FGDC Coordination Group DHS Enterprise Geospatial Data Model 11 July, 2006 Mark Eustis DHS//OCIO/GMO

FGDC Coordination Group DHS Enterprise Geospatial Data Model 11 July, 2006 Mark Eustis DHS//OCIO/GMO

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FGDC Coordination Group

DHS Enterprise Geospatial Data Model

11 July, 2006Mark EustisDHS//OCIO/GMO

2DHS//OCIO/GMO -- Enterprise Geospatial Data Model


Who is the audience?

What are the requirements?

Why build a new model?

Where will the model be used?

How will the model be used?

Information about the model

The development team

– Alphabetically…• Kurt Buehler, Paul Daisey, Steve Grisé, Judy Lamey, Dr. David Li, Mike Ruth

Input, guidance & general assistance

– Bob Phillips, Chair, HSWG Content Subgroup• And all of the attendees, contributors, and members of the group who shall remain

unnamed because I can’t remember you all but you know who you are and thanks.

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who is the audience?

The component agencies of the Department of Homeland Security


DHS’ external partners in Homeland Security

– Federal allies

– Tribal, State, Regional & Local governments

– Commercial entities & NGO’s

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what are the requirements?

Support DHS’ business through synergy in geospatial reference content

– Build a mechanism for intra- and extra-departmental data access

– Improve access to ‘granular’ geospatial content thru standardization

Establish the foundation of DHS’ geospatial Service-Oriented Architecture

Build a standards-based platform for growth

– Comply with FGDC Standards and Guidelines

– Align with FEA Geospatial Profile

– Align with DHS Enterprise Architecture (EA)

– Align with DHS Geospatial Enterprise Architecture (GEA)

Develop a publicly accessible ( notnot FOUO or SBU ) geospatial data model

Build an extensible model with well documented implementation support

– Strengthen the model through empirical development

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why build a DHS model?

Evolution of geospatial technologies at DHS compels a standards-based approach

– DHS is moving toward a Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA) • A federated network of data warehouses and mission-specific data marts

– Requires standard reference layers to leverage queries– Also requires extension of content to accommodate agency-specific requirements

• Building a Metadata Registry Repository

– ISO & related metadata standards reflected in new model

– DHS is mandated to comply with standards• National Information Exchange Model

– NIEM addressing construct

• Federal Geographic Data Committee

– FGDC framework standard

– The good works of DHS’ partners deserve notice in our evolution• Incorporate USGS & ESRI best practices from “Project Bluebook”

• NGA, USGS & DHS developments from “Project Homeland”

• Leverage emergence of the URISA & NENA addressing standard

• Seamless interoperability and commonality of geospatial view between mission owners inside and out of the Department is our overriding goal

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where & how will the model be used?

Inside DHS

– baseline reference for MRR geospatial profile

– template for building shared geospatial datasets

– cost-reduction driver to eliminate duplication

– standardized acquisitions & outsourcing template

– template for common operating views & standard briefing presentations

Inside the Homeland Security community

– Federal partners• ‘move-to’ baseline for collaborative geospatial programs

– Round-trip consistency of content for disaster & general operations

– Tribal, Regional, State & Local governments• Extract, Transform & Load template for content aggregation

– Standard view for SOA connection to DHS – data “up” and information “down” the pipeline

– NGO’s and commercial entities• Extract, Transform & Load template for content aggregation

– Standard view for SOA connection to DHS – data “up” and information “down” the pipeline

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Data Acquisition

DHS Operational Data Sources





DHS Geospatial Data Sources




National Geospatial Data Sources


State, Local & Others

Data Integration & Transformation


Data Rationalization

Data Governance

Geospatial Standards

Quality Metrics

Staging Area

Geospatial Data Warehouse

Imagery Critical Infrastructure

Base Feature Data

Hazard Response

Other Feature Data

Web Services Geospatial Metadata

Mission Specific Data Marts &

OLAP Services

HLS Business Applications

Location Applications

Map Visualization Services

Geo-Analysis Services

Data Delivery Services

Data Requirements

OLTP (Updates)

Enterprise Information Bus

Transport Management Security


HLS Partners

GOS Portal


DHS geospatial SOA – a target

Geospatial Metadata Services

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a geospatial SOA for preparedness

DHS is reaching out to Tribal, Regional, State & Local partners

– Starting with hurricane preparedness from Brownsville to Eastport • Phase one of DHS involvement

– Focus on coastal states for centers, shoreline counties for data• Identify & establish ETL centers

• Access local data thru SOA/web model

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technical approach to building the model

Started with “USGS Bluebook” as a foundation and reference– Matured and improved through long attendance at the School of Hard Knocks

– Cross-walked against NRP, HSIP & NADB

– Perhaps most importantly, Bluebook provided DHS with an open platform on which to build a non-FOUO//unclassified, openly shareable model

Used FGDC “Framework” model to describe the core data layers:– Cadastral, Orthoimagery, Elevation, Geodetic control, Governmental Unit

Boundaries, Hydrology, Transportation

Used NIEM/URISA Addressing model for addresses and names– Include all NIEM Geospatial Data Types

– Incorporate NIEM 0.3 Data Model

Adopted “Bluebook” model for structures and critical infrastructure– Delivers key layers not in FGDC & NIEM models

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developmental considerations

General approach:

– Standard-based data constructs were chosen over proprietary constructs• Select semantic rich data constructs

– UML (Unified Modeling Language) was used for the logical model• Follow UML Practices in the FGDC Framework Standard, e.g. use <<stereotype>>

as a semantic extension mechanism for existing UML concepts.

– ISO 19103 (Conceptual Schema Language) guideline

– logical model constructed with a “package of packages” hierarchical structure to follow standard FGDC practices.

Task approach:

– model constructed in UML

– Documentation written concurrent with model• UML model

• Data dictionary following FGDC guidance and ISO 11179-3

• Model description document

• ‘cookbook’ for implementation of content aggregation/ETL centers built on model

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progression to an integrated model

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model refinement

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β – implementation guidelines

Coordinate with GMO

– pre-implementation assistance and discussion

– ensures use of most current version during evolutionary phase

– allows for registry of process to ensure comments & empirical feedback

Start by leveraging the DHS model to improve existing work

– If you’re starting from scratch, convert the DHS constructs into physical database schemas and data transfer encodings (payloads).

DHS//GMO resources and our partners will provide guidance and direction to help move from the logical model to a physical implementation

– Contact GMO for a list of potentially-helpful modeling tools

– GMO is coordinating with ESRI to build a ‘cookbook’ to support common user implementation sequences

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May 17, 2006– FGDC//HSWG Content Sub-Group rec’d model for review and comment

June 1, 2006– Version 1.0 of the model posted on FGDC web site with request for comments

Now– FGDC Homeland Security Working Group – Content SubGroup

• Assimilating and adjudicating comments and requests for changes


May 17, 2006– ESRI modeling team working on Project Homeland activities rec’d model

Now– Project Homeland implementing model as ETL template for practical feedback

– Initial application at ETL sites in Texas, Virginia, plus internal

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Define Modeling Scope and Approach

Work on the First Draft of the Model

Develop Required Documentation for Review

Draft Release to FGDC HSWG

FGDC HSWG Content Subgroup Review

FGDC HSWG Content Subgroup Review

You are here

Project Homeland + DHS Component Pilot Implementation(s)

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For comments to model, please contact:

– Ms. Kimberly Lohuis ([email protected]) …DHS//OCIO/GMO

For program questions or strategic discussions, please contact:

– Mr. Mark Eustis ([email protected]) …DHS//OCIO/GMO

– Mr. Mike Lee at FGDC HSWG