2.388 1,5% 79 8016 happy Feet (nl + ov)1 usa wb wk 49 2006 311 867 1,3% 2.015 5.733 1,3% 169 17117 das leben der anderen d cm wk 09 2007 310 1,3% 2.072 1,3% 22 3618 night at the museum usa Fox wk 07 2007 309 1,3% 2.180 1,4% 100 10119 golden compass, the (nl + ov)1 usa rcv wk 49 2007 282 371 1,2% 2.102 2.748 1,3% 106 14820 300 usa wb wk 12 2007 249 1,1% 1.889 1,2% 73 76 total top 20 10.829 47,0% 78.245 49,0% 2.368 2.445 total oF all admissions 2007 / gbo revenue 2007 23.056 159.683

title country distri release number cumu- share gbo cumu share prints total butor week/year oF admis- lative oF total 2007 lative oF total release- prints sions (until admis- € (until gbo week released 2007 march sions (x1000) march 2007 % (x1000) 2008) 2007 % 2008)

1 love is all / alles is lieFde nl aFd wk 41 2007 1.214 1.293 5,3% 9.147 9.737 5,7% 92 932 where is winky’s horse / waar is het paard nl wb wk 41 2007 352 1,5% 2.215 1,4% 103 103 van sinterklaas?3 zoop in south america / zoop in zuid-amerika nl iF wk 29 2007 261 1,1% 1.577 1,0% 96 964 ernst, bobbie en de geslepen ornix nl iF wk 07 2007 231 1,0% 1.372 0,9% 107 1085 timboektoe nl rcv wk 40 2007 216 0,9% 1.450 0,9% 102 1026 killer babes / moordwijven nl iF wk 51 2007 165 416 0,7% 1.282 3.202 0,8% 86 867 storm bound / scheepsjongens van bontekoe, de nl rcv wk 47 2007 134 186 0,6% 913 1.270 0,6% 102 1058 crusade in jeans / kruistocht in spijkerbroek (nl + ov)1 nl/d/lux bFd wk 46 2006 127 480 0,6% 824 3.176 0,5% 131 1339 happy Family / ‘n beetje verlieFd nl rcv wk 50 2006 72 141 0,3% 512 1.012 0,3% 58 5810 black book / zwartboek nl/b/gb/d aFd wk 37 2006 72 1.056 0,3% 502 7.521 0,3% 90 9411 kicks nl iF wk 09 2007 56 0,2% 391 0,2% 35 3512 captain rob and the secret oF proFessor lupardi / nl aFd wk 48 2007 30 38 0,1% 192 246 0,1% 66 66 kapitein rob en het geheim van proFessor lupardi 13 gold / goud nl aFd wk 40 2007 26 0,1% 158 0,1% 15 1514 blind nl wds wk 06 2007 16 0,1% 107 0,1% 27 2715 dennis p. nl rcv wk 11 2007 16 0,1% 93 0,1% 31 3116 wolFsbergen nl aFd wk 34 2007 12 0,1% 64 0,0% 9 917 stages / tussenstand nl cm wk 45 2007 11 0,1% 71 0,0% 11 1118 duska nl bFd wk 40 2007 8 0,0% 55 0,0% 12 1219 nadine nl aFd wk 43 2007 7 0,0% 47 0,0% 10 1020 a way to get back home / een manier om thuis nl bFd wk 38 2007 5 0,0% 29 0,0% 21 21 te komen: umoja live other dutch productions 87 413 total 3.118 13,5% 21.414 13,4% 1.204 1.215 total oF all admissions 2007 / gbo revenue 2007 23.056 159.683

The Top 20 titles of 2007 grossed over 49% of the total GBO that year. Important domestic title was Love is all / Alles is Liefde on rank 3. The GBO of the Top 20 increased from 75.172 in 2006 to 78.245 in 2007.

