ASTROLOGY 2013 HOROSCOPE FOR ALL SIGNS Henry Seltzer Astrology Awareness Classes starting Sunday February 24, 2013 - Scottsdale AZ http://www.meetup.com/Learn-astrology- awareness-class-meetup/ ARIES You are entering into the New Year with an essentially positive attitude, Aries, in spite of everything. Even though your career and even your life remains an uncertain proposition, you are moving through this world with grace and courage, awaiting what the next current might bring. By now you are fully aware that the unexpected is your standard fare, and you are also beginning to recognize that allies in the form of friendships and special partners can be a godsend and a mainstay. As you begin setting yourself up for a more integrated future, dialoguing or writing is recommended. The poet Tagore stated about being lost at sea that the three things that were not needed were oars, rudder and the fear of going down. This describes your situation very well. As the month and year begins, you are riding the wave of the future with verve and determination. It certainly feels like a new year of possibility with the difficulties of the past year behind you, and with a more or less unlimited prospect before. There definitely remain difficulties still to dodge or, by effort, to circumvent. In your case this applies most succinctly to the way that you move yourself forward into the world in what might turn out to be entirely new ways, perhaps partnering with your peers and with those around you that you need to team up with in order to do so. Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto remain in their intense configuration that perfected in the final ten days of 2012, and that represent social activism and the recognition of profound change. Pluto occupies your tenth sector of career pursuits, while Saturn, the ruler of this sector makes a close aspect to Pluto from the nearby sector of intimacy and personal evolution, so that you are in for deep exploration of your way of being in the world. You are so good at going it alone that you sometimes feel entirely sufficient, but as the lessons of the outgoing year have perhaps made evident, it is very useful at times to take advantage of the perspectives that helpful others can bring to your table. At the same time, you must admit the essentially solitary nature of your assignment, which lies in recognizing the potential within you for growth and transformation, and in allowing for your own uniqueness, and for the increase in understanding of yourself that will enable these necessary changes to occur.

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Astrology Awareness Classes starting Sunday February 24, 2013 - Scottsdale AZ http://www.meetup.com/Learn-astrology-awareness-class-meetup/ ARIES You are entering into the New Year with an essentially positive attitude, Aries, in spite of everything. Even though your career and even your life remains an uncertain proposition, you are moving through this world with grace and courage, awaiting what the next current might bring. By now you are fully aware that the unexpected is your standard fare, and you are also beginning to recognize that allies in the form of friendships and special partners can be a godsend and a mainstay. As you begin setting yourself up for a more integrated future, dialoguing or writing is recommended. The poet Tagore stated about being lost at sea that the three things that were not needed were oars, rudder and the fear of going down. This describes your situation very well.As the month and year begins, you are riding the wave of the future with verve and determination. It certainly feels like a new year of possibility with the difficulties of the past year behind you, and with a more or less unlimited prospect before. There definitely remain difficulties still to dodge or, by effort, to circumvent. In your case this applies most succinctly to the way that you move yourself forward into the world in what might turn out to be entirely new ways, perhaps partnering with your peers and with those around you that you need to team up with in order to do so.Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto remain in their intense configuration that perfected in the final ten days of 2012, and that represent social activism and the recognition of profound change. Pluto occupies your tenth sector of career pursuits, while Saturn, the ruler of this sector makes a close aspect to Pluto from the nearby sector of intimacy and personal evolution, so that you are in for deep exploration of your way of being in the world.You are so good at going it alone that you sometimes feel entirely sufficient, but as the lessons of the outgoing year have perhaps made evident, it is very useful at times to take advantage of the perspectives that helpful others can bring to your table. At the same time, you must admit the essentially solitary nature of your assignment, which lies in recognizing the potential within you for growth and transformation, and in allowing for your own uniqueness, and for the increase in understanding of yourself that will enable these necessary changes to occur.You thus reside at a balance point between reaching out socially to others around you, with optimism and with the joy of recognizing these others as an important part of your own arc of development, and yet of also accepting the difficult requirement that you must in any case go it alone; bringing your own unique gifts to bear. While you can carry all the faith that you can muster to the task at hand, allowing Spirit as well as others in your life to offer their counsel, after consulting their guidance, you must make your own determination of where to place your slow and faltering yet courageous steps forward. Detailed Monthly Report With the Last Quarter Moon of Friday, January 4th, you are rethinking your priorities. You might find yourself questioning nearly everything that gone before as the New Year gains traction, and as you reach for new horizons. Your communication sizzles, as you stretch toward novel internal perspectives and as you adjust your real-world presence to match what you can only just now conceive to be the actual truth of your situation. The New Moon of Friday, January 11th, gives you fresh energy for your purpose, as you are coming to understand it. Although you are tempted by the more generally accepted goals of day-today concerns and business as usual, there is also a strong impulse to find that sense of deep alignment, which is uniquely your own destiny to create. At this time also, you possess great determination to succeed, but only in terms of this elusive sense of soul purpose which you are beginning to get a better handle on as you explore it.With the First Quarter Moon of Friday, January 18th, there are sure to be temporary road blocks to overcome as you forge your way forward. You are more and more cognizant of the changes that you are going through and that affect your public presence and how you actualize in response to the demands upon you of the world at large. You are trying to manage things on all levels at once, without overlooking what you feel in your heart to be the mandate of inner guidance. It is a tricky tightrope to walk but the rewards are implicit in the striving.

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The Full Moon of Saturday, January 26th, represents a powerful juncture, when your creative output is on the line, and when you strongly feel the presence of angel voices that enable you to vision new future possibilities for yourself. The ideas come to you rapid-fire and the cautions also to beware of moving too fast; again you must successfully mediate between opposite pulls upon you while acknowledging each as valid.

