Volume: 7 Issue: 5 February 26, 2015 bi-weekly Edition merald Star News E The A style of it’s own a community Based Newspaper Free offered ‘free’ …….from our business Advertisers inside this week Made possible by your local advertising businesses in this edition. Real Estate listings inside: Theemeraldstarnews.blogspot.com This is our new web site: Theemeraldstarnews.blogspot.com New e-mail address: [email protected] Promoting the growth of Freeport in every edition Since ‘2008 For every copy picked up, a business gathers a new customer base of readership. Welcome to all you visiting our little slice of heaven... Thanks for reading……..enjoy :) Inside this EDITION: Check our website for more News Community Celebration in Freeport The public is cordially invited to attend a Community Celebration honor- ing the 2015 Girls Basketball State…....Page 5 How to Start & Grow a Small Business Online……....Page 6 DARTSLIVE2 Japan’s latest Dart machine is now at The Lucky Star Bar on old Hwy 331………….….Page 6 Healthmark expands services…again Healthmark Regional Medical Center (HRMC) has expanded one of its most popular services to better accommodate the public………..…...Page 10 See what’s new inside ** COUPON’s for LUNCH !! Thanks for picking this up to read….. Our Advertisers are very special to us and it helps if you let them know you saw their AD here in this newspaper. That helps us ensure a long time for the Emerald Star News to become known for all it can do for you…...no matter ‘who’ you are…..(except terrorists). The Freeport High School Girl’s Basketball Team won the Florida State 1A Div. Championship. The event was held in Lakeland Florida over the past weekend. The city is very proud of the girls team this year after being so close after last year’s efforts. The hard work at practices and the team coming together at the right time also helps. Congratulations, from us all here in Walton County, Florida. The final score was Freeport 46, Wildwood 36. Katie O’Neal was the player of the game with 19 points..

February 26, 2015 Edition

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This newspaper is your voice to the county and all city or state employees, or whomever it may concern. Have something to say? Good or bad? Let’s hear it!! Don’t hesitate to make suggestions or send in your comments to us anytime on any subject. Did you ever want to be a writer? Here’s your chance to be recognized. Send any and all inquiries to the address listed below. We are an equal opportunity employer.

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Page 1: February 26, 2015 Edition

Volume: 7 Issue: 5 February 26, 2015 bi-weekly Edition

merald Star News E The

A style of it’s own — a community Based Newspaper


offered ‘free’ …….from our business Advertisers inside this week

Made possible by your local

advertising businesses in this edition.

Real Estate listings inside:


This is our new web site:

Theemeraldstarnews.blogspot.com New e-mail address:

[email protected]

Promoting the growth of Freeport in every edition Since ‘2008



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Inside this EDITION: Check our website for more News

Community Celebration

in Freeport The public is cordially

invited to attend a Community Celebration honor-

ing the 2015 Girls Basketball State…....Page 5

How to Start & Grow a Small

Business Online……....Page 6

DARTSLIVE2 Japan’s latest Dart machine is now at The Lucky

Star Bar on old Hwy 331………….….Page 6

Healthmark expands services…again Healthmark Regional Medical Center (HRMC) has

expanded one of its most popular services to better

accommodate the public………..…...Page 10

See what’s new inside

** COUPON’s for LUNCH!!

Thanks for picking this up to read…..

Our Advertisers are very special to us and it helps if you let them know you saw their

AD here in this newspaper. That helps us ensure

a long time for the Emerald Star News to become

known for all it can do for you…...no matter

‘who’ you are…..(except terrorists).

The Freeport High School Girl’s Basketball Team won the Florida State 1A Div. Championship. The

event was held in Lakeland Florida over the past weekend. The city is very proud of the girls team this

year after being so close after last year’s efforts. The hard work at practices and the team coming together

at the right time also helps. Congratulations, from us all here in Walton County, Florida.

The final score was Freeport 46, Wildwood 36. Katie O’Neal was the player of the game with 19 points..

Page 2: February 26, 2015 Edition

Hello everybody. Let’s kick this cold weather to the curb and

let’s get on with Spring Break. Sound good to you? It’s com-

ing next month and the flux of visitors will once again fill

our highways, however spending money enjoying what we have to offer.

LET ME VENT! Some of you may find this hard to comprehend or stomach, but if

there were a choice between Bill Clinton and Barack Obama, — I’d choose the fella

from Hope, Arkansas. Now having been in the military at the time of the Clinton admini-

stration, I can certainly find plenty of policy issues for disagreement there.

However, one thing about Bill Clinton, he knew how to pivot and be an adept politician.

Who can forget how, after his midterm election debacle in 1994, in his ensuing State of

the Union address he announced “the era of big government has ended.” And that was

said with Al Gore and Newt Gingrich sitting behind him. At that point we saw biparti-

sanship — perhaps reluctantly so — but the result was balanced budgets, creation of sur-

pluses, cuts to federal government agency growth, and welfare reform. Who would have

thought it possible? It was all because President Clinton, who had previously started out

with big government liberal progressive aspirations, heard the American people and real-

ized his “agenda” had been rebuked.

Now, compare that to Barack Obama who, on the Wednesday after the Tuesday Novem-

ber 4, 2014 midterm election defeat, stood in the White House and confirmed his savant

status by saying he’d heard the voices of the two-thirds of Americans who hadn’t voted

— huh? We’ve seen how he continues doubling down after that midterm election — in-

cluding a very dangerous executive order on immigration, which by his own declaration

— between 22 and 25 times — was unconstitutional. And we clearly heard Mr. Obama

using the bully pulpit of the State of the Union address to boisterously admonish a new

GOP majority House and Senate about his veto power.

So against that backdrop, the New York Post had a very interesting piece entitled

“Obama is on a Rampage” saying, “He can’t bring himself to call Islamic terrorists what

they are, but President Obama finally said something with which we can all agree.

Speaking of his remaining time in office, he said: “Two years is a long time.” He can say

that again — and did, attaching a scary promise about his plans for the twilight of his


“Two years is also the time in which we’re going to be setting the stage for the next

presidential election and the next 10 years of American policy,” he told wealthy donors

in San Francisco. “So I intend to run through the tape and work really hard, and squeeze

every last little bit of change.”The word that comes to mind is “rogue.” As in, the presi-

dent is going rogue. Like an elephant on a rampage, he’s breaking free of all constraints.

That makes the next two years extremely dangerous. Not just for Americans, but also for

people around the world who count on us for their security and well-being.

It is party time for the bad guys. Imagine you are the head of Islamic State or al-Qaida.

Or you are Vladimir Putin, the head of China or the ayatollah of Iran. You know Obama

has spent six years shrinking America’s footprint and abandoning allies, leaving behind

the vacuums you are filling. It’s already a bonanza, and his vow to double down over the

next two years means you will never get a better opportunity to make more hay.”

“The potential danger is this, “the Putins, the mullahs and the terrorists will match

Obama’s sprint to the finish with their own. The violence, chaos, millions of refugees

and breakdown of sovereign states already under way could be just a preview of the com-

ing dystopian future. From Eastern Europe to Asia to Africa to the Mideast, no populated

spot anywhere would be immune from potential upheaval and collapse.”

