Valid Summer Qtr 2009 - Autumn Qtr 2009 NOTE: Enrollment is defined as any student who is status one (paid), regardless of campus, and whose major is not equal to 713 (HECC), 980 (AcademyA), or 985 (AcademyB). There are no exceptions to this definition. For an explanation of fees, please visit: http://www.ureg.ohio-state.edu/ourweb/more/expfees_new2009.html Valid Summer Qtr 2009 - Autumn Qtr 2009 Undergraduate, A.T.I. Campus Valid Summer Qtr 2009 - Autumn Qtr 2009 Graduate, Lima/Mansfield/Marion/Newark Valid Summer Qtr 2009 - Autumn Qtr 2009 Part II: Graduate Valid Summer Qtr 2009 - Autumn Qtr 2009 2009 Student Tuition and Fee Schedule Fees Per Quarter Valid Summer Quarter 2009 - Autumn Quarter 2009 The following document contains the Summer Quarter 2009 - Autumn Quarter 2009 Student Fee Schedule. Part I: Undergraduate, Columbus Campus Part III: Professional Valid Summer Qtr 2009 - Autumn Qtr 2009 Part IV: Undergraduate, Lima/Mansfield/Marion/Newark Campus The Ohio State University Office of the University Registrar 1

FeeTables AU09 SU10 - University Registrar

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Page 1: FeeTables AU09 SU10 - University Registrar

Valid Summer Qtr 2009 - Autumn Qtr 2009

NOTE: Enrollment is defined as any student who is status one (paid), regardless of campus, and whose major is not equal to 713

(HECC), 980 (AcademyA), or 985 (AcademyB). There are no exceptions to this definition.

For an explanation of fees, please visit:


Valid Summer Qtr 2009 - Autumn Qtr 2009

Undergraduate, A.T.I. Campus

Valid Summer Qtr 2009 - Autumn Qtr 2009

Graduate, Lima/Mansfield/Marion/Newark

Valid Summer Qtr 2009 - Autumn Qtr 2009

Part II: Graduate

Valid Summer Qtr 2009 - Autumn Qtr 2009


Student Tuition and Fee ScheduleFees Per Quarter

Valid Summer Quarter 2009 - Autumn Quarter 2009

The following document contains the Summer Quarter 2009 - Autumn Quarter 2009 Student Fee Schedule.

Part I: Undergraduate, Columbus Campus

Part III: Professional

Valid Summer Qtr 2009 - Autumn Qtr 2009

Part IV: Undergraduate, Lima/Mansfield/Marion/Newark Campus

The Ohio State University

Office of the University Registrar 1

Page 2: FeeTables AU09 SU10 - University Registrar

Part I

Columbus Campus

Summer 2009 - Autumn 2009

Columbus Student Learning Non- Non-

Campus Credit Instructional Activity COTA General Tech. Rec Resident Resident Resident

Undergraduate Hours Fees Fee Fee Fees Fee Fee Total Tuition Total

Undergraduate, 0-1 221.75 1.25 9 10.5 0 0 242.5 377 619.5

Colleges, Schools, 2 443.5 2.5 9 21 0 0 476 754 1230

and Divisions. 3 665.25 3.75 9 31.5 0 0 709.5 1131 1840.5

See below for majors with 4 887 5 9 42 0 82 1025 1508 2533

technology fees and/or 5 1108.75 6.25 9 52.5 0 82 1258.5 1885 3143.5

program fees. 6 1330.5 7.5 9 63 0 82 1492 2262 3754

7 1552.25 8.75 9 73.5 0 82 1725.5 2639 4364.5

8 1774 10 9 84 0 82 1959 3016 4975

9 1995.75 11.25 9 94.5 0 82 2192.5 3393 5585.5

10 2217.5 12.5 9 105 0 82 2426 3770 6196

11 2439.25 13.75 9 115.5 0 82 2659.5 4147 6806.5

12+ 2661 15 9 126 0 82 2893 4524 7417

Columbus Student Learning Non- Non-

Campus Credit Instructional Activity COTA General Tech. Program Rec Resident Resident Resident

Undergraduate Hours Fees Fee Fee Fees Fee Fee Fee Total Tuition Total

ART 0-1 221.75 1.25 9 10.5 9 4.25 0 255.75 377 632.75

(All majors except 2 443.5 2.5 9 21 18 8.5 0 502.5 754 1256.5

those in the School of Music) 3 665.25 3.75 9 31.5 27 12.75 0 749.25 1131 1880.25

4 887 5 9 42 36 17 82 1078 1508 2586

5 1108.75 6.25 9 52.5 45 21.25 82 1324.75 1885 3209.75

6 1330.5 7.5 9 63 54 25.50 82 1571.5 2262 3833.5

7 1552.25 8.75 9 73.5 63 29.75 82 1818.25 2639 4457.25

8 1774 10 9 84 72 34 82 2065 3016 5081

9 1995.75 11.25 9 94.5 81 38.25 82 2311.75 3393 5704.75

10 2217.5 12.5 9 105 90 42.5 82 2558.5 3770 6328.5

11 2439.25 13.75 9 115.5 99 46.75 82 2805.25 4147 6952.25

12+ 2661 15 9 126 108 51 82 3052 4524 7576

The Ohio State University

Office of the University Registrar 2

Page 3: FeeTables AU09 SU10 - University Registrar

Part I

Columbus Campus

Summer 2009 - Autumn 2009

Columbus Student Non- Non-

Campus Credit Instructional Activity COTA General Rec Resident Resident Resident

Undergraduate Hours Fees Fee Fee Fees Fee Total Tuition Total

Biological Sciences 0-1 221.75 1.25 9 10.5 0 242.5 377 619.5

(Rank 1 & 2 only 2 443.5 2.5 9 21 0 476 754 1230

and Rank 3 & 4 only 3 665.25 3.75 9 31.5 0 7095 1131 8226

with a major of 825 or 826) 4 887 5 9 42 82 1025 1508 2533

5 1108.75 6.25 9 52.5 82 1258.5 1885 3143.5

6 1330.5 7.5 9 63 82 1492 2262 3754

7 1552.25 8.75 9 73.5 82 1725.5 2639 4364.5

8 1774 10 9 84 82 1959 3016 4975

9 1995.75 11.25 9 94.5 82 2192.5 3393 5585.5

10 2217.5 12.5 9 105 82 2426 3770 6196

11 2439.25 13.75 9 115.5 82 2659.5 4147 6806.5

12+ 2661 15 9 126 82 2893 4524 7417

Columbus Student Non- Non-

Campus Credit Instructional Activity COTA General Program Rec Resident Resident Resident

