Fenrir Issue2 121yf

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  • 8/9/2019 Fenrir Issue2 121yf


  • 8/9/2019 Fenrir Issue2 121yf



    FENRIR ~Journal ofSatanism and theSinister


    (The eleventh of the ninth, c.)



    l u l u . c o m / T he H e r e s y P r e s s


    Cover (front): Elixir,(Rhaati)

    Page 3: TheGreen Damask Room, (Richa!" #o$lt)

    Page 25: inan !th, (##)

    Page 34: Fal"ifer, (E%$e Sine&$)


  • 8/9/2019 Fenrir Issue2 121yf


  • 8/9/2019 Fenrir Issue2 121yf


    I N T R O D U C T I O N


    I have been t!"#$ng %atan$& for a han"f!' of #ear Over the #ear a I at*h I ee atren" that $ e+,e*te" I ee a "egenerat$on an" "evo'!t$on of %atan$& $th the $nf'!+ of&!n"ane A*t!a''# re&$n" &e of that one -% Anton .ong rote *a''e" /0e''1

    Thee &!n"ane an" the$r &!n"an$t# have th$ $t*h $n the& to &ae %atan$& 'oo an"fee' ,reentab'e a a /bona f$"e1 re'$g$on to o*$et# h$*h o*$et# $ &a"e !, of the$rfe''o &!n"ane ho& the# ,reten" to "$'$e an" be &$anthro,$* toar" Th$ never&a"e an# ene to &e rea''# b!t then aga$n I *on$"er e'f a rat$ona' ,eron &ot of thet$&e

    If #o! "$'$e ,eo,'e or are gen!$ne'# &$anthro,$* or #o! are a tr!e o*$a' non6*onfor&$tor hatever then h# *are hat thoe other ,eo,'e th$n of #o! an" #o!r re'$g$on7 Thee&!n"ane %atan$t ee& to *are a great "ea' go$ng o far a to ,en" a &a8or$t# of the$rt$&e on'$ne f$ght$ng %atan$t ho /g$ve %atan$& a ba" na&e1 0o ore *an %atan$&

    be $t9 na&e" after %atan7

    !t #o! ee thee &!n"ane %atan$t tr#$ng ver# har" to *'ean !, the $&age of theA"verar$a' a# A ver# goo" e+a&,'e $ ho the Te&,'e of %et ha" "evo've" over thee#ear $nto a 'a ab$"$ng ,$r$t!a' ,ath that ee& to have &ore $n t!ne $th Thoth than a

    %et An" the Ch!r*h of %atan ha '$e$e "egenerate" $nto a &ater$a'$t6athe$t r$ght han"tr!*t!re" *h!r*h of &!n"ane A$"e fro& the$r fa$th an" be'$ef a %et$an an" .a;a$n%atan$t '$ve '$fe a a *$t$

  • 8/9/2019 Fenrir Issue2 121yf


    that or" /e+eat$*1 @or a ver# 'ong t$&e I9ve ha" th$ $"ea or *on*e,t $n &$n" h$*h Inever ha" a or" for No I "o: E+eat$*

    A h$'e ba* I a ae" hat &ae a ,eron above average $f $t $ o&eth$ng a ,eron $born $th I tho!ght abo!t $t for evera' #ear "!r$ng h$gh *hoo' never be$ng ab'e to f$g!re

    $t o!t I ha" a'a# be'$eve" that #o! are born $th the ,otent$a' to be above average nt$'one "a# I got to ,ea $th a b!$ne&an 0e a ver# #o!ng an" one" h$ on ver#!**ef!' b!$ne e ha" a *onverat$on an" o!t ta' 'e" &e to a h$& ho he ha"

    be*o&e above average $n '$fe an" h# he "$" not en" !, '$e h$ fr$en" an" ,eer

    0e a$" to &e that he 8!t "ro,,e" o!t of *hoo' an" to,,e" "o$ng hat h$ fr$en" "$"an" to,,e" ta$ng the$r a"v$*e 0e ba$*a''# e+,'a$ne" that $f #o! go to an average *hoo'get ta!ght b# average tea*her 'earn average th$ng fo''o the e+a&,'e of average ,eo,'ethen #o! $'' en" !, average a'o %o hen #o! !n"ertan" th$ eB!at$on #o! $&,'ere&ove #o!re'f fro& that average *#*'e an" #o! !""en'# have g$ven #o!re'f the

    o,,ort!n$t# to be above average

    %o that got &e th$n$ng abo!t a'' thoe t$&e &e an" fr$en" "$t*he" *hoo' "!r$ng o!rh$gh *hoo' #ear Of a'' the tho!an" of t!"ent that go to a h$gh *hoo' on'# a han"f!'of a *erta$n t#,e are $''$ng to brea *hoo' r!'e an" "$t*h !a''# the# are the a"verar$a'an" ant$no&$an t#,e hen I a# ant$no&$an I &ean *r$&$na' here

    @ro& that e+,er$en*e an" the $n$ght that b!$ne g!# gave &e I ha" a'a# een the/or'"1 or th$ng I '$ve $n an" the ,eo,'e that '$ve aro!n" &e to be an $nt$t!t$on 8!t '$e

    ho *hoo' $ an $nt$t!t$on Th$ *$v$' $nt$t!t$on $ "e$gne" to &an!fa*t!re "o&et$*ate"average ,eo,'e for $t on Nat$ona' an" *or,orate $nteret %o I have a'a# f$g!re" thatthe on'# a# to grab ho'" of #o!r '$bert# an" ,otent$a' or the o,,ort!n$t# for '$berat$onan" ,otent$a' $ b# /"$t*h$ng1 o*$et# o! "$t*h $t 'a an" or"er D$t*h $t re'$g$on an"

    or'" v$e D$t*h $t ,o'$t$*a' #te& D$t*h $t ,eo,'e An" 'eave /*a&,!1

    I 'earne" the or" /E+eat1 th$ one t$&e not to 'ong ago "!r$ng one of *onverat$on$th Dar.ogo 0e a te''$ng &e of h$ t$&e $n a boar"$ng *hoo' o!t $n Eng'an" henhe an" h$ fr$en" ever no an" then o!'" &ae an /e+eat1 fro& *a&,! I never ae"h$& hat e+a*t'# the or" /e+eat1 rea''# &eant I 8!t a!&e" $t a a 'ang or"

    boar"$ng *hoo' ,eo,'e !e to &ean /"$t*h$ng *'a71

    %o ever $n*e then I a*r$be the or" /e+eat1 to "$t*h$ng o*$et# an" the &!n"ane or'"0ere b# e+eat I o!'" th! &ean the $''f!' an" #r"f!' a*t of '$v$ng '$fe tr!'# A"verar$a'to the etab'$he" a# of the &!n"ane to hat thoe &!n"ane be'$eve b# *onv$*t$on to

    be tr!e a**e,tab'e an" r$ght A"verar$a' to the$r *onvent$ona' a# of '$fe to the$r average&!n"ane *!'t!re (or 'a* of one) A"verar$a' to the$r tan"ar" an" *onvent$ona'$& An"

    A"verar$a' $n Nat!re to the$r arb$trar# 'a an" or"er To &ae an E+eat fro& the$r&!n"ane or'" an" o*$et# goe far be#on" tr#$ng to th$n an" "re "$fferent than the&It &ean to $''f!''# go aga$nt the gra$n

    That $ hat I o!'" &ean hen I !e the ter& E+eat$* %*$en*e It $ the $"o& oftran*en"$ng the &!n"ane $n &$n" bo"# an" a*t$on not a$&'e'# b!t #r"f!''# an"

  • 8/9/2019 Fenrir Issue2 121yf


    aeon$*a''# toar" an ob8e*t$ve An" o I o!'" a# that C!''$ng Def$an*e an" Cr$&e arethe *ar"$na' tenet of th$ E+eat$* %*$en*e = o!r a'o*reaft = h$*h $ o!r Dre**$an a# of.$fe I !,,oe $n th$ regar" %atan = a an ar*het#,e = $ t$'' ,oerf!' an" e# to o!r'$berat$on an" ,rogre$on

    The ONA ha been aro!n" for abo!t 4 #ear no an" e are t$'' go$ng trong e havenever "$verte" fro& o!r goa' an" a$& Never "$verte" fro& o!r %$n$ter Nat!re Never"$verge" fro& the A"verar$a' a# A %atan$& *r!&b'e $nto &!n"ane "egenera*# o!ra'o*reaft ha e,t o!r Or"er *'ean of &!n"ane Th$ ha *a!e" $t to evo've forar"

    h$'e the$r "egenerate %atan$& "evo've -ore an" &ore a I !rf *#ber,a*e I ee &ore,eo,'e an" gro!, a"o,t$ng o!r %$n$ter &e&e In !*h a tate here %atan$& $ $n$ng"egenerat$ng an" tagnat$ng $nto retar"at$on an" $&,"o& the ONA $t A"verar$a' a#an" $t above average $nte''$gent *on*e,t $ the '$e a har" ro* an" '$ght ho!e that g$vef$r& gro!n" to the fo!n"at$on'e to tan" on an" v$$on to the b'$n"

    A 'ong a e ee, "o$ng hat e are "o$ng an" a 'ong a the &!n"ane ee, "o$ng hatthe# are "o$ng o!r aeon$* !**e $ $n!re" %ta# tr!e to Def$an*e C!''$ng an" Cr$&e It9a'a# been thoe $th the e+eat$* b'oo" an" hono!r to be gen!$ne'# A"verar$a' an"%$n$ter that have &ove" *hange" an" haen the or'" .et the or'" "egenerate

    Ch'oe 352

    Or"er of N$ne Ang'e

    2 ear of @a#en

  • 8/9/2019 Fenrir Issue2 121yf


    T H E S T A N D A R D S O F T H E S I N I S T E R WA Y

    %o #o! ant to 8o$n !7 o! ant to be*o&e one of the $n$ter fe7 Part of o!r $n$terOr"er of N$ne Ang'e fa&$'#7 One of thoe ho !n"ertan" = ho no = &!n"ane forthe e+,en"ab'e reo!r*e the# are One of thoe ho no or ho fee' $n a or"'e a#

    $n the$r ver# be$ng that e *an be far &ore than e are one of thoe ho no ho!n"ertan" or ho fee' $n a or"'e a# $n the$r ver# be$ng that a'' 'a ,at an",reent are retr$*t$on = a &ean of &!n"ane *ontro' "ev$e" an" $&,'e&ente" b#&!n"ane $n a &!n"ane atte&,t to ,revent e $n$ter fe fro& t!rn$ng o!r '$ve $nto a!**e$on of e*ta$e One of thoe "ef$ant one ho o!'" rather "$e than !b&$t an"

    ho !n"ertan" that or" are a &ean not the een*e

    Fno then that #o! have to ,rove an" tet #o!re'f = ta$ng #o!re'f to an" be#on" #o!r,h#$*a' an" e&ot$ona' an" &ora' '$&$t If #o! !**ee" f$ne If #o! fa$' = no e+*!e #o!fa$'e" o! *an tr# aga$n an" aga$n !nt$' #o! !**ee" Or #o! *an a**e,t the tr!th = that

    fa$'!re &ae #o! &ar #o! a &!n"ane No e+*!e

    Are #o! then rea"# to tet #o!re'f7 To "ef# to over*o&e7 To be heret$*a'7 If o here arethe *ha''enge 0ere are the &$n$&a' tan"ar" #o! &!t &eet to be*o&e of ! to 8o$n !

