February 2010 Charleston Market Report

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  • 8/9/2019 February 2010 Charleston Market Report




    The pessimist complains about the wind; the optimist expects it to change; the realist adjusts the sails.William Arthur Ward

    February 2010 IssueIn This IssueCartoonsI See Black SwansCharleston Stats

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  • 8/9/2019 February 2010 Charleston Market Report



  • 8/9/2019 February 2010 Charleston Market Report



    I apologize for the delay in getting this report out. February was a very hectic month for me due to work and myfather having bypass surgery. My dad is doing much better and is on the mend. If you ever need your tickerchecked out or surgery I highly recommend the cardiac unit at MUSC. I believe it is one of the best in the country

    I See Black Swans

    The past couple of CMRs have been focused on the impact of many new industries setting up shop in Charleston noand in the future. I have been bullish about the employment these new companies will bring to our battered economand have tried to forecast the impact it will have on the Charleston market. Many of you who have been reading thCMR over the past couple of years know full and well that I am an optimist and a realist, while the optimist part ofthe equation has been difficult since I started this website in 2006. Forecasting and risk management is very difficubecause you have to have the ability to look into the future and piece together complicated issues related to theeconomy. Most people running around prognosticating locally and on TV simply got it wrong and missed calling tcredit meltdown and Great Recession.

    In this issue of the CMR I am going to attempt to connect some complex dots and take a look at what could go verywrong within the next four to five years and destroy every bit of bullishness that appears to be on the way in

    Charleston. This February edition of the CMR may scare the crap out of many of you and if you do not want to hethe truth and believe everything is hunky dory then I recommend you stop reading right here. The purpose of thisFebruary CMR is not to put fear into your life but rather show a worse case scenario that could throw a monkeywrench into the progress we have made or think we have made in the past year. I also want to make all of you thinabout these various scenarios because the CMR has some very bright and successful people reading these reports. is way too easy for me just to publish local and national stats on real estate, the economy, etc. and say everything iscontained because it is simply not the truth. I am going to be hopping around various subjects directly impactingthe local, national and international economy and try to paint the Black Swan picture.

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    What is a black swan?

    Black Swan Events were described by Nassim Nicholas Taleb in his 2007 book, The Black Swan. Taleb regardsalmost all major scientific discoveries, historical events, and artistic accomplishments as "black swans" undirectand unpredicted. He gives the rise of the Internet, the personal computer, World War I, and the September 11, 2001attacks as examples of Black Swan Events.

    Writing in theNew York Times, Taleb asserted, "What we call here a Black Swan (and capitalize it) is an event with

    the following three attributes. First, it is an outlier, as it lies outside the realm of regular expectations, becausenothing in the past can convincingly point to its possibility. Second, it carries an extreme impact. Third, in spite of outlier status, human nature makes us concoct explanations for its occurrence after the fact, making it explainableand predictable. I stop and summarize the triplet: rarity, extreme impact, and retrospective (though not prospectivepredictability. A small number of Black Swans explain almost everything in our world, from the success of ideas anreligions, to the dynamics of historical events, to elements of our own personal lives."[4]


    A Black Swan Event we all witnessed recently was the Credit Meltdown that occurred in September 2008 when wshould have truly lost most of the firms that still reside on Wall Street. None of us will ever forget the impact that

    event had on the economy and our lives so it will always be etched in our minds. Instead of allowing banks andcompanies to fail we had TARP, TALF, Stimulus, etc. in order to avoid another Great Depression. At the end of thday or at least the last time I checked the world still runs on fundamental issues such as supply and demand alongwith cause and effect.

    The first major problem we have enhanced since 2008 is debtLOTS OF DEBT.

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    Debt ProblemCapitalism cannot function unless its constantly compounding debt is serviced and/or paid down. Today, the US, thworlds largest debtor, can no longer pay what it owes except by rolling its debt forward and borrowing more, whatthe late economist Hyman Minsky calledponzi-financing, financing common in the final stages ofmature capitalsystems.

    The amount of outstanding US debt has now reached levels that can never be paid off: the United Statesgovernment and its agencies have, by far, the largest pile-up ofinterest-bearing debts ($15.6 trillion), the largestaccumulation of unsecured obligations(over $60 trillion), the largest yearly deficit ($1.6 trillion), and the greatestindebtedness to the rest of the world ($4.8 trillion).Martin D. Weiss, www.moneyandmarkets.com

    The un-payable levels of US debt are not just the problem of the US. Because the US dollar is the lynchpin of todayfiat money system, US debt is everyones problem. The US dollar is the world reserve currency and a default by theUS will have far-reaching consequences, especially in China, its largest creditor.