Undergraduate Hours Fees Fee Fee Fees Fee Fee Total Tuition Total

Biological Sciences 0-1 221.75 1.25 9 10.5 5 0 247.5 377 624.5

(Rank 3 & 4 only except 2 443.5 2.5 9 21 10 0 486 754 1240

majors 825 or 826) 3 665.25 3.75 9 31.5 15 0 724.5 1131 1855.5

4 887 5 9 42 20 82 1045 1508 2553

5 1108.75 6.25 9 52.5 25 82 1283.5 1885 3168.5

6 1330.5 7.5 9 63 30 82 1522 2262 3784

7 1552.25 8.75 9 73.5 35 82 1760.5 2639 4399.5

8 1774 10 9 84 40 82 1999 3016 5015

9 1995.75 11.25 9 94.5 45 82 2237.5 3393 5630.5

10 2217.5 12.5 9 105 50 82 2476 3770 6246

11 2439.25 13.75 9 115.5 55 82 2714.5 4147 6861.5

12+ 2661 15 9 126 60 82 2953 4524 7477

The Ohio State University

Office of the University Registrar 3

Page 4: FeeTables AU09 SU10 - University Registrar

Part I

Columbus Campus

Summer 2009 - Autumn 2009

Columbus Student Learning Non- Non-

Campus Credit Instructional Activity COTA General Tech Program Rec Resident Resident Resident

Undergraduate Hours Fees Fee Fee Fees Fee Fee Fee Total Tuition Total

Business 0-1 221.75 1.25 9 10.5 10.5 25 0 278 377 655

(Except major 805) 2 443.5 2.5 9 21 21 50 0 547 754 1301

3 665.25 3.75 9 31.5 31.5 75 0 816 1131 1947

4 887 5 9 42 42 100 82 1167 1508 2675

5 1108.75 6.25 9 52.5 52.5 125 82 1436 1885 3321

6 1330.5 7.5 9 63 63 150 82 1705 2262 3967

7 1552.25 8.75 9 73.5 73.5 175 82 1974 2639 4613

8 1774 10 9 84 84 200 82 2243 3016 5259

9 1995.75 11.25 9 94.5 94.5 225 82 2512 3393 5905

10 2217.5 12.5 9 105 105 250 82 2781 3770 6551

11 2439.25 13.75 9 115.5 115.5 275 82 3050 4147 7197

12+ 2661 15 9 126 126 300 82 3319 4524 7843

Columbus Student Learning Non- Non-

Campus Credit Instructional Activity COTA General Tech Program Rec Resident Resident Resident

Undergraduate Hours Fees Fee Fee Fees Fee Fee Fee Total Tuition Total

NUR 0-1 221.75 1.25 9 10.5 5 4.25 0 251.75 377 628.75

(Major 315) 2 443.5 2.5 9 21 10 8.5 0 494.5 754 1248.5

3 665.25 3.75 9 31.5 15 12.75 0 737.25 1131 1868.25

4 887 5 9 42 20 17 82 1062 1508 2570

5 1108.75 6.25 9 52.5 25 21.25 82 1304.75 1885 3189.75

6 1330.5 7.5 9 63 30 25.50 82 1547.5 2262 3809.5

7 1552.25 8.75 9 73.5 35 29.75 82 1790.25 2639 4429.25

8 1774 10 9 84 40 34 82 2033 3016 5049

9 1995.75 11.25 9 94.5 45 38.25 82 2275.75 3393 5668.75

10 2217.5 12.5 9 105 50 42.50 82 2518.5 3770 6288.5

11 2439.25 13.75 9 115.5 55 46.75 82 2761.25 4147 6908.25

12+ 2661 15 9 126 60 51 82 3004 4524 7528

The Ohio State University

Office of the University Registrar 4

Page 5: FeeTables AU09 SU10 - University Registrar

Part I

Columbus Campus

Summer 2009 - Autumn 2009

Columbus Student Learning Non- Non-

Campus Credit Instructional Activity COTA General Tech Program Rec Resident Resident Resident

Undergraduate Hours Fees Fee Fee Fees Fee Fee Fee Total Tuition Total

PSYCH 0-1 221.75 1.25 9 10.5 4.25 4.25 0 251 377 628

2 443.5 2.5 9 21 8.5 8.5 0 493 754 1247

3 665.25 3.75 9 31.5 12.75 12.75 0 735 1131 1866

4 887 5 9 42 17 17 82 1059 1508 2567

5 1108.75 6.25 9 52.5 21.25 21.25 82 1301 1885 3186

6 1330.5 7.5 9 63 25.5 25.50 82 1543 2262 3805

7 1552.25 8.75 9 73.5 29.75 29.75 82 1785 2639 4424

8 1774 10 9 84 34 34 82 2027 3016 5043

9 1995.75 11.25 9 94.5 38.25 38.25 82 2269 3393 5662

10 2217.5 12.5 9 105 42.5 42.50 82 2511 3770 6281

11 2439.25 13.75 9 115.5 46.75 46.75 82 2753 4147 6900

12+ 2661 15 9 126 51 51 82 2995 4524 7519

Columbus Student Learning Non- Non-

Campus Credit Instructional Activity COTA General Tech. Program Rec Resident Resident Resident

Undergraduate Hours Fees Fee Fee Fees Fee Fee Fee Total Tuition Total

ENG and AHR 0-1 221.75 1.25 9 10.5 11.25 12.5 0 266.25 377 643.25

(All majors except 2 443.5 2.5 9 21 22.5 25 0 523.5 754 1277.5

ENG Physics) 3 665.25 3.75 9 31.5 33.75 37.5 0 780.75 1131 1911.75

4 887 5 9 42 45 50 82 1120 1508 2628

5 1108.75 6.25 9 52.5 56.25 62.5 82 1377.25 1885 3262.25

6 1330.5 7.5 9 63 67.5 75 82 1634.5 2262 3896.5

7 1552.25 8.75 9 73.5 78.75 87.5 82 1891.75 2639 4530.75

8 1774 10 9 84 90 100 82 2149 3016 5165

9 1995.75 11.25 9 94.5 101.25 112.5 82 2406.25 3393 5799.25

10 2217.5 12.5 9 105 112.5 125 82 2663.5 3770 6433.5

11 2439.25 13.75 9 115.5 123.75 137.5 82 2920.75 4147 7067.75

12+ 2661 15 9 126 135 150 82 3178 4524 7702

The Ohio State University

Office of the University Registrar 5

Page 6: FeeTables AU09 SU10 - University Registrar

Part I

Columbus Campus

Summer 2009 - Autumn 2009

Columbus Student Learning Non- Non-

Campus Credit Instructional Activity COTA General Tech. Program Rec Resident Resident Resident