TAURUS You are in a place of profound change over the course of this monthly period, Taurus, as you enter into a brave New Year. Change is nothing new to you by now, but the pace is accelerating. Your worldview is radically transforming, and since the way that you see the world around you counts for nearly everything, so is your access to opportunities for growth. Good fortune follows your steps, allowing you to go for your best chance, which is that you get in closer touch with your inner world and with a sense of Spirit working itself out through you. The chance is there for you to take; and you must leave something behind in the process. Partners are your mentors, and support you in the innate determination that you have for being on your own and diving down.As the month begins, you are exploring your possibilities. You have a fresh start to a new calendar year, and the determination that you can make a difference for yourself during this newly wide-open time period. You also perhaps recognize that you cannot do what you need to do, and accomplish what you need to accomplish, without the help of active partners in your life, who serve as mentors and guardians of the path. You are also looking, in ways that are perhaps not entirely conscious, for assistance from the surrounding cosmos to see you through.You are coming into new ways of seeing the world around you, but slowly, as befits the novel and little understood task that lies before you. Your conception of the world is changing, and perhaps your beliefs along with it. Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto continue to represent powerful factors in this early year time period, affecting you in particular ways.Saturn in your relationship sector has its hardships, but as well its benefits. You could be feeling a sense of isolation now. Rather than counting on anything from anyone else, you are being thrown back upon yourself. The up side is that there are lessons in self-reliance that come to you in this way. Significant partners are also in the picture now. Those connections that you are currently developing with someone who counts are likely to last far beyond the present moment; in other words, this aspect also indicates better and lasting bonds being formed and an opening for long term relationship.Pluto in your sector of higher mind is a difficult factor, and yet also one that can ultimately work out to your advantage. In the short term, you might encounter obstacles to higher mind activities such as scholarship, teaching or travel. There are undoubtedly factors that have been coming to your attention, and that will continue to come until such time as you decide to take advantage of the opportunity for deep changes in this area of your life that you are beginning to embrace and to take more seriously.With Jupiter in your second sector of values and financial and other resources, you are in an excellent position to take advantage of opportunities that will present themselves to you in this new year, both spiritually and materially.Detailed Monthly Report With the Last Quarter Moon of Friday, January 4th, you are reevaluating everything that has gone before this point in the prior three weeks of the lunar cycle as you strive for a better understanding of your situation. You are turning on the flashlight beam of consciousness and passing it in wonder over what was a previously dark room. Flashes of intimations from deep inside may suddenly become more visible.The New Moon of Friday, January 11th, brings fresh energy to your journey into greater awareness, and brings to the fore as well internal issues that have been brewing for some time, that could involve old and no longer useful patterns of behavior, stemming from early childhood wounds. Investigating these without judgment may present you with further insights. You have a great determination to get at this information from inner realms that can ultimately make a huge difference for you in the way that you see things. The First Quarter Moon of Friday, January 18th, brings more awareness to the issues at hand, perhaps by providing obstacles to understanding that must be resolved in order for you to gain real and lasting progress. With the Full Moon of Saturday, January 26th, you come to a plateau of understanding and a balance point for the contrast between inner work and partnership commitment. You are continuing to explore old wounds but you might actually be further along toward acceptance and healing of the issues that they represent. This is a powerful time for you and you might feel as though you have really come through something important – for the present moment of your life and for the sake of a more vibrant future as well.

GEMINI This is a good month for you, Gemini, as you enjoy a powerful New Year feeling of liberation. The world that you see in your mind's eye is very different than the one you currently occupy. You are optimistic for the most part, even though you might continue to recognize this as a time of profound change. You are moving through depths of intimacy, and finding, at the bottom of the well, your own image looking back at you. This is not to discount the great blessing of others in your life. It is just that your major task at this time lies in finding out who you really are and acting on that knowledge to further evolve. You will come out the other side with a better understanding of your process and of yourself.

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As the month begins, you are at a rare fulcrum point of transition. Your ruler Mercury having just entered your sector of intimacy and personal evolution, there to join with transformationally oriented Pluto, you are on a voyage of discovery into the deepest layers of your personality. This is a time of illusions and ideals concerning the manner in which you actualize yourself on the public stage. Both conscious decision process and unintended exploration of your vast unconscious resources are on the agenda for you now, and you do well to recognize the tremendous opportunity and as well the seriousness of your undertaking.Jupiter is powerfully configured now as well, and becomes more so over the course of this month's unfoldment. Since Jupiter resides in your sign, or the sector of identity and self-concept, the timing is right for you to expand in these areas. If there is a way that you have not been all that you can be, or have not lived up to your deepest soul-level purpose for yourself, truly now is the time to make necessary changes that will bring you into closer alignment.Uranus is also powerfully placed for you at this time, in your solar house of societal connection and future plans, and being as well the natural ruler of this sector. Increasingly over the next few months, leading to the spring, you will feel an intense pressure for positive change regarding the way that you see your future gracefully unfolding. There is joy in following your heart in this way, and in getting unstuck from the tyranny of past associations.With Saturn also strongly configured over these next few months, and occupying your sector of the discipleship to your higher self, you are in an excellent position to focus and to work hard for what it is that you truly want, and what you most completely believe at every level of your being. You benefit by following the musings of your heart center as you reach forward into personally uncharted territory; not without fear, but with in spite of fears the determination to make a difference for yourself.Detailed Monthly Report With the Last Quarter Moon of Friday, January 4th, you are in a meditative posture, thinking over what has gone before this moment in time and reevaluating your potential. It is possible that you will feel insufficient to your task but this could also be an illusion, the residue from the trauma of early experience that remains behind to haunt you in the present moment. If old wounds do come up for you over this monthly cycle it is for the purpose of recognizing them and moving beyond them as best you can. The secret there is acceptance.With the New Moon of Friday, January 11th, you come to an interesting and crucial crossroads, where you will likely feel a strong and almost otherworldly presence urging you on to further soul level exploration from the standpoint of inner priorities. Your essentially wounded nature, which you share with the rest of humanity, is not an obstacle but another road to a better understanding of yourself as you find your way toward a more vibrant future for yourself. The First Quarter Moon of Friday, January 18th, might present you with obstacles to growth but also the chance to surmount them. This represents a point in time that is both enlightening and somewhat confusing, as you struggle to connect the dots and make better sense of what it is that you are up to. With the powerful Full Moon of Saturday, January 26th, you are more aware of what you are dealing with in terms of inner wounding that has been coming to light over the course of this monthly period. You are reaching out for balance. Partners come into the picture now as well, perhaps as an adjunct to your own process. Your unique sense of self-expression is important now as well, and possesses the flavoring of inner rather than strictly outer concerns.