Now for those of you who feel angered because I ask these questions and bring up these

points — is your anger focused where it should be? If the American people reject na-

tional policies in an election, should one continue down that path of dismissive belliger-

ence towards the electorate? If the House and Senate composition is not considered rep-

resentative of the voice of the people, are we still living in a Constitutional Republic?

President George W. Bush accepted the results of the 2006 midterm elections and of

course there was an increase in spending those final two years.Elections should have

consequences. As we’ve seen in the history of our nation, be they Republican or Democ-

rat, presidents have heeded the voice of the people. There is something very different

with President Barack Obama — a malignant narcissism perhaps? Regardless, these two

years will indeed be long since no one will seek impeachment of Obama, even if he

meets with those who have affiliations with the Muslim Brotherhood.

The final words of the New York Post piece are quite disconcerting, “As those scenarios

suggest, Obama’s promise “to squeeze every last little bit of change” out of the next two

years could wreak havoc with the presidential hopes of Hillary Clinton and a platoon of

Republicans. If they are wise, the candidates will draft their plans in erasable ink. With

the Master of Disaster on the prowl, the worst is yet to come.”

Remember within the first seven months of George W. Bush’s first presidential term, the

world changed on September, 11, 2001. That event was set in motion during the preced-

ing Clinton administration. America, we’re gonna need a Churchill to follow this

political agenda-driven Chamberlain. Where’s the Man to step-up and be our LEADER?

Editorial Views expressed in The EMERALD STAR NEWS do not necessarily reflect those of the

publisher. The staff of The EMERALD STAR NEWS pride ourselves in our efforts to en-

sure accuracy of the publication contents. However, there is no guarantee of the accuracy of all

the Information nor the absence of errors and omissions (especially when sent through a third party); therefore, no responsibility can or will be assumed. 2500 copies printed bi-weekly.


Frank Wolfe Jr.

(850) 585-0262 Check us out on FACEBOOK!

E-mail info. to: [email protected]

Main Office/Sales - 850-585-0262

Web Designer – Lee Cox

Contributing Writer/reporter - Rian Lyday

Special “Thanks” to our advertisers, show support.

Page 2 The EMERALD STAR NEWS Inc. Thursday, February 26, 2015

Look online: theemeraldstarnews.blogspot.com

Mail invoices and other information to:

P.O. Box 1133 Freeport, Florida 32439

Quote of

the week :

The Wolfe’s Den

Try to make at least

one person happy

every day. If you

cannot do a kind

deed, speak a kind

word. If you cannot

speak a kind word,

think a kind

thought. Count up,

if you can, the

treasure of happi-

ness that you would

dispense in a week,

This newspaper is your voice to the county and all city or state employees, or

whomever it may concern. Have something to say? Good or bad? Let’s hear it!!

Don’t hesitate to make suggestions or send in your comments to us anytime on

any subject. Did you ever want to be a writer? Have an investigative mind?

Here’s your chance to be recognized. Or you can help anonymously.

Send any and all inquiries to the address listed below.

We are an equal opportunity employer.

It’s never too late to ‘get involved’. As a society we will gather in time of need

for others, that is what community is all about. Enforce property lines…..

Just as we saw abuse from our government officials all over our nation, watch

where your tax dollars are going and see how it is being spent. If you don’t

agree with it, go to a meeting and speak up….let’s work together!

Changes only come when enough people call to order of descent standards for

which we all can live by. Therefore there are Laws / rules to follow or be jailed.

**If it isn’t on your property it is on someone else’s….county, then state. Keep

you and your stuff on your own property line with setbacks properly integrated.

Or else we all can grandfather anything, ‘wrong. Stop the crap. We want to be

proud of our surroundings. Let’s weed out the problem, deal with it, head on!

Page 3: February 26, 2015 Edition

Page 3 The EMERALD STAR NEWS Inc. Thursday, February 26, 2015

L.C.’S Pizza & Sub

Freeport Plaza, suite 6 (Next to Hardee’s)

Freeport, Florida

(850) 835-2122

Check out Daily specials on Facebook Pizza-Wings-Burgers & Specialties

* LIKE us on FaceBook = Good times go with L.C.’s

Thank them for Advertising here. Lester/Cindy


MUST SHOW THIS COUPON Lunch/Dinner (1/3lb.) 2 Hamburgers,

2 FF and 2 drinks ONLY $10.99 total Cheese extra… leave comments with owners We also cater to you, good food.


Take notice that the Walton County Board of County Commissioners will hold a

SPECIAL MEETING and a closed EXECUTIVE SESSION on March 10, 2015,

beginning at 2:00 p.m., or as soon as possible to that time, at the South Walton Court-

house Annex located at 36 Coastal Centre Blvd., Santa Rosa Beach, Florida to discuss

the following:

In Re: Sandestin Investments, LLC vs. Walton County, et al, Case No.: 14CA200;

Sandestin Investments, LLC vs. Walton County, et al Case No.14CA211;

Sandestin Investments, LLC vs. Walton County, Case No.: 14CA369;

Sandestin Investments, LLC vs. Walton County, et al, Case No.: 14CA357; and

Walton County, et al vs. Sandestin Investments, LLC, Case No.: 1D15-294

The following persons will attend the meeting: the Board of Commissioners, Bill

Chapman, Bill Imfeld, Sara Comander, Cindy Meadows, and Cecilia Jones; Larry

Jones, County Administrator; Mark Davis, County Attorney; and Sidney Noyes,

Assistant County Attorney, and this meeting will be recorded by a certified court

reporter. The court reporter will prepare a verbatim record of the meeting, which will be

sealed until conclusion of the litigation. The executive session is not open to the public

pursuant to Section 286.011(8), Florida Statutes.


The Walton County Board of County Commissioners will hold a special public hear-

ing on Thursday, March 5, 2015, at 4:00 p.m. or as soon thereafter as may be heard at



ALTERNATE LOCATION). The following items will be heard:


Re-Design of Chateau 30A - Project number 14-00100167 is being reviewed by Brian

Underwood. This is a major development order application submitted by Jenkins Engi-

neering, Inc., requesting approval for the construction of a commercial building con-

taining a 59,256 square foot, 90-room, four-story, limited lodging inn, and a second

building containing 660 square feet of retail space on a 2.4 -acre parcel with a future

land use of Village Mixed Use. The project is located on East CR 30A north of Wil-

liams Street and is identified by parcel number(s) 24-3S-19-25030-000-0021.

Proposed project(s) or plan amendment(s) may be inspected by the public from 7:00

AM to 5:30 PM, Monday through Friday at Walton County Planning and Development

Services located at 31 Coastal Center Blvd, Suite 100, Santa Rosa Beach, FL 32549 or

47 North 6th Street, DeFuniak Springs, FL 32435.

Interested parties may appear at the public hearing and be heard with respect to the

proposed project(s) or plan amendment(s).

