Fall 2017 Credit Courses - College of Lake Countydept.clcillinois.edu/pub/schedules/2017-fall/2017_Fall_Schedule.pdf · 200-hour Yoga Teacher Training Registration offered by Yoga

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www.clcill inois.edu



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The needs of the supply chain have changed, and

there is currently a shortage of trained, front-line

supply chain management workers in the Lake

County area.

Based on feedback from employers, CLC has

launched a supply chain management program

geared toward the entry-level worker. Funded

by a grant from Grainger, a business-to-business

distributor of products used to maintain, repair

and operate facilities, the program consists of

a 60-hour A.A.S. degree in supply chain

management and two certificates: Introduction

to Supply Chain (15 credits) and Advanced

Supply Chain (30 credits).

The program is designed for those already in the

field looking to update their skills, high school

graduates or career changers. Jobs include positions

in procurement, inventory management, warehousing,

distribution, logistics and transportation.

Classes begin this fall. For details,

visit www.clcillinois.edu/programs/scm

or call (847) 543-2047.

W H AT ’ S N E W AT C L C ?

Graingeris Founding Partner of New Supply Chain

Management Program

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Responding to the booming popularity of yoga, CLC has created a 14-credit certificate, the only one of its kind in Illinois.

Become a certified

yoga teacherin new program

• The program meets the requirements of the200-hour Yoga Teacher Training Registration offered by Yoga Alliance, a national organization.

• CLC graduates are qualified to teach Level Iand Level II Hatha yoga in yoga studios, healthclubs or in their own homes.

• CLC’s tuition is highly competitive comparedto private yoga studios.

• Most—if not all—courses also transferas college credit to other universities.

Classes begin this fall. For details, visit www.clcillinois.edu/programs/yoga.

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CLC students can finish their bachelor’s degree at a college/university of their choice, but our 22 partner colleges/

universities offer guaranteed admission. These partnerships ensure a seamless transfer of credit by offering personalized academic planning from both institutions.

• Complete a minimum of 24 credit hours at CLC.

• Save thousands in tuition costs; CLC’s per-credit tuition is typically one-fourth the cost of a four-year state university.

CLC offers Guaranteed Transfer Admission agreements

with 22 colleges and universities

My future isGUARANTEED!

Find out more at www.clcillinois.edu/gta or call

(847) 543-2090.

Save the Date! CLC Open House Thursday, Nov. 9, 6-8 p.m. Grayslake Campus, 19351 W. Washington St. Watch for more details.Check out CLC’s dozens of career and transfer programs. Meet instructors and staff who are happy to answer your questions. For details, visit www.clcillinois.edu/openhouse.

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FALL 2017 CLASSES Accounting through Welding listings.....................................11-59

Classes listed by type and location

Online Classes ...........................................................................................60

Blended Classes ........................................................................................61

Classes at Southlake Campus - Vernon Hills ............................62

Classes at Lakeshore Campus - Waukegan ..............................62

Extension Site Classes ...........................................................................63

Late-Starting Classes - Classroom .................................................64

Late-Starting Classes - Online and Blended ....................65-66

Evening/Weekend Classes ..........................................................66-69

Degrees and Certificates ............................................................70-71

Contact Information ..............................................................................72

College Costs............................................................................................... 2

Open Educational Resource Textbooks ....................................... 2

Steps to Enroll ........................................................................................... 3

Schedule Builder ......................................................................................... 3

Study Abroad ............................................................................................... 4

Get Involved ................................................................................................. 5

Supporting Student Success ................................................................ 6

Promise Program ....................................................................................... 7

Adult Education and ESL ....................................................................... 8

Noncredit Courses ................................................................................... 9

University Center of Lake County.................................................10

Accurate as of June 2017. Schedule is subject to change; visit www.clcillinois.edu/classes for the most current course schedule.

PREVIEW What ’s Inside


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Fall 2017 tuition and fees $138 per credit hour in-district

($320 out of district)

($424 out of state)

Additional course fees may apply.

Fall Semester tuition and fees are posted online: www.clcillinois.edu/tuition.

Financial aid and CLC scholarshipsFinancial aid helps cover tuition and fees, room and board, books and supplies, personal expenses and transportation. Apply early at www.fafsa.gov. (CLC’s school code is 007694.)

Call (847) 543-2062 or visit www.clcillinois.edu/financialaid.

Apply for CLC Foundation scholarships at www.clcillinois.edu/scholarships.

Flexible tuition payment optionsPay with cash, check, credit card, echeck, third-party billing and more. For detailed information on payment options, visit www.clcillinois.edu/payment. For payment questions, call (847) 543-2075.

Fall 2017 payment deadlinesIf you register :

Between March 6 and August 1: Payment is due Tuesday, August 1.

Between August 2 and September 1: Payment is due next business day after enrollment.

To avoid being dropped from classes, please pay by your due date.

Installment payment planYou can spread payments over as many as six months. Information is at www.clcillinois.edu/paymentplan.


OPEN EDUCATIONAL Resource Textbooks

Save even more money by selecting courses with OER textbooks Look for the Open Educational Resources (OER) star or label when registering for classes on myCLC. The course material for these classes cost $25 or less.

TIP: Printing your course materials list makes it easier to buy textbooks and materials for your classes.

The course materials list provides a printable list of all the textbooks and materials needed for your classes. This list is required when you buy books at the Grayslake Lancer BookStop. Visit www.clcillinois.edu/booklist for details.

Even if you choose to shop online or at the other campus bookstore locations, the course materials list can serve as a handy shopping list to make sure you get everything you need for your classes.


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1. Start here: www.clcillinois.edu/getstarted.

2. Meet with an advisor or counselor to discuss your goals and map out an academic plan.

3. Register for classes at www.clcillinois.edu/register.

4. Or we will help you through the process at the Welcome and One Stop Center at the Grayslake Campus.

STEPS TO Apply & Enroll

Get the classes you want, when you wantUse myCLC Schedule Builder

Our Schedule Builder tool

lets you plug in your work

and family time and choose

only the classes that work

within your schedule.


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Go GlobalT H R O U G H S T U D Y A B R O A D

Earn college credit as you enjoy breathtaking scenery and learn about other

cultures. Below are the 2018 field study trips, so start planning now!

Spring 2018

Costa Rica: June 23 to July 7, with optional third week ending July 14; BIO 128 (Natural History of Selected Areas). The optional week includes PED 229 (Experience the Out-of-Doors).

Iceland: June 23 to July 14; DMD 111 (Introduction to Digital Media) and BIO 128 (Natural History of Selected Areas).

Italy: May 13 to June 2; HCM 159 (Culinary Arts Study Abroad).

Japan: May 13 to June 2; ENG 127 (Introduction to General Linguistics).

Switzerland, Netherlands and Germany: May 12 to 26; ART 241 (History of Art II) and HUM 122 (Introduction to Humanities II).

Tanzania: May 19 to June 2; EDU 224 (Diversity in Schools and Society) and SOC 222 (Social Problems: Global Civic Engagement in Tanzania).

China: Fall 2018 Semester-abroad program (details to be announced; check the website below).

For details, visit www.clcillinois.edu/studyabroad.


8 L A N G U A G E SLearning a world language is now

vital to career success and is one

of the top skills that employers

desire. CLC offers courses in the

following world languages:

A r a b i c

C h i n e s e

Fr e n ch

G e r m a n

I t a l i a n

J a p a n e s e

R u s s i a n

S p a n i s h

Additionally, you can earn an A.A.

transfer degree in French

or Spanish. For details, visit



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Get InvolvedI N S T U D E N T C L U B S , S P O R T S T E A M S , H O N O R S P R O G R A M

Make new friends at CLC in many ways:

• More than 40 student clubs. For a full list, visit www.clcillinois.edu/campus-life.

• 12 inter-collegiate sports teams. For details, visit www.clclancers.com.

• Performing opportunities in music,

theatre and dance. For details visit www.clcillinois.edu/campuslife/arts.

• The CLC Honors Program provides an enriched learning experience. Visit www.clcillinois.edu/honors.

• Academic competitions, from public speaking to automotive and other hands-on technical skills.

• Free Fitness Center at the Grayslake Campus. For details, visit www.clcillinois.edu/fitnesscenter.

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At CLC, there are many resources to help you outside of class:

• Tutoring centers: Find help with writing for any course as well as accounting, biology, chemistry, computer skills, languages, math and physics. Centers are at the Grayslake, Waukegan and Vernon Hills campuses. Just drop in—no appointment necessary.

• Succeed at CLC: Workshops provide tips to become a successful student, and Study Zones promote positive study habits.

• Textbooks and Technology: Textbook and laptop borrowing from the library and computer labs at all three campuses.

• No additional charges for these resources—they are funded from your student fee.

For FAQs, phone numbers and more, visit www.clcillinois.edu/tutoring.


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Seeks Applicants for 2018-19

Check out CLC’s Promise Program, a new initiative to help eligible high school seniors afford college and

graduate from CLC as close to debt-free as possible. The program covers the gap between federal/state

financial aid and tuition/fees, and it also includes leadership and career development activities.

To qualify, you need to:

• Complete the FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid);

• Have an Expected Family Contribution of $3,000 or less;

• Attain a high school GPA of 2.3 or higher;

• Meet certain math and reading/writing requirements; and

• Live in the College of Lake County district and graduate from a district high school

(including home-schooled students).

For details, call (847) 543-2090 or visit www.clcillinois.edu/promise.


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The College of Lake County offers much more than college-level classes:

• Learn or improve basic skills: The Adult Basic Education (ABE) program teaches basic reading, writing and mathematics for students who have less than a ninth-grade education.

• Earn your high-school equivalency diploma: Take the GED, HISET and TASC (high school equivalency) test preparation courses in Spanish or English at one of three campuses or online. The exam is given through CLC’s Testing Centers.

• Learn English: For those whose first language is not English, the English as a Second Language (ESL) program will help you learn to read, write, speak and listen in English.

• Adult Education transition to college and the workforce: The Integrated Education and Training program in the Adult Education division helps students explore careers for their future and prepare them for college and the workforce.

• Free adult education classes are offered at CLC campuses in Grayslake, Waukegan and Vernon Hills and at sites throughout Lake County.

Call (847) 543-2021 for information or visit www.clcillinois.edu/adulted.


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Professional DevelopmentShort-term, intensive career-training options to enhance your career or begin a new one. Courses are ongoing.

Fall noncredit courses/topics include:

• Home Staging 101

• Presentation Skills

• Time Management

• CompTIA Certification courses

• Forklift Operator Training

• Project Management

• Supervision/Leadership

• Microsoft Office

Training is available at CLC’s campuses or delivered at your location.

www.clcillinois.edu/wpdi (847) 543-2615 [email protected]

Personal EnrichmentMake time to enjoy life and pursue your passions. Personal Enrichment classes are affordable, fun and taught by local experts.

Fall courses include:

• Youth

– Science, Technology, Engineering, Math (STEM)

– SAT Test Prep

• Adult

– Photography

– Winemaking in Illinois

• Discovery – 50+

– Origins of the First Amendment: Freedom of Expression

– Foreign Policy Book Club

www.clcillinois.edu/personalenrichment (847) 543-2615 [email protected]

Professional Development • Training for Professionals and Businesses • Personal Enrichment: Youth to Adult to Discovery 50+

Non-credit Courses Innovation for Business | Career | Life


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The University Center of Lake County helps you remain in Lake County to complete your bachelor’s degree, earn a master’s degree or take courses to sharpen professional skills. Most classes meet in Grayslake, with a few meeting elsewhere in Lake County, and online classes are as close as your own computer.

Visit www.ucenter.org and click “Future Students” then “Information Sessions” for dates and times of events that let you learn about a specific program or about our entire program array.

Schedule an appointment with a pre-admission advisor to review the options pertinent to your goals via www.ucenter.org/contact or by calling (847) 665-4000.

Programs offered BusinessComputer Science/Information SystemsEducationEngineeringHealth Care and Human ServicesLegal StudiesLiberal Arts and SciencesLibrary and Information Sciences Technology

Member InstitutionsBenedictine UniversityConcordia University ChicagoDePaul UniversityDominican UniversityEastern Illinois UniversityElmhurst College Kendall CollegeNational Louis UniversityNortheastern Illinois UniversityNorth Park UniversityNorthern Illinois UniversityOlivet Nazarene UniversitySouthern Illinois University CarbondaleSouthern Illinois University Edwardsville Trinity International University University of Illinois Chicago | Springfield | Urbana-ChampaignWebster UniversityWestern Illinois University

Visit www.ucenter.org for complete details

or call (847) 665-4000 to request more information.

University Center of Lake County 1200 University Center Drive, Grayslake, IL 60030

Complete your bachelor’s degree or earn your graduate degree at the University Center of Lake County

Wednesday, July 12, 6-8 p.m.

Wednesday, November 1, 6-8 p.m.1200 University Center Drive, Grayslake

• Meet admission representatives• Collect program information• Get your questions answered

www.ucenter.org (847) 665-4000

Attend an Open House


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0097 CHM 121-001 0900A-0950 MWF 8/22 12/140800A-0850 TR








Key to Codes* ONLINE Section: Additional Course Fee: $5 per credit hourBOLD Class meets after 4 p.m. or on Saturday or SundayHours Credit hour value of courseR ThursdayU Sunday

Location KeyCampus/Delivery Locations:

Grayslake Campus (Grayslake)19351 W. Washington St., Grayslake, IL 60030

Lakeshore Campus (Waukegan)111 N. Genesee St., Waukegan, IL 60085

Southlake Campus (Vernon Hills)1120 S. Milwaukee Ave., Vernon Hills, IL 60061

BLENDEDA section that combines work in the classroom as well as on the internet.

OnlineA section that is presented on the Internet. Visitclconline.clcillinois.edu for information

Community Locations:

Condell Medical Center801 S. Milwaukee Ave., Libertyville, IL 60048

Highland Park Hospital718 Glenview Ave., Highland Park, IL 60035

Lake County High Schools Technology Campus19525 W. Washington St., Grayslake, IL 60030

Vista Healthcare / Vista Medical Center West2615 Washington St., Waukegan, IL 60086

Course Selection and Numbering

Transfer CoursesCourses in the transfer category may lead to an A.A., A.A.T., A.F.A., A.S. or A.E.S. degree and usually may betransferred to a four-year institution to apply toward abachelor’s degree. Transfer Course Numbering: 100-299Middle Digit: 2, 4 or 6

Career CoursesCourses in the career category may lead to an A.A.S. degree orcertificate. Some courses may also apply toward an A.A.,A.A.T., A.F.A., A.S. or A.E.S. degree. To find out what coursestransfer, consult the Counseling Center and/or contact thefour-year institution directly.Career Course Numbering: 100-299 Middle Digit: 1, 3, 5 7 or 9

Developmental Courses Courses in the developmental category prepare students for college-level courses in the transfer and career categories.They do not in themselves transfer.Developmental Course Numbering: 100-299Middle Digit: 0

Section numbers identify location and type of course001-379 Classes at Grayslake, Lakeshore, Southlake and Other Locations380-389 ESL Support Courses400-449 Intersession Courses450-489 Learning Communities Courses490-499 Project GRAD Courses500-599 Teleweb Courses

600-649 Hybrid Courses650-699 Honors Courses700-749 Distance Learning Courses750-799 Dual Credit Courses800-899 Online Courses900-979 Modules980-989 Independent Study Courses990-999 Field Study Trips / Courses

Fall 2017 Credit Class Schedule Listing

Understanding Class Code Listings - Sample

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Final Exam WeekFall Semester officially ends on December 15, 2017. Final exam week is December 9-15. During finalexam week, your class will not meet at its regularlyscheduled time. Your specific final exam schedule will be available in myStudentCenter upon registration.

ACCOUNTINGBusiness and Social Sciences Division(847) 543-2047, www.clcillinois.edu/programs/acc

ACC 112 Accounting Procedures I 3 HoursPrerequisite: College Reading and Writing Readiness or concurrent enrollment in ENG109 or ELI 109 AND Basic Algebra ReadinessAdditional Course Fee: $20Grayslake1613 ACC 112-001 10-11:15 a.m. TR 8/22 12/71605 ACC 112-002 6-8:45 p.m. T 8/22 12/5Online*1614 ACC 112-800 ONLINE 8/21 12/15

ACC 121 Financial Accounting 4 HoursPrerequisites: College Reading and Writing Readiness AND AOS 122 or MTH 102 orMTH 105 (all C or better) or higher math course or appropriate score on the MathPlacement TestRecommended: BUS 121Additional Course Fee: $20Grayslake1606 ACC 121-001 8-9:50 a.m. TR 8/22 12/71607 ACC 121-002 9 a.m.-12:55 p.m. S 8/26 12/91612 ACC 121-003 10-11:50 a.m. MW 8/21 12/61620 ACC 121-004 10-11:50 a.m. MW 8/21 12/61602 ACC 121-005 10-11:50 a.m. TR 8/22 12/71618 ACC 121-006 12-1:50 p.m. MW 8/21 12/61617 ACC 121-007 12-1:50 p.m. TR 8/22 12/71608 ACC 121-009 6-9:45 p.m. W 8/23 12/6Vernon Hills1619 ACC 121-008 6-9:45 p.m. T 8/22 12/5Online*1603 ACC 121-800 ONLINE 8/21 12/15

ACC 122 Managerial Accounting 4 HoursPrerequisite: ACC 113 or ACC 121 (either C or better)Recommended: CIT 119 or CIT 120Additional Course Fee: $20Grayslake1621 ACC 122-001 10-11:50 a.m. MW 8/21 12/81609 ACC 122-002 10-11:50 a.m. TR 8/22 12/71616 ACC 122-003 12-1:50 p.m. TR 8/22 12/71604 ACC 122-004 6-9:45 p.m. W 8/23 12/6Online*1611 ACC 122-800 ONLINE 8/21 12/15

ACC 212 Federal Tax Accounting I 3 HoursPrerequisite: ACC 113 or ACC 121 (both C or better)Additional Course Fee: $20Grayslake1610 ACC 212-001 7-9:45 p.m. M 8/21 12/4

ACC 214 Cost Accounting 3 HoursPrerequisite: ACC 122 (C or better)Additional Course Fee: $20Online*1623 ACC 214-800 ONLINE 8/21 12/15

ACC 221 Intermediate Accounting I 4 HoursPrerequisite: ACC 122 (C or better)Additional Course Fee: $20Grayslake1615 ACC 221-001 6-9:45 p.m. W 8/23 12/6

ACC 222 Intermediate Accounting II 4 HoursPrerequisite: ACC 221 (C or better)Additional Course Fee: $20Online*3230 ACC 222-800 ONLINE 8/21 12/15

ACC 251 Financial Accounting Research 1 HourCorequisite: ACC 222Online*3231 ACC 251-800 ONLINE 8/21 12/15

ACC 271 Auditing 3 HoursPrerequisite: ACC 222 (C or better) OR ACC 221 (B or better) and concurrentenrollment in ACC 222.Grayslake1622 ACC 271-001 7-9:45 p.m. T 8/22 12/5

ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICE SYSTEMSBusiness and Social Sciences Division(847) 543-2047, www.clcillinois.edu/programs/aos

AOS 111 Business Communication 3 HoursPrerequisite: College Reading and Writing ReadinessAdditional Course Fee: $25Grayslake1650 AOS 111-001 6-8:45 p.m. M 8/21 12/4Online*1661 AOS 111-800 ONLINE 8/21 12/13

AOS 112 Computer Basics/Software Applications 3 HoursPrerequisite: College Reading and Writing Readiness OR concurrent enrollment in ENG 109 or ELI 109 or ENG 100Additional Course Fee: $25Grayslake1668 AOS 112-001 8:30-11:20 a.m. F 9/1 12/81651 AOS 112-002 10-11:15 a.m. TR 8/22 12/71652 AOS 112-003 6-8:45 p.m. M 8/21 12/4Online*1671 AOS 112-800 ONLINE 8/21 12/13

AOS 113 Comprehensive Word Processing 3 HoursAdditional Course Fee: $40Grayslake1649 AOS 113-001 11:30 a.m.-12:45 p.m. TR 8/22 12/7Online*1662 AOS 113-800 ONLINE 8/21 12/13

12 Final Exam Week: December 9-15, 2017 Course descriptions: www.clcillinois.edu/classes Questions: (847) 543-2061

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AOS 114 Outlook 1 HourAdditional Course Fee: $10Online*1673 AOS 114-800 ONLINE 9/11 11/8

AOS 122 Business Mathematics 3 HoursPrerequisite: College Reading and Writing Readiness AND Basic Algebra ReadinessGrayslake1654 AOS 122-001 10-11:15 a.m. MW 8/21 12/61653 AOS 122-002 11:30 a.m.-12:45 p.m. TR 8/22 12/71655 AOS 122-003 6-8:45 p.m. R 8/24 12/7Online*1663 AOS 122-800 ONLINE 8/21 12/13

AOS 170 Computer Keyboarding I 2 HoursAdditional Course Fee: $25Grayslake1657 AOS 170-001 10 a.m.-12:20 p.m. TR 8/22 10/121664 AOS 170-002 6-8:20 p.m. TR 8/22 10/12

ESL SUPPORTED: Grayslake1666 AOS 170-380 6-8:20 p.m. TR 8/22 10/12

AOS 171 Computer Keyboarding II 2 HoursPrerequisite: AOS 170, or Corequisite AOS 170, or permission of instructorAdditional Course Fee: $25Grayslake1674 AOS 171-001 10 a.m.-12:20 p.m. TR 10/17 12/71658 AOS 171-002 6-8:20 p.m. TR 10/17 12/7

ESL SUPPORTED: Grayslake1670 AOS 171-380 6-8:20 p.m. TR 10/17 12/7

AOS 172 Business English 3 HoursPrerequisite: College Reading and Writing Readiness OR concurrent enrollment in ENG 109 or ELI 109 or ENG 100Grayslake1659 AOS 172-001 6-8:45 p.m. R 8/24 12/7

AOS 175 Keyboarding Speed and Accuracy Building 2 HoursAdditional Course Fee: $25Grayslake1660 AOS 175-001 6-7:15 p.m. TR 8/22 12/7

AOS 178 Intermediate Keyboarding 3 HoursPrerequisite: College Reading and Writing Readiness AND AOS 171 or AOS 175 or permission of instructorAdditional Course Fee: $40Grayslake1656 AOS 178-001 6-7:50 p.m. TR 8/22 12/7

ESL SUPPORTED: Grayslake1675 AOS 178-380 6-7:50 p.m. TR 8/22 12/7

AOS 214 Administrative Office Procedures 3 HoursPrerequisite: College Reading and Writing ReadinessGrayslake1665 AOS 214-001 6-8:45 p.m. T 8/22 12/5

AOS 215 Presentation Software 3 HoursPrerequisite: College Reading and Writing ReadinessAdditional Course Fee: $40Grayslake1667 AOS 215-001 10 a.m.-12:45 p.m. W 8/23 12/6

AOS 216 Integrated Office Projects 3 HoursPrerequisites: (AOS 112 and AOS 113) or CIT 119Additional Course Fee: $10Online*1648 AOS 216-800 ONLINE 8/21 12/13

AOS 237 Managerial Communication 3 HoursPrerequisite: AOS 111 or ENG 121Grayslake1669 AOS 237-001 6-8:45 p.m. W 8/23 12/6

AOS 253 Leadership 3 HoursPrerequisite: BUS 121 or Department Consent.Recommended: BUS 223 or BUS 233 or AOS 233Grayslake1672 AOS 253-001 7-9:45 p.m. M 8/21 12/4

AGRICULTUREBiological and Health Sciences Division(847) 543-2042, www.clcillinois.edu/programs/hrt

AGR 111 Permaculture Production 2 HoursPrerequisite: College Reading and Writing Readiness or concurrent enrollment in ENG 109 or ELI 109 or ENG 100 AND a score of 34 or higher on the Math Placement Test or Basic Algebra ReadinessRecommended: Basic biology or ecology courseworkAdditional Course Fee: $50Grayslake1217 AGR 111-001 4-5:50 p.m. M 8/21 12/4 8:30 a.m.-4 p.m. S 8/26, 9/16 10/7, 10/28 11/11 & 12/2

AGR 210 Agricultural Marketing 3 HoursPrerequisite: College Reading and Writing Readiness AND Basic Algebra ReadinessRecommended: BUS 121, BUS 122, or HRT 160BLENDED: Grayslake1218 AGR 210-601 6-8:50 p.m. W 8/23 12/6

ANTHROPOLOGYBusiness and Social Sciences Division(847) 543-2047, www.clcillinois.edu/programs/ant

ANT 121 Introduction to Anthropology 3 HoursPrerequisite: College Reading and Writing Readiness OR concurrent enrollment in ENG 109 or ELI 109 or ENG 100Note: For online sections, College Reading and Writing Readiness is requiredGrayslake1624 ANT 121-001 8:30-9:45 a.m. MW 8/21 12/61638 ANT 121-002 10-11:15 a.m. TR 8/22 12/71646 ANT 121-003 11:30 a.m.-12:45 p.m. MW 8/21 12/61633 ANT 121-004 1-2:15 p.m. TR 8/22 12/71625 ANT 121-005 2:30-3:45 p.m. MW 8/21 12/61629 ANT 121-006 4:30-6:45 p.m. TR 9/26 12/71639 ANT 121-007 7-9:45 p.m. W 8/23 12/6Vernon Hills3584 ANT 121-008 9 a.m.-12 p.m. F 9/8 12/8Online*1634 ANT 121-800 ONLINE 8/21 12/151641 ANT 121-801 ONLINE 9/18 12/153585 ANT 121-850 ONLINE 10/23 12/15

13Key to codes: See page 11. * ONLINE Section Additional Course Fee: $5 per credit hour

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ANT 221 Cultural Anthropology 3 HoursPrerequisite: College Reading and Writing Readiness OR concurrent enrollment in ENG 109 or ELI 109 or ENG 100Note: For online sections, College Reading and Writing Readiness is requiredGrayslake1626 ANT 221-001 8:30-9:45 a.m. TR 8/22 12/71627 ANT 221-002 9 a.m.-12:25 p.m. S 9/9 12/91640 ANT 221-003 10-11:15 a.m. MW 8/21 12/61630 ANT 221-004 11:30 a.m.-12:45 p.m. TR 8/22 12/71628 ANT 221-005 1-2:15 p.m. MW 8/21 12/61635 ANT 221-006 2:30-3:45 p.m. TR 8/22 12/71637 ANT 221-007 4:30-6:45 p.m. MW 9/25 12/61645 ANT 221-008 7-9:45 p.m. T 8/22 12/5Online*1636 ANT 221-800 ONLINE 8/21 12/151642 ANT 221-801 ONLINE 9/18 12/15

ANT 222 Introduction to Physical Anthropology 3 HoursPrerequisite: College Reading and Writing ReadinessOnline*1644 ANT 222-800 ONLINE 9/18 12/15

ANT 224 Introduction to Archaeology 3 HoursPrerequisite: College Reading and Writing ReadinessGrayslake1632 ANT 224-001 1-2:15 p.m. MW 8/21 12/6Online*1643 ANT 224-800 ONLINE 9/18 12/15

ANT 228 Cross-Cultural Relationships 3 HoursPrerequisite: College Reading and Writing ReadinessOnline*1631 ANT 228-800 ONLINE 9/18 12/151647 ANT 228-801 ONLINE 10/16 12/15

ARABICCommunication Arts, Humanities and Fine Arts Division(847) 543-2040, www.clcillinois.edu/programs/for

ARA 121 Elementary Modern Standard Arabic I 4 HoursVernon Hills3400 ARA 121-001 6-7:50 p.m. MW 8/21 12/6

ARCHITECTURAL TECHNOLOGYEngineering, Math and Physical Sciences Division(847) 543-2044, www.clcillinois.edu/programs/arc

ARC 121 Architectural Graphics 3 HoursAdditional Course Fee: $25BLENDED: Grayslake2880 ARC 121-600 10 a.m.-1:20 p.m. R 9/21 12/7

ARC 170 Architectural Design 3 HoursPrerequisite: College Reading and Writing Readiness AND Basic Algebra ReadinessAdditional Course Fee: $25Online*3377 ARC 170-800 ONLINE 9/18 12/15

ARC 171 Architectural Working Drawings 3 HoursPrerequisite: ARC 121, CAD 117, and CAD 178 (previously CAD 214) (all C or better)Additional Course Fee: $25Online*3373 ARC 171-800 ONLINE 9/18 12/15

ARC 215 Architectural Project Planning 4 HoursPrerequisite: ARC 171 (C or better)Additional Course Fee: $25Online*3374 ARC 215-800 ONLINE 9/18 12/15

ARC 228 History of Architecture 3 HoursPrerequisite: College Reading and Writing ReadinessBLENDED: Grayslake2881 ARC 228-600 10 a.m.-11:20 p.m. W 9/20 12/6

ARC 251 Architectural Analysis 3 HoursPrerequisite: ARC 121, ARC 171 and CAD 117 (all C or better)Online*3375 ARC 251-800 ONLINE 9/18 12/15

ARC 275 Portfolio and Professional Development 1 HourOnline*3376 ARC 275-800 ONLINE 9/18 12/15

ARTCommunication Arts, Humanities and Fine Arts Division(847) 543-2040, www.clcillinois.edu/programs/art

ART 121 Introduction to Art 3 HoursPrerequisite: College Reading and Writing ReadinessGrayslake2141 ART 121-001 10-10:50 a.m. MWF 8/21 12/82170 ART 121-002 12-12:50 p.m. MWF 8/21 12/82177 ART 121-003 4-6:55 p.m. W 9/13 12/62169 ART 121-004 7-10 p.m. R 8/31 12/72178 ART 121-005 7-10 p.m. W 9/6 12/63359 ART 121-006 1-2:15 p.m. MW 8/21 12/63360 ART 121-008 1-2:15 p.m. TR 8/22 12/14Waukegan3358 ART 121-009 10-11:15 a.m. TR 8/22 12/7Vernon Hills2175 ART 121-007 1-2:15 p.m. MW 8/21 12/63357 ART 121-010 7-9:50 p.m. M 8/28 12/8Online*2173 ART 121-800 ONLINE 8/21 12/152183 ART 121-801 ONLINE 9/18 12/152196 ART 121-802 ONLINE 8/21 12/152197 ART 121-803 ONLINE 10/23 12/153361 ART 121-850 ONLINE 8/21 10/13

ART 122 Two Dimensional Design 3 HoursPrerequisite: College Reading and Writing Readiness OR concurrent enrollment in ENG 109 or ELI 109 or ENG 100Grayslake2184 ART 122-001 10 a.m.-12:45 p.m. MW 8/21 12/62142 ART 122-002 1-3:45 p.m. MW 8/21 12/62181 ART 122-003 6:30-9:20 p.m. TR 8/22 12/7

14 Final Exam Week: December 9-15, 2017 Course descriptions: www.clcillinois.edu/classes Questions: (847) 543-2061

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ART 123 Color and Design Techniques 3 HoursPrerequisite: ART 122 (C or better)Grayslake2193 ART 123-001 10 a.m.-12:45 p.m. TR 8/22 12/7

ART 124 Drawing I 3 HoursPrerequisite: College Reading and Writing Readiness OR concurrent enrollment in ENG 109 or ELI 109 or ENG 100Grayslake2143 ART 124-001 8:30-11:15 a.m. MW 8/21 12/62144 ART 124-002 10 a.m.-12:45 p.m. TR 8/22 12/72145 ART 124-003 2-4:50 p.m. TR 8/22 12/72146 ART 124-004 7-9:50 p.m. MW 8/21 12/6

ART 127 Drawing II 3 HoursPrerequisite: ART 124Grayslake2179 ART 127-001 6:30-9:20 p.m. TR 8/22 12/7

ART 128 Watercolor I 2 HoursPrerequisite: College Reading and Writing Readiness OR concurrent enrollment in ENG 109 or ELI 109 or ENG 100Grayslake2147 ART 128-001 8:30 a.m.-12 p.m. F 8/25 12/82148 ART 128-002 6-9:20 p.m. T 8/22 12/5

ART 129 Photography I 3 HoursPrerequisite: College Reading and Writing Readiness OR concurrent enrollment in ENG 109 or ELI 109 or ENG 100Additional Course Fee: $40Grayslake2182 ART 129-001 12-1:50 p.m. MW 8/21 12/62149 ART 129-003 4-5:50 p.m. TR 8/22 12/7

ART 149 Digital Photography I 3 HoursPrerequisite: College Reading and Writing Readiness OR concurrent enrollment in ENG 109 or ELI 109 or ENG 100Additional Course Fee: $40Grayslake2167 ART 149-001 8-11:50 a.m. T 8/22 12/52172 ART 149-002 6-9:50 p.m. M 8/21 12/42176 ART 149-004 6-10 p.m. T 9/12 12/52171 ART 149-005 9 a.m.-12:50 p.m. S 8/26 12/9

ART 220 Watercolor II 2 HoursPrerequisite: ART 128Grayslake2150 ART 220-001 8:30 a.m.-12 p.m. F 8/25 12/82151 ART 220-002 6-9:20 p.m. T 8/22 12/5

ART 222 Computer Art I 3 HoursPrerequisite: College Reading and Writing Readiness OR concurrent enrollment in ENG 109 or ELI 109 or ENG 100Additional Course Fee: $40Grayslake2152 ART 222-001 12-2:45 p.m. TR 8/22 12/72153 ART 222-002 7-9:45 p.m. TR 8/22 12/73147 ART 222-003 1-3:45 p.m. MW 8/21 12/6

ART 223 Sculpture I 3 HoursPrerequisite: College Reading and Writing Readiness OR concurrent enrollment in ENG 109 or ELI 109 or ENG 100Additional Course Fee: $25Grayslake2191 ART 223-001 10 a.m.-12:45 p.m. TR 8/22 12/7

ART 224 Painting I 3 HoursPrerequisite: College Reading and Writing Readiness OR concurrent enrollment in ENG 109 or ELI 109 or ENG 100Grayslake2154 ART 224-001 8:30-11:20 a.m. MW 8/21 12/62155 ART 224-002 7-9:50 p.m. MW 8/21 12/6

ART 225 Figure Drawing 3 HoursPrerequisite: ART 124Additional Course Fee: $25Grayslake2156 ART 225-001 1-3:45 p.m. MW 8/21 12/6

ART 226 Ceramics I 3 HoursPrerequisite: College Reading and Writing Readiness OR concurrent enrollment in ENG 109 or ELI 109 or ENG 100Additional Course Fee: $50Grayslake3383 ART 226-001 9:30 a.m.-12:15 p.m. MW 8/21 12/62190 ART 226-002 1-3:45 p.m. TR 8/22 12/73384 ART 226-003 7-9:45 p.m. TR 8/22 12/7

ART 227 Painting II 3 HoursPrerequisite: ART 224Grayslake2157 ART 227-001 8:30-11:20 a.m. MW 8/21 12/62158 ART 227-002 7-9:50 p.m. MW 8/21 12/6

ART 228 Sculpture II 3 HoursPrerequisite: College Reading and Writing Readiness OR concurrent enrollment in ENG 109 or ELI 109 or ENG 100Additional Course Fee: $25Grayslake2192 ART 228-001 10 a.m.-12:45 p.m. TR 8/22 12/7

ART 240 History of Art I 3 HoursPrerequisite: College Reading and Writing ReadinessGrayslake2159 ART 240-001 7-9:50 p.m. M 8/21 12/4

ART 241 History of Art II 3 HoursPrerequisite: College Reading and Writing ReadinessGrayslake2166 ART 241-001 1-3:45 p.m. M 8/21 12/4

ART 245 Jewelry I 3 HoursPrerequisite: College Reading and Writing Readiness OR concurrent enrollment in ENG 109 or ELI 109 or ENG 100Additional Course Fee: $25Grayslake3356 ART 245-001 10 a.m.-12:45 p.m. MW 8/21 12/6

ART 246 Ceramics II 3 HoursPrerequisite: ART 226 (C or better)Additional Course Fee: $50Grayslake2160 ART 246-001 1-3:45 p.m. MW 8/21 12/62161 ART 246-002 7-9:50 p.m. MW 8/21 12/6

ART 247 Ceramics III 3 HoursPrerequisite: ART 246 (C or better)Additional Course Fee: $50Grayslake2162 ART 247-001 1-3:45 p.m. MW 8/21 12/62168 ART 247-002 7-9:50 p.m. MW 8/21 12/6

15Key to codes: See page 11. * ONLINE Section Additional Course Fee: $5 per credit hour

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ART 248 Individual Art Projects 3 HoursPrerequisite: College Reading and Writing Readiness and Consent of Instructor

CERAMICS: Grayslake2137 ART 248-980 8/21 12/15

PAINTING: Grayslake2138 ART 248-981 8/21 12/15

SCULPTURE: Grayslake2139 ART 248-982 8/21 12/15

PHOTOGRAPHY: Grayslake2164 ART 248-983 8/21 12/15

DRAWING: Grayslake2165 ART 248-984 8/21 12/15

COMPUTER ART: Grayslake2140 ART 248-985 8/21 12/15

ART 249 Digital Photography II 3 HoursPrerequisite: ART 149Additional Course Fee: $40Grayslake2174 ART 249-001 6-9:50 p.m. W 8/23 12/6

ART 260 History of Photography 3 HoursPrerequisite: College Reading and Writing ReadinessGrayslake2163 ART 260-001 12-1:15 p.m. TR 8/22 12/7Online*2180 ART 260-800 ONLINE 8/21 12/153323 ART 260-850 ONLINE 8/21 10/133324 ART 260-851 ONLINE 12/15 12/15

ART 263 2D Computer Animation 3 HoursPrerequisite: ART 122 and ART 222Additional Course Fee: $40Grayslake2186 ART 263-001 8:30-11:15 a.m. TR 8/22 12/7

ART 264 3D Computer Animation 3 HoursPrerequisite: ART 263Additional Course Fee: $40Grayslake2187 ART 264-001 8:30-11:15 a.m. TR 8/22 12/7

ART 271 Introduction to Electronic Graphic Publishing 3 HoursPrerequisite: ART 222Additional Course Fee: $40Grayslake2194 ART 271-001 3-6:45 p.m. TR 8/22 12/7

ART 272 Introduction to Video Production 3 HoursPrerequisite: ART 149 or ART 249Additional Course Fee: $40Grayslake2185 ART 272-980 8:30-11:15 a.m. MW 8/21 12/6

AUTOMATION, ROBOTICS,AND MECHATRONICSEngineering, Math and Physical Sciences Division(847) 543-2044, www.clcillinois.edu/programs/arm

ARM 111 Fundamentals of High Tech Manufacturing I 1 HourPrerequisite: ELI Accuplacer score of 221 or higher, APT score of 80 or higher, ELI 103(C or better), ELI 104 (C or better), ELI 107 (C or better), or College Reading andWriting Readiness AND Basic Algebra Readiness.Online*2828 ARM 111-800 ONLINE 8/21 9/26

ARM 112 Fundamentals of High Tech Manufacturing II 1 HourCorequisite: ARM 111 (C or better) or consent of departmentOnline*2829 ARM 112-800 ONLINE 9/27 10/31

ARM 113 Fundamentals of High Tech Manufacturing III 1 HourCorequisite: ARM 112 (C or better) or consent of departmentOnline*2830 ARM 113-800 ONLINE 11/1 12/8

ARM 131 Robot Design and Construction I 1 HourPrerequisite: ELI Accuplacer score of 221 or higher, APT score of 80 or higher, ELI 103(C or better), ELI 104 (C or better), ELI 107 (C or better), or College Reading andWriting Readiness AND Basic Algebra Readiness.Additional Course Fee: $25Grayslake2837 ARM 131-001 11 a.m.-3:35 p.m. T 8/22 9/26

ARM 132 Robot Design and Construction II 1 HourCorequisite: ARM 131 (C or better) or consent of departmentAdditional Course Fee: $15Grayslake2838 ARM 132-001 11 a.m.-3:35 p.m. T 10/3 10/31

ARM 133 Robot Design and Construction III 1 HourCorequisite: ARM 132 (C or better) or consent of departmentAdditional Course Fee: $15Grayslake2839 ARM 133-001 11 a.m.-3:35 p.m. T 11/7 12/5

ARM 151 Mechanical Systems I 1 HourPrerequisite: ELI Accuplacer score of 221 or higher, APT score of 80 or higher, ELI 103(C or better), ELI 104 (C or better), ELI 107 (C or better), or College Reading andWriting Readiness AND Basic Algebra Readiness.Additional Course Fee: $20Grayslake2831 ARM 151-002 11-3:35 p.m. M 8/21 9/25

ARM 152 Mechanical Systems II 1 HourCorequisite: ARM 151 (C or better) or consent of departmentAdditional Course Fee: $10Grayslake2833 ARM 152-002 11-3:35 p.m. M 10/2 10/30

16 Final Exam Week: December 9-15, 2017 Course descriptions: www.clcillinois.edu/classes Questions: (847) 543-2061

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ARM 153 Mechanical Systems III 1 HourCorequisite: ARM 152 (C or better) or consent of departmentAdditional Course Fee: $10Grayslake2835 ARM 153-002 11-3:35 p.m. M 11/6 12/4

ARM 155 STEM Workplace Professional Skills 1 HourGrayslake3381 ARM 155-001 10-10:50 a.m. M 8/21 12/4

ARM 156 Electrical Systems I 1 HourPrerequisite: ELI Accuplacer score of 221 or higher, APT score of 80 or higher, ELI 103(C or better), ELI 104 (C or better), ELI 107 (C or better), or College Reading andWriting Readiness AND Basic Algebra Readiness.Additional Course Fee: $25Grayslake2832 ARM 156-002 11 a.m.-3:35 p.m. T 8/22 9/26

ARM 157 Electrical Systems II 1 HourCorequisite: ARM 156 (C or better) or consent of departmentAdditional Course Fee: $10Grayslake2834 ARM 157-002 11 a.m.-3:35 p.m. T 10/3 10/31

ARM 158 Electrical Systems III 1 HourCorequisite: ARM 157 (C or better) or consent of departmentAdditional Course Fee: $10Grayslake2836 ARM 158-002 11 a.m.-3:35 p.m. T 11/7 12/5

ARM 171 Automation I 1 HourPrerequisite: ELI Accuplacer score of 221 or higher, APT score of 80 or higher, ELI 103(C or better), ELI 104 (C or better), ELI 107 (C or better), or College Reading andWriting Readiness AND Basic Algebra Readiness.Additional Course Fee: $10Grayslake2846 ARM 171-002 11 a.m.-3:35 p.m. W 8/23 9/20

ARM 172 Automation II 1 HourCorequisite: ARM 171 (C or better) or consent of departmentAdditional Course Fee: $10Grayslake2847 ARM 172-002 111 a.m.-3:35 p.m. W 9/27 10/25

ARM 173 Automation III 1 HourCorequisite: ARM 172 (C or better) or consent of departmentAdditional Course Fee: $10Grayslake2848 ARM 173-002 11 a.m.-3:35 p.m. W 11/1 12/6

ARM 174 Automation IV 1 HourCorequisite: ARM 173 (C or better) or consent of departmentAdditional Course Fee: $10Grayslake2840 ARM 174-001 11 a.m.-3:35 p.m. F 8/25 9/22

ARM 175 Automation V 1 HourCorequisite: ARM 174 or consent of departmentAdditional Course Fee: $10Grayslake2841 ARM 175-001 11 a.m.-3:35 p.m. F 9/29 10/27

ARM 176 Automation VI 1 HourCorequisite: ARM 175 (C or better) or consent of departmentAdditional Course Fee: $10Grayslake2842 ARM 176-001 11 a.m.-3:35 p.m. F 11/3 12/8

ARM 191 Pneumatics and Hydraulics I 1 HourPrerequisite: ELI Accuplacer score of 221 or higher, APT score of 80 or higher, ELI 103(C or better), ELI 104 (C or better), ELI 107 (C or better), or College Reading andWriting Readiness AND Basic Algebra Readiness.Additional Course Fee: $10Grayslake2849 ARM 191-002 11 a.m.-3:35 p.m. W 8/23 9/20

ARM 192 Pneumatics and Hydraulics II 1 HourCorequisite: ARM 191 (C or better) or consent of departmentAdditional Course Fee: $10Grayslake2850 ARM 192-002 11 a.m.-3:35 p.m. W 9/27 10/25

ARM 193 Pneumatics and Hydraulics III 1 HourCorequisite: ARM 192 (C or better) or consent of departmentAdditional Course Fee: $10Grayslake2851 ARM 193-002 11 a.m.-3:35 p.m. W 11/1 12/6

ARM 196 Electrical Systems Capstone 1 HourPrerequisite: ARM 153, ARM 158, and ARM 173 (all C or better)Additional Course Fee: $10Grayslake2843 ARM 196-001 11 a.m.-3:35 p.m. M 8/21 9/25

ARM 197 Pneumatic and Hydraulic Systems Capstone 1 HourConcurrent Enrollment: ARM 196Additional Course Fee: $10Grayslake2844 ARM 197-001 11 a.m.-3:33 p.m. M 10/2 10/30

ARM 198 Complete Systems Integration 1 HourConcurrent Enrollment: ARM 197Additional Course Fee: $10Grayslake2845 ARM 198-001 11 a.m.-3:35 p.m. M 11/6 12/4

AUTOMOTIVE COLLISION REPAIREngineering, Math and Physical Sciences Division(847) 543-2044, www.clcillinois.edu/programs/acr

ACR 110 Introduction to Automotive Collision Repair 3 HoursGrayslake2818 ACR 110-001 9 a.m.-1 p.m. MW 8/21 10/112819 ACR 110-002 6-10 p.m. MW 8/21 10/11

ACR 112 Non-Structural Repair I 5 HoursCorequisite: ACR 110 (C or better)Additional Course Fee: $65Grayslake2816 ACR 112-001 2-5:40 p.m. TR 8/22 12/7

ACR 115 Automotive Welding 5 HoursCorequisite: ACR 110 (C or better)Additional Course Fee: $65Grayslake2817 ACR 115-001 6-9:40 p.m. TR 8/22 12/7

