1 T \ Report on FCM Camp 2010 Text: FCM Camp Committee Photos: Grace Auyong he FCM Camp 2010 was held from May 17-22, 2010 at Calvary Pandan B-P Church under the theme, “Parables for Children of God’s Kingdom” with 13 pastors, preachers and elders as camp speakers. We chose the hymn “Open My Eyes, That I May See” as our theme song and Mark 4:11-12 as our theme verse, “And he said unto them, Unto you it is given to know the mystery of the kingdom of God: but unto them that are without, all these things are done in parables: That seeing they may see, and not perceive; and hearing they may hear, and not understand; lest at any time they should be converted, and their sins should be forgiven them.” The Camp Committee comprised Jason Liew (Camp Master), William Quah (Asst Camp Master & Logistics I/C), Desmond Yeo (Treasurer), Ong Su Ling (Food I/C) and Liu Fangzhou (Secretary / Camp Booklet). By His grace and enabling, we only held a total of three meetings to plan and prepare for the camp. And so the camp begins... Day One, Monday 17/05/10 (by Jason Liew) Woo hoo~ The first day of FCM Camp 2010! Unlike previous years, campers actually arrived on time. Perhaps this was due to the shift of the opening message from the afternoon to morning. As the camp committee had swept the dorms (with magic clean swipes!), inflated the air mattresses and set up the laundry lines the night before, settling in took only awhile and we kicked off the camp right on schedule. Jason conducted the welcome briefing, introduced the camp committee and opened with a word of prayer. The Rev Dr Quek Suan Yew of Calvary Pandan BPC delivered the opening message on “The Purpose of Parables” (Matthew 2010/2 FCM Newsletter Apr – Jun 2010

FCM Newsletter 2010_V2 (Apr-Jun 10)

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"Report on FCM Camp 2010" by Jason Liew, Ong Su Ling, Desmond Yeo, Liu Fangzhou, William Quah."Camp Testimonies" by Phoebe Oh, Gloria Khoo, Thong Hui Min, Joanne Khor, Edison Chee, Jason Liew, Jonathan Tay, Grace Auyong, William Quah "FCM Annual Report 2009" by Jason Liew"Graduation Testimonies" by Shawn Yeo, Eunice Foo, Jonathan Ng, Elvin Siew

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Page 1: FCM Newsletter 2010_V2 (Apr-Jun 10)




Report on FCM Camp 2010

Text: FCM Camp Committee Photos: Grace Auyong

he FCM Camp 2010 was held from May 17-22, 2010 at Calvary Pandan B-P

Church under the theme, “Parables for Children of God’s Kingdom” with 13 pastors, preachers and elders as camp speakers. We chose the hymn “Open My Eyes, That I May See” as our theme song and Mark 4:11-12 as our theme verse, “And he said unto them, Unto you it is given to know the mystery of the kingdom of God: but unto them that are without, all these things are done in parables: That seeing they may see, and not perceive; and hearing they may hear, and not understand; lest at any time they should be converted, and their sins should be forgiven them.” The Camp Committee comprised Jason Liew (Camp Master), William Quah (Asst Camp Master & Logistics I/C), Desmond Yeo (Treasurer), Ong Su Ling

(Food I/C) and Liu Fangzhou (Secretary / Camp Booklet). By His grace and enabling, we only held a total of three meetings to plan and prepare for the camp. And so the camp begins...

Day One, Monday 17/05/10 (by Jason Liew)

Woo hoo~ The first day of FCM Camp 2010! Unlike previous years, campers actually arrived on time. Perhaps this was due to the shift of the opening message from the afternoon to morning. As the camp committee had swept the dorms (with magic clean swipes!), inflated the air mattresses and set up the laundry lines the night before, settling in took only awhile and we kicked off the camp right on schedule. Jason conducted the welcome briefing, introduced the camp committee and opened with a word of prayer.

The Rev Dr Quek Suan Yew of Calvary Pandan BPC delivered the opening message on “The Purpose of Parables” (Matthew

2010/2 FCM Newsletter Apr – Jun 2010

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13). In the two-part exhortation, he elucidated the five-fold function of parables, namely:

1. To Divide – those who grasp the meaning of parables will understand the kingdom of God while those who do not are not born again. There is a stark distinction between the two.

2. To Give and Take – those who approach Christ for understanding will increase in spiritual comprehension while those who do not will not be able to. In addition, for those who do not, the “little” (e.g. privilege of hearing God’s Word) that they have will be taken away.

3. To Conceal and be Condemned – those who consistently and persistently harden their hearts will experience the judicial hardening of God. Beware of a heart of stone.

4. To Reveal and be Blessed – those who receive and believe God’s Word will be a partaker of infinite spiritual blessings.

5. A Privilege to See and Hear – those OT saints had long to see and know what we are able to today and we should count it a great honour and privilege to know the Word of God and let it guide our lives.

After a sumptuous lunch, we had a time of ice breakers led by William. It was a whacky time of whacko and fun time of getting to know one another better. After

which, we broke up into our camp groups for a time of discussion and prayer. The group names “Eyes” (Jason), “Ears” (William) and “Mouth” (Brian) were patterned after the lyrics of the theme hymn.

As per tradition, we proceeded to play Captain’s Ball but Brian got hit on his mouth while I received an “eye ball” on my eyeball (pun unintended). Ouch! I guess William was able to hear the ball coming in his direction and averted it before it could hit him. Should I have the opportunity to come up with group names in the future, I should exercise extreme caution. =D Nonetheless, it was a blessed time of sports, sweating and sweet fellowship.

In the evening, Elder John Leong of Tabernacle BPC preached a powerful message on “Lost Sheep, Lost Coin, Lost Son” (Luke 15:1-32) where the Lord Jesus Christ gave a series of three parables that portray the Heavenly Father’s compassion for lost sinners and His rejoicing over their salvation. All three parables have the common theme: a seeker finds what was lost and rejoices. In every case, the seeker pictures God, who rejoices over the salvation of a sinner. I am sure many of us were reminded of the heart of the loving God and the greatness of His love in our lives. It is

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because of His love, that we sinners are able to have a personal relationship with our Lord Jesus Christ. With that blessed thought, we ate supper, enjoyed dorm fellowship and bided the first day of camp goodbye as we laid down our heads and tucked in for the night.

Day Two, Tuesday 18/05/10 (by Ong Su Ling)

Morning devotion on the parable of “The Good Samaritan” (Matthew 10:25-37) by Brother Jason Liew from the perfect Word of God taught us four aspects of loving God – Loving God emotionally with all thy heart; loving God spiritually with all thy soul; loving God physically with all thy strength and loving God intellectually with all thy mind (Luke 10:27). Three different types of men with different responses, and it was the Samaritan who lent a helping hand. The priest and the Levite, an assistant to the priest were men of sanctity, serving God in God’s house yet they passed by the man on the other side! On the other hand, the nation of Samaritans was the most despised by the Jews but such consideration was put off; he sacrificed and took much effort to help the man. This is a good example of how we ought to love thy neighbour as thyself!

