SMD@UTK File Manager t User Interface to the Stanford Microarray Database M.S. Pilot Adviser: M. W. Berry John Clayton England, III 04/10/2003

File Manager A Robust User Interface to the Stanford Microarray Database (SDM) M.S. Pilot Adviser: M. W. Berry John Clayton England, III 04/10/2003

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File Manager The SMD is database that holds genomic data. This data is accessed through a web-based interface. From this interface you can view, analyze, and share data. You cannot upload data from a local machine to the database from this interface. The graphic on the right shows an example of a slide that has been scanned and loaded into the database. The grid on the graphic is over laid on the spots by the user before the graphic is uploaded. Though SMD can also preform this action, it is not as the user defined grid.

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Page 1: File Manager A Robust User Interface to the Stanford Microarray Database (SDM) M.S. Pilot Adviser: M. W. Berry John Clayton England, III 04/10/2003

SMD@UTK File Manager

A Robust User Interface to the Stanford Microarray Database (SDM)M.S. Pilot Adviser: M. W. Berry

John Clayton England, III04/10/2003

Page 2: File Manager A Robust User Interface to the Stanford Microarray Database (SDM) M.S. Pilot Adviser: M. W. Berry John Clayton England, III 04/10/2003

SMD@UTK File Manager

SMD@UTK File Manger

● The Stanford Microarray Database (SMD)● Problems with user file transfer to the SMD● First file transfer solution at UTK● How the SMD retrieves data from the client filesystem● Designing a web based interface● Using the web based interface● Future work

Page 3: File Manager A Robust User Interface to the Stanford Microarray Database (SDM) M.S. Pilot Adviser: M. W. Berry John Clayton England, III 04/10/2003

SMD@UTK File Manager

The SMD is database that holds genomic data. This data is accessed through a web-based interface. From this interface you can view, analyze, and share data. You cannot upload data from a local machine to the database from this interface.

The graphic on the right shows an example of a slide that has been scanned and loaded into the database.The grid on the graphic is over laid on the spots by the user before the graphicis uploaded. Though SMD can also preform this action, it is not as the userdefined grid.

Page 4: File Manager A Robust User Interface to the Stanford Microarray Database (SDM) M.S. Pilot Adviser: M. W. Berry John Clayton England, III 04/10/2003

SMD@UTK File Manager

To get files into the database a user must transfer these files to a filesystemthat the Oracle database, the back-end of the SMD, can access. Stanford suggests using a UNIX account to allow these transfers.

Problems with using a UNIX account for this transfer:

●Users may not be familiar with UNIX file transfers●Ftp, sftp, rcp, scp

●Creating and maintaining full UNIX accounts adds over head for the system administrators

●User education●Security concerns that arise from local accounts

Page 5: File Manager A Robust User Interface to the Stanford Microarray Database (SDM) M.S. Pilot Adviser: M. W. Berry John Clayton England, III 04/10/2003

SMD@UTK File Manager

The UNIX account solution has worked for Stanford but they have found the large number of accounts they have to support has becomea problem. They have over 500 accounts and maintaining them isbeginning to stress the system administrators.

Page 6: File Manager A Robust User Interface to the Stanford Microarray Database (SDM) M.S. Pilot Adviser: M. W. Berry John Clayton England, III 04/10/2003

SMD@UTK File Manager

Here at UTK we have not given UNIX accounts to the users who use the database. The solution implemented was Zip disk transfers. Meaning the users copy their experiments to a Zip disk and physically hand the disk to theSMD system administrators.





1.User copies file to Zip disk2.User gives disk to admins3.Admins load data to client filesystem4.Data is loaded into the database

Page 7: File Manager A Robust User Interface to the Stanford Microarray Database (SDM) M.S. Pilot Adviser: M. W. Berry John Clayton England, III 04/10/2003

SMD@UTK File Manager

This system works without requiring local UNIX accounts for the users. Thiswas interesting and lead to the discovery that it does not matter what UNIX user owns the files on the filesystem. The database is only concerned with the directory structure in which the files are stored.


The username above is the only is the only key for the database to knowthe files owner.

With this knowledge a system that did not require a UNIX account couldbe implemented.

Page 8: File Manager A Robust User Interface to the Stanford Microarray Database (SDM) M.S. Pilot Adviser: M. W. Berry John Clayton England, III 04/10/2003

SMD@UTK File Manager

●A web based interface would require file transfers and filesystem access●PHP does both of these well

●Authentication must be addressed●PHP can handle authentication

●A simple user interface must be possible●PHP again can fill this need

Designing a web based interface

Page 9: File Manager A Robust User Interface to the Stanford Microarray Database (SDM) M.S. Pilot Adviser: M. W. Berry John Clayton England, III 04/10/2003

SMD@UTK File Manager

Parts of the web based file manager

●Login Page / Authentication●Main Menu

●File Uploads●File Lists●File Deletions●File Renaming

Page 10: File Manager A Robust User Interface to the Stanford Microarray Database (SDM) M.S. Pilot Adviser: M. W. Berry John Clayton England, III 04/10/2003

SMD@UTK File Manager


A username and password are need to enter the file manager.

A perl script is provided to create a password file.

Page 11: File Manager A Robust User Interface to the Stanford Microarray Database (SDM) M.S. Pilot Adviser: M. W. Berry John Clayton England, III 04/10/2003

SMD@UTK File Manager

Main Menu

The main menu is base of the file manager. It leads the user to the otherfunctions of the interface.

Page 12: File Manager A Robust User Interface to the Stanford Microarray Database (SDM) M.S. Pilot Adviser: M. W. Berry John Clayton England, III 04/10/2003

SMD@UTK File Manager


From this page users can access local files on their machines and move those files to the database client.

Page 13: File Manager A Robust User Interface to the Stanford Microarray Database (SDM) M.S. Pilot Adviser: M. W. Berry John Clayton England, III 04/10/2003

SMD@UTK File Manager

File Lists

A user can from this page see the files that have been uploaded to thedatabase client.

Page 14: File Manager A Robust User Interface to the Stanford Microarray Database (SDM) M.S. Pilot Adviser: M. W. Berry John Clayton England, III 04/10/2003

SMD@UTK File Manager

File Deletion

From this page uploaded files can be removed.

Page 15: File Manager A Robust User Interface to the Stanford Microarray Database (SDM) M.S. Pilot Adviser: M. W. Berry John Clayton England, III 04/10/2003

SMD@UTK File Manager

File Renaming

Uploaded files can be renamed from this page.

Page 16: File Manager A Robust User Interface to the Stanford Microarray Database (SDM) M.S. Pilot Adviser: M. W. Berry John Clayton England, III 04/10/2003

SMD@UTK File Manager

SMD@UTK File Manager demo

SMD@UTK File Manager adding a user demo

Page 17: File Manager A Robust User Interface to the Stanford Microarray Database (SDM) M.S. Pilot Adviser: M. W. Berry John Clayton England, III 04/10/2003

SMD@UTK File Manager

Future Work

●Adding encryption via SSL●Tying authentication to the SMD authentication●Multiple file uploads

Page 18: File Manager A Robust User Interface to the Stanford Microarray Database (SDM) M.S. Pilot Adviser: M. W. Berry John Clayton England, III 04/10/2003

SMD@UTK File Manager


●Comity●Dr. Berry●Dr. Moore●Dr. Becker

●Web Services●Colton Smith●John Rose●Bob Hillhouse●Bhanu Prasad Rekapalli

●SMD Developers