    Not only does the US have ballooning deficits to contend with over the next few years but so do other developedcountries. A book titled This Time is Different by Reinhart and Rogoff speaks primarily to public debt thatballoons in response to financial crises. It states:

    1. The true legacy of banking crises is greater public indebtedness, far beyond the direct headline costs of bailopackages. On average a countrys outstanding debt nearly doubles within three years following the crisis.

    2. The aftermath of banking crises is associated with an average increase of seven percentage points in theunemployment rate, which remains elevated for five years.3. Once a countrys public debt exceeds 90% of GDP, its economic growth rate slows by 1%.

    Rogoff was also recently interviewed and says that debt to GDP is a problem at 90% to 100%.

    The quick calculation is that the U.S. has $12.5 trillion gross debt growing at $2 trillion per year on GDP of $14.3trillion.

    Next year it will be 12.5 + 2 = 14.5trillion on 14.5 GDP or 100%. We're screwed!

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    Rogoffs assertion that, unlike the common perception, the U.S. government has in the past defaulted on itsobligations during the Great Depression when it went off the gold standard, then revalued gold upwards.

    A study by the McKinsey Group analyzes current leverage in the total economy (household, corporate andgovernment debt) and looks to history, finding 32 examples of sustained deleveraging in the aftermath of a financia

    crisis. It concludes:1. Typically deleveraging begins two years after the beginning of the crisis (2008 in this case) and lasts for six

    seven years. (That would put deleveraging at September 2010).2. In about 50% of the cases the deleveraging results in a prolonged period of belt-tightening exerting a

    significant drag on GDP growth. In the remainder, deleveraging results in a base case of outright corporateand sovereign defaults or accelerating inflation, all of which are anathema to an investor.

    3. Initial conditions are important. Currently the gross level of public and private debt is shown in Chart 2.

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    While the focus has been on Greece as well as some other European countries and their fiscal situation, make nomistake that the next shoe to drop may not be across the pond but right here at home because there are a number ofStates that are in at least as bad a shape financially. State governments, such as California and Illinois, are functioniwith a whole new currency, called the IOU, and there are a variety of other areas like Michigan, Pennsylvania,Arizona, New York and New Jersey that are in true fiscal distress right now. The States collectively have to find $1billion somewhere in order to plug their massive fiscal hole for 2010. The other problem the States have is they donot have access to that machine called a printing press which is so heavily used in Washington DC. That is correctthe States actually have to try and balance their budget each year, which is difficult in an economy with falling tax

    revenues and real estate prices.

    Despite massive amount of stimulus courtesy of the printing press in DC out of control deficits and debt tend makeyields rise. Unfortunately, the credit markets are still broken which makes growth impossible in a credit basedeconomy like ours. The reason Greece is in deep doo doo and they have to cut their deficit is they do not have acentral bank to print money for themselves. They are really operating in the same manner as our States with no futprospect of stimulus money.

    The great economist Adam Smith did not intend for the invisible hand to be the hand of the government.Unfortunately, instead of taking the bitter pill and allowing the economy to reset itself, banks to fail, and housing

    prices to fall to their true market value, etc. the government feels it must intervene with the nationalization of the reestate industry through financing, which interrupts the laws of supply/demand and cause/effect.

    If a big non-bank institution gets in trouble and threatens the whole system, there ought to be some authority thatcan step in, take over that organization and liquidate it or merge it not save it. Its called euthanasia, not arescue.-Paul Volcker said on CNN.

    The theory of the Invisible Hand states that if each consumer is allowed to choose freely what to buy and eachproducer is allowed to choose freely what to sell and how to produce it, the market will settle on a product distributand prices that are beneficial to all the individual members of a community, and hence to the community as a whole

    The reason for this is that self-interest drives actors to beneficial behavior. Efficient methods of production areadopted to maximize profits. Low prices are charged to maximize revenue through gain in market share byundercutting competitors. Investors invest in those industries most urgently needed to maximize returns, andwithdraw capital from those less efficient in creating value. Students prepare for the most needed (and therefore moremunerative) careers. All these effects take place dynamically and automatically.

