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  • 8/13/2019 FICO Content


    1 Define Company2 Define Company Code3 Assign Company Code to Company4 Define Business Area5 Define Chart of Account6 Assing Company Code to Chart of Accounts7 Define Account Group8 Define Retained Earnings Account9 Maintain Fiscal Year Varient

    10 Assign Company Code to Fiscal Year11 Define Posting Period Variant12 Assign Posting Variant to Company Code13 Open and Close Posting Period14 Open and Close Posting Period(End-User)15 Define Document Type

    16 Dfine Field Status Group17 Assign Company Code to FSV18 Sales Tax Procedure19 Define Tolerance Group for G/L a/cs20 Define Tolerance Group for Employees21 Enter Global Parameters

    1 Creation of GL Master2 General Ledger Posting3 Document Display

    4 Document Change5 View Ledger

    1 Creation of GL Master2 Dfine No.Range for X23 Creation of Sample Document4 Posting of Document using Sample Document

    1 Creation fo Parked Document2 Message to Manager

    Menu bar-->System-->Short Message3 Display Parked Document and Release4 Display(Manage to Parked Document)

    1 Run Programme[RFTMPBLU]2 Creation of Hold Document

    Menu-->Document-->Hold3 Post/Delete Hold Document

    Menu-->Document-->Get Hold Document

    1 Define No. Range for X12 Creation of Recurring Document3 Display Recurring Document4 Posting of Transaction by using Recurring Dc


    Creating GL masters ,Postings,Display,Change View Ledger

    Sample Document

    Parking of a Document

    Hold Document

    Recurring Document

  • 8/13/2019 FICO Content


    5 View Document Posted

    Option1:1 Creation of Reversal Reson for Accural/defferred document

    SPRO-->FA-->GL A/c-->B Trans-->Adjustment Postings/Reversa-->Define Reversal2 Creation of Accural/Deffered Document

    3 Reversal of Accural/Deffered DocumentOption2: Open Item Management

    1 Creating Rent Provision2 View Open Item Management Account Transaction3 Posting of Outgoing Payment With Clearing4 View Open Item Management Account Transaction

    Scenario2:Partial Payment1 Outgoing Payement Using Partial Clearing Method2 Go and See Open Item Management A/C Transaction3 Make Balance Payment& Clear Provision

    4 Go and See Open Item Management A/C TransactionScenario3: Residual Item Method

    1 Posting of Rent2 Payment posting Open Item Clearing3 Go and See Open Item Management A/C Transaction

    1 Check Exchange Rate Types2 Define Translation Ratio`s for Currency Transla3 Enter Exchange Rates4 Enter exchange Rates (End User Ares)5 Enter default Exchange rate type 'B' for Document type SA6 Posting of Salaries(in US dollars)

    1 Creation of GL master100301--SBI FC Teram Loan:400301--Exchange Loss300100--Exchange Gain

    2 Define Accounting PrincipleSPRO-->FA(New)-->F.A.G.Settings(New)-->Leadgers-->ParallelAccounting-->Define Accounting Principle

    3 Assign Accounting Principle to Company Code4 Define Valuation Method5 Define Valuation Areas

    SPRO-->F.A(New)-->F.A.G.Settings(New)-->Peredic Processing-->Valuate-->Define Valuation Area

    6 Assign Valuation Areas to Company Code7 Prepare Automatic Postings for Foreign Currency Valuation8 Assign Exchange Rate Difference key in gl master 1003019 FC Term Lone Receipt

    10 Enter Exchange rates at the end of the Year(31st March)11 Foreign Currency Revaluation12 Delete Non Leading Ledger(Optional Only)

    SPRO-->F.A(New)-->F.A.G.Settings(New)-->Leadgers-->Define Leadger Group

    13 View Posted Document

    Month End Provisions

    Foreign Currency Transactions

    Foreign Currency Revaluation

  • 8/13/2019 FICO Content


    1 Define Interest Calculation Types2 Prepare Account Balance Interest Calculation3 Define Reference Interes Rates4 Define Time Dependent Terms5 Enter Interest Rates

