Faith Lost is a Dangerous Weapon DP 3-05 Month, Year Version 0.1 by Kenneth Walz Heather Walz Omens of death draw the Witch Hunters to Egypt after the ancient book of Isis falls into the nefarious hands of a wicked Voodoo priest. Can the heroes prevent the birth of a new menace even more frightful than the Grey Pilgrim? For experienced witch hunters, suggesting tier 2-3, tier 1 can play at own risk. "No one can serve two masters" - Matthew 6:24 Witch Hunter™ and Dark Providence™ are trademarks of Paradigm Concepts, Inc. Adventure content is ©2009 by Paradigm Concepts, Inc. All rights reserved.


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Adventure for Witch Hunter RPG.

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  • Faith Lost is a Dangerous Weapon

    DP 3-05 Month, Year Version 0.1

    by Kenneth Walz Heather Walz

    Omens of death draw the Witch Hunters to Egypt after the ancient book of

    Isis falls into the nefarious hands of a wicked Voodoo priest. Can the heroes prevent the birth of a new menace even more frightful than the Grey Pilgrim?

    For experienced witch hunters, suggesting tier 2-3, tier 1 can play at own risk.

    "No one can serve two masters" - Matthew 6:24

    Witch Hunter and Dark Providence are trademarks of Paradigm Concepts, Inc. Adventure content is 2009 by Paradigm Concepts, Inc. All rights reserved.

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    Author(s): Kenneth & Heather Walz Editor(s): Editor's name(s)

    Background and History

    Adrin Lorencio Custodio, A Spanish priest who had a crisis of faith two years ago, when he saw a angel have to sacrifice itself to damnation in order to prevent a hellpoint from opening. Not understanding how god cannot forgive such a sacrifice turned to dappling in voodoo to find more answers. Such actions attract others also, namely the Grey Pilgrim, a fallen witch hunter who now hunts Witch hunters. The Grey Pilgrim realized that a fallen priest could be of great service to his task set out to set up Adrian to fall from grace. Knowing where part of the Book of Isis was in the new world, the Grey Pilgrim allowed a communication of where the Book was to fall into Adrians hands. Father Custodio knowing how such a Book could be used for great evil, gathered several other witch hunters to go and try to recover and destroy the book. However the witch hunters he could get to assist him where too young and inexperienced for such a trap by the Grey Pilgrim, the Grey Pilgrim easily killed most of the witch hunters and allowed Father Custodio and a native American called Eagles song to escape with parts of the book. The parts of the book dealing with talking with the underworld and the returning of undead to life to finish a goal or quest they had in life. Father Custodios sanity was pushed past its breaking point in the fight with the Grey Pilgrim. With his broken mind and the book of Isis, he used his knowledge of voodoo to create a new ritual, one that will create a powerful revenant, one Father Custodio hopes is powerful enough to hunt and kill the Grey Pilgrim. Father Custodio talked Eagles song to help him travel to Thebes in Egypt, supposedly to help him look for rituals to kill the Grey Pilgrim. However once at Thebes Father Custodio betrayed Eagles Song and killed him in a ritual sacrifice then started to mummify the body for the ritual of creating the revenant. The only thing that Father Custodio could not control was Eagles Songs gift at the end, Eagle Song was able to send a Dream walker message to his sister trying to warn him and stop Father Custodios plan. The players will get to see her receive the message, and then have to figure out how to intercept and stop Father Custodio. Father Custodios plan is to mummify

    Eagle song, and use several rituals he found including one to make the revenant immune to steel and shot so he can stand up to the Grey Pilgrim.


    This module takes place as a flash back of previous events, they start in London at a trail or hearing of some important then flash back to their memories of the events.

    Adventure Summary

    In scene 1, Here Ye, Here Ye The players find themselves in the court of whispers as witness for a hearing, and then flash back to their memories of the events in the past.

    In scene 2, A choice between two evils The module will then give the players options on how to get to the valley, the captain of the ship, who is a Lightbringers will let the players have the following options, he can drop them off in Cairo, but with the ottoman empire at war with Europe that may cause issues getting weapons and armor off the ship and into the lands or he can drop you at a known smugglers cove and try to find locals there to help guide. He will be back in a month to pick up wherever he drops them off.

    In scene 3, Enter Via Cairo Have to talk/bribe their way into Cairo, the bigger weapons and armor raise the difficulty/bribe required. However once in the city they can find info out about the expedition that went ahead of them. And its easier to find a boat to take up river.

    In scene 4, Enter Via Smugglers cove This is potentially the deadliest, if any players have killed pirates in previous events, they might get attacked by pirates or revenge, they can arrange either a overland guide or a boat to the valley of the kings.

    In scene 5, One Hump or Two? Overland trip with smugglers down to Thebes.

    In Scene 6, A slow cruise up the Nile Forces of the advisory, seeing a chance to bring damnation and chaos to the world, try to slow or hinder the witch hunters. In this scene while

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    traveling up the nile the boat the witch hunters are on is attacked at down by snakes.

    In Scene 7, Thebes Hunting If the witch hunters stop in Thebes to ask about the Father they can find out important information about what they are about to face.

    In Scene 8, Valley of the Kings In this scene the witch hunters have to find and get to the correct tomb to confront the Father and his newly created Undead revenant.

    In Scene 9, Long way home This scene should be easiest as they make their way out of Egypt.