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ACR 119 Paintless Dent Removal 3 HoursPrerequisite: ACR 110 and ACR 112 (formerly ABR 110) (both C or better)Grayslake2824 ACR 119-001 9 a.m.-1 p.m. MW 10/16 12/6

ACR 131 Automotive Refinishing I 3 HoursCorequisite: ACR 110 (C or better)Additional Course Fee: $65Grayslake3388 ACR 131-001 9 a.m.-1 p.m. MW 10/16 12/62820 ACR 131-002 6-10 p.m. MW 10/16 12/6

ACR 138 Automotive Electrical Systems 5 HoursCorequisite: ACR 110 (C or better)Additional Course Fee: $45Grayslake2825 ACR 138-001 2-5:40 p.m. MW 8/21 12/63389 ACR 138-002 6-9:40 p.m. MW 8/21 12/6

ACR 212 Non-Structural Repair II 5 HoursPrerequisite: ACR 110, ACR 112 (ABR 110), and ACR 115 (ABR 115) (all C or better)Corequisite: ACR 138 (ABR 138) (C or better)Additional Course Fee: $65Grayslake3390 ACR 212-001 9 a.m.-12:40 p.m. TR 8/22 12/73391 ACR 212-002 6-9:40 p.m. TR 8/22 12/7

ACR 233 Automotive Refinishing III 5 HoursPrerequisite: ACR 132 (formerly ABR 131) and ACR 215 (formerly ABR 215) (both C or better)Additional Course Fee: $65Grayslake2823 ACR 233-001 6:20-10 p.m. TR 8/22 12/7

AUTOMOTIVE TECHNOLOGYEngineering, Math and Physical Sciences Division(847) 543-2044, www.clcillinois.edu/programs/aut

AUT 110 Introduction to Automotive Technology 3 HoursAdditional Course Fee: $20Grayslake2859 AUT 110-001 12-2:30 p.m. MW 8/21 12/62873 AUT 110-002 3:30-6 p.m. TR 8/22 12/72876 AUT 110-003 12-2:30 p.m. TR 8/22 12/72860 AUT 110-004 9-11:30 a.m. TR 8/22 12/72879 AUT 110-005 8 a.m.-12:40 p.m. S 8/26 12/9

ESL SUPPORTED: Grayslake2866 AUT 110-380 6-9:30 p.m. MW 8/21 12/6

AUT 111 Engine Repair 4 HoursCorequisite: AUT 110 (formerly AUT 174)Additional Course Fee: $35Grayslake2855 AUT 111-001 9 a.m.-12 p.m. TR 8/22 12/72863 AUT 111-002 7-10 p.m. MW 8/21 12/6

ESL SUPPORTED: Grayslake2856 AUT 111-380 6-10 p.m. TR 8/22 12/7

AUT 112 Braking Systems 4 HoursCorequisite: AUT 110 (formerly AUT 174)Additional Course Fee: $35Grayslake2861 AUT 112-001 7-10 p.m. MW 8/21 12/6

ESL SUPPORTED: Grayslake2872 AUT 112-380 7-10 p.m. TR 8/22 12/7

AUT 113 Suspension and Alignment 4 HoursCorequisite: AUT 110 (formerly AUT 174)Additional Course Fee: $35Grayslake2867 AUT 113-001 1-4 p.m. TR 8/22 12/7

AUT 131 Auto Electrical I 4 HoursCorequisite: AUT 110 (formerly AUT 174)Additional Course Fee: $35Grayslake2857 AUT 131-001 7-10 p.m. TR 8/22 12/72875 AUT 131-002 12-3 p.m. TR 8/22 12/7

ESL SUPPORTED: Grayslake2858 AUT 131-380 7-10 p.m. MW 8/21 12/6

AUT 132 Manual Drive Train and Axles 4 HoursCorequisite: AUT 110 (formerly AUT 174)Additional Course Fee: $35Grayslake2862 AUT 132-001 9 a.m.-12 p.m. MW 8/21 12/6

AUT 217 Automotive Service Consulting 3 HoursGrayslake2871 AUT 217-001 6-9:20 p.m. F 8/25 12/8

AUT 231 Auto Electrical II 4 HoursPrerequisite: AUT 131 (formerly AUT 172) (C or better)Additional Course Fee: $35Grayslake2865 AUT 231-001 7-10 p.m. TR 8/22 12/73405 AUT 231-002 1-4 p.m. MW 8/21 12/6

AUT 232 Automatic Transmission and Transaxle 4 HoursPrerequisite: AUT 131 (formerly AUT 172) (C or better)Additional Course Fee: $35Grayslake2869 AUT 232-001 7-10 p.m. MW 8/21 12/6

AUT 233 Advanced Driveline Systems 3 HoursPrerequisite: AUT 232 (formerly AUT 274) and AUT 132 (formerly AUT 273) (all C or better) or Consent of Instructor with current A2 and A3 Automotive Service Excellence (ASE) certifications or approved work experienceGrayslake2877 AUT 233-001 7-9:30 p.m. TR 8/22 12/7

AUT 251 Powertrain Controls 4 HoursPrerequisite: AUT 111 (formerly AUT 171), AUT 131 (formerly AUT 172) (all C orbetter)Additional Course Fee: $35Grayslake2870 AUT 251-001 9 a.m.-12 p.m. MW 8/21 12/6

AUT 252 Powertrain Management 4 HoursPrerequisite: AUT 111 (formerly AUT 171), AUT 131 (formerly AUT 172), AUT 231(formerly AUT 173) and AUT 251 (formerly AUT 272) (all C or better)Additional Course Fee: $35Grayslake2878 AUT 252-001 9 a.m.-12 p.m. TR 8/22 12/7

18 Final Exam Week: December 9-15, 2017 Course descriptions: www.clcillinois.edu/classes Questions: (847) 543-2061

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AUT 290 Advanced Specialization 4 HoursPrerequisite: 20 Credits in AUT courses and Consent of InstructorStudents must have earned a grade of C or better in all previous automotive courses.Additional Course Fee: $45Grayslake2864 AUT 290-001 6-10 p.m. MW 8/21 12/6

AUT 299 Special Topics in the Automotive Industry .5 HoursSEMA TRIP: Grayslake2874 AUT 299-990 10/29 11/3

BIOLOGYBiological and Health Sciences Division, Room B210(847) 543-2042, www.clcillinois.edu/programs/bio

BIO 111 Human Form and Function 4 HoursPrerequisite: College Reading and Writing ReadinessAdditional Course Fee: $40Grayslake1244 BIO 111-001 8 a.m.-1:05 p.m. S 8/26 12/91239 BIO 111-003 1-2:50 p.m. R 8/22 12/7 1-3:50 p.m. T 8/22 12/71240 BIO 111-004 7-8:50 p.m. M 8/21 12/6 7-9:50 p.m. W 8/21 12/6BLENDED: Waukegan1287 BIO 111-600 3:30-6:20 p.m. R 8/21 12/7Vernon Hills1298 BIO 111-002 1-2:50 p.m. M 8/21 12/6 1-3:50 p.m. W 8/21 12/6Online*1302 BIO 111-800 ONLINE 8/21 12/14

BIO 120 Environmental Biology 4 HoursPrerequisite: College Reading and Writing Readiness OR concurrent enrollment inENG 109 or ELI 109 or ENG 100 -AND- Basic Algebra ReadinessAdditional Course Fee: $20Grayslake1219 BIO 120-001 8 a.m.-1:05 p.m. S 8/26 12/91223 BIO 120-002 8:30-9:45 a.m. MW 8/21 12/8 8:30-10:20 a.m. F 8/21 12/81221 BIO 120-003 8:30-9:45 a.m. TR 8/22 12/7 9-10:50 a.m. W 8/22 12/71222 BIO 120-005 10-11:15 a.m. TR 8/21 12/7 10-11:50 a.m. M 8/21 12/71224 BIO 120-007 11:30 a.m.-12:45 p.m. TR 8/22 12/7 11 a.m.-12:50 p.m. W 8/22 12/71225 BIO 120-008 11:30 a.m.-12:45 p.m. TR 8/22 12/8 11 a.m.-12:50 p.m. F 8/22 12/81226 BIO 120-009 12-1:50 p.m. MW 9/27 12/7 12-1:50 p.m. TR 9/27 12/71227 BIO 120-010 1-2:15 p.m. MW 8/21 12/8 1-2:50 p.m. F 8/21 12/81248 BIO 120-011 2:30-4:20 p.m. MW 9/27 12/7 2:30-4:20 p.m. TR 9/27 12/71250 BIO 120-012 6-8:50 p.m. M 8/21 12/6 6-7:50 p.m. W 8/21 12/61251 BIO 120-014 6-8:50 p.m. T 8/22 12/7 6-7:50 p.m. R 8/22 12/7

HONORS: Grayslake1249 BIO 120-006 11:30 a.m.-12:45 p.m. MW 8/21 12/8 1-2:50 p.m. W 8/21 12/8

Continued in next column.

Waukegan1245 BIO 120-013 6-8:50 p.m. M 8/21 12/6 6-7:50 p.m. W 8/21 12/6Vernon Hills1259 BIO 120-004 11:30 a.m.-12:45 p.m. MW 8/21 12/6 1-2:50 p.m. M 8/21 12/6BLENDED: Vernon Hills1310 BIO 120-600 6-7:50 p.m. M 8/21 12/16

BIO 123 Principles of Biology 4 HoursPrerequisites: MTH 102 or MTH 105 (both C or better) or an appropriate score onthe Math Placement Test or Math ACT of 22 or higher - AND - College Reading andWriting ReadinessAdditional Course Fee: $25Grayslake1264 BIO 123-001 8 a.m.-1:05 p.m. S 8/26 12/91265 BIO 123-002 8:30-9:45 a.m. TR 8/21 12/7 8-9:50 a.m. M 8/21 12/71266 BIO 123-003 8:30-9:45 a.m. TR 8/22 12/7 8-9:50 a.m. W 8/22 12/71267 BIO 123-005 10-11:15 a.m. TR 8/21 12/7 10-11:50 a.m. M 8/21 12/71268 BIO 123-006 10-11:15 a.m. TR 8/22 12/7 10-11:50 a.m. W 8/22 12/71282 BIO 123-007 11:30 a.m.-12:45 p.m. TR 8/22 12/7 1-2:50 p.m. T 8/22 12/71271 BIO 123-008 11:30 a.m.-12:45 p.m. TR 8/22 12/7 1-2:50 p.m. R 8/22 12/71272 BIO 123-010 1-2:25 p.m. TR 9/7 12/7 3-5:25 p.m. T 9/7 12/71274 BIO 123-011 5:30-6:45 p.m. MW 8/21 12/6 7-8:50 p.m. W 8/21 12/61275 BIO 123-014 7-9:50 p.m. T 8/22 12/7 7-8:50 p.m. R 8/22 12/7BLENDED: Grayslake1270 BIO 123-600 12-2:50 p.m. W 8/21 12/8Waukegan1276 BIO 123-012 7-9:50 p.m. W 8/21 12/6 7-8:50 p.m. M 8/21 12/6Vernon Hills1299 BIO 123-009 11:30 a.m.-12:45 p.m. TR 8/22 12/7 1-2:50 p.m. R 8/22 12/71277 BIO 123-013 7-9:50 p.m. T 8/22 12/7 7-8:50 p.m. R 8/22 12/7

BIO 127 Introduction to Evolution 3 HoursPrerequisite: College Reading and Writing Readiness AND Basic Algebra ReadinessGrayslake1220 BIO 127-001 11:30 a.m.-12:45 p.m. TR 8/22 12/71301 BIO 127-002 7-8:15 p.m. MW 8/21 12/6

BIO 140 Environmental Biology without Lab 3 HoursPrerequisite: College Reading and Writing Readiness OR concurrent enrollment inENG 109 or ELI 109 or ENG 100 -AND- Basic Algebra ReadinessGrayslake1280 BIO 140-001 8:30-11:20 a.m. F 8/25 12/81254 BIO 140-002 10 a.m.-12:50 p.m. TR 10/19 12/71255 BIO 140-003 7-9:50 p.m. TR 10/19 12/7

BIO 141 Concepts in Biology 4 HoursPrerequisite: College Reading and Writing Readiness OR concurrent enrollment inENG 109 or ELI 109 or ENG 100 -AND- Basic Algebra ReadinessAdditional Course Fee: $25Grayslake1279 BIO 141-001 1-2:15 p.m. TR 8/21 12/7 1-2:50 p.m. M 8/21 12/71283 BIO 141-002 5:30-6:45 p.m. MW 8/21 12/6 7-8:50 p.m. M 8/21 12/6

19Key to codes: See page 11. * ONLINE Section Additional Course Fee: $5 per credit hour

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BIO 149 Genetics and Society 3 HoursPrerequisite: College Reading and Writing Readiness AND Basic Algebra ReadinessGrayslake1286 BIO 149-001 2:30-3:45 p.m. TR 8/22 12/7

BIO 161 General Biology I 4 HoursPrerequisites: MTH 108 or MTH 107 (both C or better) or appropriate score on theMath Placement Test or Math ACT of 25 or higher AND College Reading and WritingReadinessAdditional Course Fee: $25Grayslake1260 BIO 161-001 10-11:15 a.m. MW 8/21 12/8 9:30 a.m.-12:20 p.m. F 8/21 12/81284 BIO 161-002 8:30-9:45 a.m. TR 8/22 12/7 10 a.m.-12:50 p.m. R 8/22 12/71263 BIO 161-003 8-8:50 a.m. MWF 8/21 12/8 9:30 a.m.-12:20 p.m. W 8/21 12/81262 BIO 161-004 11:30 a.m.-12:45 p.m. MW 8/21 12/6 1-3:50 p.m. W 8/21 12/61261 BIO 161-005 1-2:15 p.m. TR 8/22 12/7 2:30-5:20 p.m. R 8/22 12/71278 BIO 161-007 7-9:50 p.m. TR 8/22 12/7Vernon Hills1303 BIO 161-006 7-9:50 p.m. MW 8/21 12/6

BIO 162 General Biology II 4 HoursPrerequisite: BIO 161(C or better)Additional Course Fee: $30Grayslake1241 BIO 162-001 1-3:50 p.m. MW 8/21 12/61228 BIO 162-002 6-8:50 p.m. TR 8/22 12/7

BIO 222 General Botany 4 HoursPrerequisite: BIO 120, BIO 123, BIO 161 or HRT 121 (C or better in any one)Additional Course Fee: $25Grayslake1304 BIO 222-001 9-11:50 a.m. MW 8/21 12/7

BIO 244 Anatomy and Physiology I 4 HoursPrerequisite: BIO 123 (formerly BIO 121) or BIO 161 (all C or better)Additional Course Fee: $25Grayslake1229 BIO 244-001 8-8:50 a.m. MWF 8/21 12/8 9-10:50 a.m. M 8/21 12/81232 BIO 244-002 8:30-9:45 a.m. TR 8/22 12/7 10-11:50 a.m. T 8/22 12/51256 BIO 244-003 10-11:15 a.m. TR 8/22 12/7 8-9:50 a.m. T 8/22 12/71230 BIO 244-004 10-11:15 a.m. TR 8/22 12/7 12-1:50 p.m. T 8/22 12/71231 BIO 244-005 10-10:50 a.m. MWF 8/21 12/8 11 a.m.-12:50 p.m. M 8/21 12/81242 BIO 244-006 12-12:50 p.m. MWF 8/21 12/8 1-2:50 p.m. M 8/21 12/81285 BIO 244-007 1-2:15 p.m. MW 8/21 12/6 3-4:50 p.m. M 8/21 12/61233 BIO 244-008 1-2:15 p.m. TR 8/22 12/7 2:30-4:20 p.m. T 8/22 12/73331 BIO 244-009 2:30-3:45 p.m. TR 8/22 12/15 12:30-2:20 p.m. T 8/22 12/151253 BIO 244-010 5:30-6:45 p.m. MW 8/21 12/6 7-8:50 p.m. M 8/21 12/61246 BIO 244-011 7-8:15 p.m. MW 8/21 12/6 5-6:50 p.m. M 8/21 12/61307 BIO 244-012 7-8:15 p.m. TR 8/22 12/7 4:30-6:20 p.m. T 8/22 12/71305 BIO 244-013 7-8:15 p.m. TR 8/22 12/7 8:30-10:20 p.m. T 8/22 12/71234 BIO 244-014 8:30-9:45 p.m. TR 8/22 12/7 6:30-8:20 p.m. T 8/22 12/7

BIO 245 Anatomy and Physiology II 4 HoursPrerequisite: BIO 124 or BIO 244 (C or better)Additional Course Fee: $25Grayslake1300 BIO 245-001 11:50 a.m.-2:20 p.m. S 8/26 12/91306 BIO 245-002 9-10:15 a.m. F 8/25 12/8 10:30 a.m.-12:20 p.m. F 8/25 12/8 1-2:15 p.m. F 8/25 12/81289 BIO 245-003 10-11:15 a.m. TR 8/22 12/7 11:30 a.m.-1:20 p.m. R 8/22 12/71290 BIO 245-004 10-10:50 a.m. MWF 8/21 12/8 11 a.m.-12:50 p.m. W 8/21 12/81288 BIO 245-005 11:30 a.m.-12:45 p.m. TR 8/22 12/7 9-10:50 a.m. R 8/22 12/71291 BIO 245-006 11:30 a.m.-12:45 p.m. TR 8/22 12/7 1:30-3:20 p.m. R 8/22 12/71292 BIO 245-007 12-12:50 p.m. MWF 8/21 12/8 1-2:50 p.m. W 8/21 12/81293 BIO 245-008 1-2:15 p.m. MW 8/21 12/6 3-4:50 p.m. W 8/21 12/61294 BIO 245-009 2:30-3:45 p.m. TR 8/22 12/7 4-5:50 p.m. R 8/22 12/71296 BIO 245-010 8:30-9:45 p.m. MW 8/21 12/6 6:30-8:20 p.m. W 8/21 12/61295 BIO 245-011 8:30-9:45 p.m. TR 8/22 12/7 6:30-8:20 p.m. R 8/22 12/7

BIO 246 Microbiology 4 HoursPrerequisite: BIO 123 (formerly BIO 121) or BIO 161 (all C or better)Additional Course Fee: $30Grayslake1235 BIO 246-001 8-10:50 a.m. TR 8/22 12/71236 BIO 246-002 9-11:50 a.m. MW 8/21 12/61247 BIO 246-003 1-3:50 p.m. MW 8/21 12/61258 BIO 246-004 12-2:50 p.m. TR 8/22 12/71237 BIO 246-005 4-6:50 p.m. TR 8/22 12/71252 BIO 246-006 6-8:50 p.m. TR 8/22 12/71238 BIO 246-007 7-9:50 p.m. MW 8/21 12/6

BIO 299 Special Topics in Biology 1 HourResearch in Biology: Grayslake1312 BIO 299-001 2-2:50 p.m. T 9/12 12/5

BUSINESS ADMINISTRATIONBusiness and Social Sciences Division(847) 543-2047, www.clcillinois.edu/programs/bus

BUS 111 Fundamentals of Finance 3 HoursPrerequisite: College Reading and Writing Readiness AND ACC 112 or higher ACC courseGrayslake1680 BUS 111-001 7-9:45 p.m. T 8/22 12/5

BUS 119 Personal Finance 3 HoursPrerequisite: College Reading and Writing ReadinessOnline*1707 BUS 119-800 ONLINE 8/21 12/15

20 Final Exam Week: December 9-15, 2017 Course descriptions: www.clcillinois.edu/classes Questions: (847) 543-2061

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BUS 121 Introduction to Business 3 HoursPrerequisite: College Reading and Writing ReadinessGrayslake1681 BUS 121-001 8:30-9:45 a.m. MW 8/21 12/61682 BUS 121-002 8:30-9:45 a.m. TR 8/22 12/71685 BUS 121-003 8:30-11:15 a.m. F 8/25 12/81683 BUS 121-004 9-11:55 a.m. S 8/26 12/91684 BUS 121-006 10-11:15 a.m. TR 8/22 12/71722 BUS 121-007 10 a.m.-12:15 p.m. MW 9/25 12/61709 BUS 121-008 1-2:15 p.m. MW 8/21 12/61702 BUS 121-009 1-3:15 p.m. MW 9/25 12/61718 BUS 121-010 1-2:15 p.m. TR 8/22 12/71688 BUS 121-011 1-3:45 p.m. T 8/22 12/51717 BUS 121-012 1-3:50 p.m. R 8/31 12/71686 BUS 121-013 2:30-3:45 p.m. MW 8/21 12/61677 BUS 121-015 7-9:45 p.m. T 8/22 12/51690 BUS 121-016 7-9:45 p.m. W 8/23 12/63232 BUS 121-017 7-9:45 p.m. R 8/24 12/73581 BUS 121-018 11:30 a.m.-12:45 p.m. MW 8/21 12/6BLENDED: Grayslake1701 BUS 121-600 12-12:50 p.m. MW 8/21 12/6

HONORS: Grayslake1687 BUS 121-650 11:30 a.m.-12:45 p.m. TR 8/22 12/7Vernon Hills1715 BUS 121-005 10-11:15 a.m. MW 8/21 12/61689 BUS 121-014 7-9:45 p.m. M 8/21 12/4Online*1679 BUS 121-800 ONLINE 8/21 12/151698 BUS 121-801 ONLINE 8/21 12/151705 BUS 121-802 ONLINE 9/6 12/151708 BUS 121-803 ONLINE 10/16 12/151712 BUS 121-850 ONLINE 10/23 12/153233 BUS 121-851 ONLINE 8/21 10/15

BUS 122 Principles of Marketing 3 HoursPrerequisite: College Reading and Writing Readiness AND Basic Algebra ReadinessGrayslake1691 BUS 122-001 10-11:15 a.m. TR 8/22 12/71716 BUS 122-002 11:30 a.m.-12:45 p.m. MW 8/21 12/61703 BUS 122-003 1-2:15 p.m. TR 8/22 12/71692 BUS 122-004 7-9:45 p.m. W 8/23 12/6Online*1699 BUS 122-800 ONLINE 8/21 12/151711 BUS 122-801 ONLINE 9/6 12/15

BUS 132 Business Ethics 3 HoursPrerequisite: College Reading and Writing ReadinessRecommended: BUS 121Online*1720 BUS 132-800 ONLINE 8/21 12/15

BUS 212 Business to Business Marketing 3 HoursPrerequisite: BUS 121 or BUS 122Grayslake1693 BUS 212-001 7-9:45 p.m. R 8/24 12/7

BUS 219 Small Business Management 3 HoursPrerequisite: BUS 121 (C or better) or Department ConsentGrayslake1694 BUS 219-001 7-9:45 p.m. R 8/24 12/7

BUS 221 Business Law I 3 HoursPrerequisite: BUS 121 or PLS 110Grayslake1696 BUS 221-001 10-11:15 a.m. MW 8/21 12/61695 BUS 221-002 1-2:15 p.m. MW 8/21 12/61704 BUS 221-003 1-2:15 p.m. TR 8/22 12/71697 BUS 221-004 7-9:45 p.m. R 8/24 12/7

Continued in next column.

Online*1678 BUS 221-800 ONLINE 8/21 12/151710 BUS 221-801 ONLINE 10/16 12/15

BUS 223 Principles of Management 3 HoursPrerequisite: BUS 121Grayslake1721 BUS 223-001 7-9:45 p.m. W 8/23 12/6BLENDED: Grayslake1700 BUS 223-600 12-12:50 p.m. MW 8/21 12/6

BUS 237 Managerial Communication 3 HoursPrerequisite: AOS 111 or ENG 121Grayslake1713 BUS 237-002 6-8:45 p.m. W 8/23 12/6

BUS 238 Project Management 3 HoursPrerequisite: College Reading and Writing Readiness AND Basic Algebra ReadinessRecommended: BUS 121Grayslake1714 BUS 238-001 7-9:45 p.m. W 8/23 12/6

BUS 253 Leadership 3 HoursPrerequisite: BUS 121 or Department Consent.Recommended: BUS 223 or BUS 233 or AOS 233Grayslake1719 BUS 253-001 7-9:45 p.m. M 8/21 12/4

BUS 290 Business Plan Development 3 HoursPrerequisite: BUS 121 (C or better) or Department ConsentGrayslake1706 BUS 290-001 7-9:45 p.m. M 8/21 12/4

CHEMISTRYBiological and Health Sciences Division(847) 543-2042, www.clcillinois.edu/programs/chm

CHM 120 Chemical Concepts 4 HoursPrerequisites: MTH 102 or MTH 105 (both C or better) or an appropriate score on the Math Placement Test or Math ACT of 22 or higher - AND - College Reading and Writing ReadinessAdditional Course Fee: $25Grayslake1314 CHM 120-001 9 a.m.-2:05 p.m. S 8/26 12/91313 CHM 120-002 8:30-9:45 a.m. MW 8/21 12/6 8-9:50 a.m. T 8/21 12/51315 CHM 120-003 2:30-3:45 p.m. MW 8/21 12/7 2-3:50 p.m. R 8/21 12/71329 CHM 120-004 10-11:15 a.m. MW 8/21 12/6 10-11:50 a.m. R 8/21 12/61331 CHM 120-006 5:30-6:45 p.m. TR 8/22 12/7 7-8:50 p.m. T 8/22 12/71316 CHM 120-007 5:30-7:05 p.m. MW 9/6 12/6 7:15-9:25 p.m. W 9/6 12/61328 CHM 120-008 5:30-6:45 p.m. TR 8/22 12/7 7-8:50 p.m. R 8/22 12/71345 CHM 120-010 10-11:15 a.m. TR 8/22 12/7 11:30 a.m.-1:20 p.m. R 8/22 12/7Waukegan1326 CHM 120-009 6-8:50 p.m. T 8/22 12/7 6-7:50 p.m. R 8/22 12/7BLENDED: Vernon Hills1334 CHM 120-600 3-4:50 p.m. T 8/22 12/71332 CHM 120-601 9-11:50 a.m. W 8/22 12/7

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CHM 121 General Chemistry I 5 HoursPrerequisite: One year of High School Chemisty (C or better) or CHM 120 (C or better) AND MTH 108 or MTH 107 (both C or better) or appropriate score on the Math Placement Test or Math ACT of 25 or higher AND College Reading and Writing ReadinessAdditional Course Fee: $25Grayslake1317 CHM 121-002 8:30-9:45 a.m. MW 8/21 12/7 8-9:50 a.m. TR 8/21 12/71318 CHM 121-003 10-11:15 a.m. MW 8/21 12/7 10-11:50 a.m. TR 8/21 12/71319 CHM 121-005 1-2:15 p.m. TR 8/21 12/6 12-1:50 p.m. MW 8/21 12/61333 CHM 121-006 10-11:15 a.m. TR 8/21 12/7 10-11:50 a.m. MW 8/21 12/71320 CHM 121-007 11:30 a.m.-12:45 p.m. MW 8/21 12/7 12-1:50 p.m. TR 8/21 12/71321 CHM 121-008 5:30-8:50 p.m. MW 8/21 12/61330 CHM 121-009 9-11:50 a.m. S 8/25 12/8 6-9:50 p.m. F 8/25 12/91341 CHM 121-010 5:30-8:50 p.m. TR 8/22 12/71337 CHM 121-011 2:30-3:45 p.m. TR 8/21 12/7 2-3:50 p.m. MW 8/21 12/71340 CHM 121-012 1-2:15 p.m. MW 8/21 12/7 2-3:50 p.m. TR 8/21 12/7BLENDED: Vernon Hills3326 CHM 121-600 9-10:50 a.m. MW 8/21 12/7

CHM 123 General Chemistry II 5 HoursPrerequisite: CHM 121 (C or better)Additional Course Fee: $25Grayslake1335 CHM 123-001 8:30-9:45 a.m. MW 8/21 12/7 8-9:50 a.m. TR 8/21 12/71322 CHM 123-002 10-11:15 a.m. MW 8/21 12/7 10-11:50 a.m. TR 8/21 12/71323 CHM 123-003 5:30-8:50 p.m. MW 8/21 12/6

CHM 125 Elementary Organic Chemistry 5 HoursPrerequisite: CHM 121 (C or better)Additional Course Fee: $45Grayslake1344 CHM 125-001 1-2:15 p.m. TR 8/21 12/6 2-3:50 p.m. MW 8/21 12/7

CHM 140 Chemistry for a Changing World 3 HoursPrerequisite: College Reading and Writing Readiness AND Basic Algebra ReadinessVernon Hills1338 CHM 140-001 1-2:15 p.m. TR 8/22 12/7

CHM 142 Chemistry for a Changing World-LAB 4 HoursPrerequisite: College Reading and Writing Readiness AND Basic Algebra ReadinessAdditional Course Fee: $25BLENDED: Vernon Hills1339 CHM 142-601 11 a.m.-12:50 p.m. M 8/21 12/6

CHM 222 Organic Chemistry I 5 HoursPrerequisite: CHM 123 (C or better)Additional Course Fee: $45Grayslake1324 CHM 222-001 1-2:15 p.m. MW 8/21 12/6 12-3:50 p.m. T 8/21 12/61325 CHM 222-002 6-8:50 p.m. W 8/21 12/6 6-9:50 p.m. M 8/21 12/6

CHINESECommunication Arts, Humanities and Fine Arts DivisionRoom B210, www.clcillinois.edu/programs/for

CHI 121 Beginning Chinese I 4 HoursAdditional Course Fee: Varies by sectionGrayslake2200 CHI 121-001 6-7:50 p.m. TR 8/22 12/7XIAN, CHINA IMMERSION PROGRAM2198 CHI 121-990 8/22 12/15

CHI 122 Beginning Chinese II 4 HoursPrerequisite: CHI 121Grayslake3401 CHI 122-001 6-7:55 p.m. MW 8/28 12/6

COMMUNICATIONCommunication Arts, Humanities and Fine Arts Division(847) 543-2040, www.clcillinois.edu/programs/cmm

CMM 111 Communication Skills 3 HoursGrayslake2257 CMM 111-001 10-11:15 a.m. MW 8/21 12/62201 CMM 111-002 7-9:50 p.m. M 8/21 12/42249 CMM 111-003 11:30 a.m.-12:45 p.m. TR 8/22 12/7

CMM 121 Fundamentals of Speech 3 HoursPrerequisite: College Reading and Writing ReadinessGrayslake2205 CMM 121-001 7-8:15 a.m. MW 8/21 12/62229 CMM 121-002 7-8:15 a.m. TR 8/22 12/72206 CMM 121-003 8:30-9:45 a.m. TR 8/22 12/72207 CMM 121-004 8:30-9:45 a.m. TR 8/22 12/72208 CMM 121-005 8:30-9:45 a.m. MW 8/21 12/62209 CMM 121-006 8:30-9:45 a.m. MW 8/21 12/62230 CMM 121-007 9 a.m.-12:20 p.m. S 9/9 12/92211 CMM 121-009 10-11:15 a.m. TR 8/22 12/72212 CMM 121-010 4-6:45 p.m. R 8/24 12/72213 CMM 121-011 10-11:15 a.m. MW 8/21 12/62214 CMM 121-012 10-11:15 a.m. TR 8/22 12/72215 CMM 121-013 11:30 a.m.-12:45 p.m. MW 8/21 12/62224 CMM 121-014 11:30 a.m.-12:45 p.m. MW 8/21 12/62210 CMM 121-015 12-2:45 p.m. F 8/25 12/82216 CMM 121-016 11:30 a.m.-12:45 p.m. TR 8/22 12/72217 CMM 121-017 9-11:45 a.m. F 8/25 12/82236 CMM 121-018 9-11:45 a.m. F 8/25 12/82218 CMM 121-019 10-11:15 a.m. TR 8/22 12/72219 CMM 121-020 1-2:15 p.m. TR 8/22 12/72256 CMM 121-021 1-2:20 p.m. MW 8/28 12/62254 CMM 121-022 1-2:15 p.m. TR 8/22 12/72221 CMM 121-024 2:30-3:45 p.m. TR 8/22 12/72220 CMM 121-025 2:30-3:45 p.m. MW 8/21 12/62222 CMM 121-026 2:30-3:45 p.m. MW 8/21 12/62223 CMM 121-028 4-6:45 p.m. M 8/21 12/42232 CMM 121-030 4-6:45 p.m. T 8/22 12/52225 CMM 121-032 4-6:45 p.m. W 8/23 12/62258 CMM 121-033 4-6:45 p.m. R 8/24 12/72240 CMM 121-034 7-9:45 p.m. R 8/24 12/72233 CMM 121-035 7-9:45 p.m. M 8/21 12/42226 CMM 121-036 7-9:45 p.m. T 8/22 12/52238 CMM 121-037 7-9:45 p.m. W 8/23 12/62227 CMM 121-039 7-9:45 p.m. R 8/24 12/72251 CMM 121-040 8:30-9:45 a.m. MW 8/21 12/62252 CMM 121-042 8:30-9:45 a.m. TR 8/22 12/72259 CMM 121-043 6:30-9:45 p.m. R 9/7 12/7

Continued on next page.

22 Final Exam Week: December 9-15, 2017 Course descriptions: www.clcillinois.edu/classes Questions: (847) 543-2061

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2234 CMM 121-048 11:30 a.m.-12:45 p.m. MW 8/21 12/62228 CMM 121-049 9 a.m.-12:20 p.m. U 9/10 12/10BLENDED: Grayslake3644 CMM 121-640 6:30-9:30 p.m. M 8/28, 9/11 9/25 & 10/9Waukegan2237 CMM 121-053 11:30 a.m.-12:45 p.m. TR 8/22 12/72250 CMM 121-054 6:30-9:45 p.m. T 9/12 12/5Vernon Hills2242 CMM 121-044 10-11:15 a.m. MW 8/21 12/62243 CMM 121-045 10-11:15 a.m. TR 8/22 12/72244 CMM 121-046 1-4:30 p.m. F 9/8 12/8

CMM 123 Dynamics of Small Group Discussion 3 HoursPrerequisite: College Reading and Writing ReadinessGrayslake2235 CMM 123-001 1-2:15 p.m. TR 8/22 12/72245 CMM 123-002 4-6:45 p.m. W 8/23 12/6

CMM 127 Intercultural Communication 3 HoursPrerequisite: College Reading and Writing ReadinessGrayslake2231 CMM 127-001 11:30 a.m.-12:45 p.m. TR 8/22 12/72202 CMM 127-002 1-2:25 p.m. MW 8/28 12/63367 CMM 127-003 10-11:15 a.m. MW 8/21 12/62253 CMM 127-006 4-6:55 p.m. T 9/6 12/6Online*2239 CMM 127-800 ONLINE 8/21 12/152260 CMM 127-801 ONLINE 8/21 12/16

CMM 128 Interviewing Practices 3 HoursPrerequisite: College Reading and Writing ReadinessGrayslake2203 CMM 128-001 2:30-3:45 p.m. TR 8/22 12/72204 CMM 128-002 7-9:45 p.m. T 8/22 12/53365 CMM 128-004 1-2:15 p.m. MW 8/21 12/6Waukegan2241 CMM 128-003 6:30-9:45 p.m. M 9/11 12/4BLENDED: Vernon Hills3366 CMM 128-600 6:30-9:15 p.m. W 8/23, 10/18 11/8 & 12/6

CMM 221 Applied Forensics 3 HoursGrayslake2246 CMM 221-980 3-10 p.m. MW 8/21 12/62247 CMM 221-981 2:30-10 p.m. T 8/22 12/5 2:30-6:15 p.m. R 8/22 12/72261 CMM 221-982 10 a.m.-3:50 p.m. F 8/21 12/8

COMPUTER AIDED DESIGNEngineering, Math and Physical Sciences Division(847) 543-2044, www.clcillinois.edu/programs/cad

CAD 110 CAD/CAM Concepts 3 HoursPrerequisite: College Reading and Writing Readiness or consent of instructorAdditional Course Fee: $50BLENDED: Grayslake2884 CAD 110-600 4:30-5:50 p.m. T 8/22 12/5

CAD 117 Introduction to AutoCAD 3 HoursAdditional Course Fee: $50BLENDED: Grayslake2885 CAD 117-600 4:30-5:50 p.m. R 8/24 12/72886 CAD 117-601 12:30-3 p.m. W 8/23 12/62890 CAD 117-602 6-9 p.m. T 8/22 12/5

CAD 170 Introduction to SolidWorks 3 HoursAdditional Course Fee: $50Grayslake2882 CAD 170-001 6-9 p.m. W 8/23 12/6

CAD 171 Introduction to Inventor 3 HoursAdditional Course Fee: $50Grayslake2887 CAD 171-001 6:30-9:50 p.m. R 8/24 12/7

CAD 176 Introduction to Creo 3 HoursAdditional Course Fee: $50Grayslake2889 CAD 176-001 6-9:50 p.m. W 8/23 12/6

CAD 178 Introduction to Revit 3 HoursAdditional Course Fee: $50Grayslake2888 CAD 178-001 6-9:50 p.m. R 8/24 12/7

CAD 179 Introduction to Autodesk 3ds Max 3 HoursAdditional Course Fee: $50BLENDED: Grayslake3404 CAD 179-600 6-9:50 p.m. M 8/21 12/4

CAD 270 SolidWorks II 3 HoursPrerequisite: CAD 170 (previously CAD 173)Additional Course Fee: $50Grayslake2883 CAD 270-001 6-9:50 p.m. M 8/21 12/4

CAD 271 Inventor II 3 HoursPrerequisite: CAD 171 (C or better)Additional Course Fee: $50Grayslake2891 CAD 271-600 6-9:50 p.m. T 8/22 12/5

COMPUTER INFORMATIONTECHNOLOGYBusiness and Social Sciences Division(847) 543-2047, www.clcillinois.edu/programs/cit

CIT 111 Comprehensive Spreadsheets 3 HoursPrerequisite: College Reading and Writing Readiness AND Basic Algebra ReadinessAdditional Course Fee: $40Grayslake1742 CIT 111-001 1-2:15 p.m. TR 8/22 12/7Online*1723 CIT 111-800 ONLINE 8/21 12/15

CIT 112 Comprehensive Database 3 HoursPrerequisite: College Reading and Writing ReadinessAdditional Course Fee: $40Grayslake1734 CIT 112-001 6-8:45 p.m. W 8/23 12/6Online*1724 CIT 112-800 ONLINE 8/21 12/15

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CIT 113 Introduction to SQL 3 HoursPrerequisite: CIT 112 (Previously CIS 230) - AND - a CIT programming course or a passing score on the Programming Placement TestAdditional Course Fee: $40Grayslake1765 CIT 113-001 7-9:45 p.m. M 8/21 12/4

CIT 119 Introduction to Office Software 3 HoursPrerequisite: College Reading and Writing Readiness or concurrent enrollment in ENG 109 or ELI 109 AND Basic Algebra Readiness or concurrent enrollment in MTH 114Additional Course Fee: $40Grayslake1726 CIT 119-001 12-1:50 p.m. MW 8/21 12/6BLENDED: Grayslake1736 CIT 119-600 6-8:45 p.m. T 8/22 12/5Online*1745 CIT 119-800 ONLINE 8/21 12/15

CIT 120 Introduction to Computers 3 HoursPrerequisite: College Reading and Writing Readiness AND Basic Algebra ReadinessAdditional Course Fee: $25Grayslake1729 CIT 120-001 8:30-9:45 a.m. MW 8/21 12/61769 CIT 120-002 8:30-9:55 a.m. MW 9/6 12/63234 CIT 120-003 8:30-11:15 a.m. F 8/25 12/81732 CIT 120-004 10-11:15 a.m. MW 8/21 12/61731 CIT 120-005 10-11:15 a.m. TR 8/22 12/71750 CIT 120-006 10-11:20 a.m. TR 8/29 12/71746 CIT 120-007 11:30 a.m.-12:15 p.m. MW 8/21 12/61730 CIT 120-008 11:30 a.m.-12:45 p.m. TR 8/22 12/71747 CIT 120-009 1-2:15 p.m. TR 8/22 12/71743 CIT 120-010 6-8:45 p.m. T 8/22 12/51755 CIT 120-011 7-9:45 p.m. W 8/23 12/6Online*1727 CIT 120-800 ONLINE 8/21 12/151725 CIT 120-801 ONLINE 8/21 12/151735 CIT 120-802 ONLINE 9/18 12/151749 CIT 120-804 ONLINE 10/9 12/15

CIT 130 Operating Systems for A+ Certificate 3 HoursPrerequisite: College Reading and Writing Readiness AND Basic Algebra ReadinessAdditional Course Fee: $40Grayslake1738 CIT 130-001 7-9:45 p.m. R 8/24 12/7

CIT 131 Windows Operating System 3 HoursPrerequisite: College Reading and Writing Readiness AND Basic Algebra ReadinessAdditional Course Fee: $20Grayslake1740 CIT 131-001 7-9:45 p.m. M 8/21 12/4Online*1739 CIT 131-800 ONLINE 8/21 12/15

CIT 132 Linux Operating System 3 HoursPrerequisite: College Reading and Writing Readiness AND Basic Algebra ReadinessAdditional Course Fee: $20Grayslake1741 CIT 132-001 7-9:45 p.m. M 8/21 12/4Online*1756 CIT 132-800 ONLINE 8/21 12/15

CIT 133 Network Automation 3 HoursPrerequisite: CIT 130 or CIT 131Corequisite: CIT 132Additional Course Fee: $40Online*1760 CIT 133-800 ONLINE 8/21 12/15

CIT 134 Introduction to Programming Concepts 3 HoursCorequisite: CIT 120 or passing score on the Introduction to Computers Placement TestAdditional Course Fee: $40Grayslake1757 CIT 134-001 11 a.m.-12:15 p.m. TR 8/22 12/71728 CIT 134-002 7-9:45 p.m. T 8/22 12/5Online*1761 CIT 134-800 ONLINE 8/23 12/15

CIT 138 Introduction to C# Programming 3 HoursPrerequisite: CIT 134 or equivalent or a passing score on the Programming Placement TestAdditional Course Fee: $40Grayslake1758 CIT 138-001 7-9:45 p.m. W 8/23 12/6

CIT 139 Cisco: Introduction to Networks 3 HoursAdditional Course Fee: $40Grayslake1764 CIT 139-001 12-1:50 p.m. TR 8/22 12/71763 CIT 139-002 6-9:45 p.m. W 8/23 12/6

CIT 141 Programming in C++ 4 HoursPrerequisite: CIT 134 or equivalent or a passing score on the Programming PlacementTestAdditional Course Fee: $40Grayslake1766 CIT 141-001 6-9:45 p.m. M 8/21 12/4

CIT 152 Network Security Fundamentals 3 HoursPrerequisite: CIT 130 or CIT 131 AND CIT 139 or CIT 150 (all C or better)Additional Course Fee: $20Grayslake1737 CIT 152-001 7-9:45 p.m. M 8/21 12/4

CIT 155 Introduction to Computer Forensics 3 HoursPrerequisite: College Reading and Writing ReadinessGrayslake1767 CIT 155-001 7-9:45 p.m. T 8/22 12/5

CIT 157 Enterprise Desktop Support 3 HoursCorequisite: CIT 130Additional Course Fee: $40Grayslake1759 CIT 157-001 6-9:45 p.m. W 8/23 12/6

CIT 159 Cisco: Routing and Switching 3 HoursPrerequisite: CIT 139Recommended: CIT 131Additional Course Fee: $40Grayslake1762 CIT 159-001 6-9:45 p.m. T 8/22 12/5

CIT 170 Creating Web Pages 3 HoursPrerequisite: College Reading and Writing ReadinessAdditional Course Fee: $40Online*1733 CIT 170-800 ONLINE 8/23 12/15

CIT 171 Web Page Scripting 3 HoursPrerequisite: CIT 170 or DMD 116Additional Course Fee: $40Online*1753 CIT 171-800 ONLINE 8/21 12/15

24 Final Exam Week: December 9-15, 2017 Course descriptions: www.clcillinois.edu/classes Questions: (847) 543-2061

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CIT 215 Microsoft .NET Web Programming 4 HoursPrerequisite: CIT 138 (C or better)Additional Course Fee: $40Grayslake3235 CIT 215-001 6-9:45 p.m. W 8/23 12/6

CIT 239 Systems Analysis 3 HoursPrerequisite: CIT 135 or CIT 137 or CIT 138 or CIT 141 or higher level object orientedprogramming languageAdditional Course Fee: $20Grayslake3236 CIT 239-001 7-9:45 p.m. R 8/24 12/7

CIT 241 Advanced C++ 3 HoursPrerequisite: CIT 141Additional Course Fee: $40Grayslake1748 CIT 241-001 7-9:45 p.m. T 8/22 12/5

CIT 252 Hardening the Infrastructure 3 HoursPrerequisites: CIT 151 or CIT 230 (C or better), and CIT 152 (C or better) or instructorconsent.Additional Course Fee: $40Grayslake1751 CIT 252-001 7-9:45 p.m. W 8/23 12/6

CIT 255 Server Virtualization Technologies 3 HoursPrerequisite: CIT 151 or CIT 230 (either C or better) or Consent of InstructorAdditional Course Fee: $40Grayslake1768 CIT 255-001 7-9:45 p.m. M 8/21 12/4

CIT 256 Windows Forensic Analysis 3 HoursPrerequisite: CIT 130 or CIT 131 (either C or better)Additional Course Fee: $40BLENDED: Grayslake1754 CIT 256-600 7-9:45 p.m. R 8/24 12/7

CIT 271 Markup Language Programming 3 HoursPrerequisites: CIT 170 and CIT 112Additional Course Fee: $40Grayslake3237 CIT 271-001 8:30-11:25 a.m. S 8/26 12/9

COMPUTERIZED NUMERICALCONTROLEngineering, Math and Physical Sciences Division(847) 543-2044, www.clcillinois.edu/programs/cnc

CNC 110 CNC Operations I 3 HoursAdditional Course Fee: $50Grayslake2897 CNC 110-001 6-9:50 p.m. W 8/23 12/6

CNC 115 CNC Programming I 3 HoursAdditional Course Fee: $50Grayslake2899 CNC 115-001 6-9:50 p.m. T 8/22 12/5