Walton County Master Gardeners present

“How Does Your Garden Grow?” lecture series. This month the topic will be


Gardener, James Williams will talk about growing olive trees successfully here in

NW Florida. His program is so popular it will be given on two separate dates and

locations. Seating is limited and reservations must be made by calling Cheryl at

850-892-8172 by the Monday before the event.

The first lecture will be on Wednesday, March 4, 2015 from 10:00 to 11:30 am in

the Community Room at Padgett Park, 810 JD Miller Road in Santa Rosa Beach.

The second lecture will be on Wednesday, March 11, 2015 from 2:00 to 3:30 pm at

the Walton County Extension at 732 N 9th Street in DeFuniak Springs.

These programs are open to the public and free of charge. Light refreshments will

be served and Master Gardeners will be on hand to take gardening questions. Soil

sample supplies and instruction will be available.

Submitted by Barbara Young 850-622-0192

The FREEPORT LIBRARY Offers: AARP tax assistance- Every Thursday through April 9th volunteers from AARP will

assist with tax returns. Call the library at (850) 835-2040 to make an appointment.

The Freeport Library currently has a beautiful display of artwork by members of the

Walton County Art League. Don’t miss out on your chance to view the collection from

local artists, many of which are for sale.

Kids read to dogs- call the Freeport library at (850) 835-2040 to make an appointment

for your child to practice their reading skills with certified therapy dogs. These dogs are

screened for health and temperament, and provide a comfortable and non-judgmental

environment for children to practice reading. The reading dogs will next visit the library

on March 14th from 2:00-4:00pm.

On Tuesday, March 10th from 1:00-4:00pm a

representative from SHINE will be available at

the library to assist people with their questions on

Medicare and Medicaid. Walk-ins are welcome,

or call (850) 835-2040 to reserve a time.

Children’s story time is every Wednesday

morning beginning at 10:30am. Join Miss Dollie

for a story and a craft!

Children of all ages are welcome.

Statewide – Are you looking for an opportunity to make a difference in

your community? The Florida Ombudsman Program currently has volunteer

opportunities available statewide. Our volunteers visit with residents of nursing

homes and assisted living facilities to ensure they are treated with dignity and re-

spect and receiving the care they deserve. Ombudsman volunteers receive special

training and participate in monthly program meetings. To learn more about be-

coming an ombudsman volunteer, please visit our website

at ombudsman.myflorida.com, search for us on Facebook, or

call us toll-free at 1-888-831-0404.

SHIP funds available for Walton County residents in need State funding is available for Walton County residents who qualify for housing

assistance. The State Housing Initiatives Partnership (SHIP) program provides indi-

viduals with funds to assist first-time homeowners with down payments and/or

closing costs.

SHIP, a Florida Housing program, is administered in Walton County by the West

Florida Regional Planning Council (WFRPC). The council’s housing assistance

department is currently in the process of verifying several Walton County appli-

cants, but they need more to set the program in motion.

“In Walton County, the SHIP program provides up to $10,000 to help first-time

homeowners with their down payments and/or closing costs, with the homebuyer

providing a minimum of $500 at closing,” said Cindy McIlwain, planning techni-

cian at WFRPC. “We’d like to be able to help more families make their first home

purchase.” Call Cindy McIlwain at (800) 226-8914 or visit www.wfrpc.org.

Page 4: February 26, 2015 Edition

Thursday, February 26, 2015 The EMERALD STAR NEWS Inc.

Health Post George Roll P.A.-C

Seagrove Medical Clinic

Call # 850-231-6200

Walk-ins and Appt.s

Send health questions or

comments to: P.O.Box 1133

Freeport, Florida 32439


Page 4

Call for AJ’s -’tip of the week’

998 Bay Dr. Santa Rosa-Beach, Fl.32459


A.J.Dubuisson State Certified-Master Plumber License # CF-C057978

Water Heater sizes are

changing due to new regulations.

Call us today for information. Aj

‘SinCe 1989’


Business Ads

as low as $25,

call today to

find out how!


Have you got something to say?

Let’s hear it! Time to VOTE! Say?

Don’t hold back, you see a way to

improve something? Tell us. Say?

Got ideas? That you think would be

beneficial to Walton county?

E-mail anytime…..check page 2

We appreciate our readers. Don’t forget to let them

know you saw their Ad here in The Emerald Star

News. That’s all we ask in return for your time.

It’s been 7 long years of news. Thank you.

Ribbon cutting in Freeport

Freeport Mayor Russ Barley, Council members

Janice McLean and Eddie Farris, and a large crowd of

friends and family showed up Sunday afternoon Feb.

22 for the ribbon cutting and grand opening of

Cafe 20. (formerly TJ's Table) New owners

Norm and Irene Cote have renovated the restaurant

and will begin full operation of the business on Mon-

day, opening seven days a week from 11:00 a.m. until

8 p.m. Cafe 20 is located on State Highway 20 West

directly across the street from Freeport City Hall.

Freeport Middle School Spring Fling

Friday, March 6th FMS Football Field

Please join us for a great night of family/community fun!

5:30-8 pm

Entry is Free!

8 Inflatables (including Bounce Houses and

Obstacle Courses); Rock Wall; Hay Ride

Cost—$10 advance

$15 at the gate

Armbands can be purchased at FMS

Many Booths/Games

including Face Painting, Duck Pond, & Cake Walk

Cost—tickets (vary per game)

.25 per ticket, purchase at the gate

Concessions and Vendors

(addition cost)

For more information or vendor space, please contact:

FMS (850)892-1221

Crystal Appel: [email protected] or

Kristy Moody: [email protected]

Life-threatening peanut allergies have mysteriously been on the

rise in the past decade, with little hope for a cure.

But a groundbreaking new study may offer a way to stem that rise,

while another may offer some hope for those who are already allergic.

Parents have been told for years to avoid giving foods containing pea-

nuts to babies for fear of triggering an allergy. Now research shows the

opposite is true: Feeding babies snacks made with peanuts before their

first birthday appears to prevent that from happening.

The study is published in the New England Journal of Medicine, and it

was presented at the annual meeting of the American Academy of Al-

lergy, Asthma and Immunology in Houston. It found that among chil-

dren at high risk for getting peanut allergies, eating peanut snacks by 11

months of age and continuing to eat them at least three times a week

until age 5 cut their chances of becoming allergic by more than 80%

compared to kids who avoided peanuts. Those at high risk were already

allergic to egg, they had the skin condition eczema, or both.

Overall, about 3% of kids who ate peanut butter or peanut snacks before

their first birthday got an allergy, compared to about 17% of kids who

didn’t eat them.

Read more on this study at Web MD. It has the full statistics from the

study and some interesting discovered facts for infants to break the al-

lergies kids have today. Many are life threatening. Call us or stop on in.

Please assist us in getting this informa-tion to the public. Kindergarten registration for the 2015 -16 school year

will be held at all Walton County elementary schools

during weekdays from Monday, March 2, 2015 to

Wednesday, March 18, 2015 between the hours of

8:00 a.m. and 2:30 p.m. To be eligible to enter Kin-

dergarten, a child must be five (5) years of age on or

before September 1, 2015.

