February 2014. Purpose of Presentation 2 My Diet Loss– The Brand Obesity and the Impact on Health The Science behind My Diet Loss BMI and Screening Methods

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February 2014 Slide 2 Purpose of Presentation 2 My Diet Loss The Brand Obesity and the Impact on Health The Science behind My Diet Loss BMI and Screening Methods My Diet Loss Plans My Diet Loss Products + Nutritional Info My Diet Loss Support Selling My Diet Loss opportunities Slide 3 Our Industry The UK weight loss industry is worth in excess of a billion s Bariatric Surgery is increasing at an alarming rate Consumers are seeking ways to lose weight quickly. Consumers are demanding choices. Consumers support needs are different My Diet Loss has created a model where clients not only lose weight quickly, but also safely and efficiently. My Diet Loss launched in 2012 My Diet Loss is now trusted, proven and established. 3 Slide 4 How does My Diet Loss work? Meal replacements soups, shakes, and food meal packs are used in combination with nutritious food choices that encourage the body to go into fat burning. This method is recognised as a safe and effective method for losing weight. 4 Slide 5 Well Known UK Weight Loss Companies 5 Weight Watchers Slow weight loss Complex shopping plans Calorie counting Group support On line support Expensive products Lighterlife Fast weight loss VLCD Mostly based on liquid only Must be GP approved In depth counselling Cambridge Diet Fast weight loss VLCD Mostly based on liquid only Deemed to be old fashioned and dated Jenny Craig/Diet Chef Slow weight loss Portion control and convenience foods Poor quality meals, still high in sugar and carbs Slimming World Slow weight loss Complex shopping plans Calorie counting Group support My Diet Loss Unique positioning combining the best from our competitors for easy safe, fast weight loss Fast Weightloss LCD, not VLCD Various plans to suit various lifestyles Choice of support, including on line Unique 800-1200kcal position No calorie counting Lifestyle Nutrition, food included Slide 6 The Health Effects of Obesity Psychological problems, including depression Increased risks of High blood pressure, heart attacks, strokes Cancer Type 2 Diabetes and metabolic syndrome Can cause a Pro - Inflammatory state which affect arthritis and joint pain Asthma Infertility Increased risks of dementia Sleep problems ie Obstructive Sleep Apnoea Obesity can decrease a persons lifespan by 9 years Obesity can cause many years of ill health and disability All the above are a huge cost to NHS 6 Slide 7 How we gain and lose weight Humans use the energy in food to live; this energy is measured in calories. If people consume lots of calories from food and dont burn them up, they get converted to fat and stored in the body and so people gain weight. This was very important when humans were not always guaranteed access to food daily. They could use the stored fat in their bodies for energy until they could find food again. If people burn more calories than they consume through food, by doing lots of exercise etc, then their bodies use the fat stores instead and, as a result, they lose weight. Excess energy is stored in the body as glycogen and fat. If you reduce your calorie (energy) intake below requirements or increase energy expenditure you create an energy deficit. Stored energy is utilised to make up the difference. Tiny imbalances + years cause weight loss/gain. Nothing is wasted but My Diet Loss programmes give some metabolic advantage. 7 Slide 8 VLCD vs LCD VLCDs or Very Low Calorie Diets are energy restricted weight loss programmes usually defined as being below 800kcals. Historically VLCDs carried a bad reputation now undeserved. VLCDs provide nutritionally complete meal replacements for all or most meals. VLCDs provide all essential nutrients but in fewer calories. The body gets what it needs to thrive but has to use its fat stores to meet the energy deficit resulting in fast weight loss. VLCDs have proven to be a fast, safe and effective way to lose weight. LCDs or Low Calorie Diets are generally defined as being above 800 kcal and below 1200 kcal. They also produce an energy deficit and fat burning. LCDs are more enjoyable ( more calories ) therefore easier to stick to. LCDs are proven to maintain weight lost better than VLCDs. My Diet Loss plans are LCDs; not VLCDs. 8 Slide 9 The My Diet Loss Way To Lose Weight Conventional diets restrict energy intake to produce a small energy deficit. A combination of glycogen and fat stores are used to fill the energy gap. SLOW. Old style VLCDs reduce total energy from fat, carbohydrate and protein. Often very low fat. Significant loss of muscle. UNPLEASANT. My Diet Loss LCD works by reducing excess fat and carbohydrates but still giving the body 100% of all the minerals, vitamins, essential fats and carbs it needs for health plus extra protein. GOOD. All glycogen is used up and not replaced by carbohydrate. FAT BURNING! With only fat stores for energy, the bodys metabolism changes to do this more efficiently and burn fat quickly. This is called KETOSIS. High protein minimises muscle loss and is THERMOGENIC. 