Feb 13, 2014 Eric Brad

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  • 8/12/2019 Feb 13, 2014 Eric Brad


  • 8/12/2019 Feb 13, 2014 Eric Brad


  • 8/12/2019 Feb 13, 2014 Eric Brad


    Ras Mandangan**EDITED** Sorry, accidentally hit "enter"

    What I was going to say is. In my neck of the woods. The old methods are still widely accepted [i.e. Alpha,

    aversive methods]

    What do you think is the best way to educate people? W/o creating conflict?

    Denise O'MooreSorry all am so organised tonight!!!!! This is an article by Eric I posted earlier but it

    slipped down pagehttp://lifeasahuman.com/.../what-if-we-could-communicate.../

    What If We Could Communicate With Dogs?lifeasahuman.com

    It was early evening in the spring of 2002

    Eric BradRasWhen I say New and Old, I'm speaking strictly in personal terms. New for us and Old for


    Denise O'MooreShay Kellyam tagging you

    Lindsay MannEric did you find that owning the type of dogs you do/did has had any affect or

    influenced you in your way of thinking about dog training?

    Eric BradWhat changed our view was that the force-based methods we had been using on our dogs for

    15 years stopped working with our Belgian Tervuren. It got to a point where we felt we were not safe approachinghis food bowl. We were within days of rehoming him because nothing we tried was working and was, in fact,

    making things worse.

    Jason CurrieEric did a lot of your dog training friends also join you with the more educated way to do

    things ? or did you find there were many people stuck in their ways ?

    Eric BradThat's when we discovered The Culture Clash by Donaldson and it profoundly reset how we

    understood dogs were.

  • 8/12/2019 Feb 13, 2014 Eric Brad


    Lindsay MannWas that dog your first Tervuren?

    Kim CarnellA good book does make you re-think many things.

    Eric BradLindsay - No. What changed us was the utter failure of prescribed methods (monks of new

    skeete) to fix the problems.

    Denise O'MooreIn your first articleEricyou mention 3 books - I think most of us have - so am just going

    to list them for everyone: Culture Clash by Jean Donaldson. Don't shoot the dog by Karen Pryor and The other

    end of the Leash by P. McConnell.

    Eric BradOur first dogs were collies. Our difficult terv was our second belgian.

    Kim CarnellDid you find it easy to change your training methods

    Eric BradKim- Strangely, I did find it easy. But in a very very painful way. It seemed to me that

    EVERYTHING I was doing with my dogs was WRONG. That's a hard thing to face. But if I didn't face it, it was

    going to face me...and perhaps even bite me

    Denise O'MooreEricwhich did you find more challanging - collie or Belgian?

    Kim CarnellDid you keep notes of how your new approach changed the behaviour of your Terv that

    you were going to nearly rehome

    Eric BradKim- Not formally. But we did follow very careful protocols described in books on using positive

    reinforcement and science based training.

    The change was dramatic and fast.

    Kim CarnellEric it is hard but at least you were prepared to try and admit that things could be

    different I applaud you for that

    Lindsay MannThat's great to hear Eric

  • 8/12/2019 Feb 13, 2014 Eric Brad


    Eric BradUnfortunately, it was not complete. Some of the emotional fallout from the force training stuck

    with Vince (our terv) and he never quite trusted me until he died.

    Lindsay MannWhen you started using the new protocols, did you have faith they'd work, or were you

    a bit sceptical?

    Kim CarnellSorry to hear that but you did make his life better than it could have been

    Eric BradLindsay- I had faith in nothing and I was skepical of everything. I remain that way to this day.

    When this stuff stops working, I'll change. So far, I'm very happy with the results.

    Lindsay MannThat's sad isn't it? I used to use more force based methods on my first Tervurens,

    however not alpha rolling etc thankfully, it was more using choke chains Thankfully too they did trust me, but I

    have always felt so bad about their first couple of yerars until I ditched the CCs!

    Marc DrillingsWhat solutions do you have when dealing with pet owners that are used to using force

    style training. Let's face it, it is easier. Being force free makes us think of new ways to communicate to our dogs

    what we want, and most of us want the quick fix. Also to be fair to the Monks of New Skete, I believe in a later

    edition of their book they no longer recommend the alpha roll as they found out---you can get bit

    Eric BradOne of the important side effects of this change for me was that I don't trust speculation

    anymore. The only authority on how and why training works is my dog. If it works, it works. If it doesn't,

    something needs to change.