    6 Creation of GL master 100300--SBI Rupee Term Lone400400--Interest Paid

    7 Assignment of Accounts for Automatic Postings8 Open Posting Period9 SBI Rupee Teram Lone reciving

    10 SBI Rupee Teram Lone Part Payment11 Interest Calculation12 If Interest Rates Are Change13 Post Batch Input Session14 View Posted Document

    15 GO and See GL master(for last Interest Calculated data)

    1 Creation of Vendor Account Group2 Creation of Number Ranges for Vendor Account Groups3 Assign Number Ranges for Vendor Account Grops4 Define Tolerance Group for Vendors5 Creation of 2 GL Masters: 200110 Inventrory RM

    100501 - Sundry Creditors for RM6 cration of Vendor Master7 Document Types and Number Ranges

    KR- Vendor Invoice (No Rang -19)KZ - Vendor Payment ( NO Range 15)KA- Vendor document ( No. Range17)

    1 Creation of GL master200105--SBI Current A/C2 Define House Bank3 Creation of Check Lots4 Purchaase Invoice Posting5 View Vendor Account Balance6 View GL Account Balances7 Outgoing Payement With Clearing8 View Vendor Outstanding Expenses9 Creation of Manual Check

    10 Display Check Registor11 Check Encashmentdate updation12 GO and See Check Registor13 Unissued Check Cancilation14 Creation of Void Region Codes15 Deleation of Check Encashment date16 Issued Chack Cancilation17 GO and See the Vendor Balance

    18 GO and See Check Registor

    1 Creation of GL master 200150-Advance to VendorAdvance Payment to Vendors(Down Payments)

    Interest Calculation

    Accounts Payable

    House Bank customization

  • 8/13/2019 FICO Content


  • 8/13/2019 FICO Content


    1 Define Dunning Area2 Define Dunning Procedure3 Assign Dunning Procedure for Customeer4 Sales Invoice Posting5 Dunning6 View Open Items for Customers

    1 Define Tax Procedure2 Assign Cuntry for Calculation Procedure3 Define Tax Codes for Sales and Purchases4 Assign Tax Codes for Nontaxble Transaction5 Creation of GL master200155-- Vat Recevble,100505-Vat Payable6 Assignment of GL A/C for Automatic Posting

    1 Copy Reference Chart of Depreation to Company Code2 Assign Chart of Deprecation to Company Code

    3 Specify Account DeterminationSPRO-->FA-->AA-->Organisational Structure-->Asset Class-->

    4 Create Screen Layout Rules5 Define Number Ranges6 Define Asset Class7 Determine Depreation in the Asset Class8 Creation of GL masters

    200000;Land,200005-Buildings:200010-P&Machionary200015-F&f:200020-Vehicales:200025-CWPogress100200-Acc.Dep(Blds):100205Acc.Dep(P&M):100210Acc.Dep(F&F)100215-Acc.Dep(vehical):300102-Asset sales:300103-Profit On A.sal400302-Losson sale of asset:400303-Loss scrape;400500-dep

    9 Assignment of GL A/C for Automatic Posting10 Specify Document Typ for Posting of Deprecation (AF-4)11 Specify Interval andPosting rules12 Specify Rounding off Net Book Valu and or Depr13 Define Screen Layout for Asset Master Data

    SPRO-->FA-->AA-->Master Data-->Screen Layout-->Define Screen layout for Asset Master Data

    14 Define Base MethodSPRO-->FA-->AA-->Deprecation-->Valuation Method-->Depe Key-->Calculation Method-->Define Base Methods

    15 Define Decline Balance Method16 Define Multilevel Method17 Define Period Controle Methods18 Maintain Deprecation Key

    1 Creation of Main Asset Master2 Creation of Sub-Asset Master3 Purchaase of Maine Asset Master4 Purchase of Sup-Asset Master5 Report view Sub Asset wise,Yeare wise Valus

    6 Report View for All Assets for Particular Period7 Deperecation Run8 Asset sales

    Sales Tax

    Asset Accounting

  • 8/13/2019 FICO Content


    9 Asset Transefer10 Asset Scrapping

    1 Carry Forward Vendor&Customer Balance to Next Year2 To Carry Asset Balance

    To Check Which Year Is Closed for Asset Accounting

    3 To Close Current Fiscal Year4 To Open New Fiscal year5 TO Carry Farward GL balance6 To Copy No.range Interval for Next Year7 To Open New Fiscal year

