https://www.cnic.navy.mil/rota February 10, 2011 Volume 20 Issue 5 U.S. Naval Activities, Spain The Coastline Arresting Gear Crew Puts Training to the Test Air Ops Saves the Day

February 10, 2011 Coastline Newspaper

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February 10, 2011 1C L

https://www.cnic.navy.mil/rota February 10, 2011 Volume 20 Issue 5 U.S. Naval Activities, Spain

The Coastline

Arresting Gear Crew Puts Training to the TestAir Ops Saves the Day

Page 2: February 10, 2011 Coastline Newspaper

2 February 10, 2011 C L

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Rel ig ion . . . . . . 10 Vista . . . . . . . . . 11 Love of Food . . . . . . . . . .14 Community News . . . . . 15MWR. . . . . . . . 16 Activities . . . . . . . . . . . . 17FFSC . . . . . . . .18 Movies . . . . . . . . 21Sports . . . . . . . . 21El Mercado . . . . . . 22Around Base . . . . . . 23




JOIN THE CONVERSATION ONLINEJoin the conversation with Naval Activities Spain leaders, service members, community members, and friends from around the world. Here you will also find more photos, see videos and hear radio news reports from AFN Rota. So check it out.


T h e E f f e c t s o f C o n t i n u i n g R e s o l u t i o n Hola Naval Station Rota. Unless you’ve been sleeping under a rock during the last couple of months, you’ve probably heard your department head or leading

chief petty officer talk about “business plans,” budgets, “continuing resolution,” and a whole host of other financial terms in an increased frequency with a height-ened sense of urgency.

Micro-management in what you purchase seems a bit more ram-pant these days. Ev-ery penny, every dollar needs to be “justified” to our comptrollers.

It can be frustrating, but there is a reason why now, more than ever, we need to be meticulous in our spend-ing. It’s called continuing resolution.

What does “continuing resolution” mean, and what does it have to do with my command or department’s money. We hear people talk about it all the time, but do people really know what the heck this term is?

A continuing resolution is a type of appropriations legislation used by Congress to fund government agen-cies if a formal appropriations bill has not been signed into law by the end of the Congressional fiscal year.

Congress is required to pass separate government department spending bills every year to ensure the op-eration of government. If Congress fails to pass such a bill, or the President fails to sign it into law, non-essential functions of the government will cease, as they are no longer allowed by law to spend money. To prevent the interruption of government services, Congress will often pass a continuing resolution. This authorizes govern-ment agencies to fund their agencies at the current level until either the resolution expires, or an appropriations bill is passed.

In fact, as an example, you may remember the breakdown in budget negotiations between President Clinton and the Republican Congress in 1995 that led to a temporary government "shutdown." Having failed to agree on a new continuing resolution after the previous one had expired and having failed to agree on a number of key appropriations bills, several departments and agencies were left with no money to spend. For a short period of time, some parts of the national government did not function.

Luckily, we are not in that kind of situation now. How-ever, in an interview with Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates Jan. 26, remarked that the failure of Congress to pass the fiscal 2011 defense appropriations bill cre-

ates the possibility of a significant budgetary crisis for the military. Failure to pass the DoD’s funding legisla-tion currently represents a $23 billion cut in the entire defense budget for the current fiscal year, the secretary noted. The budget request was for $549 billion, and the continuing resolution comes in at $526 billion.

"It means fewer flying hours, fewer steaming days, cuts in training for home-stationed ground forces, cuts in maintenance, and so on,” said Gates.

As of today, the continuing resolution has been ex-tended until March 4, with no clear end in sight. For the Navy, we are looking at a potential $5 billion shortfall.

That’s why you are seeing more and more ques-tioning about how we spend our money. As the Vice Chief of Naval Operations noted in a memorandum last month, “the magnitude of potential shortfalls, uncertainty of pending Congressional decisions, and the need to provide support to critical Navy operations compel us to take prudent steps now to adjust expenditures and mitigate the risk of running out of money for the fourth quarter of the fiscal year.”

For Navy Installations Command, we are a looking at a $1 billion reduction in our budget. That’s a significant amount; it represents nearly 20 percent of the total Navy budget reduction for this fiscal year.

Here at NAVSTA Rota, we must make solid-financial decisions that are necessary to meet our requirements. It means we have to examine how every penny is spent, and stepping back and asking, “are we utilizing our resources efficiently and effectively?”

Additionally, if a requirement disappears, or if we have excess money in our department, we need to be getting that money back to our higher echelons so our counterparts aren’t stuck in the last quarter of this fiscal year without any money.

For those of you in the aviation community out there, you know what I am talking about. What happens when a squadron runs out of money? No one flies. Everyone sits around all day; sounds nice at first, but when you think about the loss of training skills, wasted man-hours, it can be quite painful.

Military budgets are like roller-coasters. However, through tough challenges like the one we face with con-tinuing resolution, we can be inspired to find new, inno-vative methods to achieve the same goals at a cheaper cost. We can ask ourselves honest questions, like, “do we really need a new TV or office furniture?” or “do we really need to buy 50 packets of papers this month?”

I believe while our money may be tight, it will force us to spend our dollars better and serve the needs of our taxpayers in this economy.

Watch every dollar shipmates; I know I am. Hasta luego, Skipper.

ABE1 (AW/SW) JorgE PAvon, ABE2(AW) oSmAr rodAS, ABE3 michAEl roBBinS, ABh2 (AW/SW) An-thony ShEPPArd, ABE1 (AW/SW) mArcElino olivArEz, ABE1(SW) AdriAn JohnSon And ABE3 (AW/SW) JoSEPh BArr PoSE in front of thE c-2A from USS EntErPriSE thAt trAPPEd At nAvStA rotA. thiS WAS thE firSt timE thE ArrESting gEAr hAd BEEn USEd in morE thAn Eight yEArS./Photo mc1(SW) PAUl cAgE.


cAPt. WilliAm f. moSkcomnAvActS, SPAin

Page 3: February 10, 2011 Coastline Newspaper

February 10, 2011 3C L NEWS

Guidance Provided to Sailors on DADT Repeal ProvisionStory By dEfEnSE mEdiA Activity - nAvy

WASHINGTON (NNS) -- The Navy released NAVADMIN 041/11 Feb. 4 to provide Sailors with additional informa-tion and guidance following the repeal of the Don't Ask, Don't Tell policy.

The message, which is the second in what will be a series of NAVADMINs to inform leadership and Sailors on the subject, details a three-tiered approach to how training will be conducted across the fleet in order to provide for a smooth transition once the final repeal has been issued.

The chief of naval operations has designated Com-mander, U.S. Fleet Forces Command as the executive agent for delivery and tracking of the education and training and OPNAV N1 as the executive agent for the development of content.

