Aleksandr Kazakov January 2015

Fastenal Report - pdf

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Page 1: Fastenal Report - pdf

Aleksandr Kazakov

January 2015

Page 2: Fastenal Report - pdf

Executive Summary

The following analysis examines the sales of the top five customers of the Fastenal store

located in Mount Vernon, Washington. In analyzing the sales of each of the top five customers

over the period of three years, we will attempt to shed light on trends associated with yearly

and monthly sales. This report will also analyze each customer’s trends associated with certain

product categories, and offer recommendations based on those observations. This report will

also offer future sales forecast based on assumptions as well as historic numbers. Caliber

Precision’s purchases have remained stagnant over the past two years, but continue to bring in

profit due to high profit margins and large purchases of fasteners. Draper Valley Farms, despite

low margins, has continued to grow in every product category year after year. Meyer Sign and

Advertising is characterized by seasonal purchases and high customer maintenance costs. NW

Horticulture’s purchases have grown immensely during 2014 for every product category.

Comptex is a risky customer as they do not purchase fasteners, rather focus on material

handling and safety products.

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This report reviews the top five customers of the Fastenal store in Mount Vernon Washington.

These five local companies provide the bulk of the sales and are the most active and consistent

purchasers. This analysis involves looking at historical sales, profit margins, and customer

service costs from 2012 to 2014. From this data, we are able to gain a better understanding of

the customer’s purchasing habits, profitability, and project future sales. Analyzing historical

sales data will help us understand the customers’ demand for certain product categories and

help us see the costs associated with serving them.

Caliber Precision Inc. Appendix A


Caliber Precision Inc. is a custom machining and manufacturing company located in Mount

Vernon WA, and is Fastenal’s highest spending customer. From year 2012 to 2014, Caliber has

posted purchased a total of $86,389.49 worth of products. 2013 saw Caliber’s spending grow

13.71% from $27,859 to $31,678. However, in 2014 sales were stagnant were 0.75% less than

in the previous year. The issue causing the lack of growth of this account can be uncovered with

deeper analysis of their purchasing habits.

The percentage of yearly spending made on fasteners has grown 41% in 2013 to 64% in 2014. It

is a good sign that a large percentage of Caliber’s spending is on fasteners. The growth of

spending in this category is a positive sign in respect to the future profitability of this customer

as this is Fastenal’s main product and the core of the store’s business. On the other hand, sales

dominated by a single category of product poses a risk to the store if the business decides to

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switch providers for that category. We also see that sales for every other category of products

other than safety supplies have either decreased or remained stagnant from 2013 to 2014.

Looking at the average gross margins, we see an increase from 53% in 2013 to 67% 2014

meaning that although sales did not improve, the store made more profit from the customer in

2014 than in 2013. It is also good to see that despite increases in sales and number of items

sold, the freight charges were lower in 2013 and 2014 than in 2012 meaning better savings to

the customer.

Customer profitability

In conducting the customer profitability analysis, the following assumptions had to be made:

A half hour, or $10 is spent every week on deliveries and sales calls

Marketing costs such as special offers and promotional material, and are assumed to be

$100 per year.

Future sales will grow by an average of 10% per year and margins will remain at 60%.

Cost savings for the customer i.e. invoice cost, freight, and bin refills, are allocated to

the store.

Future cost savings will be a historic 10% of sales

Using these metrics as well as the average gross margin per year, we can calculate the amount

of profit the store has generated by its business with Caliber precision. Looking at the table, we

can see that despite the increase in sales from 2012 to 2013, the profitability dropped due to

low margins and high cost of doing business ($4,436). Using previous year’s numbers, we can

also make predictions regarding future sales.

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Growth 14% -1% 10% 10% 10% 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017

Sales $ 27,859 $ 31,678 $ 31,441 $ 34,585 $ 38,044 $ 41,848 COGS $ 11,979 $ 14,889 $ 10,061 13834 15217 16739

Margin $ 15,880 $ 16,789 $ 21,380 $ 20,751 $ 22,826 $ 25,109 Delivery $ 520 $ 520 $ 520 $ 520 $ 520 $ 520 Cost Savings $ 2,744 $ 4,436 $ 3,622 $ 3,459 $ 3,804 $ 4,185 Marketing Cost $ 100 $ 100 $ 100 $ 100 $ 100 $ 100

Profit $ 12,515 $ 11,733 $ 17,138 $ 16,673 $ 18,402 $ 20,304


Caliber Precision is company in a stable industry, and we can only expect its demand for

fasteners to grow. Opportunities where Fastenal can grow their sales include promoting

specially manufactured goods that accounted for $3,423 and $4,826 in 2012 and 2013. It

would also be beneficial to look into the materials handling product category of which only

two purchases were made in the past 3 years. Other areas of concern include the lack of

growth in sales of items other than fasteners.

Draper Valley Farms Appendix B


Draper Valley Farms is a poultry producer based in Mount Vernon, WA. Draper Valley is

Fastenal’s seconded largest customer purchasing $85, 910.68 worth of products in the past 3

years. In 2012, Draper Valley spent only $8,401 but grew its spending 261% in 2013 to $30,334

and 60% to $48,468 in 2014.

