FGM Female Genital Mutilation


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Female Genital Mutilation

• Predates = to happen or exist earlier in history than something

• Ensure = to make certain that something will happen properly SYN make sure

• Secure = a situation that is secure is one that you can depend on because it is not likely to change

• Enhance = to improve something

• Attenuate = to make something weaker or less

• Unsightly = ugly or unplesant to look at

• Unsightly builldings

• Womanhood = the state of being a woman, not a man or a girl

• Througout =

• Outer = on the outside of something OPP inner

• Undergo =if you undergo a change, an unpleasant experience etc, it happens to you or is done to you

• The equipment has undergone several important design changes in recent years

• Outlaw = to completely stop something by making it ilegal

• Involve = if an activity or situation involves something, that thing is part of it or a resut of it

• Ban = to say that something must not be done, seen, used, etc SYN prohibit OPP allow

• Stretch = to make something bigger or looser by pulling it, or to become bigger or looser as a result of being pulled

• Stitch = a piece of special thread which has been used to sew the edges of a wound together

He had to have ten stitches in his head

• Thorns = a Sharp point that grows on the stem of a plant such as rose

• Urinate = to get rid of urine from your body

• unsanitary  = dirty and likely to cause disease SYN insanitary OPP hygienic

• Shard = a Sharp piece of broken glass, metal etc

• A shard of glass

• Sanitize = to clean something thoroughly, removing dirt and bacteria

• Thoroughly = completely

• Sorrow = a feeling of great sadness, usually because someone has died or because sth terrible has happened to you

• He expressed his sorrow at my father’s death

• Lasting = strong enough, well enough planned etc to continue for a very long time SYN long-lasting

The reforms will bring lasting benefits

A solution that would bring lasting peace

• Severe = ver serious, severe problems, injuries, illness, etc

• Cysts = a lump containing liquid that grows in your body or under your skin, and that sometimes needs to be removed

• Lump = a small piece of something solid, without a particular shape

• Childbirth = the act of having a baby

• His wife died in childbirth

• carry out = llevar a cabo algo, realizar algo

• Comprise = to form part of a lager group of people of things

• Women comprisee a high proportion of part-time workers

• Injury = a wound or damage to part of your body caused by an accident or attack

• Shw was taken to hospital with serious head injuries

• deep-rooted = habit, idea, belief etc is so strong in a person or society that it is very difficult to change or destroy it

• Constitutes = to be considered to be something

• The rise in crime constitutes a threat to society

• Minors = someone who is below the age at which they becoome legally responsable for their actions

• This film contains material unsuitable for minors

• the right to life  = el derecho a la vida

• Harmful = causing harm

• The harmful effects of smoking

• Harm = damage, injury, or trouble caused by someone’s actions or by an event

• The scandal did his career a lot of harm

• Haemorrhage = hemorragia

• Sores = a part of your bdoy that is sore is painful, because of infection or because you have used a muscle too much

What is Female Genital Mutilation (FGM)?

• Why do these people do this?

• Cultures, Religions and Social factors

• ensure virginity

• ensure fidelity 

• male sexual pleasure

• Fertility

• like a penis

• attenuate the sexual desire

• dirty and unsightly

• Clean and more hygienic

•  initiation of girls

• There are three general types of FGM 

• Sunna Circumcision 

• Clitoridectomy

• Infibulation or Pharaonic Circumcision

Who does this ?

Who is at risk?

• Where is FGM practiced?

Africa and Middle East

western, eastern, and north-eastern regions of Africa

some countries in Asia and the Middle East,

• Thanks

• Predates = to happen or exist earlier in history than something

• Ensure = to make certain that something will happen properly SYN make sure

• Secure = a situation that is secure is one that you can depend on because it is not likely to change

• Enhance = to improve something

• Attenuate = to make something weaker or less

• Unsightly = ugly or unplesant to look at

• Unsightly builldings

• Womanhood = the state of being a woman, not a man or a girl

• Througout =

• Outer = on the outside of something OPP inner

• Undergo =if you undergo a change, an unpleasant experience etc, it happens to you or is done to you

• The equipment has undergone several important design changes in recent years

• Outlaw = to completely stop something by making it ilegal

• Involve = if an activity or situation involves something, that thing is part of it or a resut of it

• Ban = to say that something must not be done, seen, used, etc SYN prohibit OPP allow

• Stretch = to make something bigger or looser by pulling it, or to become bigger or looser as a result of being pulled

• Stitch = a piece of special thread which has been used to sew the edges of a wound together

He had to have ten stitches in his head

• Thorns = a Sharp point that grows on the stem of a plant such as rose

• Urinate = to get rid of urine from your body

• unsanitary  = dirty and likely to cause disease SYN insanitary OPP hygienic

• Shard = a Sharp piece of broken glass, metal etc

• A shard of glass

• Sanitize = to clean something thoroughly, removing dirt and bacteria

• Thoroughly = completely

• Sorrow = a feeling of great sadness, usually because someone has died or because sth terrible has happened to you

• He expressed his sorrow at my father’s death

• Lasting = strong enough, well enough planned etc to continue for a very long time SYN long-lasting

The reforms will bring lasting benefits

A solution that would bring lasting peace

• Severe = severo , grave

• Cysts = quistes

• Childbirth = parto

• carry out = llevar a cabo algo, realizar algo

• Comprise = constituye

• Injury = lesión, herida

• deep-rooted = profundamente arraigado

• Constitutes = constituye

• Minors = menores de edad

• the right to life  = el derecho a la vida

• Harmful = perjudicial

• Harm = daño

• Haemorrhage = hemorragia

• Sores = llagas

• With regard = con respecto

• Plihgt = situación difícil, apurto

• Uphold = mantener (una ley, un principio), confirmar ( una decisión legal)

• Spiral = dispararse los precios