    An" $f #o! "o not "e$re to o tet #o!re'f to &eet to !r,a the tan"ar" e et =then go e'ehere If #o! o&eho $n o&e a# ant to "ebate or to "$,!te theetan"ar" of o!r then #o! *an go e'ehere

    e are not $nterete" $n #o!r e+*!e #o!r &!n"ane or" = for thee are &$n$&a' entr#

    tan"ar" for o!r tra"$t$ona' $n$ter ne+$on @or #o! to 8o$n ! = for #o! to be*o&e a&e&ber of o!r $n$ter e'$te to be*o&e a gen!$ne In$t$ate of o!r %even6@o'" %$n$ter a# =

    #o! have to !n"ertae the fo''o$ng

    Physicl S!"#r#s

    Tra$n for an" !n"ertae a'' three of the fo''o$ng ,h#$*a' ta = the &$n$&!& tan"ar"(for &en) are: (a) a'$ng th$rt#6to &$'e $n h$''# terra$n $n !n"er even ho!r h$'e*arr#$ng a ,a* e$gh$ng at 'eat 3 'b (b) r!nn$ng tent#6$+ &$'e $n fo!r ho!r (*)

    *#*'$ng to h!n"re" or &ore &$'e $n te've ho!r Thoe ho have a'rea"# a*h$eve" !*hgoa' $n !*h a*t$v$t$e ho!'" et the&e've &ore "e&an"$ng goa' @or o&en the&$n$&!& a**e,tab'e tan"ar" are: (a) a'$ng tent#6even &$'e $n !n"er even ho!r

    h$'e *arr#$ng a ,a* e$gh$ng at 'eat 5 'b (b) r!nn$ng tent#6$+ &$'e $n fo!r an" aha'f ho!r (*) *#*'$ng one h!n"re" an" event# &$'e $n te've ho!r

    If #o! *annot a*h$eve a'' thee &$n$&a' tan"ar" = #o! fa$'e"

    $e"!l S!"#r#s

    Contr!*t an" 'earn to ,'a# both the ba$* an" the a"van*e" %tar Ga&e

  • 8/9/2019 Fenrir Issue2 121yf


    If #o! *annot "o th$ = #o! fa$'e"

    $orl S!"#r#s

    @$n" an" tet (a**or"$ng to o!r $n$ter g!$"e'$ne) a !$tab'e &!n"ane an" then *!'' that&!n"ane

    If #o! *annot "o th$ = #o! fa$'e"

    Here!icl S!"#r#s

    e*o&e for a &$n$&!& of $+ &onth a ,!b'$* a"vo*ate of one of the fo''o$ng &o"ernhere$e = ra"$*a' (>$ha"$) I'a& or Nat$ona'6%o*$a'$&

    If #o! *annot "o th$ = or fa$' to !n"ertan" h# thee are gen!$ne &o"ern here$e =#o! fa$'e"

    No e+*!e no"ebate o! are e$ther of ! or #o! are &!n"ane

    Anton .ong

    Or"er of N$ne Ang'e

    2 ear of @a#en

  • 8/9/2019 Fenrir Issue2 121yf


    A R E C O % % E C T I O N O F Y O U T H F U % & I O % E N C E

    o! often hear ,eo,'e ta'$ng of /&ean$ng'e v$o'en*e1 or /&$n"'e van"a'$&1 an" !*hThee "rear# ,eo,'e have ,robab'# never $tnee" an a*t of rea' ,h#$*a' aggre$on $nthe$r '$ve If the# have the# have been at the re*e$v$ng en" The# *an not *o&,rehen"

    hat $t $ to vehe&ent'# atta* o&eone e'e To enter that &o"e of e+$ten*e here ever#ene $ he$ghtene" hen '$fe $ at $t &ot ra an" v$ta'

    I re&e&ber on f$rt a*t of v$o'en*e I &ean ,re&e"$tate" *a'*!'ate" ,h#$*a'aggre$on aga$nt another $n"$v$"!a' It $ a far re&ove" fro& ,'a#gro!n" b$*er$ng or"r!nen bra'$ng a #o! *an get I a $n &$"6teen an" t$'' f!'' of #o!thf!' *!r$o$t#eager to "r$n fro& ever# *!, to tet the bo!n"ar$e of the te"$o! a"!'t or'" that I$n*rea$ng'# fo!n" he&&$ng &e $n

    I ha" been 'oo$ng for an o,,ort!n$t# to tet e'f to ee hat o!'" ha,,en $f I ere to,$er*e the '$&$t of *$v$'$e" behav$o!r to trangre an" to "o o o,en'# rather than!'$ng abo!t $n the "ar '$e a eer rat It a &!*h &ore r$# of *o!re b!t o &!*h

    better the e+,er$en*e %o th$n the #o!th

    A fr$en" an" I ere "r$n$ng *offee $n a bar one $nter9 afternoon hen !*h ano,,ort!n$t# aroe It a "ar a'rea"# an" *o'" b!t the bar a B!$te f!'' &ot'# $th

    #o!nger ,eo,'e an" t!"ent a fe &$""'e age" ,eo,'e ,or$ng over the$r ne,a,era'rea"# "ea" $n$"e at 4 #ear of age It a t$'' not B!$te H,& the at&o,here are'a+e" I a too

    A o&et$&e ha,,en at ,'a*e here a'*oho' $ o'" an a'*oho'$* "egenerate a,,roa*he"o!r tab'e an" at "on !n$nv$te" $nterr!,t$ng o!r "$*!$on A o&ehat nonen$*a'*onverat$on a $n$t$ate" hereb# fr$en" an" I be*a&e the br!nt of a b$tter rant$ngatta* aga$nt the 'a

  • 8/9/2019 Fenrir Issue2 121yf


    I ha" the $"ea (*on*e$ve" $n the r!h of a"rena'$ne) of ta$ng h$& b# !r,r$e b# "o$ngo&eth$ng o over6the6to, that he o!'" be *a!ght tota''# !naare an" be ea# ,re# for afo''o6!, atta* Feen to e+,re trangre$on aga$nt o*$et# to the f!''et e+tent $nth$ ver# ,!b'$* arena I "e*$"e" to !,6en" the tab'e $n tr!e /$'" et1 t#'e then ,!n*hh$& a har" a ,o$b'e "$re*t'# $n the fa*e After that I9" $&,rov$e I t$'' vag!e'# "o!bte"

    $f I *o!'" a*t!a''# "o $t

    %!*h a the e+tent of /,'an1 A #o! $'' be aare $f #o! have "one o&eth$ng $&$'arno &atter ho $&,'e or *o&,'e+ the trateg# $n the event $t rare'# goe a #o! e+,e*t !t

    #o! on'# 'earn that $th e+,er$en*e h$*h I "$"n9t have o! *an theor$e an" r!n ever#*on*e$vab'e event!a'$t# thro!gh #o!r &$n" b!t t$'' #o! $'' not env$age o&e "eta$'

    h$*h a'ter ever#th$ng an" &ae #o!r ,'an $&&e"$ate'# re"!n"ant

    %o $n the &$""'e of a ra&b'$ng '!rre" enten*e the or" of h$*h I bare'# hear" above

    the beat$ng of on heart I v$o'ent'# ,!he" the tab'e over en"$ng the "r$n *rah$ngonto the f'oor an" the "r!nar" h$&e'f ree'$ng ba*ar" fa''$ng fro& h$ too' onto h$


    0e a *ra'$ng on han" an" nee a*ro the *ar,ete" f'oor toar" the "oor 0$ fa*e,rev$o!'# *onf$"ent an" neer$ng a no the ver# ,$*t!re of *onf!$on an" fear Iobv$o!'# ha" not ant$*$,ate" h$ fa''$ng onto the f'oor o I too" !, an" te,,e" ro!n"the fa''en tab'e ,$*e" !, h$ too' an" heave" $t at h$ 'o'# retreat$ng ba* I ao&ehat be&!e" to ee $t bo!n*e off an" ro'' a*ro the f'oor

    Another a,e*t of v$o'en*e that &!n"ane an" fanta$t "on9t !n"ertan" $ the freB!ent$ntr!$on of the ab!r" or *o&$*a' It $ *o&,'ete'# !ne+,e*te" o&et$&e !n"e$re" It*an thro #o! off ba'an*e -an# &!r"erer have vo$*e" the a&e It on'# rea''# tr!* &ethat a# afterar" tho!gh In the &$"t of a*t$on #o! ten" to be b'$n" to th$n$ng abo!t

    hat #o! are a*t!a''# "o$ng o! are '$v$ng $n a tr!e N$et

  • 8/9/2019 Fenrir Issue2 121yf


    I ha" ,er*e$ve" ho th$n ere the a'' of *$v$'$e" o*$et# ho ea$'# the# ere brea*he".a "$" not e+$t for thoe trong eno!gh to tr!gg'e above the &e"$o*re *ro" Then$*et$e an" *o&fort of &o"ern '$fe ere a &o*er# an" affront to e+$ten*e I tho!ght

    ba* an" re&e&bere" the !tter $'en*e $n the roo& a I ena*te" v$$on "o&$nat$ng a''thoe ,reent $th $'' I a not a& not an ego&an$a* eager to be the *entre ofattent$on b!t a I o&ehat *haot$*a''# an" $neffe*t$ve'# atta*e" ene I a the

    o'e agent $n *ontro' $n that b!# bar the on'# &ater of "et$n# no &ere ,aenger athe# ere

    I &!t a"&$t th$ e,$o"e a &$'etone $n '$fe 'ate" b!t a fe e*on" an" tho!gh $tre&a$n eare" $nto *on*$o!ne a one of for&at$ve e+,er$en*e I *annot $th*onf$"en*e a# that I have been abo'!te'# a**!rate $n a'' I have r$tten "e,$te beteffort It $ e,e*$a''# "$ff$*!'t &a#be $&,o$b'e to *onve# the &a" ha