CNC 216 Advanced Lathe Programming 3 HoursPrerequisite: CNC 115Additional Course Fee: $50Grayslake2900 CNC 216-001 6-9:50 p.m. M 8/21 12/4

CNC 218 Introduction to Master CAM 3 HoursPrerequisites: CNC 115 or MTT 112 -AND - CAD 117Additional Course Fee: $50Grayslake2898 CNC 218-001 6-9:50 p.m. R 8/24 12/7

CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENTTECHNOLOGYEngineering, Math and Physical Sciences Division(847) 543-2044, www.clcillinois.edu/programs/cmt

CMT 110 Introduction to the Built Environment 1 HourGrayslake3422 CMT 110-001 6-7 p.m. M 8/21 12/4

CMT 112 Construction Blueprint Reading 3 HoursPrerequisite: College Reading and Writing Readiness AND Basic Algebra ReadinessGrayslake2892 CMT 112-001 7-9:50 p.m. M 8/21 12/4

CMT 113 Construction Materials 3 HoursPrerequisite: College Reading and Writing Readiness AND Basic Algebra ReadinessAdditional Course Fee: $15BLENDED: Grayslake2893 CMT 113-600 6-7:50 p.m. T 8/22 12/5

CMT 213 Construction Law and Documents 3 HoursPrerequisite: College Reading and Writing Readiness and Basic Algebra ReadinessRecommended: CMT 112 or equivalent construction experience as well ascompletion of 30 hours or more in the CMT curriculumBLENDED: Grayslake2895 CMT 213-600 8-9:50 p.m. T 8/22 12/5

CMT 214 Construction Estimating 3 HoursPrerequisite: College Reading and Writing Readiness and Basic Algebra ReadinessRecommended: At least 30 hours completed in CMT curriculum and completion ofCMT 114 C or better OR equivalent skills using MS ExcelAdditional Course Fee: $25Grayslake2896 CMT 214-001 7-9:50 p.m. R 8/21 12/7

CRIMINAL JUSTICEBusiness and Social Sciences Division(847) 543-2047, www.clcillinois.edu/programs/crj

CRJ 121 Introduction to Criminal Justice 3 HoursPrerequisite: College Reading and Writing ReadinessGrayslake1789 CRJ 121-001 8:30-9:45 a.m. MW 8/21 12/61773 CRJ 121-002 8:30-9:45 a.m. TR 8/22 12/71775 CRJ 121-003 11:30 a.m.-12:45 p.m. MW 8/21 12/61774 CRJ 121-004 11:30 a.m.-12:45 p.m. TR 8/22 12/71786 CRJ 121-005 2:30-5:20 p.m. T 8/29 12/51776 CRJ 121-006 7-9:45 p.m. W 8/23 12/6Online*1770 CRJ 121-800 ONLINE 9/6 12/15

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CRJ 122 Introduction to Policing 3 HoursPrerequisite: College Reading and Writing ReadinessGrayslake1788 CRJ 122-001 8:30-9:45 a.m. TR 8/22 12/7Online*3238 CRJ 122-800 ONLINE 8/23 12/15

CRJ 123 Introduction to Criminology 3 HoursPrerequisite: College Reading and Writing ReadinessGrayslake1778 CRJ 123-001 10-11:15 a.m. MW 8/21 12/61777 CRJ 123-002 10-11:15 a.m. TR 8/22 12/71779 CRJ 123-003 7-9:45 p.m. T 8/22 12/5Online*3239 CRJ 123-800 ONLINE 8/23 12/15

CRJ 124 Introduction to Corrections 3 HoursPrerequisite: College Reading and Writing ReadinessGrayslake1780 CRJ 124-001 1-2:15 p.m. TR 8/22 12/7Online*1787 CRJ 124-800 ONLINE 8/25 12/15

CRJ 213 Community Policing 3 HoursPrerequisite: College Reading and Writing ReadinessRecommended: CRJ 121Grayslake1795 CRJ 213-001 7-9:50 p.m. R 8/31 12/7

CRJ 214 Substance Abuse and Criminal Justice 3 HoursPrerequisite: College Reading and Writing ReadinessRecommended: CRJ 121Online*

1785 CRJ 214-800 ONLINE 8/23 12/15

CRJ 218 Criminal Justice Internship 3 HoursPrerequisite: Criminal Justice major with minimum of 30 semester hours completedand approval of criminal internship coordinator.Grayslake1792 CRJ 218-980 8/21 12/15

CRJ 219 Principles of Criminal Investigation 3 HoursPrerequisite: College Reading and Writing ReadinessRecommended: CRJ 121Grayslake1782 CRJ 219-001 7-9:45 p.m. M 8/21 12/4

CRJ 220 Independent Research 3 HoursPrerequisites: Criminal Justice major and consent of the Criminal Justice departmentchairGrayslake1772 CRJ 220-980 8/21 12/15

CRJ 221 Criminal Law 3 HoursPrerequisite: College Reading and Writing ReadinessRecommended: CRJ 121Grayslake1783 CRJ 221-001 10-11:15 a.m. TR 8/22 12/7Online*1794 CRJ 221-800 ONLINE 8/23 12/15

CRJ 222 Criminal Procedural Law 3 HoursPrerequisite: College Reading and Writing ReadinessRecommended: CRJ 121Grayslake1781 CRJ 222-001 7-9:50 p.m. W 8/30 12/6

CRJ 223 Ethics in Criminal Justice 3 HoursPrerequisite: College Reading and Writing ReadinessRecommended: CRJ 121Grayslake1791 CRJ 223-001 1-3:50 p.m. M 8/28 12/4

CRJ 224 Institutional Corrections 3 HoursPrerequisite: College Reading and Writing ReadinessRecommended: CRJ 124Grayslake1796 CRJ 224-001 4-6:45 p.m. W 8/23 12/6

CRJ 229 Juvenile Delinquency 3 HoursPrerequisite: College Reading and Writing ReadinessRecommended: CRJ 121Grayslake1784 CRJ 229-001 11:30 a.m.-12:45 p.m. TR 8/22 12/73240 CRJ 229-002 7-9:50 p.m. W 8/30 12/6

CRJ 248 Psychology of the Criminal Mind 3 HoursPrerequisite: PSY 121 C or better,Recommended: CRJ 219Grayslake1793 CRJ 248-001 11:30 a.m.-12:45 p.m. MW 8/21 12/6Online*1790 CRJ 248-800 ONLINE 8/31 12/7

CRJ 270 Criminal Justice Assessment Seminar 3 HoursPrerequisite: Sophomore StandingGrayslake1771 CRJ 270-001 4-6:50 p.m. R 8/31 12/7

DANCECommunication Arts, Humanities and Fine Arts Division(847) 543-2040, www.clcillinois.edu/programs/dnc

DNC 121 Introduction to Ballet I 3 HoursGrayslake2282 DNC 121-001 1-2:15 p.m. MW 8/21 12/6BLENDED: Grayslake3322 DNC 121-600 7-8:30 p.m. W 8/23 12/6

DNC 122 Modern Dance Technique I 3 HoursGrayslake2294 DNC 122-001 10-11:15 a.m. MW 8/21 12/6BLENDED: Grayslake3321 DNC 122-600 10:30 a.m.-12:15 p.m. S 8/26 12/9

DNC 123 Jazz Technique I 3 HoursGrayslake2289 DNC 123-001 10-11:15 a.m. TR 8/22 12/7

DNC 124 Beginning Yoga 3 HoursGrayslake2279 DNC 124-001 11:30 a.m.-12:45 p.m. TR 8/22 12/72284 DNC 124-002 7-8:15 p.m. TR 8/22 12/73320 DNC 124-004 11:30 a.m.-12:45 p.m. MW 8/21 12/6BLENDED: Grayslake2281 DNC 124-600 10-11:45 a.m. F 8/25 12/8

26 Final Exam Week: December 9-15, 2017 Course descriptions: www.clcillinois.edu/classes Questions: (847) 543-2061

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DNC 125 Elements of Dance Composition I 3 HoursGrayslake2287 DNC 125-001 1-2:15 p.m. TR 8/22 12/7

DNC 129 Dance Practicum I 1-3 HoursGrayslake2293 DNC 129-981 1 hr 8/21 12/153318 DNC 129-982 2 hr 8/21 12/153319 DNC 129-983 3 hr 8/21 12/15

DNC 141 Beginning Hip Hop 3 HoursGrayslake2283 DNC 141-001 2:30-3:45 p.m. TR 8/22 12/7

DNC 143 Beginning Tap 3 HoursGrayslake2288 DNC 143-001 2:30-3:45 p.m. MW 8/21 12/6

DNC 240 The Art of Dance 3 HoursPrerequisite: College Reading and Writing ReadinessBLENDED: Grayslake2286 DNC 240-600 11:30 a.m.-12:45 p.m. TR 8/22 12/7Online*2280 DNC 240-800 ONLINE 8/21 12/15

DENTAL HYGIENEBiological and Health Sciences Division(847) 543-2042, www.clcillinois.edu/programs/dhy

DHY 111 Preclinic Theory and Practice of Dental Hygiene 2 HoursPrerequisites: BIO 124 OR BIO 244 and BIO 245 (all C or better) AND Admission tothe Dental Hygiene ProgramAdditional Course Fee: $50 per unitWaukegan1354 DHY 111-001 10-11:50 a.m. M 8/21 12/4

DHY 113 Pre-Clinical Dental Hygiene 2 HoursCorequisite: DHY 111Additional Course Fee: $50 per unitWaukegan1357 DHY 113-001 9 a.m.-12 p.m. T 8/22 12/5 1-4 p.m. T 8/22 12/51358 DHY 113-002 8-11 a.m. R 8/24 12/7 12-3 p.m. R 8/24 12/7

DHY 115 Head and Neck Anatomy 2 HoursCorequisite: DHY 111Waukegan1355 DHY 115-001 1-2:50 p.m. W 8/23 12/6

DHY 117 Dental Anatomy 2 HoursCorequisite: DHY 111Waukegan1361 DHY 117-001 1-5 p.m. T 8/29, 9/12, 9/26 10/10, 10/24,11/7 11/21 & 12/5 10 a.m.-12 p.m. F 8/25, 9/8, 9/22 10/6, 10/20,11/3 11/17 & 12/1Continued in next column.

1362 DHY 117-002 1-5 p.m. R 8/31, 9/14 9/28, 10/12 10/26, 11/9 & 12/7 10 a.m.-12 p.m. F 8/25, 9/8 9/22, 10/6 10/20, 11/3 11/17 &12/1

DHY 131 Oral Histology and Embryology 2 HoursCorequisite: DHY 111Waukegan1360 DHY 131-001 10-11:50 a.m. W 8/23 12/6

DHY 171 Preventive Dental Hygiene 2 HoursCorequisite: DHY 111Additional Course Fee: $50 per unitWaukegan1356 DHY 171-001 1-2:50 p.m. M 8/21 12/4

DHY 211 Theory and Practice of Dental Hygiene III 2 HoursPrerequisite: DHY 134, DHY 176, and DHY 179 (C or better in all)Waukegan1350 DHY 211-001 1-2:50 p.m. T 8/22 12/5

DHY 213 Clinical Dental Hygiene III 4 HoursPrerequisite: DHY 179 (C or better)Corequisite: DHY 211Additional Course Fee: $50 per unitWaukegan1352 DHY 213-001 8 a.m.-12 p.m. M 8/21 12/6 1-5 p.m. M 8/21 12/6 8 a.m.-12 p.m. W 8/21 12/61353 DHY 213-002 1-5 p.m. W 8/23 12/8 8 a.m.-12 p.m. F 8/23 12/8 1-5 p.m. F 8/23 12/8

DHY 215 Dental Radiology II 2 HoursCorequisite: DHY 211Additional Course Fee: $50 per unitWaukegan1348 DHY 215-001 10-11:50 a.m. T 8/22 10/10 9 a.m.-12 p.m. W 8/22 12/61349 DHY 215-002 10-11:50 a.m. T 8/22 10/10 1-4 p.m. W 8/22 12/6

DHY 219 Advanced Periodontics 2 HoursCorequisite: DHY 211Additional Course Fee: $50 per unitWaukegan1351 DHY 219-001 1-2:50 p.m. R 8/24 12/7

DHY 232 General and Oral Pathology 2 HoursCorequisite: DHY 211Additional Course Fee: $50 per unitWaukegan1359 DHY 232-001 8-9:50 a.m. T 8/22 12/5

DHY 271 Community Dentistry I 2 HoursCorequisite: DHY 211Additional Course Fee: $50 per unitWaukegan1347 DHY 271-001 10-11:50 a.m. R 8/24 12/7

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DIGITAL MEDIA AND DESIGNCommunication Arts, Humanities and Fine Arts Division(847) 543-2040, www.clcillinois.edu/programs/dmd

DMD 111 Introduction to Digital Media 3 HoursAdditional Course Fee: $25Grayslake2265 DMD 111-001 8:30-11:15 a.m. W 8/23 12/6BLENDED: Grayslake2267 DMD 111-600 4-5:45 p.m. M 8/21 12/4

DMD 113 History of Graphic Design 3 HoursPrerequisite: College Reading and Writing ReadinessAdditional Course Fee: $10Grayslake2266 DMD 113-001 4-6:45 p.m. M 8/21 12/4

DMD 115 Internet Fundamentals 3 HoursAdditional Course Fee: $40Grayslake2262 DMD 115-001 9:30-11:10 a.m. TR 9/19 12/7Online*2263 DMD 115-800 ONLINE 9/11 12/15

DMD 116 Web Design and Development 3 HoursAdditional Course Fee: $40BLENDED: Grayslake2268 DMD 116-600 12:30-2:30 p.m. W 8/23 12/6Online*2271 DMD 116-800 ONLINE 8/21 12/15

DMD 117 Concepts in New Media 3 HoursPrerequisite: College Reading and Writing ReadinessAdditional Course Fee: $10Grayslake2276 DMD 117-001 6-8:45 p.m. R 8/24 12/7

DMD 157 Introduction to Animation 3 HoursPrerequisite: College Reading and Writing ReadinessAdditional Course Fee: $40Grayslake2269 DMD 157-001 12-3:45 p.m. R 8/24 12/7

DMD 173 Introduction to Digital Sound 3 HoursAdditional Course Fee: $40Grayslake2264 DMD 173-001 11:30 a.m.-2:15 p.m. M 8/21 12/4

DMD 251 Advanced 3D Modeling 3 HoursPrerequisite: ART 264Additional Course Fee: $40Grayslake2270 DMD 251-001 6-9:50 p.m. R 8/24 12/7

DMD 256 Dynamic Web Design and Development 3 HoursPrerequisite: DMD 116 with a grade of C or better.Additional Course Fee: $40Grayslake3378 DMD 256-600 12-1:50 p.m. T 8/22 12/5

EARLY CHILDHOOD EDUCATIONBusiness and Social Sciences Division(847) 543-2047, www.clcillinois.edu/programs/ece

ECE 116 Creative Activities 3 HoursPrerequisite: College Reading and Writing ReadinessAdditional Course Fee: $15Grayslake1804 ECE 116-001 6-9:45 p.m. R 8/24 12/7

ECE 121 Introduction to Early Childhood Education 3 HoursPrerequisite: College Reading and Writing ReadinessGrayslake1799 ECE 121-001 10-11:15 a.m. TR 8/22 12/71809 ECE 121-002 1-3:45 p.m. T 8/22 12/51802 ECE 121-003 6-8:45 p.m. T 8/22 12/5Online*1800 ECE 121-800 ONLINE 8/23 12/133262 ECE 121-801 ONLINE 10/16 12/13

ECE 124 Child Development for Educators 3 HoursPrerequisite: College Reading and Writing ReadinessGrayslake1806 ECE 124-001 10 a.m.-12:45 p.m. M 8/21 12/41805 ECE 124-002 7-9:45 p.m. M 8/21 12/4Online*1810 ECE 124-800 ONLINE 8/21 10/111807 ECE 124-801 ONLINE 8/23 12/13

ECE 214 Group Care of Infants and Toddlers 3 HoursPrerequisite: ECE 121 and ECE 124 (both C or better), and current Illinois State Policecriminal background check required.Online*1797 ECE 214-800 ONLINE 8/23 12/15

ECE 223 Child, Family, and Community 3 HoursPrerequisite: ECE 121 and ECE 124 (both C or better)Grayslake1798 ECE 223-001 7-9:45 p.m. R 8/24 12/7

ECE 229 Language Development and Early Literacy 3 HoursPrerequisite: ECE 121 and ECE 124 (both C or better)Online*1808 ECE 229-800 ONLINE 8/21 10/11

ECE 241 Guidance and Social Development 3 HoursPrerequisite: ECE 121 and ECE 124 (both C or better)Online*1801 ECE 241-800 ONLINE 10/16 12/13

ECE 250 Early Childhood Education Practicum - Infants and Toddlers 2 HoursPrerequisite: 30 cr hrs in ECE courses to include ECE 115, 117, 132, 141, 214, 220,223, 229 and 241 (all C or better); CLC GPA 2.40 or above; Dept Chair approval 60days prior to the first day of the semester.Concurrent Enrollment: ECE 250 and 251Grayslake1812 ECE 250-980 8/21 12/15

28 Final Exam Week: December 9-15, 2017 Course descriptions: www.clcillinois.edu/classes Questions: (847) 543-2061

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ECE 251 Curriculum Development I 2 HoursPrerequisite: 30 cr hrs in ECE courses to include ECE 215, 117, 132, 141, 214, 220,223, 229 and 241 (all C or better); CLC GPA 2.40 or above; Dept Chair approval 60days prior to the first day of the semester.Concurrent Enrollment: ECE 250 and 251Online*1813 ECE 251-800 ONLINE 8/21 12/15

ECE 252 Early Childhood Education Practicum - Preschool 2 HoursPrerequisite: 30 cr hrs in ECE courses to include ECE 215, 116, 121, 124, 132, 141,220, 229 and 241 (all C or better); CLC GPA 2.40 or above; Dept Chair approval 60days prior to the first day of the semester.Concurrent Enrollment: ECE 252 and 253Grayslake1814 ECE 252-980 8/21 12/15

ECE 253 Curriculum Development II 2 HoursPrerequisite: 30 cr hrs in ECE courses to include ECE 215, 116, 121, 124, 132, 141,220, 229 and 241 (all C or better); CLC GPA 2.40 or above; Dept Chair approval 60days prior to the first day of the semester.Concurrent Enrollment: ECE 252 and 253Online*1815 ECE 253-800 ONLINE 8/21 12/15

ECE 254 Early Childhood Education Practicum - Administrative 4 HoursPrerequisite: Completion of all other course requirements for Administration andLeadership of Early Childhood Education Certificate 25EF; Overall G.P.A. of 2.5; andConsent of Department Chair 60 days prior to enrollment.Grayslake1816 ECE 254-980 8/21 12/15

ECE 299 Special Topics in Early Childhood Education 3 HoursPrerequisite: To be determined relative to topic

SUPPORTING STEM LEARNING IN THE ECE CLASSROOM: Grayslake3264 ECE 299-001 6-8:45 p.m. W 10/4 11/1

EARTH SCIENCEEngineering, Math and Physical Sciences Division(847) 543-2044, www.clcillinois.edu/programs/esc

ESC 120 Earth Science 4 HoursPrerequisite: College Reading and Writing Readiness AND Basic Algebra ReadinessAdditional Course Fee: $25Grayslake2924 ESC 120-001 8 a.m.-12:50 p.m. S 8/26 12/93607 ESC 120-002 10 a.m.-12:15 p.m. MW 8/21 12/6BLENDED: Grayslake2929 ESC 120-600 5-6:50 p.m. M 8/21 12/4Online*2925 ESC 120-800 ONLINE 8/21 12/152938 ESC 120-801 ONLINE 9/11 12/15

ESC 121 Physical Geology 4 HoursPrerequisite: College Reading and Writing Readiness AND Basic Algebra ReadinessAdditional Course Fee: $25Online*3410 ESC 121-850 ONLINE 10/16 12/15

ESC 123 Introduction to Meteorology 3 HoursPrerequisite: College Reading and Writing Readiness OR concurrent enrollment inENG 109 or ELI 109 or ENG 100 -AND- Basic Algebra ReadinessOnline*3284 ESC 123-800 ONLINE 8/21 12/15

ESC 124 Oceanography 3 HoursPrerequisite: College Reading and Writing Readiness AND Basic Algebra ReadinessGrayslake2933 ESC 124-003 2:30-4:05 p.m. MW 9/11 12/62939 ESC 124-004 7-9:45 p.m. W 8/23 12/6Online*2934 ESC 124-800 ONLINE 8/21 12/15

ESC 125 Geology of the National Parks 3 HoursPrerequisite: College Reading and Writing Readiness OR concurrent enrollment inENG 109 or ELI 109 or ENG 100Grayslake3297 ESC 125-001 7-9:45 p.m. T 8/23 12/6

ESC 127 Introduction to Meteorology with Lab 4 HoursPrerequisite: College Reading and Writing Readiness OR concurrent enrollment inENG 109 or ELI 109 or ENG 100 -AND- Basic Algebra ReadinessGrayslake2927 ESC 127-001 10 a.m.-12:15 p.m. TR 8/22 12/7Online*2941 ESC 127-800 ONLINE 8/21 10/16

ESC 129 Severe and Hazardous Weather 3 HoursPrerequisite: College Reading and Writing Readiness OR concurrent enrollment inENG 109 or ELI 109 or ENG 100 AND Basic Algebra ReadinessGrayslake2935 ESC 129-001 10-11:15 a.m. MW 8/21 12/63651 ESC 129-004 7-9:45 p.m. T 8/22 12/5Online*2944 ESC 129-800 ONLINE 8/21 12/15

ESC 140 Introduction to Astronomy with Lab 4 HoursPrerequisite: College Reading and Writing Readiness AND Basic Algebra ReadinessAdditional Course Fee: $20Grayslake3298 ESC 140-001 1-3:15 p.m. MW 8/21 12/6BLENDED: Grayslake2923 ESC 140-600 7-9:15 p.m. M 8/21 12/4

ESC 141 Introduction to Astronomy 3 HoursPrerequisite: College Reading and Writing Readiness or concurrent enrollment in ENG109 or ELI 109 AND Basic Algebra ReadinessGrayslake2936 ESC 141-001 2:30-3:45 p.m. TR 8/22 12/7

ESC 224 Environmental Geology 3 HoursPrerequisite: College Reading and Writing Readiness AND Basic Algebra ReadinessOnline*2926 ESC 224-800 ONLINE 8/21 12/152942 ESC 224-801 ONLINE 9/11 12/15

29Key to codes: See page 11. * ONLINE Section Additional Course Fee: $5 per credit hour

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ECONOMICSBusiness and Social Sciences Division(847) 543-2047, www.clcillinois.edu/programs/eco

ECO 110 Economics for Business and Industry 3 HoursPrerequisite: College Reading and Writing Readiness OR concurrent enrollment inENG 109 or ELI 109 or ENG 100 AND Department ConsentRecommended: Basic Algebra ReadyOnline*1837 ECO 110-800 ONLINE 8/21 12/15

ECO 221 Principles of Macroeconomics 3 HoursPrerequisite: College Reading and Writing Readiness AND MTH 102 OR MTH 105 (Cor better) OR higher level math course (C or better) OR AOS 122 (C or better) ORappropriate score on Math Placement Test OR Math ACT score of 22 or higherGrayslake1830 ECO 221-001 8:30-9:45 a.m. MW 8/21 12/61835 ECO 221-002 10 a.m.-12:50 p.m. F 9/1 12/81820 ECO 221-003 10-11:15 a.m. MW 8/21 12/61819 ECO 221-004 10-11:15 a.m. TR 8/22 12/71821 ECO 221-005 11:30 a.m.-12:45 p.m. TR 8/22 12/71822 ECO 221-006 1-2:20 p.m. MW 8/28 12/61831 ECO 221-007 2:30-3:50 p.m. TR 8/29 12/71823 ECO 221-008 7-9:45 p.m. M 8/21 12/4Vernon Hills1826 ECO 221-009 7-9:50 p.m. W 8/30 12/6Online*1818 ECO 221-800 ONLINE 8/21 12/151836 ECO 221-801 ONLINE 9/20 12/151840 ECO 221-802 ONLINE 10/2 12/15

ECO 222 Principles of Microeconomics 3 HoursPrerequisite: College Reading and Writing Readiness AND MTH 102 OR MTH 105 (Cor better) OR higher level math course (C or better) OR AOS 122 (C or better) ORappropriate score on Math Placement Test OR Math ACT score of 22 or higherGrayslake1827 ECO 222-001 8:30-9:45 a.m. TR 8/22 12/71824 ECO 222-002 10-11:15 a.m. MW 8/21 12/61825 ECO 222-004 11:30 a.m.-12:45 p.m. TR 8/22 12/71828 ECO 222-005 1-3:20 p.m. MW 9/25 12/63242 ECO 222-006 1-2:20 p.m. TR 8/29 12/71838 ECO 222-007 2:30-3:45 p.m. MW 8/21 12/61833 ECO 222-008 6-8:50 p.m. T 8/29 12/51839 ECO 222-009 7-9:50 p.m. R 8/31 12/7Vernon Hills1829 ECO 222-003 11:30 a.m.-12:45 p.m. TR 8/22 12/7Online*3241 ECO 222-800 ONLINE 8/21 12/151832 ECO 222-801 ONLINE 9/6 12/151834 ECO 222-802 ONLINE 9/20 12/15

EDUCATIONBusiness and Social Sciences Division(847) 543-2047, www.clcillinois.edu/programs/edu

EDU 121 Introduction to Teaching 3 HoursPrerequisite: College Reading and Writing ReadinessGrayslake1847 EDU 121-001 8-9:50 a.m. MW 8/21 12/61850 EDU 121-002 10-11:50 a.m. MW 8/21 12/61849 EDU 121-003 10-11:50 a.m. TR 8/22 12/71848 EDU 121-004 12-1:50 p.m. TR 8/22 12/71855 EDU 121-005 2:30-5:15 p.m. TR 9/26 12/7Online*1852 EDU 121-800 ONLINE 8/21 12/15

EDU 124 Child Development for Educators 3 HoursPrerequisite: College Reading and Writing ReadinessGrayslake1853 EDU 124-001 10 a.m.-12:45 p.m. M 8/21 12/41851 EDU 124-002 7-9:45 p.m. M 8/21 12/4Online*1856 EDU 124-800 ONLINE 8/21 10/111854 EDU 124-801 ONLINE 8/23 12/13

EDU 222 The Exceptional Child 3 HoursPrerequisite: EDU 124 (C or better) or PSY 226 (C or better)Grayslake3276 EDU 222-001 6-8:45 p.m. M 8/21 12/4Online*1843 EDU 222-800 ONLINE 8/23 12/13

EDU 223 Technology in the Classroom 3 HoursPrerequisite: ECE 121 or EDU 121 (both C or better)Additional Course Fee: $25Grayslake1844 EDU 223-001 6-8:45 p.m. T 8/22 12/5

EDU 224 Diversity in Schools and Society 3 HoursPrerequisite: College Reading and Writing ReadinessRecommended: EDU 121Grayslake

1846 EDU 224-001 7-9:45 p.m. W 8/23 12/6BLENDED: Grayslake1845 EDU 224-600 1-2:15 p.m. M 8/21 12/4

EDU 225 Educational Psychology 3 HoursPrerequisite: ECE 121 or EDU 121 (both C or better) AND ECE 124 or EDU 124 (both Cor better) OR PSY 121 (C or better)Grayslake3265 EDU 225-001 6-8:45 p.m. R 8/24 12/7


The Educational Work Experience program is an opportunity to earn college creditthrough work. This program will partner you with a faculty member and connect yourcurrent field of study with your future career goals. Please contact Carolyn Serdar at(847) 543-2058 or [email protected] to determine your eligibility.

• EWE 220: Cooperative Work Experience I - 4 Hours• EWE 270: Cooperative Work Experience II - 3 Hours

ELECTRICAL ENGINEERINGTECHNOLOGYEngineering, Math and Physical Sciences Division(847) 543-2044, www.clcillinois.edu/programs/eet

EET 113 Solid State Electronics 4 HoursPrerequisite: MTH 122 and EET 175Additional Course Fee: $35Grayslake2905 EET 113-001 5:30-10 p.m. W 8/23 12/6

30 Final Exam Week: December 9-15, 2017 Course descriptions: www.clcillinois.edu/classes Questions: (847) 543-2061

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EET 115 Electronic Laboratory Techniques 2 HoursCorequisite: EET 170Additional Course Fee: $35Grayslake2903 EET 115-001 6:30-9 p.m. R 8/24 12/7

EET 170 DC Circuit Fundamentals 2 HoursPrerequisite: College Reading and Writing ReadinessRecommended: MTH 117Additional Course Fee: $35Grayslake2901 EET 170-001 5:30-10 p.m. M 8/21 10/162907 EET 170-002 5:30-10 p.m. W 8/23 10/11

EET 173 DC Analysis-Network Theorems 2 HoursPrerequisite: EET 170Corequisite: MTH 122Additional Course Fee: $25Grayslake2904 EET 173-001 5:30-10 p.m. M 10/23 12/6

EET 174 AC Fundamentals 2 HoursPrerequisite: EET 170 and MTH 122Corequisite: MTH 123Additional Course Fee: $25Grayslake2902 EET 174-002 5:30-10 p.m. M 10/23 12/4

EET 175 AC Analysis and Circuit Theorems 2 HoursPrerequisite: EET 174Corequisite: MTH 123Additional Course Fee: $25Grayslake2909 EET 175-001 5:30-10 p.m. M 8/21 10/16

EET 223 Introduction to Digital Electronics 4 HoursPrerequisite: MTH 122 or MTH 144 AND EET 115 (C or better) OR Department ConsentAdditional Course Fee: $35Grayslake2908 EET 223-600 5:30-10 p.m. T 8/22 12/5

ELECTRICAL TECHNOLOGYEngineering, Math and Physical Sciences Division(847) 543-2044, www.clcillinois.edu/programs/eet

ELC 171 Programmable Logic Controllers 3 HoursAdditional Course Fee: $25Grayslake2919 ELC 171-001 5:30-9:30 p.m. R 8/24 12/7

ELC 172 Applied AC Circuit Theory 2 HoursAdditional Course Fee: $25Grayslake2918 ELC 172-001 5:30-10 p.m. M 10/23 12/4

ELC 271 Advanced Programmable Controls 3 HoursPrerequisite: ELC 171 or Instructor ConsentGrayslake2920 ELC 271-001 5:30-9:30 p.m. T 8/22 12/5

ELECTRONICS ENGINEERINGTECHNOLOGYEngineering, Math and Physical Sciences Division(847) 543-2044, www.clcillinois.edu/programs/eet

ELT 151 PC Hardware Fundamentals 3 HoursAdditional Course Fee: $35Grayslake2921 ELT 151-001 6-9:50 p.m. W 8/23 12/62922 ELT 151-002 6-9:50 p.m. T 8/21 12/6

EMERGENCY MEDICAL TECHNICIANBiological and Health Sciences Division(847) 543-2042, www.clcillinois.edu/programs/emt

EMT 111 Emergency Medical Technician-Basic 7 HoursPrerequisite: High school diploma or GED AND College Reading and WritingReadiness AND Basic Algebra Readiness.Other: 18 years of age or older (at the time of licensure testing)Additional Course Fee: Varies by sectionHighland Park Hospital1372 EMT 111-301 6-10 p.m. TR 8/22 11/14Vista Medical Center West1365 EMT 111-300 5:30-9:30 p.m. TR 8/22 12/141401 EMT 111-303 11 a.m.-3 p.m. TR 8/22 12/14

EMT 114 Paramedic Clinical Practicum 3 HoursCorequisites: EMT 131 and EMT 115Additional Course Fee: Varies by sectionCondell Medical Center1363 EMT 114-301 6-10 p.m. TR 8/8 6/261366 EMT 114-300 8/7 6/20

EMT 115 Paramedic Field Experience Practicum 3 HoursCorequisites: EMT 131 and EMT 114Additional Course Fee: Varies by sectionVista Medical Center West1367 EMT 115-300 8/7 6/20

EMT 131 Introduction to Advanced Pre-hospital Care 4 HoursPrerequisite: BIO 111 OR BIO 124 OR BIO 244 and 245 (all C or better) and currentIllinois licensure as an EMT-B or EMT-ICorequisite: EMT 114 and 115 & current CPR certification (Health Care ProviderLevel: American Heart Assc or American Red Cross)Additional Course Fee: Varies by sectionVista Medical Center West1368 EMT 131-300 6-10 p.m. MW 8/7 10/9

EMT 132 Patient Assessment 2 HoursCorequisite: EMT 131Additional Course Fee: Varies by sectionCondell Medical Center1371 EMT 132-301 6-10 p.m. TR 10/20 11/91369 EMT 132-300 6-10 p.m. MW 10/11 11/4

31Key to codes: See page 11. * ONLINE Section Additional Course Fee: $5 per credit hour

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EMERGENCY AND DISASTERMANAGEMENTBusiness and Social Sciences Division(847) 543-2047, www.clcillinois.edu/programs/edm

EDM 111 Introduction to Emergency Management 3 HoursPrerequisite: College Reading and Writing ReadinessGrayslake3243 EDM 111-001 7-9:45 p.m. W 8/23 12/6

EDM 212 Terrorism and Homeland Security 3 HoursPrerequisite: College Reading and Writing ReadinessGrayslake1841 EDM 212-001 11:30 a.m.-2:15 p.m. W 8/23 12/6

ENGINEERINGEngineering, Math and Physical Sciences Division(847) 543-2044, www.clcillinois.edu/programs/egr

EGR 120 Introduction to Engineering 1 HourPrerequisite: MTH 108 (C or better) AND College Reading and Writing Readiness ORconcurrent enrollment in ENG 109 or ELI 109 or ENG 100Grayslake2916 EGR 120-001 1:30-2:50 p.m. T 8/22 12/5UIUC PATHWAYS: Grayslake2917 EGR 120-002 2-3:20 p.m. T 8/22 12/5

EGR 121 Engineering Design Graphics 3 HoursPrerequisite: MTH 104 or MTH 115 or MTH 117 (all C or better) or one year of HighSchool Geometry or Consent of InstructorAdditional Course Fee: $50Grayslake2911 EGR 121-001 1-3:20 p.m. MW 8/21 12/6UIUC PATHWAYS: Grayslake2910 EGR 121-002 10 a.m.-12:20 p.m. TR 8/22 12/7BLENDED: Grayslake2912 EGR 121-600 6-8:50 p.m. W 8/23 12/6

EGR 125 Engineering Statics 3 HoursPrerequisite: MTH 145 (C or better)Grayslake2913 EGR 125-001 3-4:15 p.m. MW 8/21 12/62915 EGR 125-002 10-11:15 a.m. MW 8/21 12/6

EGR 225 Engineering Dynamics 3 HoursPrerequisite: EGR 125 (C or better) and PHY 123 (C or better)Corequisite: MTH 246Grayslake2914 EGR 225-001 1-2:15 p.m. MW 8/21 12/6

EGR 299 Special Topics in Engineering 1 HourPrerequisite: Instructor ConsentStudents will work with an instructor on an independent research project in an areaof engineering that interests them. BLENDED: Grayslake3768 EGR 299-600 2-2:55 p.m. R 8/24 12/7

ENGLISHCommunication Arts, Humanities and Fine Arts Division(847) 543-2040, www.clcillinois.edu/programs/eng

ENG 100 Success in Writing and Reading 1 HourCorequisite: ENG 121 and Department ConsentGrayslake2495 ENG 100-900 11-11:50 a.m. W 8/23 12/62496 ENG 100-901 11:30 a.m.-12:20 p.m. R 8/24 12/72499 ENG 100-902 1-1:50 p.m. W 8/23 12/62500 ENG 100-903 6-6:50 p.m. M 8/21 12/42509 ENG 100-906 11:30 a.m.-12:20 p.m. R 8/24 12/72510 ENG 100-907 2:30-3:20 p.m. R 8/24 12/72511 ENG 100-909 6-6:50 p.m. W 8/23 12/62512 ENG 100-910 10-10:50 a.m. W 8/23 12/63228 ENG 100-912 4-4:50 p.m. W 8/23 12/133229 ENG 100-913 9-9:50 a.m. W 8/23 12/62520 ENG 100-914 1-1:50 p.m. R 8/24 12/7Waukegan2501 ENG 100-904 5:30-6:20 p.m. R 8/24 12/72502 ENG 100-905 11:30 a.m.-12:20 p.m. W 8/23 12/6Vernon Hills2513 ENG 100-911 11:30 a.m.-12:20 p.m. R 8/24 12/7

ENG 104 Individual Topics in Writing and Reading 1 HourGrayslake2413 ENG 104-900 8/21 12/152414 ENG 104-901 8/21 12/152415 ENG 104-902 8/21 12/152537 ENG 104-905 8/21 12/8Waukegan2416 ENG 104-903 8/21 12/82417 ENG 104-904 8/21 12/8

ENG 108 Strategic Reading and Writing I 6 HoursPrerequisite: APT score of 80 or higher OR ELI 103 and ELI 104 (both C or better) ORELI 107 OR College Reading and Writing ReadinessGrayslake2321 ENG 108-001 8-9:50 a.m. MWF 8/21 12/82322 ENG 108-002 8:30-11:15 a.m. TR 8/22 12/72323 ENG 108-003 10 a.m.-12:45 p.m. MW 8/21 12/62466 ENG 108-004 8:30-11:15 a.m. MW 8/21 12/62508 ENG 108-005 10 a.m.-12:45 p.m. TR 8/22 12/73288 ENG 108-006 8:30-11:15 a.m. MW 8/21 12/62325 ENG 108-007 11:30 a.m.-2:15 p.m. TR 8/22 12/72524 ENG 108-008 10 a.m.-12:45 p.m. MW 8/21 12/62326 ENG 108-009 11:30 a.m.-2:15 p.m. MW 8/21 12/62435 ENG 108-010 1-3:45 p.m. TR 8/22 12/72327 ENG 108-011 1-3:45 p.m. MW 8/21 12/62328 ENG 108-012 6-8:45 p.m. TR 8/22 12/72452 ENG 108-013 7-9:45 p.m. MW 8/21 12/62546 ENG 108-016 6-8:45 p.m. TR 8/22 12/7Vernon Hills3413 ENG 108-015 1-3:45 p.m. MW 8/21 12/6Waukegan2324 ENG 108-014 8:30-11:15 a.m. MW 8/21 12/6

32 Final Exam Week: December 9-15, 2017 Course descriptions: www.clcillinois.edu/classes Questions: (847) 543-2061

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ENG 109 Strategic Reading and Writing II 3 HoursPrerequisite: APT score of 122 or higher OR ENG 108/ELI 108 (C or better) OR ELI 103and ELI 104 (both B or better) OR ELI 107 (C or better) OR College Reading andWriting ReadinessAdditional Course Fee: Varies by sectionGrayslake2329 ENG 109-001 8-8:50 a.m. MWF 8/21 12/82334 ENG 109-002 8:30-9:45 a.m. TR 8/22 12/72330 ENG 109-003 9-9:50 a.m. MWF 8/21 12/82331 ENG 109-004 9-11:45 a.m. S 8/26 12/92332 ENG 109-006 10-11:15 a.m. TR 8/22 12/72336 ENG 109-007 11-11:50 a.m. MWF 8/21 12/82493 ENG 109-008 12-12:50 p.m. MWF 8/21 12/82335 ENG 109-010 11:30 a.m.-12:45 p.m. TR 8/22 12/72503 ENG 109-011 1-2:15 p.m. MW 8/21 12/62333 ENG 109-013 1-1:55 p.m. MWF 8/28 12/82432 ENG 109-014 11:30 a.m.-12:45 p.m. TR 8/22 12/72467 ENG 109-015 1-2:20 p.m. MW 8/28 12/62337 ENG 109-016 7-9:50 p.m. M 8/28 12/42339 ENG 109-018 7-9:45 p.m. W 8/23 12/62340 ENG 109-019 6-8:45 p.m. T 8/22 12/52421 ENG 109-020 6-8:45 p.m. R 8/24 12/7

LEARNING COMMUNITY W/ENG 121-451: Grayslake2540 ENG 109-451 8:30-11:20 a.m. TR 8/22 10/12

LEARNING COMMUNITY W/ENG 121-453: Grayslake3289 ENG 109-453 1-3:45 p.m. MW 8/21 10/11Waukegan2338 ENG 109-023 6-8:45 p.m. R 8/24 12/72514 ENG 109-026 10-11:15 a.m. TR 8/22 12/7

LEARNING COMMUNITY W/ENG 121-452: Waukegan2548 ENG 109-452 10 a.m.-12:45 p.m. MW 8/21 10/11Vernon Hills2523 ENG 109-021 10-11:15 a.m. TR 8/22 12/7

ENG 113 Technical Communication Practicum 3 HoursPrerequisite: ENG 126Grayslake2494 ENG 113-980 8/21 12/15

ENG 120 Technical Composition I 3 HoursPrerequisite: College Reading and Writing ReadinessGrayslake2341 ENG 120-001 10-11:15 a.m. TR 8/22 12/7Online*2538 ENG 120-800 ONLINE 8/21 12/15

ENG 121 English Composition I 3 HoursPrerequisite: College Reading and Writing ReadinessGrayslake2342 ENG 121-001 8-8:50 a.m. MWF 8/21 12/62343 ENG 121-002 8-8:50 a.m. MWF 8/21 12/82344 ENG 121-003 8-8:50 a.m. MWF 8/21 12/82438 ENG 121-004 8-8:50 a.m. MWF 8/21 12/82486 ENG 121-005 8-8:50 a.m. MWF 8/21 12/82345 ENG 121-006 8:30-9:45 a.m. TR 8/22 12/72363 ENG 121-007 8:30-9:45 a.m. TR 8/22 12/72447 ENG 121-008 10 a.m.-12:45 p.m. F 8/25 12/82346 ENG 121-009 9-9:50 a.m. MWF 8/21 12/82347 ENG 121-010 9-9:50 a.m. MWF 8/21 12/82439 ENG 121-011 9-9:50 a.m. MWF 8/21 12/82440 ENG 121-012 9-9:50 a.m. MWF 8/21 12/82507 ENG 121-013 9-9:55 a.m. MWF 8/28 12/82349 ENG 121-014 9-11:45 a.m. S 8/26 12/92451 ENG 121-015 9-11:45 a.m. S 8/26 12/92506 ENG 121-016 10-11:15 a.m. TR 8/22 12/72350 ENG 121-017 10 a.m.-12:45 p.m. T 8/22 12/52351 ENG 121-018 10-11:15 a.m. TR 8/22 12/72442 ENG 121-020 10-11:15 a.m. TR 8/22 12/7

Continued in next column.

2419 ENG 121-021 10-11:15 a.m. TR 8/22 12/72353 ENG 121-022 10-10:50 a.m. MWF 8/21 12/82354 ENG 121-023 10-10:50 a.m. MWF 8/21 12/82355 ENG 121-024 10-10:50 a.m. MWF 8/21 12/82356 ENG 121-025 10-10:50 a.m. MWF 8/21 12/82357 ENG 121-026 10-10:50 a.m. MWF 8/21 12/82441 ENG 121-027 10-10:50 a.m. MWF 8/21 12/82487 ENG 121-028 10-10:55 a.m. MWF 8/28 12/82358 ENG 121-029 11-11:50 a.m. MWF 8/21 12/82359 ENG 121-030 11-11:50 a.m. MWF 8/21 12/82361 ENG 121-032 11-11:50 a.m. MWF 8/21 12/82362 ENG 121-033 11-11:50 a.m. MWF 8/21 12/82365 ENG 121-034 11-11:50 a.m. MWF 8/21 12/82478 ENG 121-035 12-12:50 p.m. MWF 8/21 12/82443 ENG 121-036 11:30 a.m.-12:45 p.m. TR 8/22 12/72488 ENG 121-037 11:30 a.m.-12:50 p.m. TR 8/29 12/72367 ENG 121-038 11:30 a.m.-12:45 p.m. MW 8/21 12/62366 ENG 121-039 12-12:50 p.m. MWF 8/21 12/82368 ENG 121-040 12-12:50 p.m. MWF 8/21 12/82369 ENG 121-041 12-12:50 p.m. MWF 8/21 12/82475 ENG 121-042 10-11:15 a.m. MW 8/21 12/62420 ENG 121-043 11:30 a.m.-2:15 p.m. W 8/23 12/62371 ENG 121-044 11:30 a.m.-2:15 p.m. R 8/24 12/72480 ENG 121-046 1-2:15 p.m. TR 8/22 12/72465 ENG 121-047 1-2:15 p.m. TR 8/22 12/72458 ENG 121-048 1-2:20 p.m. TR 8/29 12/72437 ENG 121-049 11:30 a.m.-12:45 p.m. MW 8/21 12/62444 ENG 121-050 1-2:15 p.m. MW 8/21 12/62318 ENG 121-053 1-1:50 p.m. MWF 8/21 12/82464 ENG 121-054 1-1:50 p.m. MWF 8/21 12/82428 ENG 121-055 11:30 a.m.-12:45 p.m. TR 8/22 12/72375 ENG 121-056 2:30-3:45 p.m. TR 8/22 12/72430 ENG 121-057 2:30-3:45 p.m. MW 8/21 12/62477 ENG 121-058 2-2:50 p.m. MWF 8/21 12/82374 ENG 121-059 2:30-5:15 p.m. T 8/22 12/52429 ENG 121-060 2:30-3:45 p.m. TR 8/22 12/72552 ENG 121-061 8:30-9:45 a.m. MW 8/21 12/62459 ENG 121-063 2:30-3:45 p.m. TR 8/22 12/72431 ENG 121-064 2:30-3:45 p.m. MW 8/21 12/62376 ENG 121-065 4-5:15 p.m. TR 8/22 12/72445 ENG 121-066 4-6:45 p.m. M 8/21 12/42379 ENG 121-068 7-9:50 p.m. M 8/21 12/42505 ENG 121-069 4-5:15 p.m. TR 8/29 12/72481 ENG 121-070 5:30-6:45 p.m. MW 8/21 12/62504 ENG 121-071 3:30-4:45 p.m. TR 8/22 12/72436 ENG 121-072 7-9:45 p.m. M 8/21 12/42382 ENG 121-073 6:30-9:15 p.m. R 8/24 12/72380 ENG 121-074 6:30-9:15 p.m. T 8/22 12/52422 ENG 121-076 6:30-9:20 p.m. T 8/29 12/52485 ENG 121-077 6:30-9:20 p.m. R 8/31 12/72381 ENG 121-079 7-9:45 p.m. W 8/23 12/62446 ENG 121-080 7-9:45 p.m. W 8/23 12/62377 ENG 121-081 7-10 p.m. W 9/6 12/63414 ENG 121-089 8:30-9:45 a.m. TR 8/22 12/72517 ENG 121-094 11:30 a.m.-12:45 p.m. TR 8/22 12/72518 ENG 121-095 4-5:15 p.m. MW 8/21 12/62519 ENG 121-096 5:30-6:45 p.m. TR 8/22 12/7BLENDED: Grayslake2370 ENG 121-600 11:30 a.m.-12:45 p.m. T 8/29, 9/19, 10/3 10/17, 10/31, 11/14 & 11/28HORROR: Grayslake2352 ENG 121-019 10-11:15 a.m. TR 8/22 12/7

THE COMIC BOOK: Grayslake2360 ENG 121-031 11-11:50 a.m. MWF 8/21 12/82479 ENG 121-045 1-2:15 p.m. TR 8/22 12/7

POPULAR MUSIC: Grayslake2450 ENG 121-051 1-2:15 p.m. MW 8/21 12/6

WRITING FOR SOCIAL JUSTICE: Grayslake2460 ENG 121-052 1-2:15 p.m. MW 8/21 12/6

Continued on next page.

