Transfer Learning in Sign language Ali Farhadi, David Forsyth University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign {afarhad2,daf}@cs.uiuc.edu Ryan White University of California at Berkeley [email protected] Abstract We build word models for American Sign Language (ASL) that transfer between different signers and differ- ent aspects. This is advantageous because one could use large amounts of labelled avatar data in combination with a smaller amount of labelled human data to spot a large num- ber of words in human data. Transfer learning is possible because we represent blocks of video with novel intermedi- ate discriminative features based on splits of the data. By constructing the same splits in avatar and human data and clustering appropriately, our features are both discrimina- tive and semantically similar: across signers similar fea- tures imply similar words. We demonstrate transfer learn- ing in two scenarios: from avatar to a frontally viewed hu- man signer and from an avatar to human signer in a 3/4 view. 1. Introduction We describe a method for building discriminative word spotters in American Sign Language (ASL). Our method implements a form of transfer learning, where we use one model for phenomena intrinsic to a word and a second model to cover variations in its rendering (the signer; the aspect; etc.). Word models can be learned using an ani- mated dictionary, and then spotted in video of a new signer seen from a different aspect. The method is able to transfer models in this way because our features measure similarity between a word and a reference vocabulary. Sign Language: There is a substantial community of people who are profoundly deaf (an NIDCD report circa 1989 estimates 2 million in the US [2]), of whom perhaps 360,000 speak ASL [1]. It is usual to call this latter group of people Deaf. Very good ASL interpretation services are fre- quently available in metropolitan areas, but there are many situations in which deaf persons find themselves with inad- equate or non-existing interpretation services. For example, there are startlingly few ASL translations of standard diag- nostic tests [25, 32]. ASL is rich in complex phonological phenomena [33]. Sign forms can be decomposed into primitive phonological features (evidence includes signs that differ in exactly one feature [22] and “slips of the hand” [18, 22]). Signs can be decomposed into sequences of target positions and move- ments between these positions; the decomposition obeys constraints [10], which are particularly strong in the case of the non-dominant hand in two-handed signs [6, 12]. Signs are produced more slowly than words (about half the speaking rate), but each sign contains a larger number of features and each feature has a wider range of possible values [22]. Features describing the hands include hand- shape (for the two hands independently), hand orientation, location of the hand relative to the body, and movement pat- tern. The Purdue ASL database [26] distinguished 16 differ- ent handshapes and 39 movement patterns. Moreover, ASL has an extensive range of “non-manual signals” (NMS), ex- pressed by movements of the torso and head, facial expres- sions, and eye gaze. These observations have motivated at- tempts to build multi-channel recognition [38] and multi- channel features [9]. Sign Languages and Computer Vision: Sign lan- guages in general offer important model problems to the vision community. One must recognize phenomena drawn from a very rich, but known, pool; there are important sources of individual variation; there are significant chal- lenges in producing features that are robust to variation in signer, in aspect, and in background. Authors typically fit Hidden Markov Models to words and use the models discriminatively. Starner and Pent- land [31] report a recognition rate of 90% with a vocabulary of 40 signs using a rigid language model. Grobel and Assan recognize isolated signs under similar conditions for a 262- word vocabulary using HMM’s [20]. This work was ex- tended to recognize continuous German sign language with a vocabulary of 97 signs by Bauer and Hienz [7]. Vogler and Metaxas use estimates of arm position from a physical sensor mounted on the body or from a system of three cam- eras and report word recognition accuracy of the order of 90% for a vocabulary of 53 words in [35, 36, 39] and build a phoneme model for 22 word vocabulary without hand- shapes in [37] and with handshapes in [38]. Kadous trans- 1

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Transfer Learning in Sign language

Ali Farhadi, David ForsythUniversity of Illinois at Urbana Champaign


Ryan WhiteUniversity of California at Berkeley

[email protected]


We build word models for American Sign Language(ASL) that transfer between different signers and differ-ent aspects. This is advantageous because one could uselarge amounts of labelled avatar data in combination with asmaller amount of labelled human data to spot a large num-ber of words in human data. Transfer learning is possiblebecause we represent blocks of video with novel intermedi-ate discriminative features based on splits of the data. Byconstructing the same splits in avatar and human data andclustering appropriately, our features are both discrimina-tive and semantically similar: across signers similar fea-tures imply similar words. We demonstrate transfer learn-ing in two scenarios: from avatar to a frontally viewed hu-man signer and from an avatar to human signer in a 3/4view.