"The path to repeal of DADT requires informed and proactive leadership at every level. I will ensure you

Chief of Staff of the Army Gen. George W. Casey, left, Chief of Naval Operations Adm. Gary Roughead, Vice Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Gen. James E. Cartwright, Commandant of the Marine Corps Gen. James F. Amos, Chief of Staff of the Air Force Gen. Norton A. Schwartz and Commandant of the Coast Guard Adm. Robert J. Papp Jr. testify before the Senate Armed Services Committee about the Comprehensive Review Working Group report regarding the "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" policy Dec. 3, 2010.

remain fully informed as we progress. I am counting on each of you to ensure that throughout this implementa-tion period we do what we have always done: conduct ourselves with the highest level of professionalism and treat our shipmates with respect," said CNO Adm. Gary Roughead.

Command leadership teams will be used to implement training throughout the fleet, ensuring revised policies and standards of conduct are understood.

Sailors are reminded that the current DADT policy remains in effect. The final repeal will not occur until 60 days after the president, secretary of defense and the chairman of the joint chiefs certify to Congress that the repeal can be made in a manner consistent with the standards of military readiness, military effectiveness, unit cohesion and recruiting and retention of the Armed Forces. Additionally, no policies, regulations or benefits will change until 60 days after the final repeal.



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Results of OHA and MIHA Survey ReleasedBy dEfEnSE trAvEl mAintEnAncE officE

The results of the 2010 Overseas Housing Allowance and 2009 Move In Housing Allowance\Miscellaneous surveys were released Jan. 11 by the Defense Travel Maintenance Office.

The new utility allowance for Madrid is 823 euros and for all other locations, such as Rota and Morón, is 684 euros. The new MIHA is 368 euros.

The OHA survey was conducted April 15 through June 5 of last year, while the MIHA\Miscellaneous survey was conducted May 4 through June 30, 2009.

The DTMO’s Military Advisory Panel members approved the changes to Spain's utility/recurring maintenance and move-in housing-allowances based on the survey results.

The OHA surveys included in the analysis only were only from Service members who had received OHA for at least six months, had paid for most of their utilities

separately from rent (utility point score of five or higher) and had collected a full util-ity allowance.

For Madrid, increases were reported for electricity, natural gas and running water expenses that were partially offset by reported decreases in heating oil, sewer, bottled water and maintenance expenses. For other locations in Spain, increases were reported for electricity, natural gas, heating oil and maintenance expenses that were partially offset by reported decreases in bottled gas, running water, sewer, bottled water, trash and insurance expenses.

The MIHA decrease is a result of decreases in freezer, space heater, water puri-fier, air conditioner, cabinet, humidifier, telephone hookup, electric hookup, heating hookup, plumbing hookup, smoke detectors, key, sink, light fixture, insulation and screen expenses.

Page 4: February 10, 2011 Coastline Newspaper

4 February 3, 2011 C LNEWS

Navy Announces New Uniform Components and Rules

WASHINGTON (NNS) -- The chief of naval operations approved Navy Uniform Board recommendations Jan. 25.

The recommendations include a new cutlass for chiefs, an overblouse for female officers and chiefs, updated rules for portable communication devices and clarification on the man-ner of wear for flight suits.

"Whether addressing new proposals or updating old regula-tions to the current operating environment, the Uniform Board has taken input from the fleet and provided the best recom-mendations and proposed solutions for CNO's approval," said Capt. William Park, head, Officer Personnel Plans and Policy, who also oversees the Uniform Matters Office. "The result is a set of adaptive uniform regulations that maintains the profes-sional appearance of our Sailors."

Designed to be worn by members of an official party during ceremonies requiring officers to wear swords, the chief petty officer (cutlass may be the most visible of the announced uniform changes. With a twenty-six inch stainless steel blade and four laser engraved CPO anchors (CPO, SCPO, MCPO and MCPON) on the base, the new cutlass is expected to be available for purchase in August. As an optional uniform item, the Uniform Board sought to ensure uniformity in appearance by directing the cutlass to be worn only when all members of an official party are wearing swords.

The next change was the approval of an overblouse option for female officers and chiefs when wearing the poly/wool ser-

WASHINGTON (AFNS) -- Intense budget pressure, made worse by the failure to pass the fiscal 2011 defense appropriations bill, requires increased joint and total force collaboration across the U.S. military, according to the Air Force chief of staff.

Gen. Norton Schwartz made the comments during remarks at the Reserve Officers Association National Security Symposium Jan. 30 at the Washington Marriott Wardman Park Hotel here.

During his speech, General Schwartz said Air Force officials are working to trim bureaucracy and overhead, which ideally will result in a two-to-three percent savings to reinvest in warfighting capabilities and requirements.

"Unfortunately, we are experiencing even more intense budgetary pressures as we operate under a continuing resolution that effectively cuts another $23 billion from the defense budget," General Schwartz said. "We'll do our best to utilize operations and maintenance accounts to compensate for the difference, but that means stretching programs and possibly affecting training and readiness, which really concerns me."

As such, the general emphasized the need for greater collaboration across the force.

"We will have to work together, even more cohesively, across the board, from operating around the world, to protecting the homeland, to strategizing investments for our capabilities, both in terms of materiel and personnel," he said.

General Schwartz also stressed the need for continued teamwork in the ongoing development of the Air-Sea Battle construct, which aims to better integrate Navy, Marine and Air Force capabilities.

"The success of Air-Sea Battle will hinge on the ingenuity of all of our talented people from throughout the total force to provide the technical detail and to create viable and operationally meaningful strategies and concepts of operation for the tactical maneuver of air and maritime forces," the general said.

He also praised the ability of U.S. military men and women, regardless of component, to deploy from their home units and quickly integrate with those overseas.

"The reserve component's professionalism and impact on mission accomplishment is really quite remarkable," General Schwartz said.

CSAF Calls for More Collaboration Amid Budget Pressures

vice khaki uniform. Since the roll-out of the service uniform for junior enlisted, the Office of Women's Policy had received regular feedback from the fleet, requesting a similar overblouse option for female officers and CPOs to wear with their service khaki uniform. When this change takes effect in sixty days, female officers and CPOs will be able to wear the overblouse with slacks or skirts.

Portable electronic devices were another topic of concern for Sailors, which prompted the Uniform Board to make several noteworthy changes. Effective 60 days from the announce-ment, Sailors will be authorized to use these devices while in their service or working uniform, to include when walking. Although authorized, the device must be conservative in color and design, cannot distract from the appearance of the uniform, must be worn on the belt aft of the elbow and cannot interfere with the rendering of military courtesies and honors.

The final set of changes announced in the update were regarding the manner of wear for the aircrew flight suit. While in the continental United States, the green flight suit will be worn with a black undershirt, while overseas, aircrew may wear tan flight suits with brown undershirts as determined by the Navy component commander.

To support the Centennial of Naval Aviation, CNO is allow-ing flight suits to be worn at designated events in 2011. A list of these approved Centennial of Naval Aviation events will be released quarterly by Commander, Naval Air Forces.

First Lady Pledges Support For Military Families

Story By kArEn PArriSh, AmEricAn forcES PrESS SErvicE

from chiEf of nAvAl PErSonnEl PUBlic AffAirS

WASHINGTON – First Lady Michelle Obama said what im-presses her most about military families is their strength, pride and courage.

