1 FastCAM Drawing Editor Video Tutorial Contents 1. Select Drawing Units ........................................................................................................................... 2 1.1 Restore a drawing ......................................................................................................................... 2 1.2 Select DXF File Units...................................................................................................................... 3 1.3 Verify Part ..................................................................................................................................... 3 2. Identify and Measure .......................................................................................................................... 5 2.1 Zoom Window ............................................................................................................................... 5 2.2 Autoscale....................................................................................................................................... 5 2.3 Verify Contours ............................................................................................................................. 6 2.4 Display parts and holes ................................................................................................................. 7 2.5 Add Dimension .............................................................................................................................. 8 2.6 Print part with a template............................................................................................................. 9 2.7 Save the drawing......................................................................................................................... 10 3. Extract a part .................................................................................................................................... 12 3.1 Extract a single part .................................................................................................................... 12 3.2 Extract multiple parts.................................................................................................................. 13 4. Erase Tools ........................................................................................................................................ 15 4.1 Deleting lines............................................................................................................................... 15 4.2 Deleting arcs ............................................................................................................................... 15 4.3 Erase Window ............................................................................................................................. 16 4.4 Erase text .................................................................................................................................... 17 5. How to change the Template............................................................................................................ 18 5.1 Set up drawing template............................................................................................................. 18 5.2 Use print template ...................................................................................................................... 19 6. Fix Broken Joints ............................................................................................................................... 21 6.1 Fixing single joints ....................................................................................................................... 21 6.2 Fix all joints.................................................................................................................................. 23

FastCAM Drawing Editor Video Tutorial

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FastCAM Drawing Editor Video Tutorial

Contents 1. Select Drawing Units ........................................................................................................................... 2

1.1 Restore a drawing ......................................................................................................................... 2

1.2 Select DXF File Units ...................................................................................................................... 3

1.3 Verify Part ..................................................................................................................................... 3

2. Identify and Measure .......................................................................................................................... 5

2.1 Zoom Window ............................................................................................................................... 5

2.2 Autoscale ....................................................................................................................................... 5

2.3 Verify Contours ............................................................................................................................. 6

2.4 Display parts and holes ................................................................................................................. 7

2.5 Add Dimension .............................................................................................................................. 8

2.6 Print part with a template............................................................................................................. 9

2.7 Save the drawing. ........................................................................................................................ 10

3. Extract a part .................................................................................................................................... 12

3.1 Extract a single part .................................................................................................................... 12

3.2 Extract multiple parts .................................................................................................................. 13

4. Erase Tools ........................................................................................................................................ 15

4.1 Deleting lines ............................................................................................................................... 15

4.2 Deleting arcs ............................................................................................................................... 15

4.3 Erase Window ............................................................................................................................. 16

4.4 Erase text .................................................................................................................................... 17

5. How to change the Template ............................................................................................................ 18

5.1 Set up drawing template ............................................................................................................. 18

5.2 Use print template ...................................................................................................................... 19

6. Fix Broken Joints ............................................................................................................................... 21

6.1 Fixing single joints ....................................................................................................................... 21

6.2 Fix all joints.................................................................................................................................. 23


1. Select Drawing Units

It is important to select the correct units when restoring a drawing.

As an example, if you have FastCAM set up in INCH units, any drawing that has been created

in INCH will import into FastCAM without any issues. If we want to import a drawing that is

in METRIC we are required to let FastCAM know during the import process.

This will ensure that FastCAM imports the drawing to the correct scale.

1.1 Restore a drawing

In this example we will be restoring a customer’s drawing that has been created in METRIC. Let’s open the customers DXF file. Select Files (from the toolbar) > DXF Restore (from the resulting dropdown menu)


1.2 Select DXF File Units

In our example we have chosen Metric units as the drawing is in Metric. FastCAM will

automatically convert the Metric Drawing into Imperial units.

1.3 Verify Part

Now we have our drawing loaded into FastCAM we need to verify it and check it using the

simple dimensioning tool.

Here is our PDF Drawing. Let’s check it in FastCAM


On the top toolbar click Verify>Add Dimension

1. Left click to select control point

2. Left click to select second control point

3. Left click to select position of dimension

4. Right click to exit add dimension mode.





2. Identify and Measure

First open the drawing using the DXF restore, as used in the earlier tutorial 1.1 Restore a


2.1 Zoom Window

The Zoom Window tool is used to select a window of entities that you want to zoom in to.

1. First click one corner of your selection window.

2. Then click in the opposite corner to define the size of you Zoom Window.

3. FastCAM will then resize the window to show your selection in detail.

2.2 Autoscale

To zoom back to 100% and centre the page we use a button on the toolbar called autoscale. Click the Autoscale button once to resize the screen to 100%.


2.3 Verify Contours

We now need to verify that our part is complete with no breaks that would affect manufacturing of the part.

Select Verify > Contour option.