An official proof of birth is required at the time of

registration. Hospital certificates are NOT official

birth records. Parents who do not have their child’s

birth certificate can obtain a certified copy by making

a request to the state in which the child was born.

Because this is often a lengthy process, parents need-

ing to obtain a certificate are urged to do so now in

order to receive it prior to this registration period.

Children born in the state of Florida may obtain an

official birth certificate at the Walton County Public

Health Unit, 362 State Highway 83, DeFuniak

Springs. There is a fee of $12.00.

Before entering school in August, each kindergarten

child must have the following:

*Walton County Notice of Social Security Disclosure

is available at:



**Parents will need to see their child’s health pro-vider for a current exam and immunization update.

Page 5: February 26, 2015 Edition


Freeport Members of the Walton County Sheriff’s

Office are investigating a shooting that

occurred around 3 am Sunday morning.

The incident took place at a trailer located

in Simpler’s Fish Camp at the river near


The Walton County Sheriff’s Office says

the caller reported a male subject had

fired several rounds into an occupied

residence. Deputies quickly responded to

the scene along with members of the

Criminal Investigations Bureau and

Crime Scene Technicians.

Walton County Sheriff’s Office Investiga-

tors arrested 41-year-old Billie Ray

Thompson, of Chesser Road, near DeFu-

niak Springs, for armed burglary and

shooting into an occupied dwelling.

Per victim and witness statement’s,

Thompson, forcefully opened a locked

door to a camper located on McCewen

Street in Bruce by pulling on it and break-

ing the chain lock. The two victims inside

called 911 and told Thompson to leave.

Thompson exited the porch of the camper

and discharged nine rounds from his .40

caliber Hi-Point pistol, which penetrated

the inside and outside of the camper. The

victims inside the camper were not

injured when the shooting

took place.

The .40 caliber Hi-Point

pistol along with .40 caliber

ammunition was recovered

from Thompson’s residence

after consent was given.

Thompson was booked at the

Walton County Sheriff’s

Office Jail.

Page 5


Thursday, February 26, 2015 The Emerald Star News, Inc.

Do you have a business?

Lowest Ad Rates in Walton county!

We’d like to see you advertise with us!

Call today: 850-585-0262

The Mayors Post Russ Barley Freeport Mayor

Please send any and all comments

to The [email protected]

Emerald Coast Flowers & Gifts

NOW across from City Hall, Freeport, Florida 32439

850-835-5200 or 850-267-2616

Full Service Florist- Worldwide Delivery


Have a Veteran Help

you! We are here to

help each other. We offer the best coverage for

the lowest prices you will find!

Give us a call now to reserve

your space today #5850262

The public is cordially invited to attend a

Community Celebration honoring the 2015

Girls Basketball State Champions, the Freeport

Lady Bulldogs! The celebration will begin at

noon this Saturday February 28th at the

Freeport City Hall.

Hamburgers, Hot Dogs, chips and drinks will

be served and the event is free to the public.

Everyone is encouraged to come out dressed in

orange and blue to celebrate this great event in

Freeport history! Hope to see you there!

Community Celebration in


Russ Barley-Mayor of Freeport

Greetings from the Mayor’s office....

Seems as though winter will not let go but, we have had a few

sunny days and hopefully spring will be here soon. Congratula-

tions to the Freeport High School Girls basketball Team becom-

ing the state champions, we are so proud of you, and the city will

be hosting a celebration for them on Saturday, February 28th be-

ginning at 12:00 noon- at the Freeport city hall, the public is in-

vited to come by and congratulate them on their win. They will

also be recognized at the city council meeting this Thursday night

on February 26th beginning at 7:00 PM. Our Parks and Recrea-

tion Department Director Dana Weiler has been busy setting up

new programs for the citizens of Freeport, announcements will be

forthcoming as the new programs take place and she has been

given the go ahead to look into funding for a skate park and is

looking into an archery program as well as a tennis program.

Councilman Farris is working on the Council on Aging for the

Freeport area and will be giving updates as this progresses. The

council also agreed to apply for a CDGB housing Grant for the

city of Freeport and that now is in the works and a five member

committee will be selected to help work on this. Also please re-

member to mark your calendars for the ground breaking cere-

mony for the new Publix Supermarket on March 17th at 11:00 am.

The annual Miss Freeport Pageants will be held on March 7,

2015, at the Freeport High School Auditorium and we have 41

beautiful young ladies competing for the titles, the pageants begin

at 6:00 pm, so please come and support this project as well.

Spring time will soon be here and the baseball season will be in

full swing so watch for advertisement of this year’s schedules

coming soon. A reminder that the city council meets the second

Tuesday and fourth Thursday of each month beginning at 7:00

pm and you can go on line to freeportflorida.gov for information

that may be coming up on the agenda. Please don’t forget to go by

and visit the Heritage Museum located at the old post office and

tell your friends about it as well, the museum is open Thursday-

Saturday- 12:00 (noon)- 5:00 PM, many thanks to the volunteers

that help out with the museum. Looking forward to much more

excitement in the near future, if you have any suggestions or com-

plaints please give me a call to discuss at 850-835-2822.



















VISOR AT 850-737-1241.

Walton County Community Clean-Up Days Saturday, March 14 Choctaw Beach Park State Rd

20 8:00 AM – 2:00 PM

Saturday, March 28 Legion Park Ponce de Leon

Street 8:00 AM – 2:00 PM

Page 6: February 26, 2015 Edition

Thursday, February 26, 2015 The EMERALD STAR NEWS Inc. Page 6

Nice Get a away location near boat ramp at McDaniel's

Fish Camp. Mobile home has two bedrooms and two

baths and screened porch and sits on a large lot with lots

of Oaks in Yard. MLS 716105

$64,000 232 Trout Circle.

This lovely brick ranch home sits on 20 acres of land in

Red Bay. Three Bedrooms, two baths with double car

garage plus extra garage and workshop. Several acres

cleared with large oak trees. Well maintained home and

yard. MLS 714253. $210,000 - 506 S Tram Rd.

"Serving all of Walton County Since 1985"

30A Realty, Inc. - 850-231-5030

Other Properties - MLS # 607005 - .21 acres - Black Creek Lodge Rd - $25,000

MLS - 524271 - 1.2 acres - Stanley Dr. $25,000

MLS - 607740 - 1.28 - Campground Pt. Defuniak Springs - $11,900

MLS 481585 - 3.86 acres - on Lake Holley and King Lake -Bell Dr/Holland Dr.-$65,000 for 2 parcels / split and buy one parcel for $34,500/ea

MLS 599565 - 2.1 acres - Dvorak Drive, Waterfront on Juniper Lake $45,000

MLS - 512970 - Waterfront Lot Lake Rosemary - 2 lots - .5ac. Both for only $25,000

MLS - 612885 - Lot on Juniper Lake - Wilderness Trace - $29,500

MLS - 552802 - White Creek Rd - 8.44 acres - $26,000


The Walton County Board of County Commissioners

proposes to adopt the following by ordinance:















196.1995 OF THE FLORIDA STATUTES (2014);



You are hereby notified that a Public Hearing on the

ordinance will be held on March 24, 2015, beginning

at 9:00 a.m., or as soon as possible to that time, at the

Walton County Courthouse located at 571 US Hwy 90

East, DeFuniak Springs, Florida. The proposed

ordinance may be inspected at the Office of the County

Attorney. You are advised that interested parties may

appear at the meeting and be heard with respect to the

proposed ordinance.