The first morning message was by Rev Wee Eng Moh of Berith BPC on the parable of “The Tower Builder and Warring King” taken from Luke 14:25-35. Rev Wee brings out an important point, that is, to be a disciple of Christ is to take up our cross to follow after Christ. If our relationship with God is not right, our relationship with people will not be right. Only entrance into God’s Word can gives us the light! (: Just like in those days before the tower builder builds his tower to

protect the city, he has to survey the grounds and to make sure that his foundation will be strong; likewise, with the same attitude, we must always perform our best wherever the Lord places us. The example of the king should make us reflect on how fit we are, how prepared we really are to defend and fight for our God! In Luke 14:34, the Word of God tells us if the salt has lost its savour, it cannot be used!! So, always be devoted to the Lord and be blessings to the people around us!

Rev Dr Jeffrey Khoo of FEBC brings us the second morning message “New Cloth, Old Garments; New Wine, Old Bottles” from Luke 5:36-39. OLD will refer to man-made traditions, laws, practices in the Old Testament which the people practised and the NEW will refer to what Christ had done including the miracles he had performed which the people have not seen before. Jesus was trying to tell the people that they have to be regenerated, to become new bottles to accept these doctrines instead of following the laws of God as mentioned in the Old Testament faithlessly.

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In the afternoon, we had a workshop conducted by Brother Joseph and Sister Sharon on “Modest Apparel” held in the AV studio for the girls and in the JW sanctuary for the boys respectively. For the girls, we learnt the acronym D-R-E-S-S which stands for Decorum, Roles, Expediency, Stumble Not and Shamefacedness. Basically, we learnt how we ought to choose our clothing that stumbleth not other and most importantly, through it all, God’s name is feared and honoured! What about the boys? Well, find out from them yourself then! (:

Night message was given by Preacher Lek Aik Wee of Calvary Pandan BPC on “The Persistent Widow (The Unjust Judge)”. The key teaching point that Pr Lek brought up was how men ought always to pray and not to faint! The understanding of the parable was done through the study of the three key characters – The helpless Widow, The Unjust Judge and The Adversary or rather the widow’s tormentor. The message was closed with these words “Faith keeps us praying and praying strengthens our faith, paradoxical but true. This is the mysterious interplay of man’s responsibility and God’s sovereignty. May the Lord find us prayerful! May the Lord find us faithful!” :)

We closed the second day of camp with a night trail where the three different groups took on different routes. During the fellowship walk, they had to find out as much

as they can of their friends under the three categories – ‘Childhood’, ‘Bible’ and ‘Others’ and they were tested on each category after that.

Truly thank God for His providence and sustenance for yet another day at camp! Every day is filled with much goodness and joy!!!!! yeahyeahyeah~ <3

Day Three, Wednesday 19/05/10 (by Desmond Yeo)

The day started with morning devotion by Brother Benjamin Tan on the parable of “The Unprofitable Servant” (Luke 17:7-10) which reminded us that we owe our all to Christ and it is only natural that we serve Him. We were left with the acronym ABCD which reminds us to Always be active for the Lord, Behold Him, Care for no reward and lastly Decrease in self and let Christ increase.

The morning then continued with the first message by Rev Dr Tow Siang Hwa of Calvary Pandan BPC on the parable of “The Wedding Feast” (Matthew 22:1-14). The kingdom of God is like a wedding feast held in honour of Christ and the royal invitation was God offering salvation to the Jews and the Gentiles. Even though many were called, many also rejected and few are chosen.

The second message by Rev Tan Kian Sing of Berean BPC touched on the parable of “The Wicked Husbandman” (Matthew 21:33-46). This parable also showed that God’s care, love and grace were again rejected by the people. A few questions were asked for us to reflect on. Do we seek God’s Word on our own? Do we long to come and worship our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ? Do we long to know Him? And do we come to His feet to

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cast our cares in prayer? We are reminded that as God’s children, we should not be rejecting Him.

A video, “Come What May”, was screened in the afternoon followed by a time of Bible Quiz led by Preacher James Tan and assisted by Preacher Joshua Yong.

For the last message of the day, Elder Alan Choy of Gethsemane BPC spoke on the parable of “The Friend at Midnight” (Luke 11:5-13) which was an instruction from our Lord Jesus on prayer. If we pray aright and address our prayers to Christ, God will answer our prayers.

Thank God for this blessed time of camp and the opportunity to serve Him. Thank God for the precious lessons taught. May the Lord continue to bless FCM richly.

Day Four, Thursday 20/05/10 (by Liu Fangzhou)

The fourth day of camp was another day filled with spiritual feeding and fun activities (indoor games).

The morning began with devotion on “The Rich Fool” (Luke 12:16-21). Brother Brian Lim aptly applied the parable to students like us. As students, our barns can be our schoolwork, our grades, our job prospects, or anything that we put before our Lord our God. “Soul, thou hast much goods” is simply a reflection of self-reliance instead of reliance on Christ our Lord. Maybe in our little moments of arrogance, we thought we could determine our paths to success by relying on our own strengths and wisdom, diligence and might, instead of surrendering our lives to Him. Maybe we shoved aside the things with heavenly impact for our short-sighted pursuits, forgoing our QTs because we were too tired from studying. Where our heart is so is our treasure! In storing up much goods like the rich fool, we have failed to see the bigger picture – the sovereignty of the Lord and the eternal hope in heaven.

The first day message was brought to us by Rev Dennis Kwok of Truth BPC on the parable of “The Labourers in the Vineyard” (Matthew 20:1-16). The parable was to show that salvation is not by merit or works of men but by God’s sovereign grace alone. Like the first group of labourers who entered into an agreement with Householder to work for a penny, and was paid accordingly, the love of God was shown first to the Jews by covenantal salvation through obedience. The Gentiles (non-Jews) are like the second group of labourers who were hired at a later time of the day but were paid the same amount as the

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Householder paid the first group by agreement. Likewise, our salvation is based solely upon the generous grace and good will of our sovereign Lord, and our rightful response is to accept and be joyful with thanksgiving. Knowing that our salvation is by the grace of our sovereign Lord through faith and in Christ alone, let us work it out with reverence and gratitude, and bring forth fruits.

The second message of the day was by Preacher Dennis Kabingue of Gethsemane BPC, who spoke on the parable of “The Unforgiving Servant” from Matthew 18:21-35. From the parable, we can see that an unforgiving person is revengeful, brutal, merciless and most importantly, hell-bound. Verses 21-22 also show us the Biblical expectation of us to be a genuinely forgiving person to any repentant brother. To be genuinely forgiving, one must meet 3 requirements – be compassionate, forgo all negative feelings (that is, to make no record of the wrongdoings) and restore the good relationship. These 3 pointers serve as very practical guidelines for self-examination as to whether we have truly forgiven a repentant person. The sermon was followed by a much extended question and answer session that surrounded the topic of whether repentance is a necessary pre-requisite to forgiveness.

