1 AUTONOMOUS UNIVERSITY OF BARCELONA SCHOOL OF MEDICINE Department of Psychiatry and Forensic Medicine Medical Psychology Unit FEARFULNESS IN A LARGE F 2 PROGENY OF THE ROMAN RATS: PAVING THE WAY FOR QTL’S GENES LOCALISATION Doctoral thesis presented by Raúl Aguilar Heras in order to opt for the degree of Doctor in Psychology, under the supervision of the Doctors Adolfo Tobeña Pallarés and Alberto Fernández Teruel. Barcelona, 12 December 2001.


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Department of Psychiatry and Forensic MedicineMedical Psychology Unit



Doctoral thesis presented byRaúl Aguilar Heras

in order to opt for the degree of Doctor in Psychology,under the supervision of the Doctors

Adolfo Tobeña Pallarés and Alberto Fernández Teruel.

Barcelona, 12 December 2001.


ADOLFO TOBEÑA PALLARÉS, Professor of Psychiatry at the Departmentof Psychiatry and Forensic Medicine (Autonomous University of Barcelona),and ALBERTO FERNÁNDEZ TERUEL, Associate Professor of MedicalPsychology at the same department,

CERTIFY: that the work entitled FEARFULNESS IN A LARGE F2

PROGENY OF THE ROMAN RATS: PAVING THE WAY FOR QTL’SGENES LOCALISATION, has been carried out by Raúl Aguilar Heras undertheir supervision at the Department of Psychiatry and Forensic Medicine(Autonomous University of Barcelona), with the aim of opting for the degreeof Doctor in Psychology.

Adolfo Tobeña Pallarés

Alberto Fernández Teruel

Barcelona, 12 December 2001.



It has been an honour for me to have the opportunity of collaborating, during the elaboration ofthe present doctoral dissertation, with three prestigious researchers on the neurobiology of fear andanxiety. I would like to thank Jonathan Flint at least two things: first, his exhaustive revision of themanuscript on factor analysis, by synthesizing and ordering my ideas in a very comprehensivemanner; and second, his positive assessment of the experimental work carried out by me and myfriend/colleague Luis Gil, even showing interest in contracting us for working with him at Oxford.

In regard to Jeffrey Gray, I am very grateful for revision of the manuscript on sex differences infearfulness which was enormously improved. I have had the immense pleasure of being supervised byhim. Given Gray’s noticeable contributions to psychology over the last 40 years, I have felt as if Iwas taking part as well in the history of psychology by exchanging e-mails with him (a living legend)concerned with discussions about that paper. This feeling was enhanced by the fact that when I wasan undergraduate student at a modest Faculty of Psychology at Santiago of Compostela University, Idiscovered, by reading some of their books, two scientific psychologists called Jeffrey Gray andHans Eysenck, working at the Maudsley Hospital at London, who had dared to dive within the brainin the search of the neural sites of personality and psychopathology. The reader can imagine theexplosive emotion experienced by someone who has admired a venerable scientist (such as CharlesDarwin or Burrhus Frederic Skinner) when an undergraduate student, and some years after has theopportunity of meeting him, and even more impressive, of collaborating with him, in the endeavourof setting up a fascinating project on the genetic basis of anxiety.

I thank Peter Driscoll, among other things, for his patience with the English versions of all thearticles to which he has invariably and effectively contributed, always with an exhaustive andparticular effort. All of the papers and manuscripts compiled in this thesis have been thoroughlyreviewered by him, included the doctoral dissertation itself, making it possible to overcome themarked limitations of my rudimentary English. In writing these acknowledgements, I have becomeaware that Peter Driscoll is, in reality (and in certain sense “by chance”), one of the most importantpersons (together with Adolfo Tobeña) in teaching me to be a scientist.

In all, I feel very happy to have had the occasion of being able to work with Jonathan Flint, JeffreyGray and Peter Driscoll during successive versions of the manuscripts in which we havecollaborated, especially in regard to the “genome paper”, which has provided an extraordinary andexciting learning experience for me.

This work was funded by DGYCIT (PM96-0068), SGR (1998-00070) and FIS (99-1230) grants,and a fellowship from the Government of Cataluña (1998FI00158PG).

Raúl Aguilar Heras,Castelldefels, 12 December 2001.



Se dice que quien lleva a cabo una tesis doctoral debe ser cortés, a la hora de redactar losagredecimientos, con todo aquel que directa o indirectamente tiene algo que ver con el productofinal. Siguiendo esta tradición oral me dispongo sin más a disparar mi particular retahíla.Agredezco a mis compañeros de la Unidad de Psicología Médica, Paula Queralt, Yolanda Pardo,Beatriz Molinuevo, Montserrat Albertos, Rosa Escorihuela, Lidia Giménez, Alberto Fernández, ymuy especialmente, a Magdalena Buenaño, Antoño Cañete, Juan Pereira, Rafael Torrubia, JavierCaseras, Luis García y Adolfo Tobeña, su disponibilidad incondicional para resolver los pequeñoscontratiempos de la vida cotidiana en el lugar de trabajo y hacer posible que algunos días hayansido verdaderos divertimentos. También quiero agradacer a Ignacio Morgado (y a parte de suequipo de “biopsicólogos”) de la Facultad de Psicología de esta universidad, su atención yseguimiento desinteresado de mis andaduras investigadoras, a pesar de encontrarme discretamenteapartado del mundanal ruido bajo el cobijo que proporciona la Facultad de Medicina. Y reconocerla influencia que tuvieron durante mi formación los profesores Fernando Díaz, Francisco Esmorís yAlberto Fernández en la Facultad de Psicología de la Universidad de Santiago de Compostela (A.F.,concretamente, la temporada que estuvo trabajando en esta universidad gallega y durante losprimeros pasos del proyecto genético que sobrevuela esta tesis -una vez retornó a tierras catalanas).Aunque pueda parecer algo anómalo, me voy a permitir la licencia, además, de anticipar aquí unos“agradecimientos orientados al futuro” hacia el grupo de investigación animal que se geste elpróximo año, en particular a Lidia Giménez, a Antoño Cañete y a Alberto Fernández, en quienes veo(si los astros se alinean apropiadamente) a unos excelentes colaboradores. No me cabe la menorduda de que juntos (incluida la gente que se quiera sumar a esta empresa) podremos sacarle muchojugo a nuestros roedores romanos.

Quiero dar las gracias a Rafael Torrubia y Luis García por haberme invitado a asistir a unosseminarios sobre personalidad vibrantes e inolvidables, que me han agrandado un poquito más elsentido común con el que tiene que mirar el psicólogo a su objeto de estudio. El ritmo de fondo delos análisis factoriales llevados a cabo en esta tesis son herencia suya. Además he podido adivinaren ellos unas personas en realidad sencillas y cercanas, y aquí incluyo también a Adolfo Tobeña,con el don para detectar en el comportamiento del personal aquello a lo que B. F. Skinner llamaba“un vago sentido de orden”. Este puede ser el regalo más valioso que me lleve de la Unidad dePsicología Médica. Por eso me siento afortunado de seguir compartiendo de momento este espacio,puerta con puerta, con estos ilustres señores, hasta que las circunstancias me obliguen a emprendernuevas andaduras.

Han sido cruciales para el último giro de tuerca de mis resortes íntimos Luis Gil, Montse MartínezLemos, Adolfo Tobeña y mi hermano Jose Javier Aguilar. Con este tándem de cuatro he aprendido aapreciar, durante los últimos tres años, que la realidad tiene unos contornos muy bien dibujados. Meha tocado madurar sutilezas de los engranajes emotivos, relacionados con el proyecto vital de cadauno, con mi mejor amigo Luis. Un hombre con el que soñé una vez que trabajaríamos juntos en unlaboratorio de psicología animal discutiendo apasionadamente sobre los parámetros idóneos parademostrar impepinablemente fenómenos sin importancia, haciendo de la ciencia de la conducta másque una ciencia, un arte. Demostrando una gran capacidad de maniobra renunció, dando un triplesalto mortal, a un camino profesional que le entusiasmaba, para afrontar las inclemencias deltiempo que amenazaban con quebrar su equilibrio. Ahora que ha retornado el buen tiempo gracias asu nuevo trabajo nos damos cuenta de lo acertada que fue la decisión, a pesar de las notablespérdidas derivadas del proyecto profesional que ha quedado de momento truncado (o mejor, por siacaso, digamos que congelado). Empiezo a entrever que estos años en la Unidad de PsicologíaMédica han sido cruciales para modelar nuestra forma de entender esta profesión y nuestra vida.Hemos cruzado por un puente sumamente inestable en busca de un trabajo estimulante, lo que nosha hecho reflexionar sobremanera (en medio de una tunda experimental descomunal) sobre la


verdadera naturaleza de los animales que moran en estos nichos ecológicos. Después de unascuantas adaptaciones necesarias nos sentimos en nuestros respectivos trabajos, por fin, como pez enel agua.

En cuanto a mi querida Montse he de decir, comprimiendo lo incomprimible (los sentimientos),que compartí momentos mágicos, como aquellas tardes y noches que pasamos en Galicia, oliendojuntos el viento y la lluvia azotando los bosques de eucaliptos de limón y mentolados, o aquelescenario nocturno, al pie del Pirineo leridano, de paredes ingentes de tosca piedra azulada yfluorescente, una medicina sin la cual este último tramo hubiera sido un auténtico sindiós. Ella fuemi cómplice durante este trocito de vida, acompañándome “desde dentro” en las últimas compras deformas de pensar y, sobre todo, de sentir. Con esta señorita me salieron “en el cerebro de lacabeza” varias capas de cebolla nuevas (muy importantes) “de quererse” las personas. De casi todoíbamos bien servidos, excepto de ansiedad y distancia (que en realidad nos sobró bastante).

Por otro lado, me siento privilegiado por poder trabajar con Adolfo y contar con su descomunalsentido común, que en más de una ocasión he usado como prótesis del mío más pequeño paraencarar alguna situación fastidiosa. Escribir esta tesis doctoral ha sido una verdadera deliciagracias a nuestras comprimidas e improvisadas discusiones de cinco minutos (en las quenormalmente nos ha sobrado tiempo). Casi sin hablar me daba cuenta de hacia donde debíadirigirme. Y su sabia paciencia por no cercenar la creatividad mediante las prisas y otras alarmasinnecesarias. En realidad es un lujo discutir y trabajar con tamaña persona. Para ser justos traigo aeste renglón a Luis, porque ha sido de los tres de donde a fin de cuentas ha salido todo lo bueno que(conceptualmente) pueda tener esta tesis.