How to Start & Grow a Small Business Online

Walton County, Florida – UF/IFAS Extension Northwest District is hosting the educational series How to Start

or Grow a Business Online. The series will focus on helping potential and current rural business owners looking

to expand their reach to new markets and/ or improve the efficiency of their business through using the internet.

Topics will include: online & offline business basics, internet business rules & regulations, internet marketing,

payment options & shipping, record keeping & tax planning and starting a Florida Food business online. The

course will start on March 12, 2015. Registration required by February 26, 2015.

UF/IFAS Extension NW District agents recognize that electronic marketing will allow rural business owners to

overcome distance constraints and locate markets outside of their local area receptive to their products

online. To emphasize the value of the internet when it comes to connecting individuals teaching will include

various technologies such as video conferencing, face-to-face and hands-on activities. After participating in

How to Start or Grow a Business Online series participants will not only have had the opportunity to share ideas

and receive feedback from across the panhandle, but should be able to:

Write or add additional components to their business plan

Locate and complete forms needed register a Florida business

Locate the regulations that govern e commerce operation

Identify which type of electronic media will work best for their business

Select a merchant account provider

Select a shipping or fulfillment service

Complete an income and expense statement

Identify which records they should retain

Collect and file taxes or know how to find assistance

Locate and register for the proper additional training

Locate and file forms needed to get their product tested/ inspected

For more information about the How to Start or Grow a Business Online series contact the UF/IFAS Extension

Walton County Office at 850-892-8172. The total cost for full 6 week series is $75.00. To register visit: https://


UF/IFAS Extension focuses on providing practical education you can trust, to help people, businesses and com-

munities solve problems, develop skills and build a better future. For more information about UF/IFAS Exten-

sion Walton County visit http://walton.ifas.ufl.edu/.

Letter to The Editor :

Mr. Frank Wolfe. I am currently under

deployment and along with some of my

fellow mates love reading your newspaper

online. It kind of helps us think about

everybody back home in Walton county.

Please do all you can to let everyone

who owns a business know we really ap-

preciate them all. They pay for the print,

you do your magical touch and your way

with words…..always a smile from us.

You stay on top of those county people

only helping the ones they know. Some-

day we’ll be back home and want to come

personally to meet you, if that’s Ok.

God Bless you and the work you do!

SSGT T. Meyers

DARTSLIVE2 Japan’s latest Dart machine is

now at The Lucky Star Bar

on old Hwy 331.

Players of all ranges and ages.

Come meet Frank, for lessons,

supplies, if needed or even pos-

sibly leagues will be forming

soon. Let Michelle know your

interested and we can get you

going into the Darts world.

Page 7: February 26, 2015 Edition

‘Happenings’ in DeFuniak Springs

Thursday, February 26, 2015 The EMERALD STAR NEWS Inc. Page 7

“free”-HOW?? From the businesses advertising in this

issue. Please Thank each one as you go to their store Yes it’s true. The rising demand for this newspaper made our delivering needs

so high, we could not keep up. We have numerous locations all throughout

Freeport, south Walton and DeFuniak Springs to pick up a copy today.

Interested in advertising? Just give us a call today!

The Emerald Star News is published every other week!


FREEPORT Presbyterian CHURCH, located on Hwy 20. Next to Frank’s Cash &

Carry. We are extending an open invitation to come to our quaint little church to give

thanks and praise to God. Small town feel, choir and children’s services available

too. Sundays at 9am Bible study….10am church service. Come meet Pastor Gene.

Hwy 331 S, next to Cypress Cattle & Produce (Just south of Hwy. 20 west side of Hwy. 331)

850-583-4BBQ (4227)

Trailermade Gulf Coast Q /// Home of the Slab Wrap

***Open Tuesday thru Saturday, 11am to 6pm

*Like us on Facebook We ALSO Cater!

PRESENT this COUPON: Good from 11am to 2pm

Pork sandwich, chips &drink only $7.00 +tax Expires 3-14-15





It a try






AD here!

CAC Construction Groundbreaking

Shovels were

turned at the

site of the

planned new



Center for


County. The

new state of

the art center

will be on

College Avenue on the property where the hospital used to sit. Children’s

Advocacy Center-brings together law enforcement, protective services,

and medical professionals in the Florida counties of Okaloosa and Walton

to protect victims of child abuse

The CAC’s mission is to prevent child abuse and neglect, protect our chil-

dren in Okaloosa and Walton Counties and restore the lives of child abuse

and neglect victims. Founded in 1998, the Center has helped save and heal

hundreds of child abuse victims every year. In 2012, they recognized an

organizational goal of opening a second location in DeFuniak Springs.

Here are ways you can support CAC (Taken from their website http://


Florida Sheriff’s Association Needs Help

Will you help them make their summer camp

experience one to remember? Did you know

there is camp property owned by the Florida

Sheriff’s Youth Ranches here in Walton

County? This property has been put into use by

Walton Sheriff Michael A. Adkinson and each

summer kids benefit from the land across from

Maude Saunders. But some campers across the

state need your help.

Each summer children from all over the state

attend the Florida Sheriffs Youth Ranches sum-

mer camp programs. This summer they could

use your help. Two of their most needed items

are youth and adult sized (small, medium and

large) life preservers and flat twin size bed

sheets. Other items they always in need of are:

toothbrushes, toothpaste, soap, shampoo, de-

odorant and bug spray. They could also also

use comforters and light blankets.

Please bring your donated items to the donation

boxes located in the Walton County Sheriffs

Office North Administration building at 752

Triple G Road in Defuniak Springs or the

Walton County Sheriffs Office South Admini-

stration building at 133 Sheriff’s Drive in Santa

Rosa Beach. For more information contact

Lieutenant Angie Hogeboom at 850-951-4779

or by email at [email protected].

Thank you for caring and sharing! Your gift of

life preservers, bed sheets and other items will

fulfill essential needs at both Florida Sheriffs

Youth Ranches summer camp locations.


Walton County Master Gardeners

Offer Scholarship

The Walton County Master Gardeners will

award scholarship(s) to Walton County Florida

high school senior(s) or Walton County Florida

resident(s) currently attending college or tech-

nical school and interested in furthering their

education in Floriculture/Horticulture. Specific

areas of interest may include landscaping, nurs-

ery/ garden center management, floriculture,

forestry, grounds and turf management, parks

and natural resources and/or other agricultur-

ally related fields. Award(s) may range from

$1000 to $2000 and will be paid jointly to the

student and the school. A good scholastic re-

cord, special interests, and commitment to a

floriculture/horticulture career are considera-

tions when awarding the scholarship.