In 2012, over half of the sales made to Draper Valley were for fasteners and a quarter were for

material handling products. 2013 saw sales of material handling, hydraulic, and janitorial

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products overtake spending on fasteners which dropped to $3,487.However, in 2014 spending

on fasteners grow to $11,844 and janitorial supplies to $12,083. 2014 has also seen a drop in

sales of hydraulics and pneumatics to $2,843 and $2,131 to $7,376 and $7,471 respectively. The

last two years have also been characterized by mostly moderate sales throughout the year with

the highest spending coming in the month of November.

Customer Profitability

With fasteners dropping from half of the products purchased to making up only a quarter of the

products purchased by Draper Valley Farms, other products with much smaller margins has

brought the gross margins down from 52% to 34% to 46% within the last 3 years. In addition,

the amount of invoices has increased from 61 to 102 to 155 growing the amount spent on

servicing the customer. While these two observations affect the overall profitability, the

demand for a diverse set of products decreases the risk associated with switching suppliers.

This low risk makes Draper Valley Farms a key customer that purchases a diverse set of

products while showing rapid growth. According to the forecast of 20% growth per year, by the

year 2017 Draper Valley’s spending will be over $83,000.

The following are assumptions for the profitability and future growth of Draper Valley Farms:

A conservative 20% growth and 40% margin

A half hour a week is spent on sales calls in deliveries costing approximately $10

Marketing costs of $100 a year

Customer savings are a historic 30% of sales

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Cost savings for the customer i.e. invoice cost, freight, and bin refills, are incurred by


Growth 261% 60% 20% 20% 20% 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017

Sales $ 8,401 $ 30,334 $48,486 $ 58,183 $ 69,820 $ 83,784 COGS $ 4,032 $ 20,020 $ 26,182 $ 34,910 $ 41,892 $ 50,270

Margin $ 4,369 $ 10,314 $ 22,304 $ 23,273 $ 27,928 $ 33,514 Delivery $ 520 $ 520 $ 520 $ 520 $ 520 $ 520 Cost Savings $ 2,560 $ 8,792 $ 14,392 $ 17,455 $ 20,946 $ 25,135 Marketing Cost $ 100 $ 100 $ 100 $ 100 $ 100 $ 100

Profit $ 1,188 $ 902 $ 7,291 $ 5,198 $ 6,362 $ 7,758


Draper Valley Farms was the store’s highest spending customer in 2014, and has shown

immense growth over the past three years. One recommendation would be to push the sales of

fasteners as they provide high margins. Other recommendations would be to increase the

promotion of janitorial products as well as hydraulics and pneumatics as their sales have

decreased significantly over the past year. Overall, Draper Valley Farm’s wiliness to purchase

such a diverse set of products from Fastenal can lead to opportunities to supply other tools and

materials used by their plant.

Meyer Sign and Advertising Appendix C


Meyer Sign and Advertising is a custom display and sign manufacturer that has been operating

since 1956. Over the past three years, Meyer Sign has spent $42,812.65 with Fastenal. The sales

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for the past three years have grown 39% from $12,470 in 2012 to $17,304 in 2013. Year 2014

saw sales drop 13% to $15, 072.

Every year, over half of Meyer Sign’s purchases have been fasteners. From 2012 to 2013, their

spending on fasteners increased from$7,669 to $9,868. In 2014, their purchases of fasteners

dropped to $8,684. Because their demand for fasteners directly relates to the demand for signs

in the count, the opportunity lies in growing the sales of janitorial supplies and tools. Over the

past two years, the sales for janitorial supplies have grown from $867 to $1,517 and $1,154 to

$1,405 for tools and accessories. Looking at monthly purchases, we can see the majority of

Meyer Sign purchases happening during early spring and late fall. Knowing this provides an

opportunity to market and push sales at those specific periods.

Customer Profitability

This profitability analysis and forecasts implies the following to be true:

15 minutes a week are spent on deliveries and stocking bins

$100 a year are spent on marketing

Cost savings for the customer are incurred by the Fastenal store

Future growth will continue at 10% every year, cost savings will equal 30% of sales, and

margins will remain at 70%

The average gross margins have increase from 66% to 69% to 75% in the past year. Despite

high margins, Meyer Sign has high customer service costs particularly due to their large number

of invoices (451) over the past three years, 100 more than any other customer does. Despite

unpredictable swings in sales from year to year, Meyer Sign has had profits of nearly 30% of

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sales every year. If sales continue to increase 10% each year, they will reach $20,000 by year


Growth 39% -13% 10% 10% 10% 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017

Sales $12,470 $17,304 $15,072 $ 16,579 $ 18,237 $ 20,061 COGS $ 4,115 $ 5,364 $ 3,768 $ 4,974 $ 5,471 $ 6,018

Margin $ 8,355 $ 11,940 $ 11,304 $ 11,605 $ 12,766 $ 14,043 Delivery $ 210 $ 210 $ 210 $ 210 $ 210 $ 210 Cost Savings $ 4,108 $ 4,730 $ 5,084 $ 4,974 $ 5,471 $ 6,018

Marketing Cost $ 100 $ 100 $ 100 $ 100 $ 100 $ 100

Profit $ 3,937 $ 6,900 $ 5,910 $ 6,322 $ 6,985 $ 7,714


Recommendations for the account include pushing sales of tools, equipment, and janitorial

supplies; items which are not directly tied to the number of signs manufactured. Also, increases

in sales during spring and late fall should be looked at as opportunities to offer the customer

additional products.