Por último, tengo que dejar constancia, para siempre, de la deuda más noble que jamás hayacontraído. Quiero expresar mi gratitud a mi hermano Jose Javier, por su confianza y sabiduría. Porhaberse ocupado de forjarme cuando era más maleable. Siempre va por delante en el análisis de lasrelaciones interpersonales de las gentes que nos rodean. Aunque lo más gratificante de todo es lacoincidencia que en último término caracteriza nuestros diagnósticos, que nos hacen experimentarpor un momento como si tuviéramos el control de algo verdaderamente importante. A sabidoescuchar sin intromisión, estos cinco últimos años, cómo ponía en un pedestal a ciertas personasque luego salieron rana, para decirme entonces con delicado e irónico tino “ya me parecía a mí queestabas un pelín emocionado con este personaje”. Él me enseñó el truco de la estabilidad emocional,mediante un cóctel de entrenamiento férreo, adecuadamente aderezado con especias cognitivas, deltipo resumido en el proverbio oriental “pisarás el umbral del bienestar cuando empieces a sentirtesatisfecho con apenas nada”, o en otras expresiones menos prolijas y más bandoleras, tales como suomnipresente “tienes que hacerlo con corage”. Cada vez que pienso que mi interés por lo que deanimal tiene el hombre proviene de nuestras conversaciones jadeantes y de nuestros sobrecogedoressilencios fisiológicos, en medio de interminables carreras maratonianas (de más de 15 kms) enzapatillas de deporte, pantalón corto y camiseta, bajo la lluvia, el viento y el granizo de los inviernosde la inhóspita costa lucense, escapando muertos de miedo de las alimañas y otros seres imaginarios(como las procesiones de difuntos de la Santa Compaña) en las noches terroríficas de los montesdeshabitados de Cervo, me sobreviene una emoción ingenua al darme cuenta, de repente, de que loúnico que he aprendido leyendo tanta literatura especializada sobre psicología comparada yneurociencia conductual es a ponerle nombre a aquellas sensaciones.

Lo que valoro de estas cuatro personas (Luis, Montse, Adolfo y Jose) es, en definitiva, la facilidady el confort para hablar con franqueza de absolutamente de todo, sin guardar la ropa (i.e.honestamente y con respeto) y predicando con el ejemplo (i.e. con coherencia). La prueba de queuna gran sensibilidad no está para nada reñida con el buen entendimiento.

A Manuela Herrero, Angel Manuel Hernández y a mis demás amigos íntimos de la adolescencia enadelante (Roberto Miragalla, Gonzalo Lamelas, Eduardo Blanco, Modesto Tejedor y VíctorMosquera), y por supuesto, a mi inseparable amigo, y difunto, Jose María Quevedo (la persona quemás me ha hecho reir de este mundo, que por razones que prefiero no recordar falté a su entierro,


relacionadas tal vez con el hecho de haber sido inducido patológicamente a trabajarmecánicamente, como si fuese un robot, en una tanda experimental de mil ratas en ocho tests,descuidando mi vida afectiva por entero), les agradezco su cariño y su capacidad de saber seguirsiendo los mismos que hace quince años (o incluso alguno más; me da vértigo sólo de pensar eltiempo que ha pasado). No os imagináis hasta qué punto he pensado en vosotros durante estosúltimos cuatro años. También van estos agradecimientos a Margarita, la primera mujer que me hizopensar demasiado, la más bonita de las mujeres que me han hecho caso, y a quien le guardo uncariño muy particular (¡tal vez por todo eso!). Juntos conocimos todos los escondrijos de SanCiprián y alrededores, así como los callejones sin salida de las relaciones paregiles enrevesadas.Me encanta que hayamos reaprendido a tratarnos con la confianza de entonces.

Y no me olvido de ti, Tatiana Maltaverne, que me has hecho sentir en muy poquito tiempo como siestuviera en mi propia casa. Gracias al indescriptible paisaje que le nació al ventanal de tu terraza(mezcla de pinar del Garraf y mar Mediterráneo), y a la compañía de tus tres sigilosos felinos(Luna, Hondina y mi amiguito particular, el señor Caramelo), he podido lanzar mis zarpas alteclado para arrancarle cadenciosamente, una a una, líneas de tinta con un poco de empuje, o aborbotones a altas horas de la madrugada en noches frenéticas, con la ayuda de antagonistasadenosínicos (café, cola y chocolate; y algún que otro agonista nicotínico, la verdad sea dicha), enun momento de mi vida en el que se anteponían un millón de prioridades inexcusables. Me vieneahora a la memoria cuando me explicaba mi primer director en estas lides, Francisco Esmorís, quede la profesión del psicólogo experimental devoto de la ciencia, la parte quizás más importante es elmomento en que se pone a escribir para comunicar los datos que en su laboratorio ha arrancado ala naturaleza. No es nada fácil, en serio lo digo, hacer un arte de este trabajo.

Mi familia, sobre todo mis padres, es el pilar (aunque suene a perogrullo) de esta persona queescribe y es a ella a quien hay que agradecer lo bueno (si hay algo) que pueda tener mi trayectoria.A Jesús, a Mónica, a Jose, y a ti también Sonia, os doy las gracias por haberme enseñado,conscientemente o no, casi todo lo que hay que saber de los entresijos de las relaciones entreprimates, porque somos una familia numerosa tan dispar que desafía las leyes de la genética encuanto a la herencia de atributos compartidos. En especial, estoy encantado con mi hermanapequeña, Mónica, que ha demostrado en la última marejada (un tanto peluda) estar hecha de muybuena pasta, capeando el temporal con aguante, astucia y firmeza. Aunque al final haya acabado,como es natural, un poquito fatigada (¡porque la responsabilidad resulta que pesa!). Piensa quegracias a ti yo he podido escribir este cuento. Doy carpetazo con él a este último tramo, dejandocada cosa en el sitio que le corresponde, incluidas las indigestiones afectivas.

Espero que estos agradecimentos hayan sido,como pretendía,

un premio a la constancia.

Raúl Aguilar Heras,Castelldefels, 12 de Diciembre de 2001.




ABSTRACT………………………………………………………………………….. 10

INTRODUCTION……………………………………………………………………. 11

Psychobiological underpinnings of fearfulness………………………………………. 11

Psychogenetics of fearfulness………………………………………………………… 13

Toward a genetic architecture of fearfulness in rats: a behavioural strategy……….. 14

EXPERIMENTS…………………………………………………………………….... 17

Study 1: Selective inbreeding for avoidance learning: effects on fearfulness………... 17

Study 2: Emotionally-primed startle: strain, sex and cohort removal effects………... 19

Main study: The F2 generation behavioural profile: fear testing……………………. 21

Main papers…………………………………………………………………………... 25

ADDITIONAL RESULTS……………………………………………………...……. 27

Sex differences analyses………………………………………………………………. 27

Molecular genetic (QTL) analysis……………………………………………………. 28

Additional papers………………..……………………………………………………. 31

DISCUSSION………………………………………………………………………… 55

Usefulness of the Roman strains……………………………………………………… 55

Fear, anxiety and startle……………………………………………………………… 56

A factor analytic map…………………………………………………………………. 57

Genetic results………………………………………………………………………… 60

CONCLUSIONS……………………………………………………………………... 62



A Elia



In the present doctoral dissertation a series of studies dealing with the psychogenetics of fearfulnessare reported. In Study 1, the correlative effects of selective inbreeding on an array of fearful behavioursin the Roman rat strains were investigated. In Study 2, we determined whether a brief removal from thehomecage partner (i.e. cohort removal procedure) could differentially potentiate the startle reflex ofthese rats. In the Main Study, we sought to establish, by means of factor analytic tools, the behaviouralprofile of fearfulness for a large sample (n = 800) of F2 rats in a battery of eight tests. The results werethe following: First, Roman low-avoidance (RLA/Verh) rats were markedly more anxious/fearful thantheir high-avoidance (RHA/Verh) counterparts. Second, the magnitude of the startle was higher infearful RLA/Verh’s than in fearless RHA/Verh’s, male rats displayed enhanced startle response relativeto females and the startle was potentiated by cage partner removal in male RLA/Verh rats. The analysisof the behaviour of the F2 progeny in the fear test battery revealed, by using factor analytic techniques,that three main factors accounted for more than 40 per cent of the variance: a “Learned Fear” Factorcontaining the measures of aversive/fear conditioning, an “Emotional Reactivity” Factor with 11 out ofthe 14 variables analyzed and a “Fear of Heights” Factor with high loadings on open arm behaviour inthe elevated plus-maze. Additional results on sex differences in, and QTL’s (genetic markers) for,anxiety, derived from the analyses of the same F2 data base, are presented. We conclude by proposing abiobehavioural fit between our factor analytic map and the genetic markers explored, mainly based onthe role that a locus, at chromosome 5, may have in mediating intense responses of fear to emotionalstimulation. Given the conservation across species of the main rudiments of fear responses, we believethat our psychogenetic findings are potentially relevant for understanding anxiety-related conditions inhumans.


En esta tesis doctoral se presentan una serie de estudios sobre psicogenética del miedo. En elEstudio 1, se investigaron los efectos correlativos de la crianza selectiva (consanguínea) en variasrespuestas de miedo en las cepas de ratas Romanas. En el Estudio 2, determinamos si una separación decorta duración del compañero de caja-hogar (i.e. procedimiento de retirada de la cohorte) podríapotenciar diferencialmente el reflejo de sobresalto de estas ratas. En el Estudio Principal, buscamosestablecer, por medio de herramientas analítico-factoriales, el perfil conductual de temerosidad de unagran muestra de ratas F2 (n = 800) en una batería de ocho tests. Los resultados fueron los siguientes:Primero, las ratas Romanas de baja evitación (RLA/Verh) fueron marcadamente más ansiosas/miedosasque las Romanas de alta evitación (RHA/Verh). Segundo, la magnitud de la respuesta de sobresalto fuemayor en las miedosas RLA que en las no-miedosas RHA, los machos desplegaron una respuesta desobresalto aumentada en relación a las hembras y este reflejo fue potenciado en los machos RLA por laretirada de su compañero. El análisis de la conducta de la progenie F2 en la batería de pruebas detemerosidad reveló que tres factores principales explicaban más del 40 % de la varianza: un factor de“Miedo Aprendido” que contenía las medidas de condicionamiento de miedo/aversivo, un factor de“Reactividad Emocional” con 11 de las 14 variables analizadas y un factor de “Miedo a las Alturas” concargas altas para la conducta en los brazos abiertos del laberinto elevado en cruz. Se presentan aquítambién resultados derivados del análisis de la misma base de datos F2, sobre diferencias sexuales en, ymarcadores genéticos de, ansiedad. Concluimos proponiendo una correspondencia psicobiológica entrenuestro mapa analítico-factorial y los marcadores genéticos explorados, basada principalmente en elpapel que puede tener un locus en el cromosoma 5 como mediador génico de las respuestas de miedointenso ante estímulos emocionales. Dada la conservación a través de las especies de los principalesrudimentos del miedo, creemos que nuestros hallazgos psicogenéticos son relevantes, potencialmente,para la comprensión de los cuadros psicopatológicos relacionados con la ansiedad en humanos.