In the afternoon, we played indoor station games that came with object lessons surrounding the parables that we have learnt in the first 4 days. Elena Ang was the game master. In one of the stations, we were required to act out the parable that we were assigned, recite the theme verse (Mark 4:11-12) and sing one stanza of the camp theme song “Open My Eyes That I May See” from memory.

At another station, we had to piece together a puzzle and find the missing piece from the room, while a “tare” in our group who was told where the missing piece was took it and kept it. At the last station, we had the privilege of eating, drinking and making merry (by playing card games) in a comfortably air-conditioned room until another group, which had been robbed of all their game credits, came knocking and begging for game credits from us. That was when we had to decide whether or not to be “a friend at midnight.”

After dinner, Elder Boaz Boon of Calvary Tengah BPC delivered the night message of the day from Luke 16:1-13, “The Shrewd Manager.” Like the steward, we may have worked our ways to commendations or achievements through underhanded but worldly-wise ways. On the surface, such a person may seem conscientious, acute, determined, smart or even innovative, yet God sees our innermost desires and motivations. Let us not be children of the world, serving the temporal gods of self-centredness, but let us be children of the light, shaping all our priorities and intentions around God’s kingdom, always bearing in mind the work of Christ.

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The day ended with a simple FCM COC (Change of Coordinators) ceremony. Elena Ang, Truth BPC, Student Coordinator of FCM SMU passed the baton to Jonathan Poh, Calvary Tengah BPC. Eunice Choy, Gethsemane BPC, was appointed the Student Coordinator of the new FCM NYP (Nanyang Polytechnic) together with Clement Chew, True Life BPC, as the new Bible Study Leader. Jonathan and Eunice took the FCM Student Coordinators’ Pledge and Elder Boon led the three in the taking of the Dean Burgon Oath. Dr Paul Ferguson then committed these new additions to the FCM leadership unto the hands of the Lord in closing prayer.

Thank God for another fun-filled and fruitful day of learning and edifying each other with His all-sufficient Word!

Day Five, Friday 21/05/10 (by William Quah)

Friday was the last day of camp (by messages / activities), and so the wakeup call was a little harder than usual. Morning devotion was taken by myself on “Are we blind leaders of the blind?” (Luke 6:39-49) I shared on 3 warnings, that to check self of temporary spiritual blindness caused by sin, of pride that causes us and keeps us in sin and of being blinded to our own problems. Thereafter I shared a self-check mechanism by looking at our fruit and how to rectify the problems through the parable of the wise man and the foolish man that built their houses, but one on the solid rock of Christ, and the other on sand.

Thereafter, we had two messages that were sobering reminders on the need to examine our lives. It kicked off with the parable of “The Wise and Foolish Virgins” from the passage of Matthew 25:13 expounded on by Pr Ko Lingkang of Calvary Pandan BPC. The virgins represent people that call themselves Christians on the earth and the oil the preparation for the bridegroom (Christ the Lord)’s return. The simple requirement was that they just had enough oil to last, yet some of them did not even fulfil it. In the same way, the sobering consideration was if we are waiting on the Lord, trusting His Word and obeying his commandments. Or do we still think that the Lord will come, but in at least a few years’ time, and not possibly today. The virgins that were caught without enough oil were not known by the Lord, and in the

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same way if we are not in a state of preparedness for the Lord’s coming, we must examine our salvation, if we had tried to accept the gospel on our own terms.

The next message by Dr Paul Ferguson of Calvary Tengah BPC on “The Two Sons” (Matthew 21:28-32) was a parable of condemnation, in which he condemned the Pharisees who were trying to trap Him, as they were full of self righteousness. Both sons in the parable were rebellious in the start, but only one was openly so. The openly rebellious son represented the wilful sinners such as the publicans and the harlots, who did not appear religious at all, but were the ones who saw their own unworthiness, and as such came to believe in Christ. But the self-righteous Pharisees who were the spiritual leaders that prided themselves in authority were hypocritical and as such made it virtually impossible for them to believe in Christ. We were reminded that truly our salvation was by the grace of God alone and so the way to live was not in pride, wilfully disobeying the Father’s will anymore, but to humbly seek to serve God and to put His will over ours. This was another message of reflection on our salvation, and a fitting way to end the series of messages on parables.

The discussion that followed helped further the reflective mood, as the questions

brought us to think on what our thoughts and lives have been like, as contrasted to what they should be like. One question on how convinced we were that Jesus is really coming soon showed sometimes that youth can easily feel that the Lord is coming, but that not that soon, maybe in at least a few years time. As our thinking affects how we live our lives, such a thinking we have to change through the Spirit’s aid.

A nice lunch followed with a short siesta and then there was the special item which consisted of a treasure hunt and 3 more games. The treasure hunt was titled “Parables: Treasures Hidden in Plain Sight” and consisted of seven clues that had been hidden in the common places that the FCMers had walked past many times since Tuesday night. The look of shock on the campers’ faces when they heard that was priceless. The last group took about 20 minutes to find the clues which consisted of fake event posters and notices hidden on the various notice boards on the 2nd level, and also in 2 boxes with signs in the eating area and the meeting area. It was to have the lesson of how parables that we learn are of seemingly normal events but hold hidden treasures of teachings, and how parables can be also applied in situations in daily life.

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The next game was titled “The Blind Leading the Blind”, where the groups were blindfolded with plastics plate masks and were supposed to move in a group, by holding onto a raffia string, to various checkpoints from the 3rd to the 1st level. Each group had one sighted person who would guide one of the “blind” members of the group through only handphone communication. The lesson was about how there we need people spiritually unblinded by sin to show the blind the path to clear vision or holiness.

A game titled “Labourers in the Vineyard” followed where the groups had to bring a volley ball 13 rounds around the courtyard, starting with only 1 member and another coming in to help in 30s intervals. As seen in how the team members had to work hard together to reach a common goal, often swapping members, the point on how that in the service of God we will all play different parts of varying importance, but still all are required was emphasized.

Lastly, the game titled “The Tower Builder and the Warring King” was held in the AV studio where the various groups had to build their own towers with limited newspaper and masking tape in 30 minutes and then try to destroy the other groups’ towers with a volley ball. In the end all the towers stood strong and emphasized how our spiritual lives should not only be built on

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strong foundations, but we have to count the cost to build up our faith properly and strongly also. With that, the enjoyable games were over and we went to wash up, had KFC and Pizza Hut for dinner and started testimony night.

Testimony night was a great time of hearing everyone’s testimony, whether long or short, of the blessings received in the camp, and also of singing of spiritual songs, and learning more about others. Many people shared about the goodness of the spiritual

lessons gained from the messages and activities, of the encouragement and blessing through the fellowship of like-minded brethren from many different churches, and also the part-timers shared their regrets of not being able to join full-time! It should serve as a great encouragement for more to come! With that done, a blessed FCM camp was effectually over and many stayed up a little while longer to have more fellowship. So soon Saturday came and it was then time to pack up and go home.