    It also works as a balancing mechanism. For example, the inhabitants of a poor country will be willing to work verycheaply, so entrepreneurs can make great profits by building factories in poor countries. Because they increase thedemand for labor, they will increase its price; further, because the new producers also become consumers, localbusinesses must hire more people to provide the things they want to consume. As this process continues, the labor

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    prices eventually rise to the point where there is no advantage for the foreign countries doing business in the formerpoor country. Overall, this mechanism causes the local economy to function on its own.


    The theory of the Invisible Hand states nothing about government intervention because it screws up the free marketand balancing mechanisms.

    What agitates and worries me is that our economy has morphed into Bernie Madoff over the past ten years. It is aPonzi scheme or a Shell Game when you strip away all the smoke and mirrors. All Ponzi Schemes eventuallycollapse which is exactly what our economy tried to do in 2008 had it not been for the printing press.

    Bill The Bond Daddy Gross says it best in his recent Investment Outlook when he states:

    What if to put it simply you couldnt get out of a debt crisis by creating more debt?Seriously think about this simple statement. What would we do?????

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    The U.S. economy ceased to function this week after unexpected existential remarks by Federal Reserve chairmanBen Bernanke shocked Americans into realizing that money is, in fact, just a meaningless and intangible socialconstruct.

    What began as a routine report before the Senate Finance Committee Tuesday ended with Bernanke passionatelydisavowing the entire concept of currency, and negating in an instant the very foundation of the worlds largesteconomy.

    Though raising interest rates is unlikely at the moment, the Fed will of course act appropriately if weif we sa

    Bernanke, who then paused for a moment, looked down at his prepared statement, and shook his head in utterdisbelief. You know what? It doesnt matter. None of thisthis so-called moneyreally matters at all.

    Its just an illusion, a wide-eyed Bernanke added as he removed bills from his wallet and slowly spread them outbefore him.

    Just look at it: Meaningless pieces of paper with numbers printed on them. Worthless.

    According to witnesses, Finance Committee members sat in thunderstruck silence for several moments until Sen.Orrin Hatch (R-UT) finally shouted out, Oh my God, hes right. Its all a mirage. All of itthe money, our wholeeconomyits all a lie!

    Source:U.S. Economy Grinds To Halt As Nation Realizes Money Just A Symbolic, Mutually Shared IllusionThe Onion, February 16, 2010 | Issue 4607http://www.theonion.com/content/news/u_s_economy_grinds_to_halt_a

    *** If you did not know any better you probably would not realize that the short article above is pure satire!***

    The great economist Adam Smith did not intend for the invisible hand to be the hand of the government.Unfortunately, instead of taking the bitter pill and allowing the economy to reset itself, banks to fail, and housingprices to fall to their true market value, etc. the government feels it must intervene with the nationalization of the reestate industry through ponzi style financing, which interrupts the laws of supply/demand and cause/effect.

    Case in Point:In a Treasury Bulletin that was published in December 2009 ownership data revealed that the United States increaspublic debt $1.885 trillion dollars. After a new economic collapse how have we been able to sell Treasuries tofinance our growing appetite for debt? Who is buying all these new Treasuries? The first was Foreign andInternational Buyers who purchased $697.5 billion, the second was the Fed who purchased $286 billion and the thlarge buyer was Other Investors or the Household Sector. After purchasing $90 billion in 2008, this grouppurchased $510.1 billion in the first three quarters of 2009, a seven fold increase. So the $510.1 billion question iswho the hell is the Household Sector? The answer is they do not exist and they are a PHANTOM group created tobalance the general ledger in the Federal Reserves Flow of Funds report.Source: Sprott Asset Management

    In January 2009, the Federal Reserve began its $1.25 trillion program to purchase mortgage-backed securities backby the federal housing agencies Freddie Mac, Fannie Mae, and Ginnie Mae in order to reduce the cost andincrease the availability of credit for the struggling housing market. As you can see in the chart below, the Fedsinitial purchase of MBS coincided almost simultaneously with foreigners shifting from net buyers to net sellers ofagency debt.

    Over the course of the program, foreign selling of agency debt is almost a mirror image of the Feds purchases. Wathis a crowding-out effect or did foreigners just seize the opportunity to diversify? If one of the United States large

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    creditors is any indication, then the trend is clear. In 2009, China was a net seller of nearly $25 billion of its agencybacked debt.