    In Scene 10, Justice Prevails? If the priest lives, he is given a trail for violating the accords, players will get to give suggestions to punishment.

    In the conclusion We see what if any justice is done and how the orders have to deal with a fallen priest.

    Scene 1: Here Ye, Here Ye

    You find yourselves standing in the court of whispers, in your finest clothes, to your front are five solemn looking persons in judges robes, the lady appointed as bailiff for this hearing asks for each of you "Please state your name, and your order of Solomon

    After all the players state the information, the gm continues

    It seems so long ago, but it was two months since the 'ordeal it started innocent enough, you found yourself and your companions on a boat in the Aegean when you and the dream walker with you received a vision. As the rest of the witnesses are sworn in your mind wonders back over the events that brought you here..

    Scene 2: A choice between two evils

    You feel a cool, refreshing breeze on the back of your neck as you stand on the galleys forecastle overlooking the deep blue of the Mediterranean Sea with the late summer sun beating down on the deck. The navigator of the ship, just finishing his noon reading, nods to your group Clean wind and clean sea, we should make Lisbon in record time at this clip. As you gaze upon what must be one of the wonder of the witch hunter world thanks to the accords, a ship, fully crewed by witch hunters. The Blessed Sea, she sails the seas with the crew changing as they are called to the service of the Lord. Some of you just boarded this ship with its cargo. For others its been several weeks from your last encounter with the forces of the advisory, and you had found yourself on a dock with the The Blessed Sea just docking, with no other omens to guide you, you boarded her and have been sailing, helping out as you can, waiting for the next omen.

    NPCs that can be talked to

    Captain Alexandre Olavo Bernardino, Portuguese man, of the Lightbringers. Non caster

    Ms. Running Waters, Native American, Dream Walker, will perform Dream-Crafting at the end of this scene. Twin Sister to Eagles Song, sweet and kind.

    Mr Giovanni Ampelio, Ships Carpenter, order of Stalker of the Unseen hunt. Italian. Recent convert, mortally afraid of undead ships and crew, wife was killed by demon dogs. Very gruff and not very talkative.

    Ms. Rosette Louissette, First officer, Order of Crusaders Inviolate. French. Courageous, friendly but secretive, father is a musketeer in the kings guard, jokes around a lot, currently looking for people to recommend to the musketeers.

    Ms. Leeba Chesed, Navigator, Order of The Seekers of Emet, German. Not overly strict, uses the fact of seeing abominations as a excuse for excess gluttony.

    Father Francis, Lookout currently, Order of the Ashen Cross. English. Currently worried about the amount of Aztec gold crossing the oceans, and

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    became a witch hunter when his abby was attacked by diabolists.

    If any of the NPCs are asked, the ship is sailing from a small island in the Mediterranean, carrying the results of a archeology dig over to London, god willing.

    If the players wish to examine the ship, with a Notice DC 4: They can tell that on the figurehead of the ship the angel, her wings are swept back to the bow of the ship and it looks like the wings are bolted to her and the ship. If Mr Ampelio is asked about this, he will respond that the wings tend to attract cannon fire for some reason, makes it easier to replace the wings than the whole figure. Empathy DC:4 there is more to the answer but he is not willing to say.

    GM NOTE: If a player has asked for a dream weaving then the players name will be used instead of Fanny McBrigede.

    As the sun begins it nightly setting, the sky and sea take on a red tinge, as the old mariners line red sea at night sailors delight comes to mind. Running waters draws on the main deck with sand sigils to assist her, one of the crew Fanny Mcbrigede, has asked her for a dream weaving. Several of the crew gathers round not only out of instinct to protect but to watch and learn. As the night takes over and the stars appear, your head begins to spin and you feel yourself falling at first, then you awaken to see yourself flying over the city of Cairo in Egypt, your vision then sends you south along the Nile until you see the great bend and see a temple on the side of the river, flying over the walkway to the Temple you see a road, over a mile in length, flanked by hundreds of stone sphinx, the temple itself has two great statues of a Egyptian pharaoh with a single red granite obelisk on the left hand side, your vision then flies up and to the west where you see a valley, several of the smaller hills and valleys seem to be guided in gold. The vision flies you down to the south branch of the southwest wadi.and your vision again fadesyou awake to see the crew of the ship gathered round in a protective circle around your group and Running Waters, several glow with eldritch energy ready to defend the ship and all on boardyou blink your eyes as the stars as you see

    a falling star cross a star in a constellation above you.

    If players are trained in the skills give them one roll at each of the following.

    Trained Knowledge: Geography DC:2 The great bend in the nile, put the temple in the area of Luxor, its old name is Thebes.

    Trained Knowledge: History DC: 2 The avenue of the Sphinxes, connects the ancient Egyptian temples of Luxor and Karnak in Luxor/Thebes.

    Trained Knowledge: History DC: 2 The description of the temple sounds like the Temple of Luxor, in Luxor/Thebes.

    Trained Knowledge Geography or History DC:2 The valley sounds like the valley of the kings.

    Navigation DC:1 or navigator background. The constellation the star went through is Canis Major.

    Navigation DC:2 or navigator background. The star it crossed was Sirius.

    Once they know the name of the Star, Myth and lore DC: 2 Sirius in Egypt was considered to be the Star of Isis.

    As the captain has your group and Running Waters brought to the main cabin for discussions of what happened you notice that Running Waters is trying to hold back tears. In the main cabin are your group and the officers of the ship, the captain asks you to describe your vision and the captain and officers listen and make notes.

