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False Myths on Prepping that Could Get You Killed

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False Myths on

Prepping that Could Get

You Killed

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False Myths on Prepping that Could Get You Killed

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DISCLAIMER .................................................................................................................. 4

Common “Science” that Ruin Your Prepping Plans .................................................. 5

7 False Myths that Could Ruin Your Plans .............................................................. 6

1. You Need a Bunker ............................................................................................ 6

2. You Can Make a Great Bunker Out of a Shipping Container ............................. 7

3. You Can Live off the Land .................................................................................. 7

4. The Expiration Date on All Canned Goods Is False ........................................... 8

5. A Financial Collapse Will Cause Society to Break Down ................................... 8

6. You’re Better Off Bugging Out ............................................................................ 9

7. You Need a Gallon of Water per Day ................................................................. 9

8. An EMP Will Destroy Everything ...................................................................... 10

When Your Worst Enemy Is Yourself… ..................................................................... 11

Advice? No, Thanks! .................................................................................................. 14

Common Mistakes that You Do When… ................................................................... 18

… Prepping with Kids ................................................................................................. 18

Don’t Scare Them, Much ........................................................................................ 19

Don’t Assign Them Too Much Too Soon ................................................................ 19

Don’t Assume that They Know Something ............................................................. 20

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Don’t Force Your View of Prepping on Them ......................................................... 20

Kids Have Never Known a World without Technology ............................................ 20

Don’t Underestimate Your Kids............................................................................... 21

… Surviving in the Wild .............................................................................................. 21

A Bad State of Mind ................................................................................................ 22

Laziness or Stuck in a Rut ...................................................................................... 22

Not Camping on the High Ground........................................................................... 23

Not Setting Up Perimeter Defenses ........................................................................ 23

Ignoring Safety Against Flash Floods ..................................................................... 24

Not Understanding the Wildfires ............................................................................. 24

Not Knowing the Area ............................................................................................. 24

Missing the Skills for Surviving in the Wilderness ................................................... 25

…Surviving Floods ..................................................................................................... 25

… Facing Street Fights .............................................................................................. 27

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Common “Science” that Ruin Your

Prepping Plans

There’s a lot of good information floating around to help people get a start in prepping,

but there’s also some that’s not so good.

The hard part for a new prepper is telling the difference between the hype and the good,

solid information. What makes it worse is that some things which sound crazy are great

and some things that sound logical will get you killed.

But if you’re going to survive, you’ve got to sort through all that information and find the

truth. Otherwise, you might find that you’re following a chimera, which will disappear just

when you’re ready to grab it. That will probably be right at the moment you have to use

it to survive.

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Fortunately, while there is always new information coming out, the basic concepts of

survival have existed for a long time.

So, when all else fails, you can always go back to the way people did things before all

the new-fangled gizmos and gimmicks came along. If people survived without them

before, there’s a good chance that you can survive without them too.

7 False Myths that Could Ruin Your Plans

Let’s take a moment to look at some of the more common myths that I see cropping up

on the internet. I’m going to show you what is wrong with them, so that hopefully you

can avoid them in the future.

1. You Need a Bunker

There are a lot of people building underground bunkers these days. You can either build

one yourself or hire a number of different companies that specialize in making them.

Some of them are actually quite nice. But, do you really need a bunker? To understand

that, we have to go back in history.

The history of bunker building in the United States goes back to World War II. While

there may have been a few in existence before then, that’s when they really took off.

People living in the northeast built them under their homes or in their backyards as a

way of protecting their families from NAZI bombers. While the bombers never came, the

bunkers remained.

In the Cold War, those bunkers and others were used as fallout shelters in case of a

nuclear holocaust. People would stock them with supplies, so that they could run and

hide in them in the case of nuclear war. What they would do when they had to come

out, I don’t know; but they’d be protected while they were in there.

Today, the risk of nuclear war or any other bombing by overseas enemies is quite

different, and building a bunker to protect from them would be an unaffordable effort.

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Nor does it make sense to build one to protect from local marauders, as you are totally

unprotected in that bunker. Better to have an above-ground shelter that you can fight


2. You Can Make a Great Bunker Out of a Shipping Container

There are lots of people buying shipping

containers with the idea of making an

underground bunker out of them.

While I think that shipping containers are

great for storing things in, I would never bury

one underground. All of the strength in a

shipping container is in the corners. The roof

and walls are actually rather weak.