CANCER It's a complex world for you right now, Cancer. You are called to inner contemplation while at the same time feeling somewhat stuck in your self-expression, and reaching out to active partnerships in your life for support and sustenance. The emotional trap is that you overly rely on your partnership connections resulting in a loss of self-focus, but you are also in condition to be very focused on your own needs, once you give yourself space to do just that without feeling guilty. You are in a better place to strike a healthier balance by the time of the Full Moon at nearly the end of the month, so the recommendation is to let go and leave the details in the hands of a benevolent universe. As the month begins, you are experiencing an almost uncomfortable fluidity of your career position, and this was even more greatly highlighted by the recent Full Moon in your sign, in the last few days of the old year.

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This has in fact been an intense year-long period for you, and the feeling of it comes through loud and clear in this moment of deeper contemplation represented by the closing and the opening of the calendar roll-over. It might seem especially anxiety producing that your work in the world is in such flux, but the other side of this coin is that you have the opportunity to try new approaches on for size. It might be that you will keep trying, and keep finding another way that is just not right. You will continue to miss the mark until you suddenly hit it, and this is natural. Truly is it said that if nothing is ventured nothing is gained. The biggest mistake would be to give in to discouragement and not to try. It is simply an important part of your process right now that you go through the exercise of adjustment, in both your outer world contributions and also in the way that you do relationship with significant persons in your life.The Uranus-Pluto square is far from over, picking up again in the spring. This has been the hallmark of these past few years, and symbolizes the wringer that you have recently been put through. It hits your sector of outer world performance and achievement, and also your seventh sector of relating and deep bonds, the place where you experience partnership and projection in your life. You have a strong commitment now to transform in these areas. There has definitely been a foretaste of the coming changes over the next six months that has taken place in this recent end-of-year period of time, so that the consciousness gained can be very useful in laying out the year ahead. You are also focused now on your creativity and self-expression. There are changes that you can make in this area also, that truly matter to you when you take to opportunity to tune in. You are looking ahead to a more aligned future that you would like to create for yourself. There is a fundamental optimism springing up from deep inside, a feeling of deep connection with the spiritual purpose of the cosmos working itself out through your life, and it represents your saving grace. You benefit in the extreme by holding onto this feeling of inner peace and faith in the universe to take you home to your true self.Detailed Monthly Report With the Last Quarter Moon of Friday, January 4th, you are pulling back from activity and entering into a contemplative mood, in keeping with the tenor of this phase of the lunar cycle. In reflecting on prior events you are also reframing them according to where your thought process has taken you lately. You are dwelling mentally right now on inner rather than outer priorities, and this reorientation makes a difference in how you see your life unfolding. Recent fluctuations in professional requirements might be seen as flitting shadows across you're the foreground images from your inner landscape, rather than the other way around.With the New Moon of Friday, January 11th, there is fresh energy for your purpose, involving both active partnerships and possible career moves, and the opportunity is there for you to choose how to direct this new energy. This is also a time when your awareness could grow regarding old behavior patterns likely stemming from an earlier time of unresolved trauma, which have really outgrown their usefulness, but are hanging on. It may be helpful to recognize that you do not have to expunge these dysfunctional patterns from your psyche, but only to accept and acknowledge them. When you just witness what is going on beneath the surface, in these relatively unconscious places, and grant acceptance to these walled off parts of yourself, you take away their power to run your actions or to otherwise endanger your calm. The First Quarter Moon of Friday, January 18th, represents a time when the collision within your psyche between inner and outer might become more pronounced and throw up roadblocks to this month's plans. There is a sense that you are on the verge of a breakthrough but not quite able to make the leap across. It is a time when you must keep faith with yourself and trust in your angel guidance to see you through, and also when you might need to make adjustments in the acknowledgement of new circumstances.With the Full Moon of Saturday, January 26th, you come to a powerful time of heightened awareness of the need for action in the direction of important life changes that have been in the works for some time, and with yet also the urge to hold back from change. You are dealing with issues of self and other at this time, and perhaps there could be a return to issues of wounding or reactivity based on old patterns, as seen now in a different light. Like a sailboat you are tacking back and forth across your course as you allow for the direction of the prevailing wind. It might seem at times as though progress toward your eventual goal is slow, but it is sure.

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LEO This is a new world for you, Leo, in a new year, and riding on a positive time of powerful change. Filled with the metaphor of leaving the past behind, you are seeing optimism and opportunity in everything. Relationships are active and the foundations of your life constructive. Only, you have to be as aware as you can be, step up to the plate and really commit to changes that you feel in your core. You are fulfilling your concept of service to the surrounding collective, and your spiritual health and even your good condition physically depends upon that. There is a way right now to really set yourself free, and that is to find the path that your soul purpose insists upon, and to put your feet upon that one and no other. As the month begins, you are feeling your way through the wake of the Full Moon from the last few days of December, that opened doors for you inside your mind and your emotional body. You are lately on a deep-sea dive in search of hidden treasure, all arising from the exploration of your inner world. There have been dragons of the depths that you have wrestled with and the struggle continues into this new year, but the positives outweigh the potential downsides of your situation as you enter with optimism and flair into what might turn out to be a brave new universe.The factors of Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto are emphasized in your chart for the beginning of the year, with Jupiter located in your sector of societal connection and future plans. This is perhaps the perfect placement for Jupiter, whose symbolism connects to future thought patterns, which now take on a more enthusiastic outlook, just in time for the general forward-looking that accompanies this moment of the calendar year. You not only want to see a very different future from where you have been but you possess the implicit belief in yourself that it can be possible.Your fundamentally optimistic attitude at this time is tempered by a good dose of hard-nosed practical thinking that is in the picture for you as well, with Saturn residing in your home and family sector. You are likely reassessing and renewing family bonds in some way, or perhaps working on your living space. You are also more serious than ever about changes that you feel that you need to make. Regarding New Year's resolutions that have been taken up and abandoned in the past, this month could well be the time of the seriously renewed intention.All this is happening in the context of the factor of transformative Pluto, more highlighted than ever, and residing in your sixth sector of daily experience and health. There could be, in this area of your life as well, issues that have been put aside that must now be addressed, perhaps regarding your physical workout regimen or day-to-day professional and work patterns. Dane Rudhyar called this house of your solar chart "the discipleship to your higher self" and it is possible as well that you will make a new start in this fresh year for finding your soul purpose – the dharma that in one sense makes up the reason that you had for entering into this life – or at least for beginning to clarify what that purpose might turn out to be. Detailed Monthly Report With the Last Quarter Moon of Friday, January 4th, you are entering into a reflective mode, as appropriate to this final lunar phase, attempting to discern where you have been and the ultimate meaning of recent events from the standpoint of a philosophical reassessment. With so much new information entering the pipeline of your understanding in this continuation of the years of change, much has altered in the way that you see the world around you even over as short a time period as these past few weeks, and it affects your thinking on your self-concept and where you are indeed headed.The New Moon of Friday, January 11th, brings fresh energy to you and represents a call to action, although the question becomes action in what particular direction' With Sun, Moon and several planets massing in Capricorn, in your sector of your higher purpose, one response is that you look within and discover where you can place yourself into better alignment with your deep intuitional process. Then, too, with the emphasis on Chiron, the Wounded Healer, it is possible that you will have insights that will throw new light on where you have in the past been wounded, and where by acknowledging these prior situations you might find that you can further heal.The First Quarter Moon of Friday, January 18th, is traditionally a time of increased tension, when you could conceivably run into snags regarding your progress with the initiatives conceived at the time of the New Moon, encountering dead end difficulties or else finding the necessary compromises. In this case, you are taking important lessons forward into relationship and professional considerations, and dealing with perhaps overly optimistic future plans in a more practical way. The Full Moon of Saturday, January 26th, in your sign, is powerful for you, and brings up further issues of