chart 8 top 20 admissions the netherlands 2007 (january-december) - netherlands releasesAFD-A-Film Distributie/BFD-Benelux Film Distributors/CM-Cinemien/IF-Independent Films/RCV-RCV Entertainment/WB-Warner Bros/WDS-Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures.1 NL = Dutch version, OV = original version

The Dutch Top 20 titles of 2007 had a market share of 13.5%, with about 3.1 million admissions. In 2006 the Top 20 had a share of 11.2% with 2.6 million admissions. Love is all / Alles is Liefde generated 1.214.000 tickets sold, followed by Where is Winky’s horse / Waar is het paard van Sinterklaas (352.000) and Zoop in South America / Zoop in Zuid-Amerika (261.000). Dutch titles not included in the domestic Top 20 totalled up to 87.000 visitors, being only 0.03% of all tickets sold by Dutch productions.


The Dutch Top 20 titles 2003-2007 took about 7.5% of the total films released in these years. The share of all Nether-lands releases in that period totalled up to 12.1%, an average slightly above the 2006 result of domestic market share of 11.5%

AFD-A-Film Distributie/BFD-Benelux Film Distributors/BVI-Buena Vista/IF-Independent Films/RCV-RCV Entertainment/WB-Warner Bros.3 Admissions and GBO until March 2008

chart 9 top 20 admissions the netherlands 2003-2007 - all releasesAFD-A-Film Distributie/BVI-Buena Vista/FOX-20th Century Fox/SPR-Sony Pictures Releasing/UPI-United Pictures International/WB-Warner Bros/WDS-Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures.2 Results until March 2008

title country distri release number share gbo share butor week/year oF ad- oF 2003- oF mis total 2007 € total sions admis- (1000s) gbo % 2003- sions 2007 % (1000s)

1 lord oF the rings: the return oF the king usa/nz/d aFd wk 51 2003 2.077 1,8% 16.406 2,1%2 pirates oF the caribbean: dead usa bvi wk 28 2006 1.493 1,3% 10.525 1,4% man’s chest3 harry potter and the goblet oF Fire usa/gb wb wk 47 2005 1.352 1,2% 10.999 1,4%4 Finding nemo usa bvi wk 48 2003 1.347 1,2% 8.761 1,1%5 harry potter and the order oF the phoenix uk wb wk 28 2007 1.322 1,1% 10.102 1,3%6 love is all / alles is lieFde2 nl aFd wk 41 2007 1.293 1,1% 9.737 1,3%7 harry potter and the prisoner oF azkaban usa/gb wb wk 23 2004 1.230 1,1% 8.302 1,1%8 pirates oF the caribbean: at world’s end usa wds wk 21 2007 1.226 1,1% 10.111 1,3%9 da vinci code, the usa spr wk 20 2006 1.086 0,9% 8.089 1,1%10 black book / zwartboek2 nl/b/gb/d aFd wk 37 2006 1.056 0,9% 7.521 1,0%11 casino royale usa/uk spr wk 47 2006 1.026 0,9% 8.006 1,0%12 madagascar usa uip wk 24 2005 998 0,9% 5.169 0,7%13 matrix reloaded, the usa wb wk 20 2003 996 0,9% 6.595 0,9%14 pirates oF the caribbean, the usa bvi wk 33 2003 992 0,9% 6.567 0,9%15 die another day gb/usa Fox wk 02 2003 979 0,9% 6.917 0,9%16 shrek 2 usa upi wk 27 2004 977 0,8% 6.017 0,8%17 ice age: the meltdown usa Fox wk 13 2006 964 0,8% 6.170 0,8%18 bruce almighty usa bvi wk 26 2003 906 0,8% 5.564 0,7%19 shrek the third usa upi wk 25 2007 884 0,8% 5.881 0,8%20 happy Feet2 usa wb wk 49 2006 867 0,8% 5.733 0,7% total top 20 23.071 20,1% 163.173 21,2% total oF all releases 2003-2007 115.021 768.271

The Top 20 titles 2003-2007 show two Dutch productions, Love is all / Alles is Liefde (6) and Black book / Zwartboek (10). Of all releases in the last 5 years this Top 20 takes about 20% market share. 4 films from the Top 20 were released in 2007.