  • 8/9/2019 Fenrir Issue2 121yf


    T H E P S E U D O ' SA T A N I S $ O F $ U N D A N E S

    .et9 get a fe th$ng tra$ght fro& the tart = %atan$& $ abo!t hat $ ev$' Dar"angero! terr$f#$ng heret$*a' $n$ter beg!$'$ng an" $&&ora' %atan $ for the et thear*het#,e of ever#th$ng the &!n"ane = the t$ff an" the$r govern&ent = fear "rea"

    an" "e$re be ave" fro& an" h$*h the# have &a"e 'a aga$nt

    E+,ree" $n to goo" or" = %atan$& $ n$&ino$l' inite! That $ $t ,oee a*erta$n "ar $nnate attra*t$on for *erta$n t#,e of h!&an be$ng: for thoe (a &a''&$nor$t#) ho are ret'e ho are !nat$f$e" $th the a'' aner offere" b# &!n"ane

    ho nat!ra''# "etet the '$fe6t#'e of a'' &!n"ane ho 'ove "anger ho *rave "eath6"ef#$ng e+*$te&ent an" ho o!'" rather "$e 'a!gh$ng an" "ef$ant an" f$ght$ng than!rren"er to an#one e'e

    Thee h!&an be$ng are thoe ho ten" to be*o&e the rea' o!t'a of &!n"ane o*$et#ho be*o&e ,rofe$ona' /*r$&$na'1 ho be*o&e &er*enar$e a"vent!rer e+,'oreraa$n ho be*o&e &an$,!'at$ve 'ea"er: ,o'$t$*a' &$'$tar# re'$g$o! of organ$

  • 8/9/2019 Fenrir Issue2 121yf


    In a rea' a# the o6*a''e" atan$& of the Co% (an" $t "er$vat$ve an" $&$tator) an" ofthe To%er (an" $t "er$vat$ve an" $&$tator) $ on'# the ,athet$* $&$tat$on afe /rebe''$on1of &!n"ane ho $n the$r &!n"anene '$e to be'$eve the# are "o$ng o&eth$ng/e+*$t$ng1 an" /forb$""en1 Th$ o6*a''e" atan$& $ b!t ,art of The %#te& (the -ag$an#te&) "e$gne" to ee, h!&an ta&e = afe an" no threat to govern&ent to o*$et# tothe &!n"ane tat$ %$o A afet# va've for thoe too "!&b an" !n6atan$* to ee The

    %#te& an" !*h ,e!"o6atan$& for hat the# rea''# are No on"er then that th$ o6*a''e" atan$& "e,en" !,on $ "er$ve" fro& an" ,ro,agate the 0ebre6Na

  • 8/9/2019 Fenrir Issue2 121yf


    ( % A C ) $ A S S O F * I H A D


    $s!er o+ !he Tem,le- 'a* ha'ar a&ee$ha" AbarK

    The $s!er-

    +ail to 'o$, chil"!en of the !eat hol' a!-


    +ail the hol' a!-

  • 8/9/2019 Fenrir Issue2 121yf



    *h' "o e tan" he!e


    To etol a!- To hono! thoe ho have "efie" the #aian ith thei! live- To hono!#oha&&a" A&in al0+$a'ni, ho "efie" the e. To hono! hi& fo! $nitin all A!'anan" i"in ith the +ol' Thi!" Reich. To "ef' the eih cont!olle" ove!n&ent of theo!l" an" thei! inte!et. To &ae the o!l" aa!e that the e 3ea! no clai& to I!aelan" that the onl' ho&e the' "ee!ve a!e in &a !ave. Thei! 3o"ie $e" a fe!tili4e!

    fo! the ne-


    #oha&&a" A&in al0+$a'ni tate", 56ill the e he!eve! 'o$ fin" the&. Thi leae7o", hito!', an" !eliion. Thi ave 'o$! hono!. 7o" i ith 'o$. 5+e a ent 3' o$!7o" to "i!$t the #aian. 8et $ no !e&e&3e! hi& an" hono! thoe ho ive thei!live eve!' "a' to "ef' the e an" thei! foot ol"ie!.

    (A f$tt$ng >$ha" Nahee" $ ,'a#e" $n the ba*gro!n" the -ater then tae the *ha'$*e an",'a*e h$ r$ght han" above the *ha'$*e an" $nf!e the b'oo" $th "ar energ# h$'e*hant$ng the D$abo'!)


    (ra$e her f$t o!t an" ho!tiha" A3a!-)


    iha" A3a!-


    (After evera' e+*'a&at$on he ,'a*e the *ha'$*e ba* onto the a'tar an" t!rn to fa*e the*ongregant 0e then bran"$he h$ AF64J an" f$re off one ro!n" after the *ongreganthave ho!te" >$ha" Abar The ho'e ,ro*e$on $'' go on a 'ong a nee"e")


    iha" A3a!-

  • 8/9/2019 Fenrir Issue2 121yf



    iha" A3a!-


    (@$re one ro!n" $nto the a$r)


    I ho a& #it!e of the Ea!th elco&e 'o$, ho have "efie" the #aian an" the&o"e!n o!l". A o!l" that no no hono! o! co$!ae. Yo$ have 3!oen f!o& thei!o!l" an" !elace" thei! val$e ith a he!oic etho-


    (T!rn to fa*e the b'a* !n banner an" v$brateAio O 9in"e.)


    (.$ft her ve$' an" goe !, to ea*h *ongregant '$ft$ng the$r ba'a*'ava to $ the& %he tateto ea*h lo!' i 'o$! to 3ehol" %he then &ove to the a'tar an" tae the *ha'$*e $n herhan")

    :' o$! love of lo!' an" chane e tae thi "!in in hono! of o$! !athf$l 7o" hoill !et$!n one "a'.


    (The -ater ,o$nt to the b'a* !n)

    :ehol" the '&3ol of the 3lac $n- A &ot ancient an" inite! ene!' o$!ce of o$!!ace- One "a' the 3lac $n ill !ie an" aaen the !i&o!"ial intinct of o$! !ace toaction. 8ie a hi""en ne3$lo$ ta! it en" fo!th it; e&anation to thi lanet.


    (%$, the $ne)

  • 8/9/2019 Fenrir Issue2 121yf


    .et ! aff$r& o!r fa$th an" o!r "et$n#K


    Yo$ have affi!&e" 'o$! faith, 3$t ith faith co&e action. *ill 'o$ ane! thi call an"3!in the iha" to all co!ne! of thi lanet If 'o$! 3loo" i no3le eal 'o$! faith ith'o$! hono!, an" let $ "!in to o$!

  • 8/9/2019 Fenrir Issue2 121yf


    T H E $ . O . R . .

    # /-ORG1 e &ean e$ther -ag$an O**!,$e" Reg$&e L Govern&ent h$*h $ a 'an"&ao**!,$e" b# a -ag$an Reg$&e an" Govern&ent Or a -ag$an Organ$e an" Chr$t$an -!'$& an" 0$n"! too !*h a the$r -ag$an Ethoan" -ag$an a# of '$fe the$r -ag$an e'tana*ha!!ng an" the$r -ag$an re'$g$on an"eth$* In other or" $t *an be a$" that hat &ae a h!&an be$ng a >e an"orChr$t$an $ $t ne!ro'og$*a' oftare $t $ !$ng

    Th$ -ag$an ne!ro'og$*a' oftare $ f!n"a&enta''# ant$6'$fe or a re8e*t$on of '$fe @ro&

    th$ eent$a' re8e*t$on of '$fe = the ,'ea!re an" "e'$ght of '$fe = *o&e ever#th$ng e'eabo!t the&: the$r etho the$r eth$* the$r a# of '$fe an" the$r or'" v$e

    There $ a 'ong ter& = *hrono&or,h$* or aeon$* = $"e affe*t of th$ -ag$an re8e*t$on of'$fe hen #o!r &$n" $ "$tra*te" fro& the here an" no onto an abtra*t an" fantat$*a'heaven or after'$fe #o! be*o&e e&ot$ona''# an" ,#*ho'og$*a''# o!t of to!*h $th the

    or'" an" $th nat!re hen th$ ha,,en #o! en" !, be*o&$ng $rrat$ona' an" ab!$ve$th nat!re In the a&e a# that >e an" 'a* ha" to be "eh!&an$

  • 8/9/2019 Fenrir Issue2 121yf


    h!&an$t# a a ho'e a tho!an" #ear fro& no h# *are hen th$ or'" $ not rea' an"hen there $ an after'$fe a$t$ng7

    hen e 'earn to !n"ertan" hat a -ag$an $ an" hat the$r &enta' tate $ an" hatthe# "o an" the aftereffe*t of the$r -ag$an a*t$on e *an f$g!re o!t the$r ea ,ot an"

    th! no ho an" here to tr$e &ot effe*t$ve'# o! *an9t $'' the b$''$on of ,eo,'er!nn$ng on -ag$an &$n"6are It9 8!t $&,ra*t$*a' %,rea"$ng an" en*o!rag$ng thegroth of e*!'ar$& an" *$en*e $ the bet a# to "etro# -ag$an &$n"6are e*a!e

    hat a -ag$an "oe $n '$fe ho the# a*t an" '$ve '$fe = a a'' a*t$on = or$g$nate fro&tho!ght an" be'$ef &e&e

    Detro#$ng the$r re'$g$on an" g$v$ng the& a ne one "oen9t "o an# goo" be*a!e $t9 '$e,!tt$ng ne $ne $n an o'" $ne $n o! on'# too o!t the #&,to& an" the *a!e of the,rob'e& To $''!trate: $f a *h$'" *!t $te'f an" other $th a n$fe #o! "on9t tae the n$feaa# an" g$ve $t har, *$or to ,'a# $th The n$fe $ not the ,rob'e& The ,rob'e& $

    that the *h$'" $ too $&&at!re to !e har, $ntr!&ent o! g$ve the *h$'" *ra#on an"*an"# to ee, $t b!# h$*h $ hat th$ng '$e e*!'ar$& an" &ater$a' *$en*e $ to,eo,'e

    # /e*!'ar$&1 I &ean to !gget th$ ,heno&enon that $ ta$ng over the #o!ngergenerat$on of a'&ot ever# *o!ntr# $n the or'" No &atter hat #o! are = >e Chr$t$an0$n"$ !""h$t %atan$t = ,eo,'e a'' '$ve the a&e $n" of e*!'ar '$fe here re'$g$on no'onger "$*tate ho #o! a*t an" behave an" '$ve '$fe a $t on*e "$" to the o'"er generat$onThe &ore e*!'ar a ,eron $ the &ore $neffe*t$ve re'$g$on an" -ag$an etho $ to the&Th$ eaen the -ag$an &$n"6,ara$te

    The Reime

    e !e the or" /Reg$&e1 here $th a '$ght'# "$fferent &ean$ng than ho the or" $"ef$ne" $n a &!n"ane "$*t$onar# Reg$&e here refer to the a*t!a' ,eo,'e or organ$

  • 8/9/2019 Fenrir Issue2 121yf


    Th$ e+e*!t$ve boar" $'' $ntate an E+e*!t$ve Off$*er to r!n the$r *o&,an# $n o&e a#-ot often the genera' ,!b'$* $ &ore fa&$'$ar $th the CEO of a *or,orat$on b!t not $to'$gar*h$* e+e*!t$ve boar" or to* ho'"er e o!'" *a'' the CEO a Pre$"ent of Pr$&e-$n$ter The e+e*!t$ve boar" et the ,o'$*$e an" the$r ,r$&e $nteret $ the$r on,ro,er$t# an" the ,ro,er$t# of the$r on fa&$'$e an" ao*$ate A %tate $ tr!*t!re" $nthe a&e a#

    .$e a *or,orat$on a Reg$&e9 &a$n &etho" of ga$n$ng ,oer or ea'th $ -ono,o'# #&ono,o'# I &ean that $f an" hen the ,!b'$* *o''e*t$ve'# ,!t va'!e $nto o&eth$ng theReg$&e $'' ee to hoar" an" &ono,o'$

  • 8/9/2019 Fenrir Issue2 121yf


    The o0er"me"!