    With the MBS purchase program at least temporarily scheduled to wind down by the end of the quarter, the successthe Feds intervention will soon be put to the test.

    Will mortgage rates continue their pre-bailout upward trajectory, likely forcing the Fed to step back in? Or was theFed successful in reigniting the mortgage market?

    Theres been plenty of speculation about what will happen to mortgage rates if and when the Federal Reserve wrapup the last of its planned purchases under the $1.25 trillion Mortgage-Backed Security (MBS) purchase program, fiannounced in November 2008.

    While there have been some suggestions that the Fed may extend and expand the program beyond the end of nextmonth, nothing has been said officially. Assuming it ends on March 31st as planned, the laws of supply and demandwould seem to indicate that the MBS market is headed for a heap of trouble. Why? The Fed has been the biggestbuyer of residential mortgage-backed securities by far over the past year or so. The last time I checked residential

    estate prices according to the Case Shiller index were still declining.

    That means yields and/or spreads on mortgage-related borrowings have only one way to go. As it happens, a quickread of the chart of the 30-year fixed-rate mortgage yield less its government bond market counterpart lends furtherweight to that view. That is, it looks rather bullish, which is bad for borrowers.

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    In fact, based on what happened following the similar technical pattern that developed in the early 1990s, we maywell be on the cusp of a secular rise in the cost of mortgage-related financing costs. Another reason, perhaps, to betagainst near-term recovery in house prices.

    TBTF Too Big To FailAt the end of 2007, the Big Four banks Citigroup, JPMorgan Chase, Bank of America and Wells Fargo held 32 percent of all deposits in FDIC-insured institutions. As of June 30th, it was 39 percent. SAY WHAT? Howin the world does that help manage the risk in our battered economy to allow the TBTF banks get even bigger? This a national security issue and economic suicide. After all the problems these banks have caused the world the USgovernment has allowed them to get even bigger. It makes absolutely ZERO sense.

    The big four have half of the market for mortgages and two-thirds of the market for credit cards. Five banks have o95 percent of the market for over-the-counter derivatives. Three U.S. banks have over 40 percent of the global markfor stock underwriting.

    Fifteen years ago, the combined assets of our six biggest banks totaled 17 percent of our GDP. By 2006, that numbewas 55 percent. Right now, it stands at 63 percent.

    Any way you skin these big four banks they have simply become so large that they can now hold a gun to everyonehead in the government that if they are threatened to go bankrupt they will decimate the economy.

    Commercial Real EstateNot only do the Big 4 banks hold a large portion of the commercial loans in the US but so do many of the smaller amedium sized banks. I work very closely with banks of all sizes each day and have an inside view of what is goingon. The problem is that many of these banks were like developers back before the Go Go Days where real estateand lending were easy due to the Fed artificially keeping interest rates low and creating a massive housing bubble.You do not believe you have any risk if you actually believe real estate prices will go up forever. Unfortunately, thhas proven to be a myth instead of fact but 4-5 years ago I had arguments regarding this very subject.

    The politicians and TV pundits want all the banks to lend. The problem is that banks can not lend as aggressivelybecause many businesses have poor financials and real estate values are still falling in most parts of the country. Tother problem is that the examiners from the FDIC are requiring banks to increase capital to assets. So if a bank ha$200 million in assets the FDIC may require them to have 8% capital on hand or $16 mil. Most banks can not kethis amount of money on the books without selling off non performing assets and selling stock.

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    A classic example of this happening in the low-country is with Tidelands Bank.http://www.postandcourier.com/news/2010/mar/02/tidelands-told-boost-capital-cut-bad-loans/

    I would not be surprised if Tidelands Bank gets a Cease and Desist order soon because their non performing realestate loans will never come back to par. They are stuck in a vicious cycle like around 617 other banks on the BankProblem List who are just hanging on by a thread right now.http://www.calculatedriskblog.com/2010/02/unofficial-problem-bank-list-increases_20.html

    As margins on loans that are actually made shrink and the cost of doing business rises because of higher FDIC

    insurance costs, increased appraisal orders, volatile portfolios and deteriorating asset levels many banks are feelingthe squeeze. Many banks are simply boxed in where they can not even sell off their non performing assets becausethe impact it will have on their weak financials. For many it is the equivalent of a slow death.