title distri- release number share gbo share butor week/year oF ad- oF 2003- oF missions total 2007 total 2003- admis- € (1000s) gbo % 2007 sions (1000s) %

1 love is all / alles is lieFde3 aFd wk 41 2007 1.293 9,3% 9.737 10,9%2 black book / zwartboek3 aFd wk 37 2006 1.056 7,6% 7.521 8,4%3 schippers van de kameleon, de iF wk 26 2003 744 5,4% 4.130 4,6%4 crusade in jeans / kruistocht in spijkerbroek3 bFd wk 46 2006 480 3,5% 3.176 3,6%5 killer babes / moordwijven3 iF wk 51 2007 416 3,0% 3.202 3,6%6 kameleon 2, de iF wk 26 2005 414 3,0% 2.298 2,6%7 zoop in aFrica / zoop in aFrika iF wk 28 2005 381 2,7% 2.253 2,5%8 winky’s horse / paard van sinterklaas, het wb wk 41 2005 355 2,6% 2.221 2,5%9 where is winky’s horse / waar is het paard wb wk 41 2007 352 2,5% 2.215 2,5% van sinterklaas?10 schnitzel paradise / schnitzelparadijs, het iF wk 36 2005 342 2,5% 2.416 2,7%11 xtc, just don’t do it / aFblijven rcv wk 40 2006 325 2,3% 2.172 2,4%12 shouF shouF habibi! iF wk 05 2004 317 2,3% 2.302 2,6%13 peter bell 2 / pietje bell 2 bvi wk 51 2003 315 2,3% 1.958 2,2%14 zoop in india iF wk 26 2006 297 2,1% 1.683 1,9%15 phileine says sorry / phileine zegt sorry aFd wk 41 2003 294 2,1% 1.998 2,2%16 zoop in south america / zoop in zuid-amerika iF wk 29 2007 261 1,9% 1.577 1,8%17 i love to love / liever verlieFd iF wk 11 2003 245 1,8% 1.658 1,9%18 pluk and his tow truck / pluk van de petteFlet wb wk 47 2004 243 1,8% 1.462 1,6%19 ernst, bobbie en de geslepen ornix iF wk 07 2007 231 1,7% 1.372 1,5%20 timboektoe rcv wk 40 2007 216 1,6% 1.450 1,6% total top 20 8.576 61,8% 56.802 63,5% total oF all netherlands releases 2003-2007 13.868 89.439

total top 20 8.576 7,5% 56.802 7,4% total oF all releases 2003-2007 115.021 768.271

total oF all netherlands releases 2003-2007 13.868 12,1% 89.439 11,6% total oF all releases 2003-2007 115.021 768.271

chart 10top 20 admissions the netherlands 2003-2007 - netherlands releases

where is winky’s horse / waar is het paard van sinterklaas

the lost colony / de verloren kolonie

gold / goud


dealing and wheeling in small arms

admissions gbo (1000s) (1000s)

dutch productions2007 3.118 21.4142006 2.612 17.3852005 2.716 16.6812004 2.119 13.5842003 3.303 20.375total 13.868 89.439


Love is all / Alles is Liefde entered the all time Dutch Top 20 on rank 13, generating 1,3 million tickets sold. The film has a first position in the Top 20 titles 1998-2007. Two other titles released in 2007 entered the Top 20 titles 1998-2007 on ranks 16 and 20. Killer babes / Moordwijven generated 416.000 tickets sold, Where is Winky’s horse / Waar is het paard van Sinterklaas 352.000.

European admission market shares in 2007 increased remar-kably to 32.9% (22.3% in 2006). USA admission market shares dropped significantly to 65.3% in 2007 (75.4% in 2006). In 2007 European GBO market shares increased to 32.5% (21.2% in 2006). USA GBO market shares decreased to 65.7% (76.9% in 2006).

chart 12 country shares admissions / gross box oFFice 2003-20072

2 In 2007 the admissions and the GBO of co-productions are included in the country of origin of the most important producer.