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self and other as you strive for a point of balance. You are taking in the contrast between radical change and holding back, and of finding new ways to see the world around you while plunging further into your depths, and into new conceptions of your most basic human nature, including your wounded places, to look for the most important answers. Through all your restless searching and even your travel explorations, you are coming right back to basics, finding worlds within worlds inside yourself.

VIRGO You are entering into a period of meaningful change with the New Year, Virgo. This is an excellent time for you to get ahead, with career opportunities abounding. You are at play in the fields of the lord, and your actions count for greater progress in your ongoing makeover toward the more complete and well-balanced individual that you long for. You are also perhaps encountering an exciting yet basically unstable connection with intimate partners. This seeming drawback can be turned around when you see it as a chance to experiment and better learn what is going on inside you. Since your own spiritual evolution depends on understanding yourself at the deepest possible level, you will thereby have a better chance to continue to evolve in this and other areas of your life.As the month begins, you are riding the wave of the powerful Full Moon from the end of December that took place in your sector of societal involvement and future plans. It's an exciting new world for you in the time frame of this new year, and you find that you are coming into yourself in totally new ways. This has a lot to do with changes at the very core of your being that you have been noticing for many weeks but were perhaps somehow unable to fully act upon, until now. Relationship in particular could be an expanding area for you this month, as you transcend the painful carryovers from the past and enter upon a more wide-open future. There is an instability emotionally that seems scary, and disconnected, but that leads you to a better position to be able to make needed changes. Everything in the area of inner connection with your deep soul center is being reborn brand new, and this includes intimacy with a significant partner in your life.Transformationally-oriented Pluto resides and is powerfully configured in your sector of creativity and self-expression. This area of your life is undergoing vast metamorphosis over the course of recent years and into those ahead, and this is a pivotal year for solidifying these changes. Paradoxically, with all this transformation, you are somewhat stuck in areas of communication and connection with your peers. It might be that your very changes are preventing you from connecting with friends in the same old ways, so that you must find other outlets in order to express your truest self. It is an excellent time however for journaling or for writing down your ideas in the form of letters to a trusted friend. Whatever you produce in this way will take a long time to express in its final form, but once you do get it right, might well become a lasting statement of where your recent trails have landed you.You have excellent luck this year in all things career-oriented. Your ability to get things done will shine, and your basic optimism in the area of outer-world presence will take you far. It is important that you recognize the good fortune that presents itself to you right now for what it is: an opportunity to connect with your highest aspirations for yourself in the best possible way. Detailed Monthly Report With the Last Quarter Moon of Friday, January 4th, you are entering into a meditative space of time. This is a moment when you tend to look back over the previous three weeks of the lunar cycle and attempt to rearrange your mind around the events that have transpired, seeing how they fit in the bigger picture, which you have in plentitude in this current monthly time frame. You are well on your way to seeing how to be all that you can be; and that, as it turns out, is quite a lot.The New Moon of Friday, January 11th, hits your chart very strongly, and brings positives to bear in terms of greater energy and sense of purpose, especially for exploration of yourself and your internals, as well as for connection with other like-minded souls that you have encountered along your way. You might also feel the outlines of old trauma coming to greater awareness in terms of inter-personal behaviors that you can see more clearly than in the past and that you might be more than ready to transcend. The key to moving past these old issues is full acceptance of yourself at all levels and in all standpoints, warts and all.With the First Quarter Moon of Friday, January 18th, your are moving closer to your goals, but encountering obstacles to finally getting there, perhaps from having made a few miscalculations regarding the practical

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details in your enthusiasm. These might be only now making themselves known. You are on the verge of a better grasp on everything that you are currently about, including your alignment with deep soul purpose.The Full Moon of Saturday, January 26th, is powerful for you, and takes you to important places inside yourself, places that you really need to go. It is possible that old and outmoded behaviors will come to better understanding as well. These could represent the residue of past trauma that have been walled off from your awareness because you didn't feel comfortable with these parts of yourself, and that now are benefiting from greater conscious acceptance. You are opening still further to the sense of exploration of your inner world, and finding renewed inspiration in the outer one because of it. There could e a huge energy release that accompanies a greater sense of integration of all the various parts of your psyche.