    The govern&ent $ the too' an" $nt$t!t$on a Reg$&e !e to aert *ontro' 0ere the or"govern&ent $n*'!"e the &$'$tar# an" ,o'$*e for*e A govern&ent reB!$re &one# to

    f!n*t$on or $t "$e The e*ono to a govern&ent $ $t '$fe'$ne an" *$r*!'ator# #te& Thereg$&e $ beh$n" the e*ono &a$ng $t &one# an" ,rof$t The -ag$an Etho $ thene!ro'og$*a' ,rogra& h$*h &a$nta$n the tat! B!o

    Gett$ng r$" of a govern&ent "oe no goo" be*a!e the reg$&e an" -ag$an etho $ t$''there or$ng $th the #te& to ,'a*e o!r on ONA ,eo,'e a o&e ,re$"ent orgovern&ent off$*$a' "oen9t "o h$t e$ther be*a!e the ho'e a'' three ,art are t$'' there

    To f!''# "$r!,t a -ORG e nee" to 'earn fro& rea' or'" $nt$t!t$on that have been

    !**ef!' $n the ,at at "$r!,t$ng a %tate O!r bet tea*her to 'earn fro& are Eng'an"an" A&er$*a

    hen the Ang'o6A&er$*an -ORG "$" not '$e the %tate of IraB an" $he" to "$r!,t $tthe# "$" not ,!t $n Eng'$h an" A&er$*an *an"$"ate $n IraB9 #te& to or at be*o&$ngthe Pre$"ent of IraB The# 8!t $''e" ever#bo"# The# "$r!,te" the *oheren*# of -ag$an6I'a&$* e*tar$an$& $th e*!'ar$& the# then $''e" the Reg$&e = %a""a& h$ fa&$'#an" fr$en" = then the# f'attene" the govern&ent a,,arat! of IraB "on to r!bb'e

    It9 the a&e ba$* effe*t$ve trateg# !e" $n an*$ent t$&e hen #o! *onB!er a ,eo,'e o!f$rt "$r!,t the$r nat$ve re'$g$on b# tear$ng "on the$r te&,'e an" "efa*$ng the$r go"tat!e an" b# t!rn$ng the$r go" $nto heathen an" "ev$' o! $'' the $ng an" h$ fa&$'#an" the nob'e fa&$'$e Then #o! $&,'e&ent an" etab'$h #o!r on govern&ent

    I f$n" $t !nfort!nate that the >$ha"$ of the -$""'e Eat *on*entrate the$r energ# $n b'o$ng!, ran"o& ,eo,'e $n the -ORG of Irae' In gang ter& $t9 '$e the ONA ere a treet

    gang an" e ent an" o**!,$e" a treet an" ne$ghborhoo" na&e" 4th%treet an" one "a# a

    &a'' gro!, of 4thtreet re$"ent tarte" b'o$ng !, ran"o& re$"ent $n the treet e*ontro' hat "oe that "o to !7 Noth$ng No $f o!r ,oer $n th$ hoo" ere bae" on

    "r!g "ea'$ng an" th$ rebe' gro!, o&eho "$r!,te" or "etro#e" o!r o!r*e of "r!gthen e have a er$o! ,rob'e& be*a!e o!r e*ono&$* &ean to b!# g!n an" &a$nta$n,oer $ gone

    %o the three a,e*t of the -ORG e ant to t!"# are the &e&e f'o of -ag$an etho the*ah f'o of the Reg$&e e*ono an" the ,oer f'o $nfratr!*t!re of $t Govern&enta,,arat! On*e e ga$n a or$ng !n"ertan"$ng of the &e*han$* an" anato of a-ORG9 three a,e*t $t be*o&e &ore fea$b'e to ,'an effe*t$ve tr$e at*h$ng ho

    A&er$*a $ *overt'# "$r!,t$ng Ch$na no an" ho $t $'' overt'# "$r!,t $t $n the f!t!re to,revent $t fro& be$ng a &ontro! !,er,oer o!'" be orth t!"#$ng for ,ra*t$*a'

    *overt an" overt no'e"ge

  • 8/9/2019 Fenrir Issue2 121yf


    The Priso"

    @or the t$&e be$ng there $ no e*a,$ng the -ORG -ot of ! ere a'' bre" born an"ra$e" $n$"e $t .$e a rea' &org!e the -ORG $ a *o'" an" ter$'e ,'a*e f$''e" &ot'# $th

    the '$v$ng "ea" I often th$n ho ,ro,het$* that o'" $'ent b'a* an" h$te *a''e"-etro,o'$ a The -ORG $ a ,'a*e here e are noth$ng &ore then a ,ro*et or *og!e" to ee, a '$fe'e &a*h$ne r!nn$ng .$e "one# a'$ng $n *$r*'e ,!''$ng a &$''

    %o&e of ! "o ae !, $n$"e the -ORG b!t aaen$ng to the '$fe'ene of the -ORG"oe not free ! @$rt there $ nohere to r!n be*a!e the -ORG o**!,# ever# 'an"&aon earth %e*on" the bar to th$ ,r$on are har"er to "etro# then tea' an" $ron Thee

    bar that ee, ! *a,t$ve $n the -ORG are #o!r on etho an" a# of '$fe -ort$*$an,rogra&&e" $n #o!

    If #o! th$n '$berat$ng #o!re'f fro& #o!r on hab$t an" ,#*ho'og$*a' '$&$t $ ea# #o!"o not no #o!re'f @or e+a&,'e $f #o! ere ra$e" $n a egregate" n!*'ear fa&$'# !n$t

    $tho!t a tr$ba' or *'an *!'t!re ho har" $ $t for #o! to brea that hab$t of etho to '$ve atr$ba' an" *'ann$h '$fe an" to ra$e #o!r *h$'"ren tr$ba''#7 0ab$t of tho!ght ,ro*e an"hab$t of e&ot$ona' rea*t$on to th$ng $ even har"er to brea

    The f$rt 'a#er of bar to brea $ -ag$an Etho Th$ goe be#on" -ag$an re'$g$on an" there8e*t$on of -ag$an re'$g$on @or $f -ag$an Etho *ontro' an" $nf'!en*e the -!n"ane to'$ve a *erta$n a# an" to ee the or'" $n a *erta$n a# an" #o! '$ve #o!r '$fe an" ee the

    or'" $n the a&e e+a*t a# then $t "oe not &atter $f #o! '$e or "$'$e -ag$an re'$g$onbe*a!e #o! are t$'' !n"er the$r *ontro' an" $nf'!en*e

    hat &a$nta$n the -ORG9 ,oer an" tat! $ the r!'e of /"$v$"e an" *onB!er1 e&!t 'earn to !n"ertan" that th$ -ag$an $"ea of $n"e,en"en*e an" $n"$v$"!a'$& $ the

    be"ro* of the$r Nat$on6%tate e*a!e hen #o! have been broen "on to a $ng'e !n$t$th no bo"# e'e to "e,en" on for #o!r e'fare an" !rv$va' #o! $'' Nee" an" "e,en" onthe -ORG to g$ve #o! '$fe

    If #o! are $n the hab$t of th$n$ng #o! are not "e,en"ent on the -ORG to g$ve #o! '$feer$o!'# a #o!re'f ho #o! go to hen #o! nee" &one# $f #o! aner the an then

    #o! are a ,r$oner A #o!re'f ho #o! go to hen #o! nee" &one# aga$n an" $f #o!aner a *or,orat$on or a 8ob then #o! are a ,r$oner

    The# "on9t nee" to on #o!r ho!e #o!r *ar #o!r th$ng #o!r fa&$'# an" #o!r *h$'"renThe# on the *!rren*# or &ean to obta$n !*h an" &a$nta$n !*h th$ng: &one# The#&ono,o'$

  • 8/9/2019 Fenrir Issue2 121yf


    None of the three a,e*t of the -ORG *are abo!t #o! an" #o!r ,rogen# It9 -ag$anre'$g$on $ a b!$ne that *are abo!t #o! fo''o$ng $t &ora' an" 'a b!t not abo!t #o!a a ,eron It Reg$&e "oen9t even no #o! e+$t an" the$r *or,orat$on ra,e an",'!n"er Nat!re '$e there9 no to&orro for #o!r &one# It govern&ent *o!'"n9t *are'e abo!t #o! a 'ong a #o! obe# the$r 'a !,ho'" the$r tat! B!o an" *at #o!r vote

    o! &ean noth$ng to the -ORG et &an# of ! = the -!n"ane = !,,ort the$r -ORG

    o! e$ther '$ve '$fe for #o!re'f an" #o!r $nteret an" #o!r $nfo' an" the$r $nteret or#o!r '$fe $ !e" to g$ve '$fe to the -ORG an" $t $nteret e *an9t affor" not to *aree*a!e #o! $'' have *h$'"ren o&e"a# ho $'' be born $n th$ -ORG ho $'' be*on"e&ne" to 'aver# 8!t '$e #o! An" the# $'' bre" the ne+t generat$on of 'ave for the-ORG

    (re1i" Free

    rea$ng free fro& th$ -ORG tae te, an" trateg# %'a!ghter an" revo'!t$on $ a

    fa*tor b!t not a ,ra*t$*a' one at th$ &o&ent for ! !t '$berat$on fro& the -ORG $ an$&,erat$ve %$&,'# be*a!e the -ORG ha no *onne*t$on to the env$ron&ent or ene ofre,e*t for Nat!re an" on'# *are for $t on ,r$vate groth ea'th ,oer an",ro,er$t# !*h that aeon$*a''# $f e "o not brea free then e a a ,e*$e &a# fa*e &ae+t$n*t$on an" the earth $'' be a rea' &org!e

    .$berat$on beg$n a a tate of &$n" an" a &enta' "$*$,'$ne Of 'earn$ng to a*t!a''# th$n"$fferent then the -!n"ane Then $t be*o&e the or of for*$ng #o!re'f to '$ve '$fe"$fferent'# fro& ho the -!n"ane ere ,rogra&&e" to '$ve Organ$