    Jason CurrieEricthe amount of times I hear certain trainers say red zone dogs don't respond to treats is

    unreal !! Do you think those trainers can be reached ?

    Eric BradMarc- First off, I don't consider myself a "Force Free" trainer. That is a definition that has been

    far too loosely used for me to feel comfortable being defined by it.

    Lindsay MannWhat sort of things do you like doing with your dog now, Eric?

    Kim CarnellI don't want to upset anyone but Eric do you find that like non reward training that some

    FF trainers do take their convictions to far and that this might put some owners off

  • 8/12/2019 Feb 13, 2014 Eric Brad


    Eric BradI think the most important thing we can do when working with any dog owner is to reset their

    expectations so they do not look for quick fixes. Life together is a process and so is training. You don't just "set it

    and forget it."

    Kim- Let me put it this way, humans, like any animal, will respond negatively to aversive stimuli. It's never agood idea to try to make your point in a way that is aversive to the person you are trying to convince regardless of

    your training philosophy. Did that cover it?

    Kim CarnellYes thank you

    What made you start writing

    Eric BradMy writing really came out of a desire to document my own experience.

    Per Arnt RasmussenHave you learned dog language by now ?

    Eric BradFrankly, I was stunned at what was happening with my dogs using this new way to train.

    When we got my Tiramisu as a puppy and started her out with clicker training, I was astounded at the speed at

    which she was learning.

    Ashley Oslund Cpdt-kaDid you have any experiences with positive trainers trying to make their

    point before you crossed over that prevented you from doing so sooner?

    Kim Carnellwould you say all trainers should try to keep notes of their experiences so that they can

    learn from them

    Eric BradThen there was the strange collateral effect. She was not as mischievious as our previous dogs

    had been. She just didn't get into trouble.

    Kerry MadogsHi Eric

    What are the three most important things we should think about when training dogs. Ta

    Eric BradWow, you're a chatty bunch! Great questions!

    Kim Carnellwe would hate for you to be bored

  • 8/12/2019 Feb 13, 2014 Eric Brad


    Eric BradAshley Oslund- No. We were never approached by positive trainers prior to our "crisis"

    Jason CurrieEricwhere the writing skills something you had develop ?

    Eric BradKerry - Motivation, Process, Planning.

    Denise O'MooreEric- this Tiramiusu?

    Eric BradThat's Vince

    That's our crossover dog 8 years after his "conversion" to our new way of training.

    He was a lot more comfortable at that age.

    Jason- I have been writing for about 40 years at this point. I had a lot of technical writing as part of my career in

    Information Technology.

    Kim CarnellDo you use clicker training for behavioural problems

    Denise O'Moorestunning dog! What did you notice was / were the main differences in Vince's behaviour

    once you changed his training methods?

    Shay KellyEric Brad,did you ever feel bad about the way you had trained in the past?

    Eric BradWe use clickers as a marker when teaching new behaviours. When it comes to behavioural

    issues, the first stop is science. We need to see what's going on. If we need to install a behaviour to solve the

    problem we might use a clicker. It depends on how the dog reacts to the click as a marker.

    Shay- I have a tattoo on my arm to make sure I never forget. What does that tell you?

    Shay Kellyditto

  • 8/12/2019 Feb 13, 2014 Eric Brad


    Denise O'MooreOk we need to see tat pics guys

    Eric BradLet me send one back at you guys.

    Is there a difference between science-based training and "force free" training?

    Ashley Oslund Cpdt-kaYayDenise O'Moorefor asking to see pics

    Denise RobertroyI've owned 4 dobies & was taught during training back in the 80's the 'roll over' (I

    guess that's what your calling it). I've used it only a few times on each of my dogs when they were pups & it

    always was beneficial. If this procedure is now frowned upon what is recommended?

    Denise O'MooreActually great questionEric...BTW we are meant to be asking you! lol

    Kim CarnellDo you think having changed to new methods of training that you would ever use and

    adversive method again to say stop chasing sheep etc

    Eric BradKim- We use aversives all the time. Not for teaching behaviours though.

    Ashley Oslund Cpdt-kaI understand the two to be closely linked in most trainer's minds, but

    science-based could also be argued for using shock as I once had a 'balanced' trainer point out to me.