1. IntroductionWe describe a method for building discriminative word

spotters in American Sign Language (ASL). Our methodimplements a form of transfer learning, where we use onemodel for phenomena intrinsic to a word and a secondmodel to cover variations in its rendering (the signer; theaspect; etc.). Word models can be learned using an ani-mated dictionary, and then spotted in video of a new signerseen from a different aspect. The method is able to transfermodels in this way because our features measure similaritybetween a word and a reference vocabulary.

Sign Language: There is a substantial community ofpeople who are profoundly deaf (an NIDCD report circa1989 estimates 2 million in the US [2]), of whom perhaps360,000 speak ASL [1]. It is usual to call this latter group ofpeople Deaf. Very good ASL interpretation services are fre-quently available in metropolitan areas, but there are manysituations in which deaf persons find themselves with inad-equate or non-existing interpretation services. For example,there are startlingly few ASL translations of standard diag-nostic tests [25, 32].

ASL is rich in complex phonological phenomena [33].

Sign forms can be decomposed into primitive phonologicalfeatures (evidence includes signs that differ in exactly onefeature [22] and “slips of the hand” [18, 22]). Signs can bedecomposed into sequences of target positions and move-ments between these positions; the decomposition obeysconstraints [10], which are particularly strong in the caseof the non-dominant hand in two-handed signs [6, 12].

Signs are produced more slowly than words (about halfthe speaking rate), but each sign contains a larger numberof features and each feature has a wider range of possiblevalues [22]. Features describing the hands include hand-shape (for the two hands independently), hand orientation,location of the hand relative to the body, and movement pat-tern. The Purdue ASL database [26] distinguished 16 differ-ent handshapes and 39 movement patterns. Moreover, ASLhas an extensive range of “non-manual signals” (NMS), ex-pressed by movements of the torso and head, facial expres-sions, and eye gaze. These observations have motivated at-tempts to build multi-channel recognition [38] and multi-channel features [9].

Sign Languages and Computer Vision: Sign lan-guages in general offer important model problems to thevision community. One must recognize phenomena drawnfrom a very rich, but known, pool; there are importantsources of individual variation; there are significant chal-lenges in producing features that are robust to variation insigner, in aspect, and in background.

Authors typically fit Hidden Markov Models to wordsand use the models discriminatively. Starner and Pent-land [31] report a recognition rate of 90% with a vocabularyof 40 signs using a rigid language model. Grobel and Assanrecognize isolated signs under similar conditions for a 262-word vocabulary using HMM’s [20]. This work was ex-tended to recognize continuous German sign language witha vocabulary of 97 signs by Bauer and Hienz [7]. Voglerand Metaxas use estimates of arm position from a physicalsensor mounted on the body or from a system of three cam-eras and report word recognition accuracy of the order of90% for a vocabulary of 53 words in [35, 36, 39] and builda phoneme model for 22 word vocabulary without hand-shapes in [37] and with handshapes in [38]. Kadous trans-


Transfer Learning












(50 words)









(50 words)






'call' classifier

'daughter' classifier


shared words (labelled in both sets) target words (labelled only in dictionary)

automatically generatetarget word classifiers for the new signer

(unobserved target words)

Figure 1. In transfer learning, we use a set of shared words labelledin both datasets and a set of target words labelled only in the dic-tionary to automatically build word classifiers for the new signer.The resulting word classifiers are highly accurate (Figure 8), evenwhen the avatar and new signer have different appearances (Fig-ure 2).