North West Horticulture Appendix D


Northwest Horticulture is a local grower specializing in perennials, ornamental grasses, and

groundcovers which spent $34,721.21 with Fastenal over the past 3 years. In 2013, NW

Horticulture’s sales dropped 26% from $8,391 to $6,206. However, in 2014 the sales grew

drastically to 257%.

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The years 2012 and 2013 were characterized by high spending on fasteners, which was done

during the late summer and early fall months. 2014 saw a drop in sales of fasteners to $1,364

from $4,614 and $3,646 in 2012 and 2013. On the other hand, 2014 saw large increases in

purchases of tools and accessories, hydraulics and pneumatics, and material handling products.

Sales for the tools and accessories category itself increased from $412 in 2013 to $8,238 in

2014. Unlike the seasonal purchases of fasteners, tools and accessories were purchased

throughout the year.

Customer profitability

Assumptions made in future profit forecast include:

Sales will grow at a conservative rate of 10% per year. Profit margins will be a historic

46% average.

A half hour per week, or $10 will be spent on deliveries and sales calls.

Cost savings will equal a historic 13% of sales.

$100 per year will be spent on marketing.

Margins for NW Horticulture decreased form 52% in 2012 to 40% and 46% in 2013 and 2014

correlating with the decreased demand for fasteners. In 2014, NW Horticulture became a much

valuable customer as it increased its spending on other categories of products and their overall

purchases by 257%. This shows us that this customer is looking for Fastenal to supply more and

more of the products they use.

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Growth -26% 257% 10% 10% 10%

2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 Sales $8,391 $6,206 $22,137 $ 24,351 $ 26,786 $ 29,464 COGS $ 4,028 $ 3,724 $ 11,954 $ 13,149 $ 14,464 $ 15,911

Margin $ 4,363 $ 2,482 $ 10,183 $ 11,201 $ 12,321 $ 13,554 Delivery $ 210 $ 210 $ 210 $ 210 $ 210 $ 210 Cost Savings $ 1,060 $ 858 $ 2,955 $ 3,166 $ 3,482 $ 3,830 Marketing Cost $ 100 $ 100 $ 100 $ 100 $ 100 $ 100

Profit $ 2,993 $ 1,314 $ 6,918 $ 7,726 $ 8,529 $ 9,413


Northwest Horticulture’s increase in purchases for 2014 has made them a very valuable

customer for Fastenal. Not only are the sales growing rapidly, but their purchases include more

and more product categories every single year. It would be interesting to see what other

products NW Horticulture would be willing to purchase from Fastenal apart from the ones they

are buying right now. Still, a decline in fastener purchases, especially during late summer

months, leaves the question of whether they have shifter to another supplier or simply do not

need them for their business. In the end, spending more and money marketing to this customer

can lead to great results in the future.

Comptex Appendix E


Comptex Inc. is an industrial textile manufacturer that has been in business since 1999. In the

past three years, Comptex has generated $34,063.44 in sales for the store. From 2012 to 2013,

Comptex purchase grew 60% but were followed by a 22% drop in 2014.

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Over the years, more than half of Comptex purchases have been material handling and

janitorial products. Sales for material handling products increased to $8,940 in 2013 from

$4,510 in 2012, than decreased to $6,800 in 2014. Janitorial and hydraulic products followed a

similar trend. The only category that remained constant throughout the periods was safety

supplies. It is surprising that Comptex purchases of fasteners have been decreased every single

year since 2013, and only going from $154 to $8 to $17. This is concerning because fasteners

allow for large profit margins and are Fastenal’s key differentiator from generic hardware

supply stores. tools and accessories growth

Customer profitability


One hour, or $20 a week will be spent on deliveries and sales calls.

Sales will grow at 10% per year and with 51% profit margins.

Future cost savings will equal a historic 13% of sales.

$100 a year will be spent on marketing.

Despite purchasing very few fasteners, Fastenal’s profit margins for Comptex have stayed at a

reasonable average of 52% for all three years. Future projections assume a perpetual growth

rate of 10%, although because purchases are not directly related to how well Comptex Inc.’s

core business, we can expect the growth rate to continue to fluctuate.

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Growth 60% -22% 10% 10% 10% 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017

Sales $9,437 $15,076 $11,817 $ 12,999 $ 14,299 $ 15,728 COGS $ 4,435 $ 7,387 $ 5,554 $ 7,019 $ 7,721 $ 8,493

Margin $ 5,002 $ 7,689 $ 6,263 $ 5,979 $ 6,577 $ 7,235 Delivery $ 520 $ 520 $ 520 $ 520 $ 520 $ 520 Cost Savings $ 1,936 $ 2,366 $ 1,900 $ 1,690 $ 1,859 $ 2,045

Marketing Cost $ 100 $ 100 $ 100 $ 100 $ 100 $ 100

Profit $ 2,445 $ 4,703 $ 3,743 $ 3,670 $ 4,099 $ 4,570


My recommendation for improving the store’s business with Comptex is to increase marketing

of tools and accessories. Because Comptex’s purchases are not directly tied to their product

sales and are more or less discretionary, the store must stimulate demand for additional

product categories. I would also recommend inquiring about the details of Comptex’s

manufacturing process and offering to supply the core products essential to their operations.