So, if you bury one, there’s a very good chance that the walls and roof will collapse

under the weight of the dirt.

The only way you can use a shipping container as an underground bunker is to

strengthen the walls and roof. This can be done by building cement block walls and

pouring a cement roof. It can also be done out of pressure-treated wood.

In either case, if you’re going to all that trouble, why use a shipping container? Just build

it out of the other materials.

3. You Can Live off the Land

Living off the land has a lot of appeal to it. We identify with our pioneering ancestors,

and how they settled America. The only thing is, that’s a hard way to live. Those

ancestors had to spend most of their time just finding food.

That’s why cultivating farms and domesticating animals took over from living off the

land. It’s much more efficient, provides larger yields and allows time for other pursuits.

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The other problem with living off the land is that there is much less game available

today, than what was available during those pioneering days. At the same time, we

have a much larger population.

So, while there’s plenty of game to satisfy the hunters every fall, there really isn’t

enough to support the majority of the population living off the land.

4. The Expiration Date on All Canned Goods Is False

This is one of those things that’s partly true. It all depends

upon the type of container that is used for canning.

Today, commercially canned foods come in glass, metal

and plastic containers. While foods canned in glass and

metal containers will keep for years, those canned in

plastic containers won’t do as good.

Most plastics are at least partially permeable to air. So, a

small amount of oxygen is going to get through the

plastic, attacking the food and oxidizing it. While this

process is slow and it will take a couple of years for it to

happen, it does in fact happen.

So, while you can keep those canned peas for 20 years, that jar of applesauce that’s in

a plastic jar won’t keep as long.

5. A Financial Collapse Will Cause Society to Break Down

There’s a lot of talk about a pending financial collapse, and with good reason. It is

widely accepted by a lot of people that our country is on the way to a financial

collapse and nothing we can do will stop it.

For this reason, there are lots of preppers who use this as one of their scenarios that

they are prepping for.

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While the collapse may be inevitable, societal breakdown isn’t. In fact, there is little to

show that there would be any sort of breakdown of society. Historically, it has never

happened in any other financial crash. There will be hardship and the middle class will

disappear, but society as we know it will still exist.

A breakdown in society means a breakdown in the government and the rule of law and

order. But governments are too greedy to allow that to happen.

Regardless of how much the population is suffering, the government will make sure that

they get their cut first, so that they can continue on. They are more likely to increase

taxes, just so that they can continue offering their “vital” functions, even if it kills us.

6. You’re Better Off Bugging Out

A lot of people act like bugging out is the way to go. Their reasoning is that the most

dangerous predator we face is home sapiens.

Anywhere there is a large population of these predators congregating will become a

dangerous place to be. So, it’s best to get out of cities and other large population areas,

just to get away from our fellow humans.

The problem with their thinking is that if you don’t have a prepared, stocked survival

retreat to go to, you’re going to have to live off the land. As I’ve already said, that’s not

only difficult, but almost impossible.

7. You Need a Gallon of Water per Day

I’ve heard this one over and over again, written in countless articles and countless

books. It’s actually stated a bit differently, saying, “You need a gallon of water per

person per day for drinking and cooking.”

Unfortunately, they never go on to talk about the other uses of water.

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If you live in a hot climate, such as the southwest, you need to drink more than that, as

you can actually sweat out a gallon of water per day. So, the amount of drinking water

you need depends on climate; it’s not just a standard. In a cool or temperate climate, a

half-gallon of drinking water is sufficient.

But we also need water for cleaning and growing our

vegetable gardens. Personal hygiene is an important part of

survival too. It won’t do you a bit of good to be well fed, if

you’re sick all the time.

Better to keep yourself, your clothes, your dishes and your

home clean, so that you can stay healthy. Granted, you

should conserve water to the extreme in a survival situation,

but you will still need it for these activities.

A more accurate figure would be about five gallons per person per day. Of that, only

one gallon per person has to be purified so that you can drink it. Water used for washing

clothes, bathing and watering the garden doesn’t have to be purified.

8. An EMP Will Destroy Everything

One of the scariest potential disaster situations we face today is that of an EMP. An

EMP exploded high enough over the central part of the country would take out the

power grid nationwide, as well as destroying the majority of our electronics, but there

would be some things that would survive.