    Eric BradAll training can be described by science. The distinction I make is that science seeks the most

    effective methods.

    Sure, shock collars are technically +P but do the teach the behaviour with the least amount of unwanted fallout?

    I don't think so. I think the risk of +P doesn't not justify the few benefits.

    Kim CarnellEric glad you said that as there are trainers who say they never use adversives but we

    do whether language, body language, noises etc

    Eric BradI want to addressDenise Robertroy's question here.

    Denise- What benefits do you think the "roll over" gave you with your dogs.

  • 8/12/2019 Feb 13, 2014 Eric Brad


    Eric BradWhile we wait forDenise Robertroy,I want to bring up Management. I think this is perhaps the most

    under-utilized aspect of dog training.

    If you have a dog that continually chews the kitchen carpets, why don't you pick up the carpets and give the dog

    a toy instead? Why not put him in another room? Why not crate him for a short nap? Too often people jump right

    to "let's punish that chewing!"

    Lindsay MannAgree!

    Kim CarnellHow true people dive in and don't consider what could, might happen because planning

    has not taken place

    Lindsay MannPersonally, I like to build up a history of trust over the years and that doesn't happen

    with punishment being the first reacton to problems.

    Eric BradThere are so many ways we can control the environment. The first step to changing behaviour

    is getting the dog to NOT do the one we don't want. That doesn't mean we have to punish the behaviour, simply

    not allow it to occur.

    Ashley Oslund Cpdt-kaManagement is great for preventing learning of unwanted behaviors in the

    first place

    Kim CarnellEric that is the easy option though and you get a lot of trainers saying the dog is

    dominant and trying to rule the pack

    Petra WingateEric's tattoo for those who wanted to see it.

  • 8/12/2019 Feb 13, 2014 Eric Brad


  • 8/12/2019 Feb 13, 2014 Eric Brad


  • 8/12/2019 Feb 13, 2014 Eric Brad


    Eric BradThat

    Lindsay MannChoose them, yes! We had a fab thing occur in the UK with Alan Titchmarsninterviewing CM.

    Christine Holmes Spriggs Bennettand learn to recognize when the "fight" is an exercise in futility

    Lindsay MannBombarded his show with info re. CMs methods and the science.

    It's on Youtube and well worth a gander!! The only interview I've seen that sorted CM out well and truly, by

    making him answer or not answer, the reality of what he did.

    Eric BradOwners who work and can't follow that kind of schedule might be able to extend the morning

    session and the afternoon session and let the dog out for lunch.

    Christine Holmes Spriggs BennettI've see that--it's quite good!

    Ashley Oslund Cpdt-kaThere is a great chance that they will come back to you for help (when it

    doesn't work out as well as they expected) because you didn't fight about it in the first place.

    Lindsay MannDo you have plans for another dog at all Eric, if so do you have a breed in mind, and if

    so, why?

    Eric BradI am a Groenendael man through and through.

    Lindsay MannI love the name Tiramisu!

    Ah fab! love them. A Terv girl here though hehehe!

    Denise O'MooreADMIN NOTE: Hi all tis me Was going to say we got 10mins left butEricis staying on

    for another few and we will be posting all Erics links / groups etc at end of chat... BTW Eric will be randomly

    picking someone from this chat and they will recieve a set of his Ebooks...that ok Eric?

    Eric BradPlans are for a puppy either this summer or next. Male Groenendael bound for IPO because...science-

    based ring sport!

  • 8/12/2019 Feb 13, 2014 Eric Brad


    Lindsay MannVery exciting! What do you think of the square shape vs the more rectangular shape

    of the Belgian, vs. say the GSD, do you think it causes any problems in sports? ie Scaling.

    Pauline Bianca GaerlanI sure hope so. I just feel really bad for dogs that are stuck with owners who

    don't know what they're doing. Even more if they also refuse to learn.

    Kim CarnellHave you considered doing videos of your training

    Eric BradI do a lot of agility. Square is important but gait and structure are more important. the dog must

    move easily if you are going to do any serious exercise.

    Nichola MccarthySorry again, Akitas are known to have alot of dna from a wolf, i own an Akita, so

    how can you say certain dogs are NOT pack animals, i think the sheba inu has the most dna connected to wolves

    ( could be wrong about that)

    Ashley Oslund Cpdt-kaYes videos?!

