Chapter I Introduction The times in which we live seem to be some of the most restless in human history. If prior sins such as abortion, fornication, love of greatness, drunkenness, etc., were considered very high, today unfortunately, they have become the norm. Seriously is that such changes are taking place in the family, so we can speak of a crisis of the modern family. Once considered family ,, swing "of civilization, the most favorable environment for the development of personality, today this ,, swing" is more an obstacle to professional dzvoltarii and for this reason it is delayed or even ignored. 1 We all see that most people put the family on the second list of priorities in life, the first being the realization professionally and then, if appropriate, carrying the family plan. Really important is the career, but this should not be exaggerated care. Giving more importance to career looks the most meaningful namely family. We observe that the family lost its vocation, parents have forgotten their role and children also forgot that supposed to be a child. The members forget their role is obvious that Inter- family relationships become increasingly shaky and this starts primarily to education, which is also very neglected. Parents no longer spend so


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Page 1: Family

Chapter I Introduction

The times in which we live seem to be some of the most restless in human history. If prior sins such as abortion, fornication, love of greatness, drunkenness, etc., were considered very high, today unfortunately, they have become the norm. Seriously is that such changes are taking place in the family, so we can speak of a crisis of the modern family. Once considered family ,, swing "of civilization, the most favorable environment for the development of personality, today this ,, swing" is more an obstacle to professional dzvoltarii and for this reason it is delayed or even ignored. 1 We all see that most people put the family on the second list of priorities in life, the first being the realization professionally and then, if appropriate, carrying the family plan. Really important is the career, but this should not be exaggerated care. Giving more importance to career looks the most meaningful namely family.

We observe that the family lost its vocation, parents have forgotten their role and children also forgot that supposed to be a child. The members forget their role is obvious that Inter-family relationships become increasingly shaky and this starts primarily to education, which is also very neglected. Parents no longer spend so much time with their children and for this reason there is a remove them from their parents. This however, does not happen if the family is not broken by the Church. Only by living in the great family of the Church of Christ and in a truly Christian family man resists temptations easier and hardships of life. Alone, he can not overcome all the trials of life and ultimately can not save.Man is destined to live in communion and not alone, therefore its creation, God said ,, not good man to be alone; to do helper suitable for him. " 2

From the beginning God saw man and woman to live in harmony. Therefore speaks both as one would speak and say ,, Male and female He created them "(Genesis 1, 27);and ,, no longer male and

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female "(Galatians 3, 28). So there is a link between spouses very deep spiritual that man can not break.

Therefore, in this paper I will present some aspects of family namely spiritual connection and friendship in the family.

Cap. II. The purpose of marriage. Love and communion in the family

Marriage is one of the seven sacraments of the Church and Great God blessed the union of man and woman since their creation to multiplication and mutual assistance.Through this sacrament is performed deepest union between two people, between a man and a woman. Man alone is unfulfilled, it lacks something. The sacrament of matrimony gap fill and man becomes true. In the family, they complete each other, in the sense that man finds the woman who needed support and they're looking for, and she finds, along with her husband own site.

According to scientific sources, reasons why people choose to be together are sexually compatible, running away from loneliness, need a friend, financial security, escape from the constraints of parental desire to be important or to count for someone to be appreciated that person. 3  

Of the purposes of marriage, Father Cleopas identifies two namely: the main purpose, according to the commandment of God and the teachings of the Orthodox Church, is the union through love of the spouses in the name of God for the birth of children, for propagation of the human race. Then spouses helping each other, to facilitate learning;abstinence and avoiding bodily lust and immorality in the world. All of these purposes is to the glory of God. 4

The basis of marriage is love and communion. Love is the highest Christian virtue, is an amazing feeling, but it is not just a feeling, but a state of the whole being. Man is made to love as his Creator and love itself. Within the family should be mutual love and unite husbands and children with each other, and these, spouses and children of God. At the same time it is also a commitment to progress, happiness and mutual fulfillment. From his great love for people, God created man dual, male

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and female, as man is destined to live in communion. Rightly, we can say, in full consonance with Western theologian Paul Evdokimov, that ,, there is only suffering, that of being alone " 5

Love in the family is a sacrificial, sacrifice it involves both the spouses and the children. Woman as says St. Paul, man must obey the Lord, that obedience through love.Why is that? Because if the spouses live together in harmony, then their children will thrive and neighbors will delight the scent of their Christian life and their friends and relatives will enjoy will be proud. But if the reverse happens, all will clutter, all will be troubled and confused. It happens here that is what happens in an army: When they link generals quiet and work harmoniously army goes well and bears victories; But when they do not understand and argue the whole army turns upside down. 6 also the man must not take advantage of what he said St. Paul, and urges them because: ,, Husbands, love your wives as Christ loved the church and gave Himself for her " 7 Thus, men are bound to love women and even give their lives for them.