Applications are available for the 2015 school

year in the Guidance Counselors’ Offices at

Walton High Schools, on-line at http://

walton.ifas.ufl.edu/, and at the University of

Florida/Walton Extension Office located at 732

N 9th Street in DeFuniak Springs (850/892-

8172). For more information call Paula Tut-

wiler at 850-892-2522. The deadline to apply

is April 1, 2015.


The Walton County Economic Devel-

opment Alliance (WCEDA) will hold

its monthly board meeting on Thurs-

day, March 5, 2015 at 12:00 PM at the

Walton County Administration Con-

ference Room located at 76 North 6th

Street, DeFuniak Springs, FL.

Two or more County Commissioners

may attend this meeting. These meet-

ings are open to the public.

“Our sincerest thanks go out to those of you who were able to celebrate

the opening of our new 30Avenue office with us, as well as to those of

you whose warm well wishes were felt in your absence. Our doors are

open for anyone who was unable to attend, or would like a second look!

We're looking forward to many prosperous years ahead!

View the event album:


If you happened to take photos at the event, we'd love if you shared them

to the event gallery!” — Scenic Sotheby's International Realty

Page 8: February 26, 2015 Edition

Page 8 The EMERALD STAR NEWS, Inc. Thursday, February 26, 2015

Ph: 850-835-4153 www.freeportwaterfront.com


CARIBBEAN FUN! 2br/1.5ba, two-story bungalow directly on Black Creek. Dock w/electric. Storage shed, double carport. ID# P247137 $149,900

MALLET BAYOU Protected water with easy access to the Intracoastal & Choctawhatchee Bay. City Water & Sewer available. Tremendous potential! ID# T88485 $139,000

RIVER HIDE-A-WAY Secluded cabin on the Choctawhatchee! 1BR/1BA, 504 sf. on two lots. Large screened porch & utility shed. One of a kind location! ID# T1630288 $89,900

ESTATE SIZE BAY FRONT! Over 3.5 ac. of Bay front property. 182’ on the water w/seawall & rip-rap. Creek borders eastern boundary. Beautiful western sunsets across the Bay. ID# P207321 $385,000

2 ACRES - BANK OWNED Across from Choctawhatchee Bay. Wooded with mature trees. Unrestricted. Close to Marina, City Water & Sewer available. ID# T1694901 $59,900

LAGRANGE SHORES DELUXE! 3BR/2.5BA brick home. Office space, possible 4th BR. Open floor plan & big kitchen. Screen enclosed salt-water pool. Double - double garages. ID# P273997 $259,500

3 BR/2BA

2,172 sq. ft.

Split BR Plan

9 and 10 Ft Ceilings

Granite Countertops

S/S Appliances

Living + Family Rooms

Covered Deck

Ample Storage

Private Boat Launch

Dock on Alaqua Creek

Paved Access off Hwy 20

ID# T1548069 $248,900


BRICK HOME - SOUTH OF HWY 20 3BR/1.5BA, 1,150 sq. ft. home near Four Mile Creek. Split floorplan. Two outbuildings. Half acre lot. ID# T902669 ONLY $99,500

AMAZING BAYFRONT LOT .5 ac. lot in a quiet end-of-cul-de-sac location. City W&S available. Nature preserve, trails, tennis court, boarwalk to the Bay & more. ID# T11821818 $159,900

Wooded .77 ac lot with 103’ on the Bay and a sandy beach. City water and sewer available. Deed restrictions prohibit mobile homes. ID# T603211 $239,500


Page 9: February 26, 2015 Edition

Thursday, February 26, 2015 The EMERALD STAR NEWS Inc . Page 9

The 14 day Overview


1/20 – 2/18


2/19 – 3/20


3/21 – 4/19


4/20 – 5/20


5/21 – 6/21


6/22 – 7/22


7/23 – 8/22


8/23 – 9/22


9/23 – 10/22


10/23 –11/21


11/22 – 12/2


12/22 – 1/19

Help…..Spread the word about this

newspaper to everyone you know!

Advertising specials going on NOW!! Please thank those advertisers in this issue,

because of them -we can continue to promote

business in Walton county. Thank you

Advertise with us!! Guaranteed the lowest price .. Call today: 850.585.0262

Letter to the :

We Thank you Lord for giving us this day. For all our friends, family and community. Please help us guide

FREEPORT in the best direction we can grow to become all we can, for our future and of our children. Amen!

Funny. Look

the ‘Editor is


You can vote from


Hi my name is Barbara Moore. I am a volunteer

at the Alaqua Animal Refuge here in Freeport.

Purina Cat Chow has a contest running from Feb

23rd to March 15th. They chose one rescue from

each state. Alaqua was chosen to represent Flor-

ida. The rescue had to nominate one volunteer to

represent them. Alaqua chose me. The prize is

$25,000 in upgraded housing for the precious

kitty cats at Alaqua Animal Rescue. If you could

please take a minute to vote for me on the

catchow.com site it could make a difference to a

cat. You can vote everyday!

From the EDITOR :

I got this request from a very nice lady who

volunteers a lot for Alaqua Animal Refuge and

has a special opportunity to help, and so CAN

YOU! Please read and VOTE ONLINE!

Dear Editor,

I have been reading your work for 7 yrs. now

and I want to tell you how much us ‘regular folks

enjoy this newspaper. It is wonderful to see the

businesses help you offer the paper for FREE.

Thank you to each of your advertisers for we

really love this and want to see it grow more

pages as more business moves here to Freeport.

Sincerely, Rose Wilson

Dear Editor,

Thank you for promoting our event the turnout

was a huge success from your newspaper. Keep

up the great work you do for our community!

Robert G. Dokkens

There might be a hush-hush situation that you and your sweetheart are addressing about a family matter

this week. Perhaps one of your relatives needs help, and the two of you have decided to come to his or

her aid discreetly. Or, it's possible you're thinking about moving in together, and you aren't ready to go

public with this decision just yet. If so, take the week to check out homes or apartments inconspicuously.

You'll be glad you did. Just trust your instincts they are spot-on right now. Make your path.

You're all about communication this week. Expect to make a solid decision together on Wednesday or

Thursday that has to do with your social life or the pursuit of one of your greatest dreams. On the week-

end, you might be so excited to talk to your mate that you forget to listen. Be mindful.

If you're having trouble making a decision that's connected to your career, this might a good week to

enlist the advice of your partner. On Monday, you appear quite confused about a professional matter. Talk

to your sweetheart so that he or she can remind you exactly what value you bring to your company.

Perhaps this will give you the courage you need to stand up for yourself and what you know you deserve.

You're in an enviable position when it comes to love. You're basically impossible to resist these days.

The fact that the cosmic lovers are making the most fortunate link to the planet of stability and commit-

ment suggests that whatever is happening now in your love life has true staying power. Wow!

Your faith in love will be unshakable this week. Even if you haven't found "the one" just yet, you'll know

that he or she is out there. You'll somehow make peace with knowing that when the time is right, the per-

son that is meant to be yours will arrive. What is meant to be yours will not pass you by. If attached, you

and your sweetheart might spend more time this week talking about faith. You'll assess how each of your

beliefs gels with your relationship. Expect compatibility.