A long tradition exists among animal psychologists ofmeasuring observable behaviours under rigourous laboratoryconditions with the aim of investigating hypothetical,underlying internal states such as fear and anxiety (Boakes1984). Although a large body of research relies on themeasurement of arbitrary responses (e.g. bar-pressing),researchers have increasingly focused their attention on a smallnumber of species-typical1 defensive responses (e.g. flight andfreezing); i.e. behaviours of the mammalian defence systemwhich can be detected in many species ranging from infra-human animals (e.g. birds, rodents and primates) to Man. Thisimpetus toward studying more genuine repertoires emergedfrom the growing recognition of the importance of thebiological underpinnings of fearful behaviours (Gray 1987;LeDoux 1996). Enormous progress has been made in recentyears in the behavioural neuroscience of fear. For example: 1)the neurobiological bases of a simple form of learned feartermed Pavlovian fear conditioning2 have been delimited inrats as well as in primates and humans, using freezingbehaviour and startle reflex as target measures (Fendt andFanselow 1999; Lang et al. 2000; LeDoux 1996); 2) theanalysis of two-way, active avoidance behaviour (i.e. “flight”)in rats and dogs trained in shuttleboxes constitutes acornerstone for the construction of the principal theories offear and avoidance learning (Levis 1989; 1991; Mineka 1979);and 3), our current knowledge of the genetic and molecularbasis of anxiety is primarily based on rodent’s measures ofdefecation and ambulation/exploration under stressfulconditions (e.g. Flint et al. 1995).

The behavioural defence system3 has endowed Man with aflexible and adaptative emotional machinery to confrontthreatening challenges. Given the variety and complexity ofthese challenges and the peremptory value for survival ofresponding appropriately to them, it is not surprising thatparticular parts of our brain are devoted to the specializedprocessing of threat. A good example of these brain systems isthe double neural pathway described for fear conditioning(LeDoux 1995, 1996; Phillips and LeDoux 1992). LeDoux andcolleagues have been able to differentiate one circuit in whichvisual information at the retina travels to the amygdala throughthe thalamus providing a rapid and rough processing of threat

1This term, coined by the Blanchard’s (1993), is a modified version of theBollesian concept of species-specific defensive responses. Whilst Bolles(1972) intended to highlight the fact that different species were endowed withparticular behavioural repertoires which facilitated or interfered with thelearning of arbitrary responses (theorizing about aversive learning theories),the Blanchards extended the concept by indicating that such behaviours were,in reality, present across many species, thus more aptly designated typical.2This is an experimental procedure whereby a previously neutral stimulus (e.g.a light) becomes capable of prompting a response of fear due to its pairingwith an aversive event (e.g. electric footshock).3There are alternative ways of self-protection in infra-mammalian species (e.g.hedgehog and crabs) which can rely on defence systems more simple thanthose behaviourally-based, such as hard, specialised structures covering theanimal’s surface (e.g. spines or armor; e.g. Blanchard et al. 1993).

stimuli, as well as affording an immediate defensive reaction:this pathway is succinctly described by LeDoux as “quick anddirty” (Figure 1). The second circuit conveys impulses fromthe thalamus to the multiple layers of the visual cortex wherethe threat stimuli are processed in detail, giving rise to aprecise definition. This elaborate information is then sent tothe amygdala to permit an efficient and adjusted emotionalresponse: this pathway is viewed as being “slow andsophisticated”. Suppose, for example, that you are taking awalk in a lonely street at night and suddenly a loud noiseoccurs behind your back. Before you know the exact cause ofthe noise, a psychophysiological cascade (e.g. startle reaction,tachycardia, muscular tension and enhanced vigilance),prepares you for a fast and steady defensive response,triggered by the “quick and dirty” neural pathway. Meanwhile,the “slow and sophisticated” circuit will be working in parallelin order to identify the source of the noise as well as to assessif it is dangerous, or not. As a function of this evaluation thebehavioural defence cascade will be vigorously maintained orabruptly cancelled.

The emotional states that accompany defensive behaviours,i.e. fear and anxiety, can be easily distinguished in animals interms of the physical presence or absence of the elicitingstimulus (e.g. Blanchard et al. 1990, 1993; Gray andMcNaughton 2000). For example, Blanchard and colleagues(1993) differentiate between fear and anxiety responses byconfronting rats with a predator, i.e. an anaesthetised domesticcat (Fear/Defence Test Battery: F/DTB), or by exposing themto a situation associated with that predator, i.e. brief exposureto places or odors linked with cats (Anxiety/Defence TestBattery: A/DTB)4. Those authors have observed that wild ratsconfronted with a cat (i.e. actual threat) in the F/DTB exhibitfour predominant varieties of defensive responding: flight,freezing, defensive threat and defensive attack. The transitionfrom one to another mainly depends on distance between preyand predator, increasing fear as defensive distance decreases(Figure 2). Flight is the dominant response when a route ofescape is available and the defensive distance lies between 1-5m. The following, predominant, fearful response is freezing ormotionlessness (crouched posture) which replaces flight if theoption of fleeing does not exist. When distance from thepredator lies between 0.5-1 m, then sonic vocalisations plusexposure of the teeth serves as defensive threat which canarrest an eventual attack. Finally, rats engage in defensiveattack at distances close to contact (zero-0.5 m), which can bepreceded at greater distances by jump attack oriented to thehead of the predator (a possible form of fear-potentiatedstartle5). In contrast, anxiety is prompted in the A/DTB byexposing rats to cat odor as well as to the place where the catwas previously viewed, i.e. stimuli associated with the predatorwhich can predict its eventual presence (i.e. potential threat).Here, wild rats inmediately flee to a protected place where they

4The F/DTB and A/DTB are two procedures of a lab burrow system withtunnels and chambers which is considered to be a simulation of the ecologicalniche of the wild rat.5The fear-potentiated startle is a laboratory phenomenon which consists of anincrease in the startle reflex in response to a previously neutral stimulus nowendowed with fear-inducing properties acquired by its pairing with an aversiveevent (usually an electric footshock)


may remain motionless during hours or days. Their mainactivity consists of displaying a risk assessment pattern (e.g.stretch-attend/stretch-approach postures), as if they wereanxiously evaluating the potential threat of the eventual attackof the predator. Under these conditions, nondefensivebehaviours such as eating, drinking and sex are temporarilyabandoned (Blanchard et al. 1990).















1: stimulus features2: perceptual objects3: polymodal representations4: contexts & explicits memories

Freezing BloodPressure






2 3


Figure 1. Neural circuits of fear conditioning. The neural pathways by which a sensory CS elicits emotional responses involve the relay of sensory inputs to thethalamus. While the lemniscal nuclei (LEM) transmit only to the primary sensory cortex, the extralemniscal areas (EX) transmit to the primary sensory andassociation regions of the cortex, as well as to the basolateral nucleus of the amygdala. This region of the amygdala also receives inputs from sensory association areasof the neocortex, as well as from polymodal areas such as the perirhinal cortex and the hippocampal formation. The thalamo-amygdala sensory projection has beenimplicated (1) in simple fear conditioning [one conditioned stimulus (CS) paired with an unconditioned stimulus (US)]; the cortico-amygdala sensory projection (2) indifferential fear conditioning (one CS paired with US, another not paired); and the hippocampo-amygdala projection (4) in contextual conditioning (conditioning tosituational cues other than the CS). The hippocampal projection may also be involved in conditioning of fear to explicit or declarative memories that occur in thepresence of an US, but this has not been studied. The role of the perirhinal projection to amygdala (3) is not known, but it may have something to do with theelicitation of fear by complex polymodal stimulus representations. The central nucleus of the amygdala is the interface with motor systems, as it connects with variousbrainstem areas involved in the regulation of specific defense response networks. Projections to the central gray control freezing and other defensive behaviors;projections to the lateral hypothalamus (LH) and from there to the rostral ventral lateral medulla (RVL) control sympathetic autonomic nervous system responses;projections to the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis (BNST) and paraventricular hypothalamus control stress reactions involving the pituitary-adrenal-axis; andprojection to caudal pontine reticular nucleus (CPRN) controls startle reflex. The amygdala nuclei are the sensory- and motor-independent parts of the circuitry andare likely to play important integrative roles in fear conditioning. (Adapted from LeDoux 1995).


Figure 2. Defensive distance. As distance from a predator decreases, theintensity of fear is held to increase in an accelerating fashion. This intensitycontrols, very tightly, a progression from flight or freezing (depending onwhether flight is available) through defensive threat to defensive attack. (FromGray and McNaughton 2000).

These behavioural definitions of fear and anxiety have beenconsiderably supported by pharmacological andneurophysiological findings. For example, Blanchard et al.(1993) have found, in a series of ethopharmacological studiesusing the burrow system, that the pattern of behaviours thatrats display to potential threat (risk assessment activities) isaffected by anxiolytic drugs, whilst that related to actual threatis not influenced in the same fashion. Walker and Davis (1997)have reported, working with the startle reflex probe, that adouble dissociation exists for the neural basis of fear (fear-potentiated startle) and anxiety (light potentiation of thestartle): by blocking the AMPA receptors they have seen thatthe central nucleus of the amygdala is responsible, in part, forconditioned fear, whilst the bed nucleus of the stria terminalisseems to play a specific role in anxiety. Gray and McNaughton(2000) have used these distinctions to elaborate an integrativeneuropsychological theory in which fear and anxiety areconsidered to closely resemble one another in some respects(e.g. similar psychophysiological arousal), whilst beingessentially distinguishable from a hierarchical viewpoint on thebasis of the brain structures involved, as well as the nature oftheir particular eliciting stimuli (following Blanchard’sanalysis). Those authors argue that fear is primarily provokedby actual threat stimuli for which the option of being avoidable(fleeing) exists (Figure 3). The area subserving fear would bethe amygdala and its hyperactivity could be related to phobias.On the other hand, potential threat stimuli (also avoidable)would induce assessment maneuvers bound up with anxiety.The neural site for anxiety would be the septo-hipocampalsystem and its hyperactivation could lead to generalisedanxiety disorder. These psychobiological definitions of fearand anxiety fit well, therefore, with the general inclinationamong psychologists and psychiatrists to consider thesenegative affective states as distinctive entities, since the stimuliprovoking fear tend to be phasic (well-defined onset/offset)and specific (e.g. an environmental object, such as a snake),with associated patterns of behaviour “seemingly” adaptative(e.g. escape from the existing threat), whilst those stimuliprompting anxiety are generalized and imprecise (i.e.uncertain), inducing responses with unclear, inmediatefunctional consequences (e.g. risk assessment and behaviouralinhibition).