    If anyone asks Running Waters what is wrong or why she is crying. The vision was from my twin brother Eagle Song, the vision was not yet complete when it was stopped, the way it stopped can only mean that he is dead.

    If Running Waters is asked to join the group. GM NOTE: If the party is a low level tier 1, she will join in if the GM thinks she can be a hand, or she can join if the GM thinks she can be used to give hints or notes in combat, her joining the party is entirely at the discretion of the GM.

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    I can not, it is my duty to get the items to London, but as my brother also reached out and you received the visions also, I believe it is your calling to investigate what is going on down in Egypt.

    Do you know what your brother was doing? The last I spoke with him, he was with a Spanish Priest in my lands, looking for some old scroll or book of knowledge. Trying to make sure it did not fall into the wrong hands.

    If the players did not succeed at the rolls to decipher the dream, the officers in the main cabin can answer and interpret the symbols for them.


    As all discussion seems to be slowing down the captain speaks. It seems that your group has been called to Egypt, the wind has shifted to come from the North, so we can arrive soon, but Egypt is under control of the Ottoman Empire, and at War with some of the powers in Europe and the Mediterranean. There are two ways we can get you into there, we can dock in Cairo or I can dock at a small pirate port just west of there that we know of, which do you prefer?

    If asked Pro/Con for each, the officers can tell the following.

    Dock in Cairo: Well you get real documents; its easier to get travel down the Nile, and find out information around town. Bad side, heavy armor and weapons they will not allow in.

    Dock at the pirate port: Well there are some foragers there that can make permits for anything given the right incentive, like lots of cash. It will cost more to find travel down the Nile. Also if you are known to have hunted pirates in the past, there maybe a fight with friends of the old crew or captain. Also you would not be able to get to Cairo as they do detailed examination of papers in that city.

    Let us off at some deserted beachfront: ARE YOU NUTS, if we did that you would have no papers, When your caught by the Ottomans you would be killed as Spies. I cannot risk that under interrogation you would reveal this ship to them. We are known to

    them as Pirate hunters, and that is how I want them to think of us.

    If they wish to go to Cairo go to scene 3, if the pirate port then scene 4

    Scene 3: Enter Via Cairo

    For the next few days as the ship heads south, the captain goes over with the crew some of the cargo that the ship has in the hold, seeing what could be passed off for sale. He explains that once the ship clears customs, the crew and you can disembark, normally crew dont carry weapons and armor, you should not have a big problem in the dock area, but when you try to leave the docks, the customs will then be on your case, from past stays we know that they will not allow heavy armor past customs or any large weapons, if you want to you can leave those with us and we will leave them in London at the court of whispers. Otherwise they will be taken from you by the Ottomans and you may or may not get them back.

    Yes the players can trust the captain and the crew to give the weapons to the court of whispers, if they wish to leave anything else they will leave those items at the court also. Heavy armor is Buff coat, Pitch jacket, Metal breastplate.

    After the ship ties up in the harbor, a pair of Ottoman customs come aboard and question the captain about the ships cargo and length of stay, after a few minutes the captain is given a sheet of paper, and pays over a rather large sack of coins with a nod and announces Ok you rats, once the cargo is offloaded you get liberty, for those passengers if you want off now, talk to these customs people on the dock. As you disembark you feel that maybe making a deal with devil maybe better than talking to bureaucrats, as you approach them. As they ask you questions they make notes into their records about your answers.

    The agent is able to speak, Latin, Greek, English, Persian, and will call upon a translator for others. Questions they ask Name? Country of Origin? Reason for visit? How long will you be visiting us?

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    What weapons are armor are you trying to smuggleI mean defend yourself with? If asked permits are good for one month, you may buy extensions now at the normal rate, if you need to extend after your time is up it will the twice the cost.

    So long as the players are truthful they will not have a problem, if a player tries to use Deceive they must make a DC: 2+ Tier to get him to believe him. If they fail, the customs agent shakes his head and says I think I must have misunderstood the translation, could you repeat that please? with a faint smile on his face.

    Cost Chart Visit Time: 1 crown per month Small weapons permit: 2 crowns per month Medium weapon permit: 3 crown per month If asked the customs will suggest two months for getting from here to Luxor and boat, by overland 3 months.

    If any players do not have enough money the captain will give the players the cash, just adjust the income gained at the end of the event to reflect repaying the captain. He will front each player a amount equal to their income per module.

    If the character is from the Ottoman empire, they do not need to purchase any permits and can carry any equipment they wish.

    Any character from the following countries, the customs agent will try to charge double due to the loss at the battle of Vienna, but may be charm DC: tier to be talked down to the normal price. Poland, Russia, Any of the German Empire, Bavaria, Austria, Saxony.

    Gossip Rolls asking about a Spanish priest and a native American with him. DC: 2 Yea we remember them, they bought up a bunch of linens and Natron, said they where looking at doing a show up in Spain about creating a mummy. Natron, is a natural salt used in drying out dead bodies. DC: 3 Yes, that priest had a weird look in his eyes. They asked how to get down to the Valley of the Kings. DC: 4+tier: Funny thing, that Priest had a old papyrus scroll with him he was trying to get a translator, none of us could make heads or tails of it.

    Ways to get from Cairo to down south. A gossip DC:1 will find out the following. You can rent space on a ship heading Up the Nile, should cost about 8 crowns one way. The other way takes longer, you can talk to a caravan heading that way, and if they are impressed with your combat skills you can get trip for about 4 crowns.