“Their willingness to sacrifice without complaint moves me every single time," Obama said during an appearance on The Oprah Winfrey Show. The episode, “The Bravest Families in America,” aired today.

The first lady said she became an admirer of military families during her husband’s campaign for the presidency.

"Whenever I'm feeling bad, feeling sorry for myself, I suck it up because of these families," she said, noting that military families are “holding it together, making it happen.”

Part of the challenge of getting the message out about military families “is that they never ask for help," she continued. "You don't do that when you're in the military. You get it done. That's how you're trained. That's what you're taught."

President Barack Obama this week announced an initiative that com-mits agencies across the government to improve conditions for service members, their spouses and children.

The document outlining the federal effort, “Strengthening Our Military Families: Meeting America’s Commitment,” pledges govern-ment agencies to enhance the well-being and psychological health of the military family; ensure excellence in military children’s education and their development; develop career and educational opportunities for military spouses; and increase child care availability and quality for the armed forces.

Examples of these efforts include a Health and Human Services part-nership with the Defense Department to confront suicide trends, treat military family psychological needs, and expand access to and improve the quality of child care.

Housing and Urban Development, Veterans Affairs, Labor and HHS have joined in the goal of “unqualified elimination” of homelessness among veterans by 2015.“We’re going to end homelessness among veterans,” the first lady said. “That should be over.”

The departments of Defense, Labor and Commerce, and the Small Business Administration have pledged a collaborative commitment to engage American corporations in expanding career opportunities for military spouses.

“Employment is critical,” Obama said, because military spouses move every few years, and often face career obstacles as a result.

“Even in a good economy, it’s difficult if an employer believes you’re going to leave in the next couple of years,” she noted.

Story By cAPt. chriS SUkAch, SEcrEtAry of thE Air forcE PUBlic AffAirS

Page 5: February 10, 2011 Coastline Newspaper

6 February 10, 2011 C LNEWS

A U.S. Navy C-2A Greyhound aircraft assigned to Fleet Logistics Support Squadron (VRC) 40 approaches for a landing on aircraft carrier USS Carl Vinson (CVN 70) July 15, 2009, in the Atlantic Ocean.

NAVSTA Rota Traps First Aircraft in More Than 8 Years

Naval Station Rota, Spain’s airfield arresting gear was utilized for the first time in more than 8 years when the pilot of a C-2A "Greyhound" from Fleet Logistics Support Squadron 40 (VRC-40) Detachment ONE executed a precautionary engine shutdown and made and arrested gear landing with a single engine Jan. 30.

The plane, which is attached to USS Enterprise strike group, had been working out of Rota for two weeks and was midway between the naval station and Enterprise when the aircraft lost oil pressure in its port engine.

The six-person arresting gear crew was manned and ready within 30 minutes of being notified.

“On other bases, the arresting gear is already set up where operators just show up,” said Aviation Boatswain's Mate (Equipment) 1st Class (AW/SW) Jorge Pavon. “Here, because of the heavy aircraft of the Air Force we get here, ours is not. We have to set it up across an active runway and torque it down so it can be ready. Doing that in 30 minutes is a great time.”

“I am impressed with what our arresting gear personnel did. This is something our Sailors have trained for and are prepared for,” said NAVSTA Commanding Officer Capt. Bill Mosk. “I'm delighted NAVSTA Rota was able to respond in such a timely manner. We showed the base, the Region and the Navy that NAVSTA Rota has a group of Sailors on standby to trap in any emergency.”

“You never know when you are going to get a trap,” said Aviation Boat-swain's Mate (Equipment) 2nd Class (AW/SW) Osmar Rodas. “I was really nervous. It was our first time as a team, and I was trying to keep calm. As soon as it took the trap and we found out the pilot was okay, I was relieved.”

Another person who was relieved was the pilot, Lt. Cmdr. Chris Dotson. “The arresting gear crew did a phenomenal job in getting the gear ready

for us. One turn in holding, and they were ready for us,” said Dotson. “It’s comforting knowing there is arresting gear available for the safety

of the crew and passengers.”

Story By mc1(SW) PAUl cAgE

Photo By mc2 StEPhEn roWE

Page 6: February 10, 2011 Coastline Newspaper

February 10, 2011 7C L NEWS

NMC Det. Rota: Supporting the Warfighter

AOAN Shaponi Bowers inspects a tag from on one of the pallets that was offloaded from USNS Arctic. Bowers said checking the tags ensures the ammunition they are suppose to receive is recieved and that the paperwork is all in order.

Story And Photo By mc1(SW) PAUl cAgE

Naval Station Rota, Spain plays a crucial role in conducting maritime strategy. As a matter of fact, it provides logistical support for combatant commanders on three continents.

While NAVSTA has reputation for setting the “gold standard” for Intermodal Operations, one operation that tends to go unnoticed is what the Sailors at Navy Munitions Command Detachment Rota here does - ammo offloads.

NMC's function as the Navy’s center for ord-nance management for shore stations worldwide is to provide retail ammunitions management, operating explosives ordnance storage, outload-ing and trans-shipment facilities.

During their most recent ammo off-load from Military Sealift Command ammunition ship USNS Arctic (T-AOE 8) Jan. 26, NMC safely and ef-ficiently off-load approximately 140 pallets of ammunition.

In order to do this, Aviation Ordanceman Sha-

poni Bowers said two things make the evolution a success.

“Teamwork and communication are very im-portant,” said Bowers. “If you have a great team who communicates well, the job gets done quicker and safer.”

Before Rota received the ammunition, safety checks were completed and planning between the Arctic and NMC ensured they were ready to accept ordnance. Once Arctic started sending ordnance over, it took about six hours to unload.

And while the weather was not cooperating, the teamwork and dedication of the men and women at NMC Det. Rota didn’t stop them from doing their job in supporting the Warfighter.

“Our job is important in supporting the warf-ighter,” said Bowers. “We can’t have them going down there to fight the war barehanded. We here in Rota get them the ammo so they can get the job done.”

A Sailor from NMC Det. Rota guides a fork-lift driver during an ammo offload Jan. 26 from USNS Arctic.

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8 February 10, 2011 C LNEWS

N O F F S : A Wo r l d Class Fitness ProgramStory By lAUriE AllArd, mWr AthlEticS dirEctor

PhotoS By mWr

A fitness and nutrition program has been designed especially for the mobile, operational lifestyle of Sailors, and focuses on proper exercise, injury prevention and nutrition. Morale, Wel-fare and Recreation fitness center staff at Rota, Spain, educated and exercised the Naval Mobile Construction Battalion 74 from Gulfport, MS during a Navy Operational Fitness and Fueling Series workout. More than 400 participants took part of this world class fitness program.

These modern day photos of sailors exercising portray a much different Sailor than one would have observed thirty years ago. MWR has captured command physical training today with pillar and movement prep for injury prevention, core strengthening for ease of mission tasks and energy system development focus for a variety of operational functions. Today's Navy is in vivid color and proudly living up to the "culture of fitness." With the imple-mentation of the NOFFS program in De-cember, Navy Fitness Rota Spain has stepped up its emphasis on operational readiness and overall fitness both on and off the job for deployed forces and the individual sailor.