A healthy, stable social life will solidify your love life this week. You and your mate are likely to join a

new group or organization together. Perhaps there's a topic that interests you both and you've decided to

explore it as a couple. This will be a great time to do so! You'll meet other like-minded couples, and you'll

possibly make friends that last a lifetime. Most likely, it'll be that the two of you realize how lucky you

are to have each other once you get home.

You might be so focused on talking to your partner about money matters this week that romance takes a

backseat. There's a conversation you and your sweetie are ready to have that involves shared resources.

Perhaps you're ready to make a decision that involves co-mingling funds in a way you have not in the

past. This could be anything from a joint checking account to a more serious investment.

Your love life is on fire these days. The good news is that it's not the kind of reckless flame that can burn

out of control or that can quickly burn out. No, this time around, it's a slow, steady flame that can warm

your heart through just about anything. Take a moment to enjoy where you and your sweetheart are.

You and your partner might not see eye-to-eye when it comes to a domestic matter. The situation is un-

clear in many ways, and because of this it's difficult to make any decisions -- or judgments. Refrain from

doing so if possible -- you'll have more clarity later in the week. You and your love are likely to feel so

connected spiritually that it becomes easier to take a united front on just about any situation.

Your love life is in a good place these days. Solid, with just enough excitement to suit you, and there does-

n't seem to be anything that could possibly tear you and your sweetheart apart. Make sure you don't waste

any time creating problems where there are none. This will be a gorgeous week to make important deci-

sions with your mate that have long term consequences for your relationship.

You might not feel this is the most romantic week, but it'll certainly be one of the most structured you and

your love have had in quite some time. The two of you might gear up to work on a project that requires the

both of you to be organized and efficient. Whatever this endeavor is, it's something you both want to do,

so don't see it is a boring task. Instead, embrace the energy you'll have to get the job done together, and

enjoy how fulfilling this will be.

You are certainly one of the lucky ones in love this week! With Venus and Mars continuing to tour your

true love sector, it's not going to be boring, that's for sure! What makes this week even more special is that

the cosmic lovers will each connect. This will help to limit frivolous affair potential, and it will turn any

romantic activity you have with someone into something that has real substance potential.

Page 10: February 26, 2015 Edition

Healthmark expands services…again

By Ron Kelley

Healthmark Regional Medical

Center (HRMC) has expanded one

of its most popular services to better

accommodate the public. The

Healthmark Walk-In Clinic is now

seeing patients on Saturday.

Clinic Manager Candance Geisel-

man said the increasing numbers of

patients has been the driving force

behind the change. “We are very

excited about it. We have kept stan-

dard office hours for several years, which has worked fine, but we also know

that working people sometimes find it difficult to get here before we close on

weekdays. We have also received lots of inquiries and requests about expand-

ing our hours, so we decided to start opening on Saturdays from 8 a.m. to noon,” she said.

HRMC Chief of Operations Gerald Beard noted that the Walk-In Clinic offers a less expensive alternative to emer-

gency room visits. “People should not have to use an emergency room for their primary care. Unless it is truly an emer-

gency, people can visit our Walk-In Clinic and get the same excellent care they would receive in the ER for a fraction

of the cost,” said Beard. “This will also help those of us who always seem to start coming down with something on the


A full array of physicians staff the Healthmark Walk-In Clinic, including Dr. Edward Tenewitz, Dr. Mark Hash, Dr.

Tom Roberts, P.A.C., Larry Rafey, P.A.C., and Dr. Scott Haufe. Geiselman said “Initially, Dr. Roberts has volunteered

to help us kick-off the Saturday program, but we will use a rotation system so that all physicians will have some week-

ends free.”

Beard said there are numerous benefits to using the Healthmark Walk-In Clinic. “The name says it all – you can just

walk in - no appointment is needed. If you need to visit us but do not have reliable transportation, we will come to your

home and pick you up, bring you to the Clinic and return you home afterwards at no charge. Another benefit is that,

because of the Clinic is serviced by staff physicians, patients without a primary care physician can establish one here

and schedule regular visits, as needed,” he said. “Our rates are low and we accept most major insurance plans.”

Lab work and other diagnostic testing services are available through the hospital so there is no reason to have to

travel out of town for routine tests. HRMC offers a state-of-the-art 64-slice CT scan, new state-of-the-art Ultra-Sound

equipment, an open MRI, X-rays, pulmonary function testing and lab work from a laboratory with the highest possible


“Most people have no idea how many services we provide,” said Beard. “Having HRMC ranked second in the state

of Florida for patient satisfaction was a marvelous accomplishment for our physicians, nurses and staff, especially for a

50-bed hospital. Our Healthmark Walk-In Clinic physicians and staff bring the same level of commitment to everything

they do, too. I think that is why we continue to flourish and grow. In the last few months alone, we have established

new physical therapy services, purchased brand new equipment and are now expanding our Clinic hours.”

Beard said he is grateful for the growing support of the community. “No hospital is without its challenges but the

goodwill and support from the people here has been overwhelming,” he said. “We are routinely seeing new patients

from all over Walton County, even outside the county, and from south Alabama. This is very gratifying to us. Our phy-

sicians, nurses and staff are dedicated to maintaining a high level of excellence and always being worthy of the trust

people place in us. These

new Clinic hours are part of

that. We are responding to

the needs of our community

and so, when we say ‘We

Care For You,’ we really do

Page 10 The EMERALD STAR NEWS, Inc. Thursday, February 26, 2015

This newspaper is owned and operated here in :

FREEPORT FLORIDA Let’s keep this going by advertising with us!

Best prices around. Any and all support of this

newspaper is deeply appreciated. Your making

history with each edition we complete. Find news,

make news. Tell it. Got something to say? Let us

hear it! I’ll print it.... Don’t like it? I’ll print it too.

Freedom of the press!

PROUDLY Helping Alaqua Animal Refuge

located in FREEPORT, for over 6yrs. adoptable

pets of all kinds. Go visit them today!

I see enough space for 4 more nice Ad’s here...Call today, find out how!

We have chosen Wistful for the pet of the

week. If you are able to put her photo and story

in print, we would greatly appreciate it! Of

course The Emerald Star News is here to help!

Wistful is a 3 year old, tan, cocker-spaniel/

terrier mix. She is a proud graduate of our Un-

conditional Love Program and absolutely loves

playtime and lots of human attention. She is

ready to find her forever home because her best

friend, Bueller, has now moved on to his. She

kissed him through the gate and wished him well

on his new life's journey; a true Alaqua love

story. If you are looking for a special new friend,

Alaqua Animal Refuge has placed nearly 11,000

animals since its inception in 2007. Every animal

that is adopted from our shelter enables us to res-

cue another animal in its place. If you are inter-

ested in providing a forever home to one of our

pets, you can submit an online application through

our website at: www.alaquaanimalrefuge.org


GEISELMAN (R) and Registration

Clerk Jan Pickering look over the

day’s schedule.