A wise thought says ,, God created woman from man's rib with a purpose. Not from his head, in order to master it, nor from his feet to be trampled not, but from one part under his arm protector that go along the road of life. " So the woman was created from its coast, a place much closer to his heart, his soul, mingling, with love, with his very being.From then until the end of life on earth, man and woman will seek relentlessly seek their fulfillment of one with the other and thereby seek to escape the loneliness each other's arms, under the protection of the life and heart of another. 8

In addition, communion in the family is very important. Man is God's creation tends toward communion and communication. Sacrament of Matrimony, the one that opens our understanding of many mysteries that are in God and His love for people, and communion in love with each other, following the model of the Trinity, is a lever theandric.Fathers urges man to get out of the temptation of selfishness, the first step toward communion, to love fully, to a full spiritual

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life. Man is almost full when has life of communion with another man and the whole man when he has communion with God and his fellow men. 9

Family Communion ,, always mean being better or worse. " Father Dumitru Stăniloae says in this regard: ,, Good is the other answer to your need of love and your answer to the need of him. It's good to be with each other for better or worse. Good is not good when you impose other, but not the one you love, you stay away from communion with him.The other is the actual lack of your love, and you love him. The good is to love one as thyself. " 10

Chapter III friendship and spiritual connection within the family

A very important thing in relations between family members is friendship. That is, the foundation of their lives, ie, spouses, and friendships based, store and cultivate moral values, Christian virtues. In other words, we say that their friendship and then in the family, to receive Christ, friend and brother ideal. 11 God has placed spouses marriage for mutual assistance. Those married are bound to one another in faith and help and start all this is true love, so lucky in the state and in the miserable, even in troublesome disease and prolonged or particularly severe at random. 12 If there is no love in the family will not withstand the test of life, contrary divisions will appear, which is very serious. Then, it is more important than the love of two children, who are not only the fruit of love. Children, as the fruit of love, may or may not be, but the spiritual bond between parents should not have to suffer. Marriage is a sacrament for the age to come, not only for this world. For those able, partner's death makes them choose on widowhood, since her husband is dead, but he is actually alive in Christ, and the two remain united forever in Christ. Everything (and marriage and children) should be done with one goal: to gain eternal kingdom. All family members must be saved and must take care of each other's salvation.

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In this regard I will tell you a parable that takes into account the subject. ,, A Christian pray always that other world to get to heaven, together with his wife and children.Father Hilarion once said: << He said the beggar in front of the Church that yesterday you came all the work. First, the eldest son, student, then the middle, and then you wife. In front of the church was left in a car breaks down, the one you pushed it with others. But when the last car was a student, but did not think that can give a helping hand. The middle may not have enough power thought, though, if he would be pushed away, would budge before you arrive. You want to be together in heaven? Then watch them live and as you live, to think more about their neighbor. God can put together if not go all the good fight. Heaven is not reached on the pile or arrangements, but each is placed in the right place its measure. And take care of their own salvation, do not think that you will definitely save that might lose heaven. All hope of putting it on the mercy of God. >> "

We see the importance of mutual assistance, not only socially, but also spiritually. This requires dedication. Giving, you Derui, take sacrifice and sacrifice is interesting to note that rooted in the Latin sacrum, dedication and recorded an act of consecration of human life. Giving is therefore a sign of holiness to which man should strive by nature itself.The sacrifice you make for each other, represent a return to the essence of human action, an imitation of the sacrifice of our Savior. 13

Chapter IV Conclusions

The family is the oldest institution known to humanity. It is part of the very order of creation as male-female couple ,, in paradise, was a conjugal couple.