“Whoso offereth praise glorifieth me” – Psalm 50:23a.

The hidden treasures of the parables have spiritually strengthened us through the hearing of His Word and the reflective discussions. The fellowship during the camp helped us to get closer to the Lord as the Lord shows us his grace to grant to us like-minded companions to worship more fervently in the Lord. With the acknowledgement

that we are all sinners saved by grace, we must strive to be unprofitable servants for the Lord. ~ Phoebe Oh, FCM NTU/NIE

FCM camp was awesome! I really enjoyed the fellowship with other enthusiastic Christians, keen on learning more

about God’s Word. The sermons and group discussions were very thought provoking, and made me reflect on life... I had my first experience of tracting, and it has definitely made me bolder in sharing the good news with others. I wouldn’t have traded places with anyone for those 6 days of FCM camp! (Though I only managed to come for 4) Thank you organizing committee once again for putting everything together and thank you God providing everything we needed to make this camp


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such a success. :) ~ Gloria Khoo, FCM NUS

FCM camp has indeed been a blessed time of fellowship with God and His people. As usual, God has been gracious and good, giving me more than I can ask for throughout this camp. If I were given a second chance to opt for what to do during that week of camp, I would still choose to come for this camp. A God-honouring choice, would bring much blessings. =) ~ Thong Hui Min, FCM NTU/NIE

I thank God for the messages preached during FCM camp. The study on parables reminded me of how the Christian life should be lived. For example, the message on the friend at midnight

(Luke 11:5-13) reminded me of how a Christian’s best Friend should be Christ, and that we should not give up praying even when God does not seem to answer. Also, the parable of the wise and foolish virgins (Matthew 25:1-13) made me realize that my love for God is so faint, and that I often forget to live with eternity’s values in view. FCM Camp 2010 has indeed been a timely spiritual checkpoint after a year in university and I pray that God will, in His mercies, bring to remembrance the many things I’ve learnt in the weeks, months, and years ahead. ~ Joanne Khor, FCM NUS Thank God for lessons learned through the messages. Something new to me is that every parable was spoken by our Lord Jesus for a specific purpose, and this makes me see the parables in a different light. I’m reminded that if the Word of God does not transform my life, then the time I’ve spent listening to messages, reading my Bible etc have all been in vain. I also realised that “not knowing anybody in FCM” is not a good reason not to

attend it full-time.. if my desire is to learn of God’s Word then there is no reason not to! ~ Edison Chee, FCM NTU/NIE

It’s been a great joy listening to God’s Word and fellowshipping with God’s people. I’ve always been intrigued by the Kingdom of Heaven and I’m glad I was able to garner much insights on it. The parables provoked me to check my salvation, reminded me of God’s love for sinners, prompted me to be more fervent in praying and watching and taught me many life lessons of which I hope to, by the grace of God, apply them into my life. The Lord is good. This year, fellowship has become much warmer. May 17-22 is definitely one of the most blessed weeks of 2010.

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Also, I would like to thank William, Desmond, Su Ling and Fang Zhou for all the hard work that they have put in to make this camp possible and so enjoyable. Really, the Lord hath done great things for us whereof we are glad. I must say, in all the 9 FCM camps that I have attended so far, this is the best. Everything went on smoothly and God’s people were blest. That is all that matters. The Lord is good. ~ Jason Liew, FCM NTU/NIE

I was a part-timer at FCM camp this year, but to make up for it I stayed most nights, scooting off to school each morning before the sun was up. Was it worth the physical and emotional effort? Absolutely. My motivation to come to camp for

spiritual refreshment was high after a draining term, and I was not disappointed. I only heard a fraction of the messages (those at night) and struggled to pay attention at times from fatigue and distraction, but I did pick up gems of new spiritual truth from parables familiar to me since childhood.

Perhaps most of all I was reminded that they were to be applied very personally - that I, not just the abstract Christian, was God’s lost sheep, lost coin, prodigal son; that I needed more holy, Christ-like affection for those nearest to me; that God was more than ready to give good gifts to me if I asked. I also appreciated hearing from less familiar speakers that same sound preaching of the truth that I have been accustomed to in Calvary Pandan, a reminder that God has His faithful remnant in all parts of Singapore and the world.

There was also much joy in fellowship, getting reacquainted with and discovering new things about old friends. It was most pleasant coming home to the assembled brethren from the four

corners of island who had come earnestly desiring to feed on the Word of God, a foretaste perhaps of returning home to heavenly rest with the saints in glory. Thank God for His marvellous work and the labour of love of His committee, which made for a smooth-running and most enjoyable camp! ~ Jonathan Tay, FCM NUS

There’re several things I’m thankful for this FCM camp:

1. Enjoyed the fellowship between like-minded brethren. Particularly enjoyed the lively discussions after the messages — everyone shared their opinions / disagreements with each other! Really encouraged by the service rendered by the camp committee too. May the Lord bless your efforts! (P.S. We really looked happy in all the pictures... even all those group pictures! :)

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2. Enjoyed the messages. Like I said before, I really didn’t expect much from parables, judging that they’re Bible stories for the younger children. But thank God, the various speakers (and there were a lot of them) expounded on the parables in a refreshing new manner. Was pleasantly surprised at the insights presented. I was also very much rebuked for taking portions of God’s Word very lightly... and equally challenged to dig into His Word to search new truths!

3. Some regrets: Came to the camp with burdens from the world — there were things that I had to rush for various commitments. my heart was not as prepared to receive the Word as much as I wanted it to. Even greater blessings could be mine.. but my heart was distracted. Very disappointed. But still God is merciful, and I was blessed! however, will settle my duties before FCM camp next year (if it’s possible to come) and return for greater blessings then!

Until next year! ~ Grace Auyong, FCM NTU/NIE

Thank God for being able to serve in the FCM camp in these few areas -- Logistics/ Night trail/ Special Item. The planning for the night trail and special item was rather enjoyable and seeing that the people that participated not only enjoyed but learnt something from them too was an encouragement to me. All glory be to God in these areas of service! One of the great blessings was getting to know so many fellow brethren from other churches, especially the Tabernacle friends. To see that there are many other youths holding the fort and serving God faithfully was such an encouragement. To personally get to know them better also made for much good fellowship, and

spiritual blessings through the conversations we had. Working alongside 2 people I did not know in the camp committee prior to the planning phase, Desmond and Fangzhou also was a blessing as I have not only gained new friends, but with their meticulous work they helped the camp to run smoothly. Not forgetting Jason and Suling also, who definitely did equally as much in running the camp and the food matters. Quite a few messages taught me many new points on parables that I had not noticed before, and to have heard speakers like Elder John Leong and Elder Alan Choy was also a great blessing. The 2 messages that impacted me most though were the last 2 messages, which really made me ponder on how my love for God has really been so weak and showed me the need to indeed redeem the time for the days are evil, and also to show my love for God through my works and not words only. ~ William Quah, FCM NUS