LIBRA You have an interesting year ahead of you, Libra, beginning with an interesting month of January. You are making a fresh start with home and family concerns, and as a consequence within your own depths as well, including issues surrounding your psychological roots. The significant relationships in your life are in exciting flux, as they have been for the past year or more, and bring to you a form of intuitive knowledge that transcends the information that is available by more logical means. As you continue your arc of development in these areas, the new perspectives gained are extremely beneficial to your overall progress. You are making a strong stand for yourself and for your ability to connect with significant partners, and consequently with yourself at deep levels. As the month begins, you are contemplating your future from the standpoint of your interactions with significant others in your life, including friends and family. The Full Moon of late December, preceding by a mere few days the advent of the New Year, was extremely powerful for you so that you have plenty of food for thought as the calendar rolls over. As far as the family scene, this area of your solar chart is loaded, so that your connection to family and tribe as well as home environmental improvement of one kind or another is on your mind and in your heart. These are important considerations, and when they appear to you as positive factors in your life there is a surplus of security that makes dealing with everything a little easier as you navigate this complex society and fraught historical period.All the motion and emotion in your life presently also revolves around Pluto, that deeply transformative planetary energy that is now highly emphasized and also residing in your fourth sector of home and family. This symbolism implies that this important area of your life is in a process of deep metamorphosis leading to an entirely new conception by the end of the present decade. Relationship situations are up for you at this time as well, and are fluid to the point of madness. You can adjust to the roller-coaster, but not so simply. It helps to recognize that while the relationship ground beneath your feet is a bit shaky, there are rewards implicit in the fluctuation, since these enable you to explore new features of partnership connection while still remaining relatively free to back away from these and to try out yet another stance. There is an implied spaciousness in all this that does not correspond to traditional arrangements but that offer new forms for thoughtful examination of what relationship really means to you, and how you can somehow continue to explore deep connection with another soul while still keeping intact a sense of your own individuality. Finances might be taking a dip and it is hard to manage everything, although your high sense of responsibility in this area makes it seem likely that things will eventually improve. As the year revolves you find yourself in an important mode of philosophizing as well. Higher mind activities such as teaching and learning and even travel are being given a tremendous boost over the course of this monthly cycle, and are tied to the big changes that you are in the process of actualizing, giving them a much larger context.Detailed Monthly Report With the Last Quarter Moon in your sign of Friday, January 4th, you are comfortable in your skin, reaching out to others around you gracefully. Paradoxically, you are also pulling back from outer activity somewhat and entering into a more contemplative phase whereby you are engaged in meditation on where you have been over this past year and where you are now headed. Communication with peers and on an internal level the learning experience provided by the dialog with your deeper self has been one major focus and you are summarizing the results.

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With the New Moon of Friday, January 11th, you come to an important new stage of your ongoing development. Home and family concerns form the centerpiece but relationship issues and also finances and other resources have important parts to play as well. There are bound to be surprises in store and an optimistic attitude in place that will allow you to survive them in style. Just expect that the unexpected will happen and you won't be caught flat-footed by whatever events unfold.With the First Quarter Moon of Friday, January 18th, however, you are likely to run into some snags with your original conception. This is a time of profound change brought about in part by having to reconcile ideals to more realistic and more practical considerations that arise, as you explore new facets of your self-concept.The Full Moon of Saturday, January 26th, represents another powerful juncture, and brings issues of home and family once more to the fore, along with the conflict between private conception and public offering. Your basically optimistic attitude in this time period could be put to the test with the presence of unexpected blockages and delays, or other limitations. This is therefore an important time for sorting out what is truly important to you. All in all, you are off to an energetic start to a significant year.

SCORPIO This is an interesting to be alive, Scorpio, in the midst as you are of creative and transformative life situations. You are entirely serious regarding your commitment to get ahead, and recognizing that as well as bringing in the dollars, this involves the inner work that will bring you peace of mind. You continue to do battle with the demons of your past, in the form of old patterns of behavior stemming from early wounding that no longer serve you. The good news is that you can look ahead and see progress, and that in doing so you are heeding the call of your own spiritual evolution. Communication with your peers serves as an excellent outlet and allows you to come to a better understanding of yourself and your dealings with others.As the month begins, you are focused on new horizons for yourself mentally. An air of exploration and of new learning is in the works for you as the calendar turns over and a wide-open twelve-month period commences. There is a strong pattern of planetary archetypes Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto that perfected in the final ten days of the past year, and that hits your chart, since Saturn currently resides in your sign. The message of this powerful configuration is that you are far from done with self-discovery.Jupiter is the focus of this pattern, residing in your sector of intimacy and personal evolution, and the time is ripe for exploration of your vast interior spaces, the unconscious realms within you that in subtle ways have so much to do with every decision that you make and yet can escape the scrutiny of your more conscious understanding. You are on a great voyage of discovery that pays enormous dividends to the extent that you are willing to open to it. At base, you are still attempting top fid out who you are and where headed in this new year and young decade.With Jupiter so highly emphasized there is an optimistic flavor to these investigations, although it is equally true that Saturn holds you back at present from fully flying ahead. This could be experienced as a slowing down of whatever you attempt; you find that you have to try harder to make progress, but this has the beneficial effect of allowing you to pay closer attention to what is going on inside you as you forge onward.With Pluto residing in your communications sector you might find that the depth of what you are conveying to others at this turning of the year is oftentimes astounding. With transformative Pluto so strongly configured, massive changes are in the offing. With the best of potential interpretations you are entering upon this new year with a beginner mind, a newborn's simplicity of understanding, a realm whereby everything is negotiable and nothing is impossible. This is a valuable asset for you at this critical juncture, because what you need to discard are your preconceptions. rather than being caught in the generalities of a lifetime of experience, which can in the end prevent you from getting where you need to go, you bring a freshly pragmatic point of view to bear that will take you far as you continue to explore your depths. Detailed Monthly Report With the Last Quarter Moon of Friday, January 4th, you are in a meditative mode of activity, looking back over the past few weeks with an attempt to better understand the meaning of events that have transpired, fitting them into a conception that includes the results of depth explorations of your inner states and as well the reliance on home and family that has become more important for you lately.

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The New Moon of Friday, January 11th, gives you plenty of energy for these areas of your life that you are now your focus, including your basic self-concept, which has been somewhat put through the proverbial wringer lately. You have a sense of limitation which can also be steadying and therefore helpful, along with a massing of planets in your communications sector, so that you might accomplish loads in this mid-month time period, especially in terms of inner work, by simply speaking and writing your truth.The First Quarter Moon of Friday, January 18th, brings the potential for further changes by throwing up further obstacles to your path. This is a time of course corrections corresponding to practical limitations that could arise, and also of greater concentration on the issues with which you have been dealing concerning home, family and tribe. Over the weekend that follows, relationship interaction comes more greatly to the fore, together with a determination to be yourself, at all costs. The Full Moon a week later, taking place on Saturday, January 26th, is a powerful one, and reiterates the factors that have been the motif over this monthly cycle, including perhaps a sense that could arise of inner wounding and being able to move past these with greater self-acceptance. It's amazing to contemplate the ways in which you have grown through optimism and a whole-hearted exploration of inner realities, and also by the sense of limitation as symbolized by an activated Saturn sitting in your identity sector. The interplay between these factors in the hallmark for you of this period of time, that comes on the heels of the immense pressure for change from past weeks. You can make great strides toward becoming that person that you came here to be, provided that you keep faith with yourself, and equally to allow yourself to open to the power of the universe to sustain you.