The basic NOFFS program focus is: improving operational performance (not just the PRT), decreasing the incidence/severity of muscle and bone injuries and providing foundational nutrition.

“NOFFS isn’t necessarily to replace

what we’ve done for physical training in the past, but it will be another avenue we can use to stay healthy and as phys-ically strong as possible,” said Cmdr. Richard D. Hayes III, commanding officer, NMCB 74. “NOFFS can provide us with exercises that strengthen those muscles that don’t necessarily get used through traditional-type exercises, such as push-ups and sit-ups.”

Hospital Corpsman 1st Class (FMF/AW/CAC) Jesse L. Palacios, assistant command fitness leader, NMCB 74 said, “As a CFL it certainly challenges us to incorporate new types of physi-cal training into a command, and in my opinion, NOFFS certainly has been a breath of fresh air.”

Construction Electrician 2nd Class (SCW) Bradley J. Hinton who partici-pated in the NOFFS workout said, “Our body gets used to doing the same PT over and over, so if we use the various exercises, like from the NOFFS web-site, to change up PT, I think it will help.”

The Rota MWR Fitness Center of-fers these workout opportunities on a regular monthly schedule. Call Laurie Allard at 727-2953, Stephanie Whipple at 727-3264 or Frank Mateos at 727-2565 at the Fitness Center for more information or to schedule fun into your command PT.

A CFL NOFFS training program is scheduled for Feb. 25, 8 a.m. - 3:30 p.m.

(Above) Members of Naval Mobile Construction Battalion 74 deployed to NAVSTA Rota Spain take part in NOFFS, a world class fitness program which focuses on proer exercise, injury prevention and nutrition.

(Left) Stephanie Whipple, MWR fitness coordinator, shouts out directions to members of NMCB 74 as they partake in the MWR NOFFS program.

Page 8: February 10, 2011 Coastline Newspaper

February 10, 2011 9C L NEWS

The Region Legal Service Office at Naval Station Rota is scheduled to began its 2011 tax return services with help from the Volunteer Income Tax Assistance, program Feb. 14.

The Rota VITA program is a free program for active duty and reserve service members, DoD civilians and military retirees of the U.S. armed services to prepare and file tax returns.

Each of the 16 representatives received training from an Internal Revenue Service agent and received various certifications and passed a written test before becoming certified.

“Rather than going to one of the other tax companies and paying, you can go to one of our trained representatives free of charge,” said VITA Tax Program Coordinator Legalman 2nd Class

Story And Photo By mc2(SW/AW) trAviS AlSton

G e t Ta x A s s i s t a n c e T h r o u g h V I TAChristopher Winders.

Each command on the Iberian Peninsula has one or two representatives to provide service.

“We will be able to prepare all levels, military, and international taxes,” said VITA Agent Master-at-Arms 1st (SW) Class Alicia Rodriguez. “So please take advantage of the excellent service we provide.”

Once your return is complete the agent will inform you of how much money was saved by using VITA, which could be in the hundreds of dollars according to Winders.

“Knowing the volunteers were trained and qualified by the IRS was very comforting to me,” said Navy Career Counselor 1st Class (SW) Angel Rivera. “I highly recommend this program to junior service members due to the

amount of money I saved last year.” Rivera was also a VITA customer in 2010.

The tax filing deadline is April 15 for service members in the United States and June 15 for

those overseas. If in a designated combat zone you will receive an automatic extension of at least 180 days after departure from that combat zone.

Members are required

to bring forms W-2, 1099, 1098, social security cards and or Individual Taxpayer Identification Number for the member and all persons on tax return and proof of identity. If filing jointly

your spouse’s documents will be required as well.

“This is a free program run by professionals,” said Winders. “All you have to do is bring us the required documents, and we will handle the rest.”

Master-at-Arms 1st Class (SW) Alicia Rodriguez, a VITA Agent provides free tax return service to Logistics Specialist 2nd Class (SW) Lakeia Robinson. Rodriguez is certified from the IRS to prepare and file tax returns.

Page 9: February 10, 2011 Coastline Newspaper

10 February 10, 2011 C LRELIGION

“God is great, God is good.” The sim-ple prayer captures two vital aspects

of God’s charac-ter. Today, let’s consider God’s

“greatness,” or his power. Tra-ditionally, God is described as “om-

nipotent,” mean-ing that God can

make all things possible. But this makes many of us wonder, if God is so powerful and good, why do such bad things happen in this world?

While there is no easy answer, we must remember that God’s perspec-tive is far larger than ours, and he truly has the ability to work evil things out for good. A young man named Joseph learned this in a powerful way. As recorded in the end of Genesis, the Bible describes awful things that happened in his life – beat up by his own brothers, sold off by them as a slave, then, falsely accused of rape, he found himself in an Egyptian prison. I’m sure he was tempted to wonder

Evening Adult Bible Study This adult Bible Study begins with a meal at 6:30 p.m. Thursday evenings with group study from 7 - 8 p.m.

PWOC Bible StudyThe Protestant Women of the Chapel meet Thursdays, 9:30 - 11:30 a.m. for Bible study, fellowship and food. All are welcome and childcare is free.

Book of Revelation Bible StudyWednesday 6:30 p.m. at the chapel. Contact [email protected] for more infor-mation.

Christian Fellowship For MenHaving difficulty finding meaning in life? Struggling with sin? Looking to grow in your relationship with Christ? Join Christian Fellowship for Men at the Sea View Pines Community Center Wednesdays, 8 p.m. for fellowship, Bible-study and prayer. Men of all ages, ranks and services are invited to attend. Contact Jeremy Grennan at [email protected] or Ben Tisdale at [email protected] for more information.

Catholic Women of the ChapelTuesday 11 a.m. - noon at the chapel. Contact Shannon Hinson at [email protected] for more information.

T r u s t i n G o d


chAPlAin StEPhEn fiShEr

AnnouncementsCall 727-2161 for more information on Chapel events.

why the one, true, all-powerful God would allow such bad things to hap-pen to him. But in fact, all these evil things that happened to him (and they were quite evil) God was using for something quite incredible. At the end of the process, exonerated, Joseph became a high-ranking of-ficial in Egypt and was even able to rescue his brothers from a raging famine. And as he told them later, “You meant evil against me, but God meant it for good.”

This is a promise that those who trust God, who are his children, can count on. As Paul later said so clearly in his letter to Rome. “We know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him.” May we turn to him in genuine love and worship, knowing that for those who do so, he has promised to use his omnipotent power to work all things out for their good.

If you would like to speak with a chaplain for any reason please call the Religious Ministries Department at 727-2161.