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Originally published in Calvary Tengah ACM Report 2010, Item 6.3, pp 26-29


The Fundamental Christian Ministry (FCM) continues to be a beacon of light and bastion of truth in institutions of higher learning, having entered into its 23rd year. Truly, the LORD is our Shepherd; we shall not want (Psalm 23:1). Not only was 2009 an eventful year, it was also a year of establishment and expansion as we see the decentralization FCM Poly into FCM SP, FCM NP and FCM RP as well as the humble inauguration of FCM NUS @ Bukit Timah on Mar 27. A total of three new Bible Study Leaders (Dr Paul Ferguson, Lee Kong Sing & Pr Lek Aik Wee) and five new Student Coordinators (Carol Leong, Ko Lingting, Eleanor Ee, Lek Xuan, Elena Ang & Brian Lim) were appointed. By God’s grace, there was also a 100% growth in all 7 FCM Bible Study Groups as compared to 2008.

Bible Study Groups

Meetings were held in 7 different Bible Study groups – 4 in the universities (NUS @ Kent Ridge, NUS @ Bukit Timah, NTU/NIE & SMU) and 3 in the polytechnics (SP, NP & RP). For the first half of the 2009 (i.e. AY08/09S2), FCM NUS@KR studied the Book of Isaiah under Pr Ko Lingkang with Joy Ng coordinating and FCM NUS@BT studied on The Life of Samuel under Dr Paul Ferguson with Ko Lingting coordinating. During Pr Lingkang’s three-month preaching stint at BPCWA, Perth (Aug 12 – Nov 11), FCM NUS studied on The Life

of Elijah under Dr Paul Ferguson with majority of meetings held at Kent Ridge. FCM NTU/NIE continued to study the Acts of the Apostles under Rev Wee Eng Moh with Teo Jun Zi coordinating. Upon her graduation, Jason Liew stood in as Interim Student Coordinator until Brian Lim was appointed a Student Coordinator of FCM NTU/NIE on Nov 2, together with Pr Lek Aik Wee who took over from Rev Wee Eng Moh. FCM SMU studied Church History and the Book of Ephesians under Joshua Yong with Carol Leong coordinating and upon her graduation, Elena Ang. FCM SP & FCM NP studied the Book of Ruth under Lim Jun Sheng as well as the Book of Galatians and Fundamentals of the Faith under James Tan, with Lek Xuan and Eleanor Ee coordinating. FCM RP did a Character Study on Moses and studied the Book of Ephesians under Lee Kong Sing with Samuel Goh coordinating.

Poly Open House Tour

There was a trying time in 2008 when several FCM Poly meetings consisted only of


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1 Bible Study Leader and 1 Student Coordinator. The batch before had all graduated and existing polytechnic students were reluctant to attend. We committed the matter to the Lord and after much prayer, we decided to restart FCM Poly. As such, FCM kick-started 2009 with an excursion to the Open Houses of Singapore and Ngee Ann Polytechnics on Jan 10, helping ‘O’ Level school leavers to discern the different courses available and discover God’s will for their lives as they decide on which polytechnic to enroll. The freshmen benefitted from this, became regulars and formed the nucleus of FCM SP, NP and RP which have a total attendance of about 10-15.

Gospel Rallies and Combined Meeting

February was a lovely month. Two gospel rallies were held in the same week, just before Valentine’s Day, to share God’s redeeming love to those outside His Kingdom.

On Feb 9, Pr Lek Aik Wee spoke on “Love Divine, All Loves Excelling” at FCM NTU/NIE. We thank God that a PRC student heard the Gospel for the first time. On Feb 13, Dn Paul Cheng spoke on “The Greatest Love of All” at FCM SMU and reminded us of our first love as no unbelievers were present. The Rev Dr Prabhudas Koshy was the Lord’s messenger at the FCM Combined Meeting held on Feb 20 at Calvary Pandan BPC where over a

hundred heard him speak on “Boy Meets Girl: Confronting Christian Courtship & Celibacy.” An exciting Q&A ensued. Leong Chee Meng (former FCM Arts/Engineering) also gave his courtship testimony.

The first annual Student Coordinators’ Pledge-taking and Bible Study Leaders’ Dean Burgon Oath was also instituted to safeguard the Biblical integrity of those who serve in FCM. We praise God for FCM SMU, though small in numbers, did a great job organising, especially with the unanticipated large attendance. Pr Dennis Kabingue preached on “If God is All Powerful and Loving, Why is there Suffering in the World?” at FCM NUS Gospel Rally on Mar 18. There were two new faces.

Conferment of Theological Degrees

On May 10, two of our Bible Study Leaders, Brothers Ko Lingkang and James Tan were conferred the Bachelor of Theology

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(BTh) degree at the FEBC 34th Graduation Service. Lingkang’s thesis is entitled “A Biblical Critique of Textual Criticism” (58 pages) and James wrote on “Temperance and Wine” (46 pages).

We also rejoice with Paul Ferguson who was conferred in absentia the Doctor of Religious Education (DRE) by Foundations Bible College, Dunn, NC on the same day. His dissertation is entitled, “The End Time Apostasy as Unfolded in Church History and its Affects on the Fundamentalist Movement” (391 pages).

Games Day

On May 15, FCM NTU/NIE organised an Outing and Games Day for the entire FCM at the newly opened Marina Barrage. It was a time of fun and fellowship for FCMers and friends. The event concluded

with a sumptuous dinner at Marina Square’s Pizza Hut.


May 25-29 were five blessed days of spiritual feasting on the Word of God where FCM Camp 2009 was held at Calvary Pandan BPC under the theme “Lessons from the University of Life: A Study on the Book of Ecclesiastes” with Dr Paul Ferguson was our main speaker. The title was taken from a book of the same name (distributed at camp for free courtesy of FEBC) authored by the late Rev Dr Timothy Tow (1920-2009) who was promoted to glory on Apr 20. The night messages were: “The Auburn Affirmation” (Pr Dennis Kabingue), “The Seventy Weeks of Daniel” (Rev Dr Quek Suan Yew) and “The Openness of God Controversy” (Rev Dr Prabhudas Koshy). Elder William Seah also conducted an exuberating “Encouragement & Follow-Up Ministry” workshop (with role-play) to better equip FCMers to bear one another’s burdens (Gal 6:2). We broke camp early on the 29th instead of the 30th as many FCMers were unable to stay on the last night.