2003 % 2004 % 2005 % 2006 % 2007 % (1000s) (1000s) (1000s) (1000s) (1000s)

admissions european union the netherlands 3.299 13,2% 2.119 9,2% 2.716 13,2% 2.645 11,3% 3.118 13,5%united kingdom 666 2,7% 866 3,8% 746 3,6% 612 2,6% 3.211 13,9%France 168 0,7% 107 0,5% 261 1,3% 466 2,0% 375 1,6%germany 280 1,1% 407 1,8% 233 1,1% 265 1,1% 341 1,5%spain 231 0,9% 92 0,4% 30 0,1% 238 1,0% 57 0,2%italy 73 0,3% 211 0,9% 75 0,4% 22 0,1% 55 0,2%other europe 57 0,2% 395 1,7% 380 1,8% 801 3,4% 421 1,8%co-productions eu 127 0,5% 68 0,3% 168 0,8% 67 0,3% co-productions eu-other 161 0,6% 58 0,3% 24 0,1% 96 0,4% subtotal europe 5.062 20,3% 4.323 18,8% 4.633 22,5% 5.212 22,3% 7.578 32,9% co-productions eu-usa 979 3,9% 73 0,3% 313 1,5% 217 0,9% usa 16.719 67,1% 16.826 73,0% 15.354 74,4% 17.638 75,4% 15.060 65,3%co-productions usa-other 1.828 7,3% 1.079 4,7% 22 0,1% 10 0,0% other 312 1,3% 744 3,2% 310 1,5% 311 1,3% 418 1,8%total 24.900 23.045 20.632 23.388 23.056 gross box oFFice european union the netherlands 20.351 12,5% 13.585 8,8% 16.679 12,3% 17.562 11,3% 21.414 13,4%united kingdom 4.363 2,7% 5.896 3,8% 4.931 3,6% 3.824 2,5% 22.644 14,2%France 947 0,6% 615 0,4% 1.633 1,2% 3.047 2,0% 2.407 1,5%germany 1.573 1,0% 2.747 1,8% 1.526 1,1% 1.574 1,0% 2.255 1,4%spain 1.353 0,8% 598 0,4% 173 0,1% 1.357 0,9% 344 0,2%italy 405 0,2% 1.392 0,9% 439 0,3% 135 0,1% 316 0,2%co-productions eu 662 0,4% 378 0,2% 1.035 0,8% 393 0,3% n.a. n.a.co-productions eu-other 965 0,6% 348 0,2% 132 0,1% 625 0,4% n.a. n.a.other europe 309 0,2% 2.177 1,4% 2.126 1,6% 4.490 2,9% 2.553 1,6%subtotal europe 30.928 18,9% 27.736 18,0% 28.674 21,2% 33.007 21,2% 51.933 32,5% co-productions eu-usa 6.864 4,2% 564 0,4% 2.221 1,6% 1.489 1,0% n.a. n.a.usa 109.578 67,1% 114.142 74,1% 102.363 75,7% 119.876 76,9% 104.955 65,7%co-productions usa-other 14.319 8,8% 8.682 5,6% 130 0,1% 65 0,0% n.a. n.a.other 1.727 1,1% 2.937 1,9% 1.860 1,4% 1.426 0,9% 2.795 1,8%total 163.416 154.061 135.248 155.863 159.683

chart 11 top 20 admissions dutch all time releases1 New titles, results until March 2008

title release admis- date sions (1000s)