Page 10: February 10, 2011 Coastline Newspaper

February 10, 2011 11C L VISTA

GranadaThe Fall of Islam in Spain

The Story of Al-Andalus

Page 11: February 10, 2011 Coastline Newspaper

12 February 10, 2011 C LVISTA

Story and Photo by MC3 Waris Banks

The Fall of Islam in SpainThe Alhambra, located in Granada just four hours east of Rota, is a masterpiece of Moorish architecture, asthetics and mathematics. From the Moors we derived words such as algebra and algorithim, as well as the numeric system that has allowed us to simplify clumsy Roman numerals. (It’s no mere coincidence that we call them Arabic numerals.)

Yet, it was at the Alhambra in Granada where the end of a brilliant civilization took place. It was a civilization that not only flourished in Spain, it put Western culture on its current course of ingenuity and progress by sowing the seeds of the Renaissance. This is the final part of a three-part series on al-Andalus.

I’ve visited the Alhambra three times during my three-year tour here. And there’s only one (Spanish) word that I can use to describe this Moorish palace built in the 14th century during the Nasrid dynasty: hechizante (“bewitching”). Even Moorish poets called the palace “a pearl set among emeralds.”

The Alhambra means “the red fortress” and is Spain’s most visited monument. I hate to use any cliché to describe the last stronghold of Islamic Spain; but the Alhambra is absolutely breathtaking. When one visits the palace, it’s as if one’s visual field is being bom-barded by dissonant images that somehow seem to align in perfect agreement. In other words, there are so many things that are going on at once – arabesques, fountains, pillars, myrtles – yet they all comes together as a whole.

But as British historian and journalist Bettany Hughes says: “This is far more than just a beautiful building. There’s a specific reason why it feels so harmonious.”

The reason lies in the Moors’ understanding of complex geometry. It’s pure mathematical genius. As University of Granada Professor Antonio Fernández Puertas explains to Hughes in the BBC documentary When the Moors Ruled in Europe, the magic of the palace is that its design is based on one simple ratio.

“The key to the Alhambra’s design is the relationship between the side

of a square and its diagonal,” Hughes says. “If we use the diagonal to make a rectangle and then the diagonal of that rectangle to make a rectangle, we get a progression of rectangles.”

“It´s very, very simple,” Fernández Puertas adds. “It’s the relation between the ground and the elevation of the buildings.” That’s why, he concludes, “There’s something marvelous about your surroundings.”

Yet in 1492 when Catholic Monarchs rode up to the Alhambra – ironically dressed in Moorish finery, they demanded that the leader of the ruling Nasrid dynasty give them the keys to the palace and the city. It’s at this point that the Reconquista, or Reconquest, of Spain was sealed. The Moors were eventually forced to convert to Christianity or face death or expulsion.

That’s why British reporter Omar Rageh, a Somali-born Muslim who traces Islam in Spain in his BBC documentary The Islamic History of Europe said visiting the Alhambra in Granada evokes sadness. Perhaps he feels this way because the end of Islamic Spain ushered in an era of religious intolerance that would arguably last well until the 20th century.

As legend has it, the Nasrid ruler who lost his kingdom to the Christians, Boabdil, as he looked onto his beautiful Alhambra palace in the valley as he was forced into exile began to weep. His mother is reported to have said, “Do not weep like a woman for that which you cannot defend as a man.”

The fall of Muslim Spain raises several question: What if Islam continued to flourish in Spain, how would the country look today? How did a religion that once encouraged learning and sparked the Renais-sance evolve into factions that encourage intolerance and violence?

The legacy of Islamic Spain is right within your reach – in Córdoba Granada, Sevilla, Toledo and many more cities -- and will lead you, as it has me, on the quest to further the answers to these questions. And work to resurrect the high ideals of al-Andalus.

Part 3 - Granada

Page 12: February 10, 2011 Coastline Newspaper

February 10, 2011 13C L VISTA

(Vista Cover) Fountains were an important part of Moorish palaces.

(Opposite Page) The Alhambra, which means “the red fortress,” is Spain’s most visited monument.

(Above) The Alhambra is built around one simple ratio: the side of a square and its diameter.

(Far Left) Moorish poets described the Alhambra palace as “a pearl set among emeralds.”

(Left) There are so many things that are going on at once in the Alhambra palace – arabesques, fountains, pillars, myrtles – yet they all come together as a whole. It’s breathtaking.

Page 13: February 10, 2011 Coastline Newspaper

14 February 10, 2011 C LCUISINE

Love of FoodBy kiAm mArcElo JUnio


Tomamos un Café / Let's take a Coffee BreakAs a caffeine fiend, one of the first things I wanted to learn about Spain were the varieties of coffee. Though not as numerous in choices as the US or even EU neighbors France and Italy, coffee is just as integral to Spanish culture. In fact, there is no such thing as "coffee break time," because you can get a cup just about any time of the day (yes, even with dinner!).

But what should you order? To investigate, I asked Ramon from Cafetería La Plaza (near Rota's Plaza de Andalucía) to show us the different options. Here are the basic varieties, from most to least potent.

Café SoloThis is the most basic, just pure pressurized coffee and water. A normal size is about 100 to 150 mL. For more, ask for a doble.

Café CarajilloNSFW (Not safe for work!) This popular winter coffee is similar to a Cortado. However, instead of milk, your camarero (waiter) will add anise liqueur or a shot of Cognac.

Café BombonThis delicious iteration maintains the same amount of coffee as a solo, and replaces regular milk with condensed milk, adding a rich, creamy, sweet sensation to the mix. I often order this in lieu of a dessert.

Café ManchadoThe weaker of the basic varieties, a Manchado will have between half to a third of a normal café, with a lot more milk. Its name implies that the milk is "stained" (manchado) with coffee. For those who do not desire such a big buzz, this is a great option.

Café con LecheLiterally "coffee with milk," this popular variation combines the same amount of coffee as a Café Solo, with approximately the same amount of milk. This is perfect to sip on after meals or with dessert.

Café CortadoThe word cortado means "cut," meaning this coffee has the same Café Solo with a cut of milk. This is a perfect morning drink or "eye opener," and my personal coffee of choice.

A d v a n c e d C a f f e i n o l o g y

**Other options: All of these varieties can be made using decaf (ask for "descafeinado") or skim milk ("desnatada"). Other "spirited" versions are popular as well, such as Irish Coffee (Café Írlandes).

Recipe of the Week: Indian Spiced CoffeeI came up with this myself during an Indian food kick (I go through these phases. This week, I think I'm turning Japanese). I absolutely love cooking with these spices, so I figured, why not use it in my coffee? Yeah, I'm crazy like that.

Tools:Coffee grinderCafetera (often named Moka or Bioletti, a popular Italian brand)1/2 cup whole Coffee beans3-4 cloves1/2-inch chunk of cinnamon stick1 cardamom pod (unavailable locally-substitute with 1/4 teaspoon nutmeg)

Directions:Combine coffee beans with the cloves, cinnamon, and cardamom (or nutmeg) and grind to a fine, sandy consistency. Fill up the cafetera's bottom chamber with fresh cold water, and add the coffee mix into the coffee press. Screw on the upper chamber (the kettle).Place on the stove on high heat and wait (usually about 3 - 5 minutes) for the water to quickly fill the upper chamber in a bubbling, steaming motion.