duced isolated Australian sign language signs with a pow-erglove, reporting a recognition rate of 80% using decisiontrees [28]. Matsuo et al transduced Japanese sign languagewith stereo cameras, using decision tree methods to recog-nize a vocabulary of 38 signs [27]. Kim et al. transduce Ko-rean sign language using datagloves, reporting 94% accu-racy in recognition for 131 Korean signs [21]. Al-Jarrah andHalawani report high recognition accuracy for 30 Arabicmanual alphabet signs recognized from monocular viewsof a signer using a fuzzy inference system [4]. Gao et al.describe recognizing isolated signs drawn from a vocabu-lary of 5177 using datagloves and an HMM model [16, 40].Their system is not speaker-independent: they describe rel-atively high accuracy for the original signer, and a signifi-cant reduction in performance for other signers. Similarly,Zieren and Kraiss report high, but not speaker independent,accuracy for monocular recognition of German sign lan-guage drawn from a vocabulary of 152 signs [41]. Akyoland Canzler describe an information terminal which canrecognize 16 signs with a high, user-independent, recog-nition rate; their system uses HMM’s to infer signs frommonocular views of users wearing coloured gloves [3].Bowden et al. use ICA and a Markov model to learn ac-curate models of 49 isolated signs using one example persign [9]. Discriminative word-spotting for a small vocab-ulary is described in [14]. While a few projects have at-tempted to translate English into ASL (review in [19]) nonehave made a heavy use of statistical techniques and only oneattempts to align closed captions with ASL [14].

Discriminative methods have not been widely used instudies of ASL (with the exception of [14]). Hidden Markov


New Signer (frontal)

New Signer (3/4 view)

Figure 2. We transfer word models learned on avatar data (top) tonew domains: a human signer viewed from the front (middle) anda human signer recorded in a 3/4 view (bottom). Above, we seeimages from the word ’book’ signed in each example. Differingappearance and aspect mean that we can’t use the same features.The rightmost frame is indicative of the kind of variations thatoccur between instances of the same sign. In the frontal view, thehuman signer holds her hands higher up on the body and furtherapart than the avatar; in the 3/4 view, she holds her hands higherup than the avatar, but about the same distance apart. Throughoutthe word, the avatar’s gaze is frontal, but the human signer looksat her hands for five of the six frames shown.

models are more popular, but in our opinion are not partic-ularly well adapted to modeling sign language. First, unlessone has a phonemic dictionary available, one cannot ben-efit from the pooling of training data across words that isso useful in speech applications — each word model is acompletely new model. Second, HMM’s are generative andmay produce weak results unless one works with featuresknown to be discriminative, particularly when one has fewtraining examples. The advantage of HMM’s is their abil-ity to encode dynamical information; as we show, standarddiscriminative methods can do so perfectly satisfactorily.

extract robustimage


convert todiscriminative


assign to rendering

independentfeature clusters




c i wi

rendering dependent processing

Figure 4 Figure 5

word modellow level processing

this part needs to be modified for a new signer or a new aspect

learn this once from dictionary (avatar)

Figure 7 Figure 7

Figure 3. Word spotting is accomplished with three major sections: low level processing, rendering dependent processing, and wordmodelling. Conceptually, we work backwards across the model. The word model is intrinsic to sign language and only needs to be learnedonce — therefore the feature clusters ci in the word model are the same for all videos of sign language. However the image features fi varybased on the specifics of a particular recording setup. Because these specifics include signer identity and aspect, we can view the middlesection as rendering dependent processing. Finally, our image features are based on relatively standard image processing (see Figure 4 formore details).

The great disadvantage of discriminative models to datehas been that one may be forced to build word models withrelatively few examples (because most words appear sel-dom, a universal phenomenon in language [24]). Com-plex aspect phenomena, particularly at the hands, compli-cate this (e.g. see the collection of aspect information athttp://www.bu.edu/asllrp). Worse, for most words, we mayhave no example of the words produced by the signer in, orat the aspect of, the test sequence. This is a natural applica-tion for transfer learning.

Transfer learning describes a body of procedures thatallow information obtained learning one task to be trans-ferred to another, related, task. The literature is scattered.One may use empirical priors [17]; “lifelong learning” [34];determine bias from earlier examples [8]; learn multipletasks simultaneously [13]; or identify features that tend totransfer [30]. Many vision problems are naturally seen astransfer learning problems (for example, the standard prob-lem of determining whether two face images match withoutever having seen images of that individual; as another ex-ample, one might use cartoons to learn the location of ob-ject features, and very few real images to learn their appear-ance [11]). This paper demonstrates that, once a seman-tically similar feature space has been constructed, modelsof words learned from an animated dictionary alone can beused to recognize words produced by a human signer in dif-ferent aspects. Figure 1 shows a dataset view of our transferlearning and Figure 2 shows just how different the sameword can look.