Undergraduate Hours Fees Fee Fee Fees Fee Fee Fee Total Tuition Total

CS&E (Major 097) 0-1 221.75 1.25 9 10.5 6 12.5 0 261 377 638

CIS in MPS (Major 117) 2 443.5 2.5 9 21 12 25 0 513 754 1267

ENG Physics in ENG 3 665.25 3.75 9 31.5 18 37.5 0 765 1131 1896

(Major 692), and 4 887 5 9 42 24 50 82 1099 1508 2607

Pre-Engineering Physics 5 1108.75 6.25 9 52.5 30 62.5 82 1351 1885 3236

(Major 933) 6 1330.5 7.5 9 63 36 75 82 1603 2262 3865

7 1552.25 8.75 9 73.5 42 87.5 82 1855 2639 4494

8 1774 10 9 84 48 100 82 2107 3016 5123

9 1995.75 11.25 9 94.5 54 112.5 82 2359 3393 5752

10 2217.5 12.5 9 105 60 125 82 2611 3770 6381

11 2439.25 13.75 9 115.5 66 137.5 82 2863 4147 7010

12+ 2661 15 9 126 72 150 82 3115 4524 7639

Columbus Student Learning Non- Non-

Campus Credit Instructional Activity COTA General Tech Program Rec Resident Resident Resident

Undergraduate Hours Fees Fee Fee Fees Fee Fee Fee Total Tuition Total

Music 0-1 221.75 1.25 9 10.5 9 19.5 0 271 377 648

(Except majors 820 or 865) 2 443.5 2.5 9 21 18 39 0 533 754 1287

3 665.25 3.75 9 31.5 27 58.5 0 795 1131 1926

4 887 5 9 42 36 78 82 1139 1508 2647

5 1108.75 6.25 9 52.5 45 97.5 82 1401 1885 3286

6 1330.5 7.5 9 63 54 117 82 1663 2262 3925

7 1552.25 8.75 9 73.5 63 136.5 82 1925 2639 4564

8 1774 10 9 84 72 156 82 2187 3016 5203

9 1995.75 11.25 9 94.5 81 175.5 82 2449 3393 5842

10 2217.5 12.5 9 105 90 195 82 2711 3770 6481

11 2439.25 13.75 9 115.5 99 214.5 82 2973 4147 7120

12+ 2661 15 9 126 108 234 82 3235 4524 7759

The Ohio State University

Office of the University Registrar 6

Page 7: FeeTables AU09 SU10 - University Registrar

Part I

Columbus Campus

Summer 2009 - Autumn 2009

Columbus Student Learning Non- Non-

Campus Credit Instructional Activity COTA General Tech. Rec Resident Resident Resident

Undergraduate Hours Fees Fee Fee Fees Fee Fee Total Tuition Total

Music 0-1 221.75 1.25 9 10.5 9 0 251.5 377 628.5

(Majors 820 & 865 only) 2 443.5 2.5 9 21 18 0 494 754 1248

3 665.25 3.75 9 31.5 27 0 736.5 1131 1867.5

4 887 5 9 42 36 82 1061 1508 2569

5 1108.75 6.25 9 52.5 45 82 1303.5 1885 3188.5

6 1330.5 7.5 9 63 54 82 1546 2262 3808

7 1552.25 8.75 9 73.5 63 82 1788.5 2639 4427.5

8 1774 10 9 84 72 82 2031 3016 5047

9 1995.75 11.25 9 94.5 81 82 2273.5 3393 5666.5

10 2217.5 12.5 9 105 90 82 2516 3770 6286

11 2439.25 13.75 9 115.5 99 82 2758.5 4147 6905.5

12+ 2661 15 9 126 108 82 3001 4524 7525

Columbus Student Learning Non- Non-

Campus Credit Instructional Activity COTA General Tech. Rec Resident Resident Resident

Undergraduate Hours Fees Fee Fee Fees Fee Fee Total Tuition Total

Education and Human Ecology (EHE) 0-1 221.75 1.25 9 10.5 4.5 0 247 377 624

(Majors 186, 187, 212, 221, 223, 231, 2 443.5 2.5 9 21 9 0 485 754 1239

406, 408, 409, 416, 462, 553, 617, 642, 3 665.25 3.75 9 31.5 13.5 0 723 1131 1854

643, 684, 685, 688) 4 887 5 9 42 18 82 1043 1508 2551

5 1108.75 6.25 9 52.5 22.5 82 1281 1885 3166

6 1330.5 7.5 9 63 27 82 1519 2262 3781

7 1552.25 8.75 9 73.5 31.5 82 1757 2639 4396

8 1774 10 9 84 36 82 1995 3016 5011

9 1995.75 11.25 9 94.5 40.5 82 2233 3393 5626

10 2217.5 12.5 9 105 45 82 2471 3770 6241

11 2439.25 13.75 9 115.5 49.5 82 2709 4147 6856

12+ 2661 15 9 126 54 82 2947 4524 7471

The Ohio State University

Office of the University Registrar 7

Page 8: FeeTables AU09 SU10 - University Registrar

Part I

Columbus Campus

Summer 2009 - Autumn 2009

Columbus Student Learning Non- Non-

Campus Credit Instructional Activity COTA General Tech Program Rec Resident Resident Resident