    1 Create a FolderMenuBar-->Favourites-->Insert Transaction

    2 Attach a reporta a Folder3 Attach a report On the Desktop

    4 View Chart of Account List5 Traile Balance View6 Ledger Display7 Vendor List8 Vendor wise Purchases9 Outstanding List of Vendors

    10 Age wise analyse of Vendors11 Vendor wise Adv Report12 Vendor Ledgore(Open+Closeing Items)13 Fixed Assets as per Shedule6 of Companies Act

    1 Creation of GL master 200101--Petty Cash Account2 Define No. Ranges3 Setup Cash Journal4 Create,Change,Delete Business Transactions5 Setup Print Parameters for Cash Journal6 Posting of Cash Journales7 Financial Statement Version (FSV)8 Display Balance Sheet and P&L a/c9 Uploading of Master in SAP

    1 Maintain Controlling Area2 Maintain Number Ranges3 Maintain Vertions

    1 Creation of Primary Cost Element(at FI area)2 Creation of Primary Cost Element(at Co area)3 Creation of Primary Cost Elements(Automatic Creation)

    (1) Make Default Settings(2) Create Batch Input Session(3)Execute Batch Input Seeeion

    4 To View Created Cost Elements5 Creation of FSG by Making Cost Center as Required Field6 Assign New FSG to Expenditure Account


    Cost Center Accounting

    Closing Procedure


    Cash Journal

  • 8/13/2019 FICO Content


    7 Creation of Cost centers8 Creation of Cost centers Groups9 Creation of Cost Element Groups

    10 Enter Exchange Rate for INR to EUR for M type11 Posting of Transaction in FI12 View Cost Center Report

    13 View CO Document14 Repost Co Line Items15 Repost Cost16 Planning Cost Center wise17 View Various Reports Cost Center wise18 Period Lock19 Set Controlling Area

    FI customization

    1 Copy company Code Customization including accounts2 Assign Company Code to Company3 Document SA Shoul Allow Inter Company Posting4 Prepare Cross-Company Code Transaction

    CO Customization1 Maintain Controlling Area2 Activate/Deactivate Reconcliation Leadger3 Define Adjustments for Reconciliation Postings

    FI customization(New)1 Define Varents for Real Time Integration

    SPRO-->FA(New)-->FAGS(new)-->Ledgers-->Realtime Integration of Controlling With FA-->Define Varents for Real Time Integration

    2 Assign Variants for Realtime Integration to Company CodeSPRO-->FA(New)-->FAGS(new)-->Ledgers-->Realtime Integration of Controlling With FA-->Assign Varents for Real Time Integration toCompany Code

    3 Make text Field as Optional for G0044 Creation of Cost Center for Copied Company Code5 Repost of Cost6 View the FI Document

    1 Outstanding Expenses of One Company Paid by another Company Code

    1 Creation of Gl master 400101--Bonus Paid a/c(Cost Element 3)2 Creation of Dummy Cost Center3 Maintain Overhead Structure4 Define CO.No.ranges Interval for the Business Transaction KAZI5 Salaries Posting6 Accural Calculation7 View Cost Center report of Dept A8 Prepare Cross-Company Code Transaction

    9 View Cost Center report of Dept Dummy

    1 Define No.Range for Business Transaction RKS

    Online Reconciliation Ledger

    Cross Company Code Transactions

    Accural Orders (Imputed Cost Calculation)

    Statistical Key Figures (SKF)

  • 8/13/2019 FICO Content


    2 Create Statistical Key Figures3 Enter Statistical Key Figures

    A) Allocaton B) Distribution C)Periodc Reposting D)Indirect ActivitAllocation(Machion Hour Rate)

    1 Define CO.No.ranges Interval for the Business Transaction RKIU

    2 Creation of Secondery Cost Element3 Creation of Assessment Cycle4 Assessment Run

    B) Distrubiton1 Define Co.No Ranges for Business Transaction RKIV2 Creation of Distrubtion Cycle3 Distrubtion Run

    C)Periodic Posting1 Define Co.No.Ranges for Business Transaction RKIB2 Creation of Distrubtion Cycle

