POST OFFICE BOX 18123, PHOENIX, ARIZONA 85005-8123 ARIZONA STATE CAPITOL CHAPTER NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF GOVERNMENTAL PURCHASING February Board Meeting Agenda February 13, 2014 2:00 PM 3:30 PM Participant Dialing Instructions: 1. Dial the Moderator's Access Number:1-877-820-7831 2. Enter the Participant Passcode: 830054# I. Call to Order Valarie Erwin, President II. Approval of Minutes January Board Meeting Minutes III. Committee Updates Budget and Finance Kim Clark 1. January 2014 Treasurer Report Chapter of the Year Sharon Brause Community Outreach Suzanne Alberts 1. Golf Tournament May 2. Liver Walk April for Katherine Babonis’s family Cooperative Organizations Bill Munch Education and Professional Development Telma Reyes Elections Barbara Corella Governance Ed Quedens Historical Art Enriquez (absent) Legislative Barbara Corella 1. House Bill Grid Marketing and Communications, Website Cheryl Rentscheler Membership and Outreach Kristy Garcia 1. Active Members = 364 Expired = 2 Vacant = 9 Pending = 6 Mentoring Brian Walsh Newsletter Mary Hammer Photography Karie Ingles Pro-D Drawings Betty Austin Programs Sharon Brause Regional Conference and Vendor Expo Irma Guzman Reverse Trade Show Jess Romney 1. Budget Scholarships & Buyer/Manager of the Year Irma Guzman 1. Revised nomination form and National forum

February 2014 Board Meeting Agenda - …€¦ · February Board Meeting Agenda February 13, 2014 ... Alberts, Bill Munch, Haydee Nora, Telma Reyes, Art Enriquez, Mary Hammer, Karie

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Page 1: February 2014 Board Meeting Agenda - …€¦ · February Board Meeting Agenda February 13, 2014 ... Alberts, Bill Munch, Haydee Nora, Telma Reyes, Art Enriquez, Mary Hammer, Karie



February Board Meeting Agenda

February 13, 2014 2:00 PM – 3:30 PM

Participant Dialing Instructions: 1. Dial the Moderator's Access Number:1-877-820-7831

2. Enter the Participant Passcode: 830054#

I. Call to Order – Valarie Erwin, President

II. Approval of Minutes

January Board Meeting Minutes

III. Committee Updates

Budget and Finance – Kim Clark 1. January 2014 Treasurer Report

Chapter of the Year – Sharon Brause

Community Outreach – Suzanne Alberts 1. Golf Tournament – May 2. Liver Walk – April for Katherine Babonis’s family

Cooperative Organizations – Bill Munch

Education and Professional Development – Telma Reyes

Elections – Barbara Corella

Governance – Ed Quedens

Historical – Art Enriquez (absent)

Legislative – Barbara Corella 1. House Bill Grid

Marketing and Communications, Website – Cheryl Rentscheler

Membership and Outreach – Kristy Garcia 1. Active Members = 364

Expired = 2 Vacant = 9 Pending = 6

Mentoring – Brian Walsh

Newsletter – Mary Hammer

Photography – Karie Ingles

Pro-D Drawings – Betty Austin

Programs – Sharon Brause

Regional Conference and Vendor Expo – Irma Guzman

Reverse Trade Show – Jess Romney 1. Budget

Scholarships & Buyer/Manager of the Year – Irma Guzman 1. Revised nomination form and National forum

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Strategic Planning – Valarie Erwin 1. Nothing to report.

Young Professionals – Matt Bauer

IV. Other Topics for Discussion


V. Adjournment

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Executive Board Meeting Minutes

January 9, 2014 2:00 pm – 3:30pm

Go To Meeting https://www2.gotomeeting.com/join/763624978

2. Join the conference call: Dial +1 (267) 507-0012

Access Code: 763-624-978 Audio PIN: Shown after joining the meeting

Attendees: Valarie Erwin, John Albin, Kristy Garcia, Ed Quedens, Kim Clark, Betty Austin, Suzanne Alberts, Bill Munch, Haydee Nora, Telma Reyes, Art Enriquez, Mary Hammer, Karie Ingles, Sharon Brause, Gary Barkman

I. Call to Order – Valarie Erwin, President – called the meeting to order at 2:06 p.m.

II. Approval of Minutes

November 2013 Executive Board Meeting Minutes

November 14, 2013 Board Meeting Minutes were reviewed. Valarie Erwin motioned to approve the minutes, seconded by Kim Clark, all “yea” votes, no “nay votes, motion to accept minutes was approved.