2. Discriminative Features by Comparison

We wish to recognize signs produced by humans, atnovel aspects, from examples produced by a roughly ani-








(image feature

vector forframe i)











+ (x,y)

+ (x,y)

+ (x,y)


+ image distances

Figure 4. Our image features include motion, image gradient andlocation information. Each feature is derived from a block of sevenframes. In each frame, we cutout both hands and the face to com-pute sift descriptors. We add position and velocity information(position of the head, offset from one hand to the other and orien-tation and velocity of each hand) and stack similar data from allseven frames to make one large feature vector.

mated signing avatar (which we commonly refer to as thedictionary because of the large number of available words).To do so, we need features that tend to follow intrinsic prop-erties of a sign, rather than the accidents of the rendering ofthe sign (what the aspect, who the signer, etc.). Our featuresshould not describe what a sign looks like, as this mighthave to do with the aspect or the signer; it is more useful todescribe which other signs, rendered in the same way, looksimilar to this sign. We expect this form of description to beuseful, because phonological studies [37] suggest that signshave shared features — equivalently, that segments of dif-ferent signs look similar to one another. This fact suggestsusing comparative features (Section 2.2). In [15], compar-ative features are used for object recognition. They match









Idea: project image features to a discriminative space based on common comparisons

discriminative space defined by aligning splitting planes

‘about’ (shared word)

similar image features imply

similar projectionin discriminative


similar image features imply

similar projectionin discriminative


dissimilar image features imply

dissimilar projectionin discriminative


dissimilar image features imply

dissimilar projectionin discriminative


‘book’ (shared word)


new image (from target word ‘can’t’)

'can’t' (target word)

‘about’ (shared word) ‘book’ (shared word)

New image projects to left because it has more in common with ‘college’ and ‘about’ than ‘cafeteria’ and ‘book’

Figure 5. We build discriminative feature spaces from common projections of the image features. Conceptually, the new space allows usto do comparisons in the proper domain. In this figure, we have created two new spaces: one in the dictionary domain (top) and one inthe transfer domain (bottom). Each space is defined by the same split of shared words — in this case the words ’about’ and ’college’ areseparated from the words ’book’ and ’cafeteria’ (see Section 2 for a description of how we pick splits). Thus, each space has the samesemantics and projection operates like a large comparison: image features fi should project to the side of the decision boundary withsimilar words. Thus, the word ’can’t’ has more in common with ’about’ than ’book’ in both the dictionary and transfer domain. This figureshows a single discriminative projection — in practice we build many such projections and concatenate the results to create a new featurevector. In Figure 3, this corresponds to converting the fi to the vi.

images by counting number of common comparisons whilewe use ordered vectors of comparison results. As a result,their features are far less discriminative because differentcomparisons reveal different features.

We build our features in two stages. First, we extractan appearance description that represents a block of framescentered at each frame (Section 2.1). Second, we comparethese blocks of frames to blocks taken from known examplewords rendered in the same way (Figure 5); the result ofeach comparison is binary (Section 2.2).

2.1. Appearance description

Each sign typically spans 25-65 frames of video. Our im-age features describe a small span of frames (seven in total)centered on a particular frame, to capture local dynamicaleffects. Figure 4 depicts the extraction of image features.We first identify the hands and head in each frame, using asimple skin detector that uses color thresholds. Skin pixelsare clustered to three clusters of known size using k-means.Head and hand configuration is encoded by extracting SIFTfeatures for a bounding box centered on the cluster [23].When hands overlap, the clusters overlap and so do thesebounding boxes, meaning that both hands may be reportedwith the same feature. This appears to present no problemoverall, most likely because hands do not overlap for longperiods and we use dynamical features. We always iden-tify the leftmost hand as the left hand. The static featurevector for a single frame is 395 dimensional and consists

of SIFT features for head and hands, position of the head,offset from the left to the right hand, and orientation andvelocity of each hand. We obtain a dynamic feature vectorfor each frame by stacking feature vectors for a seven frameinterval centered on the current frame. The resulting vectorhas dimension 2765.