The field of psychogenetics has accumulated a great deal ofevidence showing that individual differences in fearfulness6

are, in part, genetically-based. The method of selectivebreeding has provided excellent examples of this. The rationaleof this method is to simulate, under controlled laboratoryconditions and in an accelerated manner, the evolution ofadaptative traits by means of natural selection, i.e. to selectindividuals by imposing a specific criterion (e.g. subjects withextreme scores in a given trait; artificial selection), and tointerbreed them. If the trait of interest is under genetic controlthen it would be expected that after a number of generations ofselective breeding those lines of individuals shoulddifferentiate from one another. Multiple research programs ofselective breeding using rats as subjects have been successfullycarried out, taking as the selection criterion diverse emotionalbehaviours such as high vs low defecations in open field (e.g.Broadhurst 1975; Gray 1987), high rates vs low rates ofconditioned avoidance performance in 2-way shuttlebox task(see Figure 4; Bignami 1965; Brush 1991), and (morerecently) high vs low % of time in the open arms of theelevated plus-maze (Liebsch et al. 1998). The main result ofthese experiments was that an array of related phenotypes wasalso co-selected, showing that the rats lines differ in multiplebehaviours in a largely predictable fashion. The emergenceof this set of additional behaviours(unintentionally selected), which was bound up with theoriginal criterion, suggests that an underlying trait (a generalendophenotype) of fearfulness may have been entwined withselective breeding, thus providing indirect evidence for theexistence of a heritable, complex trait.

Figure 3. Nature of stimuli (top three rows) and their relation to function(fourth row), emotion (small italics), psychological disorder (large italics), andprincipal neural system involved (bottom row). GAD, generalized anxietydisorder; OCD, obsessive-compulsive disorder; amyg, amygdala; MH, medialhypothalamus; PAG, periacueductal grey; SHS, septo-hippocampal system;NA, noradrenaline; 5HT, 5-hydroxytryptamine. (From Gray and McNaughton2000).

6Fearfulness (synonymous with emotionality) is a term often employed inanimal literature as an analogue of neuroticism or anxiety trait in humans.Calvin S. Hall (1934) defined it “as the state of being emotional. This stateconsists of a group of organic, experiential and expressive reactions anddenotes a general upset or excited condition of the animal. Emotionality can bethought of as a trait since animals and men differ in the intensity of emotionalreactions displayed”. When I henceforth refer to humans, primates, rats orbirds which are said to have profiles of high fearfulness I will be meaning thatthey are especially susceptible to stressful stimuli, i.e. are chronicallyfearful/anxious.


That a constellation of behavioural indices tend to co-vary toshape a trait of high fearfulness has been shown in speciesother than the laboratory rat. For example, Kalin andcolleagues (2001) have characterised the behavioural andphysiological profile of a group of rhesus monkeys (M.mulatta) as being chronically fearful or anxious. Theseprimates seem to be shy and behaviourally inhibited,displaying strong freezing responses in the presence of ahuman. Physiologically, they exhibit pronounced plasma levelresponses of cortisol and CSF corticotropin-releasing factor, aswell as a marked right asymmetry in the electrical activity ofthe frontal cortex7. In consonance with that, Suomi (1991) hasreported that 20 % of rhesus monkeys living in a particularcolony showed a pattern of exaggerated fearfulness,accompanied by physiological and behavioural disturbances, inresponse to social challenges. Infant monkeys which were bornfrom these fearful parents had a proneness to inherit the samepsychophysiological responding profile to threats.

Figure 4. Median number of avoidance responses made by selected breedersas a function of generations of original selection. (From Brush 1991).

These observations are not limited to mammalian species(primates and rats). The heredity of anxious temperament hasalso been documented in birds, as illustrated by Jones andcolleagues (1991) who worked with two strains of quail chicks(Coturnix coturnix japonica) psychogenetically selected forshowing short vs long periods of tonic inmobility (STI’s andLTI’s, respectively) when trapped by the experimenter. As aresult of this selection, LTI quail chicks show stronger freezingresponses, higher defecation scores and less exploratorybehaviour in novel situations, as compared to the STI’s, apattern of enhanced fearfulness akin to that found in rodentsand primates.

Three major conclusions can be drawn, therefore, from thissample of studies: First, the grouping in extreme populationsof a set of behaviours indicative of high vs low fearfulness is acommon phenomenon in several species. Second, theconsistency of these profiles, revealed by multiple selectivebreeding experiments, strongly suggests that they can be

7Interestingly, lesions of the amygdala of these primates were unable to abolishtheir anxious temperament suggesting, in congruence with the aforementionedideas, that the “seat” of anxiety (state or trait) must be in other brain structures.

influenced by genetic factors. Third, from points 1) and 2) itappears reasonable to assume that fearfulness is associatedwith a particular typology of the central nervous system, ashypothesized by Ivan Pavlov (1927) in relation to individualdifferences in the temperaments of dogs.



Developmental differences in fearfulness, presumably ofgenetic origins, have been observed in human infants. Forexample, Kagan and colleagues (1989, 1991) have observedthat 4 month old infants (23 % of a sample of 94 children)showing high motor activity (limb movement, protrusion of thetongue, and arching of the back) and irritability (fretting orcrying) in response to unknown visual and auditory stimuliwere more fearful8 when assessed at 9, 14, and 21 months,than those with low scores in such behaviours (37 %). Theyalso found that both fearful and fearless temperaments of 2year-old-children were relatively stable over time, as measuredat 9 years. In addition, these divergent profiles (labelled asinhibited and uninhibited to the unfamiliar, respectively) wereaccompanied by a set of distinctive physical and physiologicalcharacteristics (e.g. eye color, body build, susceptibility toatopic allergies, heart rate, voice, cortisol and pupillarydilation), suggesting that genetic factors can partly determineboth types of temperament. Given that most of thesedifferences have been found in early days of developmentwhen environmental stimulation is just beginning to shape thebrain, the biological roots of anxious temperament in childrenmakes the endeavour of searching for a simple genetic basis ininfra-human animals even more reasonable.

Molecular candidates for the genetic architecture offearfulness in laboratory animals, using quantitative trait loci(QTL) analysis, were found for first time by Flint andcolleagues (1995). They mapped the genome of inbred mousestrains (n = 879) derived from animals selected for high andlow ambulation in the open field. Fearful mice were defined asthose defecating more and ambulating less in the open field,showing lower activity scores in a Y maze, and exploring theopen arms of the plus maze less frequently. The authorsexpected that the potential effects of QTLs on behaviour werein the same direction, i.e. a chromosomic segment increasingambulation and open arm behaviour should, in turn, decreasedefecation. The results showed that loci contained in mousechromosomes 1, 12 and 15 acted in the predicted fashion,accounting for a bulk of genetic variance in fearfulness. Twoyears after that publication, two studies carried out inindependent laboratories reported that chromosome 1 wasimplied as well in individual differences in susceptibility tofear conditioning (Caldarone et al. 1997; Wehner et al. 1997),

8“Fear was operationally defined as fretting or crying to an unfamiliar event orprocedure (placement of electrodes, placement of a blood pressure cuff, facialdisapproval from an examiner or the mother, a noisy rotating wheel, request totaste liquid from a dropper) or failure to approach an unfamiliar object (arobot) or unfamiliar adults, despite a friendly invitation to do so” (Kagan1991).


suggesting that it could be especially important for the generaltrait of fearfulness. As concluded by Flint (1997), “perhaps thework may eventually explain variations in fearfulness in ourown children”.

In 1995 the Animal Laboratory of the Unit of MedicalPsychology, UAB, initiated a research program incollaboration with leading teams in the research of the geneticand neurobiological basis of anxiety: Jonathan Flint at theWellcome Trust Centre for Human Genetics (Roosevelt Drive,Oxford, UK), Jeffrey A. Gray at the Institute of Psychiatry(DeCrespigny Park, London, UK), Peter Driscoll at the InstitutFuer Nutztierwissenschaften (ETH, Schwerzenbach,Switzerland) and Gerard R. Dawson at the Merck Sharp andDohme Research Laboratories (The Neuroscience ResearchCentre, Terlings Park, Essex, UK). The aim of the project wasto scan the genome of the rat in the search of genetic markersfor anxiety, using an F2 population derived from intercrossinginbred Roman high- and low-avoidance rats. One coreassumption of this approach is that complex psychologicaltraits, which are usually continuously distributed, depend onmany genes (or perhaps a few with pleiotropic action) withsmall effects spread out through the genome. In order to detectthese small influences by mean of QTL analysis in a crossbetween two inbred strains, the use of a large number ofanimals is mandatory (Talbot et al. 1999). The experimentalanimals (the so-called F2 generation) must be obtained fromsuccessive crossings originating from parental inbred strains(Gora-Maslak et al. 1991; Wimer and Wimer, 1985). Bybrother-sister mating of the parental strains the first filialgeneration (F1) is produced which is also crossed to give placeto the second filial generation (F2). This F2 intercrossconstitutes the population of target animals for the factoranalytic and QTL studies compiled in the present work(Figure 5).

The Swiss sublines of Roman high- and low-avoidance ratshad been selected, and outbred, for high rates (RHA/Verh) orlow rates (RLA/Verh) of 2-way shuttlebox avoidance, usingstock from the original RHA’s and RLA’s developed byBroadhurst and Bignami (1965). Convergent evidence suggeststhat two different processes contribute to shuttleboxperformance acquisition (i.e. inmobility: conditioned fear; andactive crossing between compartments: instrumental learning),in which fear conditioning plays an important role at the earlystages of training9 (Aguilar et al. in press; Fernández-Teruel etal. 1991; Weiss et al. 1968; Wilcock and Fulker 1973). Bi-directional selection for this task has presumably favouredprevailing coping styles to aversive events in the Roman rats,RLA/Verh’s being passive copers (prone to freeze: conditionedfreezing) and RHA/Verh’s active copers (prone to flee:conditioned avoidance) (Steimer et al. 1997). These markedpassive vs active (i.e. freeze vs flee) coping responses have ageneral effect on their defensive repertoires, RLA/Verh ratsbeing more fearful across aversive situations than RHA/Verh(for reviews, see Driscoll and Bättig, 1982; Driscoll et al.

