FGM Ethiopia

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  • 8/13/2019 FGM Ethiopia




  • 8/13/2019 FGM Ethiopia


  • 8/13/2019 FGM Ethiopia


    l i 1 : .. 1 ,1a1 rf t ) i s l r i i L r r i f l lI l :C l \ i , - th iop is

    Dbtribution f FGlt n Ethiooia:


  • 8/13/2019 FGM Ethiopia


    Prevalencepercent)of FGMby religion:FGN4spracticedYnearly llIn Ethiopia hereChristianityFGI4sprevalent ithslightlyOfthodox hristians69.1%).

    religiousroups, speciallyhristiansnd vluslimsis the dominanteligionollowed losely y Islam,higher ateamong f4uslims79.6%),hanamong(See igure ). s

    Fig2. Prevalencepercent) f FGM y religion,Ethiopia 997'80706050403020100 Orthodox Catholic Protestant Other

    Prevalencef FGM y levelof educationIn Ethlopia,heprevalencef FGM oes otshow ignificantifferencesy evelof education.he findingsndicatehat amongwomenwho havehad n0education,avehadprimary ducation,ndhavehadsecondaryndhighereducation,heDrevalenceevelwas804, 78'4,and78.2percentespectively/scomparedo 80.4percent revalencemonglllterateomen The esultsanonlvbe explainedy the social ndcultural ressuresn thecountry,o hatevenhemost nlightenedndeducatedomen onotventureo discardhe

    Muslim Traditional


    traditionvenwhenheyopposet nprinciple

  • 8/13/2019 FGM Ethiopia


    Prevalencef FGM Yage evel;Prevalenceyage n Ethiopiahows complexictureuemostlyo differencesatage fFclvl t henationalevel,he indinghown n he ollowinglgure :-

    0-4 age 284/o5-9 age 44o/o10-14 age 600/o15-19 age 690/o20-24 age 72ak25-29 age 69%30-34 age 690/o35-39 age 704/o40-44 age 74o/o45-49 age 79ok50+ age B0%

    Reasonsor PraticingFGM:Reasonsor practicingGl4 resaid o be mlthsandsuperstitionshataresaidtohavebeenthereforgenerat ions. InEth iop ia themostgenera l lyhe ldbel ie fscanbesummarizeds ollows:-8

    . PsYchosexual reasons: reduction f eliminationf the sensitivetissueof the outer genitalia, articularlyhe clitoris' n order t0attenuate exual esiren the female;maintain hastity ndvirginitybeforemarriage rid ldelity uringmarriage,nd nordero increasemale exualleasure.. Sociological easons:initiatlon f girls in tomaintenancef socialstigmatization.

    identification ith the culturalhentage,womanhood, ocial ntegration nd thecohesion; o avoid ostracization nd

  • 8/13/2019 FGM Ethiopia


    . Hygiene nd Aesthetic easons;heexternalemale enitaliareconsideredirty and unsightly nd are to be removedo promotehygiene,reventllnessndprovideestheticppeal

    . Myths: enhancementf fetility and promotionf childsurvival;avoidingard yrnenissue'

    . Religious easons: omevluslimommunitiesractice Gl4n thebeliefhat t is demandedy lslamicaith Thepractice' owever'Predatesslam

    Harmfuleffectsof FGM: heend esult f FGMs irreversibleamage ithScar i f ]cat ionandlossofe|ast ic i tyof theset issues'Thedisf lguredexternagenitaliareobviouslyubjectedo a higherncidencef tear/lacerationsurlngchild irthor, n the case f infibulationsnd/or everekelloid)icatrisation'during ntercourse,he first in padicular'ntuitively't is obvioushat itcontributeso numberf obstetricalomplicationsuring elivery'heoperationremoveshe nerve ndingsn the genital rea ausing womano losehernaturaisexualsensi t iv i ty .Geni ia |mut i ia i ionisnear lyalwayscarr iedoutuunsani tarycondi t ionsWithoutananesthet ic . l t isextreme|ypainfu landmresu| t issevereinfect ion,shockorevendeath ' lngenera| ,anat iona|surveshowedhe magnitudef Fcl4-relatedorbidity, ortalitynddisabilityavedevastatingffectsn heHealthfEthiopianomenndGirls