9 Slide 10 Glycogen and Ketosis Glycogen is secondary source of energy used in the absence of free glucose derived from food. It is mainly stored around the liver and large muscles. When carbohydrate intake is restricted the body uses its glycogen stores for energy instead. When glycogen stores are fully depleted the body will then use its fat stores for energy. This process is called Ketosis. Ketosis gives a metabolic advantage. It can take 3-4 days before a person experiences ketosis (and major fat burning) depending on the size of their glycogen stores. Ketosis can be monitored by measuring ketones in the urine. Not strictly necessary for My Diet Loss because plans are not fully Ketotic. Many years of research has shown this method of fat burning to be fast, safe and effective. More evidence is accumulating that it is the most effective method for fast weight loss. 10 Slide 11 Signs and Symptoms of being in Ketosis After a few days on an My Diet Loss plan positive side effects will kick in: Decreased hunger Increased energy Blood sugar levels on an even keel Better concentration Improved mood Improved sleep patterns Clients should be made aware that they may experience some mild potential side effects as a result of withdrawing from carbohydrate. These usually resolve in a few days. Mild headache or even flu like symptoms Perceived lack of energy and inability to concentrate. Cold hands and feet When in ketosis the client may be aware of a metallic taste and unusual smelling breath 11 Slide 12 GI & GL The Glycaemic Index ranks foods according to how quickly these foods release glucose into the blood stream. Foods are given a rating from 1-100 Low GI foods are generally below 55 Low GI Foods give a slow rise and fall in blood sugar and therefore sustained energy. A low GI diet reduces appetite, cravings, mood swings. A low GI diet is ideal for type 2 Diabetics. Glycaemic Load = GI x grams carbs / 100 My Diet Loss chooses healthiest Low GI foods high fibre & nutrients + controlled portions to give low GL 12 Slide 13 My Diet Loss Plans Are LCD and so provide more energy than VLCD diets Are low carb, not no carb! Are low GI & GL Include milk and food Offer small frequent meals to control blood sugar Must be followed 100% for optimum success A Choice of 3 plans to suit different lifestyles Flexible you can move between plans 4 Meal Packs give 100% RDA Are 100% vegetarian (and therefore Halal) Offer high quality protein and fibre satisfying And Physical activity is encouraged 13 Slide 14 Understanding our Plans 3 weight loss plans Dynamic Lifestyle 5:2 14 Slide 15 Plan Overview 15 Daily Must Haves: 2-3 litres or 8 glasses of water a day Half a pint of skimmed milk or unsweetened soy or nut milk Up to 3 snacks from a Snack List (dependent on chosen plan) Daily Can Haves: (Optional) Unlimited tea or coffee (using milk from the allowance) Herbal leaf teas Tablet sweeteners Weekly approved treats ( Not on Dynamic) A Meal (Compulsory in all plans at various times) 1 portion of protein from the Add a Meal list Vegetables from the Add A Meal list Condiments from a list Approved good oils from a list Slide 16 Plan Overview Daily cannot haves: Any teas containing fruit, flowers or berries Any drink containing citric acid or citrus fruits Sugar free gum and mints Spoonable sweeteners Alcohol on Rapid and Regular (some is allowed on all other plans) As long as you stick to the plan, you WILL lose weight! 16 Slide 17 Dynamic Must have every day: 4 Meal Packs Add A Meal every 4 th week for 7 days on Rapid, or every day on Regular pint of skimmed milk or unsweetened soy or nut milk 2-3 litres of water Rapid only: 1 snack from a list Can Have Unlimited tea and coffee ( using milk from allowance ), Herbal leaf teas Tablet sweeteners Regular only: up to 2 snacks from a list Add A Meal One portion of protein At least 3 portions of vegetables from a list 1 tbsp good oil from list Up to 3 condiments from a list NB 1 meal pack can be replaced by a meal replacement bar, twice a week 17 Slide 18 Lifestyle Must have 2 Meal Packs Add A Meal, every day pint of skimmed milk 8 large glasses of water 3 snacks from a choice of protein, vegetable or fruit lists, 1 must be a protein. Can Have Unlimited tea and coffee ( using milk from allowance ) Herbal leaf teas Tablet sweeteners Treats from a list Add A Meal, Every Day! One portion of protein from a list One portion of pulses from a list ( optional ) At least 3 portions of vegetables from list Up to 3 Condiments from a list 1 tablespoon good oil from a list NB 1 meal pack can be replaced by a meal replacement bar, twice a week 18 Slide 19 5:2 Plan 19 Slide 20 Why Exercise? Why we advise everyone to get moving: Live longer and more healthily Lose weight and improve body shape, flexibility and balance More energy, concentration, better sleep Improve your mood and help relieve stress and depression Maintain your weight loss Healthy bowel function Improve sex life and fertility Sociable and fun 20 Exercise also reduces the risk of developing: Diabetes High blood pressure Heart disease Stroke Some cancers Osteoporosis Cognitive decline Plus: Metabolic advantage afterburn And......... It Feels Great! Slide 21 BMI Body Mass Index BMI (kg/m2) Definition 40Obesity 3 21 Slide 22 Waist Circumference Thresholds Male Increased risk = >94cm (37in) Greatly increased risk = >102cm (40in) Female Increased risk = >80cm (31in) Greatly increased risk = >88cm (35in) 22 Slide 23 Understanding our Products/Demonstration Our Product Range consists of Food Mealpaks, Soups and Shakes Meal Replacement Bars High Protein Snacks Water Flavourings Plan Booklets, and other Supportive Literature 23 Slide 24 How can clients can get started on a My Diet Loss Plan 24 Through a Distributor On Line Slide 25 Client Screening Process Client Screening Form ( CSF ) GP Notification Form Client Record Cards Client Photos 25 Slide 26 Weight Loss Monitoring Scales etiquette Where to measure the waist Always remain positive, even if the result disappoints Gently probe to discover how well they have stuck to the plan Celebrate success Encourage and Motivate 26 Slide 27 Case Studies 27