    The FDIC and Treasury Dept. have made the decision than rather allow a couple thousand banks fail they areallowing them to hold bad (non-performing) assets, which will eventually lead to a disaster. If a bank is allowed toon bad assets for years it is not going to sell them. Their money is tied up in these bad loans which also incur highecosts for holding these loans. The end result is a high number of banks not lending.

    Over the past year, distressed assets increased reaching $172 billion at the end of 2009, a fourfold increase from 20levels according to Real Capital Analytics.

    Between 2010 and 2014, about $1.4 trillion in commercial real estate loans will reach the end of their terms. Nearlhalf are at present underwater which means, the borrower owes more than the underlying property is currentlyworth. Commercial property values have fallen more than 40 percent since the beginning of 2007. Increased vacancrates, which now range from eight percent for multifamily housing to 18 percent for office buildings, and fallingrents, which have declined 40 percent for office space and 33 percent for retail space, have exerted a powerfuldownward pressure on the value of commercial properties.

    The largest commercial real estate loan losses are projected for 2011 and beyond; losses at banks alone could ranas high as $200-$300 billion. The stress tests conducted last year for 19 major financial institutions examined theircapital reserves only through the end of 2010. Even more significantly, small and mid-sized banks were never

    subjected to any exercise comparable to the stress tests, despite the fact that small and mid-sized banks areproportionately even more exposed than their larger counterparts to commercial real estate loan losses.Source: February 10, 2010, Congressional Oversight Panels Special Report entitled Commercial Real EstateLosses and the Risk to Financial Stability.

    Big losses are going to be reported on Commercial Real Estate (CRE) and many banks have another round of painahead of them.

    HousingStandard & Poors just released a report titled The Shadow Inventory of Troubled Mortgages Could Undo U.S.Housing Price Gains that we need to take into account.

    If you arent keen on reading the entire report, heres Standard & Poors conclusion:

    The Supply of Homes on the Market Is Likely to Grow

    The recent constriction in the supply of foreclosed homes on the market is a temporary one. Loan modifications andthe observed extension of time distressed loans remained as such may simply have delayed the inevitable, creating demonstrated shadow inventory of troubled loans. Ultimately, the majority of the properties these distressed loansrepresent will likely have to be liquidated.

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    Our estimate of $473.4 billion in loans that will eventually need to be liquidated corresponds to approximately 1.75million individual properties. This number represents almost 50% of the existing homes available for sale as ofDecember 2009, and moreover, only accounts for expected defaults for mortgages outstanding in the privatesecuritization market which makes up less than a third of the total securitization market and less than 5% of the totamortgage market. Do not expect all of these distressed properties to liquidate at the same time, the significantpercentage of the current supply that these distressed loans represent does reveal the potential future increase inhousing supply. An influx of liquidated properties is likely to prompt a decline in prices if unaccompanied by acomparable increase in demand.

    As the charts below indicate, there are plenty more foreclosures on the horizon.

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    (Note: Seriously Delinquent indicates 90+ days delinquent or in foreclosure. REO indicates real estate owned REloans represent homes in foreclosure, with ownership transferred from the borrower to the lender or securitizationtrust.)

    So, it looks like the housing market picture is not as rosy as some of the recently released statistics might lead you tbelieve.

    I mentioned last month how the housing market is nationalized because of all these credits and the fact that lastSeptember over 95% of all new loans for homes in the US were made with federal assistance from Phoney Mae,Fraudey Mac or FHA. Remember, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac are still being operated under a federalconservatorship.

    I ask you if our government did not have induced nationalized financing how does anyone purchase a home unlesthey have cash???

    The trillion dollar question everyone wants to know is the US along with the rest of the industrialized world headedfor a complete collapse?

    However we slice and dice the rise of the budget deficit and its impact on the U.S. dollar the fact remains we are nogaining new jobs, tax revenues are down and spending at the federal level continues to escalate. Since fiscalresponsibility is completely out of control and the responses to the previous shock in 2008 were incorrect the nextshock to the economy may prove to be the big one. The printing press mentality driven by The Fed simply adds much supply to a currency with waning demand which results in the eventual destruction of the dollar.