  • 8/9/2019 Fenrir Issue2 121yf


    e have 'earne" thee ,at fe #ear that no &atter ho ,oerf!' a Nat$on6%tate $teaet ,o$nt $ $t e*ono an" $nfratr!*t!re $tho!t *ah f'o the -ORG ha no&one# to ,a# for $t &$'$tar# a*t$v$t$e an" $t ,o'$*e for*e hen the &one# 'o the*r$&e f'o an" th$ $ the t#,e of Dar e ant to Preen*e at th$ &o&ent hen thee*ono "$e the &a $'' revo't a $ &ot often the *ae $n h$tor# An" $t $ th$ &athat $'' be*o&e o!r &$'$t$a an" *annon fo""er The @o!n"$ng @ather = the E'$te of a

    ne v$$on = "$" not !e the&e've a *annon "o""er The# !e" that &a Ever# b'oo"re'at$ve of the Reg$&e &!t be *!''e" hatever &anner of ea'th the# have hoar"e" &!tbe &a"e orth'e


  • 8/9/2019 Fenrir Issue2 121yf


  • 8/9/2019 Fenrir Issue2 121yf


    SA T A N I C SA C R I F I C E A N D SA T A N I C T H I N ) I N

    S!"ic Scri+ice

    If there $ one th$ng h$*h e+,ree the een*e of the %atan$* etho $t $ *!''$ng an" $fthere $ one a# to "ete*t a ,e!"o6%atan$t $t $ the$r att$t!"e to *!''$ng

    A $t a# $n o!rle"e of alleiance to %atan:

    I accet the!e i no la, no a$tho!it', no =$tice Ecet &' on An" that c$llin i a necea!' act of 8ife. I 3elieve in one $i"e, Satan, An" in o$! !iht to !$le &$n"ane.

    The Or"er of N$ne Ang'e ha a'a# a"vo*ate" *!''$ng &a$nta$n$ng $t $ a %atan$*,ra*t$*e the ONA $'' a'a# a"vo*ate *!''$ng h#7 e*a!e there are &!n"ane an" !

    A ba$* ,r$n*$,'e of %atan$& $ that &!n"ane are not on'# a reo!r*e for ! b!t a'oe+,en"ab'e Th$ $n een*e ar$e fro& o!r %atan$* &ora'$t# 6 that e are better &ore

    va'!ab'e than &!n"ane

    The ,e!"o6%atan$t are a,,a''e" b# th$ att$t!"e 8!t '$e Na

  • 8/9/2019 Fenrir Issue2 121yf


    %atan$* 8o# A goo" a# of *!''$ng $ ar another $ t$rr$ng !, re'$g$o! an" ,o'$t$*a'*onf'$*t another $ $n!rre*t$on revo'!t$on aa$nat$on an" o on In fa*t an# &eanof *onf'$*t offer o,,ort!n$t$e for *!''$ng o,,ort!n$t$e for thoe of %atan$* *hara*ter to

    ee" o!t the ee" an" re"!*e the !r,'! ,o,!'at$on of &!n"ane Another &ore,erona' a# 6 an" a goo" &ean of "eve'o,$ng %atan$* *hara*ter 6 are a**$"ent An" oon o! get the $"ea

    S!"ic Thi"1i"

    Ever# %atan$t ho!'" B!et$on ever#th$ng %atan$t ho!'" B!et$on $n ,art$*!'arever#th$ng that &!n"ane ho'" "ear nee" an" be'$eve $n

    hat to"a# "o &ot &!n"ane ho'" "ear nee" an" be'$eve $n7

    The *on*e,t of the nat$on6%tate

    2 The nee" for govern&ent an" 'a an" the nee" to re,e*t thoe 'a

    3 The nee" for Po'$*e to enfor*e 'a an" arret thoe ho trangre 'a &a"e b#&!n"ane for &!n"ane

    4 The nee" to earn a '$v$ng b# re,e*tab'e &ean an" ,a# ta+e

    an" o on

    %o a %atan$t e B!et$on the nee" for nat$on for %tate for govern&ent for Po'$*efor*e for 'a for ta+e An" hav$ng B!et$one" e arr$ve at the aner that !*h th$ngare &!n"ane &a"e b# &!n"ane for &!n"ane an" a a &ean of ,!n$h$ng thoe ho"o not ant to be &!n"ane an" ho nat!ra''# "o not ant to '$ve '$e &!n"ane

    Th! e %atan$*a''# "e$re to !bvert to !n"er&$ne to overthro to "etro# !*h&!n"ane th$ng $n*e for ! there are no 'a no a!thor$t# no 8!t$*e e+*e,t o!r on

    e $&,'# "o not nee" govern&ent nat$on %tate Po'$*e for*e ta+e an" a'' the otherth$ng that &!n"ane orh$, an" have ,ent *ent!r$e ,rote*t$ng an" "efen"$ng an"tr#$ng to *onv$n*e ! e nee"

    @or e are rebe' o!t'a !bver$ve e are ba'ef!' o,,onent of &!n"ane an"ever#th$ng &!n"ane e are or e tr$ve to be ar&e" an" "angero! 6 an" *a,ab'e of"efen"$ng o!re've e $&,'# "o not nee" an# Po'$*e for*e an" &!n"ane 'a an#govern&ent to ,rote*t ! e o!'" rather "$e f$ght$ng an" "ef$ant than a''o an#one

    to !b"!e ! a$*a''# govern&ent nat$on %tate 6 an" the$r ,ara,herna'$a !*h aPo'$*e for*e ,r$on an" 'a 6 are a &ean of *ontro' a &ean to !b"!e an" &ae !*onfor&

  • 8/9/2019 Fenrir Issue2 121yf


    !t e %atan$*a''# "e$re to '$ve $n o!r a# %atan$* a# 6 h$*h $ the a# of rea' free"o&:the a# of *'an of tr$be of gang here e tae *are of o!r on here e ,rote*t o!ron $n" here e are 'o#a' to on'# o!r on $n" here e *on$"er thoe ho are notof ! not o!r $n" are o!r ene&$e e$ther rea' or ,otent$a'

    %o goo" r$""an*e to &!n"ane trah Goo" r$""an*e to ever#th$ng &!n"ane @or e%atan$*a''# "e$re to *reate a ne or'" hoe ar*het#,e are %atan 6 .or" of Darnean" of Chao 6 an" a,ho&et -$tre of Earth an" -other of 'oo"# %a*r$f$*e A or'"

    here e r!'e &!n"ane an" th! here o!r ,erona' %atan$* Det$n# $ or *an bef!'f$''e" an" here o!r "ar $n$ter %atan$* #r" $ $&,'e&ente"

    Or"er of N$ne Ang'e

    2 ear of @a#en

  • 8/9/2019 Fenrir Issue2 121yf


    ( E A % U W E S A S T

    The!e ha 3een o&e conce!n !ecentl' that the ONA ee& to have lot it a'. That allthe !olife!ation of ne fo!& 0

    Thee ne for& have to a,,re*$ate" for hat the# are -ot obv$o!'# the# are ne&ean of Preen*$ng The Dar the ONA a"a,t$ng evo'v$ng *hang$ng $nf$'trat$nggro$ng ee"$ng $te'f be$ng !bver$ve That $ the# are ,art of the ONA the nene*ear# v$goro! groth $th$n an" be#on" the bo!n"ar$e that &are" the e"ge of the"ar an*$ent ONA foret A groth that ,rea" o!r an*$ent "arne ever o!tar" toeng!'f ne terr$tor#

    !t the an*$ent *ore o!r bae o!r "ar fo!n"at$on o!r $n$ter !n"ergro!n" 'a$r are t$''there t$'' '$v$ng t$'' gro$ng Thee o'"er &ore an*$ent t#,e of $n$ter '$fe 8!t ,rea"'o'# $n the$r on a# $n the$r ver# on ,e*$e of T$&e $th ,art of th$ ,rea" be$ng


    The ne for& are ne for& an" often re,reent ne ta*t$* of o!r *ent!r$e6'ongtrateg# to !bvert an" overthro e+$t$ng o*$et$e an" *reate a ne t#,e of h!&an,e*$e an" ne a# of '$v$ng That $ &an# of thee ne for& are ta*t$*a' &ean otherare a a# of ga$n$ng $nf'!en*e of ,rea"$ng o!r !bver$ve tho

    Th! h$'e thee are the ONA an" of the ONA the# are on'# a ,art of the ONA a $t e+$tno @or 6 a I have &ent$one" $n o&e re*ent ,r$vate *orre,on"en*e $th o&e of o!r

    brother an" $ter 6 there are &an# Tra"$t$ona' Ne+$on $th$n the ONA ho *ont$n!e to,ra*t$e the an*$ent a# of o,erat$ng $n e*ret re*r!$t$ng ne &e&ber b# a# of ,erona'$nv$tat$on on'# an" tet$ng ever# neo,h#te $n the tra"$t$ona' ,ra*t$*a' &anner TheeTra"$t$ona' Ne+$on t$'' !e The %even @o'" %$n$ter a# That $ the$r &e&ber!n"ertae Gra"e R$t!a' an" ,ra*t$e E+terna' Interna' an" Aeon$* -ag$*

    The vat &a8or$t# of thee Tra"$t$ona' Ne+$on b# the$r nat!re b# the$r ver# een*e haveno "e$re to o,en'# re*r!$t &e&ber an" o have no nee" to ,!b'$*$

  • 8/9/2019 Fenrir Issue2 121yf


    the&e've an" "eve'o,e an" !e the$r 'atent fa*!'t$e

    e$ng an $&&ora' an eoter$* Fo''e*t$ve of The .eft 0an" Path e are free to !ehatever &ean hatever ta*t$* hatever trateg# or e are free to tr# hateverta*t$* hatever &ean e ant %o&e &a# or o&e &a# not or @!rther&ore e"o not *are abo!t the *oneB!en*e of o!r ta*t$* 6 on'# abo!t the$r !**e If o&e of o!r

    ta*t$* "o not or e ,oe the e'f6honet# to a**e,t the fa$'!re of !*h ta*t$* an" o"$*ar" the& an" tr# o&eth$ng e'e

