FBK Letter to Student Body

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  • 8/9/2019 FBK Letter to Student Body


    FLOB.IDA BL,UE KEY' |"odersbiP hon'lrtrr" slnceFloridn's ]n()sr pr-cstlgloll'\ re 1923


    Office of the PresidentApril 19, 1998Dear Srudents:Even though I do not uke office *!1 Aq+ 256' I can alre2dy see tbat I have my work cut out for me'Desoite tbe verdict, I d";;;Ft"riarbru" d;#tb*ilely no-tline to do with Mr' Grapski'sdefamarion. Lrro uoiltlali-o o,"u., olut t ;"]t;"; "* oJt u"u*Jte' But undentand that I couidnor and wourd nor associate myself with.any ##;il i'*"i"Ji" sucir activity' much less aspire to bepresident of it. i dtfy il;;;i; say or demonstrate otherwise'CharlesGrapskiwhomlhavenelverperso.nallymet'holdshimselfouttobeanexpertonthetruepurPosesof Florida Blue Key. ;" ;;;"." f"ri"* "i ot;;;J experieuces o46 s '-"tl minoritv of FloridaBlue Key members arrJ tno,,taoas or o"orp^ii"*frJ0"*g'u"t* to

    1923' I r6Pct Mr' Grapski'sconvicdons, hoourr"r,l a;*, his judgment in condemnins an grrynrzation based on nswspapr accountsand enco'nters with ^ i"i"T"#tir:-r,* ffiffi;. - irfr"tiar erue Kev's membership is comprisedof outstanding r*a"* ;';h;u.r.*r.y orn"ii"]Tt; ;;f*"-i j:I *-" of those members to want tohold the highest offices in shrdenr goo.**iffi oGt q4.""t oreanization? Does that uuke ourorganization ..poiitical?,, I would suggest "..';;;;; to public *frtou the werwheiming majority ofFlorida Blue Key *t*Lt' t" *t iriJotved in sildent govemmenilwonder,thouglr'ifthe..WorldE*p:{onIloridaBlueKeytngwstbatwedonalewer$10,000weryvear to scholarships f", UJ".*r.y iinonat i.rd*;' t; he knoy Ftorida Blue Kev's Speaker's'e**o brings *o*"ia.?ii;;il; a*rr.r,i"#-*itirltu"t"o to tne universitv? I wonder if he knorvsabout Florida gr,r" K";s-Ho*."o*iog "oa 6tor Growl' geoe'atinjthe city's second highest

    source ofrevenue. Does he ;;H;;^;;;ffi;...:;;il; ii;"l'ra c;.untv Bovs and Girls club' the RonaldMcDonald House, and other

    communiry "rg#;l;;t*qq """a"t l?n"i^ *"t applied to k a part of

    anv of these events. H",1;;;;;ri.it ,"-#T*.#, Jnoria" Blue Kcy? of course not, he is ang4'belause ,",r"nty-R r"ffi-rs" *ligu"j-ti;'"-;;';;tth* ura' sole his ri'rnder' You see' Fiorida BlueKey,s memb.* n",r.r#* ;"#;;ru"i;;il.in"?ia"'s sur^de'ls longbefore rr4r- Grapski was even athought. our founaen **,.4 toiriog *tJ;ilu"i""*tty "rnorida'i finest leaders' and we contrnueto honor trrat prusuiii;;;;;tn1"" r.y i* r*a*tnip n"norary' and all those who considerthemselves leaders "irt"Jui".;*y;inJil-;,"pJJ;riJrrp* to be pan of our organizarion'I am curious as to how many pople recogruzec Mr' Grap*i as- he.appeared during tnai'

    For years Grapskihas presented "**o*f *"i-*',rr" *J."iti, ytiti";-'n:it"1i' n" s'ddeniy

    decided to make achange. whar a time for a makeover, " t#;;A'Ja pair of giasJ ' u" t*t'"iuery respctable' but itdoes nor tat e a geruus to understandhi, *",i;;;: iini' JJtitg "gu*t"t' Professor Liule acnrailyanalogized Grapstit ptight with,T, "f,J..f" e*o fne aiferen[n'ere is tiat lesus never changedhimself to gain favor witrr trre people, *, #"'" ii" f; "f t*ttfin;o r "* offended at the very thoughtof ttnt analogY' 'r w^u' srv r--rBradBondi,Grapski,sprimarywitnl;,isanotherinreres,tingfellow.IdonotknowBradBondipersonairy, *a r # "i;;E ;d" u,r" *?"il ";;"tb"t "tl""y Partv in the Spring of 19e5;consequentty, t oo not know what h"pp."J',h,;;'A; tht"q a";; like to lnow and a question Iwould pose ro lvtr. Bondi: if you indeed JJ;i;; u* *iutri*ed them to b consented to bvFrorida Blue Key, rvh.y then didyou, r* #"o,"*"',rr [io, .ppry for and gain membenhip? why do youcontinue to be an alumni member?

  • 8/9/2019 FBK Letter to Student Body



    Professor Joe Little put on quite a show. Little, himself a University of Florida law professor, went to trialagainst John McGovern, a law ordent, ald a shrdent ore"nizarion with nauy members enmited in thecollege of law, myself ircluded I lnow tbat Little was Dot outside his bounds as an attomey, but I guestionhis judgment as a professor. In ftct, John McGovern was in Professor Little's cl"ass. Despite Litle'sstatemmt tbat this case was abor:f d"famatio4 it k ry opinion tbat dpfimetion was merely a pretod forLittle's "tear down the qystem'a.titude, an auitude so consuming it would dlive him to sue one of hjs.former studenrs. In the pst, Professor Little haS also tekerr it upon himcelf 1s sue the Florida BarAssociation rnd even Shenrls ilospital- Are we using tle law as a shield or a sword?Regardiess of all this, I am confidec we will win ou appeal I believe Judge Smitb, who recr:sed himself,made a misuke in his judicial notice. Judicial notice is r:suaily taken of milor indisputable fachlal issues-For example, the Sun rises in the east, or the slry is blue. There is no debating those facts. All otherquestions of fact are reserved for the jury. Judge Smith ook the cnrx of the decision out of the jury'shands.Firnlly, here is a lesson for lv{r. Grapski, Professor Little, and tlose who would tear Florida Blue Keydown. YOU WILL NEVER WIN. Even id, after years of litig*ion, justice is not done and you, by sornemi.racle, win the battle in court, you cannot destroy Florida Bluc Kcy. Florida Blue Key is a collection ofthe best and brightest leaders on this campus an4 indeed, throughout the State Our success lies not in ourname or co{porate charter but in our individr:al members and their ideas and vision for the futue. I am sureyor:, Professor Litle, are familiar with the Constitrfion of the United States of America enrl the Bill ofzughts, in particuiar, tbe First Amendmenl You cannot touch our ideas and vision, fl/en if this injusticeultimately prwails.I want to assure everyone tlat we will continue to recognize sutstan.ling leadenhip at the University ofFiorida. Though some may think us weakened, we are stronger anrl more determined now than ever.

    Florid.e Blue Key, Presidentlect

    )-- *silil920