1. We then left click anywhere on the outside contour.

2. FastCAM will display a blue data box at the bottom of the screen. Check that the

path is closed.


3. If the path is open you will need to fix joints in order to close the path. (Fix joints is

covered in section 6 of this tutorial)

2.4 Display parts and holes

Once we have verified the part, we use a new tool to verify the parts inner and outer contours. The parts and holes tool will display the outside contour and then in a different colour, the internal contours. Find it by going to View > Parts and holes


FastCAM will display the internals and externals of the parts in different colours (red being external

and yellow being internals)

2.5 Add Dimension We can add dimensions to the drawing in FastCAM for reference.


Using the Verify > Add Dimension option

2.6 Print part with a template. We will now show you printing with a template. (To change a template please see section 5 of this


To print the part, click the print icon on the toolbar.


You can choose many options for your print out, in our example we choose autoscale. This option

fits most requirements.

The FastCAM template can be modified to the customers’ preference. Please review your

FastCAM manual or contact your nearest FastCAM office for further support.

2.7 Save the drawing.

FastCAM can save the drawing as two main types.

1. FastCAM format CAM.


2. Drawing Exchange Format DXF. (AutoCad)

(You do have the option to save or restore IGES files)


3. Extract a part The extract part tool is used to extract a part or parts from a drawing that has many

parts/entities present.

In our example we open a DXF file that has many parts.

3.1 Extract a single part

1. Select the Blocks > Extract part

2. Left click on a complete part to select that part from the drawing.

3. Save the part giving it a unique name.

4. You can now review the extracted part by opening it in FastCAM.


3.2 Extract multiple parts

FastCAM can also extract all parts from the drawing.

1. Select the Blocks > Explode Drawing

2. Define the maximum gap in contour.

Maximum gap in contour refers to the individual parts. If a part has a break in the contour,

the defined value will instruct FastCAM to ignore breaks of that size.

Parts that are very close to each other are not affected by this defined value.


3. Next you will be asked how to name the parts that will come out of the drawing,

either sequentially, using embedded text, or by entering a name for each part.

Sequential – Enter a base name, e.g. ‘Job 233 part’. FastCAM will name the

exploded parts sequentially after that, i.e. ‘Job 223 part 1’, ‘Job 223 part 2’, ‘Job

223 part 3’, and so on.

Embedded – This will look for embedded text within a part, to use as a save name

for the part. If no text is found, FastCAM will ask for a name for that part.

Enter Each – This option will ask you to name each part extracted from the


4. FastCAM gives you the option of also exploding files as DXF and CAM files at once. If

you require DXF select yes to enable this option.


4. Erase Tools FastCAM has many erase tools, several of the tools are entity specific. This enables the user

to quickly delete entities without deleting data that is needed.

4.1 Deleting lines

Select Erase > Line

Next click on the line entity that you want to be deleted. NOTE – using line erase you

cannot delete other types of entities such as arcs or text.

When you have your selected entities, right click to delete the selection.

4.2 Deleting arcs

Select Erase > Arc

As with the line delete tool, select your arc entities with a left click and confirm

deletion with a right click.


4.3 Erase Window

Using the erase window you can select many entity types at once and delete them.

Select Erase > Window

With the erase window you can select all entities or entity types

Selecting lines for example will only delete lines within your selection window

In our video example we select all, we then left click the top right hand corner and

then left click the bottom left hand corner.

All inside the box is deleted.


4.4 Erase text

Deleting text from a drawing is very simple.

To show the location of the text control point, we need to first turn on control points

(The red cross on the toolbar)

To delete only text, select Erase > Text

We can now see the text’s control point, select the control point with a left click.

When selected, a right click will delete the text.


5. How to change the Template FastCAM can display a drawing with or without a drawing template.

5.1 Set up drawing template

To turn on drawing templates select View -> Change Display.


Select Template from the plotter label section

Click inside the text box, and select the template from the pop-up window.

5.2 Use print template

Select the print icon from the toolbar


You can choose many options for your print out, in our example we choose

autoscale. This option fits most requirements.

The FastCAM template can be modified to the customers’ preference. Please review your

FastCAM manual or contact you nearest FastCAM office for further support.


6. Fix Broken Joints

Fixing broken joints is easy in FastCAM. You may come across a customer drawing where the

part contour is broken slightly. These tools are designed to make it easy for the user to fix

them with FastCAM.

6.1 Fixing single joints

This is our example part.

Select Utility > Fix Joints


Select single joints

To fix a single joint simply left click on each entity either side of the break.


6.2 Fix all joints

FastCAM has the ability to fix all joints. When using this tool, we need to define the

maximum gap to bridge.

Select Utility > Fix Joints

Select All joints

We now need to define the maximum gap to bridge. FastCAM will look at the part

and find any gaps up to our defined value.

Clicking the enter button will then begin the automated process of fixing all specified

joints on the part.