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    The inflationary pressures that come from a declining dollar include upside pressure on oil prices and typically gasreally believe the main sector of the economy that will continue to experience deflationary pressure is real estate,especially on the commercial and high end residential markets because of the severe bubble created since early 200via the manipulation of low interest rates and structured finance that turned into Credit Default Swaps, NINJA Loaetc. etc. I also feel it is important to realize that Ben Bernanke has dedicated himself to fighting deflationary forcethat destroyed the markets during the Great Depression. The cause and effects of The Feds policies we havewitnessed since 2008 still appears to be heavily tilted towards more inflation except in certain segments of real estaThe 15.02% of loans that were in foreclosure or behind at least one payment at the end of the fourth quarterwas the most since theMortgage Bankers Association began keeping records in 1972. According to theNationa

    Association of Realtors, the median price for single family home re-sales was up from a year earlier in 67 of 151 Umetropolitan areas in the fourth quarter. The national median home price was $172,900, down 4.1% from the end o2008, and the smallest decline in more than two years. Since peaking the second quarter of 2006, the Case/ShillerHome Price Index had fallen 33.5% by April 2009, and was 30.0% lower through November 2009. The chart belowcompares the severity of the Savings & Loan inspired home price decline from 1989 to 1997, and the current cyclenumber of statistical factors have contributed to the modest price improvement between April and November.

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    The Case/Shiller Index is not seasonally adjusted, so the normal pick-up in activity between May and September isnot accounted for. In 2009, this prime time period was further boosted by the first time home buyers tax credit, whiincreased home buying of lower priced homes. In the fourth quarter, sales of homes in the foreclosure processrepresented 32% of sales, down from 37% in the fourth quarter of 2008. Fewer sales of foreclosed homes woumean less downward pressure on home prices. On the surface, this would appear to be a modest positive.Unfortunately, it is the result of banks holding back on selling foreclosed properties. In California, the number ofhomeowners delinquent on their mortgages has doubled over the last year, but the amount of foreclosures on themarket has declined. Of the 7.7 million households behind on their payments, about 5 million houses andcondominiums will eventually become foreclosure sales, according to a recent study byJohn Burns Real EstateConsulting. Some of the homes that banks are sitting on are loans the banks are trying to modify. However, a recenanalysis by Standard & Poors Financial Services LLCsuggests that 70% of modified loans will eventually re-default.

    Over the next eighteen months, the number of Alt-A-and option ARM mortgages that are due to reset will increasesignificantly. This is likely to push another wave of homeowners into the foreclosure pipeline. Sooner or later, thebanks will be forced to unload their growing inventory of foreclosed homes. Counting the homeowners who arecurrently behind on their mortgages, along with existing foreclosures for sale, it will take almost three years to sell the foreclosed homes at the current sales rate. At a minimum, foreclosure activity will continue to be a weight onhome prices, and likely cause prices in the mid and upper end to fall further. Of the $1.6 trillion in existing mortgagthat were packaged into mortgage-backed securities by the geniuses on Wall Street, roughly $425 billion areextremely late on their payments. These figures do not include the likely surge in foreclosures from option ARM anAlt-A mortgages. These losses will force banks to set aside more money for losses and curtail future lending.As noted earlier, home values as measured by the Case/Shiller Home Price Index have plunged 30%, and are nowback down to 2003 price levels. This means that almost anyone who purchased a home after 2003 has seen thevalue of their home fall below their purchase price. It is estimated that almost 25% of all homeowners areunderwater, meaning they owe more than their home is worth. Unless a homeowner is able and willing to makanother down payment to eliminate the gap between the current value and their mortgage balance, they will notqualify to have their mortgage modified. According to S&P Financial Services, LLC, loan servicers have nearlyexhausted the supply of plausible candidates for loan modifications. And if, as I expect, the coming wave offoreclosures cause home values to drop further, more homeowners will find themselves desperately underwater, anmore will simply stop paying.