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Appendix A


SALES 2012

Jan Feb Mar Apr May June July Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec Total

Fasteners 1724 872 2614 99 2192 2101 3036 1159 572 1366 1724 36 17495

Tools and Accessories 27 39 66

Cutting Tools 5 797 802

Hydraulics 33 58 14 20 8 81 214

Materials Handling 0

Janitorial Supplies 387 161 259 390 250 273 305 142 81 2248

Electrical Supplies 68 6 22 96

Welding Supplies 84 173 104 361

Safety Supplies 22 48 22 55 28 79 258 512

MFG Special 1599 1824 3423

MFG Standard 0

Safety Supplies 13 13

Office Products 35 35

Metals-Alloys,Mat 318 318 636

S.B. Welding 0

Lighting Products 103 32 135

Total 2551 1483 2793 380 4194 2542 3427 1159 2819 1607 2064 1017


SALES 2013

Jan Feb Mar Apr May June July Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec Total

Fasteners 72 3411 560 927 3842 873 1211 2083 652 220 -18 621 14454

Tools and Accessories 60 60

Cutting Tools 0

Hydraulics 52 20 109 2 183

Materials Handling 87 143 230

Janitorial Supplies 166 172 80 92 412 80 160 242 579 188 30 2201

Electrical Supplies 12 12

Welding Supplies 35 15 50

Safety Supplies 43 70 46 14 20 18 211

MFG Special 2736 2090 4826

MFG Standard 120 120

Safety Supplies 0

Metals-Alloys,Mat 1 1

S.B. Welding 1594 797 2391 1729 797 797 8105

Lighting Products 32 32

Total 281 6439 2339 1862 6660 2749 2295 2446 1511 974 188 2741


SALES 2014

Jan Feb Mar Apr May June July Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec Total

Fasteners 1464 2076 392 1914 1226 1436 2567 2205 833 2046 1187 1813 19159

Tools and Accessories 7 7

Cutting Tools 0

Hydraulics 106 94 3 50 9 262

Materials Handling 0

Janitorial Supplies 211 206 108 547 126 80 230 81 86 108 358 514 2655

Electrical Supplies 0

Welding Supplies 40 34 74

Safety Supplies 27 66 56 36 27 13 73 40 54 175 567

MFG Special 1976 1976

MFG Standard 0

Safety Supplies 0

Metals-Alloys,Mat 0

Clearence 97 97

S.B. Welding 797 865 865 1662 865 5054

Fstl. Semi Standards 27 27

Lighting Products 40 40

Total 1808 2348 1393 2508 1482 4384 2800 3214 2787 3059 1633 2502

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C o st Savings




$ 2,744


M T D T o tal

Cost Savings Top(10)

January 2012 - December 2012

Gro up

F reight Saved

Invo ice D o llars Saved

JAN 1/9/2012 $2,864 66.12

FEB 2/29/2012 $1,557 59.21

MAR 3/28/2012 $3,022 75.45

APR 4/30/2012 $397 58.55

MAY 5/31/2012 $4,538 54.46

JUN 6/29/2012 $2,692 26.77

JUL 7/31/2012 $3,635 64.46

AUG 8/31/2012 $1,034 50.72

SEP 9/28/2012 $3,094 53.93

OCT 10/31/2012 $1,722 67.04

NOV 11/30/2012 $2,167 70.31

DEC 12/31/2012 $1,137 41.04

$27,859 57.33833

Month Sale Date Sales GM%

C o st Savings




$ 4,436


M T D T o tal

Cost Savings Top(10)

January 2013 - December 2013

Gro up

F reight Saved

Invo ice D o llars Saved

JAN 1/31/2013 $317 56.44

FEB 2/22/2013 $6,650 61.68

MAR 3/6/2013 $2,417 43.16

APR 4/22/2013 $1,916 50.52

MAY 5/31/2013 $6,908 54.74

JUN 6/28/2013 $2,824 42.44

JUL 7/31/2013 $2,320 58.42

AUG 8/30/2013 $2,482 67.7

SEP 9/19/2013 $1,606 47.09

OCT 10/31/2013 $1,182 55.57

NOV 11/15/2013 $235 47.21

DEC 12/31/2013 $2,821 55.36

$31,678 53.36083

Month Sale Date Sales GM%

C o st Savings




$ 3,622

P revio us P rice P aid

M T D T o tal

Cost Savings Top(10)

January 2014 - December 2014

Gro up

F reight Saved

Invo ice D o llars Saved

JAN 1/31/2014 $1,920 74.55

FEB 2/28/2014 $2,461 81.81

MAR 3/5/2014 $1,453 54.98

APR 4/30/2014 $2,754 71.15

MAY 5/30/2014 $1,568 82.76

JUN 6/30/2014 $4,484 55.26

JUL 7/31/2014 $2,897 68.04

AUG 8/29/2014 $3,297 71.79

SEP 9/30/2014 $2,874 45.17

OCT 10/30/2014 $3,195 72.15

NOV 11/28/2014 $1,755 60.63

DEC 12/22/2014 $2,783 75.24

$31,441 67.79417

Month Sale Date Sales GM%

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Appendix B


SALES 2012

Jan Feb Mar Apr May June July Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec Total