    Getting space on a boat, DC 1 Gossip to find a ship. Charm check for each two successes they can get one crown off of the passage down to a minimum of 4 crowns per person.

    Joining a Caravan DC 1 Gossip to find a group willing to let them join. If a character as a number of ranks in hand to hand equal to or greater than their tier then they will be allowed to join otherwise it takes a charm check of DC 1+tier.

    Charm check for each two successes they can get one crown off of the passage down to a minimum of 2 crowns per person.

    If the players go for the Overland Trip, Go to Scene 5. If the players wish to go on the boat, Go to Scene 6.

    Scene 4: Enter Via Smugglers cove, where on WHAT ship??

    The captain and the officers give a smirk and quaint smile as the captain turns to Ms. Louissette, Madam, as soon as the good father gives us the all clear in the morning begin the changeover please. She smiles and nods Aye Capt as the crew head out to their bunks for the night with a spring in their step.

    Changeover??? Wait for the morning, its more fun to watch if you dont know whats going on. **Winks at the player**

    As you come out on the deck with the morning sun, it seems all the crew is awake and looking up to the crows nest as Father Francis is praying and making a mark on his forehead then uses a spyglass to look over the seas.

    Ashen cross recognize the prayer as the Mark of Discernment.

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    If any crew is asked We are waiting for the seas to be clear of any other ships.

    Father Francis lowers the spyglass with a large smile and booms down to the deck Clear seas Captain, no ships in sight, you can begin. The captain turns to Ms Louissette Madam, please change us over to The Bloody Sea Ms Louissette gives a grin and a curtsy as she acknowledges the Captains orders All right you rats, as of now we are The bloody Sea, Port crew change the rigging, Starboard crew, name and paint, get to work then change your clothes. The ships Carpenter nods to the Captain, Sir can I use them to help change the figurehead? The Captain nods Sounds good, might as well use the extra arms, after all Idle hands are the Devils work are they not? Mr. Ampelio nods to you as he heads for the bow of the ship.

    What are we doing?? We are changing the name and outline of the ship, in just a new hours we will have a new paint band going around the ship that is red instead of blue, a few extra rigging to change up our outline, they are changing the letters on the back of the ship to read blooded sea instead of blessed sea. And then we get to modify the figurehead, after all the figurehead and name are how most ships are identified. We need to pull the wings off, I need a couple of you to do that, its easy enough they unbolt and are lifted aboard, then we bolt a body of a shark over it, so it looks like a shark eating a woman. After that we all change into clothing so we look like pirates instead of a normal crew.

    Trained Knowledge Current events DC Tier; or French and Spanish players The blooded Sea, she is a known pirate ship that kidnaps and kills crew, she is a wanted ship by most civilized ports. The big story is she raided a French ship that had captured a load of gold from the Spanish, it is said The Blooded Sea took the priest from the ship and hanged him from their ship as a trophy, then sold the women into a pirates bordello.

    If asked Father Frances was the priest on the ship and Ms. Louisette was the woman sold. The ship they where on was carrying Cursed Aztec Blood gold, we dumped that into the deep sea and made the story up to give us a good cover. We have sacked a couple of other ships as The Blooded Sea, but those

    where either carrying witches or dark artifacts that we did not want the forces of the advisory to have.

    By the way if any of you are able to cast hermetic magic, the captain is going to ask you to boost the protective wards in the hidden hull later. We have a circle of binding inscribed with silver sigils that we use to hide dark artifacts from the invisible world while we travel to a safe port. Right now there is nothing there, but never hurts to be ready.

    The captain will help the character change cloths over to something more appropriate for a pirate ship.

    The port of the pirates is a cove just big enough for three ships to dock in, there is only one dock to the land, and it is being used already. The captain orders the longboats broken out and make ready to land. Looking at what qualifies for a town, you can make out a Bar, a Inn or something that is cooking food, and about a dozen hastily constructed homes. The captain gives you all a nod Well we will sail in two days, I have some extra cargo I am going to claim is plunder to try and swap to one of the other ships, so if you can not get what you need we can always take you over to Cairo and try that way. I will return here once a month for the next four months to see if youre here, after that we will pray for your souls.

    Gossip Rolls DC: Tier + problem to find a forger DC: Tier + problem to find a smuggler looking for help for either boat ride down the Nile or by camel across the desert.

    Problem chart: If one or more of the PCs have any of the following circled on their AJs Add one for each category. #5 or 6 From 1-01 Storm Tide #30 from 1-06 Beast of the Forest #48 from 1-08 Dedication

    If a player has #89 from 1-15 Fair trade then add the boxed text to them while they are in the inn talking to the Forger. Also if a player has #89 from 1-15 circled, then negate all penalties from the Problem chart, as the captain from the Pirate ship, vouches for the group.

    As your sitting in the Inn waiting for the forger to arrive, the barkeep comes over and drops a large

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    plate of cheese with a jar of milk on your table with a strange look on his face One of the captains whos leaving port told me to give you these and to say The barkeep looks around and in a purring cat-like voice The cheese is Puurrrrfect. Capt Searle said you would understand as he shrugs his shoulders and goes back to work.

    If the players dont remember Capt Searle, that is even better.