A cafetera works by boiling the water in the bottom chamber and pressing the steam quickly through the

packed coffee in the middle to the kettle above. Unlike conventional (American) drip coffee machines, the pressurization absorbs the coffee and spices' rich flavors, giving you a similar taste to a coffee made with a fancy espresso machine.

Page 14: February 10, 2011 Coastline Newspaper

February 10, 2011 15C L COMMUNITY

Editor's Note : Submit community news announcements no later than the Thursday before the desired publication date to [email protected]. Submissions are limited to 65 words or less and may be edited due to space constraints. Contact the Coastline at 727-3786 for more information.

Childbirth Preparation ClassA childbirth preparation class is scheduled for Feb. 25, 3 - 4:30 p.m. at the USNHRS OB clinic for anyone more than 30 weeks gestation. Call 727-3555 to sign-up for the class.

Budget For Baby ClassThis class helps expectant parents plan for their new baby by providing resources to become more aware of the costs related to the birth of a child and how to make better financial choices. Participants receive a Junior Sea Bag containing Gerber products and other free items. Sign up at the NMCRS office in building 3293 or call 727-1614 for more information.

Thrift Shop Hours and NMCRS VolunteeringThe Navy Marine Corps Relief Society Thrift Shop is open Mon., Tue. and Fri. from 11 a.m. - 2 p.m. and the third Sat. of the month with priority shopping 11 - 11:30 a.m. for all active duty personnel. The opening of the thrift shop depends on volunteers and if there are no volunteers, the thrift shop will be closed. If you are interested in helping at the thrift shop call NMCRS at 727-1614 or stop by building 3293 to sign up or for more information.

Register Now For Relay For LifeJoin in the fight against cancer. Get your team together now for the Relay For Life at the MWR track April 29. Volunteers, team captains and participants are needed. For more information or to register, visit http://events.cancer.org/rota. Call Molly Croft at 727-4003 or Heidi Taylor at 956-81-1442 to find out even more.

Relay For Life is Seeking SurvivorsRelay For Life of NAVSTA Rota invites all cancer survivors and their caretakers to participate in a special ceremony to honor their fight against cancer. For more information, contact Barbara Nelson at [email protected].

Calling All Amateur Radio OperatorsAnyone interested in amateur radio who has an FCC license and would like to operate on base or join MARS, contact Blane Wilson (call signs: K3LYE, EA71JJ, AEM4AA Army MARS) at 727-4087 or [email protected].

Alcoholics Anonymous Meetings AA meetings are scheduled every Tuesday, 7 p.m. at the base chapel. Call DAPA at 727-2876 for more information.

WIC OverseasThe Women, Infants and Children program provides the following at no cost: healthy foods, nutrition education and counseling, breast feeding support and refer-rals for health care. Eligible participants include pregnant, postpartum and breast-feeding women and children from birth to age 5 years old. Eligibility is not based on rank, but on income in relation to family size. Many families who are not eligible in the states are eligible for WIC Overseas. Call 727-2921 for eligibility information or to schedule an appointment. Our office is located in Family Practice Clinic.

Community News

Navy CollegeERAU Term IV ClassesRegister now for face-to-face classes. Classes offered are Systems Safety Mgmt and General Aviation Marketing (both 1 week intensive classes) and College Math for Aviation. For a complete online schedule or EagleVision classes call 727-2984 or email [email protected].

STAPActive duty spouses who want to go to school and don’t know where to get the money can come into the NMCRS to apply for an interest free loan. This is an over-seas only program, so take advantage while you are here. Call 727-1614 to make an appointment today.

UMUC Field Study CoursesUniversity of Maryland University College Europe Field study courses provide students with an opportunity to travel and explore Europe while earning university credit. Two courses upcoming are Northern Renaissance Art in Brussels and Paris held in Belgium and France and Expatriate Writers in Rome held in Italy both on March 12-19. The registration deadline for both courses is Feb. 20. Visit www.ed.umuc.edu/fieldstudy or e-mail [email protected] for details or con-tact UMUC at 727-2917 or [email protected].

Masters Degree in Human RelationsEarn your Masters in Human Relations through the University of Oklahoma in as little as 16 months. Call Trevor Sloan at 727-2799 or [email protected].

DGF SchoolsTerra Nova Standardized Testing WeekTerra Nova testing is scheduled for Mar. 14 - 16. It is important students eat a good breakfast and arrive at school on time as testing takes place first thing in the morn-ing each day.

DGF Early DismissalDGF student will be dismissed Mar. 18 at 1:30 p.m.

Navy Exchange General Manager Rick Nelson presents $2,000 worth of U.S. Savings Bonds to David Glasgow Farragut 6th grader Brittany Kallio during an awards assembly Feb. 4. Any eligible full-time student, who has a 'B' grade-point average equivalent or better, as determined by their school system, may enter the drawing. To enter the drawings, visit the NEX with the student's current report card and have an associate verify their minimum grade average. Fill out the entry card and obtain an A-OK ID, which entitles the student to discount coupons for NEX products and services.

DGF Student Awarded U.S. Savings Bonds


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DGF In-Service Days - No School For StudentsDGF student will have no school on Feb. 11, Feb. 21 and Mar. 4 for the Continuous School Improvement teacher in-service days.

Page 15: February 10, 2011 Coastline Newspaper

February 10, 2011 17C L ACTIVITIES




On going, Hotel Puerto Sherry, El Puerto de Santa Ma-ria Permanent exhibit of paintings by Jose Paredes

Itinerant Exhibition “La Plaza de Toros de El Puerto (1877-1880)” Bar El Bolivianito, Cruces Street, 19, El Puerto

Exhibit: The History of Rota through Archaeology: Jan. 21 – Feb. 12 Fundación Alcalde Zoilo Ruiz-Mateos, Calle Charco, 5, Rota

“Especiales” – Photo display until Feb. 14 by Tomoyuki Hotta Fundacion Municipal de Cultura, Algeciras

“Camino del Agua” Painting display until Feb. 25 by Vargas Sala Rivadavia, Calle Rivadavia, Cadiz


Kylie Minogue, Mar. 12 at 8:15 p.m., Palau Sant Jordi, Barcelona, www.livenation.es

Taylor Swift, Mar. 19, Palacio de Deportes, Madrid Roger Waters, Mar. 23, 26 and 29, Madrid and Barcelona

Justin Bieber, April 5 and 6, Madrid and Barcelona

Flamenco Guitar Concert by Paco Cepero, Municipal Theater Pedro Munoz Seca , El Puerto Santa Maria, Feb. 12, 9 p.m. For information call 956-48-3730 or visit www.elpuertodesantamaria.es or email [email protected]

Flamenco show – RotaSaturdays at 6 p.m., Bombay Pub, Avenida San Fer-nando, Saturdays and Sundays 11:30 p.m., Mama-juana Pub – At the Marina

Gonzalez Byass Bodega – Jerez de la Frontera, every day at noon, 1, 2, 5 and 6:30 p.m.