all time1 turks Fruit 22/02/73 3.3382 FanFare 24/10/58 2.6363 ciske de rat (1955) 07/10/55 2.4334 wat zien ik 04/09/71 2.3595 blue movie 30/09/71 2.3356 Flodder 18/12/86 2.3147 keetje tippel 06/03/75 1.8298 alleman 20/12/63 1.6659 ciske de rat (1984) 29/03/84 1.59310 soldaat van oranje 22/09/77 1.54711 Flodder in amerika 03/07/92 1.49412 de overval 21/12/62 1.47413 alles is lieFde / love is all1 11/10/07 1.29314 koninkrijk voor een huis 11/03/49 1.29215 kruimeltje 09/12/99 1.13616 sterren stralen overal 30/01/53 1.13017 spetters 28/02/80 1.12418 help de dokter verzuipt 28/02/74 1.08819 zwartboek / black book 14/09/06 1.05620 schatjes 09/02/84 1.048

title release distri- admis- gbo € butor sions (x 1000) (x 1000)

releases 1998-2007 1 alles is lieFde / love is all1 11/10/07 aFd 1.293 9.7372 kruimeltje 09/12/99 bvi 1.136 6.0853 zwartboek / black book 14/09/06 aFd 1.056 7.5214 abeltje 10/12/98 wb 901 4.7215 minoes 06/12/01 wb 837 4.9616 pietje bell / peter bell 17/11/02 bvi 821 4.8467 schippers van de kameleon, de 25/06/03 iF 744 4.1318 costa! 01/03/01 aFd 673 4.2369 tweeling, de 12/12/02 rcv 631 4.14910 pietje bell 2 / peter bell 2 18/12/03 bvi 594 3.63011 discovery oF heaven, the 18/10/01 rcv 544 3.61212 pluk van de petteFlet / pluk and his tow truck 18/11/04 wb 483 2.87313 kruistocht in spijkerbroek / crusade in jeans 16/11/06 bFd 480 3.17614 ja zuster nee zuster 03/10/02 wb 459 2.81515 volle maan 10/10/02 iF 455 3.01016 moordwijven / killer babes1 20/12/07 iF 416 3.20217 kameleon 2, de 30/06/05 iF 414 2.29818 zoop in aFrika / zoop in aFrica 14/07/05 iF 381 2.25319 paard van sinterklaas, het / winky’s horse 13/10/05 wb 377 2.22120 waar is het paard van sinterklaas? / where is winky’s horse1 11/10/07 wb 352 2.215

Bontekoe’s young sailors / de scheepsJongens van Bontekoe


de dag die droomt



chart 13 distributor market shares 2003-20073

3 NVF-members 4 formerly Buena Vista International

Distributor market shares for 2003-2007 show a decrease of market shares of the majors and an increase of market shares of the independent distributors. The majors dropped to an ad-mission market share of 63.8% in 2007, compared to a share of 68% in 2006. The independents increased to an admissions market share of 36.2%. In 2006 this was 32%.

2003 % 2004 % 2005 % 2006 % 2007 % title most admissions in 2007 (1000s) (1000s) (1000s) (1000s) (1000s)


universal pictures 4.955 19,9% 4.972 21,6% 4.628 22,4% 3.760 16,1% 5.277 22,9% shrek the thirdinternational

walt disney studio motion 5.035 20,2% 3.237 14,1% 2.528 12,3% 3.443 14,7% 2.435 10,6% pirates oF the caribbean: at world’s endpictures4

