[FAO] 10 Unsolved Mysteries of the World

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  • 7/28/2019 [FAO] 10 Unsolved Mysteries of the World


    [FAO] 10 Unsolved Mysteries Of The World

    Monday, July 6, 2009 10:36 PM


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    10 Unsolved Mysteries Of The World

  • 7/28/2019 [FAO] 10 Unsolved Mysteries of the World


    Placebo Effect

    The placebo effect is when a person takes something they believe is medicine for an ailment theyare suffering (which is not really a medicine),

    and they get better. A placebo is an inert substance, and when taken (with the advice from others

    that it will cure them)

    the person get better, simply because they were expecting or believed that it would work.Something similar,

    called the nocebo effect, is when a person takes fake drugs and thinks they are experiencing

    problems that would have been

    caused by the real drugs. They have been known to reduce pain as well. Why they occur ismysterious and they are

    only one of the many complicated things related to the body-brain connection. In fact, our own

    bodies hold many unsolved mysteries.

  • 7/28/2019 [FAO] 10 Unsolved Mysteries of the World



    How did life on earth appear? Science suggests that life when the planet was favourable forhabitation.

    Yet did microscopic organisms just pop out of nowhere? One hypothesis is panspermia, which

    suggests that seeds of life exist everywhere

    around the universe, and that life on earth started when these seeds came here, probably by ameteor. It also suggests that these

    seeds are taken to other habitable places in the universe. Something similar to this is exo-genesis.

    It suggests that life was brought toearth those billions of years ago, however it does not say that life is also taken to other habitable

    places. Some people

    believe aliens brought life to our planet, as suggested by the theories of Erich Von Daniken.Although some are sceptical as to how

    life could exist in space and get carried to other planets, there is substantial evidence that certain

    life forms, like spores and

    certain types of bacteria can actually exist in space, perhaps in a dormant state.

  • 7/28/2019 [FAO] 10 Unsolved Mysteries of the World


    Mass extinctions

    From the death of the dinosaurs, to the disappearance of the creatures in the Permian Era,mass extinctions are occurring even now.

    Sometimes, the cause is clear. We are destroying the biosphere and the atmosphere, andscientists predict that in the next 100 years,

    50% of all species will become extinct. But sometimes, the real reason is unclear. It may have

    been due to competition from other species,

    dramatic climate changes, or the impacts from an asteroid/meteor (the last one being quite apopular one). Yet some questions remain

    unanswered. Why was it that some species died out, and others survived, some to this day(famous example: the coelacanth).

    During the extinction of the dinosaurs, crocodiles and turtles were around, but they survived,even to this day, while the dinosaurs,

    the pterosaurs, the marine reptiles and others died out. While some people believe that thosespecies were unable to cope with

    the (possibly) new surroundings, others are not convinced. To this day, they are a mystery, andwithout a machine,

    we may never know. Other popular theories include:- flood basalt events, smaller asteroid

  • 7/28/2019 [FAO] 10 Unsolved Mysteries of the World


    showers, global warming/cooling, sea level drops.

    Zombies in Haiti

    Haitan vodou, part of their religious practices, has long been considered to be evil. And the baseof this suspicion is that the vodou is used to create zombies.

    Not zombies as in Hollywood zombies. Not animated brain ****ing zombies. Zombies like, sub-

    conscious humans who do everything they are told. Wade Davis,a Canadian ethno-biologist, uncovered a lot of info on this. Apparently, it originated in Africa,

    and two drugs (or poisons) are inserted into the victims bloodstream.

    One a deathlike trance, and one makes the victim seem like they have no brain of their own, thus

    rendering them able to do whatever they are told.3 important facts Davis found was:- zombification is not random, it is not common, and it is used

    as a kind of severe punishment,

    most likely to those that have broken the sacred vodou laws

  • 7/28/2019 [FAO] 10 Unsolved Mysteries of the World



    Ever learned something without really understanding how you know it? Thats intuition.Sometimes called a sixth sense or gut feelings,

    intuition is the ability to acquire knowledge without a clear source or without reasoning it. Somepeople claim that they get a

    feeling that someone is watching them, and they look around and find that somebody is, or was,

    watching them. Or a police officer

    may look at some suspects for a crime and somehow know which one is guilty, and later

    discover they were right.Though some people say that these things are all coincidences, others believe that the human

    brain has a special ability

    to get knowledge around them without conscious realization. It is another mystery of the humanmind

  • 7/28/2019 [FAO] 10 Unsolved Mysteries of the World



    What makes this so special? The fact that the Olympics are taking place in London? No. The

    ancient Maya civilization,

    from Central America, had a special calendar that was mind-blowingly accurate. And it predicted

    that the end of the human lifecycle was on December 21st, 2012, the winter solstice. The Mayans were also good at math and

    astrology(they accurately

    predicted an eclipse that occurred hundred of years later). So people are guessing that they wereright about the end of the world thing,

    too. Something else that has gotten scientists curious is that there are some major astronomical

    things happening in 2012.Apart from the occasional eclipse and comet, the entire solar system is supposed to pass through

    the center of our galaxy, s

    omething that happens only once every 26,000 years. And, theres a risk of our planets poles


    Sounds crazy, but scientists say this has already happened. Also, the Indian calendar, the KaliYuga, ends at about the same time.