EMPs destroy solid-state electronics, which means they would destroy computers,

radios, calculators, television sets and a lot of industrial equipment. But they do not

destroy simple electronics, such as switches and motors. So, some things, like

appliances, would probably still work, if you could get electricity to them.

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With the grid down, that may be difficult, but not impossible. Solar panels are all but

untouched by an EMP. While there will be a slight reduction in output, it’s not enough to

stop them from functioning.

So, if you have a solar system, with a battery backup and proper protection, you’ll still

have power. If you have spares for them in a Faraday cage, you’ll be able to continue

producing your own power. Most old cars will probably survive EMP as well.

Of course, the cure for any damaged electronics, whether it is a damaged brain for a car

or a damaged DVD player, is to have another one hidden away in a Faraday cage.

Then all you have to do is take it out and plug it in.

And, above all, be realistic in your prepping plans, and also when evaluating your skills.

Keep in mind that you have weaknesses to suppress, not only strengths to rely on.

When Your Worst Enemy Is Yourself…

Natural selection in case of SHTF will be

determined by the level of preparedness of

each and every one of us.

Those of us who are ready to live off the

grid and have acquired the necessary

survival skills along with the will and the

means to survive in a collapsed society will

emerge as the winners in the end.

Obviously, when you’re a novice in the fine art of prepping, you’re prone to some rookie

mistakes, because after all, nobody’s perfect. And prepping encompasses everything

from building your own private bunker in case of full societal collapse to stockpiling

basic supplies and acquiring minimal survival skills sufficient to get you through a week

without power.

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Being an effective prepper implies that you have a general idea about surviving in any

situation, and you have the skills and the necessary tools for every imaginable

scenario. In order to survive, you have only 3 basic needs to fulfill at any given time:

food, water and shelter. The rest are just luxuries.

1. Never assume you know everything about a subject. Have all your bases covered

by doing plenty of research: read blogs and articles, watch online forums and prepping

videos, and always stay informed and up to date with current events and practices.

2. Don’t overestimate yourself, know your limits and know your strengths and

weaknesses alike. Be aware of your actual skills, be realistic about your supplies and

know how long they will last you in the worst case scenario.

3. Don’t put all of your eggs in one basket. Be flexible and always have a backup

plan. Repetition is the key to success. Learn how to use firearms and cold weapons

alike, stockpile in multiple locations because you never know when you’ll have to leave

home. But learn also how to survive without them, if needed.

4. Never panic because fear will cripple you if you let it. Don’t get overwhelmed by

what’s going on in the world around you; stay calm and collected when planning for

survival. Don’t get yourself into a spending frenzy because you don’t have to buy your

way out of it just now. Do what you can and be comforted knowing that you’re working

on it.

5. Don’t get obsessed over your survival gear, especially if you have no idea how to

use it in a real life scenario. Physical tools are nothing but tools. In the end, just about

any tool can be improvised/DIY’d; knowledge and survival skills are essential, focus on

learning and training instead of stockpiling like there’s no tomorrow (literally!).

6. Don’t forget to keep an accurate inventory of your stockpiled items. Also check

it regularly and watch for spoilage, damage or infestation of your stockpile, especially

when it comes to food, guns and ammo.

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7. Don’t keep your family members and friends out of your prepping plans. Share

your thoughts, encourage them to join you, and spread the word to those that you love.

You may want to do it gently and ease into the process so as not to overwhelm them or

scare them away from the idea.

8. Don’t get fixated on prepping. Remember that your life is lived in the real world so

spend your quality time with your family and do the things that you love to do. Keep

things balanced and don’t go to the extreme.

9. Don’t brag on about your prepping activities and avoid revealing your plans and

strategies to strangers and especially online. You can easily become a target in a SHTF

scenario, you know that saying: loose lips sink ships. The world doesn’t need to know

that you’re stockpiling $10,000 worth of guns, ammo and food in your basement – keep

it to yourself. OPSEC (operation secrecy, in this particular case) is the name of the


10. Don’t get too comfortable no matter how well you’ve prepared, or how peaceful

things are in the world, or how great the weather is. Avoid that false sense of security

(guns have a tendency to lend a false sense of security but just having guns all over the

place doesn’t mean that you can actually use them efficiently if SHTF). Don’t lose focus

and don’t stop practicing.

11. Don’t forget to test your gear and your skills in a real life situation! Practice

makes perfect.

You’re going to make mistakes in the

beginning but you’ll learn as you go.