    3 Periodic PostingD)Indirect Activity AllocationIt will br Implement in Product Costing

    Statistical Order 1 Define Order Type2 Create FSG by Making Internol Ordre Field as Required3 Creation of GL master 400306-Telephone Exp4 Creation of Internal Orders5 Creation of Order Groups6 Posting of Transactions in FI7 View Order Wise Report8 Planning Order Wise9 View Varies reports Order Wise

    Real Orders1 Create FSG by Making Internol Ordre Field as Required2 Creation of GL master 400310--Petrole Exp3 Creation of Secondery Cost Element4 Maintain Allocation Structures5 Maintain Settlement Profile6 Maintain No.Ranges for Settlement Documents7 Define Order Type8 Define No.Range for Business Transaction KOAO9 Creation of Vehicale Order

    10 Posting of Petrole Exp11 Actual Settlement

    1 Maintan No.Ranges for Budgeting2 Define Tolerance Group for Limite for Availability Control3 Specify Exempt Cost Element for Availability Control4 Maintain Budget Manager5 Budgeting Order Wise6 Posting of Petrole Exp7 View the Inbox of the Budget Manager

    Period -End Losing

    Internal Order

    Budgeting and Availability Control

  • 8/13/2019 FICO Content


    1 Set controlling2 Mainntain Controlling Area Settings3 Define Dummy Profit Center4 Set Control Parameters for Actual data5 Maintain Plan Vartion6 Define No.Range for Local Documents7 Creations of Profit Centers8 Creation of Account Groups9 Assignment of Profit Center in Cost Center

    10 Creation of Sales Account as Revenu Elements11 Maintan Automatic Account Assignment of Revenu Elements12 Chose Additional Balance Sheet &Profit &Loss a/c

    1 Planning Profit Center wise for Profit &Loss Items2 Planning Profit Center wise for Balance Sheet Items3 Sales Invoice Posting

    4 Posting of Expenditure5 View Varience Report Profit Center wise for P&L items6 View Varience Report Profit Center wise for Balance Sheet items

    if You don`t get the actual and planned costs then do the following1 DELETE " Chose Additional Balance sheet and P&L items2 Calculate Balance Sheet Adjustments for Vendors &Customers3 Transefer Pable &Recivables1 Transefer from One Profit Center to other profit Center2 Display the Transeferred amounts in Profit Center

    MM-Integration1 Define Plant2 Define Division3 Maintain Storage Location4 Maintain Purchaseing Organisation5 Assign Plant to Company Code6 Assign Business Area to Plant/Valuation Area and Division7 Assign Purchaseing Organisation to Company Code8 Assign Purchaseing Organisation to Plant9 Creation of Purchaseing Groups

    10 Define Material Groups11 Maintain Company Code for Material Management12 Define Attributes of Material Types13 Set Tolerance Limits for Price Varence for Purchase Order

    SPRO-->Material Management-->Purchaseing-->Purchase Order-->Set tolerance Limits for Price Varence

    14 Maintain Plant Parameters15 Set Tolerance Limits for Goods Receipt16 Maintain Default Valus for Tax Codes17 Set Tolerance Limits for Invoice Verification18 Define Automatic Status Change19 Group together Valuation Areas20 Define Valuation Classes

    Profit Center Accounting


  • 8/13/2019 FICO Content


    FI-Consultant Job1 Creation of G/L Master 200121--Inventery Rm local

    200122--Inventery FG local 100520--GR/IR Clg RM local400000--RM Consumption Local:300200--Inc/Dec in stocks

    2 Assignment of Accounts for Automatic Postings3 Document Type and No.Ranges :WE--Goods Receipt(No.Range50)

    WA--Goods Issue(No.Range:49):RE--Goods Inv Rect(No.Range51)MM End-User job

    1 Creation of MM Vendor2 Creation of Raw Material Master3 Open the Period for Material Master4 Creation of Purchase Order5 Goods Receipt6 Invoice Verification7 Raw Material Consumption8 View Material Ledger

    1 Insert Regions2 Define Sales Organisation3 Define Distribution Channels4 Define Shipoing Point(i.e.Delery Posting)5 Assign Sales Organisation to Company Code6 Assign Distribution Channel to Sales Organisation7 Assign Devision to Sales Organisation8 Setup Sales Area9 Assign Sales Organisation --Distribution--Plant