December 2013 Transitional Board Meeting Minutes

December 10, 2013 Board Meeting Minutes were reviewed. Valarie Erwin motioned to approve the minutes, seconded by Kim Clark, all “yea” votes, no “nay votes, motion to accept minutes was approved.

III. Committee Updates

Budget and Finance – Kim Clark reported.

1. Proposed 2014 Budget – Discussed budget with regards to Buyer/Manager of the year and Regional Conference. Regional Conference to go to $60,000.00 and Buyer/Manager of the Year to go to $5,990.00 (Nat’l Conf.). Sharon motioned for the proposed budget (DRAFT) to move forward to membership, seconded by Gary Barkman. It will be posted to the website for review and voted on at the January Luncheon.

2. December Treasurer Report

December, 2013 Treasurer Report was reviewed. Gary Barkman motioned to approve treasurer report, seconded by Sharon Brause, all “yea” votes, no “nay votes, motion to accept the treasurer’s report was approved.

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Chapter of the Year – Sharon Brause reported.

Sharon will start working on the Chapter of the Year submittal now. John to supply pictures/news articles if and when needed.

Community Outreach – Suzanne Alberts reported. Had the first meeting and came up with several ideas. We should have information to give out at the luncheon next week. Looking for ways to get the Chapter involved with the community in ways that we have not done in the past, (ex: Golf Tournament with proceeds to go to the charity of our choice). There should be more information for the next two luncheon meetings. We have funds in the budget for sponsoring members to participate in Pat’s Run. We also have volunteer places for people to help with the event.

Cooperative Organizations – Bill Munch reported.

There will be a meeting on January 22, 2014 after the GPPCS/SAVE meeting to continue to work on the draft for AZNIGP Model Cooperative Procurement Program. Anyone wanting to attend is welcome. We will be inviting members of the GPPCS/SAVE membership. Invites will be sent out by email.

Education and Professional Development – Telma Reyes

The “Introduction to Public Procurement” class is already advertised. It will be on April 14-16, 2014 in Chandler. One person registered so far. The “Effective Contract Writing” class will be held in Mesa, July 21-22. Sharon is working on a room for this class. The “ABC’s of RFP’s” class is waiting for confirmation from the instructor. He will get back to Telma soon. If class will take place, it will be at ADOT on September 08, 2014. Received word from ADOT that there are no rooms available at the training center, but may be able to book a conference room. The “Tools for Ensuring Contractor Performance in Public Construction Projects” class will be on November 03, 2014. Telma is working on the facility for that Class. CPPB/CPPO classes for the spring are being scheduled. Bill Munch will facilitate the CPPB class in Tempe on Tuesdays’ from 3:00 to 5:00 p.m. Telma is getting the advertisement ready.

The location and address is still to be determined. Telma is checking with National to verify if the old books can still be utilized now that the body of knowledge has changed, (6 Domains instead of 10 Domains). Valarie/Telma will check with Teena Ziegler for facilitating the CPPO class. Telma reported to Valarie that the members for this committee are Telma, Haydee, Danielle and Pamela.

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Elections – Barbara Corella (Barbara not present).

Nothing new

Governance – Ed Quedens reported. President does not vote, except in the event of a tie, according to the bylaws. The President doesn’t make a motion, rather asks for a motion. The five (5) Executive Board members make the decisions for the organization. The President, in the past has been given the option to solicit advice from any of the attending members. If in the case of a dispute (ex: no votes), those members not a part of the Executive Board really don’t matter, as it’s up to the President for handling disputes. It is recommended that the President poll the Executive Board members for the final decision. In the past, the President has realized the value in soliciting advice from the attending members and usually has no issues when the time comes for voting.

Historical – Art Enriquez reported.

Art will be attending the January luncheon for anyone that has historical material for him. Also, if he’s not at any of the future meetings people can give the historical material to someone from his office.

Legislative – Barbara Corella (Barbara not present).

Barbara is the new Chair for this committee. Jeremy Beakley is also on this committee. Bill Munch volunteered to be a part of the committee also, (for schools). John reminded Valarie that we will need someone from SPO to help facilitate the purchasing month proclamation done for the month of March.

Marketing and Communications, Website – Cheryl Rentscheler (Cheryl not present). Ed reported.

Ed is trying to fill in the calendar and committees right now. Anyone having calendar of events and committee list documents, please send to Ed Quedens. Kristy mentioned fixing the “past members” portion of website. Ed has completed. They will be directed to Kristy Garcia.