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MINDFULNESS: Grayslake2372 ENG 121-067 4-6:45 p.m. W 8/23 12/6

LEARNING COMMUNITY W/ENG 109-451: Grayslake2541 ENG 121-451 8:30-11:20 a.m. TR 10/17 12/7

LEARNING COMMUNITY W/ENG 109: Grayslake3290 ENG 121-453 1-3:45 p.m. MW 10/16 12/6

HONORS: Grayslake2373 ENG 121-650 2:30-3:45 p.m. MW 8/23 12/6Waukegan2553 ENG 121-062 6:30-9:15 p.m. R 8/24 12/72348 ENG 121-082 10-11:15 a.m. MW 8/21 12/62364 ENG 121-083 11:30 a.m.-12:45 p.m. TR 8/22 12/72317 ENG 121-084 6-8:45 p.m. R 8/24 12/72378 ENG 121-085 7-9:50 p.m. M 8/21 12/42529 ENG 121-904 6:30-9:15 p.m. R 8/24 12/72530 ENG 121-905 10-11:15 a.m. MW 8/21 12/6

LEARNING COMMUNITY W/ENG 109-452: Waukegan2550 ENG 121-452 10 a.m.-12:45 p.m. MW 10/16 12/6Vernon Hills2453 ENG 121-086 10-11:15 a.m. TR 8/22 12/72492 ENG 121-087 8:30-9:45 a.m. MW 8/21 12/62418 ENG 121-088 11:30 a.m.-12:45 p.m. TR 8/22 12/72497 ENG 121-092 1-2:15 p.m. TR 8/22 12/72515 ENG 121-093 6-8:55 p.m. R 8/31 12/72521 ENG 121-098 10-11:15 a.m. MW 8/21 12/62535 ENG 121-911 10-11:15 a.m. TR 8/22 12/7Online*2320 ENG 121-800 ONLINE 8/21 12/152423 ENG 121-801 ONLINE 8/21 12/152454 ENG 121-802 ONLINE 8/21 12/152468 ENG 121-803 ONLINE 8/21 12/152469 ENG 121-804 ONLINE 8/21 12/152489 ENG 121-805 ONLINE 9/6 12/152549 ENG 121-807 ONLINE 9/18 12/152556 ENG 121-850 ONLINE 8/21 9/23Online (5 week course)*2557 ENG 121-851 ONLINE 9/25 10/282561 ENG 121-852 ONLINE 10/30 12/8

ENG 122 English Composition II 3 HoursPrerequisite: ENG 121 (C or better)Grayslake2315 ENG 122-001 8-8:50 a.m. MWF 8/21 12/82384 ENG 122-002 8:30-9:45 a.m. MW 8/21 12/62426 ENG 122-003 8:30-9:45 a.m. TR 8/22 12/72383 ENG 122-004 9-9:50 a.m. MWF 8/21 12/82385 ENG 122-005 9-11:45 a.m. S 8/26 12/92386 ENG 122-006 10-11:15 a.m. TR 8/22 12/72392 ENG 122-007 10-11:15 a.m. TR 8/22 12/72387 ENG 122-008 10 a.m.-12:45 p.m. R 8/24 12/72388 ENG 122-009 10-10:50 a.m. MWF 8/21 12/82389 ENG 122-010 10-10:50 a.m. MWF 8/21 12/82390 ENG 122-011 11-11:50 a.m. MWF 8/21 12/82391 ENG 122-012 11-11:50 a.m. MWF 8/21 12/82461 ENG 122-013 11:30 a.m.-12:45 p.m. TR 8/22 12/72393 ENG 122-014 12-12:50 p.m. MWF 8/21 12/82425 ENG 122-015 11:30 a.m.-12:45 p.m. TR 8/22 12/72433 ENG 122-016 1-3:45 p.m. T 8/22 12/52434 ENG 122-018 1-2:15 p.m. MW 8/21 12/62482 ENG 122-019 2-2:50 p.m. MWF 8/21 12/82427 ENG 122-020 2:30-3:45 p.m. TR 8/22 12/72483 ENG 122-023 4-5:15 p.m. TR 8/22 12/72399 ENG 122-024 7-9:45 p.m. W 8/23 12/62400 ENG 122-025 6-8:45 p.m. R 8/24 12/72484 ENG 122-026 7-9:45 p.m. M 8/21 12/42396 ENG 122-027 7-9:55 p.m. M 8/28 12/42476 ENG 122-028 6-8:45 p.m. T 8/22 12/52545 ENG 122-033 1-2:25 p.m. TR 9/7 12/72560 ENG 122-036 11:30 a.m.-12:55 p.m. MW 9/6 12/6

Continued in next column.

BLENDED: Grayslake2394 ENG 122-600 11:30 a.m.-12:45 p.m. T 8/22, 9/12 9/26, 10/10 10/24, 11/7 11/21 & 12/5

SCIENCE FICTION: Grayslake2395 ENG 122-017 1-2:15 p.m. MW 8/21 12/6

GENDER AND SEXUALITY: Grayslake2398 ENG 122-021 2:30-3:45 p.m. TR 8/22 12/7

HARRY POTTER: Grayslake2448 ENG 122-022 1-2:15 p.m. TR 8/22 12/7Waukegan2470 ENG 122-029 10-11:15 a.m. TR 8/22 12/72397 ENG 122-030 7-9:45 p.m. W 8/23 12/6Vernon Hills2316 ENG 122-032 6-8:45 p.m. R 8/24 12/72498 ENG 122-034 10-11:15 a.m. MW 8/21 12/62516 ENG 122-035 8:30-9:45 a.m. TR 8/22 12/73415 ENG 122-037 11:30 a.m.-12:45 p.m. MW 8/21 12/6Online*2455 ENG 122-800 ONLINE 8/21 12/152411 ENG 122-801 ONLINE 8/21 12/152456 ENG 122-802 ONLINE 8/21 12/152462 ENG 122-803 ONLINE 8/21 12/152471 ENG 122-804 ONLINE 9/6 12/152490 ENG 122-805 ONLINE 9/6 12/152544 ENG 122-806 ONLINE 9/6 12/152562 ENG 122-807 ONLINE 9/18 12/15Online (5 week course)*2558 ENG 122-850 ONLINE 9/25 10/282559 ENG 122-851 ONLINE 10/30 12/8

ENG 123 Mass Communications 3 HoursPrerequisite: College Reading and Writing ReadinessGrayslake2401 ENG 123-001 10-11:15 a.m. TR 8/22 12/7

ENG 124 Newswriting I 3 HoursPrerequisite: College Reading and Writing ReadinessGrayslake2402 ENG 124-001 11:30 a.m.-12:45 p.m. TR 8/22 12/7

ENG 126 Advanced Composition: Scientific and Technical Communications 3 HoursPrerequisite: ENG 120 or ENG 121(either C or better)Grayslake2403 ENG 126-001 11:30 a.m.-12:45 p.m. TR 8/22 12/7Online*2319 ENG 126-800 ONLINE 8/21 12/15

ENG 128 Linguistics and Society 3 HoursCorequisite: ELI 105 or College Reading and Writing ReadinessBLENDED: Grayslake2404 ENG 128-600 7-9:15 p.m. M 8/21 11/27Online*2474 ENG 128-800 ONLINE 9/11 12/11

ENG 220 Introduction to Scripts for Screen 3 HoursPrerequisite: ENG 121 (C or better)Grayslake2551 ENG 220-001 7-9:55 p.m. T 8/29 12/5

34 Final Exam Week: December 9-15, 2017 Course descriptions: www.clcillinois.edu/classes Questions: (847) 543-2061

Fall 2017 Credit Class Schedule Listing

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ENG 222 Creative Writing 3 HoursPrerequisite: College Reading and Writing ReadinessGrayslake2405 ENG 222-001 2:30-3:45 p.m. TR 8/22 12/72472 ENG 222-004 6-8:55 p.m. R 9/7 12/7Vernon Hills2491 ENG 222-003 9-11:45 a.m. S 8/26 12/9Online*2424 ENG 222-800 ONLINE 8/21 12/152542 ENG 222-801 ONLINE 9/6 12/15

ENG 225 Survey of British Literature I 3 HoursPrerequisite: ENG 120 or ENG 121 (C or better)Grayslake3291 ENG 225-001 1-2:15 p.m. MW 8/21 12/6

ENG 227 Introduction to Shakespeare 3 HoursPrerequisite: ENG 120 or ENG 121 (C or better)Grayslake2406 ENG 227-001 11:30 a.m.-12:45 p.m. TR 8/22 12/7

ENG 228 World Literature 3 HoursPrerequisite: ENG 120 or ENG 121 (both C or better)Grayslake2543 ENG 228-001 4-6:45 p.m. M 8/21 12/4

ENG 229 American Literature: 20th Century to Present 3 HoursPrerequisite: ENG 120 or ENG 121(either C or better)Grayslake2407 ENG 229-001 10-11:15 a.m. MW 8/21 12/6

ENG 241 Introduction to Poetry 3 HoursPrerequisite: ENG 120 or ENG 121(either C or better)Grayslake2408 ENG 241-001 2:30-5:15 p.m. W 8/23 12/6

ENG 243 Introduction to Fiction 3 HoursPrerequisite: ENG 120 or ENG 121(either C or better)Grayslake2409 ENG 243-001 5:30-6:45 p.m. TR 8/22 12/73416 ENG 243-002 8:30-9:45 a.m. MW 8/21 12/6

ENG 244 Mythology and Fairy Tales 3 HoursPrerequisite: ENG 120 or ENG 121 (C or better)Grayslake2410 ENG 244-001 9-9:50 a.m. MWF 8/21 12/82449 ENG 244-002 1-2:15 p.m. TR 8/22 12/7Vernon Hills2457 ENG 244-003 4-6:45 p.m. W 8/23 12/6

ENG 249 Children’s Literature 3 HoursPrerequisite: ENG 120 or ENG 121 (C or better)Grayslake2473 ENG 249-001 6-8:45 p.m. R 8/24 12/7

ENG 260 Introduction to Writing Center Theory and Practice 3 HoursPrerequisite: ENG 121Grayslake2412 ENG 260-001 2:30-5:15 p.m. R 8/24 12/7

ENG 262 Theories of Teaching ELLs and Bilingual Education 3 HoursPrerequisite: College Reading and Writing ReadinessBLENDED: Grayslake2555 ENG 262-600 4:30-6:45 p.m. W 8/23 11/29

ENG 266 Professional Communication 3 HoursPrerequisite: ENG 121 or ENG 126Online*3266 ENG 266-800 ONLINE 8/21 12/15

ENG 267 Teaching Pronunciation to ELLs 3 HoursPrerequisite: College Reading and Writing ReadinessBLENDED: Grayslake2522 ENG 267-600 4:30-6:45 p.m. M 8/21 11/27

ENG 268 Assessment of ELLs 3 HoursPrerequisite: College Reading and Writing ReadinessBLENDED: Grayslake2539 ENG 268-600 5-7:15 p.m. T 8/22 11/28

ENG 271 Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages Practicum 3 HoursPrerequisite: ENG 127, ENG 128, ENG 261, ENG 262, ENG 265, ENG 267, ENG 268and CMM 127 (all C or better) and consent of instructorGrayslake2463 ENG 271-980 8/21 12/15

ENGLISH LANGUAGE INSTRUCTIONCommunication Arts, Humanities and Fine Arts Division(847) 543-2040, www.clcillinois.edu/academiceli

ELI 100 Topics in Academic Enhancement for English Language Learners 4 HoursPrerequisite: ELI Accuplacer score of 199 or higher OR College Reading and WritingReadiness

GRAMMAR REVIEW: Grayslake3272 ELI 100-001 9-11:45 a.m. S 8/26 12/9

ORAL COMMUNICATION SKILLS: Grayslake3273 ELI 100-003 10 a.m.-12:45 p.m. F 8/25 12/8

SPEAKING AND LISTENING: Vernon Hills2313 ELI 100-002 7-9:55 p.m. T 8/29 12/5

ELI 101 Academic English-Beginning 6 HoursPrerequisite: ELI Accuplacer score of 120 or higher; OR College Reading and WritingReadiness

READING AND ORAL SKILLS: Grayslake2310 ELI 101-001 10 a.m.-12:45 p.m. MW 8/21 12/6

WRITING AND GRAMMAR: Grayslake2311 ELI 101-002 10 a.m.-12:45 p.m. TR 8/22 12/7

ELI 102 Academic English-Intermediate 6 HoursPrerequisite: Both sections (12 hours) of ELI 101 (C or better); OR ELI Accuplacerscore of 171 or higher; OR College Reading and Writing Readiness

READING AND ORAL SKILLS: Grayslake2302 ELI 102-001 10 a.m.-12:45 p.m. MW 8/21 12/62312 ELI 102-003 10 a.m.-12:45 p.m. MW 8/21 12/6

WRITING AND GRAMMAR: Grayslake2303 ELI 102-002 10 a.m.-12:45 p.m. TR 8/22 12/72314 ELI 102-004 10 a.m.-12:45 p.m. TR 8/22 12/7

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ELI 103 Academic English - Advanced I 6 HoursPrerequisite: 12 credit hours in ELI 102 with a grade of C or better; OR ELI Accuplacerscore of 221 or higher; OR College Reading and Writing ReadinessGRAMMAR AND WRITING: Grayslake2295 ELI 103-001 10 a.m.-12:45 p.m. MW 8/21 12/62304 ELI 103-002 10 a.m.-12:45 p.m. MW 8/21 12/6

ELI 104 Academic English - Advanced II 6 HoursPrerequisite: 12 credit hours in ELI 102 with a grade of C or better; OR ELI Accuplacerscore of 221 or higher; OR College Reading and Writing Readiness

READING AND ORAL SKILLS: Grayslake2296 ELI 104-001 10 a.m.-12:45 p.m. TR 8/22 12/72305 ELI 104-002 10 a.m.-12:45 p.m. TR 8/22 12/7

ELI 108 Academic Reading and Writing for English Language Learners 6 HoursPrerequisite: ELI Accuplacer score of 235 or higher OR APT score of 80 or higher ORELI 103 (C or better) OR ELI 104 (C or better) OR ELI 107 OR College Reading andWriting ReadinessGrayslake2300 ELI 108-001 10 a.m.-12:45 p.m. MW 8/21 12/62301 ELI 108-002 10 a.m.-12:45 p.m. TR 8/22 12/72306 ELI 108-003 7-9:45 p.m. MW 8/21 12/6

ELI 109 Academic Reading and Writing for English Language Learners II 3 HoursPrerequisite: ELI Accuplacer score of 285 or higher, OR APT - 122 or higher; OR ELI103 and ELI 104 (both B or better); OR ELI 107, ELI 108, OR ENG 108 (all C or better);OR College Reading and Writing ReadinessGrayslake2307 ELI 109-001 1-2:15 p.m. MW 8/21 12/62308 ELI 109-002 7-9:45 p.m. R 8/24 12/72309 ELI 109-003 10 a.m.-12:45 p.m. F 8/25 12/8

LEARNING COMMUNITY W/ENG 121: Grayslake3275 ELI 109-453 11:30 a.m.-12:45 p.m. WF 8/23 12/15

ELI 110 Academic English for English Learners - Transitional 9 HoursPrerequisite: ELI 103 AND ELI 104 (both C or better) or ELI 108 (C or better) or ELIAccuplacer score of 270 or above or College Reading and Writing ReadinessGrayslake3402 ELI 110-001 10 a.m.-12:45 p.m. MWF 8/21 12/8

ELI 125 Introduction to American College Culture 4 HoursPrerequisite: ELI Accuplacer test score of 221 or higher OR APT score of 80 or higherOR College Reading and Writing ReadinessCorequisite: ELI 103 or ELI 104 or ELI 105 or ELI 106 or ELI 107 or ELI 108 or ELI 109Grayslake3274 ELI 125-001 1-2:15 p.m. MW 8/21 12/6

FIRE SCIENCE TECHNOLOGYBusiness and Social Sciences Division(847) 543-2047, www.clcillinois.edu/programs/fst

FST 111 Introduction to Fire Service 3 HoursPrerequisite: College Reading and Writing Readiness OR concurrent enrollment inENG 109 or ELI 109 or ENG 100 -AND- Basic Algebra ReadinessGrayslake1861 FST 111-001 2:30-3:45 p.m. TR 8/22 12/7

FST 116 Fire Fighting Tactics and Strategy I 3 HoursPrerequisite: FST 111Grayslake1858 FST 116-001 1-3:50 p.m. TR 8/22 10/12

FST 117 Fire Fighting Tactics and Strategy II 3 HoursPrerequisite: FST 116Grayslake3244 FST 117-001 1-3:50 p.m. TR 10/17 12/7

FST 118 Incident Command 3 HoursPrerequisite: FST 111 (C or better)BLENDED: Grayslake1863 FST 118-600 2:30-5:15 p.m. R 10/19 12/7

FST 130 Basic Operations Firefighter A 4 HoursPrerequisite: FST 111 (C or better)Corequisite: EMT 111 and ENG 121 (both C or better)Recommended: MTH 114 (C or better)Additional Course Fee: $350Grayslake1865 FST 130-001 10 a.m.-12:45 p.m. T 8/22 12/7 10-11:50 a.m. R 8/22 12/7

FST 173 Fire Instructor I 3 HoursPrerequisite: FST 111BLENDED: Grayslake1857 FST 173-600 7-9:45 p.m. M 8/21 10/16

FST 174 Fire Instructor II 3 HoursPrerequisite: FST 173BLENDED: Grayslake1860 FST 174-600 7-9:45 p.m. M 10/23 12/11

FST 177 Fire Prevention Principles I 3 HoursPrerequisite: FST 111Grayslake1864 FST 177-001 7-9:45 p.m. T 8/22 12/5

FST 192 Hazardous Materials First Responder 3 HoursPrerequisite: FST 111Additional Course Fee: $150Grayslake3245 FST 192-001 12-3:45 p.m. W 8/23 12/6

FST 217 Fire Officer Communications 3 HoursPrerequisite: FST 111BLENDED: Grayslake3247 FST 217-600 8:30-11:20 a.m. F 8/25 10/13

FST 218 Fire Officer Supervision 3 HoursPrerequisite: FST 111BLENDED: Grayslake1862 FST 218-600 8:30-11:20 a.m. F 10/20 12/8

FST 273 Fire Science Business and Operations 3 HoursPrerequisite: FST 111BLENDED: Grayslake3246 FST 273-600 7-9:50 p.m. R 8/24 10/12

FST 274 Fire Administration and the Law 3 HoursPrerequisite: FST 111BLENDED: Grayslake1859 FST 274-600 7-9:50 p.m. R 10/19 12/7

36 Final Exam Week: December 9-15, 2017 Course descriptions: www.clcillinois.edu/classes Questions: (847) 543-2061

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Fall 2017 Credit Class Schedule Listing

FRENCHCommunication Arts, Humanities and Fine Arts Division(847) 543-2040, www.clcillinois.edu/programs/for

FRN 121 Beginning Conversational French I 4 HoursGrayslake2563 FRN 121-001 12-1:50 p.m. MW 8/21 12/62564 FRN 121-002 6-7:50 p.m. MW 8/21 12/6

FRN 221 Intermediate French I 4 HoursPrerequisite: FRN 122Grayslake2565 FRN 221-001 6-7:50 p.m. TR 8/22 12/7

GENDER AND SEXUALITY STUDIESBusiness and Social Sciences Division(847) 543-2047, www.clcillinois.edu/programs/gxs

GXS 121 Introduction to Gender Studies 3 HoursPrerequisite: College Reading and Writing ReadinessGrayslake1866 GXS 121-001 11:30 a.m.-12:45 p.m. MW 8/21 12/6Online*1870 GXS 121-800 ONLINE 9/6 12/15

GXS 229 Sex, Gender, and Power 3 HoursPrerequisite: College Reading and Writing ReadinessRecommended: SOC 121Grayslake1867 GXS 229-001 10-11:15 a.m. MW 8/21 12/61868 GXS 229-002 1-2:15 p.m. TR 8/22 12/71871 GXS 229-003 7-9:50 p.m. T 8/29 12/5Online*1869 GXS 229-800 ONLINE 9/6 12/15

GEOGRAPHYEngineering, Math and Physical Sciences Division(847) 543-2044, www.clcillinois.edu/programs/geg

GEG 120 Principles of Physical Geography 4 HoursPrerequisite: College Reading and Writing Readiness AND Basic Algebra ReadinessAdditional Course Fee: $25Grayslake3301 GEG 120-001 1-2:50 p.m. T 8/21 12/7 1-3:45 p.m. R 8/21 12/7

GEG 121 Physical Geography 3 HoursPrerequisite: College Reading and Writing ReadinessGrayslake2948 GEG 121-001 8:30-9:45 a.m. MW 8/21 12/62950 GEG 121-004 9:30-10:45 a.m. TR 8/22 12/73302 GEG 121-005 10-11:15 a.m. MW 8/21 12/132949 GEG 121-006 7-9:45 p.m. T 8/22 12/5Online*2953 GEG 121-800 ONLINE 8/21 12/15

GEG 122 Cultural Geography 3 HoursPrerequisite: College Reading and Writing ReadinessGrayslake2956 GEG 122-001 11:30 a.m.-12:45 p.m. MW 8/21 12/6Online*2954 GEG 122-800 ONLINE 8/21 12/15

GEG 123 World Regional Geography 3 HoursPrerequisite: College Reading and Writing ReadinessGrayslake2951 GEG 123-001 11 a.m.-12:15 p.m. TR 8/22 12/7Online*2952 GEG 123-800 ONLINE 8/21 12/15

GEG 223 Geography of Latin America 3 HoursPrerequisite: College Reading and Writing ReadinessGrayslake3412 GEG 223-001 8-9:45 a.m. MR 10/16 12/7

GERMANCommunication Arts, Humanities and Fine Arts Division(847) 543-2040, www.clcillinois.edu/programs/for

GER 121 Beginning Conversational German I 4 HoursGrayslake2566 GER 121-001 10-11:50 a.m. TR 8/22 12/7

HVAC ENGINEERING TECHNOLOGYEngineering, Math and Physical Sciences Division(847) 543-2044, www.clcillinois.edu/programs/het

HET 110 Basic Refrigeration Systems 4 HoursAdditional Course Fee: $45

ESL SUPPORTED: Grayslake2976 HET 110-380 5:30-9:50 p.m. M 8/21 12/5BLENDED: Grayslake2962 HET 110-601 5:30-9:50 p.m. M 8/21 12/42973 HET 110-605 8 a.m.-3:30 p.m. MTWR 9/12 10/5

HET 111 HVACR Electricity I 4 HoursAdditional Course Fee: $45

ESL SUPPORTED: Grayslake2982 HET 111-380 5:30-9:50 p.m. T 8/21 12/4BLENDED: Grayslake2960 HET 111-601 5:30-9:50 p.m. T 8/22 12/52974 HET 111-605 8 a.m.-3:30 p.m. MTWR 8/21 9/14

HET 119 HVACR Electricity II 4 HoursPrerequisite: HET 110 and HET 111Additional Course Fee: $45

ESL SUPPORTED: Grayslake2983 HET 119-380 5:30-9:50 p.m. W 8/23 12/5BLENDED: Grayslake2966 HET 119-601 5:30-9:50 p.m. W 8/23 12/52978 HET 119-607 8 a.m.-2:20 p.m. MTWR 9/18 10/12

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HET 130 Heating I Residential Appliances 4 HoursPrerequisite: HET 110 and HET 111Additional Course Fee: $45BLENDED: Grayslake2991 HET 130-601 5:30-9:50 p.m. R 8/24 12/72969 HET 130-605 8 a.m.-2:30 p.m. MTWR 10/16 11/9

HET 155 HVAC/R Blueprint Reading 1 HourBLENDED: Grayslake2967 HET 155-600 5:30-6:30 p.m. W 8/23 12/62968 HET 155-605 2:30-3:30 p.m. MTWR 8/21 9/14

HET 190 EPA Certification Preparation 2 HoursCorequisite: HET 110 or Consent of InstructorAdditional Course Fee: $55BLENDED: Grayslake2965 HET 190-601 5:30-9:50 p.m. R 10/26 12/7

HET 191 HVACR Load Calculation 4 HoursPrerequisite: HET 110 and HET 111Additional Course Fee: $75BLENDED: Grayslake2963 HET 191-601 5:30-9:50 p.m. R 8/24 12/7Online*2979 HET 191-800 ONLINE 8/21 12/14

HET 193 Recertification Preparation 0.5 HourPrerequisite: HET 110 and HET 111 or consent of instructorAdditional Course Fee: $75Grayslake2964 HET 193-001 8 a.m.-4 p.m. S 12/9 12/9

HET 230 Air Movement and Ventilation 4 HoursPrerequisite: HET 119 (C or better) AND MTH 114 or higher (C or better) orappropriate score on Math Placement test or Math ACT score of 17 or higher ANDCollege Reading and Writing ReadinessAdditional Course Fee: $45BLENDED: Grayslake2980 HET 230-607 8 a.m.-2:30 p.m. MTWR 10/16 11/9

HET 250 Air Conditioning II Commercial HVAC Appliances 4 HoursPrerequisite: HET 150 AND MTH 114 or higher or appropriate score on MathPlacement test or Math ACT score of 17 or higher; AND minimum APT score of 122 orCollege Reading and Writing Readiness; OR Consent of InstructorAdditional Course Fee: $45BLENDED: Grayslake2994 HET 250-600 5:30-9:30 p.m. W 8/21 12/62981 HET 250-607 8 a.m.-2:30 p.m. MTWR 11/13 12/7

HET 251 Sheet Metal Fabrication 1 HourPrerequisite: HET 155 (C or better)BLENDED: Grayslake2970 HET 251-600 6:31-8:30 p.m. W 11/8 11/212971 HET 251-605 2:30-3:30 p.m. MTWR 9/18 11/9

HET 252 Air Conditioning III Installation & Service 4 HoursPrerequisite: MTH 114 or higher or appropriate score on Math Placement test orMath ACT score of 17 or higher; AND minimum APT score of 122 or College Readingand Writing Readiness; OR Consent of InstructorAdditional Course Fee: $50BLENDED: Grayslake2977 HET 252-600 5:30-9:50 p.m. M 8/21 12/42972 HET 252-605 8 a.m.-2:30 p.m. MTWR 11/13 12/7

HET 272 Refrigeration III Commercial Appliance Installation 4 HoursPrerequisite: HET 172 AND MTH 114 or higher or appropriate score on MathPlacement test or Math ACT score of 17 or higher; AND minimum APT score of 122 orCollege Reading and Writing Readiness; OR Consent of InstructorAdditional Course Fee: $50Grayslake2995 HET 272-001 5:30-9:50 p.m. F 8/25 12/8

HEALTH INFORMATIONTECHNOLOGYBiological and Health Sciences Division(847) 543-2042, www.clcillinois.edu/programs/hit

HIT 111 Medical Terminology 3 HoursPrerequisite: College Reading and Writing ReadinessGrayslake1412 HIT 111-003 6-8:45 p.m. T 8/22 12/51423 HIT 111-004 11:30 a.m.-12:45 p.m. TR 8/22 12/7BLENDED: Grayslake1410 HIT 111-600 12-1:50 p.m. M 8/21 12/4Waukegan1411 HIT 111-002 4-6:50 p.m. W 9/6 12/6Online*1420 HIT 111-800 ONLINE 8/21 12/151426 HIT 111-801 ONLINE 8/21 12/15

HIT 115 Fundamentals of Health Information Technology 3 HoursPrerequisite: College Reading and Writing ReadinessAdditional Course Fee: $10Grayslake1421 HIT 115-001 9 a.m.-12:50 p.m. W 8/23 12/6

HIT 117 Basic CPT Coding 3 HoursPrerequisite: HIT 111 (C or better)Corequisite: BIO 111 or BIO 245 (both C or better)Additional Course Fee: $20Grayslake1413 HIT 117-001 5:30-9:20 p.m. T 8/22 12/5

HIT 119 Pharmacology 1 HourPrerequisite: College Reading and Writing ReadinessGrayslake1414 HIT 119-001 8-9:50 p.m. M 8/21 10/161418 HIT 119-002 8-9:50 p.m. M 10/23 12/4Online*1422 HIT 119-800 ONLINE 10/16 12/15

HIT 131 Basic ICD-10-CM Coding 3 HoursPrerequisite: HIT 111 (C or better)Corequisite: BIO 111 or BIO 245 (both C or better)Additional Course Fee: $20Grayslake1425 HIT 131-001 5:30-9:20 p.m. W 8/23 12/6

HIT 132 Basic ICD-10-PCS Coding 2 HoursPrerequisite: BIO 111 or BIO 245 AND HIT 111 (all C or better)Additional Course Fee: $20Grayslake1424 HIT 132-001 5:30-8:15 p.m. M 8/21 12/4

38 Final Exam Week: December 9-15, 2017 Course descriptions: www.clcillinois.edu/classes Questions: (847) 543-2061

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HIT 171 Insurance Procedures for the Medical Office 3 HoursPrerequisite: College Reading and Writing ReadinessGrayslake1409 HIT 171-001 6:30-9:20 p.m. R 8/24 12/7

HIT 212 Professional Practice Experience in Health Information Technology I 4 Hours

Prerequisites: HIT 113 and HIT 115 (both C or better), and admission into the HIT programAdditional Course Fee: $20BLENDED: Grayslake1415 HIT 212-600 8/21 12/15

HIT 215 Medical Science 3 HoursPrerequisite: HIT 111 (C or better)Additional Course Fee: $10Online*1416 HIT 215-800 ONLINE 8/21 12/15

HEALTH AND WELLNESS PROMOTIONBiological and Health Sciences Division(847) 543-2042, www.clcillinois.edu/programs/hwp

HWP 240 Contemporary Health Issues 3 HoursPrerequisite: College Reading and Writing ReadinessGrayslake1444 HWP 240-001 10-11:15 a.m. MW 8/21 12/6BLENDED: Grayslake1445 HWP 240-601 11 a.m.-12:15 p.m. TR 10/17 12/7BLENDED: Vernon Hills1446 HWP 240-600 6-8:45 p.m. M 10/16 12/4Online*1447 HWP 240-800 ONLINE 8/21 12/15

HWP 257 Health and Wellness Practicum I 1 HourPrerequisite: College Reading and Writing ReadinessAdditional Course Fee: $10Vernon Hills1448 HWP 257-001 8/21 12/81450 HWP 257-002 8/21 12/15

HWP 258 Health and Wellness Practicum II 1 HourPrerequisite: HWP 257 (C or better) and Consent of InstructorAdditional Course Fee: $10Vernon Hills1451 HWP 258-001 8/21 12/15

HWP 260 Sport and Exercise Nutrition 3 HoursPrerequisite: College Reading and Writing ReadinessBLENDED: Grayslake1452 HWP 260-600 7-8:45 p.m. M 8/21 12/4

HWP 290 Principles of Wellness Coaching 3 HoursPrerequisite: College Reading and Writing ReadinessBLENDED: Vernon Hills1449 HWP 290-600 6-8:45 p.m. T 10/24 12/5

HWP 299 Special Topics: Health and Wellness Promotion 3 HoursPrerequisite: College Reading and Writing ReadinessPERSONAL WELLNESS: Grayslake1454 HWP 299-607 5-5:50 p.m. T 10/17 12/5

HISTORYBusiness and Social Sciences Division(847) 543-2047, www.clcillinois.edu/programs/hst

HST 121 History of Western Civilization to 1500 3 HoursPrerequisite: College Reading and Writing ReadinessGrayslake1918 HST 121-001 8:30-9:45 a.m. MW 8/21 12/61905 HST 121-002 10-11:15 a.m. TR 8/22 12/71906 HST 121-003 10 a.m.-12:45 p.m. F 8/25 12/81907 HST 121-004 1-2:15 p.m. MW 8/21 12/6

HONORS: Grayslake3282 HST 121-650 1-2:15 p.m. TR 8/22 12/14Online*1920 HST 121-800 ONLINE 9/18 12/15

HST 122 History of Western Civilization From 1500 3 HoursPrerequisite: College Reading and Writing ReadinessGrayslake3280 HST 122-001 10-11:15 a.m. MW 8/21 12/81921 HST 122-002 2:30-3:45 p.m. TR 8/22 12/7

HST 127 History of Chinese Culture and Society 3 HoursPrerequisite: College Reading and Writing ReadinessGrayslake3369 HST 127-001 1-3:50 p.m. MW 8/21 10/11

HST 141 World History to 1500 3 HoursPrerequisite: College Reading and Writing ReadinessGrayslake3385 HST 141-001 11:30 a.m.-12:45 p.m. MW 8/21 12/6

HST 142 World History From 1500 3 HoursPrerequisite: College Reading and Writing ReadinessGrayslake3386 HST 142-001 1-2:15 p.m. TR 8/22 12/143387 HST 142-002 7-9:50 p.m. R 8/24 12/7

HST 221 United States History to 1876 3 HoursPrerequisite: College Reading and Writing ReadinessGrayslake1908 HST 221-001 10-11:15 a.m. TR 8/22 12/71909 HST 221-002 11:30 a.m.-12:45 p.m. MW 8/21 12/131925 HST 221-003 1-2:15 p.m. MW 8/21 12/61917 HST 221-004 4:30-6:45 p.m. TR 9/26 12/7Online*1916 HST 221-800 ONLINE 8/21 12/15

HST 222 United States History 1876 to Present 3 HoursPrerequisite: College Reading and Writing ReadinessGrayslake1910 HST 222-001 8:30-9:45 a.m. TR 8/22 12/71911 HST 222-002 9-9:50 a.m. MWF 8/21 12/81912 HST 222-003 11:30 a.m.-12:45 p.m. TR 8/22 12/71915 HST 222-004 1-2:15 p.m. TR 8/22 12/7Vernon Hills1913 HST 222-005 7-9:50 p.m. T 8/29 12/5Online*1922 HST 222-800 ONLINE 8/21 12/151923 HST 222-801 ONLINE 9/6 12/15

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HST 223 American Popular Culture 3 HoursPrerequisite: College Reading and Writing ReadinessGrayslake1914 HST 223-001 10-11:15 a.m. MW 8/21 12/6

HST 245 History of Latin America to 1825 3 HoursPrerequisite: College Reading and Writing ReadinessGrayslake1924 HST 245-001 5:30-6:45 p.m. MW 8/21 12/6

HORTICULTUREBiological and Health Sciences Division(847) 543-2042, www.clcillinois.edu/programs/hrt

HRT 121 Introduction to Horticulture 3 HoursPrerequisite: College Reading and Writing Readiness or concurrent enrollment in ENG109 or ELI 109 or ENG 100 AND a score of 34 or higher on the Math Placement Test orBasic Algebra ReadinessGrayslake1442 HRT 121-001 10-11:15 a.m. MW 8/21 12/81428 HRT 121-002 6-8:50 p.m. M 8/21 12/7Online*1437 HRT 121-800 ONLINE 8/22 12/15

HRT 124 Introduction to Soils 4 HoursCorequisite: HRT 121 (C or better)Recommended: CHM 140Additional Course Fee: $40BLENDED: Grayslake1432 HRT 124-601 6-9:50 p.m. T 8/22 12/5 S 9/9, 9/30 10/21 & 11/11

HRT 125 Tree and Shrub Identification 3 HoursAdditional Course Fee: $20Grayslake1429 HRT 125-001 10-11:50 a.m. TR 8/22 12/71439 HRT 125-002 6-9:50 p.m. W 8/23 12/6

HRT 126 Entomology 3 HoursPrerequisite: College Reading and Writing ReadinessCorequisite: HRT 121 (C or better)Additional Course Fee: $40Grayslake1430 HRT 126-001 6-9:50 p.m. W 8/23 12/6

HRT 140 Landscape Graphics 3 HoursPrerequisite: College Reading and Writing Readiness or concurrent enrollment in ENG109 or ELI 109 or ENG 100 AND a score of 34 or higher on the Math Placement Test orBasic Algebra ReadinessAdditional Course Fee: $20Grayslake1434 HRT 140-001 6-9:50 p.m. T 8/22 12/5

HRT 150 Landscape Maintenance 3 HoursPrerequisite: College Reading and Writing Readiness or concurrent enrollment in ENG109 or ELI 109 or ENG 100 AND a score of 34 or higher on the Math Placement Test orBasic Algebra ReadinessAdditional Course Fee: $40Grayslake1427 HRT 150-001 4-5:50 p.m. TR 8/22 12/7

HRT 165 Small Engine Repair and Maintenance 3 HoursAdditional Course Fee: $40Grayslake1433 HRT 165-001 6-9:50 p.m. T 8/22 12/12

HRT 228 Nursery Production 3 HoursPrerequisite: College Reading and Writing Readiness AND HRT 121 (C or better)Additional Course Fee: $50Grayslake1436 HRT 228-001 6-9:50 p.m. R 8/24 12/7

HRT 229 Organic Growing and Sustainable Practices 3 HoursPrerequisite: College Reading and Writing Readiness AND HRT 121 (C or better)BLENDED: Grayslake1435 HRT 229-601 6-9:50 p.m. M 8/21 12/4

HRT 260 Landscape Construction 3 HoursPrerequisite: College Reading and Writing Readiness or concurrent enrollment in ENG109 or ELI 109 or ENG 100 AND a score of 34 or higher on the Math Placement Test orBasic Algebra ReadinessAdditional Course Fee: $50Grayslake1438 HRT 260-001 6-9:50 p.m. R 8/24 12/7

HRT 282 Seminars in Horticulture 1 HourPrerequisite: Completion of at least 12 credit hours in Horticulture (C or better)Grayslake1443 HRT 282-001 4-5:50 p.m. W 9/6 10/25

HRT 286 Natural Areas Management 4 HoursPrerequisite: BIO 120 AND BIO 126 or HRT 127 (all C or better)1441 HRT 286-001 6-7:50 p.m. R 8/24 12/7 S 8/26, 9/16 9/23, 10/7 10/14, 10/28 11/4, 11/18 & 12/2

HOSPITALITY AND CULINARYMANAGEMENTBusiness and Social Sciences Division(847) 543-2047, www.clcillinois.edu/programs/hcm

HCM 110 Introduction to the Hospitality Industry 3 HoursPrerequisite: College Reading and Writing Readiness or concurrent enrollment in ENG 109 or ELI 109 AND Basic Algebra Readiness or concurrent enrollment in MTH 1141887 HCM 110-001 8:30-9:45 a.m. MW 8/21 12/61872 HCM 110-002 7-9:45 p.m. W 8/23 12/6Online*1893 HCM 110-800 ONLINE 9/6 12/15

40 Final Exam Week: December 9-15, 2017 Course descriptions: www.clcillinois.edu/classes Questions: (847) 543-2061

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HCM 111 Culinary Principles I 5 HoursPrerequisite: College Reading and Writing Readiness or concurrent enrollment in ENG 109 or ELI 109 AND Basic Algebra Readiness or concurrent enrollment in MTH 114Additional Course Fee: $125Grayslake1874 HCM 111-001 8:30 a.m.-3:30 p.m. S 8/26 12/91873 HCM 111-002 1:30-3:10 p.m. M 8/21 12/5 3:30-6 p.m. MT 8/21 12/5

HCM 112 Culinary Principles II 5 HoursPrerequisite: College Reading and Writing Readiness AND Basic Algebra Readiness AND HCM 111 (C or better)Additional Course Fee: $150Grayslake1876 HCM 112-001 8:30 a.m.-3:30 p.m. S 8/26 12/91875 HCM 112-002 1:30-3:10 p.m. W 8/23 12/7 3:30-6 p.m. WR 8/23 12/7

HCM 113 ServSafe: Food Service Sanitation 1 HourGrayslake1877 HCM 113-001 8:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m. M 9/18 10/21879 HCM 113-002 8:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m. S 10/7 10/211878 HCM 113-003 6:30-9:30 p.m. T 9/12 10/171880 HCM 113-004 6:30-9:30 p.m. T 10/31 12/5

HCM 154 Italian Regional Cuisine 3 HoursPrerequisite: HCM 111 and HCM 113 (both C or better)Additional Course Fee: $150Grayslake3248 HCM 154-001 9 a.m.-1:30 p.m. T 8/22 12/5

HCM 155 French Regional Cuisine 3 HoursPrerequisite: HCM 111 and HCM 113 (both C or better)Additional Course Fee: $150Grayslake1902 HCM 155-001 9 a.m.-1:30 p.m. F 8/25 12/8

HCM 170 Patisserie I 5 HoursPrerequisite: College Reading and Writing Readiness or concurrent enrollment in ENG 109 or ELI 109 AND Basic Algebra Readiness or concurrent enrollment in MTH 114Corequisite: HCM 113Additional Course Fee: $125Grayslake1888 HCM 170-001 1:30-3:10 p.m. M 8/21 12/5 3:30-6 p.m. MT 8/21 12/51881 HCM 170-002 5-9:30 p.m. W 8/23 12/7 6:30-9 p.m. R 8/23 12/7

HCM 171 Culinary Principles III 5 HoursPrerequisite: HCM 112 (C or better)Additional Course Fee: $250Grayslake1882 HCM 171-001 1:30-3:10 p.m. M 8/21 12/5 3:30-6 p.m. MT 8/21 12/12

HCM 172 Patisserie II 5 HoursPrerequisite: College Reading and Writing Readiness AND Basic Algebra Readiness AND HCM 170 (C or better)Additional Course Fee: $175Grayslake3278 HCM 172-001 1:30-3:10 p.m. W 8/23 12/7 3:30-6 p.m. WR 8/23 12/7

HCM 173 Patisserie III 5 HoursPrerequisite: HCM 172 (C or better)Additional Course Fee: $150Grayslake1898 HCM 173-001 5-9:30 p.m. M 8/21 12/5 6:30-9 p.m. T 8/21 12/5

HCM 175 Nutrition 3 HoursPrerequisite: College Reading and Writing Readiness AND Basic Algebra ReadinessGrayslake1883 HCM 175-001 8:30-9:45 a.m. MW 8/21 12/61884 HCM 175-002 1-3:50 p.m. M 8/28 12/41899 HCM 175-003 6-8:45 p.m. R 8/24 12/7Online*1894 HCM 175-800 ONLINE 8/21 12/15

HCM 176 Yeast Breads 3 HoursPrerequisite: College Reading and Writing Readiness AND Basic Algebra Readiness AND HCM 170 (C or better)Additional Course Fee: $100Grayslake1895 HCM 176-001 9 a.m.-3 p.m. S 8/26 11/11

HCM 179 Cake Decorating 4 HoursPrerequisite: HCM 172 (C or better)Grayslake3279 HCM 179-001 2-7:10 p.m. F 8/25 12/8

HCM 185 Garde Manger 4 HoursPrerequisite: HCM 171 (C or better)Additional Course Fee: $200Grayslake1886 HCM 185-001 2-7:15 p.m. F 8/25 12/8

HCM 212 Menu Marketing and Management 3 HoursPrerequisite: HCM 111 or HCM 170 (either C or better)Grayslake1889 HCM 212-001 7-9:45 p.m. T 8/22 12/5

HCM 213 Purchasing & Inventory Control 3 HoursPrerequisite: College Reading and Writing Readiness AND Basic Algebra ReadinessGrayslake1890 HCM 213-001 7-9:45 p.m. R 8/24 12/7

HCM 214 Hospitality Supervision 3 HoursPrerequisite: College Reading and Writing ReadinessGrayslake1891 HCM 214-002 7-9:45 p.m. W 8/23 12/6

HCM 272 Culinary & Hospitality Internship 3 HoursPrerequisite: Fifteen credit hours of HCM courses and HCMDepartment consentGrayslake1892 HCM 272-980 8/21 12/151900 HCM 272-981 8/21 12/8

HCM 273 Controlling Hospitality Costs 3 HoursPrerequisite: HCM 212 and HCM 213 (both C or better)Grayslake1885 HCM 273-001 7-9:45 p.m. M 8/21 12/4

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HCM 275 Contemporary Restaurant Principles 5 HoursPrerequisite: HCM 171 and HCM 212 (both C or better)Grayslake1896 HCM 275-001 10 a.m.-2 p.m. W 8/23 12/7 10 a.m.-2:50 p.m. R 8/23 12/7

HCM 299 Selected Topics in Hospitality 5 HoursAdditional Course Fee: $125

INTRODUCTION TO BEVERAGE APPRECIATION: GrayslakePrerequisites: HCM 110 or HCM 111 with a grade of C or better; Minimum age of 213277 HCM 299-001 4:30-6:10 p.m. R 8/24 10/121903 HCM 299-003 4:30-6:10 p.m. R 10/19 12/7

PRAIRIE RESTAURANT DESSERTS: GrayslakePrerequisite: HCM 170 (C or better)1901 HCM 299-002 8:30 a.m.-12:50 p.m. M 8/21 12/4

HUMAN SERVICES PROGRAMBusiness and Social Sciences Division(847) 543-2047, www.clcillinois.edu/programs/hus

HUS 121 Health and Nutrition 3 HoursPrerequisite: College Reading and Writing Readiness AND Basic Algebra ReadinessGrayslake3254 HUS 121-001 8:30-11:15 a.m. T 8/22 12/53255 HUS 121-002 7-9:45 p.m. R 8/24 12/14Online*1931 HUS 121-800 ONLINE 8/23 12/15

HUS 123 Introduction to Group Dynamics 3 HoursPrerequisite: College Reading and Writing ReadinessGrayslake1928 HUS 123-001 7-9:45 p.m. W 8/23 12/6

HUS 128 Introduction to Counseling Skills 3 HoursPrerequisite: College Reading and Writing ReadinessGrayslake1932 HUS 128-001 7-9:45 p.m. M 8/21 12/4

HUS 134 Gender-Based Violence 4 HoursPrerequisite: College Reading and Writing Readiness or consent of department chairGrayslake3249 HUS 134-001 7-9:45 p.m. W 8/23 12/6

HUS 140 Drugs and Society 3 HoursPrerequisite: College Reading and Writing ReadinessGrayslake3253 HUS 140-001 8:30-11:15 a.m. R 8/24 12/71935 HUS 140-002 11:30 a.m.-12:45 p.m. MW 8/21 12/4Online*1945 HUS 140-800 ONLINE 8/21 12/15

HUS 151 Addiction Counseling and Treatment I 3 HoursPrerequisite: HUS 123 (formerly HUS 113), HUS 128 (formerly HUS 118), and HUS 140 (formerly HUX 170) (all C or better)Grayslake1936 HUS 151-001 7-9:45 p.m. T 8/22 12/5

HUS 153 Diverse/Multicultural Populations 2 HoursPrerequisite: HUS 140 (formerly HUX 170) (C or better)Grayslake1943 HUS 153-001 6-9:45 p.m. W 10/18 12/6

HUS 155 Pharmacology for Human Services 2 HoursPrerequisite: HUS 140 (formerly HUX 170) (C or better)Online*1938 HUS 155-800 ONLINE 9/18 12/14

HUS 157 Communicable Diseases and Substance Abuse 2 HoursPrerequisite: HUS 140 (formerly HUX 170) (C or better)Online*1939 HUS 157-800 ONLINE 8/21 10/11


The following Human Services Practicums are schedule to meet onThursdays from 5:30-6:50 p.m. during the Fall Sessions on 8/24, 9/7,9/21, 10/5, 10/19, 11/2, 11/16, and 11/30; dates vary by section.Please contact the HUS department chair to determine theappropriate section for your academic plan. PREREQUISITES required.