    Eric BradKim- We've been talking about videos for a while. It's a tough call. Canine Nation is built on asimple premise. We look to find the best ways to work with our dogs and to adjust what we do to how our dog

    learns best. I'm not sure I can show you, by rote, how to teach your dog.

    So the difficulty is, how to we translate the principle-based, try-it-for-size methodology we use into videos that

    people don't just take for gospel.

    I don't want you to train like me. I want you to look at the stuff I looked at and apply it in a way that works for


    Does that make sense?

    Denise O'MooreADMIN NOTE: You know what I think we should give a prize to the best Tattoo - get

    those dog related pics up here!!!!!

    Shay KellyWere also closely related to BananasNichola Mccarthy,doesn't make us Bananas

    Kim Carnellit does, it is hard I watch lots of videos and read lots but I find I have to adapt very

    quickly and on my feet for many dogs as like us they are individuals and have different learning abilities

  • 8/12/2019 Feb 13, 2014 Eric Brad


    Eric BradHere's an example:

    There's a dozen agility instructors out there that will tell you that it's critical to keep control of what you do with

    your arms while directing your dog.

    In working with my dog, I discovered that she ignores my arms mostly and depends on the set of my shoulders togive her direction.

    So, should I worry about my arms?

    My dog told me what was important.

    Not the instructor.

    Nichola MccarthySorry not being disrespectful but could you please answer my question

    Denise O'MooreMay have to use that as a quoteEric

    Eric BradNicole - Humans and Bonobos share over 98% of their dna. I rarely feel the need to pick bugs

    off of my wife.

    Lindsay MannIf you are "close" in dna you can still be miles apart ....

    Denise O'MooreAm surePetrais thrilled with that comment!

    Eric BradI did say "rarely"

    Denise O'MooreHamsters have a close association to humans regarding lungs but we are species


    Eric BradWe have ticks up here.

    Denise O'MooreLovely

    Pauline Bianca GaerlanAnother question, is it okay to redirect a dog by doing a clap accompanied

    by a sharp "uh-uh"? My beagle keeps eating plants so yesterday I tried the clap whenever I saw him getting near

    the plant box. He would then come back to me so I ask for a sit/down/stand then reward and release. Is doing a

    clap too harsh? If so, what's a good alternative?

  • 8/12/2019 Feb 13, 2014 Eric Brad


    Eric BradSo...some unsolicited advice.

    THINK - Don't take things on the word of an Authority.

    TEST - Does it work when you use it on a dog?

    CHANGE - Doing something more or harder doesn't make it different.FORGIVE - We all make mistakes, dogs and humans alike.

    Pauline- What you describe above is what we call an "Interrupter" It startles the dog into stopping to see why you

    are making that noise. It provides the opportunity to redirect or retrain behaviour.

    Kim CarnellI have a family of 6 dogs and to each of them different things are important they do not

    fight for resources they do not hunt together there is no pack leader that keeps them under control. They are very

    social, it is important to remember that all the original studies of wolves were done and disputed by the person

    who wrote about them

    Eric BradIn our house we use a sharp "HEY!" as our interrrupter.

    It's not meant as a punisher, but to interrupt so we can redirect.

    Do any of you read my stuff or listen to the podcasts?

    Christine Holmes Spriggs Bennettin my house the interrupter is "OY!" and you can charge your word

    the same way you charge a clicker.

    Denise O'Mooreyup...

    Kim Carnellme

    Shay Kellyno, but will be in the future

    Jennie SillenceNichola Mccarthy,maybe you could read In Defence Of Dogs. If your in UK you

    might be able to get it from the library. Not only are we genetically close to apes, but even a small difference in

    DNA makes a huge difference in beings.

    Kim Carnellwe do have it in the uk

    Lindsay MannYes have read some stuff Eric

  • 8/12/2019 Feb 13, 2014 Eric Brad


    Eric BradJust wondering if those of you who have read or listened have any questions or suggestions.

    Denise O'MooreIn Defence of Dogs goes under a different name in US think it is called Dog Sense?

    Could be wrong so please correct me - author is John Bradshaw.

    Eric BradYes. Bradshaw's book is Dog Sense in North America.

    Ashley Oslund Cpdt-kaSuggestions for topics that you would write about?

    Eric BradAshley- I'm always open to suggestions about topics.