2.2. Comparative features

Our dataset has two types of words: shared words thatare labelled in both the dictionary and transfer domain andtarget words that are only labelled in the dictionary. We donot expect many shared words or many examples of each;for the work we describe we use 50 shared words and threeexamples of each.

Each comparative feature is a random split of the sharedwords into two classes. There are many such splits. A de-scription of the type and utility of these splits is in Figure 5.We choose splits that can accurately be predicted from dataand obtain these splits by random search. The features areobtained by using a classifier to predict which side of eachsplit a particular block of frames lies. Recall that our im-age features represent a block of frames much smaller thana word. As a result, each block of frames of a word mustindependently project to the same side of the split. Thismeans that good splits tend to be groupings of words withshared structures.

Choosing splits on a dictionary: In detail, we searchthousands of distinct randomly selected splits of the shared























for ‘airplane’


correctresponsesfor ‘cold’


for ‘’answer’


Figure 6. We demonstrate that our discriminative features are use-ful by building a simple word spotter (trained using logistic re-gression). In the graph above, responses are in probabilities: 1indicates the word is present, 0 indicates it isn’t. The small bluepoints are responses to other words and the large red points areresponses to the correct word. Notice that the features are discrim-inative in all cases, and in some cases the response is perfect, asshown in the second graph. See Section 2 for a description of howwe build these features. In the inset, we see that the word spottermakes it easy to find word boundaries.

word vocabulary. For each split, we search random 50-element subsets of the feature vectors for dictionary render-ings alone. For each such subset, we fit a logistic regressionclassifier to the split. For each split, we keep the subset offeatures that produces the logistic regression with the bestlog-likelihood on the dictionary examples. We now keepthe 100 splits with the best log-likelihood on the dictionary.

Learning to split in a new domain: We now have a setof splits that will form the comparative features, but mustcompute on which side of a split a particular block of frameslies. We have examples of each shared word in each render-ing, but the feature vector is too large for reliable classi-fication. For each rendering, we search randomly chosensubsets of 50 elements of the full feature vector, and apply




Ni M










Ni M







Dictionary New Signer




Ni M










Ni M







Dictionary New Signer




Ni M










Ni M







Dictionary New Signer

Building Clusters on Shared Words Learning Target Word Models

Target Words in Transfer Dataset

w: wordsc : feature clusterv : feature (discriminative feature derived from image)i : indexes wordsj : indexes frames within words


(a) (b)


Figure 7. Our word model is a mixture of multinomials. Eachword generates a cluster index for each frame of the video. Theclusters are groups of discriminative features (derived from imagefeatures, see Section 2 and Figure 5). There are actually two mod-els: one for the dictionary and one for the new signer. First, welearn the clusters on shared words using EM. Then, we train targetword models on words seen only in the dictionary, and finally weperform inference for these words on video of the new signer.

logistic regression to predict the split. We accept the regres-sion that achieves the highest log-likelihood on the trainingset of frames. We have encountered no overfitting with thismodel selection strategy, perhaps because the pool of blocksof frames is large.

Knowing the rendering circumstances of any test blockof frames (which signer, which aspect ...), we compute thecomparative feature by evaluating the relevant classifiersfor each split on the block and then quantizing the output tozero or one respectively. As a result, each frame of videohas a feature vector vi with 100 binary elements – one ele-ment corresponding to each split. These vectors are usefulon their own (Section 2.3) or in combination with a wordmodel built for transfer learning (Section 3).

2.3. Spotting Word Boundaries

Our comparative features are highly discriminative forthe rendering for which they were constructed. We demon-strate this by showing results for a word spotter that usesexamples from the same rendering to spot new words us-ing the comparative features. Figure 6 shows results of thelogistic regression for three words, ’cold’, ’airplane’, and’answer’, on a long run of 8000 frames. This means that itis straightforward to build a word boundary spotter (using

target words

Class Confusion Matrix for Words Transferred to Frontal View


ow te


shared words target words shared words

Class Confusion Matrix for Words Transferred to 3/4 View

Figure 8. This confusion matrix establishes that transfer learning is accurate, especially considering the difficulty of the task (elements onthe diagonal indicate correct classification while others indicate errors). Training for the word model (p(c|w)) is done on the avatar andtested on frontal human data (left) and 3/4 view human data (right). This task is more challenging than a typical application because wordspotting is done without language models (such as word frequency priors, bigrams, or trigrams).

logistic regression on comparative features), which is a use-ful tool. One can then threshold the output of classifier andsmooth the results to get the word boundaries (Figure 6).The average error rate for localizing a word boundary usingthis classifier is 6.78 frames. We use this tool to prepareclass confusion matrices (Section 4).