Undergraduate Hours Fees Fee Fee Fees Fee Fee Fee Total Tuition Total

Allied Med 0-1 221.75 1.25 9 10.5 0 8.5 0 251 377 628

2 443.5 2.5 9 21 0 17 0 493 754 1247

3 665.25 3.75 9 31.5 0 25.5 0 735 1131 1866

4 887 5 9 42 0 34 82 1059 1508 2567

5 1108.75 6.25 9 52.5 0 42.5 82 1301 1885 3186

6 1330.5 7.5 9 63 0 51 82 1543 2262 3805

7 1552.25 8.75 9 73.5 0 59.5 82 1785 2639 4424

8 1774 10 9 84 0 68 82 2027 3016 5043

9 1995.75 11.25 9 94.5 0 76.5 82 2269 3393 5662

10 2217.5 12.5 9 105 0 85 82 2511 3770 6281

11 2439.25 13.75 9 115.5 0 93.5 82 2753 4147 6900

12+ 2661 15 9 126 0 102 82 2995 4524 7519

The Ohio State University

Office of the University Registrar 8

Page 9: FeeTables AU09 SU10 - University Registrar

Part II

Graduate Summer 2009 - Autumn 2009Student Learning Non- Non-

Graduate Credit Instructional Activity COTA General Tech Rec Resident Resident Resident

Hours Fees Fee Fee (3) Fees Fee Fee (2) Total Tuition Total

Masters & PhD 0-1 333 1.5 9 12.5 0 0 356 508 864

2 666 3 9 25 0 0 703 1016 1719

3 999 4.5 9 37.5 0 0 1050 1524 2574

4 1332 6 9 50 0 82 1479 2032 3511

5 1665 7.5 9 62.5 0 82 1826 2540 4366

6 1998 9 9 75 0 82 2173 3048 5221

7 2331 10.5 9 87.5 0 82 2520 3556 6076

8 2664 12 9 100 0 82 2867 4064 6931

9 2997 13.5 9 112.5 0 82 3214 4572 7786

10+ 3330 15 9 125 0 82 3561 5080 8641

Student Learning Non- Non-

Graduate Credit Instructional Activity COTA General Tech. Rec Resident Resident Resident

Hours Fees Fee Fee (3) Fees Fee Fee (2) Total Tuition Total

AuD & MSLP 0-1 345.5 1.5 9 12.5 0 0 368.5 508 876.5

(Majors 344 & 343) 2 691 3 9 25 0 0 728 1016 1744

3 1036.5 4.5 9 37.5 0 0 1087.5 1524 2611.5

4 1382 6 9 50 0 82 1529 2032 3561

5 1727.5 7.5 9 62.5 0 82 1888.5 2540 4428.5

6 2073 9 9 75 0 82 2248 3048 5296

7 2418.5 10.5 9 87.5 0 82 2607.5 3556 6163.5

8 2764 12 9 100 0 82 2967 4064 7031

9 3109.5 13.5 9 112.5 0 82 3326.5 4572 7898.5

10+ 3455 15 9 125 0 82 3686 5080 8766

The Ohio State University

Office of the University Registrar 9

Page 10: FeeTables AU09 SU10 - University Registrar

Part II

Graduate Summer 2009 - Autumn 2009Student Learning Non- Non-

Graduate Credit Instructional Activity COTA General Tech. Rec Resident Resident Resident

Hours Fees Fee Fee Fees Fee Fee Total Tuition Total

ART 0-1 333 1.5 9 12.5 13.5 0 369.5 495 864.5

(Majors 057, 066, 067, 2 666 3 9 25 27 0 730 991 1721

131, 216, 234, 305, 465) 3 999 4.5 9 37.5 40.5 0 1090.5 1486 2576.5

4 1332 6 9 50 54 82 1533 1982 3515

5 1665 7.5 9 62.5 67.5 82 1893.5 2477 4370.5

6 1998 9 9 75 81 82 2254 2972 5226

7 2331 10.5 9 87.5 94.5 82 2614.5 3468 6082.5

8 2664 12 9 100 108 82 2975 3963 6938

9 2997 13.5 9 112.5 108 82 3322 4459 7781

10+ 3330 15 9 125 108 82 3669 4954 8623

Student Learning Non- Non-

Graduate Credit Instructional Activity COTA General Tech Rec Resident Resident Resident

Hours Fees Fee Fee (3) Fees Fee Fee (2) Total Tuition Total

MBOE 0-1 934.5 1.5 9 12.5 21.75 0 979.25 0 979.25

2 1869 3 9 25 43.5 0 1949.5 0 1949.5

3 2803.5 4.5 9 37.5 65.25 0 2919.75 0 2919.75

4 3738 6 9 50 87 82 3972 0 3972

5 4672.5 7.5 9 62.5 108.75 82 4942.25 0 4942.25

6 5607 9 9 75 130.5 82 5912.5 0 5912.5

7 6541.5 10.5 9 87.5 152.25 82 6882.75 0 6882.75

8 7476 12 9 100 174 82 7853 0 7853

9 8410.5 13.5 9 112.5 174 82 8801.5 0 8801.5

10+ 9345 15 9 125 174 82 9750 0 9750

The Ohio State University

Office of the University Registrar 10

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Part II

Graduate Summer 2009 - Autumn 2009Student Learning Non- Non-

Graduate Credit Instructional Activity COTA General Tech Rec Resident Resident Resident

Hours Fees Fee Fee Fees Fee Fee Total Tuition Total

Business 0-1 333 1.5 9 12.5 21.75 0 377.75 495 872.75

(Majors 004, 005, 085, 753) 2 666 3 9 25 43.5 0 746.5 991 1737.5

3 999 4.5 9 37.5 65.25 0 1115.25 1486 2601.25

4 1332 6 9 50 87 82 1566 1982 3548

5 1665 7.5 9 62.5 108.75 82 1934.75 2477 4411.75

6 1998 9 9 75 130.5 82 2303.5 2972 5275.5

7 2331 10.5 9 87.5 152.25 82 2672.25 3468 6140.25

8 2664 12 9 100 174 82 3041 3963 7004

9 2997 13.5 9 112.5 174 82 3388 4459 7847

10+ 3330 15 9 125 174 82 3735 4954 8689

Student Learning Non- Non-

Graduate Credit Instructional Activity COTA General Tech Rec Resident Resident Resident