Sandeman Bodega – Jerez de la Frontera, Mon, Wed, and Fri. at 11:30 a.m., 12:30 p.m., 1:30 p.m.

Osborne Bodega – El Puerto de Santa Maria, week-days at 10:30 a.m.


Castillo de Luna, RotaVisits every weekend at 1 and 5 p.m. – Free admission

Hippie Market, Buy, sell and exchange.Sanlucar de Barrameda – Calle Ramón y Cajal.Sundays, 11 a.m. - 7 p.m.

Flee Market at Plaza de Andalucía, ChipionaSaturdays 7 - 11 p.m. and Sundays from 10 a.m. - 2 p.m.

Flea Market Jerez de la Frontera, Alameda Vieja (By the Castle), Sundays, 11 a.m. to 3 p.m.

Chipiona Light House: Groups only by appt. through the Tourist Office. 956-92-9065.

Bicycle Tour of Chipiona: Groups by appt. through the Tourist Office. 956-92-9065.

Carnival, Mar. 3 – 13, Cadiz, Chipiona and San Fer-nando

“Fotografia y Espacio” Photo display by several artistsSala de Exposiciones de Unicaja, Calle San Fran-cisco, 21, Cadiz

Flamenco show – Sanlucar de BarramedaFridays at 10 p.m., Bodega de Arte “A Contratiempo”

Flamenco show – Sanlucar de BarramedaFridays, 10 p.m., Bodega de Arte “A Contratiempo”

Many international and local flamenco artists will perform at var ious venues around Jerez as well as cante recitals, concerts, workshops, and a training program which attracts students from all over the world. A ‘beginner’ workshop will be offered at el Centro Andaluz de Flamenco on several afternoons to help understand flamenco. Visit the official website: www.jerez.es/en/areas_tematicas/festival_jerez/menu_top_english/main_page/

Page 16: February 10, 2011 Coastline Newspaper

18 February 10, 2011 C LCOMMUNITY

Assertive Communication Feb. 11, 10 – 11 a.m. Do you having trouble saying “no”, even when you really want to? Do you feel like people walk all over you? Would you like to know yourself and build your self-esteem? If any of these questions rings a bell with you, join us and learn practical ways of expressing yourself.

Thrift Savings PlanFeb. 11, 2 - 3 p.m. Do you have a plan for your retirement years? If not, find out why investing in TSP may be right for you and learn about the all the different options TSP has to offer.

Separating TAP WorkshopFeb. 14 - 17, 8:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. Separating soon or within the next 12 months? Explore information about your transition from the military, the job search process, your benefits, and your responsibilities. The Transition Assistance Program is here to assist you. Contact your Command Career Counselor to sign up.

Field Trip: Gypsy Market in CadizFeb. 14, 9:30 a.m. - 2:30 p.m. The Gypsy Markets are one of our most popular shop-ping spots in the area. Come we us to Cadiz for a few hours, walk, see, shop and enjoy a café or some olives. Do not worry about driving as we will take you.

Spanish TutorialsFeb. 15, 11:30 a.m. – 12:30 p. m. and Feb. 22, noon - 1 p.m. If you are currently taking Spanish class and need extra help, come to our new one-on-one Spanish tutorials. Whatever your goal or level, join us to learn and practice your Spanish. In these one on one sessions you will get personalized tutorials based on your needs.

Grief Support GroupFeb. 17, 3:30 - 4:30 p.m. Have you recently suffered the loss of a loved one? Need someone to provide a safe environment and walk beside you as you go through the grieving process? This confidential group is designed to assist you as you work through your grief. Join us.

Ten Steps to Federal EmploymentFeb. 18, 8:30 – 11:30 a.m, The Federal government is the largest employer in America. This class covers the steps needed to make the challenging process of landing a Federal job an achievable goal.

Fleet & Family Support Center

Family Field Trip: Medina SidoniaFeb. 21, 8:45 a.m. -3:00 p.m. . Put on your walking shoes and join us on this walking tour to the old town of Medina Sidonia. One of Andalucia's most picturesque pueblos blancos (white villages), the town of Medina is located atop of a hill that overseas a wide valley. Walk downtown and explore the main monuments with a local guide. After the visit, there will be time for tapas or lunch. Field trip fee: 6 euros per person.

Sexual Assault Prevention Response Advocate Training Feb 22 - 25, 8: 30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. “Hurts One. Affects All... Preventing Sexual As-sault is Everyone's Duty." You can help make differences in someone’s life. SAPR advocate provide 24/7 direct response to victims and assist them navigate the military’s response network. Stop by the FFSC for an application or call for more information. Applications are due Feb. 11.

Daddy Boot CampFeb. 22, 10 - 11:30 a.m. Congratulations, Daddy! Now that the news has sunk in, come join us at FFSC to learn how to be a better dad and learn some tricks of the trade. All new dads and dad’s to be, come join us in this interactive class.

Feb. 18, 11:00 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. Attend this seminar to get to know the Spanish school sys-tem and what is required to register your child at a Spanish school. Enroll-ment is not done through-out the year. In Spain, school registration starts in March. Get a school list for El Puerto de Santa Maria and Rota and un-derstand all the require-ments needed for this process.

Registering Your Child for Spanish School

colEgio SAlESiAnoS, rotA/Photo By JAn hAmmond

Page 17: February 10, 2011 Coastline Newspaper

February 10, 2011 19C L PUBLISHER'S CORNER

Valentine Specials and a CorrectionThe web page and the e-mail in the ad for the Hostería del Atalia in Córdoba that appeared last week were wrong. The correct ones are

www.hospede-riadelatalia.com and [email protected]. We all know, one letter

can make a big difference. I do apologize for any inconvenience. The mistake was brought to my attention in an e-mail from a reader on Friday. She had tried to contact them and it didn’t work; although she was able to figure it out by looking at the name of the hotel. She was thoughtful enough to contact me so I could try and make amends this week. Normally, I copy and paste so I am not to sure what happened, but happen it did. Anyway, if you were considering making reservations for the upcoming three-day week-end, there should still be time.

Valentine’s day is next Monday and we have some special offers for you. If you are looking for a special gift for that special Valentine, stop by Matías Lebrón Jewelry Store in El Paseo Mall. This year they are featuring silver charm bracelets by Thomas Sobo and Pandora. These bracelets make very nice gifts and on each special occasion, a charm can be added. You will also find many other beautiful and special gifts: diamonds, rings and earrings with the latest modern designs or classic. The folks there are


By Karen Lucas, Coastline [email protected]


always very helpful. Once again this year, Hotel Duque de Nájera

has a special offer for Valentine’s Day that includes a special dinner (midday or evening), lodging and a buffet breakfast. I have always heard rave reviews about their special dinners and have experienced some myself. You can count on quality and service. The offer is good Feb. 11 - 14. You can see the complete menu at www.hotelduquedenajera.com and can make reservations by calling 956-84-6020.

Restaurante Bar Jamón in Puerto will be of-fering a special Valentine’s Day menu Feb. 12 - 14. Their regular menu will also be available if you prefer.