Continue to do your research and learn.

Don’t become complacent and don’t think

that just because you’ve got a bunker

stocked full of food and weapons that you’re

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ready because even the most well-stocked bunker still needs to have the stock rotated

and the weapons cleaned regularly.

Keep one eye on your stockpile and the rest of your mind on living a full, happy life in

the here and now. After all, you only get one chance to live to the fullest – don’t waste

that chance by worrying about things that are yet to come without enjoying the things

that make you happy right now.

Advice? No, Thanks!

If you ask me, the worst vice is giving unsolicited advice. And I’m saying that even if

most of the times I know what I’m talking about; otherwise, I prefer to keep my mouth

shut rather than speak and make a fool of myself.

Unfortunately, this is not the case with everybody and if you’re into prepping, you must

avoid “professional advisors.” These people haven’t walked out of their living room in

the last 10 years, yet are perfectly capable of teaching Crocodile Dundee how to skin an

alligator in the wilderness using an old Gillette razor blade.

You can learn lots of tips and tricks if you’re following the prepper’s online (or offline by

that matter) community about the DOs and DON’Ts of prepping.

But, keep in mind that there are also lots of bad ideas floating around and some of them

are actually dangerous if followed. Keep yourself educated and do your own research

every time. Don’t be a sheeple…

This article is about the worst prepping advice out there; it’s a piece about the DON’Ts

of prepping.

1. Maybe the worst prepping idea is to bug out in the wilderness when SHTF no

matter what, without actually knowing how to unroll a sleeping bag in real life.

Think about the big picture for a second: If EVERYBODY bugs out in the wild when

SHTF, what would happen (short-midterm)? Just imagine almost 300 million new-age

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untrained hunter-gatherers (read hungry and desperate people) roaming around in the

woods, hunting that non-existent buffalo. Surviving out in the wild requires special skills

and lots of available hunting land.

Living off the land may have worked 300 years ago for the Indian tribes but there were

FAR less than 300 million of them and they knew what they were doing. Nowadays that

certainly wouldn’t be the case!

2. Another fallacious piece of advice NOT to follow is about drinking water from “big


According to this advice, the bigger the river, the safer the water is for drinking because

stuff gets diluted. This advice is so stupid, I don’t even know where to begin: The

Ganges is a river in India, one of the most polluted waters in the world, and it’s huge.

The Yellow River (China’s biggest river) actually catches fire a few times a year or turns

red from the chemicals.

So NEVER drink water from rivers, no matter how large or small without (at least)

boiling it first!

3. One very dangerous piece of advice that can actually kill you (by sepsis) is this: you

MUST suture wounds in the wild, in order to keep out dirt and to stop bleeding, even

without having the knowledge, the training or the tools (sterile equipment like gloves) to

do the job correctly.

A wound should be sutured only by trained professionals that are using sterile tools. If

you fail on either of these two “must have’s” and try to suture a wound when out in the

wild Rambo style, you’ll end up infecting the wound and possibly killing the victim in this


Sutures require special kits and they are meant to prevent infection and to control

bleeding, not vice versa. If you don’t have a special suture kit and you’re clueless about

the procedure, you’ll end up infecting the wound and potentially killing your friend out of

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pure kindness. You can stop the bleeding in other (non-invasive) ways, such as

applying pressure to the wound.

4. Another bad advice to ignore is that a good knife is the only survival tool that you


Knives are made for cutting things, they’re not really a multi-purpose tool unless you

have nothing else and you’re starving. Don’t try to open cans when out in the wild with

your knife if you have a can opener. Even if you think you’re a bad-ass by doing so, you

might end up cutting yourself in the stupidest way possible and at the worst time


5. Although, you don’t need to carry with you the whole kitchen and that big box with

carpentry tools.

Never bring more stuff than you can carry comfortably, you don’t need a ton of gear.

Focus on the must-haves, like a solid knife, a durable lighter, a good sleeping

bag/blanket, adequate clothing, food, a hydration system (water filters, water supply

etc), a map, a flashlight, a first aid kit, etc. You DON’T need a pillow, an iPod, or the


6. “The destination is the road” is not a good answer for your fellows.

Never go out in the wild without telling other people where you’re going and for how

long. Also, the “let’s bring booze, guns and a radio” suggestion when going out in the

wilderness is one of the worst ideas ever. Hanging out with drunken idiots, in a

potentially hostile (and most certainly hazardous) environment is tantamount to disaster.