    Permit Shopping

    After asking around, you find out the name of the local forger is Akhenaten, and set up an appointment at the inn. You see a weasel-eyed man in traditional dress for the area come up to your table, he bows slightly and asks what do you need made and for how long.

    Cost Chart Visit Time: 2 crowns per month Small weapons permit: 4 crowns per month Medium weapon permit: 6 crown per month Large weapon permit: 2 pounds per month Heavy armor permit: 1 pound per month If asked the he will suggest two months for getting from here to Luxor and back by boat, by overland 3 months.

    He cannot be charmed or intimidated into changing his prices; he knows his business and the rest of the pirates will protect him should the characters try to get violent.

    You can rent space on a ship heading Up the Nile, should cost about 10 crowns one way. The other way takes longer, you can talk to a caravan heading that way, and if they are impressed with your combat skills you can get trip for about 6 crowns.

    Getting space on a smugglers boat, Charm check for each two successes they can get one crown off of the passage down to a minimum of 4 crowns per person.

    Joining a Smugglers Caravan If a character as a number of ranks in hand to hand equal to or greater than their tier then they will be allowed to join otherwise it takes a charm check of DC 1+tier.

    Charm check for each two successes they can get one crown off of the passage down to a minimum of 2 crowns per person.

    Why do we have to pay smugglers for their help?? You are unknown to them and they dont trust you.

    If the players go for the Overland Trip, Go to Scene 5. If the players wish to go on the boat, Go to Scene 6.

    Scene 5: One Hump or Two?

    Hot and thirsty, that is all that can be said for taking a camel down to the southern Egypt is long and tiring, the only good news is after 5 weeks on the road your guide tells you that your only two days from the southern end of the trail. At night the camel train breaks up into smaller camps, it seems none of the others with you want to be in your groups camp, so you have settled into a pattern of watches and sleeping.

    Ask for all characters to make a notice DC: Tier to avoid being surprised.

    Just as the sun begins to rise from the East, your packing up the camels as you notice the sand shifting just outside of your camp area, before you can react, a huge nest of snakes erupts from the ground and attacks you and the rest of the caravan.

    There is a group of 5 snake minions per pc. If you feel there is a need or more or less adjust as you feel for the party strength. For the combat sheets see GM 1 for Tier 1 GM 2 for Tier 2 GM 3 for Tier 3

    Once combat is over If players wish, there are a dozen injured people with two people poisoned. With a Heal DC of the poison, the two people can be saved from death. The rest of the caravan will not turn down any healing offered.

    The battered remains of the caravan gather up for the days trek. The caravan master asks if you wish to go to the Valley of the Kings or over to Luxor?

    If the group wants the Valley of the Kings go to Scene 8. If the group wants Luxor go to Scene 7.

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    Scene 6: A slow cruise up the Nile

    As the warm breeze sweeps over the deck of the small barge you are on, you look over the people on the shores working and sweating in the blazing Egyptian sun. And think to yourself this is much better than riding up the Nile on a camel on dusty roads. The last three weeks have been one of steady routine, sailing up the Nile and then at night tying up to a dock or the land for some sleep. You and your companions are the only paying customers on this barge, the rest of the ship taking up cargo space. The crew is nice enough to leave your group alone, you spend the nights with a steady passage of watches and sleep. With just two more nights on the barge before you make it to your final destination. You awake earlier than normal to start making breakfast on the shore, when you notice the ground around you starting to shift, then before you can yell a warning, a nest of snakes erupts from the ground into your group.

    Ask for all characters to make a notice DC: Tier to avoid being surprised.

    There is a group of 5 snake minions per pc. If you feel there is a need or more or less adjust as you feel for the party strength. For the combat sheets see GM 1 for Tier 1 GM 2 for Tier 2 GM 3 for Tier 3

    Once combat is over If players wish, there are a three injured people with one people poisoned. With a Heal DC of the poison, that person can be saved from death. The rest of the barge will not turn down any healing offered.

    The barge master asks your group do you wish to be let off on the east side of the Nile at Luxor, or do you wish the west side for the valley of the kings.

    If the group wants Luxor go to Scene 7. If the group wants the Valley of the Kings go to Scene 8.

    Scene 7: Thebes Hunting In this scene there is a chance for the heros to find the Cult of Isis, and receive information about what has happened and if they agree find out some of the

    problems they are going to have fighting the creature. But to find the Cult they must pass a test that they will not even know is going on. They must befriend a quiet boy tending his wounded falcon, they must heal the falcon and convince the boy not to travel down the path of harm and evil. If they succeed the priestess of the cult of Isis will approach them. Otherwise they wander around the town until they are bored and can then head over to the valley of the kings.

    As you walk through the town, it is easy enough to find the walkway in your vision, the avenue of the sphinxes, the path that links the temples of Karnak and Luxor. Walking up to the Temple of Luxor, you see several people about hawking various trinkets and several of the locals barking out prices for tours of the area.

    You see of the locals gathered around the area for giving tours there is a young boy with a bandaged falcon in the back.

    If approached the boy reacts. A thousand pardons, I will be able to take you on a tour in just a moment, I must get Horus to eat, he has not eaten from when before I got his wing bandaged two days ago.

    What is your name? I am called Baruti.

    What is wrong with your falcon? I was putting on a show for some when two fools throw rocks at him and one hit him in the wing. They then laughed as they left. Empathy DC:1 The boy us upset at

    Can we see him. Heal DC:1 The bird is in pain as the wing was miss-set and not healing properly.

