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Page 2: Feb 2016 full

EDITORSaralyn [email protected]


Taylor Road Baptist Church1685 Taylor Road

Montgomery, AL 36117334.271.3363


GET SOCIAL WITH TAYLOR ROAD:www.facebook.com/taylorroad


ONLINE EDITION AVAILABLEwww.taylorroad.org/media/publications

ARCHWAYS (USPS No. 000-611) is published monthly by Taylor Road Baptist Church, 1685 Taylor Road, Montgomery, Alabama, 36117. Saralyn Whittington, editor. Periodical postage paid at Montgomery, Alabama. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Taylor Road Baptist Church, 1685 Taylor Road, Montgomery, Alabama, 36117.


Shana ProctorSandra Rooks

Tina [email protected]

DeAnne [email protected]

2 Archways - February 2016

February 2016, Volume 30, Issue 2archwaysMINISTERS

Daniel AtkinsDean FinchYoung Lee


Eddy WilliamsHolly Nichols

SUPPORTSaralyn Whittington

DeAnne Brunson

Kristy and I would like to say a huge thank you to all of you for helping make our transition here to TRBC and Montgomery so wonderful. You all have been such a blessing to us in so many ways. From those who have brought meals by the house to those who have dropped by just for an encouraging visit and to the mind blowing reception you all gave us, we are so humbled and thankful for your generosity.

As we have begun our life together with you, I'm excited to see so many of you hungry for God's Word and His direction for our church. There is a lot of excitement and anticipation in the air at our church right now. Excitement and anticipation are great but, I want to remind you, it's time for us to go to work. We must be actively engaged in reaching the lost around us. Remember, we exist to introduce people to Jesus and teach them to follow Him. In Acts 1:8, Jesus gives His disciples instructions on how they were to continue His ministry after He ascended to heaven. He said, "But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you, and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth." It is my belief that if this was the model Jesus set for His disciples, this is the model He intends us to follow as well. God has placed our church in one of the best locations I've ever seen. We have an apartment complex right behind us that is already housing families. We will begin ASAP reaching into this community with the gospel. There is a great need for the gospel in Montgomery. God has placed us in this city for a purpose. I want to encourage you to join our Women on Mission on February 18 as they feed the homeless in our city. Be looking for more opportunities to get plugged into ministry in our city. We will be casting vision for our church soon and will keep you up to date on ministry opportunities. We are also called to take the gospel to our state, our nation and our world. My heart and desire is that our church be a continuous mission sending agency. We are called to be intentional and consistent in reaching people for Jesus. If God has birthed a vision for ministry in your heart, please share that with me!

Church, I believe that God is beginning to do things in our midst that we can't even imagine! My prayer is that we stay open to His work in our church and that He will use us to reach our city, our state, our nation and our world for Him!

In Christ,Pastor Daniel

Daniel’s Details

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What a start to the New Year! Each Sunday has been �lled with excitement and expectation. It’s a “you don’t want to miss it” kind of feeling. And then, by the end of each service you realize you have had a chance to meet the Living God.

Don’t just sit and watch...we want YOU to join with us in the “Worship Choir.” Meeting time has changed through February. We participate in the Wednesday night Bible Study/Prayer Time at 6:30 and then go to the Choir Suite rehearsing until no later than 8:00 pm.

Childcare is provided.Spiritual care is guaranteed.

Every Member........a Minister!

Notes and Stuff … from Eddy

Sunday, February 14 8:00 a.m.

Cost $2.00 per person

The year is o� to a great start and prayer has made a major contribution to all the good things going on. Come celebrate the goodness of God as we move forward in the year, looking to God as He leads us to be the church we need to be.Join us for a great time of fellowship and the best hot breakfast in town. Please make your reservation by Thursday, February 11, so we can make plans for everyone to have enough to eat. Sign-up in Bible study or call the church o�ce at 271-3363.

Senior Adult LunchThursday, February 4, 11:30 a.m.

Cost $5.00 per person

Our special guest will be Pastor Daniel Atkins. He will be sharing some music and his vision for senior adults at Taylor Road Baptist Church. We will have a delicious meal and great fellowship. If you have not had the opportunity to visit with our new pastor, then this will be a great time to talk with him. Be sure and make your reservations in Bible study or by calling the church o�ce by Tuesday, February 2.

Construction Mission TripHopkinsville, KY

June 18-25Cost: $200/person

Mission Builders will go to Hopkinsville, KY this year and do sheetrock work. The cost is $200. For more information or to register, please see Wayne Miller or Jason Till.

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4 Archways - February 2016

February is here and the Student Ministry team is extremely excited for what God has planned over the next couple of months. We are focused this year on missions and outreach as we focus on the words of Paul to the Philippian church, “I eagerly expect and hope that I will in no way be ashamed, but will have su�cient courage so that now as always Christ will be exalted in my body, whether by life or by death.” (Phil 1:20) Missions are not comfortable or easy. There are struggles along the way, but we remain as Paul did, single-mindedly focused on the Gospel and wholly devoted to making the name of Jesus famous.We kick o� with perhaps the greatest weekend of the year in the lives of our students, Disciple Now 2016 (DNow). The weekend is packed full of disclipleship-centered study, fellowship, missional outreach, and just plain fun! We have had an amazing number of volunteers help us with feeding these students (and believe me…they can eat). However, if you would like to help, we still need some donations to assist in our mission project. We will be building breakfast kits for the homeless and need easy to carry/eat breakfast items such as nutragrain and granola bars, instant oatmeal, instant grits, bottled water, etc. If you can help provide these items or would like to �nancial aid us, please see me or the church o�ce.As March quickly approaches, so does our student mission trip to San Vicente, Mexico. Several of our students and adults are sacri�cing their spring breaks to serve a new church plant in that community. We will be conducting a sports camp and aiding in the remodel of the parsonage. On 21 February, we will be providing a pancake breakfast for the entire church. From 8:30-9:15 a.m. come out to the fellowship hall and enjoy some pancakes and bacon. We will accept donations at that time, and they will go directly to the mission trip.