SAGITTARIUS You are in a great space of personal evolution, Sagittarius, and only have to be concerned about going overboard with it. You are on a real high, swinging for the bleachers and you just might connect. Having gone through some recent changes, the significant relationships in your life have developed into an important and supportive area that serves to counterbalance in a positive way your current almost obsessive self-involvement. As you continue to go through your changes, there is a sense of stability and of structure with regard to inner work. This is a great benefit, as well. Now you only have to follow through on the course that you have set out for yourself As the month begins, you are still reeling from the revelations of the recent Full Moon in your sector of personal evolution, and enjoying the notion that, in some sense, anything is possible in this a brand new twelve-month calendar period that awaits you. You are in a fascinating position of being poised half-way toward transcendence with your intentions bright for continuing your journey forward into wholeness, potentially with the aid along the way of helpful partners.The emphasis on three major planetary archetypes which are currently surrounding your sign is one signal that you are in the midst of profound transformation. Your ruler, Jupiter, resides in Gemini, your opposite sign. This is the relationship sector of your solar chart, and hence symbolizes the potential for partnership opportunity. Jupiter is strongly emphasized from the configurations last ten days of December when there were powerful aspects from both Saturn and Pluto. Since these two outer planet heavyweights occupy the signs immediately before and after yours, namely Scorpio and Capricorn, you are caught up in a crescendo of change over this new year period of time that feels intense, but might seem less so when you reflect that the universe is fundamentally on your side and that everything that happens to you now is happening for a reason.With Saturn emphasized in your twelfth sector of dream work and profound unconscious process, you are more fully invested than ever in taking a spiritual approach to life and making a serious commitment to discovering the deeper meaning. Then too, with Pluto in your sector of values and resources, including financial ones, you are being more or less forced to take a closer look at what your values and your sense of physical security really entail. There may be a way that your connection with the material world could be revised and revamped in this new era, and so the first step could be to figure out what that is, taking recent experience into account. You might be able to discern the places where what seemed like coincidence actually more closely resembled meaningful correlations. You are blessed at this time by a brave outlook and by a tremendous sense of flexibility with the beginning

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of this new calendar cycle in seeing your creative presence in the world in a new light. This open attitude will take you far and, as you take the first steps for a better sense of integration within yourself and toward an uncertain but hopeful future, make easier your progress.Detailed Monthly Report With the Last Quarter Moon of Friday, January 4th, you come to a point in the lunar cycle when it becomes the norm to be questioning everything that has gone before it with the idea of coming to new conclusions regarding what is really going on. In your case this could easily amount to a revaluation of life direction and basic values, since these things have been more fully on your mind lately. Relationship concerns clearly also have the potential to move you right now, and any issues in this area could be the subject of your musings also. What you are perhaps attempting to answer is the unnamed question of how well your actions align themselves, as far as you can discern it, with your soul intention.The New Moon of Friday, January 11th, brings fresh energy to bear on how you do relationship and as well on your individual creativity, which lately has been reveling in its own uniqueness. Your values and the resources that you bring to bear are the foreground subject matter, so that the question becomes how best to allocate them. Of course you must continue to pay attention to the concerns of day-to-day business, but not exclusively. You are taking a wider picture viewpoint into account by means of which you can more clearly see the true nature of the task that confronts you, namely that you move in accordance with your deep unconscious process as well as with these more ordinary priorities in mind.At the time of the First Quarter Moon, with the Sun in the last degree of Capricorn and the Moon correspondingly leaving Aries for Taurus, you will likely run into some snags, that being the nature of this lunar phase. You might need to return to the basic question of what you are up to these days, in this new year, and with that in mind to reaffirm your commitment to the changes that you need to be making in the way that you approach things.The Full Moon of Saturday evening, January 26th, is interesting and full of contradiction, on the one hand representing a fulfillment of what you have been striving for in terms of new vision and intentional breakthrough, and on the other the occasion for new difficulties to arise. Just when you thought you more or less had a handle on your life's direction, more shadows emerge from the direction of your deep unconscious to potentially confound you. But it is ever thus; as you make progress and gain perspective, new challenges can suddenly be glimpsed and understood. All part of the continuing journey as you make your way up the mountain of your destiny.

CAPRICORN This is yet another month of your ongoing process of change, Capricorn, in your birthday time, as you enter a new phase with this new year. You have been in the pressure cooker of transformation all these past months, and are beginning to recognize the signposts of your journey forward. You are coming out ahead of where you started but you seem to have a long way still to go. This seems discouraging until you remind yourself of the great benefits that have already accrued in terms of self-knowledge and better recognition of what you need, at soul-level. Like the traveler on the mountain path, new vistas emerge as you gain each ridge, and a new viewpoint enables you to see still more upward reaches that you might yet achieve. As the month begins, you are feeling the pressure for change and also your resistance to it, as has been the case for any months now. There has recently been a push for greater conscious awareness in this area, stemming from the recent Full Moon in your opposite sign of the closing days of the old year. This time period has been fraught with the prospect of massive change, emphasizing transformative Pluto in your sign, in strong aspect with Saturn, your ruler, and now positioned in your sector of societal connection and future plans.It is likely that you have felt a growing impulse for new initiatives and group affiliations that would more closely align with what you have been coming to understand as your soul purpose, that dharma that you came into this lifetime to fulfill. It is a great unconscious wisdom that you have come closer to in recent weeks conveying intimations of what your inner mission statement might in fact consist of. This also aligns with changes that are simultaneously taking place within you.You realize that something has to give, yet still you hesitate. This is entirely natural and an important and

