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Page 1: Fat

One cannot get fat by eating fat. It is a great lie. One gets fat by making ones own fat

How does the human make its own fat? By eating carbs and releasing insulin to process

those carbs. Carbs plus insulin make human fat. This is why 400 pound folks starve

while piling on fat. Their body compels them to keep eating till it gets the measured

nutrition it needs. In the meanwhile, they keep storing the fat because it lacks the

nutrition the body is craving.

Jillian and the biggest loser. Jillian is he loser. She responds with, thermal dynamics

argument. Energy in must equal energy out. Our body is vastly more complicated. I

suggest that if one uses the energy in and out hypothesis more accurately, then one must

freeze dry the excremental aspect and burn it to measure calories out. The fat eater will

have much more calories in their stool as it passes on the healthy individual with proper

diet. One cannot add animal fat to your body. It is impossible to store animal fat. We pass

it. We only store fat we make with carbs and insulin. Our fat is a production and is

not ribeye or bacon.

The take away? Bacon, the new health food. I eat cheeses and ribeyes. My wife? I am

simply embarrassed to tell you how much weight she lost after ascribing to the Taubes

concept. It is not a diet. It is enlightenment. One size does not fit all. Don’t ascribe to

anything one tells you without doing your own due diligence.

One more comment on the cancer issue. Doctors collectively do not understand nutrition.

They are cavemen when it comes to that most important aspect of health.

Research Gary Taubes. He is spot on. The truth hurts. Cancer loves insulin. It grows

with insulin. Carbs release insulin. Carbs and insulin combine to process high

starch, wheats, sugars, HFCS, and all the crud that is the modern cheap food diet.

It is a fact. Our great grandparents ate 80 percent animal fat, 15 percent protein, 5 percent

carbs. Those five percent were not crud carbs. They did not get cancer. You cry,

cholesterol? That is also a fallacy. We need high cholesterol. If you lack it you get begin

dementia at 55. What is happening with arterial schlerosis is that bad diet creates blood

chemistry that is inflammatory to the arteries. The cholesterol is acting as a soothing

agent. Get your diet right, and it will not be inflammatory. One can have properly high

Page 2: Fat

cholesterol and health without heart disease.

Do doctors know this? Only a few. Does this work for 100 % of all folks. Afraid not,

there will likely be a rare few who do not respond. But most folks do not need those

statin drugs. They just need a good ribeye on the BBQ. Hold the bread and sugary iced