warner bros. pictures 3.014 12,1% 4.528 19,6% 3.990 19,3% 2.329 10,0% 4.317 18,7% harry potter and the order oF the phoenixsony pictures releasing 1.994 8,0% 1.628 7,1% 984 4,8% 2.927 12,5% 1.117 4,8% spider-man 320th century Fox Film 1.926 7,7% 1.520 6,6% 2.379 11,5% 3.451 14,8% 1.556 6,7% die hard 4.0subtotal 16.924 67,8% 15.885 68,9% 14.510 70,3% 15.910 68,0% 14.702 63,8% independents a-Film distribution 2.827 11,3% 2.203 9,6% 1.494 7,2% 2.477 10,6% 2.250 9,8% alles is lieFde / love is allrcv entertainment 2.391 9,6% 820 3,6% 811 3,9% 1.066 4,6% 2.065 9,0% the golden compassindependent Films 1.561 6,3% 1.199 5,2% 2.624 12,7% 2.340 10,0% 1.871 8,1% zoop in zuid-amerika / zoop in south americaparadiso entertainment 441 1,8% 464 2,0% 204 1,0% 247 1,1% 437 1,9% rush hour 3cinemien 358 1,4% 208 0,9% 250 1,2% 321 1,4% 586 2,5% das leben der anderenFilmmuseum distribution 171 0,7% 174 0,8% 75 0,4% 117 0,5% 127 0,6% cÉsar et rosaliemoonlight Films 73 0,3% 198 0,9% 215 1,0% 74 0,3% 33 0,1% cashbackbright angel distribution 96 0,4% arti Film 74 0,3% 1 more Film 63 0,3% 286 1,4% air media/multitone 56 0,2% novodor 10 0,0% shooting star Film company 8 0,0% 0 0,0% three lines pictures 39 0,2% 11 0,1% 27 0,1% upstream 3 0,0% c-Film distr. 2 0,0% 63 0,3% maxximum 13 0,1% indies 57 0,2% inspire pictures 120 0,6% multitone Films 14 0,1% 32 0,1% 16 0,1% son osmanli (last oF the ottomans)benelux Film distributors 802 3,4% 810 3,5% 1408other 105 0,4% 1.508 6,5% 162 0,7% subtotal 8.036 32,2% 7.160 31,1% 6.121 29,7% 7.476 32,0% 8.357 36,2% total 24.960 23.045 20.632 23.387 23.059

gross box oFFice majors universal pictures 32.799 21,9% 33.226 23,3% 29.785 22,0% 25.342 16,3% 35.953 22,5%international

walt disney studio motion 31.634 21,1% 21.406 15,0% 16.368 12,1% 23.068 14,8% 17.831 11,2%pictureswarner bros. pictures 20.301 13,5% 31.559 22,1% 26.728 19,8% 15.866 10,2% 31.375 19,6%20th century Fox Film 13.102 8,7% 10.264 7,2% 16.238 12,0% 22.891 14,7% 10.623 6,7%sony pictures releasing 13.411 8,9% 11.321 7,9% 6.925 5,1% 21.238 13,6% 8.360 5,2%subtotal 97.836 65,2% 96.455 67,6% 96.043 71,0% 108.405 69,6% 104.142 65,2% independents a-Film 20.563 13,7% 14.966 10,5% 9.954 7,4% 16.582 10,6% 15.714 9,8%rcv 15.664 10,4% 5.449 3,8% 5.223 3,9% 7.006 4,5% 13.675 8,6%independent Film 9.252 6,2% 7.799 5,5% 16.681 12,3% 14.193 9,1% 12.218 7,7%paradiso 2.507 1,7% 3.068 2,1% 1.279 0,9% 1.601 1,0% 3.004 1,9%cinemien 2.048 1,4% 1.250 0,9% 1.524 1,1% 1.819 1,2% 3.622 2,3%Filmmuseum distr. 936 0,6% 1.149 0,8% 417 0,3% 467 0,3% 560 0,4%moonlight 433 0,3% 1.355 0,9% 1.431 1,1% 479 0,3% 188 0,1%bright angel distribution 575 0,4% arti Film 91 0,1% three lines pictures 205 0,1% 64 0,0% 186 0,1% shooting star 43 0,0% 1 0,0% upstream 18 0,0% 1 more Film 375 0,3% 1.683 1,2% air media/multitone 438 0,3% c-Film distr. 8 0,0% 388 0,3% maxximum 102 0,1% novodor 74 0,1% indies inspire pictures 716 0,5% multitone Films 109 0,1% 231 0,1% 120 0,1%benelux Film distributors 5.078 3,3% 5.202 3,3%other2 492 0,3% 9.142 6,4% 0 0,0% 1.236 0,8%subtotal 52.169 34,8% 46.285 32,4% 39.205 29,0% 47.456 30,4% 55.539 34,8%total 150.005 142.740 135.248 155.861 159.681

a way to get Back home / een manier om thuis te komen: umoJa live

the story of Boris

the tip of the mont Blanc / het topJe van de mont Blanc


The number of domestic titles released in 2007 dropped to 21 titles. The number of prints for domestic titles increased to 960 prints. The significant increase of the number of prints for UK titles is due to the fact that in 2007 co-productions are included in the country of origin of the most important produ-cer. The UK-USA co-production Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix is included in the number of prints for UK titles.