    Coincidence? I think not

    Life on exoplanets

    Exoplanets, short for extra-solar planets, are planets beyond the solar system. There are 277

    recorded exoplanets to date.However, there is no confirmation that there is life on any of them, or in the universe, for that

    matter. However, it is still a mystery.

    This is different from UFOs as UFO are unidentified flying objects, meaning something

    unidentified that has been seen on earth.Some likely candidates for supporting life are Gliese 581 d and HD 189733 b, the latter

  • 7/28/2019 [FAO] 10 Unsolved Mysteries of the World


    supposedly containing water vapour and organic matter.

    There are also questions as to whether there are moons orbiting these planets. Some people

    believe that there may evenbe life in our solar system that we dont know of. Some moons, like Neptunes Triton or Saturns

    Europa, may possible have, or had,

    life, and there is substantial evidence that water once flowed through Mars. Still, no one knows.

    Nazca Lines

    Etched into the earth on the Nazca Plains in Peru are giant symbols drawn perfectly straight.

    Some are hundreds of metres long.

    They look as if they were drawn by some giant hand two thousand years ago. And the strangething is, they can only be seen from the air.

    So how did the ancient Nazcans draw them? Researchers say they could have created hot air

    balloon or kites to fly and view their work.Indeed, an experiment was carried out and it proved that the Nazcans could have made a working

    balloon. The symbols themselves are of animals

    and plants. Yet some are long strips of land without any direct meaning. A writer named Erich

    Von Daniken believed that these werelanding strips for alien spacecraft, and that aliens could have drawn them. They may also be for

    contacting these aliens. Maria Reiche,

    an astronomer, says that these lines may be used as a calendar, or to keep track of the stars and

    planets. There is a monkey drawingthat has a coiled tail that looks similar to the orbital lines of our solar system. There are even

    more obscure theories that suggest

    that there were giant people 2,000 years ago. Yet, they are still a mystery.

  • 7/28/2019 [FAO] 10 Unsolved Mysteries of the World


    Megalithic structures

    A megalithic structure is some thing big made of rock. It could be a statue, or just some rocksstrewn around in a pattern.

    The truly mysterious thing about the ancients is, how were they able to create such enormous

    things? They did not have the technologyneeded to efficiently make them. Stonehenge is a good example. A bigger one is the Great

    Pyramid in Giza, or the pyramids themselves.

    Sometimes, even their purpose is unclear (Stonehenge) , while other times, the structures in

    question are mysterious and seeminglysupernatural (the pyramids). A megalith (I know, sounds like something from Di-Gata

    Defenders), a giant rock, is used most of the time,

    especially in the case of Stonehenge and the Carnac stones. Still, there are a few megalithicstructures that are not mysterious

    (like Great Zimbabwe), but mostly it seems impossible that the ancients made these things

    themselves. Now, many would like

    to think aliens helped them. Yet even scientists say queerer things. They suggest that there mayhave been a lost ancient civilization

    that was extremely advanced, and they may have given later civilizations the knowledge to build

    such things. Yet there is nosubstantial evidence of either. Other examples: Easter Island Heads, Pyramid of the Sun (in

    Mesoamerica) ,

    other pyramids in central and south America, Colossus of Rhodes.

  • 7/28/2019 [FAO] 10 Unsolved Mysteries of the World


    Creation of the Universe

    The universe is vast and unknown. It holds many mysteries. And possibly the biggest mystery is

    how the universe was created.

    Scientists have suggested that there was a massive explosion billions of years ago called The BigBang. That theory is now generally accepted,

    and scientists are looking for trails of energy left behind from

    the colossal explosion that created a trillion stars. Yet there is no absolute proof. But the creation

    of the universe is something too

    big to happen so simply. Religious folks will say God/Allah/Vishnu created the universe. Butscientists will say that there was a Big Bang,

    and that there is energy from the bang moving through the universe, and they are trying to locatethe epicentre. So, the debate

    continues. Religion vs. Science is probably the biggest conflict in the world. But what is

    religion? There are so many different types.

    And the difference between the Christian religion and Greek mythology? No one believes inGreek mythology anymore. But what is science?

    And math? Things created by man. So before saying that man created God and science proves it,

    people should realize man

    created science as well. And maybe, the universe is just something made up in our minds.

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  • 7/28/2019 [FAO] 10 Unsolved Mysteries of the World



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