HUS 170 Human Services Practicum IHUS 171 Human Services Practicum IIHUS 219 Human Services InternshipHUS 275 Addiction Counseling Practicum IHUS 276 Addiction Counseling Practicum II

HUS 234 Child Maltreatment 3 HoursPrerequisite: College Reading and Writing ReadinessRecommended: HUS 128 or HUS 132 or SWK 121Grayslake3250 HUS 234-001 4-6:45 p.m. W 8/23 12/6

HUS 251 Addiction Counseling and Treatment II 4 HoursPrerequisite: HUS 151 (C or better)BLENDED: Grayslake3251 HUS 251-600 12-3:45 p.m. W 8/23 12/6

HUS 253 Advanced Addictions Counseling Skills 3 HoursPrerequisite: HUS 151 (C or better)BLENDED: Grayslake3252 HUS 253-600 2:30-5:15 p.m. T 8/22 12/5

HUS 274 Human Services Practicum Orientation 1 HourPrerequisite: HUS 154 (formerly HUX 174), HUS 155 (formerly HUX 175), HUS 251(formerly HUX 171), and HUS 253 (formerly HUX 176 & HUX 177) (all C or better)Grayslake1940 HUS 274-001 5:30-7:20 p.m. R 8/31, 9/14 9/28, 10/12 10/26, 11/9 & 12/7

HUS 299 Special Topics in Human Services 1 HourPrerequisite: College Reading and Writing ReadinessTALKING ABOUT MARIJUANA: Grayslake1941 HUS 299-001 6-9:45 p.m. M 11/6 12/4

42 Final Exam Week: December 9-15, 2017 Course descriptions: www.clcillinois.edu/classes Questions: (847) 543-2061

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HUMANITIESCommunication Arts, Humanities and Fine Arts Division(847) 543-2040, www.clcillinois.edu/programs/hum

HUM 121 is not a prerequisite for HUM 122.Thus, students can take HUM 122 without taking HUM 121.

HUM 121 Humanities: Ancient Times to the Middle Ages 3 HoursPrerequisite: College Reading and Writing ReadinessGrayslake2568 HUM 121-001 9-9:50 a.m. MWF 8/21 12/82583 HUM 121-002 11:30 a.m.-12:45 p.m. TR 8/22 12/72569 HUM 121-003 7-9:50 p.m. M 8/21 12/42584 HUM 121-004 6:30-9:15 p.m. R 8/24 12/72579 HUM 121-005 10-11:20 a.m. TR 8/29 12/72612 HUM 121-007 2:30-3:50 p.m. TR 8/29 12/72603 HUM 121-008 9-11:45 a.m. S 8/26 12/9Vernon Hills2589 HUM 121-006 8:30-9:45 a.m. TR 8/22 12/7Online*2582 HUM 121-800 ONLINE 8/21 12/152616 HUM 121-850 ONLINE (5 week course) 10/15 12/15

HUM 122 Humanities: Renaissance to the Present 3 HoursPrerequisite: College Reading and Writing ReadinessGrayslake2593 HUM 122-001 10-11:15 a.m. TR 8/22 12/72592 HUM 122-002 10-11:15 a.m. MW 8/21 12/63311 HUM 122-003 7-9:45 p.m. M 8/21 12/112611 HUM 122-004 2:30-3:50 p.m. MW 8/28 12/6Vernon Hills2598 HUM 122-005 1-3:50 p.m. T 8/29 12/5

HUM 123 Introduction to Film 3 HoursPrerequisite: College Reading and Writing ReadinessGrayslake2571 HUM 123-001 1-3:50 p.m. R 8/24 12/72570 HUM 123-002 7-9:50 p.m. M 8/21 12/4Vernon Hills2585 HUM 123-003 4-6:50 p.m. W 8/23 12/6Online*2604 HUM 123-800 ONLINE 8/21 12/15

HUM 126 Introduction to the Performing Arts 3 HoursPrerequisite: College Reading and Writing ReadinessGrayslake2594 HUM 126-001 11:30 a.m.-12:45 p.m. TR 8/22 12/73312 HUM 126-002 6-8:50 p.m. M 8/28 12/15

HUM 127 Critical Thinking 3 HoursPrerequisite: College Reading and Writing ReadinessGrayslake2572 HUM 127-001 9-9:50 a.m. MWF 8/21 12/82573 HUM 127-002 9-11:45 a.m. S 8/26 12/92574 HUM 127-003 10-11:15 a.m. TR 8/22 12/72575 HUM 127-004 1-2:15 p.m. MW 8/21 12/62599 HUM 127-005 6-8:50 p.m. W 8/30 12/62586 HUM 127-006 6:30-9:15 p.m. T 8/22 12/5

Continued in next column.

SUPREME COURT CASES: Grayslake2581 HUM 127-007 6:30-9:15 p.m. R 8/24 12/7Waukegan2580 HUM 127-008 1-3:45 p.m. M 8/21 12/4Vernon Hills2597 HUM 127-009 11 a.m.-12:15 p.m. TR 8/22 12/7Online*2567 HUM 127-800 ONLINE 8/21 12/152614 HUM 127-801 ONLINE 8/21 12/16

HUM 128 Introduction to Middle Eastern Civilizations 3 HoursPrerequisite: College Reading and Writing ReadinessGrayslake3313 HUM 128-001 10-11:15 a.m. MW 8/21 12/6

HUM 129 Introduction to East Asian Civilization 3 HoursPrerequisite: College Reading and Writing ReadinessAdditional Course Fee: Varies by sectionGrayslake2588 HUM 129-001 11:30 a.m.-12:45 p.m. TR 8/22 12/7

XI’AN, CHINA IMMERSION PROGRAM2607 HUM 129-990 8/22 12/15

HUM 140 Introduction to International Film 3 HoursPrerequisite: College Reading and Writing ReadinessOnline*3314 HUM 140-800 ONLINE 8/28 12/15

HUM 141 World Humanities of 20/21 Century 3 HoursPrerequisite: College Reading and Writing ReadinessGrayslake2602 HUM 141-001 11:30 a.m.-12:45 p.m. MW 8/21 12/6

HUM 221 American Decades 3 HoursPrerequisite: College Reading and Writing ReadinessGrayslake2590 HUM 221-001 10 a.m.-12:45 p.m. F 8/25 12/82576 HUM 221-002 11:30 a.m.-12:45 p.m. MW 8/21 12/62600 HUM 221-003 6:30-9:15 p.m. R 8/24 12/7

HUM 222 Film and Society 3 HoursPrerequisite: College Reading and Writing ReadinessGrayslake2577 HUM 222-002 1-3:50 p.m. T 8/22 12/52596 HUM 222-003 1-3:50 p.m. M 8/21 12/42605 HUM 222-004 7-9:50 p.m. W 8/23 12/6HONORS: Grayslake3267 HUM 222-650 4-6:45 p.m. T 8/22 12/12Vernon Hills2591 HUM 222-001 10 a.m.-12:50 p.m. F 8/25 12/8Online*2578 HUM 222-800 ONLINE 8/21 12/15

HUM 226 Women and the Arts 3 HoursPrerequisite: College Reading and Writing ReadinessGrayslake2595 HUM 226-001 11:30 a.m.-12:45 p.m. MW 8/21 12/62601 HUM 226-002 6:30-9:20 p.m. T 8/29 12/5

HUM 299 Special Topics in Humanities 2 HoursPrerequisite: College Reading and Writing ReadinessCOLLEGE SCHOLARS SEMINAR: Grayslake2606 HUM 299-650 1-3 p.m. F 8/25 12/8

43Key to codes: See page 11. * ONLINE Section Additional Course Fee: $5 per credit hour

Fall 2017 Credit Class Schedule Listing

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ITALIANCommunication Arts, Humanities and Fine Arts Division(847) 543-2040, www.clcillinois.edu/programs/for

ITL 121 Beginning Italian I 4 HoursVernon Hills2618 ITL 121-001 10-11:50 a.m. TR 8/22 12/7

JAPANESECommunication Arts, Humanities and Fine Arts Division(847) 543-2040, www.clcillinois.edu/programs/for

JPN 121 Beginning Japanese I 4 HoursGrayslake2620 JPN 121-001 10-11:50 a.m. MW 8/21 12/62619 JPN 121-002 6-7:50 p.m. MW 8/21 12/6

JPN 122 Beginning Japanese II 4 HoursPrerequisite: JPN 121Grayslake2622 JPN 122-001 12-1:50 p.m. MW 8/21 12/6

JPN 221 Intermediate Japanese I 4 HoursPrerequisite: JPN 122Grayslake2621 JPN 221-001 4-5:50 p.m. MW 8/21 12/6

JPN 222 Intermediate Japanese II 4 HoursPrerequisite: JPN 221Grayslake2623 JPN 222-001 4-5:50 p.m. MW 8/21 12/6

LASER / PHOTONICS / OPTICSEngineering, Math and Physical Sciences Division(847) 543-2044, www.clcillinois.edu/programs/lpo

LPO 111 Fundamentals of Light and Lasers 4 HoursPrerequisite: MTH 118 (C or better) or minimum Math ACT score of 25 or appropriateMath Placement Test. Language skills equivalent to ENG 108, ELI 107 or ELI 108 (C orbetter) OR a ELI Accuplacer score of 285 or higher OR 122 on the APT placement test.Grayslake3000 LPO 111-003 6-9:50 p.m. T 8/21 12/5

LPO 113 Photonics-Enabled Technologies 3 HoursPrerequisite: LPO 111 or consent of instructorGrayslake2997 LPO 113-003 6-9:50 p.m. M 8/21 12/4

LPO 211 Geometric and Wave Optics 3 HoursPrerequisite: LPO 111 (C or better)Grayslake2996 LPO 211-001 6-9:50 p.m. W 8/23 12/6

LPO 250 Laser and Electro-Optic Devices 3 HoursPrerequisite: LPO 112 (C or better)Grayslake3004 LPO 250-002 6-9:50 p.m. M 8/21 12/4

LPO 290 Laser, Photonics and Optics Capstone Proposal 1 HourPrerequisite: LPO 113 (C or better)Grayslake3002 LPO 290-980 3-4 p.m. T 8/22 12/5

LPO 291 Laser, Photonics and Optics Project or Research Capstone 3 HoursPrerequisite: LPO 290 (C or better)Grayslake3003 LPO 291-980 3-4 p.m. T 8/22 12/5

LIBRARY TECHNICAL ASSISTANTCommunication Arts, Humanities and Fine Arts Division(847) 543-2040, www.clcillinois.edu/programs/lta

LTA 210 Library Materials 3 HoursPrerequisite: LTA 121 (C or better)Grayslake2626 LTA 210-800 ONLINE 8/21 12/15

LTA 214 Cataloging and Classification 3 HoursPrerequisite: LTA 121 (C or better) or Consent of InstructorBLENDED: Grayslake2625 LTA 214-600 6:30-9:15 p.m. R 8/24, 9/7 9/21, 10/5 10/19, 11/2 11/16 & 11/30

LTA 230 Library Public Services 3 HoursPrerequisite: LTA 121 (C or better)Online*2624 LTA 230-800 ONLINE 8/21 12/15

LTA 250 Introduction to Youth Services 3 HoursPrerequisite: LTA 121 (C or better) or Consent of InstructorOnline*3379 LTA 250-800 ONLINE 8/21 12/15

LTA 276 Supervised Field Practicum I 3 HoursPrerequisite: LTA 210, LTA 212, LTA 214, LTA 230, LTA 232, LTA 274 (all C or better),and Consent of instructor.Online*2627 LTA 276-800 ONLINE 8/21 12/15

44 Final Exam Week: December 9-15, 2017 Course descriptions: www.clcillinois.edu/classes Questions: (847) 543-2061

Fall 2017 Credit Class Schedule Listing

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45Key to codes: See page 11. * ONLINE Section Additional Course Fee: $5 per credit hour

Fall 2017 Credit Class Schedule Listing

LTA 278 Supervised Field Practicum II 4 HoursPrerequisite: LTA 210, LTA 212, LTA 214, LTA 230, LTA 232, LTA 274 (all C or better),and Consent of instructor.Online*2628 LTA 278-800 ONLINE 8/21 12/15

MACHINE TOOL TRADESEngineering, Math and Physical Sciences Division(847) 543-2044, www.clcillinois.edu/programs/mtt

MTT 110 Machine Trades Blueprint Reading 3 HoursBLENDED: Grayslake3204 MTT 110-600 6-9 p.m. R 8/24, 10/12 & 12/7

MTT 111 Machine Shop I 3 HoursAdditional Course Fee: $40Lake County High Schools Technology Campus3202 MTT 111-001 6-10:20 p.m. M 8/21 12/4

MTT 112 Machining Principles 3 HoursLake County High Schools Technology Campus3203 MTT 112-001 6-9:50 p.m. T 8/22 12/5

MTT 113 Grinding Technology 3 HoursAdditional Course Fee: $25Grayslake3207 MTT 113-001 6-9:50 p.m. R 8/24 12/7

MTT 212 Precision Machining/NIMS Credentialing 3 HoursPrerequisite: MTT 210 or consent of instructorAdditional Course Fee: $25Grayslake3206 MTT 212-001 6-9:50 p.m. W 8/23 12/6

MASSAGE THERAPYBiological and Health Sciences Division(847) 543-2042, www.clcillinois.edu/programs/mas

MAS 110 Massage Structure and Functions I 2 HoursPrerequisite: BIO 111, MAS 119, and PED 228 (all C or better)Corequisite: MAS 112Additional Course Fee: $142 per unitVernon Hills1458 MAS 110-001 9-10:50 a.m. T 8/22 12/5

MAS 112 Kinesiology and Palpation I 2 HoursPrerequisite: BIO 111, MAS 119, and PED 228 (all C or better)Corequisite: MAS 110Additional Course Fee: $142 per unitVernon Hills1459 MAS 112-001 9-11:50 a.m. R 8/24 12/7

MAS 114 Massage: Communication & Business I 3 HoursPrerequisite: BIO 111, MAS 119, and PED 228 (all C or better)Corequisite: MAS 112Additional Course Fee: $142 per unitVernon Hills1460 MAS 114-001 9-11:50 a.m. M 8/21 12/4

MAS 116 Clinical Skills and Special Populations 3 HoursPrerequisite: BIO 111, MAS 119, and PED 228 (all C or better)Corequisite: MAS 114Additional Course Fee: $142 per unitVernon Hills1463 MAS 116-001 12:30-4:30 p.m. T 8/22 12/5

MAS 119 Introduction to Massage Therapy 1 HourBLENDED: Vernon Hills1464 MAS 119-600 9 a.m.-12:50 p.m. S 8/21 9/161465 MAS 119-603 6-7:50 p.m. R 10/19 12/7

MAS 131 Massage Therapy I: Swedish 2 HoursPrerequisite: BIO 111, MAS 119, and PED 228 (all C or better)Corequisite: MAS 116Additional Course Fee: $142 per unitVernon Hills1461 MAS 131-001 9-11:50 a.m. WF 8/23 10/13

MAS 132 Massage Therapy II: Integrative 2 HoursPrerequisite: BIO 111, MAS 119, and PED 228 (all C or better)Corequisite: MAS 131Additional Course Fee: $142 per unitVernon Hills1462 MAS 132-001 9-11:50 a.m. WF 10/18 12/8

MAS 210 Massage Structure and Functions II 2 HoursPrerequisite: MAS 110, MAS 112, MAS 114, MAS 116, MAS 131, and MAS 132 (all C or better)Corequisite: MAS 212Additional Course Fee: $142 per unitVernon Hills1466 MAS 210-001 6-7:50 p.m. R 8/24 12/7

MAS 212 Kinesiology and Palpation II 2 HoursPrerequisite: MAS 110, MAS 112, MAS 114, MAS 116, MAS 131, and MAS 132 (all C or better)Corequisite: MAS 210Additional Course Fee: $142 per unitVernon Hills1467 MAS 212-001 6-8:50 p.m. T 8/22 12/5

MAS 214 Massage: Communication and Business II 3 HoursPrerequisite: MAS 110, MAS 112, MAS 114, MAS 116, MAS 131, and MAS 132 (all C or better)Corequisite: MAS 212Additional Course Fee: $142 per unitVernon Hills1468 MAS 214-001 8-9:50 p.m. R 8/24 12/7

MAS 233 Massage Therapy III: Rehabilitative 2 HoursPrerequisite: MAS 110, MAS 112, MAS 114, MAS 116, MAS 131, and MAS 132 (all C or better)Corequisite: MAS 214Additional Course Fee: $142 per unitVernon Hills1469 MAS 233-001 6-8:50 p.m. MW 8/21 10/16

MAS 234 Massage Therapy IV: Advanced Techniques 2 HoursPrerequisite: MAS 110, MAS 112, MAS 114, MAS 116, MAS 131, and MAS 132 (all C or better)Corequisite: MAS 233Additional Course Fee: $142 per unitVernon Hills1470 MAS 234-001 6-8:50 p.m. MW 10/18 12/6

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MAS 235 Therapeutic Massage Clinic 1 HourPrerequisite: MAS 110, MAS 112, MAS 114, MAS 116, MAS 131, and MAS 132 (all C or better)Corequisite: MAS 234Additional Course Fee: $142 per unitVernon Hills1471 MAS 235-001 9 a.m.-12:50 p.m. S 8/26 12/9

MATH COMPUTER SCIENCEEngineering, Math and Physical Sciences Division(847) 543-2044, www.clcillinois.edu/programs/mcs

MCS 121 Computer Sciecne Concepts 3 HoursPrerequisite: MTH 102 (C or Bbetter) and College Reading and Writing ReadinessVernon Hills3006 MCS 121-001 12-1:20 p.m. MW 8/21 12/6

MCS 140 Computer Programming for Engineers and Scientists 3 HoursPrerequisite: MTH 145 (C or better) or MTH 224 (C or better) or concurrentenrollment in MTH 145 or MTH 224Additional Course Fee: $25Grayslake3006 MCS 140-001 8:30-9:45 a.m. MW 8/21 12/63009 MCS 140-002 10-11:15 a.m. MW 8/21 12/6Online*3419 MCS 140-800 ONLINE 8/21 12/15

MCS 141 Computer Science I 4 HoursPrerequisites: MTH 108 or MTH 107 (both C or better) or an appropriate score on the Math Placement TestGrayslake3005 MCS 141-001 10-11:50 a.m. TR 8/22 12/73010 MCS 141-002 12-1:50 p.m. TR 8/22 12/7Vernon Hills3012 MCS 141-003 10-11:50 a.m. MW 8/21 12/6Online*3007 MCS 141-800 ONLINE 8/21 12/15

MCS 142 Computer Science II 3 HoursPrerequisite: MCS 140 (C or better) or MCS 141 (C or better) or CIT 137 (C or better) or CIT 141 (C or better)Additional Course Fee: $25Grayslake3008 MCS 142-001 6:30-9:15 p.m. T 8/22 12/5Online*3420 MCS 142-800 ONLINE 8/21 12/15

MCS 240 Computer Organization and Architecture 3 HoursPrerequisite: MCS 142 (C or better)Additional Course Fee: $25Grayslake3011 MCS 240-600 1-2 p.m. W 8/23 12/6

MATHEMATICSEngineering, Math and Physical Sciences Division(847) 543-2044, www.clcillinois.edu/programs/mth

MTH 101 Elementary Concepts of Mathematics 1-4 HoursPrerequisite: Score of 34 or higher on the arithmetic portion of the Math PlacementTest. A student who scores below 34 on the arithmetic portion of the MathPlacement Test should meet with a counselor to discuss options.Grayslake - 4 hours3026 MTH 101-001 7:30-9:50 a.m. TR 8/22 12/73080 MTH 101-002 10-11:50 a.m. MW 8/21 12/8 10-10:50 a.m. F 8/21 12/83028 MTH 101-003 10-11:50 a.m. MWF 9/11 12/83027 MTH 101-004 10 a.m.-12:20 p.m. TR 8/22 12/73188 MTH 101-005 12-1:50 p.m. MW 8/21 12/8 12-12:50 p.m. F 8/21 12/83135 MTH 101-007 1-3:20 p.m. TR 8/22 12/73029 MTH 101-008 4-6:20 p.m. MW 8/21 12/63030 MTH 101-010 7-9:20 p.m. MW 8/21 12/6Waukegan - 4 hours3316 MTH 101-006 12-1:50 p.m. MWF 9/11 12/83031 MTH 101-009 4-6:20 p.m. TR 8/22 12/7

INTEGERS, EXPRESSIONS AND EQUATIONSGrayslake3021 MTH 101-900 1 hr 8/21 12/8Waukegan3024 MTH 101-904 1 hr 8/21 12/8Vernon Hills3108 MTH 101-908 1 hr 8/21 12/8

FRACTIONS AND GEOMETRYGrayslake3178 MTH 101-901 1 hr 8/21 12/8Waukegan3181 MTH 101-905 1 hr 8/21 12/8Vernon Hills3183 MTH 101-909 1 hr 8/21 12/8

DECIMALS, RATIOS, RATES AND PROPORTIONSGrayslake3179 MTH 101-902 1 hr 8/21 12/8Waukegan3182 MTH 101-906 1 hr 8/21 12/8Vernon Hills3184 MTH 101-910 1 hr 8/21 12/8

PERCENTS, MEASUREMENT, CONVERSIONS AND GRAPHSGrayslake3180 MTH 101-903 1 hr 8/21 12/8Waukegan3186 MTH 101-907 1 hr 8/21 12/8Vernon Hills3185 MTH 101-911 1 hr 8/21 12/8

46 Final Exam Week: December 9-15, 2017 Course descriptions: www.clcillinois.edu/classes Questions: (847) 543-2061

Fall 2017 Credit Class Schedule Listing

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MTH 102 Basic Algebra 4 HoursPrerequisite: MTH 101 (C or better) or Basic Algebra Readiness which includes anappropriate score on the CLC Math Placement Test, Math ACT, or Math SAT.Grayslake3032 MTH 102-001 8-8:50 a.m. MTWR 8/21 12/73095 MTH 102-002 8-8:50 a.m. MTWR 8/21 12/73101 MTH 102-003 8-9:50 a.m. MW 8/21 12/63035 MTH 102-004 8-9:50 a.m. MW 8/21 12/63086 MTH 102-005 8-9:50 a.m. TR 8/22 12/73085 MTH 102-006 8-9:50 a.m. TR 8/22 12/73033 MTH 102-007 8 a.m.-12 p.m. S 8/26 12/93034 MTH 102-008 9-9:50 a.m. MTWR 8/21 12/73036 MTH 102-009 10-10:50 a.m. MTWR 8/21 12/73123 MTH 102-010 10-11:50 a.m. MW 8/21 12/63102 MTH 102-011 10-11:50 a.m. MW 8/21 12/63091 MTH 102-012 10-11:50 a.m. MW 8/21 12/63037 MTH 102-013 10-11:50 a.m. TR 8/22 12/73074 MTH 102-015 10-11:50 a.m. TR 8/22 12/73038 MTH 102-017 11-11:50 a.m. MTWR 8/21 12/73040 MTH 102-018 12-12:50 p.m. MTWR 8/21 12/73117 MTH 102-019 12-1:50 p.m. MW 8/21 12/63042 MTH 102-020 12-1:50 p.m. MW 8/21 12/63041 MTH 102-021 12-1:50 p.m. MW 8/21 12/63084 MTH 102-023 12-1:50 p.m. TR 8/22 12/73092 MTH 102-024 12-1:50 p.m. TR 8/22 12/73122 MTH 102-026 1-3:20 p.m. TR 9/12 12/73113 MTH 102-027 2-3:50 p.m. MW 8/21 12/63120 MTH 102-028 2-3:50 p.m. MW 8/21 12/63075 MTH 102-029 4-5:50 p.m. MW 8/21 12/63124 MTH 102-030 4-5:50 p.m. TR 8/22 12/73045 MTH 102-032 6-7:50 p.m. TR 8/22 12/73081 MTH 102-033 6-9:50 p.m. F 8/25 12/83022 MTH 102-034 8-9:50 p.m. MW 8/21 12/6BLENDED: Grayslake3107 MTH 102-600 12-1:50 p.m. F 8/25 12/8Waukegan3317 MTH 102-016 10 a.m.-12:20 p.m. TR 9/12 12/143039 MTH 102-025 12-1:50 p.m. TR 8/22 12/73046 MTH 102-031 6-7:50 p.m. MW 8/21 12/6Vernon Hills3096 MTH 102-014 10-11:50 a.m. TR 8/22 12/73161 MTH 102-022 12-1:50 p.m. TR 8/22 12/7Online*3025 MTH 102-800 ONLINE 8/21 12/153069 MTH 102-801 ONLINE 8/21 12/153119 MTH 102-802 ONLINE 8/21 12/15

MTH 104 Geometry 4 HoursPrerequisite: MTH 102 (C or better) or appropriate score on CLC Math Placement Test, Math ACT, or Math SAT.Grayslake3083 MTH 104-001 8-9:50 a.m. MW 8/21 12/63047 MTH 104-002 8-9:50 a.m. TR 8/22 12/73109 MTH 104-003 10-11:50 a.m. MW 8/21 12/63087 MTH 104-004 10-11:50 a.m. TR 8/22 12/73112 MTH 104-005 6-7:50 p.m. MW 8/21 12/63072 MTH 104-006 6-9:50 p.m. F 8/25 12/8

MTH 105 Preparatory Mathematics for General Education 5 HoursPrerequisite: MTH 101 (C or better) or Basic Algebra Readiness which includes anappropriate score on the CLC Math Placement Test, Math ACT, or Math SAT.Grayslake3325 MTH 105-001 8-9:50 a.m. MW 8/21 12/8 8-8:50 a.m. F 8/21 12/83327 MTH 105-002 8-9:50 a.m. MW 8/21 12/8 8-8:50 a.m. F 8/21 12/83328 MTH 105-003 10-11:50 a.m. MW 8/21 12/8 10-10:50 a.m. F 8/21 12/83330 MTH 105-005 10 a.m.-12:20 p.m. MW 8/21 12/63332 MTH 105-006 10 a.m.-12:20 p.m. TR 8/22 12/7

Continued in next column.

3333 MTH 105-007 10 a.m.-12:20 p.m. TR 8/22 12/73335 MTH 105-009 12-1:50 p.m. MW 8/21 12/8 12-12:50 p.m. F 8/21 12/83336 MTH 105-010 1-3:20 p.m. MW 8/21 12/63337 MTH 105-011 1-3:20 p.m. MW 8/21 12/63338 MTH 105-012 1-3:20 p.m. TR 8/22 12/73339 MTH 105-013 4-6:20 p.m. MW 8/21 12/63340 MTH 105-014 4-6:20 p.m. TR 8/22 12/73341 MTH 105-015 7-9:20 p.m. MW 8/21 12/63342 MTH 105-016 7-9:20 p.m. TR 8/22 12/7Waukegan3329 MTH 105-004 10 a.m.-12:20 p.m. MW 8/21 12/6Vernon Hills3334 MTH 105-008 10 a.m.-12 p.m. TR 8/22 12/7

MTH 108 Intermediate Algebra 5 HoursPrerequisite: MTH 102 or MTH 105 (C or better) or appropriate score on the CLC Math Placement Test, Math ACT, or Math SAT.Grayslake3343 MTH 108-001 7:30-9:50 a.m. MW 8/21 12/63344 MTH 108-002 7:30-9:50 a.m. MW 8/21 12/63345 MTH 108-003 7:30-9:50 a.m. TR 8/22 12/73138 MTH 108-004 7:30-9:50 a.m. TR 8/22 12/73156 MTH 108-005 8-8:50 a.m. MTWRF 8/21 12/83136 MTH 108-006 8-9:50 a.m. MW 8/21 12/8 8-8:50 a.m. F 8/21 12/83157 MTH 108-007 9-9:50 a.m. MTWRF 8/21 12/83137 MTH 108-008 10-11:50 a.m. MW 8/21 12/8 10-10:50 a.m. F 8/21 12/83346 MTH 108-009 10 a.m.-12:20 p.m. MW 8/21 12/63347 MTH 108-010 10 a.m.-12:20 p.m. MW 8/21 12/63349 MTH 108-012 10 a.m.-12:20 p.m. TR 8/22 12/73350 MTH 108-013 10 a.m.-12:20 p.m. TR 8/22 12/73140 MTH 108-014 10 a.m.-12:20 p.m. TR 8/22 12/73143 MTH 108-015 10 a.m.-12:20 p.m. TR 8/22 12/73351 MTH 108-016 1-3:20 p.m. MW 8/21 12/63142 MTH 108-017 1-3:20 p.m. MW 8/21 12/63352 MTH 108-020 1-3:20 p.m. TR 8/22 12/73148 MTH 108-021 1-3:20 p.m. TR 8/22 12/73149 MTH 108-022 1-3:20 p.m. TR 8/22 12/73198 MTH 108-023 1-3:50 p.m. TR 9/12 12/73144 MTH 108-024 4-6:20 p.m. MW 8/21 12/63145 MTH 108-025 4-6:20 p.m. MW 8/21 12/63146 MTH 108-026 4-6:20 p.m. TR 8/22 12/73160 MTH 108-027 6:30-9:20 p.m. TR 9/12 12/73147 MTH 108-028 7-9:20 p.m. MW 8/21 12/63353 MTH 108-029 7-9:20 p.m. MW 8/21 12/63159 MTH 108-030 7-9:20 p.m. TR 8/22 12/73354 MTH 108-031 7-9:20 p.m. TR 8/22 12/7BLENDED: Grayslake3150 MTH 108-600 1-3:20 p.m. W 8/23 12/6Vernon Hills3348 MTH 108-011 10 a.m.-12:20 p.m. MW 8/21 12/63158 MTH 108-018 1-3:20 p.m. MW 8/21 12/63199 MTH 108-019 1-3:50 p.m. MW 9/11 12/6Online*3151 MTH 108-800 ONLINE 8/21 12/153152 MTH 108-801 ONLINE 8/21 12/153355 MTH 108-802 ONLINE 8/21 12/15

MTH 114 Applied Mathematics I 3 HoursPrerequisite: Score of 34 or higher on the arithmetic portion of the math placementtest. A student who scores below 34 on the arithmetic portion of the mathplacement test should meet with a counselor to discuss options.Grayslake3097 MTH 114-001 8-8:50 a.m. MWF 8/21 12/83082 MTH 114-002 10-10:50 a.m. MWF 8/21 12/83049 MTH 114-004 7-9:45 p.m. W 8/23 12/63100 MTH 114-005 7-9:45 p.m. R 8/24 12/73048 MTH 114-006 7-9:45 p.m. F 8/25 12/8Waukegan3193 MTH 114-003 4-6:45 p.m. T 8/22 12/5

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MTH 115 Applied Mathematics II 3 HoursPrerequisite: MTH 114 or MTH 102 (C or better) or appropriate score on the CLCMath Placement Test, Math ACT, or Math SAT.Grayslake3050 MTH 115-001 7-9:45 p.m. M 8/21 12/4

MTH 117 Technical Mathematics I 3 HoursPrerequisite: MTH 114 or MTH 102 (C or better) or appropriate score on the CLCMath Placement Test, Math ACT, or Math SAT.Grayslake3020 MTH 117-001 7-9:45 p.m. W 8/23 12/6

MTH 121 Mathematics for Elementary Teaching I 3 HoursPrerequisite: MTH 104 (C or better) or one year of High School Geometry (C orbetter); AND MTH 108 or MTH 107 (both C or better) or appropriate score on CLCMath Placement Test, Math ACT, or Math SAT.Grayslake3093 MTH 121-001 11:30 a.m.-12:45 p.m. MW 8/21 12/63118 MTH 121-002 4-6:45 p.m. M 8/21 12/4

MTH 122 College Algebra 4 HoursPrerequisite: MTH 104 (C or better) or one year of High School Geometry (C orbetter); AND MTH 108 or MTH 107 (both C or better) or appropriate score on CLCMath Placement Test, Math ACT, or Math SAT.Grayslake3103 MTH 122-001 8-9:50 a.m. MW 8/21 12/63051 MTH 122-002 8-9:50 a.m. TR 8/22 12/73166 MTH 122-003 10-11:50 a.m. MW 8/21 12/63094 MTH 122-004 10-11:50 a.m. TR 8/22 12/73052 MTH 122-006 12-1:50 p.m. TR 8/22 12/73121 MTH 122-007 2-3:50 p.m. MW 8/21 12/63098 MTH 122-008 6-7:50 p.m. TR 8/22 12/73053 MTH 122-009 8-9:50 p.m. MW 8/21 12/6Vernon Hills3363 MTH 122-005 12-1:50 p.m. MW 8/21 12/6Online*3194 MTH 122-800 ONLINE 8/21 12/15

MTH 123 Trigonometry 3 HoursPrerequisite: MTH 122 (C or better) or concurrent enrollment in MTH 122 or anappropriate score on the CLC Math Placement Test, Math ACT, or Math SAT.Grayslake3054 MTH 123-001 1-2:15 p.m. TR 8/22 12/73104 MTH 123-002 5:30-6:45 p.m. TR 8/22 12/7

MTH 127 Finite Mathematics I 3 HoursPrerequisite: MTH 122 (C or better) or appropriate score on the CLC Math PlacementTest, Math ACT, or Math SAT.Grayslake3055 MTH 127-001 1-2:15 p.m. MW 8/21 12/6Online*3195 MTH 127-800 ONLINE 8/21 12/15

MTH 140 Contemporary Mathematics 3 HoursPrerequisite: MTH 105 (C or better) –OR– MTH 106 (C or better) –OR– [two years ofHS Algebra (C or better) –AND– Basic Algebra Readiness] –OR– appropriate score onCLC Math Placement Test, Math ACT or Math SAT.Grayslake3114 MTH 140-001 8:30-9:45 a.m. MW 8/21 12/63111 MTH 140-002 10-11:15 a.m. TR 8/22 12/73167 MTH 140-003 11-11:50 a.m. MWF 8/21 12/83168 MTH 140-004 11:30 a.m.-12:45 p.m. TR 8/22 12/73110 MTH 140-005 7-9:45 p.m. W 8/23 12/6Online*3115 MTH 140-800 ONLINE 8/21 12/15

MTH 141 Quantitative Literacy 3 HoursPrerequisite: MTH 105 (C or better) –OR– MTH 106 (C or better) –OR– [two years ofHS Algebra (C or better) –AND– Basic Algebra Readiness] –OR– appropriate score onCLC Math Placement Test, Math ACT or Math SAT.Grayslake3130 MTH 141-001 8:30-9:45 a.m. MW 8/21 12/63153 MTH 141-002 10-10:50 a.m. MWF 8/21 12/83056 MTH 141-003 10-11:15 a.m. TR 8/22 12/73073 MTH 141-004 11:30 a.m.-12:45 p.m. TR 8/22 12/73171 MTH 141-005 2:30-3:45 p.m. TR 8/22 12/7Online*3088 MTH 141-800 ONLINE 8/21 12/15

MTH 142 General Education Statistics 3 HoursPrerequisite: MTH 105 (C or better) –OR– MTH 106 (C or better) –OR– [two years ofHS Algebra (C or better) –AND– Basic Algebra Readiness] –OR– appropriate score onCLC Math Placement Test, Math ACT or Math SAT.Grayslake3393 MTH 142-001 8:30-9:45 a.m. TR 8/21 12/143395 MTH 142-003 1-2:15 p.m. TR 8/22 12/143397 MTH 142-005 7-9:45 p.m. M 8/21 12/4BLENDED: Grayslake3398 MTH 142-600 1-2:15 p.m. R 8/24 12/7Vernon Hills3394 MTH 142-002 10-11:15 a.m. TR 8/22 12/73396 MTH 142-004 4-5:15 p.m. TR 8/22 12/14Online*3399 MTH 142-800 ONLINE 8/21 12/15

MTH 144 Precalculus 5 HoursPrerequisite: MTH 104 (C or better) or one year of High School Geometry (C orbetter); AND MTH 108 or MTH 107 (both B or better) or appropriate score on CLCMath Placement Test, Math ACT, or Math SAT.Grayslake3131 MTH 144-001 7:30-9:50 a.m. TR 8/22 12/73057 MTH 144-002 8-9:50 a.m. MW 8/21 12/8 8-8:50 a.m. F 8/21 12/83058 MTH 144-003 10-11:50 a.m. MW 8/21 12/8 10-10:50 a.m. F 8/21 12/83019 MTH 144-004 1-3:20 p.m. MW 8/21 12/63187 MTH 144-005 1-3:20 p.m. TR 8/22 12/73125 MTH 144-006 4-6:20 p.m. MW 8/21 12/63059 MTH 144-008 7-9:20 p.m. TR 8/22 12/7Vernon Hills3126 MTH 144-007 7-9:20 p.m. MW 8/21 12/6

MTH 145 Calculus and Analytic Geometry I 5 HoursPrerequisite: MTH 123 (C or better) or MTH 144 (C or better) or appropriate score onCLC Math Placement Test, Math ACT, or Math SAT.Grayslake3172 MTH 145-001 7:30-9:50 a.m. TR 8/22 12/73060 MTH 145-002 8-9:50 a.m. MW 8/21 12/8 8-8:50 a.m. F 8/21 12/83061 MTH 145-003 10-11:50 a.m. MW 8/21 12/8 10-10:50 a.m. F 8/21 12/83132 MTH 145-004 10 a.m.-12:20 p.m. TR 8/22 12/73076 MTH 145-005 1-3:20 p.m. TR 8/22 12/73127 MTH 145-006 4-6:20 p.m. MW 8/21 12/63062 MTH 145-007 7-9:20 p.m. TR 8/22 12/7

MTH 146 Calculus and Analytic Geometry II 4 HoursPrerequisite: MTH 145 (C or better)Grayslake3077 MTH 146-001 10-11:50 a.m. MW 8/21 12/63128 MTH 146-002 8-9:50 p.m. MW 8/21 12/63173 MTH 146-003 8-9:50 a.m. TR 8/22 12/73063 MTH 146-004 10-11:50 a.m. TR 8/22 12/7

48 Final Exam Week: December 9-15, 2017 Course descriptions: www.clcillinois.edu/classes Questions: (847) 543-2061

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Fall 2017 Credit Class Schedule Listing

MTH 221 Mathematics for Elementary Teaching II 3 HoursPrerequisite: MTH 121 (C or better)Grayslake3105 MTH 221-001 1-2:15 p.m. TR 8/22 12/73070 MTH 221-002 7-9:45 p.m. W 8/23 12/6

MTH 222 Business Statistics 4 HoursPrerequisite: MTH 107 (C or better) –OR– MTH 108 (C or better)–OR–appropriatescore on CLC Math Placement Test, Math ACT, or Math SAT.Grayslake3154 MTH 222-001 8-9:50 a.m. MW 8/21 12/63078 MTH 222-002 8-9:50 a.m. TR 8/22 12/73169 MTH 222-003 8 a.m.-12 p.m. S 8/26 12/93196 MTH 222-005 10-11:50 a.m. TR 8/22 12/73071 MTH 222-006 11-11:50 a.m. MTWR 8/21 12/73064 MTH 222-007 12-12:50 p.m. MTWR 8/21 12/73065 MTH 222-008 4-6:20 p.m. MW 9/11 12/63162 MTH 222-009 6-7:50 p.m. MW 8/21 12/63066 MTH 222-011 8-9:50 p.m. TR 8/22 12/73133 MTH 222-012 4-5:50 p.m. TR 8/22 12/7HONORS: GrayslakeHonors3364 MTH 222-650 10-11:50 a.m. MW 8/21 12/6Vernon Hills3116 MTH 222-004 10-11:50 a.m. MW 8/21 12/63106 MTH 222-010 6-7:50 p.m. TR 8/22 12/7BLENDED: Vernon Hills3129 MTH 222-600 12-1:50 p.m. W 8/23 12/6Online*3023 MTH 222-800 ONLINE 8/21 12/153099 MTH 222-801 ONLINE 8/21 12/15

MTH 224 Calculus for Business and Social Science 4 HoursPrerequisite: MTH 122 (C or better) or MTH 144 (C or better) or appropriate score onCLC Math Placement Test, Math ACT, or Math SAT.Grayslake3155 MTH 224-001 12-1:50 p.m. TR 8/22 12/73134 MTH 224-002 6-7:50 p.m. TR 8/22 12/7Online*3165 MTH 224-800 ONLINE 8/21 12/15

MTH 227 Ordinary Differential Equations 3 HoursPrerequisite: MTH 146 (C or better)Grayslake3067 MTH 227-001 5:30-6:45 p.m. TR 8/22 12/7

MTH 244 Discrete Mathematics 3 HoursPrerequisite: MTH 122 (C or better) or appropriate score on CLC Math PlacementTest, Math ACT, or Math SAT.Grayslake3174 MTH 244-001 1-2:15 p.m. TR 8/22 12/7

MTH 246 Calculus and Analytic Geometry III 4 HoursPrerequisite: MTH 146 (C or better)Grayslake3170 MTH 246-001 12-1:50 p.m. TR 8/22 12/73068 MTH 246-002 8-9:50 p.m. TR 8/22 12/7

MECHANICAL ENGINEERINGTECHNOLOGYEngineering, Math and Physical Sciences Division(847) 543-2044, www.clcillinois.edu/programs/met

MET 111 Manufacturing Processes 3 HoursPrerequisite: College Reading and Writing ReadinessGrayslake3014 MET 111-001 6-8:50 p.m. M 8/21 12/4

MET 112 Basic Metallurgy I 3 HoursPrerequisite: College Reading and Writing ReadinessGrayslake3018 MET 112-001 6-9 p.m. R 8/24 12/7

MET 212 Mechanisms 4 HoursGrayslake3424 MET 212-001 6-10 p.m. W 8/23 12/6

MET 299 Special Topics: Mechanical Engineering Technology 1 HourPrerequisite: To be determined relative to topic

MECHATRONICS MECHANICS: Grayslake3016 MET 299-001 6-9 p.m. T 8/22 12/5

MECHATRONICS BRIDGE – COMMUNICATIONS: Grayslake3013 MET 299-011 10-10:50 a.m. T 8/22 12/5

MECHATRONICS BRIDGE – MATHEMATICS: Grayslake3015 MET 299-111 8 a.m.-12 p.m. MTWRF 8/14 8/18

MEDICAL ASSISTINGBiological and Health Sciences Division(847) 543-2042, www.clcillinois.edu/programs/moa

MOA 111 Clinical Medical Assisting I 4 HoursPrerequisite: Basic Algebra Readiness, BIO 111 or BIO 244 and BIO 245 (all C orbetter)Corequisites: HIT 111, HIT 119 and MOA 112 (C or better if already completed)Additional Course Fee: $40Waukegan1499 MOA 111-001 9:30 a.m.-12:20 p.m. TR 8/22 12/7