7. “Wildlife is more afraid of you than you are of them.” Really?? Never take for

granted that idiotic saying. You might end up facing a mountain lion or a bear and if

you’re not bear hunting, well…it’s a bear or a mountain lion, and you’re a delectably

available human. Yum for him.

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8. You have animal repellent; you’ll be fine. Just because you have bear spray,

you’re not on the safe side. Also, cooking bacon in bear-country is a very bad idea. Do

you wonder why? See number 7.

9. “Clear sunny sky, light winds”. Sure, until the midnight storm. Don’t take the

weather forecast for granted if your life may depend on it.

10. “Let ME see the map”. Just because

someone knows how to use a map and a

compass to make a beeline for your

destination doesn’t mean that the shortest

route is the quickest/safest.

11. “Forget the tent, take only the sleeping

bags, it’s nice outside…” Stupid, stupid and

stupid. Think bugs, snakes, spiders, rain,

50mph winds. All the critters want to be with

you in your sleeping bag and a tent comes in

handy when that unforeseen rain or windstorm blows in.

12. “Hey dude, what’s with all that gear, it’s supposed to be 80 and sunny at the

top…” It’s better to carry a 45 pound pack when hiking and use only 5 pounds of it than

carry a 5 pounds pack and need the other 40 you left home…always be prepared for

the worst, especially in the mountains where weather is very unpredictable.

13. “Screw the blaze orange.” It’s a bad idea to wear head to toe camo if you’re

camping during the hunting season. Unfortunately, not everybody identifies movement

before shooting but there aren’t many animals that wear blaze orange.

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Common Mistakes that You Do


… Prepping with Kids

Getting your kids involved with your prepping plans is tough. When they’re small, there

isn’t much that they can do to be of help. When they get older, they have friends and a

social life and a sense of immortality that make it hard for them to comprehend that life

may change in an instant.

Teaching them to prepare for disaster involves tact and patience. Here are a few

common mistakes to avoid when helping your kids to prep.

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Don’t Scare Them, Much

The very fact that we’re prepping indicates that we have

at least a small amount of fear. You may call it being

realistic, or being able to read the signs of the times. If

you’re honest, we’re all a little bit scared, too. It’s natural

because we’re preparing for a traumatic event that we

may not survive.

Some fear in this case is healthy. Stealing your kids’

sense of safety isn’t, though.

Kids need security in order to develop properly. Until

your kids are old enough to understand what you’re

doing, treat your prepping as just another daily activity.

“Mommy and Daddy are getting ready for an emergency by making sure that we have

enough food and that you know what to do, just in case.”

Make your practices part of their regular routine, just like fire drills at school. Don’t yell if

they don’t do something right and don’t overreact. In short, don’t terrify them to the point

that they don’t feel safe.

Don’t Assign Them Too Much Too Soon

If you started prepping before your kids were born or when they were small, introduce

them to it and include them in your plans in natural increments as they grow into it. If it’s

just another part of their life, like taking out the trash or doing their homework, then

you’re on the right track.

If they’re watching Rambo at 10 and can identify the weapons mistakes throughout the

movie, you probably may be moving a little too fast. Let them be kids.

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Don’t Assume that They Know Something

Just because you’ve been adding to your stockpile or target practicing in front of them

since they were small, don’t assume that they picked up on everything.

They may know that your magnesium stick is used to start fires, but you need to teach

them the technical skill as if they’ve never done it before, because they haven’t. You

don’t want to leave holes in their training, so start at step one with every new task.

Don’t Force Your View of Prepping on Them

Just because you were a cheerleader or a football star doesn’t mean that your kids are

going to excel or even be interested in those activities. The same holds true for


Instead of forcing your views or methods on your tweens or teens, sit down and have an

honest discussion with them. Impress upon them how important it is for them to take

part in your plan, but work with them to figure out exactly what role they are going to


By including them in the planning and the decision making, you’re acknowledging that

their opinions are valuable to you. Though not prepping may not be an option, there’s

no reason why they can’t determine, at least in part, HOW they participate.

Be reasonable with them. If they can’t imagine an apocalyptic event, approach it from

the natural disaster angle. Even kids know that those happen.

Kids Have Never Known a World without Technology

Putting a compass into your child’s bug-out bag won’t do a bit of good unless you teach

him how to use it. The same thing goes for fire kits, maps, or signal mirrors.