23rd Anniversary

On Aug 7, FCM commemorated her 23rd Anniversary with a thanksgiving service at Calvary Pandan BPC. The Rev Dr Tow Siang Hwa, founder, delivered a heartwarming message from Psalm 23, “The Lord is My

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Shepherd,” reassuring and reminding us of the Lord’s unfailing faithfulness. Despite the sheep’s often straying, our Wonderful Shepherd always leads and guides us out of temptation into triumph. FCM NUS (and friends) presented the song item “By the Gentle Waters” and several FCM Alumni testified of how God’s goodness and mercy followed them through their tertiary education. The last FCM Anniversary (20th) was held on May 12, 2006 at Aloha Changi Fairy Point Chalet 5 where Dr Tow spoke on “Passing the Mantle to Future Leaders.” God willing, FCM will be celebrating her 25th Silver Jubilee Thanksgiving Anniversary in 2011.

Gospel Rallies and Combined Meeting, Again

Yes, we have gospel rallies and

combined meetings twice a year. Dr Paul Ferguson spoke on “Is There A God?” (Sep 7) and “Is Your Life Complete?” (Oct 21) at FCM NTU/NIE and FCM NUS Gospel Rallies respectively, with four newcomers each. It is our prayer that the gospel seed sown will take fruit. Special mention must also be given to the FCMers who faithfully attended the tracting sessions that preceded each gospel rally for “he that winneth souls is wise” (Prov 11:30). A second FCM Combined Meeting was organised by FCM NUS on Sep 18. The topic “Discovering Your Spiritual Gifts” by Pr Dennis Kabingue helped many FCMers gain a better understand talents, gifts and using them for God’s glory. FCM NUS presented the hymn, “To Whom Much is Given.”

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The LORD ordained their other halves

before the foundation of the world. Sis Sharon Ng (FCM Poly Student Coordinator, 2002-2004 and Pr Dominino de la Cruz, Jr (Pastor, Gethsemane Bible-Presbyterian Mission Church, Bogo) began their courtship in Aug 2008 and tied the knot on Mar 21, 2009 in the Philippines, with the Rev Reggor Galarpe officiating.

Low Boon Siang (FCM Overall Student Coordinator, 2006-2008) and Ho Hui Lin (FCM Science, 2005-2007) were also united in Holy Matrimony on Jun 6. The wedding was officiated by the Rev Dr Prabhudas Koshy. Both couples’ very first were their last and were their spouse’s “one and only.” Their love stories demonstrate their desire to honour the Saviour in courtship and are testament to God’s blessings. “If you honour God, God will

honour you.” May the Lord bless these two couples richly as they set up a Covenant home.

Prayer Requests

Colossians 1:9-11, “For this cause we also, since the day we heard it, do not cease to pray for you, and to desire that ye might be filled with the knowledge of his will in all wisdom and spiritual understanding; That ye might walk worthy of the Lord unto all pleasing, being fruitful in every good work, and increasing in the knowledge of God; Strengthened with all might, according to his glorious power, unto all patience and longsuffering with joyfulness”. We earnestly covet your prayers. When you come across FCM in your church prayer list, please do not skip it. FCM is a difficult ministry. Parents, we need your help. If you are a parent of a child studying in a local university or polytechnic, encourage them to attend FCM. Would you rather want your sons and daughters to participate in Campus Crusade for Christ, The Navigators, etc which uses the NIV and imbibe in their ecumenical/neo-evangelical/charismatic/modernistic “poison” (which once destroyed the B-P Synod twenty years ago in 1988) and bring it back to your church? Or if they seem to have no spiritual appetite at all and all they care about are the endless pursuits of first class honours and summa cum laudes, eating/drinking/partying like it was in “The Days of Noah” (Matt 24:37-38), encourage them to attend FCM, before you lose them to the world. God’s work must be supported by God’s people.

In retrospect, the LORD has been gracious to prosper FCM in 2009. The unyielding faith and dedication of the Student Coordinators in planning/organising as well as the passionate and unapologetic teaching/preaching of the Bible Study Leaders have been a tremendous blessing and encouragement to my heart. 2 Corinthians 9:6,

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“But this I say, He which soweth sparingly shall reap also sparingly; and he which soweth bountifully shall reap also bountifully.” We thank God for this

ministry and pray that more students from our BPCs and other churches will partake in this blessing as well. SOLI DEO GLORIA.

Jason Liew is the Overall Student Coordinator of FCM and a member of Calvary Pandan Bible-Presbyterian Church.

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Shawn Yeo BEng (Hons) (Bioengineering) Nanyang Technological University

In 2006, I came into NTU as a free-thinker, absolutely unaware of the transformation which lay before me. Come 2010, I emerged as a Christian. The path of my salvation proved to be a slow one, and I’ve met many throughout the course of years that have helped shaped myself into the person that I now am.

Let me start from the beginning. There was once when I took pride in calling myself a ‘staunch’ free-thinker and never considered committing myself to any religion. To me, it was all the same. Somehow though, there was never beyond a shadow of doubt that I

recognized a higher power of sorts, a great being I could not yet identify. At times of duress, I would pray to this unknown god, hoping that somehow my prayers would be heard. I was not sure if this unknown god could hear me, but at least it granted me some comfort still.

I came to Calvary Pandan Bible Presbyterian Church when I was mid-way through my second year in university, in order to abate the persistent prodding of a friend (which I am now thankful for). Little by little I came to know more about Christ. Eventually I started to attend the YPG discussion group and BBK as well. There was a period when I was pretty confused and troubled, as I was forced to challenge my assumptions as a free-thinker when my heart was softened by the gospel. A verse from Mark 8:36 kept turning up in my mind particularly - “For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?”

For a period of time I was burdened with confusion and uncertainty, praying to a god while not knowing if I was heard. My doubts were lifted one fine day during YPG, when Lingkang was talking about election. It was then when God’s grace was made evident to me, and I felt thankful and at peace under His care. Just as the unknown god was made


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known to the people in Acts 17 (A chapter we studied in FCM where I felt a huge connection to), the eternal God was made known to me that day.

Since then, I’ve been growing slowly but steadily. Surely there had been ups and downs, but there were always people who helped me along the way. FCM was one such branch of godly support that I greatly cherish.

During my stint in NTU, I was pretty much caught up with much of its activities. FCM provided a nice quiet time of rest in the midst of the hustle of school life. Like church, I was pulled into FCM with the help of a very persistent friend. After attending my first FCM session though, I didn’t need any more tugging. The cosiness of Elder Sim’s home in Hall 13 coupled with Auntie Rena’s sumptuous suppers were more than enough reason for me to return! I liked the active discussions and thoughts brought about by Pastor Wee, with the help of his wife Auntie Helen. More recently, I had the privilege of attending Preacher Lek’s informative sessions as well. I truly enjoyed having fellowship with the small group of Christian peers. It was easy

to share and chat with everyone, as most of us were going through similar struggles. Not to mention, many of us were also from CPBPC! Most of all, FCM was a time of blessed quietness, and a golden opportunity to study God’s Word and fellowship, while leaving the world behind for awhile.