Membership and Outreach – Kristy Garcia

1. Active Members = 366 2. Expired = 1 3. Vacant = 6

Kristy gave out a reminder that committee members that attend the luncheons should have a copy of the AZNIGP Benefits of Membership flyer to hand out to non-members.

Mentoring – Brian Walsh (Brian not present) Brian emailed to Valarie that there was nothing new at this time.

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Newsletters – Mary Hammer reported.

Mary asked about the process for obtaining information. John Albin gave ideas for how to get information for newsletters. John gave several options, such as attending the meetings; Telma for training events, people sending updates to the President for board meetings can copy Mary on the email, etc. John has started a thumb drive that has past newsletters, logos for the chapter and new sponsors, etc. John will get this to Mary for doing the newsletters.

Photography – Karie Ingles reported.

There is nothing new for the photography committee. Gary and John will help take pictures at the NIGP events, functions. Art Enriquez mentioned that Barbara Corella emailed him regarding pictures of Jean Clark. Art is looking for any recent pictures that may be archived.

Pro-D Drawings – Betty Austin reported.

Karie will be part of the committee for Pro-D Drawings. Sharon may be able to help at meetings she attends. Valarie to pick up the gift cards for meetings. Total is $50.00 per luncheon and career seminar.

Programs – Sharon Brause reported.

Sharon scheduled the luncheon. Sharon is working on the March Career Seminar. We have not confirmed the location for the March seminar. ADOT-HRDC is one of the sites not available. One option would be EVIT.

Regional Conference and Vendor Expo – Irma Guzman (Irma not present)

John spoke on the Vendor Expo portion. We have sold some booths.

Reverse Trade Show – Michael Greene (Michael not present)

Per Sharon, Jess Romney will be leading the Reverse Trade Show. John mentioned that we need to have a table for the Reverse Trade Show. Bill mentioned that the Grand Canyon Chapter wants more involvement this year, so we need to get them any/all information as soon as we have it.

Scholarships & Buyer/Manager of the Year – Irma Guzman (Irma not present)

Telma asked for the scholarship form to be sent out through a membership email so that people could have it readily available because it’s hard to find on the website.

Strategic Planning – Valarie Erwin reported.

Valarie had nothing new for this meeting.

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Young Professionals – Matt Bauer (Matt not present)

Bill Munch reported that the committee has a meeting on January 23, 2014. This is the same time as the Regional Conference meeting, so he will not be present for Regional meeting. Bill indicated that the committee will meet to map out their plan for the year.

IV. Other Topics for Discussion

Telma mentioned she will not be attending the January Luncheon meeting. If Valarie needs additional information that has not already been sent, contact Telma.

Gary asked about the logo for the Board Agenda templates for both Executive Board and Luncheon meetings. Gary sent template for Executive Agenda to Valarie and will send another template for the Luncheon Agenda.

Bill Munch asked if he could speak on the new rules revision rewrite for School Districts’ at the January Luncheon meeting. This would have a direct impact on School District members. Valarie will allow when Bill speaks for the Cooperative Committee.

V. Adjournment – The meeting adjourned at 3:15 p.m.

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Income Expense NetProposed Budget Balance

Beginning Balance 64,239.46$  

Career Seminars1st - March 18, 2014 0.00 ($980.00)2nd - August 12, 2014 0.00 $600.00Total 0.00 0.00 0.00 ($380.00)

Chapter Luncheons1st - January 14, 2014 950.00 1,617.14 (667.14) ($1,000.00)2nd - May 13, 2014 0.00 ($1,000.00)3rd - September 9, 2014 0.00 ($1,000.00)4th - December 9, 2014 0.00 ($1,000.00)Total 950.00 1,617.14 (667.14) ($4,000.00)

Professional Development SeminarsPerformance Based RFP 1,236.75 1,236.75 $0.003 day Seminar - Apr 14 - 16, 2014 0.00 $1,800.002 day Seminar - July 21 - 22, 2014 0.00 $2,000.002 day Seminar - Sept 22 -23, 2014 0.00 $1,900.001 day Seminar - Nov 3, 2014 0.00 $1,200.00CPPB/CPPO Review Sessions - Feb / Sept 0.00 ($100.00)Total 1,236.75 0.00 0.00 $6,800.00

Webinars / LBU1st - February 19, 2014 0.00 ($40.00)2nd - April 16, 2014 0.00 ($40.00)3rd - June 10, 2014 0.00 ($30.00)4th - November 18, 2014 0.00 ($30.00)Total 0.00 0.00 0.00 ($140.00)