    10 Define Rules by Sales Area11 Assign Shipping Point to Plant12 Define Common Distribution Channel13 Define Commen Division14 Maintain Priceing Proceduring

    SPRO-->Sales&Distribution-->Basic Functions-->Pricing-->Pricing-->Control-->Define and Assign Priceing Procedures

    15 Define Priceing Procedure Determination16 Define Tax Determination Rules17 Setup Partner Determination

    SPRO-->Sales&Distribution-->Basic Functions-->PartenerDetermination-->Setup Partenar Determination

    18 Assign Shipping PointFI-Consultant Job

    1 Creation of GL Master-300001--Sales Local Own Goods2 Assignment of Accounts for Automatic Postings

    SD-End User Job1 Creation of Customer Master2 Creation of Finished Goods Material Master3 Create Conditon Types

    1 Define Operating Concern2 Assign Controlling Area to Operating Concern3 Define Profitability Segment Characteristics

    CO-Profitability Analysis (CO-PA)


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    4 Define No.Range for Actual Posting5 Maintain Assignment of SD Condition to CO-PA valu fields6 Direct Posting from FI/MM7 Ativate Profitability Analysis

    SD-End User Job1 Creation of Sales Order

    2 Production Receipt without Production Order3 Delivary4 Sales Billing

    Report Painter 1 Define Forms for Profitability Reports2 Create Prfitability Reports

    1 Define Ledgers for General Ledger AccountingSPRO-->FA(New)-->FAGS(new)-->Ledgers-->Ledger-->Define Ledgers

    2 Define and Activate Non Ledger Accounting

    3 Define Ledger Group4 Define Document type for Entery View in Ledger

    SPRO-->FA(New)-->FAGS(New)-->Document-->Document type-->Define Dpcument type for Entery View in Ledger

    5 Define Document type for General Ledger View6 Define Document No.Range for Entery View7 Define Document No.Range for General Ledger View

    SPRO-->FA(New)-->FAGS(New)-->Document-->Document NumberRanges-->Document in General Ledger -->Define Document No.Rangefor General Ledger View

    8 Posting of Transaction9 To View the Ledger

    1 SPRO-->Enter Prise Stricture-->Defination-->FA--Define Segment2 Assignment in Profit Center

    1 Creation of 3 GL Master300010--Sales Steel a/c Cost Elet 113000111--Sales Cement a/c Cost Elet11-100550--Zero Balance Clearing

    2 Classify GL Accounts for Document SplittingSPRO-->FA(New)-->GLA(New)-->Business Transaction-->Document Splitting-->Classify GL a/c for Document Splitting

    3 Define Zero Balance Clearing Account4 Activate Document Splitting5 Sales Invoice Posting

    1 Define Settlement Profile2 Creation of Capital Work in Process Asset Master3 Machinery Purchaseing Posting4 Fright Charges Payment5 Creation of Asset Master6 Settlement of CWIP to Asset Master

    1 Define Condition Type2 Define Account Keys

    New General Ledger (Multiple Leadger)

    Segment Creation

    Document Splitting

    Capital Work In Process-Line Item Settlement

    SD Customization

  • 8/13/2019 FICO Content


    3 Check and Change Settings for Tax Processing4 Define Tax Accounts5 Define Tax Accounts

    SPRO-->SD-->Basic Functions-->Pricing-->Pricing Controle-->Defineand Assign Priceing Procedures

    6 Define Priceing Procedure Determination

    7 Define Tax Determination RulesSPRO-->SD-->Basic Functions-->Taxes-->Define Tax Deter Rules

    8 Define Tax Relivancy of Master Records9 Assign Delivering Plant for Tax Determination

    10 Assignment of Accounts for Automatic Postings11 Enter Tax Clasification in Material Master12 Enter Tax Clasification in Customer Master13 Creation of Condition Records14 Print Excise Registares &View Sales Tax Ledger15 Creation of Sales Order

    16 Delivary17 Sales Billing18 Excise Invoce Creation19 View Sales Billing20 Excise Duty Payements21 View Documented Posted