To celebrate Valentine’s Day, Molly Malone will have special gifts for the ladies and a DJ Feb. 12.

Restaurante Los Arcos in Rota will be of-fering a special Valentine’s menu for 55 euros per couple Feb. 12 -14. The menu consists of three appetizers, your choice of several meats or fish, a chocolate fondue for dessert and wine. On Feb. 14 there will be a magician to entertain you doing his magic from table to table starting around 9:30 p.m.

Anything you want me to pass along? Let me hear from you about your favorite places or coming events. I do like hearing from you! Send me an e-mail to [email protected] or give me a call at 607-56-4132. Support your paper by supporting the advertisers.

L o c a l N a t i o n a l E m p l o y e e Recognized for Outstanding ServiceStory By mAnUEl AlBA JAmiE

Photo By mc1(SW) PAUl cAgE

On Jan. 28, Local National Payroll Supervisor Alejandro Neto, received a letter of commendation for outstanding service in recognition of his selection as Junior Civilian of the Quarter, Third Quarter 2010, Commander Navy Region Europe, Africa, Southwest Asia.

“After almost 32 years of service, it has been very gratifying receiving this recognition,” said Neto. “It was a big surprise for me. I think there are many other Spanish employees working in this department which are equally deserving of this award.”

Neto manages all areas of payroll for for the approximately 1,100 Spanish local national employees on the naval station.

“It is a stressful job and with a lot of responsibility,” said Neto. “I want to give my most sincere thanks to all my work team, Charo Julia, Jose Antonio Bravo, Paco Beltran, Angel Lopez and Rocio Martinez, for their job well done and dedication. My selection would not have been possible without their collaboration. Also, thanks my boss for his great support.”

Alejandro Neto Moresco was born in El Puerto de Santa Maria where he resides with his wife and his son.

NAVSTA Rota Commanding Officer Capt. Bill Mosk presents Alejandro Neto, local national payroll supervisor, a letter of commendation.

Page 18: February 10, 2011 Coastline Newspaper

20 February 10, 2011 C LSPORTS

It’s a wet day in Rota as two teams push aggressively for the ball, tackling and running, not phased by the mud and the rain, while spectators huddle under umbrellas watching intently. No, this isn’t football – it’s rugby, a full contact sport which originated in England in the early 1800's and according to a 2010 survey by the National Sporting Goods Manufacturers Association, is currently the fastest growing team sport in the U.S.

Ask someone of their preconceived notions of rugby players and some of the following adjectives might be suggested: crazy, violent, crude. But the Rota Rugby Club coach, Krista Grigg, sees a different side to the sport.

“I’ve played quite a few team sports in my life, but rugby is definitely the most challenging and most rewarding,” she said. “The nature of the sport tightly bonds you to your teammates, and creates a kind of rugby brotherhood world-wide.”

American football has its origins in rugby, and you can still see rugby’s influence in terms such as touch down,

Rugby Comes to RotaStory By rAnEllE roBBinS And kriStA grigg

Photo By chriStoPhEr dEvillEz

and line of scrimmage. Unlike many other team sports where players often stand idly on the field, rugby is a fast-moving game with few pauses. All 15 players on the field run, pass and tackle during almost the entire 80 minute match.

The field is slightly larger than an American football field, and the ball is slightly fatter. However a bigger difference between the two sports is that no forward passes are allowed in rugby. The ball may be thrown laterally or backwards, but it is only advanced through kicking or running with the ball. In addition, the only protective gear typically worn by rugby players is a mouth guard.

In late 2010, the Rota Rugby Club was formed by Navy, Air Force and Marine servicemen and women, and several civilians. Most are new to the sport, and practices consistently cover rugby basics while also de-veloping their advanced skill levels. And while the team enjoys training and the social aspects of the Club, they

are always hungry for a match and have played several friendly matches against Andalusian teams.

“Playing games is easily the best part of rugby. Once you get on that pitch and know what’s going on, you’ll come back for more every time, it’s that addictive,” said Gregory Sirko, a new player to the sport. “The two teams beat the hell out of each other, and then share a drink and some food after the game.”

Rota Rugby Club welcomes spectators and fans to its next match, scheduled for Saturday against Club Rugby Bahia at 1:30 p.m. This is the clubs first match at home at the football field next to the gym. A play-by-play an-nouncer will explain the sport during the match to help those new to rugby in understanding the game.

Visit the Rota Rugby Club Facebook page for details about the match and the team. New players (men and women, experienced and rookie) are always welcome. Practices are scheduled for Mondays and Wednesdays from 5:30 - 7:30 p.m. and Saturdays from 2 - 4 p.m.

Clay Simon of the Rota Rugby Club, takes possession of the ball during a match against the Tartessos Rugby Club at a pitch in Huelva, December 2010.

Page 19: February 10, 2011 Coastline Newspaper

22 February 10, 2011 C LCLASSIFIEDS

To place a classified ad submit information in 25 words or less by the Friday prior to desired publication date. Classifieds will run for one edition only. Free ads are available to TEI cardholders for non-commercial goods. E-mail submission to [email protected] or fax to 727-1021. Non-TEI cardholders and/or ads of a commercial nature (pets for sale, real estate, for-profit business) require payment and must be submitted to Karen Lucas at [email protected] or fax to 956-54-2997.

el mercado

A Spending Plan Review could be the key to your financial peace of mind? Are you living from payday to payday, having trouble meeting monthly bills, being harassed by creditors, or hoping your paycheck reaches the bank before those checks you just wrote do? Visit the nearest Navy-Marine Corps Relief Society Office where caseworkers can review your financial situation and suggest corrective actions.

Are you about to get married, expecting a new baby or about to make a major purchase? The Society can also provide invaluable spending plan assistance before you make these major decisions.

Did You Know?

NMCRS: A Helping Handwww.nmcrs.org

Page 20: February 10, 2011 Coastline Newspaper

February 10, 2011 23C L

Photo By StAff Sgt. AdAm grAvES


(Above) NAVSTA Rota Commanding Officer Capt. Bill Mosk sa-lutes DGF Navy Junior ROTC cadets during the their annual uni-form inspection Feb. 2. Mosk expressed the importance of the JROTC program and how suff icient the training and knowl-edge would be in the cadet’s future.

(Left) Mosk inspects a cadet during the JROTC uniform in-spection at DGF.

(Left) Col. Scott Gaab, 725th commanding officer (far right), reaffirms the oath of enlistment during a pro-motion ceremony Jan. 31. Promoted (l-r) were Tech. Sgt. Fred Hall, Master Sgt. Francene Brown, Master Sgt. Dorothy Adams and Master Sgt. Victor McNair.

(Above) Boy Scouts from Rota’s troop 73 welcome the newest members into their troop during a crossing over ceremony Jan. 31. The Webelos from Rota’s Viking den crossed over to Boy Scouts after receiving the Arrow of Light, the highest award given to Cub Scouts.

Photo By mc2(SW/AW) trAviS AlSton

Photo By mc2(SW/AW) trAviS AlSton

Photo By SEnior mAStEr Sgt. richArd hAmmond