Student Ministry

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JUNE 6, 2016 - JULY 28, 2016 AGES 6 WEEKS - 6TH GRADE


Archways - February 2016 5

Taylor Road Baptist Church

Mother’s Day Out &

Kindergarten Monday-Thursday

9am-1pm *Extended Hours Available


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Taylor Road Baptist ChurchDeacons



Wayne StuartHome: 285-1248Cell: [email protected]

Scott WhittingtonCell: 467-7960Work: [email protected]

Steve WalkerHome: [email protected]

Duane KinsaulHome: 279-6971Cell: [email protected]

Art LoescherHome: 356-9559Cell: [email protected]

Andy LoftisHome: 281-7186Cell: [email protected]

Eric AndersonHome: 593-6194Cell: [email protected]

Bubba BowdenHome: [email protected]

Steve ReddingHome: [email protected]

Hamp RussellHome: [email protected]

Cliff SlatenHome: 272-6345Cell: [email protected]

Jason TillCell: [email protected]

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Food Collection for Hands of Christ Ministry Center

Jesus reminds us in Matthew 25 that as believers we are to feed the hungry, care of the homeless, sick and prisoners. When we do these things we show God’s love to others by our actions. Our AWANA boys and girls are helping prepare and distribute our grocery sacks. We hope you will be able to help us �ll all our sacks. Our collection time is during the month of February. Please return your �lled sacks until February 28. Thank you for your continued support as we share with those in need. Terry Pope

Food List for The Helping Hands Ministry

Below is a list of food items we are collecting for the Chisholm Center. Please purchase only the items on this list. Basic Foods Transient Foods: (pop-tops, (Canned or packaged, individual servings) Non-perishables) Vienna Sausage *Tuna fish-small/medium cans *Macaroni and Cheese *Chicken and Dumplings Potted Meat *Jack Mackerel Stew *Beef Stew Beanie-Wienies Pork and Beans Chili Turnip Greens Individual snack crackers Yams (cheese or peanut butter) Any canned fruit Canned Green Beans Canned Green Peas Toilet Articles Canned Corn Hand Soap Canned English Peas Deodorant *Tomatoes-any products Shaving Cream *Peanut Butter - small jars Disposable Razors Powdered milk - 1 qt. envelopes Toilet Tissue Dried beans/peas - 1 lb. bags Shampoo Rice - 1 lb. bags Toothpaste/Toothbrushes Grits - 1 lb. box *Flour - 1 lb. bags *Corn Meal - 1 lb. bags Extra Cornbread mix Jelly Pasta - any type Jell-O Puddings *Ramen soups Cake or Cookie Mixes *Breakfast cereals Kool-Aid (individual packages) Saltine Crackers *These items are desperately needed.

Media Library News

It isn’t too late to sign up for the Adult reading Club, “I Love Books.” It began January 24 and will end February 28. The only requirement is to read a book from the following catergories: Biography, Fiction, & Numbers (general). Receive gifts as you read. Come by the Media Library to sign up!

New DVD’s in the Media LibraryDo You Believe?

Grace UnpluggedAlone, Yet Not Alone

War RoomWoodlawn

Check us out! It’s the best kept secret at Taylor Road, and it’s just amazing what you will �nd!

Clothes Collection The Missildine Sunday School class is collecting coats, blankets and any other cold weather clothing items for the homeless in Montgomery. All sizes are needed - children, men and women. Donation boxes are located throughout the building. For more information, please contact the Church O�ce.

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8 Archways - February 2016

PeriodicalU.S. Postage

PAIDMontgomery, AL

Permit No. 000-611

Taylor Road Baptist ChurchSaralyn Whittington - Editor1685 Taylor RoadMontgomery, AL 36117

4 - Senior Adult Luncheon 14 - Men’s Prayer Breakfast

12-14 - DNOW

14 - Men’s Prayer Breakfast

14 - Student Lead Worship AM

18 - WOM Feed Homeless



Sunday 9:15 - Bible Study for All Ages10:30 - Worship 5:30 - Classes for All Ages 6:30 - Worship

Tuesday 9:00 - Every Stitch A Prayer

Wednesday 6:30 - Classes for All Ages

Thursday 9:00 - Every Stitch A Prayer10:00 - Senior Adult Bible Study 6:15 - Scouts

The Full Church Calendar is Available Online at


Cut this section out to use as a bookmark for this month!

STAFF ANNIVERSARIESJackie Jenkins ~ 20years

www.TaylorRoad.org/MediaSermons are Available Online at

WOMEN ON MISSIONOn February 18, our Women On Mission group will meet in the new kitchen at TRBC and prepare dinner for the Truth and Reality Homeless Shelter. For more information, please contact Dianne Langford at 274-0678.