MOA 112 Basic Medical Office and Billing Procedures 4 HoursPrerequisite: College Reading and Writing Readiness AND Basic Algebra ReadinessAdditional Course Fee: $15Waukegan1500 MOA 112-001 9:30-10:50 a.m. MW 8/21 12/6 11-11:50 a.m. MW 8/21 12/6BLENDED: Waukegan1503 MOA 112-600 11 a.m.-12:50 p.m. W 8/23, 9/13 9/27, 10/11 11/1, 11/15 & 12/13

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MOA 115 Insurance Coding for Medical Assistants 3 HoursPrerequisites: HIT 111, BIO 111 or BIO 244 and BIO 245 (all C or better)Corequisite: MOA 112 (C or better if already completed)Additional Course Fee: $15Waukegan1501 MOA 115-001 5:30-9:20 p.m. M 8/21 12/4

MOA 211 Clinical Medical Assisting II 4 HoursPrerequisite: BIO 111 or BIO 244 and BIO 245 AND HIT 111 , HIT 119 , MOA 111 andMOA 112 (all C or better)Corequisite: MOA 115 or HIT 117 and HIT 131 (formerly HIT 118) AND PBT 110 andPBT 115 (all C or better)Additional Course Fee: $40Waukegan1502 MOA 211-001 5:30-8:20 p.m. TR 8/22 12/7

MEDICAL IMAGINGBiological and Health Sciences Division(847) 543-2042, www.clcillinois.edu/programs/mim

MIM 110 Introduction to Medical Imaging 3 HoursPrerequisite: College Reading and Writing Readiness AND Basic Algebra ReadinessAdditional Course Fee: $10Grayslake1473 MIM 110-001 8:30-11:15 a.m. TR 8/22 10/171474 MIM 110-002 6-8:50 p.m. M 8/21 12/6

MIM 111 Radiographic Anatomy and Positioning I 5 HoursPrerequisite: Admission to the Medical Imaging ProgramAdditional Course Fee: $30Grayslake1475 MIM 111-001 1-2:50 p.m. MW 8/21 12/6 8-9:50 a.m. M 8/21 12/61476 MIM 111-002 1-2:50 p.m. MW 8/21 12/6 10-11:50 a.m. M 8/21 12/61477 MIM 111-003 1-2:50 p.m. MW 8/21 12/6 3-4:50 p.m. W 8/23 12/6

MIM 112 Principles of Radiographic Exposure 3 HoursPrerequisite: Admission to the Medical Imaging ProgramCorequisite: MIM 110 and MIM 111 (C or better in both)Additional Course Fee: $30Grayslake1478 MIM 112-001 8-11:50 a.m. W 8/23 12/61479 MIM 112-002 8-9:50 a.m. WF 8/23 12/81489 MIM 112-003 8-9:50 a.m. W 8/23 12/8 10-11:50 a.m. F 8/25 12/8

MIM 170 Introduction to the Clinical Education Center 1 HourPrerequisite: Admission to the Medical Imaging ProgramCorequisites: MIM 111 and MIM 112Additional Course Fee: $15Condell Medical Center1484 MIM 170-001 7 a.m.-3:30 p.m. TR 10/19 12/141485 MIM 170-002 7 a.m.-3:30 p.m. TR 10/19 12/141486 MIM 170-003 7 a.m.-3:30 p.m. TR 10/19 12/141487 MIM 170-004 7 a.m.-3:30 p.m. TR 10/19 12/141488 MIM 170-005 7 a.m.-3:30 p.m. TR 10/19 12/141490 MIM 170-006 7 a.m.-3:30 p.m. TR 10/19 12/141491 MIM 170-007 7 a.m.-3:30 p.m. TR 10/19 12/141492 MIM 170-008 7 a.m.-3:30 p.m. TR 10/19 12/14

MIM 210 Technical Aspects of Patient Care 2 HoursPrerequisite: MIM 115 and MIM 116 (both C or better).Additional Course Fee: $10Grayslake1480 MIM 210-001 8-9:50 a.m. R 8/24 12/7

MIM 211 Imaging Equipment 6 HoursPrerequisite: MIM 115 and MIM 116 (both C or better).Additional Course Fee: $35Grayslake1481 MIM 211-001 10 a.m.-12:20 p.m. TR 8/22 12/7 12:30-2:20 p.m. T 8/22 12/71482 MIM 211-002 10 a.m.-12:20 p.m. TR 8/22 12/7 8-9:50 a.m. T 8/22 12/7

MIM 212 Clinical Practice III 3 HoursPrerequisite: MIM 115 and MIM 116 (both C or better).Additional Course Fee: $20Hospital In-district1483 MIM 212-001 7 a.m.-4 p.m. MWF 8/21 12/15

MIM 251 MRI Physics & Instrumentation 3 HoursPrerequisite: Admission to the MRI ProgramOnline*3294 MIM 251-800 ONLINE 8/21 12/15

MIM 253 MRI Procedures 2 HoursPrerequisite: Admission to the MRI ProgramGrayslake3295 MIM 253-800 ONLINE 8/21 12/15

MIM 272 MRI Practicum 3-6 HoursPrerequisite: Admission to the MRI ProgramAdditional Course Fee: $15Grayslake3296 MIM 272-001 ARR 8/21 12/15

MUSICCommunication Arts, Humanities and Fine Arts Division(847) 543-2040, www.clcillinois.edu/programs/mus

MUS 120 Vocal Ensembles 1 HourCLC SINGERS: Grayslake2634 MUS 120-001 1-2:15 p.m. TR 8/22 12/7CHAMBER SINGERS: Grayslake2701 MUS 120-002 6-8 p.m. W 8/23 12/6CHOIR OF LAKE COUNTY: Grayslake2635 MUS 120-003 7-9 p.m. T 8/22 12/12GOSPEL CHOIR: Grayslake2686 MUS 120-004 7-9 p.m. M 8/21 12/11

MUS 121 Voice Class I 1 HourGrayslake2694 MUS 121-001 3-4:50 p.m. W 8/23 12/6

MUS 123 Wind Ensemble 1 HourWIND ENSEMBLE: Grayslake2637 MUS 123-001 7:30-9 p.m. R 8/24 12/7CONCERT BAND: Grayslake2636 MUS 123-002 7:30-9 p.m. W 8/23 12/6

50 Final Exam Week: December 9-15, 2017 Course descriptions: www.clcillinois.edu/classes Questions: (847) 543-2061

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MUS 124 Music Appreciation 3 HoursGrayslake2638 MUS 124-001 9-9:50 a.m. MWF 8/21 12/82639 MUS 124-002 10-11:15 a.m. TR 8/22 12/72640 MUS 124-003 11:30 a.m.-12:45 p.m. TR 8/22 12/72641 MUS 124-004 7-9:50 p.m. W 8/23 12/62693 MUS 124-005 6:30-9:15 p.m. T 8/22 12/52705 MUS 124-009 1-2:15 p.m. MW 8/21 12/6Online*2698 MUS 124-800 ONLINE 8/21 12/152699 MUS 124-801 ONLINE 8/21 12/152700 MUS 124-802 ONLINE 8/21 12/152702 MUS 124-803 ONLINE 8/21 12/15

MUS 125 Aural Skills I 1 HourCorequisite: MUS 128Grayslake2708 MUS 125-001 11:30 a.m.-12:20 p.m. MW 8/21 12/6

MUS 127 Fundamentals of Music Theory 3 HoursGrayslake2642 MUS 127-001 9-9:50 a.m. TR 8/22 12/72643 MUS 127-002 12-12:50 p.m. MW 8/21 12/6

MUS 128 Theory of Music I 3 HoursPrerequisite: MUS 127 (C or better) or a passing score on the Music TheoryPlacement examCorequisite: MUS 125Grayslake2644 MUS 128-001 10-11:15 a.m. MW 8/21 12/6

MUS 145 Piano Class I 1 HourAdditional Course Fee: $25Grayslake2647 MUS 145-001 1-1:50 p.m. MW 8/21 12/62697 MUS 145-002 9-9:50 a.m. MW 8/21 12/62695 MUS 145-003 10-10:50 a.m. TR 8/22 12/7

MUS 147 Guitar Class I 1 HourGrayslake3406 MUS 147-001 5-6:50 p.m. W 8/23 12/6

MUS 141 - 188 Applied Music - Grayslake 1-2 HoursAdditional Course Fee: $270 per unit

2630 MUS 141-001 Voice I (1 hour) 8/21 12/152631 MUS 141-002 Voice I (2 hour) 8/21 12/15

2632 MUS 143-001 Piano I (1 hour) 8/21 12/152633 MUS 143-002 Piano I (2 hour) 8/21 12/15

2645 MUS 144-001 Jazz Piano I (1 hour) 8/21 12/152646 MUS 144-002 Jazz Piano I (2 hour) 8/21 12/15

2648 MUS 163-001 String Bass I (1 hour) 8/21 12/152649 MUS 163-002 String Bass I (2 hour) 8/21 12/15

2650 MUS 164-001 Flute I (1 hour) 8/21 12/152651 MUS 164-002 Flute I (2 hour) 8/21 12/15

2652 MUS 166-001 Clarinet (1 hour) 8/21 12/152653 MUS 166-002 Clarinet (2 hour) 8/21 12/15

2654 MUS 180-001 Saxophone I (1 hour) 8/21 12/152655 MUS 180-002 Saxophone I (2 hour) 8/21 12/15

2656 MUS 181-001 Trumpet I (1 hour) 8/21 12/152657 MUS 181-002 Trumpet I (2 hour) 8/21 12/15

2704 MUS 182-001 French Horn I (1 hour) 8/21 12/15

2687 MUS 183-001 Trombone I (1 hour) 8/21 12/152688 MUS 183-002 Trombone I (2 hour) 8/21 12/15

Continued in next column.

2703 MUS 185-001 Tuba I (1 hour) 8/21 12/15

2658 MUS 186-001 Percussion I (1 hour) 8/21 12/152659 MUS 186-002 Percussion I (2 hour) 8/21 12/15

2660 MUS 187-001 Guitar I (1 hour) 8/21 12/152661 MUS 187-002 Guitar I (2hour) 8/21 12/15

2662 MUS 188-001 Electric Bass I (1 hour) 8/21 12/152663 MUS 188-002 Electric Bass I (2 hour) 8/21 12/15

MUS 223 Jazz Ensemble 1 HourJAZZ ENSEMBLE I: Grayslake2664 MUS 223-001 7:30-9 p.m. M 8/21 12/4JAZZ ENSEMBLE II: Grayslake2665 MUS 223-002 7:30-9 p.m. T 8/22 12/5JAZZ COMBOS: Grayslake2696 MUS 223-003 2-4 p.m. M 8/21 12/42709 MUS 223-004 3-4:45 p.m. W 8/23 12/6

MUS 225 Aural Skills III 1 HourPrerequisite: MUS 126 taken subsequent to Fall 2017 (C or better)Corequisite: MUS 228Grayslake3306 MUS 225-001 11:30 a.m.-12:20 p.m. TR 8/22 12/7

MUS 228 Theory of Music III 3 HoursPrerequisite: MUS 129 (C or better)Corequisite: MUS 225Grayslake2707 MUS 228-980 10-11:15 a.m. TR 8/22 12/7

MUS 241 - 288 Applied Music - Grayslake 1-2 HoursAdditional Course Fee: $270 per unit

2666 MUS 241-001 Voice II (1 hour) 8/21 12/152685 MUS 241-002 Voice II (2 hour) 8/21 12/15

2667 MUS 243-001 Piano II (1 hour) 8/21 12/152668 MUS 243-002 Piano II (2 hour) 8/21 12/15

2669 MUS 244-001 Jazz Piano II (1 hour) 8/21 12/152670 MUS 244-002 Jazz Piano II (2 hour) 8/21 12/15

2691 MUS 263-001 String Bass II (1 hour) 8/21 12/152692 MUS 263-002 String Bass II (2 hour) 8/21 12/15

2671 MUS 264-001 Flute II (1 hour) 8/21 12/152672 MUS 264-002 Flute II (2 hour) 8/21 12/15

2673 MUS 266-001 Clarinet II (1 hour) 8/21 12/152674 MUS 266-002 Clarinet II (2 hour) 8/21 12/15

2675 MUS 280-001 Saxophone II (1 hour) 8/21 12/152676 MUS 280-002 Saxophone II (2 hour) 8/21 12/15

2677 MUS 281-001 Trumpet II (1 hour) 8/21 12/152678 MUS 281-002 Trumpet II (2 hour) 8/21 12/15

2689 MUS 283-001 Trombone II (1 hour) 8/21 12/152690 MUS 283-002 Trombone II (2 hour) 8/21 12/15

2679 MUS 286-001 Percussion II (1 hour) 8/21 12/152680 MUS 286-002 Percussion II (2 hour) 8/21 12/15

2681 MUS 287-001 Guitar II (1 hour) 8/21 12/152682 MUS 287-002 Guitar II (2 hour) 8/21 12/15

2683 MUS 288-001 Electric Bass II (1 hour) 8/21 12/152684 MUS 288-002 Electric Bass II (2 hour) 8/21 12/15

MUS 299 Special Topics in Music 3 HoursCOMPOSITION OF MUSIC: Grayslake2706 MUS 299-001 1-1:50 p.m. TR 8/22 12/7

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NURSINGNursing Education office, (847) 543-2043 orBiological and Health Sciences Division, (847) 543-2042www.clcillinois.edu/programs/nur

NUR 110 Nurse Assisting 7 HoursPrerequisite: One of the following (or higher): TABE-10.0, APT-122, or ELI Accuplacer-285; OR ELI 103 and 104 (B or better); OR ELI 107, ELI 108, or ENG 108 (all C orbetter); OR College Reading and Writing Readiness AND 16 years or olderAdditional Course Fee: $25Grayslake1505 NUR 110-001 8 a.m.-1 p.m. MTWR 8/21 10/12 7:30 a.m.-1 p.m. MT 9/11 10/91506 NUR 110-005 4:30-9:30 p.m. MTWR 8/21 10/12 4:30-9:30 p.m. WR 9/7 10/111510 NUR 110-006 4:30-9:30 p.m. F 8/25 12/1 7:30 a.m.-2 p.m. S 8/26 12/21507 NUR 110-007 8 a.m.-1 p.m. MTWR 10/16 12/7 7:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. MT 11/6 12/51508 NUR 110-009 4:30-9:30 p.m. MTWR 10/16 12/7 4:30-9:30 p.m. WR 11/1 12/7Waukegan1509 NUR 110-010 8-11:45 a.m. TR 8/22 12/7 7:30 a.m.-1 p.m. F 9/29 12/11512 NUR 110-011 8 a.m.-1:30 p.m. F 8/25 12/2 7:30 a.m.-2 p.m. S 8/25 12/23730 NUR 110-013 4:30-8:15 p.m. TR 8/21 12/7 4:30-10 p.m. W 9/27 11/15Vernon Hills1514 NUR 110-008 8 a.m.-1 p.m. MTWR 10/16 12/7 7:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. MT 11/6 12/53731 NUR 110-014 4:30-9:30 p.m. MTWR 10/16 12/8

4:30-9:30 p.m. WR 11/08 12/63732 NUR 110-015 4:30-9:30 p.m. FS 8/25 12/2 7:30-2 p.m. S 9/30 11/18BLENDED: Vernon Hills1513 NUR 110-600 8 a.m.-2:30 p.m. TW 8/21 10/12

NURSING COURSES 6-9 HoursThe Nursing program at CLC is a limited enrollment program. Studentsmust be accepted into the Nursing program in order to enroll into thefollowing courses: PREREQUISITES are required.

NUR 133: Foundational Concepts of Nursing PracticeNUR 134: Medical Surgical NursingNUR 232: Mental Health NursingNUR 233: Family Centered Nursing CareNUR 234: Complex Medical, Surgical, and Leadership Nursing

PARALEGAL STUDIESBusiness and Social Sciences Division(847) 543-2047, www.clcillinois.edu/programs/pls

PLS 110 Introduction to Paralegal Studies 3 HoursPrerequisite: College Reading and Writing ReadinessGrayslake1965 PLS 110-001 10 a.m.-12:45 p.m. T 8/22 12/51966 PLS 110-002 6-8:45 p.m. T 8/22 12/51967 PLS 110-003 7-9:45 p.m. M 8/21 12/4

PLS 112 Legal Research and Writing I 3 HoursPrerequisite: PLS 110 (C or better)Grayslake1974 PLS 112-001 6-8:45 p.m. W 8/23 12/61968 PLS 112-002 10 a.m.-12:45 p.m. R 8/24 12/7

PLS 114 Litigation 3 HoursPrerequisite: PLS 110 (C or better)Grayslake1970 PLS 114-001 1-3:45 p.m. R 8/24 12/71969 PLS 114-002 7-9:45 p.m. R 8/24 12/7

PLS 118 Real Property Law 3 HoursPrerequisite: PLS 110 (C or better)BLENDED: Grayslake1978 PLS 118-600 5:30-6:45 p.m. T 8/22 12/5

PLS 210 Tort Law 3 HoursPrerequisite: PLS 110 (C or better)Grayslake1971 PLS 210-001 7-9:45 p.m. T 8/22 12/5

PLS 211 Drafting Legal Documents 3 HoursPrerequisite: PLS 110 (C or better) and PLS 112BLENDED: Grayslake1973 PLS 211-600 1-2:15 p.m. T 8/22 12/5

PLS 215 Immigration Law 3 HoursPrerequisite: PLS 110 (C or better)BLENDED: Grayslake1975 PLS 215-600 5:30-6:45 p.m. R 8/24 12/7

PLS 216 Intellectual Property Law 3 HoursPrerequisite: PLS 110 (C or better)Grayslake3256 PLS 216-001 7-9:45 p.m. M 8/21 12/11

PLS 234 Elder Law 3 HoursPrerequisite: PLS 110 (C or better)Grayslake3257 PLS 234-001 7-9:45 p.m. R 8/24 12/7

PLS 235 Law Office Technology 3 HoursPrerequisite: PLS 110 (C or better) AND AOS 112 or CIT 119 or CIT 120Additional Course Fee: $40Online*1976 PLS 235-800 ONLINE 8/21 12/15

PLS 250 Internship in Paralegal Studies 3 HoursPrerequisites: PLS 110 and PLS 112 and PLS 114 (all C or better) and Consent ofInstructorCorequisite: PLS 251Online*1972 PLS 250-800 ONLINE 9/18 12/11

PLS 251 Paralegal Studies Capstone 3 HoursPrerequisite: PLS 110, PLS 112, PLS 114 (all C or better) and completion of aminimum of two additional PLS courses.Online*1977 PLS 251-800 ONLINE 8/21 12/15

52 Final Exam Week: December 9-15, 2017 Course descriptions: www.clcillinois.edu/classes Questions: (847) 543-2061

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PERSONAL DEVELOPMENTCounseling, Advising and Transfer Center, (847) 543-2060,www.clcillinois.edu/counseling

PDS 120 Becoming A Successful College Student 2 HoursPrerequisite: College Reading and Writing Readiness OR Concurrent Enrollment inENG 108 or ENG 109 or ELI 108 or ELI 109 or ENG 100Grayslake2812 PDS 120-001 10-11:20 a.m. TR 8/22 11/22811 PDS 120-002 12-1:50 p.m. T 8/29 12/52813 PDS 120-003 6-7:50 p.m. T 8/29 12/52809 PDS 120-004 12-1:50 p.m. W 8/30 12/62802 PDS 120-005 4-5:50 p.m. W 8/30 12/6BLENDED: Grayslake2815 PDS 120-600 10-11:50 a.m. W 8/23, 8/30 9/20, 10/11 11/1 & 11/29Waukegan3293 PDS 120-100 2-3:50 p.m. W 8/30 12/6

PDS 121 Self-Empowerment 1 HourPrerequisite: ELI Accuplacer score of 235 or higher, OR APT score of 80 or higher; ORELI 103 OR ELI 104 OR ELI 107 OR ELI 108 OR ELI 109 OR College Reading and WritingReadinessGrayslake2801 PDS 121-001 2-3:50 p.m. W 8/23 10/112808 PDS 121-002 9 a.m.-4:30 p.m. S 11/4 11/112806 PDS 121-003 9 a.m.-4:30 p.m. S 12/2 12/9

PDS 122 Career Exploration 1 HourPrerequisite: ELI Accuplacer score of 235 or higher, OR APT score of 80 or higher; ORELI 103 OR ELI 104 OR ELI 107 OR ELI 108 OR ELI 109 OR College Reading and WritingReadinessAdditional Course Fee: $15Grayslake2805 PDS 122-001 6-7:50 p.m. M 8/21 10/162807 PDS 122-002 12-1:50 p.m. T 8/22 10/172803 PDS 122-003 10-11:50 a.m. W 8/23 10/112804 PDS 122-004 6-7:50 p.m. W 8/21 10/11Vernon Hills3307 PDS 122-200 10-11:50 a.m. W 8/23 10/11

PHILOSOPHYCommunication Arts, Humanities and Fine Arts Division(847) 543-2040, www.clcillinois.edu/programs/phi

PHI 121 Introduction to Philosophy 3 HoursPrerequisite: College Reading and Writing ReadinessGrayslake2712 PHI 121-001 8:30-9:45 a.m. MW 8/21 12/62711 PHI 121-002 8:30-9:45 a.m. TR 8/22 12/72735 PHI 121-004 2:30-3:45 p.m. MW 8/21 12/62713 PHI 121-006 11:30 a.m.-12:45 p.m. TR 8/22 12/72714 PHI 121-007 10-11:15 a.m. TR 8/22 12/72743 PHI 121-008 2:30-3:45 p.m. TR 8/22 12/72728 PHI 121-009 1-2:15 p.m. MW 8/21 12/62745 PHI 121-012 1-2:15 p.m. TR 8/22 12/7

Continued in next column.

EXISTENTIALISM: Grayslake2750 PHI 121-003 10-11:15 a.m. MW 8/21 12/8PHILOSPHY AND REALITY TV: Grayslake2724 PHI 121-014 6-8:40 p.m. T 8/29 12/5Vernon Hills3304 PHI 121-005 11:30 a.m.-12:45 p.m. TR 8/22 12/72732 PHI 121-013 11:30 a.m.-12:55 p.m. MW 8/28 12/62746 PHI 121-017 7-9:50 p.m. M 8/28 12/4Online*3303 PHI 121-850 ONLINE 10/16 12/15PHILOSPHY AND REALITY TV: Online*2733 PHI 121-800 ONLINE 8/21 12/15

PHI 122 Logic 3 HoursPrerequisite: College Reading and Writing Readiness OR concurrent enrollment inENG 109 or ELI 109 or ENG 100Grayslake2715 PHI 122-001 10-11:15 a.m. TR 8/22 12/72747 PHI 122-003 7-9:45 p.m. W 8/23 12/6BLENDED: Grayslake2739 PHI 122-600 11:30 a.m.-12:45 p.m. M 8/21 12/42751 PHI 122-601 10-11:15 a.m. W 8/23 12/6Vernon Hills3305 PHI 122-004 8:30-9:45 a.m. MW 8/21 12/7Online*2710 PHI 122-800 ONLINE 8/21 12/152727 PHI 122-801 ONLINE 8/21 12/152757 PHI 122-850 ONLINE 8/21 10/142759 PHI 122-851 ONLINE 10/16 12/16

PHI 123 Philosophy of Religion 3 HoursPrerequisite: College Reading and Writing ReadinessGrayslake2716 PHI 123-001 11:30 a.m.-12:45 p.m. MW 8/21 12/62748 PHI 123-002 11:30 a.m.-12:45 p.m. TR 8/22 12/72736 PHI 123-003 7-9:50 p.m. W 8/30 12/6

PHI 125 Introduction to Ethics 3 HoursPrerequisite: College Reading and Writing ReadinessGrayslake2717 PHI 125-001 11:30 a.m.-12:45 p.m. MW 8/21 12/62718 PHI 125-002 9-11:45 a.m. S 8/26 12/92719 PHI 125-003 8:30-9:45 a.m. TR 8/22 12/72730 PHI 125-004 10-11:15 a.m. MW 8/21 12/62729 PHI 125-005 11:30 a.m.-12:45 p.m. TR 8/22 12/72740 PHI 125-006 8:30-9:45 a.m. MW 8/21 12/62737 PHI 125-007 2:30-3:45 p.m. TR 8/22 12/72721 PHI 125-008 6-8:45 p.m. R 8/24 12/72722 PHI 125-010 7-9:50 p.m. W 8/23 12/62754 PHI 125-011 10 a.m.-12:45 p.m. F 8/25 12/82756 PHI 125-013 4-5:15 p.m. TR 8/22 12/72741 PHI 125-016 1-2:15 p.m. MW 8/21 12/62720 PHI 125-017 10-11:15 a.m. TR 8/22 12/72742 PHI 125-018 2:30-3:45 p.m. MW 8/21 12/6HONORS: Grayslake2753 PHI 125-650 1-2:15 p.m. MW 8/21 12/6Waukegan2723 PHI 125-014 5:30-8:15 p.m. TR 10/17 12/7Vernon Hills2734 PHI 125-012 1-2:25 p.m. TR 8/29 12/7Online*2731 PHI 125-800 ONLINE 8/21 12/152755 PHI 125-801 ONLINE 8/21 12/15

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PHI 126 World Religions 3 HoursPrerequisite: College Reading and Writing ReadinessGrayslake2726 PHI 126-001 10-11:15 a.m. MW 8/21 12/62725 PHI 126-002 10-11:15 a.m. TR 8/22 12/72738 PHI 126-003 6-8:45 p.m. T 8/22 12/5

PHI 128 Introduction to Social and Political Philosophy 3 HoursPrerequisite: College Reading and Writing ReadinessGrayslake3411 PHI 128-001 10-11:15 a.m. MW 8/21 12/06

PHI 221 Asian Philosophy 3 HoursPrerequisite: College Reading and Writing ReadinessVernon Hills2749 PHI 221-001 6-8:45 p.m. T 8/22 12/12

PHLEBOTOMY TECHNICIANBiological and Health Sciences Division(847) 543-2042, www.clcillinois.edu/programs/pbt

PBT 110 Introduction to Medical Lab Technology 2 HoursPrerequisite: High school diploma or GED; College Reading and Writing Readiness;Basic Algebra Readiness; and attended a Phlebotomy Program Information Session(within 2 years)Additional Course Fee: $40Waukegan1548 PBT 110-001 9-11:50 a.m. MTWR 8/21 9/141549 PBT 110-002 9-11:50 a.m. MTWR 10/16 11/91553 PBT 110-003 6-9 p.m. TR 8/22 10/17

PBT 115 Phlebotomy Techniques 2 HoursPrerequisite: PBT 110 (C or better)Additional Course Fee: $40Waukegan1550 PBT 115-001 9-11:50 a.m. MTWR 9/18 10/121551 PBT 115-002 9-11:50 a.m. MTWR 11/13 12/141554 PBT 115-003 6-9 p.m. TR 10/19 12/14

PBT 116 Clinical Phlebotomy 2 HoursPrerequisite: PBT 110, PBT 115 (both with C or better), and attendance ofPhlebotomy Information Session (within 2 years).Additional Course Fee: $20Hospital In-district1555 PBT 116-001 8/21 10/201552 PBT 116-002 10/16 12/14

PHYSICAL EDUCATIONBiological and Health Sciences Division(847) 543-2042, www.clcillinois.edu/programs/hwp

PED 121 Individual Activities 1 HourPrerequisite: ELI Accuplacer score of 235 or higher OR APT score of 80 or higher ORELI 103 OR ELI 104 OR ELI 107 OR College Reading and Writing Readiness

INTRODUCTION TO OLYMPIC WEIGHTLIFTING:A3 Performance Center1594 PED 121-081 7-8:50 p.m. W 8/30 12/16

Continued in next column.

TOTAL FITNESS: Grayslake1566 PED 121-003 ARR 8/28 12/151579 PED 121-004 ARR 9/6 12/151567 PED 121-005 ARR 9/11 12/151580 PED 121-006 ARR 10/16 12/15Online*3368 PED 121-800 ONLINE 8/21 12/15

STRENGTH TRAINING: GrayslakeAdditional Course Fee: $201559 PED 121-031 8-8:50 a.m. TR 8/29 12/73392 PED 121-032 1-1:50 p.m. MW 8/28 12/6

INTRODUCTION TO RUNNING: Grayslake1577 PED 121-035 8-9:50 a.m. S 8/26 10/14

PILATES: GrayslakeAdditional Course Fee: $201585 PED 121-041 11-11:50 a.m. TR 8/29 12/141586 PED 121-042 5-5:50 p.m. MW 8/28 12/13

T’AI CHI CHIH®-BEGINNING: GrayslakeAdditional Course Fee: $201560 PED 121-046 7-8:50 p.m. W 8/30 12/13

ZUMBA®: Grayslake1584 PED 121-049 11-11:50 a.m. MW 8/28 12/13

AIKIDO: GrayslakeAdditional Course Fee: $201569 PED 121-051 8-9:50 p.m. W 8/30 12/6

KICKBOXING: Grayslake1589 PED 121-060 9-10:50 a.m. W 8/30 12/6

SPINNING®: Grayslake1563 PED 121-063 5-5:50 p.m. TR 8/29 12/71575 PED 121-064 12-12:50 p.m. MW 8/28 12/6

BODY TONING-WOMEN: Grayslake1557 PED 121-068 7-7:50 p.m. MW 8/28 12/6

AEROBIC DANCE: Grayslake1556 PED 121-072 6-6:50 p.m. MW 8/28 12/6

PED 123 Team Sports I 1 HourSOFTBALL-FAST PITCH CO-ED: Grayslake1565 PED 123-001 1-2:50 p.m. WF 8/23 10/13

PED 160 Yoga I 1 HourGrayslake3675 PED 160-001 7-7:50 p.m. TR 8/29 12/73676 PED 160-002 12-12:50 p.m. TR 8/29 12/7

PED 220 Physical Education in the Elementary School 3 HoursPrerequisite: College Reading and Writing ReadinessBLENDED: Grayslake1561 PED 220-601 9-11:50 a.m. R 8/24 12/7

PED 221 Introduction to Physical Education 3 HoursPrerequisite: College Reading and Writing ReadinessGrayslake1590 PED 221-001 11:30 a.m.-12:45 p.m. TR 8/22 12/7

54 Final Exam Week: December 9-15, 2017 Course descriptions: www.clcillinois.edu/classes Questions: (847) 543-2061

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PED 228 First Aid/CPR 2 HoursPrerequisite: ELI Accuplacer score of 235 or higher OR APT score of 80 or higher ORELI 103 OR ELI 104 OR ELI 107 OR College Reading and Writing ReadinessGrayslake1562 PED 228-001 10-11:50 a.m. W 8/23 12/61588 PED 228-002 2-3:50 p.m. T 8/22 12/4BLENDED: Grayslake1581 PED 228-600 1-2:50 p.m. F 8/25 10/13BLENDED: Vernon Hills1582 PED 228-601 7-8:50 p.m. W 10/18 12/6

PED 242 Philosophy of Coaching 3 HoursPrerequisite: College Reading and Writing ReadinessAdditional Course Fee: $10BLENDED: Vernon Hills1572 PED 242-600 11 a.m.-12:15 p.m. TR 8/21 10/121573 PED 242-601 6-8:45 p.m. T 8/22 10/17

PED 243 Theory and Practice of Fitness 2 HoursPrerequisite: College Reading and Writing ReadinessGrayslake1570 PED 243-001 1-2:15 p.m. TR 8/22 12/7BLENDED: Vernon Hills1571 PED 243-600 6-7:45 p.m. M 8/21 12/4

PED 270 Biomechanics and Kinesiology 3 HoursPrerequisite: College Reading and Writing ReadinessGrayslake1574 PED 270-001 7-9:45 p.m. R 8/24 12/7

PED 271 Exercise Physiology 3 HoursPrerequisite: College Reading and Writing ReadinessOnline*1592 PED 271-800 ONLINE 8/21 12/15

PED 272 Exercise Testing and Prescription 3 HoursPrerequisite: PED 270 and PED 271 (both C or better)BLENDED: Vernon Hills1583 PED 272-600 7-8:45 p.m. W 8/21 12/6

PHYSICSEngineering, Math and Physical Sciences Division(847) 543-2044, www.clcillinois.edu/programs/phy

PHY 120 Practical Aspects of Physics 4 HoursPrerequisite: College Reading and Writing Readiness AND Basic Algebra ReadinessAdditional Course Fee: $10Grayslake3216 PHY 120-001 8-10:20 a.m. TR 8/22 12/73212 PHY 120-002 4:30-6:50 p.m. MW 8/21 12/6

PHY 121 General Physics I 5 HoursPrerequisites: MTH 108 or MTH 107 (both C or better) or an appropriate score onthe Math Placement Test or two years of High School Algebra or concurrentenrollment in MTH 117 - AND - College Reading and Writing ReadinessAdditional Course Fee: $10Grayslake3208 PHY 121-001 8-9:50 a.m. MWF 8/21 12/83209 PHY 121-002 11 a.m.-12:50 p.m. MW 8/21 12/8 12-12:50 p.m. TR 8/21 12/73210 PHY 121-004 7-9:50 p.m. TR 8/22 12/7Vernon Hills3409 PHY 121-003 7-9:50 p.m. MW 8/21 12/6

PHY 122 General Physics II 5 HoursPrerequisite: PHY 121Additional Course Fee: $10Grayslake3215 PHY 122-001 7-9:50 p.m. MW 8/21 12/6

PHY 123 Physics for Science and Engineering I 5 HoursPrerequisite: MTH 145Additional Course Fee: $10Grayslake3213 PHY 123-001 8-9:50 a.m. MWF 8/21 12/83211 PHY 123-002 1-2:50 p.m. MW 8/21 12/8 1-1:50 p.m. TR 8/21 12/73217 PHY 123-003 7-9:50 p.m. TR 8/22 12/7

PHY 124 Physics for Science and Engineering II 5 HoursPrerequisite: PHY 123 and MTH 146Additional Course Fee: $10Grayslake3214 PHY 124-001 11-11:50 a.m. MW 8/21 12/8 10-11:50 a.m. TR 8/22 12/5

POLITICAL SCIENCEBusiness and Social Sciences Division(847) 543-2047, www.clcillinois.edu/programs/psc

PSC 121 American National Politics 3 HoursPrerequisite: College Reading and Writing ReadinessGrayslake1981 PSC 121-001 8:30-9:45 a.m. TR 8/22 12/71983 PSC 121-002 10-11:15 a.m. MW 8/21 12/61982 PSC 121-003 10-11:15 a.m. TR 8/22 12/71984 PSC 121-004 10 a.m.-12:50 p.m. F 9/1 12/81988 PSC 121-005 11:30 a.m.-12:50 p.m. MW 8/28 12/61985 PSC 121-006 1-2:15 p.m. TR 8/22 12/71986 PSC 121-008 7-9:45 p.m. R 8/24 12/7Vernon Hills3259 PSC 121-007 7-9:50 p.m. M 8/28 12/4Online*1989 PSC 121-801 ONLINE 9/6 12/151990 PSC 121-850 ONLINE 8/21 10/15

PSC 122 State and Local Politics 3 HoursPrerequisite: College Reading and Writing ReadinessGrayslake1987 PSC 122-001 11:30 a.m.-12:45 p.m. MW 8/21 12/6Online*3315 PSC 122-800 ONLINE 8/28 12/15

PSC 221 Comparative Political Systems 3 HoursPrerequisite: College Reading and Writing ReadinessGrayslake1997 PSC 221-001 7-9:45 p.m. W 8/23 12/6

PSC 222 International Relations 3 HoursPrerequisite: College Reading and Writing ReadinessGrayslake1980 PSC 222-001 1-2:15 p.m. TR 8/22 12/7

55Key to codes: See page 11. * ONLINE Section Additional Course Fee: $5 per credit hour

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PSYCHOLOGYBusiness and Social Sciences Division(847) 543-2047, www.clcillinois.edu/programs/psy

PSY 121 Introduction to Psychology 3 HoursPrerequisite: College Reading and Writing Readiness OR concurrent enrollment in ENG 109 or ELI 109 or ENG 100Note: For online sections, College Reading and Writing Readiness is requiredGrayslake2063 PSY 121-001 7-8:15 a.m. MW 8/21 12/62002 PSY 121-002 8-8:50 a.m. MWF 8/21 12/82003 PSY 121-003 8:30-9:45 a.m. MW 8/21 12/62049 PSY 121-004 8:30-10:45 a.m. MW 9/25 12/62004 PSY 121-006 8:30-9:45 a.m. TR 8/22 12/72037 PSY 121-007 8:30-9:45 a.m. TR 8/22 12/72008 PSY 121-008 8:30-10:45 a.m. TR 9/26 12/72038 PSY 121-009 8:30-11:15 a.m. F 8/25 12/82005 PSY 121-010 9-9:50 a.m. MWF 8/21 12/82007 PSY 121-011 9-11:55 a.m. S 8/26 12/92076 PSY 121-012 10-11:15 a.m. MW 8/21 12/62012 PSY 121-015 10-10:50 a.m. MWF 8/21 12/82050 PSY 121-016 10-10:50 a.m. MWF 8/21 12/82010 PSY 121-017 10-11:15 a.m. TR 8/22 12/72085 PSY 121-019 10 a.m.-12:50 p.m. TR 10/17 12/72009 PSY 121-020 10 a.m.-12:45 p.m. T 8/22 12/52011 PSY 121-021 10 a.m.-12:45 p.m. R 8/24 12/72014 PSY 121-022 11-11:50 a.m. MWF 8/21 12/82015 PSY 121-023 11:30 a.m.-12:45 p.m. MW 8/21 12/62016 PSY 121-025 11:30 a.m.-12:45 p.m. TR 8/22 12/72042 PSY 121-026 11:30 a.m.-12:45 p.m. TR 8/22 12/72006 PSY 121-028 11:30 a.m.-2:15 p.m. W 8/23 12/62017 PSY 121-029 12-12:50 p.m. MWF 8/21 12/82044 PSY 121-030 1-2:20 p.m. MW 8/28 12/62018 PSY 121-031 1-1:50 p.m. MWF 8/21 12/82020 PSY 121-032 1-2:15 p.m. TR 8/22 12/72043 PSY 121-034 1-2:20 p.m. TR 8/29 12/72019 PSY 121-035 1-3:45 p.m. T 8/22 12/52021 PSY 121-036 1-3:45 p.m. R 8/24 12/72022 PSY 121-037 2:30-3:45 p.m. MW 8/21 12/62041 PSY 121-038 2:30-3:50 p.m. MW 8/28 12/62069 PSY 121-039 2:30-3:45 p.m. TR 8/22 12/72023 PSY 121-040 2:30-5:20 p.m. TR 10/17 12/72024 PSY 121-041 4-6:45 p.m. M 8/21 12/42070 PSY 121-042 4-5:15 p.m. TR 8/22 12/72025 PSY 121-043 4-6:45 p.m. W 8/23 12/62026 PSY 121-044 4-6:45 p.m. F 8/25 12/82027 PSY 121-045 7-9:50 p.m. M 8/28 12/42040 PSY 121-046 7-9:50 p.m. T 8/29 12/52028 PSY 121-047 7-9:45 p.m. W 8/23 12/62030 PSY 121-049 7-9:45 p.m. R 8/24 12/7HONORS: Grayslake2054 PSY 121-650 10-11:15 a.m. TR 8/22 12/7Waukegan2013 PSY 121-013 10-11:15 a.m. MW 8/21 12/62073 PSY 121-018 10-11:15 a.m. TR 8/22 12/72029 PSY 121-048 7-9:45 p.m. W 8/23 12/6Vernon Hills2051 PSY 121-005 8:30-9:45 a.m. TR 8/22 12/72068 PSY 121-014 10-11:15 a.m. MW 8/21 12/62045 PSY 121-024 11:30 a.m.-12:45 p.m. MW 8/21 12/62064 PSY 121-027 11:30 a.m.-12:45 p.m. TR 8/22 12/72074 PSY 121-033 1-2:15 p.m. TR 8/22 12/7Online*2001 PSY 121-800 ONLINE 8/21 12/151998 PSY 121-801 ONLINE 8/21 12/15

Continued in next column.