    I did want to mention that we have a Canine Nation Forum group here on Facebook. We discuss the articles and

    podcasts and all manner of things in a respectful and open way. You are all welcome to join. It's a closed group

    so you will have to be approved.

    Kim Carnellthat sounds good link please

    Eric BradI think that one of the most important lessons I have learned through all of this transition is that

    it is not fatal to be WRONG.

    In fact, I enjoy being wrong.

    Every time I am wrong, I am closer to the truth.

    And isn't that the way science works?

    Christine Holmes Spriggs Bennettbeing wrong = learning experience

    Shay KellyEric, are you a Buddhist?

    Denise O'MooreTao

    Eric BradShay- I consider myself a practicing Taoist. Practicing because, well, I'm not very good at it


    Kim CarnellHave you read the Tao of Pooh

  • 8/12/2019 Feb 13, 2014 Eric Brad


    Eric BradSince we're winding down, I wanted to leave you all with something to ponder. Science is

    important. It is a way of discovering and making sense of the universe. It is a way of discovering and making

    sense of our DOGS and our relationships with them. It's important that we keep asking questions and trying to

    understand more. It's what Canine Nation is all about.

    I hope you enjoy this short video as much as I do.


    Bill Nye - The Joy of DiscoveryA marvelous excerpt from Bill Nye's recent debate set to original music.

    Denise RobertroyI just checked to see answer to my question & found your waiting for an answer. Is this

    conversation still occurring?

    Eric BradYes.

    Go aheadDenise Robertroy

    Denise O'MooreADMIN NOTE: 10 mins guys_ thats it! Anyone got anymore questions forEricplease

    post and tag till Saturday and seeing as only one person posted pic of Tatt they will be getting Ebooks from

    Eric. as always thank you so much to our members for participating and a huge thank you to Eric Brad.

    Denise RobertroyI felt the throw down only need to be done a few times & each of my dogs knew I was

    pack leader

    Eric BradSome links for you:

    Articles can be found at:


    Podcasts and articles can be found at:


    LIFE AS A HUMAN Dog Training By Eric Bradlifeasahuman.com

    Eric Brad inspires readers to change the way we relate to our dogs

  • 8/12/2019 Feb 13, 2014 Eric Brad


    Pauline Bianca GaerlanSadly, I don't have a tatt. But thank you for answering my questions,Eric


    Denise RobertroyOnce my dog was down, feet facing away I never used force, just stern tone.

    Kim CarnellWhy did you feel the need to throw your dog down in the first place

    Eric BradDenise Robertroy- Dogs are not pack animals and do not need a Pack Leader. They are

    dependents in a family and need a Parent or Guardian. By pinning your dog down you demonstrated that you are

    capable of causing them physical harm and there is nothing they can do to fight you. That is VERY different from

    leadership. That's fear.

    It makes perfect sense that your dog would do whatever was necessary to avoid that kind of treatment again.

    Denise RobertroyThis is what was taught to me in the 80's

    Eric BradFor myself, I prefer to give my dogs lots of things they can try to earn rewards rather than avoid

    punishments. I would rather have them thinking about things they can do that I would LIKE rather than wondering

    if they might get punished.

    Lindsay MannDenise I was around in the 80s and did crazy things like (god forbid, how

    embarrassing to ad mit it, but biting a dog's ear!!) things have moved on and dog training is exciting!

    Kim Carnellnever used that method in the 80s even with a dog that bit me

    Lindsay MannThe 80s was not a fab time for dog training.. at least till clicker t raining appeared with

    Pryor etc

    Eric BradDenise Robertroy- We were taught the same thing back then. It's a big part of what got us into


    We used to do the same with our puppies back then.

    Kim CarnellBarbara Woodhouse and check chains I remember

  • 8/12/2019 Feb 13, 2014 Eric Brad


    Eric BradSomewhere in a cupboard somewhere I still have a shock collar, a prong collar, and a choke


    Kim Carnellwhere do you see yourself in say 10yrs timeEric Brad

    Eric BradI also have vinyl records and an Atari game system.

    Kim- Wow. Tough question. I don't usually think that far ahead. I never thought that science based training could

    get me 3 agility championships, articles, podcasts, and ebooks. But there you go.

