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  • 8/9/2019 Festivals.docx


  • 8/9/2019 Festivals.docx


    2rom a spiritual standpoint" accordin to budhist beliefs donations of food to the monke$s are a reat wa$ to increase

    $our ood karma and /udin b$ the looks of the hundreds of health$ monke$s runnin around the residents of the

    cit$ have taken their man$ opportunities to 5tum boon6 7make merit8.

     the cit$ has also turned itself into a popular tourist destination with people from all over the world

    9ombie #alk

    : % 9ombie #alk is an oranized atherin of people who dress up in zombie costumes and convere 3uickl$

    for surprise and fun.

    : Participants arrive at a pre&determined time 7often at a hidden location8"then emere as a roup makin their 

    wa$ throuh cit$ streets or shoppin malls and enerall$ concludin the route at a local cemeter$ or a park.

    : The zombie parade festival was the idea of a local person in ;alifornia to promote a midniht film festival.

    : The earliest zombie walk on record was held on %uust 0" ()) in Sacramento" ;alifornia.

    : It was held aain a $ear later and has since become an annual tradition.

    : ,ow the zombie walks have become relativel$ common in lare cities" especiall$ in ,orth %merica" often

    becomin festivals" thouh some are also spontaneous events.


    People celebrate the festivals for mostl$ reliious or fun purposes.

    But sometimes it causes a lot of waste of mone$ and rarel$ lives like in La Tomatina.