1 In 2007 the co-productions are included in the country of origin of the most important producer.

2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 titles prints titles prints titles prints titles prints titles prints

new releases / prints1 european union the netherlands (incl.co-productions) 33 1.025 28 1.111 39 1.073 28 934 21 960united kingdom 13 303 14 313 15 386 14 255 21 631germany 6 158 8 127 6 127 12 251 9 109spain 17 93 6 56 5 21 7 93 5 28France 3 138 21 105 23 151 11 131 16 120italy 6 90 4 33 5 34 6 37 4 30other eu 11 79 19 234 22 362 15 365 40 650coproductions eu 11 62 6 100 13 105 7 102 n.a. n.a.coproductions eu - other 8 34 4 49 7 42 15 131 n.a. n.a.subtotal eu 108 1.982 110 2.128 135 2.301 115 2.299 116 2.528 coproductions eu - usa 2 120 3 124 4 95 3 42 n.a. n.a.usa 121 5.842 150 6.876 140 6.514 138 6.225 143 6.169coproductions usa - other 4 309 1 14 3 57 n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a.other 34 217 43 260 42 227 22 98 33 175total 269 8.470 307 9.402 324 9.194 278 8.664 292 8.872

A closer look at 2007 market shares in the country of origin shows that domestic titles constituted about 18% of all EU titles. On average domestic prints per title counted 46, for EU (including the Netherlands) it was 22 prints per title and for the US 43 prints per title.

2 Titles, prints and title most admissions concern new releases, admissions and GBO concern all releases in circulation.

3 Released by non-members of the NVF.

gbo % admis % num- prints2 title most admissions2

€ (1000s) sions ber oF (1000s) titles2

european union the netherlands 21.413 13,41% 3.120 13,53% 21 960 love is all / alles is lieFde(incl.co-productions)

united kingdom 22.644 14,18% 3.211 13,93% 21 631 harry potter and the order oF the phoenixgermany 2.255 1,41% 341 1,48% 9 109 das leben der anderenbelgium 1.840 1,15% 303 1,31% 11 261 plop en de pinguinitaly 316 0,20% 55 0,24% 4 30 la sconosciutaFrance 2.407 1,51% 375 1,63% 16 120 la vie en rosespain 344 0,22% 57 0,25% 5 28 azuloscurocasinegrodenmark 154 0,10% 27 0,12% 4 30 adam’s applesromania 108 0,07% 16 0,07% 3 18 4 maanden, 3 weken, 2 dagen3

sweden 81 0,05% 14 0,06% 3 23 willie en het wilde konijnother eu countries 370 0,23% 61 0,26% 19 318 -subtotal eu 51.932 32,52% 7.580 32,87% 116 2.528 usa 104.955 65,73% 15.060 65,31% 143 6.169 pirates oF the caribbean: at world’s endhong kong 121 0,08% 19 0,08% 3 18 my blueberry nightsaustralia 161 0,10% 27 0,12% 1 13 ten canoesiran 33 0,02% 6 0,03% 2 8 oFF sideargentina 115 0,07% 24 0,10% 3 7 Family lawindia 511 0,32% 70 0,30% om shanti om3

china 282 0,18% 44 0,19% 4 29 the curse oF the golden Flowerturkey 740 0,46% 97 0,42% 6 38 maskeli besler irak3

canada 86 0,05% 15 0,07% 3 33 manuFactured landscapesmexico 567 0,36% 83 0,36% 2 22 pan’s labyrinthothers 179 0,11% 33 0,14% 9 7 sub-total outside eu 107.750 67,48% 15.478 67,13% 176 6.344 total 159.682 100 23.058 100 292 8.872