9One complementary way of conceptualizing these strain differences can bethe following: 2-way shuttlebox acquisition implies a conflict between twoantagonistic responses, i.e. freeze vs flee, in which the former retardsavoidance acquisition whereas the latter favours it. Theoretically, the Romanlow-avoidance rats fail to acquire shuttlebox behaviour because conditionedfear provoked by the initial CS-US pairings is expressed through exaggeratedfreezing, which sabotages the resolution of the active/passive conflict.

1998; Fernández-Teruel et al. 1997). The thorough andextensive evaluation of these rat strains across a wide range offear-inducing situations, plus convergent findings coming fromneuroendocrine and neurobiological (and now moleculargenetic) experiments, has established them as one of the bestexisting rat models of emotionality to date (Tables 1and 2).




Type of test Type of response Strain with theoverall higher score

Novel cage Defecations RLA

Open field Activity RHADefecations RLA

Plus-maze Total arm entries RHAOpen arm entries RHA

Holeboard Defecations RLASelf-groomingHead-dipping duration


Black and white box Crossing latencySelf-grooming latencyDefecations


Social interaction Active social interaction RHA

Hyponeophagia Latency to start eating RLASelf-grooming durationDefecations


Fear conditioning Defecations RLA

Shuttlebox conditioning Avoidances RHA

n.s. = non statistically significant difference. (Adapted from Fernández-Teruelet al. 1997).




HORMONAL INDICES RLAs show increased levels of ACTH and corticosterone in response to stress RLAs show increased levels of ACTH after CRF administration RLAs show increased levels of aldosterone in response to stress RLAs show increased freezing and decreased hear rate in response to stress after amygdaloid injection of vasopressinNEUROCHEMICAL INDICES RLAs show a less efficient GABAergic functioning RHAs show enhanced dopaminergic activation in response to stress

(Adapted from Fernández-Teruel et al. 2000).


x x



The F1 Rat Generation

Outbred Roman/Verh Rats

Inbred Roman/Verh Rats

The F2 Rat Generation

Brother Sister Brother Sister

Batch I Batch II Batch III

Figure 5. Genetic background of the rats used as subjects in the present series of studies. The subjects used in Study 1 (Escorihuela et al.1999) were rats of the 10th generation of inbreeding (except in Pilot on Pavlovian fear conditioning in which rats were of the 15th generation;Fernández-Teruel et al. 2000). Those employed in Study 2 (Aguilar et al. 2000) came from the 15th generation. The rats used in the MainStudy were derived from intercrossing inbred Roman high- and low-avoidance rats.


As a prerequisite for the genetic mapping experiment, athorough study of the anxiousness profile of the rats wascarried out. This involved the assessment of the parental inbredstrains and of the F2 progeny in multiple tests, involvingnovel/threatening stimuli and learned fear paradigms. At thetime of this doctoral dissertation most of the relevant data havebeen published (or are in press). The most remarkable findingsof this endeavor can be summarised as follows. First, theinbred(I) Roman/Verh rats seemed to behave like their outbredpredecessors, RLA-I/Verh`s being markedly moreanxious/fearful than their RHA-I/Verh’s counterparts. Second,the analysis of the behaviour of the F2 progeny in the battery oftests revealed, by using factor analytic techniques, that threemain factors accounted for more than 40 per cent of thevariance: a) a “Learned Fear” Factor containing the measuresof aversive/fear conditioning, b) an “Emotional Reactivity”Factor with 11 out of the 14 variables analysed and c) a “Fearof Heights” Factor with high loadings on open arm behaviourin the elevated plus-maze. Third, the genetic mappingexperiment demonstrated that one locus, on rat chromosome 5,influences anxious behaviour across the battery of tests in amanner that parallels the effects of anxiolytic drugs, which isconsistent with the QTL containing at least one gene with apleiotropic action on anxious responses.

The particular objectives of the present doctoral dissertation,within the scope of the aforementioned project, were three-fold. 1) In Study 1, to demonstrate that correlative effects ofselective breeding on fearfulness are also present in inbredRoman rats. 2) In Study 2, to investigate if a brief removalfrom the homecage partner could differentially potentiate thestartle reflex of these strains. 3) In the Main Study, our purposewas to establish, using factor analytic tools, the behaviouralprofile of fearfulness for a large sample (n = 800) of F2 rats ina battery of eight tests, i.e. to create a simple and meaningfulmap of the rat’s emotional repertoire in the test battery.Additional results on sex differences, as well as QTLs foranxiety, coming from the analyses of the same F2 data base,are also introduced.




In his review on genetic determinants of individualdifferences in avoidance learning, Brush (1991) comparedthree stocks of rats bi-directionally bred for active, shuttleboxperformance: the Roman high- (RHA) and low-avoidance(RLA) lines derived from Wistar rats; the Syracuse high-(SHA) and low-avoidance (SLA) strains derived from Long-Evans rats; and the Australian high- (AHA) and low-avoidance(ALA) strains derived from Sprague-Dawley rats. Anadditional strain was uni-directionally selected for high-activeavoidance from Jcl-Wistar rats: the so-called Tokai highavoider (THA) strain. The selection for individual differencesin response to this kind of aversive stimulation was

accompanied by a host of additional behavioural differences.For example, as compared to SHA rats, the SLA’s defecatemore, exhibit a greater effect in a succesive negative contrastprocedure, and more rapidly acquire conditioned fear (CER),as well as passive-avoidance conditioning. Similarly, ascompared to RHA rats, RLA’s also show higher defecationscores, display stronger Pavlovian aversive conditioning (e.g.conditioned taste aversion and shock-induced suppression ofdrinking), and exhibit enhanced passive avoidance (Brush1991). These resemblances in the way the poor active avoiders(SLA/RLA) and their high avoiding counterparts (SHA/RHA)differ from each other fit rather well with the hypothesis thatthe former are more fearful/anxious than the latter.

In the present study we aimed to delineate the mainbehavioural characteristics of the inbred Roman strains(derived from the outbred Swiss sublines; see Introduction). Asselective breeding was able to generate pronounceddivergences in avoidance performance, as well as in an arrayof fearful/anxious behaviours (i.e. fearfulness), we sought toestablish if such a distinctive pattern held true after selectiveinbreeding. The inbreeding program (brother-sister mating)was initiated in 1993 and the experiments reported here wereconducted using animals of the 10th generation of thatinbreeding (Escorihuela et al. 1999) and of the 15th generation(Fernández-Teruel et al. 2000). In order to evaluate whetherinbred RLA/I-Verh rats were more fearful than RHA/I-Verh’s(henceforth shortened to RLA and RHA, respectively), inaccordance with the widely studied, outbred Roman/Verh ratsublines (for reviews, see Driscoll and Bättig, 1982; Driscoll etal. 1998; Fernández-Teruel et al. 1997), we carried out a seriesof experiments conceived to characterize their behaviouralprofile. To do this, we examined their behaviour in multipletests which consisted of novel cage (NC), hole-board (HB),open-field (OF), elevated plus-maze (PM), hyponeophagia(HNP), shuttlebox habituation (SH), shuttlebox avoidanceconditioning (SAC), and classical fear conditioning (CFC).(NC, HB, OF, PM, HNP, SNE and SAC experiments [foradditional methodology] were reported by Escorihuela et al.1999, and CFC experiments by Escorihuela et al. 1997 andFernández-Teruel et al. 2000).

In Experiment 1, the timidity/emotionality of the rats wasevaluated by simultaneously exposing two of them to the NCprocedure during a 1-min period, consisting of two uncoveredcages (identical to their homecages, but without sawdust) witha 15-cm separation between them. Timidity was measured,utilising the following parameters: the distance traveled,frequency of rearings and defecations, and self-groominglatency/duration. One month later, in Experiment 2,exploratory behaviour was evaluated in the HB test, a whitewooden box (66 x 66 x 47 cm) containing four holes in thefloor (divided into 16 equal squares), in which we alsodifferentiated the effects of the presence/absence of novelobjects (under the holes) on exploration in the Roman rats. Themeasurement of ambulation (crossings across squares),frequency of rearings, number of head-dips and time spenthead-dipping was carried out during 5 min. In Experiment 3(one month after HB testing), the rats were sequentiallyassessed in two tests (OF-PM, 5 min each), one half during thelighted phase of the light-dark cycle with normal fluorescent


illumination and the other half during the dark phase with redlight. The OF (first test) was a brown wooden box (116 x 116x 40 cm) divided into 25 equal squares and the PM (secondtest; immediately administered) was an elevated blackapparatus (height = 50 cm) with two opposed open arms (50 x10 cm each) plus two opposed enclosed arms (50 x 10 x 40) allconnected by a 10 x 10-cm open area in the middle. InExperiment 4, the animals were submitted to an HNP test (2weeks after Exp. 3) which necessitated a 15-day food-deprivation schedule, resulting at the end in 1 h daily of freeaccess to food. A prior “baseline test” was performed in whicheach cage was slightly pulled out from the rack (15 cm). Underthese conditions the latency to start eating and the time spenteating were scored. The HNP apparatus was a raised, brownwooden box (57 x 28 x 32 cm) containing eight holes in thefloor, each with food pellets inside. Eating latency/duration,distance traveled and the number of rearings were measured.

Three weeks after the HNP test, Experiment 5 on shuttleboxacquisition (SAC task; the selection criterion of the Romanstrains) was performed. A “10-min familiarization period” (SHtest) was introduced just before shuttlebox training, in whichactivity (i.e. crossings between compartments), self-groomingand defecations were measured. The conditioned stimulus (CS)for SAC was a light–tone combination (7-W lamp plus 2400Hz, 63-dB), and a 0.7-mA electric footshock was used as theunconditioned stimulus (US). Three 50-trial sessions wereadministered, each trial composed of the following sequence ofevents: a 10-s CS followed by a 20-s US in such a manner thatwhen a crossing was already made during the CS, the US wasnot administered (i.e. avoidance response), whilst if the animalfailed to avoid then it received a footshock (escape response).Once the animal had crossed to the other compartment a 60-sintertrial interval was administered. Finally, a pilot experimenton Pavlovian fear conditioning was carried out in a whitechamber divided into two equal compartments (23 x 12 x 20cm). A 20-W light (15 sec) functioned as the CS and anelectric footshock (0.8-1 mA) delivered through the grid flooracted as the US. Training consisted of eight CS-US pairingsthat started with the onset of the CS. US and CS terminatedsimultaneously. A 120-sec (mean) pseudorandom intertrialinterval was used, with a shock-free interlude of 60 sec. After aretention interval of 24 h, freezing to the training context(contextual fear conditioning) was measured during 5 min. Thelight was then switched on for five minutes to measure fearconditioning to the CS.

