FD Interest for ITDepartment

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  • 7/21/2019 FD Interest for ITDepartment


    Select Rt.Memno, Amount as INTTCR,Mname,Fnamefrom(Select Memno,sum(Credit) as Amount from Trmasterwhere Glcode='FD' and Slcode='2' and Credit >0group by Memno) as RTLeft join mrMaster M on RT.Memno=M.memnowhere Amount>=10000order by RT.Memno

    Select Rt.Memno, Amount as INTTDR,Mname,Fnamefrom(Select Memno,sum(Debit) as Amount from Trmasterwhere Glcode='FD' and Slcode='2' and Debit >0group by Memno) as RTLeft join mrMaster M on RT.Memno=M.memnowhere Amount>=10000order by RT.Memno