4 Secrets to Recover Faster from Your Muscle Building Workouts, Naturally! October 29, 2012 | Posted under Editors Corner | 1 Comment 0 9 When it comes to building your new body you need to realize from day one that hitting the gym is only one part of the complete process or cycle.See, when you go and work out and train your muscles, especially when you do heavy weight training, you are actually breaking down your muscle causing micro-tears. Don’t worry, it sounds worse than it is and in fact, this breaking down of your muscle is exactly what we want because this leads to the second part to building bigger, stronger muscles, THE RECOVERY PHASE. Skip or get the recovery phase of your muscle building program wrong and you will never see any real gains or even worse, end up with some serious muscle damage that can sideline you for weeks. Below I am going to reveal 4 steps you can take to make sure you recover faster from your workouts, NATURALLY! Cold Baths For some reason you don’t see this a lot anymore in modern gyms but a few years ago almost all the gyms I went to had a COLD splash pool that you can jump in straight after your workouts. You will also find these cold pools or baths at almost all professional sporting

Fast Exercise Recovery

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4 Secrets to Recover Faster from Your Muscle Building Workouts, Naturally!October 29, 2012  |  Posted under Editors Corner  |  1 Comment


When it comes to building your new body you need to realize from day one that hitting the gym is only one part of the complete process or cycle.See, when you go and work out and train your muscles, especially when you do heavy weight training, you are actually breaking down your muscle causing micro-tears. Don’t worry, it sounds worse than it is and in fact, this breaking down of your muscle is exactly what we want because this leads to the second part to building bigger, stronger muscles, THE RECOVERY PHASE.Skip or get the recovery phase of your muscle building program wrong and you will never see any real gains or even worse, end up with some serious muscle damage that can sideline you for weeks.Below I am going to reveal 4 steps you can take to make sure you recover faster from your workouts, NATURALLY!

Cold BathsFor some reason you don’t see this a lot anymore in modern gyms but a few years ago almost all the gyms I went to had a COLD splash pool that you can jump in straight after your workouts. You will also find these cold pools or baths at almost all professional sporting stadiums for professional athletes to use straight after a match. BUT WHY? It’s simple really. Cold water reduces the inflammation from a hard workout or match. Less inflammation means less repair work and faster recovery.  This is also why you should put something cold ASAP on a muscle strain or sprain asap.But when it comes to working out, going for a cold bath ( 10 to 12 minutes in a bath with normal cold tap water is enough, no need for extra ICE ) can help you reduce the effect of

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DOMS ( Read more about DOMS here ) by up to 40%. That means you can recover almost 50% faster by doing this simple step as soon as possible after your workouts.

FoodSo you have just broken down your muscle, in the same way a construction company will break down an old wall if they want to build a brand new stronger one in its place, and do you know what is the very first thing they will need to start building that new wall; high quality bricks, the building blocks of construction! And in the same way the fastest way you are going to repair and rebuild your broken down muscle is with food, particularly protein, the building block of muscle.In simple terms, if you don’t take in enough calories and protein when you are doing some heavy muscle building your body won’t have the resources to recover.So one of the first things you need to do after your workout is to get some food protein into your body. You can use a protein shake if you wish and even combine with some simple carbs that will help transport the protein even faster into your muscle cells.Read more about Pre & Post Workout nutrition here

MassageNow for those of you who don’t know, I actually started out my career in the health and fitness industry as a sports massage therapist. In short I was massaging top sports professionals 6 to 8 hours a day to help them recover from matches or heavy workouts by manipulating their soft tissue ( Muscle in other words ) to remove toxins, increase flexibility and bring nutrients to the area faster. This all helped with one thing, faster recovery times so that they can train harder, have less injuries and so get better results and perform at a higer level.Now if you can get a massage once per week, GREAT! But most of us don’t have that luxury so what to do? Well you can get similar benefits to a massage from using a foam roller to “massage yourself”. Try and hit all the major areas like your quads, glutes, lower back etc with a simple 5 to 10 minute rolling session. ( Leave me a comment below if you want me to do a short 5 minutes Foam Roller Session Video )

SleepLast but definitely not least is the easiest and probably the most important thing you can do to speed up your recovery, SLEEP!Research has shown that sleep is particularly important as it enhances muscular recovery through protein synthesis and human growth hormone release. It also helps to restore brain function and alertness in preparation for intense training sessions.So try and get at least 7 to 8 hours sleep per night and make no mistake, if you do not prioritize sleep, you recovery and results WILL suffer.