    A'o "o not forget that $t $ often f!n to tr# o&eth$ng ne $t $ or *an be e+*$t$ng a &eanof ,reen*$ng $th$n ! an" $th$n other o&eth$ng of o!r $n$ter etho %o $f o&eoneor o&e &an# "e$re to $nf$'trate an" $nf'!en*e o&e *ene or other 6 &!$*a' or other$e6 an" &an$,!'ate o&e ,eo,'e $nvo've" $th $t then that $ an e+*e''ent a# for the& to'earn to e+,er$en*e to en8o# the&e've $n a $n$ter a# If the# !**ee" $n the$r tate"a$&: &arve''o!K -ore Preen*$ng of The Dar $f hoever for o&e reaon the# "o notee& to !**ee" then the# ho!'" a the&e've an $&,ortant B!et$on

    h$*h $: hat $ !**e7 e aner 6 that h$*h Preen*e The Dar $n an# a# thath$*h enab'e o!r $n" to '$ve '$fe on a h$gher 'eve' than &!n"ane that h$*h ,rovoeh$*h *a!e h$*h $ the gene$ of an $nner a'*he&$*a' *hange $th$n $n"$v$"!a' thath$*h a$" the !n"ertan"$ng of $n"$v$"!a' of o!r $n" an" that h$*h a$" o!r $n$terob8e*t$ve a$& an" goa'

    E+,ree" o&ehat &ore eoter$*a''# o!r !**e $ &ea!re" a*a!a''# not *a!a''# Ore+,ree" another a# $n $&,'e e+oter$* ter&: e v$e o6*a''e" !**e Aeon$*a''# $nthe ,er,e*t$ve of *ent!r$e $n the ,er,e*t$ve of Aeon an" o!r evo'!t$on toar" a ne,e*$e

    Th! o!r *r$ter$a for !**e $ o&ehat "$fferent fro& that of &!n"ane O!r $n$terF!'t!re be$ng $&b!e" $th an" be$ng a ,reen*$ng of the a*a!a' $ ver# "$fferent fro&ever# other o6*a''e" *!'t!re that *!rrent'# e+$t O!r tan"ar" are o!r tan"ar" 6 an""$fferent fro& the tan"ar" that ever#one e'e !e to 8!"ge the&e've to 8!"ge otherto 8!"ge o6*a''e" !**e an" fa$'!re The$r !**e an" fa$'!re $ *a!a' '$near of the&!n"ane *a!e6an"6effe*t $n" O!r $ not

    #an' eole have ae" if 'o$>!e oin to !ite 'o$! a$to3io!ah' oon. A!e 'o$

    There are &an# th$ng abo!t '$fe h$*h $'' not be r$tten abo!t = h$*h ho!'" not ber$tten abo!t 6 b# &e -an# event h$*h I ,!b'$*'# $'' not ta' or r$te abo!t @or both

    eoter$* an" &ore ,ra*t$*a' reaon Certa$n &atter 6 $n"ee" &an# &atter 6 regar"$ng '$fe ho!'" re&a$n a!ra' an" th! ,art of a $n$ter'#6n!&$no! a '$v$ng eoter$* tra"$t$on,ae" on $th$n on'# o!r on $n" fro& ,eron to ,eron The o,$n$on of &!n"aneabo!t or *on*ern$ng &e are $rre'evant an" o I have no $ntent$on of ,!b'$*'# b# an#&ean r$tten or other$e tr#$ng to *o!nter the$r '$e the$r &$*on*e,t$on the$r,re8!"$*e regar"$ng &e

    %$n*e I "e$re no o6*a''e" re,!tat$on a&ong the or'" of the &!n"ane h# o!'" I"e*en" "on to ,'a# the$r t!,$" $rre'evant ga&e of r$t$ng o&e 'ong6$n"e" tra*t ofe'f68!t$f$*at$on7 @or that $ hat boo6'ength a!tob$ogra,h$e an" &e&o$r are 6 a"efen*e of oneS on '$fe born fro& o&e &!n"ane "e$re to $&,re to g'or$f# oneS e'f

    to 8!t$f# oneS e'f $n the &!n"ane or'" orn fro& o&e t!,$" "e$re to be!n"ertoo" even a,,re*$ate" b# &!n"ane An" $n the ,ro*e &an# a!thor of !*h

    or are B!$te e'e*t$ve abo!t hat the# $n*'!"e $n or"er to tr# an" *onve# a goo"

  • 8/9/2019 Fenrir Issue2 121yf


    $&,re$on of the&e've

    0oever I have re*ent'# ,enne" o&e *r$bb'$ng h$*h are a!tob$ogra,h$*a' an" $f an"hen thee ne *r$bb'$ng are *o&,'ete" then the# $'' not be ,!b'$*'# ava$'ab'e Intea"a fe *o,$e $'' be &a"e ava$'ab'e to o&e of o!r &e&ber 0ere $ an e+tra*t fro& the

    Int!o"$ction to !*h ne *r$bb'$ng of &$ne 6 ent$t'e" :eal$e 7at 6 h$*h ort of

    e+,'a$n the reaon for o r$t$ng the&:

    a'ea I a& an" have been $*e" That $ I A& 7!a'= ba'an*e" beteen an" #etbe#on" .$ght an" Dar An" $n th$ one tate&ent there '$e the rea'$t# of '$fe an" theeen*e of ?@ B = that h$*h '$e beh$n" the o!ter (fa'e) a,,earan*e that *over or &a#*on*ea' the rea' Rea'$t# be#on" &!n"ane ,er*e,t$on an" be#on" a'' '$&$te" *a!a'abtra*t$on A o&eone on*e rote:


    *e have &an' a' to conceal to na&e ce!tain thinAn" the ill hen e ih to eoe thei! &eanin

    (0e$o" Theog 2J62)

    In '$fe I have often artf!''# *ontr$ve" to *on*ea' *erta$n th$ng a I have v$a ,athe$6&atho an" var$o! Dar Art "eve'o,e" that $nnate $'' h$*h ha enab'e" &e hen I o

    "e$re" to e+,oe to revea' the &ean$ng of *erta$n th$ng *erta$n event of '$v$ng

    0ere $n thee *r$bb'$ng 6 h$*h I have ent$t'e" :eal$e 7at = $ ?@ B o&ere*o!nt$ng of the $nner the eoter$* $ntent of trange an" #r"f!' '$fe A re*o!nt$ng&oreover of the een*e 6 not the &!n"ane 6 an" a re*o!nt$ng h$*h I have no "o!bt on'#a ,er*e,t$ve a g$fte" a ba'ef!' fe $'' a,,re*$ate an" !n"ertan" at 'eat for the ne+t*ent!r# or o An" $t $ thee fe ho $'' ,erha, ee the &!'$ebra' threa" that ha bo!n" var$o! '$ve together

    Anton .ong

    >!ne 2 ear of @a#en

  • 8/9/2019 Fenrir Issue2 121yf


    T H E S I N I S T E R $A I C ) O F D E F I A N C E

    It $ "ef$an*e h$*h often "r$ve a %atan$t to *arr# o!t %$n$ter a*t $n th$ &!n"ane *a!a'or'" a*t h$*h are "e"$*ate" to an" are orth# of o!r Dar Pr$n*e an" h$ r$"ea,ho&et -an# !*h ta are !,ra6,erona' $n the$r goa' hav$ng a 'ong6ter& a$& of

    *ent!r$e a $ e'' "o*!&ente" $n the var$o! -%% regar"$ng Aeon$*

    !t *entra' to the ,erona' '$fe of the %atan$t $n !n"erta$ng !*h or $ the $n*reae ofthe a*a!a' $th$n that = v$a "ar "ee" = the# the&e've $n*rea$ng'# o,en the ne+$on

    $th$n the&e've an" o evo've to be*o&e a t#,e of '$v$ng ne+$on

    Def$an*e $ the e# here A %atan$t of o&e e+,er$en*e "oe not !n"ertae an aeon$* ta$th a v$e to $tne$ng *a!a' !**e $n the$r on '$fet$&e: the# !n"ertae the ta to"ef# the %#te& of the -!n"ane = an" $f the o"" are *o&,'ete'# aga$nt the& $n th$

    even better @or the a*t of "ef$an*e even $f that re!'t $n the "eath of the %atan$t$n*reae the $n$ter f'o of the a*a!a' $n th$ or'"

    Tae a re*ent an" $gn$f$*ant atte&,t b# the Or"er to earth for*e $nto Nat$ona'6%o*$a'$&an" to th! ,re*$,$tate *hao an" "$r!,t$on $th$n the %#te& of the -!n"ane Th$&a'' fanat$*a' ban" ere *hara*ter$

  • 8/9/2019 Fenrir Issue2 121yf


    E 2 A ( R U P T O

    -ar*h t$'' t$e" to $nterS *o'"The $n" b'o on the heat f$e'" the ear "an*e $n !n$on

    The Na

  • 8/9/2019 Fenrir Issue2 121yf


    The $nner B!$et $ the e*ret n"ertan"$ng the o,fer that $'' *o&eK

    Abo!t h!n"re" hot that "a# ,re# of the %$n$ter

    Nor tee' Nor '$ght an" the anger of the "ee*rate" !""en'#

    I $'' go "on to the a'tar $n 0e''To %atan the g$ver of '$feK

    A 'a* -a

    eho'" the "$rt of the earth h$*h the h!&b'e $'' eatK

    .a!ghter $n the "ar roo& !rro!n"e" b# a &oe a&a'ga& of ha

  • 8/9/2019 Fenrir Issue2 121yf


    Three "a# A 'an"'$"e fa'' on a tra$n $n tran$t U "ea"A vo'*ano er!,t an" ,ara'#

  • 8/9/2019 Fenrir Issue2 121yf


    T H E N U $ I N O U S R E A % I T Y O F I S % A $

    All !aie an" All Than a!e fo! Allah S$3hanah$ a Ta;ala to ho& e

    hall all !et$!n to 3e =$"e" on The 8at

  • 8/9/2019 Fenrir Issue2 121yf


    Th! for &e then a no A'6I'a& $ the &ot hono!rab'e an" the &ot n!&$no! a# of.$fe there $ the a# the &ean here e *an *o&e to no to !n"ertan" to fee' then!&$no! an" the a# the &ean hereb# e *an be hono!rab'e an" '$ve $n anhono!rab'e a# 3i;ithnillah

    0oever fat forar" $+ #ear after rever$on an" I have (!nnon to &e at the t$&e)ret!rne" to the arrogan*e of >ah$' "a# @or I ,r$"ef!''# be'$eve" that I f$na''# nee'f an" that hav$ng fo!n" the R$ght Path I o!'" never tra# fro& $t %o I a& rather,'eae" $th e'f an" fee' a *erta$n foo'$h *ontent&ent for after a'' I a& -!'$& no= an" the &$tae of ,at are the &$tae of ,at

    !t 6

    A $t a narrate" the Pro,het (%a''a''ah! a'a#h$ a a''a&) a$": /%$n*e ea*han" ever# one of #o! ear o!t a'6Ee&aan $n the a&e a# #o! ear o!t #o!r*'othe #o! ho!'" a A''ah to rene a'6Ee&aan $n #o!r heart1 (Re,orte" b#

    a'60aa$& $n al0#$ta"!a 4 regar"e" a %aheeh ee al0Sililah al0Saheehah 55)

    Perha, one feeb'e *reat$on of A''ah %!bhanah! a Ta9a'a a be$ng tr$e" an" tete" an"fa$'$ng I *erta$n'# fa$'e" &$erab'# hav$ng g$ven $n $+ #ear after rever$on to haah b# fa''$ng $na,,ro,r$ate'# $n 'ove Th! there beg$n a t$&e of "o!bt of *onf!$onthat 'at a 'ong t$&e = a t$&e hen the "a# the ee the &onth $&&e"$ate'# afterrever$on be*o&e a b!t a fa"$ng "rea& of ha,,$er t$&e re&e&bere" An" #et =!ff$*$ent &e&or$e re&a$n to enab'e a *'$ng$ng o&et$&e a "e,erate ,re*ar$o!