Our predictions were based on the hypothesis that RLA ratsare more emotionally reactive to threatening events than areRHA’s, as well as more susceptible to develop learned fearresponses, and that they would show higher scores in themeasures of emotionality (e.g. defecation and self-grooming),faster acquisition of fear responses (e.g. conditioned freezing)and decreased activity/exploration in novelty situations (e.g.ambulation and rearing). It can be seen in Table 3 that theresults confirmed this general pattern of differential responsesbetween the two strains, with RLA rats showing moredefecations, more self-grooming, less ambulation and lessrearings in the tests of novelty, less exploration (i.e. head-dipping duration) in HB, poorer avoidance performance inSAC and stronger freezing responses in CFC. When inbred





Type of test Type of measure Strain withthe

overallhigher score

Exp. 1 Novel cage Distance traveled RHARearings RHASelf-grooming latency RHASelf-grooming duration RLADefecations RLA

Exp. 2 Holeboard: withoutobjects Squares crossed RHA

Rearings RHAHead-dips n.s.Head-dipping duration n.s.

Holeboard: withobjects Squares crossed RHA

Rearings RHAHead-dips RHAHead-dipping duration RHA

Exp. 3 Open field: lighted Distance traveled n.s.Rearings RHASelf-grooming latency RHASelf-grooming duration RLADefecations n.s.

Open field: dark Distance traveled RHARearings RHASelf-grooming latency RHASelf-grooming duration RLADefecations n.s.

Plus-maze: lighted Total arm entries RHARearings n.s.Open-arm entries RHATime spent in the openarms


Distance traveled in theopen arms


Self-grooming latency RHASelf-grooming duration RLA

Plus-maze: dark Total arm entries RHARearings RHAOpen-arm entries RHATime spent in the openarms


Distance traveled in theopen arms


Self-grooming latency RHASelf-grooming duration RLA

Exp. 4 Hyponeophagia:baseline Latency to start eating RLA

Time spent eating RHAHyponeophagia: test Latency to start eating n.s.

Time spent eating n.s.Exp. 5 Shuttlebox as a novel

environment Crossings RHASelf-grooming latency RHASelf-grooming duration RLADefecations RLA

Shuttlebox avoidanceconditioning Avoidances RHA

Escape latencies RLAPilot Pavlovian fear

conditioning Freezing to context RLAFreezing to CS RLA

n.s. = non-statistically significant difference


strains are used all variation in their behaviour can beattributed to genetic background if environmental conditionsfor all animals are identical (as is the case in laboratorysettings): that is, the magnitude of the observed differencesamong individuals and between strains is genetic in origin(Wimer and Wimer 1985). As we used animals of the 10th and15th generation of inbreeding, they should have been close tobecoming genetically homogeneous. Our results have shownthat inbred RLA rats behave as if they were moreanxious/fearful than RHA’s across eight different experimentalsituations, thus extending the consistency of the behaviouralprofile of the outbred Roman rats to the inbred ones. We havetherefore demonstrated the effects of selective inbreeding inmultiple tests of fearfulness, constituting further evidence forgenetic differences in a complex psychological trait, using twostrains of psychogenetically selected rats.



Major advances in our understanding of the brainmechanisms of fear come from studies with the startle reflexparadigm, which has permitted an analysis of the neural sites,and their interconnections, involved in fear responses (Davis etal. 1993; Gray and McNaughton 2000; Koch 1999; Richardson2000). The startle response is a short-latency reflex (i.e. 5-10ms; Fendt and Fanselow 1999) that occurs immediately afterthe presentation of an unexpected, intense stimulus that can be

of a visual, acoustic or tactile sensory nature. It consists of asequential muscle contraction initiated around the facial areaand then expanding through the skeletal muscles. It is a simplereflex whose neural pathway mainly involves the caudalpontine reticular nucleus in the lower brainstem. In rat studiesit is usually evaluated as the whole-body jump response of theanimal, whereas in human experiments just the eye-blindcomponent is taken as the index of the startle response (Figure6).

In spite of its apparent simplicity the startle reflex can be bi-directionally modulated by internal states and external stimuli,that is, it has a non-zero baseline that can be either augmented(e.g. potentiated by an internal state of fear: “negative affect”)or reduced (e.g. attenuated by a pleasure experience: “positiveaffect”), providing a useful tool for the neurobiological studyof emotion in both animals and humans (Fendt and Fanselow1999; Koch 1999; Lang et al. 1990; Lang et al. 2000). Anotherimportant aspect of the startle reflex has been noted by Lang etal. (2000), that “the reflex is not a specific component of thefear [emotional] state, but rather a response to a probe eventthat is primed when the state is present”. This is relevantbecause it is then possible to differentiate neuroanatomicallywhat is a reflex from what is not, thus facilitating thedissection of related, more complex hypothetical central states,such as fear. When primed by aversive events startle isaccompanied by a set of responses, such as tachycardia,inmobility and enhanced vigilance, that suggest a primarydefensive function designed to protect the organism againstdamage. These negative events can be natural stimuli ocurringin the wild (e.g. a mixture of odors and noises signaling the

Figure 6. The acoustic startle response in a rat ca 30 ms after stimulus onset. The pictures are redrawn from a film taken by Carsten Spiekermann (UnpublishedDiploma-thesis at the University of Tübingen) with a high-speed camera (150 frames sec-1). The trace at the botton of the figure shows the ballistogram of thewhole-body ASR. The ASR is usually expressed as arbitrary units or millivolts (mV) of the accelerometer output. (From Koch 1999).


presence of a predator) as well as simple laboratory stimulischeduled to be precisely administered (e.g. lights or tonespaired with electric footshocks). Given its short latency, thestartle reflex can be considered to be an early component ofemotional behaviour, when the organism is recruiting itsdefensive resources to confront a threat (Koch 1999).

In summary, the startle reflex is a good index offear/emotionality, due to at least the following five reasons:First, it is a test in which locomotion does not interfere withthe measurement of emotionality. Second, this reflex istriggered by neutral stimuli as well as primed by emotionalevents, so that it serves as its own control, providing anappropriate baseline. Third, this reflex has been observed in ahost of species across phyla, ranging from fish to infra-humanand human mammals, thus permitting cross-speciesgeneralisation of experimental findings. Fourth, the startlereflex has a non-zero baseline, i.e. it can be bi-directionallymodulated (i.e. potentiated or attenuated) as a function of thevalence of the emotional experience (i.e. negative or positiveaffective states). Fifth, because it is a simple reflex, it’s basiccircuitry presumably involves a relatively small number ofneural connections, thereby making it easier to establish aprecise starting point for the neuroanatomical study of relatedcomplex states such as fear.

The differential “up/down”modulation of the startle can beseen in several paradigms. From those procedures in which anenhancement of the startle has been observed, sensitization andfear-conditioning have been the most widely studied.Sensitization is an increase in the magnitude of responding as aresult of prior presentation of a strong stimulus. Davis andcolleagues (e.g. Boulis and Davis 1989) developed thefootshock sensitization paradigm of startle as a device forstudying the effects of aversive, unconditioned stimuli onanxiety. That same laboratory experimentally exploited thephenomenon of Pavlovian fear conditioning in a procedurebased on the measurement of this reflex, by calculating thedifference in amplitude between two types of trials, i.e.startling stimuli acompanied by the presence of a fear-provoking CS minus startling stimuli alone: this procedure wascalled fear-potentiated startle (Brown et al. 1951; Davis et al.1993). With respect to the paradigms in which an attenuationof the startle magnitude can be registered, habituation andprepulse inhibition are most frequently encountered in theliterature. Habituation consists of a reduction in startleresponse as a consequence of repeated presentations of thestartling stimulus. Taking into account that the startlingstimulus itself is in reality an aversive event, then the resultinghabituation curve can reflect an attenuation in the rat’semotional state. Prepulse inhibition is a phenomenon in whicha reduction in startle responding to a strong (i.e. startling)stimulus occurs, due to the immediately prior presentation (30-500 msec) of a weaker (i.e. non-startling) stimulus (Koch1999).

As the evidence of divergent emotionality in the Roman ratscan be attributed in part to the role that activity plays in mostanimal models of anxiety in which they have been tested (e.g.Brush 1991), by using the paradigm of the acoustic startlereflex (ASR) we could unambiguously elucidate whether suchstrain differences are the result of emotionality, rather thanactivity. Previous work in this direction investigated the

existence of strain and footshock sensitization effects on theacoustic startle response in inbred, male Roman rats(Schwegler et al. 1997). As expected, the results convincinglyshowed that RLA animals displayed much more pronouncedacoustic startle than RHA’s, that difference being furtherincreased by shock sensitisation. To replicate and extend thosefindings, we designed a similar experiment, employing rats ofboth sexes. We wanted to evaluate further whether a briefisolation experience (i.e. cohort removal during 30 min) coulddifferentially affect the acoustic startle response of inbredRoman rats. In reference to Schwegler’s results, we expectedthat RLA rats would have an stronger ASR than RHAs, andthat the isolation effects would be more pronounced in theemotional strain. Based on Gray’s hypothesis (1971; 1987),that male rats are more fearful than females, sex-linkeddifferences on the acoustic startle reflex were expected as well.

The results of our study showed strain, sex and cohortremoval effects on the startle reflex, mediated by differences infearfulness. Figure 7 shows a schematic representation of thesize of the effect of these three variables on the startle reflex(each bar is the result of the combination of four experimentalgroups, i.e. mixing rats from different experimental conditions;arbitrary units). As can be seen, the manipulation responsiblefor the effect of greater magnitude (regardless of the influenceof sex plus cohort removal) was selective inbreeding, themethod by which the divergent emotional profiles of theRoman rats was created. The size effect of sex was smaller(regardless of the influence of strain plus cohort removal).Finally, the smallest effect was for cohort removal (regardlessof the influence of strain plus sex), an entirely environmentalsource of variation. Therefore, there was a gradation in theamplitude of the emotionally-primed startle related to therelative involvement of biological and environmental factors(strain > sex > cohort removal).

arbitrary units

Figure 7. Schematic representation of the size effect of strain, sex and cohortremoval.