    If they tell him. What the old man that was with that group said he would bandage the bird and charged me two crowns, which was most of my months earnings. Empathy DC:2 the boy is getting very upset and angry at

    The wing can be set properly with a heal DC: Tier.

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    Once the bird wing is set after a moment the falcon starts to eat to regain its strength. The boy remarks Ok Horus, once you regain your strength, you will learn a new tricks, how to attack and go for the eyes.

    True Faith DC:1 The venom in the boys voice, leads you to believe that the path of revenge he is looking at heading down will bring damnation to his soul.

    To talk the boy out of that path, any good RP will succeed. If they do not Role-play the discussion out it is either a Charm or True Faith DC: Tier.

    As your words sink into the young boy he pets his falcon and nods, that is what that lady who dresses like the Priestess of Isis in the Temple said also. Perhaps your right, I shall take Horus home and start to regain his strength so we can do shows again.

    Priestess of Isis? Yes, the nice lady in the temple show, in fact there she is coming over to us now.

    As you turn your head to look, a rather attractive young woman dressed in the outfit as a Priestess of Isis comes up to your group, as you look at her it seems that she shimmers in the invisible world she is not a witch hunter but neither is she marked as a minion of the adversary. She runs her hand over Baruti hair straightening it up. Now Baruti, you need to get Horus home so the two of you can rest, when he can fly again let me know, and I will help get you into the show. Baruti smiles and bows to the young lady as he leaves. She nods to you as she speaks once the young boy leaves ear shot range Please come with me, it is not safe to talk out in the open. She leads you to a small building not far away from the temple, I was not expecting more visitors today, please excuse my manors, would you like a drink of water or wine while we talk? She points to two decanters on the table as she settles in at the head of the table.

    Who are you? Knowing names is granting power over a person, for now you may call me Meskhenet.

    How do we know we can trust you? I am the one worried about trust, which is why I tested you to see if you carry the true mark of

    Michael, or if you are like the other that came bearing that mark, and then left with that mark and carrying the mark of the morning lord.

    Mark of the Morning lord? This is how she refers to those with damnation that have given over to the adversary.

    Mark of Michael? This is how she refers to witch hunters.

    So you had a run in with Father Custodio and Eagles Song? Yes they where here almost two months ago, they had part of the scrolls of Isis, they asked if I could help translate part of them..she pauses as she thinks.

    How do you know of the Scrolls? I am with the Cult of Isis, we have been trying to rebuild the entire book of Isis for thousands of years. Your Father Custodio, betrayed me and my group and stole what sections we had after we talked about the book.

    What sections did they steal? Before I answer anymore, I must know, once you stop him, will you return the Scrolls of Isis and the Ankh that he took from us? Once the players agree, she does not care about the other items Custodio has, but she wants her part of the book of Isis, her Ankh and Custodios part of the book of Isis for her help.

    What are you going to do with the book of Isis? The book and spells in it are neither good nor evil, it is how they are used that makes that difference. We are trying to rebuild the book so that we can use it to help the people lead better lives, blessing of crops and use of magic behind the scene, after all it is better if the mass of people does not know about magic and our other world. Empathy:DC:0, yea she believes this and this is in her heart.

    If the party does not agree, she will wish them good luck and ask who are the next of kin, so they are not buried as paupers. She will explain that she knows what rituals the priest is planning on using to create defenses, that maybe of some importance to them?

    Once the party agrees. She will inform them of the following;

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    The Ankh has the power to lessen the effects of certain spells and spell effects, namely Prayer spells. He is using another of the rituals to make his creation, immune to steel and shot. So swords and guns are less of a threat to his creature. However it should be very vulnerable to wood.

    Why did you help him with these rituals? When he came here, with just the Mark of Michael on him, he was looking for a way to create amulets to prevent damage from the attacks of one he called the Black Pilgrim, no Grey Pilgrim, yes Grey Pilgrim is what he called it. I could tell that the one with him dressed in skins had been attacked by that creature and was quite afraid of it.

    If Eagle Song is brought up her response. I think that he has fallen with the other one and given in to the Mark of the Morning lord.

    If told that Eagles Song is dead. Her face flushes a white color, part of the scrolls he took told of how to create a creature from dead flesh and to impart it with a task. I think this Eagles Song is going to be used as part of the creation of the creature.

    Can you help us? I can help with the information I know, however, I have no skill in combat, and my Ankh was stolen, so I cannot help at this time. Also I am not sure that you are completely trustworthy, once the scrolls and Ankh are returned, then and in the future I can be of great aid.

    GM NOTE: FOR TIER 1 TABLES DIFFRENET ANSWER Can you help us? Yes I have crafted this magic charm, so long as you focus on your faith, the creatures immunities will be weakened.

    Once the party is done with Meskhenet, she will let them sleep here or at the inn in town, and wishes them luck in their battles to come. She will see if she can gather some of the others in the area to give a hand, but she tells them not to count on any help.

    Scene 8: Valley of the Kings

    Time for the showdown, as the party gets to the tomb the good father has just miscast part of the ritual and the creature goes into a killing rage.

    However the miscast means that it is not protected against prayer spells.

    As you enter the Valley of the Kings, you note that the hills that where gilded in your dreams are where tombs are. Now to find the right tomb.

    Tracking check DC:4 to find the correct tomb. If the players remember the correct wadi and/or the correct branch each is worth one automatic success at the roll.