EventsCharity Sponsorships (P.F. Chang's/Pat's Run) 0.00 ($1,000.00)Regional Conference - Oct 16, 2014 3,000.00 (3,000.00) $22,000.00Buyer/Manager of the Year - Mar (Nat'l Conf) 0.00 $5,990.00

ARIZONA STATE CAPITOL CHAPTER OF NIGPTreasurer's Report - YTD Report by Category


National Conference Attendance - Aug 0.00 $8,000.00National Conf. Attendance for IPP - Aug 0.00 $3,000.00Transitional Board Meeting - Dec 0.00 $1,000.00Total 0.00 3,000.00 (3,000.00) $38,990.00

Other Income / ExpensesMembership Dues 40.00 40.00 $16,900.00Pro-D Drawing 60.00 (60.00) $200.0050/50 drawing 0.00 $0.00Community Outreach 0.00 ($1,000.00)Product Expo Chairman 0.00 ($3,000.00)Scholarships - Classes/Other 0.00 ($4,000.00)Scholarships - National Attendance 0.00 ($4,000.00)PO Box - Feb 0.00 ($100.00)Donations / Sponsorships 0.00 ($500.00)Reverse Trade Show(s) 270.00 270.00 ($1,000.00)Website Maintenance - April 0.00 ($4,000.00)Corporation Commission Filing - April 0.00 ($10.00)Credit Card Transaction Fees 44.79 (44.79) ($2,500.00)Office Supplies 0.00 ($300.00)Recognition Items 311.73 (311.73) ($500.00)National Membership Assessment 0.00 ($1,000.00)Chapter Investment 558.00 (558.00) $0.00Training for Board 34.00 (34.00) $0.00Miscellaneous 15.00 (15.00) ($500.00)Checking Account Interest Paid 2.92 2.92 $20.00Total 312.92 1,023.52 (710.60) ($5,290.00)

Grand Total 2,499.67 5,640.66 (3,140.99) $35,980.00

Checking Account Balance Total 61,098.47$  

11 Month CD - Current Balance $6,053.17

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Beginning Balance $64,239.46Checking Account

Income:1/2/2014 auto Compass Bank Interest paid on checking acct $2.921/2/2014 auto Stripe January Luncheon $15.001/7/2014 auto Stripe January Luncheon $15.00

1/10/2014 auto Stripe January Luncheon $15.00

1/10/2014 dep Compass Bank

NIGP check for Perf Based RFP's (bank error, duplicated amount) $2,473.50

1/10/2014 dep Compass Bank January Luncheon $15.001/13/2014 auto Stripe January Luncheon $150.001/14/2014 auto Stripe January Luncheon $65.00

1/15/2014 auto StripeMember Renwl (40), Jan Lunch (30) $70.00

1/16/2014 auto Stripe January Luncheon $375.001/16/2014 dep Compass Bank January Luncheon $255.00

1/23/2014 auto StripeReverse Trade (40), Jan Lunch (15) $55.00

1/24/2014 auto Stripe Reverse Trade Show $40.001/27/2014 auto Stripe Reverse Trade Show $60.001/29/2014 auto Stripe Reverse Trade Show $110.001/31/2014 auto Stripe Reverse Trade Show $20.00

Subtotal $3,736.42

Expenses: 1/2/2014 auto Stripe CC merchant fee $0.741/7/2014 auto Stripe CC merchant fee $0.74

1/10/2014 auto Stripe CC merchant fee $0.74

1/10/2014 auto Compass Bank Bank Error - duplicated deposit $1,236.751/13/2014 auto Stripe CC merchant fee $7.401/14/2014 auto Stripe CC merchant fee $3.101/15/2014 auto Stripe CC merchant fee $2.941/15/2014 dr Safeway Pro-D drawing gift cards $60.001/16/2014 auto Stripe CC merchant fee $16.361/16/2014 dr Serrano's Jan Luncheon $1,617.141/21/2014 auto Compass Bank Returned Check $15.00

1/22/2014 dr Office Max Frames for CPPB/CPPO certs $311.73

1/22/2014 dr NIGP CPPO/CPPB prep guide books for loan out to members $558.00

1/23/2014 auto Stripe CC merchant fee $2.501/24/2014 auto Stripe CC merchant fee $1.461/27/2014 auto Stripe CC merchant fee $2.94

1/27/2014 dr SuperShuttle Irma Shuttle for Leadership with National $34.00

1/29/2014 auto Stripe CC merchant fee $4.691/31/2014 auto Stripe CC merchant fee $1.18

1/31/2014 dr Mesa Convention Center 2014 Regional Conference Deposit $2,000.00

1/31/2014 dr Mesa Convention Center 2014 Regional Conference Deposit $1,000.00

Subtotal $6,877.41

Ending Balance $61,098.47



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Bill Title Effect on Procurement Status

HB2060PSPRS Oversight; Rulemaking;


HB2475Tax Credits; Veterans Goal of 1.5% contract

materials/services/construction to veteran

owned businesses 1st year. Increase to 3%+

following years. Establish registry of Vet

owned businesses.