The family is an altar of sacrifice and a school of love and devotion, a privileged environment and acquisition work of salvation. It shows that all CEEC spiritual experience what is really important in human life is gained by harsh intense labors and struggles. It is a cross of renunciation that man must do to gain eternal life. In particular, the

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Christian family has cross them, which may take various appointments: illness, weakness or pain-membered one of them, the impossibility of procuring the necessaries of life, without children, misunderstanding, lack of communication and communion between family members, tension and misunderstandings, secret pain of the soul, wounds unseen family. 14

Only a high spiritual life, based on strong faith and Christian virtues fed the sweetness of pure prayer has power to give the couple trust each other and both of us in God's help and the ability to face and overcome by faith and love, the highest values and dangerous temptations that plague shore Christian family.

Each spouse must care for the salvation of his house, finding the most appropriate management of the family on the way of salvation. Women, says St. John Chrysostom, to love as men, that they do not put anything above their salvation; men have so much love for their women that make everything as if both have one soul and one body. As no body never rebelled against himself or against his own soul, so man And a woman should not get up against one another, but to be united. Then will be bestowed countless goodies.Where's that big deal, there's the sum of all good things, there's peace, there's the spiritual vision; there do not see the fight, no fight, no hatred, no quarrel, but all are banished, because understanding of the spouses, the root of all goodness, understanding is, however make them disappear. 15


 nta Bible or Holy Scripture, Ed. IBMBOR, glad to you


Boca Arsenie has Rhim., Mystery and thorium

C, Ed. Cristimpuri 2012

Page 7: Family

Debts priests of excipients, trans. of slavono-Russian et C.

Mavrula you, Ed. Byzantine, Bucharest, 2011

Evdokimov, Paul, Mystery of Love. Saints tert cleanliness

in light of their conjugal union ţ take Orthodox tradition, he ţ edition

II, trans. Gabriela Moldoveanu ASSOCIATION take doctors to

increase philanthropic et Tin Christiana, glad to you 1999

Elijah Cleopas, the Rhim., We're talking et P father of

Cleopas, vol 5, Ed. Diocese of Roman, 2001

ST niloae, Dumitru, Pr., TR God's output n

Orthodoxy, Ed. Dacia, Cluj-Napoca, 2000


living problems, translated by Cristian SP resume AND Daniela t

Filioreanu, Ed. Book Orthodox AND Ed. Abbot T

U te s, C. John, Pr. Prof., contemporary family, its ideal

between AND crisis, Ed. Doxology, MUNICIPALITY, 2011

                                             Table Of Contents

I. Introduction ............... .. ......................................................... 1

Page 8: Family

II. C ăsătoriei purpose. Family love and

communion. ........................ . 2

III. Friendship leg AND Uh spiritual shift in the

family ........................ 4

IV. Conclusions ........................................ ........................... .. ...... .. 6

V. References .................................... .. ........................... .. ....... 71 Pr. Prof. Dr. John C. Teşu, contemporary family, between ideal and crisis, Ed. Doxology, Iaşi, 2011, p. 14;2 Genesis 2, 18;3 Pr. Prof. Dr. John C. Teşu, contemporary family, between ideal and crisis, Ed. Doxology, Iaşi, 2011, p. 29-30;4 It tells Father Cleopas, vol 5, Ed. Diocese of Roman, 2001, p. 14;5 Paul Evdokimov, Mystery of Love. Holiness conjugal union in the light of Orthodox tradition, second edition, trans. Gabriela Moldoveanu, Christiana Christian medical charity, Bucharest, 1999, p. 127;6 St. John Chrysostom, life issues, trans. Cristian Spătărelu and Daniela Filioreanu, Ed. Book Orthodox, pp. 103-104;7 Ephesians, 5, 25;8 Pr. Prof. Dr. John C. Teşu, contemporary family, between ideal and crisis, Ed. Doxology, Iaşi, 2011, p. 21-22;9 Father Arsenie Boca, Mystery of Marriage, Ed. Cristimpuri 2012, pp. 59-60;10 Dumitru Staniloae Experiencing God in Orthodoxy ", Ed. Dacia, Cluj-Napoca, 2000, p. 41-42;11 Pr. Prof. Dr. John C. Teşu, op. cit., p. 31;

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12 Liabilities priests, trans. of slavono-Russian Mavrula C., Ed. Byzantines, Bucharest, 2011, p. 140;13 Father Arsenie Boca, Sacrament of Matrimony, Ed. Cristimpuri 2012, pp. 120-121;14. Prof. Dr. John C. Teşu, contemporary family, between ideal and crisis, Ed. Doxology, Iaşi, 2011, pp. 163-164;15 Ibid, pp. 110-111;