It is important to note that the cohort removal manipulationused here was capable of substantially enhancing startle byincreasing anxiety in the strain that manifests a greatersusceptibility to stressful stimuli (see male RLA group in Fig.1 of the paper by Aguilar et al. 2000, page 73). At least threemechanisms could account for this hypothetical, internal stateof increased anxiety in male RLA rats. One possibility wouldbe fear of the unfamiliar, a source of anxiety across species, asthe rat that remains in the homecage does not know what isgoing to happen. Another mechanism that may underly this

RLA RHA males females isolated control


effect is the removal of safety signals, which could promptanxiety (e.g. Gray 1987): in this case, that would be thewithdrawal of reinforcement coming from social interaction,which is also associated with well-being or safety. The thirdpossible explanation could be related to the concept ofanticipatory anxiety: if the rat has been briefly isolated on prioroccasions, plus being submitted afterwards to some kind ofaversive experience (e.g. prior exposure to novelty-tests suchas OF or PM), the prediction of a potential aversiveconsequence, signaled by the momentary absence of thepartner, could also trigger a state of anxiety.



The main objective of the present doctoral dissertation wasthe assessment of a large F2 progeny of Roman rats (n = +/-800) in a test battery designed to measure their fearful profile,thus setting up an investigation, using the same animals, ofputative QTLs for anxiety. Eight tests were utilised (i.e. OF,PM, HB, A, ASR, CFC, SH and SAC), encompassingunlearned and learned fear as well as indices of locomotoractivity (as a control). The statistical method employed for thedescription of the rats’ profile was factor analysis, a set oftools which is useful in simplifying complex patterns ofcorrelations among variables. We sought to establish a simplemap for the behavioural output of this large F2 population, i.e.a small number of meaningful factors grouping the differenttypes of measures in a coherent and robust manner. From atheoretical and empirical viewpoint, a reasonable factorsolution would be one differentiating between unlearned andlearned fear. Our factorial search, though explorative, wasdesigned with this in mind.

In animal research there is no consensus about what thestructure of fearfulness is, that is, whether a common traitunderlies different forms of anxious responding (e.g. Gray andMcNaughton 2000), or whether distinctive types of responsesdepend on a number of independent traits (Ramos andMormède 1994). The fact that separate fear systems can beanatomically distinguished, e.g. a neural pathway for freezingvs another for defecation, does not preferentially support eitherhypothesis. One may argue that a common state of fearunderlies the two responses through a quest for generalmechanisms of defensive behaviour, but it may also be arguedthat when evidence for a distinction in an emotionalcomponent exists (e.g. different neural circuitry), separatesystems are indicated. How can we decide whether freezingand defecation are the expression of different emotional states,or two different routes by which a common state of fear isexpressed? The answer is a theoretical matter, rather thanempirical.

Factor analytic techniques seem to be a potentially goodapproach to solve this dilemma, separating into independentfactors those variables that are hardly related (perhaps withdifferent neural bases). So, if freezing and defecation aregrouped within the same factor, this could be taken as evidencefor the unidimensionality of fear, but if these variables load to

distinctive factors, it could indicate separate emotional systemsfor both. In any case, the problem is that the application offactor analytic tools is also theoretically-oriented (e.g. theresearcher decides what variables are entered into the analysis,as well as the number of factors that will explain thecorrelation matrix) (Kline 1994). This is the reason why factoranalysis is primarily considered to be a descriptive technique,rather than an explanatory one.

In recent years, several factor analytic studies have beencarried out with rodents in order to describe the structure ofanxious behaviour (e.g. Belzung and LePape 1994; Fernandeset al. 1999; Flaherty et al. 1998; Griebel et al. 1996; Maier etal. 1988; Ramos and Mormède 1998; Rodgers and Johnson1995). The usual finding has been that factor solutionsconsistently differentiate multiple factors, regardless of thenumber of tests investigated (Table 4). Moreover, there is noclear agreement among studies, neither conceptual norempirical, with respect to the factor structures resulting fromanalyses of different tests or combinations of them. Based onthese observations, most authors have arrived at one of thefollowing two conclusions: 1) anxiety seems to be multifaceted(the higher the number of emerging factors, the greater themultidimensionality of anxiety; Ramos and Mormède 1998),and/or 2) common animal models of anxiety do not measurethe same type of phenomena (e.g. Belzung and LePape 1994;Flaherty et al. 1998; see Table 4).

This lack of consistency can be attributed, at least in part, tothe way in which each author used factor analysis. Rodgersand Johnson’s work (1995) may provide a good example ofthis. Those authors studied the structure of the PM in asequential manner, first applying factor analysis to the typicalvariables, and then to those plus a number of ethologicalmeasures. The analysis of the standard measures (i.e. open andclosed arm behaviour) yielded a two-fold solutiondistinguishing between anxiety and activity components. Theaddition of time spent in the center led to the emergence of athird factor that the authors interpreted as decision making.When the ethological measures were entered into the analysis,a six-fold solution arose: anxiety, locomotor activity, decisionmaking, risk assessment, vertical activity, and exploratorybehaviour. There seemed to be, therefore, a positiverelationship between the number of variables included and thenumber of emerging factors.

If they had included all the measures in the analysis, theywould had found two factors (e.g. with anxiety/riskassessment/decision making grouped in the first one, andlocomotor activity/vertical activity/exploratory behaviour inthe second one), a simple and easy way to interpret a map ofrodent’s behaviour in the PM test, i.e. one factor reflecting“emotionality” and another “activity”. This hypotheticalstructure could had been approached by applying second-orderfactor analysis to the correlation matrix among factors, as wellas by forcing the structure of the first-order solution onto areduced number of factors (two, in this case), a method thatgives similar results to the former (Kline 1994). Althoughsome rules exist in selecting the number of factors (Kline1994), the researcher always makes the final decision whetherto maintain or to eliminate them, on the basis of the particularobjectives envisaged.




N # of tests Type of test # of factors Interpretation Author

800 8 OF, PM, HB, A, ASR, CFC, SH,SAC.

3 F1: Learned fear;F2: Emotional reactivity;F3: Fear of heights.

Aguilar et al. 2001(*)

80(**) 1 MDTB. 7 F1: Anxiety (BZ);F2: Anxiety (5-HT);F3: Anxiety (“Affective”-orientated defense);F4: Anxiety (Terminal defenses;F5: Anxiety (EADRE);F6: No label;F7: No label.

Blanchard et al. 1996

30 1 PM. 4 F1: Anxiety;F2: Motor activity;F3: Waiting capacity/Decision makingF4: No label.

Cruz et al. 1994

42 3 HB, PM, SOT. 3 F1: Sexual preference/Social interest;F2: Plus-maze Anxiety/Activity;F3: Holeboard Exploration/Activity.

Fernandes et al. 1999

60 4 NCP, PM, OF, CFC. 4 F1: Learned fear of the open arms;F2: Generalised anxiety state;F3: Timidity/Fear;F4: Disappointment.

Flaherty et al. 1998

30 4 OF, RC, SH, SAC. 3 F1: Avoidance learning;F2: Exploration/Activity;F3: Shuttle defecation.

Gomà and Tobeña 1985

65 7 ER, RW, OFd, OFl, OFnod, WR,WM.

5 None label. Maier et al. 1988

144 4 OF, PM, BW, SI. 3 F1: Approach/Avoidance;F2: Locomotion;F3: No label.

Ramos et al. 1997

267 2 PM, OF. 3 F1: Anxiety;F2: Locomotion;F3: No label.

Ramos et al. 1998

90(**) 1 PM. 6 F1: Anxiety;F2: Locomotor activity;F3: Decision making;F4: Risk assessment;F5: Vertical activity;F6: Exploratory behaviour.

Rodgers and Johnson 1995

96 1 OF. 2 F1: Exploratory (Locomotor).F2: Emotional reactivity.

Whimbey and Denenberg 1967

This table summarises a sample of factor analytic studies carried out with rodents. (*) Our study constitutes an exception for all the works compiled here, as we restrictedthe first-order six-fold solution to three simple main factors. (**) The work was carried out using mice as subjects. BW = black and white box; BZ = related tobenzodiazepine receptor ligands; EADRE = escape from an area in which danger has been recently encountered; ER = emotionality rating; MDTB = mouse defense testbattery; NCP = negative contrast procedure; OFd = open-field in the dark; OFl = open-field in the light; OFnod = novel-object detection in the open-field; RC = rearing-cage; RW = activity running-wheel; SH = shuttlebox habituation; SI = social interaction; SOT = sexual orientation test; WM = water maze; WR = water rotation; 5-HT =related to serotonin neurotransmision.


In the present study we sought to establish a parsimoniousdescription of our test battery which was comprised, asmentioned above, of unlearned (OF, PM, HB, A, ASR) andlearned fear (CFC, SAC) paradigms, using a large sample ofsubjects (Box 1). We therefore expected to find a reliablecorrelation matrix, as well as a robust factor solution, formeasures of anxiety. In order to carry out an exhaustivemeasurement of the different manifestations of emotionalreactivity across tests, more than fifty dependent variableswere initially considered. Our first attempts (not shown) toestablish an adequate global picture of the correlation matrixwere unsuccessful. We obtained a solution with many factors(more than twenty): the first ones grouped the same variablesmeasured in various tests (e.g. one factor for defecation,another for self-grooming) as well as measurements of a given

variable at different moments within a test (e.g. a factorgrouping freezing at one minute, at two minutes and so on),whilst the last factors accounting for the smallest amount ofvariance were difficult to interpret. This lack of meaningfulclustering between variables can be attributed in part to thelarge number of closely, related variables entered. As most ofthem formed linear combinations (the same variable measuredin several tests or at different moments within a single test),the emergence of meaningful factors was presumablyprevented. Although it was reassuring to confirm that, forexample, the measures of defecation loaded onto the samefactor, thereby probably having the same meaning, ourprincipal objective was to determine whether differentresponses (e.g. defecation, avoidance behaviour or conditionedfreezing) shared something in common, or not.