Hours Fees Fee Fee Fees Fee Fee Total Tuition Total

Public Policy & Mgt 0-1 333 1.5 9 12.5 15 0 371 495 866

(Major 424) 2 666 3 9 25 30 0 733 991 1724

3 999 4.5 9 37.5 45 0 1095 1486 2581

4 1332 6 9 50 60 82 1539 1982 3521

5 1665 7.5 9 62.5 75 82 1901 2477 4378

6 1998 9 9 75 90 82 2263 2972 5235

7 2331 10.5 9 87.5 105 82 2625 3468 6093

8 2664 12 9 100 120 82 2987 3963 6950

9 2997 13.5 9 112.5 120 82 3334 4459 7793

10+ 3330 15 9 125 120 82 3681 4954 8635

The Ohio State University

Office of the University Registrar 11

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Part II

Graduate Summer 2009 - Autumn 2009Student Learning Non- Non-

Graduate Credit Instructional Activity COTA General Tech Rec Resident Resident Resident

Hours Fees Fee Fee (3) Fees Fee Fee (2) Total Tuition Total

MBA 0-1 762 1.5 9 12.5 21.75 0 806.75 508 1314.75

(Major 266) 2 1524 3 9 25 43.5 0 1604.5 1016 2620.5

MBLE 3 2286 4.5 9 37.5 65.25 0 2402.25 1524 3926.25

(Major 002) 4 3048 6 9 50 87 82 3282 2032 5314

5 3810 7.5 9 62.5 108.75 82 4079.75 2540 6619.75

6 4572 9 9 75 130.5 82 4877.5 3048 7925.5

7 5334 10.5 9 87.5 152.25 82 5675.25 3556 9231.25

8 6096 12 9 100 174 82 6473 4064 10537

9 6858 13.5 9 112.5 174 82 7249 4572 11821

10+ 7620 15 9 125 174 82 8025 5080 13105

Student Learning Non- Non-

Graduate Credit Instructional Activity COTA General Tech Rec Resident Resident Resident

Hours Fees Fee Fee Fees Fee Fee Total Tuition Total

Part-Time MBA 0-1 732.5 1.5 9 12.5 21.75 0 777.25 508 1285.25

(Major 366) 2 1465 3 9 25 43.5 0 1545.5 1016 2561.5

3 2197.5 4.5 9 37.5 65.25 0 2313.75 1524 3837.75

4 2930 6 9 50 87 82 3164 2032 5196

5 3662.5 7.5 9 62.5 108.75 82 3932.25 2540 6472.25

6 4395 9 9 75 130.5 82 4700.5 3048 7748.5

7 5127.5 10.5 9 87.5 152.25 82 5468.75 3556 9024.75

8 5860 12 9 100 174 82 6237 4064 10301

9 6592.5 13.5 9 112.5 174 82 6983.5 4572 11555.5

10+ 7325 15 9 125 174 82 7730 5080 12810

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Part II

Graduate Summer 2009 - Autumn 2009Student Learning Non- Non-

Graduate Credit Instructional Activity COTA General Tech Rec Resident Resident Resident

Hours Fees Fee Fee Fees Fee Fee Total Tuition Total

Specialized Masters in Business 0-1 732.5 1.5 9 12.5 21.75 0 777.25 508 1285.25

2 1465 3 9 25 43.5 0 1545.5 1016 2561.5

3 2197.5 4.5 9 37.5 65.25 0 2313.75 1524 3837.75

4 2930 6 9 50 87 82 3164 2032 5196

5 3662.5 7.5 9 62.5 108.75 82 3932.25 2540 6472.25

6 4395 9 9 75 130.5 82 4700.5 3048 7748.5

7 5127.5 10.5 9 87.5 152.25 82 5468.75 3556 9024.75

8 5860 12 9 100 174 82 6237 4064 10301

9 6592.5 13.5 9 112.5 174 82 6983.5 4572 11555.5

10+ 7325 15 9 125 174 82 7730 5080 12810

Student Learning Non- Non-

Graduate Credit Instructional Activity COTA General Tech Rec Resident Resident Resident

Hours Fees Fee Fee (3) Fees Fee Fee (2) Total Tuition Total

Master of Accounting 0-1 829 1.5 9 12.5 21.75 0 873.75 508 1381.75

(Major 006) 2 1658 3 9 25 43.5 0 1738.5 1016 2754.5

3 2487 4.5 9 37.5 65.25 0 2603.25 1524 4127.25

4 3316 6 9 50 87 82 3550 2032 5582

5 4145 7.5 9 62.5 108.75 82 4414.75 2540 6954.75

6 4974 9 9 75 130.50 82 5279.5 3048 8327.5

7 5803 10.5 9 87.5 152.25 82 6144.25 3556 9700.25

8 6632 12 9 100 174 82 7009 4064 11073

9 7461 13.5 9 112.5 174 82 7852 4572 12424

10+ 8290 15 9 125 174 82 8695 5080 13775

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Part II

Graduate Summer 2009 - Autumn 2009

Student Learning Non- Non-

Graduate Credit Instructional Activity COTA General Tech Rec Resident Resident Resident

Hours Fees Fee Fee (3) Fees Fee Fee (2) Total Tuition Total

Executive MBA 0-1 1458.5 1.5 9 12.5 21.75 0 1503.25 0 1503.25

(Major 296) 2 2917 3 9 25 43.5 0 2997.5 0 2997.5

3 4375.5 4.5 9 37.5 65.25 0 4491.75 0 4491.75

4 5834 6 9 50 87 82 6068 0 6068

5 7292.5 7.5 9 62.5 108.75 82 7562.25 0 7562.25

6 8751 9 9 75 130.5 82 9056.5 0 9056.5

7 10209.5 10.5 9 87.5 152.25 82 10550.75 0 10550.75

8 11668 12 9 100 174 82 12045 0 12045

9 13126.5 13.5 9 112.5 174 82 13517.5 0 13517.5

10+ 14585 15 9 125 174 82 14990 0 14990

Student Learning Non- Non-

Graduate Credit Instructional Activity COTA General Tech Rec Resident Resident Resident