3. Transferable Word ModelsTo transfer word models from the dictionary to the new

space, we use global word models — i.e. word modelsthat remain constant across different signers and differentaspects. In other words, there is only one model for theword ’book’ in Figure 2 despite significant variation in ap-pearance. We rely heavily on the discriminative featuresdiscussed in the previous section.

To accomplish this, we define word models that are amixture of multinomials (Figure 7) with the following vari-ables: words wi, discriminative features vi,j as describedin the previous section, and a hidden node ci,j which formsclusters of these discriminative features. The model consistsof two parts: generating clusters of discriminative featuresfrom words (p(ci,j |wi)) and generating specific discrimi-native feature vectors from clusters (p(vi,j |ci,j)). The firstemission model p(ci,j |wi) is the word model and is sharedfor all words. The second emission model p(vi,j |ci,j) isspecific to the pertinent domain: i.e. we have differentp(vi,j |ci,j) for different renderings (different signers anddifferent aspects). Correspondingly, in Figure 3, our mix-ture of multinomials spans two boxes: one for renderingindependent processing and one for the word model.

In the following subsections, we discuss a sequence oflearning strategies. First, we discuss how to train and usethis word model exclusively on the dictionary. Second, wediscuss how to perform inference. Finally, we discuss howto train this model so that the dictionary and transfer do-main have similar cluster semantics (i.e. ci are rendering


3.1. Training a Word Model on the Dictionary

In the simplest case, we train our mixture of multinomi-als on the dictionary alone. We will extend this training inthe next section to perform transfer.

In this case, as shown in Figure 7 (b), we have labelleddata for the features vi,j and the words wi, but not the clus-ters ci,j . This is a classic hidden data problem traditionallysolved using EM. Because this stage is only an initializationfor future steps, we choose a simpler approach: momentar-ily ignore the word labels, cluster the feature vectors fi,j

using k-means and then use the word labels to compute theprobabilities (p(ci,j |wi) and p(vi,j |ci,j)) by counting.

3.2. Inferring the Word

To infer the word on an unseen sequence of frames, weperform two steps which correspond to the last two stepsin our word spotting pipeline (Figure 3). First, we assignthe discriminative features (fi,j) to clusters probablitically.Second, we sum over this distribution in all frames of theword to obtain an ML estimate of the word identity. Asdescribed in Section 2.3, we already know the word bound-aries.

3.3. Simultaneous Training in Two Domains

Our word inference procedure is the same in any do-main. However, the probabilities p(vi,j |ci,j) are specific tothe domain and must be trained to force the ci to be seman-tically similar between domains. To do this, we initializeboth models (dictionary and transfer) using the dictionarymodel described in Section 3.1. Then we use EM to updatethe probability models while constraining the word modelto be the same in both (i.e. there is one cluster emissionmodel p(w|c) and two feature emission models: p(v|c) forthe dictionary and p(v′|c) for the transfer domain). In the

E-step, we compute the expected value for the hidden nodesci,j and c′

i,j and in the M-step we update the probabilitiesp(w|c), p(v|c), and p(v′|c).

At the end of this procedure we have p(v′|c) for the trans-fer domain. We can do word spotting by combining thep(v′|c) computed on the shared word and the p(c|w) com-puted from the target words in the dictionary domain.

4. ResultsWe demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach by

transferring words learned on an avatar to two new domains:a human signer recorded from the front and a 3/4 view.