Box 1. About four hundred F2-generation rats of each sex were used, derived from the inbred RHA/Verh and RLA/Verh strains, and bred in three batchesover an 18 month period. Behavioural testing was carried out separately for each batch. Rats were maintained under controlled conditions of humidity (60 ±10 %) and temperature (22 ± 2 ºC), a 12 h light cycle (lights on at 8:00 h and off at 20:00 h), and with free access to food and water. They were housed ingroups of two (males) or three (females). Testing started at the age of 4 months, and males and females were evaluated simultaneously in a counterbalancedmanner. A testing-free period of 10 to 20 days was allowed between consecutive tests. Behavioural testing took place between 9:30-19:00 h of the lightedphase. The experimental order of testing was as follows: open field (OF); elevated plus-maze (PM); hole-board (HB); activity meter (A); acoustic startlereflex (ASR); classical fear conditioning (CFC); shuttlebox avoidance conditioning (SAC).


In order to preclude the proliferation of redundant andnonsense factors, a substantial reduction of variables wascarried out before applying factor analyses, on the basis of twoprincipal criteria: 1) an avoidance of linear combinationsamong variables which could give rise to spurious factors; and2) the maintenance of consistency with previous literature. Bymeans of the Pearson correlation coefficient, the relationshipsamong 33 measures were calculated, serving as the startingpoint for the factor analytic decription of the test battery. Thecorrelation matrix permitted the notation of some significantrelationship patterns among different measures which wereindicative of potential underlying factors (Table 5), but toocomplex to be appropriately interpreted. Moreover, from theexamination of the correlation matrix it was difficult to ruleout redundant variables. One way to avoid the selection ofalmost equivalent measures (forming linear combinations)might be to perform separate factor analyses on each testyielding a simple structure (i.e. independence among factors)and from each of the resulting factors accounting for behaviourin a given test, then to choose just one or two variables as asubset of the selected measures representative of the eight tests(see Box 2 for a schematic representation of the plan of thedata analyses). Following this strategy, we considered 14target variables: defecation (in the OF test), self-groomingduration (OF), distance (OF), enclosed arm entries (PM), % ofopen arm entries (PM), % time spent in the open arms (PM),head-dipping duration (HB), activity counts (A), startleamplitude (ASR), freezing to context (CFC), freezing to CS(CFC), crossings during habituation (SAC), avoidances (SAC),and intertrial crossings10 (SAC).


OFDis 1

PMEAE 0.38 1

%TOA 0.16 0.17 1

SHCROSS 0.20 0.25 0.12 1

CFCCTX - 0.02 - 0.03 - 0.01 - 0.27 1

CFCCUE 0.04 - 0.01 - 0.06 - 0.29 0.59 1

Table 5. This correlation matrix with selected variables illustrates the extent towhich underlying factors to be extracted by factor analysis could be advancedfrom the inspection of the patterns of correlations. It must be noted that thesevariables have been chosen with the help of the 6-fold solution reported in thepresent work. The factors to be extracted are Classical Fear Conditioning(Factor 2, mainly grouping CFCCTX, CFCCUE, and SHCROSS measures)and PM/OF activity (Factor 4, mainly grouping PMEAE, OFDis, andSHCROSS measures). OFDis = distance; PMEAE = enclosed arm entries;%TOA = % of time in the open arms; SHCROSS = crossings duringhabituation to shuttlebox; CFCCTX = freezing to context; CFCCUE = freezingto CS.

10We consider intertrial crossings in 2-way shuttlebox conditioning as a fear-mediated (ritualistic) behaviour. There is compelling evidence suggesting adirect relationship between intertrial crossings and the level of fear to thebackground cues, so that the lower the fear to the training context the lower thefrequency of intertrial responding (Callen, 1986; Mowrer 1947; Thompson,Sachson, and Higgins, 1969). For example, we have demonstrated, using RHArats, that intertrial crossings can be partially extinguished after long-lastingexposure to the background cues (Aguilar et al. submitted).

Rationale of the factor analyses:Study of the structure of the battery of tests

1) Reduction of the number of initial variables Criteria: avoidance of redundancy; consistency with previous literature (see Aguilar et al. 2001)2) Selection of the 14 target variables Correlation matrix plus criteria Factor analysis of each test plus criteria3) Factor analysis with the 14 target variables: 6-fold structure Factor 1: SAC; Factor 2: CFC; Factor 3: PM anxiety; Factor 4: PM and OF activity; Factor 5: ASR anxiety; and Factor 6: OF and A anxiety/activity4) Factor analysis with the 14 target variables: 3-fold structure Factor 1: Learned fear; Factor 2: Emotional reactivity; and Factor 3: Fear of heights

Box 2. Plan of the data analyses.

A global factor analysis onto the 14 target variables,representing all tests of the battery, extracted six independentfactors (see Table 6). Factor 1 contained SAC behaviour;Factor 2, freezing in CFC; Factor 3, PM anxiety; Factor 4, PMand OF activity; Factor 5, ASR anxiety; and Factor 6, a blendof activity and anxiety measures. This was a good summary ofthe correlation matrix: the six factors fostered a noticeablesimplification of the 33 initial variables, and was easier tointerpret. The fact that SAC and CFC training were dissociatedinto two distinctive factors is interesting because the formerseems to involve a learning mechanism more complex than thelatter, that is, whilst freezing in CFC is generally seen as theexpression of stimulus-stimulus associations, avoidancebehaviour in the SAC task is thought to be the result ofstimulus-stimulus plus response-consequence associations(Dickinson 1980). What is reflected in the first factor ispresumably the response-consequence component involved inthis aversively-motivated instrumental task (SAC). In addition,that PM anxiety and PM activity factors could be distinguishedis also relevant, as it reinforces the large body of evidencesuggesting the existence of both components in that test.Finally, the additional emergence of an ASR-anxiety factorplus a factor mainly containing defecation, self-grooming,distance in the OF and activity in the A, suggests that in thissix-fold solution we could have detected fear response systemsin the rat’s repertoire, perhaps connected with particular neuralpathways.

By inspecting the quantity of variance explained for eachfactor of the nonrotated solution we could see that the firstthree factors (especially Factors 1 and 2) accounted for themajor part (43 % vs 24 %): an ocular examination of theeigenvalues curve (Cattell’s Scree test; Figure 8) confirmedthis observation. Hence, we applied a three-factor solution tothe same 14 target variables to see whether the six “subtraits”obtained in the first-order solution could be coherentlyorganised around a small number of principal traits. Weexpected SAC plus CFC paradigms to load onto the samefactor, thus being distinguishable from unlearned emotionalitymeasures. There are both theoretical and empirical reasonsbehind this hypothesis. Because both SAC and CFCprocedures theoretically provoke a state of fear (learned bymeans of simple CS-US associations; McAllister et al. 1983;Mowrer 1947; Weiss et al. 1968), this common aspect could be




Factor Fear test battery measures

SAC Avoidances (0.91); intertrial crossings (0.91); crossingsduring habituation period (0.38).

CFC Freezing to context (0.85); freezing to CS (0.85);crossings during habituation period ( - 0.51).

PM anxiety % of open arm entries ( - 0.94); % of time in the openarms ( - 0.93).

PM and OFactivity

Enclosed arm entries ( - 0.84); distance ( - 0.73);crossings during habituation period ( - 0.38).

ASR anxiety Startle (0.75); head-dipping duration ( - 0.66); defecations(0.37).

Blend of fear andactivity

Activity counts ( - 0.72); self-grooming ( 0.68);defecations (0.51); distance ( - 0.37).

Numbers in parentheses indicate factor loadings > 0.30. The correlationsamong factors were as follows: correlation between Factor 1 and Factor 2 (r1,2)= - 0.16; r1,3 = - 0.09; r1,4 = - 0.11; r1,5 = - 0.06; r1,6 = - 0.13; r2,3 = 0.02; r2,4 =0.02; r2,5 = - 0.08; r2,6 = - 0.03; r3,4 = 0.18; r3,5 = 0.09; r3,6 = 0.06; r4,5 = 0.04; r4,6 =0.18; r5,6 = 0.08. (Adapted from Aguilar et al. 2001).

reflected in a higher-order factor solution. Empirically, theemergence of an independent, learned fear factor is predictableon neurobiological grounds, as recent evidence has begun tosuggest that some key neural nuclei have specific roles in fearresponses when learning is involved (Davis and Shi 1999;Lang et al. 2000; Richardson 2000).

Figure 8. Cattell’s Scree test of the unrotated factor solution with the 14selected measures of fearfulness. (From Aguilar et al. 2001).

In concordance with that, our three-fold structure wascomposed of a Learning Fear Factor (the first factor) plus twoadditional factors of fearfulness termed Emotional Reactivity(the second one) and Fear of Heights (the third one; Table 7).That the three factors were orthogonal (hardly related to oneanother), empirically confirms the expected differentiationbetween learned and unlearned fear indices of emotionality11.The measures from SAC and CFC paradigms were alsogrouped in Factor 2 (but with slight to moderate loadings), asif factor analysis had also detected, beyond basic differences, acommon role shared by learned and unlearned fear responses:i.e. two main varieties of defensive responding tailored fornatural selection from an old motivation system (e.g. Lang etal. 2000) with the function of protecting organisms againstdamage and threat of damage. Therefore, we named the secondfactor Emotional Reactivity (in a broad sense) to reinforce thefact that all types of fearful/anxious responses entered into theanalysis (except ASR) loaded onto it. Finally, another form ofunlearned fear was distinguished by factor analysis around thethird factor, termed Fear of Heights (for representing open armbehaviour in the PM), a specific “phobia” (seemingly) of therat’s defence repertoire. It is worth noting that the Fear ofHeights Factor seemed to have, as well, something in common(reflected by slight loadings) with behaviours falling into thecategory of learned fear, thus hypothetically sharing basicproperties of the same brain mechanism underlying thedefence system.



Factor Fear test battery measures


Avoidances (0.69); intertrial crossings (0.68); crossings duringhabituation period (0.61); freezing to CS ( - 0.64); freezing tocontext ( - 0.60); activity counts in A (0.35).


Distance (0.62); defecations ( - 0.53); enclosed arm entries(0.45); intertrial crossings (0.42); head-dipping duration (0.41);activity counts (0.37); freezing to CS (0.37); freezing to context(0.36); avoidances (0.33).

Fear ofheights

% of time in the open arms ( - 0.88); % of open arm entries( - 0.86).

Numbers in parentheses indicate factor loadings > 0.30. The correlationsamong factors were as follows: r1,2 = 0.10; r1,3 = - 0.07; r2,3 = - 0.01. (Adaptedfrom Aguilar et al. 2001).

11SAC and CFC are two forms of aversive learning that mainly differ in thatthe former involves instrumental conditioning, i.e. response-consequenceassociations, as hypothetically detected in the six-factor solution. The first-order factor analysis could have separated a complex learning mechanism (bi-process: SAC) from a more simple one (uni-process: CFC) on the basis of thetype of contingency in which they differ.