Relájate y ganarás músculo¿Eres de los que entrena todos los días pero no consigues los resultados que esperabas? Si no das descanso a tus músculos nunca los conseguirás

Men's HealthEtiquetas: ganar músculo, relax, descanso, fitness


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El descanso es tan importante como el entrenamiento

Si quieres ganar músculo, levantar pesas es sólo una parte de la ecuación. La recuperación es igual de importante. La razón es que el trabajo con pesas provoca microdesgarros en los músculos, ymachacarse demasiado en el gimnasio puede socavar el proceso de reparación (también denominado crecimiento muscular).El cuerpo necesita al menos un día de reposo entre sesiones. Sigue estos cuatro consejos para sacar el máximo partido a tu tiempo de descanso.

ALIMENTA LOS MÚSCULOSDespués de hacer pesas, el metabolismo continúa acelerado mientras el cuerpo repone las reservas de energía y repara el tejido dañado.Si no tomas suficientes calorías y proteína, no tendrás los recursos necesarios para recuperarte.Consume entre 300 y 500 calorías adicionales los días de entrenamiento y procura elegir alimentos de alto contenido proteico para construir músculo. Toma 2,2 g por kilo de peso corporal. Más adelante te mostraremos tres consejos para dar combustible para tus músculos.

USA EL RODILLOLos masajes normales o con rodillo de espuma son muy beneficiosos. Ambos ayudan a movilizar el tejido cicatricial que se forma tras el entrenamiento con pesas. Así aceleras el proceso de reparación, alivias las agujetas y además aumentas la movilidad articular, según un estudio publicado en la revista  Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research .Antes de cada entrenamiento y de acostarte, date un masaje de 5 minutos con el rodillo en los cuádriceps, isquiotibiales, glúteos, caderas y región lumbar.

DUERME MÁSEl crecimiento muscular no se interrumpe cuando te metes en la cama. El cuerpo continúa reparando daños durante la noche, de manera que es importantísimo dormir lo necesario. La falta de sueño puede incrementar la pérdida de masa muscular hasta un 60%, según varias investigaciones.La razón: la hormona del crecimiento se fabrica sobre todo cuando estás durmiendo. Más aún: la fatiga asociada a la falta de sueño puede afectar mucho a tu rendimiento en el gimnasio. Procura dormir entre 7 y 8 horas todas las noches.

DATE UN BAÑO FRÍOUn entrenamiento agotador no tiene por qué causarte las agujetas de la muerte. Si te sumerges en agua fría inmediatamente después de una sesión de ejercicio intenso, el dolor muscular de aparición tardía (DMAT) se reduce hasta la mitad. De este modo te recuperas antes y es menos probable que te saltes el próximo entrenamiento.

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Los científicos recomiendan lo siguiente: llena la bañera con agua a 10-15 °C (la del grifo sale a esta temperatura) ymétete durante 5-12 minutos para reducir la inflamación causante del DMAT.

Combustible para los músculosTomando suplementos te aseguras de que el cuerpo recibe todo lo que necesita para construir masa muscular magra. Pero no todo sirve. Así que te decimos qué tomar y cuándo.ANTES DEL ENTRENAMIENTOBCAAsLos aminoácidos ramificados (BCAA) te dan energía para afrontar los entrenamientos y además favorecen la posterior síntesis de proteínas y aceleran el crecimiento muscular, según afirman unos investigadores de laUniversidad de Texas (EE.UU.).TRAS EL ENTRENAMIENTOBatido recuperadorPrepárate uno que tenga entre 300 y 350 calorías y que te aporte carbohidratos y proteínas en proporción 2 a 1. La ingesta combinada de ambos nutrientes resulta más eficaz para reducir la degradación muscular y estimular el desarrollo que tomarlos por separado.ANTES DE ACOSTARSEBatido de proteínasTomar algo de proteína antes de meterte en el sobre puede aumentar la síntesis proteica nocturna en torno a un 23%, según un estudio holandés. Además, te ayudará a no picar por la noche.