Fasteners 285$ 350$ 250$ 477$ 495$ 323$ 301$ 237$ 417$ 139$ 749$ 316$ 4,339$

Tools and Accessories 351$ 351$

Cutting Tools 106$ 63$ 43$ 45$ 18$ 106$ 30$ 44$ 77$ 55$ 18$ 46$ 651$

Hydraulics 29$ 17$ 24$ 16$ 358$ 11$ 97$ 8$ 560$

Materials Handling 228$ 386$ 466$ 386$ 1,466$

Janitorial Supplies -$

Electrical Supplies 87$ 57$ 144$

Welding Supplies 29$ 45$ 47$ 41$ 92$ 114$ 368$

Safety Supplies 28$ 39$ 67$

MFG Special -$

MFG Standard -$

Safety Supplies -$

Office Products -$

Metals-Alloys,Mat -$

Capital Goods 277$ 277$

S.B. Welding -$

FST. Semi Standard 68$ 68$

Lighting Products 27$ 27$

Total 488$ 935$ 760$ 1,033$ 639$ 842$ 451$ 639$ 546$ 194$ 956$ 835$


SALES 2013

Jan Feb Mar Apr May June July Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec Total

Fasteners 574$ 280$ 600$ 167$ 252$ 62$ 350$ 137$ 314$ 210$ 302$ 239$ 3,487$

Tools and Accessories 80$ 125$ 960$ 1,584$ 25$ 2,774$

Cutting Tools 35$ 277$ 117$ 4$ 33$ 37$ 69$ 39$ 26$ 204$ 142$ 108$ 1,091$

Hydraulics 7$ 2,579$ 2,213$ 1,920$ 67$ 332$ 258$ 7,376$

Materials Handling 939$ 1,098$ 472$ 4,962$ 7,471$

Janitorial Supplies 1,156$ 3,740$ 4,896$

Electrical Supplies 51$ 53$ 95$ 218$ 284$ 701$

Welding Supplies 48$ 48$ 96$

Safety Supplies 108$ 20$ 20$ 1,075$ 1,223$

MFG Special -$

MFG Standard -$

Safety Supplies -$

Office Products 211$ 211$

Metals-Alloys,Mat -$

Capital Goods 686$ 686$

S.B. Welding -$

Lighting Products -$

Total 855$ 803$ 1,676$ 1,269$ 333$ 99$ 2,998$ 2,600$ 2,260$ 3,769$ 8,696$ 4,654$


SALES 2014

Jan Feb Mar Apr May June July Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec Total

Fasteners 555$ 819$ 3,630$ 623$ 847$ 209$ 1,590$ 1,386$ 770$ 340$ 590$ 525$ 11,884$

Tools and Accessories 19$ 12$ 16$ 2,430$ 1,567$ 1,654$ 610$ 1,120$ 22$ 90$ 7,540$

Cutting Tools 133$ 137$ 176$ 184$ 581$ 206$ 133$ 195$ 122$ 93$ 149$ 550$ 2,659$

Hydraulics 600$ 438$ 32$ 96$ 106$ 184$ 20$ 56$ 146$ 740$ 57$ 368$ 2,843$

Materials Handling 7$ 371$ 497$ 376$ 398$ 222$ 260$ 2,131$

Janitorial Supplies 1,464$ 2,640$ 2,752$ 2,640$ 1,068$ 606$ 264$ 264$ 121$ 264$ 12,083$

Electrical Supplies 202$ 97$ 477$ 172$ 97$ 102$ 192$ 177$ 255$ 117$ 238$ 2,126$

Welding Supplies 85$ 211$ 234$ 316$ 233$ 69$ 704$ 312$ 407$ 255$ 1,155$ 3,981$

Safety Supplies 54$ 272$ 87$ 391$ 61$ 7$ 44$ 22$ 938$

MFG Special -$

MFG Standard 93$ 93$

Safety Supplies -$

Office Products -$

Metals-Alloys,Mat 52$ 10$ 3$ 395$ 170$ 155$ 436$ 29$ 1,250$

Tool Repair 25$ 9$

S.B. Welding -$

Clearence 8$ 10$

Lighting Products -$

Total 2,969$ 4,901$ 7,026$ 7,575$ 3,546$ 2,088$ 4,086$ 4,511$ 2,401$ 3,915$ 1,321$ 3,241$

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C o st Savings




$ 2,560

P revio us P rice P aid

M T D T o tal

Cost Savings Top(10)

January 2012 - December 2012

Gro up

Invo ice D o llars Saved

F reight Saved

JAN 1/6/2012 $488 50.69

FEB 2/7/2012 $936 42.91

MAR 3/6/2012 $760 47.14

APR 4/6/2012 $1,033 55.05

MAY 5/4/2012 $640 50.01

JUN 6/5/2012 $866 58.64

JUL 7/6/2012 $450 56.12

AUG 8/8/2012 $659 61.85

SEP 9/5/2012 $546 57.09

OCT 10/10/2012 $194 58.54

NOV 11/7/2012 $994 42.52

DEC 12/4/2012 $835 40.43

$8,401 51.74917

Month Sale Date Sales GM%

C o st Savings




$ 8,792

Invo ice D o llars Saved

M T D T o tal

Cost Savings Top(10)