Data: Figure 2 illustrates our datasets. Our dictionary isan animated ASL dictionary, ”SigningAvatar”. We excludesynonyms and make a list of 90 words. For each word werender three examples of the word signed at three differentspeeds. Human signer data consists of three examples of afluent signer signing the word list in frontal view (the mid-dle row). We obtain one example of each word in a 3/4 view(the bottom row). Word lengths vary from 25 to 65 frames.

Comparative features: We choose 50 shared words totrain comparative features. We split these shared words4000 times and select the 100 best splits. The word model istrained on all 90 dictionary words, and the feature emissionmodel is trained on all 90 dictionary words, but only the50 shared words for the frontal and 3/4 view signer videos.This means that the remaining 40 words in the human signervideos have not been seen by the word model training pro-cess, the feature emission training process, or the compara-tive feature training process.

Transfer results: Transfer is remarkably successful; re-sults appear to be independent of aspect. In particular, Fig-ure 8 shows class confusion matrices for the 40 words with-out human signer training data in two cases: a frontal signerand a signer at a 3/4 view. Each target word can be confusedwith any element of our 90 word vocabulary. In the frontalcase, we have 3 instances of each word (and so 120 classifi-cation attempts), and we get the error rate of 35.83% whichmeans that 64.17% of these attempts are correct. This isvery strong performance for 90-class classification withoutexplicit examples. In the 3/4 case, we have one instance ofeach word (and so 40 classification attempts), and we getthe error rate of 37.5% which means that 62.5% of theseclassification attempts are correct.

Controls: First, we check how difficult the transfer fromavatar to human example is. To do so, we train a word spot-ter on frontal avatar data and apply it to human examples infrontal and 3/4 view. This gives us the error rate of 99.1%(c.f. our transfer learning error rate of 35.8%) and 97.8%(c.f. our transfer learning error rate of 37.5%) for transfer-ring to frontal and 3/4 view respectively.

Second, we compare dimension reduction with randomprojection to that using principal components. If we use

PCA to compute dimension reduced features rather thanrandom splits, we get an error rate of 64.2% for transferringfrom frontal avatar to frontal human signer and 68.7% fortransferring from frontal avatar to 3/4 view human signer.We conjecture that the increased error rate results from thevariance in estimating the PCA projection matrix, which hasapproximately 3 × 105 entries.

5. Discussion

We have demonstrated that word models learned on ananimated avatar can be transferred to spot words producedby a human signer, at frontal and 3/4 views. In particu-lar, the words we spot have never been seen rendered in theform in which we spot them; this is transfer learning.

One application for transfer learning is machine transla-tion. In this setting, a word model such as the one describedby this paper is augmented by a language model that in-cludes prior word frequency and local structure (such as bi-grams or trigrams). In speech recognition, these additionalconstraints greatly improve accuracy and we believe that thesame is true for ASL.

Our discriminative features based on comparisons are thecore of our method. We believe that these features are ef-fective because comparisons are transferable. In fact, theexistence of a phonological dictionary for ASL [37] revealsthe shared structure among words. The success of our com-parative features is probably due to this shared structure.We note an analogy with the work of Ando and Zhang [5]where using auxiliary tasks improves the performance ofthe learning algorithm. One could think of each split as anauxiliary task. It would be interesting to see if Ando andZhang’s method yielded better estimates of the coefficientsof our splits with very large quantities of unsupervised data.

Ideally, our discriminative features would convert di-rectly between image features and render-independent fea-tures. However, in preliminary experiments we found thatthe comparative features have somewhat different semanticsin different domains. We believe that this is because occa-sionally word pairs look similar in one domain and differentin another. We solve this by using the multinomial mixturemodel to generate clusters with similar semantics.

The primary intention of this work is to demonstrate themerits of transfer learning with comparative features. Asa result, we have not experimented with complex back-grounds, although we expect quite good performance forsigners wearing long-sleeved clothing. We speculate thatmany transfer learning opportunities are available in com-puter vision. We are currently studying the use of thesetechnologies for activity recognition.


This work was supported in part by the National ScienceFoundation under IIS - 0534837 and in part by the Officeof Naval Research under N00014-01-1-0890 as part of theMURI program. Any opinions, findings and conclusions orrecommendations expressed in this material are those of theauthor(s) and do not necessarily reflect those of the NationalScience Foundation or the Office of Naval Research.

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