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Kids need to understand that in a SHTF situation, they’re not going to have access to

cell phones or GPSs. Don’t make the mistake of not training them in “old school”


Don’t Underestimate Your Kids

You’ve done your best as a parent; don’t

underestimate your kids. When push comes to

shove, family is family. If you’ve taught them well,

they’ll do whatever they need to do to help out.

With that in mind, give them the tools and training

that they need to do so. You may think that it’s all

falling on deaf ears, but you’ll likely be pleasantly


Also, as they get older, consult them and work

with them. You may just get some great ideas or

gain a perspective that you’d never considered.

Because prepping isn’t exactly mainstream, getting your kids on board, especially if you

start when they’re older, can be tough. These are just a few common mistakes that you

can make when helping your kids to prep. Use common sense and your knowledge of

your child in order to do what’s best for your family.

… Surviving in the Wild

Bug out plans must be tested and retested to ensure they meet all of the wilderness

group’s needs. This is the time to replace leaders or fix major problems in the basic

plan. After each change in the plan, the group needs to practice the new plan and

evaluate the results to insure the plan is the best that it can be.

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A proper step when making those plans is to identify your weaknesses and learn how to

work around them. For that reason, see what are the usual mistakes and learn how to

avoid them when surviving in the wilderness or camping in order to stay safe.

A Bad State of Mind

Whether you are surviving in the wilderness or just camping out with friends it is very

important to take the situation seriously. One little mistake or an accident can be a life

threatening event.

If you are too cocky or a know it all, your manner will portray you as a person that does

not really care about what they are doing or what is going on. This can turn out to be a

morale breaker and bring out the worst in people that have to work closely together.

Laziness or Stuck in a Rut

Being lazy or stuck in a rut is not a good state of mind in any wilderness camping trip.

These individuals will slow down anything that they are assigned to do.

Most individuals that are affected with this problem usually spend more time trying to

get out of work than it would have taken them to just do the job in the first place. Lazy

individuals can endanger the whole camping group with their short cuts and not sticking

to prepared set of procedures.

Think of your bug out group or family group as a team. Each team member has specific

duties assigned to them on the daily job roster. Without the roster there will be nothing

but chaos and nothing will get done in a timely matter. The group leaders say so on any

team member’s problems will be the final judgment and all must abide by it until pre-

agreed upon meetings are used to discuss and make changes to the plans.

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Not Camping on the High Ground

Camping on the high ground provides safety. There will be no one camping or hiding

out above you. Your camp will control all the area below and have the advantage if


If camping on the high ground during the rainy season, late spring, or summer be

careful of lightning strikes when exposed at the top of the hill. The campsite should have

multiple safety zones for the protection of the campers. They can be as simple as

natural caves or dugouts in the side of a hill.

Not Setting Up Perimeter Defenses

Always thinks ahead and sets up perimeter defenses

even if it is only for an overnight camp. These

defenses can be as simple as circling the camp with

brush, small branches, and tree limbs or putting up

strong barriers of wood, stone, or barbed wire with

fox holes for armed guards.

The most important safety feature of the perimeter

defenses is to keep out unwanted animals or armed

raiding parties from the campsite.

For animals, the human scent and the outer barriers should be enough to keep them

away. Unwanted raiding parties can be neutralized by well-armed and trained members

of the group if necessary.

There is no wrong doing if you defend yourself against others who wish to take from you

by violence or force.

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Ignoring Safety Against Flash Floods

If the area you are camping in is known for flash flooding then keep an eye on the

weather. If heavy cloud cover is observed over the nearby mountains there is a good

chance of flash flooding in the low lying land areas around your location.

Never underestimate the power and speed of flash flooding. If you see it coming, get to

the high ground as quickly as possible. Do not try to out run it. In most cases you will

lose and get swept away.

If you are in a vehicle on the high ground, are about to cross a small creek, do not cross

if the bed begins to fill with water. Flash flooding water can wash the vehicle away, flip

it, and possibly kill the occupants.

Not Understanding the Wildfires

Each year thousands of acres of land are destroyed by these fires, untold numbers of

wild and domestic animals are killed, and also humans that did not evacuate from the

area in time. With the first early warning of wildfires, pack up and leave the area and go

to one of safety. Take everything you can including your animals. It is easier to rebuild

in a new location than get trapped and die trying to save the old homestead.