01/28/14 assigned to PSMRA/Rules

committees. House 2nd read 01/29/14.

Removing PSPRS Board of trustees

exemption from 41-2501.

1.) Significant Procurement Role - shall not

accept (unlawful) an offer of employment

from, or have employment discussions, with

successful offerors and their lobbyists -

period beginning on signature of first

nondisclosure to a solicitation, or time of

request for SS/CI.

2.) Lobbyist must disclose name of client

EACH TIME lobbying for procurement. 3.)

Exemption of Dept Gaming for problem

gambling treatment svcs contracts w/

licensed behavioral health professionals. 4.)

Exemptions for CBRs to APC. 5.) Exempts to

APC may enter term >5 years w/ Director


HB2321Procurement Code Omnibus Amendment to HB2321 defining Lobbyist

passed unanimously. HB2321 Due Pass

Recommended - unanimous.

HB2259State Contracts; Preference;

Arizona Businesses

Granting preference in the award of

contracts materials/services/construction to

businesses headquartered in AZ.

01/28/14 assigned to Gov/Rules

committees. House 2nd read 01/29/14.

Failed in House Committee 01/29/14 (4 to 4

vote). New committee date: 02/11/14

2p.m. HHR 3. Passed 02/11/14 (4-3-1)

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Updated: 02/11/14

HB2567 Theft of Trade Secrets; Offense

Defines theft of trade secret - a Class 5

Felony. Taking, transmitting, exhibiting,

conveying, altering, destroying, concealing,

using, making, or copying trade secret

without permission of the owner.

Purchasing office possession of vendor trade

secrets potentially effected. Determination

to vendor requests to classify, or not,

information as a trade secret may pose

liability to CPO.

Not yet assigned to committee.

HB 2630Government Procurement;

American Products

Not yet assigned to committee. Preference for procurement of

goods/services manufactured or derived in

the United States. Exempt if the purchase is

prohibited by federal law or treaty, is

inconsistent with public interest or

unreasonable in cost, or if the product is not

produced in sufficient quanitity or quality in

the United States.

Goal of 1.5% contract

materials/services/construction to veteran

owned businesses 1st year. Increase to 3%+

following years. Establish registry of Vet

owned businesses.

01/28/14 assigned to PSMRA/Rules

committees. House 2nd read 01/29/14.

Bill Title Effect on Procurement Status

HB2566 Procurement; Evidence;

Administrative Appeals

Not yet assigned to committee.Interjects administrative law hearing after

CPO protest decision. In rebuting CPO

decision, may present evidence presented,

and not previously presented, to CPO during

protest. Discovery of additional new

evidence may result in additional hearings.

Would impact timeliness of procurement

decisions and government operations.

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Updated: 02/11/14

SB1386Supplemental Appropriation;

External CPS Review

Additional appropriation of $250,000 from

State General Fund 2013-2014 to ADOA for

consultant to review best practices in

delivering CPS & improve delivery of CPS.

For the purposes of the act, the ADOA is

exempt of the procurement code.

Assigned 02/04/14 to HHS, APPROP, RULES

committees. Senate second read 02/05/15.

Committee date 02/12/2014 at 2p.m. in SHR


Preference for procurement of

goods/services manufactured or derived in

the United States. Exempt if the purchase is

prohibited by federal law or treaty, is

inconsistent with public interest or

unreasonable in cost, or if the product is not

produced in sufficient quanitity or quality in

the United States.

Bill Title Effect on Procurement Status

HB2696Procurement; Arizona Bidder;


Not yet assigned to committee. Arizona bidder shall be given preference

over nonresident bidder. AZ Bidder is a.)

authorized to transact business in state, b.)

maintains headquarters in state, and c.) has

paid all assessed taxes. Nonresident bidders

are subject to percent increase to their AZ

bid equal to any percent preference given to

the nonresident bidder in which the bidder

resides. Department responsible for

publishing percent increase list.

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Updated: 02/11/14

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2014 Reverse Trade Show

Projected Budget


Convention Center $3,531.00

Cookies for 200 $1,000.00

Signage $50.00



Est. 350 Attendees $3,500.00

Total: -$1,081.00