Hours Fees Fee Fee (3) Fees Fee Fee (2) Total Tuition Total

Master of Labor & HR (MLHR) 0-1 351 1.5 9 12.5 21.75 0 395.75 508 903.75

(Major 253) 2 702 3 9 25 43.5 0 782.5 1016 1798.5

3 1053 4.5 9 37.5 65.25 0 1169.25 1524 2693.25

4 1404 6 9 50 87 82 1638 2032 3670

5 1755 7.5 9 62.5 108.75 82 2024.75 2540 4564.75

6 2106 9 9 75 130.5 82 2411.5 3048 5459.5

7 2457 10.5 9 87.5 152.25 82 2798.25 3556 6354.25

8 2808 12 9 100 174 82 3185 4064 7249

9 3159 13.5 9 112.5 174 82 3550 4572 8122

10+ 3510 15 9 125 174 82 3915 5080 8995

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Part II

Student Learning Non- Non-

Graduate Credit Instructional Activity COTA General Tech Rec Resident Resident Resident

Hours Fees Fee Fee (2) Fees Fee Fee (1) Total Tuition Total

Physical Therapy 0-1 378.5 1.5 9 12.5 0 0 401.5 508 909.5

(Major 379) 2 757 3 9 25 0 0 794 1016 1810

3 1135.5 4.5 9 37.5 0 0 1186.5 1524 2710.5

4 1514 6 9 50 0 82 1661 2032 3693

5 1892.5 7.5 9 62.5 0 82 2053.5 2540 4593.5

6 2271 9 9 75 0 82 2446 3048 5494

7 2649.5 10.5 9 87.5 0 82 2838.5 3556 6394.5

8 3028 12 9 100 0 82 3231 4064 7295

9 3406.5 13.5 9 112.5 0 82 3623.5 4572 8195.5

10+ 3785 15 9 125 0 82 4016 5080 9096

Student Learning Non- Non-

Graduate Credit Instructional Activity COTA General Tech Rec Resident Resident Resident

Hours Fees Fee Fee (2) Fees Fee Fee (1) Total Tuition Total

Master of Health 0-1 398 1.5 9 12.5 0 0 421 508 929

Administration 2 796 3 9 25 0 0 833 1016 1849

(Major 230) 3 1194 4.5 9 37.5 0 0 1245 1524 2769

4 1592 6 9 50 0 82 1739 2032 3771

5 1990 7.5 9 62.5 0 82 2151 2540 4691

6 2388 9 9 75 0 82 2563 3048 5611

7 2786 10.5 9 87.5 0 82 2975 3556 6531

8 3184 12 9 100 0 82 3387 4064 7451

9 3582 13.5 9 112.5 0 82 3799 4572 8371

10+ 3980 15 9 125 0 82 4211 5080 9291

Graduate Summer 2009 - Autumn 2009

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Part II

Student Learning Non- Non-

Graduate Credit Instructional Activity COTA General Tech Rec Resident Resident Resident

Hours Fees Fee Fee (2) Fees Fee Fee (1) Total Tuition Total

Masters of 0-1 352.5 1.5 9 12.5 0 0 375.5 508 883.5

Public Health (MPH) 2 705 3 9 25 0 0 742 1016 1758

Major 738 3 1057.5 4.5 9 37.5 0 0 1108.5 1524 2632.5

Masters of 4 1410 6 9 50 0 82 1557 2032 3589

Public Health (PEP) 5 1762.5 7.5 9 62.5 0 82 1923.5 2540 4463.5

Program for 6 2115 9 9 75 0 82 2290 3048 5338

Experienced 7 2467.5 10.5 9 87.5 0 82 2656.5 3556 6212.5

Professionals 8 2820 12 9 100 0 82 3023 4064 7087

(Major 739) 9 3172.5 13.5 9 112.5 0 82 3389.5 4572 7961.5

10+ 3525 15 9 125 0 82 3756 5080 8836

Student Learning Non- Non-

Graduate Credit Instructional Activity COTA General Tech Rec Resident Resident Resident

Hours Fees Fee Fee (2) Fees Fee Fee (1) Total Tuition Total

Masters of 0-1 370 1.5 9 12.5 0 0 393 508 901

Occupational Therapy 2 740 3 9 25 0 0 777 1016 1793

3 1110 4.5 9 37.5 0 0 1161 1524 2685

4 1480 6 9 50 0 82 1627 2032 3659

5 1850 7.5 9 62.5 0 82 2011 2540 4551

6 2220 9 9 75 0 82 2395 3048 5443

7 2590 10.5 9 87.5 0 82 2779 3556 6335

8 2960 12 9 100 0 82 3163 4064 7227

9 3330 13.5 9 112.5 0 82 3547 4572 8119

10+ 3700 15 9 125 0 82 3931 5080 9011

Graduate Summer 2009 - Autumn 2009

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Part II

Student Learning Non- Non-

Graduate Credit Instructional Activity COTA General Tech. Rec Resident Resident Resident

Hours Fees Fee Fee Fees Fee Fee Total Tuition Total

Masters of Nursing 0-1 333 1.5 9 12.5 0 0 356 508 864

2 666 3 9 25 0 0 703 1016 1719

3 999 4.5 9 37.5 0 0 1050 1524 2574

4 1332 6 9 50 0 82 1479 2032 3511

5 1665 7.5 9 62.5 0 82 1826 2540 4366

6 1998 9 9 75 0 82 2173 3048 5221

7 2331 10.5 9 87.5 0 82 2520 3556 6076

8 2664 12 9 100 0 82 2867 4064 6931

9 2997 13.5 9 112.5 0 82 3214 4572 7786

10+ 3330 15 9 125 0 82 3561 5080 8641

Student Learning Non- Non-

Graduate Credit Instructional Activity COTA General Tech. Rec Resident Resident Resident

Hours Fees Fee Fee (2) Fees Fee Fee (1) Total Tuition Total

Masters of Social Work 0-1 348.5 1.5 9 12.5 7.5 0 379 508 887

2 697 3 9 25 15 0 749 1016 1765

3 1045.5 4.5 9 37.5 22.5 0 1119 1524 2643

4 1394 6 9 50 30 82 1571 2032 3603

5 1742.5 7.5 9 62.5 37.5 82 1941 2540 4481

6 2091 9 9 75 45 82 2311 3048 5359

7 2439.5 10.5 9 87.5 52.5 82 2681 3556 6237

8 2788 12 9 100 60 82 3051 4064 7115

9 3136.5 13.5 9 112.5 60 82 3413.5 4572 7985.5

10+ 3485 15 9 125 60 82 3776 5080 8856

Graduate Summer 2009 - Autumn 2009

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Part II

Student Learning Non- Non-

Graduate Credit Instructional Activity COTA General Tech Rec Resident Resident Resident