    Efforts o AbolishFGM a violationof HumanRights):The 1995constitutionf the Federal overnmentf Ethiopia'onfirmshehuman ndcitizenshipights f women' he ecentlyssued amily aw July2000)alsocont i rmsWomenSnumanrightsandthei requa| i tywi thmen'However,umanight iolationsuch s hese fFGM renotclearlynshrined'l4oreover,ue to the strongly mbeddedocio-culturalarriers nd theprevailinglliteracyndpovertyn thecountry,GMs notacknowledgeds aformulatednd


    /"-;:'y(--st4)(t,iviolationorwill t be easy o enforceawswhenand f

  • 8/13/2019 FGM Ethiopia


    notifled.Since ts inception 1987), he NatjonalCommittee n TraditionalDracticesf Ethiopia NCTPE), as worled on awareness reation rnonginfluentialeaders, nd productionf informationnd communicationaterialscurrentlyeing sedn schoolsndbycampaignerscrosshecountry'

    In Ethiopia, successfulampaignor the radiation f FGl4 equires nunderstandingf, anda will o change erceptionsndbeliefshatcausestscontinuation.egardlessfwhere GN1as riginated,here ndhow t isbeingdone,hosehepracticet share imilareliefs, a mentalmap hatpresentscompellinqeasonshy he emale enitalrgans/litorisnd he est'mustDeremoved,Themental apn Figure providesconceptualrame ork or understandingthe oe of FGMn a society.t highlighishesocial ndpsychclogicaleasons'and he societalndpersonaleliefshatare he drivingorces ehindhecontinuationf thepractice.hemapprovidesllcommunitiesnvolvedn thecampaignroundso consider.Theeradicationf FGMmusthereore,nvolvehesocial,eligiousndculturalt ransformat ionofcommuni t les involvedinthepract ice,rater thentry ingovturningrup'ootinghisbase yhastyegal ecreesl

    Over he ast lveyears herehasbeen ecliningwomen upportedhepracticen 2000 ompared

    NCTPEhould evelop morestrategici) To differentiate etweenstronghold,

    carryingutconventionalnterventions'ii) That sgender ensitivenda gender

    suppot for the Practice 00/0fwith29olon 200510

    approach:transition nd non-FGMreas n

    system ased nalysis,cceleratingthe processn the"transition"reasnon-Fclvltatusn he reeareas

    andavoidingossiblerosionf the

  • 8/13/2019 FGM Ethiopia


    i i i)Clearlvrticulatehe ssue f religionndFclvlsEthiopia'ir) To undertakenation-wideurveyn ordero establishsound nowledge

    baseordevelopingppropriateoliciesnd trategiesl Todevelopapabilitiesorevaluatinghe mpact f nterventions'\ )To dentifyheharmfu'raditionalracticesnd\,ii)To ontributeo the ultimate oalof eradicatingll formsof harmful

    traditionalractices,speciallyhose ffectinguman ealthn thecountryin collaborationith the government,on-governmentalrganizations,internationalrganizationsndallstake-holders'

  • 8/13/2019 FGM Ethiopia


    Iq E-q l1 ql _q qnlFG LrFig.4, A l lcntal l fup ofRelsons rh] I-GI\IContinucs

    Coh'nuni4' eftforc.nettmcchanish: Divorce,uncircunlcisedtonan

    Ca nuniry cnf\rced.nl,ntharisnt: U.tiryIt afputtislnter:tby (iotl otsu?(nntu tlIorccs

    Cohmu ft ty enlorcen ent n echanis s.Forcing FGM on \a,amcnfrom orherlribcs \|ho narry into uncircumcised

    Connuniry enforctmentnechanis,ns Poens, sarg.tI iat ce eb o e ci cunci sionatld derideuncircu cistd ;it,is

    Sourcu Ashd ,,iilx)hDtil. al. in I'ajrtoti,n fttltrenceBurcaueACt)i band i 1; .en alt Gcn h i Cr

    \is'9 Socie{r.

    (gtrntand esthetfiFearsaboutugl) loal{t

  • 8/13/2019 FGM Ethiopia


    1. NCTPE,thiopiaarmfulraditionalractices,003Re-printed006'2, Ib id, .853. rb id, .884. Ibld, .875. Ib id, .936. DataromCSA Macro001.7, NTCPE,.948. rb id, .959. Ib id, .100l0.EthiopiaemographicndHealthurvey,005p'2511.NCTPE,.119
