FEMA CAMPS  What does FEMA stand for ? Fema stands for the Federal Emergency Management Agency. What is FEMA ?  Simply put, it is the “secret government”. This agency has authority that goes well beyond any other agency in the U.S. This government organization has more power than the President of the U.S.A or the Congress.  Fema can suspend laws, move entire populations, arrest and detain citizens without a warrant and can hold them without a trial. It can seize property, food supplies, and transportation systems. It can even suspend the Constitution of the United States.  Fema has also been given the responsibility for many new national disasters such as forest fires home heating emergencies, refugee situations, riots, and emergency planning for nuclear and toxic incidents. It works together with the Sixth Army in the West.   A ser ies of E xecutiv e Orde rs (EO ) was used to create FEM A. It d oes not matter wheth er an E O is C onstitu tional or not, it becomes a law simply by being published in the Federal Registry. These orders go around Congress. What are FEMA camps ?  Rex 84, (short for Readiness Exercise 1984) is a contingency plan developed by the United States federal government to suspend the United States Constitution, declare Martial law, place military commanders in charge of state and local governments, and detain large numbers of American citizens w ho are deemed to be "national security threats", in the event that the President declares a "State of Domestic National Emergency". Through Rex-84 an undisclosed number of concentration camps were set in operation throughout the United States, (many being military bases that were shut down and turned into prisons).The Rex 84 Program was originally established on the reasoning that if a "mass exodus" of illegal aliens crossed the Mexican/US border, they would be quickly rounded up and detained in detention centers by FEMA. So the real purpose of FEMA is to not only protect the government but to be its principal vehicle for martial law. And these camps are concentration camps for the internment of dissidents and others potentially harmful to the state. " These camps are to be operated by FEMA should martial law need to be implemented in the United States and all it would take is a presidential signature on a proclamation and the attorney general's signature on a warrant to which a list of names is attached." The majority of the camps can house a population of 20,000 prisoners. Currently the largest is just outside of Fairbanks  Alaska which can hol d appro x. 2 m illion p eople. Many o f these camps are no t opera ting as prison s at th e mom ent but are masquerading as other facilities such as water facilities. Howev er many problems and things that don’t add up show that something a lot more sinister is going on with these camps which is undisclosed to the public.  Operation Cable Splicer and Garden Plot are the 2 sub programs which will be implemented once the Rex 84 program is initiated for its proper purpose. Garden Plot is the program to control the population. Cable Splicer I is the program for an orderly takeover of the state and local governments by the federal government.

Fema Camps

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FEMA is the executive arm of the coming police state and thus will head up all operations. Once a major disaster occurs(whether it is a real event or manufactured event), Martial Law is hurriedly put in place and the people are all in thehands of the government agencies (FEMA) who are portrayed themselves as the peoples protectors. The U.S. government continues to expand its plans to setup a nationalized concentration camp system under the guiseof emergency management. FEMA has already come a long way in establishing their concentration camp system. 

How many Fema Camps are there ? There are over 600 prison camps, all fully operational and ready to receive prisoners. These camps are to be operatedby FEMA should Martial Law be implemented in the US. They are all staffed and even surrounded by full-time guards,but they are all empty.

Fema Trains

 Many of these camps are accessible by rail as they have railroad facilities as well as roads leading to and from thedetention facilities. Many also have an airport nearby. This clearly shows what these people have in mind. They need tohave a system in place to transport large amounts of people to these concentration camps. 

 All the evidence indicates that they are in fact setting up a concentration camp system for this purposeLogically speaking you wouldn’t set up a normal prison right next to a railway line. 

Fema Train  Inside a fema train car 

 These trains are not ordinary trains but designed to hold many people with padded benches and chains or shackles.  

People’s reports

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 Many people who have gone to see the camps have noticed that these camps are being constantly patrolled. They havealso noticed being followed or patrolled by patrol vehicles such as black helicopters and patrol vans. The “secret” black helicopters that are reported throughout the US, mainly in the Western California, Washington,

 Arizona, New Mexico, Texas, and Colorado areas, are flown by FEMA personnel. Problems with Fema Camps -Many of these detention facilities were supposed to have closed years before, yet insteadseveral millions of dollars in federal funds have been spent on supposed renovations over the past few years.Renovations have involved putting in new fencing, electronic turnstyles, concrete flooring in unused warehousebuildings, and putting in large gas furnaces on buildings that were never heated anytime in the past 20 years.

The question is why all these new renovations on facilities that are not being used or haven’t been used for years andyears. FEMA received a government grant for 81 million dollars to upgrade more than 600 FEMA camps throughout theUS and to also equip them with gas crematoriums where they never had a need before. These camps are all staffed and even surrounded by full- time guards, but they are all empty. 

•  The question is , Why do they need all these non-operating prisons ?

•  What are they waiting for ?

•  In the U.S.A they keep going on about how their prisons are overcrowded and that they are releasing prisonersbecause of this situation. But what about all these facilities ?

•  What are they really for ?

•  Why are there armed guards yet no-one to protect themselves against ?

•   And what will be the kick- off point to put these facilities into operation ? What has been observed with these camps: 

•   All have barbed wire fencing pointing inward to keep people in these facilities.

•  Miles of fencing

•  Railroad tracks running next to the perimeter with loading docks large enough to hold railroad cargo.

•  Military personnel patrolling these camps and constant patrol of these areas.

•  Renovations to un-occupied camps

•  Camps are manned but don’t contain any prisoners. 

Why coffins ? Why in the middle of Georgia ? 

 Apparently the Government is expecting a half million people to dierelatively soon, because you don’t buy 500,000 plastic coffins "just incase something happens," you buy them because you know somethingis going to happen. The Atlanta Airport is a major airline traffic hub,probably the biggest in the country, which means Georgia is a primebase to conduct military operations and coordination. It is also the homeof the CDC, the Center for Disease Control. 

Fields upon fields of these coffins are sonumerous that they are visible from space


The Georgia Guidestones


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 The Pre-Meditated World Human Reduction Goal isengraved in the Georgia Guidestones. This is amonument reaching 6.1m high and located on a hilltop inElbert county Georgia U.S.A.

The monument is engraved with 10 guidelines for humanity in 8 different languages The first of the ten guidelines engraved in the Stones is: Maintain humanity under 500,000,000 in perpetualbalance with nature. Just to let you know how this relates to our present worldpopulation numbers. The present world population isapproximately six and a half billion people(6,500,000,000,000).

That means that “THEY” intend to eliminate Nine-Tenthsof the world’s people ! 

Google earth images of FEMA camps