January 2013 - December 2013

Gro up

F reight Saved

P revio us P rice P aid

JAN 1/4/2013 $855 36.04

FEB 2/4/2013 $804 43.22

MAR 3/8/2013 $1,946 40.22

APR 4/8/2013 $1,268 43.06

MAY 5/7/2013 $334 45.86

JUN 6/10/2013 $99 39.27

JUL 7/23/2013 $2,998 22.65

AUG 8/7/2013 $2,600 20.58

SEP 9/6/2013 $2,260 17.46

OCT 10/7/2013 $3,769 33.93

NOV 11/6/2013 $8,747 38.84

DEC 12/2/2013 $4,654 25.16

$30,334 33.8575

Month Sale Date Sales GM%

C o st Savings




$ 14,392

Invo ice D o llars Saved

M T D T o tal

Cost Savings Top(10)

January 2014 - December 2014

Gro up

P revio us P rice P aid

F reight Saved

JAN 1/10/2014 $3,025 42.29

FEB 2/3/2014 $4,955 34.8

MAR 3/4/2014 $7,038 50.87

APR 4/2/2014 $7,588 32.62

MAY 5/1/2014 $4,014 50.87

JUN 6/6/2014 $2,088 42.32

JUL 7/2/2014 $4,204 47.24

AUG 8/4/2014 $4,696 49.29

SEP 9/5/2014 $2,401 49.87

OCT 10/3/2014 $3,915 44.7

NOV 11/5/2014 $1,321 54.43

DEC 12/3/2014 $3,241 49.57

$48,486 45.73917

Month Sale Date Sales GM%

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Appendix C

SALES 2012

Jan Feb Mar Apr May June July Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec

Fasteners 297 739 187 266 227 877 296 414 1856 899 281 1330 7669

Tools and Accessories 35 125 40 125 187 42 195 78 107 132 504 1570

Cutting Tools 43 22 100 91 6 61 32 58 48 461

Hydraulics 2 2

Materials Handling 2 2

Janitorial Supplies 30 85 28 94 168 78 54 243 43 153 101 1077

Electrical Supplies 11 10 24 20 13 11 13 26 18 146

Welding Supplies 83 36 116 32 19 75 81 18 13 473

Safety Supplies 3 117 21 19 33 193

MFG Special 236 236

MFG Standard 0

Safety Supplies 0

Office Products 0

Metals-Alloys,Mat 0

Tool Repair 113 113

S.B. Welding 0

Clearence 0

Lighting Products 0

Total 499 962 291 620 251 1585 575 718 2346 1175 670 2250

SALES 2013

Jan Feb Mar Apr May June July Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec

Fasteners 189 1803 488 2206 684 1360 480 194 594 136 1153 581 9868

Tools and Accessories 145 13 58 302 17 26 185 25 320 5 9 49 1154

Cutting Tools 5 74 99 41 89 18 48 92 87 553

Hydraulics 11 9 211 231

Materials Handling 15 14 29

Janitorial Supplies 320 10 103 46 22 68 47 74 21 83 73 867

Electrical Supplies 41 15 56 112

Welding Supplies 120 69 64 142 85 20 164 664

Safety Supplies 39 36 81 65 25 246

MFG Special 360 1826 437 84 2707

MFG Standard 0

Safety Supplies 0

Office Products 0

Metals-Alloys,Mat 0

Tool Repair 0

S.B. Welding 117 117

Clearence 0

Lighting Products 0

Total 654 2350 811 4583 852 1958 850 426 1121 262 1515 1166

SALES 2014

Jan Feb Mar Apr May June July Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec

Fasteners 413 398 2080 1669 914 379 941 230 243 533 1106 -222 8684

Tools and Accessories 292 58 104 144 87 64 152 115 88 78 105 118 1405

Cutting Tools 27 81 82 35 7 121 101 62 52 36 37 641

Hydraulics 0

Materials Handling 50 50

Janitorial Supplies 43 93 130 20 26 141 185 10 238 30 421 233 1570

Electrical Supplies 16 27 10 34 13 41 29 55 44 269

Welding Supplies 81 115 121 139 132 107 63 40 81 879

Safety Supplies 10 39 69 19 285 27 39 488

MFG Special 140 140

MFG Standard 0

Safety Supplies 0

Office Products 0

Metals-Alloys,Mat 0

Tool Repair 0

S.B. Welding 117 117

Clearence 2 2

FSt. Semi Standard 77

Lighting Products 0

Total 872 640 2577 1989 1392 735 1565 604 1022 838 1841 247

Page 20: Fastenal Report - pdf

C o st Savings



$ 4,108M T D T o tal

Cost Savings Top(10)

January 2012 - December 2012

Gro up

Invo ice D o llars Saved

F reight Saved

JAN 1/4/2012 $521 64.18

FEB 2/3/2012 $983 70.73

MAR 3/8/2012 $314 67.14

APR 4/11/2012 $658 58.83

MAY 5/2/2012 $266 75.36

JUN 6/1/2012 $1,625 69.3

JUL 7/3/2012 $599 69.72

AUG 8/1/2012 $751 65.97

SEP 9/4/2012 $2,464 62.46

OCT 10/1/2012 $1,264 67.38

NOV 11/2/2012 $695 65.08

DEC 12/4/2012 $2,330 61.75

$12,470 66.49167

Month Sale Date Sales GM%

C o st Savings



$ 4,730M T D T o tal

Cost Savings Top(10)