1999 PSY 121-802 ONLINE 8/28 12/153260 PSY 121-803 ONLINE 9/6 12/152082 PSY 121-804 ONLINE 9/25 12/152048 PSY 121-805 ONLINE 10/2 12/152053 PSY 121-806 ONLINE 10/9 12/152086 PSY 121-807 ONLINE 10/16 12/153261 PSY 121-850 ONLINE 8/21 9/242087 PSY 121-851 ONLINE 10/30 12/103575 PSY 121-852 ONLINE 9/25 10/29

PSY 122 Industrial/Organizational Psychology 3 HoursPrerequisite: College Reading and Writing ReadinessGrayslake2084 PSY 122-001 10-11:15 a.m. TR 8/22 12/7

PSY 220 Lifespan Development 3 HoursPrerequisite: PSY 121 (C or better)Grayslake2059 PSY 220-001 8:30-11:15 a.m. W 8/23 12/62056 PSY 220-002 10-11:15 a.m. MW 8/21 12/62058 PSY 220-004 11-11:50 a.m. MWF 8/21 12/82077 PSY 220-005 1-3:45 p.m. MW 8/21 10/112075 PSY 220-006 1-3:50 p.m. MW 10/16 12/62061 PSY 220-007 1-2:15 p.m. TR 8/22 12/72071 PSY 220-008 7-9:45 p.m. M 8/21 12/42060 PSY 220-009 7-9:45 p.m. R 8/24 12/7Vernon Hills2057 PSY 220-003 10-11:20 a.m. TR 8/29 12/7Online*2065 PSY 220-800 ONLINE 8/21 12/152066 PSY 220-801 ONLINE 8/21 12/152083 PSY 220-802 ONLINE 10/2 12/152078 PSY 220-803 ONLINE 10/16 12/15

PSY 222 Child Growth and Development 3 HoursPrerequisite: PSY 121 (C or better)Grayslake2032 PSY 222-001 8:30-9:45 a.m. MW 8/21 12/62031 PSY 222-002 10 a.m.-12:15 p.m. TR 9/26 12/72033 PSY 222-003 1-2:15 p.m. TR 8/22 12/7Online*2039 PSY 222-800 ONLINE 8/21 12/152067 PSY 222-801 ONLINE 9/6 12/15

PSY 223 Abnormal Psychology 3 HoursPrerequisite: PSY 121 (C or better)Grayslake2035 PSY 223-001 8:30-9:45 a.m. TR 8/22 12/72046 PSY 223-002 11:30 a.m.-12:45 p.m. TR 8/22 12/72034 PSY 223-003 1-2:15 p.m. MW 8/21 12/6Online*2052 PSY 223-800 ONLINE 8/21 12/15

PSY 224 Theories of Personality 3 HoursPrerequisite: PSY 121 (C or better)Grayslake2055 PSY 224-001 11:30 a.m.-12:45 p.m. MW 8/21 12/6

PSY 225 Social Psychology 3 HoursPrerequisite: PSY 121 (C or better)Grayslake2072 PSY 225-001 10-11:15 a.m. MW 8/21 12/62036 PSY 225-002 1-2:15 p.m. TR 8/22 12/7

56 Final Exam Week: December 9-15, 2017 Course descriptions: www.clcillinois.edu/classes Questions: (847) 543-2061

Fall 2017 Credit Class Schedule Listing

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PSY 226 Adolescent Development 3 HoursPrerequisite: PSY 121 (C or better)Grayslake2000 PSY 226-001 1-2:15 p.m. MW 8/21 12/6Online*2047 PSY 226-800 ONLINE 9/18 12/15

PSY 228 Human Sexuality 3 HoursPrerequisite: PSY 121 (C or better)Grayslake2079 PSY 228-001 10-11:15 a.m. TR 8/22 12/7Online*2080 PSY 228-800 ONLINE 8/21 12/15

PSY 248 Psychology of the Criminal Mind 3 HoursPrerequisite: PSY 121 C or better,Recommended: CRJ 219Grayslake2081 PSY 248-001 11:30 a.m.-12:45 p.m. MW 8/21 12/6Online*2062 PSY 248-800 ONLINE 8/21 12/15

RUSSIANCommunication Arts, Humanities and Fine Arts Division(847) 543-2040, www.clcillinois.edu/programs/for

RUS 121 Beginning Russian I 4 HoursVernon Hills2761 RUS 121-001 6-7:50 p.m. TR 8/22 12/7

RUS 122 Beginning Russian II 4 HoursPrerequisite: RUS 121Vernon Hills2762 RUS 122-001 8-9:50 p.m. TR 8/22 12/7

SIGN LANGUAGECommunication Arts, Humanities and Fine Arts Division(847) 543-2040

SGN 121 American Sign Language I 4 HoursPrerequisite: College Reading and Writing ReadinessGrayslake2764 SGN 121-001 4-5:50 p.m. MW 8/21 12/62765 SGN 121-002 4-5:50 p.m. TR 8/22 12/7

SGN 122 American Sign Language II 4 HoursPrerequisite: SGN 121 with a grade of C or betterGrayslake3271 SGN 122-001 6-7:50 p.m. TR 8/22 12/7

SOCIAL WORKBusiness and Social Sciences Division(847) 543-2047, www.clcillinois.edu/programs/swk

SWK 121 Introduction to Social Work 3 HoursPrerequisite: College Reading and Writing ReadinessGrayslake2128 SWK 121-001 10-11:15 a.m. MW 8/21 12/63283 SWK 121-002 11:30 a.m.-12:45 p.m. TR 8/22 12/72129 SWK 121-003 1-3:50 p.m. W 8/30 12/62131 SWK 121-004 7-9:45 p.m. R 8/24 12/7Online*2130 SWK 121-800 ONLINE 8/23 12/15

SWK 228 Human Sexuality 3 HoursPrerequisite: PSY 121 (C or better)Grayslake2132 SWK 228-001 10-11:15 a.m. TR 8/22 12/7Online*2133 SWK 228-800 ONLINE 8/21 12/15

SOCIOLOGYBusiness and Social Sciences Division(847) 543-2047, www.clcillinois.edu/programs/soc

SOC 121 Introduction to Sociology 3 HoursPrerequisite: College Reading and Writing ReadinessGrayslake2088 SOC 121-001 8-8:50 a.m. MWF 8/21 12/82090 SOC 121-002 8:30-9:45 a.m. MW 8/21 12/62089 SOC 121-004 8:30-9:45 a.m. TR 8/22 12/72106 SOC 121-005 8:30-11:20 a.m. W 8/30 12/62091 SOC 121-006 9-9:50 a.m. MWF 8/21 12/82093 SOC 121-007 10-10:50 a.m. MWF 8/21 12/82092 SOC 121-008 10-11:15 a.m. TR 8/22 12/72103 SOC 121-009 10 a.m.-12:50 p.m. F 9/1 12/82094 SOC 121-010 11-11:50 a.m. MWF 8/21 12/82096 SOC 121-011 11:30 a.m.-12:50 p.m. MW 8/28 12/62095 SOC 121-012 11:30 a.m.-12:45 p.m. TR 8/22 12/72098 SOC 121-013 1-2:15 p.m. MW 8/21 12/62097 SOC 121-014 1-2:15 p.m. TR 8/22 12/72099 SOC 121-015 2:30-3:50 p.m. MW 8/28 12/62111 SOC 121-016 4-6:50 p.m. TR 10/17 12/72100 SOC 121-017 7-9:45 p.m. R 8/24 12/7HONORS: Grayslake2123 SOC 121-650 8:30-9:45 a.m. TR 8/22 12/7Waukegan2120 SOC 121-018 7-9:50 p.m. T 8/29 12/5Vernon Hills2105 SOC 121-003 8:30-9:50 a.m. MW 8/28 12/6Online*2109 SOC 121-800 ONLINE 8/21 10/162104 SOC 121-801 ONLINE 8/21 12/152114 SOC 121-802 ONLINE 9/6 12/152107 SOC 121-803 ONLINE 9/18 12/152124 SOC 121-850 ONLINE 10/23 12/15

57Key to codes: See page 11. * ONLINE Section Additional Course Fee: $5 per credit hour

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SOC 222 Social Problems 3 HoursPrerequisite: College Reading and Writing ReadinessRecommended: SOC 121Grayslake2101 SOC 222-001 10-11:15 a.m. TR 8/22 12/72108 SOC 222-002 7-9:50 p.m. M 8/28 12/4Online*2121 SOC 222-800 ONLINE 10/10 12/15

SOC 223 Deviance 3 HoursPrerequisite: College Reading and Writing ReadinessRecommended: SOC 121

SOCIOLOGY OF VIOLENT AND DEVIANT BEHAVIOR: Grayslake2117 SOC 223-001 10-10:50 a.m. MWF 8/21 12/8

SOC 224 Sociology of the Family 3 HoursPrerequisite: College Reading and Writing ReadinessRecommended: SOC 121Grayslake2118 SOC 224-002 11:30 a.m.-12:45 p.m. MW 8/21 12/62115 SOC 224-003 7-9:50 p.m. W 8/30 12/6Online*2119 SOC 224-800 ONLINE 9/6 12/15

SOC 225 Class, Race, and Gender 3 HoursPrerequisite: College Reading and Writing ReadinessRecommended: SOC 121Grayslake2102 SOC 225-002 11:30 a.m.-12:50 p.m. TR 8/29 12/7

AFRICAN AMERICAN EXPERIENCE: Grayslake2122 SOC 225-001 10 a.m.-12:15 p.m. MW 9/25 12/6

SOC 229 Sex, Gender, and Power 3 HoursPrerequisite: College Reading and Writing ReadinessRecommended: SOC 121Grayslake2110 SOC 229-001 10-11:15 a.m. MW 8/21 12/62112 SOC 229-002 1-2:15 p.m. TR 8/22 12/72116 SOC 229-003 7-9:50 p.m. T 8/29 12/5Online*2113 SOC 229-800 ONLINE 9/6 12/15

SPANISHCommunication Arts, Humanities and Fine Arts Division(847) 543-2040, www.clcillinois.edu/programs/for

SPA 121 Beginning Conversational Spanish I 4 HoursGrayslake2768 SPA 121-001 8-9:50 a.m. MW 8/21 12/62779 SPA 121-002 6-7:50 p.m. TR 8/22 12/72773 SPA 121-003 10-11:50 a.m. TR 8/22 12/72769 SPA 121-004 12-1:50 p.m. MW 8/21 12/6BLENDED: Vernon Hills2774 SPA 121-600 4-6:30 p.m. M 8/21 12/4Online*2766 SPA 121-800 ONLINE 8/21 12/15

SPA 122 Beginning Conversational Spanish II 4 HoursPrerequisite: SPA 121 or Instructor ConsentGrayslake2770 SPA 122-001 12-1:50 p.m. MW 8/21 12/6Online*2767 SPA 122-800 ONLINE 8/21 12/15

SPA 221 Intermediate Spanish I 4 HoursPrerequisite: SPA 122Grayslake2777 SPA 221-001 10-11:50 a.m. MW 8/21 12/6

SPA 222 Intermediate Spanish II 4 HoursPrerequisite: SPA 221Grayslake2775 SPA 222-001 10-11:50 a.m. MW 8/21 12/6Online*2778 SPA 222-800 ONLINE 8/21 12/15

SPA 223 Spanish Civilization I 3 HoursPrerequisite: SPA 222Grayslake2771 SPA 223-001 12-2:45 p.m. T 8/22 12/5

SPA 224 Spanish Civilization II 3 HoursPrerequisite: SPA 223Grayslake2772 SPA 224-001 12-2:45 p.m. T 8/22 12/5

SURGICAL TECHNOLOGYBiological and Health Sciences Division(847) 543-2042, www.clcillinois.edu/programs/srg

SRG 110 Introduction to Surgical Technology 6 HoursPrerequisites: BIO 111 OR BIO 244 and BIO 245 (all C or better), and admission to theSurgical Technology ProgramAdditional Course Fee: $30Grayslake1598 SRG 110-001 8-11:50 a.m. TR 8/21 10/17 1-4:50 p.m. MT 8/21 10/171600 SRG 110-002 8-11:50 a.m. TR 8/22 10/17 1-4:50 p.m. WR 8/22 10/17

SRG 111 Principles of Practice and Introduction to Surgical Procedures 7 HoursPrerequisite: SRG 110 (C or better)Additional Course Fee: $35Grayslake1599 SRG 111-001 9 a.m.-2 p.m. TR 10/26 12/7 6:50 a.m.-3:30 p.m. ARR 10/26 12/14

SRG 118 Advanced Surgical Procedures 3 HoursPrerequisite: Completion of the Surgical Technology Certificate ProgramGrayslake1601 SRG 118-001 5:30-8:15 p.m. W 8/23 12/6

58 Final Exam Week: December 9-15, 2017 Course descriptions: www.clcillinois.edu/classes Questions: (847) 543-2061

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59Key to codes: See page 11. * ONLINE Section Additional Course Fee: $5 per credit hour

Fall 2017 Credit Class Schedule Listing

THEATRECommunication Arts, Humanities and Fine Arts Division(847) 543-2040, www.clcillinois.edu/programs/the

THE 121 Introduction to Theatre I 3 HoursPrerequisite: College Reading and Writing Readiness OR concurrent enrollment inENG 109 or ELI 109 or ENG 100Grayslake2788 THE 121-001 11:30 a.m.-12:50 p.m. MW 8/28 12/62783 THE 121-002 11:30 a.m.-12:45 p.m. TR 8/22 12/7BLENDED: Grayslake2793 THE 121-600 7-8:25 p.m. T 8/29 12/5

THE 123 Diversity in American Theatre 3 HoursPrerequisite: College Reading and Writing ReadinessGrayslake2786 THE 123-001 10-11:20 a.m. TR 8/29 12/7

THE 125 Principles of Acting 3 HoursPrerequisite: College Reading and Writing Readiness OR concurrent enrollment inENG 109 or ELI 109 or ENG 100Grayslake3308 THE 125-001 10-11:15 a.m. MW 8/21 12/62794 THE 125-002 11:30 a.m.-12:50 p.m. TR 8/29 12/7

THE 126 Stagecraft 3 HoursPrerequisite: College Reading and Writing Readiness OR concurrent enrollment inENG 109 or ELI 109 or ENG 100Grayslake3309 THE 126-001 2:30-3:45 p.m. MW 8/21 12/6

THE 127 Theatre Practicum II 1 HourPrerequisite: THE 125 or THE 126Grayslake2782 THE 127-980 10/30 12/152784 THE 127-981 8/21 12/15

THE 129 Theatre Practicum 3 HoursPrerequisite: THE 125 or THE 126Grayslake2781 THE 129-980 10/30 12/152785 THE 129-981 8/21 12/15

THE 223 Play Analysis for Production 3 HoursPrerequisite: College Reading and Writing ReadinessGrayslake2790 THE 223-001 11:30 a.m.-12:45 p.m. MW 8/21 12/6

THE 225 Acting II 3 HoursPrerequisite: THE 125Grayslake2792 THE 225-001 1-2:15 p.m. TR 8/22 12/7

THE 226 Lighting for Stage and Studio 3 HoursGrayslake2789 THE 226-001 2:30-5:25 p.m. T 8/29 12/5

THE 229 Stage Makeup 3 HoursAdditional Course Fee: $30Grayslake2791 THE 229-001 2:30-5:15 p.m. R 8/24 12/7

THE 299 Special Topics in Theatre 3 HoursPrerequisite: College Reading and Writing ReadinessSTAGE MANAGEMENT: Grayslake2787 THE 299-001 1-2:15 p.m. MW 8/21 12/6AUDITION TECHNIQUES: Grayslake3310 THE 299-002 4-5:20 p.m. MW 8/28 12/13

WELDINGEngineering, Math and Physical Sciences DivisionRoom T302, (847) 543-2044www.clcillinois.edu/programs/wld

WLD 113 Welding Blueprint Reading 3 HoursLake County High Schools Technology Campus3222 WLD 113-001 6-9 p.m. T 8/22 12/5

WLD 117 Applied Fabricating and Processing 3 HoursPrerequisite: WLD 113 and WLD 170, and one of the following: WLD 172 or WLD 175or WLD 178Additional Course Fee: $50Lake County High Schools Technology Campus3224 WLD 117-001 6-9:50 p.m. M 8/21 12/4

WLD 170 General Welding 3 HoursAdditional Course Fee: $70Lake County High Schools Technology Campus3220 WLD 170-001 6-9:50 p.m. M 8/21 12/43221 WLD 170-002 6-9:50 p.m. T 8/22 12/53225 WLD 170-003 6-9:50 p.m. W 8/23 12/13

WLD 172 Shielded Metal Arc Welding 3 HoursPrerequisite: WLD 170Additional Course Fee: $45Lake County High Schools Technology Campus3219 WLD 172-001 6-9:50 p.m. T 8/22 12/5

WLD 175 Gas Metal Arc Welding 3 HoursPrerequisite: WLD 170Additional Course Fee: $45Lake County High Schools Technology Campus3380 WLD 175-001 6-9:50 p.m. R 8/24 12/7

WLD 176 Welding Certification 3 HoursPrerequisite: WLD 170 (C or better), and one or more of the following: WLD 174,WLD 175, WLD 178 (all C or better)Recommended: WLD 171 (C or better)Additional Course Fee: $45Lake County High Schools Technology Campus3223 WLD 176-001 6-9:50 p.m. W 8/23 12/6

WLD 178 Gas Tungsten Arc Welding 3 HoursPrerequisite: WLD 170Additional Course Fee: $45Lake County High Schools Technology Campus3218 WLD 178-001 6-9:50 p.m. R 8/24 12/7

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60 Detailed information: Pages 12-59

Fall 2017 Credit Class Schedule Listing

Fall 2017Online ClassesCourse # Course NameACC 112 800 Accounting Procedures IACC 121 800 Financial AccountingACC 122 800 Managerial AccountingACC 214 800 Cost AccountingACC 222 800 Intermediate Accounting IIACC 251 800 Financial Accounting ResearchANT 121 800 Introduction to AnthropologyANT 121 801 Introduction to AnthropologyANT 121 850 Introduction to AnthropologyANT 221 800 Cultural AnthropologyANT 221 801 Cultural AnthropologyANT 222 800 Introduction to Physical AnthropologyANT 224 800 Introduction to ArchaeologyANT 228 800 Cross-Cultural RelationshipsANT 228 801 Cross-Cultural RelationshipsAOS 111 800 Business CommunicationAOS 112 800 Computer Basics/Software ApplicationsAOS 113 800 Comprehensive Word ProcessingAOS 114 800 OutlookAOS 122 800 Business MathematicsAOS 216 800 Integrated Office ProjectsARC 170 800 Architectural DesignARC 171 800 Architectural Working DrawingsARC 215 800 Architectural Project PlanningARC 251 800 Architectural AnalysisARC 275 800 Portfolio and Professional DevelopmentARM 111 800 Fundamentals of High Tech Manufacturing IARM 112 800 Fundamentals of High Tech Manufacturing IIARM 113 800 Fundamentals of High Tech Manufacturing IIIART 121 800 Introduction to ArtART 121 801 Introduction to ArtART 121 802 Introduction to ArtART 121 803 Introduction to ArtART 121 850 Introduction to ArtART 260 800 History of PhotographyART 260 850 History of PhotographyART 260 851 History of PhotographyBIO 111 800 Human Form and FunctionBUS 119 800 Personal FinanceBUS 121 800 Introduction to BusinessBUS 121 801 Introduction to BusinessBUS 121 802 Introduction to BusinessBUS 121 803 Introduction to BusinessBUS 121 850 Introduction to BusinessBUS 121 851 Introduction to BusinessBUS 122 800 Principles of MarketingBUS 122 801 Principles of MarketingBUS 132 800 Business EthicsBUS 221 800 Business Law IBUS 221 801 Business Law ICIT 111 800 Comprehensive SpreadsheetsCIT 112 800 Comprehensive DatabaseCIT 119 800 Introduction to Office SoftwareCIT 120 800 Introduction to ComputersCIT 120 801 Introduction to ComputersCIT 120 802 Introduction to ComputersCIT 120 804 Introduction to ComputersCIT 131 800 Windows Operating SystemCIT 132 800 Linux Operating System

Course # Course NameCIT 133 800 Network AutomationCIT 134 800 Introduction to Programming ConceptsCIT 170 800 Creating Web PagesCIT 171 800 Web Page ScriptingCMM 127 800 Intercultural CommunicationCMM 127 801 Intercultural CommunicationCRJ 121 800 Introduction to Criminal JusticeCRJ 122 800 Introduction to PolicingCRJ 123 800 Introduction to CriminologyCRJ 124 800 Introduction to CorrectionsCRJ 214 800 Substance Abuse and Criminal JusticeCRJ 221 800 Criminal LawCRJ 248 800 Psychology of the Criminal MindDMD 115 800 Internet FundamentalsDMD 116 800 Web Design and DevelopmentDNC 240 800 The Art of DanceECE 121 800 Introduction to Early Childhood EducationECE 121 801 Introduction to Early Childhood EducationECE 124 800 Child Development for EducatorsECE 124 801 Child Development for EducatorsECE 214 800 Group Care of Infants and ToddlersECE 229 800 Language Development and Early LiteracyECE 241 800 Guidance and Social DevelopmentECE 251 800 Curriculum Development IECE 253 800 Curriculum Development IIECO 110 800 Economics for Business and IndustryECO 221 800 Principles of MacroeconomicsECO 221 801 Principles of MacroeconomicsECO 221 802 Principles of MacroeconomicsECO 222 800 Principles of MicroeconomicsECO 222 801 Principles of MicroeconomicsECO 222 802 Principles of MicroeconomicsEDU 121 800 Introduction to TeachingEDU 124 800 Child Development for EducatorsEDU 124 801 Child Development for EducatorsEDU 222 800 The Exceptional ChildENG 120 800 Technical Composition IENG 121 800 English Composition IENG 121 801 English Composition IENG 121 802 English Composition IENG 121 803 English Composition IENG 121 804 English Composition IENG 121 805 English Composition IENG 121 807 English Composition IENG 121 850 English Composition IENG 121 851 English Composition IENG 121 852 English Composition IENG 122 800 English Composition IIENG 122 801 English Composition IIENG 122 802 English Composition IIENG 122 803 English Composition IIENG 122 804 English Composition IIENG 122 805 English Composition IIENG 122 806 English Composition IIENG 122 807 English Composition IIENG 122 850 English Composition IIENG 122 851 English Composition IIENG 126 800 Advanced Composition: Scientific and Technical Communications

Course # Course NameENG 128 800 Linguistics and SocietyENG 222 800 Creative WritingENG 222 801 Creative WritingENG 266 800 Professional CommunicationESC 120 800 Earth ScienceESC 120 801 Earth ScienceESC 121 750 Physical GeologyESC 121 751 Physical GeologyESC 123 800 Introduction to MeteorologyESC 124 800 OceanographyESC 127 800 Introduction to Meteorology with LabESC 129 800 Severe and Hazardous WeatherESC 224 800 Environmental GeologyESC 224 801 Environmental GeologyGEG 121 800 Physical GeographyGEG 122 800 Cultural GeographyGEG 123 800 World Regional GeographyGXS 121 800 Introduction to Gender StudiesGXS 229 800 Sex, Gender, and PowerHCM 110 800 Introduction to the Hospitality IndustryHCM 175 800 NutritionHET 191 800 HVACR Load CalculationHIT 111 800 Medical TerminologyHIT 111 801 Medical TerminologyHIT 119 800 PharmacologyHIT 215 800 Medical ScienceHRT 121 800 Introduction to HorticultureHST 121 800 History of Western Civilization to 1500HST 221 800 United States History to 1876HST 222 800 United States History 1876 to PresentHST 222 801 United States History 1876 to PresentHUM 121 800 Humanities: Ancient Times to the Middle AgesHUM 121 850 Humanities: Ancient Times to the Middle AgesHUM 123 800 Introduction to FilmHUM 127 800 Critical ThinkingHUM 127 801 Critical ThinkingHUM 140 800 Introduction to International FilmHUM 222 800 Film and SocietyHUS 121 800 Health and NutritionHUS 140 800 Drugs and SocietyHUS 155 800 Pharmacology for Human ServicesHUS 157 800 Communicable Diseases and Substance AbuseHWP 240 800 Contemporary Health IssuesLTA 210 800 Library MaterialsLTA 230 800 Library Public ServicesLTA 250 800 Introduction to Youth ServicesLTA 276 800 Supervised Field Practicum ILTA 278 800 Supervised Field Practicum IIMCS 141 800 Computer Science IMIM 251 800 MRI Physics & InstrumentationMIM 253 800 MRI ProceduresMTH 102 800 Basic AlgebraMTH 102 801 Basic AlgebraMTH 102 802 Basic AlgebraMTH 108 800 Intermediate AlgebraMTH 108 801 Intermediate AlgebraMTH 108 802 Intermediate AlgebraMTH 122 800 College AlgebraMTH 127 800 Finite Mathematics IMTH 140 800 Contemporary Mathematics

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Fall 2017 Credit Class Schedule Listing

Online Continued

Course # Course NameMTH 141 800 Quantitative LiteracyMTH 142 800 Computer Programming in PascalMTH 222 800 Elementary StatisticsMTH 222 801 Elementary StatisticsMTH 224 800 Calculus for Business and Social ScienceMUS 124 800 Introduction to MusicMUS 124 801 Introduction to MusicMUS 124 802 Introduction to MusicMUS 124 803 Introduction to MusicPED 121 800 Individual ActivitiesPED 271 800 Exercise PhysiologyPHI 121 800 Introduction to PhilosophyPHI 121 850 Introduction to PhilosophyPHI 122 800 LogicPHI 122 801 LogicPHI 122 850 LogicPHI 122 851 LogicPHI 125 800 Introduction to EthicsPHI 125 801 Introduction to EthicsPLS 235 800 Law Office TechnologyPLS 250 800 Internship in Paralegal StudiesPLS 251 800 Paralegal Studies CapstonePSC 121 801 American National PoliticsPSC 121 850 American National PoliticsPSC 122 800 State and Local PoliticsPSY 121 800 Introduction to PsychologyPSY 121 801 Introduction to PsychologyPSY 121 802 Introduction to PsychologyPSY 121 803 Introduction to PsychologyPSY 121 804 Introduction to PsychologyPSY 121 805 Introduction to PsychologyPSY 121 806 Introduction to PsychologyPSY 121 807 Introduction to PsychologyPSY 121 850 Introduction to PsychologyPSY 121 851 Introduction to PsychologyPSY 121 852 Introduction to PsychologyPSY 220 800 Lifespan DevelopmentPSY 220 801 Lifespan DevelopmentPSY 220 802 Lifespan DevelopmentPSY 220 803 Lifespan DevelopmentPSY 222 800 Child Growth and DevelopmentPSY 222 801 Child Growth and DevelopmentPSY 223 800 Abnormal PsychologyPSY 226 800 Adolescent DevelopmentPSY 228 800 Human SexualityPSY 248 800 Psychology of the Criminal MindSOC 121 750 Introduction to SociologySOC 121 751 Introduction to SociologySOC 121 800 Introduction to SociologySOC 121 801 Introduction to SociologySOC 121 802 Introduction to SociologySOC 121 803 Introduction to SociologySOC 121 850 Introduction to SociologySOC 222 800 Social ProblemsSOC 224 800 Sociology of the FamilySOC 229 800 Sex, Gender, and PowerSPA 121 800 Beginning Conversational Spanish ISPA 122 800 Beginning Conversational Spanish IISPA 222 800 Intermediate Spanish IISWK 121 800 Introduction to Social WorkSWK 228 800 Human Sexuality

Fall 2017Blended ClassesCourse # Course NameAGR 210 601 Agricultural MarketingARC 121 600 Architectural GraphicsARC 228 600 History of ArchitectureBIO 111 600 Human Form and FunctionBIO 120 600 Environmental BiologyBIO 123 600 Principles of BiologyBUS 121 600 Introduction to BusinessBUS 223 600 Principles of ManagementBUS 223 600 Principles of ManagementCAD 110 600 CAD/CAM ConceptsCAD 117 600 Introduction to AutoCADCAD 117 601 Introduction to AutoCADCAD 117 602 Introduction to AutoCADCAD 179 600 Introduction to Autodesk 3ds MaxCAD 271 600 Inventor IICHM 120 600 Chemical ConceptsCHM 120 601 Chemical ConceptsCHM 121 600 General Chemistry ICHM 142 601 Chemistry for a Changing World-LABCIT 119 600 Introduction to Office SoftwareCIT 256 600 Windows Forensic AnalysisCMM 121 640 Fundamentals of SpeechCMM 128 600 Interviewing PracticesCMT 112 001 Construction Blueprint ReadingCMT 113 600 Construction MaterialsDMD 111 600 Introduction to Digital MediaDMD 116 600 Web Design and DevelopmentDMD 256 600 Dynamic Web Design and DevelopmentDNC 121 600 Introduction to Ballet IDNC 122 600 Modern Dance Technique IDNC 124 600 Beginning YogaDNC 240 600 The Art of DanceEDU 224 600 Diversity in Schools and SocietyEET 223 600 Introduction to Digital ElectronicsEGR 121 600 Engineering Design GraphicsENG 121 600 English Composition IENG 122 600 English Composition IIENG 128 600 Linguistics and SocietyENG 262 600 Theories of Teaching ELLs and Bilingual EducationENG 267 600 Teaching Pronunciation to ELLsENG 268 600 Assessment of ELLsESC 120 600 Earth ScienceESC 140 600 Introduction to Astronomy with LabFST 118 600 Incident CommandFST 118 600 Incident CommandFST 173 600 Fire Instructor IFST 174 600 Fire Instructor IIFST 217 600 Fire Officer CommunicationsFST 218 600 Fire Officer SupervisionFST 273 600 Fire Science Business and OperationsFST 274 600 Fire Administration and the LawHET 110 601 Basic Refrigeration SystemsHET 110 605 Basic Refrigeration SystemsHET 111 601 HVACR Electricity IHET 111 605 HVACR Electricity IHET 119 601 HVACR Electricity IIHET 119 607 HVACR Electricity II

Course # Course NameHET 130 601 Heating I Residential AppliancesHET 130 605 Heating I Residential AppliancesHET 155 600 HVAC/R Blueprint ReadingHET 155 605 HVAC/R Blueprint ReadingHET 190 601 EPA Certification PreparationHET 191 601 HVACR Load CalculationHET 230 607 Air Movement and VentilationHET 250 600 Air Conditioning II Commercial HVAC AppliancesHET 250 607 Air Conditioning II Commercial HVAC AppliancesHET 251 600 Sheet Metal FabricationHET 251 605 Sheet Metal FabricationHET 251 610 Sheet Metal FabricationHET 252 600 Air Conditioning III Installation & ServiceHET 252 605 Air Conditioning III Installatio & ServiceHIT 111 600 Medical TerminologyHIT 212 600 Professional Practice Experience in Health Informatio Technology IHRT 124 601 Introduction to SoilsHRT 229 601 Organic Growing and Sustainable PracticesHUS 251 600 Addiction Counseling a Treatment IIHUS 253 600 Advanced Addictions Counseling SkillsHWP 240 600 Contemporary Health IssuesHWP 240 601 Contemporary Health IssuesHWP 260 600 Sport and Exercise NutritionHWP 290 600 Principles of Wellness CoachingHWP 299 607 Special Topics: Health and Wellness PromotionLTA 214 600 Cataloging and ClassificationMAS 119 600 Introduction to Massage TherapyMAS 119 603 Introduction to Massage TherapyMAS 119 603 Introduction to Massage TherapyMCS 240 600 Computer Organization and ArchitectureMOA 112 600 Basic Medical Office and Billing ProceduresMTH 102 600 Basic AlgebraMTH 108 600 Intermediate AlgebraMTH 142 600 Computer Programming in PascalMTH 222 600 Elementary StatisticsMTT 110 600 Machine Trades Blueprint ReadingPDS 120 600 Becoming A Successful College StudentPED 220 601 Physical Education in the Elementary SchoolPED 228 600 First Aid/CPRPED 228 601 First Aid/CPRPED 242 600 Philosophy of CoachingPED 242 601 Philosophy of CoachingPED 243 600 Theory and Practice of FitnessPED 272 600 Exercise Testing and PrescriptionPHI 122 600 LogicPHI 122 601 LogicPLS 118 600 Real Property LawPLS 211 600 Drafting Legal DocumentsPLS 215 600 Immigration LawSPA 121 600 Beginning Conversational Spanish ITHE 121 600 Introduction to Theatre I

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Fall 2017Classes at SouthlakeCampus, Vernon Hills

Course # Course NameACC 121 008 Financial AccountingANT 121 008 Introduction to AnthropologyARA 121 001 Elementary Modern Standard Arabic IART 121 007 Introduction to ArtART 121 010 Introduction to ArtBIO 111 002 Human Form and FunctionBIO 120 004 Environmental BiologyBIO 120 600 Environmental BiologyBIO 123 009 Principles of BiologyBIO 123 013 Principles of BiologyBIO 161 006 General Biology IBUS 121 005 Introduction to BusinessBUS 121 014 Introduction to BusinessCHM 120 600 Chemical ConceptsCHM 120 601 Chemical ConceptsCHM 121 600 General Chemistry ICHM 140 001 Chemistry for a Changing WorldCHM 142 601 Chemistry for a Changing World-LABCMM 121 044 Fundamentals of SpeechCMM 121 045 Fundamentals of SpeechCMM 121 046 Fundamentals of SpeechCMM 128 600 Interviewing PracticesECO 221 009 Principles of MacroeconomicsECO 222 003 Principles of MicroeconomicsELI 100 002 Topics in Academic Enhancement for English Language LearnersENG 100 911 Success in Writing and ReadingENG 109 021 Strategic Reading and Writing IIENG 121 086 English Composition IENG 121 087 English Composition IENG 121 088 English Composition IENG 121 092 English Composition IENG 121 093 English Composition IENG 121 098 English Composition IENG 121 911 English Composition IENG 122 032 English Composition IIENG 122 034 English Composition IIENG 122 035 English Composition IIENG 244 003 Mythology and Fairy TalesHST 222 005 United States History 1876 to PresentHUM 121 006 Humanities: Ancient Times to the Middle AgesHUM 122 005 Humanities: Renaissance to the PresentHUM 123 003 Introduction to FilmHUM 127 009 Critical ThinkingHUM 222 001 Film and SocietyHWP 240 600 Contemporary Health IssuesHWP 257 001 Health and Wellness Practicum IHWP 257 002 Health and Wellness Practicum IHWP 258 001 Health and Wellness Practicum IIHWP 290 600 Principles of Wellness CoachingITL 121 001 Beginning Italian IMAS 110 001 Massage Structure and Functions IMAS 112 001 Kinesiology and Palpation IMAS 114 001 Massage: Communication & Business I

Course # Course NameMAS 116 001 Clinical Skills and Special PopulationsMAS 119 600 Introduction to Massage TherapyMAS 119 603 Introduction to Massage TherapyMAS 131 001 Massage Therapy I: SwedishMAS 132 001 Massage Therapy II: IntegrativeMAS 210 001 Massage Structure and Functions IIMAS 212 001 Kinesiology and Palpation IIMAS 214 001 Massage: Communication and Business IIMAS 233 001 Massage Therapy III: RehabilitativeMAS 234 001 Massage Therapy IV Advanced TechniquesMAS 235 001 Therapeutic Massage ClinicMCS 141 003 Computer Science IMTH 101 908 Elementary Concepts of MathematicsMTH 101 909 Elementary Concepts of MathematicsMTH 101 910 Elementary Concepts of MathematicsMTH 101 911 Elementary Concepts of MathematicsMTH 102 014 Basic AlgebraMTH 102 022 Basic AlgebraMTH 105 008 Preparatory Mathematics for General EducationMTH 108 011 Intermediate AlgebraMTH 108 018 Intermediate AlgebraMTH 122 005 College AlgebraMTH 142 002 Computer Programming in PascalMTH 142 004 Computer Programming in PascalMTH 144 007 PrecalculusMTH 222 004 Elementary StatisticsMTH 222 010 Elementary StatisticsMTH 222 600 Elementary StatisticsNUR 110 003 Nurse AssistingNUR 110 008 Nurse AssistingNUR 110 014 Nurse AssistingNUR 110 015 Nurse AssistingPDS 122 200 Career ExplorationPED 228 601 First Aid/CPRPED 242 600 Philosophy of CoachingPED 242 601 Philosophy of CoachingPED 243 600 Theory and Practice of FitnessPED 272 600 Exercise Testing and PrescriptionPHI 121 005 Introduction to PhilosophyPHI 121 013 Introduction to PhilosophyPHI 121 017 Introduction to PhilosophyPHI 122 004 LogicPHI 125 012 Introduction to EthicsPHI 221 001 Asian PhilosophyPSC 121 007 American National PoliticsPSY 121 005 Introduction to PsychologyPSY 121 014 Introduction to PsychologyPSY 121 024 Introduction to PsychologyPSY 121 027 Introduction to PsychologyPSY 121 033 Introduction to PsychologyPSY 220 003 Lifespan DevelopmentRUS 121 001 Beginning Russian IRUS 122 001 Beginning Russian IISOC 121 003 Introduction to SociologySPA 121 600 Beginning Conversational Spanish I

Fall 2017Classes at LakeshoreCampus, Waukegan

Course # Course NameART 121 009 Introduction to ArtBIO 111 600 Human Form and FunctionBIO 120 013 Environmental BiologyBIO 123 012 Principles of BiologyCHM 120 009 Chemical ConceptsCMM 121 053 Fundamentals of SpeechCMM 121 054 Fundamentals of SpeechCMM 128 003 Interviewing PracticesDHY 111 001 Preclinic Theory and Practice of Dental HygieneDHY 113 001 Pre-Clinical Dental HygieneDHY 113 002 Pre-Clinical Dental HygieneDHY 115 001 Head and Neck AnatomyDHY 117 001 Dental AnatomyDHY 117 002 Dental AnatomyDHY 131 001 Oral Histology and EmbryologyDHY 171 001 Preventive Dental HygieneDHY 211 001 Theory and Practice of Dental Hygiene IIIDHY 213 001 Clinical Dental Hygiene IIIDHY 213 002 Clinical Dental Hygiene IIIDHY 215 001 Dental Radiology IIDHY 215 002 Dental Radiology IIDHY 219 001 Advanced PeriodonticsDHY 232 001 General and Oral PathologyDHY 271 001 Community Dentistry IENG 100 904 Success in Writing and ReadingENG 100 905 Success in Writing and ReadingENG 104 903 Individual Topics in Writing and ReadingENG 104 904 Individual Topics in Writing and ReadingENG 108 014 Strategic Reading and Writing IENG 109 023 Strategic Reading and Writing IIENG 109 026 Strategic Reading and Writing IIENG 109 452 Strategic Reading and Writing IIENG 121 062 English Composition IENG 121 082 English Composition IENG 121 083 English Composition IENG 121 084 English Composition IENG 121 085 English Composition IENG 121 452 English Composition IENG 121 904 English Composition IENG 121 905 English Composition IENG 122 029 English Composition IIENG 122 030 English Composition IIHIT 111 002 Medical TerminologyHUM 127 008 Critical ThinkingMOA 111 001 Clinical Medical Assisting IMOA 111 002 Clinical Medical Assisting IMOA 112 001 Basic Medical Office and Billing ProceduresMOA 112 600 Basic Medical Office and Billing ProceduresMOA 115 001 Insurance Coding for Medical AssistantsMOA 211 001 Clinical Medical Assisting II

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Lakeshore Continued

Course # Course NameMTH 101 009 Elementary Concepts of MathematicsMTH 101 904 Elementary Concepts of MathematicsMTH 101 905 Elementary Concepts of MathematicsMTH 101 906 Elementary Concepts of MathematicsMTH 101 907 Elementary Concepts of MathematicsMTH 102 025 Basic AlgebraMTH 102 031 Basic AlgebraMTH 105 004 Preparatory Mathematics for General EducationMTH 114 003 Applied Mathematics INUR 110 010 Nurse AssistingNUR 110 011 Nurse AssistingNUR 110 013 Nurse AssistingPBT 110 001 Introduction to Medical Lab TechnologyPBT 110 002 Introduction to Medical Lab TechnologyPBT 110 003 Introduction to Medical Lab TechnologyPBT 115 001 Phlebotomy TechniquesPBT 115 002 Phlebotomy TechniquesPBT 115 003 Phlebotomy TechniquesPDS 120 100 Becoming A Successful College StudentPDS 122 100 Career ExplorationPHI 125 014 Introduction to EthicsPSY 121 013 Introduction to PsychologyPSY 121 018 Introduction to PsychologyPSY 121 048 Introduction to PsychologySOC 121 018 Introduction to Sociology

Fall 2017Extension Site ClassesCourse # Course NameARM 116 751 Mechatronics Graphics IARM 117 751 Mechatronics Graphics IIARM 118 751 Mechatronics Graphics IIIART 121 750 Introduction to ArtART 121 751 Introduction to ArtCHI 121 990 Beginning Chinese IDMD 111 750 Introduction to Digital MediaDMD 111 751 Introduction to Digital MediaDMD 111 752 Introduction to Digital MediaDMD 233 750 Digital Video EditingEET 115 750 Electronic Laboratory TechniquesEMT 111 300 Emergency Medical Technician-BasicEMT 111 301 Emergency Medical Technician-BasicEMT 111 303 Emergency Medical Technician-BasicEMT 114 300 Paramedic Clinical PracticumEMT 114 301 Paramedic Clinical PracticumEMT 114 302 Paramedic Clinical PracticumEMT 114 337 Paramedic Clinical PracticumEMT 115 300 Paramedic Field Experience PracticumEMT 115 301 Paramedic Field Experience PracticumEMT 115 337 Paramedic Field Experience PracticumEMT 131 300 Introduction to Advanced Pre-hospital CareEMT 131 301 Introduction to Advanced Pre-hospital CareEMT 131 337 Introduction to Advanced Pre-hospital CareEMT 132 300 Patient AssessmentEMT 132 301 Patient AssessmentEMT 132 302 Patient AssessmentEMT 132 337 Patient AssessmentEMT 133 337 Medical EmergenciesEMT 134 337 Trauma EmergenciesEMT 135 337 Special Considerations and OperationsHUM 129 990 Introduction to East Asian CivilizationHUM 221 750 American Decades

Course # Course NameHUM 221 751 American DecadesLPO 111 750 Fundamentals of Light and LasersLPO 113 750 Photonics-Enabled TechnologiesMIM 170 001 Introduction to the Clinical Education CenterMIM 170 002 Introduction to the Clinical Education CenterMIM 170 003 Introduction to the Clinical Education CenterMIM 170 004 Introduction to the Clinical Education CenterMIM 170 005 Introduction to the Clinical Education CenterMIM 170 006 Introduction to the Clinical Education CenterMIM 170 007 Introduction to the Clinical Education CenterMIM 170 008 Introduction to the Clinical Education CenterMIM 212 001 Clinical Practice IIIMTT 111 001 Machine Shop IMTT 112 001 Machining PrinciplesPBT 116 001 Clinical PhlebotomyPBT 116 002 Clinical PhlebotomyPED 121 081 Individual ActivitiesPSC 121 750 American National PoliticsPSC 121 751 American National PoliticsPSC 121 752 American National PoliticsWLD 113 001 Welding Blueprint ReadingWLD 117 001 Applied Fabricating and ProcessingWLD 170 001 General WeldingWLD 170 002 General WeldingWLD 170 003 General WeldingWLD 172 001 Shielded Metal Arc WeldingWLD 175 001 Gas Metal Arc WeldingWLD 176 001 Welding CertificationWLD 178 001 Gas Tungsten Arc Welding

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Fall 2017Late-Starting Classesin ClassroomCourse # Course NameACR 119 001 Paintless Dent RemovalACR 131 001 Automotive Refinishing IACR 131 002 Automotive Refinishing IANT 121 006 Introduction to AnthropologyANT 121 008 Introduction to AnthropologyANT 221 002 Cultural AnthropologyANT 221 007 Cultural AnthropologyAOS 112 001 Computer Basics/Software ApplicationsAOS 171 001 Computer Keyboarding IIAOS 171 002 Computer Keyboarding IIAOS 171 380 Computer Keyboarding IIARM 132 001 Robot Design and Construction IIARM 133 001 Robot Design and Construction IIIARM 152 002 Mechanical Systems IIARM 153 002 Mechanical Systems IIIARM 157 002 Electrical Systems IIARM 158 002 Electrical Systems IIIARM 172 002 Automation IIARM 173 002 Automation IIIARM 175 001 Automation VARM 176 001 Automation VIARM 192 002 Pneumatics and Hydraulics IIARM 193 002 Pneumatics and Hydraulics IIIARM 197 001 Pneumatic and Hydraulic Systems CapstoneARM 198 001 Complete Systems IntegrationART 121 003 Introduction to ArtART 121 004 Introduction to ArtART 121 005 Introduction to ArtART 121 010 Introduction to ArtART 149 004 Digital Photography IBIO 120 009 Environmental BiologyBIO 120 011 Environmental BiologyBIO 123 010 Principles of BiologyBIO 140 002 Environmental Biology without LabBIO 140 003 Environmental Biology without LabBIO 299 001 Special Topics in BiologyBUS 121 007 Introduction to BusinessBUS 121 009 Introduction to BusinessBUS 121 012 Introduction to BusinessCHI 122 001 Beginning Chinese IICHM 120 007 Chemical ConceptsCIT 120 002 Introduction to ComputersCIT 120 006 Introduction to ComputersCMM 121 007 Fundamentals of SpeechCMM 121 021 Fundamentals of SpeechCMM 121 043 Fundamentals of SpeechCMM 121 046 Fundamentals of SpeechCMM 121 049 Fundamentals of SpeechCMM 121 054 Fundamentals of SpeechCMM 127 002 Intercultural CommunicationCMM 127 006 Intercultural CommunicationCMM 128 003 Interviewing PracticesCRJ 121 005 Introduction to Criminal JusticeCRJ 213 001 Community PolicingCRJ 222 001 Criminal Procedural LawCRJ 223 001 Ethics in Criminal JusticeCRJ 229 002 Juvenile DelinquencyCRJ 248 002 Psychology of the Criminal MindCRJ 270 001 Criminal Justice Assessment Seminar

Course # Course NameDMD 115 001 Internet FundamentalsECE 299 001 Special Topics in Early Childhood EducationECO 221 002 Principles of MacroeconomicsECO 221 006 Principles of MacroeconomicsECO 221 007 Principles of MacroeconomicsECO 221 009 Principles of MacroeconomicsECO 222 005 Principles of MicroeconomicsECO 222 006 Principles of MicroeconomicsECO 222 008 Principles of MicroeconomicsECO 222 009 Principles of MicroeconomicsEDU 121 005 Introduction to TeachingEET 173 001 DC Analysis-Network TheoremsEET 174 002 AC FundamentalsELC 172 001 Applied AC Circuit TheoryELI 100 002 Topics in Academic Enhancement for English Language LearnersEMT 114 337 Paramedic Clinical PracticumEMT 115 337 Paramedic Field Experience PracticumEMT 132 300 Patient AssessmentEMT 132 301 Patient AssessmentEMT 132 302 Patient AssessmentEMT 132 337 Patient AssessmentEMT 133 337 Medical EmergenciesEMT 134 337 Trauma EmergenciesEMT 135 337 Special Considerations and OperationsENG 109 013 Strategic Reading and Writing IIENG 109 015 Strategic Reading and Writing IIENG 109 016 Strategic Reading and Writing IIENG 121 013 English Composition IENG 121 028 English Composition IENG 121 037 English Composition IENG 121 048 English Composition IENG 121 069 English Composition IENG 121 076 English Composition IENG 121 077 English Composition IENG 121 081 English Composition IENG 121 093 English Composition IENG 121 451 English Composition IENG 121 452 English Composition IENG 121 453 English Composition IENG 122 027 English Composition IIENG 122 033 English Composition IIENG 122 036 English Composition IIENG 220 001 Introduction to Scripts for ScreenENG 222 003 Creative WritingENG 222 004 Creative WritingESC 124 003 OceanographyEWE 220 001 Cooperative Work Experience IEWE 220 004 Cooperative Work Experience IEWE 220 005 Cooperative Work Experience IEWE 220 006 Cooperative Work Experience IFST 117 001 Fire Fighting Tactics and Strategy IIGEG 223 001 Geography of Latin AmericaGXS 229 003 Sex, Gender, and PowerHCM 113 001 ServSafe: Food Service SanitationHCM 113 002 ServSafe: Food Service SanitationHCM 113 003 ServSafe: Food Service SanitationHCM 113 004 ServSafe: Food Service SanitationHCM 175 002 NutritionHCM 299 003 Selected Topics in Hospitality

Course # Course NameHET 193 001 Recertification PreparationHIT 111 002 Medical TerminologyHIT 119 002 PharmacologyHRT 282 001 Seminars in HorticultureHST 221 004 United States History to 1876HST 222 005 United States History 1876 to PresentHUM 121 005 Humanities: Ancient Time to the Middle AgesHUM 121 007 Humanities: Ancient Time to the Middle AgesHUM 122 004 Humanities: Renaissance to the PresentHUM 122 005 Humanities: Renaissan to the PresentHUM 126 002 Introduction to the Performing ArtsHUM 127 005 Critical ThinkingHUM 226 002 Women and the ArtsHUS 153 001 Diverse/Multicultural PopulationsHUS 299 001 Special Topics in Human ServicesMAS 132 001 Massage Therapy II: IntegrativeMAS 234 001 Massage Therapy IV: Advanced TechniquesMIM 170 001 Introduction to the Clinical Education CenterMIM 170 002 Introduction to the Clinical Education CenterMIM 170 003 Introduction to the Clinical Education CenterMIM 170 004 Introduction to the Clinical Education CenterMIM 170 005 Introduction to the Clinical Education CenterMIM 170 006 Introduction to the Clinical Education CenterMIM 170 007 Introduction to the Clinical Education CenterMIM 170 008 Introduction to the Clinical Education CenterMTH 102 026 Basic AlgebraMTT 113 001 Grinding TechnologyMTT 212 001 Precision Machining/ NIMS CredentialingNUR 110 007 Nurse AssistingNUR 110 008 Nurse AssistingNUR 110 009 Nurse AssistingNUR 110 014 Nurse AssistingPBT 110 002 Introduction to Medical Lab TechnologyPBT 115 001 Phlebotomy TechniquesPBT 115 002 Phlebotomy TechniquesPBT 115 003 Phlebotomy TechniquesPBT 116 002 Clinical PhlebotomyPDS 120 002 Becoming A Successful College StudentPDS 120 003 Becoming A Successful College StudentPDS 120 004 Becoming A Successful College StudentPDS 120 005 Becoming A Successful College StudentPDS 120 100 Becoming A Successful College StudentPDS 121 002 Self-EmpowermentPDS 121 003 Self-EmpowermentPDS 122 100 Career Exploration

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Late-Starting Classroom Continued