    GM NOTE: If a TIER ONE table got here and did no go to Luxor, then have the Priestess of Isis be here to meet them. This is their safety net and last chance to get wooden clubs/weapons before the fight.

    As you follow the trail to the top of a small hill, you notice that this tomb entrance is recently opened and not on the maps you have. You see down the hole about 15 feet to gravel and other debris that is in the entrance room. Carefully lowering yourself down the makeshift ladder, you make your way along the partly filled entrance and first room. The only light coming from the far room where the sounds of someone being beaten or killed emanates from. As you enter the last room you see the dried out leathery corpse of an American Indian with a large gold ankh in his chest, attacks a small man dressed as a priest with a devastating backhand sending the small man to the far side of the room with a sickening crunch. The creatures eyes burn with a sickening green light as it turns to you.

    The creature has just gone wild and its up to the party to stop it, Father Custodio just spent a hero point to prevent dying at the creatures hands and is out of the fight. If the party is able to heal him up before the creature is dead, his eyes will glaze over and say The Ankh then fall back over.

    For Tier 1 see GM aid 4 For Tier 2 see GM aid 5 For Tier 3 see GM aid 6 If the players are knocked out, they will not die unless they dont have a hero point to save them. But when they wake up they find the Beaten up and quite bloody Priestess of Isis and 4 our of 15 of her group still standing and the creature dead.

    Items found in the aftermath, The fathers diary, gives back story

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    The two parts of the Book of Isis A book on voodoo rituals The gold ankh

    Scene 9: Long way home

    Getting out of Egypt is easy enough; its just a matter of getting back to where ever they got into Egypt. If the party left Meskhenet in good terms and as friends, she arranges a boat to take them to Cairo, from there they can walk over to the pirate camp if needed. She also gives them a small gold Ankh, which she says will protect them in the years to come. The main reason for this break is for the players to discuss what they should do with Father Custodio, as he broke the laws of the accord he should stand trail, how the group wishes to present the case is up to them. This gives them time to get ready for the trail. And what if any punishment should be given, if players ask him he will tell the back story. If the group does start to talk about him repenting his sins he will start to cry and start trying to redeem himself. If they dont talk to him about repenting he still does not feel he did anything that will damn his soul.

    Scene 10: Justice Prevails?

    As you blink your eyes and focus on the matters of the court the senior judge rises Father Custodio, the only crime for which we are allowed to judge you is the crime of killing Eagles Song a member of the Dream Walkers. We will now hear the statements of the witness before passing judgement.

    After the players give whatever statements they wish.

    If they do not argue for mercy for the father. The judges will now hear from Speaks for Wolves the representative of the Dream Walkers. A native American nods to the court For the death of our brother, you will also die, but your death will at least save others. There is a Jesuit in South Wales that is closing in on a safe house, you will turn yourself into him and tell him that you where the last and got caught leaving. Father Custidio hangs his head in shame as he acknowledges the sentence.

    If a majority of the character argue for mercy.

    The judges will now hear from Speaks for Wolves the representative of the Dream Walkers. A native American nods to the court For the death of our brother, you should die to pay for your sins, however we agree that there is a chance for your soul to be saved. There is a order of Franciscan monks in South Wales that you will join and spend the rest of your days with, and pray for the souls of all that you caused pain.


    As you make your way out of the great chamber, you begin to think how would or could you even stop the Gray Pilgrim, and what lengths would you be willing to go to, but then Omens draw you away from London and along the path of gods work.

    The End

    Up to 5 SP may be awarded. 2 for surviving the Event 1 for Role Playing 1 for returning the Book of Isis to the Cult of Isis 1 for stopping the Creature.

    Other items If the players made a good impression on the Priestess of Isis and passed her test and agreed to return the book to her she gives each player a small gold Ankh.

    Gold Ankh, this gold ankh when worn grants the wearer Immunity power level 1 to the attacks from the Grey Pilgrims sword.

    Adventure Codes:

    Circle FA is the players entered by Cairo Circle FB is the players entered by Pirate port Circle FC is the players passed the test from the priestess of Isis.

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    GM Aid 1 Fight for Encounter 5/6 Tier

    Init: Init: Init: Init: Init: Init: Init: Init: Init: Init: Init:

    Snakes (Animal) Minions, TR 2 Skills Hand to Hand 2 Weapon: Bite DM +0, Special Poison 2 Group 1 Group 2 Group 3 Group 4 Group 5 Group 6 Group 7

    Poison Potency 2 DM +3

    Poison Rules Reprinted from page 115 in the rulebook.

    When exposed to a poison, you roll Endurance (Toughness) against the poisons potency. The GM adds the success by which failed the check to the poisons DM.

    Poison also has a potency rating. This is the number of rounds that the poison is effective in the victims body. A victim must make an Endurance (Toughness) check each round following the rules above.

    A successful Heal (Intuition) check with a difficulty equal to the poisons potency will stop the spread of the poison and stop the need for the victim to make further Endurance (Toughness) checks.

  • GM Aid 2 Fight for Encounter 5/6 Tier 2

    Init: Init: Init: Init: Init: Init: Init: Init: Init: Init: Init:

    Snakes (Animal) Minions, TR 3 Skills Hand to Hand 2 Weapon: Bite DM +0, Special Poison 3 Group 1 Group 2 Group 3 Group 4 Group 5 Group 6 Group 7

    Poison Potency 3 DM +4

    Poison Rules Reprinted from page 115 in the rulebook.

