Choose the words on the answer form below which best fit the gaps in this text.Then click on the button on the answer page next to that word. If you change your mind, you can click another button. Early European Dolls. Dolls have ..1.. as children’s playthings for thousands of years. However, they were ..2.. manufactured as toys in large numbers in Germany in the ..3.. century. The centres of the industry were factories at Nuremberg, Augsburg, and Sonneberg. The dolls were primitive and ..4.. of wood, clay, rags, and wax. They were dressed in clothes to ..5.. German women of the time. Soon factories in England, France, Holland, and Italy, as well as Germany, began ..6.. dolls dressed in fashions ..7.. of their respective countries. Another ..8.. of doll, "lady" dolls, were extremely expensive and elegant, and were used as gifts ..9.. the aristocracy. These dolls, and the "fashion" dolls, which were later manufactured in Paris, have remained popular ..10.. since. Such dolls were often used to model the latest clothing trends and were sent from one country to another to show off the latest fashions. Today they are prized collector’s ..11.. By the 17th century, however, ..12.. dolls began to appear, made of cloth or leather, and these were very ..13.. as toys for both boys and girls. There were several improvements in manufacturing. Dolls’ heads became more realistic, and new materials were used. ..14.. in the 18th century manufacturers developed soft leather which ..15.. like human skin, and this was used in the more expensive dolls. Dolls began to look, feel, and move more like humans. FCE Use of English part 1 test1 Answer sheet A B C D 1. existed been used sported 2. initially factored first final 3. recent fifteenth fifteen fiveteen 4. fabricated construction fabric made

FCE Grammar Test 2

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Choose the words on the answer form below which best fit the gaps in this text.Then click on the button on the answer page next to that word. If you change your mind, you can click another button.

Early European Dolls.

Dolls have ..1.. as children’s playthings for thousands of years. However, they were ..2.. manufactured as toys in large numbers in Germany in the ..3.. century. The centres of the industry were factories at Nuremberg, Augsburg, and Sonneberg. The dolls were primitive and ..4.. of wood, clay, rags, and wax. They were dressed in clothes to ..5.. German women of the time.

Soon factories in England, France, Holland, and Italy, as well as Germany, began ..6.. dolls dressed in fashions ..7.. of their respective countries. Another ..8.. of doll, "lady" dolls, were extremely expensive and elegant, and were used as gifts ..9.. the aristocracy. These dolls, and the "fashion" dolls, which were later manufactured in Paris, have remained popular ..10.. since. Such dolls were often used to model the latest clothing trends and were sent from one country to another to show off the latest fashions. Today they are prized collector’s ..11..

By the 17th century, however, ..12.. dolls began to appear, made of cloth or leather, and these were very ..13.. as toys for both boys and girls. There were several improvements in manufacturing. Dolls’ heads became more realistic, and new materials were used. ..14.. in the 18th century manufacturers developed soft leather which ..15.. like human skin, and this was used in the more expensive dolls. Dolls began to look, feel, and move more like humans.

FCE Use of English part 1 test1 Answer sheet


1. existed been used sported

2. initially factored first final

3. recent fifteenth fifteen fiveteen

4. fabricated construction fabric made

5. resemblance be as look like appear

6. production produce producing produced

7. clothes typical those famous

8. brand make breed type

9. among for to with

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10. also for ever until

11. dolls things prizes items

12. latest cloth then simpler

13. adapted suitable useful utilised

14. Soon But Early When

15. resembled fits covering felt

Film Review - 'Tiger claw'

Twenty years ago Bruce Lee inspired a kind of film which has _______popular everywhere in the world ________since - the kung-fu movie. Tiger claw is another kung-fu film, _________this one is not likely to be a classic. I don't mean to say that _________is anything particularly wrong with this movie as a ________of amusement for an evening, but viewers are likely to forget about it as soon as they walk out of the cinema.

The plot is rather simple - girl is kidnapped by villian, boy rescues her after a series of car chases, shootings, and, of _________lots of violent hand-to-hand combat. It all happens in Hong Kong, which is __________the scene for the other five kung-fu films made by director Hu Dekawu. Some of the special effects are very good, while _______are just ridiculous. If you want to _______what I mean, look for the scene _________the hero destroys an armoured car by using just a cigarette _________and his teeth.

So ________you go to see this film? Well, if you like this sort of thing, you will probably think it worth ___________five pounds for. If not, I suggest _________you stay at home and see what is on the TV. ____________your money for the new Spielberg movie coming out next month

Re-write the sentences below without changing their meaning. You must use the word given in bold without changing it in any way. You can also add up to another four words.

1. What he did next really surprised us. takenWe were ___________________________what he did next.

6.You will get everything you have ever wanted. comeAll your wishes __________________________________

2. We will never forget that experience. an That was _________________________________experience.

7. Everybody thinks that Frank stole the money. ofEverybody __________________________________

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_____the money.

3. Terry is the shortest member of the team. thanNo-one in the team ________________________________________________Terry.

8. Did she say who the dog belonged to?. dogDid she say _________________________________________was?

4. This is the first time anyone has done that. before________________________________has anyone done that.

9. They are going to get married next June.. plannedTheir _______________________________ next June.

5. I really wish that I had studied harder.. moreIf only________________________________________________________________.

10. I haven't eaten fish since last Wednesday.. timeThe ____________________________________________________________fish was last Wednesday.

Look at the sentences below and then put the word listed in the correct form into the space provided.

1. Lynn Jones reviews "The _____________of the Phoenix". FLY

2. This film offers beautiful music, _____________desert. EVOKE

3. landscapes and ____________human emotions. DRAMA

4. Despite a/n ____________beginning, the film rapidly EXCITE

5. develops, as the _____________of an air crash struggle SURVIVE

6. against the ___________desert. Their problem is made PITY

7. worse by the conflicting _______________of the pilot, and PERSON

8. the man who has the _______________to their problem. But SOLVE

9. he is an ___________________conceited engineer, and the BEAR

10. others hate him. The _________________is exciting and CONCLUDE

unexpected. Go and see it!

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