2003 2004 2005 2006 2007

number oF cinemas commercial cinemas 143 139 141 133 130municipal cinemas4 31 31 30 30 30total number cinemas 174 170 171 163 160total number screens 602 616 625 629 630total number seats 108.600 106.790 108.000 107.000 106.100

chart 15 regional market shares 2007 (all Films in circulation, new releases, admissions, gbo)

From 2003-2007 the number of cinemas decreased where the number of screens increased. The trend of concentration of screens in multiplexes (and incidentally a cultiplex) lies under-neath. In 2007 the number of seats dropped to 106.100, which probably indicates that smaller screens also were built and/or the seating became more spacious.

4 Municipal cinemas include film theatres A and B with weekly programs; film theatres C have not been included.

chart 14 Films screened 2003-2007

chart 16 cinemas 2003-2007 (type oF cinemas, total cinemas, screens, seats)

ellen ten damme as i was wondering where this mixed up little life of mine was leading to

killerBaBes / moordwiJven


see you in vegas



2003 2004 2005 2006 2007

average ticket price in € 6,6 6,7 6,6 6,7 6,9average Film rentalfee in %5 40,6% 40,2% 40,5% 40,4% 40,2%

In the Netherlands the admissions per capita figure in 2007 was 1,4, which is the same as the year before. Most of the other countries dropped slightly, except for the UK and Italy. We still experience the lowest admissions per capita compared to the EU big five and Belgium.

chart 18 admissions per capita

The theatrical revenues and the total value of DVD/VHS sales dropped significantly in 2005, probably caused by downloading. In 2006, both these numbers recovered and in 2007 they even increased. The total value of DVD/VHS rental in 2006 dropped significantly to 90 million euros, probably caused by downloading as well.

2003 2004 2005 2006 2007

Total GBO from theatrical releaseTotal value of home video sales of VHS/DVDTotal value of home video rental of VHS/DVDTotal 500










2003 2004 2005 2006 2007

the netherlands 1,5 1,4 1,3 1,4 1,4spain 3,4 3,5 3 2,8 2,6France 2,9 3,3 2,9 3 2,8uk 2,9 2,9 2,8 2,6 2,7germany 1,8 1,9 1,5 1,7 1,5italy 2,0 1,9 1,6 1,8 1,9belgium 2,2 2,3 2,1 2,3 2,1

chart 17 ticket price / Film rental Fee the netherlands 2003-2007

chart 19 box oFFice versus dvd/vhs sales and rental6 NVPI Marktinformatie7 European Audiovisual Observatory, Jaarboek Film and Home Video 2007 Vol 3.

2003 2004 2005 2006 2007

size oF dutch market in eur (millions) total gbo from theatrical release 163 154 135 156 160total value of home video sales of dvd/vhs6 323 352 329 334 350total value of home video rental of dvd/vhs7 101 117 106 90 n.a.total 587 623 570 580 510 index 2003 = 100 total gbo from theatrical release 100 94 83 96 98total value of home video sales of dvd/vhs 100 109 102 103 108total value of home video rental of dvd/vhs 100 115 105 89 n.a.total 100 106 97 99 87

From 2003-2006 the average ticket price consoli-dated. However, in 2007 it increased to 6,9 euros. The average film rental fee dropped slightly to 40,2%. 5 Rental fee: price per print paid by exhibitor to distributor

Figure 2consumer Film market growth

samson and delilah

Bontekoe’s young sailors / de scheepsJongens van Bontekoe




the netherlands Film Fundjan luykenstraat 2 1071 cm amsterdamthe netherlandsphone (+31) (0)20 5707676Fax (+31) (0)20 [email protected]© the netherlands Film Fund 2008

holland Film, affiliated with the netherlands Film Fund is the marketing and promotion agency for dutch film abroad.For information regarding production financing or other activities visit our websites: www.filmfonds.nl and www.hollandfilm.nl