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necessary part of your process. You are proceeding with both optimism and caution these day; they each loom large. It does take both, because you cannot help but remain true to yourself and your basic nature, and yet the time is ripe for fundamental changes that you have long contemplated and that really need to take place.The shift that needs to come might be in the direction of a renewed sense of what it is that you truly value, and where your sense of security derives. This area of your life, including your relationship to the material world and your sense of family and tribe, is definitely a changing landscape for you now, as you and the society that surrounds you goes through a period of adjustment and a reordering of priorities. You might find that you are more comfortable with uncertainty as this new year presents, and continues to work itself out, and this can be a great benefit going forward; a way to be less stuck in old perspectives that do not entirely work for you any longer.Detailed Monthly Report With the Last Quarter Moon of Friday, January 4th, you are in a complex place of both greater social involvement both in public and in private, concerning home and family, along with a more contemplative attitude concerning everything that is going on, which with one part of your mind you are silently witnessing without judgment. With this lunar phase you are engaged in a process of reevaluating what has gone on before this moment in time, and where you are headed after it.The New Moon in your sign of Friday, January 11th, is of course a powerful one for you, and connects you with both your outer world presence and your deep interior spaces also, especially how these latter parts of yourself relate to what you now conceive as soul purpose. You are in a real movement for greater alignment of your detailed plans and social commitments with what inner guidance is inclining you toward. Your intuition is quite active now and there could be important revelations that will ensue to the extent that you can stay open to them. This is reality from an extraordinary standpoint that does not immediately connect across to the more superficial realities of consensus thinking but which does connect when you look more closely into the deeper truth of your situation. The First Quarter Moon of a week later, taking place on Friday, January 18th, is another very interesting juncture, when you are making further experiments in truth and reality. There is a way that you are discovering more about who you are through running up against obstacles in trying to accomplish your goals. These date and the weekend that follows represents a time period when your initial agenda from the time of the New Moon might need to be modified in the light of complications that arise. With the Full Moon of the last weekend of the month, taking place on Saturday, January 26th, you reach another important stage of intense connection to spiritual inner values, and one of better integration of everything that has gone before. This is a point of melding public and private concerns, with pressure on your outer world commitments and as well a greater sense of life purpose unfolding through you. You are being pulled to both of these important directions and are challenged to find how they fit together for you as you move forward with your life path into a vibrant year of exploration and new discoveries.

AQUARIUS This is a time of creativity and of new beginnings, Aquarius, in this new year. As you come around the bend in ascending the mountain of your destiny, you are in an excellent position to dream new possibilities for yourself into being, cementing still further the hold on outer world success that you currently enjoy. Your creative self-expression is sizzling. You are blessed with focus also on dream imagination and inner work, so that you are in a good place for mystical output, and for contemplation. Although more challenges lie ahead, as you meditate on the changes and challenges of the past few months, you feel that can put them all behind you except for the positive results. You are gathering yourself to spring ahead with verve and vitality in the latter part of the month. As the month begins, you are riding the wave of the future. With the recent New Moon from mid-December having taken place in your sector of societal connection and future plans, you are busily imagining new possibilities for yourself with even more enthusiasm than you normally display, visioning new or renewed group affiliation and positive growth as you head into the clean slate of a fresh year. With your co-ruler, Saturn, hanging out in your career sector, there could hardly be a better time to be taking a closer look at the way that you actualize the full potential of your public persona. You are ready to make it

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count for something in which you deeply believe. With also Pluto in your sector of dream imagination and inner work, while Jupiter opposes their midpoint from your creativity sector, your self-expression is now taking on a profound sense of purpose and soulful intention. From the time of the recent Full Moon a few days before New Year's Day, you have been well aware of a very special twelve-month period in the making for you.Actually the placement of Saturn in your tenth solar house is a bit of a double-edged sword for you, because it also slows you down by placing obstacles in your path that even as they delay you and vex you, prove to be character-building. It is a truism that the thing you strive for the hardest is the most long-lasting. You are preparing to prove this point in the coming months and years. With the perspective of time you might look back on this period as formative and life-changing, in terms of your presence in the world and for private priorities also, the time of building the bridges to your next incarnational stage.As the month unfolds it will be very interesting for you to observe how your understanding of yourself stretches as your perspective shifts and grows. The arc of your current development includes seeking a more complete way of seeing the world around you as a necessary part of yourself, and vice versa; and you are coming to recognize a healthy reliance on Spirit as an integral part of that key movement.Detailed Monthly Report With the Last Quarter Moon of Friday, January 4th, you are stopping in your tracks for a look around. This is traditionally the phase for reevaluating where you have been and where going, and it comes with special poignancy in this time of profound change. There is massive realignment coming to you from the novel and even slightly alien perspective of your deep inner spaces, and you do well to pay heed in a meditative way as you contemplate this crucial time of your life.The New Moon of a week later, taking place on Friday, January 11th, in your sector of dream imagination and internal work, brings fresh energy to your purpose and you could be flying. You will be certainly be doing so with a reaffirmed inner world perspective. It is an excellent time for writing and for speaking your truth to others. Your communication reveals your deep intention and provides an excellent guide to where you are really at, taking into account a blended combination of outer and inner priorities. With the First Quarter Moon of Friday, January 18th, you could run into obstacles to progress. You feel on the verge of breakthrough but something seems to stop you from the completion that you had envisioned. This is disconcerting, but also character-building and perhaps less frustrating once you are prepared, aided by the forewarning provided by the astrological perspective. The weekend that follows is accompanied by the entrance of the Sun as well as Mercury into your sign, catches you up with yourself, and comes with a shift in your way of conceptualizing things and even in your very way of being in the world. The Full Moon of Saturday, January 26th, is a powerful one for you. This is a time when you feel far more fulfilled in what you are up to, bringing also the perspective of helpful partners into the mix. There are echoes of past trauma that could arise at this time, and that provide both consternation and also the opportunity to heal and transcend old issues. There is a way that, almost without realizing it, you have moved beyond the knee-jerk reactivity of less than fully aware behaviors. You are now experiencing and are able to take better advantage of the conscious recognition of this important fact, that you are now in the process of leaving behind the dysfunctional patterns that once held you in thrall as you move forward with your life.