    Jennie SillenceNothing wrong with vinyl records. Nothing has sounded so good

    Eric BradI guess I'd like to get a couple of longer books written about life with dogs. A book about how

    we train agility. I'd love to get out and talk with groups about what I've learned.

    Kim Carnellwhere would you like training to be heading in that time

    Eric BradMine or everyone else's?

    Denise RobertroyHaha, I've got a turn table for my vinyls. So, your saying dogs are not pack animals?

    Kim Carnellyours and everyone elses

    Dogs are not pack animals have you read Dominance Fact or Fiction by Barry Eaton

    Shay KellyEric Bradwhat's your favourite piece of training equipment

    Denise RobertroyNope, but I'm gonna!! Tks

    Eric BradFor myself, I want to keep learning. I'm doing a lot more reading about neuro-biology these

    days and psychology. I've gotten into some reading about bio-chemistry and how effects emotions and learning

    in dogs. And I want to get better at my craft - the mechanics of being a good teacher and trainer for my dogs.

    Denise Robertroy- I'm not saying dogs are not pack animals - Science is saying dogs are not pack animals. It's

    not opinion. There are studies that document that fact.

  • 8/12/2019 Feb 13, 2014 Eric Brad


    Kim CarnellGood sound plan of action

    Denise RobertroyWhat about Ceaser, the popular trainer on tv. He says they are pack

    Eric BradThen I would say that Cesar Millan is not up on the latest scientific research about dogs.

    Denise O'MooreADMIN NOTE:Shay KellyandNicola Moreyare now the new proud owners of Erics Ebooks

    Lindsay MannEric it sounds as if you've done really well in agility circles, I hope you can share some

    of those things in a book about how you train agility (with lots of photos in it of course!)

    Kim Carnellunfortunately he has no qualifications on animal behaviour and that would make me

    question his understanding of dogs

    Shay Kellynor do I

    Denise RobertroyWow! Okay, trust me I've got reading to do. I'm stuck in the 80's

    Kim CarnellDenise Robertroythere are lots of great books out there enjoy your reading

    Lindsay MannSo many! You will have so much fun!

    Eric BradWell, before I check out, let me encourage all of you to do one important thing. Let yourself be

    WRONG about things! It's ok to not know everything. Be willing to check things out and ask questions. And, if

    necessary, just admit that things aren't the way you always thought they were.

    It changed my life. I have never been the same since. And I am a better person for it. :

    Lindsay MannIt's great to see such an open mind, I love it!

    Shay KellyMuch Thanks

  • 8/12/2019 Feb 13, 2014 Eric Brad


    Tricia DraperDenise Robertroyhave a look at Kikopup on youtube and Nando Brown all positive


    Kim CarnellI am often wrong, I am always learning a great life

    Denise RobertroyWill do

    Jennie SillenceAnd Chirag Patel videos

    Eric BradYou were all terrific! Thanks for the great questions. Thanks for listening. And I hope this was useful

    for you guys. It sure was fun for me!

    Kim CarnellYou can ask on here about good books to read

    Lindsay MannThanks Eric, very enjoyable!

    Denise RobertroyI'm sooo excited because I have a pup Dobie that I'm enjoying training.

    Kim CarnellThank you Eric for giving up your time to chat to us

    Thank youDenise O'Moorefor organising it for us

    Jason CurrieEricbeen great having you with us

    Denise O'MooreADMIN NOTE: Thank you everyone!!! This has to be one of our biggest chats ever

    soJasonand I really appreciate your input. Please keep an eye out for our next guest chat and all ofEric's links.

    Jason CurrieThanksDenisesuper interview

    Eric BradThanks to everyone and especiallyJason CurrieandDenise O'Moorefor keeping me updated and

    ontrack behind the scenes.

  • 8/12/2019 Feb 13, 2014 Eric Brad


    Christine Holmes Spriggs Bennettthank youEric Brad!!

    Justin Palazzo-OrrThank you very much Eric Brad andDenise O'Moore.Sadly time zones and 8 months

    old human presented function altering stimuli that reduced my capacity to perform the behaviour of engaging in

    this great thread within the limited hold period.

    Denise O'Moorehttp://lifeasahuman.com/.../what-if-we-could-communicate.../

    What If We Could Communicate With Dogs?lifeasahuman.com

    It was early evening in the spring of 2002 when I found myself 10 feet across



    the above are some of Eric's links - please check them out