Hours Fees Fee Fee Fees Fee Fee Total Tuition Total

ENG and AHR 0-1 333 1.5 9 12.5 18.25 0 374.25 508 882.25

(Majors 010, 030, 065 2 666 3 9 25 36.5 0 739.5 1016 1755.5

078, 095, 103, 105, 171, 3 999 4.5 9 37.5 54.75 0 1104.75 1524 2628.75

178, 235, 255, 267, 4 1332 6 9 50 73 82 1552 2032 3584

281, 292, 312, 490) 5 1665 7.5 9 62.5 91.25 82 1917.25 2540 4457.25

6 1998 9 9 75 109.5 82 2282.5 3048 5330.5

7 2331 10.5 9 87.5 127.75 82 2647.75 3556 6203.75

8 2664 12 9 100 146 82 3013 4064 7077

9 2997 13.5 9 112.5 146 82 3360 4572 7932

10+ 3330 15 9 125 146 82 3707 5080 8787

Student Learning Non- Non-

Graduate Credit Instructional Activity COTA General Tech Rec Resident Resident Resident

Hours Fees Fee Fee Fees Fee Fee Total Tuition Total

Education and Human Ecology (EHE) 0-1 333 1.5 9 12.5 12.75 0 368.75 508 876.75

(Majors 141, 142, 144, 147, 156, 158, 2 666 3 9 25 25.5 0 728.5 1016 1744.5

162, 164, 168, 187, 223, 231, 462, 543, 3 999 4.5 9 37.5 38.25 0 1088.25 1524 2612.25

623, 642, 684, 685, 688) 4 1332 6 9 50 51 82 1530 2032 3562

5 1665 7.5 9 62.5 63.75 82 1889.75 2540 4429.75

6 1998 9 9 75 76.5 82 2249.5 3048 5297.5

7 2331 10.5 9 87.5 89.25 82 2609.25 3556 6165.25

8 2664 12 9 100 102 82 2969 4064 7033

9 2997 13.5 9 112.5 102 82 3316 4572 7888

10+ 3330 15 9 125 102 82 3663 5080 8743

Graduate Summer 2009 - Autumn 2009

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Part III

Professional Summer 2009 - Autumn 2009Student Learning Non- Non-

Professional Credit Instructional Activity COTA General Tech Rec Resident Resident Resident

Hours Fees Fee Fee Fees Fee Fee Total Tuition Total

Dentistry 0-1 906.5 1.5 9 12.5 984 0 1913.5 1042.5 2956

2 1813 3 9 25 984 0 2834 2085 4919

3 2719.5 4.5 9 37.5 984 0 3754.5 3127.5 6882

4 3626 6 9 50 984 82 4757 4170 8927

5 4532.5 7.5 9 62.5 984 82 5677.5 5212.5 10890

6 5439 9 9 75 984 82 6598 6255 12853

7 6345.5 10.5 9 87.5 984 82 7518.5 7297.5 14816

8 7252 12 9 100 984 82 8439 8340 16779

9 8158.5 13.5 9 112.5 984 82 9359.5 9382.5 18742

10+ 9065 15 9 125 984 82 10280 10425 20705

Student Learning Non- Non-

Professional Credit Instructional Activity COTA General Tech Rec Resident Resident Resident

Hours Fees Fee Fee (2) Fees Fee Fee (1) Total Tuition Total

Law 0-1 1087 2 13.5 19 0 0 1121.5 747.5 1869

(Semester) 2 2174 4 13.5 38 0 0 2229.5 1495 3724.5

3 3261 6 13.5 57 0 0 3337.5 2242.5 5580

4 4348 8 13.5 76 0 123 4568.5 2990 7558.5

5 5435 10 13.5 95 0 123 5676.5 3737.5 9414

6 6522 12 13.5 114 0 123 6784.5 4485 11269.5

7 7609 14 13.5 133 0 123 7892.5 5232.5 13125

8 8696 16 13.5 152 0 123 9000.5 5980 14980.5

9 9783 18 13.5 171 0 123 10108.5 6727.5 16836

10+ 10870 20 13.5 190 0 123 11216.5 7475 18691.5

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Student Learning Non- Non-

Professional Credit Instructional Activity COTA General Tech Rec Resident Resident Resident

Hours Fees Fee Fee (2) Fees Fee Fee (1) Total Tuition Total

Medicine Rank 1 0-1 952 1.5 9 12.5 6.25 0 981.25 517 1498.25

2 1904 3 9 25 12.5 0 1953.5 1034 2987.5

3 2856 4.5 9 37.5 18.75 0 2925.75 1551 4476.75

4 3808 6 9 50 25 82 3980 2068 6048

5 4760 7.5 9 62.5 31.25 82 4952.25 2585 7537.25

6 5712 9 9 75 37.5 82 5924.5 3102 9026.5

7 6664 10.5 9 87.5 43.75 82 6896.75 3619 10515.75

8 7616 12 9 100 50 82 7869 4136 12005

9 8568 13.5 9 112.5 50 82 8835 4653 13488

10+ 9520 15 9 125 50 82 9801 5170 14971

Part III

Professional Summer 2009 - Autumn 2009

Student Learning Non- Non-

Professional Credit Instructional Activity COTA General Tech Rec Resident Resident Resident

Hours Fees Fee Fee (2) Fees Fee Fee (1) Total Tuition Total

Medicine Rank 2, 3, 4 0-1 952 1.5 9 12.5 0 0 975 517 1492

2 1904 3 9 25 0 0 1941 1034 2975

3 2856 4.5 9 37.5 0 0 2907 1551 4458

4 3808 6 9 50 0 82 3955 2068 6023

5 4760 7.5 9 62.5 0 82 4921 2585 7506

6 5712 9 9 75 0 82 5887 3102 8989

7 6664 10.5 9 87.5 0 82 6853 3619 10472

8 7616 12 9 100 0 82 7819 4136 11955

9 8568 13.5 9 112.5 0 82 8785 4653 13438

10+ 9520 15 9 125 0 82 9751 5170 14921

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Student Learning Non- Non-

Professional Credit Instructional Activity COTA General Equipment Rec Resident Resident Resident