January 2013 - December 2013

Gro up

Invo ice D o llars Saved

F reight Saved

JAN 1/2/2013 $693 59.68

FEB 2/8/2013 $2,424 72.38

MAR 3/4/2013 $846 72.65

APR 4/2/2013 $4,776 61.75

MAY 5/1/2013 $868 72

JUN 6/3/2013 $2,135 54.29

JUL 7/2/2013 $872 70.23

AUG 8/5/2013 $434 67.59

SEP 9/4/2013 $1,181 67.72

OCT 10/7/2013 $281 76.97

NOV 11/1/2013 $1,566 79.83

DEC 12/2/2013 $1,228 73.14

$17,304 69.01917

Month Sale Date Sales GM%

C o st Savings




$ 5,084

P revio us P rice P aid

M T D T o tal

Cost Savings Top(10)

January 2014 - December 2014

Gro up

Invo ice D o llars Saved

F reight Saved

JAN 1/2/2014 $926 72.47

FEB 2/4/2014 $674 76.4

MAR 3/7/2014 $2,719 81.43

APR 4/4/2014 $2,107 83.06

MAY 5/5/2014 $1,484 66.93

JUN 6/2/2014 $776 70.15

JUL 7/2/2014 $1,632 74.8

AUG 8/4/2014 $634 73.09

SEP 9/3/2014 $1,053 68.43

OCT 10/6/2014 $883 78.94

NOV 11/5/2014 $1,916 67.25

DEC 12/2/2014 $268 87.74

$15,072 75.0575

Month Sale Date Sales GM%

Page 21: Fastenal Report - pdf

Appendix D

SALES 2012

Jan Feb Mar Apr May June July Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec

Fasteners 728 1937 1949 4614

Tools and Accessories 65 131 462 86 108 108 986 61 153 2160

Cutting Tools 0

Hydraulics 0

Materials Handling 79 69 48 196

Janitorial Supplies 112 24 136

Electrical Supplies 0

Welding Supplies 96 97 197 390

Safety Supplies 224 24 69 317

MFG Special 0

MFG Standard 0

Safety Supplies 0

Office Products 0

Metals-Alloys,Mat 0

Tool Repair 0

S.B. Welding 0

Clearence 0

Lighting Products 0

Total 273 131 541 110 332 205 1807 1998 1949 153 48 266

SALES 2013

Jan Feb Mar Apr May June July Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec

Fasteners 35 1414 1631 471 95 3646

Tools and Accessories 25 132 109 146 412

Cutting Tools 40 40

Hydraulics 169 169

Materials Handling 116 69 355 540

Janitorial Supplies 313 313

Electrical Supplies 0

Welding Supplies 0

Safety Supplies 13 124 25 189 351

MFG Special 0

MFG Standard 0

Safety Supplies 0

Office Products 0

Metals-Alloys,Mat 0

Tool Repair 0

S.B. Welding 0

Capital Goods 436

Clearence 0

Lighting Products 0

Total 386 116 193 25 132 0 0 1878 2276 471 430 0

SALES 2014

$1,364 $4,618 and $3,646 ddddddFeb Mar Apr May June July Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec

Fasteners 336 168 308 103 82 149 218 1364

Tools and Accessories 618 1104 735 575 666 1783 988 1769 8238

Cutting Tools 140 141 281

Hydraulics 96 843 874 749 2562

Materials Handling 182 138 232 1120 1672

Janitorial Supplies 0

Electrical Supplies 368 368

Welding Supplies 34 141 359 133 667

Safety Supplies 100 133 104 176 46 559

MFG Special 0

MFG Standard 0

Safety Supplies 0

Office Products 717 277 994

Metals-Alloys,Mat 0

Tool Repair 0

S.B. Welding 0

capital goods 4300 4300

Clearence 0

Lighting Products 0

Total 1887 1272 1739 203 753 666 3132 2325 5225 3406 179 218

Page 22: Fastenal Report - pdf

JAN 1/13/2012 $288 40.6

FEB 2/24/2012 $141 72.49

MAR 3/9/2012 $568 48.24

APR 4/20/2012 $115 51.42

MAY 5/4/2012 $350 50.43

JUN 6/4/2012 $222 55.19

JUL 7/13/2012 $1,901 40.1

AUG 8/20/2012 $2,179 62.44

SEP 9/5/2012 $2,130 62.61

OCT 10/10/2012 $159 29.26

NOV 11/13/2012 $53 53.29

DEC 12/5/2012 $285 53.02

$8,391 51.59083

Month Sale Date Sales GM%















JAN 1/10/2013 $393 49.73

FEB 2/22/2013 $133 55.19

MAR 3/11/2013 $209 63.5

APR 4/1/2013 $30 53.98

MAY 5/20/2013 $137 22.9

JUN - $0 0

JUL - $0 0

AUG 8/5/2013 $1,939 63.22

SEP 9/9/2013 $2,433 63.09

OCT 10/22/2013 $490 58.18

NOV 11/8/2013 $442 51.97

DEC - $0 0

$6,206 40.14667

Month Sale Date Sales GM%





























JAN 1/7/2014 $2,016 50.06

FEB 2/5/2014 $1,378 31.92

MAR 3/7/2014 $1,847 42.64

APR 4/2/2014 $213 70.72

MAY 5/2/2014 $794 36.89

JUN 6/3/2014 $685 27.46

JUL 7/7/2014 $3,317 36.09

AUG 8/4/2014 $2,546 43.47

SEP 9/4/2014 $5,304 32.98

OCT 10/8/2014 $3,628 41.06

NOV 11/21/2014 $184 59.01

DEC 12/1/2014 $225 84.91

$22,137 46.43417

Month Sale Date Sales GM%

Page 23: Fastenal Report - pdf

Appendix E

SALES 2012

Jan Feb Mar Apr May June July Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec

Fasteners 143 11 154

Tools and Accessories 50 82 42 42 216

Cutting Tools 107 107

Hydraulics 671 13 35 33 5 129 886

Materials Handling 274 318 443 273 566 117 498 292 403 409 326 591 4510

Janitorial Supplies 302 154 139 168 94 119 227 237 257 412 63 480 2652

Electrical Supplies 8 4 -4 4 4 25 4 8 13 66

Welding Supplies 38 97 135

Safety Supplies 49 104 31 29 52 9 59 26 5 364

MFG Special 0

MFG Standard 0

Safety Supplies 0

Office Products 0

Metals-Alloys,Mat 0

Tool Repair 0

S.B. Welding 0

capital goods 0

Clearence 0

Lighting Products 0

Total 1554 514 779 454 695 326 863 631 673 921 462 1218

SALES 2013

Jan Feb Mar Apr May June July Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec

Fasteners 8 8

Tools and Accessories 42 42 17 21 42 42 206

Cutting Tools 0

Hydraulics 24 24

Materials Handling 681 375 189 853 685 735 699 1523 1352 583 868 397 8940

Janitorial Supplies 394 247 187 193 630 211 725 492 521 179 451 147 4377

Electrical Supplies 18 25 4 4 42 20 15 4 10 142

Welding Supplies 35 35

Safety Supplies 52 9 24 47 24 24 24 48 18 87 357

MFG Special 0

MFG Standard 0

Safety Supplies 0

Office Products 0

Metals-Alloys,Mat 0

Tool Repair 0

S.B. Welding 0

capital goods 0

Clearence 0

Lighting Products 0

Total 1187 656 400 1135 1319 991 1511 2059 2013 766 1389 663

SALES 2014

Jan Feb Mar Apr May June July Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec

Fasteners 9 8 17

Tools and Accessories 18 37 42 90 42 9 39 21 65 363

Cutting Tools 0

Hydraulics 94 50 60 204

Materials Handling 628 584 480 777 791 668 551 561 519 478 542 221 6800

Janitorial Supplies 444 357 98 155 76 290 76 219 199 217 310 57 2498

Electrical Supplies 4 4 85 46 530 669

Welding Supplies 29 29

Safety Supplies 25 16 28 57 36 25 65 18 34 304

MFG Special 0

MFG Standard 0

Safety Supplies 0

Office Products 0

Metals-Alloys,Mat 0

Tool Repair 0

S.B. Welding 0

capital goods 0

Clearence 0

Lighting Products 0

Total 1094 970 669 1045 966 1188 705 814 880 695 891 967

Page 24: Fastenal Report - pdf

C o st Savings



$ 1,936M T D T o tal

Cost Savings Top(10)

January 2012 - December 2012

Gro up

Invo ice D o llars Saved

F reight Saved

JAN 1/3/2012 $1,605 57.74

FEB 2/10/2012 $540 48.23

MAR 3/7/2012 $801 52.7

APR 4/2/2012 $494 49.83

MAY 5/8/2012 $730 49.07

JUN 6/6/2012 $345 53.65

JUL 7/13/2012 $881 53.66

AUG 8/7/2012 $648 56.55

SEP 9/12/2012 $696 52.16

OCT 10/1/2012 $941 51

NOV 11/5/2012 $486 52.11

DEC 12/10/2012 $1,270 53.84

$9,437 52.545

Month Sale Date Sales GM%

C o st Savings



$ 2,366M T D T o tal

Cost Savings Top(10)

January 2013 - December 2013

Gro up

Invo ice D o llars Saved

F reight Saved

JAN 1/11/2013 $1,227 44.82

FEB 2/13/2013 $684 58.76

MAR 3/13/2013 $421 47.92

APR 4/1/2013 $1,238 47.75

MAY 5/3/2013 $1,421 49.57

JUN 6/7/2013 $1,053 37.84

JUL 7/11/2013 $1,592 52.78

AUG 8/6/2013 $2,244 56.01

SEP 9/6/2013 $2,151 55.17

OCT 10/4/2013 $815 55.3

NOV 11/8/2013 $1,477 54.85

DEC 12/10/2013 $753 56.18

$15,076 51.4125

Month Sale Date Sales GM%

C o st Savings




$ 1,900

P revio us P rice P aid

M T D T o tal

Cost Savings Top(10)

January 2014 - December 2014

Gro up

Invo ice D o llars Saved

F reight Saved

JAN 1/3/2014 $1,176 56.39

FEB 2/7/2014 $1,100 52.42

MAR 3/12/2014 $744 57.94

APR 4/4/2014 $1,174 54.54

MAY 5/6/2014 $1,053 52.9

JUN 6/6/2014 $1,258 54.36

JUL 7/11/2014 $770 53.12

AUG 8/6/2014 $887 57.5

SEP 9/3/2014 $942 52.1

OCT 10/6/2014 $752 45.28

NOV 11/10/2014 $947 48.09

DEC 12/8/2014 $1,014 46.81

$11,817 52.62083

Month Sale Date Sales GM%