    New research suggests that when a homes value falls below 75% of the mortgage balance, owners begin to considewalking away, even if they have the money. Oliver Wyman Consulting used Credit Bureau data to calculate how

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    many borrowers went from being current on their mortgage to default. Their estimate was that 17%, or 588,000ownerschose to default. As of September 30, 2009 an estimated 4.5 million homes were below the 75% threshold,according to First American Core Logic. It would cost $745 billion to restore homeowners to break even. In a furthsign of how this stress is affecting choices, a study by Tran Union found the percentage of Americans who werecurrent on their credit cards but behind on their mortgage, rose from 4.3% in the first quarter of 2008 to 6.6% in thethird quarter of 2009. This cultural shift is driven in part by practicality. Most people need a credit card to function our society. Miss a couple of credit card payments and the credit card company pulls the plug. Stop paying themortgage and the bank may take a year or more before they padlock their home. In the meantime, the homeownerhas extra cash flow to pay down the credit card balances, and maybe take a nice vacation!

    Source: Welsh Investment Letter

    I am sorry if you think I am being too negative but I am not making these stats up. Maybe the proper correctionwould clean out some of these bums in Washington DC and put our country on a better path from a fiscal perspectiContinuously propping up industries via ponzi style financing eventually leads to a dead end.

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    Charleston Stats

    The following charts are provided by:Doug HolmesCarolina One Realtor

    ABR, GRI, M.S. MathematicsCell: 843.475.1722website: www.charlestonhoLmes.comblog: www.charlestonholmes.blogspot.comtwitter: http://twitter.com/charlestonstatsemail: [email protected]

    Doug makes some other good points which include: Short sales and bank owned properties are driving about a quarter of the properties under contract according

    Dougs chart above.

    The majority of properties that are selling have their list price and $/sqft list price below the median ftheir subdivision.

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    Well priced properties are flying off the market and some are seeing multiple offers.Banks being given the latitude to one off distressed properties at their own pace in order to avoid write-downscontinues to put downside pressure on prices in certain areas not only locally but nationally as well. If you are buya home you have to make sure your realtor and the appraiser disclose these short sales and/or REO properties that asimilar to the home you are purchasing.

    An important item to keep track of in the distressed real estate world is a future government program that will pay

    homeowners to sell at a loss.http://www.nytimes.com/2010/03/08/business/08short.html?source=patrick.net

    It will take time for Boeing, the Wind Turbine Facility and other industries to bring jobs to Charleston. The importand difficult question to answer is will the economy hold up by the time these jobs start to be filled? If it does nothold up and we get a massive correction with very high inflation then all my previous bit of bullishness goes out thwindow.

    If you are reading this and heavily involved and banking on real estate all I can say is be very careful! The potentiacollapse due to the ponzi run economy could occur when you least expect it just like what occurred in 2008. Do noget lackadaisical and just listen to the typical cheerleaders, kool aid drinkers and BS artists out there who do not do

    their homework. If you get caught in a real estate deal that is leveraged and another correction occurs you will getcrushed. In my opinion, most segments of real estate development are NOT the place to be until this market trulycorrects itself and the invisible hand of the government is cut off.

    It is critical for all real estate agents, developers, builders, sellers, etc. realize the improvement in the market is due the governments hand NOT the invisible hand we spoke about earlier. The real estate market has been nationalizeand propped up. How long it will last depends on a ton of factors out of our control.

    My best advice to everyone is just get out of debt. That is the best way to tackle the potential arrival of a future blaswan.

    At the end of the day I have faith in higher powers that something good comes out of the past, present and futuredestruction created by financial luminaries, ego maniacs and morons across the world.

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  • 8/9/2019 February 2010 Charleston Market Report



  • 8/9/2019 February 2010 Charleston Market Report


    DisclaimerThe research done to gather the data in The Charleston Market Report involves examining thousands of listings. Wthis much data inaccuracies will occur. Care is taken in gathering and processing the data and information within threport is deemed reliable. IT IS NOT GUARANTEED. The real estate market is cyclical and will have its ups anddowns. Past performance cannot determine future performance. The purpose of the Charleston Market Report is to

    educate you on current and consistent market conditions by reporting leading market indicators with the support oftraditional real estate data.

    This information is offered with the understanding that the author is not engaged in rendering legal, tax or otherprofessional services. If legal, tax or other expert assistance is required, the services of a competent professional arerecommended. This is a personal newsletter reflecting the opinions of its author. It is not a production of myemployer. Statements on this site do not represent the views or policies of anyone other than myself.

    Investing in real estate is not a get-rich-quick scheme nor is there any guarantee you will make a profit. Every efforhas been made to make this report as complete and accurate as possible. However, there may be mistakes. Thereforthis report should be used only as a general guide and not as the ultimate source for making money in real estate.