OAKWOOD PRIMARY SCHOOL | NEWS ISSUE No 2 2018 FEATURED FEATURED 19 March 2018 P&C 7:00pm 21 and 22 March2018 Harmony Day 27 March 2018 Principal’s Lunch 12:30pm 30 March, 2 and 3 April 2018 Good Friday, Easter Monday and Tuesday— SCHOOL CLOSED Friday 6 April Assembly 2:15pm FROM THE PRINCIPAL Term 1 has been flying by and Easter is just a couple of weeks away. Lots has been happening over the last few weeks, including some big steps forward for our school community. Academy photography visited us to take promoonal photos, which will be used on our website and in all of our publicaons. These documents will be slowly updated in the next few weeks—we are so excited to have OUR Oakwood children added to these! Our staff have been working hard on incorporang invesgaons into the daily learning and I am pleased to say that this important part of our approach is progressing well and the children are thriving during this valuable learning me. Well done to everyone for contribung to this success! Preparaons are well underway for the school opening for all primary years in 2019 and the building is also progressing well. Enrolments for 2019 are being taken for all year groups. This year’s Kindys need to re-enrol for Pre Primary and many of you have completed this process already. Thank you to the families who have already done so. Deputy Principal We have begun recruing staff for next year and I am delighted to tell you that our second Deputy Principal will be Bree Van Beek. We will welcome Bree to the team in January 2019. She joins us with lots of experience and skills having been a teacher and leader at Aubin Grove, Comet Bay and Karratha Primary Schools. Bree has a good understanding of our approaches to teaching and learning at Oakwood PS and will be a welcome addion to the team. Parents and Cizens Associaon (P&C) Our P & C have begun fundraising already and tomorrow sees our second icy pole day, which has raised more than $300! The team are working hard to arrange other events—they will be holding a sausage sizzle on our FISH Day and ckets for the Easter Raffle will be out soon. We are looking for Easter Egg donaons from families for the raffle prizes, any donaons would be much appreciated. I would like to acknowledge the hard work of our P & C members and encourage you all to aend the next meeng on Monday 19 March at 7:00pm in the school office.

FEATURED - oakwoodps.wa.edu.auoakwoodps.wa.edu.au/wp-content/uploads/2018/03/... · FEATURED FEATURED FISH Day At Oakwood Primary School, to help us build a positive culture, we have

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Page 1: FEATURED - oakwoodps.wa.edu.auoakwoodps.wa.edu.au/wp-content/uploads/2018/03/... · FEATURED FEATURED FISH Day At Oakwood Primary School, to help us build a positive culture, we have




19 March 2018

P&C 7:00pm

21 and 22 March2018

Harmony Day

27 March 2018

Principal’s Lunch 12:30pm

30 March, 2 and 3 April


Good Friday, Easter Monday and Tuesday—


Friday 6 April

Assembly 2:15pm

FROM THE PRINCIPAL Term 1 has been flying by and Easter is just a couple of weeks away. Lots has been happening over the last few weeks, including some big steps forward for our school community. Academy photography visited us to take promotional photos, which will be used on our website and in all of our publications. These documents will be slowly updated in the next few weeks—we are so excited to have OUR Oakwood children added to these! Our staff have been working hard on incorporating investigations into the daily learning and I am pleased to say that this important part of our approach is progressing well and the children are thriving during this valuable learning time. Well done to everyone for contributing to this success!

Preparations are well underway for the school opening for all primary years in 2019 and the building is also progressing well. Enrolments for 2019 are being taken for all year groups. This year’s Kindys need to re-enrol for Pre Primary and many of you have completed this process already. Thank you to the families who have already done so.

Deputy Principal We have begun recruiting staff for next year and I am delighted to tell you that our second Deputy Principal will be Bree Van Beek. We will welcome Bree to the team in January 2019. She joins us with lots of experience and skills having been a teacher and leader at Aubin Grove, Comet Bay and Karratha Primary Schools. Bree has a good understanding of our approaches to teaching and learning at Oakwood PS and will be a welcome addition to the team.

