Feuille d'Album It's an ironic and satirical story about a young painter. Ian, who enjoys solitude in the privacy of his own home, becomes "the talk of the town" when three women, on separate occasions, try to enter his private life to help him find love The conflict, wich is the irony in the story, takes place when Ian finds love on his own. Ian French represents the enigma to female artists (show girls,actresses). The title: it`s like a female scrapbook and Ian is one of them. They exchange impressions about him They live in a place where people are young, they have no money but they love to create and live their lives to the fullest (Paris). He`s the exception of all that. He doesn`t meet their expectations. He`s interested in the exotic stuff, he`s tidy, he has an aesthetic prefference for oriental style, his daily routine consists of making secret lists (and signs them). it`s like an obsession. He's different from other people because they are all grown-up, but he sees him still a child.Ian is convinced that this is the perfect girl for him because, to him, her composure is sending out a message to him, one that they are the only two people who are the same age.. after receiving this message, Ian is more positive than ever that this is the only girl for him. Those secret lists, the fact that he signs them, and the message above his bed: GET UP AT ONCE it's selfdiscipline taken to extreme. Modernism characteristics: fashion in the modernist century; am scris ceva despre a cape, and the pinafore... si mai era the lamplighter: omul care iesea seara pe strazi, la o anumita ora si aprindea luminile... Profa a mai zis ceva de legatura dintre inceputul textului: He really was an impossible person" si the end of the story it's impossible, too. Atat The ending: The egg symbol - > shock theory, there`s no romance. In people`s eyes, Ian is odd. In the end he`s doing something crazy, beyond his world and that proves the incipit of the story. The text ends with And he handed her an egg because everything that will be write will be redundant, is not necessary, we don't need the reaction of her"

Feuille d'Album

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Page 1: Feuille d'Album

Feuille d'Album

It's an ironic and satirical story about a young painter. Ian, who enjoys solitude in the privacy of his own home, becomes "the talk of the town" when three women, on separate occasions, try to enter his private life to help him find love

The conflict, wich is the irony in the story, takes place when Ian finds love on his own.

Ian French represents the enigma to female artists (show girls,actresses). The title: it`s like a female scrapbook and Ian is one of them. They exchange impressions about him

They live in a place where people are young, they have no money but they love to create and live their lives to the fullest (Paris). He`s the exception of all that. He doesn`t meet their expectations. He`s interested in the exotic stuff, he`s tidy, he has an aesthetic prefference for oriental style, his daily routine consists of making secret lists (and signs them). it`s like an obsession.

He's different from other people because they are all grown-up, but he sees him still a child.Ian is convinced that this is the perfect girl for him because, to him, her composure is sending out a message to him, one that they are the only two people who are the same age.. after receiving this message, Ian is more positive than ever that this is the only girl for him.

Those secret lists, the fact that he signs them, and the message above his bed: GET UP AT ONCE it's selfdiscipline taken to extreme.

Modernism characteristics: fashion in the modernist century; am scris ceva despre a cape, and the pinafore... si mai era the lamplighter: omul care iesea seara pe strazi, la o anumita ora si aprindea luminile...

Profa a mai zis ceva de legatura dintre inceputul textului: He really was an impossible person" si the end of the story it's impossible, too. Atat

The ending: The egg symbol - > shock theory, there`s no romance. In people`s eyes, Ian is odd. In the end he`s doing something crazy, beyond his world and that proves the incipit of the story.

The text ends with And he handed her an egg because everything that will be write will be redundant, is not necessary, we don't need the reaction of her"

An egg symbolizes a new chance in life either comparing it to a character who was stepping out of their shell or someone who stayed in the for the causes of being scared of the real world.

o art , shows, sex- symbols of Paris, the perfect place of making crazy things, the text is written without a set structure( modernism) ,ian is like 3 in 1: as a baby, lover and party type. he loves the girl just for her youth

14 hours ago · Like

o How women think about men (stereotypes of mentality) -> 1. Men are babies 2. Romantic men 3. Party type (like Moulin Rouge).

Page 2: Feuille d'Album

The Hostage?

tema principala este "the making of a heroic act

the big motif is the divorce between soul and institution of the state

the hole situation is absurd; the general was dissmised and then called back; the fortress is a farse; we have mad scenes and imposible situations; the institution (the fhurer) is insane

they are a modern couple, she is an amancipated

The end of the Second W.War, but in the text we have a stupid war.The human level-Germans understand that world is gone to hell. The text shows the beginning of Post Moder, literature. The state is an absurd institution(the role of the state)

acel "von" reprezinta statutul lui de baron, plus ca a predat la universitate, Dexter e un om cult, asemenea si sotia care nu respecta cei "3 K" de care o femeie ingrijea: child, church, kitchen...

The story of two dogs"

"The place of the action is South Africa - a place where you can find tobacco, cotton, vegetables..people would raise animals and live on a farm.Zimbabwe (Rhodesia) used to be a collony. You would have black and white people (master and servants, workers but NOT slaves; people coming from Essex but they are now living in Africa.The farm is separated in compounds (black and white people, animals..) and works like a neighbourhood.Postmodern characteristics: you can find words that are not english. It`s all about the mixture of cultures. Africa is a meeting point between the two cultures, the English people and the locals (clash of culture).

The significance of the title: Fables (stories that use animals as main characters). We`re invited to see very complex similarities in the relation between 2 dogs, black and white people, mother and father, children, children and dogs, white family living on a farm and the environment"

The Jack dog: the family has different opinions about the status of the dog. It`s not the child that wants the dog so bad but the mother! This sounds like England or might be England. (nu prea am inteles aici). The woman wears rings on her fingers (Second World WaR) and she has a woman friend that shares the same drama.

It`s a time when good families would turn their houses into hospitals and become nurses (First World War). She has this idealized image. She`s stuck in the past somehow. She substitutes everything with Jack. He`s not even a pure breed.

They would become something white but not quite lady and gentleman. Children would train their dogs by hunting. The dog will also do the hunting. (demythologized stereotype in the 1950s).It`s no more the traditional way english way "to be bad blood" (metaphor). So, the children would grow up in the sense of the World War. Hunting (practised in Old Aristocracy) was used for entertainment, it`s a show of power with the ironic touch. (it`s not about hunting for food).

The message of the story: it`s no more about the idea that you born with bad blood, you die exactly the same..you can easily change your status, you can become "good blood". It`s all about a life without rules, stereotypes where you can become civilized.

Page 3: Feuille d'Album

The gardener

"The best way to protect Michael was to introduce him to society under her legal guard (she wasn`t actually his mother). Then the society wouldn`t have anything against him. She creates a whole fiction out of this. She puts great effort in distracting people in making a scandal out of this issue. Helen thoughts of India and decides to present him as a hybrid legitimate child. (she uses a stereotype of that time like India rather than European). It`s easier to accept a heritage in the country." Asta a spus Petrovici in legatura cu "ensurance of safety".