Saturday, March 7, 2015

8:00am – 12:00pm The Walton Board of County Commissioners is sponsoring a project to collect, recycle,

treat and properly dispose of these and other household hazardous wastes:

Pesticides - Used Oil - Stale Gasoline – Solvents – Fertilizers – Paint – Paint Thinners

– Paint Strippers – Batteries – Furniture Polish – Brake Fluid – Engine Degreasers –

Anti-Freeze – Pool Chemicals – Insecticides – Spot Removers

Waste tire amnesty will also be held on the same date, during the same hours and loca-

tions. Walton county residents may bring up to 12 tires per residence.


Walton County Fairgrounds, Highway 83 North (9th Avenue), Defuniak Springs,

South Walton Mosquito Control Office, County Road 393, Santa Rosa Beach

No gas cylinders or explosives, please.

Due to hazardous nature of certain components in home computers, we will be accepting

old computer hardware including processors, monitors, keyboards, printers, scanners, etc.

Conditionally Exempt Small Quantity Generators (small businesses, schools, growers,

etc.) will be accepted at a reduced rate.

For more information or to schedule a drop off time, contact the Landfill Department at


Page 11: February 26, 2015 Edition

Spring Cleaning Hacks

By Rian Lyday Hello my fellow cleaning friends. I know I am not alone when I say

how much I look forward to spring cleaning. There is something so

refreshing about getting rid of clutter, moving furniture, finding

golden retriever bunnies in hidden places, and scrubbing the baseboards…something almost

therapeutic to the OCD in all of us. I have been planning my spring cleaning to the last chore

this year and decided to share some of the better “hacks” I found in my searching.

Use Coke to clean your toilet, no matter how disgusting that seems.

Dryer sheets can help remove buildup on glass doors.

A normal window squeegee can help remove hair from carpet.

Coffee filters can be used to help clean oven screens.

Your fridge will thank you for the Lazy Susan.

Fold and stack vertically, not horizontally.

Vacuum seal your bulky winter clothes to save on space.

Get rid of clothes you won't wear anymore with the hanger trick. Hang your clothes so

that the hangers are backwards. When you use them, put them on the rack the right way.

Then you can see what clothes you don't wear.

Remove water rings on furniture with a blow dryer.

Remove carpet stains with an iron. Whether your carpet stains come from messy kids, pets or husbands, you can remove them

easily with this little trick involving vinegar, an iron, a little water and a spray bottle. You

will also need a clean rag. You just mix 2 parts water with 1 part vinegar in a spray bottle

and then spray on the stain. Dampen the rag and lay it over the spot after you have saturated

it with the vinegar solution. Iron the rag on the steam setting for about half a minute and if

you have a really stubborn stain, leave the iron for a few seconds longer.

The Salon Staple That'll Keep Your Bathroom Sparkling Sure, you've heard of Bar Keepers Friend as a way to remove rust rings from your bathtub,

but there's an easier solution to prevent those stubborn marks before they even start. Coat the

undersides of your shaving-cream can, metal soap dish or any other rust-causing culprits

with clear nail polish, which puts a protective layer between the item and your pearly white


Place your shelves upside down so that you create built-in organizers with the brackets.

Velcro plastic boxes in your drawers to keep it organized.

Going to Ikea and getting a zip line curtain is a great idea to organize scarves, socks

and tank tops.

Assign each person in your family a list of chores. Good luck and happy cleaning! Share any other cleaning or organizing hacks you have with

me by emailing me [email protected].


Got a place to rent?

Classified Ad’s are only $10


Local Veteran (Handyman)

25yrs.+ Exp.

All phases of home repair./remodel

Free estimates. Great work for a

great price. For more information

Call: 850.585.0262

Need a sign?

Any size, style, design Vinyl lettering, car wraps, banners,

Call for FREE estimate. 654-0860

Mention The Emerald Star News

For %discount

Artwork, free-hand drawings for

paintings or int. design work.

Tattoo layouts also available. Drawn especially for you.


Pressure washing –driveway,

fences, mobile homes...you name it



for listing with us!

Call or E-mail the information !

Cottage Homes built on site,

pricing as low as any competitor

around. Let veterans, help you save

$$ today. From room additions to

build-on or outdoor gazebo’s &

decks. We want you to have what

you want….only cost /labor, no OH

Sheds built, for MC&L…...

Call 850.585.0262 for more details.

Saves you BIG money overall.

The EMERALD STAR NEWS Inc. Page 11 Thursday, February 26, 2015


Only $10 per issue

For Sale

Exp. Local Veteran’s, work ready………..FREE estimates Let us build, or design you a nice wood shop, (up to 6 outlets), door and custom

windows, wood finished or hardy and your choice of roof.

***Estimates starting at $6995 :material & labor est.

12’x20’ or as large as you need. Ac/heated?

Perfect pricing for a small cottage to live in.

Storage Sheds as low as $2899 up to 8’wall- flat roof/ /

also enclosed garages, pole barns or finished apt. house/

mother-in-law house? / we can do it all.

Great Deals, hand built on site. Owner pull permits.

The way you want it done, right! SAVE $$$ We have time to get started as soon as you may need…….

(We prefer to use 2x4” walls and 2x8 floor, 6 roof.)

contact 850-585-0262 (completed as weather allows)

This newspaper would love to see

more input from the readers and

parents promoting accomplishments

of your children. Just E-mail in.

I want you, the reader to become

a part of this newspaper as we grow

with FREEPORT and the surrounding

areas. Send in anytime! E-mail to

[email protected]



FLA. SPEAK UP, Make yourself

a name in this county, write a

column for us = got an idea?

Explore nature in and around

Walton County Florida with

Walton Outdoors. For more

information, go to: http://


Sell your stuff thru this newspaper!

Call 585-0262…….only $10

We appreciate our advertisers

to the fullest. Ask yourself

how can we help you

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Page 12: February 26, 2015 Edition

Page 12 The EMERALD STAR NEWS Inc. Thursday, February 26 ,2015

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New roof, windows & doors! Approx. 1,720 sf. 3BR/2BA Cedar Home w/stone fireplace in Great Room. Open floor plan w/high ceilings & natural light. Protected water, boat launch, and dock. Detached single garage. Call for Details! $279,900

Incredible sunsets across Choctawhatchee Bay. ! Vacant lot has 80’ on the Bay with seawall and rip-rap.175 acres of nature preserve with trails, tennis court and separate storage for owners. ID# P118045 Great Price! $179,900


10 Acres - approx. 20 minutes north of DeFuniak Springs. Property is livestock ready. Well maintained home is 2BR/2BA, w/1,092sf. Two detached garages, one w/full bath, addtn'l metal workshop + two portable storage buildings. Country setting with Inviting covered porches. ID# P226547 $150,000

Popular Bay Grove Road location. This 3BR/2BA, 1,600sf home Will capture your heart. Fireplace and oversized Dining Room. Screened porch, private dock and double garage. Nice yard with large oak trees for great shade. ID# T88491 $325,000