Parents and Citizens Association (P&C)

Our P & C have begun fundraising already and tomorrow sees our second icy pole day, which has raised more than $300! The team are working hard to arrange other events—they will be holding a sausage sizzle on our FISH Day and tickets for the Easter Raffle will be out soon. We are looking for Easter Egg donations from families for the raffle prizes, any donations would be much appreciated. I would like to acknowledge the hard work of our P & C members and encourage you all to attend the next meeting on Monday 19 March at 7:00pm in the school office.

Page 2: FEATURED - oakwoodps.wa.edu.auoakwoodps.wa.edu.au/wp-content/uploads/2018/03/... · FEATURED FEATURED FISH Day At Oakwood Primary School, to help us build a positive culture, we have




Harmony Days

On Wednesday 21 and Thursday 22 March, we will be celebrating the diversity in our school community as part of Harmony Day. Students will be participating in a variety of multicultural activities in classrooms across both days and are encouraged to wear orange clothing to school. Families are invited to join us for lunch on either or both of these days with a picnic lunch on the grass from 11:15 – 11:45am.

We look forward to celebrating this day with you.


Our assemblies have been very well attended by our families and community members. The next assembly will be held on Friday 6 April at 2:15pm. We are trying an afternoon assembly because some of our children find it hard to say goodbye to parents at 9:00am, only to see them at assembly soon afterwards. We will see if the afternoon works better for them.

Steering Committee

Our school steering committee, who have been involved from the very start of our school’s journey met this week, for the first time on school grounds! They contributed to our draft business plan, looked at dress designs for our uniform and were updated on what has been happening at school and behind the scenes. We are very grateful to have such an engaged team supporting the development of our school. If you would like to join this group, please let us know!

Over the Easter weekend, the school will be closed on Good Friday, Easter Monday and Easter Tuesday. We will reopen on Wednesday 4 April and look forward to seeing everyone back on this date. We would like to wish all our students and families a very happy Easter break!

Book Donations—Thank you!

We would like to say a huge thank you to all of the families who have donated books to our school over the last few weeks. We have acknowledged them on Facebook, but it really does say a great deal about our community that many of you have been so kind! These donations will have a direct positive impact on our children! I would like to say a special thank you to the Salvation Army Shop on Lakes Road, who have been donating on a regular basis to us. We feel so lucky to have such a supportive community!


There is ample parking in our car park and on Broadstone Vista in the marked bays when dropping off and picking up your children. Please be mindful of local residents and others when parking your car. It is not permitted to park in the middle of Broadstone Vista. Rangers will be patrolling on various days and providing some feedback and education on safe parking. Please bear in mind that the safety of our children is paramount!

We really appreciate your co-operation with this matter.

Page 3: FEATURED - oakwoodps.wa.edu.auoakwoodps.wa.edu.au/wp-content/uploads/2018/03/... · FEATURED FEATURED FISH Day At Oakwood Primary School, to help us build a positive culture, we have





At Oakwood Primary School, to help us build a positive culture, we have adopted the FISH Philosophy. This is a program that reminds us all of some simple ways to be the best version of us that we can be. There are 4 principles that we try to live by:

Choose Your Attitude

Make Their Day

Be There


On Wednesday 11 and Thursday 12 April, we will be having a celebration of the FISH Philosophy at our school. There will be special FISH related activities and the P & C will be running a pre-order sausage sizzle for students and parents/family members. You are all welcome to join us for a shared lunch on this day. More details to follow on this in the near future, but save the dates—it will be a great way for you to find out more about how we encourage the children and adults in our school to choose ‘The Oakwood Way’ of behaving and making good choices.

Merit Certificates

Braxton Masters

Chloe Bishop

Chloe Duthie

Emily Snowdon

Hannah Delaporte

Maximus Beardman

Noah Donaldson

Poppy Spalding

Samurai O’Neill-Masoe

Tallon Norris

Winter Beets

Congratulations on

earning this recognition

by being wonderful

little Oakwooders!