I believe many of you have friends who were like me, a free-thinker, or friends who are searching still for an answer to life. Be persistent in introducing to them the gospel and Christianity as a whole. Once a person sees the sincerity and good testimony that you possess, he will eventually be willing to find out more. Pray for your friends, for God will aid you as well. But always be patient and allow God to gather the necessary components to create His wonder. Also, do not forget about yourself. Take time to pray and fellowship with like-minded peers, such as friends from FCM. Having Christian friends to share your journey lightens the burden, and makes it much easier to lead the Christian life. And when you have finally graduated from school, you’ll be thankful that you’ve spent your time fruitfully with FCM.

Shawn Yeo, FCM NTU/NIE (2008-2010), is a member of Calvary Pandan Bible-Presbyterian Church. He now works as a coach at Advocators Pte Ltd.

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Eunice Foo BSc (Hons) (Chemistry & Biological Chemistry) Nanyang Technological University

I was born and raised in a Christian family, underwent infant baptism and have been to several churches throughout my life (Galilee Bible-Presbyterian Church, Nazareth Bible-Presbyterian Church, Bethel Bible-Presbyterian Church (Melbourne), True Way Presbyterian Church, Mount Carmel Bible-Presbyterian Church, Hebron Bible-Presbyterian Church and now, True Life Bible-Presbyterian Church). All my life, I have been a Sunday Christian, attending church services on Sunday mornings and ‘disappearing’ right after service ends. To me, it was just a habit to attend church on Sundays, a routine that has been instilled in me over the years. I never had a personal relationship with God; all I knew was that God is good and that I should believe in Him, that is all. In these recent years, I have been ‘church-hopping’ quite a bit, in search of a church with sound doctrinal beliefs and leadership, but my dismay, I found none.

I have always loved music, be it the playing of instruments or singing. During semester 2 of my third year in Nanyang

Technological University (NTU), I was looking through the list of Unrestricted Electives (UE) available. Prior to that, I have already taken a few other National Institute of Education (NIE) music modules that were non-examinable and totally enjoyed attending those lessons. As I was browsing through the list, Choir II caught my eye. I was tempted to choose it but was inhibited by the fact that I have never sung in any choir before, whereas many others had years of experience in the field. Moreover, only Levels II and IV of the choir module were offered during that particular semester. In the end, I placed Choir II as one of my options.

Then, the choir audition day arrived. Honestly, I did not want to go for it because I really lacking in confidence. After much encouragement from my friends, I decided to go for it. The audition turned out to be not as bad as I thought it would be and I even made new friends there. By God’s grace, I passed the audition and became a member of the choir. For the module assessment, one component of it required us to form our own groups. God is truly gracious; my group was just such a wonderful one. It was also through this choir module that I got to know my dear brother-in-Christ, Andrew Kan, who eventually brought me to True Life Bible-Presbyterian Church.

I attended True Life Bible-Presbyterian Church’s Young People’s Fellowship (YPF) for the first time around mid 2009 and was introduced to Fundamental Christian Ministry (FCM) by Meng, who subsequently gave my contact details to Teo Jun Zi, student coordinator for NTU/NIE FCM then. Jun Zi and I exchanged a few emails but I still did not attend FCM till almost the end of the

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subsequent semester in November 2009 after Jason Liew contacted me. At first, I was really apprehensive as I did not know anyone. By God’s grace, I found the NTU/NIE FCMers very welcoming and felt at ease with them. Rev Wee Eng Moh and Auntie Helen were extremely nice too. They took very good care of me and made sure I did not feel left out at all. I really thank God for each and every one of them.

I have learnt a lot from FCM. I was time and again reminded of the importance of fellowship with like-minded brethren and the importance of always putting God in the first place in my life. We, as students, are constantly busy with everything else, at the expense of communing with God and reading God’s Word. The things of this world always seem to be much more colourful, attractive and alluring, be it the exciting school events or the multitude of activities that happen out of curriculum time. During crucial tests and examination periods, our studies seem to be our sole focus, and we often just push God's word to the back of our minds without realising that our sovereign Lord is always in control.

FCM is a wonderful time of sweet communion with God and also rejuvenation in our Christian faith in the company of God's people. It serves as a timely reminder to us to walk close to Thee and also to keep our walk in the straight and narrow way. I am really thankful for that.

God has been very gracious to me. As a student, I would have to confess that I procrastinate a tad too much. Normally, my mind wanders off during lectures, my tutorials are most of the time left untouched unless they are graded, and I only feel the

need to study right before papers. God has been really merciful to me and I am thankful that my grades have been fairly decent despite my laziness. Now that I have officially graduated from NTU, I only have our Lord Almighty to thank, for His grace so rich and free, and for His patience with me, although I have not been glorifying God in the area of my academia.

I would be entering National Institute of Education (NIE) this September, and yes, I am going to be a teacher. Teaching was not my first option, or rather, I have never considered teaching as a career option. Well, you may then wonder why I am even going to be a teacher. I accompanied a friend of mine to the teaching interview without much preparation, and unexpectedly, I was offered a permanent teaching position, together with an MOE teaching award. Honestly, I was really surprised when I received the offer letter and this offer really set me thinking. I prayed about it and many a time, I was constantly troubled and kept wondering whether this is God's calling for me. After much prayer, I still do feel uncertain as I have never taught before (not even tuition) and I am not sure whether I would be a good teacher. I guess if it is God’s will for me to teach, He will provide, for His grace is sufficient for each and every one of us. All I can do now is to put my trust in Him, for He will only give us what is best for us. I do pray that through teaching, I would be able to do His will and glorify His name.

God is just marvellous and I cannot help but praise Thee for His goodness. Time and again, I have fallen and even wallowed in sin, but He never fails to chastise me and bring me back to His presence. I thank God for the sweet fellowship with fellow like-

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minded brethren. I thank God for always providing me with constant encouragement and reminder through my dear brothers and sisters-in-Christ. I thank God for always praying for me when I have not been praying.

I pray that as a child of light, I would be able to share God's goodness with the people around me and spread the good news so wonderful that I have experienced.

Praise God and glory be to His holy name!

Eunice Foo, FCM NTU/NIE, worships at True Life Bible-Presbyterian Church. She is now reading PGDE at the National Institute of Education (NIE).

Jonathan Ng BBM (Finance & Actuarial Science) Singapore Management University

This morning, during breakfast, my Dad commented that though the world may not read the Bible, the world does read Christians. Upon hearing that, I immediately thought of Matthew 5:13-16, “Ye are the salt of the earth: but if the salt have lost his savour, wherewith shall it be salted? it is thenceforth good for nothing, but to be cast out, and to be trodden under foot of men. Ye are the light of the world. A city that is set on an hill cannot be hid. Neither do men light a candle, and put it under a bushel, but on a candlestick; and it giveth light unto all that are in the house. Let

your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven”. Interestingly enough, I have held these three verses close to my heart throughout my entire SMU career.

Before I started my university, I purposed in my heart that my actions and my speech would be one that is honoring as unto the Lord. Not surprisingly, throughout my university career, I have often been tempted and pressured by my peers to participate in ungodly activities. I thank the Lord for His word for it has indeed been a“lamp to my feet, and a light unto my path”.