PISCES This is an interesting month for you, Pisces, and one of inner rather than outer priorities. You discover that you are currently preoccupied with concerns of home, family and tribe, however these play out in your life. You may be revamping your existing connections with family, or forging new ones, or perhaps it is your physical dwelling that you are dealing with in a constructive manner in this new year. These ties to your deep roots are also the basis for your sense of psychological security. Simultaneously you are strongly focusing on your future path, especially in the second half of the month. This also implies changes in the way that you connect up with social groups that you favor. You benefit by working consciously to plan wisely for your next phase.As the month begins, you are still reeling, after the powerful Full Moon from the last days of December that highlighted your self-expression in creative response to social goals. You have been gathering up your energies over the entire past year for some big moves in the way that you connect to the gears of society. If

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you favor changes for the social contract in general, either locally or globally, now is the time to begin to make your move to better align yourself with the direction that you would like to see happening; while if you are content with the social matrix that surrounds you, it is still likely that you will participate in a more impactful manner, or with group affiliations that you favor, as this new year gets underway.This is in contrast to personal priorities of home and family, signaled by the presence of your co-ruler Jupiter in that sector of your solar chart, that are also of prime importance to you in this turning of the year. There is thus a tug of war within you between private and public concerns. Jupiter is powerfully configured with both Saturn and Pluto right now, and these other two intense planetary archetypes are occupying the areas of your chart surrounding that of your career and professional life, so that this area is also extremely highlighted, including your goals and your future plans. Saturn in the sector of higher mind implies that factors such as teaching and learning, and also travel, are very much part of your activity this month as well. You have a concentrated focus now, and might also be encountering obstacles that in the end will only increase your determination to succeed in this area. It is possible that you will also find that some degree of inter-personal difficulties emerge in this month's time period. There could be old patterns of behavior that once more arise and this time with the added benefit that you are taking a good long look at what they bring to the table as you move forward with your inner work. You could be coming to see your emotionally wounded areas as in some sense your greatest treasure. This is certainly the case, once you make the transition to being able to fully accept yourself in these dark places. The world will becomes a vastly different and more alive environment for you, both personally and professionally, as a result.Detailed Monthly Report With the Last Quarter Moon of Friday, January 4th, you are stopping to think and to reflect on your changes and on your priorities going forward. This is an emotionally connected time for you and you are seeking to bring everyone around you more thoroughly into your heart, while simultaneously dealing with your own inner explorations. These do of course go hand-in-hand with each other since by ding the work and opening you your inner process you make yourself more available for others in your life.The New Moon of Friday, January 11th, takes place in your sector of societal connection and future plans, which are very important to you right now. You have a fresh perspective on your goals in this area, and also are bringing more of yourself to the table than you have in the past. Note that in addition to bringing better self-awareness to this task, this is also a powerful time for visioning a more vibrant future unfolding. You could also at this time encounter more evidence of your wounded places, that you will have to work through, but this is all part of the current arc of your development and will have beneficial implications, long-term.With the First Quarter Moon of Friday, January 18th, you could run into some bumps in the road of your progress. You are in the process of more fully accepting spiritual realities as an important part of your existence, and yet you must pay attention to the practical concerns also, perhaps as represented by other viewpoints coming into conflict with your own, or limitations on educational or travel arrangements. The Full Moon in the last weekend of the month, taking place on Saturday, January 26th, is a powerful one for you, and reminds you of the basic tug of war between all the portions of your psyche, including your sense of limitation and of possibility. Any difficulties that you encounter regarding the emergence of old patterns has its up side as well as its down. These are largely dysfunctional for you now, and are behaviors you are ready to transcend, and you can do so by paying close attention to everything that happens with a dispassionate eye. If you simply witness these dark places within you, and accept them, they have far less power to influence you. You are seeking throughout this monthly cycle a better alignment between outer form and your deep soul purpose and even finding it.

A Hopeful and Challenging January 2013The Astrology of January features Venus, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Pluto. Venus, ruler of the New Year's Eve chart, is also prominent in the chart of the January 11th Capricorn New Moon in that having entered Capricorn, she squares Uranus and sextiles Neptune. Uranus itself is hit by the earlier configuration and again by this month's New Moon. The emphasis on Venus means that relationships of all kinds are

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emphasized now, or in another way of saying it, we are all in this together.Uranus is still of course within orb of its strongly thematic square with Pluto, now in dormancy but heating up in the spring of this year, and still quite strong over the summer months, and indeed over the next few years. The influence lasts until nearly the end of this decade. This important aspect was highlighted at the time of the December 28th Full Moon, and in the chart for the New Year, with the Sun in close conjunction to Pluto. Saturn is also involved, for these next few months, by trine and sextile. We are all feeling the tremendous transformational pressure to make necessary changes to the structure of our lives, so that we can flow into a livable state of balance with ourselves, and for the sake of our future.Saturn, ruler of the January 11th New Moon and the Capricorn line-up of five planets, is in a close bi-quintile aspect with Uranus, while remaining in sextile with Pluto, and therefore pulls together these agents of personal revolution. When Saturn involved, it is the very structure of the surrounding society, and of our own lives as well, that must undergo massive transformation in this New Year time frame. Saturn with Pluto, even in a mild sextile, represents an important opening that can indeed be dire and perhaps even drastic, as the capitalist world struggles to wriggle out of the trap that it has set for itself, and as we as individuals grow also along the same lines. Like the radical pruning of a rose bush, this process is vital for the well-being of organism, removing those parts that were no longer needed and that were getting in the way of new growth.Jupiter, the focus of a yod formation that was exact at the time of the Winter Solstice, is prominent in this month's configurations as well, especially at the time of the January 11th New Moon. Jupiter stations to direct motion at the end of January, and all month long in square to Chiron and sextile Uranus, while remaining inconjunct to Saturn and to Pluto. This focus on expansive Jupiter lends a softer air to the proceedings as we enter yet another year of intense change. Saturn with Jupiter refers to societal awareness and, in this case, the awareness of the extent to which we as a society are transforming.The Sabian Symbol for the degree of Jupiter at the time of the January 11th New Moon is "An Old-fashioned Well, with a Bucket and a Rope," while at the same moment the symbol for Saturn, in the 11th degree of Scorpio, is "A Drowning Man Being Rescued." Since Jupiter stations this end of this month, still in aspect with Saturn, these symbols speak to the beneficence of Spirit, as represented by Jupiter. The cosmic force of optimism for the future can be the rope that leads us to safety, as long as we continue to have faith in the universe to pull us through, and in ourselves to take advantage of the opportunities as they are presented to us.Written by Henry Seltzer