    When exposed to a poison, you roll Endurance (Toughness) against the poisons potency. The GM adds the success by which failed the check to the poisons DM.

    Poison also has a potency rating. This is the number of rounds that the poison is effective in the victims body. A victim must make an Endurance (Toughness) check each round following the rules above.

    A successful Heal (Intuition) check with a difficulty equal to the poisons potency will stop the spread of the poison and stop the need for the victim to make further Endurance (Toughness) checks.

  • GM Aid 3 Fight for Encounter 5/6 Tier 3

    Init: Init: Init: Init: Init: Init: Init: Init: Init: Init: Init:

    Snakes (Animal) Minions, TR 4 Skills Hand to Hand 3 Weapon: Bite DM +0, Special Poison 3 Group 1 Group 2 Group 3 Group 4 Group 5 Group 6 Group 7

    Poison Potency 3 DM +4

    Poison Rules Reprinted from page 115 in the rulebook.

    When exposed to a poison, you roll Endurance (Toughness) against the poisons potency. The GM adds the success by which failed the check to the poisons DM.

    Poison also has a potency rating. This is the number of rounds that the poison is effective in the victims body. A victim must make an Endurance (Toughness) check each round following the rules above.

    A successful Heal (Intuition) check with a difficulty equal to the poisons potency will stop the spread of the poison and stop the need for the victim to make further Endurance (Toughness) checks.

  • Gm Aid 4 Combat Sheet for Encounter 8 (Tier 1)

    Init: Init: Init: Init: Init: Init: Init: Init: Init: Init: Init:

    Revenant Undead (Undead) Fear Rating 2 Initiative Base 7d Melee Pool: 8d Hatchet 9d DM+4 Fist 8d DM+2 Ranged Pool: 8d Hatchet 9d DM+4 Defense Pool: Base: 7d Powers Immunity 2: Steel weapons (Vulnerability wood weapons) Immunity 2: Shot (Weak point: Ankh)

    True Faith: 0 Damnation: 4 Hero Points: 0

    Immunity (Corpus) Factor Limit: 5 Range: Self

    Area: N/A Renounce? No Opposed: No This creature takes far less damage from a particular source. The common variants are below. Thus, a creature might be resistant to fire or cold, steel or wood. For each power factor the creature has, it removes 3 successes from any incoming attack from that source. For example, a creature with Immunity Fire 3 would remove 9 successes from any attack involving fire before resolving damage

    Healthy Light Mod Hvy Dying 000000000000 000000000 000000 000000 000

  • Gm Aid 5 Combat Sheet for Encounter 8 (Tier 2)

    Init: Init: Init: Init: Init: Init: Init: Init: Init: Init: Init:

    Revenant Undead (Undead) Fear Rating 3 Initiative Base 8d Melee Pool: 10d Hatchet 11d DM+4 Fist 10d DM+2 Ranged Pool: 10d Hatchet 11d DM+4 Defense Pool: Base: 8d Powers Durability 1 Immunity 3: Steel weapons (Vulnerability wood weapons) Immunity 3: Shot (Weak point: Ankh)

    True Faith: 0 Damnation: 7 Hero Points: 0

    Immunity (Corpus) Factor Limit: 5 Range: Self

    Area: N/A Renounce? No Opposed: No This creature takes far less damage from a particular source. The common variants are below. Thus, a creature might be resistant to fire or cold, steel or wood. For each power factor the creature has, it removes 3 successes from any incoming attack from that source. For example, a creature with Immunity Fire 3 would remove 9 successes from any attack involving fire before resolving damage

    Durability Healthy Light Mod Hvy Dying 0000000 000000000000 000000000 000000 000000 000

  • Gm Aid 6 Combat Sheet for Encounter 8 (Tier 3)

    Init: Init: Init: Init: Init: Init: Init: Init: Init: Init: Init:

    Revenant Undead (Undead) Fear Rating 4 Initiative Base 9d Melee Pool: 12d Hatchet 13d DM+4 Fist 12d DM+2 Ranged Pool: 12d Hatchet 13d DM+4 Defense Pool: Base: 9d Powers Durability 2 Immunity 3: Steel weapons (Vulnerability wood weapons) Immunity 3: Shot (Weak point: Ankh)

    True Faith: 0 Damnation: 8 Hero Points: 0

    Immunity (Corpus)

    Factor Limit: 5 Range: Self Area: N/A Renounce? No Opposed: No This creature takes far less damage from a particular source. The common variants are below. Thus, a creature might be resistant to fire or cold, steel or wood. For each power factor the creature has, it removes 3 successes from any incoming attack from that source. For example, a creature with Immunity Fire 3 would remove 9 successes from any attack involving fire before resolving damage

    Durability Healthy Light Mod Hvy Dying 00000000000000 000000000000 000000000 000000 000000 000

  • AB C

    Ca Cb



    KV 30, 31Plans, sections 1:125


    Sheet 47/72 - KV 30, 31 (1/1)

    5 10 20 m

    10 20 30 cubits


    0 5

    Axis 261 33

    ' 07"

    N 99,389.758E 94,056.741Elev 186.690

    KV 31

    KV 30



    Coordinates not available,dimensions approximate;tomb not surveyed by TMP

    Axis 224 48' 53"

    True N


    P G







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    Dyn. XVIII





    Wall has fallen out along fault lines. No dimensions of elevations.