In addition, my university career has also granted me several opportunities to witness for Him. Sad to say, there were often times where I was not always “ready to give an answer to every man that asketh you a reason of the hope that is in you with meekness and fear”. These experiences have taught me the importance of strong meat as it has been aptly written in Hebrews 5:13 “For every one that useth milk is unskilful in the word of righteousness: for he is a babe”.

Looking forward, I intend to continue to improve my Bible knowledge that I may be

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a blessing to others. In addition, as I enter into the corporate world, I pray and do purpose in my heart that my testimony and conduct will continue to be one that is honouring as unto the Lord.

“I have sworn, and I will perform it, that I will keep thy righteous judgements.” - Psalm 119:106.

Jonathan Ng, FCM SMU (2006-2010), was the Student Coordinator of FCM SMU (2007-2008) and is a member of Calvary Pandan Bible-Presbyterian Church. He now works at the Royal Bank of Scotland.

Elvin Siew BFA Lasalle College of the Arts

O give thanks unto the LORD; for he is good: for his mercy endureth for ever. - Psalm 136:1

Indeed the Lord has been faithful and abundant in blessings toward me these past 3 years. Looking back the Lord's hand has been constantly guiding me, though often times I was ignorant and faithless.

Time has flown by in a twinkling of an eye, I still remember the anxiety and apprehension as I searched and waited on the Lord for a direction in my studies. While my

peers around me had their places secure in various local and overseas universities, I was still searching for a place to further my education. I was rejected many a time, and was starting got get discouraged in my search. Praying hard each day, trying hard to patiently wait on the Lord's timing, I could not obtain the peace of mind that I so longed for. Sure enough the Lord led me to study in Lasalle College of the Arts over a place in Australia, and truly He had a reason for me to study locally.

How did I know that this was God’s will for me? I can confidently say now that I was able to be blessed and encouraged through service in many areas. Because of the new location of my campus, I was able to touch base with FCM SMU and enjoyed a short stroll every Wednesday evening to fellowship. FCM has been something that was a huge blessing to me through my university life. Although surrounded by people who spoke about economics, business and accounting modules, It was still a blessing to pray for and be prayed for each FCM session and worshiping our Lord together. The various Bible study leaders that ministered to our small group never failed to impart at least one important lesson from the Word of Life.

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Even during exam fever or crunch time, and when the thought of skipping FCM crossed my mind, I was somehow always compelled to make the trek to SMU, and the journey has never been in vain for the blessings received outweigh any worldly achievements I might accomplish during those precious 2 hours.

Even now as my fellow FCMers have graduated with me, the friendships and

fellowship forged during those evenings in the CBD will never be dissolved. I pray the encouragement and fellowship will continue to last post-FCM and for those who are on the threshold of your tertiary education, I urge you to attend the FCM, for it is a pit-stop where we can rest with fellow pilgrims who are struggling through like with you. If a race car does not pit stop, it will not be able to finish the race much less win it. Continue to press on and make FCM a part of your life.

Elvin Siew, FCM SMU (2007-2010), is a member of Calvary Pandan Bible-Presbyterian Church. He is now an apprentice at Lucasfilm Animation Singapore.

Dr Paul Ferguson, FCM NUS Bible Study Leader, joined Calvary Tengah Bible-Presbyterian Church on May 1, 2010 as Pastor Designate.

Congratulations to Joshua Yong, FCM SMU Bible Study Leader, who was conferred the Master of Divinity (MDiv) degree by the Far Eastern Bible College on May 9, 2010.

FCM NUS organised a FCM Outing to Sentosa on May 13, 2010. Jason Liew spoke on “Walking in Unity” (Eph 4:1-16). That evening, FCM NTU/NIE organised a Cottage Meeting to Rev Wee’s.

The FCM Camp 2010 was held from May 17-22, 2010 at Calvary Pandan B-P Church under the theme, “Parables for Children of God’s Kingdom.” The speakers were 13 Pastors/Elders/Preachers from our affiliated B-P churches. On the fourth night of camp, May 20, Elena Ang, FCM SMU (2006-2010), passed the baton of the Student Coordinator of FCM SMU to Jonathan Poh. Clement Chew and Eunice Choy were also appointed as Bible Study Leader and Student Coordinator respectively of the new FCM NYP.

FCM NYP held its inaugural meeting on June 30, 2010.

Calvary Tengah Bible-Presbyterian Church will be having its 16th Anniversary Thanksgiving Service on August 1, 2010. The Rev Dr Tow Siang Hwa will be speaking on “This is the Lord’s doing, it is marvelous in our eyes.” All FCMers are invited to attend.

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Newsletter Advisor | Eld Dr Boaz Boon Editor | Jason Liew

The FCM Family Contact Information & Bible Study Groups AY09/10 S2

Bible Study Leader Pr Lek Aik Wee (Calvary Pandan B-P Church) [email protected]

Student Coordinator Brian Lim 9126 9832 [email protected]

Venue & Time Block 2, NIE (TR 8) 1 Nanyang Walk, Singapore 637616 Every Wednesday, 6pm / Dinner @ 8pm


Bible Study Leader Joshua Yong (Truth B-P Church) [email protected]

Student Coordinator Elena Ang 9368 0556 [email protected]

Venue & Time School of Economics, SMU (Seminar Room 2-3) 90 Stamford Road, Singapore 178903 Alternate Fridays, 4.30pm


Bible Study Leaders Dr Paul Ferguson (Calvary Tengah B-P Church) [email protected]

Student Coordinators Joy Ng 9112 1760 [email protected]

Venue & Time Faculty of Arts & Social Sciences, NUS (AS1-02-05) 5 Arts Link, Singapore 117570 Every Wednesday, 6pm / Dinner @ 7.30pm


Overall Student Coordinator Jason Liew (Calvary Pandan B-P Church) 9017 8213 [email protected]

Advisor Eld Dr Boaz Boon (Calvary Tengah B-P Church) 9824 7681 [email protected]

Ko Lingting 9663 0246 [email protected]

William Quah 9710 7955 [email protected]

Lim Jun Sheng (Calvary Tengah B-P Church) [email protected]

Bible Study Leaders Pr James Tan (Calvary Tengah B-P Church) [email protected]

Student Coordinators Lek Xuan 9638 9841 [email protected]

Venue & Time School of MAE, SP (T17 Level 5 Tutorial Room 5) 500 Dover Road, Singapore 139651 Every Wednesday, 6pm / Dinner @ 7.30pm


Eleanor Ee 9298 1643 [email protected]

Bible Study Leader Clement Chew (True Life B-P Church) [email protected]

Student Coordinator Eunice Choy 8220 1708 [email protected]

Venue & Time School of Chemical & Life Sciences, NYP (Room P510) 180 Ang Mo Kio Avenue 8, Singapore 569830 Every Wednesday, 5.15pm