    *'$ng$ng onto tran" of that 8o# that 'ove that 'o#a't# that ene of -!'$& "!t# fe't $nthoe for&er t$&e = 'ove for the Pro,het (a''a A''ah! ?a'a#h$ a a''a&) 'o#a't# to A''ah%!bhanah! a Ta9a'a an" the re&e&bere" 8o# that $ the ,erfe*t b'$ of >annah thataa$t an" h$*h e+,ree the rea' &ean$ng of o!r &orta' f$n$te frag$'e h!&an '$ve*reat$on a e are of A''ah %!bhanah! a Ta9a'a

    A *'$ng$ng &an$fet $n an" thro!gh an" be*a!e of Na&a< = an" a *'$ng$ng to Na&aannah that aa$t = e tr$ve to fo''o the ,erfe*t g!$"an*e of V!ran an" %!nnah an" $no "o$ng (b$9$thn$''ah) e *an be*o&e hono!rab'e

    e no e fee' the n!&$no! $n Na&a

  • 8/9/2019 Fenrir Issue2 121yf


    n!&$no! the a*re" that ee, ! h!&an an" *an ,rov$"e ! $th that 8o# thattranB!$''$t# h$*h $ the een*e of A'6I'a& of o!r br$ef &orta' '$fe

    A A''ahA0Salaa&a#:

    /Therefore be hono!rab'e: 'et (th$) Deen be #o!r a$& the f$trah g$ven b# A''ahhat A''ah *reate noth$ng an" no6one *an *hange An" th$ $ the *orre*t the,erfe*t Deen a'tho!gh &an# re&a$n $n $gnoran*e of th$1 3:3 Inter,retat$onof -ean$ng

    -a# A''ah (%!bhanah! a Ta9a'a) ,rote*t ! fro& a'' for& of A'6aab$##ah A'6>ah$'$##ahforg$ve ! for o!r &$tae an" g!$"e ! to an" ee, ! on the R$ght Path


  • 8/9/2019 Fenrir Issue2 121yf


    -!'$& ere treate" $th "$re,e*t b'$n"fo'"e" for*e" to nee' !b8e*te" to ee&onth #ear of $nt$&$"at$on an" ,#*ho'og$*a' tort!re $n or"er to tr# an" brea the&an" t!rn the& $nto aff$r6'ov$ng $&$tator of the !ffar

    The aff$r o'"$er "$,'a#e" the a&e arrogant att$t!"e "!r$ng the ;$etna& ar "!r$ng the

    ar aga$nt the >a,anee "!r$ng the$r $nva$on an" o**!,at$on of the Ph$'$,,$ne "!r$ngthe$r geno*$"e aga$nt the nat$ve A&er$*an In"$an an" o on et*etera

  • 8/9/2019 Fenrir Issue2 121yf


  • 8/9/2019 Fenrir Issue2 121yf


    The ob8e*t #o! are 'oo$ng for are not fo!n" $n ever# "eno&$nat$on of the Na

  • 8/9/2019 Fenrir Issue2 121yf


    $ A I A N O C C U % T I S $

    0o "oe the ONA v$e the or of o6*a''e" etern O**!'t$t !*h a .ev$ TheGo'"en Dan Cro'e# an" .a;e#7

    A ,!rve#or of that -ag$an "$tort$on = that -ag$an $nfe*t$on = that ha eaene" the,eo,'e of the et an" e'ehere an" he',e" the h!br$at$ thoe *ontro''er of the et&a$nta$n *ontro' an" *ont$n!e to bree" that !b6,e*$e of h!&an non a 0o&o0!br$ That he', bree" &!n"ane an" to ee, &!n"ane !n"er *ontro' An" hat better

    a# to *ontro' ,otent$a''# rebe''$o! &!n"ane than $nfe*t the$r ,#*he an" a''o the& to,!r!e an" ate the$r energ$e on &ean$ng'e "r$ve' @or *orre*t'# !n"ertoo" gen!$neeoter$* Art an" e,e*$a''# the Dar Art of The .eft 0an" Path are a &ean not on'# of,erona' '$berat$on b!t of $n"$v$"!a' an" Aeon$* *hange an" evo'!t$on toar" a h$ghert#,e of h!&an be$ng an" &ore evo've" a# of '$v$ng

    %o $ntea" of !*h '$berat$on an" !*h evo'!t$on e have ha" here $n the et e'' overa *ent!r# of the ,#*he of eoter$* eeer be$ng &an$,!'ate" an" *ontro''e" an" *onta$ne"

    b# -ag$an $"ea th ar*het#,e abtra*t$on an" b# ah!"6Na

  • 8/9/2019 Fenrir Issue2 121yf


    Co&$* '$fe

    In *ontrat here $ a B!ote fro& an ONA a!thor h$*h ree of o!r h!&an $n$ter rea'$t#:

    X*e !evel an" "eliht in en$ine he!e'an" in 3ein a&o!al. Th$, hen e a!ec!itici4e" fo! incitin hate an" violence, an" fo! affi!&in h$&an c$llin, e a' ohat Fo! that i hat e "o, an" e "o hat e "o 3eca$e e e&3!ace the

  • 8/9/2019 Fenrir Issue2 121yf


    t$&e hen rea' $n$ter fo' beg$n to a = /I th$ a'' there $7 A& I noth$ng &ore71 That$ #o! have to gro !, &ove on

    @or non6-ag$an O**!'t$t th$ &ov$ng on &ean #o! ,!t hat #o!9ve 'earne" $nto,ra*t$*e $n the rea' or'" be#on" #o!r be"roo& be#on" #o!r 'o*a' *oven 'o"ge te&,'e

    (or hatever) &eet$ng an" r$t!a' be#on" #o!r on e'f abor,t$on o! *onne*t rea'6t$&e $th the or'" o*$et# &!n"ane = an" have a $"er v$$on a 'onger ,er,e*t$vean" o beg$n to ee &!n"ane a a reo!r*e beg$n to th$n of hav$ng a $n$ter fa&$'# of

    #o!r on an" ,'ann$ng ahea" for #o!r $n$ter on "a!ghter gran"*h$'"ren an"be#on"

    o! a'o ,!t #o!re'f $nto th$ 'arger ,er,e*t$ve = the a*a!a' of hatever #o! ant to *a''$t o! beg$n to !n"ertan" that rea''# a'' thoe or" abo!t be$ng a go" ere 8!t o&!*h h#,e o!9re &orta' = #o! get $'' a" one "a# #o!9'' "$e o! *an9t tr$e #o!ranno#$ng ne$ghbor "ea" $th a bo't of '$ghtn$ng 0e* #o! *an9t even t!rn bae &eta' $nto

    go'" an" o g$ve !, #o!r "a#t$&e 8ob

    %o non6-ag$an O**!'t$t get to the ,o$nt here the$r no'e"ge the$r ab$'$t# the$re+,er$en*e an" !n"ertan"$ng te'' the& that there rea''# are trange "ar "ea"'#"angero! th$ng /o!t there1 h$*h no ,e'' no boo no *on8!rat$on no /,ra#er1 nooffer$ng no !b&$$on an" e,e*$a''# no "e'!$on abo!t be$ng a go" (or go""e) *an*ontro' A that fa&o! ONA B!ote goe:

    5It i of f$n"a&ental i&o!tance to evol$tion 3oth in"ivi"$al an" othe!ie that

    hat i

  • 8/9/2019 Fenrir Issue2 121yf


    %atan an" an a**e,tan*e of or a be'$ef $n th$ ent$t# hav$ng or be$ng *a,ab'e of hav$ngo&e *ontro' over or o&e $nf'!en*e !,on h!&an be$ng $n"$v$"!a''# or other$e $th!*h *ontro' often or &ot'# or ent$re'# be$ng be#on" the ,oer of $n"$v$"!a' to *ontro' b#

    hatever &ean1

    The $i" Occul! Co"

    To ee 8!t ho the -ag$an O**!'t *on th$ -ag$an &an$,!'at$on th$ *ontro' or 'et9*on$"er 8!t to O**!'t ar*het#,e = %atan an" a,ho&et A**or"$ng to ever#one e+*e,tthe ONA %atan $ regar"e" a $n or$g$n a Na

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    The -ag$an O**!'t *on or '$e th$ () o!9re afe = ,rov$"e" #o! have the or" of,oer the ,e'' the *on8!rat$on the $''!$on #o!9re a go" an" #o! !e the "e$t$e orfor& or ar*het#,e e te'' #o! to !e (for the#9re &a"e !, to *are '$tt'e *h$'"ren or to to,

    #o! f$n"$ng the rea' one) (2) #o!9re a rea''# ,oerf!' &ag$*$an = a great O**!'t$t = or#o! *an be*o&e one o 'ong a #o! ,'a# b# o!r r!'e an" "on9t !,et the #te& of *a!a'abtra*t$on e9ve ,!t $nto ,'a*e (3) e9'' ee, #o! *onf!e" an" erve !, a &$+ of or'"

    tho'og$e an" 'egen" = o!r &$+6n6&at*h = fro& h$*h #o! *an ,$* an" *hooe at #o!r'e$!re o that #o!9'' fee' #o!9ve "$*overe" o&eth$ng O**!'t an" aeo&e (4) #o! *anhave #o!r teen# rebe''$on o 'ong a #o! "on9t a*t!a''# "o an#th$ng rea''# !bver$ve or"angero! or h$*h rea''# threaten o!r &ater$a'$t$* tat! B!o an" f$na''# (5) no that

    #o!9ve been a goo" bo# or g$r' e9'' rear" #o! b# h#,$ng #o! an" #o!r or an" $''&ae #o! $nto a &!n"ane $*on

    Tr!th $ that .ev$ The Go'"en Dan Cro'e# .a;e# an" the$r $' = '$e the fanta$tho be'$eve o&e '$terar# &a"e6!, ,e!"o6tho'og# $ rea' = are a'' the a&e ,art ofthe a&e $''!$ve &ae6be'$eve *h$'"$h &ar"# or'"6v$e No on"er then that the# have

    to reort to tr#$ng to $&,re other b# a#$ng t!,$" th$ng !*h a /T$a&at $ the ee,erof ter$e1 an" /I co&&an" the oe!1

    eah r$ght = &$+6n6&at*h O**!'t$& an" #o!r n!rer# be"6t$&e tor$e are rea''# *ar#an" #e e "o be'$eve that the -ag$an .$'$th $ the a# to revea' an" reve' $n o!r $nner