Hours Fees Fee Fee (3) Fees Fee Fee (2) Total Tuition Total

Optometry 0-1 641 1.5 9 12.5 374 0 1038 968.5 2006.5

2 1282 3 9 25 374 0 1693 1937 3630

3 1923 4.5 9 37.5 374 0 2348 2905.5 5253.5

4 2564 6 9 50 374 82 3085 3874 6959

5 3205 7.5 9 62.5 374 82 3740 4842.5 8582.5

6 3846 9 9 75 374 82 4395 5811 10206

7 4487 10.5 9 87.5 374 82 5050 6779.5 11829.5

8 5128 12 9 100 374 82 5705 7748 13453

9 5769 13.5 9 112.5 374 82 6360 8716.5 15076.5

10+ 6410 15 9 125 374 82 7015 9685 16700

Part III

Professional Summer 2009 - Autumn 2009

Student Learning Non- Non-

Professional Credit Instructional Activity COTA General Tech Rec Resident Resident Resident

Hours Fees Fee Fee (2) Fees Fee Fee (1) Total Tuition Total

Pharmacy 0-1 530.5 1.5 9 12.5 0 0 553.5 540 1093.5

2 1061 3 9 25 0 0 1098 1080 2178

3 1591.5 4.5 9 37.5 0 0 1642.5 1620 3262.5

4 2122 6 9 50 0 82 2269 2160 4429

5 2652.5 7.5 9 62.5 0 82 2813.5 2700 5513.5

6 3183 9 9 75 0 82 3358 3240 6598

7 3713.5 10.5 9 87.5 0 82 3902.5 3780 7682.5

8 4244 12 9 100 0 82 4447 4320 8767

9 4774.5 13.5 9 112.5 0 82 4991.5 4860 9851.5

10+ 5305 15 9 125 0 82 5536 5400 10936

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Student Learning Non- Non-

Professional Credit Instructional Activity COTA General Tech Rec Resident Resident Resident

Hours Fees Fee Fee (2) Fees Fee Fee (1) Total Tuition Total

Vet Medicine* 0-1 780 1.5 9 12.5 0 0 803 1078 1881

2 1560 3 9 25 0 0 1597 2156 3753

3 2340 4.5 9 37.5 0 0 2391 3234 5625

4 3120 6 9 50 0 82 3267 4312 7579

5 3900 7.5 9 62.5 0 82 4061 5390 9451

6 4680 9 9 75 0 82 4855 6468 11323

7 5460 10.5 9 87.5 0 82 5649 7546 13195

8 6240 12 9 100 0 82 6443 8624 15067

9 7020 13.5 9 112.5 0 82 7237 9702 16939

10+ 7800 15 9 125 0 82 8031 10780 18811

Part IV

Regional Campuses / Summer 2009 - Autumn 2009REGIONAL CAMPUS

Undergraduate (LMA,MNS, MRN, and NWK)

Rank 1, 2, C, S, & T

BOR- Non- Non-

REGIONAL Credit Instructional General AC Resident Resident Resident

CAMPUS Hours Fees Fees Credit Total Tuition Total

0-1 166.75 6.5 -16 157.25 377 534.25

2 333.5 13 -32 314.5 754 1068.5

3 500.25 19.5 -48 471.75 1131 1602.75

4 667 26 -64 629 1508 2137

5 833.75 32.5 -80 786.25 1885 2671.25

6 1000.5 39 -96 943.5 2262 3205.5

7 1167.25 45.5 -112 1100.75 2639 3739.75

8 1334 52 -128 1258 3016 4274

9 1500.75 58.5 -144 1415.25 3393 4808.25

10 1667.5 65 -160 1572.5 3770 5342.5

11 1834.25 71.5 -176 1729.75 4147 5876.75

12+ 2001 78 -192 1887 4524 6411

*Clinical education fees $100-$200 based on student tier.

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Undergraduate (LMA,MNS, MRN, and NWK)

Rank 3, 4, & R

BOR- Non- Non-

REGIONAL Credit Instructional General AC Resident Resident Resident

CAMPUS Hours Fees Fees Credit Total Tuition Total

0-1 166.75 6.5 0 173.25 377 550.25

2 333.5 13 0 346.5 754 1100.5

3 500.25 19.5 0 519.75 1131 1650.75

4 667 26 0 693 1508 2201

5 833.75 32.5 0 866.25 1885 2751.25

6 1000.5 39 0 1039.5 2262 3301.5

7 1167.25 45.5 0 1212.75 2639 3851.75

8 1334 52 0 1386 3016 4402

9 1500.75 58.5 0 1559.25 3393 4952.25

10 1667.5 65 0 1732.5 3770 5502.5

11 1834.25 71.5 0 1905.75 4147 6052.75

12+ 2001 78 0 2079 4524 6603

Part IV

Regional Campuses / Summer 2009 - Autumn 2009REGIONAL CAMPUS

Graduate (LMA,MNS, MRN, and NWK)

BOR- Non- Non-

REGIONAL Credit Instructional General AC Resident Resident Resident

CAMPUS Hours Fees Fees Credit Total Tuition Total

0-1 330.5 8 0 338.5 508 846.5

2 661 16 0 677 1016 1693

3 991.5 24 0 1015.5 1524 2539.5

4 1322 32 0 1354 2032 3386

5 1652.5 40 0 1692.5 2540 4232.5

6 1983 48 0 2031 3048 5079

7 2313.5 56 0 2369.5 3556 5925.5

8 2644 64 0 2708 4064 6772

9 2974.5 72 0 3046.5 4572 7618.5

10+ 3305 80 0 3385 5080 8465

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Undergraduate (ATI)

BOR- Non- Non-

REGIONAL Credit Instructional General AC Resident Resident Resident

CAMPUS Hours Fees Fees Credit Total Tuition Total

0-1 166.25 6.5 -10 162.75 377 539.75

2 332.5 13 -20 325.5 754 1079.5

3 498.75 19.5 -30 488.25 1131 1619.25

4 665 26 -40 651 1508 2159

5 831.25 32.5 -50 813.75 1885 2698.75

6 997.5 39 -60 1036.5 2262 3238.5

7 1163.75 45.5 -70 1139.25 2639 3778.25

8 1330 52 -80 1302 3016 4318

9 1496.25 58.5 -90 1464.75 3393 4857.75

10 1662.5 65 -100 1627.5 3770 5397.5

11 1828.75 71.5 -110 1790.25 4147 5937.25

12+ 1995 78 -120 1953 4524 6477

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