Course # Course NamePED 121 003 Individual ActivitiesPED 121 004 Individual ActivitiesPED 121 005 Individual ActivitiesPED 121 006 Individual ActivitiesPED 121 031 Individual ActivitiesPED 121 032 Individual ActivitiesPED 121 036 Individual ActivitiesPED 121 037 Individual ActivitiesPED 121 042 Individual ActivitiesPED 121 046 Individual ActivitiesPED 121 049 Individual ActivitiesPED 121 051 Individual ActivitiesPED 121 060 Individual ActivitiesPED 121 063 Individual ActivitiesPED 121 064 Individual ActivitiesPED 121 068 Individual ActivitiesPED 121 072 Individual ActivitiesPED 121 081 Individual ActivitiesPHI 121 013 Introduction to PhilosophyPHI 121 014 Introduction to PhilosophyPHI 121 017 Introduction to PhilosophyPHI 123 003 Philosophy of ReligionPHI 125 012 Introduction to EthicsPHI 125 014 Introduction to EthicsPLS 112 002 Legal Research and Writing IPSC 121 004 American National PoliticsPSC 121 005 American National PoliticsPSC 121 007 American National PoliticsPSY 121 004 Introduction to PsychologyPSY 121 008 Introduction to PsychologyPSY 121 019 Introduction to PsychologyPSY 121 030 Introduction to PsychologyPSY 121 034 Introduction to PsychologyPSY 121 038 Introduction to PsychologyPSY 121 040 Introduction to PsychologyPSY 121 045 Introduction to PsychologyPSY 121 046 Introduction to PsychologyPSY 220 003 Lifespan DevelopmentPSY 220 006 Lifespan DevelopmentPSY 222 002 Child Growth and DevelopmentPSY 248 002 Psychology of the Criminal MindSOC 121 003 Introduction to SociologySOC 121 005 Introduction to SociologySOC 121 009 Introduction to SociologySOC 121 011 Introduction to SociologySOC 121 015 Introduction to SociologySOC 121 016 Introduction to SociologySOC 121 018 Introduction to SociologySOC 222 002 Social ProblemsSOC 224 003 Sociology of the FamilySOC 225 001 Class, Race, and GenderSOC 225 002 Class, Race, and GenderSOC 229 003 Sex, Gender, and PowerSRG 111 001 Principles of Practice and Introduction to Surgical ProceduresSWK 121 003 Introduction to Social WorkTHE 121 001 Introduction to Theatre ITHE 123 001 Diversity in American TheatreTHE 125 002 Principles of ActingTHE 226 001 Lighting for Stage and StudioTHE 299 002 Special Topics in Theatre

Fall 2017Late-Starting ClassesOnlineCourse # Course NameANT 121 801 Introduction to AnthropologyANT 221 801 Cultural AnthropologyANT 222 800 Introduction to Physical AnthropologyANT 224 800 Introduction to ArchaeologyANT 228 800 Cross-Cultural RelationshipsANT 228 801 Cross-Cultural RelationshipsAOS 114 800 OutlookARC 170 800 Architectural DesignARC 171 800 Architectural Working DrawingsARC 215 800 Architectural Project PlanningARC 251 800 Architectural AnalysisARC 275 800 Portfolio and Professional DevelopmentARM 112 800 Fundamentals of High Tech Manufacturing IIARM 113 800 Fundamentals of High Tech Manufacturing IIIART 121 801 Introduction to ArtART 121 803 Introduction to ArtART 260 851 History of PhotographyBUS 121 802 Introduction to BusinessBUS 121 803 Introduction to BusinessBUS 121 850 Introduction to BusinessBUS 122 801 Principles of MarketingBUS 221 801 Business Law ICIT 120 802 Introduction to ComputersCIT 120 804 Introduction to ComputersCRJ 121 800 Introduction to Criminal JusticeDMD 115 800 Internet FundamentalsECE 121 801 Introduction to Early Childhood EducationECE 241 800 Guidance and Social DevelopmentECO 221 801 Principles of MacroeconomicsECO 221 802 Principles of MacroeconomicsECO 222 801 Principles of MicroeconomicsECO 222 802 Principles of MicroeconomicsENG 121 805 English Composition IENG 121 807 English Composition IENG 121 851 English Composition I

Course # Course NameENG 121 852 English Composition IENG 122 804 English Composition IIENG 122 805 English Composition IIENG 122 806 English Composition IIENG 122 807 English Composition IIENG 122 850 English Composition IIENG 122 851 English Composition IIENG 128 800 Linguistics and SocietyENG 222 801 Creative WritingESC 120 801 Earth ScienceESC 224 801 Environmental GeologyGXS 121 800 Introduction to Gender StudiesGXS 229 800 Sex, Gender, and PowerHCM 110 800 Introduction to the Hospitality IndustryHIT 119 800 PharmacologyHST 121 800 History of Western Civilization to 1500HST 222 801 United States History 1876 to PresentHUM 121 850 Humanities: Ancient Times to the Middle AgesHUM 140 800 Introduction to International FilmHUS 155 800 Pharmacology for Human ServicesPHI 121 850 Introduction to PhilosophyPHI 122 851 LogicPLS 250 800 Internship in Paralegal StudiesPSC 121 801 American National PoliticsPSY 121 802 Introduction to PsychologyPSY 121 803 Introduction to PsychologyPSY 121 804 Introduction to PsychologyPSY 121 805 Introduction to PsychologyPSY 121 806 Introduction to PsychologyPSY 121 807 Introduction to PsychologyPSY 121 851 Introduction to PsychologyPSY 121 852 Introduction to PsychologyPSY 220 802 Lifespan DevelopmentPSY 220 803 Lifespan DevelopmentPSY 222 801 Child Growth and DevelopmentPSY 226 800 Adolescent DevelopmentSOC 121 802 Introduction to SociologySOC 121 803 Introduction to SociologySOC 121 850 Introduction to SociologySOC 222 800 Social ProblemsSOC 224 800 Sociology of the FamilySOC 229 800 Sex, Gender, and Power

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Fall 2017Late-Starting ClassesBlendedCourse # Course NameARC 121 600 Architectural GraphicsARC 228 600 History of ArchitectureENG 121 600 English Composition IESC 121 600 Physical GeologyFST 118 600 Incident CommandFST 174 600 Fire Instructor IIFST 218 600 Fire Officer SupervisionFST 274 600 Fire Administration and the LawHET 110 605 Basic Refrigeration SystemsHET 119 607 HVACR Electricity IIHET 130 605 Heating I Residential AppliancesHET 190 601 EPA Certification PreparationHET 230 607 Air Movement and VentilationHET 250 607 Air Conditioning II Commercial HVAC AppliancesHET 251 600 Sheet Metal FabricationHET 251 605 Sheet Metal FabricationHET 251 610 Sheet Metal FabricationHET 252 605 Air Conditioning III Installation & ServiceHWP 240 600 Contemporary Health IssuesHWP 240 601 Contemporary Health IssuesHWP 290 600 Principles of Wellness CoachingHWP 299 607 Special Topics: Health and Wellness PromotionLTA 121 600 Introduction to Library ScienceMAS 119 603 Introduction to Massage TherapyPED 228 601 First Aid/CPRTHE 121 600 Introduction to Theatre I

Fall 2017Weekend ClassesCourse # Course NameACC 121 002 Financial AccountingAGR 111 001 Permaculture ProductionANT 221 002 Cultural AnthropologyART 149 005 Digital Photography IAUT 110 005 Introduction to Automotive TechnologyAUT 217 001 Automotive Service ConsultingBIO 111 001 Human Form and FunctionBIO 120 001 Environmental BiologyBIO 123 001 Principles of BiologyBIO 245 001 Anatomy and Physiology IIBUS 121 004 Introduction to BusinessCHM 120 001 Chemical ConceptsCHM 121 009 General Chemistry ICIT 271 001 Markup Language ProgrammingCMM 121 007 Fundamentals of SpeechCMM 121 049 Fundamentals of SpeechDNC 122 600 Modern Dance Technique IECE 133 001 Home-Based Childcare ManagementELI 100 001 Topics in Academic Enhancement for English Language LearnersENG 109 004 Strategic Reading and Writing IIENG 121 014 English Composition IENG 121 015 English Composition IENG 122 005 English Composition IIESC 120 001 Earth ScienceHCM 111 001 Culinary Principles IHCM 112 001 Culinary Principles IIHCM 113 002 ServSafe: Food Service SanitationHCM 176 001 Yeast BreadsHET 193 001 Recertification PreparationHET 272 001 Refrigeration III Commercial Appliance InstallationHRT 124 601 Introduction to SoilsHRT 286 001 Natural Areas ManagementHUM 121 008 Humanities: Ancient Times to the Middle AgesHUM 127 002 Critical ThinkingMAS 119 600 Introduction to Massage TherapyMAS 235 001 Therapeutic Massage ClinicMTH 102 007 Basic AlgebraMTH 102 033 Basic AlgebraMTH 104 006 GeometryMTH 114 006 Applied Mathematics IMTH 222 003 Elementary StatisticsNUR 110 006 Nurse AssistingNUR 110 011 Nurse AssistingPDS 121 002 Self-EmpowermentPDS 121 003 Self-EmpowermentPED 121 035 Individual ActivitiesPHI 125 002 Introduction to EthicsPSY 121 011 Introduction to Psychology

Fall 2017Evening ClassesCourse # Course NameACC 112 002 Accounting Procedures IACC 121 008 Financial AccountingACC 121 009 Financial AccountingACC 122 004 Managerial AccountingACC 212 001 Federal Tax Accounting IACC 221 001 Intermediate Accounting IACC 271 001 AuditingACR 110 002 Introduction to Automotive Collision RepairACR 115 001 Automotive WeldingACR 131 002 Automotive Refinishing IACR 138 002 Automotive Electrical SystemsACR 212 002 Non-Structural Repair IIACR 233 001 Automotive Refinishing IIIAGR 210 601 Agricultural MarketingANT 121 006 Introduction to AnthropologyANT 121 007 Introduction to AnthropologyANT 221 007 Cultural AnthropologyANT 221 008 Cultural AnthropologyAOS 111 001 Business CommunicationAOS 112 003 Computer Basics/Software ApplicationsAOS 122 003 Business MathematicsAOS 170 002 Computer Keyboarding IAOS 170 380 Computer Keyboarding IAOS 171 002 Computer Keyboarding IIAOS 171 380 Computer Keyboarding IIAOS 172 001 Business EnglishAOS 175 001 Keyboarding Speed and Accuracy BuildingAOS 178 001 Intermediate KeyboardingAOS 178 380 Intermediate KeyboardingAOS 214 001 Administrative Office ProceduresAOS 237 001 Managerial CommunicationAOS 253 001 LeadershipARA 121 001 Elementary Modern Standard Arabic IARM 155 001 STEM Workplace Professional SkillsART 121 004 Introduction to ArtART 121 005 Introduction to ArtART 121 010 Introduction to ArtART 122 003 Two Dimensional DesignART 124 004 Drawing IART 127 001 Drawing IIART 128 002 Watercolor IART 149 002 Digital Photography IART 149 004 Digital Photography IART 220 002 Watercolor IIART 222 002 Computer Art IART 224 002 Painting IART 226 003 Ceramics IART 227 002 Painting IIART 240 001 History of Art IART 246 002 Ceramics IIART 247 002 Ceramics IIIART 249 001 Digital Photography IIAUT 110 380 Introduction to Automotive TechnologyAUT 111 002 Engine RebuildingAUT 111 380 Engine RebuildingAUT 112 001 Braking SystemsAUT 112 380 Braking SystemsAUT 131 001 Auto Electrical I

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Course # Course NameAUT 131 380 Auto Electrical IAUT 217 001 Automotive Service ConsultingAUT 231 001 Auto Electrical IIAUT 232 001 Automatic Transmission and TransaxleAUT 233 001 Advanced Driveline SystemsAUT 290 001 Advanced SpecializationAUT 290 001 Advanced SpecializationBIO 111 004 Human Form and FunctionBIO 120 012 Environmental BiologyBIO 120 013 Environmental BiologyBIO 120 014 Environmental BiologyBIO 120 600 Environmental BiologyBIO 123 011 Principles of BiologyBIO 123 012 Principles of BiologyBIO 123 013 Principles of BiologyBIO 123 014 Principles of BiologyBIO 127 002 Introduction to EvolutionBIO 140 003 Environmental Biology without LabBIO 141 002 Concepts in BiologyBIO 161 006 General Biology IBIO 161 007 General Biology IBIO 162 002 General Biology IIBIO 244 010 Anatomy and Physiology IBIO 244 011 Anatomy and Physiology IBIO 244 012 Anatomy and Physiology IBIO 244 013 Anatomy and Physiology IBIO 244 014 Anatomy and Physiology IBIO 245 010 Anatomy and Physiology IIBIO 245 011 Anatomy and Physiology IIBIO 246 005 MicrobiologyBIO 246 006 MicrobiologyBIO 246 007 MicrobiologyBUS 111 001 Fundamentals of FinanceBUS 121 014 Introduction to BusinessBUS 121 015 Introduction to BusinessBUS 121 016 Introduction to BusinessBUS 121 017 Introduction to BusinessBUS 122 004 Principles of MarketingBUS 212 001 Business to Business MarketingBUS 219 001 Small Business ManagementBUS 221 004 Business Law IBUS 223 001 Principles of ManagementBUS 237 002 Managerial CommunicationBUS 238 001 Project ManagementBUS 253 001 LeadershipBUS 290 001 Business Plan DevelopmentCAD 110 600 CAD/CAM ConceptsCAD 117 600 Introduction to AutoCADCAD 117 602 Introduction to AutoCADCAD 170 001 Introduction to SolidWorksCAD 171 001 Introduction to InventorCAD 176 001 Introduction to CreoCAD 178 001 Introduction to RevitCAD 178 600 Introduction to RevitCAD 179 600 Introduction to Autodesk 3ds MaxCAD 270 001 SolidWorks IICAD 271 600 Inventor IICHI 121 001 Beginning Chinese ICHI 122 001 Beginning Chinese IICHM 120 006 Chemical ConceptsCHM 120 007 Chemical ConceptsCHM 120 008 Chemical ConceptsCHM 120 009 Chemical ConceptsCHM 121 008 General Chemistry I

Course # Course NameCHM 121 009 General Chemistry ICHM 121 010 General Chemistry ICHM 123 003 General Chemistry IICHM 222 002 Organic Chemistry ICHM 222 002 Organic Chemistry ICIT 112 001 Comprehensive DatabaseCIT 113 001 Introduction to SQLCIT 119 600 Introduction to Office SoftwareCIT 120 010 Introduction to ComputersCIT 120 011 Introduction to ComputersCIT 130 001 Operating Systems for A+ CertificateCIT 131 001 Windows Operating SystemCIT 132 001 Linux Operating SystemCIT 134 002 Introduction to Programming ConceptsCIT 138 001 Introduction to C# ProgrammingCIT 139 002 Cisco: Introduction to NetworksCIT 141 001 Programming in C++CIT 152 001 Network Security FundamentalsCIT 155 001 Introduction to Computer ForensicsCIT 157 001 Enterprise Desktop SupportCIT 159 001 Cisco: Routing and SwitchingCIT 215 001 Microsoft .NET Web ProgrammingCIT 239 001 Systems AnalysisCIT 241 001 Advanced C++CIT 252 001 Hardening the InfrastructureCIT 255 001 Server Virtualization TechnologiesCIT 256 600 Windows Forensic AnalysisCMM 111 002 Communication SkillsCMM 121 034 Fundamentals of SpeechCMM 121 035 Fundamentals of SpeechCMM 121 036 Fundamentals of SpeechCMM 121 037 Fundamentals of SpeechCMM 121 039 Fundamentals of SpeechCMM 121 043 Fundamentals of SpeechCMM 121 054 Fundamentals of SpeechCMM 128 002 Interviewing PracticesCMM 128 003 Interviewing PracticesCMM 128 600 Interviewing PracticesCMT 112 001 Construction Blueprint ReadingCMT 113 600 Construction MaterialsCMT 213 001 Construction Law and DocumentsCMT 214 001 Construction EstimatingCNC 110 001 CNC Operations ICNC 115 001 CNC Programming ICNC 216 001 Advanced Lathe ProgrammingCNC 218 001 Introduction to Master CAMCRJ 121 006 Introduction to Criminal JusticeCRJ 123 003 Introduction to CriminologyCRJ 213 001 Community PolicingCRJ 219 001 Principles of Criminal InvestigationCRJ 222 001 Criminal Procedural LawCRJ 229 002 Juvenile DelinquencyCRJ 248 002 Psychology of the Criminal MindDMD 117 001 Concepts in New MediaDMD 251 001 Advanced 3D ModelingDNC 121 600 Introduction to Ballet IDNC 124 002 Beginning YogaECE 116 001 Creative ActivitiesECE 121 003 Introduction to Early Childhood EducationECE 124 002 Child Development for EducatorsECE 223 001 Child, Family, and CommunityECE 299 001 Special Topics in Early Childhood Education

Course # Course NameECO 221 008 Principles of MacroeconomicsECO 221 009 Principles of MacroeconomicsECO 222 008 Principles of MicroeconomicsECO 222 009 Principles of MicroeconomicsEDM 111 001 Introduction to Emergency ManagementEDU 124 002 Child Development for EducatorsEDU 222 001 The Exceptional ChildEDU 223 001 Technology in the ClassroomEDU 224 001 Diversity in Schools and SocietyEDU 225 001 Educational PsychologyEET 113 001 Solid State ElectronicsEET 115 001 Electronic Laboratory TechniquesEET 170 001 DC Circuit FundamentalsEET 170 002 DC Circuit FundamentalsEET 173 001 DC Analysis-Network TheoremsEET 174 002 AC FundamentalsEET 175 001 AC Analysis and Circuit TheoremsEET 223 600 Introduction to DigitalElectronicsEGR 121 600 Engineering Design GraphicsELC 171 001 Programmable Logic ControllersELC 172 001 Applied AC Circuit TheoryELC 271 001 Advanced Programmable ControlsELI 100 002 Topics in Academic Enhancement for English Language LearnersELI 108 003 Academic Reading and Writing for English Language LearnersELI 109 002 Academic Reading and Writing for English Language Learners IIELT 151 001 PC Hardware FundamentalsELT 151 002 PC Hardware FundamentalsEMT 111 300 Emergency Medical Technician-BasicEMT 111 301 Emergency Medical Technician-BasicEMT 114 301 Paramedic Clinical PracticumEMT 114 302 Paramedic Clinical PracticumEMT 131 300 Introduction to Advanced Pre-hospital CareEMT 131 301 Introduction to Advanced Pre-hospital CareEMT 132 300 Patient AssessmentEMT 132 301 Patient AssessmentEMT 132 302 Patient AssessmentENG 100 903 Success in Writing and ReadingENG 100 904 Success in Writing and ReadingENG 100 909 Success in Writing and ReadingENG 108 012 Strategic Reading and Writing IENG 108 013 Strategic Reading and Writing IENG 108 016 Strategic Reading and Writing IENG 109 016 Strategic Reading and Writing IIENG 109 018 Strategic Reading and Writing IIENG 109 019 Strategic Reading and Writing IIENG 109 020 Strategic Reading and Writing IIENG 109 023 Strategic Reading and Writing IIENG 121 062 English Composition IENG 121 068 English Composition IENG 121 070 English Composition IENG 121 072 English Composition IENG 121 073 English Composition IENG 121 074 English Composition IENG 121 076 English Composition IENG 121 077 English Composition IENG 121 079 English Composition IENG 121 080 English Composition IENG 121 081 English Composition IENG 121 084 English Composition I

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Course # Course NameENG 121 085 English Composition IENG 121 093 English Composition IENG 121 096 English Composition IENG 121 903 English Composition IENG 121 904 English Composition IENG 121 909 English Composition IENG 122 024 English Composition IIENG 122 025 English Composition IIENG 122 026 English Composition IIENG 122 027 English Composition IIENG 122 028 English Composition IIENG 122 030 English Composition IIENG 122 032 English Composition IIENG 128 600 Linguistics and SocietyENG 220 001 Introduction to Scripts for ScreenENG 222 004 Creative WritingENG 243 001 Introduction to FictionENG 249 001 Children’s LiteratureENG 262 600 Theories of Teaching ELLs and Bilingual EducationENG 267 600 Teaching Pronunciation to ELLsENG 268 600 Assessment of ELLsESC 120 600 Earth ScienceESC 124 004 OceanographyESC 129 004 Severe and Hazardous WeatherESC 140 600 Introduction to Astronomy with LabFRN 121 002 Beginning Conversational French IFRN 221 001 Intermediate French IFST 173 600 Fire Instructor IFST 174 600 Fire Instructor IIFST 177 001 Fire Prevention Principles IFST 273 600 Fire Science Business and OperationsFST 274 600 Fire Administration and the LawGEG 121 006 Physical GeographyGXS 229 003 Sex, Gender, and PowerHCM 110 002 Introduction to the Hospitality IndustryHCM 113 003 ServSafe: Food Service SanitationHCM 113 004 ServSafe: Food Service SanitationHCM 170 002 Patisserie I

HCM 170 002 Patisserie IHCM 173 001 Patisserie IIIHCM 175 003 NutritionHCM 212 001 Menu Marketing and ManagementHCM 213 001 Purchasing & Inventory ControlHCM 214 002 Hospitality SupervisionHCM 273 001 Controlling Hospitality CostsHCM 299 001 Selected Topics in HospitalityHCM 299 003 Selected Topics in HospitalityHET 110 380 Basic Refrigeration SystemsHET 110 601 Basic Refrigeration SystemsHET 111 380 HVACR Electricity IHET 111 601 HVACR Electricity IHET 119 380 HVACR Electricity IIHET 119 601 HVACR Electricity IIHET 130 601 Heating I Residential AppliancesHET 155 600 HVAC/R Blueprint ReadingHET 190 601 EPA Certification PreparationHET 191 601 HVACR Load Calculation

Course # Course NameHET 250 600 Air Conditioning II Commercial HVAC AppliancesHET 251 600 Sheet Metal FabricationHET 252 600 Air Conditioning III Installation & ServiceHET 272 001 Refrigeration III Commercial Appliance InstallationHIT 111 003 Medical TerminologyHIT 117 001 Basic CPT CodingHIT 119 001 PharmacologyHIT 119 002 PharmacologyHIT 131 001 Basic ICD-10-CM CodingHIT 132 001 Basic ICD-10-PCS CodingHIT 171 001 Insurance Procedures for the Medical OfficeHRT 121 002 Introduction to HorticultureHRT 124 601 Introduction to SoilsHRT 125 002 Tree and Shrub IdentificationHRT 126 001 EntomologyHRT 140 001 Landscape GraphicsHRT 165 001 Small Engine Repair and MaintenanceHRT 228 001 Nursery ProductionHRT 229 601 Organic Growing and Sustainable PracticesHRT 260 001 Landscape ConstructionHRT 286 001 Natural Areas ManagementHST 221 004 United States History to 1876HST 222 005 United States History 1876 to PresentHST 245 001 History of Latin America to 1825HUM 121 003 Humanities: Ancient Times to the Middle AgesHUM 121 004 Humanities: Ancient Times to the Middle AgesHUM 122 003 Humanities: Renaissance to the PresentHUM 123 002 Introduction to FilmHUM 126 002 Introduction to the Performing ArtsHUM 127 005 Critical ThinkingHUM 127 006 Critical ThinkingHUM 127 007 Critical ThinkingHUM 221 003 American DecadesHUM 222 004 Film and SocietyHUM 226 002 Women and the ArtsHUS 121 002 Health and NutritionHUS 123 001 Introduction to Group DynamicsHUS 128 001 Introduction to Counseling SkillsHUS 134 001 Gender-Based ViolenceHUS 151 001 Addiction Counseling and Treatment IHUS 153 001 Diverse/Multicultural PopulationsHUS 157 001 Communicable Diseases and Substance AbuseHUS 170 981 Human Services Practicum IHUS 170 982 Human Services Practicum IHUS 170 983 Human Services Practicum IHUS 170 984 Human Services Practicum IHUS 170 986 Human Services Practicum IHUS 170 987 Human Services Practicum IHUS 171 981 Human Services Practicum IIHUS 171 982 Human Services Practicum IIHUS 171 983 Human Services Practicum IIHUS 171 984 Human Services Practicum IIHUS 171 986 Human Services Practicum IIHUS 171 987 Human Services Practicum II

Course # Course NameHUS 219 990 Human Services InternshipHUS 274 001 Human Services Practicum OrientationHUS 275 981 Addiction Counseling Practicum IHUS 275 982 Addiction Counseling Practicum IHUS 275 983 Addiction Counseling Practicum IHUS 275 984 Addiction Counseling Practicum IHUS 275 986 Addiction Counseling Practicum IHUS 275 987 Addiction Counseling Practicum IHUS 276 981 Addiction Counseling Practicum IIHUS 276 982 Addiction Counseling Practicum IIHUS 276 983 Addiction Counseling Practicum IIHUS 276 984 Addiction Counseling Practicum IIHUS 276 986 Addiction Counseling Practicum IIHUS 276 987 Addiction Counseling Practicum IIHUS 299 001 Special Topics in Human ServicesHWP 240 600 Contemporary Health IssuesHWP 260 600 Sport and Exercise NutritionHWP 290 600 Principles of Wellness CoachingHWP 299 607 Special Topics: Health and Wellness PromotionJPN 121 002 Beginning Japanese ILPO 111 003 Fundamentals of Light and LasersLPO 113 003 Photonics-Enabled TechnologiesLPO 211 001 Geometric and Wave OpticsLPO 250 002 Laser and Electro-Optic DevicesLTA 121 600 Introduction to Library ScienceLTA 121 600 Introduction to Library ScienceLTA 214 600 Cataloging and ClassificationMAS 119 603 Introduction to Massage TherapyMAS 210 001 Massage Structure and Functions IIMAS 212 001 Kinesiology and Palpation IIMAS 214 001 Massage: Communication and Business IIMAS 233 001 Massage Therapy III: RehabilitativeMAS 234 001 Massage Therapy IV: Advanced TechniquesMCS 142 001 Computer Science IIMET 111 001 Manufacturing ProcessesMET 112 001 Basic Metallurgy IMET 299 001 Special Topics: Mechanical Engineering TechnologyMIM 110 002 Introduction to Medical ImagingMOA 115 001 Insurance Coding for Medical AssistantsMOA 211 001 Clinical Medical Assisting IIMOA 211 001 Clinical Medical Assisting IIMTH 101 010 Elementary Concepts of MathematicsMTH 101 010 Elementary Concepts of MathematicsMTH 102 031 Basic AlgebraMTH 102 032 Basic AlgebraMTH 102 033 Basic AlgebraMTH 102 034 Basic AlgebraMTH 104 005 GeometryMTH 104 006 GeometryMTH 105 015 Preparatory Mathematics for General Education

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Course # Course NameMTH 105 016 Preparatory Mathematics for General EducationMTH 108 028 Intermediate AlgebraMTH 108 029 Intermediate AlgebraMTH 108 030 Intermediate AlgebraMTH 108 031 Intermediate AlgebraMTH 114 004 Applied Mathematics IMTH 114 005 Applied Mathematics IMTH 114 006 Applied Mathematics IMTH 115 001 Applied Mathematics IIMTH 117 001 Technical Mathematics IMTH 122 008 College AlgebraMTH 122 009 College AlgebraMTH 123 002 TrigonometryMTH 140 005 Contemporary MathematicsMTH 142 005 Computer Programming in PascalMTH 144 007 PrecalculusMTH 144 008 PrecalculusMTH 145 007 Calculus and Analytic Geometry IMTH 146 002 Calculus and Analytic Geometry IIMTH 221 002 Mathematics for Elementary Teaching IIMTH 222 009 Elementary StatisticsMTH 222 010 Elementary StatisticsMTH 222 011 Elementary StatisticsMTH 224 002 Calculus for Business and Social ScienceMTH 227 001 Ordinary Differential EquationsMTH 246 002 Calculus and Analytic Geometry IIIMTT 110 600 Machine Trades Blueprint ReadingMTT 111 001 Machine Shop IMTT 112 001 Machining PrinciplesMTT 113 001 Grinding TechnologyMTT 212 001 Precision Machining/ NIMS CredentialingMUS 120 002 Vocal EnsemblesMUS 120 003 Vocal EnsemblesMUS 120 004 Vocal EnsemblesMUS 123 001 Wind EnsembleMUS 123 002 Wind EnsembleMUS 124 004 Introduction to MusicMUS 124 005 Introduction to MusicMUS 147 001 Guitar Class IMUS 223 001 Jazz EnsembleMUS 223 002 Jazz EnsembleNUR 110 005 Nurse AssistingNUR 110 006 Nurse AssistingNUR 110 009 Nurse AssistingNUR 110 013 Nurse AssistingNUR 110 014 Nurse AssistingNUR 110 015 Nurse AssistingNUR 133 005 Foundational Concepts of Nursing PracticeNUR 133 006 Foundational Concepts of Nursing PracticeNUR 134 006 Medical Surgical NursingNUR 232 005 Mental Health NursingNUR 232 006 Mental Health NursingNUR 233 005 Family-Centered Nursing CareNUR 233 006 Family-Centered Nursing CareNUR 234 005 Complex Medical, Surgical, and Leadership NursingNUR 234 006 Complex Medical, Surgical, and Leadership Nursing

Course # Course NamePBT 110 003 Introduction to Medical Lab TechnologyPBT 115 003 Phlebotomy TechniquesPDS 120 003 Becoming A Successfu College StudentPDS 122 001 Career ExplorationPDS 122 003 Career ExplorationPDS 122 004 Career ExplorationPED 121 036 Individual ActivitiesPED 121 042 Individual ActivitiesPED 121 046 Individual ActivitiesPED 121 051 Individual ActivitiesPED 121 063 Individual ActivitiesPED 121 068 Individual ActivitiesPED 121 072 Individual ActivitiesPED 121 081 Individual ActivitiesPED 228 601 First Aid/CPRPED 242 601 Philosophy of CoachingPED 243 600 Theory and Practice of FitnessPED 270 001 Biomechanics and KinesiologyPED 272 600 Exercise Testing and PrescriptionPHI 121 014 Introduction to PhilosophyPHI 121 017 Introduction to PhilosophyPHI 122 003 LogicPHI 123 003 Philosophy of ReligionPHI 125 008 Introduction to EthicsPHI 125 010 Introduction to EthicsPHI 125 014 Introduction to EthicsPHI 126 003 World ReligionsPHI 221 001 Asian PhilosophyPHY 120 002 Practical Aspects of PhysicsPHY 121 004 General Physics IPHY 122 001 General Physics IIPHY 123 003 Physics for Science and Engineering IPLS 110 002 Introduction to Paralegal StudiesPLS 110 003 Introduction to Paralegal StudiesPLS 112 001 Legal Research and Writing IPLS 114 002 LitigationPLS 118 600 Real Property LawPLS 210 001 Tort LawPLS 215 600 Immigration LawPLS 216 001 Intellectual Property LawPLS 233 600 Criminal LitigationPLS 234 001 Elder LawPSC 121 007 American National PoliticsPSC 121 008 American National PoliticsPSC 221 001 Comparative Political SystemsPSY 121 045 Introduction to PsychologyPSY 121 046 Introduction to PsychologyPSY 121 047 Introduction to PsychologyPSY 121 048 Introduction to PsychologyPSY 121 049 Introduction to PsychologyPSY 220 008 Lifespan DevelopmentPSY 220 009 Lifespan DevelopmentPSY 248 002 Psychology of the Criminal MindRUS 121 001 Beginning Russian IRUS 122 001 Beginning Russian IISGN 122 001 American Sign Language IISOC 121 017 Introduction to SociologySOC 121 018 Introduction to SociologySOC 222 002 Social ProblemsSOC 224 003 Sociology of the FamilySOC 229 003 Sex, Gender, and PowerSPA 121 002 Beginning Conversational Spanish I

Course # Course NameSRG 118 001 Advanced Surgical ProceduresSWK 121 004 Introduction to Social WorkTHE 121 600 Introduction to Theatre IWLD 113 001 Welding Blueprint ReadingWLD 117 001 Applied Fabricating and ProcessingWLD 170 001 General WeldingWLD 170 002 General WeldingWLD 170 003 General WeldingWLD 172 001 Shielded Metal Arc WeldingWLD 175 001 Gas Metal Arc WeldingWLD 176 001 Welding CertificationWLD 178 001 Gas Tungsten Arc Welding

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Associate in ArtsAccountingAnthropologyArtBusiness AdministrationCommunication Criminal Justice Dance Early Childhood Education Economics Elementary Education English French Gender and Sexuality StudiesGeography History Humanities International StudiesLatin-American Studies Music Philosophy Physical Education Political Science Pre-DentistryPre-MedicinePre-PharmacyPre-Veterinary Medicine Psychology Recreation Secondary Education Social Work Sociology Special EducationSpanish Sustainability Theatre PerformanceTheatre Technical

Associate in ScienceBiological Sciences

– Agriculture/Crop Science – Microbiology– Natural Resource Management– Wildlife Management– Zoology

Chemistry Computer Information Technology Computer Science Earth Science Mathematics Physics Pre-DentistryPre-MedicinePre-PharmacyPre-Veterinary Medicine Sustainability (Science and Technical Aspects)

Associate in Fine ArtsArt Music

Associate in General Studies

Associate in Applied ScienceAccountingAdministrative ProfessionalArchitectural Technology Automotive Collision Repair Automotive Technology Business Administration Options:

– Business Administration– Management – Marketing – Entrepreneurship/Small Business

Management CAD-Drafting Technology Options:

– Graphics, Animation and Presentation– Mechanical– Architectural/Civil

Computer Information Technology Options: – Computer Forensics– Office Application Specialist– Network Administration and Security– .NET Programming– Web Programming

Computerized Numerical Control ProgrammingCriminal JusticeDental HygieneDigital Media and Design Options:

– Digital Media and Design– Digital A/V Production and Editing

Early Childhood EducationElectrician ApprenticeshipElectrical Engineering TechnologyEmergency Medical TechnologyFire Science Technology Options: – Firefighter Basic Operations – Fire Science TechnologyHealth and Wellness PromotionHealth Information TechnologyHeating, Ventilation, Air Conditioning Refrigeration Engineering Technology

Horticulture Options:– Horticulture Production– Landscape Construction

and Maintenance– Landscape Design– Natural Areas Management– Sustainable Agriculture

Hospitality and Culinary Management Options:

– Hospitality and Culinary Management– Baking and Pastry Arts

Human Service Program Options:– Adult Services– Addiction Counseling and Treatment– Correctional Counseling– Children and Adolescents– Trauma Interventions and Prevention

Machine Tool TradesMechanical Engineering TechnologyMedical Assisting Medical ImagingNursing Optics and Photonics TechnologyParalegal StudiesSupply Chain ManagementSurgical TechnologyTechnical Communication

Transfer and Career Degrees For more information, visit www.clcillinois.edu/transfer.

Associate in Arts in TeachingSecondary Mathematics

Associate in Engineering ScienceEngineeringEngineering and Computer Science


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Accounting:– Accounting Clerk– Professional Accounting

Administrative Office Systems:– General Office– Administrative Assistant– Administrative Leadership – Office Professional

Architectural TechnologyAutomotive Collision Repair

– Automotive Collision Repair– Automotive Collision Repair Assistant– Automotive Damage

Analysis– Automotive Refinishing

Technician– Automotive Structural

Repair TechnicianAutomotive Technology:

– Air Conditioning and Heating Specialist

– Brakes and Suspension Specialist

– Electrical Specialist– Fuel Systems Specialist– Oil Change Specialist– Service Specialist– Transmission Specialist– Transmission Technician– Under the Car Technician– Under Hood Technician

Business Management:– Entrepreneurship/Small

Business Management– Marketing– Supervision– Retail Management

CAD-Drafting Technology:– 3-D Parametric– Architectural– AutoCAD– AutoDesk Inventor– Civil – Graphics, Animation

and Presentation– Creo– SolidWorks

Computer Information Technology:

– C++ Programming– Cisco Networking– Computer Forensics

Analyst– Game Development – Network Administration

and Security– Office Application Specialist– Desktop Support Technician– Security Administration– .NET Programming – Web Programming

Computerized Numerical Control Programming:

– CNC Programming/ Operations

– NIMS Level I CNC Operator– NIMS Level I CNC Operator/

Setup Technician

Criminal JusticeDigital Media and Design:

– Multimedia Communications– Multimedia Presentations

Early Childhood Education:– Administration and

Leadership in ECE– Early Childhood Level II– Early Childhood Level III– Infant/Toddler Level II– Infant/Toddler Level III

Electrical Engineering Technology:

– Electrical/Electronic Maintenance

– Electronics Technology– Fiber Optics Technician– Wireless Networking Security

Emergency Medical Technology:

– Emergency Medical Technician-Basic

– Emergency Medical Technician-Paramedic

Health and Wellness Promotion:

– Personal Training– Wellness Coaching

Health Information Technology:– Medical Billing Specialist

Heating and Air Conditioning Engineering Technology:

– Commercial Refrigeration Technician

– Electrical Troubleshooting Technician– HVAC/R Installation Technician– HVAC/R Service Technician– Residential Air Conditioning

Technician– Residential Energy Auditing– Residential Heating


– Arboriculture– Landscape Design– Landscape Maintenance– Natural Areas Management– Sustainable Agriculture

Hospitality and Culinary Management:

– Professional Cook– Professional Chef– Hospitality Supervisor– Hospitality Manager– Baking and Pastry Assistant– Pastry Chef Assistant

Human Service Program:– Accelerated Addictions

Counseling and Treatment– Addiction Counseling

and Treatment– Correctional Counseling– General Human Services– Trauma Interventions

and Prevention

Laser/Photonics/Optics:– Laser/Photonics/Optics– Applied Lasers – Biophotonics

Machine Tool Trades:– Basic Machining– Machine Tool Trades– Tool and Mold Maker

Massage TherapyMechanical Engineering Technology:

– MET I: Toolbox– MET II: Nuts and Bolts– MET III: Mechatronics– MET IV: Design and Innovation– Mechanical Service

Technician I– Mechanical Service

Technician IIMechatronics TechnologyMedical Assisting:

– Medical Assisting– Healthcare Office Assistant

Medical Imaging:– Computed Tomography– Magnetic Resonance


Nursing:– Certified Nurse Assisting

Paralegal StudiesPhlebotomy TechnicianSupply Chain Management

– Introduction SCM– Advanced SCM

Surgical TechnologySustainable Programs

– Alternative Energy Technologies

Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages Options:

– Teaching English Learners Core

– Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL)

Technical Communication:– Professional Technical

Communication– Technical Communication

Welding:– Gas Metal Arc Welding– Gas Tungsten Arc Welding– Shielded Metal Arc Welding– Welding

Yoga Teacher

Certificates in career areas are programs that require less than two years of full-time study. For more information, visit www.clcillinois.edu/careers.

Career Certificates


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Grayslake Campus

Welcome and One Stop Center Room B114

Admissions and Recruitment (847) 543-2090 TTY: (847) 223-0134 www.clcillinois.edu/getstarted

Financial Aid (847) 543-2062 TTY: (847) 223-0134 www.clcillinois.edu/financialaid

Registrar and Records (847) 543-2061 TTY: (847) 223-0134 www.clcillinois.edu/getstarted

Career and Job Placement Center Room B118 (847) 543-2059 www.clcillinois.edu/cjpc

International Students Room B172 (847) 543-2069 www.clcillinois.edu/cie

Veteran Student Services Room B113 (847) 543-2063 www.clcillinois.edu/military

Academic Counseling/Transfer Center Room A124 (847) 543-2067 TTY: (847) 223-0134 www.clcillinois.edu/advising (847) 543-2060 (Option 4) TTY: (847) 223-0134 www.clcillinois.edu/counseling

Student Life (847) 543-2280 Room B106 www.clcillinois.edu/campuslife

Cashier - Tuition Payments/Payment Plans (847) 543-2085 Room B114 www.clcillinois.edu/payment

Lancer Book Stop (Bookstore) (847) 543-2086 Room B014 www.clcillinois.edu/bookstore

Personal Enrichment (847) 543-2022 Room T317 www.clcillinois.edu/personalenrichment

Learning Resource Center

Libraries and Instructional Services (847) 543-2169 www.clcillinois.edu/library

Office for Students with Disabilities (847) 543-2055 TTY: (847) 223-0134 Room B171 www.clcillinois.edu/osd

Testing Center (847) 543-2076 Room B150 www.clcillinois.edu/testingcenter

Tutoring (847) 543-2449 (Math) (847) 543-2452 (Writing) Room L131 www.clcillinois.edu/tutoring

Division Offices

Adult Basic Education, GED and ESL (847) 543-2021 Building 4 www.clcillinois.edu/acedv Biological and Health Sciences (847) 543-2042 Room B213 www.clcillinois.edu/biodv

Business and Social Sciences (847) 543-2047 Room T302 www.clcillinois.edu/bssdv

Communication Arts, Humanities and Fine Arts (847) 543-2040 Room B213 www.clcillinois.edu/comdv

Engineering, Mathematics and Physical Sciences (847) 543-2044 Room T302 www.clcillinois.edu/egrdv

University Center of Lake CountyWorkforce and Professional Development Institute (WPDI) (847) 543-2027 www.clcillinois.edu/wpdi

Grayslake Campus Building 4Adult Education (847) 543-2021 Room 418 www.clcillinois.edu/acedv

Literacy (847) 543-2024 Room 418 www.clcillinois.edu/adulted

Lakeshore Campus (847) 543-2191 TTY: (847) 223-0134 111 N. Genesee St. Waukegan, IL 60085 www.clcillinois.edu/lakeshore

Southlake Campus (847) 543-6501 TTY: (847) 223-0134 1120 S. Milwaukee Ave. Vernon Hills, IL 60061 www.clcillinois.edu/southlake

Get More Information We are here to help you throughout your education at CLC. During Grayslake Campus construction, check the website or call for current office locations.


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Sustainability, or meeting present-day needs without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs, is part of the curriculum in many CLC courses, including:

• Students in a section of an introductory business

course focus on the Triple Bottom Line of people,

planet and profits. They also conduct a case study

analysis of a business that includes sustainability

in its overall mission.

• In a pre-calculus class, students used logistic

regression to analyze the increase in Americans’

smartphone use over the past 15 years. The

students later learned that one ingredient used in

smartphone manufacturing – cobalt – often

comes from African mines known for inhospitable

working conditions.

• An introductory ethics course includes a unit on

the environment, in which students apply ethical

theories to current issues ranging from the fast food

industry to factory farming.

• Twenty-two dental hygiene students, 12 nursing

students and several faculty and staff members

traveled to Tennessee in February. They practiced

social sustainability by providing dental and medical

services to low-income residents.

CLC is committed to promoting sustainability within

the college and Lake County community.

Learn about sustainability in wide varietyof courses

The new Science Building, scheduled to open later this year and containing sustainable features ranging from solar panels to rainwater

recovery, has received an exclusive Emerald Award for Building Innovation from the Illinois Chapter of the U.S. Green Building Council.

The award is the second “green” one that CLC has received in the last eight months. Last October, CLC was one of nine community

colleges nationwide to receive a $10,000 Green Genome award from the American Association of Community Colleges.

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Brandy Pierce graduated with an A.A.

in psychology and plans to transfer to

the University of Wisconsin-Parkside.

“I like the online courses because they

allow me to study around my day job and have a social

life, too. In a math course, I could replay the videos of

the equations and problems the instructor wrote on

the whiteboard. I recommend online courses if you

are self-disciplined.”

Maria Lawrence earned an A.A. in

sociology after earning a GED from CLC

at age 32. “The CLC professors have

been excellent and so supportive.

The staff in CLC’s Women’s Center have been wonderful,

too. I plan to transfer to DePaul University. After earning

my bachelor’s and master’s degrees, I’d love to be a social

worker because my passion is to use my own life

experience to help others. I’d like to show how it’s

never too late to start anew.”

David Morales earned an A.A.S.

in automotive collision repair.

“The instructors bring their real-world

experience to class, and CLC’s

automotive collision repair shop has the top tools,”

he said. “I’m changing careers from bartending, and it’s

great to move into a career that I’m passionate about.”

CLC faculty continue to receive local and national recognitions.

Natalia Casper and

Cindu Thomas-George received

the Teaching Excellence Award from

the National Institute for Staff and

Organizational Development. Casper

has taught mathematics full time since

1998. Thomas-George has taught

communication, public speaking and

multicultural education full time

at CLC for nine years.

Professors Michelle Proctor and

Ribhi Salhi received, respectively,

the 2017 Outstanding Full-Time and

Part-Time Faculty of the Year awards.

Both were chosen by a vote of CLC

students. Dr. Proctor has taught

education at CLC since 2005. Salhi

has been an adjunct political science

instructor since 2007.




* * * * *F A C U L T Y

RECEIVEN A T I O N A L AWArDs* * * * *

* * * * *

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You’re never far from the College of Lake County!

Access classes at four locations:

GRAYSLAKE19351 W. Washington St.

WAUKEGAN(Lakeshore Campus)33 N. Genesee St.

VERNON HILLS(Southlake Campus)

1120 S. Milwaukee Ave.


Board of Trustees

Richard A. Anderson, Chair

Philip J. Carrigan, Ph.D.Catherine M. Finger, Ed.D.

Vice Chair

William M. Griffin, Ed.D.Amanda D. HowlandBarbara D. Oilschlager

Matthew J. Stanton

Hansel LopezStudent Trustee

Rich Haney, Ed.D. Interim President

Four campuses for convenient


What does CLC stand for?The College of Lake County holds these values to be the cornerstone to fulfilling its mission:

1. LEARNING: Creating an atmosphere of academic excellence and life-long learning by pursuing the best ideas, approaches and methods.

2. INTEGRITY: Working together honestly and respectfully.

3. QUALITY: Committing to ongoing continuous improvement and excellence.

4. SERVICE: Serving as a force for improving the quality of life of our studentsand the community.

5. ACCOUNTABILITY: Being responsible and exercising good stewardship.

6. DIVERSITY: Embracing and respecting the uniqueness of students,employees and community members.

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19351 W. Washington St., Grayslake, IL 60030-1198

CLC Classes (USPS 014-085) is published by the College of Lake County monthly except March,

April, September and November. Periodicals postage paid at Grayslake, IL with additional entries.

POSTMASTER: Send change of address to CLC Classes, College of Lake County

19351 West Washington Street, Grayslake, IL 60030-1198

July 2017 – Volume 23, No. 1

GRAYSLAKE CAMPUS 19351 W. Washington St., Grayslake, IL 60030


33 N. Genesee St., Waukegan, IL 60085


1120 S. Milwaukee Ave., Vernon Hills, IL 60061


(847) 543-2090

Schedule subject to change. Online version has most current information. www.clcillinois.edu/classes.

CLC is committed to maintaining an environment free from harassment and discrimination for everyone and does not discriminate on the basis of race, sex, national origin, religion, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, or any other protected status. Responsibility for coordination of compliance efforts and receipt of inquiries has been delegated to the Dean of Student Life, 19351 W. Washington St., Grayslake, IL 60030 (847) 543-2288.