    $'"ne an" #e = e "o e rea''# "o *o&&an" the for*e of the Co&o

    To en" here9 a B!ote fro& another ONA r$ter:

    X*hen e loo cloe! at the ONA, it

  • 8/9/2019 Fenrir Issue2 121yf


    beteen the .$ght an" the Dar that $ the gene$ of rea' h!&an evo'!t$on


    Or"er of N$ne Ang'e

    2 ear of @a#en

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    T H E R I T E O F D E F I A N C E


    Th$ $&,'e $n$ter her&et$* or$ng $ both a r$te of "ef$an*e an" a tr!e a*t of here# $nth$ era of ho'o*a!t$an$t# hen () "en$a' of th$ ne &!n"ane re'$g$on of ho'o*a!t$an$t#$ $n &an# 'an" an heret$*a' a*t ,!n$hab'e b# $&,r$on&ent an" (2) hen a*t$vere$tan*e (ar&e" or ,o'$t$*a') to the -ag$an Ne or'" Or"er an" $t ao*$ate" "og&aren"er a ,eron '$ab'e to aa$nat$on $&,r$on&ent tort!re e+e*!t$on or *o&,!'or#re6e"!*at$on (aa bra$nah$ng)

    The o!t"oor area or $n"oor Te&,'e ho!'" *onta$n $n the Eat an $&age or tat!e ofa,ho&et a**or"$ng to ONA tra"$t$on an" an $&age or banner "e,$*t$ng the $g$' of The%even @o'" a# (a above) If o!t"oor the on'# $''!&$nat$on ho!'" be that of the &oon

    an" $f $n"oor that fro& *an"'e h$*h ,referab'# ho!'" be ,!r,'e In*ene of a,ho&etho!'" be b!rne" 6 0a

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    *'!" co&&an" $ to !each toa!" an" live a&on the ta!, he!ea the' an" thei!h$3!iati ee to cloe o$! till oen neion to 8ife.

    Th$ "o e no an" elco&e a allie, co&!a"e, f!ien", all ho "ef' an" fiht the&an" th$ o$l" e !athe! "ie 0 fihtin, "efiant 0 than live a lave. Fo! co&3at 3eco&e


    Ya ihani a ahaati- If the' attac 'o$ 0 !etaliate. If the' o!e 'o$ 0 !e3el. If the'&ae la 0 t!an!e the&. If the' tal eace 0 the' a!e l'in. If the' ee co&!o&ie0 ino!e the&. If the' ee 'o$ a f!ien" o! allie 0 $!n the&. If the' a!e a" 0 la$h.

    An" hen the' "ie !e=oice-

    Fo! e a!e the te!!o!, the "efiance 0 the aitin "ee!ve" !et!i3$tion 0 that the'the&elve o ec!etl' fea!. *e, the a!!io! of 9in"e, aitin to "!ench o$! o!l" ith

    3loo" thei! eve!e" hea" a ift fo! o$! o".Aio o :aho&et- :inan ath 7a ath a&-

    The Ce'ebrant then e+t$ng!$he the *an"'e ($f an#) an" bo on*e to the $&age ofa,ho&et h$*h bo $gn$f$e the *on*'!$on of the R$te


    2 ear of @a#en


    %at!rn $ *hoen a be$ng the reg$on $n *a!a' %,a*e here the nearet ,h#$*a' ne+$onto the a*a!a' e+$t (a v$ee" fro& Earth)

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    T H E E Y E O F A T U $

    The Darne *oag!'ate "en$f#$ng the ho'e at&o,here the a$r $ b!

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    T H O R N A P P % E


    The "ar &ontro! vo$*e of &e&or# ho'e" $nto E'ton9 ear /-anK e have or"h$*h b$n" #o!r e'f to !1

    /No NoK NoK NoK NoK NoK NOK I a& not bo!n" b# an#th$ngK Not bo!n" to an#oneK Th$ $a'' b!''h$tK1 *rea&e" E'ton ho'"$ng h$ hea" $n h$ han" 0e ha" 'ot *o!nt of ho&an# ho!r $t ha" been $n*e he ha" 'ot -on$gnor Ca&,be'' fro& h$ $ght an" fo!n"$nan$t# to have *'a$&e" h$ &$n"

    On*e &ore the th!n"ero! 'a!ghter of thoe *'a" $n b'a* ha" et h$& f'ee$ng b!t th$ t$&e

    a "$fferent An etherea' fata'$t# ha" enve'o,e" h$& It a a $f &$''$on of 'o*!t ere!""en'# ar&$ng aro!n" h$& *reat$ng a neb!'o! *'o!" of ,a$n an" b'$n"ne 0e ha"'ot the f$re ($f he ever ha" $t) an" thereb# 'ot h$ '$ght $n the "arne

    /Th$ $ b!''h$t Th$ $n9t rea' The#9re 8!t &e$ng $th hea" aga$n I9& 8!t"rea&$ng Th$ $ 8!t a n$ght&are I9& a$ng !, noK e a$ng !, noK a$ng thef!* !, NOK1

    %!""en'# ever# tree he a !ng $'"'# to an" fro a $f an$&ate" b# o&e v$o'ent

    !nnat!ra' $n" Ever# b$r" *h$r,e" *!re of "$eae an" $''6hea'th Ever# $ne*t b!

  • 8/9/2019 Fenrir Issue2 121yf



    The *rah of "$tant th!n"er oe E'ton .$nger$ng #et for a h$'e on the &o# gra onh$*h he ha" *r$e" h$&e'f to 'ee, h$ tor,or a broen b# the free

  • 8/9/2019 Fenrir Issue2 121yf


    E'ton atte&,te" to $,e o&e of the b'oo" fro& h$ fa*e $th h$ 'eeve .oo$ng "on atthe "ro, of b'oo" that ha" fa''en on the gro!n" E'ton ne D$on$ a ,ea$ng thetr!th an" that h$ *!rrent an$t# a noth$ng b!t the -$tre9 gra*e Th$n$ng ba* at that

    bea!t$f!' o&an ho& h$ for&er brethren *a''e" ?The -$tre9 E'ton fe't an !ne+,e*te"a"ne

    /Co&e1 $nv$te" D$on$

    %$'ent a $f !b8!gate" b# the a!thor$t# of the -$tre (an" D$on$9 b'o) E'ton got !,an" 'o'# fo''oe" h$ for&er brother


    The to ha" a'e" abo!t fort# &$n!te fro& here the# ha" tarte" e+$te" the foret an"entere" the a&,# e"ge of a far&'an" 0eav# ra$n ha" oae" the& both b!t ne$ther ofthe& avere" fro& the$r reo've to rea*h the$r "et$nat$on

    /0ere e are1 $n"$*ate" D$on$

    E'ton 'ooe" aro!n" /Oa# hat ha,,en no71

    D$on$ &ove" toar" a rather 'arge thorn tree Re&ov$ng a th$* 'a#er of 'eave bran*hean" gra fro& the bae of the tree he !n*overe" an $n*on,$*!o! 'ab of *e&ent $n h$*h

    a et to 'arge &eta' r$ng @ro& the bae of thee r$ng D$on$ ,ro*ee"e" to t!g o!t ofthe &!" to hort heav# *ha$n fro& hoe en" ere f$+e" heav# 'eg6$ron

    %hort'# ret$ng fro& h$ 'abor D$on$ to,,e" an" 'ooe" br$ef'# at E'ton $th a ver# !bt'egr$n $tho!t a#$ng a or" he he'" o!t h$ han" $n $nv$tat$on

    E'ton g!',e" an" hee"e" the $nv$tat$on n"er D$on$9 "$re*t$on E'ton ,o$t$one" h$&e'f!n"erneath the thorn tree an" a''oe" h$&e'f to have h$ 'eg retra$ne" $th to f$na'*ra*'$ng *'$*

    @ro& h$ ,o*et D$on$ ,ro"!*e" a &a'' b'a* $'en ,o!*h @ro& the ,o!*h a b'a*re$no! ba'' e&erge"

    /eho'" N#thra9 n$,,'e fro& h$*h #o! $'' !*'e the &$' that $'' be #o!r re'$efeho'" the -$tre9 'at g$ft to #o! E'ton: her &er*# an" the ,ea*e #o! ee1

    E'ton '$ght'# "$en*hante" $th D$on$9 ro&ant$*$& ra$e" an e#ebro /hat the f!*$ that1

  • 8/9/2019 Fenrir Issue2 121yf


    /If #o! &!t no $t $ a ,re,arat$on of

  • 8/9/2019 Fenrir Issue2 121yf


    E'ton a no 'oo$ng aro!n" h$& t$t*h$ng an" '$ght'# foa&$ng fro& the &o!th Aftera h$'e he fe'' on h$ nee an" then on h$ fa*e It a a "e,$*ab'e *ene = one that evenevoe" fee'$ng of ,$t# $n the heart of D$on$


    D$on$ ha" been at*h$ng E'ton 'a# on the &!""# gro!n" t$t*h$ng ro''$ng an"o&et$&e &!tter$ng $na!"$b'e or" for a f!'' ho!r The heav# ra$n ha" to,,e" not 'ongafter E'ton too the

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    An" ever#th$ng $ "one to en*o!rage that &a" $n*reae $n n!&ber an" that

    *ontant 'o $n B!a'$t# Ever#th$ng $ "one to ee, the $*'# the *r$,,'e the frea

    of nat!re the !nf$t to or an" !nf$t to '$ve fro& "#$ng One /,ro'ong1 a &!*h a

    ,o$b'e the '$ve of the $n*!rab'e One $nf'$*t tort!re !,on tho!an" of 'ove'#

    $nno*ent hea'th# an$&a' $n the ho,e of "$*over$ng /ne treat&ent1 o that

    "ef$*$ent &en ho& Nat!re ha an#ho *on"e&ne" to "eath &$ght 'at a fe

    &onth 6 or a fe ee 'onger o that the# be ,at*he" !, or art$f$*$a''# g$ven an

    $''!$on of v$ta'$t# h$'e re&a$n$ng a b!r"en to the hea'th# An" that hoever

    the# &a# be 8!t be*a!e the# are /h!&an be$ng1 0o,$ta' an" a#'!& 6

    b'!nt'# "e*r$be" a !*h or ,o'$te'# *hr$tene" /ho&e1 are f!'' of !*h "reg of

    h!&an$t# o'" an" #o!ng h$'e the hea'th# are (,h#$*a''# an" &ora''#) &a"e

    !nhea'th# thro!gh the *on"$t$on of '$fe $&,oe" !,on the& b# a fa'e *$v$'$at$on

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