Avoiding the main causes of wildfires is the best way to prepare for them. Here are four

main causes of wildfires:

Not Knowing the Area

When bugging out to your new home location, the prepared plans must include where to

find food and water that is safe to consume. There should be one or two good hunters

also trained in tracking in the group. This includes evaluating animals present by tracks

and knowing which ones are too big or dangerous for the party to handle.

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They should also know the trip route well and also where to hunt wild game and find

safe water.

Missing the Skills for Surviving in the Wilderness


The safest way to kill the desired game

How to Field Dress the Kill

How to Store Food in the Wilderness

How to Find Safe Drinking Water in the Wilderness

…Surviving Floods

Floods are a recurring natural disaster,

frequent in certain areas and extremely costly

in terms of human lives and economic loss.

According to statistics, almost 90% of the

damages caused by natural disasters is due to

flooding (droughts were excluded from the


Now, if you’re watching the news closely, most

of the areas in the United States are prone to

experiencing “a taste” of flooding, even if not

one of epic proportions. Just enough to keep you in check and to remind you that you

should be prepared in case of a SHTF scenario.

Just to give you the general idea of how dangerous floods are, in a 10 year period, the

US lost an average of 3.7 billion dollars per year in property damages. Even worse,

approximately 110 people die every year in floods, generally from flash floods.

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Flash floods, the most dangerous form of flooding, can appear within 6 hours of an

intense rain event or minutes after a catastrophe such as a dam failure. These are the

ones that catch people unaware and cause the most loss of life. Also, because the

water is frequently moving rapidly, there is often more structural damage from flash


To survive, there are certain things that you definitely must avoid, because doing them

would eventually get you killed. Let’s see what would be these deadly mistakes:

Not staying away from moving water and downed power lines or poles. Don’t try

to walk through flood water and if you must, be very careful and use a stick to

test the depth and feel for debris that can cause you to fall.

Driving through flood water ignoring that it can be dangerous. Just one foot of

fast flowing water can make your car float, not to mention the hidden dangers like

fallen power lines or trees.

Touching flood water. It may be contaminated with chemical substances,

sewage, etc, so beware of it.

Swimming through flood water for the same reasons. Also, you can easily drown

in fast moving waters or you can be hit by a hidden object and knocked out,

which can be fatal.

Returning home before you know for a fact that it’s safe to do so.

Turning on your utilities until the installations are checked by a specialist. Gas

leaks are common after a flood so using candles and smoking is not safe. Use

flashlights instead.

Trying to handle electrical equipment or appliances in humid areas or in standing


Using your TV if it sits on a wet carpet or floor or on humid concrete floors. The

basic rule is that water and electricity don’t mix!

Enter buildings that are surrounded by floodwaters.

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These are just a few hints and suggestions to help you make it safely through a flood.

As with all emergencies, use your head and let common sense prevail. If you don’t

know if an area is safe, stay away from it until you know that it is.

… Facing Street Fights

It was a dirty little secret but well known

fact among serious practitioners back in

the Bruce Lee and Chuck Norris

heydays of traditional Martial Arts that

any semi-pro boxer, or a seasoned

military hand-to-hand instructor, could

usually beat most Karate ‘black belts’

anytime they felt like it in a real fight.

In fact, statistics have always shown that the average store front dojo diploma mill black

belt holder today DOES NOT really have that much of a much better chance of winning

a street fight than any other average guy out there.

So why is that? For one thing they waste too much time and physical energy on useless

‘style’ practice instead of hard core compact strategies and techniques more suitable to

today’s extremely bad behavioral environment.

Let’s sweep the dirt of dubious delusions under the rug and do some Martial Arts ’Myth

Busting‘. We’ll talk about five ideas that you can easily hear almost every time people

talk about Martial Arts.

1. Martial Arts always win in street fights

While being a Black Belt in some traditional style is better than nothing in terms of

helping you out when trying to survive a physical assault, most Black Belts simply are

not that specifically well trained to purpose for a guarantee of any higher percentile of

success when confronted by a seriously dangerous psycho trying to hurt you.

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Bad actors on the street, especially the younger physically strong gang punks, are often

rough and violent enough to give even trained and hardened police officers a rough time

in a physical battle.

A street combat instructor once said, “Martial Arts is something you do ‘With’ somebody,

and hard core street fighting is something you do ‘To’ someone’. “ Try not to forget that!

2. You must be a high ranking Black Belt in Martial Arts to really be any good at

defending yourself in a fight

A lot of people, even Black Belts themselves, really believe this sort of Bovine Squat.

It’s understandable because you usually spend years of working out and spending

money attaining the coveted ‘legendary’ Black Belt rating in any Martial Art style, and

you should by then be proficient enough in punching and kicking to easily whip some

ass with some decent physical fitness behind your moves.

But that doesn’t mean you’ll ‘always’ defeat your assailant or opponent. If you’re a strict

traditional style fighter you may, in fact, be at a serious disadvantage right from the start

against thug with a lot of dangerous experience as a street fighter.

3. Old or frail people have no chance fighting physically with anyone so Martial

Arts would be a waste of time for them

While most senior citizens probably will never

make it to a MMA cage tournament except as

a spectator, although there are even a few

octogenarians who will hurt you so badly if

you mess with them that afterward you’ll

swear your stupid ass was stomped by a 30

year old World Class Kick Boxing Champion!

A lot of dangerous punks learned the hard

way that we ‘mature’ citizens are not as

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‘weak’ as we might generally appear. It has been proven in the statistics of actual police

reports that seniors have a built in ability to hold their own in emergencies and

dangerous circumstances with a presence of mind power and determination that could

only be developed and forged through years of adverse human experience, and paying

their dues in society in various schools of ‘hard knocks’ in an unforgiving world.

4. The best Martial Arts come from military training like Navy, SEALS, or Special


Truth be told, this myth is the most widely, but erroneously accepted misrepresentation

of Martial Arts training at the moment. The FACT is that most military training these

days barely give lip service to unarmed hand-to-hand combat training.

Once upon a time in maybe WWI and WWII where battalions of infantry attacked each

other en masse on foot. Back then soldiers did, indeed, often enough engage in hand-

to-hand combat, but usually with a bayonet fixed to the end of their rifle. And before they

ever got down to smacking it out bare knuckled while rolling around in the mud, they’d

use their ’trench knives/daggers’ with a built in set of brass knuckles on the handle.

So back then in army basic training, they did teach some hours of very ‘basic’ hand-to-

hand fighting eventually emphasizing the ‘spirit’ of the bayonet. Which was…to kill, and

keep on killing, even if you ran out of ammo.

But our modern military is designed to use firepower weapons, period. Unlike previous

warfare, today’s squad level infantry units can amass inordinate amounts of severe

overwhelming firepower after enemy contact in the form of artillery, airpower, rapid light

and heavy armored cavalry, individually carried mortars and guided rocket launchers,

and even drones now. All resourced from the radio or laptop of the squad leader, are

deployed far ahead of any eyeball to eyeball shootouts.

The Navy Seals, Army Green Berets, Marines, and even the Air Force special

operations soldiers all have their own ‘advanced’ schools of physical hand-to-hand

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combat training. If you want to see just how intensively ‘realistic’ they can make it and

how serious the training can get, take a look at this video:

5. Fighting for minutes at a time

This is mainly the fault of Hollywood. Virtually ALL movie versions of ongoing fist fights

are a complete exercise in specious nonsense. Even the better movies like Segal’s and

the Jason Bourne series and the newer James Bond episodes are a far cry from reality

street fights.

Maybe the fighters depicted in these movies could conceivably have the sheer super

human physical fitness training and aptitude to continue at full throttle energy blast

through multiple minutes of active smash, kick, and flip.

But their heads and bodies taking all those hits simply would not last through such a

long running smack down fight where the participants are highly trained killers without at

least being knocked unconscious or seriously maimed in less than the first 20 seconds,

or so of such seriously violent confrontations if they were to happen in real life.

Which is the whole point behind serious hand self-defense techniques when they are

superior techniques with a high rate of proven efficiency success.

Most street assault fights and violent one on one robberies are won, lost, or over, one

way or the other in less time than it took you to read this paragraph. Which mean 3 to

10 seconds. But that wouldn’t sell action movies, would it?

There is so much crap in Martial Arts these days thanks to movies and profit only

oriented schools that the first thing you have to learn about fighting is the reality apart

from the fantasy. Otherwise most of what you think you ‘know’ about hand-to-hand

fighting will at best be useless, and at worst could get you hurt and potentially killed.